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CASE NUMBER 2010-016715

"-\ "[STIC _.\ TOR:

Detective Samara Mclich EID2685

Special Operations and Investigations Division Major Case Section

Homicide Squad

2500 West Colonial Drive Orlando, Florida 32804 4-07-254-7000 Extension 70523


Type of Incident Date of Occurrence:

Time of Occurrence:

Location of Occurrence:

Accidental Death February 24, 2010 Approximately 1337 hours 7007 Sea Harbor Drive Orlando, Florida 32821 Zone 50

VleTI \-J I:\FOR '"I A TIO;\:



Date of Birth:



Dawn Therese Brancheau 40




:f. *DECEASED* ••

Drowning and traumatic injuries.


CASE NUM.BF.JllOl 0-411671 s

EID 168!i


Seen Brancheau Contact numbers:


CelL Address:



_'\~I \1,-\,1. [,\FOR:\L\ TIO\:






When acquired:

Tilikurn Shamu Orca/Killer Whale 27 years 8 months 12, 000 pounds

23 feet


Office of the District Nine Examiner 2350 East Michigan Street

Orlando, Florida 32806

(407) 836-9499 Examiner Investigator Bill Stratton

Investigator Bill Stratton responded to the scene and l.ook possession of the victim's body.

Medieal Examluer Doctor Joshu.a Stephany

On F ebruary 25~ 20 10, Doctor Joshua Stephany of the District Nine Medical Examiner's Office conducted an au topsy ou Dawn Brancheau. Doctor Stephany determined the victim's cause of death was due to drowning and traumatic injuries and the manner of death was an accident.

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EID 16085

1..-\ w f.'FORCE\IL'\T I\FOR\L\ 'nox.


11 } I North Rock Springs Road Apopka, Florida 32712

(4Q7) 254-1001

Deputy Christian Vonbargen

Deputy Christian Vonbargen was the first depnty to arrive on scene. He was working in an off-dnty capacity within Sea World when he heard the calIon the Sea World radio system. Deputy Vonbargen arrived when Sea World personnel were attempting to retrieve Dawn Branehean' s body from Tilikum the whale. He completed the incident report.

SECTOR 5 PATROL 6825 Westwood Boulevard Suite A

Orlando, Florida 32821 (4Q7) 351-9368

Captain N ancy Brown

Captain Nancy Brown was the captain on duty. She responded to the scene to assist with scene containment.

Lieutenant Lester Allen

Lieutenant Lester Allen was the on dnty watch commander. He responded to the scene to coordinate the scene and assist with seene containment.

Deputy Shaune Reardon

Deputy Shaune Reardon responded to the scene to assist with scene containment.

Corporal Carlos Jose

Corporal Carlos Jose responded to the scene to assist with scene containment,

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CASE NUMBER l:Ol0-01671~


Deputy Eric Jaros

Deputy Eric Jaros responded to the scene 10 assist with scene containment,

SECTOR 3 PATROl;, 475 West Story Road Ocoee, Florida 34761 (407) 254M680 1

Deputy Harley HaU

Deputy Harley Hall responded to the scene to assist with scene containment.


Orlando, Florida 32804

(407) 254-7000

Major Frank Fabrizio

Major Frank Fabrizio responded to the scene.

MAJOR CASE SECTION 2500 West Colonial Drive Orlando, Florida 32804 (407) 254-7000

Lieutenant Joseph Pieanzo

Lieutenant Joseph Picanzo responded to the scene.

HOMICIDE SQUAD 2500 West Colonial Drive Orlando, Florida 32804 (407) 254- 7000

Detective Samara. Melich

Detective Samara Melich was the lead investigator assigned to the case.

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C A8I:. NUMBER 1010-41 Ui1l5


Detective Kevin Kraubetz

Detective Kevin Kraubetz assisted with the follow up investigation. He was present with me for the sworn, audio recorded interviews with Jan Topoleski, Craig Thomas, and Deputy Christian Vonbargen.

Detective Miebael Erfekson

Detective Michael Erickson responded to the scene to assist with the foltow up investigation. He eonducted sworn, audio recorded interviews of Michael Surovik and Thomas Seaner, He also assisted with reviewing statement affidavits for completeness.

Detective Jerold White

Detective Jerold White responded to the scene to assist with the follow up investigation. He assisted with coordinating the investigation at thc Killer Whalc pools.

Detective Dorothy Rivera

Detective Dorothy Rivera responded to the scene to assist with the follow up investigation. She assisted with coordinating the collection of statements and interviews of witnesses who had been taken to "The Terrace. n She also conducted sworn, audio recorded interviews of Fredy Herrera, Laura Surovik, and Thomas Tobin.

Detective Mark Hussey

Detective Mark Hussey responded to the scene to assist with the follow up investigation. He conducted sworn, audio recorded interviews of Stacy Nichols and Scott Brancheau with the assistance of Detective Scott Lowen.

Detective Scott Lowen

Detective Scott Lowen responded to the scene to assist with the follow up investigation. Hc conducted sworn, audio recorded interviews of Stacy Nichols and Scott Brancheau with the assistance of Detective Mark Hussey. He also assisted with reviewing statement affidavits for completeness.

Corporal Duwana Pelton

Corporal Duwana Pelton was one of the homicide superv iSOT8 on scene.

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CASE NUMBER :2010-016715


CorporaJ Michael Ruggiero

Corporal Michael Ruggiero conducted a sworn, audio recorded interview of Lynne Schaber. He also assisted with reviewing statement affidavits for completeness.

Sergeant DanieJ Gutierrez

Sergeant Daniel Gutierrez was the homicide supervisor on scene.

!lOBBERYSQUAD 2500 West Colonial Drive Orlando, Florida 32804 (407) 254-7000

Sergeant William Hinkey

Sergeant William Hinkey responded to the scene to assist with the follow up investigation. He assisted with reviewing statement affidavits for completeness.

Corporal Timothy Farmer

Corporal Timothy Farmer responded to the scene to assist with the follow up investigation. He assisted with reviewing statement affidavits for completeness.

Deteerlve 8(:ott Bruinsma

Detective Scott Bruinsma responded to the scene to assist with the follow up investigation. He conducted sworn, audio recorded interviews of Demar Haye and Susanne DeWit. He also assisted with reviewing statement affidavits for completeness.

Detective Darryl Tamash

Detective Darryl Tamash responded La the scene to assist with the follow up investigation. He couducted sworn, audio recorded interviews of Chahine Kish, Phyllis Manning, and Angela Casagrande.

Detective Jason Sams

Detective Jason Sams responded to the scene to assist with the follow up investigation. He assisted with reviewing statement affidavits for completeness.

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CASE NUMBER 2:010-016715


FAMIL Y CRIMES SQUAD 2500 West Colonial Drive Orlando, Florida 32804

(407) 254-7000

Detective Charity Beasley

Detective Charity Beasley responded to the scene to assist with the follow . up investigation, She assisted with reviewing statement affidavits for completeness.

Detective Tara Evans

Detective Tara Evans responded to the scene to assist with the follow up investigation. She conducted a sworn, audio recorded interview of Jercmy Rippy.

Detective Troy Polk

Detective Troy Polk responded Lo the scene to assist with the follow up investigation. He assisted with reviewing statement affidavits for completeness.

FORENSICS UNIT 2500 West Colonial Drive Orlando, Florida 32804

( 4() 7) 254-7122

Crime Scene Investigator Shary Delgado

Crime Scene Investigator Delgado was the lead investigator from the Forensics Unit on this case. She photographed and documented the scene for evidence. She completed a forensics report,

Crime Scene Investigator Michael Vincent

Crime Scene Investigator Vincent responded to the scene and assisted Crime Scene Investigator Shary Delgado with documenting and processing thc scene, He also collected surveillance video from Sea World security and turned this video over to me.

