Bijan. (2005) - China's "Peaceful Rise" To Great-Power Status PDF

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Chinas Peaceful Rise

to Great-Power Status
Zheng Bijian




Chinas rapid development has attracted worldwide attention in

recent years. The implications of various aspects of Chinas rise,
from its expanding influence and military muscle to its growing demand for energy supplies, are being heatedly debated in
the international community as well as within China. Correctly understanding Chinas achievements and its path toward
greater development is thus crucial.
Since starting to open up and reform its economy in 1978,
China has averaged 9.4 percent annual GDP growth, one of
the highest growth rates in the world. In 1978, it accounted for
less than one percent of the world economy, and its total foreign trade was worth $20.6 billion. Today, it accounts for four
percent of the world economy and has foreign trade worth $851
billionthe third-largest national total in the world. China has
ZHENG BIJIAN is Chair of the China Reform Forum, a nongovernmental
and nonprofit academic organization that provides research on and analysis
of domestic, international, and development issues related to China. He has
drafted key reports for five Chinese national party congresses and held senior
posts in academic and party organizations in China.

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Chinas Peaceful Rise to Great-Power Status

also attracted hundreds of billions of dollars of foreign investment and more than a trillion dollars of domestic nonpublic
investment. A dozen years ago, China barely had mobile telecommunications services. Now it claims more than 300 million mobile-phone subscribers, more than any other nation. As
of June 2004, nearly 100 million people there had access to the
Indeed, China has achieved the goal it set for itself in 1978: it
has significantly improved the well-being of its people, although
its development has often been narrow and uneven. The last 27
years of reform and growth have also shown the world the magnitude of Chinas labor force, creativity, and purchasing power;
its commitment to development; and its degree of national
cohesion. Once all of its potential is mobilized, its contribution
to the world as an engine of growth will be unprecedented.
One should not, however, lose sight of the other side of the
coin. Economic growth alone does not provide a full picture of
a countrys development. China has a population of 1.3 billion.
Any small difficulty in its economic or social development, spread
over this vast group, could become a huge problem. And Chinas
population has not yet peaked; it is not projected to decline until
it reaches 1.5 billion in 2030. Moreover, Chinas economy is still
just one-seventh the size of the United States and one-third the
size of Japans. In per capita terms, China remains a low-income
developing country, ranked roughly 100th in the world. Its
impact on the world economy is still limited.
The formidable development challenges still facing China
stem from the constraints it faces in pulling its population out
of poverty. The scarcity of natural resources available to support such a huge populationespecially energy, raw materials, and wateris increasingly an obstacle, especially when
the efficiency of use and the rate of recycling of those materials are low. Chinas per capita water resources are one-fourth
of the amount of the world average, and its per capita area of


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Zheng Bijian
cultivatable farmland is 40 percent of the world average. Chinas oil, natural gas, copper, and aluminum resources in per
capita terms amount to 8.3 percent, 4.1 percent, 25.5 percent,
and 9.7 percent of the respective world averages.

For the next few decades, the Chinese nation will be preoccupied with securing a more comfortable and decent life for its
people. Since the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central
Committee of the Chinese Communist Party, held in 1978, the
Chinese leadership has concentrated on economic development.
Through its achievements so far, China has blazed a new strategic path that suits its national conditions while conforming
to the tides of history. This path toward modernization can be
called the development path to a peaceful rise. Some emerging powers in modern history have plundered other countries
resources through invasion, colonization, expansion, or even
large-scale wars of aggression. Chinas emergence thus far has
been driven by capital, technology, and resources acquired
through peaceful means.
The most significant strategic choice the Chinese have made
was to embrace economic globalization rather than detach
themselves from it. In the late 1970s, when the new technological revolution and a new wave of economic globalization were
unfolding with great momentum, Beijing grasped the trend
and reversed the erroneous practices of the Cultural Revolution. On the basis of the judgment that Chinas development
would depend on its place in an open world, Deng Xiaoping
and other Chinese leaders decided to seize the historic opportunity and shift the focus of their work to economic development.
They carried out reforms meant to open up and foster domestic
markets and tap into international ones. They implemented the
household contracting system in rural areas and opened up 14

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Chinas Peaceful Rise to Great-Power Status

coastal cities, thus ushering in a period of economic takeoff.
In the 1990s, China once again confronted a strategic choice,
due to the Asian financial crisis and the subsequent struggle
between the forces for and against globalization. Chinas decision to participate in economic globalization was facing a serious challenge. But by carefully weighing the advantages and
disadvantages of economic openness and drawing lessons from
recent history, Beijing decided to open up China even more,
by joining the World Trade Organization and deepening economic reform at home.
China has based its modernization process mainly on its
domestic resources. It has relied on ideological and institutional
innovations and on industrial restructuring. By exploring the
growing domestic market and transferring the huge personal
savings of its citizens into investment, China has infused its
economy with new momentum. Its citizens capacities are being
upgraded and its technological progress expedited. Even while
attempting to learn from and absorb useful products from other
societies, including those of the advanced capitalist countries,
China has maintained its independence and self-reliance.
In pursuing the goal of rising in peace, the Chinese leadership
has strived for improving Chinas relations with all the nations
of the world. Despite the ups and downs in U.S.-Chinese
relations over the years, as well as other dramatic changes in
international politics, such as the collapse of the Soviet Union,
Beijing has stuck to the belief that there are more opportunities
than challenges for China in todays international environment.

