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A New Approach to Fixed Cutter Bits

Michael Azar
Wiley Long
Allen White
Houston, Texas, USA

The goal of drillers everywhere is to drill as quickly as possible from casing shoe to

Chance Copeland
Midland, Texas

is central to achieving this goal. A new bit, which has conical diamond cutting

Ryan Hempton
Cimarex Energy Company
Midland, Texas

penetration rates through challenging formations. This bit also delivers higher build

casing point without compromising borehole quality. The bit, which must withstand
variations in lithology, formation compressive strength and numerous other factors,
elements arrayed across its face, is attaining extended run lengths and increased
rates and a balanced steering response in directional drilling applications.

Mikhail Pak
Moscow, Russia
Oilfield Review 27, no. 2 (September 2015).
Copyright 2015 Schlumberger.
For help in preparation of this article, thanks to Diane
Jordan, Houston.
IDEAS, ONYX 360, StingBlade and Stinger are marks of
1. Ortiz B, Casallas C and Parra H: Improved Bit Stability
Reduces Downhole Harmonics (Vibrations), paper
IADC/SPE 36413, presented at the IADC/SPE Asia Pacific
Drilling Technology Conference and Exhibition,
Kuala Lumpur, September 911, 1996.
2. Bit whirl occurs when a bits axis of rotation is not in line
with the bits physical center. Instead, one of the cutters
becomes an instantaneous center of rotation, forcing the
bit to rotate about this contact point rather than about the
bit center. As the bit rotates about this contact point,
friction builds between the wellbore wall and bit, and
torque in the drillstring increases, which can force the bit
to move in reverse relative to the surface rotation of the
drillstring, or laterally, creating high-impact loads on the
bit and BHA.
For more on bit whirl: Centala P, Challa V, Durairajan B,
Meehan R, Paez L, Partin U, Segal S, Wu S, Garrett I,
Teggart B and Tetley N: Bit DesignTop to Bottom,
Oilfield Review 23, no. 2 (Summer 2011): 417.
Brett JF, Warren TM and Behr SM: Bit Whirl: A New
Theory of PDC Bit Failure, paper SPE 19571, presented
at the 64th SPE Annual Technical Conference and
Exhibition, San Antonio, Texas, USA, October 811, 1989.
3. Allamon JP, McKown T, Hill D, Brooks BA, Bayoud BB
and Winters WJ: Diamond Bit Handling and Operation,
paper SPE/IADC 16144, presented at the SPE/IADC
Drilling Conference, New Orleans, March 1518, 1987.


Oilfield Review

September 2015






Relative scale

The price of drilling into certain formations is paid

in terms of shock and vibration to downhole tools,
slow penetration rates and damaged bits. Hard or
abrasive sandstones, interbedded sands and
shales, conglomerates, carbonates containing
chert and clays containing pyrite are particularly
tough on drill bits. Encounters with such formations may compel drillers to trip out of the hole to
exchange their damaged bit for something harder.
Diamonds, one of the hardest materials in the
world, have been used in drilling applications
since about 1910, when they were first used in coring bits. By the early 1920s, they were incorporated
into fullbore drill bits. In the 1970s, synthetic diamonds, bonded onto tungsten carbide, led to the
development of fixed cutter polycrystalline diamond compact (PDC) bits. Further advances in
materials science and manufacturing have led to a
new generation of fixed cutter PDC bits, which
continue to evolve to meet the challenge of drilling
in variable lithologies and along complex trajectories. However, even a PDC cutter is subject to chipping and impact damage that can slow progress or
force the driller to trip for a new bit.
Although rate of penetration (ROP) typically
increases following a bit change, the time spent
tripping out of the hole and back to bottom is flat,
or nonproductive, time not spent on drilling,
which adversely impacts efficiency and drilling
costs. The most obvious way to increase drilling
efficiency and reduce costs is to drill from the casing shoe to the next casing point as quickly as possible using just one bit. When this ideal is not
attained, operators must choose between staying
on bottom and enduring lower penetration rates
or tripping for a new bit to increase ROP. Each
choice exacts a penalty in terms of rig time. Often,
bit selection requires a compromise that balances
impact and wear resistance against ROP.
Within local basins, bit selection is typically
driven by operator experience in drilling through a
particular formation. Carbonate formations can be
characterized by a range of lithologiessome of
which are easier to drill than othersfrom soft
marls and limestones to hard and brittle dolomites. Evaporites also present a variety of challenges, including cutter overload in hard
anhydrites, inhibited drilling efficiency in laminated gypsum, and washouts in soluble salts.
Clastics may reduce ROP when the cuttings stick
to the bit and obstruct the bits junk slots and
waterways. Sandstones and siltstones often cause
abrasive wear. Some plays lie beneath basalts,
which can be especially hard and abrasive.
Formation depth also plays a role in bit selection because formation compressive strength tends
to increase with depth. Some formations are notori-



