CBCS Syllabus Ecology Final

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M.Sc Programme in Ecology and Environmental Science
Choice Based Credit System (CBCS)

Department of Ecology and Environmental Science

School of Environmental Sciences



M.Sc Programme in Ecology and Environmental Science (Two Years Course)

Choice Based Credit System (CBCS)
Semes Course














Natural Resource Management and

Remote Sensing Application
Statistics and Computer Applications in
Practical on ECG-101 and ECG-102
Practical on ECG-104







Freshwater Ecology
Biodiversity Conservation
Climate Change- Choice based
Forest Ecology
Practical on ECG-201
Practical on ECG-202 & ECG-204







Behavioural and Wildlife Ecology

Pollution Ecology and Environmental
Impact Analysis
Environmental Policy, Education and
Ethics- Choice based
Soil, Microbial and Agricultural Ecology
Practical on ECG- 301 and ECG- 302
Practical on ECG- 304












Human, Rural and Urban Ecology

Environmental Biotechnology and
Special Paper (403A/B/C/D/E/F)
Practical on Special Paper
Projects on Special Paper

















Course Name


Ecosystem Analysis
Population and Community Ecology

*Special Papers:

Total credit-100
Total Marks-2000

ECG 403A: Microbial ecology

ECG 403B: Environmental monitoring and management
ECG 403C: Forest and agricultural biodiversity and ecology
ECG 403D: Pest management and ecotoxicology
ECG 403E: Algal ecology and physiology
ECG 403F: Wildlife conservation ecology

Scheme of Evaluation
(a) Each theory paper shall carry 100 marks of which 25 shall be reserved for
Internal assessment of sessional work, comprising three tests. End
semester examination in each course paper shall have a question carrying
75 marks. The question paper shall have five questions, of equal
weightage, each with an alternative, thus allowing only internal choice.
Equal weightage is given to all units.
(b) For practical papers 25 percent mark is allotted for internal assessment and
75 percent for end semester examination. End semester practical
examinations are evaluated by external and internal examiners.
(c) Each student has to opt for a special paper in fourth semester. Student has
to submit a project, which involves primary/secondary data collection,
analysis and submission of dissertation. The project is evaluated by
external and internal examiners. The students are required to deliver a
seminar on this project and defend before the examiners.

ECG 101
Lectures 45

Credit 5

Marks 100

Unit I

Ecology: Basic concepts; scope; multidisciplinary nature and relevance;

biosphere and ecosystem; the biosphere concept and its significance; concept,
organization and significance of ecosystems; cybernetic nature of ecosystems.

Unit II

Factors affecting ecosystem: Major environmental factors (biotic and abiotic)influences on organism at various ecosystems; concept of limiting factors; Liebig
law of the minimum; Shelford law of tolerance.

Unit III

Energy flow and trophic dynamics: Energy flow in ecosystems; concept of trophic
dynamics and trophic cascade; food chains, food webs and trophic levels;
ecological pyramids; energy transfer; ecological efficiencies; biogeochemical
cycles (water, oxygen, carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus and sulphur) and mans

Unit IV

Productivity: Primary and secondary productivity; methods of estimating

productivity; factors affecting primary productivity; world patterns of primary
productivity; mans exploitation of primary and secondary production.

Unit V

Evolutionary Ecology: Natural Selection and its ecological significance, modern

concept of species, adaptation; significance of mutation, isolating mechanism
and ecological role and other evolutionary processes in ecology.
Essential readings:
Ambasht R S and Ambasht, N K (2008). Text book of plant ecology (15th edition). CBS
Publishers and Distributers ,New Delhi.
Colbert, E.M. (1996). Evolution of the vertebrates; A history of backboned animals through
times.Wiley Eastern Ltd., New Delhi.
Dobzhansky, T. (1973). Genetics and the origin of species. Oxford & IBH Publishing Co.
Gupta, P.K. (1990). Cytology, genetics, evolution and ecology. Rastogi Publications, Meerut.
Kormondy, E J (1996). Concepts of ecology (4th ed.). Prentice-Hall of India Pvt. Ltd.
Krebs, C J (1985). Ecology-the experimental analysis of distribution and abundance. Harper
and Row, New York.
Lull, R.S. (1976). Organic Evolution (revised India edn). Suma Publications, Delhi.
Narwal S.S. and Palrick T.(1994). Allelopathy in Agriculture and Forestry. Scientific
Odum E P (1983). Basic Ecology. Saunders College Publications, Japan.
Odum, E P (1971). Fundamentals of Ecology. W B Saunders, Philadelphia.
Singh, J.S; Singh, S.P. and Gupta S.R. (2006). Ecology, environment and resource
conservation. Anamaya Publishers, New Delhi.
Additional readings:
Brewer, R. (1994 ).Principles of ecology. Saunders College Publishing, London.
Cerpenter, S. R. and Kitchell, J. F. (1993).The trophic cascade in lakes. Cambridge
University Press, New York. USA.
Dash, M.C.and Dash,S.P. (2009). Fundamentals of ecology (3rd edition). Tata McGraw-Hill
Publishing Co., New Delhi.
Degens, E.T. (1989). Perspectives on biogeochemistry. Springer Publication. NewYork.
Kumar, H.D (1995). Modern concepts in ecology. Vikas Publishing House, New Delhi.
Nobel, B.J. and Wright, R.T. (1995). Environmental science. Prentice Hall.
Santra, S.C. (2005). Environmental science (second edition) . Central Book Agency, Calcutta.
Wratten, S. D (1988). Principles of ecology. Chapman and Hall, NewYork.

ECG 102
Lectures 45 Credit 5

Marks 100

Unit I

Attributes of population: Population growth, density; density dependent and

density independent factors; natality, mortality, biotic potential, carrying capacity;
survivorship and age structure; seasonal population fluctuation.

Unit II

Population energetics and interactions: Population energetics; patterns of

populations, aggregation and Allees principle; population interactions,
competition (allelopathy); parasitism, predation, herbivory; protocooperation,
commensalisms, mutualism.

Unit III

Community ecology: Community concept; ecological niche; individualistic and

organismic nature of communities; qualitative and quantitative characters of
community; methods of studying vegetation; species diversity and stability
relationship; diversity indices.

Unit IV

Succession and climax: Types of succession, trends of succession; models of

succession; concept of climax community; theories on climax, ecotone and edge
effect; ecotypic differentiation; r and k strategies.

Unit V Terrestrial and aquatic communities: Plant and animal communities in forest,
grassland, desert and mangrove ecosystems; high altitude communities; zonation
and stratification of plant and animal communities.
Essential readings:
Begon, M. ; Harper, J.L. and Townsend, C.R. (2006). Ecology: individuals, populations and
communities. Blackwell Scientific Publications.
Barnes, R. S.K. and Hughes, R.N. (2000). An introduction to marine ecology, Blackwell
Boughey, A. S (1968). Ecology of populations, McMillan, NewYork.
Chapman, J.L.K. and Reiss, M.J. (1997). Ecology: principles and applications, Cambridge
University Press.
Dash, M.C.and Dash,S.P. (2009). Fundamentals of ecology (3rd edition). Tata McGraw-Hill
Publishing Co., New Delhi.
Kormondy, E.J. (1996). Concepts of ecology (4th Edn) Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi.
Mueller D. and Ellenberg H.(1974). Aims and methods of vegetation ecology. John,Wiley &
Narwal S.S. and Patrick T.(1994). Allelopathy in agriculture & forestry. Scientific Publishers,
Odum, E.P. and Barrett, G.W. (2005). Fundamentals of ecology (5th Edition) .Thompson.
Putman, R.J. (1993). Community ecology. Chapman and Hall, NewYork.
Stiling, Peter (2002).Ecology: theory and practice (4th Edn.). Prentice Hall of India.
Silverton, J.W. (1982). Introduction to plant population. Longman.
Singh, J.S., Singh, S.P. and Gupta, S.R. (2006). Ecology, environment and resource
conservation. Anamaya Publishers, New Delhi.
Additional readings:
Girme, J P (1979). Plant strategies and ecosystem processes. John Wiley and Sons, New
Inderjit, Dakshini, K.M.M. and Chesler L. Foy (1999). Principles and practices in plant ecology:
allelochmical interactions. CRC.press.
Moss, R. (1983). Animal population dynamics. Chapman and Hall, New York.
Sharma, P.D. (2009). Ecology and environment (10thedition). Rastogi Publication, Meerut.

ECG 103
Lectures 45 Credit 5
Marks 100
Unit I

Resource: Definition, category, concept and scarcity of resource; mineral

resource, types and reserves, mineral resources in oceans; fossil fuel reserves,
types and uses, processing and smelting of ores; energy content and
physicochemical characteristics of fossil fuel; nuclear energy.

Unit II

Renewable energy resource : Energy use, solar energy; hydroelectric power

generation; tidal energy; wind energy; geothermal energy; energy from biomass;
energy conservation.

Unit III

Land and soil resource: Land as a resource; land use pattern in India; soil types
of India; soil degradation, soil erosion, desertification; soil conservation and
management strategies.

Unit IV

Water resource: Water resource potentials and use (Freshwater, marine and
brackish) with special reference to India; rainwater harvesting and ground water
resource and management; impending water crisis and the Indian scenario;
concept of Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM).

Unit V

Remote Sensing and GIS: Principles and concept of remote sensing; introductory
image processing techniques; application of remote sensing; GIS technology;
applications of GIS; Landscape and ecosystem processes.

Essential readings:
Burrough P.A.; and Mc.Donnell R. A.(1998). Principles of Geographical Information Systems
(2nd edition), Oxford University Press.
Dasman, R.F. (1983). Environment conservation, John Wiley and Sons, New York.
Farina, A. (2000). Introduction to landscape ecology. Kluwer Academic Publisher, USA.
Gangstad, E.O. (1990). Natural resource management of water and land. Van Nostrand
Reinhold, NewYork.
Gardner, R.H., Robert, V., ONeill and Turner, M.G. (2001). Landscape ecology in theory and
practice:. pattern and process. Springer-Verlag, USA.
Jensen J. R. (2005). Introductory digital image processing: a remote sensing
perspective. (2nd edition). Prentice Hill Inc.
Joseph G (2005). Fundamentals of remote sensing(2nd edition). University Press .
Lillesand T. M.;Kiefer R. W. and Chipman J.W.(2004).Remote sensing and image
interpretation(5th edition) .Wiley India.
Mather , A.S. and Chapman, K.(1996) . Environmental resources. Pentice Hall.
Middleton, N. (1995) .The Global casino.Edward, London.
Ramade, F. (1983). Ecology of natural resources. John Wiley and Sons.
Ryszkowski, L. (ed.)(2002). Landscape ecology in agroecosystem management. CRC press,
Sehgal J. and Abrol, I.P.(1994). Soil degradation in India. Oxford and IBH Publishing
Company, New Delhi.
Schlager, N. and J. Weisblatt (2006). Alternative energy (vol. 1,2 and 3). Thomson and Gale.
Singh, J.S., Singh, S.P. and Gupta, S.R. (2006). Ecology, environmental and resource
conservation. Anamaya Publishers, New Delhi.
Turner, M.G. and Gardner, R.H.(1994). Quantitative methods in landscape ecology: the
analysis and interpretation of landscape heterogeneity. Springer- Verlag Publishers,

Additional readings:
Pawar. S.H. and Ekal, L.A (2003). Advances in renewable energy technologies. Narosa
Publishing House.
Rajendran, S. (2007). Mineral exploration: recent strategies. New India Publishing, New Delhi.
Shastree, N.K. (1997).Environmental resource management, Anmol Publication, New Delhi.
Tiwari, G.N. and Ghosal, M.K. (2005). Renewable energy resources; Basic principles and
application. Narosa Publishing House Pvt.Ltd.