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CASE NUMBER lOlfl-.O) 6'71:5


Crime Scene Investigator Ronald Murdock

Crime Scene Investigator Murdock was the Forensics unit supervisor on scene. He assisted Crime Scene Investigator Shary Delgado with documenting and processing the scene.


Suite A

Tampa, Florida 33610 (813) 626-1177

Investigator Lara Padgett

Investigator Lara Padgett responded 10 the scene on behalf of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). OSHA was in charge of ensuring proper safety operanug procedures were being followed and that the death was not as a result of bad practices or unsafe procedures. If OSHA found there to be indications of culpability on the organization, they could levy fines and/or file federal charges via the United States Department of Justice.


Tallahassee, Florida 32399

(850) 488-4676

Lieutenant Rick Brown

Lieutenant Rick Brown responded to the scene on behalf of the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission. Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission wcre in charge of ensuring Florida State Statutes were followed in the care of captive animals. Lieutenant Brown later told me their agency determined case law did not provide requirements under Florida State Statute for Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission to enforce violations of state statute concerning killer whales.

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CASE Nt'MBER. 2010.-411'715


\\Tr:\ESS I:\rOR'L\TIO~\:


Date of Birth:



Work Phone:

Home Phone:

Alex Gonzalez


Alex Gonzalez is an employee of Sea World. He responded to the Dine with Shamu area after receiving a call for assistance. Alex Gonzalez assisted with utilizing nets on Tilikum the Wbale. He eompleted a sworn, written statement affidavit.


Date of Birth:



Work Phone:

Horne Phone:


%1 te/M ale

Jeremy Rippy is an employee of Sea World. He responded to the Dine with Shamu area after hearing the alarm. Jeremy Rippy assisted with utilizing nets and with moving the seven smaller whales into another pool. He completed a sworn, written statement affidavit. He also submitted to a sworn, audio recorded interview with Detective Tara Evans.

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CASI: NUMBER 1010-(116115



Date of Birth:



Work Phone:

Home Phone:

Nicholas Anthony Rubino


Nieholas Rubino is an employee of Sea World. He responded to the Dine with Shamu area after hearing the alarm. Nicholas Rubino assisted with utilizing nets and with moving the seven smaller whales into another pool. He eompleted a sworn, written statement affidavit.


Date of Birth:



Work Phone:

Home Phone:

Whj te/Female

Angela Casagrande is an employee of Sea World. She was at the glass viewing area of Dine with Shamu when she heard the aJann and then saw Tilikum had Dawn Braneheau in his mouth. She completed a sworn, written statement affidavit. She also submitted to a sworn, audio recorded interview wi th Detective Darryl Tamash.



CASE lIr"UMBER 1010-016713

KID 2615


Date of Birth:



Work Phone:

Home Phone:

Phyllis Manning is an employee of Sea World. She was at the glass viewing area of Dine with Shamu and noticed Dawn Brancheau in the water. She completed a sworn, written statement affidavit, She also submitted to a sworn, audio recorded interview with Detective Darryl Tamash.


Date of Birth:



Home Phone:

Chahine Marie Kish

WhitelFerna le

Chahine Kish is an employee of Sea World. She was working the Dine with Shamu section when she heard the alarm, She then saw Tilikum had a trainer in his mouth. She completed a sworn, written statement affidavit She also submitted to a sworn, andio recorded interview with Detective Darryl Tamash.


Date of Birth:




Susanne De Wit

Susanne DeWit was a guest at the Dine wltl: Shamu show. She was at the viewing window when she observed Tilikurn with. a trainer in his mouth. She completed a sworn, written statement affidavit. She also submitted to a sworn, audio recorded interview with Detective Seott Bruinsma.

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CASE NUMBER. 2010-016115

ElD lfi8:5


Date of Birth:



Work Phone:

Cell Phone:

Joshua James Excell


Joshua Excell is an employee at Sea World. He responded to the Dine with Shamu area after reeeiving a call of a problem in the pooL He then assisted with escorting other employees to a safe area. He completed a sworn, written statement affidavit.


Date of Birth:



Home Phone:

Demar Rovelle Haye


Demar Haye is an employee at Sea World. He was working in the Dine wilh Shamu area when he observed Tilikum pull Dawn Brancheau into the water. He completed a sworn, written statement affidavit. He also submitted to a sworn, audio recorded interview with Detective Seott Bruinsma.


Date of Birth:



Home Phone:


Kevin Voigtmann is an employee at Sea World. He responded to the Dine with Shamu pool area after the alarm was sounded. He assisted with utilizing nets and with moving the seven smaller whales into another pool. He completed a sworn statement, written affidavit.

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CASE NUMBER 1010-01 fi,11:5

LID Ui&5


Date of Birth:



Work Phone:

Home Phone:

Robin Ann Morland

"\Vhi telF emal e

Robin Morland is an employee at Sea World. She responded to the Dine with Shamu pool after me alarm had sounded. She assisted with utilizing nets on Tilikurn. She completed a sworn, written statement affidavit.


Date of Birth:



Home Phone:

Brian Aaron Faulkner

Brian Faulkner is an employee at Sea World. He responded to the Dine with Shamu pool after the alarm had sounded. He assisted with utilizing nets on Tilikum. He completed a sworn, written statement affidavit.


Date of Birth:



Work Phone:

Home Phone:

Whi te/Mal e

Fredy Herrera is an employee at Sea World. He was working the Dine with Shamu area when he observed Tilikum pull Da'W'Il Brancheau into the water. He then called for assistance via security radio. He completed a sworn, written statement affidavit. He also submitted to a sworn, audio recorded interview with Detective Dorothy Rivera.



CASE NUMBE1l2010-&1671~



Date of Birth:



Home Phone:

liiiiilie Tobin WhitelM"ale

Thomas Tobin is a paramedic with Sea World who responded to a call of a person in the water. After seeing Dawn Brancheau was in the water, he called for fire rescue to respond. He completed a sworn, written statement affidavit. He snbmitted to a sworn, audio recorded interview with Detective Dorothy Rivera. I later obtained a telephone recorded statement from him to elarify certain details.


Date of Birth:



Home Phone:

Cameron Excell McDaniel


Cameron McDaniel is an employee at Sea World. He responded to the Dine with Shamu area and assisted with utilizing the nets on Tilikum, He completed a swam, written statement affidavit.


Date of Birth:



Home Phone:


WhitelF ernale

Fran Lawrence is an employee at Sea World. She responded to the Dine wiln Shamu area and assisted wit.h utilizing the nets on Tilikum. She completed a sworn, written statement affidavit.



CASE NUMBER10ll)..4)16715

EID 168~


Date of Birth:



Cell Phone:

Emma Sutton Welch


Enuna Welch is an employee at Sea World. She responded to the Dine with Shamu pool area after the alarm was sounded. She assisted with utilizing nets and with moving the seven smaller whales into another pool She completed a sworn, written statement affidavit.


Date of Birth:



Cell Phone:


Christopher McGuire is an employee at Sea World. He responded to the Dine with Shamu pool area after the alarm was sounded. He assisted with utilizing nets on Tilikurn. He completed a sworn, written statement affidavit.


