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Nurse Leadership

A White Paper by ACN 2015

This White Paper on Nurse Leadership outlines the relevance of nurse

leadership within the health care system, highlighting the connection between
nurse leadership, workplace environment, staff retention and patient outcomes.
It describes the challenges that exist with regard to the recognition of the
contribution of nurse leaders within the Australian health care system.

Introduction 4
Defining leadership

Nurses as leaders and change agents

Nurse leadership in world health

Nurse leadership in the Australian health system

Executive nurse leadership 7

Clinical nurse leadership 7

The impact of nurse leaders

Patient outcomes

Positive work environments 9

Financial performance 9

Retention 10





Citation: Australian College of Nursing (ACN). 2015, Nurse Leadership, ACN, Canberra.
ACN 2015

Australias health care system faces a number of complex and interconnected challenges in providing
high-quality, innovative and cost-effective care into the future. These include an ageing population
increasingly affected by chronic disease, rising health care costs, technological change and the need to
improve the equity and accessibility of the health care system, including for Aboriginal and Torres Strait
Islander people. The need to maintain and, in some cases, improve safety and quality will be an ongoing
priority. These issues are likely to play out within a context of economic uncertainty and nursing workforce
challenges, as health care organisations and governments seek ways to contain the costs of care delivery,
improve productivity, and recruit and retain skilled staff. This will require change in the way health care
is delivered, models of care and the role of all members of the health workforce.
Nurses1 will be a key contributor to Australias ability
to meet the challenges described above. The nursing
and midwifery workforce represents more than half of
all registered health practitioners (HWA 2014; AIHW
2014) and accounts for a significant proportion of health
services expenditure. Nurses work across all sectors and
settings of the health care system and are integral to the
delivery of a range of health services, from communitybased primary health care to inpatient care in the tertiary
sector. Nursing is a diverse discipline which encompasses
a range of overlapping roles, including:
delivering clinical care
patient care coordination
driving safety and quality improvements
health service development and systems management
research and education.
As a profession, nurses take a holistic, patient-centred
approach to care. Nurses assess and monitor changes in
patients health status, develop care plans, deliver clinical
nursing interventions, support patients self-care and
evaluate patient outcomes. Nurses are often the frontline
of health care delivery. As a result, they play a critical
role in identifying and responding to changes in patients
health status, preventing adverse events and supporting
patients throughout their care journey.
Workforce projections indicate that without reforms there
will be a significant shortage of nurses into the future
(HWA 2012), making it critical that retention strategies
are implemented to enable the nursing workforce to
continue to meet the needs of the Australian population.
The availability and appropriate distribution of a nursing

Australian College of Nursing | Nurse Leadership White Paper

workforce with the right skills and education underpins the

delivery of health care across all settings. Nurses will also
need to optimise their scope of practice and participate in
the development of new models of care to achieve clinical
and cost-effective outcomes.
Nurse leadership will be needed to inform the strategic
direction of Australias health system and help drive
the necessary changes within organisations. Nursing
leaders are found at all levels of the health care system,
from clinical leaders on the ward to nurses who hold
government posts or executive positions within health
care organisations. They are informed by the patientcentred care philosophy of nursing, an understanding of
the complex challenges facing the nursing profession and
a strong knowledge of the broader health system. These
leaders are able to make connections between challenges
at the local level and the broader political, economic and
social context. They understand the factors that have
shaped the current health system and are able to look
beyond day-to-day challenges to develop long-term
strategies to drive improvements in patient and population
health outcomes. Nurse leadership will be vital to retaining
and developing Australias nurse workforce. Nurse leaders
also have a key contribution to make in shaping the design
and delivery of new models of care, as well as driving the
changes that will be required for their implementation.
As members of Australias largest and most widely
distributed registered health profession, nurse leaders will
be vital to ensuring that the health system is accessible,
responsive and able to meet the needs of all Australians.
Nurses in Australia includes both registered nurses who complete an
undergraduate degree and enrolled nurses who complete a diploma.


