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le Plavina Game set in


Post-Holocaust world

henry christen (order #23380)

Actual Age
Recog. Fanor
Personal ENC
Talents (15 + 2D6 = -points
to allocate

Maximum value carried with status

In Pack or Bag (Capacity

Enter Armor Value on Location covered



Caveroae Farmnt

fade AV E N C I







Off-hand Dexterity









ENC Carried

henry christen (order #23380)


Attribute Ratlng
EffectDls none





35-44 45-54
2D10 2D10+1 2D10+2 2D10+2



This is a very hostile reaction It usually indtcates the mtiation

of action if the overall reaction is unfriendly Iftheoverall reaction
is friendly it lends to indicate a lack of interest in continuing to
deal with the Player Characters

This is a negative reaction It can indicate growing hostility

This 1s a negative reaction
Negative Indifference

It signals a deteriorating

An undecided reaction with leanings to the negative

i reaction indicates no leanings i n one direction or t
In negotiations. it might call for a Deriod l o consider t

An undecided reaction with leaninqs t o the positive

This is a positive reaction
This is a positivr -"ction
willingness to a

offered free'



ltindicatesgrowing fri--*'..

--j before it is requested


The mosi common mount for a man IS the horse The
statistics for an average horse are given here.
14 24
Attack modes. WDM Length BCS Notes
minus1 STR Group
Hoof, unshod 1.5C
2 attacks when used
Hoof, shod
and a WDA equal
to 3

. . medium..

Lg ....I

VLg . .very large

.. .


henry christen (order #23380)

es, iongoows, poiearms,

isbows, rifles. etc
greater than 6 feet long and
bulky, usually requires two

HG1 mattress, small giant.

2: horses, carts, small car,
etc. and so on

.. . very light

Lt ..... light
Hvy .


. . heavy .. . . . . ..
very hear

wood, paper, feathers, cloth,

flesh, IeRther. water, heavy
woods, etc
stone, gemstones, iron, brass.
lead, silver, etc
MS1. aold. Dlatinum. etc.
MS2 iranium. plutonium. etc
and so on

up to 1/2 ENC CAP
Partially Encumbered
up to 314 ENC CAF
Fully Encumbered
up to full ENC CAF



- ._
e aid is

10 0

able to be hidden in a hand,

such as a coin, gem, smatl
jewelry, etc.
can be held and used with one
hand and does not project far
from the hand, such as knives,
candles, clubs, lanterns, etc.
held and used in one hand but
significantly larger than the
hand, such as short swords,
torches, etc.
usable in one hand and up to
about a meter in length, such as
swords. large tools, bundles,
able to be held or carried in one
hand but usually requiring two
hands to use properly, such as





VSm . .very small

It can signal an in



Speed BCS

* * no modifications ***





A character may carry:

1 "thing" on his back.
1 "thing" up to Very Large in each hand.
1 "thing" slung over each shoulder.
10 "things" on a belt.

henry christen (order #23380)



Gun Actions and Rates

Gun Action Shots per Action
1 Shot and reload for n $t sho
1 Shor per Action
1 Shot per Action
1 or 2 Shots per Action. Firer's choice
1 , 2, or 3 Shots per Action. Firer's choice
Variable number of Bursts' per Action
1 , 2, or 3 Bursts' per Action


+ 4

2 a weapon for aut1

xracy normally accoroea rne weapon Dy 2
I Burs1 fired add 1 to the Inherent Accuracy
For eat
Malch Weapons I1 the Feature is used then Match Weapons
add 3 to the normal Inherent Accuracy of Ihe weapon

In automatic fire, Bursts are fired rather than individual

rounds as with other Gun Actions. The majority of
weapons fire Bursts of 3 rounds each. Some of the new
"super-automatic" gunsfireBursts of 6. See Autofire rules
below for details

y Robert N. Charrett
and Paul R. Humt

Damage Capability
The number of damage dice a round will do against the
3T if it penetrates, is
Armor Value of a struck target, and t
)r a bullet strike are
based on the BDG. The Damage D
calculated as follows:
number of D10 of Damage equals dDG/'^


plus Damage Points equal BDG/lO. near


1-20 N o special effect

21-30 Flesh wound: damage is adjusted to

only if the Armor Value on the target location is
31-45 Minor wound: 1 point of damage caused.
supercwes any normal results. This effect GII a
Critical Hit results in normal damage.
46-65 Normal damage and Stopping
66-75 As 46-65 plus a Daze effect (see Critical Hit Effect
76-85 As 66-75 plus a Stun effect (see Critical Hit Effect
86-95 As 76-85 plus s roll on the Critical Effect Table
96-00 As 86-95 but add 30 to the roll on thecritical Effects

Range 1 ita







Long Guns





t '1

Slug Load
Shot Load Full Choke
Modified Choke

BCS Modifiers
BDG Modifiers


To use the Range Table, simply note the range to the target
in meters on the combat display Locate the Range Step
under which this figure fails on the Table This is the Range
Step for that shot

minus 2

....,.-" ,-Oh

minus 5

minus 25% minus 50%

* Unless weapon is specified as having another

barrel length


22 Jet
221 Fireball
25 ACP (6 35mm) 1
30 (765mm)
32 Short
32 Long
32 ACP
357 Magnum
9mm Parabellum 5
9mm Short
38 Special
38 Short
380 ACP
38 SuperAuto
41 Magnum
44 Special
44 Magnum
45 ACP

22 Short
22 Auto
22 Long Rifle
22 Stinger
22 Long
22RF Magnum
5mm Magnum


henry christen (order #23380)

The effect number for Stopping is equal to the Adjusted

BDG (used to determine if a Special Effect would occur) or
the Damage Potential for muscle powered missile weapons
and Impalements divided by the Mass of the target.
IF>l Knock back for 203 meters. A Deftness Ability
Saving Throw is required to prevent being knocked
down. Each two meters of knock back will drop a
target one category for purposes of stopping
forward motion.
IF>5 As above but a Critical Saving Throw is required for
the character to keep his feet.
IF>lO As above but knock down is automatic.
IF< 1 The % chance of getting a result as if the effect
number were equal to 1 is the Adjusted BOG (used
t o determine if Missile Special Effects would occur)
divided b y the Mass of the target multiplied by 100.


Gauge 10 12 16
222 Jet
223 (5 56m11)
222 Magnum
22 18 18
4-3 Buck
28 24 22
2-1 Buck
36 32 30
00 Buck
256 Magnum
* These are very fight. small shot pellets. often rererred to a:
"birdshot." Ony any target massing over 2 Enc, they do E
6 5mm Magnum
type damage (half lethal. half subdual).
264 Magnum
* * Again. these are fairly light loads. At any range beyond
SHT. they also do B damage.
x Indicates that no Shot Shell of that type is made for the
7mm Mauser
Gauge in question.
7mm Magnum
Note that certain rounds appear on both the Centerfire
30 Carbine
Pistol and Centerfire Long Gun Tables. The are: 22 Jet,
32-20, 38-40, 44-40. and 44 Magnum. These are identical
rounds. but are widely popular both as Pistol and as Long
30-40 Krag
Gun loads. They are entered on each Table for easy
300 Magnum
1 reference. Some Players may favor usino
weapons which all chamber the same
308 (7.62mm NATO: 27 Caliber
caliber. as such standardization can
32 Special
21 375
some of the problems in maintain17 358
ing an ammo supply
6 38-40
The Encumbrance of cartridges is also
8mm Mauser
25 44 Magnum 42
40 444 Marlin
36 based o n their Caliber All Pistol ammo of
30 0: less, and all Rimflre ammo, has an
338 Magnum
41 44-40
ENC value Of 01 Other Pistol ammo (32
20 45-70 GOVt
35 458 Magnum, 51 Caliber or larger). Long Gun Ammo, and
350 Magnum
15 460Magnum 81
Shot Shell, has an ENC value of 02

. .- .Nn
.- affect
-. .- - ..
11-40 Primer flash. Primer is expended but the round is
still good.
41-70 Main load is a dud. Primer and powderforroundare
expended. Gun must be reloaded.
71-85 Cook-off. Appears to beadud round. It will gooff on
the bookkeeping phase. There is a 50%chance of it
going off if there is an attempt t o remove it before
Action Phase 0. If it goes off, treat as if it were a
chamber explosion as below.
86-95 Chamber explosion. Burst effect of BDG of the
round/30, nearest. Burst effect minus the Durability
of the weapon is the number of DlOs of Lethal
Damage done to the character's Location that is
nearest to the breech of the gun. If the number of
DlOs is less than 1 , reduce the Durability of the gun
by 1 and treat as if the main load was a dud. If the
number is greater than or equal to 1 (the chamber
actually doesexplode). thegun is Disrepaired with a
chance (equal to the number of DlOs) in 6 of it being
96-00 Chamber explosion as above but burst effect is BDG
of the round/20. nearest.


Action to manually clear the round. Other types

clear with the next round, no special action is
Jammed round. Requires 2 Actions to clear
manually. A weapon with an extractor will clear in 1
Cook-off. See Black Powder firearms.
Chamber explosion. Burst effect is BDG of the
round/30, nearest.
Chamber explosion. Burst effect of the round is
BDGI20. nearest.

The sun hangs low on the horizon illuminating the ruins of

civilization with a bloody light. Is it the sunset of the earth o r
the sunrise of a brave new world? You can decide as you
boldly stride the rubble strewn streets of the

The Game is for 2 to 6 players and a referee i n search of a

different kind of adventure. It is a role-playing excursion into a
post-holocaust world.
The Players create characters, designed by themselves, to face
the challenges and dangers of life after things fall apart.

The Referee is provided with everything he needs to detail the

world in which the players will adventure.
Aftermath! is not a game for the faint at heart. Ruined cities,
dread diseases, despair and broken dreams are a part of the
characters' daily lives. Still hope survives, for mankind still
survives. Rise up, meet the challenge and overcome!

Aftermath! contains:
Basic Rules book with multiple examples
and illustrations of play.
Players' Handbook detailing construction
of characters, equipment and life after the Ruin.
Referee's Handbook detailing construction of the
environment and running the game.
Introductory Scenario to allow you t o start play easily.

Aftermath! provides a solid basic play mechanic that has been over2 years in playtesting. Rules are provided
l o r m o d e r n firearms, NBC weapons a n d protections, mutations, survival, h i g h technology a n d more. T h e
game is structured to allow the referee t o decide the nature of the holocaust that destroyed the w o r l d In
w h i c h play will occur. Aftermath! is a step forward in the art of role-playing games.

P.O.BOX 1082

henry christen (order #23380)


henry christen (order #23380)


Game Design: Paul H u m e and B o b Charrette

Illustrations and Graphics: B o b Charrette
Typesetting: Liz Johnson, Dan Bress,
Mat Roswurrn, and G r y p h o n Graphics

Special Developmental Assistance: Jason Krause,

Bill Colbert, Charlie Crickenberger,
Peter Adarns, James Polk, and
Nick B u c h h o l z

Playtesters: Jason Rein, Sean Morris,

John McGuire, Uwe Behrrnann,
Mike Johnson, T o m Johnson, Rich Altman,
and all the others w h o put u p with us.

Special Thanks to Scott Bizar for having faith.

henry christen (order #23380)

henry christen (order #23380)

.. 1
............ 1
... 1

What Is a Fantasy Role Playlng Game?

Fantasy Role Playing Game
Who's Who in the Role Playing Game
The Gamesmaster
The Campaign
Meet the Game
Some Conventions used in the Text
Reading the Rules

.................. 1
............................. 2
......................... 2
........................ 2
....................... 2
.... 3
.................... 3

Defining the Character

Attribute Group Chart
Temporary Alteration af Attributes
Learning Rate
Detecting Hidden Things
Weapon Damage
Maximum Number of Actions
Base Action Phase
Healing Rate
Saving Throws
Psychological Profile
The Basic Talents
Raw Talent Use
Special Talent Abilities
Additional Talent Benefits
Freely Improvable Skills
Damage ResistanceTotal
Combat Dodge Ability
Phases Consumed in Action
Encumbrance Capacity
Off-hand Dexterity
Physical Characteristics
Physical Aspects Chart
Personal Encumbrance Chart
Recognition Factor
Basic Chance of Success
Effect Numbers
Averaging Skills
Raw Talent VersusTrained Skill
Prerequisites to Skills
Combat Skills
Positioning Due to Skills Use
Primary and Secondary Attacks
WeaponsDefenseAbilityin Combat 13
Aim with a Combat Skill
Control Throws During Combat
The Thrust in Combat
Encumbrance Value Chart .......... 14
Distribution of Encumbrance
Encumbrance Status
Access to Stored Items
Personal Mass
Location and Armor
Bipedal Hit Location Map
Quadrupedal Hit Location Map
Enhanced Armor Values (Option)
Armor Formats
Reinforcing Armor
Leather and Hides as Armor
Improvising Armor Materials
Use of Armor to Prevent Damage
Average Armor Value
Destruction of Armor (Option)









henry christen (order #23380)



Time and Movement

Strategic Time Scale
Tactical Time Scale
Detailed Action Time Scale
Real Time Scale
Down Time Scale
Combining Time Scales
Movement i n Tactical or Strategic Time19
Movement Modifiers Chart
Forced March
The Fast March
The Long March ................... 19
Detalled Action Time
Effects of Pre-emption and Surprise
The Detailed Action Time Display
The Character on the DAT Display
Position on the DAT Display'
Modification 'Table
Restrictions and Distractions
Continuity of Motion
Stopping Forward Motion
Stopping Forward Motion Table
Movement Through Occupied Hexes 24
Treacherous Ground and Movement 24
Climbing in Detailed Action Time
Climbing Movement Table
Entering the Zone of Influence
Engaged Status
Performing Actions
Simple Actions
The Last Shot Option
Firing While Moving
Communication in DAT
Combat Procedure
Conducting an Attack .............. 27
Situational Modifiers
Situation Modifier Table
The "Hopeless" Attack
Adjusted BCS Equal to 1
Adjusted BCS Greater than 1
Results of a Hit
Hit Location Tables .............. 28
Damage Potential
Damage Done
System Shock
Types of Damage .................. 29
Missile Special Effects
Missile Special EffectsTable ...... 29
Critical Hits
Critical Hit Enhancement Tables 30
Critical Misses
Critical Miss Effects Tables ...... 30
General Notes on Combat Procedure 31
"The Clash of Weapons" (Option)
Bashing .............................
Special Effect (Option)
Deliberate Knock Down
Falls in Detailed Action Time
Effects of Water on Movement and
On the Water
In the Water
Going Under ....................
Floating .........................
Under the Water
Other Notes on Water
Combat on a Moving Vehicle
The Character and His Mount
Horse and Rider in DAT Display
Mounted Movement Through an
Occupied Hex









............. 35
.................. 35
Damage. Health and Healing ............ 36
Healing Damage .....................
Modifications to Healing Rate ...... 36
Immediate First Aid ................ 37
Restoration of Lost Attribute Points . 37
Restoring a Character t o
Consciousness .................. 37
Infection ..........................
Diseases ..........................
Disease Symptons ............... 38
Dealing with Disease ............. 39
Crisis Point of the Disease ........ 39
Doctors and Disease ............. 39
Antibiotics and Disease .......... 40
Recovery from Disease ........... 40
Immunity from Disease (Option) . 41
Poisons ...........................
Effects of Poisons ................ 41
Lethal .........................
Narcotic ......................
Depressant ....................
Treatment of Poisoning .......... 42
Encoding a Poison ............... 42
Character Improvement ................ 43
Improving Skills .....................
Learning-by-Doing .................. 43
Study and Skill Improvement ......... 44
Table of Learning Rate Modifications 44
Initial Score in New Skill (Option) ..... 44
Improvement of Attributes Through
Learning (Option) ................. 44
Increase of TalentsThrough Learning
(Option) ..........................
Improving Attribute Scores ........... 45
Effects of Age on Attributes ........... 45
Improving Off-hand Dexterity ......... 45
Quantifying the Environment ........... 46
Barriers .............................
Barrier Factor of Materials Table .... 46
Doors and Locks ................... 46
Tools and Their Use ................ 47
Sample Locking Mechanisms ....... 47
Fire and its Effects ................... 47
Fire and Armor Materials ........... 48
Fire and Barriers ................... 48
Smoke and its Effects .............. 48
Acid and its Effects .................. 48
Acid Special Effects Table .......... 49
Splashing Results ....................
Jumping on Horseback
Unseating a Rider

O n Being a Player ......................
Read the Game
Being Born ..........................
Growing U p
Getting Your Head On ................ 51
Being a Hero


O n Being a Gamesmaster .............. 52
Before Play ..........................
Reading it .........................
Planning the Campaign ............ 52
The Scenario ......................
During Play .........................
Enjoying Things ................... 53
Running the Session ............... 54
The Other Guys (or Girls) .......... 54
AfterPlay ...........................
Keeping Your Balance .............54
It's a Big. Wide. Wonderful World ... 55
Housecleaning ....................
L'Envoi .............................


Appendix 1: Reaction Table ............. 56

Appendix 2 Combat Procedure Flowchart 57


You are reading the introduction to a rulebook for
something called a Fantasy Role Playing Game. If you have
never been involved in one of these Games before, it can
seem confusing at first. The various rule books, the charts,
maps, funny dice, just what are they for? How do you play
this dumb game, anyway???
Role Playing Games are very different from almost every
other type of game in the world. What we are going to
examine here are the basics of how they are set up, played,
and so on. In the rest of this book are articles giving more
specific guidelines on how to play a Role Playing Game, with
detailed illustrations of how the rules are applied.


First off, what do we mean by Fantasy Role Playing
Game? Well, takenseparately, the words themselves give us
a clear picture of the terms meaning.
FANTASY: This implies that the Game deals with a world of
high adventure, of heroes and villains, danger and treasure,
brave warriors or explorers, cunning scientists, battle,
victory and life, or the dusty death of defeat. The dull and
workaday world, even on the cutthroat level of high finance
or armies at war, is left behind. In a Fantasy Game, we are
concerned with the individual hero, in an evnironment where
great deeds must be performed daily.
Among the scores of Role Playing Games now on the
market, rules can be found for Games set in milieus such as
Sword and Sorcery adventure, interstellar travel and
exploration, wild west shoot-em-ups, the France of the
Three Musketeers, Samurai Japan, and worlds that never
have existed outside of the dreams of their designers. Almost
any adventure setting desired can be found in a Role Playing
Game somewhere. This broad scope is the reason the Role
Playing Game hobby has grown so, since its inception some
10 years ago: it allows the players to actively take part in their
fondest fictional adventures almost as if they were
characters in their favorite book or film.
ROLE PLAYING: To be a player in a Role Playing Game, one
plays a part just as an actor would. One has chosen a role in
the Game-world and will operate in that environment as i f he
were really the character involved! This is the central
concept in Role Playing Games-the Players do not move
pieces around a game board, but react in the Game by describing and/or acting out the actions that thecharacters they
control are performing. In turn, everything that happens in
the Game is described as if it were really happening! If, in the
course of exploring a cave, the Characters find a dragon,
Players are told this as if their eyes were actually beholding
the beast.
There is a lot to say about the identification of the player
(Joe Smith, gamer, who is playing this Game) and his
Character (Roald the Bold, a brave warrior/wise
magician/intrepid spaceman/vicious killedetc.). Roald is a
unique individual, with his own strengths and weaknesses,
areas of expertise or ignorance, dreams, fears, and
motivations. When Joe is playing, he must try to react to
every situation as if he were Roald. We will be discussing the
very special relationship between a player and his character
in a later article in this book (On Being a Player, p.50).

GAME: The fantasy of the role playing has limits placed

upon it, and thus we define the last term in Fantasy Role
Playing Game. It is a Game, with rules governing what
players (or their characters) can and cannot do. The rules
give the methods for deciding how successful a Character is
when he fights, or attempts to be acrobatic, or does anything
requiring a particular amount of skill or knowledge. They
give the values by which a player knows how strong his
character is, or how smart. Rules also deal with Things:
weapons, armor, tools, magical items or scientific wonders,
vehicles - how they work in the game. For these Games are
modelled on a particular sort of reality. and thus all the
devices and ideas one is likely to meet in that reality should
be handled in the rules, so that players know what they can
d o with them.
The person who decides what will happen in the Game,
according to the rules and his own imagination, is called a
Gamesmaster. Every Role Playing Game will have at least
one of these individuals running it, for reasons set forth
throughout these books.

So we have a definition of a Fantasy Role Playing Gameas

a Game, having definite rules and structure, setting up an
atmosphere of high adventure in a fantasy world, where
players control single characters by playing Out roles as
those characters. That is the thumbnail view. Just how are
people involved in this process? Read on.

There are several individuals involved in playing a Role
Playing Game. Some are real (i.e. inhabitants of 20th
Century Earth, having existence outside the Game), while
others are not or at least do not exist outside the Game world.

We have referred to this person before. Every Role Playing
Game must have a Gamesmaster, also known as a Referee,
Judge, etc. We will call him the Gamesmaster from now on.
In the last section, it was remarked that everything that
happens in the Game is described to the Players as if it were
really happening to them. Aha! Who do you think does the
describing? Right-the Gamesmaster. Using the rules and a
series of maps, notes, charts, and scenarios of his own
design, the Gamesmaster is the one who lays out the Game
before it is played. He is responsible for setting up everything
that the Characters will encounter while playing, either in
advance with loving detail, or at random during the course of
play. When something develops in the course of the Game
that the players should not know about, the Gamesmaster
operates to keep it that way.
As for Role Playing, consider this: players need only act
the parts of their individual characters. The Gamesmaster
plays the role of every other being encountered in the Game.
Some of these are not even human! In a typical, fast paced
evening playing a Sword-and-Sorcery based Game, the
Gamesmaster may be playing a wandering knight one
moment and a raging dragon the next! The job of
Gamesmaster is so important to Role Playing Games that a

henry christen (order #23380)

separate article later in this book will go into the concept of

being a Gamesmaster in detail. (On Being a Gamesmaster,
p. 52).

As is already obvious, players are the flesh and blood
people who sit around and play a Role Playing Game. They
are able to participate in the Game by pretending to be, and
controlling the actions of, one or more Characters,
individuals who live in the World where the Game takes
A player has designed a Character for himself, sometimes
using random numbers and sometimes allocating an
assigned number of points, to develop a clear model of what
this alter ego is like. The physical and mental ability of the
Character, what skills he will have studied and how much
time he has given to each of them, all of these are under the
players control. When the character is actively adventuring
in the Game, the player will decide when he fights and when
he flees, and is, usually, in full control of the characters
actions for better or worse.
So it is up to the player to know how the rules work for
those things he has designed his character to do (combat,
magic, medicine, whatever). It is also best if the player can
think with the characters head. This means, look at a
situation in the Game and react properly for the Character
according to his personality and cultural background. A
character who has dedicated himself to one set of ideals will
hardly act in a way contrary to those beliefs just because the
situation offers some benefit for so doing. A crude peasant is
unlikely to leave behind a purse of gold in order to retrieve a
rare artwork from a treasure trove. The player should work
out the behavior pattern for a character and keep to it as
much as possible.

Unlike the Gamesmaster and players, characters do not
really exist. Any entity (man, manlike being, intelligent
creature, animal, self-aware computer, spirit, you-name-it)
that takes an active part in the Game is a character. Those
designed by or under the control of a player are called Player
Characters. All the rest, usually under the control of the
Games master, are called Non- PIayer-C haract e rs ,
Taken all together, the Characters make up the cast of this
great big dramatic event called a Role Playing Game. Some
will be heroic, champions of good, saving damsels,
distressed communities, etc., as a matter of course. Others
will be villains, dealing in destruction and casual death. Most
will be a combination of both, as different conditions arise in

A Campaign is the particular version of a Role Playing
Game as it is played by a given Gamesmaster and group of
players. No two sets of garners will play in exactly the same
way. Characters, especially Player Characters, are all
different, and the adventures designed by one Gamesmaster
will rarely resemble those set up by another.
It often amazes new gamerson the Role Playing scene that
the same Game, identical rules, same setting, can be played
in so many different ways. But this is part of that tremendous
flexibility mentioned before, the ability of a good Role
Playing Game to allow the participants to fulfil their special
Of course, the main thrust in a Campaign is designed by
the Gamesmaster. Using the rules, he will be the one to
decide on the political climate of the countries in the Gameworld, the locations of those mysterious sites where much
adventure is to be found, as well as the specific kinds of risk

and reward that exist there, the laws, customs, religion, and
all the factors that go into the fully designed Campaign to
give it a feeling or reality that makes for enjoyable play.
Some Campaigns are small in scope, perhaps limited to a
single piece of territory with a base for Characters to operate
from as they carry out raids on some huge maze-like place of
danger and treasure. Other campaigns cover whole continents, or planets. Some (and this is not limited to science
fiction Games by any means) comprise many worlds in the
Campaign-universe. The size and complexity of a Campaign
is limited only by the imagination and energy of the
Gamesmaster and the desire of the players for new worlds to
The Game, as such, is the rules package, the system for
playing. It is the Campaign that is actually enjoyed by the
group, a never-ending story of heroic adventure. The books
you have in your hands are written to allow you to join in
those epics. The only thing ittakesissomeofyourtimeanda
lot of your imagination. We hope you will enjoy playing this
Game, in your unique Campaign, as much as we have
enjoyed writing it for you.


In this Game you will find the following components:
The rulesbooks, one of which you are reading now. They
should be read carefully. Players (unless they arealso acting
as Gamesmaster in another campaign) should not read
books specified as for the Gamesmaster. The Gamesmaster
should, however, read all the material herein.
The information in each book is laid out to cover the main
areas which make the Game special: cultural data, social
institutions of the Campaign world, special skills in the
Game, etc. There are also separate charts for quick reference
on things like combat and weapons, general rules, etc.
0 An introductory scenario, a fully designed adventure,
taking place in one possible type of Campaign setting. This is
provided to give the Gamesmaster an example of how to set
up a scenario, and to allow play to begin sooner, if the
Gamesmaster and players are anxious to get going. Again,
players should not read the scenario package. If they know
everything that is going to happen before they start to play,
the whole atmosphere of the Game will suffer.

This game uses two kinds of dice as detailed below. Such
dice should be available in your local gaming store or can be
ordered direct from Fantasy Games Unlimited.
6-Sided Die: Called a D6. This is an everyday cubical die,
numbered from 1 to 6.

20-Sided Die: Called a D20. It is numbered from 1 to 10 (or

1 to 20) and can be used for many types of die rolls.
All the dice rolling called for in a Role Playing Game can
be very confusing for new garners. Consider this: no matter
how detailed the set-up for a given action by the character
may be, eventually the question must be answered, Did he
succeed? In our Games (and most others) this is
determined by calculating a chance of success expressed as
a number, and then rolling a die. If the score from the die roll
is such that the rules say it means success (based on the
calculated number) then all goes well. If it falls into the range
ascribed to failure by the rules, then whatever was being tried
did not work. See the definition of Basic Chance of
Success on p. 11.
Many different ranges of numbers are used for determing
probabilities in this Game.The die rolls used are always
expressed as follows:

henry christen (order #23380)

xDy In this expression the x stands for the number of

dice thrown. The y stands for the type of dice used.
306 means you should roll three6-sided dice, and total
their scores to get your result. xDy+z means that the
number z should be added to the total of xDy to get the
These rules will sometimes call for odd types of dice to
be rolled, such as D3, D10, D20, and D100. All these can be
generated by using a 6-sided and a 20-sided die, as follows:

03: Roll a D6. Divide the number rolled in half, rounding

fractions up. This gives a result from 1 to 3.
D6: Roll a D6.
D10: Roll a D20. Read a 0result as 10.
D20: Roll a 020. To get a result from 1 to 20, you will need
to distinguish between the lower range (1-10) and the
upper (11-20). One way is to color one set of faces of the
die (0-9) different from the other (so that, for instance, a
red 3 would be read as a 3, and a black 3 would be
read as 13). Another way is to roll a control die (D6)
with the D20. A result of 1-3 on the control die puts the D20
roll in the lowers range; a result of 4-6 puts it in the upper

D30: Roll a D20 and a control die. If the control die is a 12, the 020 result is read as 1-10; if the control die is 3-4, the
020 result is read as 11-20; if the control die is5-6, the 020
result is read as 21-30.
D100: Roll two D20, to get a result of 1-100. Multiply the
roll of one D20 by 10, and add to it the roll of the second
D20 to get your result. Read a result of 00as100. D20s
of different colors are very helpful for this.
The DlOO is a very important type of roll. With DlOO
(percentage) rolls, you can easily determine
probabilities that may not be specified in the rules. If you
feel there is a 60% chance of something happening, roll
D100. A result of 60 or less means it happens. A higher
result means it does not.

We will go into dice in more detail later on in this book and

in the others. One important thing to keep in mind:
A die roll made to see if something happens means it did
occur if the result is less than or equal to the needed number.
A result greater than the needed number means it did not
If dice are not available, an ordinary deck of cards and a
little ingenuity can be used to generate the various random
numbers used in the game.


Often in the text, the formula for calculating some number
will be followed by (up), (down) or (nearest). This
means that the result obtained should be rounded,
respectively, up to, down to, or to the nearest whole number.
Some rules will be identified by the word OPTION in the
heading of the section. These rules are not necessary to the
play of the game. Some are intended to provide greater detail
or more realism to the game; others simply allow variety in
the way certain game situations can be handled. The players
and the Gamesmaster should agree on which options will be
used in their campaign.
Although the masculine pronoun is used in the general
text, it is not intended to indicate the characters are assumed
or required to be male.


When reading these rules, you should not try to absorb
everything at once. Skim the rules once to get a general idea
of the system. Then read them thoroughly. It is not necessary
to be fully conversant with all the details in order to start to
play. Diseases and poisons, for example, might not come
into play for many game sessions.
Players should remember to avoid any section of the rules
or game components not labelled as being for the players
use. You will spoil your own fun and that of the other players
if you read the material that is intended forthe Gamesmaster.
Gamesmasters are advised to be familiar with the sections
of the rules that cover the things that they have planned for
the current adventure. Careful planning of adventures will
allow the Gamesmaster to introduce various portions of the
rules gradually, as play progresses. This will allow you as
Gamesmaster to familiarize yourself with the details of each
section. It will also allow you to begin play more quickly.
As you read through these rules, dont be upset if a term is
presented without immediate explanation. The game
mechanics are interlocked in such a fashion that sometimes
a term must be used prior to the section in which it is fully
explained. Dont worry-it will eventually be explained. Also,
dont be put off by our extensive use of abbreviations and
acronyms. As you become familiar with the system, they will
become second nature.

Good Gaming!

henry christen (order #23380)


In order to determine just what acharactercan and cannot
do, and how good he is at doing it, the character will be
endowed with certain Attributes, Talents, Abilities and Skills.
The character will also possess quantified Physical
Characteristics. These values allow the Gamesmaster to
arbitrate game situations easily and consistently.
All characters have the same Attributes and Talents, but
each character will have his own personal scores in each
category. A characters Abilities are derived from his
Attributes and, in some cases, from his Talents. Choice of a
characters Skills is, for the most part, leftto the player. Initial
scores in these Skills are based on the characters Attributes
and Talents.
A characters numerical ratings in the above mentioned
categories will be used to determine his success of failure
when he attempts some action. The rating represents a
number which the player, rolling the appropriate dice forthe
situation, must roll less than or equal to in order for his
character to succeed. This basic number may be modified by
the situation, in which case it is the modified number to
which the dice roll is compared.
A characters Physical Characteristics are used primarily
to add color to the character. If a player already knows
what his character looks like, and it is agreeable to the
Gamesmaster, he may choose ratings which fit his character
as he conceives him.
All these ratings are entered on the Character Record
Sheet (CRS) and kept handy for reference during play. This
helps both the players and the Gamesmaster; the players
have a better idea of their chances of success, and they can
supply the Gamesmaster with the numbers he needs to
determine the results of actions as they occur. We
recommend that entries on the CRS be made in pencil, since
values may alter during the course of play.

Attributes are the basic mental and physical .components
that make up the character. They define such things as how
hard he hits, how fast he runs, how well he retains what he
learns, how well he resists disease, and many other things.
These rules use six Attributes: Wit (WT), Will (WL), Strength
(STR), Deftness (DFT), Speed (SPD) and Health (HLH). The
first two are Mental Attributes; the last four are Physical
Normal human ratings range from 1 to40. A character with
a rating of 1 in an Attribute is severely handicapped in the
areas that Attribute governs. With a rating of 40 he is, in that
regard, a peak specimen of human development. The
mythical average man would have a score of 10 to 12. A
character with a rating less than 1 in an Attribute is totally
non-functional in that area. A rating greater than 40 is not
possible for a human without mechanical, cheinical or
supernatural aid.

When creating a character, a player will receive a certain

number of points to allocate among the characters
Attributes. He may distribute them among the six Attributes
as he likes, so long as the character has no rating less then 1
or greaterthan40 in any Attribute.Heshouldthenenterthese
ratings on his Character Record Sheet, in the Allocated
column of the Attributes section.
As play proceeds, a character may improve the initial
ratings of his Attributes, or suffer permanent Attribute
losses. When this occurs, the player should enter the new
rating in the Permanent column of the Attributes section.
Otherwise, the Permanent is the same as the Allocated
rating. For details on improving Attributes, see Character
Improvement, p. 43.
During play, a character may experience a temporary
alteration of an Attribute rating. The new, temporary rating
should be entered on the Character Record-Sheet, in the
Effective column of the Attribute section. Otherwise, the
Effective rating is the same as the Permanent rating. If any
ratings were loweied by wounds, disease or other damage,
the player can see how many points must be healed to
restore his characters ratings to Permanent level. See
Healing Attributes on page 37.
Ranges of Attribute ratings are arranged in Groups, as
listed below. The Effect Die noted for each Group represents
the effectiveness of proper application by a character of a
Skill governed by that Attribute. Attribute Groups are also
used to calculate other values relating to characters. These
will be dealt with as they arise.

Various situations that may arise in play call fortemporary
reductions, expressed in percentages, of a characters
Attributes. This may be due to wounds, encumbrance,
poisons, drugs or many other factors. Such reductions are
usually made in two steps: 25 percent and 50 percent.
Subtract the required percentage from the characters
current Effective rating in the Attribute, to get the new
Effective rating.
When a character moves from astateof lesser reduction to
a greater reduction, the procedure is somewhat different.
Subtract the lesser percentage from the greater percentage,
and use the result as a percentage reduction.
For example, a character who is Wounded (25% reduction
of Deftness and Speed Attributes) becomes Seriously
Wounded (50% reduction of both Attributes). In this case
subtract 25% (50%-25%) from the current (Wounded)
Attribute rating to obtain the new Effective rating.
Of course, if an unwounded character becomes Seriously
Wounded in one step, simply apply the 50% reduction.
If a reduction in Basic Chance of Success (BCS) is to be
applied to a character who has already suffered some
reduction in BCS, apply the new reduction directly.
Various categories of situations which can came
temporary alterations of Attribute ratings are treated


Attribute Rating
Group N u m b e r
Effect D i e none








2D10+1 2D10+2 2D10+2

henry christen (order #23380)

independently. Within a given category, followtheguidelines

noted above. Details are given later in the rules.

meant that none of the characters could have

discovered the hidden compartment.



The Wit Attribute is not a measure of the characters

intelligence. The native intelligence of a character
depends on that of the player. The player may decide that his
character is smart of dumb, as he likes. Wit, however, has an
important effect on the characters ability t o learn. Wit is also
a measure of the characters ability to discover Hidden
Things and, in general, to observe and interpret things that
are out of the ordinary.

Will is a measure of the strength of a characters mind. This

includes the characters drive and determination, and the
strength of mental resistence his mind is capable of putting
up. Things that can attack the Will of a character include the
strange mental powers of mutants, magical powers, and the
mind-numbing effects of certain chemical compounds. In
general, Will can be regarded as the Mental equivalent of the
Health Attribute.

A characters Learning Rate is the base used t o determine


how much he may add t o a Skill rating as a result of a learning

session. Learning Rate is equal to the characters Wit Group.
The specifics of learning are dealt with under Character
Improvement, page43.
When there is a Hidden Thing to discover, the
Gamesmaster secretly rolls 1D20 and asks the players whose
characters are in a position to discover the Hidden Thing for
their Critical Saving Throw scores. The Gamesmaster may
modify the score needed bya number related to thedifficulty
of discovering the Hidden Thing. Any character whose
modified score equals or exceeds the Gamesmasters die roll
will have spotted the Hidden Thing. The Gamesmaster can
then inform those players of what they have found and they
may or may not have their characters reveal this knowledge
to other characters who are present.
The die roll is made secretly so that the players will remain
uncertain: is there nothing there, or is there something they
failed to discover? The Gamesmaster should go through this
procedure as a deception, at least as often as he uses it for
actual Hidden Things.
If the secret die roll is a20, the Gamesmastershould inform
some or all of the players of the discovery of a false Hidden
Thing. The Gamesmaster is urged to be creative, and have
fun, when his players discover things that are not there.
The adventurers (Characters) are exploring a
ruined castle and havegatheredin what wasonce the
study. The players decide to have their characters
search the room for hidden compartments (there
actually is one to be found, as the Gamesmaster
knows). The Gamesmaster rolls 1020, with a result
of 20. Thinking quickly, he picks the number 3, and
asks the players i f any of their characters have a Wit
Critical Saving Throw of 3 or higher. Several do (as
the Gamesmaster already knew). He informs those
players that their characters have discovered signs
of a hidden compartment i n a desk.
The players are now set up; they will probably
waste quite a bit of time trying to force entry into
the hidden compartment. The Gamesmaster may
let them try everything they can think of, until they
give up in disgust; or he may allow an arbitrary
length of time to pass-say five minutes-then tell
the players they were wrong.
Undaunted, the characters continue to search the
room. The Gamesmaster again rolls 1020. This time
the result is a 5. One of the characters has a Wit
Critical Saving Throw of 5, and discovers an actual
hidden compartment in a bookcase. Since the
character with the Wit Critical Saving Throw of 5
had the highest Wit rating of the characters present,
a secret die roll of6 by the Gamesmaster would have

Strength is a measure of the sheer physical power of the

character. This Attribute is particularly important in
determining with how much force he can wield a hand-held
weapon. It also affects how much recoil from a gunpowder
weapon he can sustain without suffering loss to his BCS in

The characters Strength Group will determine the Effect
Die to be rolled (see chart, p. 4). Since weapons are treated
as mechanical devices, the result of the Effect Die Roll will be
multiplied by the weapons Damage Multiplier to yield the
Damage Potential of the characters attack, if successful.
Naturally, a character with a high Strength Group will tend to
do more damage when he makes a successful attack.

A characters Strength Group determines what kinds of
weapons he may use when attacking with a Hand-to-Hand
Combat Skill. All Hand-to-Hand weapons are rated by the
Strength Group required to use them without difficulty. A
character may freely use any Hand-to-Hand weapon rated
equal to or less than hisstrength Group. A character may not
use a weapon whose rating exceeds his Strength Group by2
or more.
If a character uses a weapon with a rating 1 greater than his
Strength Group, he must use the Effect Die listed for the
Group 1 lower than his actual Group.
If a weapon noted as a 1-1/2H(a hand-and-a-half type
weapon) or 2H (a two-handed weapon) is used one-handed,
its rating goes up by 1. That is, a character would need t o be
in a Strength Group 1 higher to use such a weapon onehanded than he would to use it normally.
When a character is using the Two Weapon Combat Skill,
and the rating of one weapon exceeds, or that of both equals,
his Strength Group, then the effective rating of each weapon
is increased by 1.
The penalties noted in the preceding two paragraphs are
cumulative. Note that a character using the Two Weapon
Combat Skill may find, due to cumulative increases in
weapon ratings, that he is totally unable to use one weapon.
Jo the Strong is a character with a Strength of 35.
He is thus in Strength Group5, and his normal Effect
Die will be 2010. He wishes to use a two-handed
sword with a Strength Rating of 5. He may do so
freely, if he wields it with two hands. I f he tries to
swing i t one-handed, its effective Strength Rating is
raised to 6. Jo can use i t this way, but his Effect Die
will be that of Strength Group 4 or 206.
I f Jos Strength were less than 31 he would be in a
Strength Group lower than 5, and he would be
completely unable to use the sword one-handed.

henry christen (order #23380)

Sal of the Sharp Blade prefers to fight with a

weapon in either hand. She has a Strength of 75,
putting her in Strength Group 3. I f she tries to use
two weapons, each with a Strength Rating of3, each
weapons would have its effective Strength Rating
raised to 4 . She would be able to wield them, but
her Effect Die would be that of Strength Group 2
1 D6.
I f she uses one weapon with a rating o f 3 and one
with a rating of 2, she will incur n o penalties, and use
her normal Effect Die, 1010.
I f she foolishly trieds to use a 1-1f2H weapon with
a rating of 3 in one hand and a weapon with a rating
of 2 in the other, the latter will not be affected, but
the former will have its rating increased by 1 for
being used with one hand, and again increased b y 1
for being used with one hand, and again by 1
because i t then exceeds her Strength Group. This
gives the weapon a rating of 5,2 greater than her
Strength Group. She discovers that she cannot use
the 1-1f2H weapon at all, when using the Two
Weapon Combat Skill.

Deftness is a measure of a characters manual dexterity
and reaction time. It is used to determine how often a
character may act in a given situation, and whether he can
complete a task requiring dexterity.


The Maximum Number of Actions (MNA) refers to the
number of Actions (see Detailed Action Time, p 20) that the
character may initiate and complete in a Combat Turn.
Maximum Number of Actions = Deftness Group.

Speed is a measure of a characters agility and rapidity of
action. It is used to determine when a character may act in a
given situation. Speed also determines the characters rate of


The Base Action Phase is the first point in a Combat Turn
in which a character may initiate an Action. The Base Action
Phase (BAP) is equal to half the characters Speed (down).

Health is a measure of a characters constitution,
resistence to disease and recuperative powers.

Healing Rate is the basic amount of damage, expressed in
points, that a character can heal in a period of time.
Applications of Healing Rate are explained in Damage,
Health and Healing, p 36.
Healing Rate equals Health Group.

When a player wants his character to perform an action
which lies in the province of an Attribute, or when the rules
call for it, the Gamesmaster will ask the player to make a
Saving Throw (ST). This may be an Attribute Saving Throw
(AST) or a Critical Saving Throw (CST). The CST is used

when the action to be attempted is very difficult. The number

needed for a successful Saving Throw should be calculated
for each Attribute, and entered on the Character Record
Saving Throw numbers are always calculated using the
characters effective Attribute rating.
Attribute Saving Throw (AST) equals Effective Attribute
ratingM (down)
Critical Saving Throw (CST) equals Effective Attribute
rating/3 (nearest)
Unless the rules specify otherwise (and even then, if he
chooses) the choice of requiring an AST or a CST is left to
the Gamesmaster. He should base his decision on the
difficulty of the situation or the action attempted. On
occasion, at the Gamesmasters discretion, modifiers can be
added to or subtracted from the number needed for a
successful Saving Throw.
To determine if a Saving Throw is successful, the player
must calculate the number needed, add or subtract any
modifiers, and roll 1020. If the result is greater than the
number needed, the character has failed his Saving Throw
and must face the consequences.
A die roll of 1 signifies greater success than was hoped for,
and a roll of 20 signifies a disastrous failure. The exact results
of such critical success or failure are left to the creativity of
the Gamesmasrer.
When characters are making Saving Throws in particularly
stressful situations, the Gamesmaster may levy acharge in
subdual points (see p. 29) for each attempt, whether or not it
succeeds. This prevents characters from throwing
themselves at locked doors all day-eventually they will
batter themselves senseless, if the door is stronger than they
can overcome, and even eventual success would have its
price. A die roll of 20 would call for double subdual damage,
or perhaps for a point of lethal damage in addition to the
subdual damage. The Gamesmaster must decide whether to
exact such penalties, and to what extent.
Elsie Smith, survivor of the Ruin, is fleeing for her
life through rubbled streets. She is desperate. The
Gamesmaster tells Elsies player to make a Wit CST.
The roll succeeds. The Gamesmaster announces
that Elsie has spotted a fire escape in an alley. The
player has Elsie move into the alley and make a jump
for the ladder. The Gamesmaster requires a
Deftness AST for Elsie to make a successful grab at
it. Elsies player rolls a 1 on the 020. The
Gamesmaster decides that Elsie has not only
grabbed the ladder but has swung her body weight
in such a way that the rusted ladder has come free
and Elsie may climb i t on the next Combat Turn. I f
non-critical success had been indicated by the die
roll, the Gamesmaster might have required Elsies
player to roll a Strength AST to unstick the rusty
As Elsie climbs the fire escape, she hears the
groan of tortured metal. The player, realizing rhat
the lire escate may collapse, says that Elsie is
hastening to find a way off the fire escape. Since the
player recognized the danger, the Gamesmaster
requires a Speed AST (rather than a CST) for Elsie
to clear the collapsing fire escape. Again the die roll
is in Elsies favor, and she enters the building just as
the fire escape crashed down into a pile of twisted
Elsie lands in a heap as she leaps through the
window. Dust billows about her as she rises in the
deserted room. The Gamesmaster tells Elsies
player to make a Health AST. Fearful that Elsie may

henry christen (order #23380)

have encountered a dangerous biological agent, the

player makes the die roll. This time the result is
greater than the success score for Elsies Saving
Throw. The Gamesmaster thanks the player and
asks for Elsies next actions. This request for a
Saving Throw was a deception-there
is no
dangerous biological agent in the room. The
Gamesmaster is following the Golden Rule: Keep
em guessing. The players never feel entirely safe,
never know when danger is lurking around the
Ignoring the clue (the unsound fire escape) to the
less than perfect structural integrity of the building,
Elsie enters the corridor outside the room and runs
toward the stairwell. The Gamesmaster, having
previously determined that the floor of this corridor
would give way under a persons weight, announces
that Elsie has fallen through. Since she had no
warning, the Gamesmaster requires a Speed CST,
and because she was moving at fullspeed, subtracts
2 from the score needed to succeed. Not
surprisingly, the die roll indicates that Elsie failed to
grab onto anything that could have arrested her fall.
The Gamesmaster requires a Health AST for Elsie to
remain conscious when she hits the floor below
(adding 1 to the score needed, since she will land in
a large pile of windblown leaves). Elsies luck takes a
turn for the better; she is conscious. A quick check
for damage done by the fall shows that Elsie has
suffered 4 points of Subdual Damage, with no
critical effects.

An alternate method for modifying difficulty:
T h e Gamesmaster may assign a die with a greater or lesser
range than 1 D20 to be used for the Saving Throw, instead of
modifying the number needed for success. If he wishes t o
increase difficulty, for example, he might require the Saving
Throw t o be rolled on 1 D30 instead of 1 D20.

Talents are a measure of the characters aptitude and raw
ability in the areas specified. Talents can modify the
characters Learning Rate and enable him to learn by the
successful application of his Skills. For specifics on these
functions, see Character Improvement, p. 43.
A Talent has a maximum score of 20 and no minimum
natural score. A score of less than 1 indicates that the
character has no native aptitude at all in that area. A score
greater than 10 indicates significant aptitude.

Each character will have apsychologica1 profile when he
is created. the method is detailed in Book 2. This profile gives
the base starting values for the character in eachTalent. T h e
player will then roll 2D6 + 15. The result isa numberof points
which he may allocate among the variousTalents. N o initial
score may be lowered in order to add points to another
Talent. No final score may exceed 20. Any Talent score may
be left at its initial value, even if that value is negative.
John Smith, player, is creating a character. He
wishes the character to be a fighter, who is at home
in the outdoors. After determining his characters
psychological profile, he finds that the characters
Talent scores are. charismatic -2; Combative -2;
Communicative + l ; Esthetic 0; Mechanical t l ;
Natural +2; Scientific t1.
John rolls 2 0 6 t 15. The roll is 8, so he has 23
points io allocate among his characters Talents.

In keeping with his plans for the character, he

adds 13 points to Combative fo raise it to t 1 1 , and 9
points t o Nautral to raise it to t17 as well. He adds
the remaining point to Esthetic, raising it to 1. This
will allow the character to Learn-by-doing with a
Skill whose Governing Talent is Esthetic.
Johns character, whom he now nicknames The
Hunter, has some special abilities. Due to his
Combative Talent score, he has an 1 1 % chance to
gauge his opponents skill with a Weapon. He can
also estimate compass direction with an 11%
chance of success, because of his Natural Talent
score. Because of the nature of the Combative
Talent, The Hunter will have a base BCS of 2 (1 1
divided by 5, down) in any weapon form.


T h e seven basic Talents, and the general areas
governed by each are:
Charismatic: Basic persuasiveness, and the ability t o
lead others.
Combative: Aggressiveness, the will t o win, and
raw fighting ability.
Communicative: Facility with languages, and the general
ability to communicate an idea.
Esthetic: A p p r e c i a t i o n and performance of
artistic endeavors.
Mechanical: Affinity for technology and its products.
Natural: Affinity for the natural environment.
Scientific: C a p a c i t y f o r reasoned a n a l y s i s ,
preception of cause and effect.


In the absence of acharactertrained in a required Skill, the
Gamesmaster may allow the character with the highest score
in that Skills Governing Talent to try to use the Skill. His
score in the Governing Talent is used to determine his Basic
Chance of Success (BCS). T h e BCS, of course, may be
modified according to the difficulty of the situation. If the
required Skill has a Prerequisite Skill in which the character
has no score, then his Governing Talent score is effectively
halved for purposes of computing the BCS. T h e
Gamesmaster should require a character using raw Talent to
perform a task t o use more game time than would a character
using the appropriate Skill. If the character succeeds by
using raw Talent, he is then able t o learn from it in the usual
Situtations may arise in which the Gamesmaster decides
that a required Saving Throw is more in the province of a
Talent than of an Attribute. In such a case the player should
roll 1020, a roll less than or equal to his characters score in
the appropriate Talent indicating success. As usual, a roll of
20 denotes failure, even if the characters Talent score is 20.
Quill, a medical technician, is trapped in a
decompressing space station. All doors have been
sealed, and he is on the wrong side of the door to the
escape craft hanger. He has no electronic skills at
all, and must short circuit the doors mechanism in
order to escape. However, he does have a BCS of 18
in High Technology Use Skill, and a Mechanical
Talent of 15. The Gamesmaster decrees that Quill
can open the door if he makes both a successful roll
for his High Technology Use Skill and a raw Talent
roll using his Mechanical Talent. The player rolls 5
on 1020-Quill is halfway there. He has popped the
panel over the wires and identified the ones he
thinks control the door. The player now rolls 1020

henry christen (order #23380)

against his raw Mechanical Talent. The result is 3,

and he breathes a sigh of relief. But the
Gamesmaster has decided that the attempt will
cause Quill to be hit with 2 units of electricalcharge.
As Quill crosses the wires, sparks fly and he is
knocked back across the chamber. Fortunately, he
was wearing insulated gloves, which eliminate one
of the units of charge. The Gamesmaster checks for
damage, rolling 4 on 1 D10. He tells the player that
Quill has taken 4 points of Subdual Damage. Quill
picks himself up, shakes his head to clear it, and
bolts through the open door to the escape craft.


When a character has a Talent score greater than 10, he is
assumed to have a Special Talent Ability related to that
Talent. In general, his percentage chance to use the special
ability is equal to his score in the Talent. Only one attempt to
use a special ability may be made in any one situation.
As usual, a die roll in the range 96-00 denotes failure, and
probably an unexpected backfiring of the attempt.
The special abilities associated with each Talent are:
Charismatic: The character may add his Talent score
divided by 5 (down) to NPC reaction
rolls, provided he can communicate with
the NPC he is trying to influence; or he
may choose to subtract from the
reaction roll. Note that this special
ability does not require a D100 roll.
Combative: The character may attempt to gauge
his opponent-discover his opponents
Skill score with the weapon he is using.
He may make only one attempt per
Communicative: The character may attempt to pick up
the general sense of something spoken
in a language he does not understand.
Alternatively, he may attempt to convey
a general concept to another character
or NPC. Note that specific detail cannot
be conveyed across a language barrier.
Esthetic: T h e c h a r a c t e r may a t t e m p t t o
compose on the spot. It must be in an
artistic form that he knows-that is, he
must have a score in theskill governing
that form.
Mechanical: The character may attempt to estimate
the mechanical complexity of a
technological artifact (e.g. a lock) or the
structural soundness of a construct (e.g.
a door).
Natural: The character may attempt to use his
sense of direction to estimate compass
directions, or avoid becoming lost. Note
that once a character has failed in such
an attempt, he will be unable to do it
successfully until he has reoriented
himself by some indicator such as a
compass, the sun or a familiar star field.
Scientific: The character has an analytical ability
with which he may attempt to solve
conceptual problems such as codes and
If a character qualifies for special abilities in more than
one area he will receive all appropriate abilities. In addition,
some Talents in combination yield additional abilities. The
percent chance of success for these combination abilities is
the average of the Talent scores in the areas in question.
Remember that both of the Talents involved must have a
score that exceeds 10.

The Charismatic Talent interacts with three of the other

Talents to yield a combination ability. These Talents are
Communicative, Esthetic and Natural. The effects of the
combination ability for each are listed below:
Charismatic plus
Communicative: T h e character, upon successfully
communicating with the personage
being swayed, will get him to react as
desired. Note: This represents
persuasive argument. It is not a form of
mind control. A character could only be
persuaded to suicide if he were already
in a self-destructive frame of mind.
Esthetic: T h e character, upon successfully
performing with his artistic Skill, can
implant simple ideas, emotions and
sentiments in those who are affected by
the artists work.
Natural: The character is responsive to animals.
He may calm or excite them and get
them to do simple things within their
limitations. Note: Thisdoes not allow the
character to stop an animals attack
once begun, although he might disuade
it from attacking as long as none harm it.
Also he can not communicate with
animals as i f they h a d h u m a n


Some of the Talents have additional benefits. These are
peculiar to the Talent involved and any character with a
positive score receives such benefits. The specifics are listed
Combative: The character may use his Talent score
as a Skill score in any Combat Skill in
which his score is less than his Talent
score. From this a Basic Chance of
Success may be calculated and to the
Basic Chance modifications due to the
situation and the weapons in use will be
added. Note: This may not be used with
averaging Combat Skills if at least oneof
the scores to be averaged exceeds the
Talent score.
Mechanical: The character may substitute his Talent
as a Basic Chance of Success for the
Skill of Technology Use. This Skill is
basic familiarity with tools, devices and
simple machines.
Scientific: The character may use his Talent
score/5, down as a Basic Chance of
Success modification, positive or
negative at whim, when dealing with
games of chance which involves
shifting odds, such as card games.

Each character has certain Abilities which are derived
from a combination of his Attributes. They are aspects of
quantifying the character before play begins. Once the
values have been calculated, they should be entered in the
proper place on the Character Record Sheet. Each of these
Abilities will be introduced and explained below.
If a characters Ability values should be altered in the
middle of a turn in Detailed Action Time, the new values will
not be applied until the bookkeeping phase of that turn.

henry christen (order #23380)


A character may designate a number of Skills equal to the
combined score of his current Wit and Will as Freely
Improvable Skills. Whenever a character is studying a Skill
which is not one of his designated Freely ImprovableSkills,
he is suffering a Hindrance to learning which will reduce the
number of points he may add t o his score as a result of that
Study period.
The Skills in which a character receives initial scores are
not necessarily counted against this number. If the player
doubles the initial score of a characters Skill, that Skill is
a::slJmed to be one of the characters Freely tmprovable
Skills. If more Skills than are allowed by the quota are
doubled, the player may decide which are to be considered
Freely Improvable Skills.
Skills will be added to the characters quota as they are
studied. It is not permissable, before the character has
reached his quota, to claim a new Skill, or a Skill which the
character improves for the first time, is not a Freely
Improvable Skill. It is to be counted against the quota. All
Freely Improvable Skills should be marked as such o n the
Character Record Sheet by underlining, circling or some
other method agreable to the players and the Gamesmaster.
Should a characters Wit or Will change permanently, his
Freely Improvable Skills quota will alter to reflect the new
values. I f it goes up, the character will add the next Skills
studied to the list of Freely Improvable Skills. If it goes down,
the player may choose which Skills will no longer be
c o n s i d e r e d Freely I m p r o v a b l e . S h o u l d his t o t a l
subsequently go up, the character will regain those removed
from the list before designating other Skills as Freely


The Damage Resistance Total (DRT) of a character is
equal to his Permanent Health plus YZ Permanent Strength
plus lh Permanent Will. This is a measure of how much
damage, inflicted upon him by chance or his enemies, he is
able to take before he collapses.
Damage done to the character is measured in points.
Any points of damage the character receives are totaled
together to give a current damage total. When the current
total of damage points exceeds one half of the Damage
Resistance Total, the character is considered Wounded. He
will suffer a 25% loss to Deftness and Spesd. This will change
the effective values of those two Attributes and alter such
things as the characters Base Action Phase, Maximum
number of Actions, Combat Dodge Ability and Phases
Consumed in Action. Additionally, the character will suffer a
-2 modification to all Basic Chances of Success. When the
current total of damage points exceeds 75% of the Damage
Resistance Total, the character is considered Seriously
Wounded. He suffers a 50% loss to Deftness and Speed and
suffers the attendant problems. He also receives a -4
modification to all Basic Chances of Success. These
modifications remain in force until the character is healed of
the damage taken. See Health and Healing on page 36.


The Combat Dodge Ability (CDA) is the characters
capacity to move his body out of harms way while in combat.
This is his basic defense factor. It is subtracted from his
opponents Basic Chance of Success. The base value of the
Combat Dodge Ability is given below although the actual
value may vary according to the situation. (See the Target
Movement Rules in Book 2.)
Combat Dodge Ability equals
(Effective Deftness plus Effective Speed)/20, nearest


This is a measure of how long, in relative terms, that it takes

a character to perform a simple function. The specific

applications of this value are dealt with in the section on
Detailed Action Time on page 20.
Phases Consumed in Action equals
Base Action Phase/Maximum Number of Actions, down

The Encumbrance Capacity (ENC CAP) is a measure of
how much the character can wear, carry and use without
getting in his own way. Acharacterwhose Encumbrancetotal
is less than or equal to his CAPM, nearest is considered to be
Unencumbered and receives no modifications.
A character whose Encumbrance Total is greater than
CAP/:! and less than or equal to (3 x ENC CAP)N nearest, is
considered to be Partially Encumbered. This character will
have his effective Deftness and Speed lowered by 25% and
will suffer a Basic Chance of Success modification of -1 to all
endeavors requiring physical exertion.
A character whose Encumbrance Total is greater than
(3 x ENCCAP)MisconsideredtobeFullyEncumbered. lnthis
state, effective Deftness and Speed will be lowered by 50%
and he will have a modification of -2 instead of -1 for physical
A character may not have an Encumbrance total that
exceeds his Encumbrance Capacity.
A character may lift up to 150% of his Encumbrance
Capacity for a very short time only. A Strength Critical
Saving Throw which is required to be made o n each Combat
Turn is a good way of determining how long a character can
lift such a weight. The Gamesmaster is urged to levy subdual
points for actions of this kind. One point per turn for each
10% over the characters Encumbrance Capacity is a good
A character may shift, without lifting, an Encumbrance
Total equal to twice his Encumbrance Capacity. It is
suggested that this kind of action be subject to the same
penalties and limitations as the rule for lifting above.
The concepts of Encumbrance are dealt with in the
section on page 14.
Encumbrance Capacity equals
3 plus Strength Group plus Deftness Group
These values are taken from the Permanent values of the
characters Attributes.

Characters are assumed to favor one hand with regard to
manual dexterity. For convenience, the Gamesmaster may
wish to assume that the characters favored hand is thesame
as the players favored hand, unless the player specifies
otherwise before the character enters play. All Skills using
the hands will be assumed to be using the favored hand in
their primary applications. Should the character be brought
to the point where he must attempt to utilize such a Skill and
his favored hand is disabled or absent, he will have to
average his Basic Chance of Success in that Skill with his
Off-hand Dexterity score. The Off-hand Dexterity score will
never raise the Basic Chance of Success above the value the
character would have is he were performing normally with
the Skill.
Off-hand Dexterity can be increased as detailed in the
section on Character Improvement on page 43. The initial
value is based on the characters Attributes and a random
factor. This value is calculated from the Allocated Attribute
scores and will not be affected by changing the Attribute
Off-hand Dexterity equals
(Wit plus Will plus Deftness)/G, nearest plus 2D3
Kelson is left handed and has a Pistol Combat
Skill with a BCS of 72. He has been wounded in the
left arm and cannot use it. Groggily, he picks up his

henry christen (order #23380)

pistol with his right hand. Fortunately, he has

increased his Off-hand Dexterity to 17. Averaging
his Pistol BCS and his Off-hand Dexterity score will
yield 14.5. This is rounded down to 14. Since the Offhand Dexterity score cannot increase the BCS of
the Skill being used, i t is reduced to 12 which
happens to be his normal base BCS.
I f Kelson's scores had been reversed (his Pistol
BCS 17 and his Off-hand Dexterity score 12),
averaging would have yielded 14.5 which would
have been rounded to 14 to give the base BCS for
using the pistol with his off-hand.


The quantification of the physical aspects of the character
is on a completely random basis, unlike the Attributes,
Talents and Abilities. As a result, any player who can present
a convincing case to the Gamesmaster as to why the
character he is playing should have certain specified
statistics should be allowed to use those statistics rather
than rolling randomly to determine them.

For Size, Bulk and Looks, roll separately using 1 D1OO.The

resulting number and description from the Physical Aspects
Chart should be recorded on the Character Record Sheet.
The descriptions for Size and Bulk should be crossindexed on the Personal Encumbrance Table and the
number found there entered as the character's Personal
The Physical Characteristics of Size and Bulk are
important in determining if the Character can wear
scrounged clothing or scavenged armor. The Personal
Encumbrance is used in calculations for Bash attacks and
other things where mass is important.

The Recognition FaFtor is used by the Gamesmaster to

determine if the Player Characters are recognized, for good
or ill, by the Non-Player Characters with whom they interact.
The Player Character's base factor is the sum of the
Reconition factors he receives for Size, Bulk and Looks. This
is modified by the Gamesmaster for such things asdistinctive
clothing, identifying marks, reputation and whether the
character announces his name.


D i e Roll (1D100)


Size & Bulk


Very Low
Below Average
Above Average
Very High

Above Average

Recognition Value



under 5'4"
5'1 1"-6'
6'1 "-6'2"
over 6'2"

for Height

71-100 Ib.
101-120 Ib.
121-140 Ib.
141-160 Ib.
161-180 Ib.
181-200 Ib.
201-230 Ib.

To find weight for a

character with non-average
up or down Bulk move a
n u m b e r o f s t e p s , as
appropriate, equal to the
Recognition value for Bulk.


Very LOW
Below Average
Above Average
Very H i g h














To Personal Encumbrance add (Strength -10) x .l.


henry christen (order #23380)

A major aspect in the quantification of the character is the
concept of Skills. Functionsof importto the game that do not
involve the simple exercise of body or mind by the character
are governed by Skills. The Skill score is a quantification of
the characters expertise and ability in a given area. The
characters score in a Skill represents his basic competency
in the area or areas covered by the Skill. This is hard-won,
ingrained knowledge and is not to be gained from casual
instruction or undisciplined study.
If a character does not have the Skill required to perform a
function, he is usually thrown back on his Talents or
Attributes. These are a poor substitute for rigorously
acquired expertise. Though a characters initial scores in the
Skills with which he begins the game are based on
appropriate Attributes and Talents, he can improve the
scores by diligent study and significant, successful
application of those Skills.
Certain Skills cover things that anyone can do. This does
not mean that a character who does not have a score in that
Skill can not perform in that area. It does mean that when the
situation is such that a character has difficulty performing in
the area governed by the Skill, a character without a score in
the Skill will almost certainly fail. For example, anyone can
ride a horse, but a character who does not have a score in
Beast Riding Skill will probably fall off if the horse gallops
and will almost certainly fall off if the beast bucks.
The very choice of initial Skills often defines the
characters past and hischances in the future. In this fashion,
the player may tailor his character t o suit whatever
conceptions he has about that character.
Skills, as presented in Book 2, are given in a particular
format. The name of the Skill is followed by the calculation
for the initial score. The first Attribute in the formula is the
Governing Attribute and the first Talent is the Governing
Talent. These come into play with regard to character
improvement. If the Skill is a Combat Skill, the Positioning of
a character using the Skill is placed in parentheses after the
name of the Skill. The initial score formula is followed by a
number indicating the Format of theskill. If theskill requires
any prerequisite Skills, they are listed in parentheses under
the Skill name. A description and pertinent rules concerning
the Skill will follow.

Skills are presented in three basic formats. Most Skills are
in the first format which is the simplest. All other non-combat
Skills are in the second format. The third format is reserved
for Combat Skills.
Format 1: The values for the score in this format range
from 0 to 100.
Format 2: The principal values range from 0 to 100 but
the Skill has a secondary area of expertise
which has a value equal t o one half the
principal score. This secondary area may be
improved independently of the principal area.
Once it is raised independently, it essentially
becomes a separate Skill of format 1 and the
principal area does the same.
Format 3: This type of Skill acts as a format 1 Skill, but
there is a second range of value beyond the
score of 100. This range goes from 101-200.
Score in the second range can not be
accumulated until the score in the first range
equals 100.

Lockpicking Skill is a Format 1 Skill. The score

ranges from 0 to 100. The BCS is the score divided
by 5, rounded down. The Average BCS is the normal
BCS divided by 2 rounded down.
Stealth Skill is a Format 2 Skill. The score ranges
from 0 to 100.The Skill has Rural and Urban areas of
expertise. I f a characters principal area of expertise
is Rural, his BCS when using Stealth Skill in a rural
environment will be the score/5, down. When in a
urban environment, the BCS will be the scorell0,
down. The character may at any time elect to treat
the Urban area as a separate Skill and any
improvements to the score (which will start at one
half the score in the principal area) will be separate.
Once the areas are separated into Skills, they will
become as Format 1 Skills except that the two
Stealth Skills will only count as one Skill with regard
to the characters Freely Improvable Skills.
Single Weapon Combat Skill is a Format 3 Skill.
The score range is from 1 to 200. The normal BCS
for use o f the Skill is the score in the first 100 points
divided by 5 and rounded down. The average BCS is
total score divided by 10,rounded down. The BCS
derived from the second 100 points in the Control
Throw. The score in the 100 points divided by20 and
rounded down is the number of contiguous
Locations by which the target Location may be
altered. This function is not allowed when an
Average BCS is being used.
Thus.a character with a Lockpicking Skillscore Of
48 has a BCS of 9.A character with a Stealth Skill
score o f 48 and a principal area of Rural has a BCS
of 9 in a rural environment and a BCS of 4 in an
urban environment. A character with a Single
Weapon Skill score of 148 has a BCS of 20, an
Average BCS of 14, a Control Throw of 9 and a
Location alteration of 2.


The Basic Chance of Success (BCS) is determined by
dividing the characters score in the Skill to be used by 5 and
rounding down. This will yield a number from 0 to 20. The
number yielded by the calculation is considered the Base
BCS. This will be modified by various factors to give the
Adjusted BCS. It is this number that the player must roll less
than or equal to on 1D20 in order for the character to be
successful in using that Skill.
When dealing with Format 3 Skills only the first 100 points
generate the Basic Chance of Success to average with the
Averaging Skill BCS for the modified BCS. The Control
Throw BCS is also averaged in the same way. To determine
the characters ability toaim, average his norrrral number of
alterations to the Location with the score in the Averaging
Skill divided by 20 and round down. As with normal
averaging, this will not increase the characters aim ability.
Averaging is always rounded down.
The use of the Basic Chance of Success in combat isdealt
with at length in the section on Detailed Action Time on page
20. From the rules players can see how the concept of BCS
works and can extrapolate its use for situations not
specifically covered.
A player can be asked to make a BCS roll for his character
when the character is attempting t o do something within the
province of one of his Skills or when he is searching his
memory for some piece of information relating to the field in
which the Skill is used.
In order to gauge the results of an application of some
Skills, an Effect Number is used. The Effect Number is the
difference between the Basic Chance of Success die roll


henry christen (order #23380)

result and the modified Basic Chance of Success. This

number is then used in a way which will bespecified with the
description of the Skill that uses an Effect Number.

Some Skills are designated as Averaging Skills. This
means that a character attempting to utilize another Skill
while operating in the province of an Averaging Skill will use
a modified Basic Chance of Success. The scores that the
character has in the Skill he is attempting to use and in the
Averaging Skill are added together. They are then divided by
5 and rounded down to yield the modified BCS. This BCS
may not exceed the normal BCS of the Skill that the
character is attempting to use, although it may exceed the
normal BCS of the Averaging Skill unless the Averaging Skill
is a Combat Skill.
When dealing with a Combat Skill as the Skill that the
character is attempting to use, any BCS after averaging that
exceeds 20 becomes the characters modified Control
Throw. This will also affect his aim. A simple rule is that he
will have 1 point of Location modification for each 4 points of
modified Control Throw.
Beast Riding Skill is designated as an Averaging
Skill. This means that when a character wishes to
use another Skill such as Single Weapon Combat
while mounted on a horse, he must average his
scores in Single Weapon Combat and Beast Riding
Hawk Jensen has a score in Single Weapon
Combat of 62 (BCS equals 12) and in Beast Riding
of 94 (BCS equals 18). His opponent, Jake the
Shiv, has values of 152 (BCS equals 20; Control
Throw equals 10; Aim equals 2 ) and 40 (BCS
equals 8), respectively. Hawk would have an
effective score to determine his BCS of 15612 or 76.
This yields a BCS of 13. Phis is greater than his
normal BCS with Single Weapon Combat of 12.
Therefore his modified BCS is lowered to 12. He is at
no disadvantage for being mounted. Jakes average
score is 19212 or 96 yielding a BCS of 19. This leaves
Jake still superior to Hawk in Combat Skill but Jake
has lost his Control Throw and his Aim.
I f Jakes Beast Riding Skill had been 66, his
averaged score would have been 21812 or 109. This
would have given him a BCS of 20, a Control Throw
of 1, but still n o aim. I f he had been a superb
horseman with a score of 100, his averaged score
would have been 25212 or 126 yielding a BCS of 20, a
Control Throw of 5 and an Aim of 1.


As noted in the section on Talents, if a character does not
have a score in a Skill that he wishes to perform, he may use
his score in the Governing Talent forthat Skill as if it were his
score in the Skill. To that Basic Chance of Success that is
derived from that number, he may add any inherent BCS
modifications that arise due the tools required to perform the
Skill. The most common kind of inherent modification comes
from the use of a gun.
Once the characters score in the Skill is such that the
Basic Chance of Success exceeds the Basic Chance of
Success that he would have by using the BCS generated by
the Governing Talent and any inherent BCS modifications,
he must use the BCS generated from his score in the Skill. He
will no longer receive any inherent BCS modifications. They
are only compensations for a person untrained in the proper
use of such things.
Jo thestrong does not have Rifle Combat Skill but
his Combatative Talent is 20. He finds himself in a
firefight with a carbine in his hands. The carbine has

an inherent BCS modification of plus 3. His Basic

Chance of Success derived from his Talent score is
4. Thus Jos base BCS with the carbine is 7. This will
be modified by Restrictions, Distractions, and other
Situational Modifiers as would any normal Basic
Chance of Success.
When Jo finally gets to learn Rifle Combat Skill
and his score exceeds 35 which gives a BCS of 7, he
will be using the Basic Chance of Success
generated from the Skill score. He will n o longer
receive the benefit o f inherent modification for the
carbine. Until then however, his BCS will be 7 due to
Talent and the weapon. This can be thought of as
sort of a minimum base BCS built from the
characters raw ability and the ease of use and
quality of the tool in use.

Some Skills are designated as requiring a Prerequisite
Skill. This means that a character must have a score of at
least 25 in the Skill or Skillsspecified as being prerequisiteto
the Skill he wishes to learn before he can acquire a score in
that Skill.

There are several things peculiar to Combat Skills and so
they are dealt with in this section. Combat Skill will, when in
use, result in the character having a certain positioning. This
is used as a modification to the exact Location of a hit in
combat. It is particularly pertinent in determining which arm
or leg is hit. Also, Combat Skills have chances for Aim and
Control Throws arising from the second range of score.


Each Combat Skill will be specified as frontal, presented or
refused. Frontal positioning indicates a 50-50 chance of
either side of the character being hit when struck through a
Front or Rear hex. A 70% chance of hitting the side that the
attack is coming from occurs when the strike is made from a
Side hex.
Presented and refused each have a 70% chance of striking
the weaponed or non-weaponed side respectively when the
attack is made through a Front hex. An attack from a Side
Hex has a 50% chance of striking either side of the character
when successful. An attack from a Rear hex reverses the
probability of the Front hex attack. That is an attack against a
character in Presented positioning has a 70% chance of
striking the non-weaponed side and against the character in
Refused positioning it has a 70% chance of striking the
weaponed side.
A character with Presented positioning is attempting to
keep his body in profile to his opponent with his primary
weapon between him and his opponent. A character will hold
his primary weapon in his favored hand unless otherwise
specified. This side is considered the weaponed side. The
other side is referred to as the non-weaponed side.
A character with Refused postioning is also attempting
to keep his body in profile to his opponent but he holds the
weapon in his favored hand away from his opponent with his
body between it and his opponent. A character using this
positioning usually has something else to interpose between
his body and his opponent such as a shield.


Some weapons are noted as being capable of secondary
attacks. The use of such an option is left to the player
controlling the character. It is not required. If it is to be used,
the attempt to make a secondary attack must be specified to
the Gamesmaster when the character is initiating his Attack
Action. During the phases that pass while the character is


henry christen (order #23380)





Percentage Breakdown of exact hit Location for attack coming from surrounding hexes
70% Right

70% Right

70% Right

50% Right
50% Left


50% Right


50% Right



50% Right
50% Left

50% Right
50% Left

30% Right
70% Left

30% Right
70% Left

70% Right
30% Left





50% Right
50% Left

conducting the Attack Action, he is considered t o b e without

benefit of his normal Weapon Defense Ability. The
secondary attack will have an effective score, to convert to
Basic Chance of Success, of one half the total score in that
Combat Skill. For example a character with a score of 150
would derive the BCS and Aim for a primary attack from a
score of 150 and a secondary attack from a score of 75.


30% Right
70% Left
50% Right
50% Left
70% Right
30% Left


The Dot Pattern connects contiguous Locations on the Body
Deliberate Miss


A character using a Hand-to-hand Combat Skill has a
Weapon Defense Ability (WDA) against opponents using
Hand-to-hand Combat Skills to attack him. Thevalue forthis
Ability is subtracted from the opponents Basic Chance of
Success. When a character using a Missile Combat Skill is
engaged by an opponent using a Hand-to-hand Combat
Skill, he may use a skilled or unskilled unarmed-combat
Combat Skill t o generate a Weapon Defense Ability. When
doing this the character will suffer a negative modification to
his own Basic Chance of Success when he resolves his
missile attack. This modification will be equal to the Weapon
Defense Ability used by the character with the missile
The Weapon Defense Ability is calculated from the first
one hundred points of score in thecombat Skill. It can easily
be different for each Hand-to-hand Combat Skill that the
character has score in. It is equal to the score in the Skill (first
100 points only) divided by 20 and rounded to the nearest.

Deliberate Miss

Deliberate Miss


When a character had gained enough skill in a Combat
Skill he will begin to be able to aim. For each point of Aim,
the Location of a hit on the body map may be altered by one
Location. These must be contiguous Locations and follow
the transference lines on the accompanying diagram. The
use of Aim points is not required and, if used, all need not be
expended. Aim points are not cumulative from attack to
Aim is calculated similarly to Weapon Defense Ability
except that the second 100 points of the score in thecombat
Skill are used. That is,
Aim Points equal (Score-100)/20, down.

Deliberate Miss

Deliberate Miss


henry christen (order #23380)


When a character in combat rolls a 20, he is subject t o a
Critical Miss. However, the player may attempt to make a
Control Throw for his character to avoid the effects of the
Critical Miss. If the throw is made, there will be no Critical
Effects to the miss. I f not, the Gamesmaster will roll on the
Critical Miss Effects Table to see what has happened to the
hapless character.
Control Throw equals
(Score-100)/5, down and is treated
as if it were a normal BCS.
When used with Missile Combat Skills this Control Throw
indicates that the character has been careful before hand
and has not used inferior or defective equipment or
ammunition. In such cases treat as a normal miss. With such
things as bullets, have the player remove an additional round
from the characters total of ammunition since the Control
Throw indicates that the round in question was discarded as


Any weapon classified as capable of a thrust may be used
to deliver one. The player must specify that the character is
using a thrust before the attack is resolved. A thrust will add 1
to the Basic Chance of Success but will lower the effective
Strength Group by 1 for purposes of determining the Effect
Die. A thrust has a percentage chance of achieving a special
effect equal to the Damage Potential. If this occurs it is
treated as a Missile Special Effect.

The encumbrancesystem isa way of measuring how much
of a load the character iscarrying and how thedistribution of
that load will affect the character when he attempts to
perform various actions while carrying the load. Each
character has an Encumbrance Capacity which is the
maximum value of Encumbrance (ENC) that the character
may carry o n any kind of a sustained basis. The
Encumbrance value of any item is rated on an abstract scale
which compares the bulkiness of an object to its mass. A
simplistic expression of this is presented in the
Encumbrance Value Chart below. This chart will yield a
rough figure for the object being considered which may then
be adjusted by the Gamesmaster as he feels properto reflect
the Encumbrance value of the item. In general, an item
designed to be handled or stored conveniently will have a
lower ENC value than an item of the same mass and bulk
which has many protrusions or is of an awkward shape.
Representative examples of each bulk and mass
classification are given following the chart.
For items which are presented in the weapons, armor or
equipment lists, we will give a specific ENC value. These
values can be used by a Gamesmaster as a guideline in
tailoring specific Encumbrance values for items which are
introduced to the campaign.

A character has a limited amount of space over which he
may distribute a load upon his person. This is broken down
















staves, longbows, polearms,

crossbows, rifles, etc.
greater than 6 feet long and
bulky, usually requires two
hands to carry
HG1: mattress, small giant,
coffin, etc.
HG2: horses, carts, small car,
etc. and so on.








very small..


able to be hidden in a hand,

such as a coin, gem, small
jewelry, etc.



huge ....

. . . . . . . can be held and used with one



hand and does not project far

from the hand, such as knives,
candles, clubs, lanterns, etc.
held and used in one hand but
significantly larger than the
hand, such as short swords,
torches, etc.

. . . . . . . . large.. . . . . . . usable in one hand and up to

V L g . . . . . . . very large


about a meter in length, such as

swords, large tools, bundles,
able to be held or carried in one
hand but usually requiring two
hands to use properly, such as



very light..

Lt . . . . . . . . light







VHvy.. ... very heavy ...

MS . . . . . . massive . . . . . .

wood, paper, feathers, cloth,

flesh, leather, water, heavy
woods, etc.
stone, gemstones, iron, brass,
lead, silver, etc.
MS1: gold, platinum, etc.
MS2: uranium, plutonium, etc.
and so on


henry christen (order #23380)

into areas such as his hands, his back, at his belt and slung
from his side. The character may wear or carry containers at
these locations which will hold other items. Each container
will be rated according to the maximum ENC value it will hold
and the maximum bulk grouping which will fit into the
containers opening. Once an item is placed into a container
its effective ENC will be halved. This half value is what is
assessed against the characters Encumbrance Capacity.
However, the items full ENC value is what is assessed
against the containers maximum capacity. Containers such
as backpacks, when worn properly merely occupy space and
do not count against the total Encumbrance value that the
character is carrying.
A character may carry:
1 thing on his back.
1 thing up to Very Large in each hand.
1 thing slung over each shoulder.
10 things on a belt.
It should be noted that athing may actually occupy more
than one position on a belt. For example, a tool kit designed
for belt wear is only one thing for determining its ENC
value but it will take up about 5 places on a belt.
Armor and clothing that is worn should have the total ENC
value of each garment or item calculated and the total of the
ENC value for all the garments and items is the ENC value
that will be assessed against the characters Encumbrance
Capacity. Any garments or items of armor that are carried
rather than worn will have their ENC values doubled.

Once a player has calculated his characters Encumbrance
Capacity and the Encumbrance Total of all gear carried and
worn, the characters encumbrance status may be
determined. The requirements for each status and its effects
are listed in the table below.



up to 1/2 ENC CAP
Partially Encumbered
up to 3/4 ENC CAP
Fully Encumbered
up to full ENC CAP

Speed BCS

** no modifications **







As with other percentage modifications t o Attribute scores

the percentage is taken from the effective score. The BCS
modification applies only to Skills which require physical
exertion or the exercise of dexterity. They do not apply to any
Skills which are cerebral in nature.
Yusof Strongarm is getting ready to go
adventuring and is packing up his gear. Into a pack
(ENC CAP 10) go: a bag with field rations ( 10 at 0.1
each), a bag with 10 bandages (0.05 each) and 5
units of medical supplies f.1 each), a bag with a
hammer (.6) and 5 iron spikes ( . 4 each), and a full5
liter water skin ( I ) . This has a total Encumbrance
value of 5.6. He shrugs the pack into place o n his
back. Once there it will add 2.8 to his Encumbrance
The value for the clothes and armor that he is
wearing is 0.1 7 . This brings his Encumbrance Total
to 2.97.
Yusof belts on his sword (.7) and stuffs a pistol(.3)
into his belt. He slings a coil of rope( 1 ) over his right
shoulder and a shoulder bag over the left. The bag
contains 10 spare rounds for the pistol (.01 each)
and a repair kit for the gun (.5). In the bag, they have
an effective Encumbrance of .3. This new gear
raises his Total by 2.3 to 5.27.

He then takes u p a quarterstaff in his right hand

for an additional Encumbrance of 1. The final
Encumbrance Total is 6.27.
Yusof has a Strength Group of 4 and a Deftness
Group o f 2. This gives him an Encumbrance
Capacity of ( 3 x 4 ) t 2 or 14., Thus, load he is
carrying will put him at Partially Encumbered status.
If he rids himself of the staff before going into action,
he will be in Unencumbered status.


In order to get an item which has been stored i n a
container, the character must get access to the container,
open it and sort the desired item out from the other items in
the container. The time taken in doing this can be of serious
importance if this is being done in the middle of a desperate
situation. The player should state that the character is
beginning to get an item and inform the Gamesmaster of
where it is kept. The character will then be engaged in the
process for a number of Actions. The exact number should
be known only totheGamesmaster.Thewil1 announceto the
player that he has found the item sought at the end of the
Action on which it is found.
T o determine which item the desired one will be when
items in a container are gone through, the Gamesmaster will
roll a die with a range equal to the number of things in the
container. If the number of things is not equal to oneof the
standard ranges, the Gamesmaster should roll the die with
the next largest range and reroll if the result is outside the
range determined by the number of things. The result of
the die roll will indicate which item the desired one will be. A
character may sort through a number ofthingsequa1 to his
Deftness group in each Action.
The method of closure used on the container may also
affect the time involved. A container that is unsealed or
closed only by a snap or Velcro-type seal will not add to the
time involved. A button or buckle will add 1 Action for each
button or buckle involved. If the container is closed by being
tied, it will add 3 Actions.
A character may cut the overall time down by making a
Deftness Saving Throw. The results of the throw are kept
secret by the Gamesmaster since it will affect when the
character finds the sought after item. If the die roll result is in
the characters Ability Saving Throw range, the time will be
cut by 1/3,rounded to the nearest Action. If the result is in the
characters Critical Saving Throw range the time will be cut
in half, rounded to the nearest.
Yusof of the previous example is in Detailed
Action Time and finds that he needs some of his
medical supplies. With his Deftness Group of 2, he
will have two Actions per Combat Turn. He will
spend the first turn taking off his pack, since it
requires two Actions to do so. The backpack is held
closed by two buckles so it will take Yusof another
turn to open the pack. Because all the items in the
pack are in separate bags, the Gamesmaster rules
that there are 4 things in the pack. The
Gamesmaster rolls 1 0 4 (Roll 1 D6 and ignore results
over 4 ) and the result is 3. Since Yusofs Deftness
Group is 3.he willget the right bag on the first action
of sorting. Because there are two bandages to each
unit of supplies. there is a 1 in 3 chance that each
thing gone through in the small bag will be a unit
of supplies. Yusof can check up to 3 things per
Action. The Gamesmaster starts rolling l D 3 for
each item sorted. The second die roll is a 1 so the
thing is a unit of supplies. The total number of
Actions would be six. Yusof is in a hurry so the
player elects to attempt a Saving Throw to cut the
time. The Gamesmaster rolls 1020. The die result


henry christen (order #23380)

falls in Yusofs Ability Saving Throw range. This

means that the time in terms of numbers of Actions
will be cut in half, to three. The Gamesmaster will
announce that Yusof has a unit of supplies in his
hands at the end of the third Action from the time
that the player announced that Yusof was beginning
the attempt. I f interrupted, Yusof would have to pick
up the process again from where he left off. A new
calculation of the time reauired should be made.

A quadrupedal body is also represented by 30 Locations

but in a different fashion. When a level on the body is
indicated the third LOC listed represents the underbelly of
the animal. The percentage determinations for the exact
Location works in much the same way as for bipedal forms.
The specifics along with the Hit Location Tables are
presented on page 28.


A characters mass must be known to determine the
Encumbrance Total for any mount the character may ride
and for calculations involving Bash effects. Personal Mass is
equal to the characters Personal Encumbrance plus one
third his Encumberance Total, rounded down.
A character who is charging will increase his Personal
Mass by 50%. An unconscious character will have his
Personal Encumbrance increased by 50% before the
Personal Mass calculation. A struggling character trying to
avoid being carried off will have twice his normal Personal
Encumbrance for purposes of making the Personal Mass

Belly locations are


This system has the human body divided into 30 areas.
Each is refered to as a Location (LOC). When a character is
successfully attacked, 1D100 will be rolled to see where the
attack landed on the Location map. Generally, a level on the
body will be indicated. A die roll of 20 indicates LOC 4/5. If
the character struck is presenting either his front or back to
the direction of the attack there is a 50% chance that LOC 4
will be struck, and, if LOC4 is not indicated, then LOC5 .is
struck. When the character is facing in such a direction that
one side of his body is closer to the direction of the attack,
there is a 70% chance that the side facing the direction of the
attack will be the one that is struck. In the caseabove, if the
attack had been coming from the characters left side, there
would have been a 70% chance that LOC 5 would receive the
attack. If the die roll was greater than 70 on 10100 than LOC
4 would have been the target.




Once the exact Location of the strike from a successful

attack is known, the protection on that Location must be
checked. This protection may be from hide, clothing or
armor. It will be rated for an Armor Value or AV. This Armor
Value will be subracted from the Damage Potential derived
from the attack to determine the actual damage done to the
character receiving the attack.
Armor and clothing materials are rated for their Armor
Value as well as their ENC for each point that they cover.
From these values the protection of the garment and its total
ENC value can be calculated. This has already been done for
items in the lists of standard gear. It is important that armor
and clothing be treated as garments and not just isolated
Only the best Armor Value that a character has covering a
given Location is used to subtract from the Damage
Potential. However the total ENC value for all items worn is
assessed against the characters Encumbrance Total.

Under this Option a character receives ttie Armor Value of
additional layers worn on top of or underneath his best
armor. He does not, however, receive the full value. Each
extra layer will have an Armor Value equal to its normal value
divided by 4, rounded down. The character is still subject to
the full encumbrance values of the extra layers.


henry christen (order #23380)

This Option is a more accurate reflection of reality but

tends to make the game less sporting. It is only
recommended for detail fanatics who wish even more

Each of the various types of armor that a character can
wear is specified as having a format. These formats are Rigid
( R ) ; Semi-Rigid (SR); Flexible, Hard (FH); Flexible, Soft
(FS) and Flexible, Quiltable (Fa). The format of an armor is
important for determing its use when an armor is reinforced
and when the character is subject to damage due to

All Flexible, Quiltable materials may bequi1ted to yield a
more protective armor. This increases the Armor Value by 1
and doubles the ENC value for each Location the garment
covers. This process may be done properly by any character
with Tailor Skill. T o indicate that the armor has been treated
in this fashion the designation Q- is placed in front of the
code for that type of armor. Thus Heavy Cloth with a
designation of HC, a format of Flexible, Quiltable and an
ENC value of .0008per Location would, when quilted have a
designation of Q-HC, the same format and an ENC value of
.0016 per Location covered. It would also have its Armor
Value increased from 2 to 3.
All Flexible, Soft and Flexible, Quiltable materials may be
Reinforced. The Reinforcing will raise the Armor Value by
one third the Armor Value of the Rigid format reinforcing
material rounded to the nearest. The ENC value per Location
will be raised by the ENC value of the Rigid format material.
The format of the resultant armor will be Flexible, Hard. A
given armor may only be Reinforced once, although a
Flexible, Quiltable material may be both Quilted and
Reinforced. I f the example above were to be Reinforced with
bronze studs (Designation: BP; Format: R; ENC: .06), its new
designation would be A(BP)-Q-HC. Its new Armor Value
would be 3 + (6/3) or 3 + 2or5 and its ENC value per Location
would be ,0016 + .06 or .0616. Any character with Armorer
Skill may Reinforce armor.
Only those armor materials dealt with above may be
reinforced in any way.


Any character with Leatherworker Skill can properly cure
a hide to yield the standard Armor Value for the type of hide
being worked. These values are specified in the Armor
Materials Listing in Book 2. A character who fails his Basic
Chance of Success roll or one who does not have
Leatherworker Skill will get a badly cured version of the hide
that will have an Armor Value of 1 less than normal. It can not
be later hardened.
Any leather that is of Flexible, Soft format may be
Hardened by a character with Leatherworker Skill to
increase the Armor Value by 1. This will add H- to the
materials designation and change its format to Flexible,
Hard. It will not alter its ENC value per Location, A material
may not be Reinforced after it is Hardened nor may it be
Hardened after it is Reinforced.