ECG 104
Lectures 45 Credit 5

Marks 100

Group-A (Statistics)
Unit I

Descriptive statistics: Concepts of statistical Population and Sample from a

population; simple random sampling, collection and scrutiny of data, frequency
distribution, graphical/representation of data; measures of central tendency:
mean, median and mode; measures of dispersion; range, mean deviation,
standard deviation, coefficient of variation, moments, skewness and
kurtosis.;correlation and regression; coefficient of correlation, partial and multiple

Unit II

Probability theory and probability distributions: Probability theory; random

experiment, classical and statistical definitions of probability; theorems of total
probability, conditional probability and the theorem of compound probability;
statistical independence of events, random variable and its expectation and
variance; probability distributions; binomial and poisson distribution, definition,
derivation of mean and variance; normal distribution, definition and statement of
properties, probability calculations with normal distribution.

Unit III

Test of significance: Test of hypothesis; null and alternative hypothesis, type I

and type II errors; power of a test, Statements of Chi-square, t and F statistics,
important parametric tests for hypotheses (Z, t and F tests); designs of
experiment; ANOVA one-way and ANOVA two-way; basic principle of designs
like randomization, replication and local control.

Group-B (Computer applications)

Unit IV

Introduction to computing: Generation of computers and their classification; basic

concepts of a computer and its overall working, building blocks of a computer,
concepts of hardware and software, memory; primary and secondary memories,
different input, output and peripheral devices, classification of software;
introduction to operating systems, functions of and operating system, different
types of operating system; an overview of MS-DOS, concept of windows, linux,
concept of GUI, concepts of multi-user and multi tasking systems.

Unit V

Data communication and networking: Networking topologies, ISO-OSI model,

the LAN, WAN and TCP/IP concepts; basic concepts of DBMS data, database,
data versus information; metadata, advantages of database, objectives of
DBMS, components of DBMS -entities, attributes, relationships.

Suggested readings:
Bishop, O.N. (1980). Statistics for biology. Longman, London.
Bhattacharjee, D. and Bhattacharjee D. (2010). B.Sc statistics Vol. I and Vol. II Kalyani
Publishers, Ludhiana, India.
DSouza (2004). Learn computers step by step. Pearson Education.
Gupta, S.C. and Kapoor, V.K. (1994). Fundamentals of mathematical statistics. Sultan Chand
and Co.
Goon, A.M.; Gupta, M.K. and Dasgupta, B. (1996). Basic statistics vol. I and II, The World
Press Pvt. Ltd.

Heon, A. Internet for everyone. Leon Techworld, New Delhi.

Parker, R.E. (1979). Introductory statistics for biology, Edward Arnold, London.
Rajaraman, V. Fundamentals of computer. Prentice Hall of India.
Snedecor, G.W. and Cochran, W.G. (1967). Statistical methods, Oxford and IBH, New Delhi.
Saxena, S. (1998). A first course in computer. Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.
Snedecor, G.W. and Cochran, W.G. (1989). Statistcal methods, Affiliated East West press.
Sinha, P.K. & Sinha P. (2002) .Foundations of computing (third edition). Bpb, Publication
Watt, T.A. (1993). Introductory statistics for biology students. Chapman and Hall, New York.
Williams, B.G. (1993). Biostatistics. Chapman and Hall, New York.
Zar, J.H. (2003).Biostatistical analysis, Pearson Education.

Additional readings:
Gomez, K.A and Gomez, A.A. (1984).Statistical procedures for agricultural research (2nd
edition) John Wiley and Sons
Panse, V.G and Sukhatme, P.V. (1978). Statistical methods for agricultural workers. Indian
Council of Agricultural Research.
Williams, B.G. (1993).Biostatistics.Chapman and Hall, New York.
Zar, J.H. (2003) Biostatistical analysis. Pearson Education.

ECG 105
Practical on ECG-101 & ECG-102
Credit 2.5

Marks 50

List of practicals
01. Determination of abiotic factors in terrestrial ecosystems.
02. Ground mapping with prismatic compass.
03. To develop a correlation between leaf size and leaf area of a given species.
04. Determination the of pattern of biomass allocation in a grassland community.
05. Estimation of net primary productivity (NPP) of a grassland community.
06. Studies on consumer community in a terrestrial ecosystem.
07. To demonstrate the working of bomb calorimeter for determining energy content of plant
08. Estimation of population size by quadrat method.
09. Observations on the allelopathic interactions among plants.
10. Methods of vegetation sampling.
11. Estimation of quantitative parameters in a community.
12. Estimation of patterns of distribution of species in a community.
13. Estimation of canopy cover using spherical densiometer.
14. Analysis of zooplankton community in an aquatic ecosystem.
15. Studies of lichen community in different habitats.
Essential readings:
Awasthi, D.D (2000). Lichenology in Indian subcontinent. Bishen Singh Mahindra Pal Singh,
Brewer, R. and McCann, M.T. (1982). Laboratory and field manual of ecology, Saunders
College Publishing.
Michael, P. (1984). Ecological methods for field and laboratory investigation. Tata McGraw-Hill,
New Delhi.
Moore, P.D. and Chapman, S.B. (1986). Methods in plant ecology. Blackwell Scientific
Misra, R. (1968).Ecology work book, Oxford and IBH Publishing Co. Calcutta.
Mueller-Dombois, D and Ellenberg, H. (1974). Aims and methods of vegetation ecology. John
Wiley and Sons, New York.


ECG 106
Practical on ECG-104
Credit 2.5

Marks 50

Group-A (Statistics)
List of practicals:

1. Construction of frequency distribution and calculation of frequency, cumulative

frequency, relative frequency etc.
2. Tabulation of data: preparation of blank table and filled table.
3. Graphical representation of data through various types of bar diagrams and pie
4. Graphical representation of frequency distribution through histogram, frequency polygon
and ogive. Determination of mode and median and other measures of location
5. Calculation of central values of a statistical data using various measures of central
tendency for grouped and ungrouped frequency distributions (including measures of
6. Calculation dispersion of a given dataset using various absolute measures.
7. To calculate the dispersion in more than one data set using relative measures of
8. Calculation of combined mean and combined variance of two samples.
9. Calculating the correlation between two samples using (i) direct method (ii) changing
origin and scale method.
10. Calculating correlation between two samples and also finding the lines or regression.
Estimating the values of the dependent variable from the lines of regression.
11. Estimating the parameters and fitting a binomial distribution to a given data.
12. Estimating the parameter and fitting a Poisson distribution to a given data.
13. Test of significance for difference between sample proportion and population proportion.
14. Test of significance for difference between two sample proportions.
15. Test of significance for difference between a sample mean to its population mean.
16. Test of significance for difference between two sample means.
17. Test of significance for difference between two sample standard deviations.
18. Test of significance sample correlation coefficient.
19. t-test for significant difference between two sample means
20. t-test for significant difference two sample means
21. Paired t-test for difference between sample means.
22. F-test for significant difference between two sample variances.
23. Chi-square test for goodness of fit.
24. Ch- square test for independence between attributes in a contingency table.
25. Chi-square test for significant difference between sample variance and population
26. ANOVA for one way classified data.


Group-B (Computer applications)

3. Introduction to word processing: MS-word, concepts of toolbars, menu bars, spelling
and grammar checking, table creation, entry of text, mail merge and also accessing of
different utilizer.
4. Introduction to spreadsheet of worksheet: tool bars, menu bars, opening a new
worksheet, entry of text/numeric data. Use of functions mathematical operators; edit
formula bar, concepts of different charts, and Mathematical applications of worksheet.
5. MS-Power point: Organisation charts clip art, slide show, working with power point,
animation and sound effects.
6. Introduction to MS-Access: Creation of databases, tool bars, menu bars, opening of a
data bar, entry format, entry of data, saving and formatting of data, queries of data,
sorting of data,etc.
Essential readings:
Goon, A.M.; Gupta, M.K. and Dasgupta, B.(1996). Basic statistics Vol.I and II. The World
Press Pvt.Ltd.
Saxena, S. (1998). A first course in computers. Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.
Sinha, P.K. and Sinha P. (2002) .Foundations of computing (3rd edition). Bpb, Publication.


ECG 201
Lectures 45 Credit 5

Marks 100

Unit I

Lentic ecosystem: Types, formation; distribution,; zonation and stratification;

classification of lakes; ecology of major lakes of India; ecology of artificial
reservoirs; ecology of high altitude lakes.

Unit II

Wetlands: Definition and classification of wetlands; values of wetlands; floodplain

wetlands of Assam; conservation and restoration of wetlands; national and
international efforts.

Unit III

Lotic ecosystem: Types, zonation and classification; ecology of rivers of India;

ecology of hyporheic zone; watershed and river continuum concept; floodecology and management.

Unit IV

Ecological processes: Environmental factors operative in freshwater ecosystems;

nutrient processing; nutrient cycling; productivity of freshwater ecosystem.

Unit V

Ecology and conservation of freshwater communities: Phytoplankton, periphyton

and macrophytes; zooplankton, insects and other invertebrates; fishes and other
vertebrates; ecological issues in aquaculture.

Essential readings:
Barnes, R.S.K. and Mann, K.H. (1991). Fundamentals of aquatic ecology (2nd edition).
Blackwell Science.
Battish, S.K.(1992). Freshwater zooplankton of India. Oxford & IBH Publishing Co. New Delhi.
Hynes, H B N (1970). The ecology of running waters, Liverpool University Press.
Hynes, H B N (1960). The ecology of polluted waters. Liverpool University Press.
Odum, E.P. Fundamentals of ecology (3rd edition). W.B.Saunders Company, London.
Resh, V H and Rosenderg, D M (eds.) (1984). The ecology of aquatic insects. Praeger, New
Round, E E (1981) . The ecology of algae, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
Smith, G W (1950). The freshwater algae of the United States (2nd edition). McGraw Hills
Book Co. Inc., New York.
Williams, D D (1987). The ecology of temporary waters. Chapman and Hall, New York.
Wetzel, R G and Likens, G E (1979). Limnological analysis. W B Saunders Company,
Wetzel, R.G. (2001) .Limnology ( 3rd edition). Saudners College Publishing, Philadelphia.