Defining leadership
At its heart, leadership is broadly accepted to be about influencing others to accomplish common
goals. In nursing literature, it has been described as a complex and multifaceted process which involves
providing support, motivation, coordination and resources to enable individuals and teams to achieve
collective objectives (Davidson et al. 2006; Wong and Cummings 2007).
Management and leadership are distinct concepts,
although in practice there is significant overlap and
interconnection between management and leadership
roles. Management is centrally concerned with operational
aspects of planning, organising and monitoring service
delivery. In contrast, leadership is fundamentally about
creating a long-term strategic vision and enabling people
to work towards change. It involves developing a shared
sense of mission; tackling political, organisational and
resource barriers; and inspiring and motivating others
(Kotter 1996).
Effective management in complex environments requires
leadership, but leaders are not necessarily managers.

Australian College of Nursing | Nurse Leadership White Paper

Managers occupy formally recognised positions of power

within the hierarchy of an organisation. In contrast,
leadership is not necessarily concentrated in a particular
role or person. Leadership is often distributed throughout
the organisation, and leaders can be found at all levels of
the organisational hierarchy.
While this White Paper focusses on nurses in formal
leadership positions, the importance of informal nurse
leaders is also widely recognised. Informal nurse leaders
are able to make things happen through relationship
building, sharing organisational knowledge, informal
coaching and mentoring and elevating the contributions of
others (Downey 2011).

Nurses as leaders and change agents

Leadership is a fundamental part of effective nursing care and nurses are recognised as leaders in patient
care. Nursing involves the implementation of goal-driven interventions which aim to improve a patients
health status or comfort. Nurses are recognised for their role as alliance builders: nurses coordinate and
motivate care teams, families and patients to support patient wellbeing (James 2010). Nurses need to
be adaptable and have effective communication skills, including the ability to influence others towards a
common goal. It is for this reason that nurses are often at the forefront of initiatives to improve safety and
quality in health care systems.
As their careers progress, nurses may take on leadership
roles beyond the nursing domain. When nurses move
into leadership roles within health care organisations or
the wider health care system, they build on skills that are
intrinsic to the delivery of nursing care. Nurse leaders
are needed in all settings and across all levels of the
organisational hierarchy, as well as throughout the health
system at large. However, the contribution that nurse
leaders make is not always fully recognised or understood.
This section outlines the role of nursing leaders at all
levels, from setting the direction at the global level to
driving change in frontline clinical care.

Nurse leadership in world health

There is a recognised need for nurse leadership on global

issues (Garner et al. 2009; Davis 2014). Health systems
around the world are facing many of the same challenges,
including workforce development, ageing populations and
reduced funding for health care (Gantz et al. 2012).
The world is also confronting global challenges which
can only be effectively managed by the international
community, including antibiotic resistance, climate
change and the risk of pandemics. Nurses are often at
the frontline of care in responding to natural and humaninduced disasters, incidents of terrorism and the like.
Institutions and organisations responding to regional
crises, including the military and aid organisations, employ
nurses in leadership positions. Nurse leaders have an
increasing international presence through forums such as
the International Council of Nurses, the Commonwealth
Nurses and Midwives Federation and the World Health
Organizations Global Advisory Group on Nursing and
Midwifery. Nurse leaders, who are confident on the
world stage, will ensure that Australia is able to learn
from international experiences, share national nursing
expertise and be involved in developing, implementing and
coordinating solutions to major global challenges.

Australian College of Nursing | Nurse Leadership White Paper

Nurse leadership in the Australian

health system

Nurse leadership can be a powerful force for shaping

health policy. At the health systems level, nurse leaders
can be found in government departments, agencies
and steering groups, health care regulatory bodies and
health advocacy groups. Nurse leaders can bring deep
experience and understanding of the health care sector
to their roles (Shariff 2014). They have a broad knowledge
of the political, societal and economic forces shaping
health care, as well as the needs of consumers accessing
the health care system. They are able to identify and
challenge the financial, social and cultural barriers people
face in accessing health care. They have a strong grasp
of the enablers, constraints and challenges of effective
service development in the Australian health care
environment. Their professional background gives them a
strong understanding of the roles and relationships of the
different health care groups providing care in Australia.
As a result, nurse leaders are well placed to advocate not
only for the strategic development of both the nursing and
broader health workforce but also for the models of care
that will be needed to deliver health care. Nurse leaders
bring to the table an understanding of the research and
education systems which are essential to modern health
care systems. They understand the principles of health
workforce education and its relationship with the health
care research agenda. They also bring an understanding of
the relationship between education, research and practice.
Nurse leaders, operating at the health systems level,
can be strong proponents of patient-centred health care
delivery, informed by the values and perspectives of the
nursing profession. They are able to draw on clinical,
operational and health systems perspectives to contribute
to national debates about the strategic direction of the

health care system. Leaders at this level understand the

complex interactions of policies, regulation and economic
incentives, and understand the changes that will be needed
to secure necessary reforms. Connective leadership
capabilities are critical to a nurse leaders ability to forge
strategic partnerships at a national level, including with
policy makers, other health professional groups, community
advocates and political representatives.