Against most forms of attack, the Armor Value of the
material covering the Location which is hit will be subtracted
from the Damage Potential. In the case of constriction
attack, the format of the material will affect its Armorvalue. A
Rigid format material will have an effective Armor Value of
twice its normal value until this doubled value is exceeded by
the Damage Potential on one phase. At this point, the armor
Value will be effectively 0 since the material is considered
crushed beyond use. A character will receive an additional
amount of points of Subdual damage equal to the normal
Armor Value of the Material when the material is removed.
This must be done before any healing can be done to the
injured area.
Semi-Rigid, Flexible Hard, and all Reinforced materials
will have their normal Armor Value against the first
constriction. On successive turns their value will be reduced
by half, rounded down, until the source of the constriction is
removed. A second constriction o n thesame Location allows
the process to begin again.
All other formats of armor materials provide no protection
against constriction at all. They have an effective Armor
Value of 0.


The Average Armor Value is used to defend against attacks
upon the character made by multiple small objects such as
occur with fragmentation type effects. It is also the basic
rating of the character in the Tactical Combat System.
Average Armor Value is calculated by summing the best
Armor Value on each Location, dividing the result by 30 and
rounding to the nearest.
Yusof of the two previous examples is wearing
armor and clothing of the following characteristics:
Armor Total
Coverage Code Value ENC
Steel helmet
4-18 & 21-28 H C
Heavy Leather
Torso Armor
Light Leather
Calf Boots
This yields a total Encumbrance value of .17
To determine the Average Armor Value only the
best armor on each Location is considered. On
Location 1, there is 9. On Locations 2 and 3, there is
0. On Locations 4 to 12, there is 4. On Locations 13
to 16, there is 2. On Locations 17 to 20, there is 3. On
Locations 21 to 28, there is 2. On Locations 29 and
30,there is 0.
This gives one Location with 9, nine Locations with
4, four Locations with 3, twelve Locations with 2 and
four Locations with 0. The total of the Armor Values
is 9 t ( 9 x 4) + (4 x 3 ) + ( 1 2 x 2 ) t (4 x 0 ) or 9 +36 t 12 t
24 + 0 or 81. This is divided by 30 to give 2.7. This is
rounded to the nearest to give an Average Armor
Value of 3.



Any character may improvise armor. A character with

Armorer Skill whodoes not have the properfacilities will only
be Improvising. Improvised armor will only have one half of
its normal Armor Value. This rule is designed t o deal with
things that were not originally meant to be used as armor
being pressed into service by a character who is without
useful armor.

If the Damage Potential or BDG of an attack exceeds the

armor Value by three times its value the armor on that
Location is considered destroyed starting on the next phase.
After combat a characterwithanappropriateSkillforworking
the material may restore it to one half Armor Value until
repairs can be made to restore it to full value.


henry christen (order #23380)


Once the characters adventuring careers have begun,
time in the game will pass at different rates. Thetimescale in
use in any particular instance depends on several things.
How the characters are travelling, what they are trying to do
and what is happening around them all have bearing on the
time scale to be used. The Gamesmaster will make the
decision as to which scale is to be used. He will then ask for
appropriate responses from the players with regard to their
characters actions and intents. The scales for the passage of
time in the game which are defined here are: Strategic,
Tactical, Detailed Action Time, Real Time and Down Time.


Strategic time scale is usually used when the characters
are doing longdistance travelling. A day is divided into two
Strategic Turns, one for the day and one for the night. The
characters are assumed to travel during one of the turns and
rest during the other. If the players wish to have their
characters travel for more than one consecutive Strategic
Turn, they will be subject to the Forced March rules on page
During each Stategic Turn the Gamesmaster will make a
check to see if the characters have an Encounter. The
procedure for this is presented in Book3. If the characters do
indeed have an Encounter, the Gamesmaster will probably
switch to one of the other time scales in order to resolve the
interaction between the characters and whatever or whoever
they have encountered.
As the characters travel, the Gamesmaster should
describe to the players the nature of the terrain through
which the characters are travelling. This would include the
nature of the vegetation, any significant geographical
features and any man-made structures. If a location or a
feature is well hidden or off the direct route that the
characters are following, the Gamesmaster may wish to roll
1D20 to see if the travellers will discover theHidden Thing.
Locations that are preplanned by the Gamesmaster may
well have guards, outposts or some kind of outlying group
that might interact with a traveling group of adventurers
when they draw near. The Gamesmaster should make a
special encounter check for this. Such things may lead the
characters onto an unplanned adventure, unplanned by
them that is.


Tactical time scale is most flexible with regard to the
length of a Tactical Turn. The exact length of aTactical Turn
is left to the Gamesmasters discretion and can vary from one
turn to the next. It is intended that the Tactical scale cover
time periods ranging from 10 minutes to 1 hour.
Tactical scale should have the length of its turn reflect the
complication of the action to be resolved. The more
complicated it IS, the shorter the period should be. Thus,
when characters are travelling through something like a
ruined city in which the Gamesmaster has located several
prepared areas but has not mapped the whole city in close
detail, a turn of an hours length would beappropriate. When
the characters reach one of the predesigned areas, the time
scale should be altered to turns lasting 10 or 20 minutes.
A variation on Tactical time scale is used with the Tactical
Combat rules and is presented with those rules in Book 3.


Detailed Action time scale is used when determining the
results of such intricate interactions as combat, death traps,
confrontations, etc. Since the most common use of Detailed
Action Time (DAT) is combat, a turn is refered to as a
Combat Turn. The actual time represented by a Combat
Turn is about 6 seconds. Each Combat Turn is divided up
into Action Phases. This is done to break down the complex
interpenetration of complicated actions occurring almost
simultaneously into sort of a slow motion where each
action can be considered and resolved in the light of the
other actions taking place around it. The specifics of
Detailed Action Time are involved and are treated in their
own section on page 20.


Real Time scale is a variation of Detailed Action Time in
that it is a short time scale and is used to handle short,
complicated interactions such as conversations or unusual
actions not accounted for in the standard rules. When Real
Time is invoked, it is the players rather than the characters
who are consuming the time in the game. That is to say, that
however long it takes players to complete their conversation
or whatever, is how long it will take the characters to finish
the same conversation. Naturally, things will continue to
happen around the characters. If something that would
impinge upon the senses of the characters happens, the
Gamesmaster should inform the players of this at the point it
happens as if the characters noticed it while they were
performing their actions.
The Real Time scale is where much of the role playing in a
Role Playing Game comes from. Here players frequently act
as their characters in a literal sense. Some players even
develop accents or characteristic methods of speech so the
other players will know when it is the character speaking
instead of the player.


Unlike the other timescales, Down Time is not used during
an adventure. It is used between adventures. The game time
consumed can vary from days to weeks to months to years.
This is the time scale to be used when the characters are
Studying, Researching, Rebuilding, etc.
The Gamesmaster, unless specifically requested by the
players, should always allow the characters to have some
Down Time between adventures. During Down Time, the
usual hazards of the town, ruins, or wilderness are considerably reduced or, if the Gamesmaster is in a good mood,
nonexistant. When a regular campaign is being run, a good
scale to use is a week of actual time between gaming
sessions corresponds to a month of game time. This allows a
greater flow of time in the game and players can thus see
their successful characters live out a lifetime in something
less than the players own lifetimes.
As noted above the flow of time in Down Time Scale is
flexible and the Gamesmaster may wish to vary the Down
Time between adventures to be more suitable to the
campaign or the particular series of adventurers that the
characters have embarked upon. When the time in this scale
extends much beyond a month and the players wish to have
their characters engaged in constant Study or Research, the


henry christen (order #23380)

Gamesmaster should take human nature into account.

Characters will get bored or exasperated with what they are
doing and will not apply themselves fully. In this fashion, not
all the time will be available for the characters to increase
their Skills or build things. Sometimes, even a character will
need a vacation from the constant hard schedule that a
player will outline for him. The Gamesmaster might require
the character to make a'Will Saving Throw, at various
intervals, in order for the character to remain dedicated to
the player's regimen of studies or other procedures.
During some adventures the gaming session will end
before the particular scenario is completed. In such cases,
it is best to "freeze" the action in place. The positions of all
characters should be carefully noted along with what they
were doing when the action was "frozen." At the next game
session the action may be resumed where it left off at the last
session. When this occurs frequently, the Gamesmaster may
wish to allow a longer than usual period when next heallows
Down Time.


There will come times in the course of a campaign when
the Gamesmaster will find that a combination of more than
one time scale will prove a superior way to handlea situation.
A fight that uses missile weapons at ranges over 50 meters is
a good example. Characters can still resolve their actions as
if they were in Detailed Action Time for purposes of what
they can do and when they can do it. For movement if
characters are trying to close the distance between the
hostile groups, the use of Tactical Scale movement is
recommended. The Gamesmaster may keep track of such
actions by noting the positions of all involved parties o n his
Tactical Scale map and only shift to the Detailed Action Time
Display when the opponents are about 20 meters apart.
Often when doing this, the Gamesmaster may wish to
represent each party as if they were on the DAT Display and
use a Tactical Display where each hex is 10 meters (or some
other appropriate number). A marker on theTactica1 Display
would be used to indicate each of the Tactical Display hexes
that has one or more characters in it. This technique aids the
players' grasp of the tactical situation. It is recommended
when feasible.

Each character will have a movement rate fora day's travel.
This rate assumes ten hours of travel and includes proper
rest breaks. A character wishing to exceed these rates is
subject to the Forced March rules. The basic rates are
subject to modifiers due to terrain and weather conditions.
A character's basic traveling rate is equal to 10 plus his
effective Speed in kilometers. This is for oneday's travel. For
the hourly rate, simply divide by 10.
When calculating the modified travel rate, all the
percentages in the chart below should be treated as decimals
and multiplied consecutively by the basic travel rate.
J.J. Jones is travelling through hills ( x 5)on a Good
Road(x 1.0) on the seconddayaftera LightSnow(x
.75). With a Speed of 32, her daily travel rate is 42
kilometers and her hourly rate is 4.2 kilometers. A
day's travel under the conditions above, therefore,
will be 42 x .5 x 1.0 x .75 or 15.75, rounded to 16
kilometers that day. This also means her hourly rate
will be 1.6 kilometers an hour.


On Good Road ............................
On Poor Road.. ............................
On Ruined Road ...........................
In Ruined City.. ............................
In Built-up Area ............................
In Open Terrain ............................
In Rough or Impeding Terrain.. ............. .75%
In Woods, Hills or Desert ................... .50%
In Forest, Swamp, Jungle, or Mountains ..... ,25%
At Night without light.. .....................
At Night with Dim light .....................
At Night with Good light.. ...................75%
In Light Rain or Fog ........................
In Heavy Rain or Fog or Light Snow.. ....... .50%
In Dense Fog or Heavy Snow ............... .25%

On Day After
Heavy Rain (day 1) ... 75% (day 2 ) .
Light Snow (day 1) ... 50% (day 2 ) . ... 75%
Heavy Snow (day 1)
25% (day 3 ) .
(day 2) .. 50% (day 4 ) . .. 100%
Prolonged Snow: for each additional day of snow
add 1 day at the worst penalty




For calculation purposes remember that 75% is

equal to .75, 100% is equal to 1.0. etc.

Forced March entails the character pushing himself
beyond the pace assumed in the travel rules. This can be
done in one of two ways: the Fast March or the Long March. If
either form is attempted on a second consecutive day, a
Health Ability Saving Throw is required for it to be used. On
the third day, a Health Critical Saving Throw is required. O n
following days, a Health Critical Saving Throw at one half the
normal value is required. If the Saving Throw is not made, no
Forced March is allowed o n that day. Normal travel is
allowed. After one day at normal pace, the ability to Force
march is regained.


This form allows the character to move at double the base
hourly rate. The doubled base rate is still subject to terrain
modifiers. The maximum number of hours during which the
character may move at this rate is equal to the character's
Healing Rate. Each hour, or fraction thereof, that the
character is moving at this rate beyond the safe limit will do
2D10 of Subdual Damage to the character. This damage is
treated like normal subdual damage and may be recovered
from in the usual fashion. (See Damageand Healing on page
36.) This damage may lower the base movement rate. Once
the character has passed out from the strain of the Fast
March, he may not use Forced March for the rest of the day.


This form allows the character to continue moving at his
normal base rate for more than the normal 10 hours. The
maximum number of safe hours that he may do this is equal
to his Healing Rate. Each hour, or fraction thereof, beyond
the safe limit does 2D10 of subdual damage as in Fast March.


henry christen (order #23380)


The scale of play known as Detailed Action Time (DAT) is
used for situations where the specific actions of the
characters and the time that it takes to resolve such actions
are followed in close detail. The most common use of this
scale is combat. Therefore one turn in this scale in known as
a Combat Turn. One Combat Turn approximates 6 seconds
of real time. Each Combat Turn is broken down into a
variable number of Action Phases. Each action taken during
a Combat Turn will occur on a particular Action Phase.
During the Combat Turn the Gamesmaster will count down
from the highest numbered Action Phase in which one of the
involved characters may act. When the countdown reaches
the phase in which a character may act, the controlling
player must inform the Gamesmaster of the character's
actions. Action Phase 0 is the bookkeeping phase and NO
characters may act in this phase.
Various Abilities are involved in the character's execution
of actions under the rules of Detailed Action Time. These
Abilities are recounted here along with their specific
Base Action Phase (BAP) equals Speed/2,
Down. This is the highest-numbered phase in the
Combat Turn in which the character may initiate
actions in accordance to the Movement and
Action rules. The character with the highest BAP
in a given Detailed Action Time determines the
starting point of the countdown. That point is
equal to the character's BAP.

Phases Consumed in Action (PCA) equals

BAP/MNA, down. This is the number of phases
that it takes the character to perform an Action
during Detailed Action Time. If the numbers of
phases left in a Combat Turn is less than the
character's PCA, then the character may not
initiate an Action during that Combat Turn. The
character may, however, move in accordance
with the Movement rules for the rest of that
Combat Turn.

Maximum Number of Actions (MNA) equals

Deftness Group. This is the greatest number of
Actions that the character may initiate and
complete in a Combat Turn. A character with an
MNAofO takes twoCombatTurnstocompletean
action. He has a PCA of 2 x BAP.

Base Movement Allowance (BMA). This is an

ability which is inherent in the species of the
character. The BMA of a human is 1. If MNA is
equal to 0, then BMA is equal to .5. If a species
has a BMA which is different from human BMA, it
will be given in the listing of the statistics of that
species. The Base Movement Allowance is the
distance the character may cover in one phase of
normal movement. This movement is measured
in meters.

If a character is crawling (moving while in a prone or

kneeling position) he will have an effective Base Movement
Allowance of one-half his normal value. The "run" increase
to BMA is not allowed.

When a character on a Detailed Action Time Display (see

below) is moving at less than 1 meter per phase, the marker
should not be moved from one 1 meter hex to another until
the character has accumulated sufficient movement to
account for the 1 meter change on the Display. It is the
responsibility of the controlling player to keep track of all
partial movements of this nature.


If a character initiates an Action and thereby causes the
Gamesmaster to declare that Detailed Action Time is
neccessary, the Gamesmaster may decide that the character
has "pre-empted" the other characters involved. This means
that the countdown of the Action Phasesforthe first Combat
Turn of the Detailed Action Time will begin on the Base
Action Phase of the character who initiated the Action which
caused Detailed Action Time to begin. Any characters who
have higher Base Action Phases are treated as if they had
done nothing until this point in thecountdown. This situation
prevails only on the first Combat Turn. All subsequent turns
begin, as usual, at the Base Action Phase of the character
with the highest BAP.
When a character is in a position to surprise another
character and thereby initiate Detailed Action Time, the
controlling player may choose the Action Phase on which
the countdown will begin in the first turn of Detailed Action
Time. Once the phase is chosen the Combat Turn proceeds
as if a character had pre-empted the situation and the preempting character's Base Action Phase was the phase
chosen by the player whose character has achieved surprise.
A surprised character may only use his Weapon Defense
Ability if the phase of initiation is higher than the surprised
character's Phases Consumed in Action number and the
character makes a Speed Ability Saving Throw.
Crafty Old Sam is hiding in the shadows of an alley
waiting for a victim. A figure appears and begins to
move down the alley. Sam elects to let him pass and
then jump out to attack. The playerofSamstates that
Sam will initiate this action on Action Phase 5 which
is Sam's Base Action Phase. The Gamesmaster
begins the countdown at 5. Sam's intended victim
has B A P of 7 and MNA of 1. Thus, his PCA is 7 and
there are not enough phases left in the Combat Turn
for the character to get his Weapon Defense Ability
into play. Since Same began an Attack Action on 5.
the victim is in engaged status. He must make a
Deftness Ability Saving Throw In order to turn and
face Sam. The Gamesmaster rolls 1020 and the
result is 17. This is well out of range for the
character. O n Action Phase 1 Sam will resolve h/s
Attack action with the positive modification of 10 for
attacking from a Rear hex. The victim can only
subtract his Combat Dodge Ability from Sam's
adjusted BCS.
O n Phase 4 however. footsteps are heard in the
alley. Two men begin to run towards Sam. They had
been following the man who Sam is attacking. The
Gamesmaster had secretly made a Wit Critical
Saving Trhow to see i f Sam would discover the
"Hidden Thing" of the two men. He did not. They
could see Sam begin the attack on phase 5. Phase 4


henry christen (order #23380)

was the first phase on which they could act in

response to Sam's actions. B y moving, they are using
the rest of the Combat Turn to close the distance
between themselves and the fight. Havingstarted 10
meters from Sam on phase 4 they will be 3 meters
away on phases 1 . They will move 1 meter on Phase
4 and 2 meters per phase for 3 phases. Sam had
better kill the first man when he resolves his Attack
Action or h e is in big trouble.
If a character should achieve complete surprise or execute
a proper ambush, he should be allowed to perform at least
one Action or move for a number of phases equal to his
Phases Consumed in Action number. This would be followed
by the normal Combat Turn routine with the countdown
begun at its normal place.
This procedure represents the initiative gained by the
ambushing character and his ability to take advantage of the
situation. If desired by the Gamesmaster, this method may
be used instead of the one given above.






In order to keep track of the position of characters during

Detailed Action Time, the players should use a DAT display.
This will consist of a hexagonal gridded sheet on which
markers representing the characters are placed. The Display
should also contain indications of features of sugnificance to
the characters, such as walls, doors, furniture, treacherous
footing, etc. These indications can be in the form of
additional markers or may be drawn onto the Display or a
clear sheet covering the hex grid.
All characters should be represented by markers which
may be moved on the Display. Anything small enough to fit
in the hexes will do. We have found that miniature figures,
painted to indicate the charcter depicted, add to
identification with the character and to the general fun of
play. If figures are not available a cardboard square marked
to indicate which character it depicts is the second best
choice. Remember that all markers used to represent
characters must be able to denote which of the surrounding
hexes is the character's central Front hex.
The recommended ground scale for the Display is 1 hex
equal to 1 meter.
Sample Character Marker



Under normal circumstances a characer on the DAT
Display will occupy one hex and be able to exert influence on
the six hexes immediately surrounding the hex he occupies.
If the character is utilizing a Long or Extra-Long Hand-tohand weapons, an additional ring of hexes around the
standard Influence Zone must be considered. Those objects
classed as Restrictions which are present in these zones will
hinder the character in executing a successful attack. A
character's Active Zone is considered to be the hex he
occupies and any Front of Long Front hexes. A character's
Passive Zone is any Rear, Side and Long Side hexes. The
importance of these zones and the impact of the character's
positioning on any combat in which he is involved will be
dealt with in the appropriate sections.
Up to two active characters may occupy the same hex.
Each will act as a Restriction to the other. Any other
character making an attack into or through that hex has an
even chance of striking either character. The one struck
should be determined randomly.
A character in a horizontal position, for whatever reason,
will occupy two hexes on the DAT Display. If he is conscious
he will still have a Zone of Influence but it will be modified as
shown in the accompanying illustration.


henry christen (order #23380)



Target in




Front, Side
Rear hex

Long Front,
Long Side

Not Allowed
Not Allowed
No secondary strike allowed.

Non-human species might not occupy the DAT Display in

the same way as a human would. Variations will be indicated
where the statistics for the species are presented.


Character A
Own hex Restrictions (1)
Total Surrounding Restrictions (5)
Restrictions on Long weapon (1 + 5/2 = 4)
Restrictions on Extra-Long weapon (1 + 5 = 6)

The various components of the environment which will

affect a character's Basic Chance of Success in combat are
divided into the non-mobile, physical Restrictions and the
mobile or non-physical Distractions. The former always
apply while some of the latter may be voluntarily ignored.
The accompanying diagram illustrates the Restrictions
imposed on a character in a given hex if he is using a Short or
Average length weapon. These restrictions are only those
posed by walls and doors. If the character were using a Long
weapon, he would be subject t o the restrictions of the space
he occupies plus one-half of the total of restrictions in the
hexes i m m e d i a t e l y s u r r o u n d i n g h i m . I n these
circumstances, a hex which has no available floor space
counts as 1 Restriction. A character using an Extra-Long
weapon is subject t o the Restrictions of the space he
occupies plus the total of Restrictions in the hexes
immediately surrounding him.
Other Restrictions are counted if they are present in the
character's zone of influence. Any solid object with a height
of .5 to 1.5 meters can be considered a Restriction. Each hex
occupied by an object such as a table, chair or pillar has an
additional Restriction of 1.
Dead or unconscious bodies in the character's own hex
count as 1 Restriction each. Bodies may be stacked u p to
three high in an adjacent hex before becoming a Restriction.
The main source of Distractions is the occupation of hexes
in a character's Zone of Influence by friendly characters or
friendly characters within 1 hex of the line of fire. Each hex SO
occupied counts as 1 Distraction. This type of Distraction

henry christen (order #23380)

Characters 6.C. and D are waiting for their opponent.Character A.

to show himself. Characters B and C have a BAP of 12 and Characters A and 0 have a BAP 019. Characters B and C make no movement
on Action Phases 12 through 10. On Phase 9 Character A begins
movement by turning in place by 120 degrees. The other characters
continue to wait until Character A becomes visible to them. On
Phases 8. 7. and 6 Character A moves forward to the edge ofthe wall.
He is now visible to the other characters and they will react by
moving toward him on the next phase.
On Phase 5 Character A begins to move to his left Side hex while
dodging to make himself less vulnerable to missile fire. This will
take two phases and will be completedon Phase4. Characters B and
C begin to move toward the edge of the wall. Character D moves out
his left Front facing to gain room for the maneuvering to come. On
Phase 4 Characters B. C. and D all accelerate to run.
On Phase 3 Character A moves along the side of the wall away
from his opponents. Character B decelerates to avoid running past
the edge of the wall where his opponent might be waiting in ambush

for him. Character C continues around the column at a run.

Character 0 decelerates to avoid a collision with Character C on the
following phase.
On Phase 2 Character A moves away from the wall to have room to
use weapons. Character B moves to a halt near the edge of the wall.
While Character C continues his run around the column, Character
D follows at a cautious walk.
Phase 1 finds CharacterA turning to face the direction from which
he expects his enemies to come. Character B is waiting by the edg.?
of the wall. not wishing to advance without enough phases left in the
Combat Turn to perform a Combat Action and not wishing to move
into a space where a hidden opponent might get a free attack. Character C continues his run to swing wide of the edge of the wall to
avoid an attack by being too far from a hidden enemy at the edge.
Since he has run on Phase 7. Character C must move on his f i r s t
available phase of the next Combat Turn. Character D continues to
move slowly ahead. At the end of the Combat Turn, CharacterC has
passed into Character As line of sight.

may be voluntarily ignored; by doing so the character will

receive no negative modifications to his Basic Chance of
Success. This course can be dangerous. If such Distractions
are ignored, a Critical Miss, which would normally have had
no effect, will automatically strike one of the friendlies. The
exact target should be determined randomly and damage
done should be calculated as for a normal successful attack.
If a normal miss occurs, the number of friendlies ignored is
the chance in 10 that the character must execute an attack
against one of the friendlies who is determined at random.
This attack is a free attack and is subject to all normal
positional and situational modifiers.
Other Distractions are highly variable. They should be
adjudicated by the Gamesmaster. He should decide if they
are present, what value they have, whether they can be
ignored and, i f so, the consequences of ignoring them.
Examples of Distractions include objects flying at a
character, things hampering a fighter by crawling on him or
things grasping a character.

Base Movement allowance of 1 can move 12 hexes in a

Combat Turn.
A Character may change his facing by spending one
Action Phase doing so. When this is done while in Engaged
Status, the character must make a Deftness Ability Saving
Throw or suffer a free attack.
A character has the option of running while moving on
an Action Phase. This means that he will be able to travel
twice his Base Movement Allowance in a given Action Phase.
p if a character elects to run at any point in the Combat Turn,
he will be subject to the rules governing the stopping of
forward motion given in section on page 24.
In order to be able to run the character must have
moved either at walk (normal BMA) or a dodge on the
previous Action Phase.
Additionally a character may opt to dodge. This will add
to his defensive capacity with regard to missile weapons but
will reduce his Base Movement Allowance by one-half. A
character may dodge while using normal movement or
while running.
A character may move sideways or backwards. When
doing this the figure on the display is placed in the Side or
Rear hex at the direction of the controlling player, but the
relative facing of the character is not changed. Each time in
one turn that the characters accumulated movement in a
sideways andfor backwards fashion exceeds his Combat
Dodge Ability (explained in the section on combat) he must
make a Deftness Ability Saving Throw or fall. This
accumulated distance is in hexes covered and is only
accumulated through each separate Combat Turn.

The basic rule of movement in Detailed Action Time is that
a character may move a distance equal to his Base
Movement Allowance on each Action Phase in the
countdown beginning with his own Base Action Phase. This
movement is through one of the hex sides between the hex
the character is in and one of his Front Hexes. Once the
character has entered a new hex his facing will be adjusted
so that the hex he has just vacated will be his Rear hex. This
means that a character with a Base Action Phase of 12 and a

henry christen (order #23380)

A character performing an Action may move 1 meter in any

direction without being subject to falling. It should be noted
that this one meter of movement is all the movement that the
character is allowed to make during the phases in which he
performs the Action. This one meter of movement may be
taken on any one phase of the phases during which the
character is performing the Action and allows a sixty degree
change of facing. Specific Actions may have variations on
these general rules.
Any character who moves on Action Phase 1 of a Combat
Turn will be considered in motion on his Base Action
Phase of the following Combat Turn. This is primarily of
concern for stopping of forward motion and for missile fire
directed at the character before his Base Action Phase.
A character who completes a Combat Action on Action
Phase 1 of a Combat Turn is considered in motion for
purposes of any missile fire directed at him before his Base
Action Phase. Note that this means that a character
performing a Combat Action such as Attack or Defend is
always considered in motion with regard to missile fire
directed at him.


Once a character has exceeded normal movement speed
or has begun dodging, he is subject to the following
conditions. He must continue moving for the distances and
times as required in the table below. This movement is
mandatory and must be made into a Front hex. Obstacles in
the characters path may have a deleterious effect on the
A character who makes a Speed Ability Saving Throw will
reduce the additional movement required by one category.
A character riding an animal must make his Beast Riding
Basic Chance of Success roll AND the animal must make its
Saving Throw in order to reduce the requirement by one
A character must stop his foward motion before initiating
an Action. The one meter of movement allowed during an
Action may not be used to stop forward motion. A character
who is at the last stage of stopping and makes his Saving
Throw may move a meter and initiate an Action.


In order to be eligible for charging benefits, the character
or his mount must have moved for a minimum number of
phases equal to 10 minus his Speed Group at arun.This
movement must be essentially in a straight line but the
Gamesmaster may, at his discretion, allow deviations in the
path due to circumstances such as a character attempting to
charge to the intersection with the path of another character.
Naturally such intent must be made known to the
Gamesmaster, although he may or may not reveal it t o the
second character. (Is he watching the first character or is he
too busy running?)
Obstacles in the way of a charging character will be
subject to a Bash (see page 31). A successful Bash against
the charger or an unsuccessful Bash against the obstacle
will break the charge and subject the charger to the rules for
stopping forward motion. Each such successive result will
reduce the stopping category by 1. If the charger wishes to
continue to charge he must satisfy the conditions for a
charge as if he were starting all over again. If the obstacle to
the charging character is a weapons set against the charge
and the character controlling the set weapon makes his BCS
roll for the weapon Skill, the weapon will haveitschancesfor
a special effect doubled and the charger will be subject to a
Bash with achance in twenty equal to his own effective Mass.
If the set weapon has a longer effective length than the
chargers weapon, this will occur before the charger can
attack. I f not, the chargers attack will be resolved first.


Normal movement through an occupied hex may be
opposed or unopposed. Any attempt to move through an
occupied hex at greater than normal movement speed is
automatically opposed. If the movement is opposed, use the
Deliberate Knockdown rules on page 31. The opposing
character gets the normal chances at a free attack as
explained in the sections on Entering and Leaving the Zone
of Influence. If the movement is unopposed, both characters
are required to make a Deftness Ability Saving Throw.
Success means that the character making his roll has no
problems. Failure indicates that the character is prevented
from moving or initiating an Action for a number of phases
equal to his Phases Consumed in Action number. Critical
failure indicates a fall by the character rolling thetwenty and
a second Saving Throw is required of the other character.

Category 3:
achieved by running for a full Combat Turn or
Charging. Character must move on a number
of phases equal to his PCA at his normal BMA
after which he will be at category 2. All
movement must be out of the central Front

Category 2:
achievea by moving at a dodge-run or by
reduction from above. Character must move
one phase at his normal BMA after which he
will be at Category 1. All movement must be
out a Front hex.

Category 1:
achieved by moving at a dodge or a run or by
reduction from above. Character must move
for one phase at his normal BMA after which
he will beat Category 0. All movement must be
out a Front hex.
Category 0:
achieved by moving at a walk or by reduction
from above. Character is subject to normal
rules for movement in DAT.

henry christen (order #23380)


A character moving on Treacherous Ground using
dodge, run, or dodge-run type movements puts himself
in danger of slipping. The former two options each give the
character a 1 in 20 chance while the dodge-run option
yields a 2 in 20 chance. For each phase spent in this motion
the chance of a slip is increased by the basic chance. Thus,
after three phases at a dodge-run a character has a 6 in 20
chance of slipping. The die roll for a slip is made on each
Once a slip is indicated, the character must make a Speed
Ability Saving Throw to avoid a fall. If the Saving Throw is
made, the character is automatically considered to be
dodging on the next phase and he will move one meter.
This is involuntary movement and no actions may be
attempted. If this causes the character to enter an enemys
Zone of Influence, the enemy will be allowed a free attack.
The involuntary movement does not require a check for
When the character has had a Saving Throw to make and is
able to continue movement, the chance of slipping is
reduced to the basic chance and will be increased again ifthe
character had just started movement.

Albert is runningo n Treacherous Ground. O n his

Base Action Phase of 10, he starts. A die roll Of 4 on
1020: n o slip. On phase 9, his chance is 2 in 20 for a
slip. The die roll is 1 . He makes his Speed AST. On
phase 8 he involuntarily moves forward 1 meter. On
phase 7 he continues to run. His chance of slipping
has been reduced to 1in 20. The die roll is 12 so he is
safe. On phase 6 he changes pace to a dodge-run.
His chance of slipping is 3 in 20 and a die roll of 16
leaves him safe. He continues on phase 5 and the
chance is up to 5 in 20. A die rollof4 indicates a slip.
This time he fails his Speed AST and falls. He must
make a Health Saving Throw. The die result is in his
Ability Saving Throw range so he will be Dazed until
phase 5 on the next Combat Turn. His phases
Consumed in Action number is 5 so he can not
execute an Alter Position Action to get up this Turn.
He decides to crawl forward for the rest of the turn.
This does not require any checks for slipping but his
Base Movement Allowance is reduced to .5.During
the next four phases he will cover 2 meters.


Under some circumstances it will be important to know
how fast a character can climb a given distance. The effects
of climbing, broken down by the method of climbing or the
surface being climbed, are given in the table below. As a
general rule, a character may not run while climbing
although he may dodge.
Sheer or almost sheer surfaces require Climbing Skill to
negotiate. The Gamesmaster should roll at the beginning of
the characters movement. If thecharacter does not make his
BCS roll, he will slip at some point in the turn. The
Gamesmaster can roll a die with a range equal to the
characters Base Action Phase to determine which phase of
the turn the slippage will occur. If the characters Base
Action Phase does not fit in one of the ranges norally covered
by a die, the Gamesmastershould use the next highest range
and reroll if the result falls outside the range under
If the character is operating under safety precautions
when the slippage occurs, they will take effect. Characters
who are roped to a secure position in the climbing surface
will not fall further than the length of rope attached.
Characters roped together when one falls will have to makea
Strength Ability Saving Throw to keep their grip when the
character on the rope next to them falls. This Saving Throw
will be reduced if the total mass of falling character(s)
exceeds their own Mass. The extent of the reduction is left to
the Gamesmaster.
A character climbing by rope or ladder will have a chance
to make a Deftness Ability Saving Throw to grab the ladder
again. The character who is successful in doing this will lose
one meter of height and be unable to perform any other
Actions till the end of the Combat Turn or for a number of
phases equal to his PCA number, whichever is shorter.


iurface BMA


Maximum height in meters equal to

Strength CST plus Strength Group Effect
Die roll. Requires two hands. No other
Actions allowed.
Knotted .1 As above but substitute AST for CST.
BCS modification of 2 while o n ladder.
Ladder .25 Treacherous Ground.
.5 Treacherous Ground. Running allowed.



A character able to engage in combat while climbing must

average his BCS in the Combat Skill in use with his BCS in
Climbing Skill to get an effective BCS. This will then be
subject to normal Restrictions, Distractions, Situtational and
Com bat modifiers.


A character entering any hex of the Active or Passive
Zones of a hostile character who is capable of attacking is
subject to a free attack. Characters who are stunned,
uncounscious or otherwise physically incapable of attacking
are not allowed free attacks. Actions normally preventing
an attack by the character still allow him to make a free
attack. Additionally, a character who enters that hostile
characters Active Zone must cease movement for that
Combat Turn. A character entering these Zones under the
influence of the rules for stopping forward motion may be
subject to mu1tiplefree attacks for each hex entered but he
is not subject to the rule requiring cessation of movement.
(He is not really in control, so he cannot stop when he enters
the danger area, unlike the rational man assumed by the
basic rule.)
There are ways of avoiding free attacks and moving
within a hostile characters Active and Passive Zones, but
they are not accomplished using the standard rules of
movement. As explained in the section on Performing
Actions, a character may make a one meter move while
performing an Action. This one meter move, which is the
only movement allowed during a number of phases equal to
the characters Phases Consumed in Action number, may be
referred to as a Combat Move. If the character entering a
hostile characters Active or Passize Zone is making i
Combat Move, he is not subject to a free attack. By making
Combat Moves, the character may move through the hexes
of the hostile characters Active and Passive Zones without
incurring a free attack. The character may continue to
move in this fashion as long as there are sufficient phases
remaining in the Combat Turn for him to perform Actions.

A character who is in the Active Zone of a hostile character
who is capable of attack, is in Engaged status. It is important
to note that some Actions can not be undertaken while
Engaged. Others will require a Saving Throw to complete.
Still others, particularly actual combat Actions, are under no

When the character wishes to do something other than
simply move during the Combat turn, he must perform an
Action. Simple Actions require a number of Action Phases to
complete equal to the characters Phases Consumed in
Action number. If there are insufficient Action Phases
Consumed in Action number. If there are insufficient Action
Phases left in the Combat Turn for the character to complete
the Action, it may not be initiated in that Combat Turn. More
complex Actions will require the character to continue
performing the Action at successive opportunities which
may go on for several Combat Turns beforeenough time has
been spent to resolve the Action.
The basic rule for resolution of an Action is that it will be
rolled for on the last of the Action Phases consumed by its
performance. An Action initiated on Action Phase 7 by a
character with a PCA of 3 will be resolved on Action Phase5.
The same character can not initiate an Action after Action
Phase 3, although he could still move subject to normal
movement rules.
A character performing most Actions is allowed a one
meter move. This move may be in any direction and may
involve a facing change of 60 degrees. When in, entering, or
leaving the Active of Passive Zone of a hostile character, this
movement is known as a Combat Move. This may take place


henry christen (order #23380)

on any phase during which the Action is performed. Certain

Actions allow no movement and these will be specified as
they arise.
The resolution of an Action usually requires the rolling Of a
Basic Chance of Success die roll, if a Skill is in use, or of a
Saving Throw, if an Attribute is being put to use.

The Gamesmaster can calculate the distance covered

during each phase in the characters Action by dividing
the total distance covered by the characters PCA
number. Players should be required to commit their
characters to jumping before they roll the Critical Saving
Throw to see if they will get any extra distance.
Alter Postion This Action is performed when a character
changes position from prone, kneeling or sitting to
standing. It is also used when a character changes
position from standing to prone and used thus eliminates
the necessity for the character to a Saving Throw against
winding himself. A character not using this Action to go
prone is subject to the rules for falling. No movement on
the DAT Display is allowed. The character is assumed to
stand in the hex in which his feet are located. During the
phases in which the Action is performed a character is
considered moving for the purposes of any missile
weapons targeted at him. This Action requires a Speed
Ability Saving Throw if utilized while Engaged.
Perform a Function
This Action allows the character to
apply any Skill other than a Combat Skill. As with
Reloading, the number of times the Action must be
applied will vary. This should be adjudicated by the
Reloading, drawing or sheathing a weapon, and such
other simple functions as are allowed by the Gamesmaster
may be attempted while moving instead of using an Action to
perform them. At the phase on which the character would
have resolved the Action, the character must make a
Deftness Saving Throw in order to besuccessful.The level of
the Saving Throw and any modifiers to it areat the discretion
of the Gamesmaster.

Most of the simple Actions are involved with combat, while
more complex ones are usually not directly related to
Attack - This Action is used for armed and unarmed Handto-hand combat utilizing an appropriate Skill for the
character. This Action may only be initiated if an
opponent is already in range or the characters Combat
Move will bring the opponent into range when initiating
the attack. If the opponent leaves the Zone of lnfluenceof
the character before the attack is resolved and the
character cannot move to keep the opponent in his Zone,
the attack is resolved on the phaseon which theopponent
moves. The character may not move or initiate another
action until the usual Phase.
Defend - This Action allows the character to increase his
Weapon Defense Ability to 150%of its normal value forthe
duration of the Action. No attack allowed.
Fire Weapon - This Action is required when using missile
of any kind if negative modifiers due to motion are to be
avoided. Muscle-powered weapons resolve at the end of
the Action, and single-shot non-muscle-powered
weapons in the middle, although the character may not
move or initiate another action until the usual phase.
Multiple shots are spaced as evenly as possible through
the available phases used by the Action. In these cases,
fractional values should be rounded down. This Action
requires a Deftness Ability Saving Throw while Engaged.
Reload Weapon - The number of times this Action must
be performed before the weapon is ready to fire again will
vary by weapon type. This Action requires a Deftness
Ability Saving Throw while Engaged.
Exchange Weapons - This Action covers the return of a
weapon to its holster, sheath, or carrying place and the
drawing of a new one. Some pieces of equipment (shields,
polearms, etc.) may require longer and this is adjudicated
by the Gamesmaster. A weapon can be voluntarily
dropped without difficulty in the space of an Action. This
Action requires a Deftness Ability Saving Throw while
Survey and Command This Action allows the character to
observe what is going on around him. Normally a
character will observe only what is in front of him. This
Action also allows the character to make a short coherent
statement to other characters without using the normal
rules for communication in Detailed Action Time. This
Action may not be performed while Engaged.
Jump - This Action allows the character to execute a jump
under the following restriction: To qualify for a running
version of a jump the character must satisfy the
conditions of charging. The character does not get the
normal one meter move associated with an Action. The
character may add the result of a Strength Group Effect
Die roll to his Current Strength for the distance
calculation i f he makes a Strength Critical Saving Throw.

Vertical, standing STR AST/(6 x Mass), up

STR/(9 x Mass), UP
Vertical, running
These distances are in meters above the
characters head.
Broad, standing
STR AST/Mass, up
Broad, running
STR/mass, up
These distances are in meters.


If a character who has a loaded and ready missile weapon
finds that he is going to be put in Engaged status by another
character before his Base Action Phase. the missile-armed
character may elect to fire using the last shot option when
the character who is closing in on him enters the Point Blank
range for the weapon. This shot will be resolved at that point.
The character who elects this option will thereby already be
committing himself to a Fire Weapon Action as the next
Action he undertakes. He must begin it on his Base Action
Phase. He essentially does nothing because his Action has
already occurred. The missile firing character will receivea
modification to his BCS equal to the difference between the
phase that the shot is resolved on and his Base Action Phase.
The last shot option does not apply to characters who
initiate a Fire Weapon Action and who will be Engaged
before their shot is resolved. If they are in Engaged status by
the time the phase for resolution arrives in the countdown, a
Deftness Ability Saving Throw is required for the character
to be able to get off the shot. If the characters planning
allowed an enemy to get that close at that point in time, the
character must pay the price.


Characters using guns and crossbows are allowed to fire
while moving. Shots arespaced as i f thecharacter had used a
Fire Weapon Action. All shots are subject to the hip fire
penalty and an additional penalty based on movement. For
specifics see the Gun rules in Book 2.

Once DAT is begun characters must utilize appropriate
Actions to communicate information among themselves. TO
simulate the confusion and independent action common to
people in stress situations the Gamesmaster should rigidily
enforce these communication limitations. I t gives a more


henry christen (order #23380)

realistic result than allowing the players ten minutes t o

coordinate acitons which will be happening in a game time
frame of six seconds. Such attempts on the players part
should result in the tactical discussion by the players being
taken out of DAT and put into Real Time where such
discussion timed and added to the game time that the players
are consuming.
The Survey and Command Action allows the greatest
freedom of communication. The player should be allowed to
communicate a coherent sentence. Most other Actions will
allow a character to communicate one word per phase. When
the character is, in one phase, moving distances greater than
his base BMA much more than one or two words should not
be allowed for each PCA period of phases. The player may
state whether such communications are shouted, spoken or
whispered. The Gamesmaster should be careful to take into
account prevailing conditions and how they will affect the
stated communication. Gunfire in a confined space is
notorious for putting a damper on polite conversaton.

The basic procedure for Combat is straightforward. The
attacking characters Basic Chance of Success in the
Combat Skill that is being applied is modified by
Restrictions, Distractions, Situational Modifiers and the
opponents Defensive Ability. The player then rolls 1D20. If
the number falls in the modified range the opponent has
been hit. I f not, he has been missed. Oncetheopponent is hit
the player determines his Damage Potential white the
Gamesmaster determines the Location of the hit. The Armor
Value of the protection that the opponent is wearing is
subtracted from the characters Damage Potential and the
result is the damage applied to the opponent.
A die roll of 1 always hits except in the case of the
hopeless attack. A die roll of 20 always misses. Under most
circumstances these die rolls indicate a Critical Hit and a
Critical Miss, respectively.
A flowchart of the combat procedures is provided in
Appendix 2.

To conduct an attack the player states to the Gamesmaster
what Combat Skill the character is using and whether any
secondary strikes will be attempted. This is done when the
character initiates the attack. The primary strike (the only
one if there is no secondary strike) uses the full Basic
Chance of Success (BCS) and the secondary strike uses the
average BCS.
This is the Base BCS.
The Base BCS if then modified by the Restrictions due to
positioning on the DAT Display. It is further modified by an
Distractions present. The above can be determined by the
player. The player and Gamesmaster jointly determine if
there are any situational Modifiers. This is done jointly
because while some of the modifiers will be perfectly
obvious, there may be modifiers, k n o w n t o t h e
Gamesmaster, of which the character is unaware. The
Gamesmaster will then subtract the Overall Defense Ability
of the defender. This yield the Adjusted BCS which i s the
number which the player must roll less than or equal to on
1D20 in order to hit the defender.

These Situational Modifiers are given as a guideline for the
Gamesmaster in determining what kind of modifications
should be made. It would be impossible to list all the
potential situations that characters can get themselves into
in the course of an adventure. It is up to the Gamesmaster, in
the end, to determine what Situational Modifiers apply and
their value. Discretion is advised.



Each Distraction
Each Restriction
Target is prone.
Attacker is prone..
Target is sitting or kneeling
Attacker is sitting or kneeling
Attacking to a Side or Long Side hex
Attacking from a Side or Long Side hex ........ +5
Attacking to a Rear hex,.
Attacking from a Rear hex
Attacking from a superior position such as
a table or stairs, etc.
Attacking from an inferior position such as
the reverse of the above
In Dim light
In Poor light*..
In Darkness or Partially blind*.
Totally blind..
Attacker is over 50% wounded.
Attacker is over 75% wounded.
These also apply when using missile weapons.


Hip fire
use Average BCS
-(damage taken/2)
Damaged in that Combat Turn
-1 to all shots
Firing a gun in each hand..
Shooting at a newly acquired target ............. -2
In firing stance..
Braced weapon (requires firing stance)
Sighted in (requires stance)
Shooting out a side hex..
Shooting out a Rear hex



With an Adjusted BCS less than 1, the player must roll a 1
on 1D20 to have a chance to hit. If hedoes roll a1 ,he must roll
1D20 again. If the second die roll is less than or equal to his
Base BCS, he will hit his target. A 1 on thesecond die roll will
indicate a Critical Hit.


In this case, a die roll of 1 on 1020 requires asecond roll of
1D20. If the second die roll is less than or equal to the
characters Base BCS, a Critical Hit is scored. Otherwise the
hit is only a normal hit.


This is the standard case. A die roll of 1 indicates a Critical
Hit. A die roll less than or equal to the Adjusted BCS
indicates a hit on the defender. Any other roll indicates
failure to strike the defender. A die roll of 20 indicates a
Critical Miss.

Once the player has made the appropriate die roll and the
Gamesmaster has announced that a hit has been made, the
Gamesmaster will determinethe Location of the hit by rolling
1D100 and consulting the table and Location maps below.
If the Location indicated by the die roll is considered to
have a covering barrier between the attacker and it, the
attack must penetrate the barrier before any results can be
applied to the target. The effects of barriers on a guns Bullet
Damage Group and the effective Strength Group for other

henry christen (order #23380)



9-1 1

5-1 2

io11 1


a re

Where the location result gives more than one possibility

for the exact result, 1D100 is rolled and the table below is
consulted to give the exact location.

from above . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
from below . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Attack from Front or Rear

from the front . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
from the rear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Attack from Side

These values may be altered by the Gamesmaster as he

sees fit. A long quadruped might have a modification of 10
rather than 5.


X/Y 50% either location

X / Y I Z 1-40141 -ao/gi -00
X/ 1-70 nearest side
Y 71-00 furthest side

X/ 1-60 nearest side

Y/ 61 -70 furthest side
Z 71-00 underbelly
If the target is using a presented or refused positioning,
treat attacks from the side as attacks from the front or rear
and vice versa.

henry christen (order #23380)

missile weapons and Hand-to-hand weapons are given on

the section o n Barriers on page 46. These modifications
must be made before the Damage Potential may be

Once it has been established that a hit has been made, the
player may determine the characters Damage Potential for
that hit. If it is a Critical Hit, the normal Damage Potential is
altered. The exact changes are dealt with in the section o n
Critical Hits.
The calculation of the Damage Potential will vary by the
weapon system in use.
0 Hand-to-hand weapons - Each such weapon is rated
for a Weapon Damage Multiplier (WDM). Each
character has an Effect Die in accordance with his
effective Strength Group. The characterk Effect Die is
rolled and the resulting number is multiplied by the
Weapon Damage Multiplier. The result of this
calculation is the Damage Potential.
Guns - Each round fired from a gun is rated for a
Bullet Damage Group (BDG). The BDG of each round
striking the same Location on thesame Action Phase is
totaled. This number is divided by IO. The resultant
number when rounded up yields the number of DlOs
of damage and the number rounded to the nearest is
the addition to the number of points of Damage
Potential rolled on those DlOs.
Damage Potential equals
(BDG/10, up) in DlOs + (BDG/10, nearest)
in points of damage
Muscle powered missile weapons - Each kind of
weapon in this category varies and the specifics are
given with the description of the Skill required to use
the weapon. Bascially, the Damage Potential is
calculated as for Hand-to-hand weapons but Strength
Group is modified for range rather than for position on
the DAT Display.
It is important to note that if the adjusted Damage Potential
does not exceed the Armor Value of the target Location,
there is no Critical Effect due to a Critical Hit or a Missile
Special Effect.

Once the Damage Potential and the hit Location is known,
the actual damage done can be calculated. The Armor Value
that the target of the hit has at the Location hit is subtracted
from the Damage Potential to yield the Damage Done.

If the Damage Done exeeds the Shock Factor (SF) of the
recipient, he issubject toacheckforSystemShock Toavoid
System Shock, the character must make a Health Ability
Saving Throw. If he fails he will fall unconsciousfora number
of Combat Turns equal to 50 -Health of the character.
The Shock Factor for humans is set at 10. Player
Characters and Personality Non-Player Characters may add
their Healing Rate to their Shock Factor. T h r Shock Factor
for non-human species is given with their other statistics.

Each type of weapon or damage-causing attack is rated for
the type of damage caused. If there is no specification then
the damage done is assumed to be Lethal.
Lethal (L) -This is the type of damage done by edged
and pointed weapons. Most weapons in this
classification may be used to produce Crushing type
damage when used with the flat. When this is done
the normal Weapon Damage Multiplier is halved.

Subdual (S) -This type of damage is not immediately

lethal in effect.
Crushing (C) - This type of damage is done by
weapons which rely on smashing power to cause
damage. The actual Damage Done is 3 points of
Subdual and 1 point of Lethal for every 4 points
inflicted. That is, every fourth point inflicted is Lethal
while the rest is Subdual.

Combination (B)
This type of damage is done by
massive weapons which has some edges or points
such as spiked maces. The Damage Done is divided
evenly between Subdual and Lethal. That is, every
second point inflicted is Lethal while the rest is
Subdual. Ode points are thus Subdual.

The effects of injury and the healing of damage are dealt

with in the appropriate sections starting on page 36.
A fifth type of damage known as Critical Damage may
result from a Critical Hit. This indicates immediate disabling
damage. It is not added into the current total of damage.

All thrusts have a chance of Impalement. The percentage
chance is equal to the Damage Potential. If Impalement
occurs the Gamesmaster will treat it as if a Missile Special
Effect had occurred. See below.


Whenever a character is struck by a missile weapon there is
a chance of a Missile Special Effect occurring. The percent
chance of an occurrance is equal to the adjusted bullet
Damage Group if the weapon is a gun and it is equal to the
Damage Potential if the weapon is a muscle powered missile
weapon. If the number rolled on 1DlOO is less then or equal
to the required number, than a Missile Special Effect will
occur and the table below should be consulted.
Modifications to the Adjusted BDG i n order to determine
whether Missile Special Effects occur may arise due to the
ammunition in use. Similar modifications may apply to
muscle powered missile weapons. Such modifications will
be presented with the description of the ammunition or


1-20 N o special effect
21-30 Flesh wound: damage is adjusted to 1 point and this
only if the Armor Value on the target location is
31-45 Minor wound: 1 point of damage caused. This
supercedes any normal results. This effect on a
Critical Hit results in normal damage.
46-65 Normal damage and Stopping.
66-75 As 46-65 plus a Daze effect (see Critical Hit Effect
Explanations) .
76-85 As 66-75 plus a Stun effect (see Critical Hit Effect
Explant ions).
86-95 As 76-85 plus a roll on the Critical Effect Table.
96-00 As 86-95 but add 30 to the roll o n the Critical Effects

The effect number for Stopping is equal to the Adjusted
BDG (used to determine if a Special Effect would occur) or
the Damage Potential for muscle powered missile weapons
and Impalements divided by the Mass of the target.
I F > l Knock back for 2D3 meters. A Deftness Ability
Saving Throw is required to prevent being knocked
down. Each two meters of knock back will drop a
target one category for purposes of stopping
forward motion.


henry christen (order #23380)

IF>5 As above but a Critical Saving Throw is required for

the character to keep his feet.
IF>lO As above but knock down is automatic.
IF< 1 The O/O chance of getting a result as if the effect
number were equal to 1 is the Adjusted BDG (used
to determine if Missile Special Effects would occur)
divided by the Mass of the target multiplied by 100.

When a Critical Hit has occurred the Gamesmasterwill roll
on the appropriate Critical Hit Enhancement Table to
determine the increase to the Damage Potential.



+1 to WDM
+2 to WDM
+3 to WDM
+4 to WDM

Player Characters and Personality Non-Player Characters

are allowed a Health Ability Saving Throw to lowerthe Effect
to the next less lethal category.


+ 1DlO to BDG
+ 2D10 to BDG
all rounds hit plus
the effect of 1D3
additional rounds.

Once the Damage Done is calculated, the Gamesmaster

will roll on the Critical Effect Table if the Damage Potential
has exceeded the Armor Value of the hit location. The
Gamesmaster should add the Damage Done to the DlOO that
is rolled to determine Critical Effect.


1-30 No special effect.
31-55 Daze.
56-75 Stun.
76-87 Disable.
88-95 Trauma.
96-00 Lethal.
DAZE-The characters BCS and ODA are at 1/2 value until
after the Action Phase on the next CombatTurn which has
the same number as the phase on which the effect
As above but the character may not initiate any
attacks or fire any weapons. Additionally the characters
Deftness and Speed are reduced to 1/2 value for that time
period and the character will be treated as Dazed for the
following Combat Turn.
DISABLE - This is a numbing effect. If received in a limb, the
character will lose the use of that limb for the rest of the
combat. Health Ability Saving Throws may be made each
hour of game time in order to regain use of the limb.
If received in the head, neck or body thecharacter must
make Health Saving Throw. Failure indicates a System
Shock. Asave in the Ability range meansthecharacter will
be Stunned for the rest of the combat. A save in the
Critical range means that the character will be Dazed for
the rest of the combat, A Health Ability Saving Throw can
be attempted each hour of game time in order to eliminate
these effects.
TRAUMA - The Damage Done is Critical Damage. The
also receives one half the Damage Done as regular Lethal
damage. A Health Ability Saving Throw is required or the
character also receives a Disable Effect.
The Critical Damage is also the percent chance of a
Sever Effect. Severs to the head or neck are Death Blows.
All other Severs will cause the character to bleed to death
in a number of Combat Turns equal to the characters
Health Group plus 1D6 unless cauterized or bandaged
with a First Aid Skill BCS roll. Cauterization Will

automatically put the character into System Shock. A

Health Ability Saving Throw is required for the character
to survive the cauterization.
Sever results due to things which do not cut are
considered to have broken the bone. If the character fails
a Health Ability Saving Throw, the result will be a
compound fracture and he will be subject to bleeding to
death, as if a normal Sever result had occurred.
LETHAL -To head, neck or torso: Death
To a limb: Automatic Sever

When the die roll for any attack is 20, there is a chance of a
Critical Miss. The Gamesmaster will request that the player
make a Control Throw for the character to avoid a Critical
Miss. If the Adjusted BCS of the attack exceeded 20, the
number required for the Control Throw may be increased by
the Adjusted BCS minus 20 at the discretion of the
Gamesmaster. Such circumstances will; at least with Handto-hand and muscle powered missile weapons, allow a
Control Throw for a character who would not normally have
one. If the character fails the Control Throw, theappropriate
Critical Effect Table should be consulted.
If a character is ignoring the distraction of friendly
characters, in his Zone of Influence if using Hand-to-hand
weapons or in the line of fire if using missile weapons, the
result that normally indicates no Critical Effect means that he
has automatically scored a successful hit on one of the
friendly characters who qualified as a Distraction. The
character to be struck should be determined at random.


D l 0 0 RESULT
1-10 No effect.
11-40 Character is Dazed.
41-70 Character is Stunned.
71-80 Character falls.
81-90 Weapon breaks.
91-00 Character drops weapon.


1-10 No effect.
11-40 Character is Dazed.
41-70 Character is Stunned.
71-80 Mode of attack (hand, foot, jaws, etc.) receives a
Disable result with 1D6 of Critical Damage.
81-00 Character falls.


1-10 No effect.
11-40 String breaks.
41-80 Arrow breaks.
81-00 Bow breaks.


1-10 No effect.
11-40 Primer flash. Primer is expended but the round is
still good.
41-70 Main load is a dud. Primer and powder for round are
expended. Gun must be reloaded.

henry christen (order #23380)

71-85 Cook-off. Appears to be a dud round. It will go off on

the bookkeeping phase. There is a 50% chance of it
going off if there is an attempt to remove it before
Action Phase 0. If it goes off, treat as i f it were a
chamber explosion as below.
86-95 Chamber explosion. Burst effect of BDG of the
round/30, nearest. Burst effect minus the Durability
of the weapon is the number of DlOs of Lethal
Damage done to the characters Location that is
nearest to the breech of the gun. If the number of
DlOs is less than 1, reduce the Durability of the gun
by 1 and treat as if the main load was a dud. If the
number is greater than or equal to 1 (the chamber
actually does explode), thegun is Disrepaired with a
chance (equal to the number of DlOs) in 6 of it being
96-00 Chamber explosion as above but burst effect is BDG
of the round/20, nearest.

1-10 No effect.
11-40 Dud round. Autoloaders and autoweapons require 1
Action to manually clear the round. Other types
clear with the next round, no special action is
41-70 Jammed round. Requires 2 Actions to clear
manually. A weapon with an extractor will clear in 1
71-85 Cook-off. See Black Powder firearms.
86-95 Chamber explosion. Burst effect is BDG of the
round/30, nearest.
96-00 Chamber explosion. Burst effect of the round is
BDG/20, nearest.


The preceeding provides a basic guide to the procedure
for combat. Certain details involving particular weapon
systems are presented in the section where the weapon is
discussed. This has been done to maintain the flow of the
explanation of combat i n general and to keep pertinent
information that is peculiar to a given weapon system i n one
easy-to-reference place. Players are strongly encouraged to
be familiar with the mechanics covering the weapon systems
that they choose for their characters as this will make the
Gamesmasters job easier. Fledgling Gamesmasters should
also be advisednot to have non-player characters using
weapon systems that the Gamesmaster is not ready to
handle. It will slow play tremendously.
Other details of certain forms of combat, as well ascombat
and movement in other environments, are also dealt with in
separate sections for similar reasons. These include such
things as horses and mounted combat, swimming and in or
under water combat, and specific sections dealing with
optional additions to Detailed Action Time combat.

This section deals with the circumstances arising when an
attack fails to strike the opponent himself and is only stopped
by his skill with the weapon system he is using to defend
himself. The basic mechanic works as follows: the last thing
to be subtracted from the attackers Base BCS is the
opponents Weapon Defense Ability. If the players die roll is
such that, if the Weapon Defense Ability had not been
subtracted from the Base BCS to give the Adjusted BCS,it
would have indicated a hit, it means that the opponent used

his weapon system tostop theattack. Thesignificanceof this

will vary due to the weapon system actually used for defense.
A character using Weapon and Shield Skill will have the
shield struck in these circumstances. A character using a
Skill involving a weapon will have the weapon struck. A
character with two weapons will have the secondary weapon
struck. A character using a Skill without a weapon will take
the blow on the forearm (usually of his offhand arm).
WEAPONS - The difference between the weapons
Survival Values is the chance in twenty that the weaker
weapon will break. A character may continue to defend
with a broken weapon but his Weapon Defense Ability
will be halved, rounded down. Attacks with a broken
weapon are not allowed.
A weapons Survival Value is the sum of two factors.
One is based on the weapons size and the other on its
construction. The second is a number equal to the
Armor Value of Plate in the corresponding material.
Wood has a value of 3 and reinforcing it with metal will
increase its value according to the normal reinforcing
rules for armor. The factor based on size can begotten
from the accompanying table.
Weapon Size Factor
Extra Long
SHIELDS - If a shield is struck by a missile weapon, the
shield user must make a Deftness Ability Saving Throw
or the weapon will become lodged in the shield and add
to the Encumbrance of the shield. Bullets will reduce a
shield by one class if the Effective BDG exceeds the
overall Barrier Effect of the shield by three times its
value. Muscle powered missile weapons and Hand-tohand weapons will reduce a shield by one class if the
Damage Potential, when generated as if a hit had been
scored, is greater than the overall Barrier Effect of the
THE BODY - If the striking weapons Survival Value
exceeds the Armor Value on the Location of the block
the target character will receive the difference in Lethal
Missile weapons are only germaine to shields as they
cannot be defended against by Weapon Defense Ability.
Some shields do have an add to the Overall Defensive Ability
and this addition functions as Weapon Defense Ability under
these circumstances.

When a greater effective mass strikes a lesser, a Bash may
occur. This can occur from a large animal striking a human, a
human striking a smaller animal, a charging horseman
striking or overrunning an opponent, etc. The chance in 20 of
a Bash occuring is equal to the larger effective mass minus
the smaller. If the Bash ocurs, this samedifference is used as
an effect number and the Bashed character is treated as if he
had received Stopping from a Missile Special Effect.

In human to humancombat, theGamesmaster may allow a
Bash to occur i f the character has successfully hit his
opponent and the attackers Mass plus his weapons Size
Factor (see above) exceeds his opponents Mass. The
difference would be the chance in twenty of a Bash occuring.

A character may deliberately attempt to knockdown
another character. This is accomplished by moving into the
hex occupied by the second character and comparing the


henry christen (order #23380)






Strength Group Effect Die rolls of both characters. The

character with the greater effective Mass may add the
difference in the masses to his die roll. The difference in the
modified die roll results is treated as an Effect Number and
the lower rolling character receives a Stopping Result. Ifthe
Effect Number is 0 then the characters are occupying the
same hex. Each will be unable to perform an Action for a
number of phases equal to his Phases Consumed in Action
number or until the end of the Combat Turn whichever is
In any case,if the second character was in the process of
performing an action, he will resolve that Action at the usual
time with a negative BCS modification equal to the Effective
Mass of the character attempting to knock him down.

Grappling is a form of rough and tumble, close-in fighting.
A character does not need to exercise a Skill in order to
Grapple. A Deftness Ability Saving Throw is required to
perform a Grapple. If the player r o l l s a l when making thedie
roll, he may choose the general location of the Grapple. I f the
Grapple attempt fails, the player must make another Ability
Saving Throw; this time using Speed; to avoid having the
character fall down. If the player rolls a 20 on the Grapple
attempt, the character automatically falls down.
When a Grapple attempt is successful, the Gamesmaster
will roll for Hit Location as if a normal hit had been scored.
The exact Location and the General Location are both of
import. That is the head, neck, torso, right or left arm and the
right or left leg is of signifigance. as well as the exact
Location on the body map.
A Grapple to the arm will allow an attempt to disarm the
target. The Grappler will roll the Effect Die for his effective
Strength Group. The targets Armor Value on the exact
Location is subtracted from the die roll. The result is the
chance in 20 that the target must make a Strength Ability
Saving Throw in order to retain his grip on whatever he is
holding in his hand. If the target makes his Saving Throw, the
grapple is not broken and the Grappler may roll his Effect Die
again at the end of his next Action unless he initiates a new
attempt to Grapple in the hope of getting a Grapple o n a
more useful Location or he initiates some other Action.
A Grapple to the leg indicates a takedown attempt. Each
characters will roll their Effect Die. If the Grappler rolls
higher, the target will fall down. I f the target rolls higher,
there is no effect. If both roll the same number, each must roll
a Speed Ability Saving Throw to avoid falling down. The
Grappler is not considered to have maintained a hold on the
target at the end of a takedown attempt regardless of its
results. He must initiate a new attempt to Grapple on his next
Action, if he wishes to continue in his efforts to subdue his
opponent by Grappling with him.
A Grapple to the head, neck or torso indicates a hug or
choke. A torso Location result will cover both of the
Locations level of the body map. For example, a Location to
point 4 will cover both 4 and 5. The attack will be against the
less effective armor covering the Locations attacked. This
kind of Grapple is a constriction attack and armor defends
according to the rules on page 17. Any damage done is
subdual. The Grappler is assumed to keep his hold on the
target unless it is broken or he voluntarily relinquishes it in
order to seek a new grip or perform some other Action. As
long as the Grapple is maintained, the Grappler may roll his
Effect Die at the end of each Action.
A character who has an arm Grappled may not use that
arm to perform an Action. That is he may not strike the
Grappler with it or use askill or weapon requiring two hands.
A character whose head, neck or torso is subject to a Grapple
may not move.
When a character is considered Grappled he has several

He may execute an Action in an attempt to break the

hold of the Grappler. On the last phase of the Action,
the character must make a Strength Ability Saving
Throw in order t o break the Grapplers hold. When his
is done the Grappler must make a Strength Ability
Saving Throw himself to maintain the hold. If the
Grappler fails the Strenth Saving Throw, he must make
a Speed Ability Saving Throw to avoid falling down. If
the Grappler releases his hold before the victims
resolution phase arrives, the victim may abort the
attempt to break the hold, as it is unnecessary, and he
may initiate an Action on the phase that the Grappler
releases the hold.
He may make an attempt to break the hold using
Brawling Combat Skill at full BCS. This will only break
the hold. It will not cause damage.
He may make an attack to cause normal damage using
Brawling Combat Skill at -5 to the BCS.
He may attack the Grappler using another Combat
Skill. The BCS receives a penalty of 50% or -5,
whichever is greater, plus any situational modifiers. A
character attempting to use a Missile Combat Skill also
receives this modification to the Deftness Ability
Saving Throw required to fire while in Engaged status.
When one character has a hold on another, either may opt
to fall down at the start of any Action. This will automatically
bring the other character down as well. Each character must
have 1D6 rolled for him. The higher roll indicates that the
corresponding character has landed on top. In the case of a
tie, the character who initiated the fall will be on top. The
character on top adds the difference in the Mass of the two
characters to the number needed for his Saving Throw (See
Falls in Detailed Action Time, below) while the character on
the bottom will subtract the difference from the number


Whenever a character alters position from more of less
vertical to horizontal without taking an Action to do so, a
Health Saving Throw must be made. I f the die result falls in
the characters Critical Saving Throw range there will be no
effect. If it falls in thecharacters Ability Saving Throw range,
the character will be Dazed for one Combat Turn. A Critical
failure, a die roll of 20, indicates that the character has lost
consciousness. He will remain unconscious until the
controlling player rolls a successful Health Ability Saving
Throw for the character. This may be attempted o n the
bookkeeping phase of each Combat Turn, beginning on the
turn after the one on which the character lost consciousness.
Upon waking up, the characterwill be Dazed forone Combat
Whenever a character falls more than 2 meters, he will be
subject to potentially moreserious effects. For each 2 meters
of fall the character will receive l D l O of subdual damage.
The number of meters fallen is chance in 20 of a Critical
Effect occuring. When rolling on the Critical Hit Effects
Table, one half of the distance fallen in meters, rounded
down, is added to the 1Dl00. I f the Critical Effect is Location
dependant 1D100 should be rolled and the Hit Location
Table consulted. At his discretion, the Gamesmaster may
add to or subtract from the die roll depending on whether the
character is falling head or feet first.

There are three general situations where water will have
effects on movement and combat. These occur when the
character is ON the water in some form of boat, when the


henry christen (order #23380)

character is actually IN the water, and when the character is

UNDER the water.

Any attacks made using a weapon in a strike attack form

will reduce the characters effective Strength by 25% for
purposes of determining the Effect Die.

A character on the water will be on some form of platform
which can range from a raft to a large ocean going ship.
Whether the roll of the waves has any effect will depend on
the roughness of the water and the size of the platform. As
this is highly variable, it is left t o the Gamesmaster to decide
if the situation will call for the following rules to be applied.
When the platform is affected by the water on which it
rides, characters must make a Seamanship Skill roll on each
Combat Turn if the effect on the platform is significant.
With less significant effects, a longer time period may be
allowed between rolls. A character may substitute a Natural
Talent roll if he has no score in Seamanship Skill or hisTalent
score exceeds his Seamanship BCS. Once the roll is
successfully made, the character will suffer no ill effects for
that time period.
Failure to make the roll will cause the characters.effective
Deftness and Speed scores to be dropped by 25%. Critical
failure will drop them by50%. In both cases, all footing will be
considered Treacherous Ground.
Any character without Seamanship Skill will be subject to
seasickness when the platform is affected by water. A
Health Saving Throw .must be made. If the die roll is in the
Critical Saving Throw range, the character will feel no
effects. If it is in the Ability Saving Throw range, he will have
his effective Wit, Will, Deftness and Speed Attributes
reduced by 25%. All of his Basic Chances of Success will be
reduced by 2. If the die roll indicates failure, those Attributes
listed above will be reduced by 50% and all BCSs will
receive a -4 modification. A critical failure will indicate that
the character is overcome by sickness for the duration of the
period in which the platform is affected.
Whenever the platform is affected and the character
wishes to exercise any Skill requiring physical exertion, the
characters Basic Chance of Success in that Skill should be
averaged with his BCS in Seamanship Skill to get a base
BCS. The averaged BCS is not allowed to exceed the
characters base BCS in the Skill he is attempting to utilize. If
the characters Natural Talent score exceeds his
Seamanship BCS he may use the Talent score to average
with the Skill BCS to give the base BCS.

Movement in water will be affected by the relative depth of
the water. A check of the table below will give the depth
groupings for water and the effect on the Base Movement






Treacherous Ground
Treacherous Ground
Treacherous Ground
Treacherous Ground
or character may swim


over head

character must swim

Swimming must be performed for an Action. A character

may make one 60 degree change of facing during each
Action. A character without Swimming Skill will have a Base
Movement Allowance of 0.1 but must still roll 1D20 for each
Action spent swimming. A result of 20 indicates that the
character has gone under. A character with Swimming
Skill will have a Base Movement Allowance of 0.25. If, when
he rolls 1D20 during the Action spent swimming, the result is
within his Basic Chance of Success, his Base Movement
Allowance will be0.5. A die roll of 20 will call for the character
to roll 1020 again. If the roll exceeds the characters Basic
Chance of Success in Swimming Skill or is 20 again, the
character has gone under.

henry christen (order #23380)

Whenever a character has gone under, he must make a
Health Ability Saving Throw or take 2D6 points of subdual
damage from swallowing water. A character who exceeds his
Damage Resistance Total in this fashion will become
unconscious. If a characters die result is 20. he will
immediately become unconscious. Once unconscious, the
character will receive 2D6 additional points of damage each
Combat Turn. When this additional damage exceeds the
value of the characters Damage Resistance Total, the
character has drowned.

The time period for checks to see if a character has
remained afloat will vary due to water conditions. This is left
for the Gamesmaster to adjudicate. To prevent going
under, the character must make a Swimming Skill BCS or a
Critical Saving Throw based on the average of the
characters effective Strength and effective Health. The
character may use whichever value will give him the best
chance. A full life jacket will add 12 to the score needed, a life
vest or ring will add 10 and other objects such as inflated
bladders, drums or wreckage will add 5.

Movement under the water is the same as for movement in
the water. Naturally, if the character has some sort of air
supply, it will not matter if he goes under. This does not
refer to holding ones breath. A character may hold his
breath for a number of Combat Turns equal to:
6 x Health Group + Effect Die for Will Group
The die roll for the Will Group should be made by the
Gamesmaster and not revealed to the player. A character
who is active while holding his breath will use up his stored
oxygen at the rate of 2 Combat Turns for each Combat turn
that he is active.
Jan is moving through a submerged tunnel
system. She has a Health Group of 3 and a Will
Group of 2. This means she can hold her breath fora
minimum of 19 Combat Turns while inactive and a
m i n i m u m o f 9 while active. Secretly the
Gamesmaster rolls 1 0 3 for her when she
submerges. The result is 2. He now knows her
maximum time is 20 Combat Turns.
Jan swims through a tunnel for 8 Combat Turns.
This puts her at the end of the tunnel. A check for
discovery of Hidden Things expends 1 Turn at
inactive rate. The roll is successful and reveals a
guard pacing the shore. Jan has now been holding
her breath for an effective time of 17 Combat Turns.
The player decides that Jan will stay under hoping
that the guard will leave before she runs out of
breath. By doing this she risks unconsciousness
and possible drowning. Two more Combat Turns
pass before the guard leaves. On the next Turn Jan
surfaces, lungs aching and panting for breath.
Under water a characters effective Strength when using a
thrusting weapon will be reduced 25%. If he is using a
weapon with astrikeattack form hiseffectivestrength will be
reduced 50%. Hand held weapons will have modifications to
the Basic Chance of Success dependent on the attack form
and the size of the weapon. These are listed in the table
below. The modifications for thrust attacks replace the
normal thrust BCS modifications.


Weapon Length
extra long

Strike BCS mod.


Thrust BCS mod.




Visibility in the water varies tremendous according to the
clarity of the water, motion conditions and the amount of
light available. The Gamesmaster should decide on what the
visibility will be when the characters enter the water. It will
rarely be above thirty meters and will frequently be less than
4. A character without a face mask or goggles would have
about one half the vision range of a character who is
equipped with such devices.
Sound travels extremely well in water at a speed of 1.5
kilometers per second. Gamesmaster should take this into
account when handling adventures under water.
For game purposes, objects with a negative bouyancy will
sink at a rate of 3 meters per Combat Turn. A character with
neutral bouyancy (properly weighted for under water work)
can move freely in either the vertical or horizontal plane. A
character with positive buoyancy (unencumbered) moves
horizontally at normal rates and will rise 2 meters per
Combat Turn. ,
Against missile weapons, water will act as a barrier. Each
meter of water will add one range step to a muscle powered
missile weapon. The air-water interface and the first meter of
water will reduce a bullets BDG by 10. Each successive
meter of water will reduce the BDG further by 5.


The effect on attempts to use a Combat Skill while on
board a moving vehicle is straight forward. The character
receives a negative modifier to his Basic Chance of Success
equal to the number of meters: round up, that the vehicle
moves in the phase of resolution.


Being mounted will alter some of the ways a character may
act and interact during Detailed Action Time. As long as a
character is in control of his mount, his Base Action Phase
will determine when the mount will move unless the mounts
Base Action Phase is lower. I n that case, movement will
begin on the mounts Base Action Phase although the
character on the animal may initiate an Action on his own
Base Action Phase.
If the mount is out of control it will act as if it had no rider
except for the effects of the riders weight. The mount is then
in the control of the Gamesmaster and he will move it on the
DAT Display.
A rider is assumed to be in control until asituation arises to
test his control. This may arise from such things are gunfire,
the sudden appearance of something, injury to the mount or
anything else the Gamesmaster decrees. If the rider makes
his Beast Riding BCS roll he will retain control for that
Combat Turn. If he fails the roll, the mount will be treated as
uncontrolled beginning on the next Action Phase. The rider
must spend an Action to regain control. A successful Beast
Riding BCS roll at the end of any Action in which the
character is attempting to regain control will return the
mount to a controlled state beginning on the next Action
Phase. The rider must now deal with the animal at its current
speed and direction. The Gamesmaster may apply modifiers
to the Basic Chances of Success based on his evaluation of
the situation and the reaction of the mount.
A rider initiating an Attack Action while moving will resolve
the attack when he passes his Target. He is still constrained
to wait the requisite number of Action Phases before

henry christen (order #23380)

initiating another Action. Whenever a character attempts to

use a Combat Skill while mounted, he must average hisscore
in the Combat Skill with his score in Beast Riding Skill. This
will allow him to determine his modified BCS for the Attack
according to the rules presented on page 11. This modified
BCS is still subject to Restriction, Distraction, Situational
Modifiers and the opponents defense.
While mounted a riders Combat Dodge Ability is altered.
He will have the Combat Dodge Ability value of the mount
plus one-half of his own normal value rounded down. His
Weapon Defense Ability will be based on his averaged score.
A rider/mount combination moving at a Base Movement
Allowance greater than 1 will not be halted by an enemys
Active Zone. Only 1 free attack per opponent is allowed in 1
Action Phase even if the path taken by the mount goes
through more than one of the hexes in the opponents Zone
of Influence.

The most common mount for a man is the horse. The
statistics for an average horse are given here:
Attack modes: WDM Length BCS Notes
minus 1 STR Group
Hoof, unshod 1.5C
2 attackswhen used
and a WDA equal
Hoof, shod
to 3
A horse has four gaits and each gait has its own Base
Movement Allowance. The horse may change a gait to the
next slower or faster one at the start of any Action. It must
proceed at that speed until the next Action. At any gait with a
Base Movement Allowance of greater than 1 only one facing
change of 60 degrees per Action is allowed. At these gaits,
the horse must move its Base Movement Allowance on each
Action Phase. A Speed Ability Saving Throw by an
uncontrolled horse will allow it to change to 2 gait classes
slower if necessary. A Critical failure will result in the horse
falling. When the horse is controlled, the riders Beast Riding
Skill BCS must first be made. A die roll of 1 for the Horses
Saving Throw or the riders BCS will allow the gait to be
reduced a step further.
Eff. Mass
x ,251
May start and stop on any phase
x .5
2 in 10 chance of slipping per
Action on Treacherous ground
4 in 10 chance as above
x 1.5
6 in 10 chance as above
A horses effective Combat Dodge Ability for purposes of
incoming missile fire is his BMA times his normal CDA. A
horse must be moving at a Walk gait before initiating an
Attack Action. Fire directed at the rider suffers the same


A horse (for that matter, any animal with a body length
between 1 and 2 meters) will occupy two hexes on the DAT
Display. When moving forward the front half of the horse will
occupy the new hex and the back half will occupy the hex
vacated by the front half. The Zone of Influence for a horse is
shown in the accompanying illustration.
For purposes of portrayal on the DAT Display, a rider is
considered to be in the back hex of his mount. The
modifications to his Zone of Influence are shown in the
accompanying illustration.



meters for a total jump of eight meters. Thus the horse will
leave the group two meters in front of the obstacle and land
two meters beyond it.
The failed BCS to get the horse to jump will result in the
horse independantly attempting to decelerate as much as
possible to avoid hitting the obstacle. If the horse can slowto
a Walk, it will stop on the next Action Phase and the rider
must make a Beast Riding BCS to retain his seat. A Critical
Miss on the riders attempt to get the horse to jump will result
in the horse crashing into the obstacle. Solid obstacles will
cause a number of DlOs of B type damage to the horse equal
t o its BMA when the jump was attempted. The rider will be
thrown from the horse and is subject t o damage as indicated



A rider/mount combination moving through an occupied
hex requires a check for Bash to be made. The mount will be
reduced to the next lower gait for the rest af its Action. If the
Bash goes against it, it will be reduced 1 gait category per 2
meters of Stopping effect. It need not worry about being
knocked over until its gait has been reduced t o a Walk.
A footman receiving a Bash from a rider/mount
combination may be trampled. The Effect Number of the
Bash is the chance in 20 that the footman will receive damage
as if he had received attacks from two hooves. For this type of
attack use the mounts effective Mass as if it were the
Strength used to determine the Effect Die.

If the rider makes his Beast Riding BCS, he can cause his
mount to jump over an obstacle. The horse must be moving
at a gait faster than a Walk. The total distance of the jump
(vertical, both up and down, and horizontal) is the Effect Die
roll in meters for an effective Strength equal to the horses
Strength minus the Encumbrance Total it is carrying.
For each meter of height that an obstacle has, the
horizontal distance required to make the jump is two meters
greater than the width of the obstacle. The total additional
length is split evenly on either side of the obstacle. Thus an
obstacle that is two meters high and two long will require a
horizontal jump of six meters and a vertical jump of two

A rider may be unseated in a number of ways. Once

unseated he is subject to damage due to falling. See page32.
The BMA of the horse at the time the rider is unseated is
considered as the distance of the fall.
Any Critical Miss on an attempt t o control a horse will
result in the rider being unseated.
A successful Bash against the rider himself will require a
Beast Riding BCS roll where failure will indicate that he has
been unhorsed.
A successful Grapple to the legs of a rider will require a
check as if the rider had been Bashed. Such Grappling
attempts against mounted men are Critical Saving Throws
instead of Ability Saving Throws and receive a negative
modification equal to the mounts BMA at the time.
Anchoring a rider in any way will result in a check for
unhorsing as explained below. A rider can beanchored by
roping him, catching a part of his body, clotheslining him
or any other method the Gamesmaster declares will have an
equivalent effect. Once a rider has been anchored, the
effect will not be checked until the anchoring method has
been made taut, for example, a rope stretched to its limit. If
the rider has time he may attempt to remove the anchor
sever it or direct his horse in such a way that theanchor will
not become taut.
In order to see i f the unhorsing occurs, each of the
contestants will roll the Effect Die for its effective Strength
Group. If the riders roll is higher he will keep his seat. This
means that the anchor has given way (a Grappling hold or
tree limb) or broken (a rope). If the opponents roll is higher,
the rider is unhorsed and subject to the rules for being
unseated. I f a rider is anchored to a solid object (rather
than having another character providing the base for the
anchor), the Gamesmaster must assign a Strength Group
for the object. This Strength Group will be the base from
which the Effect Die will be determined rather than that of the
character who attached the rider to the anchor.
Modifications to the basic strength Groups are given below.
When a rider has been attached to an object, the die rolls
will not be made until the mount has travelled sufficient
distance t o stretch the attaching method taut. If the rider has
time he may attempt to remove the attaching method, sever it
or direct his horse is such a way that the distance will not
become sufficient for the attaching method to become taut.

character braced and ready
rider without saddle at Walk
rider without saddle at Trot
rider without saddle at Canter
rider without saddle at Gallop
horse at Canter, riCler saddled
horse at Gallop, rider saddled
rider in high cantled saddle

+1 Group to the character
-1 Group to rider

-2 Groups to rider
-3 Groups to rider
-4 Groups to rider
+1 Group to rider
+2 Groups to rider
+1 Group to rider


henry christen (order #23380)


As noted in the section on Detailed Action Time, a character can be dealt damage points of lethal, subdual or critical
nature. The number of points taken of the first two kinds is
compared to the characters Damage Resistance Total to
gauge how injured the character is in relation to his normal
healthy state. When the total of this representation of injury
exceed certain levels the character will register this by a
decrease in efficiency.
Lethal damage represents serious injuries which take time
for the body to heal. Subdual damage represents less serious
injuries that have immediate effects but are compensated for
by the body in realtively short order. Critical damage
represents very serious damage that prevents the character
from utilizing the part of the body that receivessuch damage.
Each type of damage heals differently in the game.
When a character takes damage in the game, the
Gamesmaster will specify how much damage is taken and
what type of damage it is. The player should enter the
amount in the corresponding section of the Character
Record Sheet. If the character has already taken some
damage, the new damage should be added to the amount
already taken.
When the total amount of lethal and subdual damage taken
by a character exceeds one haif of his Damage Resistance
Total, he is considered Wounded. His effective Deftness and
Speed will be reduced by 25% and all applications of Skills
will have a modification of -2 to the Basic Chance of Success.
When the total of lethal and subdual damage exceeds three
quarters of his Damage Resistance Total, the character will
be considered Seriously Wounded. His Deftness and Speed
will be reduced by 50% and all BCS will have a modification
of -4. It should be remembered that the effects of being
Seriously Wounded are not cumulative with the effects of
beling Wounded. They replace those effects. When the total
of damage taken exceeds the characters Damage
Resistance Total, he is out of the fight.
If the attack which raised the characters current damage
total above the Damage Resistance Total was subdual
damage, the character is unconscious. If the attack
continues to do subdual damage,to the character, he will die
when the additional damage exceeds twice his Damage
Resistance Total. Such damage can come from continual
beating by an attacker or prolonged exposure to electrical
current or other sources as decided by the Gamesmaster. I f it
was lethal damage and the Damage Resistance Total was
exceeded by greater than the characters Healing Rate, the
character is dead. If the difference between the characters
current damage total and his Damage Resistance Total is
less than or equal to his Healing Rate, the character is
unconscious and comatose.
Critical damage to a location will prevent a character from
using that part of his body. Critical damage to the head, neck
or body will render the character comatose. When the critical
damage is healed the character will regain the use of that
body part, or become conscious as appropriate.

Subdual damage heals fairly quickly. A character may
subtract a number of points equal to his Healing Rate from
the total of subdual damage points taken for each ten
minutes of game time spent in complete rest. If the character
is active the recovery period will be 1 hour instead of 10

minutes. If the character was beyond his Damage Resistance

Total when he started healing, he will become conscious
when the current damage total is less than his Damage
Resistance Total.
The period of hea!ing for lethal damage is one day. For
convienience in playing the game, all healing of lethal and
critical damage is done at dawn. A characterwill subtract the
points healed from the total of lethal or critical damage
taken. The base number of points that a character will heal in
a day is equal to his Healing Rate. This number may be
increased or decreased according to the characters
activities, the care the character receives and the
surroundings in which the character finds himself.
The period and modifications for healing critical damage
are the same as for lethal damage. However, if a character is
suffering from critical and lethal damage, his healing rate will
be adjusted by all the appropriate factors. The adjusted
Healing Rate will be split in half. One half will be subtracted
from the total of lethal damage and one half will subtracted from the total of critical damage. Odd points are lost.
Broken bones and severed stumps will take time to heal.
This time is independent of any other healing that takes
place. A character trying to beactive during this healing time
will be greatly hampered. Theexact problems he will suffer is
left to the Gamesmaster. The time required to heal such an
injury is 100 days minus 1 day for each point of Health score
the character has at the start of the healing process. An
Advanced Medical Skill BCS roll is required to set broken
bones correctly. Healing time will be dated from the day the
bones are set. If they must be reset the healing time will start
all over from the beginning. Stumps resulting from a Sever
result must have an Advanced Medical Skill BCS roll applied
to them i f they are to later accept prosthetic devices.


Patient is in the field, complete rest
Patient is in the fieid, active up to one half day
Patient is in the field, active for full day
Patient engages in active combat that day
Patient is in restful surroundings
Patient receives good physical care (food, rest, etc.)
Patient receives medical care
(character attending makes BCS roll)
Patient receives good medical care (hospital)




Martin the Traveller has a DRT of 24 and a Healing

Rate of 3. He has been injured in a fight. He has
taken 12 points of lethal damage, 4 points of subdual
damage and 4 points of critical damage to his left
arm. He decides to rest after the fight. After 20
minutes the subdual damage will be healed.
Looking around he decides that the climate would
be healthier elsewhere. He heads for the nearest
town. He travels for a full day and is jumped b y a
brigand at sunset. He kills the felon and miracuously
escapes further injury. Having traveled at full
movement he gets -2 to his Healing Rate. The -1 for
having engaged in combat reduces his Rate too. He
will not heal that day.
The Traveller decides to spend a day resting to get
some strength back. He avoids all encounters that
day. He therefore gets his full healing rate. H e


henry christen (order #23380)

divides this between the lethal and critical damage

with the extra point being lost. He now has 1 1 points
of lethal and 3 points of critical damage.
After a half days travel, Martin finds himself at a
small farmhouse. He persuades the family to let him
stay the night. Later that afternoon, a wandering
physician arrives. The doctor makes his First A i d
Skill BCS r o l l so Martin adds tl to his Healing Rate.
The half days travel costs him 1 but the restful
surroundings of the cottage cancel that with +l. The
net gain of 1 allows him to reduce the total of lethal
damage to 9 and the critcal damage to 1.

Infection may be avoided by the application of a unit of

medical supplies when first aid is supplied. This unit is over
and above any applied for first aid healing. Also, any
character applying a BCS roll to the infected character while
utilizing Pathology Skill will eliminate the infection. The
attempt to apply Pathology Skill may only be made once per
patient for each infection possibility.
Once the character is infected, recognizable symptoms
will appear at the next time healing would be calculated. O n
each successive day, the character may attempt Health
Ability Saving Throws to throw off the infection. The
character will heal normally on the day after the infection is
thrown off.



Immediately after a combat, characters may receive first

aid. Each of the measures listed below will allow a character
to immediately subtract one point of lethal damage from the
current total. If not applied in the space of time immediately
after the combat, no effect will be gained. These measures
0 Character makes BCS roll with First Aid Skill
(die roll equals 1: 2 points)
0 Patient is bandaged (requires bandage materials)
0 Patient is given 1 unit of medical supplies

If, in a characters Health Ability Saving Throws to

eliminate an infection, a 20 should be thrown, gangrene will
set in. Gangrene negates the characters ability to make
Health Saving Throws. Gangrene has an initial Virulence
Group of 1 which will increase by 1 Group each day. Each
day the Gamesmaster will roll the Effect Die for the current
Virulence Group of the Gangrene. When the total of the
Effect Die rolls exceeds the characters Damage Resistance
Total, the character is dead.
Each day a character with Pathology Skill may attempt to
halt the progress of the disease. His Basic Chance of
Success will be halved if he does not expend a number of
units of medical supplies equal to the current Virulence
Group of the Gangrene. In addition the base BCS will receive
a negative modfication equal to the current Virulence Group
of the Gangrene.
Treat the accumulated results of the Effect die rolls of the
Gangrene as critical damage for purposes of healing if the
disease is thrown off.

If the character has lost Attribute points due to some form
of attack, he may regain them at a rate equal to one half his
Healing Rate, rounded down, per week. His Healing Rate for
this purpose is subject to similar modifications to those
received when healing lethal or critical damage. In this case,
though, the period is a week instead of a day for each
modification and the appropriate medical care is Therapy
Skill, not First Aid Skill. All modifications are made to the
characters Healing Rate before it is halved. By this method a
character may not regain Attribute points lost due to aging.

If a character is unconscious due to System Shock, a
Critical Effect result of having his Damage Resistance Total
exceeded by a subdual attack, he may be restored to
consciousness by another character,who mhkes his BCS roll
for Advanced Medical Skill. If the character is unconscious
due to being in a comatose state, the reason for the coma
must be eliminated first. If coma was caused by critical
damage to the head, neck or body, the critical damage must
first be healed. If it is due to the characters Damage
Resistance Total being exceeded by lethal damage, the
characters current damage total must be lowered to within
his Damage Resistance Total.