CDE cross section



PDC cross section



Figure 1. Conical diamond element (CDE). The Stinger CDE (left ), manufactured under high temperature
and pressure, has a layer of synthetic diamond that is substantially thicker than that of a conventional
PDC cutter (right ). The polycrystalline diamond material of the conical cutter is engineered to provide a
level of impact strength and resistance to abrasive wear that is higher than that of the conventional
PDC cutter (center ).

ously hard, having compressive strengths that

range from 207 to 380MPa [30,000 to 55,000psi]
and, depending on thickness, may require several
days and several bits to drill through.
Matching the right bit to a formation might not
be so difficult but for the fact that most formations
are not homogeneous. Frequently, multiple or
mixed lithologies lie between the bit and the next
casing point. And it is the abrupt transition from
one rock type to another that can lead to bit damage and durability problems. Drilling from one
lithology to anotheror from one compressive
strength regime to anothercan produce high
instantaneous impact forces, cyclic lateral forces
and vibrations that can cause accelerated bit wear
and failure. When retrieved to surface, a PDC bit
that has failed because of vibration will have chips,
fractures and gross cutter breakageall attributable to severe impacts on the diamond table of the
PDC cutting structure.1
At the surface, lithologic changes may register as fluctuations in rotary torque or ROP, but
such indicators only hint at what is happening
downhole. A hard, abrasive sandstone, for example, may cause accelerated cutter wear or damage. Some otherwise soft shale formations offer
deceptively hard drilling, owing to the presence
of calcite concretions or pyrite nodules, which
are significantly harder than the shale mass
itself. Calcite [CaCO3] concretions are formed
through solution deposition and may range from
a few cm to 30cm [1in. to 1ft] in diameter. These
concretions can have compressive strengths in
excess of 260MPa [38,000psi], whereas the surrounding shale may have a compressive strength

of around 34MPa [5,000psi]. Similarly, small

nodules of pyrite [FeS2], often found in shale, can
also be troublesome.
Drilling into a formation characterized by
mixed lithologies can create intense cutter loading
and cyclic lateral forces that cause bit whirl, which
in turn, leads to impact damage of PDC cutters.2
The formation characteristics, bit design and the
required bit performance will determine if modification of operating parameters will support further drilling or warrant a trip for a new bit.3
In hard formations, the driller must increase
weight on bit (WOB) to overcome the formation
shear strength needed to fail the rock and maintain an acceptable ROP. However, higher WOB significantly increases cutter loading, which can lead
to microchipping of the diamond table in PDC cutters. The bit dulls as the cutter wear flat area
increases, which increases frictional heating at
the interface between cutter and rock, potentially
weakening the diamond cutting element.
Not only is transition drilling a problem; the
capability to drill through a curve is a significant
challenge for plays in which economics of production depend on lateral drilling. Building angle
generates considerable torque at the bit and can
create toolface control difficulties for some PDC
bits, making it difficult to maintain trajectory.
To address these challenges, bit engineers
developed a fixed cutter bit that employs a unique
type of cutting element. The Stinger conical diamond element (CDE) provides a significantly
thicker layer of diamond than do conventional
PDC cutters (Figure 1).


focuses on the StingBlade bit, its design and its

performance in drilling some of the toughest formations around the world.

Figure 2. Centrally placed conical diamond element

(CDE). By removing cutting structures from the bit
center (left), space is created for the CDE (right).
During drilling, this space leaves a small column
of rock, which is easily crushed by the CDE.