Nurse leadership in the Australian health system


Knowledge of health
care systems



Models of care

to health
care policy

Informed &
perspectives on
health care

health outcomes


culture & structure


At the level of service delivery, nurses play an important

role in shaping the overall strategic direction of an
organisation, as well as in providing day-to-day clinical
leadership at the unit level. Nurse leadership is often
most visible within formal organisational structures,
especially nurses at the executive level, including directors
of nursing and chief nursing officers. Executive-level
nurse leadership is of central importance for a number of
reasons. Critically, as leaders with a clinical background
as well as management knowledge and skills, nurse
executives are able to combine an operational perspective
with knowledge of how decisions related to staffing
and clinical care delivery will impact on patients (Kings
Fund 2009). They influence the strategic direction of the
organisation through their input regarding service delivery,
resource allocation, workforce planning and development,
governance arrangements and clinical quality assurance
(White 2011).

Executive nurse leadership

Executive nurse leaders are able to build connections

and alliances across the organisation by fostering
Australian College of Nursing | Nurse Leadership White Paper

communication across organisational silos (Willcocks

2012). They are also well placed to build strong
partnerships with external stakeholders, educational
institutions, patients, families and carers, contractors,
and state and local governments (Willcocks 2012). These
partnerships can be critical in identifying and implementing
innovative models of care at the organisational level.
Nurse leaders in executive roles also have an important
role to play in providing professional leadership to nursing
leaders, throughout the organisation and the nursing
staff as a whole. Executive nurse leaders set the tone
for nursing care within the organisation and ensure that
nursing units have the workforce and resources they need
to create positive practice environments and deliver high
quality care. Nursing work environments and workforce
issues are significant because they have an important
impact on nurses ability to deliver safe, effective and
high-quality care. There is a large body of evidence
which links practice environment characteristics such as
workplace culture, staffing levels and mix, interprofessional
collaboration, job satisfaction, burn-out and turnover to
patient outcomes and productivity (Stewart and Usher
2010, Twigg et al. 2010).

Clinical nurse leadership

At the unit level, nurse leaders focus on clinical leadership

through the integration of clinical expertise and leadership
practices. Clinical leadership involves delivering and
monitoring evidence-based practice, evaluating outcomes
within a continuous improvement framework, assessing
and mitigating risks to individual patients, improving
efficiency and coordination at the point of care and
advocating for patients (Ott et al. 2009; Jukkala et al.
2013). Clinical leaders are able to engage with patients in
the context of the care and take account of the patients
social, cultural and economic environment. They also
facilitate strong communication and collaboration with
patients and within the multidisciplinary team. As a result,
they are able to recognise and address gaps in patients
care as well as systemic issues of concern. The clinical
leadership of nurse unit managers and nursing teams
is critical for identifying issues and implementing the
necessary solutions in collaboration with management
and other health care professionals (Begun et al. 2006,
Tornabeni and Miller 2008).

