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IIS Web Server IIS Web Server Related How To

How to add the ISAPI Extensions to the particular domain

To add the ISAPI Extensions to the particular domain, one can follow below mentioned
1. Open IIS from the server.
2. Right Click on the particular domain name and select Properties.
3. Click on Home Directory tab.
4. Click on Configuration button from the Application settings section.
5. Click on Add button and enter the required information.
6. Click on Ok button.

How to increase ASP script timeout value?

You may have experienced ASP script time out error message for your ASP web pages.
You can increase it using below procedures:
Step 1:
By default ASP script timeout value in IIS is 90 seconds. You can increase this value
using below procedure.
1.1 Login to your server.
1.2 Open IIS manager.
1.3 Go to websites.
1.4 Right click on your web site directory and select properties.
1.5 Click on Home Directory tab.
1.6 Click on Configuration button from Application settings.
1.7 Click on Options tab.
1.8 Provide script time out value (number of seconds) in ASP script timeout option.
(Default value of
1.9 Click on OK button to save the changes.
Step 2:
You can also directly set ASP script timeout value using script.timeout property of ASP
For example: script.timeout = 120 will set 120 seconds script timeout value to your ASP

How To Grant Full Trust Mode To A Domain In ASP.Net 2.0 IIS 6.0?

In order to grant Full Trust to a domain we need to add below mentioned code in
web.config file of .net framework. .
<location path="domain name" allowOverride="true">
<trust level="Full" originUrl=".*"/>
Net Framework web.config file should be at below mentioned path:
C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\CONF IG
What is Default virtual SMTP server?

SMTP virtual server is a server that acts as a client for sending e-mail messages. Each
SMTP virtual server represents an instance of the SMTP service on a server. You can set
up your own default virtual SMTP server to send and receive local emails. Using Internet
Information Services, you can configure your virtual SMTP server. Many scripts requires
local SMTP server IP address to relay messages like FrontPage submit forms requires
local SMTP server IP address to send/receive emails.
You can check the logs of default virtual SMTP server from C:/Inetpub/mailroot
How to enable parent paths?

What is Parent Path?

If you wish to workout your application on any sort of directory structure then you will
require parent path enabled for your domain on your web server. It will allow you to use
.. while browsing directories of your domain. You will need to enable it explicitly as
Parent Path will not be enabled by default in IIS.
How to enable it?
Below are the steps to enable parent path in IIS:
1. In IIS Manager, right click on domain name and then click Properties.
2. Click the Directory tab, and then click Configuration.
3. Click the Options tab.
4. In the Application configuration section, select the Enable parent paths check box.
5. Click OK.

Built-in IIS users

As a system administrator, it is essential that you know about default built-in IIS and
windows user accounts. Below are some examples of default users:
It has the minimum permissions and user privileges those are necessary to start and run a
worker process on IIS.
It is necessary that Application pool identities be members of this group so that the
application pool can register with Http.sys.
The IIS IUSR_ComputerName user account is for anonymous access to IIS.
By default, when a user accesses a Web site that uses Anonymous authentication, that
user is mapped to the IUSR_ComputerName account.
The IIS IWAM_ComputerName user account is for starting out-of-process applications in
IIS 5.0 isolation mode.
The built-in ASPNET user account is for running the ASP.NET worker process in IIS 5.0
isolation mode.
Active and Passive FTP mode

Active mode for FTP:

- In active mode the FTP server will try to make the request to the client side ports
incremented by 1. For example, client connects to the FTP server using port 21. Once, the
connection will be established the server will continue looking for the open ports > 1023
of client. Active FTP is more beneficial to the FTP server admin, but detrimental to the
client side admin. It is because the server will continue looking for the open ports on
client side which would almost certainly be blocked by a firewall on the client side.
Passive mode for FTP:
Passive FTP is beneficial to the client, but detrimental to the FTP server admin. The client

will make both connections to the server, but one of them will be to a random high port,
which would almost be blocked by a firewall on the server side.
Difference between TCP and UDP ports