Date of Birth:



Cell Phone:

Work Phone:


Whi te/Female

Lynne Schaber is an employee at Sea World. She was working the Dine "WiLh Shamu interaction with Jan Topoleski and Dawn Brancheau. Lynne Schaber observed Tilikum pull Dawn Braneheau into the water and then assisted with the reseue efforts. She completed a sworn, written statement affidavit. She also submitted to a sworn, audio recorded interview with Corporal Michael Ruggiero.



cASE. NUMB"ER10U) .. 016715



Date of Birth:



Home Phone:

Tanner Christian Grogan

Tanner Grogan is an employee at Sea World. He responded to the Dine with Shamu area after the alarm sounded. He assisted with utilizing nets on Tilikum, He completed a sworn, written statement affidavit.


Date of Birth:



Cell Phone:

Thomas Alfred Seaner

Thomas Seaner is an employee at Sea World. He was working the Dine with Shamu area and observed Dawn Brancheau feeding and interacting with Tilikurn, He then observed Dawn Brancheau enter the water. He completed a sworn, written statement affidavit. He also submitted to a sworn, audio recorded interview with Deteetive Michael Erickson.


Date of Birth:



Work Phone:

Home Phone:


Shana Groves is an employee at Sea World. She responded to the Dine with Shamu area after the alarm sounded. She assisted with utilizing the nets on Tilikurn. She completed a sworn, written statement affidavit.

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CASE NUMBER lOlO-fil6715



Date of Birth:



Work Phone:

Home Phone:

Kevin Krueger is an employee at Sea World. He responded to the Dine with Shamu area after the alarm sounded. He assisted with utilizing the nets on Tilikum.. He completed a sworn, written statement affidavit.


Date of Birth:



Home Phone:

Lynn Marie Kelly-McClish

&~I - -.. •

Lynn Kelly-McClish is an employee at Sea World. She responded to the Dine with Shamu area after the a1arm sounded. She assisted with utilizing the nets on Til ikum. She completed a sworn, written statement affidavit


Date of Birth:



Work Phone:

Home Phone:

Jerrel McCoy is an employee at Sea World. He responded to the Dine with Shamu area after the alarm sounded. He assisted with utilizing the nets on Tilikwn. He completed a sworn, written statement affidavit.

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CASE NUMBER 201 O-{J.16715

EID 1685


Date of Birth:



Work Phone:

Cell Phone:

Justin Sparkes is a paramedic with Sea World who responded to a call of a person in the water. When he arrived. he observed Dawn Brancheau was still in Tilikurn's mouth. He completed a sworn, written statement affidavit.


Date of Birth:



Home Phone:

Mark James Barner


Mark Barner is an employee at Sea World. He was working the Dine with Shamu area and observed Dawn Brancheau was in the water, in the mouth of Tilikurn, He completed a SWOTIl, written statement affidavit.


Date of Birth:



Work Phone:

Home Phone:

Todd Chadwell Coffman


Todd Coffman is an employee at Sea World. He responded to the Dine with Shamu area after the alarm sounded. He assisted with utilizing nets on Tilikurn. He completed a sworn, written statement affidavit.



CASE NUMB£R 1010-01 n15



Date of Birth:



Work Phone:

Home Phone:

J odie Ann Tintle

WhitelF emale

Jodie Tintl e is an employee at Sea World. She responded to the Dine with Shamu area after the alarm sounded. She assisted with ntilizing nets on Tili.kum. She eompleted a sworn, written statement affidavit.


Date of Birth:



Work Phone:

Home Phone:

Kath leen Alexia Gass

WhiteIF ernale

Kathleen Gass is an employee at Sea World. She responded to the Dine with Shamu area after the alarm sounded. She assisted with utilizing nets on Tilikum, She completed a sworn, wri tten statement affidavit.


Date of Birth:



Home Phone:

Stacy Nichols

Stacy Nichols is an employee at Sea World. She was working in the underwater viewing area of Dine with Shamu when she observed Tilikum dive to the bottom of the tank with a trainer in his mouth. She assisted with crowd control at that time. She eomplcted a sworn, written statement.






Date of Birth:



Work Phoue:

~udez WbiteIF

Misty Bermudez is a paramedic with Sea World who responded to the Dine with Shamu area to assist with medical care for Dawn Braneheau, She completed a sworn, written statement affidavit


Date of Birth:



Work Phone:

Home Phone:


Anthony Sharp is a paramedic with Sea World who responded to a call of a person in the water. When he arrived, he observed Dawn Braneheau was still in Tilikum's mouth. He completed a sworn, written statement affidavit.


Date of Bi rth:



Home Phone:


= I .ioJ.'


Jan Topoleski is an employee at. Sea World. He was working the Dine with Shamu encounter with Dawn Brancheau. He observed Dawn Brancheau 's hair enter Tilikurn's mouth and Dawn Brancheau attempting to retrieve her hair from Tilikum. Jan Topoleski pushed the alarm button and began attempting to divert Tilikurn's attention. He also assisted with utilizing the nets on Tilikum, He completed a sworn, written statement affidavit. He also submitted to a sworn, audio recorded interview with me and Detective Kevin Kraubetz,

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CASE NUMBElllOiO-016715



Date of Birth:



Home Phone:


WhitefF emale

Natalie Ciper is an employee at Sea World. She responded to the Dine with Shamu area after the alarm sounded. She assisted with utilizing the nets on Tilikum, She completed a sworn, written statement affidavit.


Date of Birth:



Work Phone:

Home Phone:

Megan Kozma is an employee at Sea World. She responded to the Dine with Shamu area after the alarm sounded. She assisted with utilizing the nets on Tilikum. She completed a sworn, written statement affidavit.


Date of Birth:



Work Phone:

Home Phone:

Valerie Lisa Greene

Valerie Greene is an employee at Sea World. She responded to the Dine with Sham« area after the alarm sounded. She assisted with utilizing the nets on Tilikurn and the seven smaller whales. She completed a sworn, written statement affidavit.

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CASE NUMBER 1010-016715



Date of Birth:



Work Phone:

Home Phone:

White/F ernale

Nancy Vargas is an employee at Sea World. She was working the security dispatch center and heard a call on the radio for a trainer in the water. She also heard the alarm for the same section. She completed a sworn, written statement affidavit.


Date of Birth:



Work Phone:

Home Phone:



Amber Weiss is an employee at Sea World. She was working the security dispatch center and heard a call on the radio for a trainer in the water. She also heard the alarm for the same section. She completed a sworn, written statement affi davit.


Date of Birth:



Home Phone:

Cell Phone:

Seott Anthony Brancheau


Scott Brancheau is Dawn Brancheau's spouse. He submitted to a sworn, audio reeorded interview with Detectives Mark Hussey and Scott Lowen.

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CASt: SUMBER 201 D-016TH



Date of Birth:



Cell Phone:

Jessica Wilder was a visitor at the Dine with Shamu encounter. She was standing at the underwater viewing area when she saw a trainer in the water with Tilikum, She submitted to a sworn, audio recorded interview over the phone wi th me.


Date of Birth:



Home Phone:

Craig Thomas is an employee at Sea World. He assisted with utilizing the nets on Tilikum. He submitted to a sworn, audio recorded statement with Detective Kevin Kraubetz and me.


Date of Birth:

Race/Sex; Address:


Michael Surovik



Michael Surovi k is an employee at Sea World. He arrived when Tilikum was in the medical pool. He submitted to a sworn, audio recorded statement with Detective Michael Erickson.

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CASE Nl~R 201O..ftl,fi71~

EID 1685


Date of Birth:



Laura Surovik

Whi telF emale

Home Phone:

Laura Surovik is an employee at Sea World. She arrived when Tilikum was in the medical pool. She submitted to a sworn, audio reeorded interview with Detective Dorothy Rivera.


On Thursday, February 24, 2010, at approximately 1337 hours, Sea World security received a cal I coneerning a trainer in the water at the Dine with Shamu encounter. At approximately 1404 hours, thi s information was relayed to the Orange County Sheriffs Office Communications Center.