A character may be subject to infection if Lethal or Critical
damage has been caused to him by the bite of a predator or
scavenger, an attack with a dirty or rusty weapon or, if the
character does not keep himself decently clean (for example,
sleeps in his armor for days on end), any weapon that breaks
the skin.
Once the character is exposed to an opportunity for
infection to set in, the Gamesmaster will make a secret
Health Ability Saving Throw for the character. This throw
should be made at the next time that healing would be
calculated. If the throw is failed, the wound has become
infected. The character may not heal as long as he is subject
to the infection.

Diseases can be broken down into three basic formats:
acute, episodic and chronic. In game formula they will be
coded (-), (+) and (0) respectively.
Each time an acute disease has an effect, whether its first
effect of at the end of a Cycle, it will subtract the result of its
Effect Die from its target Attribute. The character must then
function at the reduced value of the Attribute. When the
disease reduces the target Attribute to zero or below, the
Crisis stage is reached.
When dealing with an episodic disease, a count of the
cumulative result of the Effect Die rolls is kept. When the total
exceeds the Critical Saving Throw range in the target
Attribute, the Attribute will be reduced by25% till thedisease
achieves its next stage. When the total exceeds the Ability
Saving Throw range, the target Attribute will be reduced to
50% for the duration of the disease. At the end of each Cycle
of the disease, the character is allowed to make an Ability
Saving Throw with the target Attribute to avoid specific
episode effects. A specific episode automatically occurs
when the disease first takes effect. When the total of the
Effect Die rolls exceeds the score in the target Attribute, the
Crisis state occurs.
A chronic disease will have its effect at the end of the
Incubation Period. This effect will remain until the character
throws off the disease or the time limit on the duration of the
disease runs out. If a target Attribute is specified, it will be
decreased by the Effect Die roll for the duration of the
disease. The Attribute will return to normal at the end of the
If a disease has more than one main target, each will be
treated independently. The Crisis stage will occur when the
first Attribute satisfies the conditions for its occurrance.
Diseases may also have specific symptoms which will have
an effect on the character. I f a disease has such symptoms
they will be listed after the formulaic expression of the


henry christen (order #23380)

disease. Such symptoms last for the duration of the disease

but may be temporarily alleviated by the application of
symptomatic drugs.
Each strain of a disease will be rated for its Virulence
Group. This is a measure of how strong the disease isas well
as how dangerous it is. At the end of each Cycle of an acute
or episodic disease, the Gamesmaster will roll the Effect Die
for the Virulence Group of the disease. This will be the
progress made by the disease for that cycle.
A disease has an Incubation Period. This is the time
between exposure to the source of the disease and the first
appearance of symptoms. This will vary by strain. The time
period of the Incubation Period will be reduced by the
Virulence Group. This reduction will be in whatever units of
time in which the Incubation Period is expressed. At the end
of the Incubation Period the disease will make its first attack.
The Vector of a disease is a description of the method by
which the character can catch the disease. If the character
has protection from the Vector, he can not contract the
disease. The Vectors and their descriptions follow:
Aerosol The infection is airborne. Any character within
a number of meters equal to the Virulence Group who
breaths the air is subject to Infection.
Subcutaneous - The infection must be gotten under the
character's skin by such means as an animal bite,
wound, injection, etc.
Gastric - Thesource of infection must be taken internally
through such things as contaminated food or drink.
Dermal - Simple skin contact is required. A garment
that protects a character from the initial source of
infection may later cause the character to besubject to
infection i f it carries contamination from the original

Within these rules a disease will be described in the

following method:
Vector - Format - Target - Incubation Period Virulence Group - Cycle time
This will be followed by any special notes including any
symptoms or specifics regarding the "episode" of an
episodic disease.
Abbreviations in use will include the standard abbreviationsfor Attributesand time. Vectorwill beabbreviated asthe
first letter of its name. Thus, an acutediseasewith an Aerosol
Vector that attacks the Wit of a character and has an
Incubation Period of 12 hours, a Cycle of 3 hours and a
Virulence Group of 4 would be abbreviated as:
A - (-) - WT - 12 hr. - 4 - 3 hr.
If the disease were episodic and the episode was a fit of
paranoid delusion it would be:
A - (+) - WT - 12 hr. - 4 - 3 hr. -paranoid delusion episode
If the disease were chronic it would be:
A - (0) - WT - 12 hr. - 4 - 0
Since more than one disease may have the same game
formula, each disease should be specified by name. This
allows one to distinguish between an antibiotic tailored for a
specific disease and an antibiotic that only corresponds on
all principal factors. Specific diseases will be presented in
Book 3.

This section presents typical disease symptoms and the
effects on the character with the disease. Not all diseases will
have symptoms as severe as these. Many diseases will have
these type of symptoms but their effects will not be great
enough to warrant an effect on the character.
Attribute Disfunction - The specified Attribute has its
effective Group lowered by the total advance divided
by 10, rounded down.
Dizziness - When the disease's advance is greater than
the character's Health CST, treat all of the character's

movement as if he were on Treacherous Ground. If the

terrain is truly Treacherous Ground, double his
chances of slipping. When the advance exceeds his
Health AST, subtract the Virulence Group of the
disease from the number needed to make any Saving
Throws involving the character's sense of balance
such as those required for keeping one'sfeet, catching
things, dodging, etc.
When the advance is greater than the
character's Health CST, theeffective Light level for that
character is reduced by one step. That is Good light
becomes Dim, Dim becomes Poor, etc. When the
advance exceeds his Health AST, the reduction is two
Faints are treated as System Shock. A
character who fails a Physical Attribute Saving Throw
is subject to a check for Fainting. He must make a
Health Ability Saving Throw to avoid Fainting. The
number needed for the Saving Throw is reduced by the
Virulence Group of the disease. Continued exertion
may also causethecharactertocheck for Fainting. The
character's Health Group is the number of Combat
Turns he may engage in strenuous activities such as
combat, running, climbing, etc., before he must makea
Health AST as above. If he does not Faint when he
checks for it he may continue to exert himself for the
same time period before he must check again.
Lesions - The day's advance of the disease is the chance
in 10 of lesions developing on a random Location. Any
damage taken on that Location will expose the
character to Infection.
Nausea - Exertion as described in fainting or a
successful attack on Locations 6 through 12 will
require a Health AST to avoid a fit. The character
experiencing a fit of vomitting will be unable to perform
any Action for a full Combat Turn. He will remain
incapacitated until he makes a Health AST. Attempts to
throw off the fit may be made on the bookkeeping
phase of the Combat Turn.
Pain - The disease's advance for that day acts as a
negative modifier to all BCS rolls attempted by the
character. One half the value of the advance is
subtracted from the number needed for any Saving
Paralysis - The specified extremity will take critical
damage equal to the day's advance of the disease.
Puerpera - The character's blood is slow to clot, though
not so bad as a case of haemophilia would make it. But
he will tend to bleed from open wounds and to suffer
severe bruising from non-cutting blows. When Lethal
damage is taken, after the combat in which it was taken
is over, and any medical attention is given to the
character that falls in the classification of immediate
first aid, total up the character's current Lethal Damage
total and calculate a Group from the total. Roll the
effect die for this Group and add that tothecharacter's
total damage tally as Lethal damage. In the event that
this drives him below 0, he will become comatose.
Under no circumstances will the additional damage kill
him. If it reduces his DRT to the death point, it stops
there, and no extra damage for puerpera is assessed.
The character is comatose from bood loss.
When Subdual Damage from any blow istaken tothe
limbs, the total Subdual Damage done is the percent
chance that the limb will suffer a Disable result, as
described in Critical Effects. The character will lose the
use of the limb until a Health AST is made, rolling
hourly. Blows to the body or head will not have any
appreciable effect on the puerpera symptom, in terms
of Subdual damage's effects.

henry christen (order #23380)

Rhuematoid Condition

The effects of this symptom

vary by the location affected. If it affects the legs, the
characters Base Movement Allowance will be halved
when the diseases advance is greater than his Health
CST. It will be reduced to one quarter of its normal
value when advance exceeds Health AST. If it affects
arms, torso or head. when the advance exceeds the
Health CST all attacks that the character makes out of
his Side hexes are treated as attacks out Rear hexes
and the Front hexes are treated as Side hexes. When
the advance passes his Health AST, attacks out any of
his hexes are treated as Rear hexes. If it affects the
hands, the characters Deftness Group will be reduced
by the total advance divided by 10, round down, for
determining the effects of all operations requiring
manual dexterity such as lockpicking, crafts, etc.
The days advance of the disease is the
number of distractions the character receives due to
ringing in his ears. Any Saving Throws utilizing his
sense of hearing will also receive this negative
The days advance of the disease is the
chance in 10 that the character will develop ulcers on a
Location. This should be determined by making a Hit
Location roll. I f the character receives any damage to
an ulcerated Location he must check for System
Shock. The character is also exposed to Infection, see
Weakness When the diseases advance is greater than
the characters Health CST his effective Strength,
Deftness and Speed are reduced 25% and he receives1 to all physical BCS rolls. When theadvance isgreater
than his Health AST, the penalty to those Attributes is
50% and -2 on physical BCS rolls.


When a character is first exposed to a disease, a Health
Ability Saving Throw must be made. The number requried
for success will be modified downwards by the Virulence
Group of thedisease. If the throw is successful, thecharacter
has avoided contracting the disease. No further checks are
necessary while he is in thevicinityof the sourceof infection.
If the character should leave the area and return on another
day he would be subject to possible infection again.
Once the disease has been contracted, the victim has an
opportunity during the incubation period to throw off the
disease before any ill effects occur. This attempt requires
that a character make a successful Basic Chance of Success
roll using Pathology Skill. This Basic Chance of Success
receives a negative modification, to the number needed,
equal to the Virulence Group of the disease. Once the
Pathology Skill BCS is successful the victim is allowed to
make a Health Ability Saving Throw to rid himself of the
Alternatively, application of a broad-band antibiotic or a
specific antibiotic for the disease will allow the victim to
make the second Health Ability Saving Throw. The exact
drug used will add its efficiency against the disease to the
number requried for a successful Saving Throw. If a drug is
applied by a character who makes a successful BCS roll
using Pathology Skill, the strength of the drug will be added
to the number required for the patients Saving Throw.
Only one attempt to throw off the disease may be made
during the Incubation Period.
At the end of the Incubation Period the first effects of the
disease will appear. If the disease has no Cycle, theseeffects
will remain in force until the character makes a Health Saving
Throw against the disease or the disease runs its course. A
Saving Throw against the disease may be made at the
beginning of each day. Once the disease is no longer active

henry christen (order #23380)

in the characters system, the effects of the disease will

disappear or he will be able to start healing the effects. The
exact result will be dependant o n the exact disease.
If the disease has a Cycle, the character is allowed to make
a Health Saving Throw at the end of the Cycle time before the
diseases advance is determined. If the die roll is in the range
for a Critical Saving Throw, the disease is thrown off. If the
die roll is in the range for an Ability Saving Throw, the
disease is being held in check by the characters
immunoresponse system and it makes no advance for that
Cycle. Once the disease is thrown off, the character may go
about the busines of recovering from the disease.
When a victim is making his Saving Throw at the beginning
of a day or at the end of a Cycle, he will receive modifications
to the number needed for a successful Saving Throw as
if a character makes a Pathology Skill BCS roll,
modified as usual by the diseases Virulence Group, a
plus 1 is received.
0 if a broad-band antibiotic is administered, a plus equal
to its strength is received.
if a specific antibiotic is administered, a plus equal to
the specifics efficiency against the disease is received.
if the character is wounded (greater than 50% of DRT),
a minus 1 is received.
if the character is seriously wounded (greater than 75%
of DRT), a minus 2 is received.
These modifications affect both the Critical and Ability
Saving Throw Ranges.




When an acute disease has reduced its main target to zero

or below, when an episodic disease has a cumulative total of
its Effect Die rolls that exceeds the characters score in the
diseases main target, or when a disease reaches a
specified stage with a chronic disease, the patient has
reached the Crisis point of the disease. The character is
allowed a last Saving Throw to eliminate the disease. This
will be a Health Critical Saving Throw. No modifications are
allowed. If the character fails this throw, he has died of the
disease. If the throw is successful, the character may begin
the process of recovery.


Once a patient is evidencing the symptoms of a disease, a
character with Pathology Skill may attempt to diagnose the
disease by making a Basic Chance of Success roll. This will
allow the player to know the formula, in game terms, for the
disease. This is important in choosing a specific antibiotic, if
one-is to be used.
Other specific uses of Pathology Skill with regard to
disease have been dealt with above. In brief, a successful
Basic Chance of Success roll will allow a character a Saving
Throw during the Incubation Period or modify the number
required for a Saving Throw that the character normally
makes in the course of the disease.
Valeria, In her career as a wandering adventurer,
has been in many places. She has also caught many
diseases. Early on she caught a stomach bug fitting
the description: G - (0) - S TR - 4 hr. - 2 - 0 - 48 hr. The
inn she was staying at had bad food that night. With
a Health of 15 and a die roll of 1020 of 16, she failed
her Ability Saving Throw to avoid catching the
disease. After 4 hours the disease made its first
attack. The Gamesmaster rolled 1 D6 with a result of
5. This was from the Virulence Group of the disease
being 2 and having an Effect Die of 706. Thus her
Strength is reduced by 5 for the duration of the
disease which will be 48 hours. After24 hours. that is
1 day, she again fails her Health AST with a die rollof

12. She has no need to roll at the end of the next 24

hour period since the disease will have run its
course and will cease. Her Strength may then be
healed to its normal level.
Several months later, Valeria was bitten by a dog
which was foaming at the mouth. Again she failed
her initial Saving Throw to avoid the disease.
Fortunately for her, a companion had Pathology
Skill with a BCS of 12. The Virulence Group of the
disease was 4 which reduced his BCS to 8. A die roll
of 4 o n 1020 allowed her to make another Saving
Throw during the Incubation Period. This time the
die roll was a 7. She just barely avoided coming
down with the disease. This disease had the
S - (+) WL - 3 hr. - 4 - 4hr. - homicidal mania
Let us look into an alternate universe where
Valeria's companion did not make his BCS roll.
Three hours after infection, the Gamesmaster rolls
2 0 6 as the Effect Die for the disease since it has a
Virulence Group of 4. The result is 3. Valeria has a
Will of 23 (CST equals 8; AST equals 11).Symptoms
appear which indicate that Valeria has caught a
disease, but no specific effects appear because the
cumulative total of Effect Die rolls is less than her
Will CST. She does however have an episode of
homocidal mania. After subduing Valeria, her
companion attempts to diagnose the disease by
making a Pathology Skill BCS roll. The die result is
7. This indicates success. so the player controlling
the companion is given the formula for the disease.
He does not have any specific antibiotics to use
against the disease. Before the next Cycle of the
disease, he attempts another Pathology Skill BCS
roll to help Valeria throw off the disease. He also
gives her a broad-band antibiotic. The BCS die roll
is a 3, so Valeria will add 1 for that and 1 for the
broad-band antibiotic to the range of her CST and
AST. This means her effective scores for this Cycle
are CST equals 7 and AST equals 9 instead of 5 and
7 respectively. The die roll is 8 indicating that the
disease has been held in check and willnot advance
at this point. Valeria fails her Will AST and has
another fit but she is restrained and harms no one.
At the next Cycle, the companion fails his BCS roll
and has run out of broad-band antibiotic. The die
roll of Valeria's Health Saving Throw is again an 8
but this time it indicates failure. The die roll for the
disease i f 9 bringing the total to 13. Valeria gets to
make her Will AST before the effects of the
disease's advance take effect. her roll is a 2
meaning that she will not have a fit this time.
Because the disease's advance has exceeded her
Will AST value, her effective score in the Target
Attribute of Will is reduced by 50% to 12 making her
new CST equal 4 and AST equal 6. Remember that
the disease's advance is compared to the permanent
value of the Attribute.
On the third Cycle, Valeria gets a 2 for her Health
Saving Throw. She has thrown off the disease. Her
Will returns to normal but the damage she t o o k
while being subdued by her companions must be
T w o years later, while poking her nose where is
didn't belong, Valeria picked up another bug, and as
usual didn't make her Health AST to avoid infection.
This one was: D - ( - j - DFT - 12 hr. - 3 - 12 hr. At the
end of the Incubation Period, the first Effect Die roll
for the disease was 5 on 2010. Valeria's Deftness
score was immediately reduced by 5 . Twelve hours

later, she again failed her Saving Throw and the

Effect Die result was 3. Her Deftness was reduced by
3 more points. This brought her Deftness to zero.
She went immediately into Crisis. The die roll for her
last attempt to rid herself of the disease before it
killed her was a 4. It was well within the Critical
Saving Throw range as required. Valeria survived
the disease but would be quite a while recovering
the lost points of Deftness.


Various cultures will have remedies, processes, and/or
drugs which will aid a person w h o is fighting a disease. T o
simplify matters for the game, w e will refer t o such things as
antibiotics. A broad-band antibiotic is designed to fight a
disease by fighting its symptoms and bolstering the body's
natural defenses. A specific antibiotic is more or less tailored
to the disase and fights the disease directly.
A broad-band antibiotic will be rated for its strength. This
is the amount it will raise the Saving Throw of the patient
receiving it.
A specific antibiotic will also be rated for strength. It will,
however raise the number needed for a successful throw on
the patient's part by its efficiency. T h e efficiency of a specific
antibiotic is the result of the multiplication of its strength
times its correspondance factor. T h e correspondance factor
is determined by comparing the formula for the antibiotic to
the formula forthe disease.T h e antibiotic is rated for Format,
Target, Vector and each specific secondary characteristic
such as the nature of an episode. T h e correspondance factor
is the nature of these :hat the antibiotic has in common with
the disease.
Any antibiotic specified as being tailored to cure a specific
disease will, upon being administered t o the patient, curethe
disease at that point. T h e character will be at the recovery
stage of the disease. A tailored antibiotic will generally also
cure any side effects of a disease.
T h e formula format for an antibiotic follows exactly that of
a disease to facilitate comparison.
For this example let us refer back to the previous
one and the second disease which has a formula of
S - (t) - WL - 3 hr. - 4 - 4 hr. - homicidal mania
episode. Consider Valeria k companion who had
diagnosed the disease. Suppose he had the
following specific abtibiotic to give to Valeria
instead of the broad-band antibiotic: S - (-) - WL homcidal mania episode. It corresponds to the
disease on three points. It would add3 instead of the
1 added by the broad-band antibiotic. This would
have raised Valeria's effective Saving Throw ranges
to CST equals 9 and AS T equals 1 1. The die roll of 8
would have meant that she threw off the disease at
that point and would not have had the second f i t of
homicidal mania.


When a character throws off a disease or survives a disease
because it has run its course, he will receive 1D10 of subdual
damage for each Virulence Group of the disease. This is
curable in the normal fashion, see page 36. T h e character is
also able t o begin the process of healing any Attribute points
lost due to the disease. This process is dealt with o n page
I f the disease was specified to have had side effects, the
character will of course be suffering from them. Whether
such side effects can be healed will depend on their nature.
T h e process for healing reversable side effects will be
detailed in the description of that disease that causes them.


henry christen (order #23380)

Any character who has once had a specific strain of an
acute or episodic disease will be immune to that strain in
the future. In game terms, this means that a character who
has made his Saving Throw after the first effects of the
disease have evidenced themselves will automatically make
his Health Ability Saving Throw when exposed to the same
strain of the disease.
The bookkeeping of which strains the character has had is
the responsibility of the player. When the character is
exposed to a disease, the player should inform the
Gamesmaster of the strains to which the character is
immune. The Gamesmaster will take this information into
account but should have the player roll a Saving Throw for
the character anyway, since even an immune character has
no natural automatic way of recognizing a strain of disease.

Poisons function much like diseases since they have
characteristics that resemble Vector, Incubation Period,
Virulence Group, and Cycle Time. The effects that a poison
has will depend on its type and whether it has any side
effects. The three general types of poisons are lethal,
narcotic and depressant.
The Vector of a poison is the same as that of a disease. That
is, it may be Aerosol, Subcutaneous, Gastric or Dermal. This
is the method by which the poison is introduced into the
characters system.
Once the poison has been introduced to the .characters
system, there will be a period of time until if first shows its
effects. During this time attempts may be made to remove the
poison from the characters system. The exact requirements
and procedures will depend on the Vector as follows:
Application of an antidote is the only way to
halt this type of poison before it takes effect.
A successful application of First Aid
Skill will remove the poison before it causes harm.
Gastric The proper aid to apply can be one of two kinds,
induced vomitting or dilution. A successful BCS roll
utilizing Advanced Medical Skill will determine which
is appropriate. In either case, a First Aid Skill BCS will
apply the required aid. In the formercase, the recipient
will be incapacitated until he makes a Health Ability
Saving Throw. Attempts may be made on the
bookkeeping phase of each Combat Turn. In the latter
case, a number of units of the correct substance
(water, acid, base, etc.) equal to the strength of the
poison is required. If an insufficient number is available, the number used will reduce the strength of the
poison by the number administered. Application of the
wrong aid will reduce the recipients required Saving
Throw to cancel the effects of the poison from the
Ability to the Critical range.
The proper aid to apply may be one of two
kinds, flushing or treatment. A successful BCS roll
utilizing Advanced Medical Skill will determine which
is appropriate. In the former case application of one
liter of solvent (such as water) per Location covered by
the poison for each Strength point that the poison has
is required. I f insufficient water is avilable, the water
that is applied will reduce the strength of the poison by
one point for each unit amount applied. In the latter
case, an Advanced Medical Skill BCS and the
application of a number of medical supplies equal to
the strength of the poison is required. If the BCS is
made and an insufficient number of units of medical
supplies is applied, the poisons strength will be

reduced by the number of units of supplies that are

applied. In either case, the application of the wrong
kind of aid will have no effect o n the action of the
At the end of the Incubation Period, the character must
make a Health Ability Saving Throw, assuming the poison
has not been counteracted. If the Saving Throw is made, the
poison will have no effect. I f it is failed, the poison will begin
to take effect. The strength of the poison works as the
Virulence Group of a disease. It is used as a Group rating to
determine an Effect Die. The proper die is rolled by the
Gamesmaster and the result is noted.
The main Target of all poisons is the characters Health.
When the cumulative total of the Effect Die rolls exceeds the
characters Critical Saving Throw range, first stage effects
occur. When the cumulative total exceeds the Ability Saving
Throw range, second stage effects occur. When the
cumulative total exceeds the characters Health score the
Crisis stage occurs. The effects at each stage for each kind of
poison are dealt with later in this section.
At theendoftheCycleTimeforthepoison, thecharacter is
allowed to make a Health Saving Throw. If the die roll is in the
Critical Saving Throw range the strength of the poison will be
reduced by one Group and no die roll will be made for the
poison that Cycle. If the die roll is in the Ability Saving Throw
range, no die roll will be made for the poison ,on that Cycle.
This process will continue until the character has reduced
the effective strength of the poison to zero or the poison has
had its Crisis stage effects.
Additional doses of a poison will act to restore thestrength
of the poison to its strongest level. They will not increase it
beyond the maximum for its current form and strength.
Additional doses do not, however, have to go through the
Incubation Period.

If a specific poison is listed as having side effects or
episodes they will occur at the times and have the effects
that are detailed in the description of the poison. The general
effects of each kind of poison are presented below:
First Stage - The Attributes specified as targets of the
poison are reduced by 25%. All BCS rolls are -1.
Second Stage - The target Attributes are reduced by
50%. All BCS rolls are -2.
Crisis Stage - The character is allowed one last Health
Critical Saving Throw. Failure indicates death.
Success leaves the character comatose. After
recovering consciousness the character will have the
target Attributes reduced by the strength of the poison.
This damage may be healed following the rules on
page 37.
First State - The characters Wit, Deftness and Speed are
reduced by 25%. All BCS rolls are at -2.
Second Stage - The characters Wit, Deftness and Speed
are reduced by 50%. All BCS rolls are at -4.
Crisis Stage - The character is rendered unconscious.
This state will naturally last for a number of hours equal
to the strength of the poison.
First and Second Stage - as with Narcotic.
Crisis Stage - Character retains reduced values of the
affected Attributes. All BCS rolls are at half value. This
condition will last for a period of hours equal to the
strength of the poison.
Any character surviving the Crisis stage of a poison will
have symptoms equivalent to the second stage effects of a
narcotic poison at the end of the time period of the Crisis


henry christen (order #23380)

stage effects. This will last for a number of hours equal t o the
strength of the poison or until the character makes a Health
Ability Saving Throw. This may be attempted once per hour.
The character will then evidence symptoms equivalent t o
first stage narcotic poisoning for a number of hours equal t o
the strength of the poison or until a Health Ability Saving
Throw is made. At this time the character will return to his
normal condition barring any side effects or damage caused
by the poison.

I f a character is poisoned, treatment may be applied t o
counteract or remove the poison as specified in the
description on the Vectors of poisons earlier in this section.
Once the Gamesmaster has made the first Effect Die roll for
the poison, the only treatment allowed is for the symptoms
by the use of drugs or some other method that will negate the
effects of the poison at that level. T h e poison will continueto
work its insidious way in the character's system. Only by
making Saving Throws can the character rid his system of
poison unless a specific antidote is available.
Specific antidotes work with poisons exactly as specific
a n t i b i o t i c s w o r k w i t h diseases. T h e p o i n t s of
correspondance are Attributes attacked (all must
correspond t o count as one factor), Type, Vector and any
specific side effects. A tailored antidote will negate the
poison after completion of its own Incubation Period. See
page 40 for the mechanics of antibiotics. Antidote formulae
follow the same format as poison formulae.

The procedure for encoding the game formula for a poison
works much the same as the process forthe game formula of
a disease. The basic format is:
Vector - Type - Attribute(s) attacked - Incubation
Period - Strength - Cycle Time - notes.
The code for the type is the first letter of its name. Thus, a
fast acting Dermal nerve poison might have a formula as

D, dilution (water) - L - DFT, SPD - 1 Combat Turn 2 - 1 Combat Turn - Survivors have 1 Distraction
Factor under stress due to nervous twitching.
Specific poisons







Jaxom is moving throught the forest. Suddenly he

feels a sharp sting and looks down to see a blowgun
dart imbedded in his arm. It is dipped in the
following poison: S - L - DFT, SPD - 0 - 3 - 112
Combat turn. The Incubation Period is 0 so there is
no time to provide treatment for the poison. At the
start of this action Jaxom has a Health of 12, a
Deftness of 22 and a Speed of 15. Jaxom's Health
Ability Saving Throw attempt yields a die roll result
of 7 which is one above the necessary score. The
poison will have its first effects on the bookkeeping
phase of that Combat Turn. The first Effect Die rollis
a 6 which exceeds Jaxom's Health CST value. At this
point his Deftness and Speed will be reduced by
25% and all his BCS rolls have a -1 modifier. Since
the poison has a Cycle Time of 112 of a Combat
Turn, i t has an assumed Base Action Phase of 20
and will do its insidious work on phases 11 and 1
until it kills him or is negated.
Jaxom's next Health Saving Throw, done on
next Combat Turn is a 3 which will reduce the
strength of the poison t o 2 and prevent it from having
further effects at this time. O n phase 6, which is
Jaxom's current Base Action Phase since the action
of the poison has reduced his Speed to 12, he
initiates a Survey and Command Action to discover
where his assailant is and to warn his companions.
But o n phase 4 , another dart thuds home. Jaxom's
Saving Throw fails again restoring the strength of
poison active in his system to 3. On phase 1 , Jaxom
will make a Health Saving Throw and fail. The
poison's Effect Die roll is a 4 which brings the total
to 10. This exceeds the AST range and the poison
has its second stage effects. His Deftness drops t o 8
and his Speed to 11.
For the next two Combat Turns, Jaxom makes his
Health Saving Throws in the AST range. This halts
the advance of the poison but does not reduce its
effects. On the next roll he fails his Saving Throw
and the Effect Die roll for the poison is 4. This brings
the total to 14 (which exceeds his Health score) and
the Crisis stage begins immediately.
Jaxom makes his Health Critical Saving Throw.
He is comatose. When he finally recovers
consciousness, he will be under the second stage
effects of a narcotic poison for up to 3 hours and
then will evidence first stage effects for u p to an
additional 3 hours. His Deftness and Speed will be
reduced by 3 until healed.


henry christen (order #23380)

As the game progresses, the player will wish to see his
character improve his abilities, his chances of success and,
in short, his ability to survive. Since this system contains no
artificial level increments as a measure of a characters
abilities, the character must be improved in other ways.
Diligent study, rigorous training and learning through
practical experience are all valid ways for the character to
The process of improvement may be rapid or slow
depending on the situation surrounding the improvement
and the character himself.

A character may improve his score in a Skill in one of two
ways. These are Study and Learning-by-doing. In both
processes, it is the score in the Skill, not the Basic Chance of
Success that is raised by the amount indicated. The Basic
Chance of Success will increase when the characters score
is raised sufficiently that a new calculation of the BCS yields
a higher number. Remember that a character has one point
of Basic Chance of Success for every five points of Skill
A Skill score may not be increased over the maximum
score. Any extra points are lost. When a character reaches a
score of 100 (BCS 20) in most Skills, he has learned what
their is to know in that Skill. He is assumed to be an effective
inaster of the Skill. A die roll of 20 when making a Basic
Chance of Success roll will still indicate failure but in most
cases the failure will not have critical effects. When using a
Combat Skill which has a maximum scoreof200 (though the
BCS maximum is still 20) a die roll of 20 will indicate that
critical effects occur if the character cannot make a Control
Throw (the BCS of thesecond 100 points). A character with a
score of 200 in a Combat Skill will still feel critical effects if
the die roll on the Control Throw is a 20.

When the character has successfully utilized a Skill, he
may attempt to Learn-by-doing. It is the responsiblity of the
Gamesmaster to decide if a s k i l l use during the game makes
the character eligible for the attempt. The general
requirement the use of the Skill significantly advances the
position of the characters in the game situation. Thus a
character who spends his time between adventures rolling
his BCS in Lockpicking Skill is ineligible since there is no
pressure on him, no significant need for locks to be picked
and he is facing no new challenges. The character is
effectively conducting Solo Study as detailed later in this
A character is allowed to attempt to Learn-by-doing for
each eligible Skill used successfully in a Detailed Action
Time situation. Multiple successes in oneskill during a given
DAT situation will not allow more than one attempt to Learnby-doing.
To be able to Learn-by-doing the character must have a
score greater than zero in the Governing Talent for the Skill.
The Governing Talent is the first Talent listed in the
calculation for the initial score in the Skill.
In order to successfully Learn-by-doing, the character
must roll less than or equal to his score in that Governing
Talent on 1 D20. If he does so, he may add one to his score in
that Skill.

When a character is using two Skills averaged together to

gain his Basic Chance of Success, if he succeeds and is
allowed to Learn-by-doing, he may choose which of the two
he will attempt to Learn-by-doing with. Multiple successes
with the averaged BCS will not allow him to attempt to Learnby-doing with both of the Skills involved.
Jus Dogslayer is proceeding through a occupied
building. He picks the lock to the cellarstairs. Check
for Learning-by-doing. He then locks the door
behind him and proceeds down the stairs. Out of the
dark, a figure attacks him. Drawing his sword and
knife, Jus fights using Two Weapon form of H T H
Combat Skill. Just as he slays this man, another
comes at him. Jus wounds the second man with his
knife. just before having i t knocked from his hand.
Now Jus fights o n using Single Weapon form of
H T H Combat Skill. He dispatches his opponent.
At this point, Jus, having used Two Weapon Skill
successfully against both opponents, can check for
Learning-by-doing for that Skill. Although he
fought two opponents, i t was during the same
Detailed Action Time. He may also check for
Learning-by-doing with regard to Single Weapon
Skill since he used that Skillsuccessfully against the
second man.
Jus now hears more men approaching and opts
for the better part of valor. H e uses his Stealth Skill
to move silvently back up the stairs. Check for
Learning-by-doing because noise would
attract attention to Jus.
Upon reaching the top of the stairs, Jus finds that
the door has been modified so that a key is needed
from either side and he, not noticing this, (he failed
his Wit CST to notice this Hidden Thing) had set
the mechanism to lock behind himself. He hurriedly
picks the lock again. Check for Learning-by-doing
since the time pressure that Jus is under constitutes
a valid execution of his Skill. Jus closes the door
behind him as he heads for the wide open spaces
outside the building.
Let us consider the same character exploring the
building when there is nothing behind the door. In
this case, the Gamesmaster knows before hand that
there is nothing in the cellar. He has also decided
that anyone who picks the lock to get into the cellar
can obviously pick to lock to get out and so a
successful BCS roll to open the lock the first time
means that the character will automatically succeed
the second time. He does not tell this to the player
and will still make him roll the second time to
maintain suspense.
Jus arrives and picks the lock. The Gamesmaster
with an abstracted comment about waiting to see i f
Jus will survive puts off temporarily the players
L earning-by-doing roll. Jus then using his Stealth
Skill successfully reaches the bottom of the stairs
and finds the cellar empty. Since there was nothing
to sneak up on, his successful use of Stealth was not
pertinent and he may not Learn-dy-doing. Jus
retraces his path to the door and finds himself
locked in. Attempting to use his Picklock Skill to
open it. the die result is 20. The Gamesmaster knows


henry christen (order #23380)

that the lock has been picked since that result was
predetermined but he informs the player that you
dont seem to have picked it. The player in his
frustration has Jus kick the door which amazingly
(to him) comes open. The player is now allowed b y
the Gamesmaster to roll for Learning-by-doing for
the lockpicking attempt.


The characters score in a Skill represents hard won and
ingrained knowledge and/or abilities that the character has
acquired. Thus, the skill represented by a Skill score is not
gained by simple demonstration, casual reading or
occasional practice. The character must diligently apply
himself in order to make any significant gains in Skill score.
Study turns are stated to be of a weeks duration. The
Gamesmaster is free to alter the time period, but the
Learning Rate of any characters involved should be altered
to reflect the difference. The basic increase to a characters
Skill score after a Study period of one week will be equal to
his Learning Rate. This Learning Rate (his Wit Group) will be
altered by various factors. These are presented in the Table
of Learning Rate Modifications.
To his basic Learning rate, the character will add the value
of any Learning Aids that are applicable. This number will be
divided by the sum of the values of all the Learning
Hindrances that apply. The result is the adjusted Learning
Rate which is the number of points that will be added to the
characters score in the Skill being Studied.
Any fractions that occur due to Learning Hindrances are
retained during the period of Study. They are lost at the end
of that period. Thus a character who has a month to Study
and an Adjusted Learning Rate of 1.7, will after four weeks,
add four timestheweekly rateor6.8. SincetheGamesmaster
has an adventure planned for the character, he is allowed no
more Study time and the .8 is dropped from the amount that
the character will add to his Skill score.
During a Study period, the only major functions
(Research, Rebuilding, Using Influence are all major
functions) the character may perform are related to learning.
A character may Study two Skills, Study one Skill and Teach
another or Teach two Skills. When a character is Studying
two Skills during one Study period his base Learning Rate is
Wit Group/2, nearest.
A Teacher may be any character, whether controlled by a
player or the Gamesmaster, who hasaCornmunicativeTalent
greater than zero. An ordinary Teacher has a higher score in
the Skill being taught than any of the students. The score of
the students may not exceed the Teachers score while they
are Studying under him. An Expert Teacher will have the
maximum score in the Skill to be taught. A Gifted Teacher
has a Communicative Talent greater than 10.
Some Skills require proper facilities in order to be learned
at the normal rate. Combat Skills require the weapons to be
used. Knowledge-based Skills require reference books.
Equipment-utilizing Skills requiretheequipment thatwill be
utilized. The absence of such things will act as a Learning
Hindrance. It is up to the Gamesmaster to decide if proper
facilities are available when characters are attempting to
study a Skill.
When a character is Studying a firearm Skill, an
expenditure of ammunition is required to prevent a Learning
Hindrance. The additional expenditure of another unit of
ammunition will act as a Learning Aid. Onlyone Learning Aid
may be gained in this way during a Study week. The unit of
ammunition will vary according to the firearm Skill being
Studied. For non-automatic weapons five rounds are
required to makea unit. Automatic weapons will multiply this
figure by the average burst size of the weapon used to Study
with. Heavy weapons require a three round expenditure.




Expert Teacher
Gifted Teacher
Characters Governing Talent is greater than 0
Character is Studying a language in current
local use
Character is Studying a firearm Skill &
expends one unit of ammunition
over the required amount


Solo Study (no teacher available)
Proper facilities unavailable
Character is studying an ancient language
no longer in use
Characters Governing Talent for the Skill being
Studied is less than 1
Character is acting as a Teacher during the
Study period
The Skill being Studied is not a
Freely Improvable Skill for the character
Character is Wounded for at least part of the week
Character is Seriously Wounded for at least part
of the week
Character does not have the required score in a
Prerequisite Skill
Character does not make unit expenditure of
ammunition while studying a firearm Skill



Optional Learning Hindrances

Current Skill score areater than 50
Current Skill score Greater than 75
* Once per week only.
* * Study not allowed.

When a character Studies a new Skill and has a months
worth of Study period all together, he may acquire an initial
score in the Skill rather than the value that would accrue
through normal Study. Each Hindrance that applies will
reduce the initial value by half. If the character would gain a
higher score by using normal methods of Study, he may do

Each time a character achieves another point of BCS, he
may add .05 to the Governing Attribute. No value is received
for the fractional scores until a full Attribute point is
The Governing Attribute for a Skill is the one that appears
first in the calculation for the initial score in that Skill.
It does not matter if the score sufficient for the increase in
the characters Basic Chance of Success is the result of
Learning-by-doing or Study.

Each time a character reaches maximum score in a Skill,
he has a chance of increasing his score in the Governing
Talent. To do this he must roll 1D100 and consult the
Reaction Table presented in Appendix 1 of this Book. I f the


henry christen (order #23380)

die roll indicates a Good or Excellent reaction the

character will increase his score in the Governing Attribute
by one point.
Harmon has decided he will Study Lockpicking
Skill for the next four weeks. His current score is 32
and BCS is 6. Harmons Learning Rate is 3. He is still
mending from his last adventure and is Wounded
during the first week which gives him a Hindrance of
2. Fortunately he was able to find a teacher. For the
first week, his score is increased by 312 or 1.5. The
second week he is n o longer Wounded since he has
fully healed in the previous week. This removes the
Hindrance and the accumulated increase to his
score is 1.5 plus the Learning Rate for the second
week of 3 for a total of 4.5. The next two weeks pass
in a similar fashion, adding a further 6 points for a
final total of 10.5 points. Since the time allocated to
study is over, the decimal is rounded down to 10
points. His score in Lockpicking Skill is now 42.
I f the Option for improvement of attributes is in
effect, Harmon will add. 1 to the governing Attribute
of Deftness since he has increased his BCS by2. ( 2 x
.5 equal .1).
Later that year, Harmon acts as a Teacher for Sam
in Lockpicking Skill. Sams Learning Rate is 3 and
he is only studying with Harmon. Harmon is also
studying with a Gifted Expert Teacher in
Safecracking Skill in which Harmon already has a
score of 88.
Sams Mechanical Talent is 1 1 and, since i t is the
Governing Talent for Lockpicking Skill, he receives
a plus one to his Learning Rate. He is not suffering
under any Hindrances and thus has a Learning Rate
adjusted to 4 points per week. At the end of four
weeks he would have a score of 16. I f the initialscore
for a months study Option is in effect, Sams initial
score would be Deftness + Wit + Mechanical. In
Sams case, this would give him 10 + 15 + 1 1 or 36. he
would be allowed to have a score of 36. I f Harmon
had not improved his score earlier that year, Sam
would have been limited to 32 points since that was
the score of his Teacher.
Harmon,because he is Teaching and Studying at
the same time, will have a Hindrance with a value of
3. His base Rate is 3. The Gifted Expert Teacher
adds 2 to the base. Since the Learning Rate plus the
value of any Aids is divided by thd value of any
hindrances to give the adjusted Rate, Harmon will
have an adjusted Learning Rate of ( 3 t 2 ) / 3 or 1.7.
After four weeks, this totals to a score increase of
6.8, rounded down to 6. His score is increased to 94.
I f the Attribute increase Option is in effect, Harmorr
will increase the Governing Attribute of Deftness by

I f Harmon had not been acting as a Teacher
during those four weeks his Learning rate would
have effectively been 5 and in four weeks he would
have accumulated 20 points. This would have made
his score 108. Since Safecracking Skill is a format 1
Skill, its maximum score is 100. Harmon would not
even have had to spend the fourth week studying
Safecracking Skill. He could have Studied
something else and still perfected his skill. I f the
Option for improving Talents is in effect, Harmon
would have a chance to improve the Governing
Talent for Safecracking Skill which is Mechanical.
Harmons player would roll l D l 0 0 and consult the
Reaction Table. A die roll of 97 would be an
Excellent result and Harmon could add one to his
Mechancial Talent.

henry christen (order #23380)


Attribute scores can be improved by diligent work over a
Study period of one month. At the end of this period, the
character will increase his score in the Attribute chosen by
one point. Once a character passes certain breakpoints in
the aging process, a die roll on the Reaction Table will be
required. The number needed will depend on thecharacters
age. The age to be considered here is the characters
effective age. Use the Table below:
Characters effective age
under 40
40 to 49
50 to 59
60 to 69
70 or older

required to gain the point

Mediocre resu It
Good result
Excetlent result
die roll of 100

Supervision of the characters regimen by a character (it may

be himself) with Therapy Skill will allow a character under
the age of 40 a chance at a second point of increase. The
character with Therapy Skill must make his BCS roll and the
character in training must roll on the Reaction Table as if he
were 40 years old and attempting to gain his Attribute point.
If the character is already 40 or older, a successful
utilization of Therapy Skill will add the Effect Number (the
die roll subtration from the BCS) to the die roll on the
Reaction Table.
Various drugs, herbal preparations and similar items or
processes can have an effect on attempts to gain Attribute
Points. These effects will be detailed when the specific item
or process is presented.


At the age of 40 characters begin to show the effects of
aginq. Once a character reaches 40, he will no longer
automatically gain a point when he works to improve an
Attribute. At four year intervals beyond that, until he reaches
80, at which time the intervals are reduced to two years, he
will undergo a round of aging. The effects are detailed below:
44, 48, 52, 56
60, 64, 68

+2 to each Mental Attribute; -1 to each
Physical Attribute.
-2 to each Physical Attribute; a Reaction
roll is made and the results are interpreted
as follows:
worse than Bad -4 to Mental Attributes
-2 to Mental Attributes
-1 to Mental Attributes
no change to Mental
+1 to Mental Attributes
+2 to Mental Attributes

72, 76

-4 to Physical Attributes; a Reaction roll is

made as above to determine the effects on
Mental Attributes, a -10 modification is
made to the die roll.
80, 82, 84, etc. -6 to the Physical Attributes; a Reaction
Roll is made as above but a -20
modification is made to the die roll.

Modifiers to the Attribute scores are made to each of the

Attributes of that type. If any Attribute is redcued to zero or
below by the effects of aging, the character is consider to
have died from old age.


Off-hand Dexterity is treated as if it were a Physical
Attribute for purposes of improvement and aging effects.


There are various factors present in the adventure
environment that have to be quantified t o deal with in terms
of the game. These include barriers t o the passage of a
character or his projectiles, tools and their effects, and the
dangers of such things as acid and fire. Each of these will be
dealt with in this section. Any non-living thing that acts can
be rated as having a BAP, an MNA and a PCA. This covers
such things as elevator doors, strobe lights, falling bricks,
etc. Such things can be designed by the Gamesmaster to suit
the situation.

Various materials are rated for a Barrier Factor. This
number represents the barrier effect of 1 inch of the material.
To determine the value of a barrier of something like awall or
a door, determine the materials that compose it and their
thicknesses. Multiply each thickness by the Barrier Factor of
the material and sum the results for all the materials involved.
This will yield the overall barrier effect of the wall or door.
Any gumhots that hit a barrier will have their Bullet
Damage Group reduced by the overall barrier effect. If the
Bullet Damage Group is reduced to zero or below the bullet
will not penetrate the barrier. If it is not reduced t o zero, any
target struck will only receive theeffect of the reduced Bullet
Damage Group.
A muscle powered missile weapon will have its effective
Strength Group reduced by 1 for each 5 points of Barrier
Factor. This works in a fashion similarto the rangeeffects on
such weapons.
Hand-to-hand weapons which strike a barrier must
succeed in penetrating a barrier. When the barrier is struck
the damage done by the attack is assessed against the
Barrier Factor. Any points in excess of the Factor may be
applied as Damage Potential to a Location on the other side
of the Barrier



Barrier Factor per inch

Glass, safety
Glass, shatter resistant
Heavy Leather
Light Leather
Metal, veneer
Metal, light
Metal, heavy
Metal, hardened or structural
Plastic, light
Plastic, medium
Plastic, heavy
Plastic, structural
Wood, veneer
Wood, solid
Wood, plywood


variable 8 to 20


Fire against target behind an opaque barrier will be

considered as if the firer were blind. Target behind a
translucent barrier or targets whose position is essentially
known (i.e., behind a firing port) will cause the firer to have a
modification as i f he were partially blind.
Some materials are considered capable of completely
stopping projectile fire short of heavy weapons. These
materials are identified by a * in front of the Barrier Factor.
The Barrier Factor for these materials is used for rating the
strength of the material's resistance to attempts to break it
down, dig through it or penetrate it with heavy weapons fire.
Some of the materials listed below may not be present in a
particular campaign but are listed here for convenience of
When dealing with the demolition of a barrier to allow the
characters access to the other side, the elimination of barrier
points equal to the strength for the appropriate thickness of
the material is considered to open a one meter by one meter
space. A five or ten minute Tactical Turn is suggested. Some
materials such as stone or metal, will not be penetrated by
characters without the proper tools. Gamesmasters are
advised to use their discretion.


A door is considered to have a basic barrier effect equal to
the Barrier Factor of the material times the thickness of the
door. This has no effect if the door is opened. I f the door is
secured in some fashion, this barrier effect plus the barrier
effect derived from the means by which the door,is secured
must be overcome in order to open the door.
Breaking in the door is accomplished by having characters
roll Strength Ability Saving Throws. U p to two characters
can attack a normal sized door at once. When a character is
successful, he will roll his normal Effect Die. The results of
the die roll are subtracted from the door's barrier effect. A
character who rolls a one will add one to his Strength Group
to determine the Effect Die for this attack only. A character
who makes this type of attack against a door will, take one
point of subdual damage. A die roll of 20 will cause the
character 1D6 of subdual damage. When the total of the
Effect Die rolls exceeds the barrier effect of the door it has
been broken down.
Such attacks may be directed at the means of securing the
door, i f it is known and the die roll for the character's attack
falls in his Critical Saving Throw range. I f the die roll falls in
the Ability Saving Throw range, the overall barrier effect is
attacked instead. Should the barrier effect of the securing
method be overcome before the overall barrier effect is
reduced, the method of securing the door (lock, crossbar,
wedged chair, etc.) will be presumed defeated and the door
may be opened.
Locks are rated in three ways: by type. complexity, and
barrier strength. The type of lock will indicate what Skill the
character will need to overcome it. The complexity
represents the amount of difficulty the character will have in
overcoming it. The barrier strength is the amount of barrier
effect the lock will have when used to secure a door.
Standard locks that open with a key require Lockpicking
Skill to overcome. The complexity of the lock will be
subtracted from the Character's Basic Chance of Success.
Each time the character makes a successful BCS roll, he will
roll the Effect Die for his Deftness Group. This is the amount


henry christen (order #23380)

of the lock's barrier strength that is reduced. When the

barrier strength is reduced to zero or below the lock will be
Combination locks require Safecracking Skill. One
successful BCS roll is required for each digit in the
Combination. The complexity of the lock is subtracted from
the character's Basic Chance of Success. Onceeach number
of the combination has been derived, the lock is open. No
barrier effect need be overcome.
Specialized forms of locks may be present in the
campaign. These will be presented along with the skills
needed to overcome them later in the rules. For now a
simplified selection of sample locking mechanisms is
presented below.
The time involved in attempts to break down adoor or pick
a lock will be highly variable. It is left to the Gamesmaster to
decide just how long an attempt will take. In general, the time
required to make an attempt to bash a door will be less than
the time required to attempt to pick the lock. Only a few
seconds are required to hurl yourself at a door but five
minutes spent working at picking a lock which is not
particularly complex is not unusual.


In general tools are designed to make a person's work
easier. The use of the proper tools in any of the operations
mentioned above will enable the character to have a greater
effect against the barrier impeding him. Levers, such as
crowbars, will act as multipliers of a character's Effect Die
roll when attacking the barrier effect of a door. Lockpicking
tools can give a modification to the BCS and act as a
multiplier to the Effect Die roll of a character picking a lock. A
device to increase the hearing of a character engaged in
opening a combination lock will increase his Basic Chance
of Success. A shovel will act as a multiplier to the Effect Die
roll for a character who is digging in the earth. The exact
effects of the tools that are available will be given in the
equipment lists in Book 2.
The characters have found a one half inch thick
door of oak. I t is closed and locked. Unknown to
them the door is also barred on the other side by an
inch thick iron rod. The door is a heavy wood
(Barrier Factor o f 10) and is one half inch thick for a
barrier effect of 112 times the base Factor. This
yields a value of 5. The bar is of a heavy metal and is
one inch thick and so will add its Barrier Factor to
the overall effect. This is 40 and so the total barrier
effect is 50.
Harmon the Picklock attempts to open the lock
using Lockpicking Skill. His BCS is 8. the
complexity of the lock is 0 and will have n o effect on
Harmon's BCS. The die roll is a 10. So the

Gamesmaster declares that after five minutes

Harmon still has not opened the lock. Harmon tries
again. This time the die r o l l is 4. Harmon will roll the
Effect Die for his Deftness Group. Since his Group is
3, Harmon will roll 1010. The result is 1. He is using
high quality professional lockpicks and these will
multiply his result by 2. This gives an accumulated
effect o f 2. The lock is still not open but i t is o n its
way. I f the characters attempt to bust through the
door at this point the lock willstilladd its full value to
the barrier effect. Harmon continues. A die roll of 7
indicates success again. The Effect Die result is a 6
this time and the multiplier of the tools is not even
needed. The lock is open. Harmon smiles and turns
the handle. The smile fades when he discovers that
the door will not open. They must resort to bashing
the door down to get through.
The door h3s i t overall barrier effect reduced by
the value of the lock to 45.Jo (STR equals 32) and
Sal(STR equals 15) attempt to bash the door. Each
rolls a Strength AST. The die rolls are 12 and 3
respectively. Both have succeeded. Each rolls the
Effect Die for the proper Strength Group, 206 and
1 D10 respectively. The results are 10 and 5 for a total
reduction to the barrier effect of 15. The door is still
in place. Again they try and again they succeed.
This time the Effect Die rolls are 8 and 4. The barrier
effect has been reduced to 18. A third attempt has Jo
succeding and rolling an Effect Die result of 9. Sal
rolls a 20 on the Saving Throw and takes 106 of
subdual damage. The barrier has been reduced to 9
points. They try again. This time Jo misses his
Strength Saving Throw. Sal however rolls a 1. This
allows her to raise her effective Strength Group by 1
for determining the Effect Die. For this attempt she
will roll 1 D l 0 instead of 106. The die result is 9 and
the door is burst open. Since they have made four
attempts, each character is given 4 points of subdual
by the Gamesmaster. Sal, having rolleda20, takes an
additional 106 of subdual damage points.
I f the characters had elected to fire a bullet
through the door, the BOG of the round would have
only been reduced by the barrier effect of the door
itself ( 5 ) .


The rules concerning fire will deal primarily with its use as
a weapon. Fire is rated as having a strength group based on
its initial temperature range at first exposure. From this
strength group rating, an Effect Die will be derived in the
usual fashion. A low temperature flame, such as an alcohol
flame, has a rating of 2. A normal fire hasa rating of 3. Whilea
high temperature flame (temperature greater than 200
degrees Centigrade) hasa rating of 4. Simpleapplication of a



Skill needed

small key lock

standard key lock
heavy key lock
3 digit combination
3 digit heavy combination
4 digit combination
bank vault
digits in combination locks can vary greatly
wedged chair
rusted mechanism

Lock picking

henry christen (order #23380)

none allowed
none allowed
none allowed


Barrier Strength
varies by size and material of bar

flame will cause no significant effects unless the Armor

Value on the target Location is exceeded by the Effect Die
roll. Then the effects will vary by the type of material
involved. Continued exposure will have varied effects
depending on the type of protection being worn. The result
of a Critical Hit by a character armed with a fire weapon will
be that the target Location will be subject to the rules for
continued exposure begining on the bookkeeping phase of
that Combat Turn. Damage by fire is lethal damage.


For the purposes of how they are affected by fire all armor
materials are broken down into groups. The basic two are
Non-metallic and Metallic. Some campaigns may have
other classes of material such as Plastic, Magical, etc. The
reaction of such types of materials will be presented along
with the other specifics regarding the particular type of
Non-metallic materials will stop damage from an applied
flame in the usual fashion. If however, the Damage Done by
the flame attack is greater than twice the Armor Value of the
material, it is considered destroyed beginning on the next
phase. If the rating of the flame exceeds the Armor Value on
the Location, the character is considered to have caught fire
and will be subject to the rules for continued exposure.
For each turn of continued exposure, the fire will increase
its strength rating by one before determining its Effect Die.
Armor will not protect a character who has caught fire. A
character may extinguish the flame by falling to the ground
and rolling about. This requires a full Combat Turn of
activity. A character will reduce the rating of the flame by his
Maximum Number of Actions. If he begins the process in the
middle of a Combat Turn, the reduction will be equal to the
number of Actions the character could still perform in that
Turn. This reduction of the fires rating takes place before the
fires rating is increased for that Turn. Once the rating is
reduced to zero of below the fire is considered out. If a
character is ignited in more than one Location, only the
strongest flame need be extinguished although both will
cause damage to the character. Any characters aiding a
victim who is on fire will add to the chances of extinguishing
it. Their ability to reduce the fires strength is the same as i f
they were trying to put out a fire on themselves. Any
character attempting to aid a burning character will be
subject to an attack by the fire at one less strength rating i f
the fire is not out at the end of any turn on which the helping
character is involved in the process.
Once the fire is out, all non-metallic materials will have
their Armor Values reduced by the highest strength rating
the fire achieved.
Metallic materials will resist the effects of an applied flame
as they would any normal attack. They will not ignite nor will
they be destroyed by the flame.
On continued exposure to fire, they will provide protection
from damage until such timeas the Effect Die roll of the flame
exceeds the Armor Value. After that point, metallic material
will provide no protection from fire damage until it is cooled.
Once the fire is extinguished (see above) the material will
continue to cause damage as if the fire was continuing at its
greatest strength. On each turn starting with the
bookkeeping phase of the turn on which the fire was
extinguished, the strength rating will be reduced by 1 and the
correct Effect Die roll will be made. When the fires strength
is reduced to zero the armor is considered cooled off.
Cooling agents such as water may be used to hasten the rate
of cooling. The exact effects are left to the discretion of the
Gamesmaster. After the fire is out and the metal has cooled,
all Armor Values will be reduced by the greatest strength
rating achieved by the fire.
If the characters whole body is exposed to flame the
Average Armor Value is used to defend against the fire. His

henry christen (order #23380)

armor material is considered to be of the type that covers the

greatest number of Locations.


Fire will attack barriers that are composed of combustible
materials. On each turn of continued exposure of the barrier
the fires rating will be increased by one Group.
When the cumulative total of the Effect Die rolls exceeds the
barrier effect, the barrier will have burned down. The fire will
continue to burn on successive turns with its rating being
reduced by one Group each turn until it reaches zero, at
which time the fire will extinguish due to lack of fuel. It is
suggested that a Gamesmaster use a Tactical Turn of 10
minutes in calculating the effects of fire used against


Smoke will affect visibility and act as a narcotic poison
with a serious effect at the Crisis stage. The rating of the
density of the smoke is left to the Gamesmaster as the
variables due to air flow, materials being burned,
concentration, etc. are highly dependent on the situation.
A density of one yields Dim Light conditions; two yields
Poor Light; three yields Darkness; and four results in
effective blindness. If light conditions are already less than
perfect, they will be reduced further by the number of steps
equal to the smoke density.
Smoke, as a narcotic poison, has an Aerosol Vector. Its
strength is equal to its density. It has an Incubation Period of
a number of Combat Turns equal to the characters Health
Critical Saving Throw minus the density of the smoke. No
specific Attributes are attacked. The Cycle time is one
Combat turn. Once the character reaches the Crisis stage,
the poison will continue to attack by causing subdual
damage to the character equal to the result of the Effect Die
roll. When the cumulative total of these subdual points
exceeds the characters Damage Resistance Total the
character will die of smoke inhalation. Removal of the
character from the smoke will halt the process at whatever
stage it is in. A Health Ability Saving Throw, attemptable
each Combat Turn, will allow the character to throw off the
effects except for any subdual points received after the Crisis
point. This subdual damage may be healed in the normal


These rules deal with theeffectsofastrongacid,orforthat
matter a strong base, on a character/or his clothing and
armor. Acids are rated for their strength and have the
equivalent of an Incubation Period.
When a character gets acid on his person, it will have no
effect until the end of the Incubation Period. Once that
period is over, the Gamesmaster will roll the Effect Die forthe
Group corresponding to the acids current strength. The die
result will indicate a reduction in the Armor Value of the
material covering the target Location. Once the Armor Value
is reduced to zero, the character will take any further points
as lethal damage. The armor is permanently destroyed. The
acid will continue to attack in this fashion on the
bookkeeping phase of each Combat Turn. After each attack
the strength of the acid is reduced by 1. When the acid has a
strength of zero the attacks will stop.
At any time, the application of a base will reduce the
strength of the acid by its own strength rating.
If a character is struck in Location 2 by acid, some special
effects may occur. If thecharacter has no protection from the
fumes, he will be subject also to an attack of the acid as a
Lethal, Aerosol Vectored poison. This poison will have no
Incubation Period, a strength equal to the strength of the

acid minus one and a Cycle Time of one Combat Turn. The
poison has n o target Attributes. See the section on poisons
on page 41 for the mechanics of dealing with poison. A
character will be partially blinded during the period that hte
poison is active in his system.
If the character takes damage to Location 2, he will be
subject to a roll o n the Acid Special Effects Table. Any
damage done to that Location will be added to the result of
the roll of 1D l O O and the result checked o n the Table.




Landing hexdue
to miss
Lineof trajectory


First hex of Splash

Second hex of Splash
- hexs of spread on
each Combat Turn



D100 Special Effect
01-30 No serious effect
31-60 Extensive scarring. Decrease the character's
Looks category by the strength of the acid when
it began its attack.
61-70 Character's sense of smell is impaired.
71-80 Character's sense of taste is impaired. Character
will also have a speech problem.
81-90 Character is blinded in one eye.
91-95 Character is blinded in both eyes.
96-00 Roll twice for effects ignoring die rolls over 95.



It is left to theGamesmastertoadjudicatetheresultin
subsequent adventuresof thecharacter's impairment in
smell, taste, hearing or speech. Other effects are self
explanatory. In all cases, the character will be left with
sufficient scars to be considered a distinguishing mark.

When a character is hit by a flask of acid, flaming oil or
some other such nasty thing, it will affect the target Location
and 0-2 contiguous Locations. The number of Locations is
determined by rolling 1D3 and subtracting 1. The exact
Locations are to be determined by the Gamesmaster
according to the circumstances and the position of the
character being struck.
When such nasties impact o n the ground they will affect
the target hex and 0-2 additional hexes. The first additional
hex will be in the line of the throw. There is a50% chance that
the second will also be in the line of the throw. Otherwise it
wiil be adjacent to the first hex of splash. See illustration.
Such things will spread further on the next Combat Turn
unless eliminated by dousing or counteracting. The second
turn spread will be to all hexes contiguous to the original
hexes and have a rating for strength equal to the nasty's
current strength minus 1. If this reduces the strength t o zero
there is no spreading effect.


henry christen (order #23380)

Your old buddy, Joe Gamesmaster has invited you over
one evening for a session of something called a Role
Playing Game Whassa Role Playing Game? When you get
there, Fred and Charley are sitting on the sofa, talking about
last week, when they opened the door and killed 4 or 6,
nowaittaminnit, did they say ORCS? Joe is sitting in a corner,
half buried behind a wall of papers, charts, graphs, and
assorted stuff, punching his calculator and fiddling with
some little plastic doodads that look like weird dice (at least
he is rolling them and looking at numbers on their sides). Of
course, he always was into weird cults. Maybe this is a new
religious kick. What you dont see, and this puzzles you, is a
board, darts, hockey sticks, a catchers mitt, or anything else
to give you a clue as to just what kind of game a Role
Playing is. You may, at this point, be justified in whimpering,
NOW what have I gotten myself into?
Well, it actually isnt as bad as that. First thing, if Joe is a
hardshell Gamesmaster, he probably has explained what
Role Playing is until youre ready to slug him. In any case, he
probably filled you in over the phone, and you know how
such games work, to a degree. I f not, then read the
introduction to Role Playing in this book, paqe 1. What we
are going to look at with a bit more detail here is just what
your job is, as a Player in an on-going Campaign.


It is probably a good start to skim through the rules, if you
havent done so yet. You probably cant read the wholething
yet, as parts of the Game are For Gamesmasters Only! Pay
particularly close attention to rules on how to design a Player
Character, because that is your first big job in any Role
Playing Game.

Ideally, the Gamesmaster should hold a special
Character Design session before presenting the Players
with their first adventure, orScenario. At this point, he and
his Players go over the basic rules, clear up any overall
questions on procedure, and design at least one Character
for every Player. It is probably advisable that each Player
have two Characters to start with, so that asad mishap part
of the way through the first scenario will not leave the Player
with nothing to do for the rest of the evening. O n the other
hand, it may be desirable to limit the first adventure to one
Character per Player.
This will permit the participants to concentrate o n properly
handling their figures without trying to keep both Characters
going at the same time. The final say o n the Character to
Player ratio for a given adventure is the Gamesmasters.
The first step in building a Character is quantifying his
physical and mental traits. This usually includes such
characteristics as physical strength, reaction speed,
intellect, and so on. Some games assign a random score,
rolled on dice, to these areas. Other, including this one, give
Players a basic number of points which they may allocate
among the Characters traits pretty much as they please.
The idea behind this system is to permit the Player to build
what he conceives to be the ideal hero. It will soon become
apparent that you cannot make the Character above the
average in one area without putting some other Attribute
below the norm. See page 4 of this book for the detailed
rules on designing these physical and Mental Attributes.

In designing yourearly Characters, it will be wise to try and

foresee just what abilities a high score will buy you, not to
mention what a low score will d o to your Characters survival
potential. It is unlikely that you will come anywhere near an
optimum design in the early stages. Of course, it can be
interesting to construct a Character who is markedly low in
some areas, with near-superhuman scores in others, just to
see how far he gets. If the Gamesmaster permits multiple
Characters o n one Adventure, fascinating results can be
obtained by designing a team: two Characters who between
them comprise a mix of high scores, in the tradition of Fritz
Leibers Fafhrd and the Grey Mouser.
After setting the basic Attributes, most Games, including
ours, will derive certain secondary traits from these scores.
We call these Abilities. Again, the Player should familiarize
himself with just what these Abilities control in play, so that
he can fiddle them into acceptable shape. Discovering that
you really murdered some Ability score may cause you to go
back and adjust the Attribute allocation. This is perfectly
legitimate at this stage of the game.
In our Game system, the next stage is the generating of the
Talents, inherent aptitudes o n the part of the Character.
The rules governing Talents are on page 7 of this book, but
as stated there, the manner in which the scores are
generated are Campaign dependent, to be found in Book 2.:
The Gamesmaster may have altered this system to fit his
particular Campaign, and this should be checked first.
Again, as you allocate the Talent scores, try and foresee how
they will affect the Character you want to portray. A
hardened warrior will, or should have, a significant
Combatative score. The scholar will have a high score in
Scientific and Communicative talent, and so on.
The basic process ofbeing born as a Character covers all
of this preliminary allocation of scores to the Attributes and
Talents, and the derivation of the dependent Abilities. It
provides a rough picture of the physical and mental natureof
the Character.

The next step in Character design takes the Player through
what we call the Pre-Adventure period. This can be fairly
detailed, providing for the social standing of the Character,
his early training in schools or military service, or what have
you. Or it may be an abstract, generating a given number of
years, and the things acquired in those years, which the
Player may turn intoskills, knowledge, and cash. Again, the
final form is Campaign dependent, and options should be
checked with the Gamesmaster.
Opportunities will exist to improve the Attributes, and to
acquire Skills. See page 11 of this book for a description of
skills and how they work. It is at this point that the Player
needs to really think out the question of what he feels this
Character is like: what personal goals has he set for himself,
what were his formative years like? Should he concentrate
on the Combat Skills, having the Character begin to acquire
mastery of the arms of his culture? Or is the Character more
studious, a scholar of the mysteries of nature, science, and
philosophy? has he studied the arts of the thief, mastering
locks and stealth, or, if the Campaign admits of such arts, the
dark knowledge of the occult? In other Games, the usual
technique is to have the Player assign his Character a
profession, which defines theskills available to him. We offer


henry christen (order #23380)

the ability to pick freely what areas your Character can enter,
and in the future, if he lives, he can branch out into other,
unconnected, fields of endeavor.
Upon finishing the Pre-Adventure, the Character is fully
designed on the outside. He will have achieved his fullest
development in his inherent and acquired capabilities, and
can only go further after entering the danger fraught world of
an adventurer. There will remain only one step more.


As mentioned o n page 2, it is the view of the authors that
enjoyable Role Playing implies that the Player tries to think
like the Character while playing, reacting to events as he
would. To do this consistently, implies that the Player has put
some thought into the psychology of his Character.
Now, from the design of Attributes and Talents, along with
such ancillary data as physical appearance and size, the
Player has a decent picture of what the Character looks like.
From the Pre-Adventure, he knows what areas the Character
has studied, what abilities he has specialized in. As stated
earlier, the hinge-pin of all these earlier decisions is the
question what do you want the Character to be able to do?
Putting all these factors together, the Player can begin to
move in on the concept of what kind of person his Character
The usual pattern we have seen in playtesting indicates
that, at first, Characters tend to be very like the Player who
design them. But soon, for various reasons, there will spring
up a crop of Characters with unique personalities,
sometimes diametrically opposed to the Players own values.
One of our playtesters has a Character of long-standing,
initially a fairly benign if not overly brave type, who
commited an act of cowardice in a tight spot. Surviving the
ordeal by these means, he has since developed a number of
curious traits by betraying his initial principles, and now is
quite powerful, but at the cost of his humanity. The
Character in question now is motivated by a series of values
foreign to the Player who designed him, and is tormented by
the conflict between what he was and what he is. The
psychological price of his achievements in terms of inherent
human characteristics has generated some actions in play
which revolt theother participants. But theadventuresof this
figure are fascinating, and his saga is not dull. I f his dilemma
does not destroy him, his future promises to be equally
Now that case evolved as a Character found his original
values unstable in the face of stress. Sincethen, Players have
reported equally interesting results to be obtained by
designing Characters who are, from the outset, completely
unlike themselves, even Characters whom they find
unsympathetic, but who fit a heroic image that interests the
Player. This is an attitude that should be encouraged. If Role
Playing Games have a value beyond sheer entertainment,
then it is in this: Players are given some insight into the
workings of human psychology under stress, and hopefully
come from the experience with a better and more tolerant
understanding of how they and their fellows respond to such
So it would seem that theeffort to take a half hour or soand
work out the basic values for the Characters is well worth
while. And even if the Campaign situation is best served by
betraying those values, the Player will find it more enjoyable
to try and work out a solution in a manner suitable to the

Characters personality than one which merely follows the

dictates of expedience. The Gamesmaster should reward
such consistency of Play in subtle but suitable ways.

One thing about Role Playing Games that can confuse the
new Player is the fact that the Games never end, there is not
real way to lose, except to die, and no final winner, except
those who survive. Sometimes even a Characters death can
be a victory, if it is heroic.
It is necessary to understand that the essence of Role
Playing is autobiographical. Players and Gamesmaster are
combining to write the life history of the Characters, who
are presumed to be heroic in stature. A biography may be
episodic, with the high points of the subjects career
providing plateaus in the storyline, but the book never ends
until the subject is dead. In a full Campaign, where Players
have other Characters operating, the loss of one particular
figure ends his story, but there are others ready to fill the
gap, with ongoing sagas of their own, and the overall flow of
things is not interrupted.
In order for the Characters to develop along these heroic
lines, it will be best form the Campaign to all epic scope.
Not that it need encompass huge territories or immense
conflicts, but the challenges to the heroes must allow them to
face and overcome greater-than-normal challenges, just as
their training gives them greater than normal potential. A
reading of heroic literature will provide the Gamesmaster
and Players with a view of what this entails. We might
-The Iliad and Odyssey of Homer
-Malorys Morte DArthur, and the related Arthurian
works of de Troyes and the trouveres, and von
Eschenbach and the minnesaenger.
-Modern heroic fantasy, in all its legions, led by Robert
E. Howard, Poul Anderson, Alan Burt Akers, Michael
Moorcock, Fritz Leiber, Roger Zelazny, et al.
All of these, and other works, illustrate the concept of the
hero in a vital and entertaining manner, and the sensitive
reader will come away with a powerful impetus in his playing
style, with the all-important realization that death only hurts
a little, and glory lives on forever.
It is easy to slip into a one-dimensional value system in a
Role Playing Game. The term hero embraces the Bad
Guys as well as the Good. The latter can be narrow-minded,
callous, self-righteous and vindictive. Galahad, in the
various Grail legends, is such a one at times. Villains,
contrariwise, can be generous, brave, noble, merciful to foes,
honest and honorable. Observe the traitor, Lord Gro, and
even his necromantic master, King Gorice of Witchland. in
Eddisons The Worm Ourobouros. The greatness of heroes
is proved only when they fight equally great villains.
So let the Players demand the utmost of the Gamesmaster
in the challenges they face, and as long as he keeps the
abilities of the Player-Character in mind, let the
Gamesmaster in kind. Apply courage, cunning, and honor in
equal parts when playing, according to your Character and
the Campaign, and even if you lose, you will win the Game.
Because played in this light, you will find it an exhilarating
and cathartic exercise in imagination and vicarious
excitement. And that is how to really win in Role Playing:


henry christen (order #23380)

To a new Gamesmaster (and often to an old one) the
demandsof the job can makethestrongestquaiI.To beinsole
charge of the way a given group plays the Game, tormented
by doubts as to whether one is doing it right, whether the
Players are enjoying it and what to do for the next Adventure.
Its enough to give you gray hairs!
Any Role Playing Game depends in large measure on the
Gamesmaster. The rules cannot be written to cover every
case in detail, and they should not be. The flexibility to meet
any demands placed upon the Game system by the
requirements of the Players and Gamesmaster is what gives
a Game its attraction. For the rest, lots of notepaper, a good
imagination (with some cribbing from genre literature), and
patience all stand the Gamesmaster in good stead.
This overview of the Gamesmasters task is broken down
into three broad areas:

Before Play: The work involved in setting up the






During Play: Running a playing session. Fairness

doctrines. Secrets and mysterious events. Running
Non-Player Characters properly.
After Play: Effects of successful Players on the Campaign.
The Experience question. Housecleaning the
We will be dealing in generalities in this Section. Specific
cues to Gamesmasters for this particular Game will be found
in Book 3. Our goal here is to help the Gamesmaster get a
handle on how to organize his work with this (or any other)
Game, to set up a working Campaign with the minimum of
wasted effort or frustration.

Lets assume you have never run a role Playing Game
before. You have a nice, new Game, not an hour out of the
store, box just opened in front of you. Now what?

Quite seriously, the first thing to do is read it. Start with
whatever book is labelled #1 and skim through the whole
thing, all the books in order. Dont try to bash your memory
into retaining all the details at this point. Try and get an
overall picture of the following:
-What kind of fantasy setting(s) idare approriate for
this Game?
-Does it lack anything I really want to see done?
-How do individual Characters work in the system?
-Does it offer any helpful hints to the Gamesmaster in the
Now, you probably would not have bought the Game
unless you wanted to run a Campaign based on what it
simulates. But you wont really know how it operates until
you have completed this first read-through. I f you have
bought something suitable for Musketeers in the hopes of
using it to set up a Wild West Campaign, you missed
something somewhere.
If the Game has the potential to do what you want, then you
are halfway home. Next we look at what specific rules it has,
what it might have left out, and what rules you dont care for
(too sketchy, too complex, boring etc.). If the rules do not
cover something you wanted in the Campaign, then you will

need to look elsewhere, either by combining two rule

systems or else designing the rules yourself. Many
Gamesmasters find this latter course more rewarding.
Pay attention to the way Characters are designed and
operated in the Game. These figures, after all, are the
principle medium by which you and your Players will
interact. The first thing you will have to help Players do is
design at least one Character, and you will also need to
prepare your own Characters to people the Campaigns
various locales before actually playing.
Now re-read the basic rules for common actions in the
Game: such activities as fighting, movement, acquiring and
using Skills, etc. The contents of this Book will provide that
information for this Game. You should know how such
things work in some detail, so that a Character can have a
fight or cross the street without your needing to look it up in
the rules.
But do not let this proviso override common sense. Never
hesitate to call a halt in play to look up some rule you are
unsure of. The little time lost then will save a lot of time (and
emotion) later on when someone questions the events of 10
minutes ago as being different in the rules. Another
suggestion: Always let players know in advance i f the basic
rules for the game have been changed to some variant
system. This does not mean you should tell them that a
weapon or trap not documented in the rulesbooks is lurking
around the corner. That is part of your Campaign and the
Players can only find out about it by experience. But if you
have designed an alternate method of Combat, the Players
MUST know how it operates if they are to use it properly.
Lastly, re-read this type of article, aimed directly at giving
the Gamesmaster a grasp of how to operate. If you disagree
with some suggestion, ignore it. Also read examples of play,
especially those written to show what the action looks like
from the Gamesmasters point of view.


Once you have a grasp of the rules, it is time to start
considering the Campaign you intend to build.
This is the very heart of being a Gamesmaster: creating the
fantasy Campaign wherein the Player-Characters will vie
for heroic honors.
First, consider the overall color of the Campaign. This is
in many ways a question of period. In some Campaigns,
Gamesmasters have decreed a great mix of cultures. but
many prefer their Campaign to center around a specifictime
in Earthly history (or the history of their particular world) i f
only to keep the possibilities of the Campaign a little more
under control.
Decide roughly in what period your Campaign is set, this
will provide many leads as to details of dress, weaponry,
armor, and what Skills and equpment are available to the
Characters. The next step is to outline the society in which
the Characters live. If your Campaign is indeed on Earth, and
in a historical period, a bit research in popular histories or
even well-written historical novels will provide all the
background you are likely to need. If you are designing an
alternate Earth, or a fictional world, you can construct the
culture to fit your needs. If you are designing a Campaign to
fit a particular fictional world from your favorite books, the
source works will provide the atmosphere you want.
Slavish concern for historical accuracy is not necessary. If
you want to build a Campaign on Earth history, do not feel


henry christen (order #23380)

you must be absolutely faithful to what was. Often, greater

pleasure may be derived in a Campaign based o n what
should have been. The classic example is King Arthurs
Britain, which should, historically, be set in a Romanized
Celtic society around the 7th century. However, most Role
Playing Games for Arthurian England are set in the high
medieval (14th century) which was the environment used
by Malory in his Morte dArthur.
What is good enough for literature is surely good enough
for gaming purposes.

Once you have the background for the Campaign, which
can be as diverse or as limited as you wish although having
capacity for expansion as the Campaign proceeds, it is time
to turn to the first in a series of design tasks: the scenario.
A scenario is the outline of an Adventure in which a group
of Player-Characters are going to try and accomplish some
goal. This can be fairly open or very specific. The Classic
Example of the open scenario consists of sending the party
into an elaborate Place of Mystery, (a haunted castle, lost
city, derelict starship, or some other place of treasure and
danger) to try and survive while they loot the place. Such
scenarios are useful, since once the initial design work on
the place is finished, it can be used over and over, until looted
out. The problem with open scenarioes is that if they are all
the Players can tackle, the Campaign tends to get into a rut.
Specific scenarios might be described as missions. The
Player-Characters have some task to perform. Rescuing the
kidnapped princess, bearing the vital dispatches to General
Garcia, running Damnation Alley with a truckload of antiplague serum, are classic literary examples of specific
scenarios. The advantage is that such adventures
give the Players a definite goal to achieve, and permit the
Gamesmaster to write a somewhat more detailed storyline.
Their main disadvantage is that once accomplished, the
scenario cannot be tackled again by the same players.

Once the Gamesmaster has a comfortable degree of
familiarity with the rules and has prepared a scenario (or
decided to use the starting scenario enclosed with this
Game), then he is ready to invite the Players over for a
It is advisable to get your Players together prior to this first
adventuring session in order to go through designing a
Player-Character, to get the Characters outfitted, to orient
Players to your Campaigns history and culture, and to
answer questions about the gaming process. If the Players
have not bought copies of the Game, they will need to read
this book and also Book 2, as well as any other reference
materials aimed at the Players. Under n o circumstances
should players read Book 3 or other material marked as
sacred to the Gamesmaster! They may have read these
materials on their own, if they also own copies of the Game,
but this should not happen during playing time. If something
occurs to allow Players direct reference to some information
in Book 3, or other such restricted material, the
Gamesmaster can either read it to them, jot down a note, or
allow them to look up the particular reference.
So, Characters ready and armed with knowledge of their
World, the Players wait for the scenario to begin. This can be
accomplished in an infinite number of ways. Gamesmasters
have been known to offer the opportunity to undertake a
scenario as a commission from mysterious, cloaked figures,
or by shanghaiing the Player Characters onto a ship which
eventually runs aground on a certain uncharted isle, or
otherwise contriving to put the adventure in their path, or
conversely, put the Characters in the adventures path.
Sometimes the Players miss theclues and walk right by the
opening of the scenario. A creative way to nudge them into

the correct approach can usually be improvised. Failing that,

the Gamesmaster always has the option of pointing out the
error to the Players. Again, some Players take one look at the
horrifying prospect presented by the scenarios beginning
and decide they want no part of it. This can cause problems,
and often occurs early on in a Campaign, before the
Gamesmaster and Players are at home with each other. This
leads us to the whole question of Player enjoyment.

There are no compelling reasons for playing games if the
participants do not enjoy themselves. Wewill not presume to
try and define just what appeals to you in Role Playing. The
attractions are so varied that it is not really material what
turns you on to them. What is germane is the need for
empathy among the garners. If the Players really loathe some
type of situation, it behooves the Gamesmaster to think long
and hard about using that element of the Game in his
Campaign. If the Players are eager to tackle some particular
type of adventure, then the Gamesmaster is well advised to
quietly draw up a scenario along those lines.
But Players should not dictate the course of the Campaign.
That is the Gamesmasters domain, and the fun he has
planning things is the recompense he receives in lieu of the
swashbuckling his Players get to indulge in. If the
Gamesmaster plunges the Campaign world into a war, or
interdicts travel in certain areas, it is improper for the Players
to gripe at him for it. And, just as their Characters may decry
fate to no avail, so shall Player complaints about such
matters come to naught.
The touchiest situation in Player-Gamesmaster relations
arises when the Players can justly complain that the
Gamesmaster is being unfair. Not in the sense that Fate is
unfair when random events plague their Characters, but
that the Gamesmaster is deliberately fudging things so that
the Characters lose (i.e. die during adventures). The
converse is equally ugly: when the Gamesmaster suspects or
proves that somebody among the Players is deliberately
The former situation can be due to oversight by the
Gamesmaster (Come to think of it, that really was too
rough) or a common point of view in Role Playing which we
feel is not conductive to enjoyable gaming: when the
Gamesmaster feels he is competing with Players, andwins
if he can kill off as many Characters as possible. The
Gamesmaster should preserve a detached view of the
Campaigns progress. What good the Players have
accomplished should be rewarded. If they have
accomplished something particularly dumb, it should be its
own punishment with no extra salt rubbed into the wounds
by the Gamesmaster.
When Players are deliberately cheating, the rest of the
group must exercise its best judgement. I f the offender
shows no signs of correcting his behaviour, then he must
obviously be barred from further play. Be careful not to jump
to the conclusion that someone is trying to pull a fast one
when it may be that he is misunderstanding the rules. When
something happens in play that should not have occurred
under the rules, the Gamesmaster and Players should calmly
examine the result. If it is possible to roll the action back to
the point where the error occurred and pick it up from there,
this is the best solution. If such a decision will adversely
affect the sessions play, it is probably best to let things
stand. Patience and rational discussion will serve all
concerned much better than unfounded accusations. This is
a GAME: that implies that it is not worth playing if the rules
are not followed, but likewise should preclude severe
emotional upsets if things do not always go smoothly. In
any case: The Gamesmaster has the FINAL word in
resolving all questions of procedure during play.


henry christen (order #23380)


There can be no hard-and-fast rules for the Gamesmaster
in the details of running a playing session. Campaign
activities will bear the imprint of his own personality
modified by the Players who interact with it.
The usual manner in which a session in a Role Playing
Game runs is as follows: The Players choose their
Characters for the scenario to be played. This may be afairly
free choice, especially in the early days of the Campaign, or
may be restricted by who is in town at that point in the
Campaigns calendar, or Time Line. The decision may also
be controlled by the past history of the Character(s)
involved. In any case, the Players select the Characters
suited to the scenario and attend to any outfitting they need
and can afford. This is also the time when the Gamesmaster
will need to start filling them in on advance information (if
any) for that scenario.
Once these preliminaries are completed, the adventure
begins to move. The Players know their Characters are
pushing beyond the boundaries of safetyand civilization and
into the realm of imminent danger and fantastic encounters.
The gloves come off.
The progress of the adventure is conducted by telling each
other what is happening. The Gamesmaster tells the Players
what is happening around their Characters, and the Players
respond by telling the Gamesmaster what their Characters
are doing as a result. Players can ask questions, seeking
further information about their surrounding or the events
confronting them. The Gamesmaster can answer with more
detail, relevant clues, irrelevant facts that are indeed evident
but have no bearing on anything important. Players cannot
ask for information beyond the reach of their Characters
senses or knowledge. A classic example is along the lines of:
GAMESMASTER: You enter the building and find
yourself facing a solidly closed door.
PLAYER: is there anything on the other side?
GAMESMASTER: (With a secret smile) You tell me.
The Player cannot get an answer until his Character has
opened the door and looked inside. Than and only then can
he ask if he sees the ravening Siberian Tiger waiting there.
The traditional Listening at the Door ploy which might also
be used at this point will succeed or fail according to the
Tigers behavior, the doors construction, and the doctrine af
Hidden Things, explained on page 5 of this book. The
Garnesrnaster will be the one who determines if anything was
heard, and if so, what.
Play continues in this form until the session is over,
Basically, nothing that is not stated verbally or in writing is
assumed to have happened in the campaign. This requires a
good deai of honesty and a fair memory on the part of both
Players and Gamesmaster. Characters who, moments
before, were stated to be holding aflashlight in one hand and
turning a doorknob with the other cannot have a gun in their
third hand (?) ready to shoot the critter on the other side of
that door as soon as it opens (unless they DO have a third
hand). On the other hand (fourth hand?), the Gamesmaster
must try and note the things the Players are doing that will
affect their vision of things, possibly in ways that the
Characters are not even aware of. Assumptions in either case
can be dangerous and it is really better to ask just what is
going on if doubt exists. As the Campaign proceeds, Players
and Gamesmasters will tend to evolve their own conventions
for calling their actions. Newcomers to a group should be
briefed on such conventions, or they will tend to get


The Stars of the Campaign are, of course, the PlayerCharacters. They are the bozos out to carve themselves a
rep. If theysucceed,theywillstartgettingrecognition. But not

everyone in your Game going to be a PlayerCharacter. There are also the NON-Player-Characters, the
Other Guys.
The Gamesmaster plays all the Characters in the
Campaign not under Player control. Ideally, he will be able to
speak/act in character for at least the major membersof his
cast. There are several levels of complexity involved with
Non-Player-Characters. At the bottom of the list are what we
call Extras. These are the non-combatants. When one of
them gets in harms way, he is usually doomed. Next are
those we call Rabble. Rabble are slightly more resistant to
getting offed than Extras. It is usually not necessary for the
Gamesmaster to get too involved with characterizations for
these types of Non-Player-Characters, as they do not last
long enough to develop well. To be brutally frank, their main
purpose is to get killed fighting with Player-Characters, or
by valiantly joining them against a common foe.
Other Non-Player-Characters function exactly as do
Player-Characters. In general, the better developed such a
Character is, the more detail the Gamesmaster will have
designed for his personality and background. At the top of
the list one finds the Personality Non-Player-Characters.
These are the big-time operators designed by the
Gamesmaster to fill particular niches in a given scenario or
the Campaign world in general. This bunch includes the
great heroes of the Campaign, the ones who have already
achieved the heights the Player-Character are after. Of
course, the Personality figures also include the Bad Guys,
against whom most Player-Characters will find themselves
opposed in the scenarioes. (Just reverse certain words in the
preceding two sentences if you are dealing with PlayerVi I lains).
But besides other human beings, the Gamesmaster will be
simulating the behavior of animals and creatures falling into
the twilight zone category of monsters. In Book 3 we have
provided data in the sections cataloging the non-human
Characters as to their general personality traits (if any trend
exists), special fighting tactics (how is a lion likely to fight in
close quarters?) and other general guides. The
Gamesmaster should familiarize himself with these.
In general, the same remarks made about Player
consistency in portraying their Characters should be
observed by the Gamesmaster.

The last section of this article will try and give an overview
of the Gamesmasters job in keeping the Campaign going
outside of the actual playing time. The care and feeding of
Characters as they increase their abilities, the Happening
World the Characters live in, the retooling of scenarios in
the wake of an invasion by Player-Characters, these will all
be touched in the other rulebooks of the set.


Role Playing Games, unlike most other recreations, do not
really end. The results of one playing session will
permanently affect all subsequent sessions. The main thrust
of the Game is biographical, a dramatic creation of the
adventurous life of the Player-Character. As Players tackle
the really BIG adventures, gaining resources with each one,
their actions will start to impact the status of the Campaign
as a whole. The Garnesmaster monitors this activity and may
exert some control over it as he deems necessary.
For example, on an adventure to some remote place of
mystery, a Player-Character finds and retrieves a nearly
invincible weapon. Consider: now the Player will not be
vulnerable to any challenge resolved by combat. WOW,
Great, says he! After his 50th easy victory of so, both Player
and Gamesmaster will note the loss of a certain charm in the
Game. It becomes a sure thing, and what before was a


henry christen (order #23380)

gamble in the face of death becomes mindless murder. The

killing maching the Character has become mows down all
No problem, you may think! Just design some special
creature that will be on a par with the Characters ability.
Then some other poor shmoe runs into the beastie and dies
without a chance. Sorta rough.
The above illustration is one of the commoner problems
encountered when dealing with Game Balance. As
Characters start out in the Campaign, they are not usually
equipped with the best they can get. They are not as
proficient in their Skills as they might be. They are, in short,
easy prey for a really hefty challenge. The early scenarios
should reflect this. But as they advance, the Characters will
become an altogether tougher proposition and their
challenges should increase proportionately. But, there is a
point of diminishing returns in all this. Eventually the
escalation will either find a new equilibrium (sort of an
optimum Level of heroism) of a type suitable for the
Campaign milieu, Or the insane arms race will continue,
until human capability and valor are incapable of meeting the
test. The Gamesmaster must exercise all his judgement and
ingenuity to help his Campaign progress smoothly to the
fully energized, stable level of heroism, and prevent the
runaway development of invincible Characters and
unbeatable Monsters to fight them.
There will always remain certain areas which are not
resolvable by unaided human power. But these are the
extremes on the scale. The vast bulk of scenarios will deal
with things much closer to its center. Like most other
potential trouble spots in thegroup relationships, this can be
resolved by talking about it. I f the Players feel threatened by
the scenario, not because they are in danger (which is the
whole idea) but because they feel they cannot win (i.e.
survive), it behooves the Gamesmaster to make sure he has
built an adventure resolvable by good play, or at least brave
play, rather than a pure deathtrap with no option at all.
The exception is the scenario which has been advertised
as a real stinker. If the Players undertook it knowing it to be
very lethal, then second thoughts are no good. One may be
sure the Characters are having them too, but it is a little late
for that.


When you stop to consider it, Player adventurers are very
small potatoes as far as most of the inhabitants of the
Campaign are concerned. O h sure, the ones directly
concerned are convinced of the importance of all these
shenanigans, but what does the larcenous activity of a bunch
or avaricious mercenaries have to do with the price of
potatoes on market day? Not a great deal.
As your Campaign grows in scope, the events in its history
will assume a life of their own, far removed from theeventsof
the scenarios. Nations will go to war (possibly offering
employment as soldiers or spies to the Player-Characters.
Plagues will ravage certain areas, closing them to free
passage. Religious movements, piracy on the coasts,
barbarian raids, a multitude of things will testify to the world
outside of the adventurers experience. Hopefully, they will
want to be a part of this Happening World and become
involved in the pulsing heart of affairs in your world. If not,
then do not try to force them into the public eye. Not every
Cimmerian is born to be a King!

The nature of the Happening World is u p to the

Gamesmaster and his imagination. Major news from distant
places can be a superlative means of signalling to theplayers
that the territory in question is now available for travellers
and teeming with fresh opportunities for glory and loot. In
many cases, you will also need to work out at least a vague
history for the Campaign. How else can one explain how
things came to be as they are? The more your Campaign
encompasses, the greater the need for a vital, living world to
hold it, with its own stream of events. The values it can add to
the Campaign are incalculable.