Additional readings:
Allan, J.D and Casti Uo, M.M. (2007).Stream ecology: structure and functioning of running
waters.( 2nd edition). Springer Publishers.
Closs. Gerry, Bownes, Barbara and Boutton. Andrew (2004). Freshwater ecology: a scientific
introduction. Blackwell Science Limited.
Cummins, K W (1995). Lotic limnology. Chapman and Hall, New York.


Datta, Munshi. (1995).Fundamentals of freshwater biology. Narendra Publishing House, New

Gopal, B (1995). Handbook of wetland management. WWF, India, New Delhi.
Gopal, B (1995). Limnology in developing countries. NIE New Delhi.
Houer, F.R and Lamberti, G.A. (2007). Methods in stream ecology ( 2nd edition). Elsevier.
Jeffries, M. and Mills, D. (1992). Freshwater ecology:principles and applications. CBS
Lampert, W and Sommer, U. (2007). Limnoecolgy ( 2nd edition). Oxford University Press.
Rath, R.K. (2000). Freshwater aquaculture, Scientific Publishers.
Schwoerbel, J. (1991). A handbook of limnology.Scientific Publishers.
Santra, S.C. (2004). Environmental science. New Central Book Agency (P) Ltd. Kolkata.
Wetzel, R.G.( 2001). Limnology. Lake and river ecosystems. (3rd edition). Elsevier Science,
Whitton, B A (1975). River ecology. Blackwell Scientific Publications, Oxford.


ECG 202
Lectures 45

Credit 5

Marks 100

Unit I

Basic concepts of biodiversity conservation: Biodiversity- definition, levels and

types; latitudinal and altitudinal gradients of biodiversity; biodiversity and
extinctions; history of biodiversity conservation; biodiversity conservation
strategies-in situ and ex situ conservation; biodiversity values-evolutionary,
economic, social, cultural and intrinsic values.

Unit II

Global approaches to biodiversity conservation: Climate change and biodiversity;

millenium ecosystem assessment (MEA); millenium development goals (MDG)
in biodiversity; convention on biological diversity (CBD); biodiversity and
ecosystem services; international programmes for biodiversity conservation.

Unit III

Biodiversity of Indian subcontinent: Indian initiatives in biodiversity conservationbiodiversity act 2002, national biodiversity strategy and action plan (NBSAP),
national biodiversity authority (NBA) etc; threats to biodiversity-Indian context;
protected area network (PAN)-biosphere reserves, national park, sanctuary,
community conservation area, important bird areas, ecological sensitive zone;
biodiversity hotspots, their characteristic flora and fauna.

Unit IV

Biodiversity resources of north-east India: Plant and microbial diversity of north

east India; threatened vascular plant species in India; biological invasions; animal
diversity-micro and macro fauna; important protected areas of north east India;
biodiversity conservation in barak valley- problems and prospects.

Unit V

Indigenous approaches to biodiversity conservation: Sacred groves (Forests);

ecosystem people and nature; biodiversity & ethnomedicinal resources- their
collection and conservation mechanisms; ethnobotanical studies in N.E. India;
intellectual property rights and traditional knowledge ; ethnobotany in the
conservation of plant genetic resources; traditional knowledge digital library

Essential readings:
Cotton, C.M. (1997). Ethnobotany principles and applications. John Wiley & Sons New York.
Huston, M.A. (1995). Biological diversity . Cambridge University Press.
Jain S.K. (1995). A manual of ethnobotany. Scienctific Publishers (India, Jodhpur).
Mandal, F.B and Nandi, N.C. (2009). Biodiversity concept, conservation and bioculture. Asian
Books Ptd. Ltd.
Pimental, D.( 2002). Biological invasions, CRC Press, New York.
Sinha R.K and Sinha, S. (2001). Ethnobiology. Swastik Publicaitons, Jaipur.
Sharma, P.D.(1996). Ecology and environment. Rastogi Publications, Merrut.
Additional readings:
Freedman, B. (1995). Environmental ecology-the ecological effects of pollution, disturbance
and other stresses. Academic Press, New York.
Gaston, K.G. (2004). Biodiversity: an introduction (2nd edition). Blackwell Science Ltd.
Geethabali, R.R.(2002). Biodiversity: monitoring, management, conservation and
enhancement. APH Publishing, New Delhi.


ECG 203
Lectures 45 Credit 5

Marks 100

Unit I

Basic concepts and mechanisms: Climate change, global warming and

greenhouse effect; earths natural greenhouse effect, the radiative balance;
earths carbon reservoirs and carbon cycle; climate and weather; El-Nino and La
Nino; measurement of climate change; greenhouse gases in the atmosphere
sources, levels and mechanisms of action.

Unit II

Effects: Rise in earths temperature; effects on forests; effects on

agroecosystems; desertification; effects on freshwater ecosystems; effects on
oceans; sea level rise; melting of polar ice and glaciers; effects on rainfall
patterns; socio-economic and public health consequences.

Unit III

Mitigation and adaptation: Carbon storage and sequestration, carbon

management through abiotic sequestration; oceanic injection, geologic injection,
scrubbing and mineral carbonation; carbon management through biotic
sequestration; forest ecosystems, wetlands; soil carbon sequestration; biofuels,
carbon farming and carbon trading.

Unit IV

The Indian scenario: Projected impact of climate change on India; temperature,

rainfall, forests, agriculture, water resources; Indias response to climate change;
National Action Plan on climate change; Indias position and actions vis-a-vis
international programmes (UNFCCC, CDM and Kyoto Protocol, REDD+,
Copenhagen Accord, etc.).

Unit V

International response: Intergovernmental panel for climate change (IPCC) and

its role; United Nations framework convention on climate change (UNFCCC),
CDM and Kyoto Protocol; the bali road map; The Copenhagen Accord; future
actions; ethics of climate change.

Essential readings:
Akimasa Suni, Kensuke, F., and Ai, Hiramatsu.(2010). Adaptation and mitigation strategies
for climate change. Springer.
Burroughs, W.J. (2007). Climate change: A multidisciplinary approach (2nd edition.).
University Press.
Dash, Sushil Kumar. (2007). Climate change: An Indian perspective. Cambridge University
Press India pvt. ltd. New Delhi.
IPCC,(2007): Summary for policymakers. In: Climate change 2007:impacts, adaptation and
vulnerability. Contribution of working group II to the fourth assessment report of the
intergovernmental panel on climate change, M.L. Parry, O.F. Canziani, J.P. Palutikof,
P.J van der Linden and C.E. Hanson, Eds., Cambridge University Press, Cambridge,
UK, 7- 22.
IPCC, (2007): Summary for policymakers. In: Climate change 2007: mitigation. Contribution
of working group III to the fourth assessment report of the intergovernmental panel
on climate change [B. Metz, O.R. Davidson, P.R. Bosch, R. Dave, L.A. Meyer (eds)],
Cambridge university press, Cambridge, United Kingdom and New York, NY, USA.


IPCC, 2007: Summary for policymakers. In: Climate change( 2007): The physical science
basis. contribution of working group I to the fourth assessment report of the
intergovernmental panel on climate change [Solomon, S., D. Qin, M. Manning, Z. Chen,
M. Marquis, K.B. Averyt, M.Tignor and H.L. Miller (eds.)]. Cambridge University Press,
Cambridge, United Kingdom and New York, NY, USA.
Kibria, G., Haroon, A.K.Y., Nugegoda, D. and Rose, G. (2010). Climate change and
chemicals: environmental and biological aspects. New India Publishing Agency (NIPA).
Additional readings:
Gautam, P.L. Singh, V. and Melkania, U. (Eds.). (2009). Ecosystem diversity and carbon
sequestration: climate change challenge and a way out for ushering in a sustainable
future. Daya Publishing House, Delhi.
Ravindranath,N.H., Ravindranath, N. and Sathaye, J.A.(2002). Climate change and
developing countries.Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Sarkar,A.N. (2010). Emissions trading and carbon management. Pentagon earth.


ECG 204
Lectures 45 Credit 5

Marks 100

Unit I

Forest and forest environment:

Structure of forest ecosystem; forest
microclimate; major forest types of the world; forest types and forest cover of
India with special reference to North East India; tree cover of India.

Unit II

Ecophysiology of forest trees: Characteristic of tropical trees; shoot growth in

forest trees; phenology of trees; forest seed dormancy and germination;
regeneration ecology of forest trees.

Unit III

Forest ecosystem function: Primary productivity of forest ecosystems; methods of

measurement; productivity patterns; litter production and decomposition; nutrient
cycling and nutrient conservation strategies; forest hydrology.

Unit IV

Forest ecosystem management: History of forest management in India; joint

forest management; forest fire; behaviour and effects; plantation forestry;
application of remote sensing technique in forest ecology; deforestation and
approaches to forestry conservation; sustainable forest management.

Unit V

Forest laws: Indian forest act; forest conservation act; forest rights act; social
forestry; urban forestry; non timber forest products; pests and diseases of forest

Essential readings:
Barnes, B V; Zak, D R; Denton, S R and Spurr, S R (1998). Forest ecology (4th edition).
John Wiley and Sons.
Champion, H.G. and Seth, S.K. (1968). A revised survey of the forest types of India
(Reprinted 2004). Natraj Publicaiton, Dehradun.
Diwedi, A P (1993). Forestry in India, Surya Publications, Dehradun.
Evans, J. and Turnbull, J. (2004). Plantation forestry in the tropics (3rd Edition). Oxford
University Press
FSI (2009). State of forest report 2009. Forest Survey of India, Dehradun.
Kimmins, J.P. (2004). Forest ecology (2nd edition). Pearson Education.
Newton, A. (2007). Forest ecology and conservation. Oxford University Press.
Raymond, Y.A. and Ronald G.L. (2003). Introduction to forest ecosystem: science and
management (3rd edition ).John Wiley and sons.
Richards, P W (1996). The tropical rain forest (2nd edition). Cambridge University Press.
Whitmore, T.C. (1998) .The tropical rain forest. Oxford University Press.
Additional readings:
Anonymous (2004).The Indian Forest Act, (1927) along with Forest Conservation Act 1980,
Natraj Publishers, Dehradun.
Bakshi, B.K., Ram Reddy, M.A., Puri, Y.N. and Singh, S. (1972). Survey of the diseases
important native and exotic forest trees in India, FRI Publication, Dehradun.
Jha, L.K. and Sen-Sarma, P.K. (1994). Forest entomology, Ashish Publishing House, New
Ravindranath, N.H. (2004).Joint forest management in India. Oxford University Press.
Waring, R.H. and Schlesinger, W.H. (1985). Forest ecosystems: concepts and
management. Academic Press, New York.