Deputy Sheriff Christian Vonbargen was working in an off duty capacity at Sea World and was asked to respond to me Dille with Shamu area in reference to this calL When he arrived, he observed multiple trainers attempting to corral Tilikum t.he whale using nets. Deputy Vonbargen observed a trainer was inside Tilikum's mouth when he arrived,

February 24,2010

At approximately 1520 hours, I arrived on scene at the Dine with Shamu area I immediately noticed a tent had been set up next 1.0 the ~'D'~ pool. U nderneath this tent was the body of Dawn Branchean, which had been covered with towels or sheets. If was approximately five feet from the side of "D" pool. TiliIrum the whale conld dearly be scene at the edge of ~'D" pool. He would periodically lift himself above the pool wall,

Crime Seene Investigator Shary Delgado, Crime Scene Investigator Michael Vincent, and Crime Scene Investigator Ronald Murdock responded to the scene. Crime Scene Investigator Delgado photographed the area. Because of Tilikum's close proximity Lo Dawn Brancheau's body, Crime Scene Investigator Vincent and Crime Scene Investigator Murdock assisted with

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CASE NUMBER 1010-0l6715

ElD 2685

moving her body against the building wall and away from the pool wall. Dawn Brancheau was lying on a stretcher and the stretcher was simply hfted and moved without handling her body. Crime Scene Investigator Delgado photographed the area before and after Dawn Brancheau was moved.

Detective Kevin Kraubetz and I spoke with Sea World trainer Craig Thomas. Craig Thomas had responded to the alarm call for assistance and was one of the first employees on scene. Craig Thomas agreed to show Detective Krau betz and me the layout of the pools near Dine with Shamu. Craig Thomas was not present when Dawn Brancheau fell in the pool. Because of this, he could not show us the location where she entered the pool with Tilikurn,

Detective Kraubetz and I then met with Sea World trainer Jan Topoleski. Jan Topoleski was acting as a sponer for Dawn Brancheau when she entered the pool area with Tilikum, He agreed to show us the locations of himself Dawn Brancheau, and Lynne Schaber (another Sea World trainer) when Dawn Brancheau entered the pool area. Jan Topoleski also agreed to show us the layout of the pools and the Dine with Shamu area. Crime Seene Investigator Delgado responded with us as well to photograph the area.

Jan Topoleski explained the pool Tilikum was currently in ('~D~t pool) is a medical pool. This pool has a false bottom that can be lifted for medical emergencies. This is designed for veterinarians to be able to better access the whales for medical treatment. While Jan Topoleski showed us the area of the pools, Tilikum was in ~'D~' pool but had access to the adjaeent pool which is "E~' pool. "E" pool is a larger pool that sits between two medical pools.

Jan Topoleski then showed us the area where Dawn Brancheau had been interacting with Tilikum during the Dine with Shamu show. The Dine "With Shamu show takes places in ~'G~' pool. This pool is surrounded by a rock wall. The dining area for the Dine with Shamu encounter is on the north side of the pool. The interaction area for the trainers is on the south side of the pool. There is a cement slab on the south side of the pool that is covered by a small amount of water. Jan Topoleski said this is where Dawn Brancheau was interacting with Tilikum. To the west of this cement slab is a conerete scale and Jan Topoleski was sitting a short distance to the west of the scale on the roeks, monitoring Dawn Brancheau with Tilikum, At the beginning of the Dine wilh Shamu show, Lynne Schaber was a short distance east of Dawn

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CASE NUMBER 1010--0160715


Brancheau monitoring her ac riviries,

Jan Topoleski said after the show ended, Lynne Schaber went below to the underwater viewing area of "G~~ pool, which is located on the north side of the pooL Dawn Brancheau was lying on her stomach in the water covering the cement slab of "G~' pool. Tilikum was interacting with ber nose to nose. Dawn Brancheau's long hair floated on the water into Tilikum's month; Jan Topoleski theu saw Dawn Brancheau struggling to free her hair from Tilikurn's mouth. He immediately pushed the alarm button and when Jan Topoleski turned back around, Dawn Branehean was nowhere to be seen.

Jan Topoleski showed us to the underwater viewing area of t'G" pool. He also showed us the dining area. Jan Topoleski explained after additional assistance arrived, he and other trainers began utilizing nets to try and redirect Tilikum from "GH pool to the "F'~ pool, which is a small pool that is also used as a medical pool. Once Tilikum entered '~F' pool, while still holding Dawn Brancheau, the staff attempted to extricate Dawn Braneheau from Tilikum Tilikum was netted in ·~FH pool and still would not release Dawn Brancheau.

There were additional whales in "E" pool, which is located between "F" pool and "D" pooL Once the other whales were transferred from "E'~ pool, Tilikum was thcu given access to ~·E·' pool; however, he would still not release Dawn Brancheau.

Tilikum was finally directed from "E" pool into "D~~ pool. When inside "D" pool, Tilikum still would not release Dawn Branehean, Beeause of this, the bottom of ~~D" pool was raised which ultimately beached Tilikum. A net was then used in this pool as we 11 which enabled staff members to extract Dawn Brancheau from Tilikum's mouth.

Crime Scene Investigator Michael Vincent met with Julius Sais of Sea World security. Julius Sais provided a copy of surveillance video from a surveillance camera at the underwater viewing area for Dine with Shamu. Crime Scene Investigator Vinecnt also met with Irma Gabriel-O'Neill of Sea World security. Irma Gabriel-O'Neill provided him with a eopy of video from the seeurity control tower. This video shows the surface area of the Dine with Shamu pool. The camera was manually re-adjusted to this area after the alarm soonded for a problem at Dine with Shamu .. Prior to this, the security control

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CASE NUMBElllOl 0-4116715


tower camera had been positioned at the front turnstiles. Crime Scene Investigator Vincent turned both of these videos over to me on February 2St 20l0.

The video provided by Julius Sais began at. 1337 hours on February 24, 2010, and showed the following relevant mformation:

Time stamp 13:38:10.76, a splash can be seen in the far right comer of the video.

Time stamp 13:38: 17.96t Tilikum can be seen swimming into camera view.

Time stamp 13:38:19.83t Dawn Brancheau can be seen underneath Tilikurn, She is free from him at this time.

Time stamp 13:38:21.97, Dawn Brancheau can be seen attempting to swim to the surface.

Time stamp ]3:38:24.LO, Tilikurn can be seen striking Dawn Brancheau as she is attempting to swim to the surface.

Time stamp 13:38 :26.27 ~ Dawn Brancheau can be seen again attempting to swim to the surface.

Time stamp L3:38:31.08~ Tilikum can be seen striking Dawn Brancheau, and he then immediately began swimming underwater with Dawn Brancheau in his mouth. Because of the direction Tilikum was swimming, Dawn Brancheau can not be seen by the underwater camera at this point

Time stamp ]3:43:02:25, Tilikurn changes swimming directions and Dawn Brancheau can be seen held in his mouth but she appears lifeless.

A full listing of Tilikurn and Dawn Brancheau's movements from a time stamp of 13:38:10.76 until the video ends at a time stamp of 14:01:05.23 is attached to this report.

The video provided by Irma Gabriel-O'Neill is an extremely pixilated video. Individual features of people can not be distinguished. The video is from such

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a far distance from the pool, DaVIn Brancheau is never seen in this video. Tilikum can be seen in the video swimming at a great speed in what appears to be an agitated state. Employees and trainers can also be seen in the video attempting the rescue of Dawn Braneheau, The video does show that within less than three minutes, trainers had nets in the water to try and contain Tilikum in ~I(T~ pool. Once Tilikum moves to the west side of "EH pool, he ean not be seen due to ceiling overhangs covering "E" pool. The video does not show when or how Dawn Brancheau entered the water in 'I(JH pool.