There comes a sad time in every Gamesmasters career,
and usually it is an early experience, when the first adventure
set in his carefully constructed Place of Mystery has ended
and he must assess the damage. A skillful (or lucky) group of
Players can go through the most exquisitely planned
labyrinth like army ants, disabling traps, slaying guards,
extracting valuables, busting in barriers, scribbling on the
walls, littering, you name it.
Now you had figured the Place to be good for half a dozen
expeditions, but the shape it is in now, a three-year-old with a
slingshot could knock it over. What do you do?
Your options will vary according to your Campaign. If the
Place has any sort of residents, with some access to
maintenance gear, they could conceivably reset traps and fix
doors, move treasure and post new guards. Invaders who
rashly re-visit human establishments will usually find things
considerably tightened up since their last raid. If the main
villain of the scenario avoided death or capture, he will
probably abandon the stronghold if it cannot be re-fortified.
Surely he will remember the strangers who wiped out his
holding! Likewise, loot missed the first time around will
probably not be there if all the defenses have been wiped out.
There are jackals who follow the tracks of the Players
lions. Specific details will depend soley on the
Gamesmasters wit and whim. They will often tie in to the
Happenings described above.
The same philosophy applies to the more public activities
of the Player-Characters. Many cultures have laws regarding
such lighthearted pastimesasduels to thedeath, and Players
who flout such conventions too often or too openly risk legal
sanctions. Again, this is entirely Campaign dependent.
Players often seem to forget that the Barbarian societies (socalled) are usually more rigorous in the adherence to custom
in such matters than many more civilized ones. Depending
on your worlds view of such matters, it may be sheer folly for
Player-Characters to try and behave in a town the way they
would on an expedition. Some fascinating possibilities are
inherent in this concept and a wise Gamesmaster will exploit
them fully.

General discussion of the Gamesmasters task could go on
indefinitely. Put two of this breed down in a corner
somewhere to see a convincing example of verbal perpetual
motion. The main precept to remember is this:
You will make errors early on in the Campaign. At
times you will have no idea what to d o next. It is a big
headache of a job. But as things progress, you will
find new ideas and fresh insights into the Game
process coming to you. It can only get more
interesting. It is your world! G o to it.


henry christen (order #23380)










This is a very hostile reaction. It usually indicates the initiation

of action if the overall reaction is unfriendly. If theoverall reaction
is friendly, it tends to indicate a lack of interest in continuing to
deal with the Player Characters.

06-1 5

Very Poor


This is a negative reaction. It can indicate growing hostility.



Negative Indifference







Positive Indifference

o: : :



This is a negative reaction.


It signals a deteriorating

A n undecided reaction with leanings to the negative

This reaction indicates no leanings in one direction or the
other. In negotiations, it might call for a period to consider the
A n undecided reaction with leanings to the positive.


This is a positive reaction. It can signal an improving



This is a positive reaction. It indicates growing friendliness and

a willingness to agree.


This is a very positive reaction. It tends to indicate willingness

and helpfulness. As an initial reaction it may indicate aid is
offered freely and before it is requested.

The reaction table is used as a guideline t o the reactions of

non-player characters whose reactions are not already
predicated situation. The Gamesmaster may also use it to give a
finer gradation to the reactions of those non-player characters
whose general reactions are already assured by the situation.
The descriptions of the results of the die roll are given in
general to allow theGamesmasterthefreedom totailora response
to the particular situation in thegame. Due to the natureof dice, a
reaction may swing from one end of the spectrum to the other. I f
the Gamesmaster feels that a particular result is wholely
unsuitable, he should feel free to reroll until he gets a result that
he feels is appropriate.
In many cases, a roll on the table to give thegeneral toneof the
non-player character's reaction to the Player Characters, or to the
situation, makes interpretation of later rol!s easier. An overall
reaction of Excellent will probably not lead to an attack with a
result of bad unless the non-player character has in some way
been betrayed by the Player Characters.
The Gamesmaster may feel that the situation surrounding an
offer should havean effect on the reaction due to it nature. lnsuch

cases the Gamesmaster should assign a value t o it and add or

subtract the value from the die roll to give the result.
In all cases it should be remembered that this table is a
guideline only and should not b e used slavishly at theexpenseof
good role-playing or the progress of an interesting adventure.
A Gamesmaster can also use the table in another way when he
is at a loss for a way to determine a result of a deliberate action or
a chance happening. By treating the dice as a sort of oracle, th?
Gamesmaster may phrase a question which can essentially be
answered yes or no. The result of the die roll will indicate a
positive or negative response. An indifferent response might
require the dice to be rerolled. For example, the Gamesmaster
might ask: "Did the character's portable lantern get broken by nis
fall down the stairs?" A result of "Good" would indicate that it
was broken. An "Excellent" result might mean it was smashed
beyond repair. A "Poor" result might indicate that it survived the
fall but its durability is reduced. whilea "Bad" result would mean
that it was not even scratched. If the fall was a particularly lcng
one the Gamesmaster might have added the length in meters to
the die roll.


henry christen (order #23380)


Combat Procedure Flowchart


henry christen (order #23380)

Combat Procedure Flowchart



henry christen (order #23380)

henry christen (order #23380)


henry christen (order #23380)

henry christen (order #23380)


Introduction. .........................
Age Group.. ...........
Origins for Characters
Development Points .....
Psychological Profile and Talents
Initial Attribute Values
Skills Determination ............
Alterations to Attributes.. . . .

............... 2
............ 2

................... 3
Basic Clothing ......
Initial Armor ...........
Initial Equipment ........
Hand-to-hand Combat Skills ......
Muscle Powered Missile Weapons ............ . 5
Non-Technical Physical Skills ....
High-Technology Physical Skills .............. 5
Final Calculations .............................
dotes on Character Generation ................ . 6
ple Character ..........
.................................. 8



Firer Movement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 2
Firing From Cover ...................... . 3 3
Kneeling 8 Prone Position . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 3
One HandITwo Hand-Offhand . . . . . . . . . . . 3 3
Surprise 8 New Targets.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 3
Sighted Fire.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

BDG (Bullet Damage Group). ................ 3 5

Damage Capability ...
......... . 3 5
Missile Special Effects
......... . 3 5
Ballistic Modifiers ......
......... . 3 6

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0

Combat Skills .


Unarmed Combat Throw Table.. ......... 11

Muscle Powered Missile Weapons ........... 14
Small Arms ................
Support Weapons ..........
Nan-Technical Physical Skills ................. . 1 7
Non-Technical Knowle
Technical Physical Ski1
Technical Knowledges ........................
High Technology Physical Skills .............. . 2 2
High Technology Knowledges. ................ . 2 3

.............................. 51
Barter Process ............................... . 5 1
Barter Values.. ................................
Guideline Barter Values
Clothing and Armor .
Guns and Bullets.. ........................
Muscle-Powered Missile Weapons . . . . . . . . . . 5 2
Hand-to-Hand Weapons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 2
Firearm Ammunition.. ....................
Grenades and Explosives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..5 2
Gear and Equipment
Armor ..................................... . 5 3
Auto Repair Kits.. ..........................
Batteries . . . . .
..................... 53



Books ......................................
Calculators.. . .
Chemical Gear
Clothing ......
Communications Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .54
Containers .................................. 54
Decontamination Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 4
Drafting Equipment
............... 5 5

Jacketed Bullets
Fragmenting Bul



Grenade Launcher.. ........

Physical Specifications .....................
Barrel Length
Gun Action . .
Folding Stock (Feature). .................. . 2 5
Ammunition ................................
Ball and Shot ............................
Magazines ................................
Other Factors





The Gun Rules

Match Weapons (Feature). ................. 2 7
Range Table .............................
Shot Spacing..


Reloading Timetables.




Recoil Rediiction (Option)

Featiires Enhancing BCS . . . . . . . . .
Firer Action- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Brace Weapon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Rrst Weapon.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 2

henry christen (order #23380)


Terrain Danger Factors ......................
Durability Consumptio
Explosive Rating . . .
Vehicle Safety Devices
Firing on Vehicles ............................
Barrier Effect, of Vehicles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 0
Vehicle Critical Hit Table ................... . 6 1
Hard Targets Special Effects Table ........... 6 1
Anti-vehicle Ammunition. .................... 6 2
Anti-Tank Guided Missiles . . .

Blast Ratings.. ........

Description 01 Explosive


Who Can Fire a Girn'. .................... . 3 0

Ready Weapons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 0
Otiick Draws (Option) . . .
Handlinq Untamiliar Weap
Inherent Accuracy Table.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3 t
Firinq Stance., ........................... . 3 1
Fiill Stance.. . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . .. 3 t
Present Stance . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Hip Fire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Weapon Modiliers ........................ . 3 1
Ranqr! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Tolescopic Sights (Option) . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3 2

Demolition Skill
Unskilled Use

Operating a Vehicle
KPH to DAT Move
Conversion Tab
Maximum Safe Sp
Vehicle Type Safe
Tactical Travel ...............................
Accidents ....................................
Accident Type Table

Starvation.. . . .
Water .......................

Hand Grenades

Land Mines ....

Pressure Plate
Claymore Mines
"Bouncing Betty


Booby Traps ..........

Special Triggers.. .........

About Cannibalism ............................ 65

............... . 6 5
Survival Skill
Weat her. . . . . . . . .
............... 4 8 Player
Characters A
When Time is Out
The Character and the Promise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 7
Practical Considerations
............... 6 8
Appendix 1: Character Generation Checklist. .... .69
Appondlx 2 Skills List.. ........................
Appendlx 3: Armor Materials
Appendix 4: Weapons Listing
Appendlx 5: Shields ............................
Appendlx 6: Firearm Features.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 7 4
'Appendix 7: Sample Vehicles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 5
Appendlx 8: Glossary.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .78

This is the first book of the rules as they specifically relate
to an Aftermath! campaign. This book deals with the creation of characters, the Skills available to them, and rules for
dealing with life after the Ruin.
Detailed character creation and the equipment available
are based on certain premises. These are that civilization
continued to develop until sometime in the late twentieth or
early twenty-first century. Things then began to fall apart or
were ripped asunder. The time is now about twenty years
after the collapse of organized society as we would come to
know it. The nature of the collapse is left unspecified. This is
the Gamesmasters province and should be specific to his
If the Gamesmaster does not wish to accept the basic premise as detailed above, modifications should be made to the
character generation system and the level of equipment
available. The game as designed can be used to simulate a
wide variety of ruined worlds and can be set in the recent
past, the present, or the near, or even far, future.


In this section of the rules we deal with the generation of
characters intended for play in an Aftermath! campaign. The
various steps in this process are presented in the order in
which they should be performed. Each section is accompanied by a reproduction of the part of the Character Record
Sheet on which the pertinent information is recorded.
The specifics noted for characters in this generation process apply to a campaign set approximately twenty years after the final collapse of civilization. If the Gamesmaster
wishes to set the campaign at another point, various things
should be altered. These include initial Skills available, origins for the different age groups, initial equipment availability, the chance of a character being a mutant and possibly
even the age groupings.
If the Gamesmaster so desires, he is operating within his
authority to specify that a beginning character is in a specific
Age Group, has specific origins, and has access to a limited
array of Skills and/or equipment. This is usually done when
the Gamesmaster has a specific place of origin for the characters in his campaign or a player is replacing a lost character in the middle of an adventure.

The player may determine the characters actual age by

adding the results of 2D5 to the base age. This information is
entered on the Character Record Sheet.
The characters Age Group will affect much of the rest of
the generation process. Each Age Group will receive certain
initial skills and other benefits and/or detriments. Each Age
Group is dealt with separately below.

Group 0-Character

receives an initial score in Post-Ruin

Culture and 1 non-Firearm Combat Skill of the players
choice. The character also receives 2D5 Attribute
Increase Points. (These are dealt with later.) The
character has a 2 in 6 chance of being Changed. The
player must check on the Origins Table on page 2.

Group 1-The

character receives an initial score in PostRuin Culture, 1 non-Firearm Combat Skill, and the
players choice of Literacy or Technology Use. The
character receives 2D5 Attribute Increase Points. The
character has a 1 in 6 chance of being Changed. The
player must check on the Origins Table on page 2.

Group 2-The

character receives initial scores in Literacy,

Technology Use, and 1 non-Firearm Combat Skill of the
players choice. The character also receives a score in
Culture but the player may specify whether the prime area
is Pre- or Post-Ruin. The player must check the
Development Point Table on page 2.

Each player should roll 1D20 to determine his characters
Age Group. If a player strongly desires to play a character in
a given Age Group, the Gamesmaster may allow this without recourse to a random die roll.
The results of the die roll are checked on the table below.

Group 3-The character receives an initial score in Pre-Ruin

Culture and the players choice of any 2 non-Firearm
Combat Skills or 1 Firearm Skill. The character also
receives doubled initial scores in Literacy and
Technology Use. The player must check the Development
Point Table on page 2. The character may suffer aging
effects. (These will be dealt with later.)


Age Group
Base Age



Group 4-The

character receives doubled initial scores in

Literacy, Technology Use, Pre-Ruin Culture, and the

henry christen (order #23380)

players choice of 1 Firearm Combat Skill. The player

must check the Development Point Table on page 2. The
character will suffer aging effects.

Group 5-The character receives initial scores as Age Group

4 plus an initial score in a Survival Skill. The player must
check the Development Point Table on page 2. The
character will suffer aging effects.
All characters will receive an initial score in Brawling Combat Skill and i n 1 Survival Skill.
Specific Skills received should be noted in the Skills section of the Character Record Sheet. Any Attribute Increase
Points should be noted to one side of the Attribute section on
the CRS.


No increase i n points.

i 1-3

Receive 2D3 Attribute Increase Points.


Receive 2D5 Development Points.
10-12 Receive 105 Development Points and 1D3
Attribute Increase Points.
13-15 Receive 2D5 Development Points and 2D3
Attribute Increase Points.


The specific source of training and knowledge available to
a character in his formative years will modify what Skills are
allowed to him. To determine the characters origins roll
1D10, add the characterk Age Group to the result and consult the table below.


1-2 Wild upbringing: the character has primarily been o
his own for most of his life. He has had no formal or
rigorous training. The character may not begin with
any Technical or High Tech Skills

The psychological profile of the character gives an initial

value to each of his Talents. These initial values may be
altered following the rules given in Book 1. For each Talent,
the player should roll 1D10, consult the table below and enter
the result in the Allocated column of the section for Talents
on the Character Record Sheet.
The player will then roll 2D6 and add the result to 15. This
is the number of Talent Points which he may allocate among
the characters Talents. Remember that no score may
exceed 20. The adjusted scores for the Talents should be
entered on the Character Record Sheet.
Any changes after this point will be entered in the Current
Column. If no change is made the Allocated value is the
Current value.


Die Roll Talent Initial Rating

3-4 Tribal upbrining; the character has been raised in a

group reduced to a tribal level of society. The character may not begin with any High Tech Skills and Technical Skills have doubled cost for him.





I Talents

(15 + 206 =-points


to allocate

-- -- -lu



-- --




Each character will have some Development Points. These
can be used in two ways. They can be used as Skill Pointsto
buy Skills or they can be used as Attribute Increase Points
to buy increases to the characters Attribute scores.
Each character receives a number of Development Points
equal to his base age. These may be split as the player desires between Skill Points and Attribute Increase Points
Characters in Age Groups 2 through 5 should roll 1D10,
add their Age Group to the result and consult the Development Point Table below.
Whensthedivision of the total Development Points is made,
the total Attribute Increase Points and the total Skill Points
should be noted in the margin of the Character Record
Sheet .

The beginning character in Aftermath! receives 75 points

to allocate among his Attributes. These are distributed as the
player desires among the six Attributes. No score may be
less than 1 or more than 40. When the player has decided on
the distribution of these points, they should beentered inthe
Allocated column in the Attribute section of the Character
Record Sheet.

henry christen (order #23380)

At this point the player should decide what Skills the
character will possess. Ski1lsarebought using Skill points.
The cost in Skill Points for each Skill is given along with the
Skill and its initial score i n Appendix 2. A character with insufficient Skill Points to pay the cost of the Skill may not
begin with that Skill.
A Skill may be bought at twice the norma1costin order
for the character to receive a doubled initial score in that
Skill. This is the maximum initial score that a character may
Some Skills have Prerequisite Slfills. The character must
have all Prerequisite Skills with a iminimum score of 25 in
each if he is to acquire theskill which has such prerequisites.
A character who does not have the Prerequisite Skills or
whose score i n the Prerequisite Skills is less than 25 is not
allowed to begin play with the Skill in question.
The values used for any calculations of an initial score in a
Skill are taken from the characters Allocated Attribute
scores and the Allocated Talent scores.
The name of each Skill and thecharacters initial score in it
should be entered on the Character Record Sheet in the
Off-hand Dexterity



* - - - - A -


Attribute Increase Points are the voluntary method of Attribute increase before the beginning of play. The total number
of Attribute Increase Points is the number of D3s that the
player may roll. The sum of these die rolls is the number of
points that the player may distribute among the characters
Attributes. These increases may be used to counteract the
effects of age or mutation or toenhance such of those effects
as the player considers beneficial.
When these modifications have been made, the new
Attribute scores are entered in the Permanent column of the
Character Record Sheet. Any subsequent changes to the
Attribute scores which are not specified as permanent
changes will be entered in the Current column. If no such
change has occurred, the Current score will be the
Permanent score.




Attribute scores may be altered before play in any of three
ways. These alterations can be due to aging effects,
Changed status or Attribute Increase Points.
The effects of aging are given in Book 1 on page 45. The
character is assumed to undergo the effects of each breakpoint up to and including his current actual age.
Changed status may or may not affect Attributes
depending on the nature of the mutation. This information
will be provided by the Gamesmaster. He has the rules
concerning mutants in Book 3 and will inform the player of
the nature of the characterk mutation and its effects on the

The player will roll 1DlOO for each of the following characteristics: Size, Bulk and Looks. The category for each is
entered on the Character Record Sheet and the total of the
recognition factors for each characteristic is entered as the
Base Recognition Factor.
The player may cross-index the characters Size and Bulk
groupings on the Personal Encumbrance Chart to determine
this value. It should also be entered on the Character Record
The necessary Table and Chart are found i n Book 1 on
page 10.



patolul EWC

Each character will begin with some basic clothing. To
determine what the character begins with, the player should
roll 1D10, add the characters Age Group and consult the
table below.



Roll (D10)








Fatigue Pants
Combat Boots
Field Jacket

4-1 1,21-28







henry christen (order #23380)

Total ENC



Armor Value/Location

AS 6-10 PIUS



As 11-13 except
plus Steel pot




Each character receives a number of Barter Pointsequal to
twice clis Base Age which the player may use tobuyarmor.
Guideline Barter Values are on page 52 and in Appendix 3.
All prices are base prices and these Barter Points may only
be used for acquiring armor for the character. Any extra
points are lost.
Armor acquired in this fashion should be in the form of
some real sort of armor. Each item and the pertinent information concerning it should be entered on the Character
Record Sheet in the Armor section. The best ArmorValueon
each Location should be entered on that Location on the
Body Map provided on the Character Record Sheet
The Total Encumbrance Worn may now be calculated.
The Average Armor Value is calculated following the rules
on page 17 of Book 1 and entered on the Character Record

any subsequent Skills the die is 1D20. The first failure to

receive a firearm prevents any further rolls. If this roll
indicates a firearm and the Utility Number roll indicates
nothing, the firearm is currently Disrepaired. Roll again for
its Utility ignoring Utility Numbers less than 1.
Any firearm will come with 3D6 rounds of the correct
The Gamesmaster may have specific tables for the availability of various items of equipment which mayaltertheavailability of some of the equipment listed below. In any case,
the Gamesmaster is the final arbiter of the exact nature of all
initial equipment.


Die Utility
Roll Number Explanation



Utility-0 Very low utility; for initial equipment it

usually means that none is received.
Utility-1 Low utility; poor initial equipment.
Utility-2 Average utility; standard quality initial
Utility-3 High utility; above-average quality initial
equipment .
Utility-4 Very high utility; high quality initial
equipment; often indicates a high tech


All characters will receive certain basic equipment. This is
listed on the reverse side of the Character Record Sheet. If a
die roll is indicated the player should roll the appropriate die
or dice and record the number on the CRS. This collection of
initial gear is known as a survival kit. In addition to this
gear, a charactei will receive a container in which to carry
things. The player will roll on the Utility Number Table and
may choose any container of the indicated Utilityfrom those
listed in the container section of gear and equipment on page
Various Skills are noted as having the possibility of initial
equipment. For any Skill so noted the player should roll1 D10
and note the number indicated on the Utility Number Table.
This will indicate what i f anyequipment is received for that
Skill. Later in this section such Skills and the appropriate
starting equipment are listed.
When checking for a Small Arms Skill, a special roll must
be made before checking for the Utility Number. Forthe first
Small Arms Skill that the character has, the player must roll
less than or equal to the characters Age Group for him to
have a firearm appropriate to that Skill. The die rolled in this
case is 1D6. For the second such Skill, the die is 1D10. For

For most Hand-to-Hand Combat Skills the player may

choose a weapon from the Weapons Listing in Appendix 4
that has the Utility Number generated (oralesserone) and is
usable by that Skill. Exceptions are noted below. If the Skill
allows a character to use two of the weapons, a Utility
Number one higher than that called for by a weapon will
allow the character to have a pair of the weapons. In any case
a higher Utility Number than the weapon of choice will
indicate that the weapon is a improved version. For an
improved version, roll 1D6. On 1-3 the weapon has a WDM
increase of .1 times the result of 1D3 and on 4-6 the weapon
has a decreased ENC of .1 times the result of 1D3. If a player
wishes to choose a weapon rated 1 Utility Number higher
than rolled, he may but the weapon will be inferior. It will
have the WDM decreased by .1 times the result of 1D3, the
ENC value increased by .1 times the result of 1D3 and the
Survival Value halved.
The indication of a High Tech item (Utility Number4 where
the highest available weapon Utility is a 3) will mean that the
weapon is electrocharged. Such weapons require an E-5
battery. Each time they hit they will discharge one charge
into the target. This occurs even if the armor is not
penetrated by the weapon but is subject to the rules for
electrical attack given in Book 3. An electrocharged weapon
has an ENC value increase of .2plus the ENC of the battery.
The player need not accept an electrocharged weapon.
With Hand-to-Hand weapons there is a 50% chance that
the weapon is a reproduction weapon if such is available for
use by that Skill.
Brawling: Brass Knuckles are only received with Utility 3.
Two Weapon: Any weapon, subject to the strength rules,
usable with one hand can be used by a character with this
Skill. If the character has Single weapon Skill as well, the
weapon for that Skill will be determined first and will be
the characters primary weapon for Two WeaponsSkill. A
second weapon may be chosen but its Utility Number will
be reduced by 1.
Unarmed Combat: This Skill usually does not use weapons
but a Utility 4 roll will give the character a pair of karatands
if such items are allowed by the Gamesmaster. They are
made of Rigiplast and have an effective Armor Value of 7.
See the Gamesmaster for more specifics on Rigiplast.

henry christen (order #23380)

Weapon and Shield: If the character has Single Weapon or

Two Weapon his weapon will be gotten from those Skills.
The Utility Number times the result of 2D10 will be the
maximum Barter Point Value of the shield the character
has. These points are only applicable to the shield and
only 1 shield may be bought. Values and types of
shields are given in Appendix 5.


For most of these Skills two Utility Number rolls must be
made, one for the deliverysystem and one forthe projectiles.



Bow (Pound Pull)


2D2 x
2D3 x
3D2 x
4D3 x

Totally improvised
Shafts only improvised
Standard construction
Fiberglass shafts


The Pound Pull indicated is the maximum. The value may

be reduced to whatever level desired. Acharacter who recieves a bow will also receive 3D6 arrows. The choice of
heads for the arrows is at the players discretion. Avoluntary reduction of the Utility Number will allow thecharacter to have a fiberglass bow which has an ENC value of
75% of the normal value.
A character also receives a quiver (ENC 1) which may
be slung on his back or at his side. It will hold 20 arrows.
Blowgun: Utility 1 or 2 indicates a short tube which will
reduce ranges given in the Skill description by half. This
tube has an ENC value of 5.Utility3 or4 gives a long tube
with an ENC value of 1. A character who receives a blowgun will also receive 3D6 darts.
Improvised darts
Fire hardened darts
U-2 & 3 Metal darts
Metal darts and 2D10 units of anesthetic
poison of Strength equal to 103.
Bola: The Utility Number is the number of balls in the
characters Bola.
Crossbow: The Pound Pull is determined as for bows;the
multiplier is 20 instead of 10 but no fiberglass models are
available. The bolts and their number are determined in
exactly the same way as arrows. The character also
receives a case (ENC .8)which holds bolts as a quiver
holds arrows.
Sling: The character receives a sling. The Utility Number
is the number of six-sided dice used to determine how
many non-improvised sling pellets the character will start
with. Each has an ENC value of ,001.
Slingshot: The Elasticity of the weapon is equal to the
Utility Number. A Utility of 0 has an Elasticity of .5. The
number of sling bullets is determined in exactly the
same way as for Slings.
Throwing: The character may choose 1D6 weapons from
the Weapons Listing in Appendix 2 which are eligible for
use with Throwing Skill and have a Utility Number equal
to or less than the Utility Number rolled. Superior and
Inferior quality weapon rules apply as for Hand-to-Hand

character to begin play with a basic Magnatuner and the

E-1 battery to power it.

U-1 Crude lockpicks. ENC equals .2. Efficiency factor
equals .8. BCS modification equals -2.
U-2 Standard lockpicks. ENC equals 2. Efficiency factor
equals 1.
U-3 Quality lockpicks. ENC equals .25. Efficiency factor
equals 1.2.
U-4 High-quality lockpicks. ENC equals 3. Efficiency
factor equals 1.5. BCS modification equals 1.

First Aid:
U-0 1D10 Bandages.
U-1 Medkit 1 with 2D5 bandages.
U-2 Medkit 1 with 2D5 bandages and 205 units of medical
U-3 Medkit 2 with supplies as U-2.
U-4 As U-3 plus roll 1D10:
1-3 1D3 units of Panomycin
4-6 1D3 units of Polycellulac 3
7-9 Roll 1D6 for type but double
10 2D3 of each drug


Safecracking: A Utility Number of 4 will allow a character
to start with a stethoscope. This will add 1 to his BCS. It
has an ENC value of 5.

If the Gamesmaster is starting characters with a particular

scenario, he may provide them with additional initial equipment.
Characters are not allowed tollbarter off initial equipment
in attempts to improve their lot. This must be done in the
course of the campaign.
The initial equipment that a character receives does not
necessarily represent the best that the character has ever
had in his life. It is intended to reflect the results of the most
recent turns of fortune. The character with high scores in
Firearm Combat Skills who begins withoutagun has run into
a string of bad luck resulting in his losing whatever firearms
he had.
All gear received should be distributed, by the player,
about the characters person.


Gambling: The character with a Utility Number of 1
through 3 starts with a pair of dice or a pack of playing
cards. A Utility Number of 4 starts with both.
Handicraft: The starting equipment is at the discretion of
the Gamesmaster and will reflect the type of handicraft.
Magnalock penetration: A Utility Number of 4 allows the

henry christen (order #23380)

Having determined the equipment received by the character, the player must make the final calculations of various
numbers and enter them on the Character Record Sheet.
The Encumbrance Total for the character is made from the
ENC carried and the ENC worn. This is checked against the
characters Encumbrance Capacity to see if he is Partially or
Fully Encumbered. If he is, it will affect his Current score in
the Deftness and Speed Attributes.
Ability scores should be calculated according to the
appropriate formulas. Remember that some of these may
change if the characters Attribute scores change.
The Basic Chance of Success for each of the characters
Skills should be calculated now. Having these numbers precalculated will save time during actual play.
After conferring with the Gamesmaster the player will be
able to enter the characters base Recognition Factor on the
Character Record Sheet.

Maximum value carried with status

mwcrlnkrcd partiallyE~



All through the process the player should give thought to
the character that he is creating. The values of the various
numbers can be used to reflect the players conception of
this character. Beyond the areas covered on the Character
Record Sheet, the player should give thought to the
characters mental processes, likes, dislikes, fears, goals and
dreams. All these things would affect how the character will
react in a situation. Knowing these things and having the
character act according to them is the essence of roleplaying. The game rules provide a clear picture of the
characters appearance and abilities. It is up to the player
to provide the view of the characters nature.
At this point the character is ready for play. The rest of this
book presents rule sections concerning various aspects of
the campaign world and the things in it.

Jack Smith is creating a character for an Aftermath!
campaign. He envisions a man who longs for the lost technology and strives to retain it whenever possible.

A result ot a 020 die roll is 11, indicating an Age Group of 2.

This gives the character a base Age of 31. A die roll of 2D5
gives a result of 6, which when added to the Base Age gives
an Actual Age of 37.
Being of Age Group 2, the character will receive initial
scores in the Skills of Literacy and Technology Use. Jack decides that Post-Ruin Culture is most appropriate t o the
character, For his non-Small Arms Combat Skill hechooses
He also will receive an initial score in Brawling Combat
Skill and oneSurvival Skill. HechoosesSurvival in theurban
The next step is to determine the characters Psychological Profile. Jack rolls for the Talents in order. Each D10
is rolled and the results are checked on the Psychological
Profile Table. The results are entered on the CRS. Jack determines the number of points he has to allocate among the
Talents. The roll of 2D6 yields a 7 for a total of 22 points.
These are distributed among the Talents and the addition is
done to the values as shown on the CRS reproduction.
The 75 points are distributed among the Attributes. These
are recorded in the Allocated column of the Attribute
Jack is using 6 of his Development Points as Attribute
Increase Points. The rest are used to purchase Skills. He
buys the Skills listed on the CRS. All are at base cost since
Jack has decided that the character is a jack-of-all-trades but
not a masier of any and has not sought to double any of his
initial scores.
Having bought the Skills, he now determines his initial
scores in them using the formulas presented with the Skills.
Once the initial Skills are determined, Jack rolls 6D3. He
had used 6 Development Points as Attibute Increase Points.
Each one of these Points is worth 1D3 of Attribute Points.
The result of the roll is 13. Jack adds 6 to Wit, 1 to Will, 4 to
Deftness and 2 to Health. These modified scores and the
unchanged scores for Strength and Speed are entered in the
Permanent column.
The character is too old to be Changed and too young to
experience aging effects. Thus no further modifications are
made to his Attributes.
The characters Physical Characteristics are now
determined by rolling 1D100 for Size, Bulk and Looks. The
die rolls are 25.51 and 64, yielding results of Below Average,
Average and Average, repectively. Cross-indexing Size and
Bulk on the Personal Encumbrance Chart shows that the
character has a base Personal Encumbrance of 3.9. The
Strength modification to this is (8/10) x .1 or .08,for a final
Personal Encumbrance of 3.98.
The base clothing die roll is a 2 to which is added the
characters Age Group of 2. This gives an initial clothing of
shirt, pants and sneakers.
The character has his base Age times 2 in Barter Points
with which to buy armor. This gives him 31 x 2 or 62. Jack
buys a helm of Plated Macroplast at a cost of 24 Barter
Points. He buys a Synthiplast gorget for 5 Points andbody
protection of Plasticloth for 33 Points. This totals to 62
Points exactly. In keeping with his conception of the character, Jack has bought only plastic armor and clothing
although he could have gotten materials with a higher Armor
Value i f he had purchased metallic or non-metallic armor.
Jacks Skill choice gives him only 5 Skills which may start
with initial equipment. For Brawling Skill the result of his
Utility Number roll is a U-3 so he will start with Brass
Knuckles. The number for his bow is U-2. The result of the
called-for roll of 203 is a4. 4 x 10 yields a40-Pound Pull bow.
The character will start with 3D6 arrows. The die roll is 10, so
he puts the arrows in his quiver. The Utility Number roll for
the arrows gives a U-3 which is standard construction
arrows. Jack decides that 5 of the arrows will be Target
Arrows and 5 will be Hunting Arrows.

henry christen (order #23380)

To determine if he receives any firearms, Jack first rolls

1D6. The result is a 2, which is equal to his Age Group. This
means he will receivea modern pistol, since Pistol. Modern is
the first Small Arms Combat Skill listed. He now rolls 1D10 t o
see if he receives a weapon for his Pistol, Primitive Combat
Skill since that is the next listed. The result is a 4 which is
greater than his Age Group. He will not receive a primitive
pistol and may not roll 1D20 to see if he would receive a
modern rifle for his other Small Arms Skill. The pistol is a .45
caliber AL Standard barrelled pistol. His 3D6 roll gives him
10 rounds of ammunition.
Jack also makes the appropriate die rolls for the gear in his
survival kit.
Having selected a knapsack as his Utility 2 container, Jack
has all the equipment that his characterwill start with. He totals this to get the Encumbrance total, which is the sum of
that Worn and that Carried. His total Encumbrance Worn
adds up to ,1055, which is rounded off to .11. The total Encumbrance Carried is as follows: In the knapsack is all of the
suvival kit except the canteen. This totals .29 but since it is
in a properly worn container its effectivevalue is .15.On or in
the belt are the canteen and the pistol, which now holds 7
rounds of ammunition. This has an ENC value of .2 plus .4, or
.6. The quiver with arrows hasavalueof (1/2+ (lox .05)/2) or
.75 and the bow a value of .4. His three extra rounds are
placed in a pocket where their ENC value is halved t o 0.15
and rounded to .02. The Brass Knuckles are also placed in a
pocket for a halved encumbrance of .05. This all totals 2.02
ENC Carried. The total Encumbrance is thus 2.02 plus .11, or
2.13. This is well within the characters Encumbrance
Capacity, so he will be Unencumbered.
All ability values and BCS scores are calculated now. Jack
informs the Gamesmaster that the character has no distinguishing marks and does not wear distinctive clothing.
The characters base Recognition Factor receives no modification and is thus the sum of the factors noted for his Physical Characteristics. They were 1 plus 0 plus 0, or 1.
Choosing the name of Hank Snowden for the character,
Jack informs the Gamesmaster that his character is ready for

henry christen (order #23380)

Characters will have the Skills chosen for them by their
players. These will allow the characters to function in the
game environment. Besides the basic functioning of Skills as
explained in Book 1 some Skills can be used to perform

A Task is a job involving a Skill which can not be resolved
by a simple die roll in Detailed Action Time. A given Task is
rated for a Task Value (the number ofrask Points required to
complete it) and a Task Period at the end of which a
character accumulates Task Points.
At the end of a Task Period, the length of which is
determined by the Gamesmaster, a character will make a
BCS roll for the Skill Involved. A successful roll will allow the
character to roll the Effect Die for a specified Attribute,
usually Deftness or Wit. A critical success (die roll of 1 when
the BCS is greater than 1) raises the characters Attribute
Group by 1 for that die roll. This die roll result is the base
number of Task Points that the character will finish in that
Task Period. Failure o n the BCS roll will mean that no
progress is made during that Period towards finishing the
Task. A critical failure (adie roll of 20) will result in thetotal of
finished Task Points being reduced. The base reduction is
determined in the same way as the base progress is
If a Skill requires tools, equipment or facilities, they will be
rated for their Efficiency Factor. This Factor will be
multiplied by .1 times the Effect Number (the difference
uetween the die roll and the characters BCS). The modified
Efficiency Factor is multiplied by the base Task Points
finished. These are added to the total finished if the BCS roll
was successful and subtracted i f the result was a critical
With some Skills, units of supplies are necessary to
produce the finished product. For these the type of material
required will be specified. Some Skills will result in a smaller
number of units of finished product than of initial material.
The method for calculating the percentage of original
material turned into product will be given with the Skill
Description. In these cases round fractions down.
Occasionally one Skill is needed to determine what is to
be done and another is used to do it. A BCS roll is made with
the first Skill, with success meaning that the character knows
what to do. Failure means he does not know what to do and
critical failure means he thinks he knows what to do. In the
latter case, performance of the task will proceed normally
but the end product will be wrong. Such boondoggles waste
time and materials and, in some cases, can be downright
For the most part the formulation of the difficulty of aTask
is left to the Gamesmaster. He has the final say as to the
number of Task Points required to finish the Task and the
length of the Task Period. Some guidelines are given in the
Skill descriptions where the products are not so variable as
to be beyond space limitations. A Task with a short Period
but a high number of Task Points may beas difficult and time
consuming as one with a longer Period but a lower number of
Task Points. The Gamesmaster may make a Task more
difficult by imposing a negative modification to the BCS.
This can be done to reflect the character dealing with an
obscure or unusual or very difficult application of the Skill.

The Skills presented in this section are a cross-section of
skills available to a character in Aftermath! world. The
Gamesmaster may add additional Skills or eliminate some
that are presented here in order to tailor the game to hisown
campaign. Players should always check on the availabilityof
Skills with the Gamesmaster.
Skills are presented as follows: The name of the Skill; the
Positioning if a.Combat Skill; a letter code; the initial score
for the Skill; and a number indicating the Format on the first
line. I f the Skill is Format 2, the number will be followed by
the names of the areas the Skill is broken down into. The
second line will contain in parentheses any prerequisite
Skills required by the Skill. Following this will be the
description of the Skill.
Once a player is generally familiar with what the Skills can
do he can consult the Skills Listing in Appendix 2 when
constructing a character. This listing does not contain
descriptions but does contain the cost of a Skill in Skill


A-This Skill has an Averaging function.
T-This Skill always requires tools or some other equipment
to be used in its primary form.
S-This Skill sometimes requires tools or some other
equipment in order to be used in its primary form.
E-A character with this Skill may start with some initial
equipment pertinent to the Skill.

Brawlinb (Frontal)s
STR + DFT + Combative
This is unskilled, knock-down and drag-out style fighting
The fighter may strike with a hand and receive a secondary
strike or he may strike with a foot and make only the one
attack. Hand attacks receive -5 to the Hit Location roll and
are considered Short length weapons. Foot attacks receive
+5 to the Location roll, are considered Average length
weapons, and add the Mass of the fighter to his Strength for
determining the Effect Die to be rolled for a successful
The fighter has a Weapons Damage Multiplier of 1 plusthe
Armor Value of the Location with which hestrikes divided by
30, rounded to the nearest. Damage done is 75%subdual (C
type) except on Critical Hits when it is 50% subdual (B type).
For details of the effects of blows on armor see Unarmed
Com bat Skill.
Brawling Skill covers the use of improvised weapons such
as bottles, broken bottles, chairs, table legs, etc. The fighter
uses an Average BCS in these cases to resolve his attack.
When the ravening hordes are closing in and there is no
better option, a fighter may utilize a rifle or pistol butt as an
improvised weapons and attack with an Average BCS
using Brawling Skill.
Fencing (Presented)T
SPD + DFT + Combative
This Skill is a refined form of Single Weapon Skill. Its
difference from that Skill lies in the Positioning used and the
Attributes involved. Fencing Skill operates as a normal HTH
Combat Skill.

henry christen (order #23380)

DFT t STR t Combative

This Skill governs the use of flexible and jointed weapons.
Some of these weapons are capable of a special form of
attack called Entanglement. It must be stated which type of
attack is being made before the attack is resolved.
In all cases an Entanglement attack may also do some
subdual damage. The user of the weapon makes his Effect
Die roll in the usual fashion but the effects of the armor on the
Location struck are affected by its Format. R format armor
will stop all of the damage; SR type will reduce the damage
by its normal Armor Value; and all other formats will reduce
the damage by one-half their normal Values rounded
Some of the effects of an Entanglement attack are
dependent on the Location struck. The Effect Number of the
successful attack is cross-indexed with the Location on the
chart below to get the special result of the Entanglement
attack. A Critical hit will add 10 to the Effect Number.
Once a flexible weapon user has gotten an Entanglement
effect, he may attempt to maintain his hold on the target. This
requires a matching of Deftness Effect Group Die rolls. If the
users is higher he maintains the hold, and, if the Targets is
higher, the user must attempt to get a new grip for his next

Flexible Weapon (Frontal)

Knife (Frontal)
DFT + SPD + Combative
This Skills is also a specialized form of Single Weapon
Skill. It governs the specialized use of short, edged weapons
which are held in one hand, such as knives, daggers, broken
bottles, razors and short bayonets.
Due to the training i n this Skill, there is no penalty when
using the Off-hand to make an attack. This is not a TWO
Weapon Skill, however, so a character attempting to fight
with two knives is subject to the rules for two weapon



Head & Neck


No Effect








Abort Action

Abort Action


Check for Daze






Check for Daze

Knocked over


t o & up



Knocked over
plus check for
Fall results




The target receives 1 Distraction to all

BCS for a Combat Turn.


The target receives the users Deftness

Group in Distractions for a Combat Turn.

Check for

The target compares his Health Group

Effect Die roll to the users Strength Group
Effect Die roll. If it is higher there is no
effect other than the Distractions.
Otherwise he is Dazed as well.


Action or do something else. If a hold is maintained the target

is limited to 1 meter moves for each Action even if he is
performing none. That is, he may not move freely. The user
will roll his BCS at the end of his Action. This BCS is his base
BCS and will determine the Effect Number to be used forthe
results of this Actions attack.
A target may break a hold by attacking the weapon t o
destroy it (treat the weapon as having the users Overall
Defense Ability); making a Strength Ability Saving Throw
with a free hand t o rip the weapon free; or incapacitating or
killing the user.

The effect is the same as the critical

7-9 PIUS
Check for
Knocked Over

Abort Action

The target must abort any Action in

progress that is not resolving on the Action
Phase on which the Entanglement attack is
resolved. If able under the normal rules
for initiation of Actions, the target may
reinitiate his Action on the next Action


The target is knocked from his feet and is

subject to the rules for falling. The targets
lower half is in the hex he had been
occupying and his upper half is in the one
most directly away from the weapon user.

Over plus

As above plus the target is at least Dazed.

effect Daze.
The effect functions as the critical effect
Stun except that the target functions
normally on the next Combat Turn.

Check for

The target and user compare Strength

Group Effect Die rolls. If the users is higher
the target is Knocked Over.

In order to achieve an effect against one of these

Locations the flexible weapon must at least be of Long
length. When one of these Locations is hit by such a weapon,
the target and the user should compare Deftness Group
Effect Die rolls. If the users is higher he gets to make a
second BCS roll subject to all the modifiers present for the
first one. If the roll is successful he will also have scored an

Entanglement effect on an arm. A critical hit will get both

21f one of these Locations is hit on a man in Stance with a
missile weapon all benefits of Stance are lost. He is treated as
if he were Engaged for purposes of getting off a shot and all
fire is treated as Hip fire.

henry christen (order #23380)

Some of the weapons governed by this Skill allow the

fighter to make a second attack without forfeiting his
Weapons Defense Ability. If the fighter chooses to make a
third sttack with such a weapon in one Attack Action, he will
forfeit his WDA for the number of phases required to
complete the Action.

Longsword (Frontal)T

STR + DFT + Combative

This Skill governs the use of two-handed edged weapons
such as longswords and greatswords. Non-edged weapons
such as pipes and staves may also be used but suffer a
modification to the BCS of (users point of aim minus 6).
Such weapons will have a secondary strike only if they
normally do and they are not Extra Long in length.
This Skill allows a specialized secondary strike with some
weapons. The fighter must declare that a secondary strike
will be made. He will lose the benefit of his Weapons Defense
Ability during that Action. If the first attack misses he may
immediately roll fora second attack using an Average BCS. If
the first attack hits, no secondary strike is made.
This Skill allows a fighter to use a sword that is normally
one-handed if the handgrip is long enough to get two hands
on it. When using such a weapon with Longsword Skill he will
increase the weapons WDM by his Strength Group divided
by 10.

Nunchaku (Frontal)T

DFT + STR + Combative

This Skill governs the use of the Nunchaku, a short flail,
The user of Nunchaku Skill is trained to useeitherone or two
Use of two weapons is subject to Strength Rating
limitations. Each nunchaku is capable of a secondary strike.
Use of the secondary strike when using a single nunchaku
costs the character the loss of his Weapons Defense Ability
for that Action. With two nunchaku in use, the Weapons
Defense Ability is not lost unless both are used to make
secondary strikes.
Nunchaku may be used in the same fashion as Tonfa with
regard to Unarmed Combat Skill Grapples and Counters.
The WDM of a nunchaku in this use is 1.5.

Polearm (Frontal)T

STR + DFT + Combative

This Skill governs the use of hafted weapons requiring two
hands such as halberds, spears, rifle and bayonet
combinations, etc. Such weapons are usually allowed a
secondary strike known as a butt stroke. Secondary strikes
of this type are not allowed to be made into Long Front or
Long Side hexes. The butt stroke has a WDM of 1 and does C
type damage.

Sai (Frontal)T

DFT + STR + Combative

This Skill governs the use of the Sai, a dagger-shaped,
non-edged steel rod. This weapon is pointed at the tip and
has two long tines curving down from the hilt along the
blades. The Sai may be used to Strike doing C type damage
with a WDM of 1.7. It may also be used to Thrust with a WDM
of 1.2 doing Lethal damage.
The user of the Sai Skill is trained to use one of two of the
weapons and the BCS of the second Sai is subject to
averaging with the characters Off-hand Dexterity score.
When using one weapon a secondary attack is allowed only
when making a Strike attack. Secondary attacks when using
two Sai follow the rules for Two Weapon Skill.
When utilizing a Defend Option a character with Sai Skill
may either gain the increase in Overall Defense Ability or
retain his normal value and gain a special ability. This ability
allows the user to attempt to disarm an opponent attack him
with a Hand-to-hand weapon. If the attack made by his
opponent would have hit the Sai user i f hk had had no Overall

Defense Ability, the Sai user may exercise this ability. Each
character will roll his Strength Group Effect Die. If the Sai
users result is higher, the opponent is disarmed and the
weapon will land 1D3 meters away in a random direction.
If using the Option Clash of Weapons, whenever the
circumstances arises that a clash is called for, the Sai user
may attempt to disarm his opponent. Failure to disarm his
will subject the Sai to chances of being broken.

Single Weapon (Frontal) STR

+ DFT + Combative 3
This Skill governs the use of one handed weapons in
combat. Any weapon designated as one-handed may be
used. The user usually has his off-hand empty.

Two Weapon (Frontal)T STR + DFT + Combative

The user of this Skill holds a one-handed weapon in each
of his hands. The weapons allowable due to weight and
wieldiness are dependant on the characters Strength as
detailed on page 5 in Book 1.
With this Skill a second, not secondary, attack is allowed.
The fighter will lose the benefit of his WDA during the Attack
Action. The first attack is assumed to be made with the
weapon in the favored hand. It receives a -1 to the BCS. The
second attack is assumed to be made with the weapon in the
off-hand. The BCS is averaged with thecharacters Off-hand
Dexterity and receives a modification of -1 before any other
modifiers are applied.
When not using it to attack the fighter is assumed to be
using the weapon in the off-hand for parrying.

Tonfa (Frontal)T

DFT + STR + Combative

This Skill governs the use of the Tonfa, a weapon
resembling a billy club with a short handle, at a right angle to
the shaft, at one end. The user of this Skill is trained in using
one or two of the weapons. When using two Tonfa, the
standard rules for Two Weapon Skill apply. As this is a
specialized Skill, thecharacter may not useotherweapons in
the manner of Two Weapon Skill unless he has that Skill.
Besides making normal weapon attacks, the character
with Tonfa Skill may use it in another fashion. The score in
the Skill is averaged with the characters score in Unarmed
Combat Skill. This allows the character to perform Unarmed
Grapples as presented in Unarmed Combat Skill. When
using one Tonfa in this fashion the characters WDM for the
Grapple is increased by 1 . This technique uses one Tonfa
and afree hand. This averaged BCS also allows the character
to attempt Counters in defending against attacks using
Unarmed Combat Skill.

Unarmed Combat (Characters option)

DFT + SPD + Combative
This Skill represents a no-holds-barred conglomeration of
modern martial arts techniques. There are three different
techniques available to the character using this Skill:
Striking, Throwing and Grappling. Both of the characters
hands must be free to use the latter two techniques. When
fighting an opponent who is using Unarmed Combat Skill or
Brawling Skill, a character does not receive the Situational
Modifier penalties for attacking to a Side or Rear hex or those
for prone or kneeling position.
These attacks are made with the hands or feet. They
normally do C type damage but, on a Critical Hit, they will do
B type.
HANDBLOWS: One handblow may be made with each
Hand in an Action. The second blow is averaged with
the Off-hand Dexterity score and causes the character
to lose his Weapon Defense Ability for that Action,
When only one hand is used for striking, the character
is assumed to be parrying with his other forearm, or
hand. Handblows are treated as Short length weapons.
They have a WDM of 1 + (AV on the hand/20) or 1 +


henry christen (order #23380)

(Aim score in Unarmed Combat/lO), whichever is

greater. A handblow receives +5to the Hit Location roll.
KICKS: Normally one kick per Action is made but the
character may elect t o make a second attack in the
same fashion as is done with Longsword Skill. Even
with a single kick the characters Weapon Defense
Ability is halved and rounded to the nearest. Kicks are
dealt with as Average length weapons and their WDM is
calculated as for handblows. For purposes of
determining the Damage Potential a character using a
kick will have his effective Strength increased by 1
Group. I f a kick is parried (a miss falling into the range
of the targets Weapon Defense Ability), the attacker
must make a Speed Ability Saving Throw or fall down.
Kicks receive a -5 t o the Hit Location roll.
BLOWS AGAINST ARMOR: Rigid armor halves the Damage Potential of handblows and kicks and makes all
damage received subdual only. Other armors act
normally. If the Armor Value of the Location struck
exceeds the Armor Value on the attacking characters
hand or foot, the attacker will take the difference
between them in subdual damage. A character with
Unarmed Combat Skill has a minimum AV of 1 + his
Aim score in the Skill for the purpose of comparing
these Armor Values only. It does not act as armor
against incoming attacks.
LEAPING KICKS: This is a specific tactic. It must be
declared when the Action is initiated. The charactw
may execute any Jumping Action available to him at
that time. He will resolve a single kick at the end of the
Jump Action. The character has a Combat Dodge
Ability of 1 greater than his normal value and no
Weapons Defense Ability. Against missile fire he has
twice his normal CDA. He will resolve the kick using an
average BCS in Unarmed Combat Skill and will receive
a negative modifier of -1 for ever 2 meters or fraction
thereof traveled in the Jump. If thetarget moves before
the Jump would be resolved, it will be resolved in the
standard fashion of missile attacks whose target
disappears before resolution. A successful attack gives
the character a +2 (1 for Jumping and 1 for kicking) to
his effective Strength Group for determing his Damage
Potential. If the leaping kick misses the character must
make a Speed Critical Saving Throw to avoid falling. If
the kick is parried or a Critical Miss occurs the
character will definitely fall.
A character may attempt to throw an opponent in his own
hex or any of the adjacent hexes. He receives a +1to his BCS
when the opponent is in the same hex. Only one throw attack
may be made in an Action.
A Hit Location of the head, neck, torso or arms, (LOC 1-12
and 21-30) indicates a full throw where the opponent is lifted
bodily and thrown to the ground. Normally he will land 180
degrees away from the hex which he just vacated. His upper
half will be in the hex nearest the thrower. The thrower may
change this hex by 60 degrees per point of Aim. The
thrower has the option of maintaining his facing or turning t o
face the hex into which the opponent was thrown.
The thrower also has the option of keeping or releasing his
grip. If he keeps it, a Deftness Ability Saving Throw will allow
him to make an immediate free attack using Grappling
Technique. If he releases his grip, a Strength Ability Saving
Throw will allow him to hurl his opponent 1 meter through
the air before he lands.
I f a thrown character is made to occupy a hex which
already has a character in it, they are treated as i f the thrown
Character was attempting a Deliberate Knockdown of the
other character except that the throwers Strength is the one
used to make the Effect Die roll. See Book 1, page 31.
A Hit Location to the legs (LOC 13-20) indicates a foot

Facing of Thrower and position of victim.

sweep resulting in afall fortheopponent. Hefallsawayfrom

the attacker. The thrower may attempt a Grappling
Technique free attack with a Deftness Ability Saving
Throw. Treat as a thrown character if the hex into which he
falls is occupied.
The full result of an effective throw does not occur simply
with a successful BCS roll. The Effect Number must be
determined and compared with the table below. Note that an
Effect Number of at least 4 is required for the opponent to be
actually thrown. A Critical Hit will add 10 to the Effect
Number. Treat the plus with Critical Hits as the WDM for any
subdual damage incurred by the thrown character. Critical
Effects of Sever are treated as broken bones.
BREAKFALLS: A thrown character who has Unarmed
Combat Skill may attempt to use that skill to lessen the
effects of a throw. The character will make a BCS roll
using an average BCS. If successful he will reduce the
throwers Effect Number by the Effect Number that he
has just generated. If this reduces the throwers Effect
Number below 0 then the character scheduled to be
thrown will receive no effects from the attackers






Outcome of Throw
The throw is incomplete. Target must abort any
Action in progress that does not resolve that
Action Phase. If able under the normal rules for
initiation of Actions, he may reinitiate the Action
on the next Phase.
Target is treated as Dazed (see Book 1, page 30)
for a full Combat Turn. He remains on his feet.
Target is actually thrown. He will be proneon the
next Action Phase. He is also subject to the
results of an Effect Number of 0 or 1 and must
make the usual Saving Throw to avoid theeffects
of a fall (see Book 1, page 32).
As 4-6 above and the thrown character will take
subdual damage equal to the throwers Strength
Group Effect Die roll. Armor will not reduce this
damage but each level of Blast Buffering will
eliminate 5 points of it.
As 7-9 above plus the victim must make an
immediate Health Ability Saving Throw or
succumb to System Shock. Blast Buffering will
add twice its level to the number needed.


henry christen (order #23380)

These techniques represent cunning grips on limbs,
chokes designed to render an opponent unconscious or
simple pinning holds. They are intended to disable or subdue
an opponent. Normally they may only be used against a
prone enemy or one in the same hex.
Against a prone oponent the character may perform a
Change Position Action as part of an Unarmed Combat
Grappling Attack Action. The attack is resolved at the end of
the Action. If the character has succeded with a Deftness
AST following a successful throw, he is assumed to have
done this as his free attack.
If the character makes his Unarmed Combat BCS roll
when using Grappling Technique, the hold is in effect and
will remain so without necessity for further BCS rolls until
the character releases the hold or his opponent breaks it.
Damage is resolved at the end of the Action during which he
maintains that grip. Damage done by Grappling Techniques
is 50% subdual and 50% psuedo-damage which is only
accumulated to determine when a Grapple is complete.
The Hit Location indicates the type of technique being
applied. A Hit Location to a limb (LOC 13-30) indicates a
Limblock. One to the torso (LOC 10-12) indicates a Pin and
one to the head or neck (LOC 1-3) indicates a Choke.
LIMBLOCKS: Limblocks do damage with a WDM equalto
1 + the characters total score in the Skill divided by 20
and rounded to the nearest tenth. The victim is unable
to move except at the grapplers whim. If the Limblock
is on an arm, the grappler may force the victim to move
at a maximum rate of a walk. If the Limblock is on a leg
the victim will be held motionless. This mastery is
achieved when the total damage done by the Limblock
exeeds the victimsstrength. Thevictim ofasuccessful
Armlock must release anything held in that hand.
If he wishes the grappler may attempt to disable the
limb when voluntarily releasing a Limblock. He rolls a
Strength Saving Throw. I f the result is in his Critical
Saving Throw range, the limb is broken. I f it is in his
Ability Saving Throw range, the limb will take critical
damage. I f the throw is in neither range the limb
receives damage which will disable it but the damage
will heal as if it were subdual damage. A critical failure
means that the victim receives no damage from the
attempt at all. The damage done by such a technique is
determined by the grapplers Strength Group Effect
Die roll. Such a release requires an Action to perform.
PINS. A Pin result against a non-prone opponent is
treated as a miss! A successful Pin means that the
opponent is held motionless on the ground by the
grappler. To be successful the accumulated damage
must exceed the victims Strength. Once successful
the accumulated damage must exceed the victims
Strength. Once successful, the grappler may only
continue t o hold his victim motionless or try toshift his
grip. Shifting grip requires a new BCS roll. The
grappler will receive an extra point of Aim even if he
normally has none. If the new BCS roll fails, the Pin is
lost and the opponent is free. Unless he has Unarmed
Combat Skill (when he will add hisWDA) thevictim will
only have his Combat Dodge Ability to oppose the BCS
of an attempt by a grappler to shift his grip.
CHOKES:Chokes are treated as Pins with the following
exceptions. The accumulated damage is measured
against the victims Health. When his Health is
exceeded he will be unconscious as if he had
succumbed to System Shock. If the Choke is
maintained past this point, all damage done will be
subdual. For each successive Action of Choking the
grappler will now increase his effective Strength group
by 1 for determining damage. He will eventually kill the
victim by subduing him to death (see Book 1,
page 36).

Rigid armor will prevent a Choke from being

successful and Semi-Rigid armor will subtract its
Armor Value from damage done. Other armor Formats
have no effect on a Choke.
Once the opponent has established a Grappling hold, a
character may only attempt to get free. He may not use a
Grappled limb. If the hold is a Pin or a Choke, he is treated as
if he were onestep moreencumbered. If this makes him more
than Fully Encumbered he will lose an additional 25% from
his Deftness and Speed and his BCS roll will have a modifier
of -8 to the score needed for success. The character has the
following options:
Assuming the correct limbs are free, he may make an
attack with any availableHand-to-hand Combat Skill at
a penalty to the BCS of 50% or -5 whichever is greater.
For Effect Die determination his Strength Group will be
reduced by 1 in addition to any modifications due to
weapon length.
He may attempt to make a successful average BCS
with his Brawling Skill. This will break the hold but will
cause no damage to the grappler.
He may attempt to make a successful Unarmed
Combat Skill BCS roll. This will break the hold but
cause no damage. If the result is a Critical Hit, he is
allowed an immediate free attack with that Skill.
Situational modifiers due to positioning do not apply in
these attempts and the grappler has his full Overall Defense

When a character using Unarmed Combat Skill is attacked
and the opponents attack fails in the range of the characters
Weapon Defense Ability, the character is allowed a free
attack against the attacker. He may use any Technique but
the type must be declared before the BCS is rolled. The free
attack is subject to the normal modifiers.
If the character using Unarmed Combat Skill is utilizing a
Defend Action, any attack which misses will allow the
character to make a free attack on his opponent.

Weapon and Shield (Refused)? STR + DFT + Combatative 3

The user of this Skill holds a one-handed weapon in his
favored hand and has a shield on his off-hand arm. The
character is treated as if he were using two weapons in terms
of weapons and shields allowable due to weight and
wieldiness. Use twice the Shields ENC value as a weapons
Strength Rating for this purpose.
A secondary attack is allowed using theshield. It issubject
to the usual rules for such attacks. The WDM for a shield
used i n this way is theshield Factor divided by 10. Damage is
C type.
Large shields add to a characters Overall Defense Ability
in Hand-to-Hand combat and all shields add to the Overall
Defense Ability against any missile attacks coming in
through the characters Front hexes.
A shield is struck by an attack when the attack is
successful and the Hit Location is covered by the shield or
when the die roll for an unsuccessful attack is in the
range protected by the shield. The range protected by the
shield is equal to any additions the shield gives to the
characters overall Defense Ability and, in the case of a
Hand-to-Hand attack, the characters Weapon Defense
A missile attack that falls into the range protected by the
shield still has a 50% chance of attacking the character It it
does the missile weapon will still be reduced by the Minimum
Barrier Effect of the shield. Roll for Hit Location normally.
A shield struck in a successful attack must be penetrated
before any damage can be applied to penetrating the armor

henry christen (order #23380)

of the target. Bullets will have their BDG reduced by the

minimum Barrier Effect of the shield. This yields the effective
BDG used t o determine the die t o be rolled for the Damage
Potential. Arrows and crossbow bolts will have their effective
Strength Group reduced by 1 for every 10 points or portion
thereof of Barrier Effect. Other muscle powered missile
weapons and Hand-to-Hand weapons have their normal
Damage Potential determined. From this is subtracted the
minimum Barrier Effect of the shield. T h e result is the
effective Damage Potential which may then beapplied to the
target. Any time that the normal Damage Potential of a
successful attack exceeds the overall Barrier Effect of the
shield that shield is reduced to the next lower class.
A shield struck by an unsuccessful attack will be attacked.
Bullets will reduce the shield by one class if their effective
BDG upon striking the shield exceeds the overall Barrier
Effect of the shield by 3 times its value. Arrows and crossbow
bolts will not reduce the shield but will stick in theshield and
add their ENC value to the shield's value. Other muscle
powered missile weapons will attack the shield as Hand-toHand weapons do and will stick in the shield to add their ENC
value if the shield user does not make a Deftness Ability
Saving Throw to dislodge them. Hand-to-Hand weapons will
reduce the shield class by one if damage done is twice the
minimum Barrier Effect of the Shield.
It requires 1 Action to remove a shield and 2 Actions to put
on, sling or unsling a shield.
Consider Kelly and his old police shjeld. The shield
is Class 4 and is made of one-half inch of heavy
plastic. The upper third is clear. The Barrier Value of
the plastic is 20.
Minimum Barrier Effect is 112 times 20 or 10.
Overall Barrier Effect is the Class (4) divided by 2
times the Minimum Barrier Effect (10) for a value of
20. The ENC Value is the Overall Barrier Effect (20)
times the shield's factor (15 for Class 4 ) times the
thickness ( 3 inch) times a constant (.005 for
plastics) yielding a value of .75 ENC.
Kelly's Skill score in Weapon and Shield is 80
giving him a Weapon Defense Ability of 4. When he

is attacked in Hand-to-Hand combat, he will add this

Weapon Defense Ability to his Combat Dodge
Ability to get his Overall Defense Ability. Since he is
using a Class 4 shield he will add an additional 1 to
this for a total Overall Defense Ability of 7. (His
Combat Dodge Ability is 2).
An opponent's attack could miss him totally,
strike him cleanly, strike the shield, or hit him o n a
portion of his arm covered by the shield. If his
opponent's Basic Chance of Success were 15 it
would be determined like this:
Die roll less than or equal to 15 minus 7 (that is
BCS minus ODA) means Kelly has been
successfully struck. Hit Location is rolled for
normally. If the Hit Location die roll indicates that
the attack is to be resolved against one of the
Locations stated as being covered by the shield
(see chart on this page) the shield itself must be
penetrated as well as any armor o n that Location
before damage is assessed against Kelly.
Die roll between or including 11 and 15 (that is
the range covered by Kelly's WDA and any pluses
to ODA given by theshie1d)means that theshield
itself has been struck. Damage against it is
assessed as indicated above.
Any other die roll indicates a clean miss. Note
that results of 9 or 10 are misses due to Kelly's
Missile attacks against a character carrying a
shield are resolved in a similar fashion. Of course
the character may not apply his Weapon Defense
Ability against a missile attack but his Combat
Dodge Ability may be enhanced by the type of
movement in which he is engaged. Any attack die
roll falling in the range "protected" by the shield's
plus to the Overall Defense Ability is considered to
attack the shield. Thus, in Kelly's case, against an
opponent with a BCS of 15, the shield adds 4 to his
ODA. Any attack die roll from 12 to 75 would attack
the shield.

Basic Statistics on Shields:


+ t o O D A vs.

to ODA In

HTH Combat

Locations Covered
Minimum Barrier Effect = (Barrier value of material x thickness)
Overall Barrier Effect = (ClassM, u p ) x (minimum Barrier Effect)
ENC value = (overall Barrier Effect x Factor x thickness x K)
K = .005 for plastics; .02for metals; and .01 for other materials.

Very Small
Very Large


henry christen (order #23380)


Archery (Refused)
DFT + WT + Combative

This Skill governs the use of a bow of any sort. The Basic
Chance of Success is modified by the strength of the bow,
the range of the target, the type of arrow being fired, and the
situation. Bows have no Weapon Damage Multiplier. This is
dependant on the type of arrow fired. The Strength Group
used to determine the Effect Die rolled is also range
dependent. The percentage chance of an arrow hit
achieving a Missile Special Effect is equal to the Damage
Bows are rated by their Pound Pull. This will determine
their Range Factor, Durability and Encumbrance value.
Range Factor (RF) = Pound Pull/lO, rounded nearest.
Durability (or DUR) = Range Factor/2, rounded nearest.
Encumbrance (or ENC) = Range Factor/lO, rounded
nearest tenth.
Thus, a bow with an 80 Pound Pull has a Range Factor of 8, a
Durability of 4 and an Encumbrance of .8.
How far a bow will throw an arrow, how clean the shot will
be and how long the bow takes t o draw will be dependent on
the character attempting to use the bow.

Strength of Bow versus User Strength:

Bow Range Factor greater than or equal to

results in




BCS mod.
Actions to Reload
unusuable by character

Thus an 80 Pound Pull bow is unusable by a character with

aStrength Groupof 1 or2. Acharacterwithastrength Group
of 3 or 4 may use the bow with a BCS modification of -2 and
one Action must be spent in loading and drawing the bow
before it may be fired. A character with a Strength Group O f 5
would fire the bow with no modifications due to the strength
of the bow and could fire an arrow o n each of his Actions.
An arrow may be held nocked and ready to fire for a
number of Actions equal to the users Strength Group.

Range Modifications for Bows

Distance in meters
Point Blank

RF x STR Grp
5 x RF x STR Grp
10 x RF x STR Grp
20 x RF x STR Grp

BCS mod.





Modification to Weapon Damage Multiplier of .1 x STR Grp.

Should a characters Effective Range be less than 5 meters, 5

meters becomes the upper limit on his Effective Range and
the value calculated for his Effective Range becomes his
Point Blank Range.

Modifications due to arrows

In use:

BCS mod.

Target arrow
Armor piercing arrow
Hunting arrow
Barbed arrow
as appropriate
Improvised head
Improvised shaft
Improvised fletching
Aluminum or Fiberglass shaft +1
Mopdifications due to situation


BCS mod.

Archers ring
No bracer
Interfering clothing
Sights in use


Eff STR Grp for Effect Die



Wind Effects to archery

Head Wind
Tail Wind

-1 to STR Grp for range calculations

+1 to STR Grp for range calculations

l/i normal


henry christen (order #23380)

Blowgun (Frontal)

HLH + WT + Combative
A blowgun is a delivery system for darts carrying some
kind of drug. Dart damage is calculated for penetration
purposes only. Darts will never damage shields. The Effect
Die for determing the penetration is based on the users
Health Group. The die result is multiplied by the WDM of the
dart. If the result is greater than or equal to the Armor Value
on the Location hit, the substance of the dart will be
introduced to the targets system.

Range Modifications
in meters

BCS Mod.

Eff. HLH Grp

for Effect Die

Point Blank 2 meters

If a characters Effective range is less than 2 meters, 2
meters becomes his effective range and the calculated value
becomes his Point Blank range.

Modifications due to darts

In use:
fire hardened wood





Modifications due to wind


doubled strength value of wind

Bola (Frontal)

DFT + WT + Combative
This weapon system requires 1 Action to prepare and a
minimum of 1 Action to windup to toss. For each additional
Action spent in windup the range groupings will be modified
by a multiplier of .5 per Action to a maximum of 3. Thus, after
4 additional Actions of windup the upper limits of all range
groupings will be multiplied by 2.
Use of this weapon requires a clear area around the
character. The minimum radius of clear space is 1 meter.
Each additional Action of windup will increase this radius
by .5 meters. Any obstruction that occurs during the windup
will abort the attack with the bola. The object or character
that aborted the attack will receive a Strike attack from the
A character may maintain a bola in windup for a number of
Combat Turns equal to his Strength. A character
maintaining a windup may only move 1 meter per Action.
This weapon has two forms of attack and the form in use
must be specified before the attack is resolved. Strike is an
attack to damage. The Gamesmaster, using a flat curve, will
determine how many of the balls in the bola strike. Each ball
has a WDM of 1.5C and an ENC value of .2. The Effect die is
rolled separately for each ball that strikes. Capture is an
attack which does not directly damage. Again the
Gamesmaster determines how many of the balls actually
affect the target. The total number striking is multiplied by .5
to get the WDM to be multiplied by the Effect Die roll. This
will yield an Effect Number for use with the Entaglement
Attack rules given with Flexible Weapon Skill.
The Damage Potential is the percentage chance of a
missile special effect occurring. A Flesh Wound result for a
Capture attack requires the target to make a Speed Ability
Saving Throw to avoid a fall.

Range Modifications

Eff. STR Grp

BCS Mod.

for Effect Die

Point Blank STR CST

2 x STR
If the characters calculated range lies within the radius of
his windup, he may not attack at that range grouping.

Crossbow (Frontal)

DFT + WT + Combative
This skill governs the use of all crossbow type weapons.
The Basic Chance of Success is modified by the range to the
target, the type of bolt being fired, and the situation. The
Weapon Damage Multiplier is, like bows, dependent on thc
type of bolt being fired. Unlike bows, the range and damage
done is based on the weapon rather than thecharacter using
it. Crossbows have a recoil effect which may affect the users
chance of hitting his target. The percentage chance of a bolt
hit achieving a Missile Special Effect is equal t o the Damage
Crossbows are rated by their Pound Pull as are bows. The
Pound Pu11/2, nearest is used for crossbows as the users
Strength is used with bows, to determine ranges and the
effective Strength Group for Effect Die determination. Thus,
a crossbow with a Pound Pull of 120would haveaStrength
of 60 and a Strength Group of 7 with an Effect Die of 2010 +2.
This Strength Group would be used to make the range
calculations and would receive the modifications due to
range for determining the Effect Die to be roiled.
The Range Factor, Durability and Encumbrance valuesfor
a crossbow arecalculated in afashion similarto that done for
Range Factor = Pound Pull/lO, rounded nearest tenth
Durability = Range Factor/3, nearest
Encumbrance = Range Factor/5, nearest tenth
Thus, a crossbow with a Pound Pull of 120 has a Range
Factor of 12, a Durability of 4, and an Encumbrance of 2.4.
The recoil effect of a crossbow will give the usera negative
modification to his BCS. If the recoil effect calculation yields
a negative number there will be no effect to the users BCS. It
does not give a positive modification.
Recoil Effect = (RF/2, nearest) Strength Group
For determination of effects to BCS and for the Weapon
Damage Multiplier to use, bolts function in all ways as do
A crossbows Point Blank range is 10 meters, not 5 as with
a bow.
Unlike a blow, a crossbow must be cocked. Once cocked,
it may be carried loaded and ready to fire. A crossbow
requires a number of Strength Points equal to its Pound Pull
in order to be cocked. For each Action spent cocking the
crossbow, a character may apply his Strength in Strength
Points toward cocking the crossbow. If the crossbows
Pound Pull is greater than or equal to 4 times the users
Strength, the user will be unable to cock the crossbow
without the aid of a mechanical device. If the mechanical aid
is incorporated into the crossbow, it will take one additional
Action before the weapon is reloaded. If the aid is separate,
two additional Actions will be required. If the multiplier for a
separate mechanical aid does not put the characters
Strength into the range where he would be allowed to cock
the weapon if that were his natural Strength, that crossbow
may not be cocked and a more powerful aid or a stronger
character is required.
Mechanical aids:
separate: Belt hook
x 1.5
Goats foot
x 1.8
built in: Cranechin

Crossbows have an inherent BCS Modification of +3. As

with all inherent BCS modifications, once the characters
BCS in the governing Skill exceeds the sum of his
Combative Talent and the Inherent Modifications the
modification is no longer used.
A character in Stance with a crossbow may sight in.

Sling (Frontal)
DFT + WT + Combative
The sling is a simple sling of David. The rules governing
its range and the increase of range by longer windup are the

henry christen (order #23380)

same as for Bola Skill. The WDM that the sling imparts t o its
bullet will depend on the number of turns spent in windup. A
character has an effective upper limit on the numberof turns
spent in windup of his Strength Group. This is for purposes
of determining the WDM only. It does not apply to range.
Actions in windup
WDM C type damage: .5





Improvised bullets such as pebbles will give a -2

modification to the Basic Chance of Success.
The percentage chance of a missile special effect is equal
to the Damage Potential.

Slingshot (Frontal)

DFT + WT + Combative
Slingshots are rated for Elasticity. The effective Elasticity
of a slingshot is the actual elasticity or the user's Strength
Group, whichever is lower. The upper limit on the range
groupings is multiplied by the effective Elasticity.

Range Modifications
Eff. STR Grp.
in meters BCS Mod. for Effect Die
Point Blank
The WDM of the slingshot is equal to the effective
Elasticity divided by 2. The damage is C type. BCS
modifications for ammunition are the same as for slings.
The percentage chance of a missile spec'ial effect is equal
to the Damage Potential.

Throwing (Frontal)

DFT + WT + Combative
This Skill represents a trained ability to throw weapons. It
is required for the successful throwing of such things as
knives, small axes and spears but such things as rocks, hand
grenades, and chairs may be thrown without recourse to this
Skill. In thelattercase,acharacterwith theskill ismorelikely
to hit his target than one without it.
To be thrown without penalty, the Strength Rating of the
weapon must be less than the Strength Group of the
character. For each point over this number there is one
penalty shift on the range table. The BCS modification, the
Strength Group modification and the throw required for
Deftness are shifted to the next most difficult category for
each penalty shift. Distances do not alter. Thus, a character
attempting to throw a weapon with a Strength Rating of 5
while he has a Strength group of 3 will receive a penaltyshift
of two. If the target were 6 meters away (within his normal
Long range) he would have the BCS and Strength Group
modifications as if it were two range steps further away
(Maximum range).

Throwing Range Modifications STR DFT

Grp. throw required
in meters BCS mod. mod. if not using Skill
Point Blank 2
2 x STR
---penalty shift value





-1 6
will not hit




2 x AST
CSTM, down
1 followed by CST
1 followed by 1
will not hit

When throwing heavy, non-aerodynamic objects reduce

all ranges by 75%.
The percentage chance of a missile special effect with a
thrown, non-explosive weapon is equal to the Damage
A character may utilize his throwing Skill BCS of his
Deftness in making a throw, whichever will give him the best
chance of success.
When a character fails to hit his target with a throw, the
object thrown is subject to landing somewhere else. This is
particularly pertinent when the character is tossing hand
grenades. An object which misses will fall 2D3 meters from
the target in a direction randomly determined by 1D6. The
hex in the target's Zone of Influence that is intersected by the
line drawn between the center of the thrower's hex and the
center of the target's hex is considered to be 1 and the
numbering proceeds clockwise from there. For simplicity,
treat the object as if it were travelling from the target's hex to
determine the destination hex. If the object encounters an
obstacle before it has covered the required distancefrom the
result of a throw of 2D3 (a Critical miss will double this
distance), it will bounce according to the laws of physics.
That is, its angle of reflection will be equal to its angle of
incidence. This is a guideline for handling misses. It should
not be used if the results yield patent absurdities. The
Gamesmaster is advised to follow the spirit and intention of
the rule rather than being slave to its letter.

Determination of Direction

Example assumes a missed BCS roll by

the attacker (A is using Throwing Skill to hit
target T). The margin of miss is 3 meters
(from 2D3). The path to determine where
the weapon falls is indicated by the solid
line. A critical miss, doubling the margin of
miss, is indicated by the dashed line.

henry christen (order #23380)

The details of the use of firearms are given i n the section on
guns on page 24. It is noted here that a character possessing
the skill t o fire a given format of gun such as a pistol may fire
any loaded and ready pistol. The Skills are separated into
Modern and Primitive to deal with the preparation before
firing, drill while firing and basic maintenance after firing.
The Skill can also be used as a measure of the characters
ability to recognize specific weapons covered by the Skill.
Pistol, Modem
(standard: Presented)
DFT + WT + Combative
Pistol, Primitive same as Pistol, Modern
Rifle, Modern (Refused)
DFT + WT + Combative
Rifle, Primitive same as Rifle, Modern

Autowea ponA
DFT + WT + Combative
This Skill is dealt with in more detail in thesection on guns.
It is primarily designed to deal with fixed mount automatic
weapons. It also is used to average with the appropriate
modern Firearm Skill if the character is using a weapon
which has automatic or burst fire capability and is operating
it in such a mode.
Breech Loading Artillery
DFT + WT + Combative
This Skill covers serving as a member of a gun crew for a
modern style breech loading artillery piece. As with many of
the Support weapon Skills it has little place in the standard
rules which are designed for man-to-man conflict but is
included in the Skills listing as a guileline.
Direct Fire Cannon
DFT + WT + Combative
This Skill is intended to cover such weapons as recoilless
rifles, anti-tank artillery and tank main guns.
Grenade Launcher A
DFT + WT + Combative
This Skill covers the use of such weapons as the M-79
grenade launcher and also has an averaging function with
such things as rifle grenades. When a miss occurs with one of
these weapons use the procedure for a miss with a thrown
weapon but the destination hex will be 2D10 meters away
from the target hex instead of 203.
Missile Launcher
WT + OFT + Combative
(Technology Use)
This Skill covers the launching and subsequent control of
non-portable missile systems whether for surface-to-surface
or surface-to-air systems.
DFT + WT + Combative
This Skill covers serving as a member of a mortar crew.
Muzzle Loading Artillery
DFT + WT + Combative
This Skill covers serving as a crew member for a primitive
Primitive Seige Engine
WT + DFT + Combative
This Skill governs the design and employment of such
seige engines as catapults, rams, onagers, etc.
Rocket Launcher
DFT + WT + Combative
This Skill covers the use of man-portable rocket and
missile systems such as bazookas, LAWSand other portable
anti-tank or anti-aircraft guided missiles.


Beast Riding A
This Skill governs the riding and controlling of horses.
Bicycle Riding*A
DFT + STR + Mechanical
Allows operation and minor repair of bicycles, tricycles,
and mopeds. A character making his Bicycle Riding BCS
when under fire may add his Skill score divided by 20 and
rounded down to the Combat Dodge Ability acquired for the
speed of the vechicle.

STR + WT + Natural
This Skill governs the running of small sail or oar powered
vessels. It also serves to allow a character to function as a
crew member on a large vessel of the type covered.
STR + DFT + Natural
This Skill governs the climbing of sheer surfaces or manmade edifices. The rate of climb is the result of a Deftness
Group Effect Die roll multiplied by a factor representing the
difficulty of the surface. This factor is at the discretion of the
Gamesmaster. A Critical Failure on the Basic Chance of
Success roll indicates a fall. A normal miss requires another
BCS roll with another miss indicating a fall. A successful roll
indicates no progress.
When climbing natural formations Climbing Skill is also
usef u I.
Various pieces of equipment can be useful in aiding the
BCS roll, increasing the distance climbed or preventing falls.
See also Climbinq in Detailed Action Time on page 25 of
Book 1.
DFT + WT + Natural
This Skill allows tne cnaracter to acquire food from the
water. The character must be using some form of equipment
and will use his BCS for the type in use. If using a net he
would use his Trapping BCS.
The character will acquire a number of man-days of
rations equal t o the result of an Effect Die roll times a
multiplier representing the abundance of fish in the area.
This factor is at the Gamesmasters decree. With Trap form,
use characters Wit Group and with Hook form use his
Deftness Group to determine the Effect Die t o be rolled.
Acquiring these rations will take the whole day. Any travel
done that day will reduce the characters base BCS to one
half. More than a half days travel will prevent him from
practicing this Skill.
When Trapping a plus 1 will be added to the multiplier for
each set trap. When using Hooking methods, a failure
indicates the loss of 1D6 hooks whileasuccessful roll means
the loss of only 103 minus 1.
DFT + WT + Charismatic
This Skill can provide a source of income to the character
if he is successful. The Effect Number of the characters roll
indicates the multiplier to the base bet if he should win. If he
fails his BCS roll the difference between the die roll and his
BCS is the multiplier to the base bet used to determine his
losses. The characters opponent will also make a Gambling
BCS roll. i f he makes it the Effect Number will be subtracted
from the characters BCS before he rolls. If the opponent fails
his roll, the difference between the roll and the BCS will be
added to the Player Characters BCS before he rolls.
Initial equipment for this Skill will be dice or playing cards
at the players option.
Handicraft (specify)s
DFT + WT + Talent
This is a grouping of Skills rather than a single Skill. A
character will have a specified handicraft such as rope
making, basket weaving, pottery making, etc. A character
may have more than one Handicraft Skill. The Gamesmaster
will adjudicate which Talent is the Governing Talent for a
particular Handicraft.
Any initial equipment would depend on the Handicraft in
question and it is left for the Gamesmaster to decide what if
anything would be received.
HLH + DFT + Natural
This Skill represents the characters sea-legs and his
general knowledge of the sea and its ways. For details of the
effects of this Skill in Detailed Action Time see Effects of
Water on Movement and Combat on page 32 of Book 1.
Survival (specify)
HLH + WL + Natural
This Skill represents a characters basic capability to fend

henry christen (order #23380)

for himself in a specified environment such as Rural, Urban,

Artic, Desert, or Oceanic environments. A successful BCS
roll will allow a character to gather enough food for a day in
the environment where his Survival Skill operates. A die roll
of 1 allows a Wit Group Effect Die roll to determine the
number of man-days of rations acquired.
This Skill can also allow a character to recognize danger in
the environment if a succesful BCS roll is made.

The Gamesmaster should make the Stealth BCS rolls as

the character would only know he was discovered if any
noise he made had been heard. A failed BCS means that the
noise made by the character is a Hidden Thing. A Critical
Failure requires a second BCS roll. Success this time means
that the Hidden Thing is discovered on an Ability Saving
Throw instead of a Critical Saving Throw and failure
indicates that the character has been heard.


HLH + STR + Natural

Any character may play in the water but this Skill is used to
forestall drowning and to swim in dangerous waters. Details
of the effects of Swimming Skill on movement in the water
are given on page 32 of Book 1.
Combat Skills used while in the water are usually averaged
with the characters Swimming Skill.


WT + Natural + Natural
This Skill allows a character to follow a trail. A BCS roll
must be made at each decision point (anywhere the trail may
lead in more than one direction). The older the trail is, the
harder it will be to follow. The exact difficulty is left to the
Gamesmaster. A basic difficulty might be -1 to the baseBCS
for every 3 hours that have passed since the trail was made.
Trails can also be obscured using this Skill. A successful
BCS allows the character to roll the Effect Die for his Wit
Group. This result is the negative modifier to the BCS of
anyone trying to use Tracking Skill to follow the trail.


DFT + WT + Natural
In form this Skill operates exactly like Fishing Skill except
that it operates in a non-watery environment.
When using Shooting, 1D6 rounds will be expended for
each BCS roll whether or not it is successful. If the missile
weapon in use has reusable ammunition, the character may
recover a number of rounds equal to his Wit Group Effect Die


WT + WT + Natural
This Skill represents a practiced ability to locate
something significant. It is used for locating a useful item in a
pile of junk, ascertaining the structural soundness of
something like a staircase or a log over a chasm, and
discovering things which have been hidden.
In general, one character will lead a search and his BCS
will be modified by the number of other characters who are
under his direction.
The Gamesmaster will decide if a particular application of
the Skill requires Urban or Rural form.


DFT + WT + Natural
This Skill allows the character to move and/or perform
actions quietly. Outside of Detailed Action Time, a character
may move a distance in meters equal to his Base Action
Phase before having to check his Stealth BCS again. In
Detailed Action Time, the checks are made on each Combat

Advanced FarmingT

WT + DFT + Natural
(Dirt Farming)
This is a reconstructionist Skill dealing with proper farm
planning and scientific methods of maximizing production.
A successful roll will increase the crop yield multiplier by .1
times the Effect Number. A failure will decrease the
multiplier by the Effect Number. Critical failure results in the
loss of the crop.
Soil analysis equipment, almanacs and weather forecasts,
chemical fertilizers, etc., are needed to perform with this


DFT + WT + Mechanical
This Skill allows a character to produce arrows and bows.
With the proper materials and equipment, the character may,
in a day, produce arrows or work on a bow. The character
can produce a number of arrows equal to his Deftness Group
Effect Die roll. The production work on a bow wi!l take a
number of days equal to 15 minus his Deftness Group Effect
Die Roll. In the case of a bow using wood in its construction,
the wood must be cured and prepared. This process will take
2D6 weeks but does not require the constant supervision of
the Bowyer.
A unit of arrow type material (whether for heads, shafts, or
fletching) will serve for 10 arrows. The tools needed for this
Skill are found in aTool Kit 1. A simple knife is sufficient but
will triple all working times.


DFT + WT + Mechanical
Using various tools with this Skill, the character may build
various things of wood. A job should be rated by the
Gamesmaster as to how many units of material i t will take, its
Task Value and Period.
This Skill utilizes the basic Task mechanic. Finished Task
Points are based on the characters Deftness.


WL + WT + Charismatic
This Skill is used in the barter process in attempts to get a
better price, for either the good offered or those sought. It
is averaged with the characters best Skill governing the use
of the item sought or offered. In this case of averaging, the
modified BCS may not exceed the BCS in Commerce
although it may exceed that in the other Skill. Any Skill that
deals with the item being bartered may be used to average
with Commerce. For details of the barter process and the
appropriate uses of the Commerce Skill see page 51.


WT + Communicative + Esthetic 2( Pre-/Post-Ruin)

This Skill represents the characters familiarity with the
popular culture. It covers such things as slang, social
conventions, general knowledge of local groups, etc. In its
Pre-Ruin form it is also concerned with history and general
knowledge of the situations and circumstances prevailing at
the time of the Ruin. In campaigns set long after the Ruin, the
Gamesmaster may declare Post-Ruin culture as the Skill
available to all characters and treat Pre-Ruin Culture as a
harder-to-obtain Skill that is really History. He may also, in
such circumstances, create another Skill of Legendry which
deals with the popular notions of what it was 1ikeback then.
Such a Skill would be more easily attainable than History.


henry christen (order #23380)

Dirt Farming
HLH + DFT + Natural
This Skill allows a character t o raise a crop. Hoes, plows,
gathering equipment and seeds are needed. The basic yield
is the characters Wit Group Effect Die roll divided by 2 and
rounded to the nearest tenth. This is multiplied by the units of
seed in cultivation to get the units of crop.

DFT + DFT + Mechanical
This Skill allows the character to perform such tasks as
bricklaying. The Gamesmaster will assign a Task Value and
the character may perform it following the basic Task rules.
This Skill may also be used to gauge the strength of a wall
or man-made edifice.

WT + Natural + Natural
This Skill allows a character to produce such things as
beers, wines, and meads. The Effect Die roll of the Group for
the characters combined Wit and Deftness times 10 is the
percentage of the starting materials that is transformed into
liters of potable product (to a maximum of 100%). The
maximum percentage of alcohol present is equal to the
Effect Number. This may be reduced to any level below the
maximum that the character desires.
A Character may work with a number of units of raw
materials (yeast, water, and fermentable material) equal to
his Deftness times 2. Exercising this Skill is usually done in
weekly turns. The character may perform other long-term
actions during the week but he will be Hindered by his
activity using this Skill.

WT + Scientific + Natural
This Skill allows a character to determine the edibility of
foodstuffs. This allows contaminated food to be avoided.

Foreign Language (specify) WT + WL + Communicative 1

This is the ability to speak a foreign language. The exact
language must be specified. Literacy in the language is a
separate Skill.
WL + WT + Charismatic
This Skill allows a character to interrogate another to get
information from him. The Gamesmaster will present the
interrogator with conclusions drawn from the information
gotten from the subject. A Critical Miss will result in incorrect
conclusions being drawn.
For each period of interrogation, the interrogating
character will roll the Effect Die for the Group of the sum of
his Wit and Will. This will give a base number of interrogation points. The subject will make a Will Saving Throw. A
critical save (die roll of 1) means that he will never break in
this interrogation although the Gamesmaster need not
inform the players of that fact. A roll in his Critical Saving
Throw range will divide the base number of interrogation
points by 3, round down, and a roll in the Ability Saving
Throw range will divide them by 2, round down. When the
total of interrogation points exceed the subjects Will
Attribute score he has broken and will tell the interrogator
what he can. If the subjects Will Saving Throw is a 20 at
any point, he is considered to have broken in that session.
Application of sophisticated methods of physical or
psychological torture will act as multipliers to the base
interrogation points. The exact value of such things is left
t o the fiendish imagination of the Gamesmaster.
Alternatively, they may make the interrogation period
shorter, or make it both shorter and more effective.
A basic interrogation period of 1 hour is recommended as
a starting point.
DFT + WT + Esthetic
Leatherworking Skill allows a character to produce welltanned hides with a successful BCS roll. A failed roll results
in poorly-tanned hides. The character may make hides into
garments. This requires 1 unit of hide per Location to be
covered and has a Task Value equal to the Armor Value on
one Location times the number of Locations to be covered.
The process of Hardening leather takes a week. A
character with Leatherworking Skill may supervise the
Hardening of a number of garment equal to his Wit Group.
Literacy (specify)
WT + WT + Communicative
This Skill governs the reading and writing of a language.
When using a book the character must make a Literacy BCS
roll to receive any benefits. The language(s) in which the
character is literate must be specified.

Repair, Muscle powered vehicles DFT + WT + Mechanical 1

This Skill represents the characters knowledge of such
things as carts, sledges, wagons, and other such
conveyances. A BCS roll is made to determine the job to be
done, which is then accomplished with Carpentry Skill.

Salvage Food
WT + DFT + Scientific
This Skill allows a character to salvage a portion of
contaminated foodstuffs. A successful BCS roll allows the
character to make a Wit Group Effect Die roll. This result is
multiplied by 5 to give the percentage of the food that is
WT + Combative + Communicative
This Skill allows a character to make observations of the
tactical situation, causing the Gamesmaster to give the
player information regarding thesituation that the player has
not figured out for himself. Such things as where the leader
is, the possible presence of snipers or flanking forces, the
implications of an observed move on the part of an enemy,
etc., can be learned. The exact knowledge given out is at the
discretion of the Gamesmaster and should be considered
ca refuIIy.
DFT + DFT + Esthetic
This Skill allows a character to produce garments in
Flexible, Quiltable materials. Garment production follows
that presented with Leatherworking Skill.

DFT + WT + Esthetic

With this Skill a character can produce fabric from raw

materials. The raw materials are rated by the Gamesmaster
in units which will provide a unit of fabric that may then be
used with Tailor Skill.


Automobile Driving
DFT + WT + Mechanical
(Technology Use)
This Skill governs the operation of cars and trucks.