According to Chinas strategic plans, it will take another 45

yearsuntil 2050before it can be called a modernized,
medium-level developed country. China will face three big
challenges before it gets there. As described above, Chinas


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Zheng Bijian
shortage of resources poses the first problem. The second is
environmental: pollution, waste, and a low rate of recycling
together present a major obstacle to sustainable development.
The third is a lack of coordination between economic and social
This last challenge is reflected in a series of tensions Beijing
must confront: between high GDP growth and social progress,
between upgrading technology and increasing job opportunities, between keeping development momentum in the coastal
areas and speeding up development in the interior, between fostering urbanization and nurturing agricultural areas, between
narrowing the gap between the rich and the poor and maintaining economic vitality and efficiency, between attracting
more foreign investment and enhancing the competitiveness
of indigenous enterprises, between deepening reform and preserving social stability, between opening domestic markets and
solidifying independence, between promoting market-oriented
competition and taking care of disadvantaged people. To cope
with these dilemmas successfully, a number of well-coordinated
policies are needed to foster development that is both faster and
more balanced.
The policies the Chinese government has been carrying out,
and will continue to carry out, in the face of these three great
challenges can be summarized as three grand strategiesor
three transcendences.
The first strategy is to transcend the old model of industrialization and to advance a new one. The old industrialization was
characterized by rivalry for resources in bloody wars and by
high investment, high consumption of energy, and high pollution. Were China to follow this path, it would harm both others and itself. China is instead determined to forge a new path
of industrialization based on technology, economic efficiency,
low consumption of natural resources relative to the size of
its population, low environmental pollution, and the optimal

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Chinas Peaceful Rise to Great-Power Status

allocation of human resources. The Chinese government is trying to find new ways to reduce the percentage of the countrys
imported energy sources and to rely more on Chinas own. The
objective is to build a society of thrift.
The second strategy is to transcend the traditional ways for
great powers to emerge, as well as the Cold War mentality that
defined international relations along ideological lines. China
will not follow the path of Germany leading up to World War
I or those of Germany and Japan leading up to World War II,
when these countries violently plundered resources and pursued hegemony. Neither will China follow the path of the great
powers vying for global domination during the Cold War.
Instead, China will transcend ideological differences to strive
for peace, development, and cooperation with all countries of
the world.
The third strategy is to transcend outdated modes of social
control and to construct a harmonious socialist society. The
functions of the Chinese government have been gradually
transformed, with self-governance supplementing state administration. China is strengthening its democratic institutions
and the rule of law and trying to build a stable society based
on a spiritual civilization. A great number of ideological and
moral-education programs have been launched.
Several dynamic forces are noticeable in the carrying out of
the three strategies. For example, there are numerous clusters of
vigorously developing cities in the coastal areas of eastern and
southern China, and similar clusters are emerging in the central and western regions. They constitute the main engines of
growth, are the major manufacturing and trading centers, and
absorb surplus rural labor. They also have high productivity,
advanced culture, and accumulated international experience
that the rest of China can emulate and learn from. The expansion of Chinas middle-income strata and the growing need for
international markets come mainly from these regions.


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Zheng Bijian
Chinas surplus of rural workers, who have strong aspirations
to escape poverty, is another force that is pushing Chinese society into industrial civilization. About ten million rural Chinese
migrate to urban areas each year in an orderly and protected
way. They both provide Chinese cities with new productivity and new markets and help end the backwardness of rural
areas. Innovations in science and technology and culture are
also driving China toward modernization and prosperity in the
twenty-first century.
The Chinese government has set up targets for development
for the next 50 years. This period is divided into three stages. In
the first stage2000 to 2010total GDP is to be doubled. In
the second stage, ending in 2020, total GDP is to be doubled
again, at which point Chinas per capita GDP is expected to
reach $3,000. In the third, from 2020 to 2050, China will continue to advance until it becomes a prosperous, democratic,
and civilized socialist country. By that time, China will have
shaken off underdevelopment and will be on a par with the
middle rung of advanced nations. It can then claim to have
succeeded in achieving a peaceful rise.

Chinas peaceful rise will further open its economy so that its
population can serve as a growing market for the rest of the
world, thus providing increased opportunities forrather than
posing a threat tothe international community. A few figures
illustrate Chinas current contribution to global trade: in 2004,
Chinas imports from members of the Association of Southeast
Asian Nations increased by 33.1 percent, from Japan by 27.3
percent, from India by 80 percent, from the European Union
by 28 percent, and from the United States by 31.9 percent.
China is not the only power that seeks a peaceful rise. Chinas economic integration into East Asia has contributed to the

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Chinas Peaceful Rise to Great-Power Status

shaping of an East Asian community that may rise in peace as
a whole. And it would not be in Chinas interest to exclude the
United States from the process. In fact, Beijing wants Washington to play a positive role in the regions security as well as
economic affairs. The beginning of the twenty-first century is
seeing a number of countries rising through different means,
while following different models, and at different paces. At
the same time, the developed countries are further developing
themselves. This is a trend to be welcomed.
China does not seek hegemony or predominance in world
affairs. It advocates a new international political and economic
order, one that can be achieved through incremental reforms
and the democratization of international relations. Chinas
development depends on world peacea peace that its development will in turn reinforce.


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