TCP stands for transmission control protocol. It is a connection oriented protocol. A

connection will be established between client and server and the data will be sent through
that established connection.
* Reliable - TCP provides reliable connection. The server will re-request the lost part if
there is any interruption between send/receive packets.
* Ordered - It works on first come first server method. The requests will be processed
based on its priority.
* Heavyweight - Due to ordering and reliable connection, TCP protocol is bit
heavyweight for OS to make the process in ordering.
UDP stands for User Datagram Protocol. It is a connectionless protocol.
* Unreliable - UDP does not provide you a reliable connection. You will not know if a
packet will lost between the way.
* Not ordered - It does not maintain any order to process the request.
* Lightweight - It is bit lightweight for OS than TCP as it does not maintain any order or
How to configure IIS components?

Below mentioned is the procedure to configure IIS components services:

1. In Control Panel, open Add or Remove Programs.
2. Click Add/Remove Windows Components.
3. On the Windows Components, click Application Server, and then click Details.
4. Click Internet Information Services (IIS), and then click Details.
5. Enable or disable the appropriate IIS components and services by selecting or
deselecting the check box.
6. Complete the Windows Components Wizard by following the instructions in the
Core IIS components

Core IIS components:You may configure IIS web server more efficiently as the better you know about core IIS
components. There are many IIS components available. Some core IIS components are
described below:

HTTP protocol stack (http.sys):- When you create a website, IIS registers the
site with http.sys which will receive any HTTP requests for the website. It is a

driver used by IIS. It is a part of networking subsystem of windows operating

system. Requests are processed faster and the services will not be interrupted
when a worker process fails. It provides following services in IIS 6.0:
-Routing HTTP services to the correct request queue.
-Caching of requests in kernel mode.
-Performing all text based logging for WWW service.

Worker Process:- Worker process is a user mode code whose role is to process
requests like returning a static page, running a CGI handler. It uses http.sys to
receive and response a http request. You can configure IIS to run multiple worker

3. WWW Service Administration and Monitoring:- Like http.sys and worker process
this component contains critical IIS functionality that never loads external code. It is
responsible for managing the worker processes. It includes starting the worker process
and maintaining the information about running worker process.
What is FTP user isolation

FTP user isolation is a solution for Internet service providers (ISPs) and application
service providers who want to offer their customers individual FTP directories for
uploading files and Web content. FTP user isolation prevents users from viewing or
overwriting other users' Web content by restricting users to their own directories. Users
cannot navigate higher up the directory tree because the top-level directory appears as the
root of the FTP service. Within their specific site, users have the ability to create, modify,
and delete files and folders.
FTP user isolation is a site property, not a server property. It can be turned on or off for
each FTP site.
FTP user isolation supports the following three isolation modes, each of which enables
different levels of isolation and authentication:
Do not isolate users: This mode does not enable FTP user isolation. It is designed to
work similarly to earlier versions of IIS.
Isolate users: This mode authenticates users against local or domain accounts before
they can access the home directory that matches their username.
Isolate users using Active Directory: This mode authenticates user credentials against a
corresponding Active Directory container, rather than searching the entire Active
Directory, which requires large amounts of processing time.
How To Install IIS on Windows 2003 server?

Hello All,

In order to install IIS on windows 2003 server one need to perform below mentioned
1) Click on start menu -> control panel.
2) Click on Add or Remove Programs.
3) Click on Add or Remove Windows Components.
4) In the Windows Components Wizard, under Components, select Application Server.
5) Selecting Application Server performs a default installation of IIS and includes
components that are not necessary for Certificate Services. this installation is acceptable
for an isolated test environment.
6) Click next -> Finish.
Thats it!

How to change the home directory of a Web site using IIS Manager?