Basic Research
WT + WT + Scientific
This Skill represents the characters ability to get
information from research materials. It is a basic Skill
required for some sciences. In cultures with computer
storage of such materials, the additional use of Technology
Use will allow a character access to such materials.
Heavy Equipment DrivingT
DFT + WT + Mechanical 1
(Technology Use)
This Skill governs the operation of such things as
bulldozers, cranes, and other earthmovers. It also governs
the driving of military vehicles such as tanks and armored
personnel carriers.
Lab Technique
DFT + WT + Mechanical
(Technology Use)
This Skill represents the characters ability to perform
functions in a laboratory environment. It is used to perform
tasks which require chemical synthesis or analysis.
This Skill is required for many advanced scientific


henry christen (order #23380)


DFT + WT + Mechanical
The name of this Skill explains its nature. The rules for
locks and lockpicking are found in Book 1 on page 46.

Magnalock PenetrationTpE DFT + WT + Mechanical

(Technology Use)
Magnalocks are locks using card-keys. They require
power to be operative. If they are operative, a character with
this Skill, who also has a magnatuner, can attempt to open
them. They operate like combination locks (as presented on
page 46 in Book 1) in that they have numbers in the
combination which must be separately achieved.

Motorcycle DrivingTpA

DFT + WT + Mechanical

(Technology Use)
This Skill governs the control of motorcycles. It can also be
used for controlling mopeds.
Powerboat Pilot
DFT + WT + Mechanical
(Technology Use)
This Skill governs the control of motor-powered small

This Skill is also a basic requirement if a character wishes

to make metal armor although the actual Task is
accomplished using an averaged BCS.
Practice of this Skill requires a forge and blacksrnithing

Botany is

WT + Scientific + Natural
This Skill allows the character to recognize plant life. I f the
plants involved have specific functions in the game, the
Gamesmaster would inform the player of the nature of those


WT +. Scientific + Mechanical
This Skill is a basic science required for the basic
performance with Skills requiring chemical knowledge.

Computer ScienceS

WT + DFT + Scientific
(Lab Technique and First Aid)
Many of the applications of this Skill are given in the
sections on damage and healing in the first book.

WT + Scientific + Mechanical
2( Programming/System Design)
Each of the areas of this Skill works differently.
For each 20 points of Programming the character acquires
1 computer language. A character must know the correct
language for a program in order to apply Programming Skill.
Either a character knows a language or he does not.
Variations on a language are treated as negative modifiers to
his BCS roll. Computer languages are numbered 1 to 5 for
convenience. Any Gamesmaster wishing to get into more
specific detail is encouraged to do so, but he should
remember that some of his players may not have the same
expertise with modern computers that he does.
With Programming, a character may write new programs
for a computer as a Task. Cracking acomputers security isa
lengthy Task and should have increased turn lengths on the
order of a week per turn, as opposed to a normal
Programming turn of a day.
System Design is the Skill used to coordinate the
programming of a computer with the various peripheral
devices which will execute the program and perform the
functions called for in the program. The proper design for
integrating all this is treated as a Task.



Technology UseS

DFT + WT + Mechanical
This is a basic Skill required for most technical Skills. It
represents the characters ability to deal with mechanical
contrivances and the rationale behind them. For example,
to operate an elevator correctly a character would require
Technology Use Skill.

Aerial Recon InterpretationS WT + Scientific + Esthetic 1
(Technology Use, Basic Research, and Mathematics)
A successful use of this Skill allows correct interpretation
of aerial reconnaissance photographs and other similar
intelligence materials.

Advanced MedicalS

WT + Scientific + Mechanical
(Technology Use, Basic Research, and Mathematics)
Besides allowing a character to perform the Task of
designing structures, this Skill allows a character to gauge
the structural soundness of a man-made construction.


DFT + WT + Mechanical
(Blacksmithing for metal armors/Plastics Forming for plastic
This Skill allows the character with the proper tools to
produce armor in the same way that a character with
Leatherworking Skill produces garments, except that his
score in Armorer Skill is averaged with his score in the Skill
governing the material being worked in order to determine
the characters BCS for performing theTask.This BCS is not
to exceed the lower of the two normal Basic Chances of
This Skill requires a forge and the proper tools for
working the materials involved
Automobile MechanicT
DFT + WT + Mechanical
(Technology Use)
This Skill allows a character to make repairs on cars,
trucks, motorcycles and other land vehicles. Repairs are
treated as a Task. Details of Repairing vehicles are found in
the section on Vehicles on page 62.
DFT + WT + Mechanical
(Technology Use)
This Skill allows the character to make useful items out Of
metal. Each item is treated as a Task and the Gamesmaster
must decide on the required amount of raw material and the
number of Task Points involved.

(Technology Use)

WT + DFT + Scientific
(Lab Technique)
This Skill represents the characters ability to cope with
decontamiation of persons and things with regard to
nuclear, biological, or chemical contaminants. Proper
technique may require equipment. A successful BCS roll will
mean that the character knows the proper technique. A
second roll, and the proper supplies or equipment, are
necessary to complete the process.

Defusing Explosives AS

DFT+ WT + Mechanical
(Technology Use)
The name of this Skill is self-explanatory. T o perform with
it, a character must average his score in this Skill with the
score in the Skill governing the type of explosive to be
defused in order to determine his BCS. At the
Gamesmasters decree the Task of defusing an explosive
device may require tools. The Task Periods may be as short
as 1 Combat Turn.
A failure will mean the device will explode at its planned
time. A Critical failure will cause it to explode immediately. A
character with a BCS of 20 will avoid the critical failure i f he
can make a Deftness Critical Saving Throw.
Demolitions A;r
DFT + WT + Mechanical
(Technology Use)
This Skill governs the placement and use of explosive
substances. A character will average his score with his score
in the Explosives Skill governing the type of explosives in
use. Details of use of this Skill are given in the section on
explosive devices on page 44.
WT + Mechanical + Scientific
(Technology Use)

henry christen (order #23380)

This Skill allows the character to distill alcohol, either for

consumption by humans of for vehicles. The percentage of
starting materials turned into liters of usable alcohol is the
sum of the characters Wit Group and Deftness Group Effect
Die rolls multiplied by the Efficiency Factor of the still. A
character may work with a number of units of raw materials
equal to his Deftness plus his Wit. Exercising of this Skill is
usually done in weekly turns. This Skill requires the
characters full attention.
A home-made still built by a character with Distillation
Skill will have an efficiency factor of .1 times the sum of that
characters Effect Die rolls for his Wit and Deftness Groups.
No still will give more than a 90% efficiency.


DFT + WT + Mechanical
(Technology Use)
A character with this Skill may perform electrical repairs
and rework circuits. Such attempts are Tasks and will be
treated as such. Some operations will require tools but the
simple tracing of a circuit will not. Thisskill does not include
the design of new electrical circuits, although it will allow a
character to build a new one from a circuit diagram and the
proper materials.


WT + Scientific + Esthetic
(Basic Research)
Decoding and encoding messages are Tasks. Decoding
requires a successful BCS roll to achieve the characters Wit
Group Effect Die roll inTask Pointsfinished. Critical success
indicates the code is broken and critical failure seems to
indicate the same thing but the message will be read
incorrectly. Encoding does not require a BCS roll but the
character still requires time to perform the Task.
A code will subtract its Difficulty from the BCS roll of any
character trying to break it. A character can produce a code
as aTask. In weekly turns,thecharactermayfinishanumber
of Task Points equal to his Wit Group Effect Die roll. For
every 20 points thus accumulated,the character will give the
code a difficulty of 1. The maximum difficulty that a
character may give to the code is equal to twice his Wit

Firearms Repair, ModernT

DFT + WT + Mechanical
(Firearms Repair, Primitive and Machining)
This Skill allows a character to restore Durability to
firearms given time, equipment, and parts. It also allows a
character to lay down specifications for parts of firearms to
be produced using other Skills such as Machining.
Each point of Durability requiresa unit of parts, aTool Kit2
and the accomplishment of 10 Task Points.

Firearms Repair, PrimitiveT DFT + WT + Mechanical

(Blacksmithing or Machining)

This Skill functions as the Modern form except that it is

used for primitive firearms.

First Aid

WT + DFT + Scientific
This Skill covers basic medical treatment on an immediate
level. Specific applications are given in the section on
damage and healing in Book 1.


DFT + WT + Mechanical
(Technology Use)
This Skill allows a character to reload spent centerfire
cartridges when he has the tools, supplies, and time
Handloading Kits are classified as pistol, rifle, or shotgun.
They are also rated for an Efficiency Factor. Cartridges and
bullets are specific to a given caliber. Primers are
interchangeable and powder is allocated according to the
BDG. For each reloading period of an hour, a character may
assemble a base number of rounds equal to his Deftness
Group Effect Die roll. This base number is multiplied by the
modified Efficiency Factor of the Handloading Kit to give the

maximum number of rounds that may be reloaded in that

period. A single round requires 1 primer, 1 cartridge of a
specific caliber, 1 bullet compatible with the cartridge, and a
number of grains of powder equal to the BDG of that
A round may be loaded with twice the normal powder to
achieve a Hi-V round.
The Efficiency Factor of the Handloading Kit will be
altered by the results of the characters BCS roll. I f
successful, the Effect Number times .1 will be added to the
Factor and, if unsuccessful, the Effect Number times .1 will
be subtracted from it. A Critical failure means that the
expected number of rounds are completed but, when fired,
they will automatically indicate a Critical Miss. Control
Throws will be applicable at that point.

Internal Combustion Engine

(Physics and Mathematics)
WT + Scientific + Mechanical
This Skill represents the characters facility with
understanding and designing internal combustion engines.
Design is, of course, a Task and weekly turns are usual. This
is not a repair Skill.


DFT + WT + Mechanical
(Technology Use)
This Skill is a metal-working Skill allowing a character to
produce metal artifacts when using at least a Tool Kit 2. Each
artifact will be rated by the Gamesmaster as a Task.
This Skill can also govern woodworking with power tools.

Marine Mechanic

DFT + WT +Mechanical
(Technology Use)
This Skill functions as does Automobile Mechanic except
that it deals with vehicles which move on the water.


WT + Scientific + Communicative
This is a basic scientific Skill and is also required if a
character is to perform mathematical computations.

Mechanically Generated Power

(Technology Use and Physics)
WT + Mechanical + Scientific
This Skill represents the characters understanding and
familiarity with such things as windmills, waterwheels, and
other devices used to gain mechanical advantage. It also
covers his ability to design such devices.

Operational Command
WT + Combative + Scientific
This Skill is used by the commander of a side in Tactical
Level Combat as explained in Book 3. It representstheability
to command large groups of men in military endeavors.


WT + WT + Scientific
(Chemistry and Advanced Medical)
This is the medical Skill which deals with diseases. Details
are given in the section dealing with diseases in Book 1 .
WT + DFT +Scientific
(Chemistry and Lab Technique)
This Skill represents the characters knowledge of the
techniques necessary to produce particular drugs. A
successful BCS means that he has remembered the technique correctly. Critical failure means that he only believes
that he has, and the end product will be something else
enti rely.
The actual production of a drug requires the exercise of
Lab Technique Skill. Each drug should be rated as a Task
and Task Periods are usually a day. Once the Task is
finished, the number of units of drug will be determined. A
potential unit of drug will consume a number of units of
chemical supplies. The maximum number of potential units
controllable by a character is equal to his Wit Group times
the Efficiency Factor of the Lab, round nearest. The

henry christen (order #23380)

percentage of potential units of drug that are actually made

into usable drug is equal to the characters Wit Group Effect
Die roll multiplied by 10 and then multiplied by the modified
Efficiency Factor of the Lab in use. The maximum conversion
rate is 90%. Any fractional units are lost. The Efficiency
Factor of the Lab is modified by the characters Pharmacy
BCS rolls Effect Number in the usual fashion. This roll is
separate from the roll to determine if he knows the correct
If any of the Lab Technique rolls should be a 20, the
resultant drugs will actually be poisons. The formula is left to
the Gamesmaster but it is suggested that it reflect the
formula or effects of the drug that was supposedly being
synthesized. A Pharmacy BCS roll, modified by the Effect
Number from the roll which produced the poison, will detect
it at the end of the process.
WT + Mechanical + Scientific
A basic scientific Skill required for advanced techniques.

Plastics Forming
DFT + WT + Mechanical
(Technology Use)
This Skill allows a character with the tools and units of
plastic stock to produce artifacts of plastic. Each artifact will
be rated by the Gamesmaster as aTask for the amount of raw
material to be consumed, time period required, and number
of Task Points.
Practice of this Skill requires the use of a Plastics Forming
Kit. Such Kits will be rated for weight of plastics that they can
deal with and for the type of forming that may be done with
Radio CommunicationsS
WT + DFT + Mechanical
(Technology Use)
This Skill represents the characters understanding of the
principals and mechanics of radio communication and the
devices used in it. Electrician Skill is required to make repairs
or build such devices but a character with Electrician Skill
must follow the directions of a character with this Skill to do

Design of radio communications is a Task that is governed
by this Skill.
Simple ExplosivesS
DFT + WT + Mechanical
(Chemistry and Lab Technique)
This Skill functions with respect to producing simple
explosives such as TNT, nitroglycerine, blasting caps, etc.,
as Pharmacy Skill does with respect to drugs.
Initial critical failure on the Simple Explosive BCS roll will
result in an inert substance. The explosives equivalent of a
poison is an unstable substance which will explode at the
end of the manufacturing process. The Simple Explosives
BCS roll to identify such a failure may br made before the
explosion, allowing the character to aborr the process with
only the loss of time and materials.
This Skill also represents the characters ability to
assemble simple detonation devices and the proper
placement of explosives of the type covered by the Skill.
Strategic Command
WT + Scientific + Combative
(Operational Command)
This Skill is a higher powered version of Operational
Command Skill. It is called into play when the Gamesmaster
wishes to resolve the results of a whole series of Tactical
Level Battles forming a military campaign in short order. If he
is using the military campaign rules presented in Book 3, this
Skill has a different function which is explained in detail
there. Simply put, it may affect the size of the forces
DFT + WT + Mechanical
(Technology Use)
This Skill functions as does Radio Communications Skill,

except that its area of expertise deals with telegraph

Telephone Communications
WT + DFT + Mechanical 1
(Technology Use)
This Skill functions as does Radio Communications Skill,
except that its area of expertise deals with telephone
Television CommunicatlonsS WT + DFT + Mechanical 1
(Technology Use)
This Skill functions as does Radio Communications Skill,
except that its area of expertise deals with television
WT + DFT + Scientific
(Advanced Medical)
This advanced medical Skill deals with restoration of lost
Attribute points and maintenance of current scores. Details
of applications of this Skill are given in Book 1 in the sections
on damage and healing and in the section on the effects of
DFT + WT + Mechanical
(Blacksmithing or Machining for metal; Machining or
Carpentry for wood)
This Skill is the weapon-producing counterpart of Armorer
Skill. The prerequisite Skill will depend o n the type of
weapon to be made. The Task Value of a weapon is its basic
WDM times its Survival Value and the basic Task Period is a
When aweapon ha5 a wooden shaft and a metal head, each
part must be made separately and not necessarily by the
same character. The Task Value of the head is twice the
WDM and the Value of the shaft is twice the Survival Value.
A die roll of 1 during the process will add .1 times the
characters Deftness Group to the WDM or subtract that
value from the ENC Value at the weaponsmiths choice. A die
roll of 20 will both add to the ENC value and subtract from the
WDM a number equal to .1 times the Effect Number.
Machining metal for an edged surface (a weapon which
does L type damage) will reduce the WDM by .1 times (6
minus the characters score in Machining divided by 20 and
rounded down).
The characters score in Weaponsmithing Skill is averaged
with his score in the Skill covering the material being worked
on to determine thecharacters BCS for performing theTask.
The tools required for this Skill are those required for the
Skill being used on the particular material.
Zoologys WT + Scientific + Natural
This Skill is the counterpart of Botany Skill. It deals with
the characters knowledge of animals. A successful BCS roll
would allow the player to view the entry for the animal in
Book 3, if it is a standard one, or the entry in the
Gamesmasters notebook, if it is one he has added to the list.


(All these Skills require Technology Use)
Aviation MechanicT
DFT + WT + Mechanical
(High Technology Use)
This Skill is the counterpart to Automobile Mechanic but is
used for aircraft.

High Technology UseS

DFT + WT + Mechanical
This Skill allows the character to deal with highly
technological devices that are not covered by a specific Skill.
In some cases, it will also allow him to use devices that are
covered under a particular Skill, although hewill not have the
facility with them nor will they have the versatility normally
accruing to them that a character with the proper Skill will
have. This latter case applies to ECM devices, control
boards, and other equipment.


henry christen (order #23380)

Pilot, Fixed Wing'

DFT + WT + Mechanical
This Skill governs the operation and control of fixed-wing


Pilot, Submersible

DFT + WT + Mechanical
This Skill governs the operation and control of small
underwater vehicles such as mini-subs.

Pilot, Rotary Wing


DFT + WT + Mechanical
This Skill governs the operation and control of rotarywinged aircraft such as helicopters.

Pilot, Spacecraft'

DFT + WT + Mechanical
(Zero-G Training and High Technology Use)
This Skill governs the operation and control of small to
medium spacecraft such as the shuttle.

Pilot, Variable Wing'

DFT + WT + Mechanical
This Skill governs the operation and control of VTOL or
STOL aircraft such as the Hawker Harrier.

Plastic Synthesizatlon'

WT + Scientific + Mechanical 1
(Chemistry and Lab Technique)
This Skill allows a character, with the proper equipment
and the raw materials, to produce plastic stock. The
process works as the production of drugs using Pharmacy
Skill. The equivalent to the production of a poison is a
useless batch which only costs time and raw materials. Fora
Lab, a Plastics Synthesization Kit is substituted. These are
rated according to Efficiency Factor and type of production.

Power Generation, Electrical

(Physics, Mechanically Generated Power, and Electrician)
WT +Scientific + Mechanical
This Skill is concerned with the design and operation of
power plants t o generate electrical energy from fossil fuel or
hydroelectric sources. Design of such plants is a very large

Power Generation, Nuclear WT +Scientific +Mechanical 1

DFT + WT + Mechanical
This Skill governs the opening of combination locks
without having the combination. Combination locks are
dealt with on page 47 of Book 1.

(Power Generation Electrical)

This Skill is similar to the one above but deals with nuclear
energy sources.

DFT + WT + Mechanical
This Skill governs the use of underwater breathing
apparatus. It may be used to substitute for Swimming Skill
whenever it is called for in the rules for operating underwater
in Detailed Action Time on page 33 i n Book 1.

(Physics and High Technology Use)

This Skill is similar to those above but deals with solar
energy sources.


A diver may add a number of combat turns (equal t o his

score in the Skill divided by 20 and rounded down) to the
maximum time he may hold his breath.

Zero-G Training A

SPD + DFT + Natural

This Skill is used in a zero-G environment in much the
same way that Swimming Skill is used when the character is
in water over his head. All physical Skills must be averaged
with it to determine the base BCS, which in thiscase isnever
higher than the BCS in whichever Skill has the lower BCS.


Complex Explosives
DFT + WT + Mechanical
(Simp le Explosives)
This Skill is an advanced form of Simple Explosives Skill
and operates in the smae way but deals with more advanced
explosives such as plastic explosives and other such
wonders of modern technology.

Computer Design

WT + Scientific + Mechanical
(Computer Science, Mathematics, and High Technology
This Skill allows the character to design computer
hardware as a Task. Once designed, it must be built and
powered before it can be operated. This Skill isalso useful in
figuring out a computer layout, if one should be found, and
determining what would have to be done to get it functioning

Power Generation, Solar WT + Scientific + Mechanical 1

Productionof Fuel, Hydride' WT +Scientific +Mechanical 1

(Chemistry and Lab Technique)
This Skill allows a character, with the proper equipment
and the raw materials, to produce metallic hydrides which
release hydrogen to be burned as fuel in certain engines.
This process works as the production of drugs using
Pharmacy Skill. The equivalent of a poison is a labexplosion
with a blast effect equal to the Effect Number of the roll which
produced it. This explosion will, in any case, destroy that
batch and the raw materials Involved. The total damage done
is the percent chance that the Lab will be totallydestroyed. If
it is not destroyed it will be Disrepaired (40% chance) or
Junked (the other 60%).

Production of Fuel, Petroleum'

(Chemistry and Lab Technique)
WT + Scientific + Mechanical 1
This Skill allows a character, with the proper equipment
and the raw materials, to produce fuel petroleum. This
process works as the production of drugs with Pharmacy
Skill. The equivalent of a poison is a lab explosion as detailed

ECM Operation'

DFT + WT + Mechanical
(High Technology Use)
This Skill allows a character who has access to Electronic
Counter Measure equipment a chance t o increase its
efficiency by the Effect Number of his BCS roll. He may
decrease it if his BCS roll fails.

Laser Technology

WT + Scientific + Mechanical
(High Technology Use)
This Skill represents the character's understanding of
laser technology for the purposes of working with it,
repairing it or designing it. Any repair or construction work
would be in the province of an appropriate Skill but the
knowledge of what to solder where, for example, would
come from this Skill. Designs or other working diagrams are
a Task.


henry christen (order #23380)

Characters may well be said to live (and die) by the Gun.
Current estimates place millions of weapons and billions of
rounds in this country alone. With modern storage
techniques, guns and ammo broken out of factory packaging
will almost certainly work as well 20-30 years after
manufacture as they do fresh from the maker.
Garners with firearms experience will find some rules here
that they disagree with (if we may judge by the response from
our playtesters). As always, the Gamesmaster may certainly choose to modify the rules for his campaign in any way
he sees fit. We would like to point out that more authentic gun rules may be difficult for Players who do not share
his experience with such weapons, and counsel prudence in
any such expansions.
This chapter is divided into several sections:
A brief introduction to the workings of modern firearms.
Rules for the operation of guns.
Rules for ammunition and gunshop effects.
Other fixearms (machine guns, black powder weapons,
heavy weapons, mortars, etc.).
Appendices appear at the end of Book 3, containing
examples of real weapons translated into Aftermath! terms
and a Gun List for the Gamesmasters use.


This section is primarily intended for those who requirean
overview of how firearms function, and to provide readers
with the underlying rationale behind the Aftermath! gun
A firearm is any weapon using the force generated by
igniting gunpowder to fire a projectile.Thisdefinition covers
everything from early cannon-locks to M-16, from derringers
to howitzers.
The firearms we will be concentrating on in this section
and the weapons most often used in Aftermath! are classified
as SMALL ARMS. By this we mean weapons which are
designed to be carried easily and used by a singlecharacter.
Heavier weapons, such as machineguns, mortars, bazookas,
etc., are classified as SUPPORT WEAPONS, and are
discussed on page 37.
There are two primary forms of Small Arms: Pistols and
Long Guns, the latter also called Shoulder Arms. The
Revolver is the commonest example of the Pistol, and the
Rifle is the obvious example of the Long Gun. The only real
effect theseclassifications have in thegame if thequestion of
which Skill is used to fire the weapon in combat: PISTOL
Skill applies to Pistols, and RIFLE Skill to Long Guns.
A Pistol is defined as being small enough to fire easily in
one hand, although two may be required in the case of very
long ones. Their other distinguishing feature is the fact that
they are held by a pistol grip, or butt, having no shoulder
Long Guns are usually possessed of barrels over 18
(50cm) and are fitted with a Shoulder Stock. This latter
feature is their main distinguishing mark. They are generally
heavier and fire more powerful ammo than Pistols, with
greater range, accuracy and hitting power.

Up to a given length, the longer a barrel is, the faster its
bullet will travel. Longer weapons are more accurate (as a
rule) than shorter ones. This is one reason why rifles have
greater range than pistols, and fire with more power. But of
course, the longer a barrel is, the bulkier the weapon will be,
making for higher Encumbrance, and requiring two handsto
fire properly.
The standard abbreviation for Barrel Length is BBL. The
standard BBL values are as follows:
Snub-nosed (SNUB): BBL less than 3 (7.62cm).
Short (SHT): BBL 3-4 (7.62-10.16cm)
Standard (STD): BEL 4-7 (10.16-17.78cm)
Long (LNG): BBL 10-12 (17.78-25.3cm)
Extra Long (XLNG): BBL 10-12 (25.4-30.48crn)
Pistol Carbine BBL 12 (30.48crn) o r more

All of the Pistol sizes arefired using PISTOLSkill; however

it requires TWO hands to properly handleany weapon with a
Pistol Carbine BBL.
Long guns will rarely run shorter than about 16 in length.
Carbine: Any Long Gun with a BBL of 20 (50.8cm) or less
Rifle: Any Long Gun with a BBL of over 20 (50.8crn)
Also included in this class are Shotguns and certain
automatlc weapons, called Sub-Machine guns. It requires
two hand to properly fire any Long Gun.
In keeping the playing record of any firearm, the class of
BBL must be noted, as it will be referred to often.

The Encumbrance of a gun is drawn from the weapons
size and the weight of the real model being adapted to the
game system.
A Base ENC is assigned to the form of the weapon, to
which its real weight in kg/lO is added.
Pistol SNUB or SHT: Base ENC equals .2
Pistol STD or LNG: Base ENC equals .3
Pistol XLNG: Base ENC equals .5
Pistol Carbine or Carbine: Base ENC equals .7
Rifle: Base ENC equals 1
Shotgun: Base ENC equals 1.2
Riot Gun (Sawed-off Shotgun): Base ENC equals .8
Eg. the M-1 Garand Rifleof WWll i s a BIG gun. Weighing in
at 4.4 kg (9.5 Ib.) it will have an ENC of 1 (Base ENC for Rifles)
plus .4, or 1.4.
Contrariwise, a little 32 ACP caliber autoloading pistol, a
Saturday Night Special, weighing barely 10 oz., has an
ENC of .24.


In these rules we will be quantifying a number of physical
characteristics of real weapons for purposes of
constructing a game model.

357 Magnum


henry christen (order #23380)

The Gun Action is the internal mechanism of the weapon,
controlling how often it fires, the manner in which it clears
the spent cartridge casing, prepares a new cartridge, cocks,
and fires again.
There are three major classes of Gun Action:
SINGLE SHOT ACTIONS: The weapon requires manual
action by the firer to prepare for each shot. The principal
forms of Single Shot Actions are as follows:
Single Shot (SS): The weapon only holds one cartridge at a
time. After it is fired, the gun must be reloaded.
Single Action (SA): The weapon must be manually cocked
after each shot. This type of Action is usually found in the
six-shooters of the Old West, although modern replicas
of these guns may also be made with Single Action
Bolt Action (BA): Usually found only in rifles, a bolt mounted
at the back of the barrel must be worked manually to eject
the spent shell, chamber a new one for firing, and cock the
Lever Action (LA): The famous Winchester carbine is the
classic example of a Lever Action rifle. A lever mounted
around the guns trigger must be pumped to perform the
eject-chamber-cock cycle needed for the next shot.
Pump Action (PA): This is also called Slide Action, or even
Trombone Action. A sliding sleeve is mounted along the
bottom of the gunstock, along the barrel. The firer must
pump this forward and then back in order to eject,
chamber, and cock the weapon.
MULTI-SHOT ACTIONS: These firearms are designed SO
that all the user needs to do for his next shot is pull the
trigger. The principal forms are:

Double Action (DA): Found only in revolvers, as a rule; the

trigger pull also cocks the weapon and turns the cylinder
to present the fresh cartridge for firing.
Autoloading (AL): Also called Semi-Automatic. This type
of weapon is often referred to as an Automatic, but this is
a misnomer. An automatic weapon fires a continuous
stream of bullets as long as the trigger is held down. See
below for more details. The classic AL pistol is the Army
Colt 45 M1911A1. In rifles, the M1 Garand of the WWll
infantryman stands out in ones memory. Autoloaders
carry their ammo in aspring-fedclip. When the gun fires,
part of the force generated is channelled to throw the
weapons bolt, ejecting the old cartridge. The clips spring
then snaps a new one in place. Meanwhile, the bolt is
recovering from the effects of the last shot, but instead of
coming back to the fully closed position, it stops in the
cocked position. All this takes mere fractions of a second,
with the result that all the firer is aware of is that each time
he pulls the trigger, the gun will fire.
AUTOMATIC WEAPONS: As stated above, the term
Automatic refers to weapons capable of fire which
continues as long as the trigger is depressed. There are two
forms of Automatic Gun Action found in Small Arms.

Full Automatic (FA): The weapon fires Bursts of bullets,

instead of single rounds as non-automatic guns do. Such
Bursts can be long or short, but generally Small Arms
cannot be built durableenough toallow unlimited autofire.
The longer a Burst is maintained, the greater the chance
that the weapon will jam, as some element of its
mechanism falls out of synch with the murderous rhythm
of the discharge.

Auto-Burst (AB): The Autoburst feature is a recent

development in firearms design. Military doctrine has long
maintained that the maximum efficiency of automatic fire

in close combat is achieved by firing short bursts of 3-4

rounds each. However, under stress, many a dogface will
clamp down on his trigger, spraying bullets wildly and
emptying his clip to no profit. Thus, many new assault
rif!es and sub-machine guns incorporate an intermediate
setting between AL fire (semi-automatic) and FA, or Full
Automatic. This is the Auto-Burst. The weapon will fire a
set number of rounds (usually 3) every time the trigger is
pulled. This permits the use of automatic weapons without
wasting shots or causing unforeseen jamming.
It should be mentioned that automatic fire can befound as
a Gun Action in several different forms of gun. Modern
military rifles and carbines generally have autofire
capability. There are also the Sub-Machine Guns, orSMG.
which come in two sizes. The larger is classed as a Carbine,
the smaller as an XLNG Pistol.
As noted in the description of Autoweapon Skill (p. 17) the
user of a weapon firing FA or AB must average that Skill with
the one governing the use of that sizelshape of gun. Thus,
firing a Pistol form SMG would require averaging
Autoweapon and Pistol Skills. The use of a larger SMG, or an
automatic Carbine or Rifle, averages the Rifle Skill with

Folding Stock
Many SMG and some other weapons have this Feature, a
shoulder stock which can be removed or folded out of the
way. When this stock is extended, the weapon is fired using
Rifle Skill in combination with Autoweapon to derive the
BCS. When the stock is folded up, the Skill used is Pistol.

In discussing the specifications of a gun, only two aspects
of the ammunition it fires need be taken intoaccount: WHAT
does the weapon fire, and HOW is it loaded?
Further discussion of ammunition and its effect will be
found in the section entitled Bullets and Ballistics (P. 34).

The question What does the gun fire relates to the
particular cartridge it is designed to use as ammunition. Asa
rule, if a gun is made to use one type of cartridge, it cannot
fire any other round at all. Trying that will only get you an
exploding weapon in your hands. Most unpleasant.
Many people are aware that cartridges are measured by
their Caliber. Most also know that Caliber is a measure of
the bullets diameter either in inches or in millimeters. Giving
things a bit of thought, it becomes apparent that a 45
Caliber slug cannot be 45 inches across, and the reason
why it is properly written as .45 becomes clear. But what
most people do not know, unless they are familiar with guns
to some extent, is that there are about 3 different kinds of .45
Caliber ammunition in existence, none of which are
interchangeable. Likewise, such arcane facts as the
similarity between NATOs 7.62mm cartridge and the ,308
Winchester load (they are the same) are not in everybodys
general body of knowledge.
It is not enough to call a gun a 45. If one speaks of a45
Automatic, then it is a safe bet that the ammunition in
question is .45 ACP (for Automatic Colt Pistol), the round
designed by Colt Firearms for use with that weapon. But a
38 Revolver might load any one of several cartridges;
which is the proper type of .38 caliber ammo?
It must be clearly understood when describing a gun just
what exact ammo it can use.
There are two types of Small Arms ammunition to be
considered. The usual type referred to by such terms as
cartridge or round is called Ball Ammunition. This is a
metal bullet encased in a brass jacket, or case. But there is


henry christen (order #23380)

another form of ammunition, equally common: the Shot

Shell. Such shells are fired by Shotguns and contain either a
single heavy slug or numerous small pellets of lead or steel
shot enclosed in a paper or shell.
The section of page 34 will describe the two forms of
ammo. What is important to remember here is that Shotguns
cannot fire Ball Ammo.

Magazine refers to the part of thegun in which theammo
is carried for firing. In some firearms, this is an integral part of
the weapons structure, In others, a removab1eclip is used.
The particular type of magazine is very important in at least
one common situation in Aftermath!: reloading an empty
weapon in the middle of a fight.

Also called Non-detachable magazines. These are all of
a piece with the gun itself.
Swing-out Cylinder (Swing-Cyl): Found only in revolvers.
The cylinder swings out at the touch of a small release.
Empty cases are ejected in the same motion. New rounds
are loaded in by hand, or in a group if using a Quick
Reload device, a small spring clip holding a full load of
ammo. The cylinder is then snapped closed and the gun is
ready to fire.
Snap-out Cylinder (Snap-Cyl): Again found only in
revolvers. Very similar to Swing-Cy1 weapons, except that
the cylinder is remover completely, instead of swinging
out on a non-detachable axle. Thus, it is possible to carry a
spare cylinder already loaded, eliminating the need to
reload rounds into the removed one.
Portal Cylinder (Port-Cyl): Found only in replicas of Old
West revolvers. The cylinder does not come out. Spent
rounds are removed and new ones loaded through a small
portal mounted to the right of the guns trigger. This is
the slowest reloading revolver in the system.
Portal Magazine (Port-Mag): Formally known as the NonDetachable Staggered Box Magazine. This is a standard
magazine found in rifles that dont use clips. It is loaded
through a small portal mounted under the gunstock, in
front of the trigger guard. The usual capacity is5 rounds of
standard ammo or 3 of Magnum ammo.
Tubular Magazine (Tub-Mag): Similar to Port-Mag, but
rounds are loaded in through a side port, being held in a
long, tubular magazine mounted under the barrel. Almost
exclusively found in lever-action weapons and Shotguns.
Falling Block (Fall-Block): A breech-loading system found in
many Single Shot pistols and rifles. A small lever rolls out
the firing chamber, the round is inserted, the gun is closed,
and is ready to fire.
Break Loading (Break): Found mostly in Single Shot or
Double Barrelled Shotguns, and in some Single Shot ball
firing weapons. The gun is broken, hinged between
stock and receiver, to open up and eject the spent casing.
A new round is inserted, the gun is closed, and ready to
There are only two real types to consider. The box clip,
described briefly in the outline of Autoloading Action, and
the stripper clip, a metal or plastic spring enclosing the
weapons load, which is inserted in one movement into the

Box Magazine (Box): The true Clip. A small metal box,

holding a variable number of rounds. When reloading the
weapon, the old clip is simply removed and a new one
inserted. The first round must then be chambered
manually, and the Gun Action takes over from there as
described in Autoloader Action. This is the fastest
reloading weapon in the system, but has the disadvantage
that the clips are not usually interchangeable. That is, the
clip from your Detonics Snub-Nosed 45 Autoloader will
not serve to load your Colt Combat Commander, although
both weapons are clip-fed autoloaders using 45 ACP

Stripper Clip (Strip): Also known as the en bloc clip. The

best example of a Strip weapon is the M1 Garand rifle,
which loads an 8 shot Stripper Clip of 30-06 ammo. Most
Strip loading weapons eject the empty Stripper when
the last round in it is fired. As with Box Magazines, the
Stripper for weapon A will rarely fit weapon 6, even when
Calibers and capacities are the same.
In recording the magazine statistics on a given weapon,
the capacity of the magazine must be noted. Most guns allow
the option of carrying a round in the chamber. I.e., in an
autoloading pistol with a 7 round clip, an eighth round may
be carried already in the firing chamber, ready to fire. EUTthis may lead to accidental discharge of the weapon if it is
dropped or struck! The Gamesmaster may apply his
discretion in such matters. If the question arises, 1D6should
be rolled. If the score rolled is greater than or equal to the
guns DUR, it goes off. If the safety of the gun is on, add 1 to
the effective DUR.
An autoloading or automatic weapon which does NOT
have a round in the chamber is not ready to fire. In such a
case, the action must be worked once, manually, to chamber
that first round and cock the weapon. Thereafter, fired
rounds will provide the impetus needed to cycle the gun for
its next shot.

There are several miscellaneous factors in iirearms design
under the headings of Durability and Features.

This is an abstract figure from 1 to 5, expressing the
weapons overall quality and strength of construction. It has
many applications under the rules to follow. Under somecircumstances the weapons Durability (or DUR) may be
reduced. When the DUR falls below 1, the weapon is in a state
of Disrepair, and must be worked on by a Gunsmith under
the proper circumstances if it is to function again.
The general meaning of a DUR value can vary, reflecting
the initial quality of craftsmanship that went into the gun, or
conversely the lack thereof, or simply the shape it is in after
years of hard use (or abuse). The base DUR score is like a
characters DRT. While it may be reduced, the proper action
will restore it. The Gamesmaster may exercise his discretion
in decreeing that such damage be comes permanent if not
tended to within a given time.
DUR values as we see them may be categorized as follows:
Broken. Gun will not work. Repairs required.
Low-quality weapons, especially handguns. The cheap
Saturday Night Special type of gun. Antique arms that
have not been maintained well also fall into this
Cheap weapons, or very much abused ones. Dime
Store sporting arms, inexpensive replicas, massproduced pistols, again of the Saturday Night Special

PA, Port-Mag Rifle

henry christen (order #23380)

Average quality for pistols, and for inexpensive but

serviceable rifles and shotguns.
4 High quality sporting arms, older military weapons.
5 Custom made firearms, competition class handguns,
and top-quality military weapons comprise this elite of
the gun world.
These are arbitrary guidelines and Gamesmasters
expanding the gun inventory in their campaigns will have t o
make judgement calls on the DUR in most cases. One
possible rule-of-thumb is to base ones assigned Durability
values on the market price o f the gun being used for the
game model. But this can lead to low scores for well-made
but inexpensive models, not uncommon in the firearms
Throughout this chapter, various devices which will
enhance the use o f firearms are inserted under the heading
of Features. Features are elements in the design of a weapon
allowing better aim, faster fire, .more flexible use, etc.
When a Feature directly affects the application of a rule, it
is inserted following that rule in the text. A full list of
Features, including some not found in the rest of the text,
appears in Appendix 6.


Having established the basic qualities of firearms, we here
give the specific rules governing their use in play. This
includes those factors determined by the weapon itself and
those depending on the human firing it.

Range is a function of the size and type of gun being used.
The range to the target affects the firers chance to hit and the
amage potential of the bullet.

The following Table gives the Range Steps for each class
of firearm. There are six Range Steps to be considered in the
Point Blank Range (PER)
Short Range (SHT)
Effective Range (EFF)
Long Range (LNG)
Extreme Range (EXT)
Maximum Range (MAX)
Also given are the Modifiers to the Basic Chance of
Success and Bullet Damage Group for shots fired at these

Match Weapons
A Feature available on some firearms will be Match quality.
These weapons are designed for use in international
competition and have incredible accuracy. Weapons having
this Feature add 50% to the distance defining their Range
Eg., a Match Rated LNG Pistol will have the following Rage
Steps: PBR 7.5, SHT 15, EFF 60, LNG 90, EXT 180, MAX 360.
Match Weapons also have an Inherent Accuracy bonus of
1 in the hands of unskilled users(see p.31 for the Inherent
Accuracy rules).

The Rate of Fire is directly based on the Gun Action used.
It defines the number ofshotsthat thecharacter may fireina
single Action, as defined in Book 1 on p. 25. If a gun has a
Rate of 1 Shot per Action and is being used by a character
with an MNA of 3, he may fire up to3shots per CombatTurn,
if all he does is fire the gun.

Range Table


































plus 1

plus 1

plus 0

minus 1

minus 2

minus 5

plus 0

minus 10%

minus 25% minus 50%

Long Guns


Slug Load
Shot Load Full Choke
Modified Choke
Open Choke
Riot Gun
BCS Modifiers

BDG Modifiers
plus 10
plus 0
To use the Range Table, simply note the range t o the target
in meters on the combat display. Locate the Range Step
under which this figure falls on the Table. This is the Range
Step for that shot.

Unless weapon is specified as having another

barrel lenath.


henry christen (order #23380)

Gun Actions gnd Rates

Gun Action Shots per Action



1 Shot and reload for next shot

1 Shot per Action
1 Shot per Action
1 Shot per Action
1 Shot per Action
1 or 2 Shots per Action. Firers choice
1, 2, or 3 Shots per Action. Firers choice
Variable number of Bursts per Action
1, 2, or 3 Bursts* per Action

In automatic fire, Bursts are fired rather than individual

rounds as with, other Gun Actions. The majority of
weapons fire Bursts of 3 rounds each. Some of the new
super-automatic guns fire Bursts of 6. See Autofire rules
below for details.

Firing a gun is an Action, and thus will consume a PCA as
set down in the basic Combat rules. The exact Action Phase
on which shots are resolved will depend on the firers PCA
and the number of shots he is firing in that Action.
Firing 1 Shot (or Burst): Firer will initiate Action on the first
Action Phase of his PCA. The Shot is resolved (ie., a hit
rolled for) on the middle Action Phase. The firer recovers
from the shooting routine on the last Action Phase of the
Firer has 6AP of 10 and PCA of 5. His first act in the
Combat Turn is firing a gun. He initiates Action on Action
Phase 10. He resolves the Shot on Action Phase 8. He
completes the routine on Action Phase 6.

Firing 2 S h o k F i r e r will initiate Action o n first Action Phase.

He resolves first shot on his middle Action Phase. He
resolves second Shot and ends the firing routineon his last
Action Phase. Our example from above would open fire on
Action Phase 10, resolve first Shot on Action Phase 8,
resolve second Shot and end Action on Action Phase 6.
Firing 3 ShotsrAction is initiated and first Shot is resolved on
first Action Phase. Second shot is resolved on middle
Action Phase. Third Shot is resolved and routineended on
last Action Phase. The example character would resolve
Shots on Action Phase 10, 8, and 6 if firing 3 Shots.
This rule is used when
Firing more than 3 Shots. This can occur using FA Rate of
Fire, or a non-automatic weapon equipped with the Hair
Trigger Feature (see below).
0 Character is firing more Shots than he has PCA. Eg., a
character with PCA of 2 firing 3 Shots from an
Autoloading weapon.
Shots may be left over in the spacing formula when all
available Action Phases have been allocated. Such Shots are

defined as Odd Shots. The first Odd Shot fired in a given

Action is resolved on the last Action Phase, along with the
Shot normally fired then. Separate BCS rolls are made for
both of them, but their recoil effects will penalize both rolls. If
there is a second Odd Shot, resolve it in this manner but on
the middle Action Phase. If there is a third Odd Shot,
resolve it on the first Action. Repeat this process until all
Odd Shots have been given an Action Phaseon which they
will be resolved.

Squeeze Off Shots
The tradition of the dead eye marksman includes the
ability to slo-0-owly squeeze off shots, for significant
increases in aim. The Gamesmaster may allow this to be
done in the following manner.
The firer takes TWO Actions to compete afiring routine. In
effect, he doubles his PCA. For example, a character with an
MNA of 2 and BAP of 10 has two Actions available per
Combat Turn, with a PCA of 5. If he elects to squeeze off a
routine of 3 Shots, firing semi-automatic, he will initiate the
routine on Action Phase 10 and resolve his first Shot, resolve
his second Shot on Phase 5, and his third on Action Phase 1.
In other words, he will fire as i f his PCA were doubled, for a
score of lo!
Characters with an MNA of 1 must spread this option out
over two Combat Turns. The real slowpokes, with an MNAof
0, would require 4 Combat Turns to squeeze off a firing
The character must be in Full Stance (see below) to
Squeeze Off shots.
Squeezing off your shots will add the Deftness score to the
firers Skill Score with the weapon, If this increases the first
100 points only, the BCS to hit benefits. If the second 100
points of Skill are raised, the Location alteration is improved.
If the bonus increases the Skill beyond 200, this is allowed,
being reflected by greater-than-normal Location movement.
Skill increase in the first 100 points does not improve Control
die rolls!
Two points to clarify in the above rules are:
Shot: The term Shot refers to the normal discharge of the
weapon. This may be a single Round, as with nonautomatic weapons, a Burst of rounds, when firing automatic, a blast of shot from a shotgun, or the beam from an
energy weapon, i f your campaign uses such devices.
Other meanings include rifle grenades, mortar shells,
40mm grenades from a launcher-in short, any projectile
launched from a firearm.

MIDDLE Action Phase:There may be some confusion as to

the exact Action Phase which falls in the middle of an
Action. If the PCA is odd, the middle Action Phase falls
directly in the center of the sequence. It is a number of
phases into the PCA equal to PCAl2, up.
If the PCA is even, the middle Action Phase falls in the
Action a number of Action Phase equal to (PCA/2) plus 1.
Thus, two characters start an action on Action Phase 10.
The first has a PCA of 5, the other a PCA of 4. The first
character will reach his middle Action Phase on Action


henry christen (order #23380)

Phase 8, since 5/2 equals 2.5 which rounds up t o 3.

Counting from the phase of initiation, as is always done in
Aftermath! combat, the sequence runs 10 (initiate)-9-8
(third Action Phase in the sequence)-7-6 (fifth Action
Phase in sequence, thus ending the routine).
For the second character, with the PCA of 4, the middle
Action Phase falls on Action Phase 8 also, since (4/2) plus
1 equals 2 plus 1, or 3. The countdown is the same as for
the first character.
Hair Triggers
Hair Triggers are adjusted to allow ultra-rapid fire, with the
mechanism of the Gun Action similarly treated for fast shot
recycling. It increases the Rate of Fire by 1 Shot per Action.
SS weapons do not have Hair Triggers.

Full Automatic fire from small arms has several unique
rules attached to it. In firing any other weapon, 1 Shot
discharges 1 bullet (or charge of shot, if using a shotgun).
Firing on automatic, a weapon will discharge aset number of
Rounds per Burst. As stated, the usual number is 3 rounds.
This has two major effects. First, the recoil of firing the
weapon is equal to the number of Rounds per Burst times the
ammo's base BOG. Second, the damage potential of the
Burst will vary. A die of the typeappropriate to the number of
Rounds per Burst is rolled, a D3 for a gun firing 3 per Burst, a
D6 for weapons firing 6 per Burst. The indicated number of
rounds will hit the target on the same location, adding their
individual BOG to get the total. This can make even the lowpower slugs from some automatics quite lethal.
Remember to deduct all the rounds in the Burst from the
weapon's magazine load, even if all do not hit the target.
Likewise, Recoil for Bursts is calculated on the basis of how
many rounds are fired, not how many hit.

the Optional Jamming Rule above is used, they may well

cause the weapon t o jam.


In the course of time, any gun will jam. In the world of haphazard weapon care and old ammo of Aftermath! this occurs
more frequently than today. A"dud" bullet o r a jam will affect
different Gun Actions in different ways.
SS, SA, %A,LA, PA, and DA weapons: Treat "duds" (rounds
that do not go off) as if the weapon had fired. In other
words, the dud does not impede the weapons next shot.
AL, FA, and AB weapons: Duds must be cleared manually,
working the action by hand, which takes an Action. If firing
FA or AB, a dud in mid-Burst aborts the rest of the Burst.
The maximum number of Rounds in that Burst which can
hit the target is the number that actually fired.
When the weapon actually jams, it requires a full Action to
clear it. Then treat weapon as if it had a dud. t.e., all Single
Shot Actions, and DA weapons, can fire with no delay, but
autoloading and automatic weapons must be manually

This Feature is a small lever operating a plunger insidethe
gun. It will allow jams to be cleared by the end of the Action in
which they occur. It causes jams to be treated as if they were
simply duds.

Full Automatic Jamming
When firing FA, there is no strict limit to the number Of
Bursts which may be fired in an Action as such. The limit
comes from the tendency of automatic weapons to jam
during sustained fire. A single Burst can always be fired with
no fear of this happening (hence the development of AutoBursts to circumvent the problem in later designs). But if
more Bursts are fired in an Action, the chances mount
The tendency to jam is limited by the gun's Durability. If
firing multiple Bursts, roll dice of the type appropriate to the
Rounds per Burst for the gun, 1such die per DUR point. For a
gun firing 3 Rounds per Burst, with a DUR of 3,3D3 would be
rolled. The number rolled indicates the round which will jam
after the first Burst. A score of 3 would indicate a jam on the
third round of the second Burst fired that Action. If two
Bursts were indeed fired, the second would jam. If the score
had been 4, indicating a jam on the first round in the third
Burst, and only two Bursts were actually fired, then no jam
would occur.

Fumbling Bursts
One of the problems with FA fire is that the firer needs to
exercise great control to stop shooting when he wants to.
The high rate of fire may cause shots to be wasted. TO
simulate this, the Gamesmaster may require those using FA
to make a Deftness AST. If the Saving Throw fails, then roll a
die appropriate to the Rounds per Burst, and the indicated
number of extra rounds were fired. As such shots are not
well-controlled by the firer, they will not hit any target, and if

Digger popped his head up from behind the
embankment. BLAM! Another ghoul hit the dust. From
several locations, return fire kicked up dust as the
cannibals tried to bag their "meat."Digger drew a bead on
one of his hunters. CLICK! Click?
Digger's continued career in Aftermath! has just
become dependent on one vital question: can he reload
his piece before the ghouls turn him into cold cuts? The
time this is going to take depends on his native speedand
the type of magazine his gun has.
In any situation such as this, the first thing that must be
asked is, does the character have more ammo, ready to
load, in an accessible place? A glance at the rulesfor pawing
through your backpack or pockets shows the unwisdom of
storing spare loads there, unless you carry nothing but fresh
cartridges in that locale. The wisest course is an ammo
pouch, or bandolier, which will allow you to flip open the
container and pull out your rounds without fumbling past all
the other junk stored there.
Once you have the cartridges ready to go- the rest depends
on your gun.


henry christen (order #23380)

If the weapon does not use a clip, stripper, or similar device
allowing the new ammo to be placed inside in one mass, then
the Loose Round Rule applies. In one Action, the character
can handle a number of rounds equal t o his Deftness Group.
This handling can consist of taking out a spent round or
putting in a new one.


The timetables for reloading the magazines described earlier
are as follows:

Swing-Cy1 or Snap-Cyl:
1 Action to break open cylinder. Empties are ejected in
same motion.

Load new rounds under Loose Round Rule. If using a

Quick Reload Device or a spare, reloaded Snap-Cyl, then it
requires only 1 Action to insert this.
1 Action to close cylinder, Gun is now ready to fire.

Old rounds must be removed and new rounds loaded
using Loose Round Rule. If weapon not fully reloaded, 1
Action required to be sure to get fresh cartridge under
hammer for firing. Chance of blowing this and getting a
spent round (ie.,adud) inthefirst position isthenumberof
such rounds left in a gun or less on a D6.

Port-Mag or Port-Tub
Load using Loose Round Rule. N o empties to worry
about, as these have been ejected during firing.

Falling Block
1 Action to open Gun Action, ejecting empty casing.
1 Action to load new round in.

1 Action to close weapon. Gun is now ready to fire.

1 Action to open gun. Empties are ejected by this

Load using Loose Round Rule.

1 Action to close gun. Gun is now ready to fire.

1 Action to remove old magazine.

1 Action to insert fresh clip and chamber first round if this

is desired at that time. If round not chambered during the
reload, it will take a separate Action to do so later on.

Once first round is chambered, gun is ready to fire.

Note: If it is necessary to reload the clip itself during
Detailed Action Time, this is done using the Loose Round

1 Action to load in new Stripper (empty clip was ejected on
last shot).
1 Action to chamber first round for firing.

Gun is ready to fire when round is chambered.

Note: Reloading the Stripper clip itself is handled thesame

way as reloading empty Box clips: use the Loose Round
Quick Close Rule
In the Action in which the last round is reloaded, with

weapons requiring closing, the character may attempt to do

so at once. This requires a Speed AST at a penalty equal to
the number of rounds handled that Action. If made, the
weapon is closed by the end of that Action. If failed, the
weapon must be closed as the next Action.

Quick Chamber Rule
Likewise, in a weapon requiring chambering, thecharacter
may attempt to do this in the Action in which the last round
was reloaded. The same rules apply as those governing the
Quick Close. If the Quick Close option has been used in that
Action already by the character, a Speed CST is needed, at
the same penalty as always for the number of rounds
handled. This rule can also be used in the event of trying to
properly align the cylinder on a partially reloaded revolver.


We have now developed a fairly comprehensive system for
determining how guns work. Let us examine how they are


As all character actions are controlled by the possession of
the appropriateskills, you may besure thequestion will arise
of what happens when someone with no Gun Skill picks up a
firearm in combat, or moreconfusingly, how well acharacter
who is a deadly Pistol shot handles a Rifle, when he has never
fired one before in his (game) life.
ANYONE can fire a gun which is in a Ready state, He may
not be much of a shot, but he can use it in combat to some
degree. Doing other things to the gun (reloading it,
maintaining it, etc.) requires some knowledge of how it
works, i.e., a score in the appropriate Skill; but even here, the
characters common sense can replace acquired ability.

A Ready weapon is defined as a gun which is:
@Loaded,with a round in the chamber for firing, cocked,
and with the safety off. In other words, if the trigger is
pulled, the gun will fire.
@In the firers hands, properly held for use. A character
carrying a Rifle in one hand and a flashlight in the other
does not have a Ready weapon, as he needs both hands to
fire the gun. A Pistol that has just been used to conk a
guard over the head is not being held ready to fire.
Obviously, holstered or slung weapons are not ready. It
will normally require 1 Action to ready such a weapon.
If the gun is carried in a closed holster (strapped or
buttoned down flap) or in any other kind of container, this
must be opened and the gun found according to the normal
rules for such activity.

Quick Draws
Pistols or Rifles can be drawn and fired in the same Action
in certain cases. The former weapon must be in an open
holster, or in the carriers belt. Long Guns cannot be drawn
if they are slung over the carriers back or shoulder, but if
they are being carried, the option may be tried.
A Pistol can be Quick Drawn from a holster i f the user
makes a Deftness AST. From the belt or waistband a CST is
needed. The use of special, fast draw holsters will add a
bonus to the score needed. The Gamesmaster may impose
penalties if the circumstances warrant.
Quick Draws with Long Guns require a Deftness CST.
If the Fast Draw Saving Throw is made then a single shot
may be fired at the end of the Action. All other modifiers
apply and such shots are always assumed to be Hip Fire (see
p. 31).
The Gamesmaster may feel freeto introduceaQuick Draw
Skill, if he finds it appropriate to his campaign. The use of the


henry christen (order #23380)

Skill instead of the Saving Throw would allow the weapon to

be brought to the Present Stance, rather than Hip Fire. See
the rules on Firing Stance for an explanation of this
There are two major points to deal with here: firing them,
and minor operational points, lumped under the term
As with any unfamiliar weapons form, the base BCS is
derived from the users Combative Talent. This is used as
an inherent Skill score, so that a character with a20 will have
a BCS of 4 in any weapons form he tries to use. However,
guns do a lot of the work for you in combat. Even a novice
knows that if you point it at the target and pull the trigger, it
will shoot at that target.
Therefore, firearms have an Inherent Accuracy which is
added to the Talent-based BCS of the inexperienced user. I t
is based on the overall class of weapon and its BBL.
If the users own BCS in the weapon, based on a Gun Skill,
exceeds the score derived from his Combative Talent and
the Inherent Accuracy, then it is used instead of that score.
Inherent Accuracy is effective only for those who are NOT
trained in using the weapon!
As regards Servicing the weapon, when dealing with
Small Arms, if the user is confronted with some simple act,
say reloading the weapon, he must make a Wit CST to figure
out what is needed, and all steps in the procedure take twice
as long as normal. Say an unskilled character is trying to
reload a Box magazine. It will be borne in upon him that it is
empty when it refuses to fire. He must try t o make a Wit CST
to figure out how t o reload it. He takes 1 Action per attempt,
succeeding on his second try. At double the normal value, it
will take 2 Actions to remove the old clip and 2 more to
fumble in the new magazine.
The Gamesmaster may modify these restrictions to fit the
case. A well-trained Pistol user will probably know how to
service a Rifle in most cases, but will still do so slowly.
The rules on Servicing weapons apply to all characters
who have less than 5 points (a BCS of 1) in the relevant Skill.
There are three basicstances for use when firing. They are
as much a matter of mental focus as of physical placement,
being linked to the degree of concentration and control the
firer is bringing to bear on his shot. The Stances are:

Full Stance: Or just Stance for convenience. The braced

position allowing the firer maximum control of his aim.
Present Stance: Also called Presented or just Present
(as in Present Arms, not Birthday Present). The basic
firing posture, allowing some freedom of movement.
Hip Fire: A loose stance, allowing full movement, but
lacking a good deal of control over the weapon.
In the main, characters can adopt any Stance they choose
no matter what is going on, as long as they restrict their
actions to those permitted that Stance. If, for example, a
character is running down the street while firing, he can only
be using Hip Fire, as only that Stance allows such movement.
A character with a ready weapon who fires without
announcing any special change in his Stance, is assumed to
be in Present, as that is the best Stance for such shooting.
Full Stance cannot be assumed without conscious effort and
the Gamesmaster need not allow its benefits (or restrictions)
to those who have not announced that they are using it. If a
character has been using aStance, and then does something
which is not permitted to that Stance, the Gamesmaster may
automatically require that he adjust his Stance t o the
optimum one permitting such action.
Full Stance
The firer assumes a posture as if he were firing on a target
range, instead of in the middle of a hot firefight. It requires 1





Long Guns: Carbine


+ 1
+ 2
+ 4

+ 3
+ 4

Autofire: Using a weapon for automatic fire reduces the

Inherent Accuracy normally accorded the weapon by2.
For each full Burst fired, add 1to the Inherent Accuracy.
Match Weapons: I f the Feature is used, then Match
Weapons add 1 to the normal Inherent Accuracy of the

Action to assume Full Stance, and the firer must refrain from
shooting during this Action. He must be in Present Stance
(see below) when starting the Action. Full Stance has the
following advantages:
0 A plus 1 to the BCS is received.

Allows the use of certain modifiers (Sighting, Bracing

Weapon, Squeeze Off, etc.) which are only allowed while
in Stance.

Restrictions on Full Stance are:

0 Shots may only be fired out of the characters Front Hexes.
No movement of any sort is permitted, including the
Combat Move.
0 T h e firer may not speak, or otherwise concentrate on
anything except his shot.
Present Stance
Any character who is not moving, is not Surprised, and has
a Ready gun, may assume Present Stance at will. No
modifiers apply to Present for good or ill, as it is assumed to
be the basic firing position, neither below average like Hip
Fire, nor above average like Full Stance.
Advantages are:
0 Fire permitted out of Side Hexes as well as Front
0 Normal rules governing communication in Detailed Action
Time apply
Disadvantages are:
0 Only the Combat Move is permitted.
0 Certain modifiers requiring Full Stance are not allowed.

Hip Fire
As the name implies, the weapon is held low, braced
against the body for support, rather than high ,,lough to
allow even a minimal sighting technique to be used. Hip Fire
is assumed when no other circumstances cover the
conditions under which the gun is fired.
Advantages of Hip Fire are:
0 Character may perform any movement: Walk, Run, Dodge,
Change Position, you name it.

Fire is permitted out of any facing: Front, Side, or Reir.

Disadvantages are:
0 Use Average BCS to resolve Hip Fire shooting.

Further restrictions available to modifiers for firer.

Several of the weapon design factors discussed previously
have direct bearing on the BCS when firing the weapon.


henry christen (order #23380)

Features Enhancing BCS

The Range Step affects the BCS as follows:

plus 2 to BCS
plus 1 to BCS
no effect on BCS
minus 1 to BCS
minus 2 to BCS
minus 5 to BCS


Telescopic Sights
The use of Telescopic Sights will serve to reduce the
effective Range as far as its effects on BCS go. Effects on
Bullet Damage Group are not modified. Simply divide the
actual Rangeof sighted shots by the magnifying power of the
scope. The resulting figure is the effective Range, used to
determine the Range Step to be used.

All cartridges are rated as to their Bullet Damage Group
(BDG) and, besides indicated how much damage they can
do to a target, this BDG also determines the recoil suffered
by the firer.
To measure the Recoil penalty (if any) proceed as follows:
Take BDG/10, up. This is the Recoil base.

From this base, subtract either the characters Strength

Group or his Location alteration score with that firearm,
whichever is higher. If this sum is positive, subtract it from
the firers BCS as a penalty. If it is negative, it has noeffect
on the BCS one way or another.

If multiple rounds are fired in the same Action Phase, as

occurs when firing Bursts or resolving Odd Shots, then the
BDGs of all rounds fired in that Action Phase are added
together for calculating Recoil, and all resolutions rolled that
phase will be affected by any penalties accrued.
Armed withe 45 ACP autoloading pistol, Marsha
is pumping out 3 shots at a charging Master Rat.
Her PCA is 2, starting o n Action Phase 3, so she will
resolve her first shot on Action Phase 3, and her last
two shots on Action Phase 2, under the Odd Shot
45 ACP has a BOG of 71, so its Recoil base is 2.
Marsha has a Strength Group of 2, and is a good
shot, with 2 points of Location in Pistol Skill. So
either way, she can reduce Recoil by 2. Therefore,
her first shot is at no penalty due to Recoil.
On Action Phase 2, however, Marsha is resolving
two shots, each with a BDG of 11. Thus, the Recoil
base for her shots on Action Phase 2 is equal to
22/10, up. or 3. Subtracting her relevant scores, the
differhnce is 1. Marsha gets -1 o n both of these shots
fired on Action Phase 2, as she cannot completely
control the bucking pistol.

Recoil Reduction
There are a variety of Features to be found in firearms
which have the express purpose of reducing the effects of
Recoil. On Long guns, the simplest form known is simply a
pad, fitted to the butt of the stock. Other firearms use
carefully crafted weighting in the barrel, special vents that
release some of the force of the propellant explosion, and so
Weapons equipped with Recoil Reduction other than a
Pad will be noted as having 1, 2, or 3 factor. That is, they
reduce the Recoil base by that number.
Recoil Pads always reduce Recoil base by 1.

Among the features which may directly affect the BCS, we

Tunable Guns: Certain firearms are designed to allow the
user to tune the guns handling characteristics, stock
length, balance, trigger pull, and so on, to conform to his
optimum physical specifications.
It requires a weeks study time, expending rounds as
required for normal learning, but otherwise free of either
hindrances or bonuses, to tune the gun. No Skill points are
gained for this weeks study. Once the gun is tuned, it will
add 1 to that users BCS, but will penalize other users by-1.
I f someone else acquires the gun, he may retune it by the
same process.

HandedPistol Grips: Customized grips can be mounted on

Pistols, or in some models are included, which are
specially formed to allow a very firm, comfortable, and
precise hold on the gun. Such grips are handed, ie.,
shaped for the left or right hand specially. Using such a
Pistol in the correct hand adds 1 to the BCS. Using such a
Pistol in the wrong hand gives a -2 to the BCS.

The firer will often be in a position to improve or worsen his
BCS by certain actions during his firing routine. Some of
these are things the character must perform deliberately,
others are natural by-products of specific events.

Brace Weapon
The firer may assume a Brace with the weapon if he is in
Full Stance. Both hands must be used, whether firing Pistol
of Long Gun. With the former, both hands are used to hold
the butt, as in standard police firing stance for handgun use.
With a Long Gun, the Brace also requires that the weapon
be equipped with a sling, or carrying strap. This is wrapped
around the forearm of the hand supporting the forward
gunstock, under the barrel.
It requires 1 Action without firing to assume a Brace, and
the firer must be in Full Stance before commencing the

Swivel Sling
The sling on a Long Gun can be mounted with universally
jointed swivels. These speed up the Bracing process so that
it may be performed in the same Action as the one in which
the firer assumes Full Stance.

Rest Weapon
The firer rests the weapon on a stable, horizontal surface.
This surface must be at a level between the firers sternum
(LOC6-7) and face (LOC2). The firer must be in Fu!l Stance
but may not Brace the weapon if using the Rest option.

Firer Movement
It is generally agreed that firing a gun on the run is tricky!
The rules reflect this.
As stated in the rules on Firing Stance, Present Stance
allows the firer to make only a 1 meter Combat Move during
his firing Action. Any greater degree of movement
automatically drops the firer into Hip Fire. The Gamesmaster
should enforce this rigorously.
Besides limiting Firing Stances, any movement reduces
the BCS directly as follows:
Combat Move (lm): -1 to BCS
Walking: Use Hip Fire and -2 to BCS
Running: Use Hip Fire and -4 to BCS
Dodging: Use Hip Fire and double penalty for basic
movement being used
Changing Position: Kneeling down, standing up, hitting
the deck, etc. A flat -10 to the BCS. If the move is being
performed in 1 Action Phase, i.e., the character is doing so


henry christen (order #23380)

without taking an Action, the Gamesmaster may require

him to avoid the Fall effects before allowing him to even try
to shoot. Also, remember that the gun may be dropped if
the faller is stunned, or may go off unintentionally if it was
ready to fire.
The question will arise regarding fire during an Action i n
which the character is using different rates of speed. This is
not easy to define completely and each group will, to some
extent, have to work out its own conventions. According to
ours, unless the character has started his Firing Action in Hip
Fire, he is not allowed to make a move greater than 1 meter.
I n Hip Fire, his BCS penalty for a given Action Phase of
resolution is based on the highest rate of movement
achieved in the Action up to that point. This prevents walking
for 3 Action Phases, then stamina
. . on the Dhaseof resolution
to avoid the BCS penalty.

IfSlimy Sammy initiates a 3 Shot firing routine in Hip

Fire, standing still for the first Action Phase, when he
resolves his first Shot, he receives no special penalty. On
the next Action Phase, he walks a meter, and does
likewise on the Action Phase after that, when he resolves
his second Shot. He has moved more than 1 meter, and is
walking, so he takes a -2 to the BCS. Under a hail of
returning fire, he breaks into a run for the next Action
Phase, which continues into the last Action Phase in his
Action, so that he fires that Shot at -4. Had he started
dodging the bullets, his last shot would have suffered -8
(double the runningpenalty). Had he stopped for the last
Action Phase, to return fire while standing still, he would
still have suffered -2, since his fastest movement during
the Actron was still a Walk.
Firing From Cover
If the firer has grabbed some cover, and is trying to keep
its protection while shooting, he may be presumed t o be
somewhat distracted from making his best shot.
Firing from Cover entails two types of restriction. First, a
flat penalty to the BCS of -5. If the Gamesmaster wants to
make this a sliding scale, the penalty may be (number of
Locs covered)/6, down.
On a more complex front, assuming Cover will dictate a
number of restrictions to the firers activities:
Firing over cover: The firer must be exposed from his
sternum (Locs 6-7) to his Face (LOC2). If firing a Pistol, the
whole of the Firing Arm is exposed. If firing a Long Gun, all
of both Arms is exposed.
Firing around cover: The side of the body holding the gun is
exposed. This is all of the head and throat (Locs 1-3) and
the leg and hip on that side (unless lower cover there offers
protection). If firing a Pistol, only the Firing Arm and its
side of the torso are exposed. If firing a Long Gun, both
Arms and all of the chest and abdomen are exposed (Locs
h e e l i n g and prone position: A character standing behind a
1-meter wall is covered onlyfrom thegroin down (Locs 1220). If he kneels behind such a wall, he is covered to the
sternum. The Gamesmaster must apply judgement to the
exact levels of protection offered. He will find a Random
Cover table in Book 3 on page 20. This will offer a
sampling of the available cover to be found in a given area.
Firing from a Kneeling position is principally of use in
firing over some low cover while maximizing protection.
Firing from a Prone position will expose the shooters
head, neck, and chest (Locs 1-5),the Firing Arm(s), and
anything else the Gamesmaster rules to be exposed, to the
attackers angle of fire. It is generally worse than uspless
against fire from superior height. Its primary purpose is for
maximum protection in firing around corners (as it

removes the lower body from the field of returning fire) and
when firing down at a target and over some cover, such as
the edge of a roof. Again, the Gamesmaster will modify the
effects of Prone firing to reflect the angles of fire involved.
The position used, standing, kneeling, or prone, has no
direct effect on the BCS. It merely provides a means of
maximizing the protection of available cover, which can
effect the BCS.
One H a n d n w o Hand-Offhand:
There are several possible ways that the hand used to hold
the gun, or the number of hands used, will affect play.
Normal Pistol use requires only the gun hand to be free,
unless the Brace Weapon modifier is being used by the
character. If firing a Pistol with a BBL of the Pistol Carbine
size, both hands are needed.
Firing a Long Gun with one hand is not easy! For a Rifle or a
full-sized shotgun, asling must beattached tothegun, which
the character must wrap around the forearm of his firing
This takes 1 Action if his other hand is free to help. If it is
not, a Deftness AST is required.
Firing aTwo Handedlgun with only one hand will have the
following effects:

Only Hip Fire may be used.

A penalty to the BCS is suffered. This equals (2 x ENC

of gun) rounding fractions up.

All recoil values are doubled

And if firing any weapon with the characters off-hand,

the Off Hand Dexterity Rule is enforced!

Surprise and New Targets: While Surprised, characters can

at best get off shots from Hip Fire. Only when they have had a
chance to react to thesituation can they upgradetheir stance
to Present.
A similar situation will occur when a firer opens fire on a
given target. It will require 1 Action to draw a bead on that
target, although this may be done while firing, or changing
Stance, or what have you. Put simply, for the first Action in
which firer is concentrating on a given target, his BCA will
get a -2. Thereafter, this penalty will vanish until the firer
switches to another target, or loses contact with the old one.
It is possible to draw a bead on a given spot, which will
allow penalty-free fire at new targets entering that area. The
Gamesmaster should requiresome exactness in such a case.
One cannot draw a bead on a football stadium. One can do
so on a door or window, a small area of floor, a manhole, etc.
Sighted Fire: As stated, a character in Full Stance may take
an Action to Sight his shot. This is possible on any gun
having Iron Sights or other forms of sighting mechanism, but
not on those without sights. Sighted Fire derives from any
bonuses, Features, or Options inherent in the particular type
of sights on the gun.
Spraying Autofire: The Bursts of automatic weapons need
not be directed solely at one target. The firer may spray, or
hose down, an area, or split fire among multiple targets.
The total number of hexesseparating his targets isadded up,
including those containing figures. All figures in theaffected
area are subject to fire. A separate BCS is rolled for each
vulnerable figure. The BCS for each target is divided by the
total number of hexes covered by the spray. Likewise, the
BDG impacting a given target is divided by the number of
hexes in the target area. It may be convenient for the
Gamesmaster t o require that all targets of spraying fire be
within a 20-meter area, and to adjudicate that spray fire may
never hit more characters than the number of rounds that


henry christen (order #23380)

were fired. On the positive side, the BCS penalty should be

reduced in firing into a press, where characters are packed
closely together.
Luther is being charged by mad dogs from two
doors, three meters apart. Assuming no other
modifiers apply to his 6CS of 16, his spray attack
will be resolved as follows:
Total area covered is two meter-wide doors and 3
meters of intervening space. 5 meters.


Having established a pretty extensive picture of how the
gun gets its projectile to the target, let us know turn to the
projectiles themselves: the ammunition.
A cartridge, or round, is made up of the following
Case: A brass cylinder. closed at the bottom, into which all
the other parts fit snugly.

His BCS vs. the two Dogs is 1615,for an effective3

(round down). Their CDAs while charging will
reduce this to less than 1 , to be resolved as
described in Book 1 .
By sheer good luck, he hits one of the Dogs!
Rolling the number o f hits, he scores a 2. He is
firing rounds with a BDG of 11, so the normal total
that would affect the Dog is 22. Dividing this by 5,
we get 4. His effective BDG against one mutt is
only 4, probably only a wound. Meanwhile, the
foaming jaws of the unscathed animal are
snapping at his jugular!
While the firer is doing his best to maximize his chance of
hitting the targets, most targets (if of the fragile, organic
kind) will be doing something to mess him up.
Target Movement
The movement rate of the target at the Action Phase when
a shot is resolved will determine this modifier. It is always
expressed as a multiple of the targets CDA, as follows:

Target not moving, in combat, or taking

Combat Move: CDA x 1

Target Walking: CDA x 2

Target Running: CDA x 3

Target Dodging: Increase multiplier by 1

Target Falling (Changing Position Downwards):

CDA x 3

Target Cover
This does not often affect the BCS. Cover defends against
gunfire by stopping bullets (one hopes). But there is a class
of cover classified as Visual Cover.
Visual Cover will effectively reduce the visual contact that
the firer has with the target, with effects according to the
prevailing light conditions. This type of cover is
usually gotten from heavy brush, loose rubble, etc. It will
rarely offer Barrier protection against bullets. What it does
do is reduce the Light for the firer by a number of steps.
These combine with prevailing visual conditions to
determine the effective eye contact for the shot. For
example, Visual Cover with a rating of 1 would have the same
effect on a shot in Good Light as the firer would suffer in
Dim Light. If it is dusk, when prevailing light is Dim, the
Target is in Poor Light. And so on. The firer can offset this
cover by making his Wit ST. If his die roll is in the AST range,
it reduces the rating of the Visual Cover by 1. A CST reduces
it by 2. A Critical Save negates it altogether. Targets moving
in Visual Cover reduce its effect on their behalf by 1 per level
of movement used (i.e., -1 for a Walk, -2 for a Run). Ifthey use
Stealth successfully, this is negated. Target firing from
Visual Cover will be spotted by any observer who makes a
Wit AST on a DlO!

FN Rifle (FA)

Primer: The igniter for the main powder charge. A small

amount of fulminating powder, i.e., powder which goesoff
if struck.
Charge: The charge of gunpowder which provides the
propellant and gases for the shot.
Slug: Also called the bullet. Theactual projectile fired from
the gun.
Shot shell differs somewhat in construction, although it is
quite similar in most respects. The Case is of laminated
cardboard or plastic. The Primer fulfills the same function as
it does in Ball Ammo rounds, as does thecharge. Instead of a
single slug, the Shot Shell will haveeithera massofshotor
one very big rifled slug. The differences in Range and
hitting power of these loads are discussed at theappropriate
points throughout these rules.
Shot Shell is measured not in Caliber, by inches or
millimeters, but by Gauge, an antiquated measure dating
from the days of muzzle-loading weapons. A 12-Gauge
shotgun has a barrel of such dimensions that 12 lead ballsof
the same diameter would weigh one pound.
Specifications for cartridges vary widely according to size
(Caliber), bullet weight and shape, type of primer used
(Centerfire or Rimfire), etc.
This has been partially discussed on p. 25. I n discussing
Caliber as a quality of the cartridge, the salient points to keep
in mind are these:

Caliber is measured in fractions of an inch (as in .45 ACP)

or in millimeters (as in 7.62mm NATO).
In general, the bigger the caliber, the more powerful the
ammo. There are some notable exceptions, as you will see.
Different rounds are not interchangeable! 38 Short is not
the same as 38 Special. 9mm Short and 9mm Parabellum
do not go into the same gun. Again, there are exceptions.
Some weapons are specially designed to fire more than
one type of ammo. Some ammo is used interchangeably
between Pistols and Long Guns.

The two forms of primer used in modern cartridges are:
Rimfire: The primer is contained in a soft rim around the
base of the casing. This is struck at the bottom of its
circumference by the pin, igniting the primer which in turn
sets off the main charge.
Centerfire: The primer is contained in a small cap, in the
center of the casings bottom. The firing pin on CF-loading
guns is set to strike here.
Rimfire ammo comprises the immensely popular .22
caliber ammo, generally low-power but the commonest
single caliber in the world today. Not much of a manstopper,
but you will find weapons loading the RF 22 in any sporting
goods store. Rimfire ammo WILL interchange between
Pistols and Long Guns, and many weapons are made to
accept ANY RF 22 cartridge: Short, Long, Long Rifle, etc.


henry christen (order #23380)

Centerfire ammo is almost always more powerful than

Rimfire. It is the standard round for hunting, police, and
military weapons. Ranging from popgun loads for small
Pistols up to the cannons used for big game, it is more
versatile and certainly preferable in combat.
Centerfire ammo can also be Reloaded. That is, used
again. Cases can be cleaned, new charges and bullets
inserted, and a new primer affixed, thus recycling theammo.
This is not possible with Rimfire ammo.


The chance of Missle Special Effects occurring when a
bullet hits the target is equal to the BDG of the round as a
percentage. I.e., a round with BDG of 20 has a 20% chance of
causing Missile Special Effects.
The rules governing Special Effects are in Book 1.
All BDG-based effects are subject to modifications which
can raise or lower its effective value. See Ballistic Modifiers
on page 36.
The following Table gives the Base BDG of all the ammo
used in Aftermath! It is divided into several headings:
Centerfire Pistol Ammunition (CF Ball Ammo primarily used
in Pistols), Centerfire Long Gun Ammunition, Rimfire
Ammunition, and Shot Shell.
You will note that the BDG for Shot Shells is given in a
slightly different form than the Ball Ammo. The Gauge of
the gun is cross-referenced with the size of Shot used in the
shell. The figure on the matrix is the BDG in question. I.e., 00
Buckshot in a 12-Gauge Shell has a BDG of 32.
The Slug figure is the BDG for a rifled shotgun Slug fired
from a weapon of that Gauge. Shot Shell slugs are treated as
any other Ball ammo.
Caliber figures given that are just a number, like222,32-20,
etc., are always to be read ds Caliber inches. Only calibers
given as mm are metric. Note that some rounds are widely
used both in Europe and in the US., being measured in
caliber inches here and in millimeters there. There is no
difference between the metric and American measured


All cartridges have a rating called their BDG. This defines
that rounds damage potential in several specific areas:

The number of damage dice a round will do against the
Armor Value of a struck target, and his DRT if it penetrates, is
based on the BDG. The Damage Dice for a bullet strike are
calculated as follows:
number of D10 of Damage equals BDG/10, up.
plus Damage Points equal BDG/10, nearest.
Thus, a bullet with BDG of 33 would do 4D10 plus 3 to a
character it hits. 33/10 equals 3.3. Rounded up, this equals4.
Rounded to the nearest whole number, it is 3.
With a BDG of 35 or more, 4D10 plus4 would be the bullets
Damage roll, as 35/10 is 3.5, which rounds nearest to 4.


22 Jet
221 Fireball
25 ACP (6.35mm)
30 (7.65mm)
32 Short
32 Long
32 ACP
357 Magnum
9mm Parabellum
9rnm Short
38 Special
38 Short
380 ACP
38 SuperAuto
41 Magnum
44 Special
44 Magnum
45 Long Colt
45 ACP


22 Short
22 Auto
22 Long Rifle
22 Stinger
22 Long
5mm Magnum

henry christen (order #23380)



Ca I iber
22 Jet
223 (5.56mm)
222 Magnum
256 Magnum
6.5mm Magnum
264 Magnum
7mrn Mauser
7mm Magnum
30 Carbine
30-40 Krag
300 Magnum
308 (7.62mm NATO)
32 Special
8mm Mauser
8mm Magnum
338 Magnum
350 Magnum
35 1



Gauge 10 12 16










4-3 Buck
2-1 Buck
00 Buck












These are very light, small shot pellets, often referred to as

birdshot. Ony any target massing over 2 Enc, they do B
type damage (half lethal, half subdual).
* * Again, these are fairly light loads. At any range beyond
SHT, they also do B damage.
x Indicates that no Shot Shell of that type is made for the
Gauge in question.

Note that certain rounds appear o n both the Centerfire

Pistol and Centerfire Long Gun Tables. The are: 22 Jet,
32-20, 38-40, 44-40, and 44 Magnum. These are identical
rounds, but are widely popular both as Pistol and as Long
Gun loads. They are entered on each Table for easy
reference. Some Players may favor using
weapons which all chamber the same
caliber, as such standardization can
offset some of the problems in maintain358
ing an ammo supply.
The Encumbrance of cartridges is also
44 Magnum 42
based on their Caliber. All Pistol ammo of
444 Marlin
30 or less, and all Rimfire ammo, has an
ENC value of .01. Other Pistol ammo (32
45-70 Govt
Caliber or larger), Long Gun Ammo, and
458 Magnum 51
Shot Shell, has an ENC value of .02.
460 Magnum 81

rounds; they are identical e.g., ,308-inch and 7.62mm NATO

are the same cartridge.

The BDG values given in the Table are the base values.
This is the inherent BDG of a given round and is subject to
modification before an effective BDG is applied to the target.
Ballistics, the study of projectile motion, is divided into
three stages, which suit our needs here exactly. These are:

Internal Ballistics: The study of ballistic

pertaining from the moment the charge ignites until the
bullet leaves the gun barrel.

External Ballistics: The study of the bullets flight from the

moment of leaving the barrel until a target is struck.

Terminal Ballistics: The study of ballistic conditions

,pertaining when the bullet hits the target.
At each stage of its flight, the bullet will be subject to
different forces which may affect the BDG.



High-Power Firearms
These are simply firearms reinforced to allow use of High
Power ammo without suffering the increased risk of a
Critical Miss.

High-Power Shotshell: There is no danger of overloading a

shotgun. Shells are physically incapable of fitting into a
magazineforanotherGaugeortypeofShel1,Thereare HighPower, or Magnum, Shot ShelkThese run3 inches in length
rather than the normal 2.5 inches. Magnum Shot Shells are
packed with more shot and more powder. They increase
the base BDG by 50%.


There are two factors which influence External Ballistics:
Range and Barriers.

Range and BDG

The Range Step will raise or lower the BDG. This is the
Range Step directly from the Table. Use of Sights to reduce
Range for BCS purposes will not affect the ballistics of the
shot. Match Weapons do enjoy their Range modification in
this connection. Range modifiers to BDG are:

The Base BDG is directly modified by Internal Ballistics.

Only two factors come under this heading. One is due to the
BBL of the gun. The other is obtained by using speciallymade cartridges.

PBR: plus 10 to effective BDG.


E X T minus 25% to effective BDG.

Modify the base BDG as shown:

MAX: minus 50% to effective BDG.

Pistol SNUB: reduce BDG by lo%, rounding to nearest.

Pistol SHT or STD: No effect on BDG.
Pistol LNG or XLNG: Increase BDG by lo%, nearest.
Pistol Carbine or Carbine: The effect depends on the
BDG Table used. Pistol rounds fired from Carbines have a
BDG increase of 50%, nearest. Long Gun rounds fired from
Carbines suffer a 25% BDG loss to the figures from that

Rifle: The BDG from the Long Gun Table is the Base BDG
for rounds fired from Rifles.
The general formula for adapting Pistol Ammunition to
firing from Long Guns, or Long Gun Ammunition tofire from
weapons shorter than a Rifle, is:

SHT or EFF: No modifications to BDG.

LNG: minus 10% to effective BDG.

Barriers and BDG

As specified in Book 1 , a bullet penetrating a Barrier will
have its BDG reduced by the Barrier value of the material in
question. This reduces the effective BDG.


These factors control the effective BDG at the moment of
impact. It is this final value which is used to determine
damage and Special Effects. There are several factors based
on the type of bullet used, and of course the effects of a
Critical Hit will increase the effective BDG, often drastically.

Critical Hits
Apart from their other effects, Critical Hitswith a bullet will
increase the effective BDG, varying by the type of weapon

Carbine BDG equals 1.5 x Pistol BDG

Firing Pistol: Add D10 to the BDG.

Rifle BDG equals 2 x Pistol BDG

Firing Long Gun: Add 2D10 to the BDG.

Pistol BDG equals .5 x Long Gun BDG

Aufofire: All the shots in the Burst will hit their target, and
their total BDG is increased as if a D3 more rounds
impacted with them. E.g.,a Critical Hit is scored with a
SMG firing 9mm Parabellum. These have a base BDG of 5.
Fired from a Pistol XLNG,_thedefault BBL for SMG, they
add lo%, for 5.5, or 6. The gun fires a Burst of 3 rounds.
Thus, all 3 rounds hit, for an effective BDG of 18, and
rolling a D3 for 2, 2 x 6 is added, or 12, for a total of 30,
doing 3D10 plus 3.

Carbine BDG equals ,751 x Long Gun BDG

Shotgun Ballistics: The only distinction is between a

normal shotgun BBL and a riot gun, or sawed-off
shotgun. This is handled as if the normal gun is the Rifle
and the shorter one the Carbine, from the rules given just
High-Power Ammo
Special ammunition exists, and is rather common in some
cases, in which the powder charge has been increased to
give the bullet a higher muzzlevelocity. Such ammo receives
a 50% increase to the base BDG given on the table.
The stress of firing this souped-up ammunition can be
risky for the gun. The odds of a Critical Miss are increased by
a number equal to 5 - DUR of weapon. In otherwords, firing a
cheap pistol with DUR of 1 while using High-Power ammo
increases the chance of a Critical Miss by 5 - 1, or 4.
Thus, while a normal Critical Miss occurs on a die roll of 20
on the BCS roll, in this case the Miss occurs on a die roll of
20 - 4 (or 16), or higher!

Hollow-Point Bullets
These are specially-made bullets with hollowed, cupped,
or flattened tips. There are also bullets designed to expand
upon striking a target. All such bullets are designated as
Hollow Points for convenience.
The effective BDG for Hollow Points is not affected for
purposes of determining damage, but when checking for
Missile Special Effects, double the effective BDG to derive
the percentage chance.
When hitting a Barrier, the Barrier value is also doubled for
the Hollow Point bullet. A 10-point Barrier would reduce the
effective BDG of a Hollow Point by 20.


henry christen (order #23380)

Jacketed Bullets
These are the direct opposites of Hollow Points. Coated
with steel to allow maximum penetration, Jacketed rounds
will suffer only half the Barrier value as a BDG reduction, but
their chance of causing Special Effects is likewise halved.

Fragmenting Bullets
The very latest in lethality. These nasty little slugs are
designed to fragment on hitting a target, propelling several
slivers of metal in an expanding pattern through the wound.
The Special Effects probabilities of Fragmenting rounds
are not altered. However, they will increase their Damage roll
by a factor of 1.5. In effect, these bullets have a WDM of 1.5.
Fragmenting rounds suffer the same, doubled Barrier
effects as Hollow Points.

Shot Shell Ballistics

The ballistic behavior of a charge of shot, rather than a
single bullet, is what makes shotguns unique. As the pellets
travel further, they spread out, exposing a wider area to
attack, albeit with reduced damage potential.
The controlling factor in this slow spread is the Choke of
the gun barrel. The tightest Choke is Full, and an Open
Choke is the loosest. The Choke is a tube implanted in the
end of the barrel, usually permanently, that chokes or
compresses the stream of shot leaving the gun.
Out to the end of SHT Range, the shot is in Line. It is a
tightly compact mass, affecting only 1 possible target, and
acting like Ball Ammo for game purposes.
From EFF through LNG Range Steps, the shot pattern
spreads out, affecting a front 3 meters wide. This front moves
along the line of fire, and each hex of it will menace the first
target in that line. Thus, a Spread pattern of shot could hit
one target at EFF Range, and still attack two others out to
LNG Range, if they were also i n the line of fire. Once the
Attack has been resolved for a given hex of the Spread front,
that particular hexs worth of shot is gone creating a sort of
The BDG used against a target in one of these Spread
hexes is the effective BDG of the Shot Shell divided by 3.
At EXT or MAX Range, the shot pattern is still moving in
that 3-meter front, but has lost impetus and some of its
pellets. Calculate theeffective BDG of theshot, and divide by
6 for the final BDG used on a target.

Double Barreled Shotgun

In previous sections we have dealt with the two main
classes of Small Arms: those firing Ball Ammo and the
shotguns. This covers about 80% of the weapons you will
find in an average Aftermath! campaign. But it is not the
whole ball game. There is considerable firepower, heavy firepower, available in the form of heavy machine guns, various
gun-propelled grenades, mortars, and so on, which will be
floating around a post-Ruin world. These are classified as
Support Weapons in the Skill system.
Moving back through time, we also have Black Powder
firearms to consider. There are a lot of advantages to a gun
which uses good old smokygunpowder, does not have many
carefully crafted moving parts in it, and needs no fancy
contained cartridges. Of course, your first shot had better

The Gamesmaster will need to exercisediscretion in using
Support Weapons in the campaign. When directed against
Player-Characters, they will tend to lead to a new character
design session at the end of the adventure. Used by PlayerCharacters, they tend to take a lot of the challenge out of
combat (by slaughtering the opponents at a range of, say,
1000 meters). We do not provide the same extensive data on
Support Weapons as we have for Small Arms. The models
given here will serve as guides to the Gamesmaster in adding
other specimens to his campaign, should he wish todoso.
Many Support Weapons are capable of use against
armored vehicles. For applications of firearms against
vehicles, see the Vehicle rules starting on p. 57.

True Machine Guns differ from Sub-Machine Guns in
several ways. They are not man-portable, requiring a mount
of some kind (bipod, tripod, or vehicular). They are capable
of sustained autofire, laying down a hail of bullets very
effectively, even when the firer is spraying an area. They are
deadly weapons in most tactical situations.

Light and Heavy MG

Machine Guns (abbreviated as MG) come in two sizes:
Light (LMG) and Heavy (HMG). This is an overall
measurement based on the Caliber of the MG and its ENC.
The commonest MG calibers are:
LMG: 30 Browning, 7.62 NATO, 5.56mm
HMG: 7.62 x 39mm, 20mm, 40 or 50 Caliber
The 7.62mm and 5.56mm rounds shown are the same as
those listed in the Long Guns Ammunition Table.Theothers
are used only in MGs. Their BDGs are:






30 Browning
7.62mm NATO


7.62 x39mm
40 Cal.
50 Cal.


Shotgun blast with a riot gun

henry christen (order #23380)

The ENC value of an MG is determined by its weight in

kilograms divided by 10.

Using MGs:
The Autoweapon Skill is used alone (no averaging with
anything) to fire Machine Guns. This extends to servicing the
weapon, aim, and control rolls.