ECG 205
Practical on ECG-201
Credit 2.5

Marks 50

List of practicals:
01. Determination of temperature, flow rate, discharge rate in a lotic ecosystem.
02. Analysis of free CO 2 in water.
03. Determination of total alkalinity in water.
04. Estimation of dissolved oxygen in water by Winklers method.
05. Estimation of calcium and magnesium concentration in water/estimation of hardness in
06. Estimation of primary productivity in freshwater systems by light and dark bottle method.
07. Analysis of phytoplankton communities in lotic and lentic ecosystem.
08. Study of periphyton communities in lotic ecosystem.
09. Macrophyte community composition in Freshwater.
10. Study of zooplankton community in Freshwater.
11. Study of pleuston and necton communities in freshwater systems.
12. Study of benthic communities in freshwater system.
13. Estimation of sodium and potassium in water.
14. Estimation of nitrate content of water.
15. Estimation of phosphate content of water.
Essential readings:
APHA (1998) .Standard methods for the examination of water and wastewater. American
Public Health Association, Washington.
Edmondson, W.T. (1992).Freshwater biology. International Books.
Fassett, N.C. (2000). A manual of aquatic plants. Agrobios.
Wetzel, R.G. and Likens, G.E. (1979). Limnological analysis. WB Saunders Company,


ECG 206
Practical on ECG-202 & 204
Credit 2.5 Marks 50
List of practicals:
1. Study of some ethnobotanically important plants.
2. Submission of ethnobotanical field reports.
3. Preparation and submission of ethnobotanical herbarium.
4. Animal diversity in a given area.
5. To analyse the forest cover of North East India based on the Forest Survey of India
6. To study the microenvironment in a forest stand.
7. To study the phenology and leafing pattern of trees .
8. To determine the biomass and NPP of tree species by dimension analysis method.
9. To calculate the dry matter turnover rate and turnover time of different plant
components by using provided data.
10. To determine the density and basal area of trees in a forest stand.
11. To determine the litter accumulation in a forest stand.
12. To determine girth increment of forest trees.
13. To study the clump characteristics of bamboos.
14. Study of pests of timber yielding plants.

Essential readings:
Brewer, R. and McCann, M.T. (1982).Laboratory and field manual of ecology. Saunders
College Publishing.
FSI (2009) .State of Forest report (2009). Forest Survey of India, Dehradun.
Jha, L.K. and SenSharma, P.K. (1994). Forest entomology. Ashish Publishing House, New
Misra, R. (1968). Ecology work book. Oxford and IBH Publishing Co. Calcutta.
Moore, P.D. and Chapman, S.B. (1986). Methods in plant ecology. Blackwell Scientific
Mueller-Dombois, D. and Ellenberg, H. (1974).Aims and methods of vegetation ecology. John
Wiley and Sons, New York.
Rao, R.R. and Sharma, B.D. (1990). A manual of herbarium collection. Botanical Survey of
India Publication, Calcutta.


ECG 301
Lectures 45

Credit 5

Marks 100

Unit I

History and concept of ethology: Proximate and ultimate analysis of behaviour;

innate and learned behaviour; stimuli, communication and signal; territoriality and
home range.

Unit II

Ecology, natural selection and behaviour; social organisation in invertebrates and

vertebrates; learning and memory; optimal foraging and optimization theory.

Unit III

Evolutionary stable strategy (ESS) and game theory; evolution of unsocial

behaviour; altruism; Kin selection and reciprocity; adaptive decision making;
parental care in animals.

Unit IV

Basic principles of wildlife management, wildlife values, problems in wildlife

protection ;economic and ecological issues; flagship species and their
conservation with special reference to tiger, elephant, rhinoceros and hoolock
gibbon; wildlife distribution in diverse ecological habitats in India, endangered
and threatened species of wildlife in N E India; sanctuaries, national parks and
biosphere reserves of India; reserve forests of Assam; wildlife tourism.

Unit V

Basic concept of radio and satellite telemetry in monitoring wild animals; wildlife
conservation education; red data book, WWF, WCU, CITES, TRAFFIC, wildlife
(Protection) Act, 1972 (up to last amendment), recognition and classification of
zoos, central zoo authority, IUCN Red list categories; wildlife diseases and their
management; brief introduction to biodiversity heritage sites, ecological sensitive
zone and community conserved area, important bird areas in India.

Essential readings:.
Alcock, J.(2005). Animal behavior: an evolutionary approach (8th edition). Sinauer Associates,
Atkins, M.D.(1980). Introduction to insect behaviour. McMillan Publishing Company.
BNHS (2004). The wildlife of India. Bombay Natural History Society.
Chapman, M. J. and Reiss, J.L. (1999). Ecology: principles and applications. Cambridge
University Press.
Krebs, J. R. and Davis, N. B. (1991). An introduction to behavioural ecology. Blackwell
Scientific Publications.
Manning, A. and Dawkins, M. S. (1997). An introduction to animal behaviour. Cambride
University Press.
Mukherjee, A. K. (1982). Endangered animals of India. Zoological Survey of India, Kolkata.
Negi, S.S. (2002). Handbook of national parks, wildlife sanctuaries and biosphere reserves in
India. Eastern Book Corporation, New Delhi.
Prater, S. H. (1971). The book of Indian animals. Bombay Natural History Society, Mumbai.
Saharia, V. B. (1990). Wildlife in India. Natraj publishers, Dehradun.
Tikadar, B. K. (1983). Threatened animals of India. Zoological Survey of India publication.


Additional readings:
Anonymous (2004). The Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972 (As amended up to 2004). Natraj
Publishers, Dehradun.
Chapman, M. J. and Reiss, J.L. (1999). Ecology: principles and applications. Cambridge
University Press.
Chetry, D., Chetry, R. and Bhattacharjee, P. C. (2007) .Hoolock: the ape of India. A
Publication of Gibbon Conservation Centre, Moriani, Jorhat, Assam.
Choudhury, A. (2000).The birds of Assam. WWF India, N. E. regional office, Gibbon
Dawkins, R. (1976). The selfish gene. New York City: Oxford University Press.
Gadagkar, R. (2001). Survival strategies- cooperation and conflict in animal societies.
Harvard University Press.
Gadagkar, R. (2001). The social biology of Ropalidia. Harvard University Press.
Seshadri, B. (1988). Call of the wild survival in the sun. Sterling Publishers Pvt Ltd.


ECG 302
Lectures 45 Credit 5
Marks 100

Unit I

Air pollution: Natural and anthropogenic sources of air pollution; primary and
secondary pollutants; pollution from SO 2 , NO x , SPM, CO 2, climate change and
ecological response; green house gases and global warming; ozone layer
depletion; acid rain; monitoring and control of air pollution; impact of pollutants on
ecosystems and human health; biopollutants, (pollen and microflora) of
atmosphere and human health.

Unit II

Water pollution: Types, sources, and effects of water pollution; eutrophication; oil
pollution; thermal pollution; waste water treatment; water quality standards;
impact of water pollutants on health.

Unit III

Land and soil pollution: Land degradation due to deforestation, wastelands and
their management; coal mining and its environmental impact and restoration; salt
affected soils; methane and NO flux in soil; fertilisers and soil pollution; pesticide
pollutant of soil; pesticides, environment and human health.

Unit IV

Other agencies: Noise pollution; effect of noise on health nuclear wastes;

ionising radiation and radioactive pollution; solid wastes; E-waste disposal and
recycling of solid and hazardous wastes; occupational health hazards.

Unit V

Management and legislation: Environmental impact analysis & EMP; procedure

for reviewing EI analysis and state environmental legislation; air (prevention and
control of pollution) Act, 1981; water (prevention and control of pollution) Act,
1974; the environmental (protection) Act, 1986 and rules 1985; scheme of
labelling of environment friendly products (Ecomark); ISO certification.

Essential readings:
Agarwal, S.K. (1991) .Pollution ecology. Himanshu Publication, Udaipur.
Blumenthal, D. S. (1995). Intronduction to environmental health. Springer Publishing Co. Ltd.
New York.
Bridgman, H. (1990) .Global air pollution. John Wiley and Sons.
Bhattacharjee, K., Mazumder. M.R. and Gupta Bhattacharjee S. (2006). A text book of
palynology (Basic & applied). New central book agency (P) Ltd. Kolkata, India.
Chitkara, M.G. (1998) Encyclopaedia of Ecology, Environment and pollution . APH Publishing
Dutta, N.M., Bhattacharjee, S;Mandal, S.and Bhattacharjee, K. (1998). Current concepts in
pollen-spore and biopollutant research. Research Periodicals and Book Publishing
House, New Delhi.
Freedman B. (1995). Environmental ecologythe ecological effects of pollution, disturbance
and other stresses. Academic Press,New York.
Sharma, B.K. and Kaur, H. (1994).Thermal and radioactive pollution. Krishna Prakashan


Additional readings:
Abbasi, S. A. (1999). Environmental pollutionand its control.Cogent international.
Adams,M. S. and McManus, F. (1994). Noise and noise law-a practicalapproach. Wiely
Chancery Law.
Gary, N. Vandloon and Duffy, S.J. (2000) Environmental chemistry- a global
perspective.Oxford University Press.
Jain, A.K. (1998) Environment and aerobiology.Research periodicals and book publishing
Sehgal J. and I.P.Abrol (1994) Soil degradation in India. National Bureau of Soil Survey and
Land Use Planning, Nagpur.
Santra, S. C. (2001). Environmental science. New Central Book Agency.
Satake, M.; Mido, Y.; Yasuhisa, Y.; Tagudi, S.; Sethi, M.and Iqbal, S.A. (1997). Environmental
toxicology. Discovery Publishing House, New Delhi.
Trivedy, R.K. Pollution and biomonitoring of Indian rivers, ABD Publishers, Jaipur.
Trivedy, R. K. (1995). Encyclopedia of environmentalpollutionand control,(2vols.).Environ
Media Karad, India.


ECG 303
Environmental Policy, Education and Ethics
Lectures 45
Credit 5

Marks 100

Unit I

Important national policies: National environmental policy, 2006; national forest

policy-1894,1952,and 1988; national water policy 2002 and other policies e.g.
national biotechnology policy, national agricultural policy etc .

Unit II

Legislation: The wildlife protection act 1972 with amendment; the Indian forest
act,1927; biodiversity act,2002; environment protection act,1986; the insecticides
act with amendments; human rights and international legislation.

Unit III

Environmental education: Goals and objectives of environmental education;

components of environmental education; environmental education in India; value
education; objectives, environmental values, valuing nature and cultures.