Numerous detectives from the Orange County Sheriffs Office responded to Sea World to assist with interviewing witnesses. The majority of witnesses had been relocated to another area of the park known as "The Terrace." The wi tnesses at this location were provided with statement affidavits to complete. Sergeant William Hinkey, Corporal Timothy Farmer, Detective Jason Sams, Detective Charity Beasley, and Detective Troy Polk assisted by reviewing statement affidavits for completeness.

The following individuals are employees for Sea World who responded to the pool after the alarm sounded: Megan Kozma, Natalie Ciper, Kathleen Gass, Jodie Tintle, Todd Coffman, Mark Barner, Jerrel McCoy, Lynn KellyMeClish~ Kevin Krueger ~ Shana Groves, Tanner Grogan, Christopher McGuire~ Emma Welch, Fran Lawrence, Cameron Mcfmniel, Brian Faulkner, Robin Morland, Kevin Voigtmann, Nieholas Ru bino, and Alex Gonzalez. All of these individuals assisted with the netting procedures after the alarm was sounded, They all completed sworn, written statement affidavits.

Valerie Greene is also an employee with Sea World. She responded after the alarm sounded to assist with netting Tilikum. Valerie Greene said she could see '~a woman's ponytail in the whale's mouth. ,. She assisted with netting the whales in HE·~ pool and with netting Tilikum into HDH pool, Valerie Greene said after Tilikum was netted in the ~~D" pool, they were able to remove Dawn Brancheau's body from Tilikum's mouth. Tilikum still had Dawn Brancheau 's arm and Valerie Greene said he was netted again to retrieve her atm. Valerie Greene completed a sworn, written statement affidavit.

Nancy Vargas and Amber Weiss are also employees with Sea World. They were both working in the security dispatch center for Sea World. Amber Weiss called 91 I after the alarm sounded. They repositioned the eamera from

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the security tower in order to see the pools in the Dine with Shamu area. They both completed sworn, written statement affidavits.

Joshua ExceJ is a supervisor at Sea World. He responded to the Dille with Shamu area after receiving notice a trainer was in the pool with a whale. He assisted with removing employees under his charge in the dining room to another location. Joshua Excel completed a sworn, written statement affidavit.

Anthony Sharp, Misty Bermudez, and Justin Sparkes were paramedics that responded after the alarm sounded for a problem at the Dine with Shamu area. They are all employed as paramedics by Sea World. They all completed s w om ~ wri tten statement affida vi ts.

At approximately 1553 hours, Corporal Michael Ruggiero spoke with Lynne Sehaber. Lynne Schaber completed a sworn, written statement affidavit. Corporal Ruggiero conducted a sworn, audio recorded interview with Lynne Schaber. This interview rook place at "TIle Terrace." The following is a synopsis of this interview:

Lynne Schaber was acting as a spotter for Dawn Brancheau during the Dine with Shamu show. At the end of the show, Lynne Schaber went below to the underwater viewing area of ~'G" pool. The individuals who watched the Dine with Shamu show normally go to this area after the show for photo opportunities with the whales (in this case Tilikum). When Lynne Schaber went below, Jan Topoleski stayed above the surface as a spotter for Dawn Brancheau. Dawn Brancheau was interacting with Tilikum, and Lynne Schaber told her she was ready for Dawn Brancheau to ask Tilikwn to eome to the window for photographs. Lynne Schaber was waiting for Tilikurn to come to the window when she saw "him pull her ill, " Lynne Schaber then saw Da"NIl Brancheau in the water on top of Ti likum. Lynne Schaber did not see how Dawn Brancheau ended up in the water. Lynne Schaber knew Dawn Brancheau was in trouble as soon as she saw this because Tilikum is a "possessive" animal. Hc normally keeps things that he has and will not release them. Lynne Schaber did not think Tilikum ever allowed Dawn Brancheau to come to the surface.

At approximately 1558 hours, Detecti ve Dorothy Rivera spoke with Fredy Herrera. Fredy Herrera completed a sworn, wri tten statement affidavit.

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CASE NUMBER l011J..()16715


Detective Rivera conducted a sworn, audio recorded interview with Fredy Herrera. This interview LOok place at "The Terrace." The following is a synopsis of this interview:

Fredy Herrera is employed at Sea World as a security officer. He was working security at the Dine wifh Shamu restaurant on February 24~ 2010. The show had just finished and Dawn Brancheau and Jan Topoleski were still aeross the pool. Dawn Brancheau was interacting with Tilikum, She was on her knees, touching Tilikum's nose. Dawn Brancheau moved to the far left and she was petting Tilikurn when he grabbed either her hair or her arm and pulled her into the pool. Tiliknrn remained underwater with Dawn Brancheau. Jan Topoleski sounded the aIann and other trainers began aniving and using the nets to try and corral Tilikum Fredy Herrera never saw Dawn Brancheau struggling or moving after she was initially pulled into the pool.

At approximately 1610 hours, Detective Michael Erickson spoke with Thomas Seaner. Thomas Seaner completed a sworn, written statement affidavit. Detective Erickson conducted a sworn, audio recorded interview with Thomas Seaner. This interview took place at "The Terrace." The following is a synopsis of this interview:

Thomas Seaner is employed at Sea World as a table host/server in the Dine with Shamu dining room He was beginning to bus or dear his tables. The Dine wilh Shamu show normally ends around 1330 hours and guests begin to move out of the dining room to the underwater viewing area. Betwecn 1330 hours and 1340 hours, Thomas Seaner saw Dawn Brancheau feeding Tilikum; he believes she was crouched down as she was doing this. Whcn he looked back, Dawn Brancheau was gone. He then heard the alarm sound. Thomas Seaner saw additional trainers arrive and they began bringing nets across into the pool. Thomas Seanor assisted with the nets until additional trainers anived.

At approximate] y 1616 hours, Detective Scott Bruinsma spoke with Demar Haye. Demar Haye eornpleted a sworn, written statement affidavit. Detective Bruinsma conducted a sworn, audio recorded interview with Demar Haye, This interview took place at "The Terrace." The following is a synopsis of this intervi ew:

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EID l&8.5

Demar Haye is employed at Sea World as a server in the Dine with Shamu dining room. The show had ended and Demar Haye was in the back of the dining area talking with guests when he heard someone say, "Oh no. P Demar Haye turned around and saw Dawn Brancheau sliding into the water. He saw Jan Topoleski immediately tum to hit the alarm button and then heard the alarm sound. Demar Haye saw the trainers bringing out nets; Demar Haye helped pull the nets until more heJp arrived. He saw Tiiikum come to the surface at one point and could see THUmm had possession of Dawn Brancheau. Tilikum immediately took Dawn Brancheau back under the water. Demar Haye saw Tilikurn corralled into "F" pool prior to him being escorted to another location.

At approximately] 616 hOUIS, Detective Rivera spoke with Thomas Tobin. Thomas Tobin completed a sworn, written statement affidavit. Detective Rivera conducted a sworn, audio recorded interview with Thomas Tobin. This interview took place at "The Terrace." On March 29, 20]0, at approximately 1230 hours, I spoke with him on the telephone and this interview was recorded. The following is a synopsis of these interviews:

Thomas Tobin is employed at Sea WorJd as a paramedic. He received a call for a person in the water and responded 10 the Dine with Shamu area. When he arrived, Thomas Tobin was told someone was in the water. Thomas Tobin was present for three to four minutes and did not see anyone surface. He was present at the pools for thirty minutes or longer before Dawn Brancheau could be extricated from Tilikum Thomas Tobin realized the call had changed from a rescue call 10 a recovery call. At one point, he observed Dawn Brancheau had been scalped, but he did not see her bleeding from the injury. He said he knew at that point she was deceased. Thomas Tobin also believed based on how Dawn Brancheau's body was moving she had a broken neck.

