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The Academic Committee in its meeting held on 23-1-2016 has taken the following decisions
regarding the Design &Engg course offered in the second semester of B.Tech programme
1. The following evaluation system is approved for Design & Engineering Course
(i) First internal exam closed book exam 25 marks
(ii) Second internal exam open book exam 25 marks
(iii) Assignment/projects 50 marks
(iv) End semester exam open book exam 50 marks ( 2 hours duration conducted
by the University)
2. Recommended to include one more reference book given below in the syllabus
Dieter & Schmidt, Engineering Design, McGraw Hill Education ( India) Edition

Further Clarifications on the marks for Assignments and Projects

First Test:

Marks: 25

Closed Book;

Questions may cover:Topics covered in the lectures.

How to arrive at the design details for a specific need gap given.
Sketching the design of a product that is to meet the given user requirements.
Second Test: Marks: 25

Open Book:

Students are permitted to bring in class notes, own notes, text books and other books (
Maximum 3/4 books) for the test. Access to internet and mobile phones is NOT
See the model Semester QP to get an idea of the type of questions for an Open Book
examination. Train the students in sketching out the design ideas.
Assignments: Marks: 20 Two assignments are to be given (10 marks each). These
assignments are to cover specific design/s, sketching of the design, and a short but
well written write-up on the design.
Marks: 30 Two mini projects are to be assigned. One is to be a group project
and the other an individual one. A group of 3 or 4 students can take up the group
project. Each project is to be evaluated for 15 marks.
The Group Project is to be done in the practical hours given for the course. Projects
including the group projects are to be evaluated based on individual presentations and
answers to the questions raised. These presentations could be done during the
practical hours.

Model Question Paper for Design and Engineering

BE 102 Design and Engineering

Open Book Examination

Max.Marks: 50
Time: 2 hrs

Students can use class notes, own notes, earlier assignments and any of the text or reference
books in this examination. However access to internet and mobile phones is NOT permitted.
Use simple sketches to explain the design.
Written details should be limited to less than 20 lines
1. Think of any two design changes for an ordinary soap box that can add value to it.

2. Normal dice has six sides as shown in the figure.

Design an eight sided dice. (Only sketch the design)

3 Three different designs of candles are given below.
A: is a long and slender one; B: is short and big; C: is short and big with an aluminium cover at
the bottom (darker shade)
Give the advantages and limitations of these three designs in the following way:
Design Advantages:
Design Limitations:

4. Computer mouse has certain features (two press buttons and the scrolling wheel) that can be
given any shape. It can be a flat one, a cylindrical one or a hemispherical one. But the common
mouse design is different from the above shapes.
Why is this so?

Flat mouse

Cylindrical mouse

Hemispherical mouse

5. Why pencils are designed to have longer lengths than pens or a ball point pens?
6. Trees shed their leaves annually.
These leaves are fairly large - 6 to 20 cm average size.
Municipality would like to collect them for later use.


Design a system for the following constraints.

It should be done manually; The surface on which the leaves fall could be smooth, uneven or
rocky; The leaves are dry; Can use electricity if needed;
Give your design options and make a rough sketch of the design you have chosen giving
reasons for your choice, within 15 lines.
7. The picture of a stapler is given below.(different views are shown
The user has the complaint that he does not know how much of stapler pins are left in the
stapler. His need is to know whether there are enough stapler pins in the stapler before he uses
Can this be solved through any design modification to the stapler?
If so, what design modification to the stapler can be done to achieve this?
Sketch the solution and explain it briefly ( ten lines only).

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