Unit IV

Environment awareness and action: Role of NGOs in environmental awareness;

environmental movements in India- silent valley movement, chipko movement,
narmada bachao andolan; environmental movements in the west- greenpeace,
sierra club etc.; international efforts and government action.

Unit V

Environmental ethics:
Definition, history, scope and basic concepts;
anthropocentrism, biocentrism and ecocentrism; deep ecology; ecofeminism;
ecocentrism in indigenous societies and culture; ethics of pollution by
xenobiotics; ethics of global climate change; ethics of pesticide use.

Essential readings:
Anonymous (1997). The Indian forest act, 1927 along with forest conservation act, 1980.
Natraj Publishers Dehradun.
Guha, R. (1989). The Unquiet woods. Oxford University Press.
Guha, R. (Ed.). (1994). Social ecology. Oxford University Press
Martell, L. (1994). Ecology and society: an introduction. Polity press, Cambridge, U.K.
Hayward, I.M. (1995). Ecological thought:an introduction. Polity press, Cambridge.
Additional readings:
Bharucha,E. (2005). Text book of environmental studies. University Press,Hyderabad.
Merchant, C. (Eds). (1994). Ecology (Key concepts in critical theory). Rawat Publications,
Sharma, P.D. (1996). Ecology and environment. Rastogi Publication.
Tiwari,M;K.Khulbe and Tiwari A. (2007). Environmental studies.I.K.International,New Delhi.


ECG 304
Lectures 45 Credit 5

Marks 100

Unit I

Nature, scope and significance of soil ecology; Soil formation and development;
physical properties of soil (soil colour, texture, bulk density and porosity, soil
water, soil air, soil temperature etc.); Soil profile; Soil pH; Soil nutrients and their
availability; earthworm activity and vermicompost; green manuring; organic
farming; fertilisers and integrated nutrient management.

Unit II

The soil ecosystem: Development of the soil ecosystem, soil microorganisms and
plants (rhizosphere, mycorrhizae, rhizobium and root nodules); microbiological
process of nutrient cycling; decomposition of organic material (litter
decomposition) by soil microorganisms and soil fauna; biological nitrogen
fixation; production of biofertilisers, pesticides by microorganisms and plants.

Unit III

Ecology of microorganisms: diversity of microorganisms in the ecosystem; soil

organisms and ecosystem; habitat relations, isolation of groups of
microorganisms (from soil, rhizosphere, phyllosphere), microbial interactions (i.e.,
antibiosis, fungistasis, exploitation and lysis); microorganisms as pathogens;
biological and chemical control plant pathogens.

Unit IV

Concept of agroecosystem: Agroecological zones of India; agricultural systems

of the world; agricultural systems of north- east India, shifting cultivation system;
agroforestry system; rice farming system; tea agroecosystem (soil and climate,
shade, weed, nutrition; water management; integrated pest management (IPM) in
tea agroecosystem;
green revolution: impact of modern agriculture on
environment; major agricultural issues related to India.

Unit V

Significance and ecological perspectives of major groups of agricultural pests;

nature of damage, eco-biology, economic status of major groups of pests;
concept of IPM; various mechanisms of IPM and their ecological consequences.

Essential readings:
Atlas, R.M. and Richard B. (2000). Microbial ecology. Wesley Longmann Inc.
AnanthaKrishnan, T.N. (1996). Forest litter insect communities biology and chemical ecology.
Oxford & IBH Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi.
Baruah, D.N. (1989). Science and practices in tea culture. T.R.A., Calcutta.
Banerjee, B. (1993). Tea production and processing. Oxford and IBH Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd.
Brady, N.C. (2003). The nature and properties of soils (13th Edn.), Pearson Education.
Baker K.F and Cook R.J. 1974 (1979). Biological control of plant pathogens. W.H. Freeman
and company USA/S. Chand and Company Ltd.
Coleman, D.C.; Crossley, D.C.and Hendrix, P.F. (2004). Fundamentals of soil ecology(2nd
edition). Elsevier.
Coyne, M. (1999). Soil microbiology: an exploratory approach. Delmar Publishers, New York.
Chakrabarty, J. (1994). Field management in tea. TRA, Tocklai Experimental Station, Jorhat,
Cook R.J.and Baker K.F. (1989). The nature and practice of biological control of plant
pathogens. APS press, The Amreican Phytopathological Society St. Paul. Minnesota


Dhaliwal, G.S. and Kler, D.S. (1995). Principles of agricultural ecology.Himalaya Publishing
Fenemere, P.G. and Prakash, A. (2006). Applied entomology. New Age International.
Ghosh, M.R. (1995). Concepts of insect control. New age international limited, New Delhi.
Griffin, D.M. (1971). Ecology of soil fungi. Chapman and Hall, U.K.
Mehrotra R.S. and Agarwal.A.(2003). Plant pathology (2nd edition) Tata McGraw Hill, New
Nayar, K.K., Ananthakrishnan, T.N. and David, D.V. (1985). A text book on general and
applied entomology. Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Co. Ltd. New Delhi.
SubbaRao ,N.S.(2000). Soil microbiology (4th edition). Oxford and IBH Publishing
Co.Pvt.Ltd.,New Delhi.
S.C. Bhandari and Somani L. L. (1994). Ecology and biology of soil organism. Agrotech
Publishing Academy.
Trivedei, P.C. (eds).( 2003). Advances in microbiology. Scientific Publishers, Jodhpur.
Additional readings:
Hussain, M. (1996) Systematic agricultural geography. Rawat Publications, Jaipur
ICAR (2009). Handbook of agriculture. Indian Council of Agricultural Research.
ISSS (2009) Fundamentals of soil science (2nd edition).Indian Society of Soil Science, New
Mulk, M.J. and Sharma, V.S.H. (1993). Tea culture, processing and marketing. Oxford and IBH
Miller, R.W. and Donahue, R.L. (1995). Soils in our environment. Prentice hall of India, New
Pradhan, S. (1980). Insect pests of crops. National Book Trust, New Delhi.
Reddy, M.V. (1995). Soil organisms and litter decomposition in the tropics. Oxford and IBH
Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.
Subba Rao, N.S. (1986) Soil microorganisms and plant growth. Oxford and IBH Publishing Co.
Smith, S.E. and Read, D.J. (1997). Mycorrhizal symbiosis. Academic Press, London.
Sprent, J.I. The biology of nitrogen fixing organisms,.Tata McGraw-Hill book co. (U.K.) ltd.
Singer, M. J. and Munns D. N. (1996). Soil-an introduction ( 3rd edition). Prentice- Hall, Inc.
New Jersey.


ECG 305
Practical on ECG-301 AND ECG 302
Credit 2.5

Marks 50

List of practicals:
1. Activity budgeting of bird species.
2. Study of herpetofauna in and around Assam University campus.
3. Estimation of population size by capture-recapture sampling using Lincoln-Peterson
and Schnabel methods.
4. Field trip to protected areas (reserve forest, wild life sanctuary).
5. Study of methods of animal diversity measurement.
6. Collection of ethno botanical plants and preparation of herbarium.
7. A study on the microbial diversity (fungal diversity).
8. Phototactic and geotactic movement in insects & annelids.
9. Measurement of eutrophication in a lentic waterbody.
10. Estimation of air quality in a given locality by using indicator lichens.
11. Study of the atmospheric pollen and fungal spores as aeroallergens.
12. Use of high volume sampler for SPM detection/estimation.
13. Monitoring of noise pollution using decibel meter.
14. Field visit to HPC for industrial pollution study.
15. Studies on the foraging behaviour of any invertebrate/ vertebrate animal.
16. Pugmark recording technique.
17. Studies on bird nest and materials used in nest construction in specific cases.
18. To study occupational health hazards among workers (construction sitec/brick
kilns/fabrication units).
Essential readings:
Alkins, M.D. (1980). Introduction to insect behaviour, McMillan Publishing Co. Inc.
Hainsworth, M.D. (1967). Experiments in animal behaviour. Macmillan, London.
Jain, S.K. (1995). A manual of ethnobotany. Scientific Publishers.
Jain, S.K. and Rao, R.R. (1977). A handbook of field and herbarium methods. Today and
Tomorrows Printers and Publishers, New Delhi.
Marten, P. and Bateson, P. (1986). Measuring behaviour-an introductory guide. Cambridge
university press.New York, Collier Macmillan Publishers.
Rosenthal, D.B. (1988).Environmental science activities. John Wiley and Sons
Silverman, P. (1978). Animal behaviour in the laboratory. Chapman and Hall, London.
Additional readings:
Goel, P.K. (1997) Water pollution. New Age International.
Rosenthal, D.B. (1988). Environmental science activities. John Wiley and Sons.


ECG 306
Practical on ECG-304
Credit 2.5

Mark 50

List of practicals:
01. To study the profile of a soil in the field.
02. To determine the colour of soil samples by Munsell-soil colour chart.
03. To determine the bulk density and porosity of soil samples.
04. To determine the texture of soil samples by sieving method.
05. To determine the pH of soil samples by pH meter.
06. To determine the organic carbon content of soil samples.
07. To study the agroecological zones of India from agroecological map (NBSS & LUP).
08. To study the extent of damage to paddy crop.
09. To study the nature and extent of damage to vegetable crops.
10. Isolation of rhizosphere and soil microorganisms.
11. Isolation of phyllosphere microorganisms.
12. Antagonism study among the fungal organisms.
13. Identification of few plant pathogenic microorganisms.
14. Study of mycorrhizal association.
15. Study of root nodule symbiosis.
Essential readings:
Cappucino, J.G. and Natalic, S. (2002) .Microbiology: a laboratory manual (6th edition).
Pearson Education.
Johnson, L.F. (1972) Methods for research on the ecology of soil-borne plant pathogen.
Burgess Publishing Co., USA.
Munsell soil colour charts (1994) Revised Edition Machbeth Division of Kollmorgen
Instruments Corporation, New York.
NBSS and LUP (1995). Agroecological map of India. National Bureau of Soil Science and
Land Use Planning, Nagpur.
Subba Rao, N.S. (1986). Soil microorganisms and plant growth. Oxford and IBH Publishing


ECG 401
Lectures 45 Credit 5

Marks 100

Unit I

Human ecology: Nature of human ecology, natality, mortality, human population

growth, age structure; marriage, fertility, population policy and family welfare;
ecological consequence of human population explosion.

Unit II

Ecology of tribes: Definition and distribution of tribes in India and world; land
tribes, land alienation, impact of land reforms, land tenure systems in tribal areas
with special emphasis on NE India; shifting cultivation, forests and tribal; impact
of industrialisation and urbanisation on tribal.

Unit III

Rural ecology: Rural set up in India, human settlement patterns, village clusters
and their characteristics, case studies on traditional resource management,
common property resources; traditional water harvesting techniques; sustainable
development; role of woman in resource management in villlages.