At approximately t616 hours, Detective Darryl spoke with Chahine Kish, Chahine Kish completed a sworn, written statement affidavit. Detective Tamash conducted a sworn, audio recorded interview with Chahine Kish, This interview took place at. "The Terrace." The following is a synopsis of this interview:

Chahine Kish is employed at Sea World in the Dine with Shamu dining room. She was cleaning tables and saw Dawn Brancheau interacting with Tilikum.

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CA.SE NUMBER 1010-01671.15


Jan Topoleski was sitting near the tone box watching Dawn Brancheau, Chahine Kish heard splashing and saw Da\V11 Brancheau with a fish in her hand. Chahine Kish looked down and when she looked back up, Dawn Brancheau was gone. She then heard the alarm sound. Chahine Kish did see Tilikwn surface at one point and when he did, he had Dawn Brancheau in his mouth possibly by the torso. Chahine Kish noticed Dawn Brancheau's shoes were in the pool Other trainers arrived and used nets and threw food in the pool to try and distract Tilikum. Chahine Kish saw other servers assist with the nets. Chahine Kish also saw Tilikum become more "frantic"; he was only coming to the surface long enough to breathe. She saw the trainers corral Tilikurn into "F" pool before she left the area.

At approximately 1636 hours, Deteeti ve Mark Hussey and Detective Scott Lowen spoke with Stacy Nichols. Stacy Nichols completed a sworn, written statement. affidavit. Detective Hussey and Detective Lowen conducted a sworn, audio recorded interview with Stacy Nichols. TIlls interview took place at "The Terrace. t, The following is a synopsis of this interview:

Stacy Nichols is employed at Sea World to assist with the animal shows and photo tours. Stacy Nichols answers questions from guests during the photo sessions, At approximately 1330 hours, she responded to the underwater Shamu viewing area. Stacy Nichols was aware a trainer for the Dine with Shamu show would be at the viewing area around 1330 hOUTS. nus show takes place once a day every day. At around 1335 hours, Stacy Nichols could sec one of the trainers (Da\V11 Brancheau) working with Tilikum, A person can see the surface of the water from the underwater viewing area, this is simply not captured on camera. She heard Lynne Schaber say, "hey Dawn, we're ready ." From the underwater viewing area, Stacy Nichols saw Tililrurn doing a deep dive and Dawn Brancheau was in his mouth. Dawn Brancheau's sandals immediately came off. Stacy Nichols theu heard the alarm sound and saw Lynne Schaber running to the top of the pool. The show had already ended at this point and only the last photo opportunity needed to be completed.

At approximately 1636 hours, Detective Bruinsma spoke with Susanne DeWit. Susanne DeWit completed a sworn, written statement affidavit. Deteetive Bruinsma eondncted a sworn, audio recorded interview with Susanne DeWit. This interview took place at "The Terrace." The following is

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CASE NUMBER 1010-01 nl5

EID 268S

a synopsis of this interview;

Susanne DeWit is a tourist who was visiting Sea World from the Netherlands. She had booked an animal photo tour for February 24, 2010. Included in this tour was lunch at the Dine with Shamu stadium Lunch finished at approximately 1330 hours and Susanne DeWit went downstairs Lo the underwater viewing area. A guide in this area asked the guests to move away from the window. The guide told the guests the whale (Tilikum) would be directed to come to the window. Susanne DeWit saw Tilikum swimming down and he had a trainer in his mouth. Tilikurn was holding the trainer by her shoulder and neek. Susanne DeWjt could see the trainer's legs. Tilikurn was shaking the trainer and moving extremely fast, Susanne DeWit then heard an alarm sound and saw nels entering the water. Susanne DeWit was then escorted from the area.

At approximately 1639 hours, Detective Kraubetz and I spoke with Jan Topoleski. Jan Topoleski completed a sworn, written statement affidavit. Detective Kraubetz and I conducted a sworn, audio recorded interview. 'Ibis interview took place in the offices by the trainer's locker room at '·D·~ pool. The following is a synopsis of thi s interview:

Jan Topoleski is employed at Sea World as an animal trainer, He was working in the posi lion of a spotter for Dawn Brancheau during the Dine "With Shamu show on Febmary 24 ~ 20 10. Jan Topoleski and Dawn Brancheau discussed how smoothly the show had gone. The show had no problems and the interaction had concluded. A photo tour was at the underwater viewing area and Dawn Brancheau needed to direct Tilikum to the window for the photo tour. Lynne Schaber had aeted as a second spotter during the show but changed location to the underwater viewing area for the finaJ photo opportunity.

Dawn Brancheau was lying on her stomach, face to face with Tilikum in the eoncrete area between the wall and the scale of ~'G'~ pool. She was lying in three to four inches of water. Jan Topoleski observed a current of water blow Dawn Brancheau's long ponytail into Tilikum's mouth. Dawn Brancheau began trying to pull her hair out of Tilikum's month. Jan Topoleski then turned around Lo hit the alarm button. When he turned back around, Jan Topoleski could not see Da'WTI Brancheau or Tilikum, He did see Dawn



CASE NUMBER. 2010-01611S

EID 268:5

Brancheau's sandals floating on top of the water. Jan Topoleski then grabbed the emergency air to throw to Dawn Brancheau but he was unable to do this since he could not see her under the water. When other trainers arrived, they all began using the nets to corral Tilikum,

Jan Topoleski said it appeared Tilikum was holding Dawn Brancheau by her hair and maybe her arm as well. Throughout the ordeal, Tilikum changed the positions in which he held Dawn Brancheau. Whenever the trainers attempted to retrieve Dawn Brancheau, Tilikum became more agitated and he would not allow anyone near her. Jan Topoleski and other trainers "asked for control. U This is done by slapping the water. They did this in order to try and get Tilikurn 10 foeus on them and release Dawn Brancheau. Tilikum was unresponsive to "slaps. ,1

Jan Topoleski did not see anything incorrect or out of the ordinary that Dawn Brancheau did to agitate Tilikum, The face to face time between Dawn Brancheau and Tilikum seemed to be going well until this occurred. There were no precursors during the day on February 24~ 2010, to indicate Tilikum wonld have reacted this way. Jan Topoleski said Tilikum does not have any toys that are similar to hair which would cause Tilikum to mistake Dawn Brancheau's hair for a toy. All of his toys are large plastic objects. He also verified no one ever goes in the pool with Tilikum because of his past history.