The impact of nurse leaders

Nurse leadership is critical for a number of interconnected reasons. First, strong leadership is essential
to recruit and retain an appropriately skilled nursing workforce. Retention is a critical indicator for
health care organisations because appropriate staffing is linked to care quality and patient outcomes,
and also because there are significant costs related to staff turnover which impact the overall financial
sustainability of the organisation. Second, nurse leaders have a critical role to play in maintaining the
productivity and cost-effectiveness of both nursing services and the health service as a whole.
Financial performance is important in its own right and also because it impacts the organisations ability
to deliver high-quality services to patients. Retention is one of many areas where nurse leaders have
an important impact on financial outcomes. Third, nurse leadership is essential for maintaining and
improving patient outcomes.
As noted above, nurse leaders influence retention
and financial performance and these, in turn, have an
impact on patient outcomes. However, nurse leadership
affects a range of other workplace characteristics,
such as organisational culture, access to professional
development, interprofessional collaboration, lateral
violence and control over nursing practice, which have a
significant influence on patient experiences and outcomes
(Kieft et al. 2014). It should also be noted that these
characteristics also influence retention and productivity.
In short, nurse leadership is critical to the ability of the
nursing unit and the organisation as a whole to operate
effectively, achieve financial sustainability and deliver highquality patient outcomes. Nursing leadership influences
quality of care by providing a visible commitment to safety
and quality (Morris 2012) and through its impact on nurse
work environments and workplace behaviours. These
outcomes are interrelated in complex ways and can only
be achieved by leaders with an ability to provide strategic
leadership within a systems framework.

Patient outcomes

Nurse leaders have a unique role in promoting patient

safety because they lead and manage a workforce which
has the highest level of contact and most diverse range
of interactions with patients (Riley 2009). The breadth of
activities undertaken by nurses include care coordination,
infection control, medication management, assistance
with the activities of daily living, psychosocial support
and general nursing care. Nurses are central to delivering

Australian College of Nursing | Nurse Leadership White Paper

high-quality patient care and securing positive patient

outcomes. However, nurses do not operate in isolation.
Their ability to provide best-practice care is influenced
by the environment in which they work, their interactions
with other health care providers and the level of support
and resources available. Strong leadership at all levels,
from the nursing unit manager to state and federal
governments, is necessary to ensure all these factors are
in place.
Positive leadership styles have been directly correlated
with patient outcomes and complications across a
broad range of clinical settings (Wong et al. 2013).
For example, effective leadership has been linked with
lower rates of urinary tract infections, pneumonia and brain
haemorrhage in neonates (Houser 2003, Pollack and
Koch 2003). Nursing units with strong leadership have
also been shown to have lower rates of medication errors
and patient falls (Houser 2003; Capuano et al. 2005;
Vogus and Sutcliffe 2007). In the aged care setting,
researchers have found a relationship between effective
nurse leadership and lower rates of restraint use,
behavioural problems and complications of immobility
(Anderson et al. 2003). Effective leadership styles have
also been linked to lower patient mortality (Houser 2003;
Capuano et al. 2005; Cummings et al. 2010), as well
as shorter patient stays (Paquet et al. 2013) and higher
patient satisfaction ratings (Havig et al. 2011). These
studies suggest that effective leadership styles facilitate
high-quality care, improve patient outcomes and prevent
deaths (Wong and Cummings 2007).

Positive work environments

Nursing work environments and workforce issues are

significant because they have an important impact on
nurses ability to deliver safe, effective and high-quality
care. Creating a positive work environment is the shared
responsibility of employers, management and staff. All
nurses have a role to play in maintaining a supportive work
environment but nurse leaders can make a significant
impact. There is a large body of evidence which links
practice environment characteristics such as workplace
culture, staffing levels and mix, interprofessional
collaboration, job satisfaction and burn-out to care quality,
productivity, patient outcomes and patient satisfaction
(Aiken et al. 2011; Hinno et al. 2012; McHugh et al. 2011;
Nantsupawat 2011; Roche et al. 2012; Trinkoff 2011;
Twigg et al. 2013; You et al. 2013; Van Bogaert et al. 2014).
For these reasons, it is important to articulate the role
that effective leadership can play in improving nurse
work environments.
Positive workplace environments do not just happen,
they are built and sustained by strong nurse leaders.
(Duffield et al. 2011, Malloy and Penprase 2010). Highquality nursing work environments empower nurses
by giving them autonomy and accountability within
their scope of practice, as well as support, resources
and opportunities to grow. The extent to which nurses
experience their workplace as empowering is linked to
the behaviours and practices of leaders (Laschinger et
al. 2012). A number of studies link positive leadership
behaviours, including transformational leadership
practices, to the creation of positive and empowering work
environments (Laschinger et al. 2012).
Nurse leaders who develop strong working relationships
with staff members, acknowledge individual contributions
and create informal opportunities for staff to come
together are critical to staff wellbeing at work. Nurses
who feel valued by colleagues and recognised for their
contributions by management are more likely to be
satisfied at work (Wang et al. 2011). Transformational