Unit IV

Urban Ecology: History of urbanisation; morphology and major characteristics of

early proto-cities; pre-industrial, early industrial and modern cities; Urbanisation
in N.E.India

Unit V

Ecological aspects of urbanisation : Concept of cities as importing ecosystem

dependence and demand on countryside; population growth trends in cities;
human migration; formation and proliferation of slums; urbanisation and social

Essential readings:
Agarwal, A. and Narain, S (1997). Dying wisdom. Centre for Science and Environment, New
Bose, A. (2001). Indias billion plus people.B.R.Publishing Corporation, Delhi.
De Blij, H.J. (2006). Human geography, sulture, society and space (7th edition). John Wiley and
Desai, A.R. and Pillai, S.D. (1990). Slums and urbanisation. Popular Pakistan, Bombay.
Husain, M.(1994). Human Geography. Rawat Publications, New Delhi.
Jain S.K. (1995). A maunal of ethnobotany. Scientific Publisher (Jodhpur).
Pimentel, D.( 2002). Biological invasion. CRC Press, New York.
Prakasa Rao, V.L.S. (1983) .Urbanization in India. Concept Publishing Company.
Raha, M.K. and Ghosh, A.K. (Ed.) (1998). Northeast India-the human interface.Gyan
Publishing House.
Ramakrishnan, P.S. (2001). Ecology and sustainable development. National Book Trust.
Sinha R.K. and Sinha. S. (2001). Ethnobiology. Surabhi Publications Jaipur.
Additional readings:
Kormondy, E.J. (1996). Concepts of ecology (4th edition). Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd.
Ramakrishnan, P. S. (1993). Shifting agriculture and sustainable development: an
interdisciplinary study from North East India. Oxford University Press.
Singh, U.P. and Singh, A.K. Human ecology and development in India. APH
Publishing Corporation.
Srivastava, O.S. (1996). Demography and population studies. Vikas Publishing House, Pvt.
Ltd, New Delhi.


ECG 402
Lectures 45 Credit 5

Marks 100

Unit I

Biotechnology in environment protection: Role, current status; biotechnology

derived tools and processes; industrial ecology and biotechnology; environmental
friendly routes and products; bioplastics and biosensors for environmental
monitoring; green chemistry and clean technology.

Unit II

Environmental technologies for waste treatment: Use of genetically-engineered

organisms in waste water treatment; packaged microorganisms; immobilised
cells and enzymes and benefits; bioreactors and its application; solid waste
management with vermicompositing; biotechnological application for waste

Unit III

Bioenergy and environmental technology: biofuel, methane, hydrogen gas

production, fuel alcohol production and role of organisms; hydrocarbon
production; biopolymer; SCP and enzyme production and applications.

Unit IV

Restoration ecology I: Concepts and scope of restoration, rehabilitation and

reclamation; restoration of degraded forest ecosystem, ecosystem rehabilitation
of the rural landscape; carbon forestry and ecorestoration; ethical dimension of
ecological restoration.

Unit V

Restoration Ecology II: Bioremediation of soils contaminated with hydrocarbons,

heavy metals and pesticide etc. and role of microorganisms; restoration of mining
habitats and revegetation in toxic waste site; restoration of brick-kiln industry,
damaged land; wetland habitat restoration and strategies; wildlife habitat
restoration of past excessive resource use.

Essential readings:
Abbasi, S.A. and E. Ramasami (1999). Biotechnological methods of pollution control.
University Press.
Andel, J.V. and Avanson, J. (Eds.) (2006). Restoration ecology: the new frontier. Blackwell
Publishing, USA.
Andel, J.V. and Avanson, J.( 2005). Restoration ecology .Blackwell.
Clewell, A.F. and J. Avonson,(2007). Ecological restoration: principles, values and structure of
an emerging profession. Island Press.
Comin F.A (Ed.)( 2010). Ecological restoration - a global challenge. Cambridge University
Das, M.K.(2008).Environmental Biotechnology and Biodiversity Conservation. Daya
Publishing House, New Delhi.
Dubey, R.C.(1998). A textbook of biotechnology. S.Chand and Company Ltd. New Delhi.
Freedman Bill, (1995). Environmental ecology-the ecological effects of pollution, disturbance
and other stresses. Academic Press, New York.
Gupta. G. (2004). Ecorestoration of the degraded hills. Vedam Book, New Delhi.
Harrison, R.M. (1992). Understanding our environment: introduction to environmental
chemistry and pollution. The Royal Society of Chemistry.


Jogdand, S.N.2006. Environmental biotechnology.Himalaya Publishing House.

Lohar, P.S.(2005). Biotechnology. MJP Publishers, Chennai.
Perrow M.R. and Davy A.J. (Eds) (2002). Hand book of restoration ecology (Vol. 1and 2.)
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.

Additional readings:
Dhar, B.B. (2000). Mining and environment. APH Publishing, New Delhi.
Liu, D.H.F. and Liptak, B. G. (2000). Wastewater treatment. CRC Press.
Ramakrishnan, P.S. ; Campbell, J. ; Demierre, L. ;Gyi, A. ;Malhotra, K.C. ;Mehndiratta, S. ;
Rai, S.N. and Sashidharan, E.M. (1994). Ecosystem rehabilitaion of the rural landscape
in south and central Asia: an analysis of issues. UNESCO Regional Office, New Delhi.
Singh, J.S. (1993). Restoration of degraded lands: concepts and strategies. Rastogi
Singh, O.P. (2005). Mining environment: problems and remedies. Regency Publications.
Sharma, P.D. (1996). Ecology and environment. Rastogi publication.
Singh, B. D. (1998). Biotechnology. Kalyani publishers.
Soetaert, W. and E.J. Vabdanne (2009). Biofuels. John Wiley and Sons.
Wise, D. L. (Eds).(1997). Global environmental biotechnology. Proceedings of the third
international symposium on the international society for environmental biotechnology.
Kluwer Academic Publishers, London.


ECG 403 A
(Special Paper)
Lectures 45

Credit 5

Marks 100

Unit I

Microorganisms: The place of microorganisms in nature; prokaryotes and

eukaryotes; useful microorganisms; growth and nutrition of microorganisms.

Unit II

Microbial community: Classification, structure and organisation; species diversity,

dispersal, interspecific relationships, symbiosis, competition, parasitism, plant
and animal pathogenic microorganisms; chemical and biological control of plant
pathogens, integrated pest management (IPM).

Unit III

Microorganisms with reference to C N and P cycles, effect of microorganisms on

host plants; isolation of bacteria, actimonycetes, fungi and algae from
soil/rhizosphere and phyllosphere, isolation in pure culture; isolation of plant
pathogens from soil/diseased material, culture media, selective media for
isolation of specific group/general of microorganisms from soil and plant

Unit IV

Microbes as polluting agent: Microbiology of air, air borne pollen and spores and
human allergic disorders; microbes as food deteriorating agent, wood rotting
fungi mushrooms and poisonous fungi; mushroom cultivation; methods of food
preservation, mycotoxins (i.e., aflatoxin) and human health.

Unit V

Biotechnological aspects of microbial ecology: Management of agricultural soil,

solid waste, composting, vermicompositing; microbial interactions with xenobiotic
and inorganic pollutants; bioremediation, biofertliser.

Essential readings:
Atlas, R. M and Bartha, R. (1980). Microbial ecology: fundamental and applications.
Addison Wesley Publishing Co.
Alexander, M. (1979). Advances in microbial ecology. Plenum Press, New York.
Baker K.F and Cook R.J. (1979). Biological control of plant pathogens. W.H.
Freeman and Company USA/S. Chand and Company Ltd.
Bhattacharjee, K.; Mazumder. M.R., and Gupta Bhattacharjee S. (2006). A text book of
palynology (Basic & applied). New Central Book Agency (P) Ltd. Kolkata, India.
Campbell, R E (1977). Microbial Ecology. Blackwell Scientific Publication, Oxford,
Cook R.J.and Baker K.F. (1989). The nature and practice of biological control of plant
pathogens. APS Press, the Amreican Phytopathological Society St. Paul.
Coyne M.S. (1999). Soil microbiology- an exploratory approach. Delmar Publishers,
Dutta, N ; .Bhattacharjee M., Mandal, S. and Bhattacharjee, K. (1998). Current concepts in
pollen spore and biopollution research. Research Periodicals and Book Publishing
House, New Delhi.
Griffin, D.M. (1971). Ecology of soil fungi. Chapman and Hall. U.K
Johnson L.F. and Curl A.F. (1972). Methods for research on the ecology of soil-borne plant
pathnogens. Burgess Publishing Company Ltd., London.
Subba Rao N.S. (1999). Soil microbiology (4th Edition) .Oxford & IBH Publishing
Co.Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi.


Additional readings:
Jain, A.K. (1998). Environment and aerobiology research .Periodicals and Book Publishing
Kathleen Hess-Kosa (2001) .Indoor air quality: sampling methodologies. Lewis Publishers.
Louitt, M. and Miles, J.A. R. (1979). Microbial ecology. Springer Verlag, Berlin, West
Synch, J M and Peole, N. J. (1979). Microbial ecology: a conceptual approach. Blackwell
Scientific Publication, Oxford.


ECG - 403 B
(Special Paper)
Lectures 45 Credit 5

Marks 100

Unit I

Monitoring of air and water pollution: Biomonitoring of air pollution-plants as

biomonitors; biomonitoring of running water pollution-saprobic, diversity and
biotic approaches; biomonitoring and bioaccumulation of heavy metals in aquatic
ecosystems; bioaccumulation of pesticides in aquatic ecosystems.

Unit II

Aquatic toxicology: Acute toxicity; sublethal, chronic toxicity; multispecies toxicity

tests; microorganisms in toxicity testing: microtox and other approaches.

Unit III

Emerging areas: Basic concepts of toxicogenomics; toxicity of engineered

nanoparticles; endocrine disrupting chemicals and their hazards; risk assessment
of electromagnetic radiation.

Unit IV

Recent developments in environmental management: Organic farming and its

ecological significance; solid and biomedical waste management; management
of arsenic and fluoride in groundwater; constructed wetlands in wastewater

Unit V

Social and ethical issues: Ethical issues in biotechnology; ethical issues in

nanotechnology; nanotechnologies for the developing world- problems and
prospects; ecological footprint- concept, application and ethical implications.