At approximately 1642 hours, Detective Tara Evans spoke with Jeremy Rippy. Jeremy Rippy eompleted a sworn, written statement affidavit. Detective Tara Evans conducted a sworn, audio recorded interview with Jeremy Rippy. This interview TOok place at "The Terrace." The following is a synopsis of this interview:

Jeremy Rippy is employed at Sea World as an animal trainer. He was working inside the fish house when he heard the ~'G~' pool alarm, Jeremy Rippy immediately responded to "G" poo1. He began assisting with the net reels. Four people are needed to work one net reel. Jeremy Rippy and the other people there began using the net to try and move Tilikurn to the smaller pool C~Fn pool). The net kept snagging on the rocks and Tilikum was able to get behind the net. He eould see Tilikum was holding Dawn Brancheau in his mouth by her neck and shoulder. Jeremy Rippy continued to assist with the rescue operations until Dawn Brancheau was extricated from Tilikum,

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At approximately 164 7 hours, Detecri ve Tamash spoke with Phyllis Manning, Phyllis Manning completed a sworn, written statement affidavit. Detective Tamash conducted a sworn, audio recorded interview with Phyllis Manning. This interview took place at "The Terrace." The following is a synopsis of this interview:

Phyllis Manning is employed at Sea World as a photographer. She was at the underwater viewing area of Dine with Shamu waiting for a photo tour to arrive. Lynne Schaber was at the underwater viewing area as well. Lynne Schaber tapped on the glass to get Tilikum's attention but he remained at the surface with Dawn Brancheau. Lynne Schaber then told Dawn Brancheau she was ready for Tilikum to come to the window for photographs. Phyllis Manning then saw Tililrum swimming extremely fast Dawn Brancheau was in the water with Tilikum and Phyllis Manning is aware trainers do not get into the water with Tilikum, Phyllis Manning knew at this point something was wrong. She then began ushering guests out of the area, Phyllis Manning had not yet taken any photographs when this occurred.

At approximately 1651 hours, Medicolegal Investigator Bill Stratton with the District Nine Medical Examiner's Office arrived at the scene. Investigator Stratton photographed and documented the scene on behalf of the District Nine Medical Examiner's Office. Dawn Brancheau's body was turned over to Investigator Stratton and transported to the District Nine Medical Examiner's Office.

After Medicolegal Investigator Stratton arrived, Crime Scene Investigator Murdock responded with him and unknown Sea World employees to search the area for Dawn Braneheau's hair, scalp, and whistle. These items were located in the bottom of ~(F~ pool, Crime Scene Investigator Murdoek utilized a net to retrieve Dawn Brancheau's hair and scalp. Crime Seene Investigator Murdock then observed an unknown Sea World employee dive to the bottom of the ~~F~ pool and reeover her whistle. These items were turned over to Medicolegal Investigator Stratton.

At approximately 165 7 hours, Detective Hussey and Detective Lowen conducted a sworn, audio recorded interview with Scott Brancheau. This interview took place at "The Terrace." The following is a synopsis of this

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CASE NUMBER 101 O~ I fi715



Scott Brancheau is the spouse of Dawn Brancheau. He was contacted by Laura Surovik and told Dawn Brancheau had been injured. Scott Brancheau is not employed by Sea World. He had no additional information concerning this incident.

At approximately 1657 hours, Detective Kraubetz and I spoke with Craig Thomas. We conducted a sworn) audio reeorded interview with Craig Thomas. This interview took pJace in the offices by the trainer's locker room at HD)~ pool. The following is a synopsis of this interview:

Craig Thomas is employed at Sea World as an animal trainer. He heard the alarm sound for "G~) pool and immediately responded to that area. Craig Thomas assisted with deploying the nets and began slapping the water for Tilikum to respond. TiJikurn did not respond 10 slaps on the water or the nets. A seeond net was deployed and Tilikurn finally responded by entering "F' pool. Craig Thomas could see Tilikum was ho1ding Dawn Brancheau by her hair, but he periodically changed this position to holding her by the arms and legs. When Tilikurn was in the medical pool e~D'~ pool) he was holding Dawn Brancheau by her ann.

Craig Thomas worked with Tilikurn in 1995 and 1996 and returned to work with him again in 2008. Tihkum was acquired beeause of an incident in Canada and because of this there has never been any intention by any trainers of getting in the water with Tilikum. He has been deemed to have tendencies that make him unsafe. Craig Thomas worked with Tilikum earlier in the day and did not notice any issues. Tilikurn showed no precursors of being agitated or unwilling to perform,

At approximately 1658 hours, Detective Dorothy Rivera spoke with Laura Surovik. Detective Rivera conducted a sworn, audio recorded interview with Laura Surovik. This interview took place at "The Terrace." The following is a synopsis of this interview:

Laura Surovik is employed at Sea World as the assistant curator of animal training. She has worked at Shamu stadium for twenty-four years and was present when Ti1ikum arrived at Sea World. Laura Surovik was also best

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CASE NUMBER lOl()....1}1671!5


friends with Dawn Branchean, She was on the telephone in her office when she found out the a1arm had been sounded at Dine with Shamu. Laura Surovik told her husband, Michael Surovik, she needed to go to Shamu stadium, When she arrived) Tilikum was in '~G" pool and moving into "F" pool. Laura Surovik could see Til ikum was holding Dawn Brancheau in his mouth (possibly hy her torso). The trainers had netted Tilikum to try and get him to release Dawn Brancheau. He was becoming more agitated and Laura Surovik assisted as Tilikum was moved to HE" pool and finally to "D" pool. Laura Surovik said Tilikurn was holding Dawn Brancheau as if she was his possession. Tilikum's past history is that when he obtains a person, he does not let them go.

At approximately 1700 hours, Detective Erickson spoke with Michael Surovik, He conducted a sworn, audio recorded interview with Michael Surovik, This interview took place at "The Terrace." The following is a synopsis of this interview:

Michael Surovik is employed at Sea World. He was working in his offiee On February 24~ 2010, when he received information from Laura Surovik there was a problem at Shamu stadium. He drove through the park with his wife to Dine with Shamu. When Michael Surovik arrived, he observed around forty people near the medical pool C~Ft' pool), Michael Surovik also observed Tilikurn was in "F" pool with a trainer. He had no additional information about this incident.

At approximately 1 71 0 hours) Detective Tamash spoke with Angela Casagrande. Angela Casagrande completed a sworn, written statement affidavit. Detective Tamash conducted a sworn, audio recorded interview with Angela Casagrande. This interview took place at "The Terrace," The following is a synopsis of this interview:

Angela Casagrande is employed at Sea World as a gill de for the animal show and photo tour. She was working at the underwater viewing area on February 24, 20 I 0 and preparing for a photo session with Tilikum Lynne Schaber was in the underwater viewing area as well. Angela Casagrande had her back to the window when she heard the alarm sound. She turned around and saw Til ikurn wi th a trainer in his mou tho Tilikum was swimming faster than normal. Angela Casagrande began ushering out the guests and called 911.

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CASE NUMBER 2010--0 167H


This 911 call goes to Sea World dispatch. Angela Casagrande said prior to this, the show appeared to be normal. Everything had gone as planned during the show i tse 1 f.

At approximately 1720 hours, I spoke with Linda Simons. Linda Simons is employed at Sea World as the Director of Health and Safety. She provided background information on Dawn Brancheau, Jan Topoleski, and Lynne Schaber. Dawn Brancheau was employed in a supervisor position. She was hired on February 7, 1994 and had beeu working with Tilikurn since this dale. Jan Topoleski was employed as a seuior trainer in thc water. He was hired on June 15t 2004 and had been working at Shamu stadium from January 7, 2008 until the present date. Lynne Schaber was employed as a senior trainer one in the water. She was hired on February 9, 1998~ and had beeu working at Shamu stadium from Apri125, 2005~ until the present dale. Linda Simons also provided me with a copy of a statement written on a Sea World Health Services Memo by Misty Bermudez.

At approximately 1727 hours, Detective Kraubetz and I spoke with Deputy Christian Vonbargen. We conducted a sworn, audio recorded interview with Deputy Vonbargen. This interview took place in thc offices by the trainer's locker room at ~·D" pool. The following is a synopsis of this interview:

Deputy Vonbargen was working in an off-duty capacity at Sea World. He is required to carry a Sea World radio when working this particular detail. He heard a commotion on the Sea World radio and began heading towards Shamu stadium When Deputy Vonbargen arrived on scene, fire rescue personnel were already present. Employees on scene told Deputy Vonbargen Tilikum had pnlled a trainer into the water. Deputy Vonbargen could see Tilikum still had Dawn Branchean in his mouth. He was holding her by the arm and thrashing violently back and forth. He was already in the forward pool ("Ft' pool) when Deputy Vonbargen arrived.

