The German Boy Activities

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Short-story: The German Boy by Ron Butlin
1- The story doesnt mention any specific time reference. Do you think there should be
some or has this got a relevant purpose in the story?
2- Nevertheless you can guess more or less when it probably happened. Quote from the
text to support your view.
3- The most relevant aspect in terms of time is that the author uses flashbacks,
constantly moving from the present to the past and vice-versa. Furthermore the author
travels back either to a very recent past or to a remote one. Find in the story
examples of these different pasts.
4- As regards the time of the plot in terms of its duration, how would you define it?
How long did the whole action last?
5- Now think of the climax of the story. At what point does it happen? How was it
built? Do you think it makes the story more satisfying?
6- The weather (as another aspect of time: the atmospheric one) can also be used to
reenforce the tragic effect of the plot. Refer to this aspect of the story.
1- Classify the main places of the plot in terms of indoors and outdoors and try to
evaluate their relevance in the story. (You can fill in the following table to help you)
page 1

When I came to the office

(The woman) outside in the
pouring rain

1- This is a simple story that mainly goes around the characters feelings / thoughts.
However, there is some factual information about the narrators present life:

What does the narrator do for a living?

What is he worried about?
Who set up the business?
What kind of a student was he?
Why did he need to restore his familys name?
What future does he foresee?

2- Reread the story introduction and try to answer some of its implicit questions:
a) In what way(s) does Klaus differ from the other students?
b) Why does Klaus come so much into the mind of the story-teller?
c) How could a lovely child from another country be helped?
3 - Which of the following themes do you think are the most important in this story?
Language barriers

Family Ties

Social strata


a) Add another theme to the list if you wish.

1-The story starts with the narrators reference to a woman in the street. What do you
think is her function/ role in the story?
Why is there such an affinity between the two? What is his attitude towards her?
2- Now think of Klaus.
a) Quote from the text information about his physical and psychological
b) From the list below choose the feelings experienced by him. (You can add others
Indignation/ indifference/ misery/ prejudice/ fear/ humiliation/relief/triumph
c) How do you explain Klauss decision only to speak German? Do you think he
3- The narrator is an adult when he tells the story. However, he was a child when it
happened. Find examples of the childs point of view without including the adults
explanation or interpretation. Decide on the effect this technique has on the reader.
4- Now refer to the relationship between the narrator and Klaus.
a) Reread the following passage: On his first night...but he wasnt. (page 3)
What can you infer from the narrators personality as a young man?

b) Relate this attitude to his education / family background. Remember Aunt Claire
(page 1) and his family story.
c) How do you say his personality developed? What sort of a man is he as an adult?
How does he face the present crisis in his life?
5- The headmaster is also an important character in the story.
a) How would you describe him?
b) Evaluate his attitude towards Klaus. Was it the most adequate one? Could he
really have helped Klaus to get integrated into the class? What would you have
done in his place?
6- What about Klauss schoolmates attitude? Was it the right one to help Klaus? Do
you think you would have reacted the same way or in a totally different way? Why?
1-Reread the following passages:
A boy sniggered. The headmaster plodded on.
- Klaus is from Germany. This is Germany. He indicated it again. ( page 2)
Pay attention to the length of sentences. Comment on the effect of this technique on
the reader.
a) Find other examples in the text.
2- Look at the expressions below:
(...) making his hands jerk as if they were receiving a series of small electric shocks.
( page 1)
The headmaster plodded on. ( page 2)
And I will have to think...She will have cooked dinner...we will eat...I will read
them...we will probably watch T.V. ...I will go on saying nothing. ( page 4)
Identify the Figures of Speech. Comment on their aptness and force.
a) Try to find others in the text.
3- Comment on the last sentence of the story.
Zwei Minuten...which I now understand as meaning a lifetime, or as good as.
(page 4)
Evaluate its impact on the reader as the narrators/storys last words.
a) What effect did it have on you?


Choose one of the following activities:
1- Write a critical review of the story. You may use the plan below as a guide and the
language components in the box:
Paragraph one:
General introduction: What type of story is it?
Who is the author?
When was it written and published?
Paragraph two:
Development/ Body: What is the story about?
Who are the main characters and what happens to them?
What message does the story convey?
Paragraph three:
Conclusion: - What is your opinion about the story? Why?
Would you recommend it to others? Why?
Useful language:
The story is/tells about
What happens/ follows is that
I really enjoyed
I was really disappointed with
It is worth reading.
2- Write a summary of the story. Refer to the main events, but dont forget important
3 - Rewrite the story from Klauss point of view.
4 - Continue the story. Give it a different ending.

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