The StingBlade conical diamond element bit

incorporates an array of Stinger cutting elements
across the bit face. Depending on the application,
these cutting elements may be positioned anywhere from bit center to gauge. This cutter array
has enabled operators to improve ROP and drill
significantly longer intervals than was possible
using conventional PDC bits. In some wells,
StingBlade bits were able to drill continuously
from shoe to casing point in a single run through
formations in which this was previously impossible. In addition, the new bit design has provided
improved toolface control in challenging directional applications. The following discussion

Bit Design
The Stinger conical diamond element was initially
introduced as a stand-alone cutting element
placed at the bit center to improve ROP and
enhance dynamic stability for PDC bits (Figure 2).
In this center position, the conical element fractured and crushed the rock as the PDC cutters
sheared the rock.4 The design team at Smith Bits
recognized the potential for increased drilling efficiency using multiple Stinger elements to fail the
rock through a combination of shearing and plowing actions. Bit design engineers used finite element analysis (FEA) to experiment with CDE
cutter placement and to model the resulting
changes in drilling performance.
The conical elements were placed at various
positions across the bit face. This design process
yielded a stronger overall cutting structure compared with that of conventional fixed cutter PDC
bits. As they experimented with Stinger element
placement across the bit face, the design engineers recognized the potential for improving
design configurations and the benefits of using
specific configurations to address specific drilling challenges (Figure 3).
Testing the Hypothesis
Design engineers conducted a series of laboratory
tests to evaluate Stinger conical diamond element

Figure 3. Variations in cutter placement. Depending on the application, cutter placement on the
StingBlade bit may vary from single and double rows of CDE cutters (left ) to alternating rows of PDC
and CDE cutters (right).


performance and durability. One test compared

impact strength relative to that of a conventional
polycrystalline diamond cutter element. Both elements were dropped onto a hardened steel block
with an impact force of 80,000N [18,000lbf]. This
experiment simulated typical transitional drilling
conditions when a PDC bit drilling at an ROP of
18m/h [60ft/h] exits soft shale and penetrates
hard limestone. On first impact with the steel
block, the sharp edge of the conventional PDC
cutter was severely damaged (Figure 4). By contrast, the conical element survived more than 100
impacts at 80,000N without damage. Greater
impact resistance of the CDE, which has a thicker
diamond layer, translates into extended run
lengths and improved penetration rates in impactprone settings.
In a separate test, a vertical turret lathe was
used to measure wear resistance. The conical element was lowered onto a rotating test bed of
granite having a compressive strength of 207MPa
[30,000psi]. After force was applied to the CDE,
depth of cut and amount of wear were measured.
Compared with a standard PDC cutter, the conical element exhibited greater wear resistance
and cutting efficiency. For example, under an
applied force of 5,300N [1,200lbf], a 0.5-mm
[0.02-in.] depth of cut by the CDE resulted in a
70% increase in cutting efficiency; at 1.3-mm
[0.05-in.] depth of cut, the CDE cutter was 35%
more efficient.5 The results also showed that the
conical element dissipated frictional heat more
efficiently than did conventional PDC cutters.
To investigate the conical elements capability to induce rock failure, bit design engineers
turned to FEA modeling, which allowed them to
evaluate the Stinger elements performance within
the controlled environment of a virtual downhole
setting. The FEA modeling demonstrated that
the conical diamond element exerts concentrated point loading to fail highcompressive
strength formations. By creating a high-stress
concentration at the contact point, the CDE
increases fracture generation at the rock face
while requiring significantly less applied force
compared to that of standard PDC cutters.6
Through FEA modeling, engineers investigated the effects of conical elements on bit and
BHA stability by comparing the forces sustained
by conventional PDC cutters with those of CDE
cutters. Among the most destructive products of
those forces are lateral and axial vibration. In
addition to damaging downhole equipment, these
vibrations create undesirable drillstring harmonics and divert mechanical energy from the drilling system, resulting in lower ROPs. The modeling

Oilfield Review

Figure 4. Impact testing. A technician prepares cutters for testing (left). Still images from a motion picture indicate that the conventional PDC cutter (center,
gray rounded element) failed on the first impact; the conical diamond element survived 100 impacts without damage (right ).