These are divided into LMG and HMG Range Steps








The use of Tracers, bullets loaded with a flare powder
which causes them to show a thin path of flame, will increase
the BCS of the firer by 1 . Maximum efficiency suggested by
military doctrine is achieved when every 10th round is
Tracer. Less will not give the bonus. More will not increase it.

Rate of Fire
The MG can lay down heavy fire over an extended target
area (thats what its for), Built to take punishment, it is
capable of sustained fire without the jamming that plagues
Sub-Machine Guns.
All MGs have an assigned Rate of Fire, drawn from the
Specifications of the real weapon. This determines the
Machine Guns Rate Factor and the number of rounds it fires
in 1 Action.

Actual Rate in
Rounds per Minute Rate Factor

Rounds Fired
per Action

Under 500 RpM

D6 x .5

500-750 RpM
751-1000 RpM

2D3 x .5
D10 x .5


Over 1000 RpM

2D5 x .5


The firer may elect to use any lower Rate he wishes, to

conserve am munition.
To determine the effects of a hit by an MG, calculate the
effective BDG for 1 round of the ammo used, applying all
relevant modif iers.
Roll for damage based on the effective BDG. Roll the dice
indicated by the Rate Factor. Multiply the two scores. This is
the damage done by the hit.
For Missile Special Effects, a number of rolls equal to the
Rate Factor are made, using the effective BDG as the
percentage chance. If the Rate Factor is fractional, the last
such roll i s at half value. If any of these rolls succeed, the
target suffers Special Effects. For example, a hit from a LMG
firing 5.56 ammo at a rate of 400 RpM is suffered. The
damage roll for the round (BDG of 20) is madeon 2D10, for a
12. The Rate Factor is 1 D6 x 5 .A 3 is rolled for a Rate Factor
of 1.5.
The damage potential of the hit is 12 x 1.5 or 18. Two rolls
are made for Missile Special Effects. The first is at full value
(20%) and the secohd at half (1O0/o).
Various modifiers may increase or decrease the Rate
Factors beyond the ranges on the Table. The progressions in
question are:
LOWER: D3 x 5 , D2 x 5 , 1 x .5

HIGHER: D12 x 5 ,2 0 6 X .5, D20 x 5 , 2D10 x .5

Modification beyond the extremes given is not possible.
Zones of Fire
TO fire a Machine Gun, the firer follows this procedure

Declare Rate of Fire: This may be any value from theTable

given, less than or equal to the guns stated Rate. Values

lower than the Under 500 RpM may not be selected.
The rounds fired in the Action will be as stated on the
Table, even i f the effective Rate changes during the

Select a Target Hex: A given point on the DAT Display

must be declared a Target Hex by the gunner. To zero in
on theTarget Hex requires an Autoweapon BCS, subject
to all relevant modifiers not due to Target Action. The
gun is aimed at a space, not at any particular occupant of
that space.
The roll to hit the Target Hex is made on the first
Action Phase of the gunners Action. A miss means his
fire is not on target. He may try again on each Action
Phase of his PCA, but his effective Rate Factor will drop
1 step per retry. He may continue to roll for the Target
Hex until his PCA runs out, his Rate Factor drops below
the minimum permissible level, or he Critically Misses,
which will also have its usual nasty effects. He may opt to
abort the attempt at any time, which will still require him
to refrain from other action until his PCA runs out, but
will cut the ammo costs for the Action in half.

Declare Traverse: Once the Target Hex is hit, the gunner

must declare if he is Traversing the MG, and if so, how
much Traverse he is using. Traversing means moving
the gun barrel in an arc, to cover more area around the
Target Hex. The gunner has a good deal of freedom in
how to go about this.
The basic Lethal Zone for an MG burst is a 1 x 3
meter area (1 hex wide by 3 long), centered on the Target
Hex. The gunner may declare this basic Zone to consist
of the Target Hex and any two contiguous hexes which
are 180 degrees apart, so that the Lethal Zone is a line, 3
hexes long. This may lie at any angle to the line of fire
and requires a Travers of 0 (ie., none).
For every additional Traverse declared, the gunner
may lay down a second Lethal Zone, also 1 x 3 hexes,
either joining the end of a second Zone to the end of
another (creating a line of hexes with a length increasing
by multiples of 3),or widening an existing Zone by 1 hex
in any direction, as long as all three hexes of the second
Zone are contiguous with all three hexes of the other.
Each additional Zone increases theTraverse by 1 . The
Traverse equals the number of steps the effective Rate
Factor is reduced.

Hitting Targets: Any target in a Lethal Zone when the

Target Hex is hit, or any target entering a Zone during
the term of the gunners Action, is exposed to an immediate attack by the gunner. i f this occurs, the gunner
rolls an Autoweapon BCS, subject to all relevant
modifiers (Range, Visual Conditions, and Target
Actions), to see if he hits the target. If he does, damage is
rolled as described above.
A character who leaves one Zone to enter another is
subject to attack again.
A vehicle subject to attack for entering a Zone which
occupies two or more hexes simultaneously, is subject to a
separate attack for each Zone occupied.
A target traveling into 2 or more Zones in a single Action
Phase is likewise subject to a separate attack in each Zone in
quest ion.

MG Construction
As you may have gathered, Machine Guns are big, heavy,
rugged weapons. But nothing is perfect and even the most
durable weapon will tend to jam i f firing at MG rates for long
If the gun is fired for a consecutive series of Actions


henry christen (order #23380)

greater than its durability, it may jam. A rest of 1 Combat

Turn will drop the tally back to 0, at any time.(l.e.,a weapon
with DUR of 4 may be fired safelyfor4 Actions, then not fired
for a full Combat Turn, etc., and will not jam unless a Critical
Miss says it does).
For every Action of firing after a rest is due, a D6 is rolled. If
the die roll is greater than or equal to the DUR of the gun, it
jams. Clear the jam as for any automatic Small Arms.

Changeable Barrels
The working life of a Machine Gun is limited by the barrel,
which has a distressing tendency to warp under the
tremendous heat generated by sustained fire.
There are two ways to measure this operating lifespan.
One deals with the immediate effects of overlong firing
periods, and the other with the slow effects of even normal
In the first case, it posits that the gunner has been firing
well past the period requiring a rest to avoid possible jams.
If the DUR roll has been made for a number of firing Actions
equal to the DUR value of the gun, then a failed roll will
indicate barrel warpage, instead of a simple jam. I.e.,an MG
with a DUR of 4 has been fired for 8 consecutive Actions,
without allowing a 1 Combat Turn rest. It has obviously had
to make the DUR roll for the last 4 Actions, or it would have
jammed. If this concentrated fire continues, and the DUR roll
fails, the gun is kaput until a new barrel is mounted (an
operation requiring 5 Actions if one has a new barrel handy).
Over the long term; a Machine Gun can fire a total number
of rounds equal to its DUR times the Roundsfired per Action
at its maximum Rate times 100.
For example, a Machine Gun with DUR of 4, a maximum
RpM of 800, firing 40 rounds per Action, will have a minimum
barrel life of 4 x 40 x 100 or 1600 rounds, or 400 Actions at
maximum rate. This is probably too tedious to bother with
unless it is desired to cut short the lifespan of an MG for some
As MGs are always fired from some kind of mount, it is
impossi ble to either assume Full Stance or drop to Hip Fire. If
the gun is not properly mounted, it cannot be used. If it is, the
rules governing Present Stance always apply, although the
gunner cannot exercise the Combat Move option, since he
must be positioned behind the gun.
Initial Machine Gun
Lethal Zone

Most Machine Guns, designed to fire from a fixed postion,
with a two-man operating crew, do not limit their huge
appetite for ammunition to simple clips or boxes. Ammo in
long, linked belts feeds endlessly into the guns receiver.
Belts are of the fabric or non-disintegrating type, or the
metal, disintegrating link type. The former is a long canvas
strip with loops for the cartridges. The latter is compsed of
individual metal clips, hooked together, which are ejected
from the gun singly as it fires. Both are re-usable. If it really is
necessary to try to reload or rebuild a belt in Detailed Action
Time, use the Loose Rounds Rule. In a looser time frame,
allow a character to reload his DFT Group x MNA x 20 rounds
into a belt in 1 minute.
There are also various box magazines used on some
lighter Machine Guns. Treat these as any other Box clip.
Reloading prepared magazines or belts into an MG is
handled under the Box magazine rules for Small Arms.
In closing on Machine Guns, Appendix 1 of Book 3
includes a sample of some half-dozen current models, both
U.S.-made and European. These should give the
Gamesmaster enough help to add his own designs to the

Mortars are essentially big tubes, firing explosive shells in
high, arcing trajectories (Indirect Fire) to drop onto a target
area. The effects of Mortar Shells are given in the section on
A Mortar gives a shell afixed velocity. Aiming the weapon
consists of angling the tube so that this velocity will propel
the shell in an arc terminating at the desired point. Mortars
range in size from man-portable weapons with roughly a
60mm diameter, up to wheel-mounted monsters, 120mm in
diameter, requiring a vehicle or animal tow to move. All
Mortars are fitted with a butt plate which restson theground,
transmitting the recoil of the discharge directly to earth.

There are three classes of Mortar: Light, Medium, and
Heavy. Light and Medium Mortars will break down into three
parts, Buttplate, Mount, and Tube, for man-carrying. Heavy
Mortars will not.

Lt. Mortars: 60mm diameter. Tube ENC of 2. Mount ENC of

1. Buttplate ENC of 2. Total ENC assembled of 5. Shells
ENC of 5.


Med. Mortars: 80mm diameter. Tube ENC of 4. Mount ENC

of 2. Buttplate ENC of 3. Total ENC assembled of 9. Shells
ENC of .7.

Hvy. Mortars: 120 mm diameter. They do not break down

for carrying. ENC of 12-16. Shells ENC of 1.

Examples of MG Lethal Zones

Traverse 0

Traverse 1

Traverse 2

Mortars have a Minimum Range as well as a Maximum. The

weapons angle of fire can be varied only so much from a
given position. Firing (or trying to) at shorter ranges than
minimum can be suicidal, putting the mortar crew inside the
lethal zone of their shells explosions.

Lt. Mortar (60mm): Minimum Range: 75 meters. Maximum

Range: 1500 meters.

Med. Mortar (80mm): Minimum Range: 100 m. Maximum

Range: 3000 m.
Hvy. Mortar (120mm): Minimum Range: 150 m. Maximum
Range: 6000 m.

As Mortars use Indirect Fire, they may shoot over

obstacles between them and the target. Maximum height of
such obstacles may not exceed (Maximum Range- Rangeto
Target)/20. Firing a Medium Mortar at a target 1200 meters

henry christen (order #23380)

away allows fire over an obstacle (3000-1200)/20 equals

1800/20, or 90, meters high.

Firing the Mortar

A Mortar is best handled with a crew of three characters.
Each will use his Mortar Skill to fulfill his function to the
maximum of efficiency. Crew members are:

Observer: Requires 1 Action t o sight in on Target. If not

equipped with optical gear (telescope, binoculars, etc.)
capable of reducing effective Range from his position to
target to 1000 meters or less, his BCS is halved. He must
perform an Observe and Command Action after each shot,
in order to try to use his BCS.

Gunner: Actually aims the Mortar. His BCS is used to

determine the location of the hit. It requires2 Actions to readjust the Mortars settings.

Loader: Loads in the Mortar Shell, which automatically

fires the weapon. His BCS is used to set shell for air burst,
if desired. This increases the effective range of the Shells
fragmentation pattern (see Explosives). I f BCS is made,
Shell bursts in air. If not made, it bursts on the ground.
It requires 1 Action to load the Mortar. The weapon fires
at the end of the Action.
The Loaders BCS is also used as a Control roll in the
event of a Critical Miss on the Gunners BCS roll.

You will note that one man may operate a Mortar, as he

may fulfill all three Crew functions, but his rate of fire will be
much slower than a fully-trained Crews would be.

Hitting the Target

Mortar fire is directed at a Target Hex, like Machine Gun
fire. Due to the nature of the Mortars ballistics, thefirst shots
directed at a given target are penalized, slowly approaching
an optimum as the Observers data is applied by the Gunner
to bring Shells in on target.
In deploying the Mortar to fire a shot, calculate the range
from Mortar to target. The initial penalty is the difference
between this range and either the Maximum or the Minimum
Range for the Mortar, whichever isless. Dividethe difference
by 100 and subtract that from the Gunners BCS.
On subsequent shots at thesame target, the Observer will
try to use his BCS to reduce this penalty. If he makes it,
reduce the penalty by his Wit Group. If he fails, reduce the
penalty by 1. If his BCS roll scores a Critical Hit, eliminate the
entire penalty. If it is a Critical Miss, increase the penalty by
(6-W it Group) .
If the Mortar switches targets without altering its location,
the penalty calculation is made anew. However, besides
determining the difference between the new targets range,
the Maximum, and the Minimum, the Gamesmaster should
also determine the difference between the new targets range
and the previous targets range. The new penalty is the least
of these three possibilities.
At the end of the Loaders Action, theGunner rolls his BCS
to see where the Shell actually lands.
If BCS indicates a HIT: Determine Effect Number. Subtract
this from penalty. If result is greater than 0, a precise hit
has not occured. Multiply difference by roll of 2D10,
determine a vector with a D6. Shell actuallyfell in indicated
spot.The near miss maydoquiteaswellasadirect hit,this
being in the nature of high explosive fragmentation shells.

If BCS indicates a MISS: Subtract effective BCS from score

rolled. Add penalty (if any left). Multiply by roll of 2D10 as
indicated above, determining direction with a D6. Again, a
near miss may do the job quite satisfactorily, painful
though this may be to the purist of mass destruction.
On a Critical Hit, the Shell lands exactly on the target. The
Gunner has his choice of an Air Burst or normal hit for the

Shell. See the Explosives rules for a full description of this

At any time, the Gunner may spend his 2 Actions to lock
on target. Thereafter, any Shells fired will land exactly
where the shot before them did, until 1 Action is spent to
unlock the adjusting mechanism.

Critical Misses
If the Loader did not make his Control throw, a Critical
Miss (indicated by a 20 on the Gunners BCS roll) is handled
differently from Small Arms Criticals. A No Effect result
means a dud Shell. It lands harmlessly in the indicated area.
Any other result indicates a jammed Shell, lodged in the
tube. This presents an effective Barrier value of 20 to
attempts to remove it. Due to the awkward wedging of Shell
in tube, a Strength CST is needed to try to extract it, rolling
once per Action (only one character may work on the jam at
one time).
Only on a roll of 100 when checking Critical Miss effects
does the Shell blow up in the tube, exposing the crew to a
blast with its effects reduced by half. Even with this reduction
such a result is usually lethal.

Rifle Grenades are explosive projectiles designed t o be
fired from a military rifle. Early models required special
ammunition in the gun and bulky adapter mechanisms.
Modern grenades dovetail with standard designs on most
assault rifles and carbines to permit firing with no special
operations required.
The effects of Rifle Grenades on a target area are
discussed in the Explosives section. What concerns us here
is how the projectiles are fired. A characters BCS for firing
Rifle Grenades is determined by averaging Rifle and
Grenade Launcher Skills.

Types of Rifle Grenades

We may break this down into severalsub-categories. First,
what is the propulsion system? There are two types: Ballistite
and Live Ammo. They may be fired with an adapter or by a
BALLISTITE grenades require that a special, blank
cartridge be chambered into the gun, usually necessitating
the removal of the weapons normal clip. This triggers the
launching charge in the grenade. Ballistite rounds are thus
cumbersome to use, but give the grenades designed to take
them more range than the grenades launched using live
LIVE AMMO grenades require no special round for
launching. The guns normal load of Ball Ammo is sufficient
to send them their merry way. They lack the range of
Ballistite models.
ADAPTER grenades require that a special adapter
mechanism be fitted t o the gun. It is useless for normal fire
while so configured. It is rare to find such grenades in
modern weaponry. The two models used in Aftermath! are
the US Army M-1 and M-14 Rifle Grenades, made for the
famous weapons of WWll and Korea. They are exclusively
Ballistite-launched weapons.
22mm LAUNCHER grenades are the modern form of the
weapon. Almost all military riflesand carbinesdesigned after
1960 have a 22mm Grenade Launcher built into the flash
hider. This is an integral part of the gun. Any 22mm Rifle
Grenade can be launched from a gun with this Feature. Some
of the 22mm grenades use Ballistite, others Live Ammo.
Other than these operational questions, it will be
necessary to keep track of what the grenades function is.
The commonest classes are:
HEAP: H i g h Explosive Anti-Personnel. Powerful
fragmentation grenades, like super hand grenades.
HEAT: Hiqh Explosive Anti-Tank. T i m e d with shaped
charges, these are used as infantry Support Weapons
against armored vehicles.


henry christen (order #23380)

W P White Phosphorus incendiary grenades. The effects of

WP weapons are described in Book 3, along with other
incendiary weaponry.

Grenade Ranges
This varies among Ballistite-fired, Adapter-fired, and Live
Ammo types.

22mm Ballistite 20-30
22mm Live Ammo 20-30




200 300



Note: Point Blank Range (PBR) for RifleGrenades is rated as

starting at 20 meters. This is because Rifle Grenades are
fitted with safety devices which do not arm the grenade until
it has traveled 20 meters from its firing point. Thus, shots at
targets closer than 20 meters are not possible.

Hitting the Target

As with Mortars, the Rifle Grenade is aimed at a specific
area, not an individual target, With a less pronounced arc of
fire, they are not as difficult to aim, using the averaged scores
in Rifle and Grenade Launcher Skills t o derive the BCS.
Shots are resolved as with normal gun fire, but a / /fire is from
presented stance, and every shot is subject to a -2 penalty to
cover the lower general accuracy of the Rifle Grenade.
Note that a Critical Miss on this shot does not mean that
the grenade is faulty. It is handled as for any firearm and
refers to the rifles performance, not the grenades. Treat
No Effect results as dud rounds. When the firer recovers
from the Critical effect, i f the gun is ready to fire, he may try to
launch the grenade again.
In the event of a normal miss, the Gamesmaster
determines the result as with Mortar fire. Thus, close
enough can be more than sufficient.
In the event of a Critical Hit, the firer may choose to make
the grenade hit an Air Burst, with effects as described in the
Explosives rules.

Rifle Grenade Timetable

The handling of the Rifle Grenade is cumbersome at best.
The following Manual of Arms lists the steps required to
load and fire such a projectile in order. Simply delete the
steps that do not relate to the type of grenade being used t o
derive the particular timetable for you. The procedure is:

The first is an integral part of an assault rifle, slung under the

gun barrel. When using this type, the BCS is determined by
averaging Grenede Launcher and Rifle scores.
Next we have a completely separate launcher, looking like
a stubby shotgun. Such Grenade Launchers are usually
fitted with shoulder stocks, but are fired using only the
Grenade Launcher Skill.
The last type of launcher is a pistol-grip affair, but may be
either fired mounted to an assault rifle or used on its own,
albeit requiring two hands to steady. This last is the most
modern design.
Also to be considered are those new launchers which carry
a clip of 40mm grenadesfor a slow version of semi-automatic
fire. The vast run of Grenade Launchers are single-shot
weapons. They operate as Break Action weapons for
reloading purposes.
The clip-fed Grenade Launchers carry a Box magazine of 4
grenades, firing 1 shot per Action.

Types of Grenades
Any 40mm Launcher will accomodate any 40mm grenade.
The specific effects of the projectiles are described
elsewhere, but in general terms they are:

HEAP: As Rifle Grenades. This is essentially a Hand

Grenade. See the Explosives section.

WP: White Phosphorus. See Fire Weapons section

CANISTER: A close combat round, essentially using the
Launcher as a giant shotgun, firing a mass of fragments.
See the Explosives section.

GAS: A gas shell is fired, which explodes in contact with

the ground. See Gas rules in Book 3. The Tear Gas
launchers used by police are generally 40mm Launchers.

Grenade Launcher Ranges

The Grenade Launcher is a limited weapon, compared to
the mighty Mortars or lordly Rifle Grenades. It can put any of
its loads except Canister out to distances as follows:
PBR: 20-30 meters
SHT: 50 meters
EFF: 75 meters
LNG: 125 meters
EXT: 250 meters
MAX: 500 meters
Canisters hideous effect is limited to about a 30-meter
maximum as described under Explosives.

1 Action to clear magazine for Ballistite round.

Firing the Launcher

1 Action to mount 22mm Grenade or 2 Actions to mount

Adapter device.

The appropriate Skill or averaged Skill is used. Treat this

as Rifle Grenade use in all respects.

1 Action to mount Adapter grenade.


1 Action to load Ballistite round.

1 Action to prepare to fire.
1 Action to fire.
1 Action to remove Adapter device.

Reloading another grenade would pick up at the Mount

Grenade Action. Switching the rifle back to normal
configuration requires the same number of steps it took to
prepare the gun in the first place, plus however long it takes
t o reload, if a ballistite grenade was used.

Unlike the Rifle Grenade, which is to an extent an attempt
to turn rifles into Support Weapons, Grenade Launchers are
special weapons designed to toss a 40mm projectile for a
limited distance.

Types of Launchers
40mm Grenade Launchers come in three configurations.

From the heights of modern firepower, we now turn back

to an altogether earlier form of weapon: the Black Powder or
Muzzle-Loading weapon. While this class takes in every
firearm from the early Renaissance to the late 19th century,
we will confine our study to two of the most recent models:
the flintlock and its more modern successor, the percussion
cap firearm.
The Muzzle Loader is a very straightforward gun. A long,
usually smoothbored barrel is solidly strapped to the
gunstock, almost completely closed at the back end except
for a small hole connecting to a priming pan. In the flintlock,
this pan holds a small amount of loose gunpowder (Primer).
In a percussion model, this has been replaced by anipple
over which a Percussion Cap is fitted. The explosive in this
cap goes off on impact from the hammer, flashing a spark
into the main powder charge in the gun barrel. BANG!
The Muzzle Loader recreates a giant model of the
compact, self-contained cartridge of today. First, if recently
fired, the barrel is swabbed, cleaning the remains of old


henry christen (order #23380)

charges out. A new charge is then inserted and rammed in,

packing it tightly. The bullet is then wrapped in a wad, and
dropped in on top of the charge. Another wad is rammed
tightly over it all, to seal the powder in and confine its burn,
so as to build up the pressures needed t o fire the weapon.
The gun is now loaded.
Theprimer charge or percussion cap is now placed on the
pan, and the gun is cocked. It is not ready to fire, if nothing
goes wrong.

Unquestionably, the old firearms bulk more than the sleek
killers of today. In the absence of hard data on actual
weights, assume standard Encumbrances for the weapons of
.4 for all Pistols and 1.5 for all Long Guns.



The following Manual of Arms gives the Actions involved
in preparing to fire a Muzzle Loader.
If weapon has been fired already, 1 Action to swab.
1 Action to load in charge. (3 Actions if charge is not,
premeasured) .
1 Action to ram charge in tightly.
1 Action to wrap bullet in a wad.
1 Action to ram bullet into barrel.

1 Action to wad the whole thing.

1 Action to put rammer away (it may be dropped, of

1 Action to prepare primer or percussion cap.
1 Action to prime with a Cap or 2 Actions to prime with
loose Powder.

1 Action to cock.
The gun is now, finally, ready to fire!!!


As with most firearms. these come in Pistol and Long Gun
models. They are by no means as finicky about Caliber as
their modern descendants, but still limit the sizeof Bullet that
may be used within about a .05-inch range. We will be doing
this marvelous class of weapon little justice in this
abbreviated view, but will take the following Calibers in both
sizes as the standard Aftermath! models: 45, 50, 65, 70. Due
to the low muzzle velocity achieved by Black Powder fire,
large slugs were the order of the day to achieve adequate
stopping power with the one shot usually allowed hunter or
soldier with these weapons.

Black Powder Ranges

The ranges are set by the overall size
Long Gun 10

of the gun.





Rifled Barrels
It was not until the 17th century that someone noticed that
spinning projectiles hit harder and fly truer than those that
do not spin. The way to get bullets to do this was by rifling the
gun barrel, incising grooves in a long spiral along the inside
to impart this spin to the projectile as it rushed u p the tube.
Rifled gun barrels increase the range steps of the weapon
by 50%, just as Match Quality weapons do with modern guns.

The BDG for a bullet from a Muzzle Loader is dependent
on the Powder Charge and the Caliber. The powder loaded
into the gun is measured in Drams (of which there are24to
the ounce). The Caliber is, of course, in fractions of an inch.
The base BDG for a given load in the gun is equal to 10 x
(Charge in Drams) x (Caliber in inches). This is the BDG
from Long Guns. Pistols halve this just as they do in modern
Please remember that the Caliber value must be in
fractions of an inch. For a 45 Caliber weapon, usepoint45 as
a factor-45flOOths of an inch!
This is used as the base BCS, subject to all the usual
Ballistic modifiers.


It is unsafe just to stuff gunpowder into the gun until it is a
veritable cannon. The upper limit on the number of charges
is the Durability of the weapon. For every Dram over this limit
that is loaded, increase the chance of a Critical Miss by 1. I.e.,
in a DUR-4 gun with 4 Drams of powder in the charge, the
chance of a Critical Miss is on a natural die roll of 20, as
always. Load 5 Drams in, and the Critical Miss occurs on a
die roll of 19-20. Load in 6 Drams, and the chance is on a roll
of 18-20; and so on.
Charge Loading Rule
If desired, the Actions spent in loading a Charge can vary
according to the size of the Charge. The maximum number
of Drams that cah be loaded in 1Action is the users Deftness
Group. The use of pre-packaged paper cartridges allows the
loading a 1 Cartridge in 1 Action, but only one such Cartridge
may be in the gun at a time. A Cartridge contains a
premeasured Charge and a prewrapped Bullet. bullet.


Apart from the omnipresent danger of a Critical Miss, the
Primer presents a question when firing Muzzle Loaders. Will
it go off and trigger the main Charge?
Using loose powder as a primer gives a base 1 in 10 chance
of a misfire. Add the roll of 1D6 to this if it is raining, and
increase by 1D6 for every minute that the gun is out in the
wet. Also, if the primer has not been changed in the last few
hours, the Gamesmaster should feel free to roll 1D3 for an
addition to this penalty.
Percussion Caps do not care if it is wet, or how long they
are on the pan before firing.They haveaflat 1 in 20chanceof
misfiring, subject to no adds under most circumstances.


henry christen (order #23380)

This Section deals with chemical explosives: dynamite,
plastic explosive, blasting powders, and the weapons made
from them: hand or rifle grenades, mortar shells, mines, etc.
We do not discuss atomic explosives (Gamesmasters will
find some ideas on nukes in Book 3, but frankly, theyre not
our thing).
These rules govern the use of explosives in two roles: antipersonnel (i.e. against characters) and demolition (i.e.
against the Barrier valueof structures). The useof explosives
against Vehicles is specifically outlined at the end of the

All explosive materials generate a concussion effect when
detonated. This is called Blast. It is effective against both
characters and Barriers.
Most explosive weapons will produce a fragmentation
effect as well. This is called Frag (for Fragmentation). It is
produced by sheathing an explosive charge with a metal or
plastic jacket, which is smashed into shards by the force of
the explosion andhurled outwards like a hail of bullets.
In codifying explosives or explosive weapons, the format
NAME BLASTjFRAG is used. NAME is the name of the
material or the weapon. BLAST is its Blast rating. FRAG
is its Frag rating.
An explosive will almost always produce Blast, but not
necessarily Frag. Thus, an entry like TNT 10 is assumed to
mean a charge of TNT, or Dynamite, with a Blast of 10, but n o
Frag. The entry Hand Grenade 5/5 would indicate a
grenade with a Blast of 5 and a Frag of 5.
There are some exotic exceptions (see Claymore Mines
later in this section), but they represent special cases.

These operate on two fronts: against characters in range,
and against structures and items either deliberately or
incidentally exposed to significant Blast ratings.


The base Blast rating of an explosion determines the
maximum range at which it can affect a character. For every
meter of distance between the center of the explosion (the
hex in which it takes place) and the character, reduce the
effective Blast by 1.

All characters exposed to Blast suffer a Stopping Effect,

as described in Missile Special Effects in Book 1. with a
force equal to the effective Blast. This figure is divided by
their personal Mass to derive the Effect Number of the
Stopping Effect.
Among other things, this Effect will hurl the character
away from the center of the explosion for the indicated
number of meters. I f his path is blocked by a solid obstacle,
before he has moved the indicated distance, then he will
suffer a Fall result, hitting the obstacle as if he had fallen
onto it from a height equal to the distance rolled for the
Stopping Effect. Immediate check is made for Fall results.
Should he survive these, he will usually have to save
against falling down due to the Stopping Effect. This is
carried out normally. Thus, a Blast can slap a character up
against an object, simulating a Fall, and/or drop him to the

floor in a second Fall after he has bounced off the obstacle.

See p. 32 in Book 1 for Fall effects.

All cnaldcters exposed to Blast suffer Subdual Damage to

their whole system (Le., no Location is rolled for). They
reduce this damaqe by their Average AV. The amount of
Subdual Damage equals 2 x effective Blast.

Blast may deafen characters with unprotected ears. The

base chance of this occurring for a character is 2% x effective Blast. If this DlOO roll indicates Deafening, thecharacter must make a Health CST. Failure to make the Saving
Throw will deafen the victim for (50CombatTurns- Health
Score). If Deafening affects a character already suffering
such a result, the indicated time is added to the period he
will remain deaf.
Jose spun around as a hissing, sparking something
crashed through the window. A bundle of dynamite
delivered by Air Mail, a present from his pursuers! He
dove for the sputtering package of death, but a hail of
rifle fire from outside drove him away from the
windows line o f sight. Desperately, he ran for the door,
sickly aware that he would be too late. Suddenly, the
world seemed to turn into a volcano, a nova, a
thundering chaos of noise and pain. A giant bludgeon
slammed into Joses body, and everything went dark.
The above scene illustrates the effects of Blast o n a
character. Jose is some 10 meters away from a threestick bundle of TNT. Each stick has a Blast o f 10, fora
total of 30. The effective Blast is thus 30 (the rated
value of the explosive) minus 10 (Joses distance in
meters from the explosion) for a total of 20.
First, Jose is hit by a Stopping Effect of 20. His Mass
is about 5 , so the effect number is 2015, or 4. This will
toss him 203 meters away from the explosions
location, and requires a Deftness AST i f he is to avoid a
knockdown. Unfortunately, Jose got close enough to
the door that the Blast will pitch him into it. The
Gamesmaster rolled a 5 for the distance of the
Stopping knock-back. Jose was only 2 meters from the
door (so near, yet so far). He slams info the door as i f he
had fallen 5 meters. He rolls for Fall effects. There are
none. He now rolls his Speed AST to stay o n his feet
after the Stopping Effect. He makes it! OK Jose!
However, the Blast also does Jose twice its effective
value in Subdual Damage. This is 40 points (for an
effective Blast of 20) and Jose is only in an Average A V
of 4, for a total of 36. The poor slob must try to resist
System Shock ( i f the whopping concussion has not
simply blown his damage total past his DRT). Joses
system evinces its disgust at these outrages by
refusing to succeed at a Health AST, and he goes down
for the count. The only good thing about all this is that
any Deafening results from the Blast will have worn off
by the time Jose comes to.


Hard cover is good protection against Blast. If it is beyond
the Blasts ability to knock down (see Demolition rules
following) it will protect the character against all but the
Deafening attack. It had better be solid, though, or the
character may find himself buried under his cover.


henry christen (order #23380)

If the character can put a 90 degree corner between himself and the explosion, the Blast will be cut in half. Each such
turn halves the effective Blast yet again.
Crazy Isaiah bellows, Seek Ye the Justice o f the Lord,
SINNERS! and tosses a grenade down the corridor.
Being crazy does not mean hes stupid, so Isaiah ducks
back around a corner. The grenade goes off with a base
Blast of 10. The blast front travels down the corridor to
Isaiahs turnoff. I t has an effective Blast o f 6. But to
Isaiah, flattened against the wall around that corner,
the effective Blast is reduced to 3.
Certain forms of Integral Armor (Military and Police suits,
protective coveralls for Disaster workers, racing drivers, etc.)
will provide a protection called Blast Buffering.
When the wearer of Blast Buffered armor is hit by an
explosive effect, the effective Blast is reduced by the value
assigned to this Blast Buffering.
Character actions will not overly affect Blast. Hitting the
Deck (changing position by the end of the Action Phase in
which the explosion goes off) will serve to reduce the
effective Blast by the characters CDA. He may expose
himself to Fall results if he does not take a full Action to get
down, of course. Characters trying this maneuver in the
same Action Phase as the detonation must make a Speed
AST to get the defensive bonus from it.
Soft Cover can also soak up some Blast, usually giving up
the ghost in the process. Heavy draperies, piles of cloth,
mattresses, loose boxes, etc., can reduce Blast for those
sheltering behind them. The Gamesmaster will often have to
assign some arbitrary value (roll 1D3 if you need a good
range) to such protections.
And, of course, hurling your own body (or someoneelses)
across the explosive before it goes off to drastically reduce
Blast (for everyone else).
The base Blast used in this case is divided by the Mass plus
Average AV of the hero on top of it. But he will suffer twice the
base Blast rating with no reductions, both as a Stopping
Effect and in calculating the Subdual Damage. For example,
jumping on top of a Grenade 10/5,the sacrifice character
takes a Stopping Effect Number of 20, and 40 points of
Subdual Damage. The Frag effect will probably finish him
off, but that is discussed later. His armor and mass do not
reduce this damage.
Using inanimate objects (mattresses, spare corpses, tarps,
etc.) in this manner will only subtract their value from the
base Blast rating (Yes, self-sacrificing heroes get a bonus
toward saving their comrades).

Any structure or object exposed to a good-sized Blast is
not going to benefit by it. But this can be glossed over by the
Gamesmaster in normal play, when the bombs are flying for
anti-personnel reasons, rather than working out the effects
on every stick of furniture in the room. The Gamesmaster
may destroy items in close range by fiat, and likewise decree
any minor architectural changes wrought o n the
surroundings. Light doors, windows, etc., will probably go
away. Heavier features will probably survive. If there is too
much indiscriminate use of explosives in tottering buildings,
the site of the explosions can conveniently be made to cave
in, the chance in 20 being equal to the Base Blast Rating
minus the buildings Structural Stability rating, that the room
in question has just dropped its ceiling in.
However, controlled use of explosives to demolish an
particular barrier or structure is another thing entirely. While
any dolt can charge up to a door, lay an armed grenade by it,
and run like blazes for cover, it is not automatically going to
remove the door for him.

The Demolition Skill described in part in the Skills section 1
will simultaneously enhance the destructive power of a
charge in a controlled manner (i.e., vs. the desired target
only) and at thesame time reduce its Blast effects on the area
around the obstacle.
When a charge is set to knock over a Barrier, it will receive
a multiplier to the effective Blast against that Barriers value.

Unskilled Use
The character has not used Demolition Skill to set the
charge. Just plopping a bundle of TNT down by a door falls
into this category. The Blast directed at the Barrier is equal to
the effective Blast multiplied by a factor equal to the roll on a
D3 times .5.
Rocco runs up to a door, finds i t locked, and being in
a hurry, decides to blow i t down. He arms a hand
grenade with a Blast of 10, drops i t by the obstruction,
and runs like a bandit for cover. KA-BLAM! The
grenade had rolled about 1 meter away, so the effective
Blast for the door is 9. Rolling a 03,the Gamesmaster
gets a 2. Thus, 2 x .5equals 1, so the doortakes9points
o f damage to its Barrier value. Even assuming i t to be a
flimsy wooden door with only 15 points to start with, i t
remains in place, leaving Roccos path still obstructed.

Skilled Use
Under normal circumstances, small-scale demolition (i.e.
doors, portions of walls, locked areas, rubble, etc.) requires
10 minutes work to properly set the charge when using
Demolition Skill. The Gamesmaster may require the
possession of certain tools, such as drills, picks, shovels, or
what have you, to make holes into which the explosives will
be placed. Working without such tools will reduce the
effective BCS for the Demolition worker. Also recall that the
character must average his Demolition Skill with the
Explosives Skill appropriate to the type of material being
worked with. Explosives on the Table below are divided by
the Skills governing their manufacture and use.
If the Demolition user makes his BCS (rolled when he
triggers the charge) then the multiplier for Blast will be his
Wit Group Effect Die roll but he will at least get to roll a 03,
should he be afflicted with a Wit Group of 1. If the BCS fails,
then use the die roll specified for Unskilled use. A Critical Hit
increases the effective Group by 1. A Critical Miss indicates a
bum charge, doing only half the base Blast value to the
Barrier as damage.
Skilled Demolition work also can reduce backblast from
a charge. This is simply the normal Blast effect occurring on
the characters side of whatever he is trying to blow up. If the
BCS is made, the base Blast for determining the effects on
characters in range is divided by the Demolition workers
Effect Number. Roll a separate BCS for this, also at the time
the charge is triggered.

I t is desirable to havesome ideaof just how much Barrier is
being faced when setting a demolition charge. If the base
Blast of the charge is more than twice the value of the Barrier,
any Blast in excess of twice the Barrier value is called
Overkill. Overkill may do just a bit more damage than
It is difficult to give more than guidelines in how to handle
this situation. All we can do is illustrate the way several
particular cases might go, as asignpost to other solutionsfor
the Gamesmaster.

Demolishing a doorway, wall, or other interior feature of a

building: The amount of Overkill in the base Blast Factor is
the chance in 20 of collapsing the roof of the room or
building, for a radius around the center of the explosion
equal to the base Blast rating (all of it) divided by the Structural Stability of the building. Only the Gamesmaster is


henry christen (order #23380)

likely to know what the Stability actually is (from 1 to 10,

with 1 meaning nearly gutted, 10 meaning no structural
weakness). Using a charge with Blast of 50 t o open a 20Barrier-point door leaves an Overkill of 10. There is a 10 in
20 chance of bad results. The Gamesmaster rolls a 6 on a
D20, indicating problems, and announces that the
doorway previously closed by the door is now blocked by
the room from upstairs (a 50-meter radius turned out to be
more than enough, as the building had a stability of only3,
for a 16-meter collapsed area).

Opening a safe, vault, or lockbox: The Overkill will directly

attack the Barrier (or whatever) of every item in the
container. This will certainly destroy any papers,
machinery, electronic gear, or what have you. There is a
percent chance equal to the Overkill that the container will
simply be pulverized by the confined fury of the Blast.

Blowing up a large section of ground: There is no real risk

here unless working with an unstable formation (liketrying
to clear a blocked cave mouth). The Overkill result would
be an avalanche proportionate to the magnitude of the

It is t o be hoped that these limited examples will be helpful

to the Gamesmaster faced with adjudicating the outcome of
overenthusiastic use of explosives.

Burst Range of a
U.S. Mk. 8
Defensive Gren

Fragmentation is a purely anti-personnel effect, measured
by a Frag rating. This number determines the damage
potential of a Frag hit in the same way that BDG does for a
Frag rating is equal to thenumber of DlOof Lethal Damage
done by a hit. A bonus is added to this die roll equal to the
Frag rating. Thus, a Frag 5 weapon will do 5010 plus 5 in
Lethal Damage when it hits.
As with bullets a fragment may get Missile Special Effects
when it hits. The effective chance of this is 10% x Frag rating.
A hit from a Frag 5 weapon has a 50% chance of causing
Missile Special Effects. Note: the effects of a single explosive
will only get one Stopping Effect on a given target. The
Stopping Effect for a fragment hit isnot applied tothosewho
have taken Stopping from the Blast.
When a character is within the range of a weapon's Frag
effect, the Gamesmaster will roll a BCS for the fragment to
see if it hits him. Normally, only one such attack is made on a
target per explosion.

The base Range for fragmentation effects is determined by
adding the Blast and Fragmentation ratings of theexplosive.
The specific ranges derived from this figure and their effects
are as follows:
Primarv Zone: Base Ranae/?, down.
Fragments havekCS of 16.

Secondary Zone: Base Range

Fragments have BCS of 12.

uter Zone: Base Range x 2.

Fragments have BCS of 10.


henry christen (order #23380)

Thus, if a Grenade 5/5 goes off, it has a Base Range of

5 plus 5, or 10. Its Primary Zone is 5 meters. Targets within
that radius of the explosion must avoid a BCS of 16 tododge

operation of the latter. All of the materials given here fall into
two categories:

fragments. Its Secondary Zone is between 5 and 10 meters.

The BCS for fragments here is 12. The Outer Zone extends
from 10 to 20 meters. Fragments here have a BCS of 10. All
fragments have a Fragmentation rating of 5 .

controlled conditions using a Lab. This class includes

Dynamite, Plastique, and Blasting Powder.


A Critical Hit by a Fragmentation weapon indicates that
two fragments have hit the target. Roll location separately.
Treat like simultaneous hits by bullets.
A Critical Miss on the Frag BCS (not the weapons users
BCS) negates any other attacks the fragments have coming.
If this occurs on the first such BCS roll, the weapon was a
dud. It is thus advisable to roll for targets exposed to Frag
effects in order of their nearness to the center of the

A grenade exposes AI, Charley, and Bob to Frag

effects. A I is closest, then Bob, and Charley is farthest
from the explosions center. The BCS roll against A I is
made first, and hits him. The roll against Bob is a 20, a
Critical Miss. Therefore, no roll is made against


Defense from fragments is similar to that from bullets. But
the target movement does not enhance the CDA. Cover is
handled the same, and hitting the deck will double the CDA.
When a fragment hit is indicated, it will attack only one
Location, and must overcome the Armor Value to do
damage. The exception occurs when the explosion is in a
confined space, such that the area is smaller than the
weapons Outer Zone. All those in the area will be attacked
twice (Le., two BCS rolls are made for fragment hits). Treat as
separate attacks.
Diving onto the Grenade (or whatever) is enshrined in the
heroic literature of modern combat. When someone pulls
this stunt (Instant Medal of Honor in military slang), he is
almost certainly dooming himself to save others. Such a
character will take the full force of the grenades
Fragmentation rating, none of it traveling past his body. He
will take double the damage rolled for the hit and defend
against it with his Average AV. If the Gamesmaster wishes an
alternate system, assume that a Critical Frag hit is sustained,
treating it as a Critical bullet hit. Still use the Average AV for

Air Bursts, the detonation of Mortar Shells, Rifle Grenades,
Artillery Shells, etc., at a given height above the ground, will
double the Base Range of Fragmentation effects.
The Blast is treated normally, so that in general, an Air
Burst sacrifices this effect for more penetrating fragment
To determine the height of an Air Burst, the Gamesmaster
will roll 2D10, add 5 meters to the result, and get the height in
meters of the explosions center.

When the explosion of a fragmentation weapon occurs in
an area which is smaller than the Outer Zone of the
Fragmentation Range, then all characters exposed to it will
be attacked by two fragments instead of one. Roll BCS
separately for each such attack, using the BCS for the
characters range from the explosions center.


We will separate the discussion .of explosives and
explosive weapons, since the former provide the basis for the

Industrial Explosives: Materials manufactured under fairly

Home-Cooked Explosives: Materials which can be made in
any situation providing the necessary equipment and
ingredients. Many of these can be and are manufactured
more copiously or more efficiently under Industrial
conditions. Others are purely improvisational but effective
for all that.



Name of Material



Simple Explosives:
Dynamite (or TNT)


Nitrocellulose (Guncotton)
Black Powder (Gunpowder)
Ammonium Nitrate
Complex Explosives:
Blasting Powder
Mercury Fulminate


1 stick
1 deciliter
(about 3 fl. 02.)
1 kg
1 kg
1 kg

1 kg
1 kg
See Primers

In general, if 1 unit of explosive produces a Blast of X, then
2 units produce a Blast of 2X.

Plastic Exploslves
The Table ascribes a variable Blast to Plastic Explosive (or
Plastique, as it is also known). This form of explosive is, after
Dynamite, the most common Industrial Explosive used
today. It is found in engineering and mining applications as
well as military and intelligence uses. A given formula of
Plastique is codified as Plastique X , where X is the Blast
rating for 1 kg of explosive. Plastique 20 indicates a type of
Plastic Explosive with a Blast of 20 for a 1 kg charge. To find
out how much Plastique will produce a Blast of 1, divide 1000
by the Blast per Kilo figure, yielding an amount in grams.
Plastique 20 will produce a Blast of 1 per (1000/20) grams.
There is no absolute limit to the maximum rating for
Plastique. Assume that the heftiest formula around runs to
about Plastique 100, in explosives designed for military or
intelligence use. This is the approximate strength used in
such terrorist ploys as letter bombs, where a standard charge
runs to about 500 grams (about 1 pound).


Also called TNT. Nitroglycerine is soaked up by sticks of
charcoal to produce dynamite. Unlike Nitre, this form of
explosive is quite stable. It can be burned, hit with a hammer,
even fired into without detonating. Only afulminating primer
(see below) will set it off.
Dynamite stored where it can be exposed to extremes of
temperature can sweat out the Nitroglycerine, coating the
sticks with pure crystals of this substance. Such degraded
TNT is very unstable, reacting likethe Nitro described below.

This compound is the basis for other materials in the list:
dynamite, nitrocellulose. In the pure form it is shockingly
easy to make and equally easy to detonate.
Nitroglycerine, or Nitro, is an oily liquid obtained by
heating glycerine, nitric acid, and other chemicals. Once
manufactured, it remains potent, even if dried out into


henry christen (order #23380)

Nitro will explode if exposed to

Black Powder


Good old gunpowder. Made (as almost everyone knows)

from charcoal, sulphur, and saltpeter. I t is important to note
that Black Powder must be tightly confined to generate a
Blast. If just poured over something and touched off, there
will be a flare, and you might :tart a fire, but there will be no
Black Powder will ignite if exposed to heat, open flame, or
electric spark. Impact does not affect it. If you have some of
this material, you can also use it to charge a muzzle-loading
firearm, but not to make bullets.

heat, open flame, or electrical spark

.any significant shock, jolt, or impact

.excessive vibrations, or even the shock waves of a loud
In other words, look at it cross-eyedand it will gooff. Rules
governing these factors are hard to formulate completely,
but here are some examples.

I f carrying Nitro, movement must be limited to a BMA of .5.

Faster rates require a Deftness Saving Throw. For movement
at a normal walk (BMA of l ) , roll a Deftness AST each
Combat Turn. Roll a CST each Combat Turn in which
movement over a Walk was used, no matter how briefly.
Dropping the Nitro, Falling, Changing Position, or Jumping
will set it off (Gamesmaster may allow a Deftness CST if he is
feeling charitable). Weapon hits against the carrier will
probably detonate his lethal burden.
Gunfire or other loud noises within a meter of Nitro will
have a 10% chance of setting it off unless it is packed for
Carrying the Nitro in a vehicle allows a maximum safe
speed of 10 kph on a good road, and half that on rougher
surfaces. If driving faster, a Driving BCS is required. Divide
600 by the speed i n kph to determine the number of Combat
Turns between BCS rolls. Any accident will detonate the
Nitro. Rapid acceleration or braking should probably require
a separate Driving BCS, before recalculating the time
between rolls for the new speed.
Any Explosives Skill user can package Nitro for safe
carrying. This, of course, will require packing materials and a
container of some sort. The package has a Safety Factor
equal to his Effect Number on the roll. If the package is
exposed to any stimulus capable of detonating the Nitro, it
has a Saving Throw equal to this Safety Factor. If the roll is
made, then no explosion occurs. It requires 1 hour to
package the Nitro safely.
Also known as Guncotton. This is simply cellulose (plant
fibers, cotton) which has soaked up a batch of nitroglycerine
(1 kg of fiber will absorb 1 deciliter of Nitro). Wadded into a
mass, it will serve as an explosive in its own right. In strips or
ropes, it is a fast-burning fuse. Guncotton will ignite if
exposed to heat, open flame, or high impact (hitting it with a
heavy hammer will do fine, or the Blast from another
explosive, with an effective rating of 1 or more).
Guncotton holds the Nitro i n a more stable configuration
than the pure chemical. It is generally immune to the dangers
of undesired detonation that make pure Nitroglycerine such
an uncomfortable companion.

Ammonium Nltrate
A simple chemical treatment with a substance so common
we are not really sure we should mention it will turn any
ammoniated nitrate fertilizer into a very efficient explosive.
The fertilizer is sold in 25 kg sacks, which should be
soaked in kerosene (kerosene is not the correct material)
and allowed to dry. Use of a fulmiating primer (see below)
will set it off. Extreme heat will cause it t o ignite and burn, but
not explosively. It is otherwise completely stable.
The Blast on Plastiquevaries as stated above. Note that the
formulae used to make it in the lab may be different for
Plastiques of different strengths.
Plastique is portable, malleable, completely stable (it will
not detonate unless a proper primer is used), and resistant to
water, temperature changes, etc. It is potentially the ideal
explosive for almost applications in Aftermath!
Most military explosive weapons (grenades, mines, HE
shells) use a Plastique charge for their explosive component.
Blasting Powder
This is simply the smokeless gunpowder used in modern
ammunition, acting in explosives exactly as Black Powder
If you want to figure the amount of Blasting Powder you
can get out of your cartridges, figure the average round of
Ball Ammo or Shot Shell will yield about 1 gram.

The most efficient way to detonate any charge is by
exposing it simultaneously to extreme heat and high impact.
In other words, it takes a small boom to make a big BOOM.
The standard means of achieving this is by using Primers,
also called Blasting Caps. The Primer is also known as a
Fulminating Primer, indicating that it blows up in a gout of
flame, and also referring to the material that gives the Primer
this quality: Mercury Fulminate.
This highly volatile substancewill go off if exposed to heat,
pressure, impact, electrical current, or flame. A Primer
generates a Blast of 1, sufficient to trigger any explosive on
the Table when the unit is in contact with the main charge.
Fulminate also releases a burst of intense flame, level 4 as fire
is rated in the basic rules in Book 1, to trigger explosives with
more control.
Primers can be attached to the end of a stick of dynamite,
or a bundle of sticks (maximum of 12 sticks per primer). They
can be imbedded in a lump of Plastique, dangled in a flask of
Nitro, or just shoved into containers of Powder or
Guncotton. They will detonate by one of three methods:

fuse laid to the Primer and lit

.an electrical signal from a remote trigger (which may be

wired to the Primer or radio controlled)
.a timing mechanism of some kind, or other trigger device
as described in the Booby Trap section
These all presuppose that some obliging and expendable
type cannot be prevailed upon to go up and hit the primer
hard with a hammer.
A compressed wad of Guncotton can be called into service


henry christen (order #23380)

as a Primer, but it requires a special Demolition BCS to set

this up, and if that fails, the charge will automatically suffer a
Critical Miss when triggered, with the reduced Blast
efficiency described above.


A good-quality fuse is simply a length of stiff cord or
celluloid impregnated with gunpowder, leading from some
place of safety to the charges Primer. You light it, it burns at
a preset speed, reaches the Primer, and voila! Instant
Fuses and other forms of triggering devices operate as

Cordite: This is the commonest form of the classic,

burning fuse. Simply connect one end to the Primer, or
insert it into the charge if using an explosive that goes off
in the presence of flame, and light it.
Cordite is rated in terms of how many meters it will burn
in 1 Combat Turn. For example, a 1-meter length of
Cordite 1, lit on Action Phase 5 of a Combat Turn, will
burn totheend by Action Phase5ofthenextCombatTurn
If such data is needed, assume a BAP equivalent of 20 for
all Cordites. Thus, to have a piece of Cordite 1 lit on Action
Phase 5 go off on Action Phase 1 of that same Combat
Turn, a length of .25 meters must be used. 5 Action Phases
of burning time is one quarter of the 20 Phases in a full
Combat Turn of burning, and that full Turn will burn 1
meter, so use a fourth of that meter, ergo .25 (or 25
centimeters). In other words, 1 divided by the Cordite
rating is the number of Combat Turns required to burn a
meter of the fuse. 20 times that figure (l/Rating) is the
number of Action Phases which will elapse between
lighting the fuse and detonation, assuming a BAP of 20 if
more than one Combat Turn is involved.
High-tech versions of Cordite exist which require no
oxygen to burn (impregnated with self-sustaining
combustibles) or can function underwater (magnesiumbased fuses). Also, ultra-fast-burning fuses, such as
Cordtex, which would be rated as Cordite 100, exist. The
standard types of Cordite are rated from about .5 to 20.
Guncotton as a fuse is the rough equivalent to Cordite50.

Electrical Igniters: A small heating element, which will go

to red heat in a fraction of a second, is placed in contact
with the Primer, or with heat-sensitive explosives. I f
current is fed into the igniter, the charge is detonated.
This may be done via a direct wire connection to a battery
case (the E-5 or better is needed when calibrating this to
Aftermath! battery types, or a packet of 5 E-1 batteries), or
by using a specially made radio control. In the latter case,
a battery must be attached to the receiver of the setup,
placed at the site of the charge. It consumes 5 charges of
electricity to trigger the primer.
Timers: There are two standard types: chemical and
electrical. Chemical timers simply release a slow acid
through a thin metal capsule to trigger a Primer built into
the timing fuse. They are not very accurate, being set for a
given period (a chemical times set for 10 Combat Turns,
i.e. 1 minute, will only be good for a 1 minutesetting), and
having a 10% error margin either way. The Gamesmaster
should roll a D30. Scoring 1-10 indicates the percentage
of time to subtract from the timers setting. A score of 1120 means no error is present: timing will be exact. A roll of
21-30 will increase the timing by a percentage equal to the
die roll minus 20. Therefore, a roll of 25 would add 5% to
the set time.
The minimum time on a chemical timer is 1 Combat
Turn, and is used on such things as hand grenades. The
maximum practical time for a chemical timer is about 1

henry christen (order #23380)

Electrical timers are accurate to the second. They

consist of a small timer, a clock if you will, and a battery
leading to a Primer, either built into the device or part of a
constructed charge.
The classic electrical timer is the alarm clock with two
wires connected to it: one at the hour desired for
detonation, the other to the hour hand. The hand reaches
the designated spot, the wires connect, closing a circuit
between a battery and the primer, and BOOM!
The clockface timers cannot be set more than 12 hours
in advance unless using a 24-hour clock. The other, more
modern form of electric timer uses a settable, elapsed
time fuse. It is usually good for up to 24 hours. After the
designated time has passed, it simply releases current
into the primer.

The subject here is specifically such goodies as Hand
Grenades, Rifle- or Launcher-fired Grenades, Mines, and so
on. It does not seem necessary to discuss such simple do-ityourself efforts as a bundle of TNT with a fuse of the right
length attached. These are the military firecrackers, usually
using both Blast and Frag to spread death from the point of
the explosion.

These are meant to be lobbed at the enemy by hand, using
Combat Throwing or raw Deftness to get the bomb there.
The models used in Aftermath! are:

US Mk.1
US Mk.6
US Mk.7 Defensive
US Mk.8 Offensive



The use of grenades is fairly obvious: you throw it, it blows

up. The grenades listed are all standard US Army models,
current from WWI, in the case of the Mk.1 (the famous
Pineapple), to the close-combat Defensive grenades
developed for Viet Nam.
All Hand Grenades have a 1 Combat Turn chemical timer
for a fuse. This is armed when the Pin is pulled and the Spoon
is released. The former is a small Pin which locks an arming
handle, or Spoon, in place on the grenade. When the Pin is
removed, releasing the grip on the grenade by throwing it
lets the Spoon fly off, arming the fuse. Of course, one can let
the Spoon fly off and wait to throw the grenade, lowering the
oppositions chances of getting to cover. But dont wait too
long! If the Spoon is held in place until the grenade is thrown,
the usual procedure, then the Action Phase used to
determine when the explosion will occur is the Phase, in the
next Combat Turn, following the one on which theThrowing
Action is initiated.


The use of Rifle Grenades is described in the Firearms
Section. The effect of a Rifle Grenade going off is just the
same as a Hand Grenade, only worse.




M-1 Adapter
M-14 Adapter
22mm Rifle Grenade
40mm Launcher Grenade
40mm Canister



See below.
Note that Adapter Grenades are specific to the Rifle
designated. You must have an M-1 semiautomatic rifle to
take the Adapter device for the M-1 Rifle Grenade. Thesame
applies to the M-14 model.

22mm Grenades are essentially the same for all weapons,

no matter if they are Ballistite or Live Ammo launched.
The 40mm fragmentation Grenade is basically a Hand
Grenade in a 40mm package. Ah! But the Canister round!
This little monster flies 3 meters from the launcher and
then blows up in a shapedpattern! It hurls a negligible Blast
(5 points) but a Frag of 10, in a front 3 meters wide, for double
the base Ranges. In the event of a miss, the time fuse is
assumed to have malfunctioned. The scatter effect is rolled
for as with Rifle Grenades, but rerolling if scatter is indicated
as coming toward the firer.

These are the big babies delivered by Mortars, as
described in the Firearms rules. Their effect is based on their







Again, the effects of being in range of one of these

monsters is pretty obvious (also unfortunate).

Unlike most explosives weapons, which a user actively
directs at a target area, the Land Mine sits and waits for a
target to come by. Most of the Mines in Aftermath! are of the
classic anti-personnel type: one buries them a few
centimeters under the surface, leaving a pressure plate
exposed, or barely covered. When someoneenters the hex in
which the mine is buried, it goesoff, usually with very painful
results for the victim.
It is difficult to give a Table of Land Mine types, since any
reasonable charge may be used to provide a Blast, and for
Frag if desired, many mines have optional casings of
fragmented iron. The standard Land Mine is about 1 kg of
Plastique, say a Blast of 10-30. If provided wilh a fragmenting
casing, it will have a Frag of 5. But because the explosive is
buried, its force will be somewhat shaped. Most of the
damage goes straight up.
Whoever steps on the Mine will be exposed to double the
Blast and will always take a fragmentation hit which attacks
his Average AV, if the mine is equipped for Frag. If a Location

forthe hit is needed, rollaDlOandaddlOtotheresult,which

will give a Location number from the Hips (10-11) totheFeet
(19-20). It is usually fatal.
There are smaller, nuisance mines, which use Blast only,
with a rating of only5. They work much thesame way, but are
less lethal.
As for the effects on the rest of the area, a Land Mine
functions as does any other explosive weapon, but its base
Ratings are halved, as are the BCS scores for its Frag attacks
on those within range.

The mine is designed to go off in the Action Phase it is
stepped on. The Pressure Plate triggers a very short-term
Chemical Timer. But there is a variable in this. Roll a D20. On
a 1-10, it goes off at once, as planned. On an 11-19, it goes off
in 1 Combat Turn. On a 20, i t is a dud, and will not go off at all.
All mines count as Hidden Things. Electromagnetic Mine
Detectors, the pancakes on a stick used today by treasure
hunters, will detect a mine within a 3-meter radius, if the
mine has any metal in its makeup. Mine Probes, 1-2 meter
sticks tipped with thin rods, are used t o prod the ground at a
sharp angle, theoretically hitting the side of the mine, which
will not be triggered by such contact. Their use gives the
searcher a Wit AST on finding the Hidden Thing (i.e., the
Mine) rather than the usual CST.
Proper use of any mine detection gear requires the
concentration of the character using it and halves his normal
Base Movement Allowance. It is possible to improvise a Mine
Probe by crawling along a proposed route using a knife for
the purpose.
Characters expending 2 phases can safely pass through a
hex holding a mine that they know is there.

These are not buried. They resemble squat cylinders with
an opening in one face, covering a 30-degree arc. When
triggered, they act like very large 40mm Canister rounds,
hurling a mass of steel ball bearings out along this line of fire.
This mass of shot covers a 5-meter front, centered on the hex
designated as the front of the Claymore. it has a maximum
range of 60 meters. Both the BCS and the Frag of the mass
are reduced as the range increases.

Pattern of a Claymore Mine


henry christen (order #23380)

Range 0-10 meters: BCS of 18. Frag of 10.

Range 11-20 meters: BCS of 14. Frag of 8.
Range 21-40 meters: BCS of 12. Frag of 6.
Range 41-60 meters: BCS of 10. Frag of 5.
The Claymore puts out a Blast of only 5 , radiating equally
from the site of the Mine. For a true simulation of this deadly
device, the Frag hits should attack the targets Average AV,
rolling for location only in the event of a Critical Hit. This may
be too cruel for the Gamesmasters taste, and he may freely
choose to treat the attack as a normal Frag effect.
Claymores may be triggered by remote control, a popular
application when they form part of an established defensive
setup, or by tripwires, as can the next device on our list:
Bouncing Betty.


This is the nom de guerre for a special type of mine.
Triggered by tripwire or remote controls, a small propellant
charge pops a grenade 2 meters into the air, where it
proceeds to explode. This gives it Air Burst modifications. A
5/5 grenade is usually used, although larger models with a
10/5 rating are known.

About Tripwires: The two previous Mines may be triggered

by Tripwires, that is, thin wires or cords extended from the
explosive and stretched some inches above the ground
where a victim is likely to trip over it. This triggers the Mine.
Let us assume it takes 1 minuteto lay 1 meter of wire, using
Stealth of the appropriate sort to conceal it. If the BCS is
made, the wire is a Hidden Thing.
Anyone entering a hex crossed by a Tripwire at a rate
greater than a Walk, or at any speed at all if it is an
undiscovered Hidden Thing, may trip over it. A Deftness AST
will dodge known wires, a Deftness CST dodges unknown
ones. Known wires may be stepped over safely if the
character is walking.
Assume that the maximum length of a Tripwire is about 30
meters, and only 1 turn in the wire is permitted.

These are treated much as normal Land Mines, but they
are usually buried deeper (about 50cm to 1 meter) and have
Pressure Plates set to go off only when pressed by objects of
greater than human or animal mass (tanks, cars, etc.). For
their effects, they are similar to other mines except that the
chance of Vehicle Special Effects is not halved and, if no
Special Effects occur, there is a flat percentage chance equal
to the base blast that the vehicles motive system is

There are so many ways to set a Booby Trap that one
cannot give hard and fast rules for dealing with them.
Assume that Demolition and the appropriate Explosives Skill
are averaged to give the BCS needed to construct the charge
and prepare the trigger. The Gamesmaster decides on the
Task Points needed to finish the job, and establishes the

Task Period. Once the Trap is built, it must be concealed at

its chosen location. If the appropriate Stealth BCS is made, it
will count as a Hidden Thing with a penalty to the Wit CST
needed to find itequal to the setters own Wit Group. Only
one such BCS roll is permitted when setting the Trap. If the
Booby Trap is very bulky, or is otherwise hard to find, the
,Gamesmaster may penalize the Stealth BCS.
Once the Trap is installed, a final Demolition BCS (no
averaging) is allowed, to trap it against overt attempts to
disarm it. The Booby Trap has a Complexity Factor equal to
the Effect Number of the roll divided by 4, down. This Factor
will modify the Defusing Explosives BCS of any character
attempting to disarm the Booby Trap. One roll is made; if
failure is due to the Complexity Factor, the Trap will go off.

Assuming a simple time bomb is not used, whereby a
concealed charge is set to go off at a given time or after a
given interval, the Booby Trap may be tied in to one of a
number of triggers.

Mechanical Trigger: The Trap is set to go off if some

action is performed: opening a door or case, moving some
item, etc. The object in question is wired to a Chemical
Timer, and moving it in the prescribed way activates the
timer. Or the motion may close an electrical circuit, or
remove a breaker from one, which will immediatelyset off
the bom b. The latter type of fuse requires aspecial Task to
prepare, using the Electricial Skill (and needing tools and

Pressure Trigger: Similar to that used in Mines. A

footplate in concealed in a hex and wired to the Trap.
Altimeter Trigger: An electrical trigger set to go off if the
atmospheric pressure reaches a given level. Used for
Booby-Trapping aircraft.

Photoelectric Trigger: Used for trapping rooms, tunnels,

etc. The alteration of the light level triggers the bomb
(Electrician Skill is needed to build this trigger).

Heat or Impact Triggers: Often used in Pipe Jobs,where

the Trap is set in the muffler of a car. The heat of the
exhaust and the vibration of the engine combine to set off
the Trap.
Basically, the Gamesmaster and Player must put their
heads together to decide what will trigger a Booby Trap and
how it is to beconstructed. Almost anything can bedesigned
as a Trigger, and when designing Traps that the PlayerCharacters will encounter, the Gamesmaster can let his
imagination run free.


Any explosives not specifically designed for such use will
attack the vehicle with a VDG rating equal to one-half of the
effective Blast rating. Since such things are considered high
explosive charges, the chance of a Vehicle Special Effect is
halved also. Explosives put into a vehicle will, of course, have
the ususal effects on characters within the vehicle of any
contained explosion of the particular type of explosive


henry christen (order #23380)

With civilization in ruins, mans monetary systems are also
likely to go down the drain. A currency is only worth
something in this day and age if people believe in it. With a
collapse of organized governments, man will probably revert
to a barter economy. The value of an item to a person will be
related to the persons needs and wants, in that order.
Any attempt to classify all the possible items and their
values to defferent people with different priorities would be
hopelessly doomed before it was begun. The entire process
of bartering, as presented here, is a guideline. The activity of
bartering for goods and services is variable by its nature. A
good trader will get a better deal than a poor trader but the
price in one town might be cheap, in another expensive,
and in a third the item may be totally unavailable.
When the Gamesmaster allows the players to have a barter
session, he should be aware that it can get very involved.
Players are always on the lookout for the best possible deal
or arrangement for their characters. This may result in
involved sessions where the players are constantly asking
the prices of items to figure out the arrangement most to
their advantage, reneging on earlier arrangements because
they have thought of something better, and attempting t o
trade back something they have just bought because a
friend traded for something else they find more attractive.
This sort of thing will get on the Gamesmasters nerves. It is a
safe bet that it would also get on the nerves of the non-player
character represented by the Gamesmaster in these
curcumstances. Such traders may refuse to make further
deals in that session and would certainly raise the value of
any other items that they offered.
When there is a lot of trading to bedone, the Gamesmaster
may wish t o obtain from the players a list of what the
characters have available to trade. He should put a value on
the items on the list. Totalling all the values will yield a
number of Barter Points available to the Player-Characters.
These can be treated as money to buy items and/or services
from the trader at prices set by the Gamesmaster. Doing
things this way is less colorful than dickering x e r e a c h item,
but will avoid spending the hours required to do just that.

Traders are a vital link between survivor communities.
They carry goods, services, and news between such
holdings. As this is the case, the communities would not take
kindly to their being killed or robbed. Characters who think
that it might be easier to kill a trader and take what they want
should keep this in mind. Traders generally haveestablished
routes where they are known. This gives them a Recognition
Factor which is applied to the goods that th?y carry. Any
character seen carrying or using the goods of a trader who
has been robbed or killed will be immediately suspected of
the deed.
This Recognition Factor can bedetermined by the Gamesmaster with the roll oy 2010. He may add to this any
modifications he deems appropriate due to length of time on
the trade route, distinctiveness of material, any certifiable
markings on the goods, etc. This Factor is the chance in 20
that goods will be recognized. For each week since the
discovery of the traders loss the Factor will be reduced by 1.
The Gamesmaster should remember that this sort of thing
will only apply within the territory of the trader.
The Gamesmaster can probably assume that a trader

operating in a city is known throughout the city. A trader

travelling through the countryside might be known over an
area with a radius of 1 to 300 kilometers depending on his
goods, services, mode of transport, and the density of the
population. If the Gamesmaster designs a Personality NonPlayer Character for a trader, he should establish the
characters trade route and stock.
Sometimes the reason for not being rough with a trader
will be immediately obvious. He may travel in a tank. For
whatever reasons, players should be aware that traders are in
many ways the heralds of the reawakening civilization.
Heralds have a traditional immunity when they are
performing their duties. Players should know what they are
doing if they contemplate attacking a trader. The
consequences, even if not immediate, can be lethal.

The barter process consists of establishing the price and
either meeting it or not. To establish the price, the
Gamesmaster will first determine the overall attitude of the
trader in the transaction. By making a roll on the Reaction
Table, and multiplying the Value Number by 5%, the
Gamesmaster will get a modification to the base Barter Point
value of all goods or services in the transaction. This applies
only to the traders evaluation of the Player-Characters
offered trading stock.
Both sides will roll a Cdmmerce Skill BCS. If individual
items are being bartered, a roll will be made for each
transaction. In this case the Commerce score will be
averaged with the score in a Skill which governs the use of
the items in the transaction before the BCS is calculated.
The value of the Player-Characters goods will be altered
by a factor. This factor is 1% times a number, whether
positive or negative, arrived at by subtracting the Effect
Number of the traders BCS roll, if successful, from the
Player-Characters Effect Number, i f his BCS roll was
successfu I .
These modifications are not added together but are done
successively. If the traders reaction was Excellent, the
basic values of the Player-Characters goods is increased by
25%(+5 times 5% means an increase of 5 x 5% or 25%). If the
traders Effect Number was 12 and the Player-Characters
was 2, the net Effect Number is-10. Multiplied by 1%, this will
give a negative modification of 10%. If the base Barter Point
value of the item was 100, the first modification would raise it
by 25% to 125. The second modification would reduce it by
10% or 12.5, rounded to the nearest yielding 13, for a Barter
Point value for the item of 112. Note that his is not the same
result that would be obtained if the two modifications were
added together. Such a process would give a modification of
115%of 100,
the baseof 2~0/~-100/~or1~0!o,andafinalvalueof
or 115 Barter Points.

The actual Barter Point value of an item can vary widely. In
any barter economy the price of an item or service is
directly dependent on need. The value of a curativedrug t o a
sick man is well above the base value of the drug. The value
of a .38 caliber round to a man with a .45 caliber pistol is
minimal. The Gamesmaster is the final arbiter of the base
value of an item. It may not have the same value at the next
trading session.


henry christen (order #23380)

Various factors will affect the value. These include the

immediate usefulness of the item or service, its continued
usefulness, its rarity, its condition if an item or quality if a
service, and the reaction of the buyer to its nature. The
latter can have consequences outside the barter area. One
need only look t o classic stories where a person is thought a
sorcerer or witch because of the artifacts of technology he is
carrying. Such things can lead to ones being made an
honored guest at the bonfire...or the honored fuel.


Clothing andArmor:Such things have a basic value which
is modified by the material of which they are made. The
base value is the number of Locations covered by the
garment times the Armor Value of the material. This base
is then multiplied by a figure dependent on the general
class of the material:
Cloth, Leather, Hide
Metal with AV over 9
Plastic with AV over 5
Plastic with AV over 10

x .5
x l
x 1.5
x l
x 1.5

Special properties of clothing or armor will increase the














Match Weapon
Target Weapon
Multi-Round Capable # of rounds
(use highest BDG for base value)
Other features values are at Gamesmasters discretion.
Thus, a gun that fires a round with a BDG of 15, with a
Durability of 3, DA Action, and a Pistol Format will have a
base value of 15 and a Factor of 3 + 2 + 1 or 6, for a total
value of 15 x 6, or 90.

Muscle-PoweredMissile Weapons: Such weapons tend to

have a Value equal to the Weapon Damage Multiplier.
Bows and Crossbows would have a Value equal to onehalf the Pound Pull.

Hand-to-Hand Weapons: Such weapons have a base

value equal to the Weapon Damage Multiplier. This is
multiplied by a factor based on the type of damage done
by the weapon, added to a factor based on the weapons
Damage Type




L type
B type
c type


Extra Long


Blast buffering

increases base value by 10

per factor

Lazab (Laser Ablative)

increases base value by 10

per factor

Fire resistance

+2 per Location for each


Thus a weapon doing L type damage, with a WDM of

2.2, would have aValueof2.2x(l + 31,or8.8, rounded tog.

Electrical insulation

+2 per Location for each

Firearm Ammunition: The base value of ammunition is the

Thermal insulation

+2 per Location for each


If capable of protection +lo0 per vector protected

against Chemical Weapons against
If capable of protection +200 per vector protected
against Biological Weapons against
If capable of protection +lo0 per 50 REM reduction
against radiation

Gunsand Bullets: Guns havea basevalueequal totheBDG

of the round which they fire. This basevalue is multiplied by
a factor which is the sum of all the applicable factors
concerning its Durability, Action, Format, Features, etc.
Durability Factor is equal to Durability rating.

BDG of the round divided by 20 and rounded up to the

nearest whole number. The value of a magazine would be
its capacity times 2.

Grenadesand Explosives: A unit of explosives has a value

equal to a base value times a factor based on the type of
explosive. The base value is equal to 5 times the sum of the
Blast and Frag ratings.

Explosive Type


Dynamite (TNT)
Plastic Explosive
HE Shells


These are quantifications for only a few types of items. The

Gamesmaster will also find suggested values in the section
on gear and equipment on page 53 and in the listings of
weapons and armor in the appendices.


henry christen (order #23380)


Various kinds of gear and equipment are available to the
character in Aftermath! The variety is so great that only a
small portion is described here. In many cases a thing is
described in generalized terms. Specific details may be
added by the Gamesmaster. Some things are described as
kits. A kit is a collection of things which allow a character
to perform a function and/or increase his efficiency in
performing a function. The Gamesmaster should feel free t o
design any equipment desired. Such equipment may be
extrapolated from the various types included in the rules.
Equipment and gear are represented by category and
specific piece. Suggested Barter Point value is placed i n
parentheses after the name. A description and detailsfollow.

ARMOR: Various types of armor are available. Simple

metallic and nonmetallic armors will certainly be available.
Plastic armors will be available in some campaigns. For the
most part these materials function as other armor materials
with regard t o Format, Reinforcing, and stopping damage.
Fire will affect plastics in a special way. When the Strength
Rating of the fire, applied to the plastic, equals the Armor
Value of the plastic, it will melt. This effectively destroys the
armor on the Locations where the fire has been applied. It
will also cause additional lethal damage to the character
equal to the former Armor Value of the plastic material.
Also available is a ballistic cloth material which will act asa
Barrier to incoming missile fire. This will reduce BDG of
gunpowder weapons and effective Strength Groups of
muscle-powered missile weapons before they attack the
characters Armor Value on a Location covered by this
Some sample pieces of armor are presented below:

Army Helmet
Chainmail Shirt
Flak Jacket
Flak jacket, plastic
Motorcycle helmet
Police riot helmet
with gorget
Hardened leather
body armor

Coverage Format Code








4-1 2




4-1 2


AUTO REPAIR KITS: These kits permit repairs t o be made to

most standard vehicles. A special military issue kit is
required for work on AFV, at least those equipped with
special engine systems (multi-fuel, nuclear, etc.). These kits
allow maintenance work to be done, but do not manufacture
the necessary parts.
Kit #
ENC Notes
Contains hand tools for work on vehicles.
(50 BP)
Efficiency Factor of 1.
Contains some powered tools. If no power is
(100 BP)
available then treat this as a Kit 1. If being
used in powered mode, it is rated for 500
watts (5 Charges per hour) power
consumption. It is designed to operate on
either standard or Heavy Household current
(see Technologysection, Book 3). Efficiency
Factor of 2.

(1000 BPI


Non-mobile. Represents a fully-equipped

auto repair shop, requiring a Light Industrial
power line or equivalent to operate,
consuming power at a rate of 2 kilowatts.
Efficiency Factor of 3.

BATTERIES: In Aftermath! we have posited the development

of a no-leak, rechargeable storage battery, known as the
Eternabattery. An Eternabattery is designated by the
abbreviation E- followed by the number of 100 watt-hour
charges it can hold at maximum levels of charge. A small
meter on the battery casing indicates the amount of power
hald in to at any given time. Standard sizes used for various
appliances and tools, or to power independent units, are the
E-1, E-5, and E-10. A larger size, delivering current of a
slightly different nature, is specially designed for vehicles
and other large units. Designated Ev-, the sizes run at Ev10, Ev-50, and Ev-100. The Encumbrance of batteries is
determined as follows: E-type at .01 times its charge
capacity, and Ev-type at .1 times its capacity.
The Barter Value of an Eternabattery is 2 times its capacity
for E-types, and 5 times its capacity for Ev-types.
Eternabatteries are charged by connecting an induction
transformer, colloquially known as a leech. to a source of
electrical current. Its workings are referred t o in Book 3, but
basically it will convert available power into stored charges
at the maximum possible rate. Ev-type batteries have a builtin leech. The portable units used for E-type batteries havean
ENC of .5and a Barter Value of 50. A leech can be connected
to 1 battery at a time for charging. Larger units exist for use
with larger numbers of batteries. These may be designed at
the Gamesmasters pleasure, in either semi- or non-portable
forms, at Barter Point costs of 50 per battery of capacity.
BLACKSMITHING TOOLS: Blacksmithing requires a
forge which includes a furnace, an anvil, a quenching bath
and tools. Efficiency will vary. Roll 2D2 and multiply the
result to get a forges Efficiency factor.
A portable forge is possible with an ENC value of 24. It may
be broken down into four units of 6 ENC each. They are Huge
2 in bulk.
An improvised forge is possible. It will be only half thesize
of the portable forge but no armor material greater than 9 in
AV may be worked and any weapons made will be inferior
quality at best.
Electric Forges add 1 to the random Efficiency Factor.
They consume 100 watts x the total Efficiency rating in
BOOKS Books by their very nature are varied. They fall into
the following game classifications: Fiction, References,
Texts, and Manuals.
Fiction has no direct application in the game but may
prove useful as a trading item.
References will be specified as to the Skill with which they
correspond. Reference books count as the proper facilities
for study with regard to Skills. A literacy BCS will add 1 to a
characters Wit Group when performing a design Task if he
has access to an appropriate reference work.
Texts, again specified as to Skill, will be rated for a range of
points within the Skill. In the absence of a Teacher, a
successful BCS roll with Literacy will allow the Text to


henry christen (order #23380)

function as a Tescher. This is only allowed if the characters

current score is within the range of the Text. The upper limit
of the Texts range works in the same way as a teachers
upper limit. It may not be exceeded in a Study Session. If a
Teacher is available, the successful Literacy BCS roll will
grant the reader a +1 to his learning Rate for that week due to
use of the Text.
Manuals, specified as to Skill, are rated as having a BCS in
that Skill. A character making a Literacy BCS roll may
operate as if he had a score in the Skill which would give him
the BCS Rating of the Manual. All Task Periods or Action
required are doubled when operating this way. A character
with a BCS in the Skill less than the Manuals BCS may use it
in this way but the increase in required time isonly by50%. A
character whose BCS exceeds that of the Manual will receive
a +1 to his BCS if the Literacy BCS roll is made.
Books come in many forms and the exact ENC value of a
book is left to the Gamesmasters discretion. Barter Point
value will vary just as wildly. Non-fiction books will be a
valuable commodity if the subject is a useful Skill.

range by half (75 BP) but will operate for 5 hours on an E

charge (20 Watts). A base station will have an ENC of 5 , a
range of 50 km, a Barter Point value of 500, and requires 5 E
charges to operate for an hour (500 Watts).
Military and police units are comparable in structure but
have double the range and Barter Point valuesof 150% of the
comparable civilian version.
A small short-wave radio (250 BP) with an ENC of 2 will
have a range of about 200 km and will be degraded less by
man-made constructions.
Due to interference problems, the effective range in an
urban environment will be reduced by 2D10 times 5%.

CALCULATORS: Such devices will increase the Wit Group


of a character performing a design Task if a Mathematics

BCS roll is made. Size will vary from .01 ENC to .6ENC.

CHEMICAL GEAR: Besides various forms of Lab, chemical

gear will consist of units of chemical supplies. In general the
exact nature of the chemicals is not specified. A unit would
have an ENC value of about .3 and might be noted as being in
a fragile or sturdy container. Barter Point value would be
about 20 per unit.

This is basically a home chemistry lab. Its
Efficency Factor is .5.
A more complete but portable lab with an
Efficiency Factor of 1.
A full educational lab. About half the equipment
is non-portable, but that which is would yield
two Lab 2 sets. Such a Lab usually requires
power (Wattage Rating of 1500) and has an
Efficiency Factor of 2.
An industrial production lab. Breaks down as a
Lab 3. This lab requires power (Wattage Rating
of 3000) and has an Efficiency Factor of 3.

CLOTHING: Various types of clothing are avilable. In

contruction they are similar to armor but are usually less
rugged. Almost any type of clothing can be constructed as
long as the designer remembers that the garment must
function as a garment. Clothes usually fit a body. They are
not held on with glue. Some sample garments are presented


Format Code

Field jacket
Leather jacket
Street Suit
Winter jacket

4-12, 21-28
4-9, 21-28
3-18, 21-28
4-12, 21-28




ENC Notes



This garment has 4 large pockets.

This garment has 2 medium and 2 small pockets.
This garment may have 2 small pockets.
Such garments have from 2 to 6 medium pockets.
5 Such garments have 2 large pockets and are rated for 1
factor of thermal protection.


equipment (100 BP) operates for an hour on an E charge
(Power Rating of 100 Watts) and has an effective range of 10
km. It has an ENC value of 1. Hand units reduce ENC and

COMPASSES (5 BP) Allow a character to determine the

compass direction.
CONTAINERS: A large variety of containers is available.
Samples are presented below:
small sack
large sack
shoulder bag
camping pack
large lightweight packs
bullet belt
cartridge belt
belt pouch

Capacity Barter
Utility Collapsed (Max. Bulk) Value Notes






1 (Small)
3 (Medium)
5 (Medium)
5 (Medium)
5 (Medium)
10 (Medium)
10 (Medium)


12 (Medium)
100 rounds
10 clips
.5 (Small)
1 deciliter
5 deciliters
1 liter




1 Must be carried
2 Worn side-slung
3 Worn on back
4 Has 2D2 large pockets
5 4 large and 2 medium pockets
6 Snaps shut over clips
7 Snap, button closure
8 Fragile glass. Plastic not fragile U-3 and twice Value
9 Liquid container ENC values are constants
Containers only count against a characters total
Encumbrance value if they are holding less than their
collapsed ENC value inside. When worn in a proper fashion
the ENC value of an item inside is only counted as half its
ENC value in the characters Encumbrance Total. The items
full value is counted against the containers capacity.


equipment is rated by the maximum number of cubic meters
which will be decontaminated by the equipment at full
charge. Equipment is also rated as Biological, Chemical, or
Nuclear Decontaminant. One charge will decontaminate 1
cubic meter or 15 Locations on a character. Equipment
comes in lo-, 50-, and 100-charge sizes. ENC value is onehalf the maximum charge value. Barter Value on the
equipment is equal to the charge size. Each charge has a
Barter Value of 10.
Detection equipment comes in binary and analysiscapable forms. It is rated by type of contaminant detected.
Range is 5 meters. Binary forms have an ENC of .6 and a
Barter Value of 50. Analysis-capable forms have an ENC of
1.2 and a Barter Value of 50 base plus 25 for each part of a
formula they will show to the character. Radiation counters
only come in binary forms.
Analysis will only be made of contaminants in the units
solid-state memory banks. Mutant strains and unclassified
substances will read as Unknown.

henry christen (order #23380)

DRAFTING EQUIPMENT: A simple (25 BP) kit has an ENC of

2, and an Efficiency Factor of 1. A complex kit (50 BP) hasan
ENC of 6 and an Efficiency Factor of 2. Drafting equipment is
required for a design Task. Design Tasks of simple things
without using a Drafting kit is allowed but the character will
have an Efficiency Factor of .25.
ELECTRICIANS K I T Required for any electrical work.
Klt #

ENC Notes


Requires power for most functions but does

include a meter for detecting active current at
a range of 20 m. Efficiency Factor of 1.
Power Rating of 100 Watts.


Similar to Kit 1 but powered equipment works

on batteries.


Powered equipment for small and delicate

work. Efficiency Factor of 1.5, Power Rating of
50 Watts.


FABRIC GEAR: A Spinning Kit (20 BP) will turn raw wool into
thread with an Efficiency Factor of 1 and an ENC of 3. A
Powered Spinning Kit (50 BP) has double the Efficiency
Factor and ENC value.
Weaving kits are the same as Spinning Kits except they
take thethread, as produced by Spinning Kits, and turn it into
cloth. It requires 10 units of thread to produce 1 unit of cloth.
One unit of cloth will cover one Location.
Sewing kits (5 BP) are used to turn cloth into garments.
They follow the pattern for Spinning and Weaving kits but a
simple kit hasand ENCof .3. It requires 1 unit of thread (2 BP)
to turn 5 units of cloth into garment(s).

FIRE EXTINGUISHERS: This gear comes i n small (5charge), medium (20-charge), and large (50-charge) They
are rechargeable. An extinguisher has an ENC value of .1
times its maximum charge and a Barter Value equal to 5
times its capacity. A unit of charge has a Barter Value of 10.
One charge will reduce the strength of a fire by 1 in 1 cubic


EOUIPMENT: Handloading kits are

specified as Pistol, Rifle, or Shotgun. The Efficiency Factor
will be .5times the result of 103. The ENC of a kit is 1 and the
Barter Value is 100 times the Efficiency Factor.
A unit of primers (25 BP) will do50 rounds and has an ENC
of .3.
A unit of smokeless powder (1BP) is 20 grains and has an
ENC of .001.
A bullet (1 BP) and a cartridge (1 BP) each have an ENC of
A swage will be rated for the type of bullet it produces. Its
Barter Value is equal to the BDG of the bullet it will produce.
The ENC is .5 and its Efficiency Factor, from 10 to 100 (1 D10
x l o ) , is the numberof bulletsproducesfrom 1 unit (10 BP) of
lead (ENC of 1) in an hours Task Period.
LEATHERWORKING KITS: Work the same as Sewing kits
but the ENC of a Simple kit is 1.

LIGHT SOURCES Fire or electrical light are the two

commonest forms of illumination in AftermatMThe chemical
Cold Light sticks used by campers arestill around also, but
harder to find.
Any light source will be rated in terms of how large an area
it can cover with Good Light (daylight levels). For 5 meters
beyond the boundaries of this area, any light source will
provide Dim Light, and for 5 meters beyond that, Poor Light.
Fire: A small flame (candle, sterno, match, kerosene lamp)
provides 1 meter of Good Light unless magnified by a glass
chimney. This will bring it up to 5 meters. A wooden torch, or
a railroad or traffic flare, will provide 5 meters of Good Light.
A large fire (campfire or bonfire) provides 10 meters of Good

A candle will burn for 30 minuter per inch of length; asmall

tin of sterno for 2 hours; a kerosene lantern or Coleman lamp
for 1 hour per deciliter of fuel; a match for 1D3 + 1 Combat
Turns. A prepared torch burns for2 hours, but an improvised
one for half that long. A flare is good for 3 hours, but has
twice the Encumbrance of a torch when lit because of its
highly irritating fumes and the hot chemicals it drips.
Electric Light This mostly applies to portable light sources.
Full overhead illumination such as modern office buildings
will provide Good Light for the whole room it is in, if fully
An electric light has a Wattage Rating. One half the
Wattage represents the radius it will illuminate with Good
Light if the light is shed in all directionsevenly. If a reflector is
used, as with a flashlight or spotlight, increase the distance
to which Good Light is cast by a factor of 2 (double the
range). Assume that this isfora reflectorcasting a30-degree
cone of light. If the cone is wider, reduce the multiplier; if
narrower, increase it. If it is wider than about 90 degrees, no
significant increase in range is achieved. If narrower than
about 10 degrees, then the multiplier grows no larger.
Some standard sources of electric light are:

Pocket Flashlight: ENC: .1 Wattage: 4 Power Source: One

E-1 Barter Value: 5
One of the small, disposable units sold at most stores
today. Has a 30-degree reflector, giving it a beam rangeof
4 meters of Good Light.

Small Flashlight: ENC: .25 Wattage: 10 Power Source:

One E-1 Barter Value: 10
Standard flashlight, although it operates off of one
Eternabattery instead of the two or three dry cell units
used today. Equipped with a 30-degree reflector, it has a
range for Good Light of 10 meters.

Heavy Flashlight: ENC: 4 Wattage: 10 Power Source: One

E-1 Barter Value: 50
The larger model of the standard unit. Casts a beam of
Good Light for 20 meters.
Campers Flashlight: ENC: .6 Wattage: 30 Power Source:
One E-5 Barter Value: 75
Long-barrelled, with a heavy, adjustable reflector, this
unit can be set for a multiplier to the base illumitation of
between 2 and 4, for a beam of 30-60 meters. It is heavy
enough to use as a Club (WDM of 1.2), but hasa chance in
20 of breaking equal to the damage potential of a hit. One
such breakage will Desrepair it, and a second Junks it. A
third time leaves you with a very shiny club.

Campers Floodlight: ENC: 1.2 Wattage: 200 Power

Source: 2 E-5 Barter Value: 120
A small spotlight mounted on a battery pack. It has a60degree angle of beam, for a Good Light range of 150
LOCKPICKS: See initial equipment on page 5.
MAGNATUNER: This device allows a character with
Magnalock Penetration Skill to pick a lock of that kind. The
improved version (100 BP) uses an E-5. has an ENC of 1 and
an Efficiency Factor of 2, and adds 1 to the characters BCS.
See initial equipment on page 5 for the basic model. Uses .5
Charges per BCS attempt.



henry christen (order #23380)

MEDICAL GEAR: Drugs are dealt with in Book 3. Other

medical gear is listed below:
ENC Notes
.01 Allows character to recover from 1 point
of Lethal damage.
(5 BPI
supplies .05 Uses vary.
(10 BP)
Medkit 1
(50 BP)


Adds 1 to BCS of user in First Aid

Medkit 2
(100 BP)

Used for most applications of Advanced

Medical Skill. Has a carrying capacity of 1
(Small). This is a doctors black bag.

(1000 BP)

The computer is a portable microprocessor with permanent memory

holding diagnostic programs and
telemetry interpretation programs. It is
connected to a patient by several wire
leads. It will analyze his general condition
(DRT score, effective Attribute levels, age,
etc.). It hhs a BCS of 15 in analyzing
diseases or the presence of drugs, it adds
2 to the BCS roll of a Pathologist in any
situation. Consumes 1 Charae Der 10
uses. It uses an E-5 for pokerunder
normal circumstances.

(2500 BP)

Adds 2 to Advanced Medical BCS. Power

Rating of 1000 Watts.

PLASTICS EQUIPMENT: Rigid plastics require molding

gear for production. The production of plastics stock also
requires heavy equipment. Specifics are left to the
Gamesmaster. Such equipment is not really portable.