Essential readings:
Abbasi, S.A., Abbasi, N. and Soni, R. (1998). Heavy metals in the environment. Mittal
Publications, New Delhi.
Bitton, G. (1999). Wastewater microbiology (2nd edition). Johm Wiley and Sons.
Huang, P.M. and Iskander, I.K. (2000). Soils and groundwater pollution and remediation:
Asia, Africa, and Oceania. Lewis Publishers.
Moore, J.W. (1991). Inorganic contaminants of surface water: research and monitoring
priorities. Springer-Verlag.
Newman, M.C. and Clements, W.H. (2008). Ecotoxicology: a comprehensive treatment.
CRC Press.
Radhakrishnan, R. (2002). Biomedical waste management. Sumit Enterprises, New Delhi.
Spellerberg, I.F. (1995). Monitoring ecological change. Cambridge University Press.
Sharma, A.K. (2006). A handbook of organic farming. Agrobios (India).
Ten Have, H.(2007). Nanotechnology: science, ethics and politics. UNESCO, Paris.
Wiersma, G.B. (Ed.). (2004). Environmental monitoring. CRC Press.


Additional readings:
Baird, D.J., Maltby, L., Greig-Smith, P.W. and Douben, P.E.T. (Eds.). (1996).
Ecotoxicology: ecological dimensions. Chapman and Hall.
De, A K (2006). Environmental chemistry. New Age International Pvt. Ltd. Publishers,
New Delhi.
Gautam, A. (Ed.). (1998). Conservation and management of aquatic resources. Daya
Publishing House, New Delhi.
Newman, M.C.( 2001). Fundamentals of ecotoxicology. Lewis Publishers.
Sahai, S (Ed.) Bioresources and biotechnology-policy concerns for the Asian region. Gene
Campaign, New Delhi.
Srivastava, U.K. and Patel, N.T. (1990). Pesticides industry in India: issues and constraints
in its growth. Oxford and IBH, New Delhi.
Shrivastava, P. (2000). Environmental pollution and its management. APH Publishing
Corporation, New Delhi.


ECG - 403 C
(Special Paper)
Lectures 45 Credit 5

Marks 100

Unit I

Forest biodiversity: Concepts and dimensions of forest biodiversity, measures of

forest diversity; functional attributes related to forest biodiversity; biodiversity in
secondary forests; approaches to forest conservation.

Unit II

Invasion ecology: Introduction, ecological impacts of invasive species; remote

sensing and GIS applications in forest ecology and conservation; climate change
and forest biodiversity; carbon sequestration and forest biodiversity; phenology of
forest trees.

Unit III

Agroforestry systems, biophysical and social aspects of agroforestry systems;

agroforestry and biodiversity conservation with special emphasis on
homegardens ;agroforestry and ecosystem services; shifting cultivation and
management of fallows; ecoagriculture and wild biodiversity conservation.

Unit IV

Agrobiodiversity: Concept, management and conservation of agrobiodiversity,

traditional ecological knowledge: concepts and management of biodiversity; local
soil knowledge; national action plan for agrobiodiversity; on- farm conservation
of plant genetic resources for food and agriculture; management of land races;
agrobiodiversity hotspots; globally important agriculture heritage systems

Unit V

The convention on biological diversity, Indias biological diversity act 2002 and
biodiversity rules,2004; Indias plant variety protection and farmers rights act
2002; forest rights act, 2006; national and international programmes on forest
and agrobiodiversity conservation; biodiversity information system and peoples
biodiversity register.

Essential readings:
Barnes, B.V., Zak, D.R., Denton, S.R. and Spurr, S.H. (1997). Forest ecology,
(4th edition). John Wiley and Sons.
Buck, L.E. Lassoie, J.P. and Fernandez, E.C.M. (2002). Agroforestry in sustainable
agricultural systems. CRC Press.
Gaston, K.J. and Spicer, J.I. (2004). Biodiversity: an introduction (2nd edition).Wiley and
Huston, M.A. (1994). Biological diversity: the coexistence of species in changing
landscapes. Cambridge University Press.
Julie, L, Martha, H.F. and Michael, M.P. (2007). Invasion ecology. Blackwell Publishing.
Kannaiyan, S. (Ed.) (2009). Agrobiodiversity hotspots.Narosa Publishing House Pvt.Ltd.
Maxted, N.; Ford-Lloyd, B.V. and Hawkes, J.G. (1997). Plant genetic conservation: the Insitu approach. Chapman and Hall.
Ramakrishnan, P.S. (1992). Shifting agriculture and sustainable development: an
interdisciplinary study from North Eastern India.UNESCO-MAB.Parthenon Press, Paris,
Parthenon Publications.


Scherr, S.J. and J.A. McNeely (2007). Farming with nature: the science and practice of
ecoagriculture.Island Press.
Schroth, G. et al (2004). Agroforestry and biodiversity conservation in tropical landscapes.
Island Press.
Additional readings:
Heywood, V.H. and Gardner, K. (eds) (1995). Global biodiversity assessment. Cambridge
University Press.
ICAR (2009) .Handbook of agriculture. Indian Council of Agricultural Research.
Kumar, B.M. and Nair, P.K.R. (2006). Tropical homegardens: a time tested example of
sustainable agroforestry.Springer Science.
Perry, D.A.Oven, R. and Hart, S. (2008). Forest ecosystems. Hopkins University Press.
Ramakrishnan, P.S. (2008). Ecology and sustainable development. National Book Trust.
Ramakrishnan, P.S. (2008). Cultural cradle of biodiversity. National Book Trust.
Schulze, E.D. and Mooney, H.A. (1993). Biodiversity and ecosystem function. Springer,
NBA (2006). The biological diversity act, 2002 and biological diversity rules, 2004. National
Biodiversity Authority, Chennai.
Newton, A.C. (2007). Forest ecology and conservation: a handbook of techniques. Oxford
University Press.
Wood, D and Lenne (1999). Agrobiodiversity: characterisation, utilisation and
Management. CABI.
Vandermeer, J.H. (2011). The Ecology of agroecosystems.Jones and Barlett Publishers.


ECG 403 D
(Special Paper)
Lectures 45 Credit 5

Marks 100

Unit I

Introduction: Concept of pest control and pest management; classification of

insects, ET and EIL; historical highlights of pest/EIL technology; common
sampling techniques in insect pest management; ecotoxicology.

Unit II

Ecological studies of major groups of insects pests on: Cucurbit and other
vegetable crops, cruciferous, paddy and tea; general idea about plant protection

Unit III

Ecobiology of insect pests on fibre, stored grains and other crops, pest
biodiversity in various agro-ecoystems; conservation of beneficial predators.

Unit IV

Pest management theory, management by various indigenous or traditional

methods; documentation of community wise traditional method practices and
their ecological consequences; management by bio-pesticides.

Unit V

History of pesticide evolution, classification; toxicity indication mark; formulation

conventional insecticides for management; LVC and ULC spraying, median lethal
dosage, various methods/spraying of pest control mechanism; concept of
integrated pest management and practices; ecological consequences of
integrated pest management.

Essential readings:
Awasthi, V B (1991). Introduction to general and applied entomology. Scientific publishers,
Ghosh, M R (1995). Concepts of insect control. New Age International Publishers, New
Grist, D.H. and Lever, R.J.A.W. (1978). Pests of rice.Longman.
Gupta, S.K. (1985). Handbook: plant mites of India. Zoological Survey of India, Kolkata.
Johri, J.K.( 2009). Recent advances in biopesticides. New India Publishing Agency, New
Pedigo, L. (1996). Entomology and pest management. Prentice Hall.
Additional readings :
Fenemore, P G and Prakash, A. (2006). Applied entomology. New Age International.
Metcalf, C L and Flint, E P (1988). Destructive and useful insects: their habits and control.
Tata McGraw Hill Pub. Co. Ltd., New Delhi.
Nayar, K. ; Ananthakrishnan, K. and David, B. V. (1985). General and applied
entomology,.Tata McGraw Hills Publishing Co. Ltd., New Delhi.
Pimental, D. (1990). Handbook of pest management in agriculture (2nd edition). CRC
Pradhan, S (1992). Insect pests of crops. National Book Trust, New Delhi.
Rose, H. N.; Ross, C. A. and Ross, J. P. (1990). A text book of entomology. John Wiley
and Sons.


ECG 403 E
(Special Paper)
Lectures 45 Credit 5

Marks 100

Unit I

Algal ecology and distribution: Structure and classification of algae, phylogeny

and taxonomy; pigments, food reserves and extracellular products; symbiotic
associations-lichens, azolla, bryophyte symbiosis; algae and higher plant
associations; cyanobacteria, ecology and distribution of Indian fresh water and
marine algae.

Unit II

Algal growth and survival: Algae and eutrophication; toxicity and biofouling; high
rate algal ponds; algal immobilisation; algal survival under physical and chemical

Unit III

Algal and pollution: Responses of algae to pollutants; uptake and accumulation

of xenobiotic substances; algal biomonitors, bioassays and field assessment of

Unit IV

Algal physiology: Nutritional requirements; anoxygenic photosynthesis and

respiration; biological oxidation, nitrogen assimilation, nitrogen fixation.

Unit V

Algal biotechnology: Algal products and their uses; cultivation of algae; algal
products and their application;; genetic manipulation and strain improvement;
algae as energy source, biofuels; algal technologies in soil fertility and soil
reclamation; algal biofertilisers.

Essential readings:
Awasthi, D.D. (2000). A hand book of lichens. Bishen Singh Mahendra Pal Singh.
Beyers, R. J. And Odum,H. T. (1993). Ecological microcosms.
Carr, N. G. and Whitton, B. A. (1982). The biology of cyanobacteria. Blackwell Scientific
Darley, W. M. (1981). Algal Biology: a physiological approach.Blackwell scientific
Fay, P (1983). The Blue greens. Edward Arnold.
Kumar, H D (1985). Algal cell biology. Affiliated East-West press.
Kumar, H.D. (1999). Introductory phycology. East West press.
Soetaert, W. and Vabdanne E. J. (2009). Biofuels. John Wiley and Sons.
Van Den Hoek, C.;Mann, D.G.and Jahns, H.M. (1995). Algae: an Introduction to
phycology. Cambridge University Press.
Additional readings:
Desikachary, T.V. (1979). Cyanaophyta. ICAR, New Delhi.
Lee, R F (1980). Phycology. Cambridge University Press.
Nash, T.H. (1996). Lichen biology. Cambridge University Press.
Round, F E (1965). The biology of algae. Edward V Arnold.
Round, F E (1981). The ecology of algae. Cambridge University Press.
Somani, L L et al. (1990). Biofertilisers. Scientific Publishers, Jodhpur.
Stewart, W D P (1974). Biochemistry and physiology of algae, Blackwell.
Smith, G.W. (1950).The Freshwater algae of the United States (2nd edition). Tata McGrawHills Book Co. Inc., New York
Trainer, F. R. (1978). Introductory physiology.John Wiley and Sons.


ECG 403 F
(Special Paper)
Lectures 45 Credit 5

Marks 100

Unit I

Wildlife habitat and population: Characteristic, composition and distribution of

terrestrial ecosystem with reference to grassland and forests ecosystem in N E
India; ecological role of wetland as a wildlife habitat; implications of succession in
the management of wildlife; habitat fragmentation and loss of wildlife; gap
formation and their impact on wildlife, gap dynamics; habitat assessment indicescommunity dominance index (CDI), canopy area coverage, foliage height
diversity (FHD); concept of key stone and umbrella species.