Australian College of Nursing | Nurse Leadership White Paper

leadership, in particular, tends to support nurses selfefficacy and sense of competence in the workplace
(Salanova et al. 2011).
Leaders play an important role in driving change in
nursing units, including both cultural and practice change.
Researchers have pointed to nurse organisational leaders
key roles in creating positive practice environments which
support patient safety, particularly at the level of the nurse
unit leader (Duffield et al. 2011). Nurse leaders at the unit
level can role model behaviours such as mentoring and
demonstrate their commitment to creating a learning
environment by valuing feedback from patients and staff
and encouraging professional development (Metcalfe
2010; White 2011). They can also lead improvements in
service delivery which support a shared interdisciplinary
focus on the patients goals rather than a siloed approach
to care delivered by different interprofessional groups
(Keenan et al. 2014). Strong clinical leadership at the unit
level is also needed to drive changes in nursing practice
within evidence-based practice models (Lusardi 2012).
Researchers have suggested that emotionally intelligent
leadership may be able to address dysfunctional
workplace relationships by modelling organisational values
and managing conflict. Nurse leaders who are focussed
on outcomes and targets to the exclusion of people
and relationships may be slower to address a culture of
bullying and are more likely to attribute workplace conflict
to individuals rather than organisational practices and
policies (Hutchinson and Hurley 2013). Leaders are able
to change workplace culture by modelling professional
behaviours, socialising new members, using effective
conflict resolution techniques and implementing a zero
tolerance culture for violence and bullying (Tomey 2009).

Financial performance

Effective nurse leadership within formal management

structures is also critical to delivering strong financial
performance. In many organisations, nursing services are
the largest cost centre. Nurse leaders are required to make

sound fiscal decisions without compromising quality of

care or undermining staff satisfaction (Swearingen 2009).
Effective nurse leaders at the unit and executive levels
are able to create a sense of ownership of financial goals
within nursing teams and build a shared understanding
with financial decision-makers (Goetz et al. 2011). Within
a health system, that is increasingly facing financial
challenges in meeting the demand for health care, the role
of these nurse leaders is, and will continue to be, critical in
achieving the financial and clinical outcomes required.


Retention of nursing staff is a key issue from an

organisational perspective. Health care providers operate
in a competitive labour market, and there are significant
costs related to staff turnover: recruitment costs, legal
and human resource costs, pressure on other staff and the
cost of training and orienting new team members
(Duffield et al. 2011). High levels of staff movement also
have an impact on cohesion within the nursing team
and continuity of care, which influence patient outcomes
(Duffield et al. 2009). A broad range of factors can
influence commitment, intention to leave and retention,
however, effective leadership is a key predictor of high
organisational commitment and low turnover. The
predicted workforce shortage also increases the focus on
successful retention of staff.
Australian research has demonstrated that poor work
environments are a predictor of nurses intention to leave.
Factors such as inadequate staffing, inappropriate skill
mix, a lack of involvement in decision-making, limited
career pathways and negative workplace culture are
associated with less commitment to the organisation and
to nursing as a career (Dawson et al. 2014). In contrast,
work environments in which nursing unit managers provide
effective and visible leadership, consult with staff and
recognise nurses contributions are associated with higher
job satisfaction and intent to stay (Duffield et al. 2011).
Leadership plays a role in retention through the creation
of positive workplaces (Duffield et al. 2011). Nurse
leadership is critical for the establishment of best-practice
working conditions, including appropriate staffing levels
and mix, which are linked to nurses job satisfaction

Australian College of Nursing | Nurse Leadership White Paper

(Hairr et al. 2014). Strong leadership also underpins the

creation of empowering workplace cultures, as described
above. In contrast, work environments which fail to
support nurses autonomy, foster a supportive culture or
encourage professional growth tend to have higher rates
turnover (Hauck et al. 2011).
Supportive nurse leaders are also able to buffer the effects
of job stressors such as high role demands and workloads
which contribute to high turnover. For example, nurse
leaders in managerial positions are in key positions to
reorganise workloads, reallocate resources and change
staffing patterns (Chan et al. 2013). Empowered nurse
leaders who have influence within the organisation can
also secure additional resources or improved working
conditions for nurses.
The nurse leaders ability to enlist team members in
a shared vision is also an important factor in nurses
commitment to the nursing unit and the organisation.
Research has demonstrated that the presence of a
clearly articulated philosophy of nursing is an important
determinant of nurse satisfaction (Duffield et al. 2011).
Effective leaders encourage the development of a shared
vision by engaging in open communication and involving
nurses in the planning and goal setting process, as well as
by enacting and encouraging the development of common
values in the nursing team (Chan et al. 2013).
Recruitment &
retainment of skilled
& engaged workforce