TOOLS: Various Tool Kits are available.

Kit 1
(20 BP)

Hand tools of varying sorts. Efficiency

Factor of 1.

Kit 2
(50 BP)

Kit 1 plus power hand tools. Efficiency

Factor of 1.5.

Kit 3
(100 BP)
Kit 4
(1000 BP)units
of 6

As Kit 2 but tools use E batteriesat the rate

of 5 Charges per hour of operation.
Heavy power tools as well as Kit 2.
Efficiency Factor of 2. Power Rating of
1000 Watts.

Tool kits are designed for working wood. When working

metal reduce the Efficiency Factor by .5 unless the Kit
specified as a metalworking kit.
UNDERWATER GEAR: Various kinds of gear can be used
in and under the water. Some examples are listed below:
Wet suit

ENC Notes
.05 Has Thermal Factor of 1. Covers 1 to 28.

(100 BP)

Holds a half-hour of air.

(25 BP)

(10 BP)

.01 Doubles Base Movement Allowance when

swimming. Halves it on land.

Spear Gun 1
(70 BP)

ENC Notes

Repair Kit 1
(25 BP)

ENC Notes

Worn in place of normal belt. Allows

character to adjust Encumbrance status to
1 step lower when in the water.

Similar to an elasticity-3 slingshot with a

Strength of 30 behind it. It requires the
application of 30 Strength points to cock it
in the fashion of a crossbow. Ranges areas
a slingshot but all BCS modifications are
doubled. Underwater ranges are halved.
The missile is treated as having a WDM of

Can be used to repair plastics up to AV

5 which are not based on a Rigid

Kit 2
(50 BP)

Can be used for plastics up to AV 9.

(20 BP)

Kit 3
(100 BP)

Can be used for any plastics.

.01 Allows the character to monitor his air
supply and safe rate of ascent.
(100 BP)

Repair charge .05

(5 BP)

One charge will repair 1 Location by 1

point of AV. Thus it takes 5 charges to
repair 1 Location that had AV 5.

SHIELDS: These are dealt with in Appendix 5.

SURVIVAL GEAR: These are the components of a survival
ENC Notes
(1 BPI
Flint &
(1 BP)
(.01 BP)

.01/5 Has 90% chance of igniting when struck.

Requires an Action.

.03 Allow maximum visibility under water.

WATCHES (50 BP): Allow characters to coordinate action

when out of communication with each other. If a party out of
communication is attempting to coordinate actions with
another group, it will miss by the Effect Number gotten
from a Wit CST of the leader of one of the parties. If the Effect
Number is negative they will act before the other party. Each
point of Effect Number indicates a 1 Combat Turn difference.

Has 40% chance of igniting tinder when



(2 BPI
.01 Will ignite tinder in 2D3 Combat Turns
(usable on sunny day only).
(2 BP)
Blanket .1
Used as a bed roll. Has a Thermal Factor
(10 BP)
of 2.


henry christen (order #23380)

The intention of this section is to provideguidelines forthe
inclusion of vehicles of varyina sorts into the world of
Aftermath! Vehicles, by their very nature, are difficult to deal
with in the same scale that one is dealing with a single man.
The Gamesmaster will probably find that he must use a
combination of Detailed Action and Tactical Scales to
handle situations involving vehicles.
Vehicles are only dealt with in general terms. The
Gamesmaster is left to provide specific details of vehicles
that he wishes to include in his campaign. Provided in
Appendix 7 is a selection of some sample vehicles to give the
Gamesmaster, or player, a better idea of the transition from
the generalized guidelines presented in this section to the
specifications for a particular vehicle.
The Gamesmaster is warned that these rules are not
designed to handle situations with large numbers of
vehicles. If he wishes to devise situations which will result in
the use of large numbers, he is advised to work out a
compromise between Aftermath! and some other rules
designed to deal with the complex interactions of many
vehicles. The rules as presented deal primarily with ground
vehicles though adaptation to aircraft and boats is minimal.

The Area of a vehicle is the number of hexes o n the DAT

Display that are occupied by the representation of the
vehicle. Thus, a vehicle that is 2 hexes wide and 3 hexes long
has an Area of 6.
The Damage Resistance of a vehicle is based on its
Structure and one half its Area. The product of these two
numbers is the vehicles Damage Resistance. Thus, a vehicle
with a Structure rating of 2 and an Area of 6 would have a
Damage Resistance of 2 x 3 or 6. When a vehicle is damaged
in combat, each time thedamage done to it reaches thevalue
of the Damage Resistance, the vehicle will lose 1 point of
Durability. Thus, our sample vehicle, if it took 4 points of
damage, would lose 2 points of Durability. When it takes 4
more points of damage it will lose another point Of
The type of Fuel System used by a vehicle will affect such
things as its maximum speed and its efficiency in utilizing
fuel. In the chart below are presented four Fuel Systems.The
Velocity Efficiency is a percentageof the top speed specified
for a vehicle using a Petroleum fuel. This percentage is taken
of the top speed given for a Petroleum fueled version of a
vehicle such as can be found in whatever reference source is
being used by the Gamesmaster for his statistics on the
vehicle. This yields the top speed for that version of the
vehicle at its maximum Durability. The Mileage percentage is
applied in a similar fashion to the statistics for a Petroleum
Fueled base vehicle.
A model vehicle with a maximum speed of 120 kilometers
per hour which gets 10 kilometers per liter (thats72 mph and
25 mpg) is designed to use Electric power. I t would have a
maximum speed of 48 kph and get 5 kilometers out of 1
charge. If the model vehicle had run on diesel fuel the
kilometers per charge figure would have been 4.5.

Each particular vehicle is described by a listing of its
specifics in relation to certain categories. These categories
include Durability, Structure, Area, Damage Resistance and
Fuel System. Each of these categories will be dealt with in
The Durability of a vehicle is a measure of its condition.
Durability ratings run from 1 to 20. A vehicle with a Durability
of 20 is in absolute top condition while a vehicle with a
Durability to 1 is barely able to function. When a vehicles
Durability reaches 0, it is considered to be Disrepaired. If the
vehicles Durability reaches a negative value beyond its
Structure rating it is considered Junked. Beyond twice its
Structure rating, the vehicle is considered totally destroyed
and is even useless for parts. Thus, a vehicle with a Structure
rating of 2 is Disrepaired if its Durability rating is in the range
from 0 to -2 and Junked if the rating is from -3 to -4. If the
rating is -5 or less, the vehicle is totally destroyed.
The Durability will also affect the maximum speed that the
vehicle is capable of achieving. The Durability rating times
10% (maximum value is 100%) is the percentageof thestated
top speed after modification for Fuel System, that the
vehicle, in its current state, is capable of reaching. Note that
this speed is not the same as the Maximum Safe Speed.
The Basic Structure rating of a vehicle is based on the
ruggedness of its construction. The values run from 1 to 5.
Each general class of vehicle may have any rating assigned
to it by the Gamesmaster that falls into the general range for
that class.


Vehicles designed for

road use
Vehicles designed for
off-road use
Heavy-duty vehicles or
light combat vehicles
Heavy combat vehicles



Kilometers per Liter
or per Charge



100% (85%)



80% (70%)



60% (50%)



50% (45%)



General Vehicle Class

Velocity Efficiency
Kelometers per Hour

The availability of vehicles using these Fuel Systems may

soon become limited in the real world. Their availability in a
ruined world may be non-existent.
2This is a system burning ethyl alcohol as the combustible.
3This system uses metallic hydrides to store hydrogen
which is released as the combustible. It is stored ascharges.
4This system uses power stored in a battery. It is stored as
If the model vehicle operates on diesel fuel use the
number in parentheses for calculation of the Mileage.


henry christen (order #23380)



A character driving a vehicle is committed to driving the
vehicle for a whole Combat Turn. During that Combat Turn
he will have his Base Action Phase altered to 20. This is the
Base Action Phase of any vehicle. This BAP will be used to
calculate the characters new Phases Consumed in Action
Number which will be in effect as long as the character is
driving the vehicle.
At the beginning of any of his Actions, all of which are
Drive Vehicle, the character may alter the direction of the
vehicle. The turning radius of a vehicle is one vehicle length
per 10 kph of current speed. The Gamesmaster must use his
discretion in applying this if the vehicle is being represented
on a DAT Display. A Driving Skill BCS roll will alter the
effective speed used in thiscalculation by the Effect Number,
subtracting from it or adding to it according to the success of
failure indicated by the roll.
The speed of a vehicle may be safely decreased by 5 kph
per Action Phase. On the Action Phase that the driver
declares that he is decelerating, the vehicle will move at the
speed at which it had been travelling. At theend of that phase
it will be moving at the new speed. On the following phase, it
will move at its new speed. This process continues until the
vehicle is at the speed desired by the driver or its speed is
reduced to zero and it has come to a stop.
Eva is driving at 20 kph. A figure darts out in front of
her about 12 meters down the road. Eva decelerates
but does not slam o n the brakes. Eva starts the
deceleration on Action Phase 6 which is the first
time she can react since she did not see the figure
until Action Phase 7. For Phase 6, the vehicle is
moving at 20 kph and will cover 1.6 meters. On
Phase 5, i t will be moving at 15 kph and cover 1.2
meters. On phase 4 , the speed is 10 kph and the
distance covered is .8 meters. Action Phase 3 will
reduce the speed from its current 5 kph to 0 but the
vehicle will cover an additional .4 meters. The
vehicle will not be moving on Action Phase 2. The
total distance covered since deceleration was
started is 1.6 plus 1.2 plus .8 plus .4 equals 4 meters
which is well short of the figure in the road.
As shown in the example, the distance traveled by a
moving vehicle in one Action Phase is related to the speed at
which it is traveling. The basic rule is that a vehicle will cover
1.6 meters per Combat Turn per kilometer/hour of speed. To
find the distance covered in a single Action Phase at a given
speed, divide the number obtained for the entire Combat
Turn by 20.
A vehicle may accelerate at 1 kph per Action Phase. If the
Gamesmaster wishes, he may designate a vehicle as having a
higher or lower rate of acceleration. For convenience. the
Gamesmaster may wish to only deal with speeds in 5 kph
If a given movement calls for a fraction of a meter and there
is doubt as to which hex of a DAT Display a vehicle will
be in, round up to the nearest meter to avoid arguments.
The table on this page gives calculated values for various
If a character wishes to decelerate at a rate faster than
5 kph per Action Phase he will find himself subject to the
rules for Slamming on the Brakes.
I f the weather conditions are less than optimal the safe rate
of deceleration will be reduced. For example, in the rain the
safe rate may only be3 kph per Phase and on ice it might only
be 1 kph per Action Phase.








A vehicle will have a Maximum Safe Speed depending on
its exact type and the weather and terrain conditions. In
some cases the base Safe Speed presented in the chart
below will exceed the maximum speed of the vehicle. This is
intentional. It represents the vehicles ability to negotiate
difficult conditions in relative safety.
To determine the vehicles Maximum Safe Speed, multiply
the vehicle types base Safe Speed by the modifiers for
terrain and weather conditions used for Tactical Scale
movement. This is done in the same way Tactical Scale
movement rates are calculated. The value thus determined is
the Vehicles Maximum Safe Speed for the prevailing
If a vehicle not rated as Off-road Capable is operating offroad, it will have its base Safe Speed halved before it is
modified to yield Maximum Safe Speed.


Vehicle Type
Base Safe Speed
Car, bus
Truck, Recreational Vehicle
Wheeled ATV
Tracked ATV


When vehicles are used for travel in Tactical Scale, the
driver determines the speed at which the vehicle will travel.
Consideration should be given to the terrain over which the
travel is taking place, as this will affect the Maximum Safe
Speed at which a vehicle can travel. The Gamesmaster may
use the kph chosen by the driver to determine how far the
characters will travel in an hour. If asudden change in terrain
occurs and the driver cannot slow the vehicle in time, an
accident may occur. In an attempt to avoid an accident, the


henry christen (order #23380)

driver may Slam on the Brakes. This is defined as

deceleration of more than 5 kph for each meter between the
point where the driver can react and the danger.
When Slamming on the Brakes the driver must make a
Driving Skill BCS. For each 10 kph, or fraction thereof, over
the speed which may be safely eliminated, the driver will
receive a modification of -1 to his BCS. A successful BCS roll
will allow a stop without incident. A failure will indicate an
Eva is travelling on a Good Road at 100 kph.
Rounding a curve she sees that the bridge is out.
She is, at present, 15 meters from the yawning
chasm. She could safely cut herspeed by 75 kph ( 1 5
meters at 5 kph per meter for 75 kph safe
deceleration). This still leaves her travelling at 25
kph when she reaches the gap in the bridge. This
gives her a -3 to her BCS (25kphllOkph for a
modification of 2.5 or 3). With a BCS of 12 modified
to 9, i f she rolls a 9 o r less, she will safely stop the
vehicle. A roll of 10 or higher will indicate an
Accident. This may or may not result in the vehicle
hurtling over the edge depending on the type of

Vehicle accidents can occur under any one of the
circumstance slisted below. Thedriver of a vehicle may make
a Driving Skill BCS in an attempt to avoid the accident.
Movement, when in Tactical Scale, at a speed which
exceeds the maximum safe speed for the terrain and
weather conditions. A Driving Skill BCS roll must be
made each hour. The drivers BCS receives a
modification of -1 for each 5 kph, or fraction thereof, in
excess of the maximum safe speed.
When the terrain or weather conditions change to
lower the maximum safe speed and the driver does not
alter his speed to a safe level. The check for an accident
should be made when this occurs. The BCS receives
modifications as above.
Slamming o n the Brakes and failing the BCS roll to
stop safely.
When the driver is attempting a high speed manuver.
This is defined as any manuver at a speed which
exceeds, in kph, the total of the drivers Deftness and
Speed. The drivers BCS receives a modification of -1
for each 10 kph, or fraction thereof, by which the
vehicles speed exceeds that value.


Result Type of Accident
01-20 The vehicle fishtails. No serious effect occurs. If
the vehicle does not have an active driver, it is
subject to further accident possibilities as
outlined in the last of the accident causing
circumstances listed above.
21-60 The vehicle stalls. It will lose all motive power and
move in a straight line decelerating at 5 kph per
meter moved. Slick surfaces woul increase the
distance to 1.5 meters and icy surfaces to 2
meters. The vehicle will lose 1D3 points of
61-85 Thevehiclespinsout. Itwillturntofacearandom
direction (roll 1D6 and treat the hex which it
normally would have entered as 1 and number
clockwise from there). Thevehicle isthen treated
as i f it had received a result as with a die roll of
86-00 The vehicle crashes. See below.

When the vehicle loses one or more Durability points.

The BCS receives a negative modification equal to the
Durability lost.
0 When the driver takes any damage. The BCS receives a
negative modification equal to the damage taken by
t h e driver.Remember t o i n c l u d e a n y B C S
modifications due to the drivers condition if he is
Wounded or Seriously Wounded.
When the driver is killed or rendered uncounscious. In
this case, the speed in kph is the percentage chance of
an Accident. This should be checked on each Action
Phase and is cumulative. Thus, a vehicle travelling at 20
kph would have a 20% chance of an Accident on the
first Action Phase on which it was uncontrolled and a
40% chance on the second.
Once it is determined that an Accident will occur, the
Gamesmaster will roll 1DlOO and consult the table below. If
he deems it appropriate, the Gamesmaster may add or
subtract a value to the die roll which he feels reflects the
danger, or lack thereof, in the specific situation.

If a vehicle crashes, a Crash Factor will becalculated.This
is important in determining the results of the crash.
The base Crash Factor is equal to the speed of the vehicle
at the time of the crash in kph minusthecurrent Durabilityof
the vehicletimes itsstructure minusthedriversSkill score in
Driving Skill divided by 10 and rounded to the nearest, if he
makes his BCS roll. In pseudo-mathematical terms this is
[kph (Durability x Structure) - (Skill score/lO, nearest)].
The base Crash Factor is multiplied by the Terrain Danger
Factor to yield the adjusted Crash Factor. If the terrain
Danger Factor is 0 or less, the crash is reduced to the results
equivalent to a die roll of 61-85 o n the Accident TypeTable.
The Terrain Danger Factors are given on the chart below.


Good Road
Poor Road

1D3 minus 2 Hills

1 0 2 minus 1 Desert
1D3 minus 2 Marsh
103 minus 1 Swamp
*Retain fractions.

1D2 minus 1
1D2 minus 1
1D3 minus 1

The effects of the crash on the vehicle and the passengers

are based on the adjusted Crash Factor.
The Durabilityof thevehicle is reduced by the Adjusted
Crash Factor.
The adjusted Crash Factor is the number of six sided
dice of damage taken by the passengers. This is C type
damage unless the vehicles Durability has been
reduced to 0 or less. If so, the damage is all lethal type
The adjusted Crash Factor is the percentage chance
that the Fuel System will ignite if Petroleum, Hydrogen
or Alcohol. If the Fuel System is Electric, the batteries
will lose their charge. The adjusted Crash Factor
becomes the chance in 20 that the batteries themselves
will be ruined.
If the Fuel System is ignited, the vehicle will burn.
The fire will reduce Durability at a rate dependent on its
type. Once the vehicle is totally destroyed, it will
explode at the bookkeeping phase of the following
Combat Turn. I f the vehicle was considered totally
destroyed at the time of ignition, it is considered to
have a pseudo-Durability that the fire will consume.
This pseudo-Durability is equal to the result of 1D3.
Explosions of vehicles are created as if the vehicle
were a grenade. Any character still within a vehicle
which explodes will be killed.


henry christen (order #23380)

modification but would still be subject to a random

determination as to whether the vehicle or a passenger is
To determine if a passenger is attacked, dividethe number
of characters in that portion of the vehicle by the result of
multiplying .01 by the Area of the vehicle in that portion plus
1, rounded to the nearest.


Fuel System

1D3 per
Combat Turn
1D2 per
Combat Turn
1D2 minus 1
per Combat Turn



Sepp is firing at a stationary compact car. I t has an

Area of 6, being 2 by 3 meters on the DAT display.
He is firing at the front seat to try to get the driver.
The Area of the front seat of the vehicle is 2. See the
illustration. There are two men in the front seat.
Thus, the calculated chance of attacking one of
them is 2/(.01x (2 plus l)),nearest, or 66.6, or67%.
The Gamesmaster rolls lDl00 with a result of 35.
Thus, one of the characters will be attacked. The
Gamesmaster designates the driver as 1 and the
other man as 2,and rolls 102 with a result of 2. The
man next to the driver is hit.


Various safety devices can reduce the effects of a crash
with regard to the passengers. Escaping from such devices
requires a conscious character or undistracted aid from
another character, if the one restrained by the device is
SEAT BELTS cancel the effects of 1 point of adjusteci
Crash Factor. It requires a Deftness Ability Saving throw to
release them in 1 Action Phase. Otherwise, thecharacterwill
be free in 2 Action Phases.
effects of 1 point of adjusted Crash Factor for each level of
effect that the suit has.
CRASH BAGS wil cancel the effects of 2D6 points of
adjusted Crash Factor. They will deflate of their own accord
in 3 Combat Turns. A character can escape in 1 Combat Turn
with a Speed Critical Saving Throw. I f the characters roll was
in his Ability Saving Throw range, it will take 2 Combat
Turns. Otherwise, he must wait until they deflate.
The AVERAGE ARMOR VALUE worn by a character will
also have some effect. For each 2 points, round down, the
effects of 1 point of adjusted Crash Factor will be cancelled.

Once a character has been hit, the Gamesmaster should

determine where he has been hit. Incoming missile attacks
will be impeded by the Barrier Effect of any portion of the
vehicle that gets in the way. This is left up to the
Gamesmaster to decide (what is in the way) as the styling
and variations possible in vehicles create a range fartogreat
to even attempt to catalog. A guideline of Barrier Values is
presented below, along with an illustration of the cover
provided to a character seated in an automobile.




Sooner or later, vehicles will be fired on. The resultsof this
fire will depend on what is being fired and the nature of the
target. Vehicular targets are placed in one of two categories:
Hard or Soft. Hard targets are those vehicles which are
armored against incoming fire, such as tanks and other
combat vehicles. Soft targets are all those other vehicles
whose tasks generally involve more peaceful pursuits.

Barrier value

Safety Glass window


Light metal
as in small cars


Medium metal
as in average cars and light truck bodies


Heavy metal
as in big cars and standard truck bodies


Engine blocks



If a character is firing on a stationary target, he may choose
which portion of the vehicle he is firing on. If it is a small part
of the target such as a light, he should receive a significant
negative modification to his BCS (about -10). A somewhat
larger target such as a wheel or tire would have a smaller
modifier (about -5). Gas tanks, as protected as they usually
are, might require a Critical Hit. Other portions of a vehicle
such as the drivers area (front seat, cab, etc.) and body
(passenger seat, truck body, etc.) would not receive a

Hypothetical Cover Provided by a Compact Car.

If there are no characters in the portion attacked or if the

characters are missed, the vehicle itself will beattacked. The
Barrier Values will have their effects on incoming missile fire
and the damage done will be counted against the vehicles
Damage Resistance. As noted before, each time the Damage
Resistance is exceeded the vehicle will lose 1 point of
A Critical Hit when firing at a vehicle will attack thevehicle.
It will also call for a roll on the Vehicle Critical Hit Table.



henry christen (order #23380)


(if moving, check for Accident)

result Effect
01-20 No significant effects occur.

21-60 The vehicle receives an additional Durability loss of


61-00 The vehicle receives the extra Durability loss as

above and receives the appropriate additional effect:
61-65 Steering loss occurs. The vehicle cannot be
controlled. If moving, treat as an unconscious or
killed driver.
66-70 The brake system is shot away. The vehicle cannot
be decelerated if moving.
71-75 The vehicles electrical system is shot away.This will
eliminate any lights the vehicle is using.
76-80 The driver is attacked. The firer will roll his base BCS.
If the roll is successful, the driver receives a Critical
Hit. If not, the driver receives a normal hit.
81-85 The vehicles engine has been hit. Treat the vehicle
as if it had received an Accident result of 21 -60. It will
not run until repaired.
86-95 The vehicles motive system (tires or what have you)
has been hit. It will not run properly until repaired. If
the vehicle is moving, check again for an Accident
and add 10 to the die roll.
96-99 The Fuel System is attacked. The damage done is the
percentage chance that the fuel will ignite or the
batteries will discharge. If thevehicle is moving, treat
also as if it had received an Accident result of 21-60.


The damage done is the percentage chance of

immediate explosion of the Fuel System. If the
explosion does not occur the Fuel will ignite.
Otherwise treat as 96-99 above.

I f the vehicle is moving, certain of the above situations are

altered. A character may not choose the portions of the
vehicle at which he will fire. The chance of a character in the
vehicle being hit is calculated using the Area of the whole
vehicle instead of just the Area of the portion in which he is
I f moving, the vehicle itself will have a Combat Dodge
Ability to be used against incoming fire. This CDA has a
value of 1 for each 10 kph of speed, or fraction thereof, at
which the vehicle is traveling when the fire is resolved.
Additionally, a driver may maneuver to increase this if he
makes a Driving Skill BCS roll. Remember that if the vehicle
is moving at what are considered high speeds for the driver,
there will be a check for an Accident. If the driver makes his
BCS roll to make the dodging maneuver, he will add a
number to the CDAequal to his Driving Skill scoredivided by
10 and rounded down.


Fire on a hard target with small arms or muscle-powered
missile weapons will have no appreciable effect. Guns and
weapons capable of destroying a hard target are rated by
their VDG, or Vehicle Damage Group.
TheVDG will be reduced bythevehicle ArmorValueof the
target in the same way that a barrier reduces BDG. The
adjusted VDG is the percentage chance that Hard Target
Special Effects will occur. If this happens, the Gamesmaster
will consult the Hard Target Special Effects Chart. A Critical

Hit with a weapon rated for VDG will also cause this table to
be checked.
The adjusted VDG divided by 10 and rounded to the
nearest is the number of points of Durability lost by the
vehicle. In addition, a vehicle will receive damage from the
VDG in the same way that a character receives damage from
BDG. That is, theVDG is divided by 10 and rounded up; that
is the number of DlOs that will be rolled. TheVDG divided by
10 and rounded to the nearest is the number of additional
points of damage that will be added to the result of the DlOs
rolled. If such damage indicates additional Durability loss, it
occurs in the normal fashion.
If the vehicle loses Durability due to a hit of this sort, the
number of Durability points lost is the number of D6s of C
type damage taken by each member of thecrew. The number
is reduced in the same way as crash suits, blast buffering,
and Average Armor Value reduce the effects of an adjusted
Crash Factor.
The Durability Loss is also the chance in 20 that the Fuel
System will ignite or lose charge. Some fighting vehicles will
have fire control systems which will reduce the chance by
their rating.


Result Effect
01-20 No significant effect occurs.
21-35 The shot was glancing. No direct Durability loss
occurs and damage done to the vehicle is cut in half.
If this still results in a Durability loss, the loss due to
damage will occur.

System loss detailed by the breakdown below:

3 6 4 5 A system (at the Gamesmasters discretion), other

than one listed below, is knocked out. If no system is
available, an additional loss of 1D6 Durability
46-55 Communications systems are knocked out.
56-60 The electrical system is knocked out.
61-65 The main armament is knocked out.
66-75 The motive system (treads, wheels, etc.) is knocked
out. If moving, the vehicle will be treated as if it had
received an Accident result of 21-60.
76-80 The power plant is knocked out. If moving, the
vehicle will be treated as if it had received an
Accident result of 21 -60.
81-85 The ammunition is hit. The adjusted VDG is
multiplied by 2 to get the percentage chance of
immediate explosion.
86-95 The Fuel System is hit. The basic chance of ignition
is doubled.
96-00 The vehicles Fuel System is ignited or discharged.
The adjusted VDG is the percentage chance of an
immediate explosion.
Explosions will add the explosive value of 1D10 rounds of
the vehicles ammunition to the grenade effect of the


henry christen (order #23380)







vehicle's Fuel System. The blast value of 1 round is equal to

the VDG of the round divided by 10 and rounded to the
Moving hard targets get the same Combat Dodge Ability as
soft targets. The character firing on a hard target may never
choose which portion of the vehicle he is firing upon. The
only exception to this is fire directed at an exposed or
partially exposed character such as a tank commander
standing in the turret hatch. Even small arms can be used for
this kind of attack. If the Hit Location roll indicated that the
portion of the target that IShit is covered by the vehicle, the
vehicle will be attacked instead. This means that small arms
will have no effect.
Weapons rated for VDG will always attack the vehicle.
There is no need to check to see if a character is attacked. A
successful attack on the vehicle that penetrates its armor will
automatically attack the crew.
If a weapon rated for VDG fires on a soft target, treat the
target as if it had a Vehicle Armor Value of 2
Vehicle-level armor is rated on a scale similar'to that used
for the armor worn by the characters. Materials have
the same rating but are much heavier, thicker, denser, etc. If
non-VDG-rated weapons are used against them they have an
effective Armor Value of 10 times the rating of the material
when used by a character, and will act as a Barrier. As you
will see, this effectively stops most rounds not rated as antivehicle.

Infantry weapons
Tank or APC rounds
Recoilless Rifle

A character with the proper Repair Skill may repair

vehicles. Each point of Durability isaTask. TheTaskValue is
equal to the vehicle's Damage Resistance. It requires 1 unit
of partsfor each Durability point. A Disrepaired vehicle of the
same type will yield 2D3 units and a Junked vehiclewill yield
1D3 units. If a particular system has been destroyed, the
Task Value is triple the Damage Resistanceand it will require
2D6 units of specific parts in order to make the system
function again. Repairing a system is a separate Task from
repairing the vehicle's Durability. The Task Period is a day.

Artillery Rounds




105mm HEAT




105mm APDS


Machine gun

30mm AP


with AP ammo


20mm AP

3.5 " Bazooka


152mm HEAT


120mm APDS






Treat as exdosions
to exposed crew.
Vehicle takes VDG
hit of 1/2 explosion
s t r e n g t h at i t s
range from the
ground zero.


BDG x .01 x Rate Factor

BDG x .02 x RF


40mm Grenade Launcher 6

HEAT receives -10 when rolling for Hard Target Special
HE/HESH (artillery rounds) receive a -20.
AP and APDS rounds lose 1 point of VDG per 100 meters of
range. They add 5 under 100 meters and add 10 under 50


BCS modification of ranges to*

Range (m)

















































henry christen (order #23380)





Into or through cover

-50% of base BCS
Into or through smoke
-50% of base BCS
Remote control unit in use
-2 to BCS


In between fighting for their lives, characters i n the
Aftermath need to eat, just likeeverybody else. Besides fresh
ammo, they need to procure clothes, shoes, and so on. How
do they go about this?

The first thing to go in urban areas after a general collapse
will be food. Unlike rural locales, which can become selfsupporting in such matters, the city provides no arable
acreage, at least not without some lengthy preparations.
The city survivor has several options:
He can hunt. Since AHefmafh! generally assumes a few
decades between the Ruin and the start of play, there will
be game present in the urban environment. And, as the
inhabitants of any wartime city would tell you, some game
abounds from the start.
Rattus Rattus Norvegicus, the Black Norway Rat, is
edible, even nourishing, and has long been known as a
staple for starving civic populations. During the last year
of WWII, the city of Berlin was almost 100%de-ratted, as
the people eked out their sub-starvation level rations by
hunting the grey residents of their sewers and walls. Man,
backed into a survival corner, still seems able to make a
cornered rat look like a day-old kitten when it comes to
savage survival potential. Cats, dogs, pigeons, and the
other passengers on the citys bounty would also become
fair game.

a The average city can feed its full population for only a day
or two on stored, preserved foods. But if war or disaster
has eliminated most of that population, the situation is
altered. As long as food stocks last, they will feed the
survivors. In this as in much of Affermafhl we have made a
basic assumption about packaging. We are not far from
developing commercial packing techniques for edibles
that will last indefinitely. Chemically inert plastic
containers, 100% effective sterilization techniques for
preserved food, freeze-drying , effective vacuu m-pac king,
all would produce a stored treasury of foodstuffs that
would be edible after centuries.
So, just as they search for guns, ammo, machinery, and
So on, the characters can scavenge food, luxuries like
tobacco and liquor, and such necessities as medical
supplies and drugs. Positing that the increased need to
save energy and prevent waste during the pre-Ruin years
leads to a highly developed technology of storage and
preservation, the extrapolation is not outrageous.
doctrinal Hunting and Fishing, using the
appropriate Skills, or using Survival Skill to feed oneself
on a day-to-day basis, the character may be able to eat
such beings as come out on the short end of afight. In the
Animal descriptions in Book 3, we give figures as to the
edible portionsof the larger creatures that characters may
encounter. That lion you shot in Central Park may also
keep you fed for a couple of days.

In the country, the same options are available to the

hungry character. The game is more plentiful, and there will
be fewer stores of packaged foods to raid, unless one goes
bandit, hitting farm communities for supplies. Fresh
agricultural products and animal foods will be available in

the farming communities, but stop to consider this: Without

access to high-technology agricultural materials and
equipment, the average yield of crops and the raising of food
beasts is going to decline. After the first few waves of starving
city refugees hit the rural areas, thefarmersaregoing tostart
meeting any strangers with rifles and shotguns.


A party of Characters running out of food may opt to hunt,
fish (if a body of water is present), or forage for their food.
This posits that they do not havean Encounterwith anything
edible. Their locale will affect the take on Hunting.

Terrain Type
City, ruined or built up

BCS Modifier

Effect Die
-1 Group


No change

Forest, Woods, Foothills


+1 Group

Mountains, Desert


No change

Open rural
(Plains, Farmland)

Fishing is unaffected by the type of environment. Lake,

river, stream, or ocean, the differences tend t o even out in the
long run.
Foraging is campaign dependent. Book 3 covers the basic
Foraging rules, and the Gamesmaster will set up the actual
Of course, finding a community or even an individual or
small group with food to spare can also feed the characters.
Depending on their ethics, they may try to take the supplies
or they may engage in a Bartering session, either of which
is played out on the spot, rather than being handled on a
fixed doctrinal basis. Small groups of wanderers are not
likely to trade food, nor are communities that have to
scrounge it themselves. Farming communities, or groups
with large stockpiles of preserved goods, may very well be
into trading food for other goods, if the characters comport
themselves properly.
Hunting Out an Area
The Gamesmaster may choose to decree that the area
chosen for hunting operations will tend to get sparser if it is
used constantly. For everyday after their first that characters
stay put in one locale, hunting, reduce the BCS used by 103.
It will take a 10 km move to get into new territory, where the
game has become less wary.

For purposes of calculating bulk, there are several broad
classifications of edibles.
Natural Foods (1 BP/Ration): Enough t o keep a man
going for 1 day at full efficiency bulks 1 ENC. These are
fresh (relatively) animal foods, grain or grain products, or
Preserved Natural Foods (2 BP/Ration): Dried meat,
vegetables, hard-breads (the jerky, gorp, and hardtack of
the backpacker) run to .7ENC per days rations per man.


henry christen (order #23380)

Packaged Foods (5 BPhation): The standard food

containers of the pre-Ruin. Canned or vacuum-packed
goods. A days rations bulks .5 ENC

Freeze-Dried Foods (10 BP/Ration): The LURPs of

military issue, campers foods, trail rations. Dried and
packed in a vacuum at freezing temperatures, these will
keep for up to 5 years with modern, imperfect packaging
techniques. Picture their life-span with the posited superpackaging systems we spoke of. Requiring water and
sometimes heat t o be reconstituted, these compact
rations Encumber one .3 per days eating.

Super-K Rations (15 BPIRation): The ultimate in

preserved nutrition. Developed from formulae used in the
space program, these squeeze-tube-held pastes provide a
full days rations from a quantity bulking only .25 ENC.
They are not the most appetizing meal in the world, but
then things are rough all over.
All of the above are assumed to provide a sufficiently
balanced diet t o prevent rickets, beriberi, scurvy, etc., etc.
Gamesmasters with a more rigorous background in dietetics
may provide for deficiency diseases, but frankly, the world of
Aftermath! is hostile enough without that.

A character can go on half rations for a number of days
equal to twice his Healing Rate before it really starts to slow
him down. He can go without food for a period equal to the
Healing Rate on the same terms. After that, he will start to
Starvation acts like a Disease in some ways. It has a base
Virulence of 1 on the first day after the safe period is over if
on half rations. It has twice that if fasting completely. Each
subsequent day of half-starving will add 1 to the Virulence
Group. If the character is not eating at all, each day doubles
the Group. Starvation advances up HLH. When the advance
exceeds the HealthCST, the victim is in a permanent state of
Partial Fatigue. When the AST is exceeded, this becomes
Full Fatigue. When the Health is exceeded, the character
passes out. He will die in a number of hours equal to his
Health Group Effect Die roll.
Getting a days rations into the victim will arrest the
process at any time. For each day of proper eating, the
character will reduce the Advance by his Healing Rate. Once
it is restored t o a point past his Health AST, the episode is
over, the rest of the Advance simply goes away, and if
necessary the character could go on short rations again.
Going off full rations before reaching this point starts the
Advance from the point reached in the healing process, at
whatever initial Virulence is appropriate forthe new level of
intake (Le., half rations or no food).
During the Incubation period before Starvation starts its
advance, should the character go from half rations to no
food, his safe period becomes his Healing Rate. Should he
do the reverse, his safe period would become twice his
Healing Rate. If hesuffersthe reduction in period after he has
been on short rations for more days than his Healing Rate, he
starts to starve at once. If, during this time, he eats halfrations, then that days Virulence Group is increased by 1
over the previous days. If he fasts the next day, then the
Group doubles, based on the adjusted Group.
Frank, with a Health of 30 (Healing Rate ofrl), has three
days Rations. Sensing that things are getting tight, he
parcels this out to last for 6 days, going on half rations.
H e was right: there is nothing to be found that is even
remotely edible. On half rations, he can go for8 days (2
x Healing Rate, which is 4). But on day 7 he can eat
nothing (nothing is left), so he starts to starve then, as i t

exceeds his safe period of total fastina Since he is

eating nothing, he suffers a Group 2 effect, taking a D6
of Advance up his Health. A 2 is rolled, so Frank is still
unaffected (but very hungry). Three days later he is
doing very poorly. Day8 gave thestarvation a Group of
4 (twice the previous days Group, a 2). He took 206 of
Advance, scoring 8 for a total o f 10. The next day, a
Group of 8 hit him. He rolls a 5,the minimum possible
score o n 2D10+3, which slams him over his Health
CST, and totals 15 points against his Health. Any more
loss will put him into Full Fatigue. But he catches a rat,
providing half a days rations. So on day 10, the Group
is only 1 higher than on day 9,for a Group of 9. Rolling
2010+4, he takes an Advance o f 10, totalling 25.He is
Fully Fatigued but not dead yet. Desperately ploughing
through a deserted, rubble-filled storefront, he finds a
case of 12 packets of Packaged Food, each providing a
days ration. He starts eating again. He recovers 4
points of Advance per day, and will throw off the
Starvation completely when he has reduced i t past 10.
This will take 4 days, since his Healing Rate is 4, and
that takes the Advance back to 9 points, whereupon i t
goes away.
Close, but if the character can procure food, or be fed if he
is unable to forage for himself, Starvation isquickly reduced.
Special medical preparations, using Advanced Medical
Skill, can accelerate this process: a glucose drip bottle,
feeding the character by intravenous needle, will add 1 to his
Healing Rate when recovering from Starvation, and add 2 to
it if the doctor makes his BCS in theskill. High-energyfoods
will add 1 to the rate of recovery, as will certain drugs i f they
are used in conjunction with proper eating.

The need for Water is handled much like that for Food. At
random, when characters state they are looking for water,
the Gamesmaster may require that they spend an hour doing
so. This requires no BCS or Saving Throw, but will allow
them to find any local source of freelv available water (or
other liquid that will do the job). If this fails, there may yet be
water available, but it is a Task requiring the use of the
appropriate Survival Skill to find. The Gamesmaster will set
the Task Points needed, and the Task Period is set by the
terrain type. The chances of locating Water are given on the
following Table.

Free by Survival No
Terrain Type Water Skill BCS Water Contamination
City (Intact)
City (Rubbled) 1-3
Open Rural
Forest, Woods,









Free Water: Defined as a noticeable supply of apparently

drinkable water.

Water Findable by Survival Skill: May require digging for a

spring, locating an old cistern, finding a case of sealed
water bottles, etc.

No Water: There is no water to find within a 5 km radius.

Contamination: Drunk without purification processes, the
water will carry some disease. Boiling will allow a reroll of


henry christen (order #23380)

the Chance percentage. If the die roll is greater than half

the original percentage, the water has been purified
(although characters will not know this without some
testing gear).
The Super Halzone tablets in the Equipment section
will eliminate any contamination.
Obviously, if the characters are next to a river or stream on
the Game Map, they do not need t o worry about finding
water. The Gamesmaster can apply his judgement i n the
matter. If it has been raining for two days, there will be
plentiful water available.
Assume that an unlimited supply of water exists when it
can be found at all.

Anyone with a background that includes getting lost in the
wild will tell you-thirst kills you faster than hunger.
The mimimum daily ration of water is 1 liter (1 quart) per
day. If fresh food is plentifully available, we can assume that
about half of that will be obtained from the water content of
fruits and vegetables, or animals juices. The Safe Period for
Thirst is equal to the Healing Rate on less than full rations. It
is only 1 day if no water is available. Thirst kills just as
Starvation does, but allvalues for its Advance are doubled. In
effect, Thirst is Starvation with a WDM of 2!
However, if a character at any point in dying of Thirst can
get a liter of water into him, all effects of the Thirst are wiped
out immediately.

We might as well get this problem out in the open. It is
highly likely that humans driven to the wall by hunger in the
collapse of their civilization will turn to cannibalism. It has
happened in less widespread disaster situations, and there is
no logical reason to suppose it wont happen in the
Players and Gamesmasters must discuss such things until
a mutually satisfactory answer is found. In Playtesting, the
universal response has been a preference for starvation.
Several Players designed Characters who killed cannibals
on sight, or upon first learning of their diet. The usual reason
was a Character History that included losing loved ones to
the roving Ghoul gangs, the slang nomenclature we used
to designate cannibals.
Our own feeling is that the impact upon a human being
who turns to eating his own kind for food will be such that he
will tend to lose much of his humanity, becoming a predator
by nature and a ravening threat to his fellows. The overall
ethos of the survivor communes and wanderers in the
playtest Campaign was that Ghouls, as their nickname
implied, had become a form of monster, set in eternal enmity
with the rest of the race.
In the Bibliography, we recommend several novels that
deal with the cannibal problem in an aftermath. It is acentral
plot element in Lucifers Hammer, by Larry Niven and Jerry
Pournelle, and also appears in such works as Some Will Not
Die by Algis Budrys, A Canticle for Liebowitz by Walter
Miller, and numerous works of Post-Holocaust fiction.
On the pragmatic side, we give the nutrifive values of
human flesh on the Tables in Book 3.We would like t o point
out that the closer a food animal is t o our own cell structure,
the more likely its meat is to carry germs or parasites which

will infect us. Fish is quite safe for humans to eat raw: it is not
at all like human tissue. Pork, a very close twin of our own
structure, requires extensive cooking to eat safely.
Therefore, human meat will be a risky dish for human
It is an ugly question, but it must be dealt with by each
Campaign. Who goes Ghoul, and what does it cost him in
mind and soul?

Whenever faced with a survival problem (this includes
dead cities), the character can always be given a last-ditch
solution by making his Survival Skill BCS. The Gamesmaster
will be the final a r b k r o f what applications are permitted this
Skill, but we offer these possibilities:

Find 1 days food of some sort.

Find a liter of water somewhere.

Survive the effects 3f exposure for 1 night.

Get a fire started in 60 minutes a Wit Group Effect Die roll.

Get a compass bearing.

Generate a signal visible/audible for a radius of kilometers

equal to the Effect Die roll.

The ex-Boy Scouts or Green Berets among our readers

will doubtless have other ideas along these lines. Only one
attempt per day to accomplish one of these things is
permitted, although each of them can be tried during that
day. This is used when there has been no other means of
doing the desired thing found: Le., the Hunter who blows his
Hunting BCS can still get enough to feed 1 man by making
his Survival BCS. Whether he will share it with his buddiesor
gobble it down himself is up to the Player.

We do not deal with Weather much. Since the ideal
Affermathf campaign is in the Gamesmasters home
territory, he knows better than we what theclimate is like. An
all-embracing weather rule that fits the Middle Atlantic
states, where we are writing this, will freeze characters in the
ruins of Miami, but leave the survivors of the Fall of Toronto
in shirt-sleeve comfort.
Unless you are in Death Valley, great heat is not really a
problem. The blanket rules for hot climate can be summed
up as requiring a Survival BCS each day, or else the
character needs twice as much water that day.
Cold weather will not bother characters warmly dressed
(quilted cloth over half their bodies, and at least light cloth
everywhere else). Gamesmasters setting an adventure in
arctic conditions can require special clothes, likewise those
having characters assault mountain peaks. Characters not
dressed for winter will suffer from Exposure. They are
always Partially Fatigued when in the cold for over 10
minutes times Healing Rate. If forced to spend the night
exposed t o the elements, they must use Survival Skill to
protect themselves, or risk catching Pneumonia, which is
described in the Gamesmasters rule book under Sample
If Climate is a more central element of your Campaign, you
will have to elaborate on these foundations for yourself.


henry christen (order #23380)


We have discussed the mechanics of designing a Player
Character in some detail, and have directed general
comment at less quantifiable aspects of such design: putting
on the characters mask, or thinking with his head.
But what specific guidelines can we give you for running a
character in Aftermath!, the game set in a world where all
the old rules died with the civilization that spawned them. By
now, it is probably crystal clear to most of you that an
Aftermath! campaign can get pretty sickening, if you
follow some of the implications of world collapse to their
logical conclusions. How do you keep the campaign from
degenerating into a mindless series of gunfights between
ruthlessly amoral Player and Non-Player Characters?
It is all very well to say it is the Gamesmasters job. But that
poor jerk has an awful lot on his mind already, and in this area
especially the full cooperation of the Players is necessary to
keep things alive.
When the campaign is getting off the ground, perhaps after
the first few scenarios, when people are getting comfortable
with the rules, a session discussing the state of the world and
looking at possible goals for Player Characters is in order.
What is the known state of the country? Is Europe still alive,
or Asia? Are the characters lone wolves, fighting just to
survive, or are they part of a community, struggling to keep a
spark of the old civilization burning, or to bring the seeds of a
new tomorrow to fruition?
The answers to these questions provide the foundations
for ongoing character motivation in the campaign. On a
more personal level, Players should consider the following:
You were 24 years old when the Ruin fell, and slammed
mankind back intoasecond Dark Age. Nowyouaregoing on
50. You used to think of yourself as a decent kind of person.
Since things fell apart you have done some things to survive
that dont bear thinking of. You face a giant dilemma every
day you decide to stay alive: do you throw every ethic you
ever held dear overboard, or is there some basic code of
behavior that is going t o keep you sane and human through
all this?
We have seenOldsters, characters who were adult by the
time of the Ruin, draw weapons on fellow Player Characters
when confronted by some act their Players had decided was
intolerable to the character.
Scene: A dark room, the inner chambers of a great museum,
now a tomb dating back two and a half decades. A party of
schoolchildren died here, caught by the disaster that killed a
world. A group of people move carefully around the corner,
holding makeshift torches. Two of the younger members see
the tiny, half-mummified corpses. Check em out for good
stuff. The pair starts to move in. The snick of the safety catch
seems awfully loud in the still, marble room. Idont expect
you fellas to understand this, but i f you damn ghouls touch
those kids, Im going to kill you. The quiet conviction in the
rasping, age-husky voice freezes the two in their tracks.
A w, Chipper, you got some crazy ideas, complains one of
them. But they back up, very slowly, and with their hands
held well clear of their own holsters. Theyve seen the old
man march a stream of slugs from that rifle up a mans chest
and into his face, firing at 100 yards. H e is barely 10 feet
away. As the tension subsides, the party moves on. The
glimmering torchlight fades, and the brief disturbance sinks
into the uncomplaining forgetfulness that is the special
hallmark of the dead.

The Player who built Chip, or Chipper as his associates

call him, has built asolid, righteoussoutherner, holding on to
his humanity in thesavage world of the Ruin by dint of a basic
code of ethics. Rolling the bodies of dead children violates
that code, to the disgust of the characters with less restraint.
On the flip side, an interesting juxtaposition exists in the
playtest campaign. One of Chips current companions is
Tater, who is a couple of years younger than the rifleman.
Tater ran with the Pagans (an East Coast counterpart to
Hells Angels). He is a cycle freak, a graying biker in a world
without cops. When things fell apart, we shudder to think of
what Tater must have done. He is a vicious gangster. It is a
safe bet that he lived by preying on those less lethal than
himself. He appreciates the survival value of the group that
operates about Chip, but our Gamesmaster suspicions see
a showdown when the almost inevitable time comes that
Tater tries to pull something that Chipper will not stand for.
These two cases sketch the process by which widely
variant Player characters can evolve and interact in
Aftermath! Initially, the Player who runs Chip decided to
build a stereotypical redneck, charter member of the NRA,
outdoorsman, afficionado of good homebrew. As Chip has
developed through the cenarios, he has emerged as a rock
solid survivor, staying alive as much by his cunning as a
tactician as by his accuracy with a rifle, and emerging from
the maelstrom of the Ruin with a deep-seated sense of
decency that may get him killed but has saved an awful lot of
lives along the way.
Tater has demonstrated a valuable lesson to the Players.
He is an essentially sterile character, for all his ruthless
survival talent, and the other Player characters, including
some controlled by the same Player, trust him like lions trust


While the main thrust of Aftermath! posits a campaign
set 20-30 years after the Ruin, this is not a solid limit. We have
experimented in the playtest with a 200 Years After
campaign. Lost is the sense of immediacy, and thesimplicity
of dealing with technological material when everyone is
assumed to be moderately familiar with it. Some items, like
firearms, will probably remain fairly common, although the
Muzzle Loaders are likely to replace the modern weapons as
they break down, and ammo runs out. But the products of
industrial chemistry, the manufactured goods, and all the
powered equipment, might slowly become the magic of the
new primitives. While isolated enclaves may preserve theold
knowledge, most communities will be in a state of neobarbarism, poised at the beginnning of the climb back to
The characterizations in such campaigns may operate on
a different level than those in the First Generation system.
You are Vinz of Twobomz Valley. The raid on the Horz
People was a great success and Rik, Warchief of the Horned
Riders, the finest warrior-clan in all the Bul people, called
you Brave Lance! But in the midst o f all the fighting, your
foolish mind, that got you all those beatings from Rojur when
he tried to pound the sagas into you, kept asking, Why do we
always fight the other tribes?
It is hard to ask such questions. A l l men know we fight to
keep the land that is ours. We fight because all who are not of
our blood, our lineage, are enemies. So has i t always been,


henry christen (order #23380)

since the Blast came and made the World-As-lt-Is. The

Shamen say it, and they are wise and MUST be right!
But when others die, their blood is just the same as
ours, although their skins are pale and mine is dark. Are they
not then of our blood?
Why does my head hurt with asking things i t cannot
answer? Ishall go upon a Travelling to the old, dead GodCities, the places of Those- Who- Were-Before- The-Blast.
Maybe there, Iwill find out why men must fight those who are
strangers, and how i t was in the Old Times. Surely THEY did
not do such things.
First Generation campaigns lack something that is
central to a setting in the farther future: legends.
The old legends are dead, buried in the rubble of the fallen
civilization. The new legends are not yet formed, for the
exploits of the Player-Characters are the proto-legends o f
the new world! This is the Age of Heroes which will fuel the
campfire speech of the characters great-grandchildren.
Eminent scholars among their many-times-great-great
grandchildren will seek the truth behind their myth of
Chi-per, the Bul Peoples God of Righteousness and Justice,
He Who Strikes the Hearts and Eyes of the Evil Ones.
The potential richness of the campaign is so great i n both
types of setting that whatever decision the Gamesmaster
makes, we feel that Players will find many and varied origins
which they may ascribe to their characters, promoting a
realistic diversity in the personalities in the campaign.
Vinz demonstrates one particular approach to what we
have perceived as the most rewarding motivation in an
Aftermath! campaign: the promise of new birth.

You are Bill Ericson. Once, ten years o r ten lifetimes

ago, you were a salesman with a wife, a daughter, a few
dreams. But that was before the Martians came back,
just as they did around the turn of the century, the way
Wells history tells it. Only this time they won. The
Earth is a shattered slave-planet, ruled by the
octopoidal aliens and their human Quislings. They
took away all you had: a wife who burned in their heat
ray three steps from the culvert that saved your life; a
little girl who died asking for a drink of water that you
didnt have, a little water to cool the fever born of the
Mars-bred virus that was killing her. If i t is all I do
before Ijoin them, i f there was any mercy left by God
before he went away, just let me hurt the damned
monsters once! you cry.


In most Role Playing Games, the Player Character is as
much the misfit as he is the hero. He has forsaken growing
old by his hearth for the life of one driven by some
consuming desire; glory, an ideal or crusade, revenge,
wealth, whatever. The classic definition of the hero includes
the willing acceptance of moira, a Greek term roughly
meaning fate, karma, or doom. Young Achilles, offered
a choice between a long, honorable, but uneventful life, and
a short, glorious career, unhesitatingly chose the latter. In
Homers Iliad, he is the premier warrior of the Greeks,
unstoppable in his rage, but foredoomed to die, his heroic
invulnerability flawed at the Achilles Heel, where a
poisoned arrow cuts short his glorious life.
The majority of Player Characters in Aftermath! have
tended to undertake the heartbreaking task of supporting the
rebuilding of a new civilization on the ashes of the old. Frail
scientists have mastered fighting skills to preserve their
knowledge for the young ones in their group. The Kids
often show a superstitious awe of this Old Knowledge,and
the foundations for Vinzs Shamen are laid. Even if they die
without fulfilling their dream, the Promise is passed on, to
slumber in embryo, until a young warrior asks how Others
can be so different if they bleed the same blood as he himself
There are the flawed heroes too, Player or Non-Player
Characters who failed to learn the lesson of the Ruin. They
husband the resources of technology to rule by force, by
inspiring superstitious fear of the magic of science.
Ruthlessly they turn their knowledge into new ways t o
destroy, rather than a means of rebuilding the results of their
civilizations own propensity for such abuse.
Currently, these positions are held by Non-Player
Characters in the campaign, usually at enmity with the
Players. But given time and resources, there are Player
Characters who would overthrow them only to replace them
with tyrannies of their own.
Other types of campaign may pose their own obstacles to
the Promise. It is not necessarily going to be by our own
efforts that the Ruin strikes. We may have help.

There is nothing uplifting about Ericsons pain. It will

torment the character as long as he cares to keep on living.
But it is a driving force that can impel him to rise above the
normal limits of human endeavor to drive the Martians from
the planet, and echoed in the agony of spirit of a legion of
those whose lives were blasted by the invasion, it welds a
bond of action that is more frightening than all the polished
drill of more conventional armies.
On the other side of the coin, imagine the potentials in
playing a party of Quislings, out to extend the rule of their
extraterrestrial masters. As with the despicable Tater, this
choice may lead to things the Players might have preferred to
leave undone. But again, the motivations and reactions of
such characters provide a fascinating contrast for garners
who tire of the Me Good Hero/Rotten Villain roles that can
stultify a Role Playing Game.
No matter what period of the Aftermath is chosen, and no
matter what particular kind of Ruin caused it, thecharacters
relationship to the Promise is a central pole of his
personality. He may embrace it, oppose it, even twist it to his
own ends, but he cannot ignore it.

henry christen (order #23380)

We think enough grist has been provided for the mill in
terms of things to consider in building the characters
personality. Now how about playing the game?
The general caveats to garners in Book 1 speak to the
overall task. Familiarize yourself with the rules enough to be
able to flow in a fight, or any other common situation, without
constant hesitation or rule-questioning. If the Players find
something really unplayable, offensive, or just loathesome
for indefinable reasons, they should let the Gamesmaster
know it. If they want to expand on some ideas, the same
Remember several things:

is an expert in everything. It is blatantly unfair and

rude to snarl at the Gamesmaster or another Player
because he makes a slip in working with some area you
have expertise in. Expect the same courtesy from them
that you give.

0 Nobody

Likewise, no simulation can cover every detail of a

complex process, or foresee all the eventualities of a
situation. The rules here areour approach to the problem.
Our system is designed to allow the maximum flexibility in
adapting the probabilities to fit the vicissitudes of real life.
Take advantage of this by really playing the role, thinking
terms of real actions, rather than trying to break
everything down into the abstract math of scores and
points. If you want to be a hero (and in this hobby, who
doesnt?) then, by the glory, be a hero! Take risks, accept
the challenge of the short life but the glorious one. You
may not die in bed, but really, did you want to?


good test of the quality of play in a campaign is this: if

you wrote out a log of an adventure in decent narrative
form, would it make good adventure fiction? In some
scenarios, admittedly, everything seems to go stale. The
encounters fall into a rut, nobody can seem to stay in
character, rules get blown, tempers fray, nothing
happens or everything happens wrong. Take a deep

breath and chalk it up to experience. When it all goes

right, just ask yourself this: how worried was I?When that
last sword blow knocked me to within a hair of death, and
then I had to beat that guard to the draw, did the
gooseflesh rise, did the back of the neck chill at the
vicarious breath of the dark angel? If you can say yes,
even if only fora moment, then you should be enjoying the
blazes out of things!
For the first, the very first little old character you build in
Affermathl, try this on for size.
Assume civilization collapses tomorrow. Decide what you
would do. What Attributes would you cultivate and what
would you let go? What new Skills would you acquire and
what old ones would you increase? Develop the basic
character design along these lines. Then ask yourself how
would you survive? What attitudes would you adopt? DO you
just watch out for Numberone, orareyou willing togive your
heart to the Promise? Could you go Ghoul in a final
extremity, or would you kill cannibals on sight? Can you trust
anyone? Or is the world forever a hostile environment? Put
yourself in the characters shoes and play your story in the
We think you will be surprised by the intensity of
identification this idealized self-character will get from you.
The immediacy and impact of play is immeasurably
increased. And if and when your luck runs out, or you make
your last mistake, the impact of the loss is as thrilling as it is
poignant. It hurts, but the final question is put to you: did he
die accepting hismoira? Was the hero true to the last? And
if you have put yourself into the play wholeheartedly, then
the answer you get back makes it all worthwhile.
The Gamesmasters Book contains the various facets of
different types of campaigns. He will inform you of the basic
assumptions of your particular system. But without a
creative response to equal his own labors, the thing will not
take off. Meet him halfway, and the hours of enjoyment can
be endless.


henry christen (order #23380)

1. Determine Age Group and note information due to it on CRS.
2. Determine actual age.
3. Determine psychological profile.
4. Distribute 15 + 206 points among the Talents.
5. Distribute 75 points among the Attributes.
6. Determine which Skills the character has for initial scores.
7. Determine the initial scores and Off-Hand Dexterity.
8. Apply the effects of Age, "Changed" status and Attribute Increase
9. Determine the character's Physical Characteristics.
10. Determine base clothing.
11. Determine the character's armor.
12. Determine the character's equipment.
13. Calculate Encumbrance Total.
14. Calculate Abilities, Basic Chance of Success scores and base
Recognition Factor.
15. Inform the Gamesmaster that you are ready to play.

May have initial equipment
Always requires tools or weapons
Sometimes requires or uses tools or weapons
Has an "averaging" function

STR + DFT + Combative
SPD + DFT + Combative
DFT + STR + Combative
Flexible Weapon
DFT + SPD + Combative
STR + DFT + Combative
DFT + STR + Combative
STR + DFT + Combative
DFT + STR + Combative
STR + DFT + Combative
Single Weapon
DFT + STR + Combative
STR + DFT + Combative
Two Weapon
Unarmed Combat
DFT + SPD + Combative
STR + DFT + Combative
Weapon and Shield
DFT + WT + Combative
HLH + WT + Combative
DFT + WT + Combative
DFT + WT + Combative
DFT + WT + Combative
DFT + WT + Combative
DFT + WT + Combative
Pistol, Modern
DFT + WT +Combative
Pistol, Primitive
DFT + WT +Combative
DFT + WT + Combative
Rifle, Modern
DFT + WT + Combative
Rifle, Primitive
DFT + WT + Combative
DFT + WT + Combative
Breech Loading Artillery 4
DFT + WT + Combative
Direct Fire Cannon
DFT + WT + Combative
Grenade Launcher
Missile Launcher
DFT + WT + Combative
(Technology Use)
DFT + WT + Combative
Muzzle Loading Artillery 4
DFT + WT + Combative
DFT + WT + Combative
Primitive Seige Engines 4
Beast Riding4
WL + DFT + Nature
DFT + STR + Mechanical
Bicycle Riding 2
STR + WT + Natural
STR + DFT + Natural
Climbing 3
DFT + WT + Natural
Fishing 3
2 (Trap/Hook)
DFT + WT + Charismatic
DFT + WT + Talent
Handicraft (specify) 5
HLH + DFT + Natural
Survival (specify) 3
HLH + WL + Natural



Advanced Farming 2
(Dirt Farming)
Bowyer 2
Dirt Farmlng *
Fermentation *
Foreign Language (specify)

HLH + STR + Natural
WT + Natural + Natural
DFT + WT + Natural
WT + WT + Natural
DFT + WT + Natural



WT + DFT + Natural
DFT + WT + Mechanical
DFT + WT + Mechanical
WL + WT + Charismatic
WT + Communicative +Esthetic 2 (Pre/Post Ruin)
HLH + DFT + Natural
WT + Natural + Natural

1 WT + WL +Communicative

3 WL + WT + Charismatic
Interrogation 8
Leatherworking 2
2 DFT + WT + Esthetic
1 WT + WT + Communicative
Literacy (specify)
1 DFT + DFT + Mechanical
Masonry 3
2 WT + Scientific + Natural
Repair, Muscle powered vehicles
2 DFT + WT + Mechanical
Salvage Food
2 WT + DFT + Scientific
2 WT + Combative+ Comm
Tailor 2
1 DFT + DFT + Esthetic
1 DFT + WT + Esthetic
Weaver/Spinner 2
Automobile Driving
2 DFT + WT + Mechanical
(Technology Use)
Basic Research 3
1 WT + WT + Scientific
Heavy Equipment Driving'2 DFT + WT + Mechanical
(Technology Use)
1 DFT + WT + Mechanical
Lab Technique 2
(Technology Use)
Lockpicking I 2
2 DFT + WT + Mechanical
Magnalock Penetration' 2 DFT + WT + Mechanical
(Technology Use)
Motorcycle Driving 2
2 DFT + WT + Mechanical
(Technology Use)
Powerboat Pilot 2
2 DFT + WT + Mechanical
(Technology Use)
Technology Use 2
1 DFT + WT + Mechanical

2 (Spoken/Written)





henry christen (order #23380)

Aerial Recon Interpretation 2 WT + Scientific + Esthetic
(Technology Use and Basic
Research and Mathematics)
3 WT + DFT + Scientific
Advanced Medical
(Lab Technique and First Aid)
3 WT + Scientific + Mechanical 1
(Technology Use and Basic
Research and Mathematics)
3 DFT + WT + Mechanical
(Blacksmiting for metal/
Plastics for Forming plastic)
Automobile Mechanic 2
3 DFT + WT + Mechanical
(Technology Use)
2 DFT + WT + Mechanical
(Technology Use)
2 WT + Scientific + Natural
2 WT + Scientific + Mechanical 1
Computer Science
2 WT + Scientific + Mechanical 2
(Technology Use)
System Design)
3 WT + DFT + Scientific
(Lab Technique)
(Biological &Chemical/
Defusing Explosives3
2 DFT 7 WT + Mechanical
(Technology Use)
Demolitions '
2 DFT + WT + Mechanical
(Technology Use)
2 WT + Mechanical + Scientific 1
(Technology Use)
2 DFT + WT + Mechanical
(Technology Use)
2 WT + Scientific + Esthetic
(Basic Research)
Firearms Repair, Modern
1 DFT + WT + Mechanical
(Firearms Repair, Primitive &
2 DFT + WT + Mechanical
Firearms Repair, Primitive
(Blacksmithing or Machining)
First Aid
2 WT + DFT + Scientific
2 DFT + WT + Mechanical
(Technology Use)
Internal CombustionEngine 3 WT + Scientific + Mechanical 1
(Physics 8 Mathematics)
2 DFT + WT + Mechanical
(Technology Use)
Marine Mechanic
2 DFT + WT + Mechanical
(Technology Use)
2 WT +Scientific + Comm
Mechanically Generated
2 WT + Mechanical + Scientific 1
Power 3
(Technology Use & Physics)
Operational Command
2 WT +Combative + Comm
3 WT + WT + Scientific
(Chemistry & Advanced Medical)
3 WT + DFT + Scientific
(Chemistry & Lab Technique)
Physics 3
2 WT + Mechaical + Scientific
Plastics Forming 2
2 DFT + WT + Mechanical
(Technology Use)
Radio Communications 3
2 WT + DFT + Mechanical
(Technology Use)



Simple Explosives 3
(Chemistry & Lab Technique)
Strategic Command
(Operational Command)
Telegraphy 3
(Technology Use)
TelephoneCommunications 3
(Technology Use)
Television Communications 3 3
(Advanced Medical)
(Blacksmithing. Machining or
Carpentry-according to
Zoology 3




DFT + Mechanical







DFT + Mechanical


DFT + Mechanical


DFT + Scientific




Scientific + Natural



(All require Technological Use)
High Technology Use
1 DFT + Wt + Mechanical
Pilot, Fixed Wing
3 DFT + WT + Mechanical
3 DFT + WT + Mechanical
Pilot, Submersable
Pilot, Rotary Wind
3 DFT + WT + Mechanical
4 DFT + WT + Mechanical
Pilot, Spacecraft
(Zero G Training &
High Technology Use)
4 DFT + WT + Mechanical
Pilot, Variable Wing
2 DFT + WT + Mechanical
2 DFT + WT + Mechanical
SCUBA Diving '
3 SPD + DFT + Natural
Zero G Training '
3 DFT + WT + Mechanical
Aviation Mechanic
(High Technology Use)

Complex Explosives
2 DFT + WT + Mechanical
(Simple Explosives)
Computer Design
4 WT + Scientific + Mechanical
(Computer Science 8
Mathematics & High Technology
ECM Operation 2
2 DFT + WT + Mechanical
(High Technology Use)
Laser Technology
4 WT + Scientific + Mechanical
(High Technology Use)
Plastic Synthesization
3 WT + Scientific + Mechanical
(Chemistry 8 Lab Technique)
Power Generation
3 WT + Scientific + Mechanical
(Physics, Electrician 8
Mechanicall Generated
4 WT + Scientific + Mechanical
(P.G., Electrical)
3 WT + Scientific + Mechanical
(Physics & High Technolgy Use)
Production of Fuel
4 WT + Scientific + Mechanical
(Chemistry & Lab Technique)
4 WT + Scientific + Mechanical
(Chemistry & Lab Technique)





henry christen (order #23380)

Plated Plasteel
Plated Armorplast
Mesh Plasteel
Plated Densiplast
Mesh Armorplast
Plated Macroplast
Mesh Densiplast
Mesh Macroplast
Heavy Plastisheet
Light Plastisheet























Plated Carballoy
Mesh Carballoy
High Quality Steel
Plated Macrosteel
Plated High Quality Steel
Mesh Macrosteel
Light Ferrous Metal
Plated Steel
Aluminum Alloy
Plated Ferrous Metal
Mesh High Quality Steel
Plated Aluminum Alloy
Mesh Steel
Mesh Ferrous Metal
Plated Bronze
Mesh Aluminurn Alloy
Mesh Bronze




Natural Armor Leather
Hardened Heavy Leather
Heavy Leather
Scaled Leather
Natural Armor Hide
Light Leather
Heavy Hide
Scaled Hide
Heavy Cloth
Light Hide
Light Cloth
























Ballistic Cloth
This material presents an effective barrier to bullets but still does not
perform as well against hand held weapons. To determine the Ballistic Cloth's
Armor Value when struck by a hand-held weapon, divide the Barrier Factor by
10 and round to the nearest whole number. If the character sfruck is wearing
other armor that has a higher Armor Value than thecloth. thisotherarmorwill
be used to subtract from the Damage Potential.












henry christen (order #23380)

allowed under the usual rules for such, and T means a second attack is allowed
in a Single Action.
Surv.: This is the Survival Value of the weapon if the Clash of Weapons
Option is in use.
Format: This details whether or not the weapon may be used to thrust. T
means thrust only, S means a normal striking attack, and E meansan Entangle
attack allowed.
Length This is the length category of the weapon. It will affect the Zone of
Influence. the Strength Group used for the Effect Die and other things as
described in Detailed Action Time.
XL-Extra Long
ENC: This is the Encumbrance value of the weapon.
WDM: This is the Weapon Damage Multiplier of the weapon. It is followed
by a letter indicating the kind of damage done.
L is all Lethal
C is 75% Subdual and 25% Lethal
D is 50% Subdual and 50% Lethal

Each of the weapons listed is presented in an abbreviated format to save

space. The meaning of each statistic and the abbreviations used are noted
below. Some weapons will haveadditional notes regarding their nature or use.
These will have footnotes to be found at the end of the listing.
Weapon: The name of the weapon is listed here.
Skills: The Skill(s) for using the weapon. Any weapon usuable by Single
Weapon Combat Skill may be used with Two Weapon or Weapon and Shield
Combat Skills. Abbreviations used are:
Longsword - LS
Single Weapon - SW
Knife - Kn
Brawling - Br
Throwing - Th
Nunchaku - Na
Polearm - PI
Unarmed Combat - UC
Flexible Weapon - FW
Utlllty: This is the Utility number value of the weapon.
STR: This is the Strength Rating of the weapon.
Hand This is the number of hands normally used to control the weapon. 1 is
a weapon used in one hand, 2 is a weapon requiring two hands to use properly,
and 1%is a weapon that may be used with one or two hands.
S&.: This isan indicationof whethertheweapon allowsasecondstrike ora
secondary attack. N means none is allowed, S means a secondary attack is



Ax, fire 6
hand l 3
Baseball bat
Bat with nails 5
Bayonet, short t 3
Belt Buckle 2
Brass Knuckles t 3
Chain e 3
Club 5 3
Cudgel 5 l 3
Hammer 5 13
Knife, belt l 2
bowie l 3
jack l2
switchblade i2
throwing 13
Knife-spear l 3
Nunchaku, wood
Pipe Light

sw, PI
SW. Th



sw, PI
sw, PI
SW, Th



Nn, Fw
Nn, Fw


Pick ax
Pistol butt
Pitchfork l 3
Rifle butt
Shuriken lo
Sledge hammer
Staff. crude l 3
hardened 5
Straight razor
Sword, ceremonial
Rope, hemp
weighted version
Whip, leather
steel tip version

Br. SW










Br, PI

sw, PI


Kn, Th
Kn, Th
Kn. Th
Kn. Th
Kn. Th


















1.1 (1)C
1 +(ENCof
Gun) C
1.3L 1





































S. E










S, E












henry christen (order #23380)


IMPROVISED WEAPONS (Any improvised weaporls may be thrown)

Bottle, whole ' l 2
broken' l 2 Kn, Br
Chair, small
Table, very small Br
sw, PI
Ax, battle
Dagger I 3
Main Gauche6
Flail, wood I 3
Mace, ball
Maul, ball
sw, PI
s w , PI
Polearm, halberd PI
Spear, boar
trident I 3
Sword, broad
LS. sw
LS, sw




































' Second strike is only available when using Polearm Skill.

* May also be used with a shield but no second strike is allowed.

Has a hand guard with AV = 4, SR.
Used on rifle will add .3 to WDM but will not add to ENC of rifle. Polearm
Skill required.
Weapon must check for breaking if used against Rigid armor greater than
AV6 or Semi-rigid or Flexible, Hard armor greater than AV8. A die roll greater
than or equal to the Survival Value on 1D20 indicates that the weapon has
broken. Any damage done by that attack will be halved, as the final adjustment
to the Damage Potential.
As note 5 but armor Values requiring check are 8 and 10 respectively.
Hand guard functions as Brass Knuckles.
Weapon subtracts .5from its WDM when thrusting.
Survival Value is the Barrier which must be cut to destroy weapon.
l o A character may throw more than one at a time. Maxir,ium number isequal
to the character's Deftness Group. Each one thrown will receive a negative
modification to the 6CS equal to the number being thrown if it is more than 1.
Each is rolled for separately.
Maximum Armor Value that the weapon can penetrate is 2 times user's
Strength Group.
Maximum Armor Value that the weapon can penetrate is 4 times user's
Strength Group.


henry christen (order #23380)

Shields may be made out of almost any materialthat a man can get his hands
on. For convenience we list a variety of shields in the table below. FACINGS
may be added towoodenshields.They add to the Barrier Effect (minimum and
overall). ENC value and Barter Point value. If a player or the Gamesmaster
finds he wishes to have a characterwho uses a shield not on the list, it may be
The minimum Barrier value is the BAR value of the material times its
The overall Barrier thickness is the shield Class divided by 2, rounded up,
multiplied by the minimum Barrier value.
The ENC value is the overall Barrier value times the Shield Factor times the
thickness times a constant. This constant is .005 for plastics, .02 for metals.
and .01 for wood, wicker and leather.
To get an approximate Barrier value for armor materials,multiply the Armor
value by 5.
The Batter Point valueis one quarter the overall valuetimesthe Shield Class,
nearest. Plastics are doubled, Wicker is halved.




W Wicker'






W' Plywoodz

W Plywoodz

U" Plywood'








W Bronze

%" Iron

Plastic Police



Trash can lid

Small table as Class 3 W Plywood
Stool as Class 2
Small chair as Class 2 W' Plywood
%" Leather
1/10 Bronze
1/10'' Iron



henry christen (order #23380)






varies by piece





Wicker will ignite if the Strength Rating of the fire or-less is rolled on 106.
Wood will ignite if the Strength Rating of the fire or less is rolled on 1D10.
Leather will ignite if the Strength Rating of the fire orless is rolled on 1D20.
These may be totally (60% chance) or partially clear.

In the firearm rules and the Gun List we have discussed Features hereand
there. When a Featurepotentially affected a specific rule, it wasspelledouton
the spot. But the immense creativity of firearms designers has spawned
numerous remarkable devices and processes in their search for increased
lethality. There are some that require a section of their own.
About Slghtr
"If I can see it, I can hit it." This boast is often true for the shooter who has a
decent Set of sights on his gun. There are two kinds of sights: Iron Sights,
referring to non-magnifying sights, used to indicate the precise direction of

the gun's line-of-fire, and Telescopic Sights. There are also special sights
permitting fire in the dark. by enhancing low light levels (Star-Light Scopes) or
by using invisible frequencies in the spectrum, the Infra-Red Scope.
Iron Sights: As the name indicates. these are metal sights, usually an
open notch at the back of the gun, and a corresponding bead,
barleycorn. or other convex form at the front of the barrel. Ordinary
Iron Sights are always present on a gun unless specifically noted
otherwise in its Spec Sheet. They permit Sighted Fire as described in
the firearms rules (Sighting Modifier).
Click Sights: Guns can be fitted with adjustable "Click' sights, set with
a micrometer knob to compensate for windage and elevation. Such
sights add +1to the firer's BCS when using Sighted Fire.
Peep Sights: These sights use a small bead centered in the sighting be lined up on the target's body. This will increasetheAim
of the shot (Hit Location alteration) by *1, even if the firer has no Aim
Match Sights: These precision instruments combine the features of
Click and Peep Sights, allowing +1 to the BCS and to Aim when in
Sighted Fire.
LED Sights: These can be used as normal Iron Sights during the day,
and in light levels of Dim or better. If the light level is Pooror Dark.they
have another effect. The sight consists of a small. LED (Light Emitting
Diode) serving as thesight element on the front of thegun barrel. When
firing from Full Stance in Poor Ligpt, the user is only penalizedas if for
Dim Light. In Full Darkness, he is only penalizedas if for Poor Light. I f
he wishes, he may assume normal. Sighted Fire and receives all the
benefits normally accruing to such an Action. This is not permitted to
Characters in bad light with normal Iron Sights. The LED Sight is
powered for 1 year by an E-1.
Laser Sight: This device is an oblong box, about 3" wide by 8" long by
1" thick. (75mm x 200mm x 25mm). It will operate for 10 "shots"on 1
Charge of electricity. It can be charged with either an E-1 or E-5 and
has an ENC value of 5. The Laser Sight projects a low power laser
beam which appears as a bright red dot when it hits a solid object, and
this dot is visible at ranges of up to 1500 meters.
Used with a non-automatic weapon, it allows. in essence, two BCS
rolls for the first shot in the firer's Action. The basis of aiming of the
Laser Sight is the DFT AST of the firer, subject to no modifiers of any
kind. If this is made. the 1st shot fired will automatically hit. If firing an
automatic weapon with the Laser Sight, the first burst will hit if the AST
is made. The firer must declare that he is using the Sight at the
beginning of this Action. and will resolve the DFT AST when he
resolvedhis first shot. If the Sight misses (i.e. AST fails) he still can fire
normally at the target i f he wishes.
The laser dot is not visible in Good Light, unless the user is wearing
special goggles. It is also not as useful in thick smoke or fog. its
effective range being cut to 500 meters.
Star-Light Scope: These are Telescopic Sights with an extra bonus.
They can utilize the lowest light levels to allow the user to see without
difficulty. Unless the firer is in pitch blackness (say a completely
lightless cave or basement) he will have no penaltyto sighted fire using
this device.

Infra-Red Scope: Similar to the Star-Light Scope, but this sight UMM
the invisible frequency of the infra-red spectrum (heatwsves) tosee,
boosting them electronically into visible images. Thew are tricky to
adjudicate. Any contrasting heat fields will stand out in high contrast a
man against the sky, or a building, for instance. On the other hand, a
few meters of forest cover will effectively jam the scopes pickup. As a
rule of thumb, I-R can locate living targets in a non-vegetable
background no matter what the light level is. A fire or hot spotlight will
tend to be as distractingto the I-R scope as it is to the naked eye, if the
target is backed by it.
In general, think of objects emitting light in proportion to their body
heat. Ifthey arecold (concreteatnight, forexample) theyareverydark.
I f animal life, they areslightly luminous. If very hot, they arevery bright.
Compare this image to the background of the target, and if they
contrast by very much, then a clear sighting has been obtained.
As long as these conditions are satisfied. fire using an I-R scope is
Pretty much exempt from penalties for less-than-Good Light.
* Telescopic Sights: These are thoroughly described in the Firearms
rules and the text at the end of the Gun List.
Doscrlbod In the Flnrrm R u k r In odor of appeamnw
Match Weapons: Add 50% to the distance of their Range Steps.
Hair Trigger: Allow an addition of 1 ShoVAction to maximum
allowable Rate of Fire. Unless this is on a gun with an adjustable
trigger, the presence of a Hair Trigger is always in force. The
Gamesmaster should enforce a SPD AST upon Characters with Hair
Trigger weapons who start to set up a shot and then try to abort it. If
they miss the AST they must fire.
Autoextractor: Weapons with an Autoextractor level will clear jams at
the end of the firing Action in which they occured. A separate Action to
clear the jam is not required.
Recoil Reduction: Ranging from a recoil pad on the buttplateof a Long
Gun to fancy venting systems and brakes, Recoil Reductionsystems
reduce the penalty (if any) due to Recoil by their rated factor. A Recoil
Pad always has Recoil Reduction of 1. Other systems are given a
Rating in the Feature notes on their Spec Sheets.
Tunable Guns: These firearms permit the user to adjust them to his
personal anatomical and behavioural needs as a shooter. It requires 1
week of practice as if studying the Firearm, expending the minimum
amount of ammo needed to learnwithout a Hindrance, to tune thegun.
No skill points are acquired when this is done. At the end of that week,
thegun will increase the users BCS by+l,andreduceanyotherusers
by 2, unless retuned to him.
Handed Guns: In the rules, we refer only to Pistols but there are also
handed Long Guns. Using a handed weapon in the correct hand
gives +1 to BCS. using a handed gun in the other reduces BCS by 2. If
the gun is also tunable, it must be of the same handedness as the
I f a handed gun is found there is a 60% chance it will be a right
handers weapon and a 40% chance of a southpaws shooting iron.
Swivel Swing: This allows a Long Gun to be braced using the sling
strap in the same Action the Firer assumes Stance. Normally, this
requires a separate Action.
* Hi-Power Firearms: Or more formally, High Power Firearms. These
weapons can fire High Power cartridges without risking the increased
chance of a Critical Miss prescribed by the Firearms rules.


Rlfled Barrels: This is only a feature in dealing with Muzzle Loading

weapons, as ALL modern guns am rifled. The use of rifling in a gun
barrel will Increase the weapons Range Steps by 5oJ6, just as Match
Weapons do in the more advanced weapons.
Foalurn NOT In tho Flnmn R u k r
Some of these are given in the Features entres on the Gun List. Others are
not all that common, but may be included at the Gamesmasters option.
357 Magnum Cross Load: Most 357 Magnum weaponscan also use38
44 Magnum Cross Load: Most 44 Magnum weapons can also use 44
High Security Safely: When the safety catch is engaged, the gun
CANNOT fire. Use it as a hammer or to crack nuts: it will not go off.
Pistol Forearm Braces: Lock the gun into the most favorable position
for proper aim. If only 1 Shot perAction is fired from a gun so provided,
it receives the same benefit as the Squeeze Off option gives: the firer
adds his DFTto his weapon Skill score. If this brings his Aim past 5 then
so be it.
Rotary Magazine: This extremely sturdy magazine is almost failure
proof. Add +3 to the Control BCS against Critical Misses when using
weapons with this type of magazine.
No Iron Sights: Or, no sights built into the gun. This is the case with
many rifles. They cannot use sighted fire until Iron or other sights are
installed on them.
Changeable Chokes: Many shotguns may be provided with inset and
changeable tubes which can be used to alter Choke without changing
Variable Choke: A device is mounted on the end of the barrel which
allows the Choke setting to be selected at will in 1 Action. This is
usually a rotating sleeve.
Bipods: These usually go on Military Issue weapons. A Prone firer
assuming Full Stance (yes, it does sound odd) may assume the Rest
Weapon modifier in the same Action.
* Winter Triggers: Outsize triggers, snapped on over the normal one,
which protrude well below the trigger guard or snapdown trigger
guards. This allows fire in mittens or bulky fingered gloves.
That about wraps up the main ones. Several unique Features are in the Gun
List, but they are specific to the weapons involved, not something one could
apply widely.

Addlng Features
A skilled Gunsmith can modify firearms toincludefeaturesthey didnot have
when they came from the plant: Changed BBL. Recoil Reduction, remounted
Iron Sights or a Scope Mount where one was not before, etc. The
Gamesmaster must assign a base Task value to such jobs.
A rule of thumb is 10 points per point of BCS or other advantage gained by
the Feature for the firer (use maximum possible values). The Task Period is
based on the guns OUR. Assume a base Period of 20 Hours, divided by the
weapons Durability score.
The workman must have the necessary parts and tools. One can hardly
mount a Click Sight which one does not have on a gun when one has no tools
with which to work.

The vehicles included in this appendix are not intended t o b e the
only versions o f the prototype vehicles that can b e used in the game.
Different versions o r models will have varying statistics. These can
be determined using the rules in the chapter o n vehicles. Each
vehiclein the appendix is given with the pertinent data. Following the
list is a sample Vehicle Record Sheet which may be photocopied for
use in your campaign.

Maximum Speed: 100 kph

Safety Devices: Seat Belts; Crash Bags
Notes o n Barrier Effects: Window: 10; Body: 20
Special Features: Carries 5 passengers (inc. driver); has a trunk
(ENC Cap 15, up to Large)

Vehicle: Compact Car (1986)

Classification: On-road Car
Base Safe Speed: 80
Fuel System: Gas
Mileage: 20km/l
Capacity: 60 1
Structure: 1
Area: 2 x 3 = 6
Damage Resistance: 3

henry christen (order #23380)

Soft Target

Vehicle: Van (1990)

Classification: On-road Truck Soft Target

Base Safe Speed: 90 kph
Fuel System: Elec.
Mileage: 4 km/char.
Capacity: Ev-50
Structure: 1.5
Area: 2 x 4= 8
Damage Resistance: 6
Maximum Speed: 58 kph
Safety Devices: Seat Belts for driver and passenger in front seats
Notes on Barrier Effects: Window 10; Body: 25
Special Features: Cargo area (ENC Cap 70, up to Huge 1) or
6 people, seated.
This is based on a gasoline powered van with a top speed of
144 kph that gets 7.6 km/liter of fuel.

Vehicle: Jeep (mllltary

Structure: 5
Area: 4 x 7 = 28
Damage Resistance: 70
Maximum Speed: 48 kph
Notes on Barrier Effects: Vehicle Armor Value: 10;
impervious to small arms fire
Special Features: Crew of 4 (driver, gunner, loader and
commander); 105mrn Direct Fire Canon; Carries 63 rounds for
main gun (APDS, HEAT. HE or WP); Coaxial 7.62mm MG
(M60 MG equivalent); Carries 5.950 rounds for coaxial MG;
One .50 caliber Browing M2 machine gun in commanders
turret; Carries 900 rounds for commanders MG: IR main gun
sight (effective to 2,000 meters); Turret turns at 120 degrees
per Combat Turn (electrically powered): Military quality radio;
Can be sealed against biochemical agents.

ton truck)

Classification: Off-road Car Soft Target

Base Safe Speed: 80 kph
Fuel System: Gas
Mileage 6.9 km/l
Capacity: 50 1
Structure: 2
Area: 2 x 3 = 6
Damage Resistance: 3
Maximum Speed: 88 kph
Notes on Barrier Effects: Body: 25
Special Features: Carries driver, co-driver and 3 passengers of
a cargo load (ENC Cap 33;

Vehicle: Bicycle

Classification: On-road Sicycle Soft Target

Base Safe Speed: 8
Fuel System: Muscle
Structure: 1
Area: .5 x 2 = 1
Damage Resistance: .5
Notes on Barrier Effects: None
Special Features: Maximum Speed is equal to one half the users
Speed in kph. It is able to be used for a number of Combat
Turns equal to users Strength Group times 2. Normal speed
is equal to one quarter of the users Speed in kph. It is able to
be used for a number of hours equal to the users Strength
Group times 2. For each two hours spent pedalling the user
will have his Speed reduced by 5. Speed is recovered by
resting at the rate of 5 points per hour. This reduction is only
in effect if the character moves at all in a turn.

Vehicle: M-113 Armored Personel Carrier

Classification: Heavy Combat

Base Safe Speed: 120 kph
Hard Target
Fuel System: Diesel
Mileage: .5 km/l
Capacity: 960 1
Structure: 4
Area: 3 x 4 = 12
Damage Resistance: 24
Maximum Speed: 67 kph
Safety Devices: None
Notes on Barrier Effects: Vehicle Armor Value: 7;
Barrier Value: 70
Special Features: Carries 13 troops (inc. driver); Standard
armament is 2 Browning M2 .50 caliber machine guns; Carries
up to 2000 rounds for the MGs; Military quality radio; can be
sealed against biochemical agents.

Vehicle: Rowboat

Classification: Boat Soft Target

Fuel System: Muscle
Structure: 2
Area: 1 x 3 = 3
Damage Resistance: 3
Notes on Barrier Effects: Wood: 5
Special Features: Carries 3 persons; maximum ENC carried
before sinking is 20
Moving: Maximum speed is equal to one half the rowers
Strength in kph. It is able to be used for a number of Combat
Turns equal to the rowers Strength Group. Normal speed is
equal to one quarter of the rowers Strength in kph. It is able
to be used for a number of hours equal to the rowers
Strength Group. The rower will have his Strength reduced by
5 for each hour or fraction spent at rowing. This loss is
recovered at the rate of 5 points per hour of rest.

Vehicle: M60A3 Main Battle Tank

Classification: Heavy Combat Hard Target

Base Safe Speed: 120 kph
Fuel System: Diesel
Mileage: .3 km/l
Capacity: 1400 1

henry christen (order #23380)

Vehicle: industrial Passenger Helicopter

Vehicle: Single Engine Passenger Airplane

Classification: Aircraft Soft Target
Base Safe Speed (taxi): 100 kph
Fuels System: Aviation fuel
Mileage 3 km/l
Capacity: 500 1
Structure: 3
Area: (1 x 8) + (1 x 10) = 18
Damage Resistance: 27
Maximum Speed: 315 kph
Minimum air speed: 50 kph
Safety Devices: Seat belts
Notes on Barrier Effects: Window: 10; Body: 16
Special Features: Carries 6 passengers (inc. pilot); Has a
baggage compartment (ENC Cap of 39. up to Large)

Classification: Aircraft Soft Target

Fuel System: Aviation fuel
Mileage: .5 km/l
Capacity: 400 1
Structure: 3
Area: (2 x 3) + 7 = 13
Damage Resistance: 20
Maximum Speed: 219 kph
Safety Devices: Seat Belts
Notes on Barrier Effects: Window: 10; Body: 16
Special Features: Carries six passengers (inc. pilot); Has a
baggage compartment (ENC Cap of 8.5. up to Large; Can take
an optional external cargo sling allowing it to lift up to
49 ENC mote, up to Huge 1.


Block out Areas of the Vehicle


Soft/Hard Target

Base Safe Speed

- Mileage
Capacity Structure Area
Damage Resistance - Current Durability
Current Max. Speed Maximum Speed

Fuel System

Damage taken not yet

accounting for a Durability loss
Safety Devices

Notes on Barrier Effects

Special Features

henry christen (order #23380)

A Code letter for a Disease, Poison, or other form of contaminant

with an Aerosol Vector. See Vector.

B: Code Letter (short for Both). Refersto weapons or attacks deing

50% Lethal and 50h Subdual Damage.
BAP See Base Action Phase.
BAR See Barrier Value.

AFV: Armored Fighting Vehicle. Generic term for any armored

combat vehicle such as a tank, armored car, personnel carrier,

BBL: Abbreviation of Barrel. Refers to the length of gun barrels.

A P See Action Phase.

BDG: See Bullet Damage Group.

AP 0: Action Phase 0. The final Action Phase in a Combat turn. No

character Actions or movement take place in AP 0. It is used for
such bookeeping as is needed in the campaign at that time
(effects of drugs, acid, fire, etc.).

BMA See Base Movement Allowance.

APC Armored Personnel Carrier. A specific type of AFV.

A S 1 See Attribute Saving Throw.
ATGM: Standard military abbreviation for Anti-Tank Guided
Missile. A projectile guided by radar, laser-display, wire, or other
control, designed to be effective vs. hard targets (qv).
ATV: A l l Terrain Vehicle. A class of vehicle designed for use on or off
the road in a variety of terrains and conditions. This class
includes tracked vehicles, 4-wheel drive vehicles, and such
advanced devices as Ground Effect vehicles, which use a cushion
of compressed air as a means of locomotion.
A V See Armor Value.
Ability: A score representing some physical Or mental characteristic, directly derived from an Attribute or Attributes.
Action: Some option or action performed by a character. It requires
a number of Action Phases equal to PCA to perform a simple
Action Phase: A segment of a Combat Turn (qv). There is an indefinite number of Action Phases in each Combat Turn.
Action Zone: The Front facing hexes of a character on the Detailed
Action Time Display. May vary in size according to the Length of
the characters weapon.
Adjusted BCS: This number is derived by applying all relevant
modifiers to a characters BCS. This is the scorewhich isapplied
to the die roll to see if the action attempted succeeds or fails. If
the score rolled is less than or equal to the Adjusted BCS, the
attempt has been successful.
Advance: A measurement of the progress of a drug, disease, or
other progressively worsening state or condition. Such Advances
may be Up an Attribute or other score, achieving effects as they
match given proportions of the total score, or Down, in which
case the Advance representsa reduction of the score in question.
Allocated Attribute Score: The value of the Attributes as originally
designed by the player.
Armor Value: A measure of the ability of a given material to stop
harmful force from blows, missiles, heat, electrical current, etc.
The Armor Value is subtracted from the DamagePotential (qv) of
an attack striking the character on the Location covered by that
armoring material.
Attribute: A number greater than 1, measuring a characters
physical and mental capabilities. The usual range for human
Attributes is from 1 to 40.
Attribute Saving Throw: (Abbr. AST) A Saving Throw calculated by
dividing the relevant Attribute score by 2, round down. See
Saving Throw.
Autoloader: A form of Gun Action, automatically ejecting spent
cartridges and chambering new ones for firing. Also called semiautomatic.
Average Armor Value: An abstract figure representing the overall
armor protection for a character. Calculate as follows: Total the
best Armor Values on each Location of the Character and divide
by 30, round nearest.
Avong. BCS (maximum score possible/lO) to derive this BCS. It is
then subject to normal modifiers to derive the effective BCS for
the Skill use in question. Average BCS is generally used in cases
where the attempted task is more than usually difficult.