How to change the home directory of a Web site using IIS Manager?
1. In IIS Manager, expand the local computer, expand the Web Sites directory, right-click
the Web site you wish to change, and click Stop.
2. Use Windows Explorer, to rename the LocalDrive:\Inetpub\Wwwroot directory to the
name of your choice. Alternatively, you can copy the entire \Wwwroot directory tree to a
new location.
3. In IIS Manager, right-click your Web site, and click Properties.
4. Click the Home Directory tab, and under The content for this resource should come
from, click A directory located on this computer, A share located on another computer, or
A redirection to a URL, depending on where your home directory is located.
5. In the Local path box, type the path name, share name, or URL of your directory.
How to create an application in IIS?

How to create an application in IIS?

To create an application in IIS, you have to perform the following steps (for example
MyApp, installed in c:\inetpub\wwwroot\MyApp):
- Start "Internet Information Services" (Start - Settings - Control Panel - Administrative
- Navigate to the MyApp virtual directory and select it
- Rightclick it and select "Properties"
- Press the "Create" button and accept the default name
- Press OK
- Make sure that Execute Permissions are set to "Scripts only"

How to Configure IIS Application Pool?

How to Configure IIS Application Pool?

IIS application pool can work in three modes:
Shared pool is always used for all clients and domains.
Dedicated pool is always used for every client and domain.
Shared pool is used for clients and domains by default; clients are allowed to assign
dedicated pools for their customers.
To change the IIS application pool working mode:
1) Go to Server > IIS Application Pool.
2) Select Global Settings tab.
3) Select the required mode and click OK.
How to add internet guest user to the domain from IIS 6.0 Windows 2003?

Hello All,
In order to add internet guest user [IUser_servername] to the domain one need to perform
below mentioned steps:
1) Open IIS Manager.
2) Click on websites.
3) Right click on website for which one need to add internet guest user.
4) Click on permissions.
5) Click on add button from group or usernames.
6) Click on locations. It will ask for network password. Please cancel it.
7) Select the root directory and click on ok. [Root directory should be server name].
8) Click on advance button. It will open new window.
9) Click on Find Now. It will display all the users of the server.
10) Search internet guest user [IUSER_servername].
11) Click ok upto finish.

How to change ASP.NET version for a domain from IIS?

How to change ASP.NET version for a domain from IIS?

1) Go to IIS, select the domain.
2) Right click on domain and select properties.
3) Click on the tab ASP.NET.

4) In the field ASP.NET version, select the desired version.

5) Click on Apply to change the settings.
How to manage default pages from IIS?

To change the priority of the default content page or to add a new default page:
1) Login to IIS. Select the domain.
2) Right click on the domain.
3) Click on properties.
4) Select the tab Document.
5) To add a new default content page, click on Add, and enter the page name with
6) To increase the priority of default content page, select the page and click on Move Up
7) To decrease the priority of the default content page, select the page and click on Move
8) Click on Apply to save the settings.
How to Change ASP.Net version for a domain from IIS Windows 2003 server?

Hello All,
In order to change ASP.Net version for a domain from IIS one need to perform below
mentioned steps:
1) Open IIS Manager.
2) Click on Websites.
3) Right click on domain name for which one need to change the ASP.Net version.
4) Click on Properties.
5) Select ASP.Net tab.
6) Select the ASP.Net version from drop down menu.
7) Click on Apply and Ok.
How to stop, start/restart IIS service from Windows 2003 server?

Hello All,
One need to perform below mentioned steps to stop, start/restart IIS service from
Windows 2003 server:
1) Click on start button.
2) Click on Run button.
3) Type CMD without quote.
4) Press enter command window will appear.

Now, one need to fire below mentioned command according to their service requirement:
To Start IIS Service:
iisreset /start
To Stop IIS Service:
iisreset /stop
To Restart IIS Service:
iisreset /restart

How to propagate user permissions from IIS 6.0

Hello All,
One need to perform below mentioned steps to propagate the user permissions for a
1) Open IIS 6.0 Manager.
2) Expand local computer.
3) Click on websites.
4) Search and Right click on website for which one need to propagate the permissions.
5) Click on permissions.
6) New window will appear and click on Advance button.
7) Select the username and click on edit to select the permissions.
8) Select the check box.
9) Click on apply and one can see the permissions propagation window.
10) Click on ok to complete the process.

