HW 3

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CSCI 415 Computer Networks

Homework 3
Due 02/27/08
Saad Mneimneh
Computer Science
Hunter College of CUNY

Problem 1: Error correcting codes

Suppose that a parity check code has a minimum distance d. Define the distance
of a code word and a received string (of the same length) as the number of bit
positions in which the two are different (thats the Hamming distance).
(a) Show that if the distance between a code word and a given string is less
than d/2, the distance between any other code word and the given string must
exceed d/2.
(b) Show that if a decoder maps a given string into a code word at smallest
distance from the string, all combinations of fewer than d/2 erros will be corrected.

Problem 2: CRC
(a) For the generator polynomial g = 110011 and the data bits (message)
m = 11100011 find the CRC and the transmitted string T (since g is 6 bits, i.e.
a polynomial of degree 5, L = 5 and the CRC should be 5 bits).
(b) Suppose g = 1001 and the received T = 1010101, did any transmission errors occur?
(c) Suppose g = 101 and the received T = 1100110, did any transmission errors
(d) Suppose g = 1011 and m = 10010. Give the shift register implementation
of the CRC generator and show the register sequence for generating the CRC
with the above value for m.
(e) Suppose an error occurs only in the data bits (CRC bits unchanged). Argue
that this error may not be detected.
(f) Suppose an error occurs only in the CRC bits. Argue that this error must
be detected.

Problem 3: Stop and Wait variants

(a) Consider the Stop and Wait protocol such that:
the receiver DLC sends a frame with request RN upon the receipt of each
frame from the sender DLC
the sender DLC sends frame SN upon the receipt of every frame from the
receiver DLC with request RN = SN (even if frame SN has not timed
out yet)
Show by an example that if the sender times out, each packet can be sent twice
(or more) over the network, which may cause congestion and more timeouts...
(that was the problem with TFTP in 1980s). Suggest a fix to the protocol to
alleviate this problem.
(b) Consider a Stop and Wait protocol where:
instead of using sequence numbers, the sender uses one bit to signify
whether the frame is original or a re-transmission (e.g. 0: original, 1:retransmission)
the receiver sends either an ACK (frame received with no errors) or a
NAK (frame received with error) without any request number
Assume that frames are never lost. The sender simply waits (never times out)
for either an ACK or a NAK or an erroneous frame.
Show by example that this strategy does not work correctly no matter what
rule the receiver DLC uses for accepting frames.
(c) (optional) For scenario (b), what if the sender uses a counter instead of just
a single bit, to indicate the re-transmission number. Therefore, it uses a 0 for
the original frame, and any subsequent re-transmission of the frame takes a new
number? What if we allow messages to be lost and the sender to timeout?

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