Organisation structure
& leadership


Improving health

Maintaining productivity
& cost effectiveness
of health services


The importance of nurse leadership positions has been recognised internationally in a number of key
documents including the Institute of Medicines report, The Future of Nursing and the report of the Mid
Staffordshire NHS Foundation Trust Public Inquiry (the Francis report). Despite the recognition of the need
for nurse leadership at the highest levels, nurse leadership positions are not always secure within health
care organisations and the wider health system. Nurse leaders currently occupying formal leadership
positions at all levels sometimes lack the resources, visibility or formal authority to be optimally effective.
This section briefly outlines the key barriers that exist in
relation to ensuring that nurse leaders are able to make a
maximal contribution to driving change from ward to board.
A critical challenge is to ensure that health care providers
maintain nurse leadership positions at appropriate levels
within organisational structures (Kings Fund 2009). In the
current economic climate, there is a risk that the redesign
of health care organisations management structures
may result in the removal of nurse leadership roles at the
executive level, as happened in Canada in the mid-2000s
(Storch et al. 2013). There must be organisational support
for visible and influential nurse leadership roles at the level
of the nursing unit, middle management and the executive
leadership team. In a system that is facing workforce
challenges, financial imperatives and questions, at times,
on the quality of care, the key contribution that nurse
leaders can make must not be ignored. For those in nurse
leadership roles there are other threats that undermine
their capacity to contribute to the fullest possible extent.
At the unit level, the most significant threat is underresourcing of the role. Nursing unit managers may find
that there is a mismatch between their perceived authority
and their actual influence within the organisation, which
can undermine their ability to lead. The ability of nurse
unit leaders to balance conflicting demands and provide
effective leadership depends not only on their preparation
for leadership roles, but also on the organisational support
and recognition they are given in terms of time, resources
and personnel.
An excessive administrative burden can draw nursing
unit managers away from clinical leadership, mentoring
and communicating with their teams, which reduces their
capacity to provide day-to-day leadership and develop a
strategic vision for the unit (Locke et al. 2011). In 2008,
the Report into Acute Care Services in NSW Public
Hospitals (the Garling Report) noted, with concern, that
Australian College of Nursing | Nurse Leadership White Paper

nursing unit managers spent more than half their time on

non-clinical responsibilities which drew them away from
leading and supervising patient care (Garling 2008).
This role conflict between managerial duties and patient
care can ultimately be reflected in lapses in care, nearmisses and adverse outcomes.
At the health systems level, there is often a lack of
recognition of the importance of nurse leadership in
driving change. Nurse leaders have a vital role to play
at the highest levels of the health system, including in
government, national agencies and health care advocacy
organisations. Nurse leaders at this level are well-placed
to provide input into strategic decision making on
workforce issues and the structure and design of the
health system. They bring a unique, collaborative and
patient-centred perspective to these decisions, as well
as representing Australias largest health professional
group. Whereas it is taken for granted that governments
and health system bureaucracies should seek medical
input into major strategic directions, the importance of
formally involving nurse leaders is not always recognised.
It is essential that decision-makers recognise the need
for nursing expertise and for nurse leadership roles at the
health systems level.
Failure to effectively utilise nurse leaders across the health
care system will limit the systems capacity to meet the
demands for health care into the future. Nurse leadership
will be essential to securing an appropriately sized and
skilled nurse workforce, designing innovative models of
care delivery, securing strong financial performance and
ensuring that patient safety is embedded throughout the
health system. Nurse leaders are a valuable resource
with the potential to make significant contributions to
the transformation of the health system. There is now an
opportunity to draw on nurse leaders to build a health care
system which is effective, efficient and responsive to the
needs of all Australians.


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