showed that the balanced profile of the conical

diamond element subjects the cutter to less lateral force, which provides greater stability for
longer bit runs while mitigating shock and vibration effects to prolong the life of LWD and steering components in the BHA (Figure 5).
The design process also led bit engineers to
surmise that the plowing action of the conical ele4. Bruton G, Crockett R, Taylor M, DenBoer D, Lund J,
Fleming C, Ford R, Garcia G and White A: PDC Bit
Technology for the 21st Century, Oilfield Review 26,
no. 2 (Summer 2014): 4857.
5. Azar M, White A, Velvaluri S, Beheiry K and Johny MM:
Middle East Hard/Abrasive Formation Challenge:
Reducing PDC Cutter Volume at Bit Center Increases
ROP/Drilling Efficiency, paper SPE/IADC 166755,
presented at the SPE/IADC Middle East Drilling
Technology Conference and Exhibition, Dubai,
October 79, 2013.
6. German V, Pak M and Azar M: Conical Diamond Element
Bit Sets New Performance Benchmarks Drilling
Extremely Hard Carbonate/Chert Formations, Perm
Region Russia, paper SPE/IADC 173144, presented at the
SPE/IADC Drilling Conference and Exhibition, London,
March 1719, 2015.

September 2015

ment might produce less torque than the shearing

action of conventional PDC cutters. To confirm
this hypothesis, the engineers subjected the bit to
extensive testing, starting with FEA modeling, followed by evaluations in their rock mechanics
laboratory. Next, downhole testing was carried
out at a wellsite on the grounds of the
Schlumberger Cameron Test and Training Facility
in Texas, USA. This test compared the directional
response of a StingBlade bit to that of a conventional PDC bit as each drilled a curve section
through interbedded limestone, shale and sandstone that had compressive strengths ranging
from 69 to 103MPa [10,000 to 15,000psi]. The bit
tests were conducted from identical kickoff points
in adjacent wells on the same pad, using the same
rig, motor type and directional driller. The
StingBlade bit attained 23% higher build rates. It
also exhibited better toolface control, requiring
less intervention by the directional driller to stay


Figure 5. Stability as a function of resultant lateral

force. The FEA modeling shows how resultant
lateral force, applied by combining weight on bit
with torque, is distributed at the cutter element.
When applied to a conventional PDC cutter (left ),
the forces (dashed orange lines) are spread along
the leading edge of the cutter. The forces
concentrate more symmetrically at the tip of the
conical element (right). Balancing this distribution
of resultant lateral forces is key to reducing lateral
shocks and vibrations induced at the drill bit.



StingBlade bit

Depth, ft

PDC bit



Toolface angle, degree



Figure 6. Toolface angle. Changes in mud motor toolface orientation served as

a gauge of downhole torque in field tests comparing PDC bit performance with
that of a CDE bit. Despite changes in drilling parameters, such as weight on
bit, the StingBlade bit experienced low fluctuations in reactive torque while
building angle through formations of varying compressive strength.

on target (Figure 6). The higher build rates delivered by the StingBlade bit enabled it to land the
curve 20m [65ft] sooner than the standard PDC bit.
Drilling the Curve in Variable Lithologies
In Lea County, New Mexico, USA, Cimarex Energy
is targeting the Delaware basin Avalon shale

play.7 There, wells are typically drilled vertically

to the Bone Spring Limestone, then kicked off
with a bent sub and motor. The directional driller
builds angle to 90 at 12/100ft [12/30m], to
land the wellbore in the Avalon shale, after which
the well is extended horizontally. The Avalon
shale contains numerous stringers of interbed-




Figure 7. Alternating CDE and PDC cutting elements. Using FEA modeling of cutting action, bit
engineers created a StingBlade bit design to plow, then shear the rock (left). Stinger cutting elements
create troughs separated by a small ridge (right). This ridge of stress-relieved rock is then easily
sheared by the PDC cutter.