February 2S, 2010

At approximately 0900 hOUTS, Doctor Joshua Stephany of the District Nine Medical Examiner's Office conducted an examination of Dawn Brancheau. He ruled thc cause of death drown ing and traumatic injuries and the manner of death an accident.

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A t approximately 0930 hours, I received information a guest of Sea World had provided a video tape to Channel 3.5 news. I spoke with Public Information Officer Jim Solomon, who attempted to obtain the video tape direetly from Channel 3.5 news without success. However, Public Information Officer Jim Solomon was able to provide me with a copy of the news footage itself when it was aired on Channel 35 news. The male guest on the news coverage (using the name of Todd Connell) stated he turned his personal video camera off just before Dawn Brancheau ended up in the water with Tilikum, The video footage (no date or time stamp) showed Dawn Brancheau 1ying in the water face to faee with Tilikum, It also showed her hair very elose to Tilikum's mouth. The male guest was not positively identified, located, or interviewed during this investigation.

At approximately 1454 hours, 1 received an electronic mail from Public Information Officer Jim Solomons. The electronic mail stated a phone call was received by the Orange County Sheriff's Office Public Information Office from a female named "Jessica:" who was a witness to the incident on February 24~ 2010.

At approximately 1.550 hOUISJ I called the phone number provided for "Jessica. " I received no answer and left a message,

At approximately 1730 hoUIS~ I received a call back from "Jessica. j~ She identified herself as Jessiea Wilder, a guest visiting from Vermont. I scheduled to conduct a telephone interview with her on February 26~ 20 1 O~ between 0930 hours and 1000 hours.

February 26,2010

At approximately 0951 hoUIS~ I spoke with Jessica Wilder. This conversation took place over the telephone. I conducted a sworn, audio recorded interview with Jessica Wilder. The following is a synopsis of the interview with Jessica Wilder.

She was a guest at the 12:30 show for Dine with Shamu on February 2412010. Jessica Wilder had attended two previous Dine with Shamu shows. Owing the show on February 24t 20 1 O~ Jessica Wilder saw nothing out of the ordinary or different from the two previous shows she attended. She observed a female

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CASE NUMBER :2010-O1671~

EID 1685

trainer (Dawn Brancheau) interacting with Tilikum, Dawn Brancheau was lying on the platform and hugging Tilikum. Dawn Brancheau was also feeding Tilikum fish. Jessica Wilder went to the underwater viewing area with her family, When she looked up from the underwater viewing area, Jessica Wilder saw Dawn Brancheau in the water. Dawn Branchean was "scrambling" to get out of the water. Jessica Wilder then saw Tilikum

approaching Dawn Brancheau and he "impacted her squarely in the chest. tI Jessica Wilder watched as Tilikum looped around and came back towards Dawn Brancheau with his mouth open, Jessica Wilder was then escorted out of the area.

March 4, 2010

At approximately 0900 hours, I called Stuart Deridder with Sea World security. I asked if there was any additional video that showed the Dine with Shamu area on February 24~ 2010. Stuart Deridder told me there were only two video angles of that parti euler area and both of those had been provided tome.

March 8, 2010

At approximately 1131 hours, I reed ved an electroniemail from Public Information Officer Jim Solomons. He had forwarded an eleetrenie mail to me from an individual named John Kielty. The following is a synopsis of this electronic mail:

John Kielty said he was a guest at Sea World on Febmary 24~ 2010. He attended the 12:30 "Believe" show. During this show, he believed the whales were behaving abnormally. John Kielty said at the end of the shaw, a second whale somehow entered the stadium with the whale who was performing the splash portion of the show. The two whales began aggressively chasing each other and the trainers were finally able to separate them They waited Jive to ten minutes for the whale (believed to be Tilikum) to '(cool down. II After the eool down period, they resumed the "splash" portion of the show bUI the whale did not want to participate. The eomplete electronic mail from John Kielty is attached.



CASE NUMBER 1010--016715


March 29, 2010

At approximately 1307 hours, I called the work telephone number for Lynne Sehaber in order to get eiarification on several details from her original interview. I received no answer and so left a message on her answering machine.

March 31, 2010

At approximately 1034 hours, I again called the home telephone number for Lynne Schaber. I received no answer and so left a message on her answering machine, I then ealled the number she had provided as an alternate number. This number is a cellular phone. I received no answer and so left a message.

At approximately 1343 hours, I received a call from Stuart Deritter with Sea World Security, He told me someone had relayed to him I wanted to speak with a trainer. Stuart Deritter asked for the trainer's name and said he would provide her with my cellular phone number to eall me.

April 6, 2010

As of this dare, I still had received no response from Lynne Sehaber. I called Jan Topoleski in order to try and obtain information as to how Lynne Sehaber would have relayed to Dawn Brancheau that she was ready for Tilikum to be sent to the underwater viewing area window. I received no answer and so left a message on the answering machine. A short time later, I received a call from a female (she did not identify herselt). The female stated the phone number I had called for Jan Topoleski was incorrect.

April 14, 2010

At approximately 1154 hours, I received a voice message from Lynne Schaber. I called her back and received no answer. I left a message.

At approximately 1310 hours, I received a call from L ynne Schaber. This phone conversation was sworn and audio recorded. Lynne Schaber explained in her first interview, when she described Dawn Branebeau was on top of Tilikum, she meant Dawn Brancheau was actually positioned to Tilikum's



CASE NUMBER 101 O--(J Hi'1 s


side, but he was rolling in the water and so appeared slightly above him. Dawn Braneheau was not positioned on his dorsal area. Lynne Sehaber could not advise whether Tilikum had a hold of Dawn Brancheau's body at this time.

Tn addition, Lynne Sehaber explained how she called to Dawn Brancheau. There is a position in the underwater viewing area where there is a slight gap in the roof and so voices can be projected to the platform where Down Brancheau was working wiLh Tilikum, Lynne Schaber simply yelled to Dawn Brancheau from this area. She said she could. not see Dawn Brancheau at that time because of Tilikum' s posi tion in front of Dawn Braneheau.

There is no additional information concerning this case at this time.


• Log of Tilikwn and Dawn Brancheau 's movements in the pool from a

time stamp of 13:38: 10.76 until a time stamp of 14:01 :05.23

• District Nine Medical Examiner's Office Case Synopsis

• Map of Shamu stadium pools

• Thirty-Nine Statement Affidavits

• Crime Scene Contamination Sheets

• Orange County Sheriffs Office Computer Aided Dispatch sheet

• Orange County Fire Rescue Computer Aided Dispatch sheet

• Sea World. statement by Misty Bermudez

• Electronic mail from Public Information Officer Jim Solomons rn reference to Jessica Wilder

• Electronic mail from Public Information Officer Jim Solomons In reference to John Kielty

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CASE NUMBER 20HJ-01671.5

ETD l685


This case is closed as an accidental death.


Orange County Sheriffs Office Records Seetion

Detective Samara Melieh, EID 2685 Homicide Squad



Sworn to and subscribed before me~ the undersigned Authority, this

~ ~- day of /-1AAr:L ~ 2010.


-y-~g-/D (date)

Sergeant Daniel Gutierrez Supervisor, Homicide Squad

In compliance with Orange County Sheriff's Office Wrmen Directives, and Florida Stanne 119, die completed investigative report becomes public record unless exempt from disclosure by law, Requesta for review and/or copies of completed investigations arc granted in accordance with applicable Jaw,


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