How to take the backup of IIS 6.0 Metabase

Hello All,
One need to perform below mentioned steps to take backup of IIS 6.0 Metabase Files:
1) Open IIS 6.0.
2) Click on your computer name and select all tasks-> backup/restore configuration.
3) Click on create backup.
4) Now you can make up any name you want, not including dots (.) You can also
password protect the back up if you choose.
5) Click on OK button to complete the backup procedure.
Backup is stored in C:\WINDOWS\system32\inetsrv\MetaBack under the filename which

one has given. There will be 2 files. In the example I gave above 2 files were created:
accuwebhost backup.MD0
accuwebhost backup.SC0

How to install SSL Certificate - IIS 6.0

Hello All,
Once the SSL Certificate has been generated based created CSR Key one need to perform
below mentioned steps to install it on concern domain:
1) Open IIS Manager.
2) Click on the websites.
3) Right click on desired website for which one need to install SSL Certificate.
4) Select Properties.
5) Select Directory Security Tab.
6) Click on server certificates Click next.
7) Select Process the pending request and install the certificate and click next.
8) Browse and select file path of SSL Certificate file click next.
9) Click on finish to complete the installation.

How to generate CSR Key for SSL Certificate - IIS 6.0

Hello All,
One need to perform below mentioned steps to generate CSR Key for SSL Certificate:
1) Open IIS Manager.
2) Click on the websites.
3) Right click on desired website for which one need to generate CSR Key.
4) Select Properties.
5) Select Directory Security Tab.
6) Click on server certificates.
7) Click on next.
8) Click on create a new certificate -> Click Next.
9) Prepare the request now, but send it later and click next.
10) Enter the require details
11) Enter the file name in which we need to store the Key and click next.
12) Check the details and click next and finish.

How to create a folder as application folder/Virtual folder IIS 6.0

Hello All,
One need to perform below mentioned steps to create a folder as application
folder/Virtual Directory:
1) Open IIS Manager.
2) Click on the websites.
3) Click on desired website and go the folder which needs to create as an application
4) Right Click on that folder -> select directory tab.
5) Click on create button on application name.
6) Click ok.

How to create dedicated application pool IIS 6.0

Hello All,
One need to perform below mentioned steps to create an assign dedicated application
pool to the website:
1. Open IIS Manager, expand the local computer, right-click Application Pools, point to
New, and then click Application Pool.
2. In the Application pool name box, type the name of the new application pool - Website
3. If the ID that appears in Application pool ID box is not the ID that you want, type a
new ID.
4. Under Application pool settings, click the appropriate setting. If you click Use existing
application pool as template, in Application pool name box, right-click the application
pool that you want to use as a template.
5. Click OK.

How to assign an application pool to the website IIS 6.0

Hello All,
One need to perform below mentioned steps to assign application to the website:
1. Open IIS Manager -> Web Sites and right-click on the website that one need to assign
an application pool, and then click Properties.
2. Click the Virtual Directory, Directory, or Home Directory tab.
3. If assigning a directory or virtual directory, verify that Application name is filled in. If

the Application name box is not filled in, click Create, and then type a name.
4. In the Application pool list box, click the name of the application pool to which you
want to assign the Web site.

Where are My IIS Log Files Stored?

To determine where your IIS log files are stored, please perform the following steps on your server:

Go to Start -> Control Panel -> Administrative Tools

Run Internet Information Services (IIS).
Find your Web site under the tree on the left.
Right-click on it and choose Properties.
On the Web site tab, you will see an option near the bottom that says "Active Log Format." Click on
the Properties button.
At the bottom of the General Properties tab, you will see a box that contains the log file directory
and the log file name. The full log path is comprised of the log file directory plus the first part of the
log file name.

For example, if the dialog box displayed the following values:

Log file directory: C:\Windows\System32\LogFiles

Log file name: W3SVC1\exyymmdd.log

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