ded carbonates and is characterized by unconfined compressive strengths ranging from 9,000
to 30,000psi [62 to 207MPa].
The highly variable lithology creates challenges for directional drillers in the form of bit
whirl and axial, lateral and torsional vibrations.
These problems cause the bent motor assembly
to deviate from its intended course, thus forcing
the directional driller to reorient the toolface
and adjust the trajectory to get back on target.
Each toolface adjustment creates additional time
not spent drilling in the desired direction, resulting in a longer curve section and increased
potential for missing the target.
In general, standard fixed cutter bits can be
affected by variable formations, as evidenced by
erratic toolface control and difficulty in drilling
tight curves. Consequently, operators in this area
typically rely on roller cone bits to drill the curve
and have lately turned to a premium roller cone
hybrid bit. These bits produce consistent torque
responses for better steering control; however,
they also drill at lower ROPs than do PDC bits.
Although the operator had success with the
roller cone hybrid, the bit did not consistently
drill the entire curve in a single run. A review of
bit records for nine wells drilled by Cimarex
within five miles of the target wellsite showed
completion of the curved section using one bit in
only 55% of the wells and an average ROP of
20.8ft/h [6.34m/h].
Based on bit performance and wear analysis
in offset wells, Smith Bit engineers evaluated key
areas along the bit face to determine where CDE
placement would prove most effective. Using the
IDEAS integrated drillbit design platform, they
developed a fixed cutter bit having an alternating
CDE and PDC cutter configuration. With this
design, the conical diamond elements score the
rock, creating two adjacent troughs. A PDC cutter, which trails behind the pair of CDEs, then
shears away the unconfined rock ridge between
the troughs (Figure 7). This arrangement
requires lower force than is needed using traditional PDC cutting structures, providing more
efficient rock removal with less reactive torque.
Cimarex engineers selected an 8 3/4-in.
StingBlade bit to drill the curve interval in its
next two Avalon shale wells. Each bit drilled the
curve in just one run with no significant toolface
7. Hempton R, Copeland C, Cox G, Faught J, Blackmon W,
Prewitt E, McDonough S and White A: Innovative
Conical Diamond Element Bits Drill Back-to-Back Tight
Curves in One Run, Improving Economics While Reducing
Risk in Avalon Shale Play, New Mexico, paper SPE
175534, presented at the SPE Liquids-Rich Basins
ConferenceNorth America, Midland, Texas,
September 23, 2015.
8. For more on the ONYX 360 rolling cutter: Bruton et al,
reference 4.

Oilfield Review



Figure 8. Conical diamond element bits after a full curve run. Bits pulled from wells are assessed using industry standard dull grading criteria. Increasingly,
these assessments are supplemented with digital photographs. The first bit (left) displayed slight chipping on one Stinger element in the trailing position on
the nose of Blade 3 and on one PDC cutter on the nose of Blade 4 (circled). The bit pulled from a second well (right ) shows a delaminated and worn PDC
cutter in the cone of Blade 3 and a chipped and worn CDE cutter on the shoulder of Blade 5 (circled).

control problems. The configuration of the conical diamond elements also helped protect the
PDC cutters; when pulled from the hole, the bits
were graded in very good condition (Figure 8).
Furthermore, protection of the PDC cutters contributed to an improvement in ROP. Compared
with bit performance from the previous nine
wells, the StingBlade bits were able to complete
the curve interval at an ROP that was 36% faster
than the average roller cone hybrid one-run bit.

Broader Horizons
Advances in bit design software, materials science and manufacturing enable bit engineers to
not only test their ideas in the laboratory but to
also see their designs come to fruition within days
of conception. As a result, the variety of StingBlade
bit designs is expanding rapidly to address a number of challenges. Already, Stinger cutting elements are being mounted on steel or composite
bit bodies of various blade configurations, fre-

quently in conjunction with conventional PDC

cutters or with ONYX 360 rolling cutters.8
Variations on the original design now include
several types of StingBlade bits in a range of bit
diameters (Figure 9). Although early StingBlade
bit designs addressed specialized applications,
its versatility is allowing the Stinger conical diamond element to quickly expand into more routine applications.

Rolling cutter

Figure 9. StingBlade bit variations. Of the dozens of configurations designed for different drilling applications, five examples are shown. Designed for drilling
hard carbonates with high concentrations of chert, this bit (A) uses Stinger elements to help support PDC cutter loading in applications that have potential
for impact damage. Designed for highly interbedded formations, this bit (B) has alternating PDC and Stinger elements on the leading position of each blade
to reduce torque variation and improve toolface control for curve intervals. A third variation (C), for hard, abrasive formations, uses Stinger elements to help
support PDC cutter loading; ONYX 360 rolling cutters are strategically placed for wear resistance. Another design utilizes Stinger elements only (D); this bit
is intended for granites or other extremely hard, abrasive igneous rocks. The Stinger cutting elements provide high concentrated point loading to fail the
rock. Utilized in soft formations with hard stringers, the three-bladed bit (E) tends to drill faster than conventional five-bladed bits; the Stinger elements
protect the PDC cutters from impact damage while the bit is transitioning through hard stringers.

September 2015


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