Unit II

Wildlife population characteristics: Feeding and social behaviour, social

organization in mammals; study of migratory birds and migratory routes of birds
with reference to India; birds census techniques, distribution and abundance of
amphibian and reptilian fauna of India; conservation issues of herpeto-fauna of
India; case studies of some important wildlife in regional (N. E. India) and local
(Barak Valley) areas.

Unit III

Economic aspects, wildlife census and other issues: Contribution of wildlife to

gross national productivity (GNP) and economic importance of wildlife; wildlife
tourism; trade on wildlife and wildlife crime; wildlife corridors; developmental
activities versus wildlife conservation; man animal conflicts; wildlife population
survey with reference to census techniques of rhino, tiger, elephant.

Unit IV

Wildlife conservation ecology: Endangered and threatened plants & animals of N.

E. India; conservation needs - breeding and importance of genetics in wildlife
conservation; role of zoos and aquariums in conservation of wildlife; ethics of
wildlife conservation; project tiger; crocodile breeding project.

Unit V

Wildlife management, management planning: Principles and strategies of wildlife

management in protected areas (sanctuaries, national park, biosphere reserves
etc.); habitat utilization pattern of rhino, hoolock gibbon, tiger, elephant. and
management techniques; role of non-governmental organizations (International,
national & regional) in wildlife management and conservation; impact of climate
change in wildlife.

Essential readings:
Ali, S. and Dilon, R. S. (1983). Birds of India and Pakistan. Bombay Natural History Society,
Das, C. (2007). A treatise on wildlife conservation in India. Eastern Book Corporation, New
Jacobson, S.K. (2002). Conserving wildlife. Eastern Book Corporation, New Delhi.
Mukherjee, A. K. (1982). Endangered animals of India. Zoological Survey of India,Kolkata.
Negi, S.S. (2002). Handbook of national parks, wildlife sanctuaries and biosphere reserves
in India. Eastern Book Corporation, New Delhi.
Prater, S. H. (1971). The book of Indian animals. Bombay Natural History Society.
Saharia, V. B. (1990) .Wildlife in India. Natraj Publishers, Dehradun


Sukumar, R. (1992) .The Asian elephant: ecology and management. Cambridge university
Anonymous.(2004). The wildlife protection act, 1972 (as amended up to 2004).Natraj
publisher, Dehradun.
Tikadar, B. K. (1983). Threatened animals of India. Zoological Survey of India.
Tiwari, P.C. and Bhagwati, J. (1997). Wildlife in the Himalayan foothills: conservation and
management. Eastern Book Corporation, New Delhi.
Additional readings:
Ahmed, M. F.;Das, A and Dutta, S. K. (2009). Amphibians and repliles of North east India.
Aaranyak Publication, Guwahati, Assam.
Chetry, D.; Chetry, R. and Bhattacharjee, P. C. (2007). Hoolock: the ape of India. A
Publication of Gibbon Conservation Centre, Moriani, Jorhat, Assam.
Dwivedi, A. P. (1993). Forestry in India. Surya Publication, Dehradun.
Grimmett, R.; Inskipp, T. and Inskipp, C. (2002). Pocket guide to birds of the Indian
subcontinent. Oxford University Press.
Islam, Zafar-ul. M and Rahmani, Asad, R. (2004). Important bird areas in India: priority sites for
conservation. BNHS Publication.
Mallya, A. (2006). Wildlife tourism and conservation. Eastern Book Corporation, New


ECG 404 A
(Practical on Special paper)
Microbial Ecology
Credit 2.5

Marks 50

List of practicals:
1.Isolation of soil and shizosphere mycoflora and their identification.
2.Study of aeromycoflora through.
(a). Petriplate exposure method and.
(b). 2-stage Anderson sampler method.
3. Isolation of plant pathogenic fungi.
4. Antagonism study.
5. Screening of pesticides in vitro.
6. Identification of pest and disease causing organisms from tea agroecosystem & their
control measures.
Essential readings:
Anonymous (1968). Plant pathologists pocket book. Commonwealth Mycological Institution
Kew, Surrey, England.
Barnet, R.L. and Hunter, B.B. (1972). Illustrated genera of fungi imperfecti .Burges Publishing
Co. Minnesota, USA.
Bhattacharjee, K.; Mazumder, M.R. and Gupta Bhattacharjee S. (2006). A text book of
palynology (Basic & applied). New Central Book Agency (P) Ltd. Kolkata.
Gilman J.C. (1956). A manual of soil fungi .Oxford & IBH publishing co. Calcutta, New Delhi.
Johnson L.F. (1972). Methods for research on the ecology of soil borne plant pathogens.
Burgess Publishing Co., Minneapolis.


ECG 404 B
(Practical on Special paper)
Environmental monitoring and management
Credit 2.5

Marks 50

List of practicals:

Estimation of nitrate/ phosphate/ silicate content of water/wastewater.

Estimation of chlorophyll content of freshwater.
Monitoring of UV-A intensity/ electromagnetic radiation in the environment.
Estimation of biochemical oxygen demand/ oil and grease in water/wastewater.
Enumeration of faecal coliforms in drinking water.
Estimation of heavy metals in water/wastewater/sediment/ biota.
Extension programme-cum-field report on ecological footprint of communities/pesticide
and other hazardous chemical use by communities.

*Experiments to be conducted by students in a given batch will be selected from the above list
subject to the availability of instrumentation/other facilities
Essential readings:
Abbasi, S.A.; Abbasi, N. and Soni, R. (1998). Heavy metals in the environment. Mittal
Publications, New Delhi.
APHA, (2005). Standard methods for the examination of water and wastewater (21st
edition). American Public Health Association (APHA), AWWA, WPCF, Washington, DC,
De, A K. (2006). Environmental chemistry. New Age International.
Michael, P. (1984). Ecological methods forffield and laboratory investigations. Tata McGraw
Hill, New Delhi.


ECG 404 C
(Practical on Special paper)
Forest and Agricultural Biodiversity and Ecology
Credit 2.5

Marks 50

List of practicals:
1. Land use/ land cover delineation from satellite imagery using visual interpretation
2. Assessment of density of invasive and native species.
3. To study the structural attributes of plant biodiversity in homegarden agroforestry
4. To study the phenological pattern of trees
5. Leaf trait assessment of different plant species.
6. Estimation of biomass and productivity of sample plots.

Essential readings:
Husch, B., Beers, T.W. and Kershaw, J.A. (2003). Forest mansuration. John Willey and
Lillesand,M.; Kiefer, R.W. and Chapman, J.W. (2008). Remote sensing and image
interpretation. John Wiley and sons.
Nair, P.K.R. (1993). An introduction to agroforestry.Springer.
Schwartz, M.D. (2003) Phenology: An integrative environmental science. Kluwer Academic


ECG 404 D
(Practical on Special paper)
Pest Management and Ecotoxicology
Credit 2.5

Marks 50

List of practicals:
1. Identification of major orders of insect pests .
2.Studies on the extent of damge of vegetable crops.
3. Studies on the extent of damge on rice.
4. Familiarities of various groups of pesticides.
5. Determination of lethal dose against insect pest by conventional pesticide.
5. Lethal dose determination by bio-pesticide.

Essential readings:
Ghosh, M.R. (1995). Concepts of insect control. New Age International Publishers, New Delhi.
Pedigo, L. (1996). Entomology and pest management. Prentice Hall.
Pradhan, S. (1992). Insect pests of crops. National Book Trust,New Delhi.


ECG 404 E
(Practical on Special Paper)
Algal Ecology and Physiology
Credit 2.5

Marks 50

List of practicals:
1. Estimation of chlorophyll and carotenoid content of algal samples and lichens.
2. Estimation of protein and phycobiliproteins content of algae.
3. Measurement of photosynthesis of algal sample.
4. Preparation of algal culture media (solid and liquid) and algal inoculation.
5. Observation and characterisation of algal symbiont of algae in lichens.
6. Isolation and characterisation of cyanobacterial species from Azolla.
Essential readings:
Abraham. G.; S. Pabbi and D.W.Dhar. (2009). Bluegreen algae, a practical manual. Indian
Agricultural Research Institiute, New Delhi.
Awasthi, D.D. (2000). Lichenology in Indian subcontinent. Bishen Singh and Mahendra Pal
Singh Publisher, Derhadun, India.
Prescott, G.W. (1952). Algae of western great lakes area. Ottokoeltz. Science Publisher, West
Stein J.R (1973). Hand book of phycological methods.Cambridge University press.
Wetzel R.G. and Likens. G.E. (1979). Limnological analysis. W.B. Saunders Company.


ECG 404 F
(Practical on Special Paper)
Wildlife Conservation Ecology
Credit 2.5

Marks 50

1. Community analysis : Measurement of species diversity; Shannon Winner index,

evenness index, community dominance index, canopy area coverage, foliage height
2. Wildlife census techniques:
a. Direct method: Line transact, point transact, quadrat method, stratified and
random sampling
b. Indirect method: Pellet group counting method, Pugmark census & analysis
3. Wildlife behaviour:
a. Mammals: Time and activity budgeting, foraging efficiency
b. Birds: Nest construction pattern and materials used in nest construction, time and
activity budgeting
4. Data analysis using statistical tools: ANOVA, species diversity, t test, paired t test
5. Identification of important food plant species of: Mammals, birds, herpeto-fauna.
6. Identification of wildlife specimen/body components: skin, bon, horn, scat, pellet,
feather, nest etc.
7. Visit to important wildlife habitat and study of wildlife in wilderness (biosphere reserve,
national park, sanctuary or reserve forest or similar such places) (Optional).
Essential readings:
Ali, S. and Dilon, R. S. (1983). Birds of India and Pakistan. Bombay Natural History
Society, Mumbai.
Grimmett, R.; Inskipp, T. and Inskipp, C. (2002). Pocket guide to birds of the Indian
subcontinent. Oxford University Press.
Michael L. Morrison (2009). Restoring wildlife: ecological concepts and practical applications.
Island Press, USA.


Dissertation on special papers 403 (A/B/C/D/E/F)*
Credit 7.5

Marks 150

Each student is assigned a specific project in respective of optional papers. The project
work involves primary/secondary data collection, analysis, and submission of dissertation. The
project is evaluated by internal and external examiners. The students are required to deliver a
seminar on this project and defend it before the examiners.

* Special papers:
ECG 403 A: Microbial ecology
ECG 403 B: Environmental monitoring and management
ECG 403 C: Forest and agricultural biodiversity and ecology
ECG 403 D: Pest management and ecotoxicology
ECG 403 E: Algal ecology and physiology
ECG 403 F: Wildlife conservation ecology


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