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Internal Audit Checklist of Stores & Spares

Store may be categorized into the following categories


Raw Material Store.

Engineering / General Stores.
Finshed Goods Store - Warehouse .

Categorise the Total Store Inventory into the following classification.

Slow moving inventory items that have moved slowly during the period of audit ( A
criteria may be set in this regard )
Non moving inventory item that have not moved during the period of audit ( A
criteria may be set in this regard )
The classification into Slow Moving / Non Moving inventory should be made for all the
stores RM / Engineering / Finished Goods.

The Slow / Non moving inventory should be further classified into the following categories The
value and quantity of (a)

Item that will be consumed in the next few months.


Items that can be sold off being not required.


Insurance spares - in case of Engineering stores.


Items that have to be scrapped useful life being over.

Check the Goods Received Notes (GRN) to ensure that the GRN are properly filled in. Ensure
that all the columns of the GRN have been completely filled in.

Ensure that inspection by the proper person has been made and his remark has been entered on GRN.
Locate the cases where unreasonable delay has taken place in carrying out the inspection of the
material. Check that the date of inspection is put on the GRN by the person who has carried out the

The GRN should have a serial control and the GRN should be authorised by a responsible official.

Ensure that an action plan has been drawn to dispose off / sell the Non-moving inventory.

Check the Material Requisition Notes / Material Issue Note (MRN / MIN) in respect of the issue of
material to production. Ensure that the Material Requisition Notes / Material Issue Notes are properly
and completely filled in.

Further check that details of quantity of stock in hand are filled in all the Material Requisition
Notes before the MRN are sent to the Purchase Department for effecting further purchases. All the
columns in the NMRN / MIN should be filled in.

Ensure that the MRN / MIN are authorized by a responsible official.

Ensure that the stores stock ledgers are kept uptodate and entries in respect of receipts / issues are
made on a daily basis.

Carry out a physical verification of say 10% items in the stores inventory (All A items should be
verified 100%)and check whether the physical balances agree with the book balances appearing in
the stores ledger. Comment upon the discrepancies, if any.

Enquire whether there is a system of Perpetual Inventory in force where at any point of time the book
balances agree with the physical balances. The system of continuous stock taking - perpetual
inventory should be such that every single item is covered at the physical stock take at least once in
a year.

Check that Norms (No of days consumption) have been determined in respect of inventory level of
Raw Material. The inventory level should be maintained at that level. Comment if the inventory
levels are at a higher level as compared to the Norms.

Ensure that the stores - warehouse inventory is kept properly segregated with clear identification
marks. Further, the imported material and the material bought under Advance licence should be
stored separately and with prominent identification tags.

Check that entries in the records of the gate have been made for all the inward material. Check the
entries in the gate register with the GRR / Invoices of the supplier. The gate entry should be made
on the face / back of the suppliers invoice.

Ensure that the Rejected Material is kept separately and the material is returned back to the supplier
only after adjustment of outstanding balance in Accounts.

Ensure that the Material Requisition Note - INDENT - format has separate columns for showing stockin hand and - Item consumption pattern for the last 6 months.

Ensure that the shortages in the receipt of material are duly taken care of by recovering the amount
from the transporters / supplier/insurance companies. Check that there is a proper control over the
claims pertaining to shortage of material.

In case of Engineering Stores ensure that proper identification tags / codes are put on the bins for
identification of material.

Check that the return of material from shop floor - production to the stores is effected through
Material Return Note (MRN) only. Ensure that the MRN are duly authorized by a responsible
person and all the columns of the MRN are properly and completely filled in.

Check whether an ABC analysis of the stores inventory is carried out both by value and
consumption. Comment upon the need for an ABC classification of inventory for ensuring a proper

Ensure that a proper control is kept by Stores over items sent outside for job work/repair etc
(Material sent under a Returnable Gate Pass)Check that the list of pending items (RGP) is prepared
on a regular basis and the materials sent are received back within a reasonable period.

Ensure that various items forming part of the Stores inventory are stored properly and safely. For
example in case of chemicals, ensure that the containers are kept safely and not exposed to rain /
heat /sunlight etc. Carry out a review of all the items Stores-Raw material/General/Engg/Packing
material and the finished goods warehouse.

Check the procedure adopted in the Stores for carrying out the inspection of material. Ensure that
a place is earmarked for inspection in stores.

Ascertain the status of Pending GRR in the stores - (a) Items where the material has been received
but the GRR have not been made and (b) cases where the GRR is made but pending to be sent to
the Accounts for further processing on account of want of information. Check that the material
received/ GRR preparation and authorisation / sent to accounts cycle is completed within the
shortest possible time.

Issues after General Working hours

Enquire into the procedure of making Issues in the night/after general office hours. If the Stores
also works in shifts then it may not pose any problem but at such plants where the stores operates
only during the normal working hours then enquire whether any Night Issues Register is maintained
and entries in the night register duly regularized / authorized next morning by a responsible and
authorized person.

Ensure that all key items in the Stores (above or certain value, to be decided by Unit Management)
are insured against fire, theft etc.

Check whether there are adequate fire fighting arrangements in the Stores e.g. required no of fire
extinguishers etc, required in the event of fire etc and as part of industrial regulations.

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