BCS: See Basic Chance of Success.

B P See Barter Point.

Barrier Value: A measurement of the resistance of materials to
damage or force. This can be expressed as a figure per inch of
thickness, as when calculating the Barriers resistance to
missiles, or a figure representing Task Points needed to force
passage past the Barrier (a lock, bolted door, gate, cave-in, etc.).
Barter Point: A rough estimate of the trade value of some item or
commodity. Barter Point values fluctuate according to the
acumen of the traders, the condition of the goods, and the utility
of the item for the would-be purchaser.
Base Action Phase: The number of the first Action Phase in a
Combat Turn on which a character may initiate movement or
Actions. It is equal to effective Speed/2, down.
Base Movement Allowance: The number of meters a character can
move in one Action Phaseat a Walking pace. For normal Humans,
this is one.
Base Safe Speed: The maximum safe speed for a particular vehicle.
The effectivefigure 1s modified by the terrain, weather, light, etc.
Basic Chance of Success: Abbreviated as BCS. This is determined
by dividing the score in a Skill by 5, round down. It can never
exceed 20 (but see also Effective BCS).
Blast: A measurement of the concussive force of an explosion.
Bookkeeping Phase: see APO
Bullet Damage Group: Measure the Damage Potential (qv) of
firearm projectiles (i.e. bullets). This is equal to lDlO per
BDG/10, up, plus 1 point x BDG/10, nearest.
Also determines the percent chance of Missile Special Effects
resulting from a bullet hit.
C: Code letter short for Crush. Refers to weapon or attack doing
25% Lethal and 75% Subdual Damage.
CDA See Combat Dodge Ability.
CRS: See Character Record Sheet.
CST: See Critical Saving Throw.
Carblne: A Gun barrel length, applicable to Pistols or Long Guns.
It denotes a BBL of more than twelve inches and lessthan twenty.
Character: Any being encountered in the game: humans, animals,
monsters, robots, you name it. See Player-Character, Non-Player
Character, Personality Non-Player Character.
Character Record Sheet: Annotated log sheet containing information on a character. It should include phsycial characteristics.
Skills and other abilities, and a list of equipment. The Character
Record Sheet (CRS) should beon hand foreasy referenceduring
Charge (Electric): A measurement of electrical power. usually
stored power equal to 100 watt-hours.
Combat Dodge Ability: Governs ability to evade attack (reducing
attackers BCS). Equal to effective (Speed plus Deftness)/PO,
Combat Turn: The basic unit used to measure time in Detailed
Action Time scale, 1 Combat Turn equals approx. 6 seconds. It
does not necessarily involve actual fighting.
Combative Talent: One of the Talents, governing will-to-win and
general aptitudes combat situations.
Control BCS: Some Skills, notably the Hand-to-Hand and Small
Arms Skills, have a Control BCS derived from scores about 100
points. All Skills of Format 3 allow such BCS rolls in the event of
a Critical Miss.

henry christen (order #23380)

Countdown: The sequence of Action Phases in a Combat Turn, as

called by the Gamesmaster. It begins with the number of the BAP
of the character with the highest score in that Ability and
proceeds down from that number to 0.
Critical Effect: The special effects, if any, suffered by a character
who has taken damage from a Critical Hit. These are rolled foron
the Critical Effects table.
Critical Hit: Occurs when a BCS, Saving Throw, or similar die roll
on 1D20 scores a natural roll of one. Indicates that the action
being attempted has achieved a more than ordinary degree Of
success. In a combat situation, the Damage Potential of the
attack is increased and the target may suffer special effects (see
Critical Effects).
Critical Miss: Occurs when c BCS, Saving Throw, etc. scores a die
roll of a Natural 20. Indicates a more than usually inept failure,
possibly with severe consequences. Some Skills allow a Control
BCS attempt (qv).
Critical Saving Throw: A Saving Throw (qv) derived from an
Attribute by the following formula: effective Attribute/% nearest.
Its use is similar to the AST, but is reserved for situations of
greater peril or difficulty than normal.
Current Attribute Score: The value of an Attribute at a given point
in the campaign, allowing for changes in the Allocated value due
to Self Improvement, Age, etc.
DAT: See Detailed Action Time.
DFT: Standard abbreviation of the Deftness Attribute.
D P See Damage Potential.
DRT: See Damage Resistance Total.
Damage: A figure generated by weapon blows, natural hazards,
high falls, and other dangers to life and limb. There are several
types of Damage: Lethal, Subdual. and Critical.
Damage Dice: Alternate term for the Effect Die of a characters
Strength Group. See Group.
Damage Potential: Damage Potential measures the total damaging
effect of a hit or other hazard before any of the targets defenses
can reduce the damage that the target will actually suffer to his
DRT. In hand-to-hand and muscle powered missile attacks, the
Damage Potential equals the score rolled on the Damage Dice
(qv) times the Weapon Damage Multiplier (qv) of the weapon
Damage Resistance Total: The amount of Damage (Lethal or
Subdual) which a character can suffer before dying or losing
consciousness.The DRT is the sum of the characters Health plus
half his Strength plus half his Will in most cases, although some
Non-Player-Characters have special formulae for determining
Detailed Action Time: A Time Scale used to keep track of action in
Aftermath! Time in DAT is measured in six second Combat
Turns (qv) and distance is measured on a 1 meter hexagonal grid
display, call the DAT Display. DAT is invoked by the Gamesmaster in all situations in the campaign where activity must be
kept track of in minute detail. The usual situations in equestion
include combat, triggering traps, encounters, etc. It is not
restricted to violent situations.
Durability: An abstract measure of the condition of an artifact
(vehicle, tool, weapon). When Durability is below the normal
value for an item, its functions are impaired. When the Durability
is reduced below 1, the item ceases to function (Disrepair) and
may be irreparably damaged (Junked).
EHectlve Attrlbute Score: The Current Attributescore (qv) allowing
for temporary alterations due to wounds, Encumbrance, diseases, poisons, etc. Used for calculating all Saving Throws or
other Attributes based values at a given moment.
Encumbrance: A system measuring both the weight and bulk of
objects for purposes of calculating carrying capacities in the
campaign. These values are measured in ENC.
Encumbrance Capacity: Encumbrance Capacity measures a characters load bearing ability. The ENC CAP equals (2 +characters
Strength Group) plus his Deftness Group. This is the maximum
amount of Encumbrance he may carry.

Encumbrance Total: Also called Encumbrance Status. This is the

amount of Encumbrance currently being carried by a character.
Engaged Status: A character who is in the Active Zone of a foe who
is able to cause him harm. Generally refers to being in the range
of a hand-to-hand attack by a conscious enemy. EngagedStatus
limits the movement of the cbaracter.
Fatigued A condition applying to characters who have suffered an
overexertion or debilitating disease or poison effect. Two levels
of Fatigue exist: Partial and Full.
Freely Improvable Skills: The maximum number of Skills in which
the character may study without a Hindrance (qv).The number of
Freely Improvable Skills equals the sum of the Current Wit and
Full Fatigue: A condition in which the sufferers Effective values
in Deftness and Speed are reduced by 50% and all BCS and
Saving Throw scores receive a penalty of minus 2.
Fully Encumbered A character with an Encumbrance Total
exceeding 75% of his Encumbrance Capacity is Fully
Encumbered. His Effective Deftness and Speed are reduced by
50% and all BCS and Saving Throw scores receive a penalty of
minus 2.
GEV Abbreviation of Ground Effect Vehicle. See ATV.
GPMG: Abbreviation of General Purpose Machine Gun. An intermediate level of weapon between Light and Heavy Machine
Gamesmaster: The campaigns referee. The final arbiter of all game
Governing Attribute: An Attributewhichcomprises part of the Initial
Score in askill. It isdesignatedas theGoverning Attribute, which
has certain effects in Self improvement.
Governing Talent: A Talent which comprises part of the initial score
in a Skill. It is designated as the Governing Talent, which has
certain effects on Self Improvement. The raw score in a
Governing Talent may also, at the Gamesmasters Discretion, be
used as a score in any Skill it governs, in the absence of any
character trained in that Skill.
Group: A central concept in the game mechanic!A Group is a figure
generated from any number (usually an Attribute). The Group
figure may be used itself to determine some event, or an Effect
Die roll may be generated from it. The breakdown of numbers
into Groups is:
1-4 5-14 15-24 25-34 35-44
Number 0
EffectDie None 1D3 1D6 1D10 2D6 2D10
A Group can be calculated by dividing the number by 10.
adding one, and rounding to the nearest whole number. For
Groups higherthan5, the Effect Dieis2DlOplusafigureecrual to
the Group minus 5. E.g., for a value of 77, the Group would be9
and the Effect Die would therefore be 2D10 plus (9-5), or plus4.
Gun Action: Generic term for the operating mechanism of a firearm.
The Gun Action specifically controls the rate of fire, that is the
number of shots a character can fire in a single Action during a
Combat Turn.
H E Standard abbreviation for High Explosive.

HEAP Standard abbreviation for High Explosive Anti-Personnel,

referring to explosive weapons designed for use against human
(or at least living) targets.
HEAT: Standard abbreviation for High Exploive Anti-Tank, referring
to Rifle Grenades and other man-portable weapons designed for
use vs. AFVs.
HLH: Standard abbreviation of the Health Attribute.
HMO: Heavy Machine Gun.

HTH: Hand-to-Hand. May refer to a form of weapon or style of

Hard Target: used in determining the effects of Vehicular Combat.
Refers to an armored vehicle.

henry christen (order #23380)

Healing Rate: The base figure governing the recovery of lost DRTof

Player-Character: A character designed and/or controlled by a

the reduction of other forms of damage. It is equal to the

characters Health Group.

Player. The Player-Characters are (at least theoretically) the

stars of the campaign.

ICBM: For Inter-Continental Ballistic Missile. The most useful form

Pound Pull: A term indicating the spring-strength of a bow. The

of delivery for large tactical or strategic nuclear weapons. Not

Incubation Period: The length of time between exposure to an

infection, drug, or other poison or pathogen and the first onset of

its effects.
L: A weapon or form of attack doing 100% of its damage as Lethal
L A W For Light Anti-Tank Weapon. Refers to man-portable, single

shot, disposable missile launchers, firing powerful HEAT rounds.

LMG: Standard abbreviation for Light Machine Gun.
LOC: Also spelled as LOC.See Location.
Lb.P.: See Pound Pull.

higher the Pound Pull, the greater the range potential of the
weapon, but the higher the Strength neededto use it effectively.
RPG: Standard abbreviation for Role Playing Game.
Range Factor: A figure used in archery. It is equal to the Pound

Pull/lO, nearest.
Rep: A system for determining the reputation enjoyed by a given

character in the campaign at large, and how likely he is to be

recognized by strangers as a result of his deeds.
Reputation Zone: Area in which a characters Rep is generally

Restriction Zone: The area within which a character is subject to

Restrictions in combat, based on the DAT Display.

Rifle: A Long Gun with a BBL of greater than twenty inches.

Learning Rate: The base figure governing the rate at which the

character will gain Skill points in a period of study (usually

measured in points per week). It is equal to the characters Wit

S Code for weapon or attack doing 100% Subdual Damage. Such

Damage is non-lethal except in large amounts, and is usually

Location: A portion of a characters body, designated ona Hit

SCUBA: Standard term for underwater breathing gear. Stands for

Location chart. Alternativeiy, the number of such parts that may

be covered by some form of protection, clothing, or armor.
Long Gun: A firearm used with both hands, usually fired from the

M N A Standard abbreviation of Maximum Number of Actions.
Maximum Number of Actions: The greatest number of Actions a

character may perform in a single Combat turn. The MNA is equal

to the characters Deftness Group.
NPC. See Non-Player-Character.
Non-Player-Charactec A character in the campaign controlled by

the Gamesmaster. An NPC need not be a human being. As a rule,

all characters not created and controlled by Players are NonPlayer-Characters.

quickly healed.
Self Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus.
SMG: Standard abbreviation for Sub-Machine Gun.
S P D Standard abbreviation of the Speed Attribute.
STOL: Standard abbreviation for Short Take-Off and Landing.

Refers to aircraft which require minimal runway space fortaxiing

for take off or braking after landing.
STR: Standard abbreviation of the Strength Attribute.
Shotgun: Usually a Long Gun. It fires a mass of small pellets (Shot)

rather than a single bullet. Can also fire single, large caliber
Soft Target: Used in determining the effects of Vehicular Combat.

Refers to an unarmored vehicle.

Structural Stability: An abstract value applied to buildings and other

Overall Defense Ability: The total defensive ability of a character

structures. It measures their general condition and the danger of

violent action while inside. The figure also serves to determine
random accidents while traversing such buildings.

under attack. It is the sum of his CDA and WDA (if applicable).
The ODA is subtracted from the attackers BCS to hit the target.

Talent: A score measuring the inherent capability of the character

O D A See Overall Defense Ability.

P C See Player-Character.
P C A See Phases Consumed in Action.
PNPC: See Personality Non-Player-Character.
Partial Fatigue: A condition in which the sufferers Effective values

in Deftness and Speed are reduced by 25% and all BCS and
Saving Throw scores receive a penalty of minus one
Partially Encumbered: A character with an Encumbrance Total
between 50-75% of his Encumbrance Capacity is Partially

Encumbered. His Effective Deftness and Speed are reduced by

25% and all BCS and Saving Throw scores receive a penalty of
minus one.

in some general area. The maximum score in a Talent for a

normal human is20. Scores above 10 representsignificant Talent
in that area.
Task An activity or task to produce some product or change some

condition. The Gamesmaster assigns a value in Task Points to the

job and when the character(s) involved have generated that
number of points, the Task is completed. A Task Period is also
assigned, which governs how often they may generate more
points on that Task.
Treacherous Ground Any surface which does not provide sure

footing for characters in motion upon it: ice, rubble, mud, etc.

Passive Zone: Refers to a characters Side and Rear hexes of the

DAT display.
Personality Non-Player-Character A Non-Player-Character with

a fully designed history, psychology, motivation, etc. The major

NPCs in the campaign. They may be of major status (known
widely in the game world) or important only in a given scenario.
They are not necessarily hostile to Player-Characters.
Phases Consumed in Action: The number of Action Phases it takes

for a Character to perform an Action. The PCAequals BAP/MNA,

Pistol: A handgun. Specifically refers to firearms used with one


henry christen (order #23380)

Movement above a given rateon Treacherous Ground may cause

the character t o fall down.

Refers to aircraft which can take off in a straight-up line, without

W D A See Weapon Defense Ability

Unencumbered: A character whose Encumbrance Status is less

than or equal t o 50% of his ENC CAP is unencumbered,
unaffected by the burdens he is carrying.

WDM: See Weapon Damage Multiplier.

WL: Standard abbreviation of the Wit Attribute

Unengaged Status: A character who does not satisfy the requirements for Engaged Status is Unengaged.

Weapon Damage Multiplier: The value assigned a handweapon, or

mechanical or muscle powered missile weapon, by which the
character using it will multiply his damage die roll to determine
his damage potential.

Utility Number: An abstract figure used as a guide to assigning a

value and level of usefulness to items found, bought, or otherwise obtained during the campaign. The higher the Utility
Number, the more valuable or useful the item is.

Weapon Defense Ability: Represents the ability to parry and dodge

in HTH combat using a given Combat Skill. WDA is equal t o the
the first 100 points of the Skill in use, divided b y 20, nearest.

VTOL Standard abbreviation for Vertical Take-Off and Landing.


henry christen (order #23380)

henry christen (order #23380)

henry christen (order #23380)

Running an Aftermath! campaign....... . I

Elephant ...................................
. 2 7 Tactlcal Battler and Large Scale Combats . . . . . . ..53
. 2 7 The Course of the Battle., ....................
This is the Way the World Ends ................ 1 Mutant Animals ..............................
Rodents.. ..................................
Pre-Ruin Unrest .............. ............... 1
Modifications to the Die Roll . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .53
Results of the Battle Determination.. . . . . . . . . ,54
Primary Kill .................. ............... 1
Insects.. ...........
Morale Failure.. . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . .54
Secondary Kill ............... ............... 1
Apes.. .............
Usefulness of Animals ........................
The Dogs of War ...............
Ending a Battle.. .......
. . . . . . . . . . .54
Strength Determinations
. . . . . . . . . . ,54
1 The Non-Player Character ......................
Conventional .................
Handling Non-Player Characters .............. . 3 1
Loss Modification Char
. . . . . . . . . . .54
Biochemical ..................
Too Many Characters.. .......................
. 3 2 Military Campaigns ........
NBC War ....................
. . . . 55
Non-Player Character Quality ...
The Hammer of Nature .........
Logistics .............. , ....................
.............. . 3
The Aliens .....................
Army Movement.. .......................... . 5 6
Armor Kits
A Twist in Space ............... .............. . 3
Positional Battles.. .........................
The Years to Come .................
Custom Armies.. ............................. . 5 6
Long After the Ruin .........................
Using Multiple Characters .................. .33
Calculating Values for a Custom Army., . . . . .. 5 6
HoDe for the Future .........................
.5 Technoloav In the Aftermath ....................
Custom Armv Values Table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ., 5 7
Pacing Thing
.. . 3 4
Example of a Custom Army . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 7
The Unexpec
Custom Armies after the Batt
Creating the Environment.. ......................
Measuring Electricity .......................
. 3 4 Characters in a Tactical Battle
The City Map .................................. . 8
Battle Results for Characters
.. . 3 5
Enclave City ................................
Fortunes of War Table ....................
Boss City ...................................
Critical Battle Resutts Table.. . . . . . . . . . . . . ..59
The Condition of the City.
After-Battle Results ....
Wind and Water Power ..................35 The Changed . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The Residential Areas . .
The Commercial Areas .......................
.. . 3 6 Physical Mutations ........................... . 6 1
Motorized Generators
Fuel Cells ...................
........ 36
Strongs . . . . . . . . .
The lndustr
s ....
......... 9
......... 9
Solar Screens ...............
........ 36 Ouicks . . . . .
Territory . .
......... 9
Nuclear Power ...........................
Toughs ....
Salvaging Electricity
.... 36
lmmunes ...
Size ........................................ . 9
Military Strength ............................
Wattage Output Ta
Resources ...................................


. .38

............... 12
............... 12

FueVPower . . . . .
Clothes/Armor .
Tools/Kits., ...............................
Medicine.. ................................



Class of Encounter ........................
Men Encounters.. .........................
Origins/lntentions of Groups.. ............. 17

Rat Encounters. ...........................

Event Encounters
Contamination Encounters.. ..

Psionic Powers.. ...........................

Projected Powers.. ....................... 64
Receptive Powers ........................
Systems Control.. ..........................
Telepathic Powers,, . .
. . . . . . . . . .64
Computer Resources .......................
ESP Powers.. ............................. 56
Psychokinetic Powers .................... . 6 7
Robots. ............
Precognitive Powers.. ....................
Determining Mutations., ..................... 69
Robot-Controlled Devices. . . . . . .
Mutation Generation Ta
. . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
Artificial Intelligence.. ..........
Psionic Function Table
. . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
Animatrons ....................
.. . 4 0
Physical Mutation Table
. . . . . . . . . . . . 70
Animatron StatiStiCS by Model.. ........... . 4 1
The Changed in the Future . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
Animatron Critical Hit Table .............. 4 1 Reputation ......................................
Repair and Reprogramming ................. . 4 1 Earned Reputation. ............................
High Tech Weapons
. . 4 1 positional Reputation .....
. . . 71
Recognition and Reputation.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
Laser Trauma (Option) .................... 4 2 variations on Reputation Due to Location.. . . . . . 71
. 4 2
Reputation Carryover Chart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 7 1
Exotic Firearm Ammo
Sabot Rounds . . . . .
Explosive Rounds .......................
Incendiary Rounds .......................
Flame Weapons ............................ . 4 3


Nuclear Weapons.


............ . 4 4

Stability., ...................................
Hazard Special Effects.. ................... 19
Beasts .........................................
Hostile Animals ..............................
Bears .
Cats ...............................
Dogs ..............................
Reptiles. ...................................
Sharks , . . , . .
Non-Hostile An


henry christen (order #23380)


Modified Diseases




.............. . 2 5
............... 2 6
......... . 2 7

Medicine ..............
Drugs .......................................
Medical Technology ........................


henry christen (order #23380)

henry christen (order #23380)

Running an Aftermath! Campaign

Well, by now you have certainly come to the conclusion
that you have an awful lot of work to do in runningAftermath!
We have admittedly been pretty free in our use of such
statements as At the Gamesmasters Discretion, or The
Gamesmaster Must Determine the Details for His
Campaign. It would have streamlined your job a lot if we had
decided to just publish one of our campaigns from the
playtest instead of going into the means by which the design
work is done. But that is not the intent of this game. Some
playing groups will really get off on the idea of an After the
World Ends game set only a few years into the Aftermath.
Others will prefer the campaign which starts centuries later.
The questions of how the Ruin came, just what it was, what
level civilization reached before it ended, etc., all provide
totally different worlds depending on the answer that fits
your vision of the post-Ruin environment.
So this is a very free-form set of rules. If it pleases garners,
there will be campaign-oriented materials to follow, to buy or
not as they prefer. All the information you need to set up a
campaign is here, in this set. Everything else is just window
Confronted by all this data: gun rules, hand-to-hand
combat systems, the specs on a hundred different factors i n
the game, it may be difficult to decide just where to start on
your own campaign, We found that the essential foundation
of any coherent campaign was the question What was the


There are numerous apocalypses in the literature dealing
with post-Ruin survival (not all of them fiction by any means).
The commonest of them all is war: man blowing himself back
to the caves. The forces of nature are not far behind. Novels
and speculative works of science have posited catastrophes
based on climatic changes, hits by comets or asteroids,
alterations in the conditions of space around Earth, oceanic
changes, etc. Lately, the possiblity has been raised, again by
novelist and scientist alike, that we are polluting ourselves
into a Ruin. And these represent only part of the list of
possible endings to humanitys latest chapter i n the roll call
of fallen civilizations.
In any universal calamity, there will be three phases, of
varying intensity and duration. Sometimes one dill overlap
another. In some cases, there will be no clear dividing line
between phases. But they will always be present t o some

Pre-Ruin Unrest

The length of this phase directly depends upon the time

between the first solid proof that the Ruin is coming and its
actual occurrence. Threats of war, the sighting of an
oncoming planetary collision, the beginning of the ultimate
eco-catastrophe, all will trigger a social upheaval as people
vent their fears and furies in a culture where the force of law
is abrogated by the impending demise of the system that
created it. Riots, huge migrations from danger areas in
search (usually forlorn) of some safe place, outbreaks of
impulse crimes on an unprecedented scale will plague the
last days of mans culture. How effective a deterrent is the
death penalty in a world where everyone lives under the
same sentence? What will keep police or other safety
workers on the job when all they are doing is keeping things
tidy for the final break-up? There will be the men with duty as

their prime motivation, the ones who will stand to their

station until the end. There will also be skeptics, the ones
who do not believe all that hogwash, who will ignore the
oncoming ending of things because they have common
sense. But wedo notthinktheywill beenough tostemthetide.
The Pre-Ruin Unrest phase will lead to an increase of
weapons and high-security sites in cities, as crime runs
rampant. Depending on its length, the men of good will may
also prepare in their way for the Ruin. Colonies in remote
areas may be established. Such locales may be the cradles of
the rebirth that we hope follows from any Aftermath!
campaign. Here the old technology may be preserved,
although in secret in those worlds where the mob blames
science for the downfall of the world it knew. These are the
priests and magicians of the generations to come, until the
day mankind is ready again to share freely the knowledge of
how things work.

Primary Kill
This is the actual Ruin itself. Whatever form it takes, we
posit that it will wipe 90% or more of the population from the
face of the globe, and directly or indirectly shatter the major
edifices of mans culture into the bargain. The Ruin may be
over in a matter of hours or it may drag on for years. But when
it is over, the Earth will seem an alien and savage world.

Secondary Kill
When civilization collapses, think of what will go with it. The
first to die will be those whose lives directly depend on its
resources: diabetics, others on major medical support, city
dwellers cut off from food and water, light and power, those
who survive in remote areas only by virtue of supplies from
more plentifully endowed markets. Famine will stalk our
overpopulated nations as support from the agricultural
powers is cut off. Plagues will sweep thesurvivors, no longer
able to tap the mighty resources of modern hospitals, and
living in the carnage following the Ruin. This wave of death
and destruction is the Secondary Kill. It will probably slay
50% or more of those who lived through the Ruin. It will also
complete the assassination of the works of mankind. Fires
will tear through vast areas of the deserted cities. Battles for
food and resources between groups of survivors will ravage
the land. Earth as we know it, alreadyacorpse, will be kicked
to shreds by the final spasms of the Secondary Kill.
When it is done, the fall of civilization will be complete.
From now on those who live at all will do so in the Aftermath!


First on our list of possible Ruins, we have the threat of one
last, global war. For various reasons, we do not assume a
strategic, nuclear spasm war to have occurred. If it did, there
is no one left to play the game, right? But let us discuss the
main possibilities.
We perceive the best war-based Ruinsfora campaign to be
either Conventional, Biochemical, or NBC (Nuclear,
Biological, and Chemical).

It is very unlikely that aconventional war could put modern
civilization into an Aftermathlsituation. It does just fine in the
Secondary Kill, but the world today seems too large, too
decentralized, for the limited capabilities of chemical
explosives and mass armies to be enough to destroy it. Oh,
such a global war could cause widespread suffering, local

henry christen (order #23380)

collapses of order, but not a Ruin. This option is offered for

those fans of H. G. Wells, Stanley Weinbaum, Edgar Rice
Burroughs, et al. who foresaw, in the almost innocent days
before there were atomic bombs, a massive conventional war
which would shatter the structure of world society, hurling
people back to a primitive level of culture within a few
generations. While most of these visions foresaw the use of
biological weapons as well, they were just the frosting on the
cake, and had no lingering effects o n the world of the
The heroes in these campaigns will, if they follow the
pattern of the above-mentioned authors, be splendid
specimens of WASP masculinity, who call their companions
Fellows, or even Chaps. They may be members of
civilized enclaves, exploring the ruined outer world, or
simply members of primitive societies, driven by inner
memories of a finer, nobler time. The advantage of such
campaigns, once cleared of some of the more dated racial or
sexual concepts of their authors, is that a clear-cut code of
the Good Guys exists, so that an ethical standard can be
maintained should the nihilistic possibilities of a more
modern setting distress you. The disadvantage is that
considerable research and retuning of the technology used
in the rules will have to be done, to flavor the campaign with
the usually unwieldy brand of technology foreseen by the
writers who generated the source works for the campaign.

When it is all over, the world is fast sinking into the new
dark age. Only God knows when it will rise again. The
survivors move through a plague-blasted, germ-laden
environment, seeking only one day of life at a time.

Biochemical War
Sometime in the late 20th century, the nations of the world
finally came t o an agreement regarding nuclear
disarmament. To unbounded relief and rejoicing, the big
bombs were dismantled, fired into space, or converted to
peaceful uses. The era of world peace and safety was at
hand! The first plague bombs fell about ten years later.
If we posit that nuclear conflict does not happen, the above
scenario is a very real possibility. Nations that never could
have mounted the expensive support needed for nuclear
expansion can easily handle the modest bill for biological
research. With recombinant DNA studies a reality today, any
ethical cripple with a good research facility can produce a
mutated virus or bacterium that modern medicine cannot
recognize, and send it on its merry way via aerial sprays,
small missiles, or even an agent with a flask of the culture in a
briefcase. Release a few dozen rats carring fleas infected
with Bubonic Plague into New Yorks waterfront area, and in
a week you will see that city tottering on the path todeath, its
populace fleeing madly out, some of them bognd to be
carriers. Now multiply that by several hundred seaports all
over the world. In the middle ages, successive pandemics of
plague reduced the population of Europe by up to 90% in
some places. Overall, two persons in three had died when the
Plague Years ended.
If a long period of building international tension, with afew
brushfire wars that bear home the feeling that the end is in
sight for modern civilization, is posited in the Pre-Ruin
period, then a Phase of Unrest will begin the events of the
campaigns history. After a few years of this initial death
agony, the final war breaks out. Laboratory-spawned
plagues will sweep the globe. A s fast as medicine finds one
cure, a dozen new pathogens are released from the military
research centers, or, far more likely, spawned by unforeseen
mutations in the old organisms. Genetically unstable, the
virus that one nation meant as a non-lethal means of
incapacitating an enemy force is suddenly transformed into
a raging pestilence that strikes down friend and foe alike,
ignoring vaccines prepared to deal with its original form.
Amidst the almost-deserted cities, riots break out. The
scientists who caused it all are lynched in their hundreds.
The madness spreads. He knows how machines work, so
string him up. Hewasa politician, burn him! He knows howto
read, kill him!!!

henry christen (order #23380)

the Gamesmaster several handy options. If he

wishes to avoid the potential complexities of having largely

intact cities available for character exploration, he may posit
that strategic nuclear strikes were made with arsenals
reduced by partial disarmament treaties only on major
military and civil targets. The rest of the destruction Was
biochemical. One campaign run independently of our main
playtests used a unique variation on this theme.
The Player Characters were all members of one
Community, moderately well-established in a large cavern
system outside Washington, D.C. The War was 20 years ago.
Nuclear strikes and biological contamination had turned the
cities into hellholes of radiation and viral poisoning. But now,
in the last few months, travelers are coming through who
report that it is possible to trespass in the cities and survive,
although hostile mutants, diseased bandit tribes, and the
still-lethal pollutants in many areas makes it risky, to say the
least. Characters are sent out to forage for desperately
needed supplies in the ruins of the nations capital. They find
hair-raising adventures and much useful loot, although most
of their finds must be turned over to the community. The
dilemma they face is whether to return to the caverns from a
given trip, or try to survive on their own with what they can
get. It has its good points as a campaign, especially in the
early stages, when the Gamesmaster can maintain pretty
tight control over what is obtained by the characters, and
what they can find in the city, as well as having well-defined
lists of available Skills and resources in the community for
learning or trade.
In many ways, the use of the NBC war is the best scenario
for your campaign, always assuming that war was the
manner of the Ruin in the first place.


Have you ever considered the possible results of a New Ice
Age, one that starts tomorrow and is in full swing within a
century? Contemplate the Pre-Ruin Unrest inherent in that
situation! If we manage to melt the polar ice with a
Greenhouse Effect, not much, say 5% in the next 50 years,
with a little help from some theory that does not pan out (say
using nuclear warheads to clear a trans-polar channel, or
some equally harebrained scheme), do you care to picture
the resulting rise in sea level and its effects on our society?
Or just drop a decent-sized celestial traveler onto the Earth,
or swing some massive cosmic hitchhiker through the
system on a course too close for comfort. Bang! No more
The major attraction of this type of Ruin is also its major
disadvantage: the world is reshaped by the catastrophe.
Seas lie upon shorelines that do not now exist, at least not as
waterfront properties. Cities are pilesof rubble in the wake of
earthquakes. Mountain ranges may change their addresses.
The Gamesmaster must take a correcting pencil to his Atlas
if he is going to play in this league. But, especially if setting
the campaign in the far future (the 200 Years After
Campaign), when humanity is getting used to its remodelled
domicile, the Gamesmaster can build fascinating histories of
what had been just waiting for his Players to unravel their
mysteries. Or picture the Players portraying the first few
generations of survivors: Well, 1-66 should cross the
Mississippi here, but theres this inland sea in the way ...
If the main attraction for you in running an Aftermath!
campaign is confronting the 20th-century folk who are
Playing with the changes in 2lst-century America, using
their Preconceptions about how it will be to surprise and
challenge them, then such a Ruin may well serve your needs.

The less-likely campaign premises include at least one
classic: Earth enslaved, a conquered world under the

uncaring heel of an alien invader. Humanityskulks in the rayblasted, bomb-cratered ruins of its cities or the returning
forests in the countryside, struggling to survive until i t is
strong enough to drive the overlords off the planet, making it
free oncemore.Theclassic, albeit dated, workoffiction which
deals with this idea is H.G. Wells War of the Worlds. In one
of our playtest campaigns, the basic premise of the Ruin was
that the Martians, as Wellsdescribed them, returned. Finding
humanity on the verge of world war, they fomented this
divisiveness, stoking human passions to further the ends of
their own gigantic and passionless intellects. When the
nations had set each other reeling in a dozen brushfire wars,
Martian missiles were launched from translunar orbit,
striking at targets in both superpowers territories. Each
government assumed that the other was responsible. WWlll
broke out, but within days it wasovershadowed by Planetary
War II, as the great Martian landers touched down,
disgorging the tripodal battle machines familiar from Wells
history of the first conflict. With almost a century of
continued research and development, the Martians
possessed even more potent weapons than before. Their
own experience of germ warfare, at the hands of Earths
biosphere in their former invasion, had led them to develop
human-compatible bio-weapons of their own for this return
match. Alien fevers scythed down the dazed survivors of the
human war.
Now the planet is a wasteland, a wilderness. Martian
centers dot the globe, each widely removed from the other.
Between them, amidst the ruins, men fight to live, and await
the day when they are strong enough to arise in rebellion
against the masters.
Here and there, men have turned their coats with a
completeness never before recorded in the annals of
treason. The Hunters serve the Martians, Janisaries who
carry out the missions the aliens do not wish to undertake
themselves. Why Hunters? You will recall that Wellss
history intimates that Martians are carnivores. He was right.
The alien conquest campaign may not appeal to everyone.
Players have reported feeling intense helplessness when
confronted with the monolithic power of the Martians. But it
provides two important factors to the campaign: alien
technology allows the Gamesmaster to introduce artifacts
beyond our own ability to develop, and a single goal
confronts those Players who have undertaken to follow the
Promise of new birth: cast out the invader!
The Alien campaigns will require a bit of rule-writing by the
Gamesmaster: what kind of alien is involved, their goals,
how their devices work, and which ones, if any, can be take
over by humans. The Martian Campaign has evolved a whole
series of designs for various models of the tripods, for
example, each with its special strengths and weaknesses. We
have found that the time invested in this activity will beamply
repaid by a fast-moving, very unusual campaign.

Earth swims silently through the endless cosmos. Infinite
in scope, can we say that its secrets will ever reveal
themselves fully? Can we be sure that fate, or our own apecurious probings of those secrets, will not one day alter life
on Earth into a new form, shattering the old life forever?
Should our world violently transmigrate into a new
dimension or a twist in space, suffering outrageous stresses
upon its very fabric, triggering quakes, storms, mountainous
waves, thiswould in itself bea Ruin in thegrand tradition. But
as the battered survivors drag themselves out from beneath
the rubble of their civilization, there are other changes to
They share a world with the creatures of dream-or
nightmare! Vampire shapes flit on bat wings through the
night. Dragons dwell beneath theearth. The Little People are
a folk-tale no more, but a living reality. Dormant within

henry christen (order #23380)

humanity since the elder days, the forces we call magic are
now there for those who would plumb their dark secrets. A
force of enchantment is loose in the world and shall not be
put back.
This may sound far-fetched, but at least one post-Ruin
trilogy. Fred Saberhagens Changling Earth books, (now
collected as Empire of the East), is set in exactly this kind of
world. The protagonists of this series use the forces of magic
and the ancient, mysterious technology to combat the
despotic Empire of the East.
Those of you who prefer the scintillating charms of a
traditional fantasy campaign to the harder-edged world of
a realistic Aftermath! game should consider the hours of
fascinating play to be had by combining the two concepts.
As with most of the more exotic scenarios, this will require
some extra homework. An occult science will have to be
designed or adapted from an existing Role Playing Game.
Scores must be worked out for fantasy creatures, and their
powers carefully quantified. The Gamesmasterwill probably
want to edit the technology available to the characters, SOaS
to preserve a balance between the new magic and the old
science. Each set of Skills should have areas of competence
denied to the other, so that sorcerer and engineer alike have
unique abilities, granting great power to the man who can
combine knowledge in both fields.

campaign retain any knowledge of the old ways? Is

electricity familiar, sacred, taboo, or forgotten? The more
fragile devices of the pre-Ruin time will be mostly junk,
unless newly retrieved from sealed and near-perfect storage.
The cities will probably be places of awe, dangerous with
outlaws, mutants, ancient contaminations, and the rest. If
gunpowder is not a lost material, the best a character can
hope to find of local manufacture will be a muzzle-loader.
Themodern firearms, and the ammunition forthem, will be
coveted prizes brought back by the adventurers who dare the
old sites in search of treasure.
As the generations pass in the mutagen-filled post-Ruin
environment, the Changed, human and otherwise, will have
grown in power and development. Psionic abilities undreamt
of will manifest themselves. Beasts will be altered in a
hundred wonderful ways. To take only one example, the
Master Rats will doubtless be well on their way to becoming a
major competitor for Homo Sapienss place in the sun. As
uncontested rulers of the cities in some areas, they may be
heir to more of the ancient technology than its blood
descendants, living in tribal communities or crudely-walled
cities on the distant plains.
The 200 Years After Campaign permits many of the
factors of a pure fantasy campaign (chivalric codes, heroic
ideals, swashbuckling) t o be combined with the
technological wonders of Aftermath! The Gamesmaster may
construct his game-civilization without reference to the
culture that spawned it, for apart from certain old sayings
and obscure name derivations, the primitive world of the
campaign is created out of whole cloth.
The bibliography contains numerous listings of books set
in such cultures, as it does works dealing with all the topics
we have covered so far.
A description of a medium-sized 200 Years After
Community may help illuminate some aspects of such a

The Bul People: the Story

As you can see, Aftermath! need not be limited to the

modern survivor scrabbling grimly through the ruins of his
old world. The Gamesmaster can fit his campaign to hisown
view of what will provide an exciting game for the group
under his guidance, mixing the concepts listed above and
adding his own creative genius to the stew, stirring with
patient testing, adding more spice of adventure, to deliver a
finished dish to the table capable of pleasing the most
demanding Role-Players taste.


Long After the Ruin
Once the Gamesmaster has decided what the Ruin was, he
must decide when it was! The standard period used for most
Aftermath! designs in the basic rules posits what we call the
First Generation Campaign. This usually places the Ruin
about 20 years or so in the past, so that older characters are
yet living who remember the pre-Ruin world in all its glory.
But the apocalyptic literary tradition abounds with works set
generations after the Ruin they speak of. In the absence of
organized centers preserving the old knowledge, or an
environment where public avowal of such knowledge is
tantamount to suicide, due to an anti-intellectual backlash
(Its the Scientists fault! Lets kill em all!) then in only a few
generations mankind could slip back into barbarism. We
have spoken to this briefly in the Player Essay in Book 2. The
Gamesmaster who undertakes such a campaign has extra
work to do. He must decide how much of the ancient science
is still known, and by whom. Do the normal cultures of the

Living in the East Central portion of Twobomz Valley, an

area bounded on all sides by high mountains or lethal Blast
Barrens, where the Demons of the Fawlout still seek the
lives of men, the Bul People number about 2500. They are
Masters of Trade among the Valley tribes in the fields of
animal products from their great riding Buls (mutated cattle)
and fine glass, produced from the silicates of the nearby
desert. This latter technique is a closely-guarded secret of
their Guildmen. Armed primarily with Lance, Bow, and Axe,
the Warmen of the tribe are also noted for their skill with
Musket and Pistol, but such weapons are not used in intertribal conflicts, being accounted as cowardly weapons for
combat between warriors.
The Bul People worship a pantheon with several principal
gods leading it: Volta, God of Lightning, whose priests have
magics that sometimes make the old devices found by
travelers work again; Telgraf, whose priests seem able to
send news across the valley in hours, their temples being
regarded as inviolate centers of information in all the tribal
cities; Rengen, God of Protection, who warns of the
presence of the Demons of the Fawlout. Those gaining the
favor of the priests of this latter deity may be given amulets
for use when penetrating the Blast Barrens in serach of the
old magic. These amulets scream when the Demons are
near, warning the bearer to flee for his life lest they curse him
with the Sickness.
Vinz, of the Bul People, is a young Warman, trained in the
fighting and hunting arts of his people. He owns several
pieces of the ancients magical armor, heirlooms in his
family, a fine WarBul for riding, and assorted handweapons.
On the last tribal raid on their neighbors, heacquired a brace
of flintlock postols, with powder and ball for over a dozen
shots. He is a well-respected young fighter, but there is
doubt about his sanity. He continually asks about things that

henry christen (order #23380)

any well-balanced individual takes for granted. It comes as

no surprise t o the tribal elders, the Shamen, that Vinz has
volunteered to the a Scout, one of those who search the Blast
Barrens for old magic, to give the tribe more mana by the
possessing of ancient artifacts. As his presence i n the city is
a worry to some of the more orthodox leaders, he will
probably be allowed to undertake the task, but if there is
indeed some hope that he will perish in the dangerous
mission. he may not receive some of the special magics that
will better his chances of survival.

The Real Story of the Bul People

The Bul People and their neighbors live in a valley formed
by the tectonic activity triggered by nuclear warheads on
local fault lines. This area was not exposed to direct attack
nor to the weather patterns carrying deadly fallout. They are
the descendants of survivors of an NBC war, reverted to a
tribal society and generally low technology. They do possess
gunpowder, and the knowledge of metallurgy to make
muzzle-loading firearms, as well as good steel weapons and
armor. Certain other skills (such as glassblowing) have also
been preserved.
High technology is regarded as magical. The only places
where some understanding of its operation survives are in
the various temples (Volta, God of Lightning, is the front
for a small Solar Screen power station; Telgrafs priesthood
maintains working telecommunication between his temples;
Rengens cult sprang from a civil defense group who still
have some geiger counters and nuclear decontamination
gear). The priests use this knowledge to hold their positions
of power, and do not react well to laymens attempts to study
the ancient skills.
Vinz is a misfit. A well-trained warrior, he has the itch to
learn how things were before The Blast (TwobomzValleys
term for the Ruin). This does not endear him t o the
priesthood, who are overjoyed that he wants to go out into
the radioactive hell beyond the valleys mouth. They will not
aid him in his quest, and if he returns with too much
knowledge, they may well try to cast him out oreven kill him,
as a heretic.
The Gamesmaster in this campaign posited the following

In the murderous competition for arable, radiation-free

land after the war, the survivors combined into small
groups, possibly several familes that had lived close
together before the Ruin. They gravitated toan area in the
newly-formed valley, which must have been a hellishly
hostile landscape in the first days of its existence, but one
which was free of fallout or bio-contamination, dug in,
and held off all outsiders. This tradition, that all strangers
are dangerous because they compete for limited survival
resources, has held to the campaigns time; hence the
fierce raids on other tribes, and the equally fierce
insularity opposed to intrusions.

Since the early survivor groups, the proto-tribes, had

almost no intercourse with other groups, only those skills
which could be passed from one member of the group to
another survived. This has led to small amounts of trade in
recent years, the Bul People trading the glass which is
their monopoly to, say, the Gorge Folk up the valley, who
make the finest steel in the area.

Mutations in the inbred tribes were strongly reinforced in

the early generations, with the culling process ruthlessly
applied by both men and nature t o weed out the contrasurvival changes. It would be quite normal for a group of
strains to exist tied to certain bloodlines, so that a
characters ancestry would determine what his chances of
having a given mutation were. Vinz, for example, is of the
Smits family line, with links to the Jonzon family. The
Smits have a dominant trait of Night Eyes (an advanced

form of the Eye mutation, allowing full night vision

without the attandant sensitivity to normal light), and the
Jonzons have pure white hair. Vinz might have oneor both
of these traits, as well as any other Changes thecampaign
allows to characters.
Mutated humans living in savagery (Blast Demons, in the
valley parlance) would pose a threat to the tribal cultures.
Strange mutations among plants and animals could also
make life somewhat exciting for travelers. But the genetic
juggling following the war will also throw up a few
blessings. The Buls from which Vinzs people take their name
are huge cattle, with shaggy coats (Armor Value 5), great
strength and endurance, and two wickedly sharp, hard
horns, which act as lances in the full charge favored by the
Warmen. These creatures provide food, clothing, fuel for
fires, building materials, etc., to the tribe, as the buffalo did
for the Plains Amerindian of the pre-settler Western U. S.
In beginning such a campaign, the Gamesmaster will do
well to build one tribe (or other culture) in detail, assuming
all Player Characters to be natives of that society. A small
area should be mapped out. including one or more
neighboring tribes, and several places of mystery or
interest, such as a small ruined city from before the Ruin, an
area haunted by bandits, astretch of mutant jungle filled with
strange creatures for the young heroes to hunt, and perhaps
an ancient military base or other site of much magic, where
the characters can pit their wits and courage against the full
might of the old technology, say under the control of some
advanced security computer, with a few working robots
(Spirit Warmen) to make life interesting. As he feels ready
to extend the campaign beyond the confines of thisarea, the
Gamesmaster can start rumors of great adventures in more
distant lands, send caravans from far-off places traveling
through, entice the characters onto automated rapid-transit
systems that just happen still to be working, etc.
Great care should be taken in the early days of the
campaign to describe technological artifacts in terms that
the characters would use. They will probably recognize a
modern gun as a firearm if they have similar weapons
themselves, but they would not necessarliy recognize a
mortar. Nor will they be adept at operating even familiar
items at first. A magic rifle that fires many times is great in a
fight, until you have to try t o figure out how to reload. And
what is the steel box with soft wheels for? If you have never
seen an ignition key, how long do you think it will taketo get a
car started?
Such research should be assigned a Task Point value
and a Task Period based on the number of potential false
starts in solving the problem. If thedevice has asimpleon/off
button, it will not be too long a Task to figure out that if you
push it, something will happen. If the control panel happens
to belong to a 747, the Task Period could be weeks at a time,
if it is not just impossible without some source of outside
In the 200Years Afterlcampaign, knowledge is power in a
very real sense. The Gamesmaster should be pretty
generous with old books, active computerized teaching
machines, crazy old hermits with technological training,
and so on. Mastery of the old knowledge should be difficult,
but not impossible.

Hope for the Future

We discussed the Promise at some length in the Players
article in Book 2. The Gamesmaster must also come to terms
with this idea. If Players are working along lines of
reconstruction i n the campaign, even if it is less organized
than it might be, as will certainly be the case for early
characters in a 200 Years After campaign, it behooves the
Gamesmaster t o be somewhat supportive of their efforts. He
should allow them to engage in such activities as locating

henry christen (order #23380)

and occupying personal holdings, areas they can use as a

base of operations, and around which they can potentially
set up Communities.
The challenges in such activity will be many: food and
water must be available for the group, the location must be
defensible, skilled technicians must be enticed to join to
support the artifacts used for power, medical facilities are
needed, etc. This is something that can be gradual, an effort
that the Player Characters must maintain over years of game
time, if it is to haveany lasting result. Sincethe Promise is the
work of generations, it is not likely that a dull era of peace
or new civilization will end the adventures of the campaign
due to the characters efforts. It is not the kind of result that is
going to come about rapidly. Characters will fight and die for
the Promise without ever seeing it happen. All they can try to
do is give it a start. It took western civilization almost 300
years to start growing again after the Fall of Rome, a blow of
much less earth-shattering consequences than the Ruin.
Gamesmasters who do not want to get into the full
ramifications of such Player activity may wish to set up one
or two centers of new growth that the characters may throw
in their lots with. Since he is in full control of the progress of
these enclaves, the Gamesmaster can set up raids by other
groups, famines, plagues, etc., without automatically
engaging the Players in such activities, as would be the case
if the Players were in full control of the community. But
Players who are prepared t o d o the logistic work in setting up
a center should be allowed to do so. They must account for
feeding their population, acquiring tools, weapons,
medicine, etc., along lines laid down by the Gamesmaster,
and be ready to do the bookkeeping for such expansion.
The driving force in bringing new characters, Non-Player
Characters, into the community, will be the Charismatic
Talent of some Player Character. Such a leader figure should
be a person that people can follow, an organizer, someone to
inspire his people. The Player should get some idea of what
kind of experience the leader must have, if he is trying to
build such a character, and he and the Gamesmaster should
go over the idea in some detail. It should not be possible to
start a character in this shape. He may be designed to have
the right Attributes and Talents, but the Reputation and
Skills that will fit him for the job must be acquired in the
course of play, as are the resources necessary to establish
the community.
As the group increases its numbers and wealth, it will
become more and more noticeable to the human predators
who haunt the ruins. Attacks by bandit groups, expansionist
Communities, and plain old hordes of scavengers will
become a probelm. As the numbers and firepower involved
increase, the size of the conflicts will grow into the Tactical
Battle scale. The military leadership of the community must
be quantified, and the Gamesmaster can fairly insist that the
construction of the army and the handling of battles bedone
by the Players. Thus, the various Military Command Skills
should not be neglected by those who would set up their own
It is hardly sporting to throw enormous forces of NonPlayer soldiers at the new community. The Gamesmaster
should roll Reaction Dice to gauge the danger of the TSP of
attackers Force when compared to the Player-controlled
Army, whether or not it is a Custom Army.
Communities in such campaigns as the Alien Conquest
will also be in danger of attracting the attention of the
invaders. This should be set up as a probability derived from
the technological level of the community, its size, and the
amount of overt action it takes against the aliens.
Character can fit into an existing community in various
ways. Goals might be in complete agreement or
diametrically opposed. Advancement within the community
might come easily or be opposed. Sometimes the constraints
placed on the Player Characterswill be unacceptabletothem.

Of course, Players may also be interested in setting up

less-than-enlightened groups themselves. The methods
they use to gain population or resources can extend with
ease to robbery, Troll work, slavery, etc. This idea may not
be appealing to some.
In operating the campaign, the Gamesmaster will soon
find that some goal, some reason to survive, is a necessity.
The Promise is the most viable of the many possibilities, and
can itself take many forms. The footloose adventurers who
want to know what there is to knaw in the new world fulfill the
Promise as much as those who try to save only a few square
miles of it from the darkness. Those who give their energies
to fulfilling any ideal, noble or not, will find that it fuels their
character motivations to an extent that simply trying to
survive cannot. The Gamesmaster should encourage such
play with scenarios designed to let characters follow through
on their dreams, and by writing the plot of the campaign to
tell stories with room for those goals in them.

The overall view of the campaign is one thing, but when it is
boiled down into its basic components, any Role Playing
Game consists of a series of discrete adventures, which will
relate to an overall history according to the campaigns
culture and the deeds of the Player Characters. These are the
scenarios. At first they should be fairly short and to the point:
There is a bunch of bandits holed u p in theold warehouse
on the south side of town.
They say that old Army base has some good weapons still
in it. If the Master Rats there havent found them.
As the Players and Gamesmaster gain familiarity with the
rules, and the driving concepts behind their campaign
become less nebulous, the scope of the scenarios can
That bunch of goons you wiped out last month? They
belonged to the Cartel, over in New Jarvis. Theyve put a
price on your head.
The Regis Commune is offering a reward for anyone who
can supply them with Solar Screens.
There is a trader caravan hiring guards to head out to the
Lake Communities.
Such challenges can impel the characters to travel to the
new locations the Gamesmaster has prepared, either
because their current one is getting unhealthy, or because
there are greener pastures in the new site. Of course, either
the local threat or the distant attraction can be nonexistent,
founded on the hyper-active rumor mill of the inhabitants of
the Aftermath.
A scenario can be a straight challenge, or have a definite
mission attached. In either case, risks overcome should
carry proportionate rewards, although this is not an absolute
rule. If you knock a 75-year-old guard over the head, he
should not turn out to be protecting a years supply Of
Polycellulac-4. If you have to fight your way through 50
heavily-armed fanatics, they would not have been defending
3 flat tires and a copy of Newsweek. In terms of loot,
especially combat gear, keep in mind that winning the fight
can indeed lead directly to commensurate reward. Unless
you had to blow the opponent up to kill him, his armor and
weapons will usually be intact. Stripping the fallen of their
gear can swiftly enrich the characters beyond any need on
the Gamesmasters part to add more goodies to the pot. This
can lead to further complications in itself. Lugging a small
arsenal around for later barter will impede the characters
considerably. They may have to face Hobsons Choice,
leaving valuable goods lying around where they are certain
to be snapped up by scavengers, or carrying them around so

henry christen (order #23380)

that they are easy prey for robbery, as the characters stagger
full-loaded around the hazard-infested Ruins. The need for a
place to store or trade goods on an organized basis should
motivate most Players to seek a Community or personal
stronghold that will maintain fairly good relations on a
constant basis, so that they can dispose of loot as it
As characters increase in power (firepower or otherwise),
it is important that the scenarios they face grow in
complexity. Situations where guts and cleverness are more
important than brute force are not difficult to contrive.
Limited space, or foes who are resistant to gunfire, coupled
with some kind of mystery, can pose a greater challenge that
simply upping the ante i n terms of how many guns they face
in their next firefight.

We will close by pointing out that the demands made upon
the Gamesmasters creative imagination are continuous in a
Role Playing Game. Scenarios should not be different
versions of the same basic plot, with new backgrounds; they
should be entirely new experiences. The proliferation of
strange new phenomena and creatures can aid in keeping
the Players in a constant state of both curiosity and
apprehension, as can new and weird physical locations. We
give several interesting types of threat below, to spark the
imagination of Gamesmasters in designing their own
strange inhabitants for the Aftermath.

The Burning Ones

Mutated humans (?) who are impregnated with intense
radiation. They evince no fixed purpose but are, as far as
fragmentary studies by post-Ruin science can tell, dead
creatures motivated by the impulses impregnating their
nervous systems. They exhibit an uncanny ability to locate
organic, animal life. They will attempt to eradicate thesource
of this attraction. Burning Ones are not possessed of DRT as
such. They must be hacked to pieces to be stopped, and even
then the tissues are still intensely hot.








They will bludgeon at a figure using Brawling, with a BCS of
10. They use no other weapons. The Burning Ones radiate a
field of (10100 x 10) + 500, or 510-1500, REM per Hour, t o a
distance of 10 meters. When struck on any Location of a limb
and taking 10 points or more of Lethal Damage, the limb will
be severed. The creature will only stop moving towards living
things when both arms and legs are gone. Severing the neck
will not reduce its insensate drive to move toward other
beings, nor do its perceptions seem to require the use of its
eyes. It will keep moving and attacking. The Burning
Ones have a base BMA of 1, which is reduced by .25 per limb
Characters have a 10% chance of being contaminated
when they strike a Burning One. They will be exposed to 10%
of its total REM per Hour score, until they havediscarded the
contaminated item or washed thoroughly in running water.
Roll 1D100 when striking. A score of 01-50 means the
weapon is contaminated; a 51-75 means a random Location
has been spattered, contaminating the piece of armor
covering the Location; 76 or higher, both the weapon and a
random Location are spattered. Each item or location will
carry a 10% charge of radiation, so that 3 such
contaminations means that the character is exposed to 30%
of the Burning Ones total score of radioactivity.
Subdual Damage or missile damage of any kind
(mechanical or firearms) does not affect Burning Ones.
Lasers will slice them up as they can do to any target.

The Vampires
These mutants, altered by biological agents or radiants,
are not the supernatural creatures their names would lead
one to expect. They are gifted with extreme strength and fast
reaction time. They have both the Eye and Ear mutations
given in the Changed rules. Membranous growths along
their sides allow them to glide, rather like flying squirrels, at
an airborne BMA of about 3,losing 103 meters of altitude per
30 mleters of distance covered (they can lose altitude faster if
they desire).
They have extremely high DRT, and are immune to all
known biological weapons and diseases. They wear little
armor, since they cannot encumber their wings, but will
use helmets and can buckle protection over Locations 8-12,
where the arrangement of the membranes allows some
15 15
Shock Factor
(The above statistics represent the average vampire. Add
l D l 0 or even 2D10 for Leader types among this race.)
The vampires are not a large group yet. Their infection may
be passed on by their bite, as in the old legends, but this is a
disease, formula 1-(+)-1
Days. Its symptoms
are Weakness, sensitivity to light (treat as an Eye once the
Advance exceeds the Health AST), and coma once the
Advance exceeds the Health CST. Crisis will cause death in
the normal sense, but the body will regain consciousness as
a Vampire-mutant 1D3 days after death.
The victim who is killed by the vampire (or anyone else)
before the disease runs its course is just dead. Since the
Vampires are usually hungry, they do not often expand their
race, preferring to finish the meal completely. They will seek
to render their victim unconscious, or even dead if they can
do it without wasting too much of his blood. When dining
off a victims veins, roll l D l 0 0 to see how much of his blood
they drain. The score rolled is the percentage of the victims
full DRT (not effective DRT) they will take. If losing that many
points will kit1 him, the victim dies. If hesurvives, check to see
if he is infected.
Most of the Vampires will use weapons doing Crush or
Combination damage, to avoid too much blood loss in their
victims. They do like Lasers, since these cauterize their
wounds, avoiding the wastage of food.
Some Vampires see themselves as the homo superior,
the next step in mans evolution. These will tend to control
their hunger better, in order to make more like themselves.

These are automated devices of any kind which have
suffered program change or degradation. The Cybernetics
section (p. 38) discusses the heavier forms of such
machinery, with deliberately programmed changes. Gizmos
are, say, automated vacuum cleaners, industrial size, which
have become programmed to attack anything with dirty feet.
At some 5-10 kph, they will zoom along a corridor to bash a
newly arrived intruder with dusty boots.
Depending on the level of automation achieved in the preRuin culture, Gizmos can be anything from televisions to
buses, rampaging around the city or lying in wait for the
unwary, only needing the strange trigger that the
Gamesmaster has designated to send them into a weird
attack on the characters. More than one character in the
playtest has been knocked silly by a contrary, automatic
door slamming shut in his face after opening invitingly.
The strange creatures listed above partake more of the
nature of fantasy than of science fiction, and are included in
these rules to reassure those who might otherwise hesitate to
introduce such factors into their campaign.
If it reads well, do it!

henry christen (order #23380)


The maintenance of the post-Ruin environment, the
destroyed cities, the deserted countryside, are a major part
of the Gamesmasters job. If the characters are wandering
and searching at random through the city, must he prepare
maps of every block in detail? No, this kind of effort is only
called for when an area contains some prepared adventure
or place of interest. How then to measure the probabilities of
finding some useful (or useless) item ready for salvage in a
randomly-selected city block?

The City Map

A separate Scenario Pack is available from Fantasy
Games Unlimited. It is asmall city, Littleton, mapped out to
show principal communities, and locations known to contain
features of interest. If the Gamesmaster is using thescenario
city to start his campaign, he should divide the city into
Commercial, Residential, and Industrial areas, noting the
divisions carefully. Random search in a particular area will
have particular results.
There will come a time when the Campaign outgrows
Littleton. The Gamesmaster will know it has come when he
feels ready to tacklea real city with the techniques used in his
Littleton. The archetypical Aftermath! campaign is centered
on the Gamesmasters home city, or a city he knows well.
This permits him to run a flowing, easy-playing session, and
to bestow strange fates upon those places he dislikes. A s he
has 10-20 years of pre-Ruin development to build into the
city, he can alter enough of it to prevent the players from
knowing everything about the citys layout. Hecan introduce
locations not currently in existance (armories, government
reservations, and so on) which will be the sites of character
foraging in the scenarios.
No matter the size or complexity of a city, the first step to
setting up a campaign based there is procuring a fairly welldetailed map. Street maps made from aerial photographs are
best, especially i f they show schools. museums, police
stations, monuments, etc., etc. All such unique locales are
grist for the scenario mill.
Most of the testing for Aftermath! was conducted in two
campaigns, running concurrently. One was set in rural New
England, the characters moving through several cities as
transients, but spending significant time in only one major
municipality. The other confined its activity to Washington,
The D.C. campaign was played on a 25-page street map of
thecity, at2000tothe inch (1 kmtoabout4cm).Thescaleis
about 25000:l. This proved quite satisfactory for overall
mapping. The same scale was used in the map for the New
England campaign, played from a national road atlas and a
thick spiral-bound campers map of Rhode Island, which had
the added advantage of showing contours and other major
geological features not included in the Washington map. Be
that as it may, the desirable features for the campaign map

Size: The scale should be such that details are clear. The
larger the better, really. U.S. Geodesic Survey maps,
cheaply available from the Government Printing Office,
are ideal as far as scale goes, but lack certain other

Details: Street names, the location of special features and

sites, both are quite useful to the Gamesmaster.

henry christen (order #23380)

Especially important are police and military installations,

major transport nexi, subway stations if the city has such a
system, etc. The more color and detail that is available, the
better it is for the design of adventures, which need
clearly-defined sites and borders for the detailed and
tactical maps.
Room: The map should be on stock that will allow the
Gamesmaster to write his own notations. The print should
be clear enough to show through an overlay of
highlighting color, since color-coding is the easiest
method for differentiating areas as Residential,
Commercial, etc., or for putting a forest, totally rubbled
area, or what have you, on the map.

Convenience: The map, or map book, should be of a size

.and layout allowing the Gamesmaster to follow the
characters progress on it easily, with a minimum of
fumbling or squinting.
Having procured a suitable map, sit down and think about
what overall situation you want to exist there. Is it anenclave
city, where the survivors hold their communities in
isolation, venturing out only at need, or do such survivors as
dwell there move freely? We would advise discretion in
scattering organized communities about in great numbers.
Suddenly, adventurers are only an hour from succor in one
direction or another. Consider this: the resources available
in a given area of city are limited. If two communities come
into contention for these resources, they must either join
forces or fight. The results, as we see them, will run toward
one of two extremes:

Enclave City
Small, widely separated communities. Each is fiercely
independent, although trade and cooperation are not
impossible. Four such enclaves in the D.C. campaign are
signatory to a treaty providing protection for the medical
community based at D.C. General Hospital. Inhabitants of
enclaves are generally reluctant to become involved with
affairs outside their turf,and the wastes of the city combine
with this to constitute an effective barrier to travelers, with
the notable exceptions of Player Characters, bandits and
other human predators, and weirds.

Boss City
Some group or individual occupies a central power
position in the city. This is usually a result of superior survival
planning ability and/or firepower. The upshot of such a
situation may well be an incipient feudal society, the Boss
and his men being the aristocracy, offering protection, order,
and military defense to those who in turn proffer obedience
and a tithe of their products. The footloose adventurers who
seem to be the bulk of Player Characters are unlikely to be
very happy as permanent citizens of such a regime, although
if they can establish good relations with the inhabitants, such
cities would provide a useful base from which to operate on
expeditions into other territories.

The Condition of the City

Having established the overall nature of the parts of the
city that survive as human communities, the Gamesmaster
must deal with the rest of it. One of the premises used in the
D.C. campaign was that the rate of growth of forest land was
increased by a factor of 5 to 10 by the action of unforeseen

combinations of biowar agents. Thus, parks became thick

forests or jungles, and extended their boundaries for blocks.
In some areas, questing tendrils of the jungle grew together,
extending a barrier between parts of the city. Since
Washington is possessed of a very extensive zoo, this forest
is the habitat of a number of animals, both in their natural
condition and with mutants among them. Lions roam the
streets of the city, and charging rhinos have tried
conclusions with jeeps.
Certain areas of the city will be leveled, a wasteland of
empty shells and rubble. This is not necessarily a product of
the Ruin itself, for a primary element of Secondary Kill will be
fires, raging out of control in cities with neither fire fighters
nor water supplies. Rioting also accounts for a good deal of
the wasting of real estate.
It then remains to designate neighborhoods or larger
districts by one or more of several gradations: Forest,
Rubble, Residential, Commercial, Industrial, etc. This is best
handled by lightly overlaying the map with color-coded
highlighter, permitting the original streets and their names,
and other map features, to show clearly through the colored
inks. Pastel or lightly saturated colors should be used. A red
overlay is a very clear marking, but may cause red-inked map
inscriptions to disappear unless a very light shade of
highlighter is used.
So now our city map is ablaze with colors, having special
locations marked out. Large communities have boundaries
drawn in, covering whole blocks of territory.
If the campaign is based on a ruin which left behind longterm, widespread contaminated areas, any such should also
be shown on the map, possibly by another color code. A
large radioactive zone, for instance, would fall into this

The Residential Areas

These were sections of the city devoted to family dwellings
and apartments before the Ruin. Their individual nature will
depend much on the actual city and the culture of the preRuin society. Manhattan will be mostly high-riseapartments,
probably fitted with very hefty internal defenses by 2000.
Northwest Washington is mostly single-family houses of
varying designs.
They will tend to besources of light tools, Household Lines
for salvaging electricity, commercial small arms, books, etc.
The small stores and other commercial ventures in such
areas are probably well-looted, although there might be a lot
of good picking hidden under the rubble.

The Commercial Areas

These are the main business districts: larger stores,
offices, government buildings, etc. They produce much of
the same sort of thing as the Residential Areas, as well as
more diverse manufactures, scientific equipment, and
(unlikely as such things really are) such intriguing finds as
still-live computer access points, working small factories,
construction gear, and so on.

The Industrial Areas

The large plants, where heavy tools, high-power electrical
sources, vehicles, and other large finds of machined parts
can be located. Often such areas form the hideouts for the
more technologically-oriented survivors, who may be
keeping one of the installations running to produce items for
use or trade.

Not every survivor is a lone wolf. Human nature is such that
within months of the collapse, there will be social groups
springing up amid the ruins of civilizations. Some will be
pragmatic organizations, devoted to survival and preserving
the members lives in some comfort. Others will be motivated
by strange drives, holding on to the last shredsof their sanity
by their fingernails, probablyat thecost of unhealthy fixation

on some slightly crazy ideal. Many will be downright nasty,

run by gangsters or worse, tight little oligarchies or minipolice states. In one playtest, we have built military
dictatorships (two of them, one run by a National Guard
colonel who thinks hes George Patton, and the other a real
snake pit run by elements of the American Nazi Party);
politically extreme communes of the Left (the United MaoistTrotsky Free University Peoples Cosmic Commune) and the
Right (the little-known but much-feared group in Langley,
Virginia, centered around the CIA Headquarters complex,
whose roving brigades of Commie Stompers are the dread
of scuzzy, longhaired adventurers all over D.C.); religious
groups (a military school run by a certain winemaking order
of priests and brothers has a nasty reputation as street
fighters); and so on. There are sane, straightforward
organizations around as well.
Communities can be places where the Player Characters
stop to rest, safe, for the time being, from the unremitting
hazards of their world. They can be centers of trade, where
barter can turn things the characters dont need into valuable
weapons, ammo, and food.
The only limits to the nature of the communities in the
campaign are the space involved and the Gamesmasters
imagination. But there are factors he will want to categorize
for simclicitys sake in his records, and we will address these

This is the actual home ground occupied by the
Community. It should be outlined on the Campaign map,
labelled so he knows who it is at a glance. Communities will
generally maintain a watch on their borders, according to
their powers, and react to insure that approaching strangers
pose no threat. This can be as simple as sending an official
greeter to meet the strangers, or setting up a mortar to cover
them and hailing them via bullhorn with a warning to stop
and drop their weapons. It will depend a lot on the
psychology of the Community.

A simple population figure will do, to get an idea of how
many mouths there are to feed, and how large a population
the characters are likely to see o n the streets of the groups
territory when they come to call. A corollary of Size is the
next factor to be considered.

Military Strength
This figure should be given in the number of TSP points
the Community can field in a battle. The Military Strength
an arbitrary figure which the Gamesmaster can assign to fit
his own conception of what kind of fight the Community can
put up, or can work out as a Custom Army. Our feeling is
that 3O-8O0/o of the total population will be able to bear arms in
a general war.
The value of a TSP can be adjusted up or down to reflect
the power of the weapons available to the Cgmmunity.
Special note should be taken of any uniquc
.dchines the
Community can field: artillery, tanks, catapults, chemical

Does the Community produce or control some special
resource? Farming groups are of course rich in food, but
how about manufactured products? The medical staff of the
D.C. General Treaty Hospital were the areas prime suppliers
of medical supplies and expertise, but were almost always
short of certain fuels for their diminishing fleet of copters and
This entry should concern itself with special strengths or
weaknesses of the Communitys economy. General
considerations come in the next entry.

Is the Community interested in trade at all? If so, are they

henry christen (order #23380)

pretty sharp or are they easy marks for a smooth line? The
Gamesmaster should note the following:
e Expertise of the Communitys chief traders. BCS scores
should be generated in Commerce.

in which they will not trade.

eThe percentage chance of having a given item. This can be

based on the Utility classifications in the Search rules. Let
us say that they have a 40% chance of having any kind of
weapon. The characters ask about 45 ACP ammo. Roll
1D100. Score equals 73. Sorry, buddy, nothing for a
while in that caliber.Howabout223fortheM-l6? Dieroll
gives a 22, so its in stock. Using the ammo generation
rules from the Gun List, we find that they have a box of
the ammo in stock.
And so it goes. Things that the Community is noted as
using itself will cost much more than the basic barter values.
Junk they have been keeping just to trade will be cheap.
Things they really need will often get a better price than the
characters expected. They may refuse to trade at all in items
essential to their survival or outside of their areas of interest.

General Reactions
This is a flat modifier to dealing with outsiders, added to
the Reaction Die rolls. A very suspicious, hostile enclave will
have a negative modifier. An outgoing community, one
devoted to trade, let ussay, orwith a numberof commissions
for freelance adventurers, will tend to have a decently high
positive modifier.

A few brief paragraphs or pages of detailed description.
This is a text outline of the principal characters in the
Community, the type of rulership maintained, the overall
thrust of the group, and any notable adventures to be found
within its borders. It fleshes out the bare bones of the other
data to provide an atmosphere uniquely the Communitys
Example 1
Name: Hitlerville
Size: 1200
Military Strength: 250
2 Commando Armored Cars
Resources: Busy industry, producing explosives,
including some hand grenades. Runs very skilled
Search groups, composed of slave labor under welltrained guards, on scavenging runs into Northwest
D.C., producing mixed amounts of material for internal
use and some trade.
Trade: will not export weapons, except light sporting
rifles (Rimfire or Shotguns). 30% chance of most gear
being available, but payment in anything but armament
is at 1.3 times base value. They willpay double the base
value for gasoline for their Armored Cars. The
Community also maintains a small fleet of trucks and
motorcycles, for which they will buy alcohol fuel at 50%
above base value if it is in appreciable quantity (say 10
gallons or more).
General Reaction: -20 (dont tell me youre surprised)
Background: Run by the local survivors of the
American Nazi Party, the Community is a frustrated

bunch of expansionists, held back from their

lebensraum dreams by the well-armed Pentagon
survivors on the river bank to their north, and the
fiercely independent Mormons who are building a
farming community on the west. Travelers are not
generally allowed in the Community limits, being put
up at the half-collapsed Howard Johnsons down route
The elite of the Community are the Party members,
led by the Rockwell, their Fuehrer. With a slave
economy, they are a bad group to deal with except
from a position of strength. Raids on distant groups are
not unknown, although the Hitlerville leadership is
careiul not to be too blatant about it closer to home.
Example 2:
Name: The Aggies
Slze: 400
Military Strength: Nil
Resources: The Aggies occupy the old University
Experimental Farm complex. They are the primary
breadbasket for the whole city. Like the Treaty
Hospital, they do not maintain troops of their own, and
are protected by combined elements of neighboring
Communities, who recognize the Aggies value to their
own survival.
Trade: The Aggies will trade out only foodstuffs,
although they have a packaging plant in operation on
the grounds, and can produce any form of food from
fresh out of the ground or off the steer, to Freeze-Dried.
They will not accept payment in weapons, being an
essentially pacifistic group, although ruthless with
food thieves.
General Reaction: +15
The survivors who started the Aggies
were of the old Farm Communephilosophy, but with
an apprieciation for modern agronomy as a science.
They are not fanatics on the subject of organic farming
or natural foods, but use the best technology they
can get to work their immense acreage. They are
known to have a Solar Screen installation of
indeterminate size, from which they get power to
operate their farm equipment, which is mostly electric.
They will pay double price for parts for such gear,
which is getting harder to come by each year.
Only rarely will an Aggie leave the territory of his
group. They are clannish in the extreme, with very
intricate social rituals. But non-hostile strangers will
find them affable enough. They will never refuse The
Three Squares to a starving traveler, for they find the
idea of starving to death repugnant. Those in such
plight will be offered 1 days rations at no charge.

The simple outlines that the Gamesmaster starts with will

grow as his Players interact with the Communities. The neoNazis of Hitlerville have crossed the paths of our Player
Characters more than once, and we now have developed the
standard uniform and equipment of their soldiers, the usual
systems of slave treatment they use, and hints of the
Rockwells master plan to take over his side of the river, as
elements of the D.C. campaign.


henry christen (order #23380)


The Players must designate the scope of their search: a
single building, a house, a city block. Let us say that a block
represents the largest feasible unit for a given search
attempt. The basic operation involved in completing a search
is handled by treating it as a Task. The Task Points involved
are equal to the area of the searched area i n square meters
(round the actual measurements to any convenient sum in
the right neighborhood). The average city block is 100-150
meters long. Multiply this by a constant based on the type of
Forest or other Rural Environment: 2D6 + 5
Rubble: 1 + 1D3
Residential: 1D10 (representing the range of space
between single houses and apartments)
Commercial: 3D6
Industrial: 2D6
Divide this figure by the total sum of the Search BCSs of all
those characters involved in the search, multiplied by the
number of minutes i n one turn of searching, a time-scale to
be set by the Gamesmaster and the players. This represents
the number of Task Points to be fulfilled before Search Skill
rolls are made to see if anything has been found. Base a BCS
equivatent on the characters Natural Talent (as a score, not a
BCS) if he lacks the Search Skill.
In one turn of searching, each member of the party
engaged in the activity will roll a Wit Effect Die, totalling the
scores to see how many Task Points they have totalled in that
period. When the accumulated points indicate that the Task
has been finished, a Search Skill BCS roll is made by the
leader of the search. See Search Skillon page 18 of Book 2
for modifications. Additionally, a BCS penalty equal to the
Task Points/lO, nearest, is applied to the roll. If it succeeds,
the party has found something. If multiple parties are being
used on the same chunk of territory, they go through this
process individually, building up their Task Points and
rolling for finds (and perhaps having encounters) on their
Frank, Irene, and Jumbo are out foraging. They have
decided to tackle a block of office buildings in the
Commercial district. The building they have chosen is,
the Gamesmaster decides (purely at random, based on
his personal knowledge of that part of his city), a big
one, half a block on a side. At a standard scale o f 100
meters per block, that is a building a 50 meters per side,
for a 2500 square meter search area. In a Commercial
area, this is multiplied by the roll of 306. The die roll
result is a 10, for a total of 25000. Now, Frank has a
Search, Urban BCS of 18. Irene, a very survival-wise
kid who grew up in the mean streets, has a BCS o f 7.
Jumbo, with a country upbringing (he drifted into town
when a biker raid wiped out his farming community),
has no Search Skill, but a Natural Talent o f 17. for a
BCS equivalent of 3. This totals 28 (18 + 7 + 3). They
decide to search in 1-hour Turns, which are, o f course
60 minutes. 60 x 28 = 1680. 25000/1680 = 14.88,
rounding to 15. At the end of 1 hour of searching, they
roll their Wit Effect dice (1010, 106, and 103
respectively). The total rolls add up to 13, so they have
not achieved a significant chance to salvage anything

yet. After their second hour, the points amount to 13

from the last period, and rolls totalling 17 from this one.
That is 30, or two Tasks worth, so they will make two
Search rolls. Frank is the Search leader, since he has
the best score. With two helpers, one Skilled herself
and one not, the Gamesmaster decides to be
moderately generous and give him +2, for an effective
BCS o f 20. But since the search has a Task Value of 15,
there is a 15/70, nearest, or 2-point penalty attached.
So Frank is using his base BCS of 18. His first roll is 4,
so they got something out of it. His second roll is a 20.
The Gamesmaster may let this go as a simple nothing
result, or toss them a find they can do without (Were
you actually looking for that lion?) for the Critical
Miss. Likewise, a Critical Hit might mean that they find
two items, or a better kind of item. If they were looking
for something specific, such as the first food they have
seen in days, he might adjudicate that that is what they

Cleaning Places Out

Based on the type of area and the size of the search zone,
the Gamesmaster may assign an arbitrary number of
possible finds to it. A house-to-house search in a Residential
area might find 0-2 items per house. A day-long run through
a block in a Commercial area might hold a D10 + 10 potential
finds, though that is not to say that the characters will locate
them all.
As the city is a constantly fluid environment, old caches of
gear being salvaged daily, characters dying to leave their
own supplies lost in a hideout somewhere, there is no
guarantee that what was empty last month will be so today,
or the stash that the characters left behind yesterday hasnt
been hit today. There would logically be a class of scavenger
that moves with search parties, gleaning their trails clean of
The Gamesmaster need feel no compunction on allowing,
say, 1 Search attempt per area for Rubble zones. If that does
not find anything, then there is nothing to find. Moreover, he
may find before the first Search turn is done that the site
holds no loot. He can let the characters hunt until they drop,
without feeling obligated to inform them that the reason they
cant find anything is because anything isnt there.


henry christen (order #23380)

We discussed Utilityas a concept in the various Equipment
rules in Book 2. It carries over to the quality of finds made in
foraging. Regrettably, the vast range of possible finds makes
it impossible for us to give overmuch detail here. The
following rules will act as a guide to the Gamesmasters
imagination in deciding what the characters have found.
Gamesmasters are encouraged to expand the Utility lists.
A Sears Roebuck catalog, or some similar map of the vast
array of possible goodies our technology can provide for
those who are picking its bones, will beof tremendousvalue.


Class of Find

Die Rolls:
01 -20

01 -05
1 1-25
41 -50
51 -55

31 -40
41 -55

1 1-25
71 -85

01 -05
1 1-20
31 -35

These are only the crudest approximations, of course.

Other classifications of area types might include
Government, Military, Mining, Waterfront, etc., each with its
areas of wealth and poverty in potential loot.
Having determined the class of material found with the
above table, it only remains to roll to determine the Utility of
the item.



Die Roll


2 -4

Utility 0
Utility 3

Die roll modifiers:




Utility 2


Utility 3


Utility 4


Utility 5




Hazard located

A dangerous situation has been encountered. This might

be a structurally unsound building, a dangerous beast,
hostile men or other characters encounter, a contaminated
area, etc. The possibilities will be discussed more fully in the
Dangers section o n page 16.

A treasure trove has been discovered. This represents a
hidden stock of various items, a working shop of some kind, a
lab, a firing range with weapons, etc. The Gamesmaster must
fill in the blanks according to the kind of area and the Overall
nature of the find, although this latter area need not limit him.
A Food Cache might also include contamination detectors
and purification gear, for instance.


Especially when some valuable item has been found, or a
Cache, there is a chance that it was stashed there by
someone else. The Gamesmaster should construct a person
or persons, or other logical owner (a Master Rat, perhaps) to
whom the goods belong. He will have a 40% chance of
discovering the characters busily looting his material;
otherwise he will come upon the carnage of his hideout and
track the thieves. The owner has a 5% chance per day
cumulative probability of overtaking the characters. That
means that, on the day they steal the goods, a Dl00 roll less
than or equal to 05 indicates an avenging owner catching up
to them. The next day, the chance is lo%, the day after that,
15%, and so on. Roll the chance of the owner catching them
at the location of the stash once every hour that they are on
the site.


henry christen (order #23380)



The next set of lists are idea sheets for what the searchers
have actually come across. If quantity is needed, roll a D20.
The score represents a Group. The Effect Die roll for the
indicated Group is the number of Units, or ENC, or items, or
days worth of material, or what have you, that the characters
have found. Caches double the Effect Die roll at least. Of
course, if a working Lab or similar installation has been
found, then there is usually only the one unit.
If firearms or ammo have been found, their specific
determinations have been given in Appendix 2.

Utility 0 Hand-to-Hand weapons. Select a weapon from the

lists under Equipment. The WDM is reduced by the
weapons Utility x .1, since it is an inferior model. A
Junked firearm. Dud ammo-it will not fire.

Quantity determinations are in Days Rations for 1 man.
Water supplies are assumed to be as much as they need, but
the supply may not be there later.
Utility 0 Spoiled foods. A portion of the food found is
contaminated (1DlOO determines what proportion
is spoiled.
Contaminated Water source.
Utility 1 Pure Water source.
Utility 2 Fresh stock of natural foods (recently-killed animals
or freshly-gathered or gatherable vegetable food).
Utility 3 A stock of preserved natural food.
Utility 4 Freeze-Dried food.
Utility 5 Super-K Ration.
Stocks of High-Energy Glucose solution, in
disposable plastic packs. Used to speed recoveryof
starvation or dehydration victims.

Non-essentials that may have considerable trade value or
may actually fall into other categories of goods.
Utility 0 Junked household appliances or office supplies.
Phonograph records. Stereo sets, etc. Bad liquor:
causes Nausea for 1D3 hours if drunk.

Generally, only one or two actual weapons are found.

Ammunition and other supplies can be quantified in one of
the ways given in the Appendices or this section.

Utility 1 A Utility 1 Hand-to-Hand weapon.

A disrepaired gun.
Faulty ammo. Critical Miss occurs o n a roll of 18-20
when firing.
Weak ammo. Halve the BDG.
Materlals to make a home-brewed explosive.
Utility 2 A Utility 2 Hand-to-Hand weapon.
Saturday Night Special: A working gun with a
permanent Durability of 1.
Rimfire ammo.
Utility 3 A Utility 3 Hand-to-Hand weapon.
A normal working gun.
Ammunition (standard Ball Ammo or Shot Shell)
Working explosives.
Utility 4 A Utility 4 Hand-to-Hand weapon.
Hi-Power, Hollow Point, or Fragmenting Ammo.
Grenades, Mines, Rifle Grenades, and other
explosive weapons.
Features for firearms: Sights, Scopes, etc.
Utility 5 Laser weapons.
High Tech ammo (explosive, incendiary, etc.).
Flame weapons.
Anti-Tank weapons.
Hand-reloading kits, and supplies of bullets, cases,
powder, a swage unit, etc.
Machine Guns, Mortars, Cannon, etc., are not o n the list.
They are included in finds when and if the Gamesmaster
feels ready to allow them in the campaign.

Utility 1 Home-fermented liquor (post-Ruin stock)-wine,

beer, mead, not suitable for fuel. Jewelry. Objets
dart. Working appliances.
Utility 2 Home-distilled liquor, not suitable for fuel. Athletic
equipment (not overly useful) such as tennis gear,
pool table, etc.
Utility 3 Pure grain alcohol (drive it or drink it). Packaged,
pre-Ruin tobacco products. Working portable tape
player and cassettes, or similar usable, batterypowered entertainment equipment. Luxury foods
(caviar, nuts, candies).
Utility 4 Pre-Ruin liquor (bourbon, scotch, etc.). Useful,
non-technological sporting gear: low value plastic
:armor such as football pads, baseball bats of
wood or metal, camping gear, mountain-climbing
Utility 5 A still (distilling apparatus) is found. Efficiency
Factor of 1D3. Converts 5 units of corn, potatoes,
etc., into alcohol equal to 1 liter per Efficiency
Factor per hour. Double-distilled alcohol can be
used as fuel.
Electronic vices. Narco-headsets inducing sleep.
Induction devices stimulating the pleasure centers
of the brain. These have trade value, or can be used
as pain killers, or modified to stimulate the pain
centers (torture devices.) High technology sporting
goods: guns (at the Gamesmasters discretion),
SCUBA gear, hang gliders, boats, skydiving gear,
racing equipment, etc.

Stocks of chemical fuels for vehicles, sources of electrical
power, and so on. The Gamesmaster may have to juggle
types and quantities to make the find logical for the area of
the search.
Utility 0 Dry and unrotted wood for fires. Also suitable for
improvising torches.
Utility 1 Irreparably damaged batteries.
Crank-operated manual generator.
Sterno or similar portable fire.
Utility 2 Bicycle-operated generator.
E-type Eternabatteries.
Utility 3 Treadmill generator setup.
Alcohol fuel (also drinkable with safety).
Ev-type Eternabatteries.
Utility 4 Salvageable electricity (live circuits) of wattage
suitable to area of search.
Motorized generator.
Working wind or water generator, or parts for same
if there is no logical reason for one to be set up.
Gasoline or Hydride fuels.
Utility 5 Leech transformer.
Fuel Cells.
Solar Screen panels.


henry christen (order #23380)

Utility 0 Light cloth stock.
Material which can be improvised into armor or
Utility 1 Stored clothing (Natural Materials). Max. Armor
Value of 4.
Utility 2 Heavy leather armors, light metals. Max. Armor
Value of 7.
Utility 3 Metal Armors up to Armor Value 10.
Utility 4 Heavier metallic Armors.
Plastics of Flexible or Semi-Rigid types.
Utility 5 Rigid Plastic Armors.
Integral Suits of Police and Military Armor.
Protective Armors, Lazab and Anti-radiation sprayon units.

This is very free-form. The Gamesmaster should try to
come up with a logical reason for the type of kit to be there.
See the closing section on Favorable Finds for ideas.

Utility 3 Reference books.

Prepared designs for various devices and
processes. Can be used to build the item with
proper resources and Skills, with all design
factors already done.
Advanced Texts. Range is from 1 to 30 plus the roll
of (D6 x 10).
Manuals with BCS D10 + 6.
Utility 4 Calculators.
Mini-corn puters.
Full Range Texts (01-100 point range).
Manuals with BCS of D10 + 10.
Utility 5 Computers or Data Access Points, terminals tied
into working remote systems.

If the characters are deep in the center of a building block,
they will just not find a transport system lying around, unless
the Gamesmaster cares to adjudicate that they have floated
into the garage in the basement. And isnt it a shame that the
driveway up to the street is choked with rubble?

Utility 1 Repair and manufacture Kits of type 1.

Crude lockpicks.

Utility 0 Completely totalled, unsalvageable cars.

Roller skates, skate boards.
Pogo sticks.
Utility I Muscle-powered vahicles: bicycles, tricycles. 40%
chance that they are in kids sizes.

Utility 2 Kits of type 2.

Good lockpicks.
Stethoscope for safecrackers.

Utility 2 Low-speed powered vehicles: mopeds, electric

Junked car, parts are salvageable.

Utility 3 Magnalock tuner.

Kits of type 3.

Utility 3 Partially working or Disrepaired automobile. Low

Durability i f it works at all.

Utility 4 Kits or shops of type 4.

High-quality tools for lockpicking, etc. Memory
storage Magnalock tuners.

Utility 4 Working vehicle, No fuel in it.

A horse (how did he get here?).
Horse-drawn conveyances.

Utility 5 Full-scale shops, Labs, even working plants if the

Gamesmaster so desires. Such finds, or Caches in
such locations, would probably also hold a stock
of finished products of such a plant.

Utility 5 Working vehicle in good repair.

High Tech vehicles: rocket packs, mini-copters,

Utility 0 Crowbars, hammers, axes, and other miscellaneous


Utility 0 Stocks of bandages.
Utility 1 Medical Supply units.
Utility 2 First Aid Kit.
Utility 3 Medical Kit.
Utility 4 Drugs.
Medical Computer. Defibrillator. Other Medical
Technology devices.
Utility 5 Surgery setup.
Mobile surgeries (ambulances with clinical gear).
Encephalographic Educators.

Again, a rationale for what is found should be developed.
The Gamesmaster will need to assign Skills and ranges to
instructional materials.
Utility 0 Fiction. Newspapers, magizines, etc. Used
computer punch-cards.
Utility 1 Maps (until Player Characters have found a map of
the campaign city, the Gamesmaster may forbid
them to use such a document as Players).
Popular texts. Rated for 01-05 in their respective
Utility 2 Beginners Texts. Have range starting atOl, plus roll
of (D6 x 10).
Manuals with BCS D6 + 6.

The term applies to devices or materials which analyze or
otherwise affect the characters environment.
Utility 0 A Junked or Disrepaired item from a higher Utility
on this list.
Utility 1 Matches, detergents, other household goods.
Utility 2 Optical gear (telescope, binoculars).
Mine probes.
Candles, oil lamps, other non-electrical light
Utility 3 Flashlights, other electrical light sources.
Binary Detector gear (Yes/Nodetection of various
radioactive, chemical, or biological
contaminants). Mine-detecting equipment.
Chemical testing kits for water, soil,etc., quality and
Utility 4 Detailed readout detectors (detect presence and
give formula of or intensity for the hazard).
Various forms of intruder-alert systems (portable or
non-portable). Burglar alarms, smoke detectors,
Utility 5 Radar installations.
Enhanced Vision Optical devices (Star-Light or
Inf ra-Red).
H i g h - s e n s i t i v i t y l i s t e n i n g devices, e i t h e r
microphonic (bugs) or remote (like a shotgun
mike, capable of picking up a whisper at 100


henry christen (order #23380)

Seismic alarms, triggered by the vibrations of

footsteps on the ground at ranges of up to 500

This is a bit of a catch-all category. The Survival materials
include such goods as winter clothing, camping gear, rope,
cookpots, canteens, etc.
Utility 0 Frayed thermal underwear (Thermal Factor 1.5).
Gunny sacks.
Twine or string.
Old blankets (ENC of .4 bundled up).
Utility 1 Small carrying sacks. Baggies. Light rope or
Heavy cloth overgarments for winter (Q-HC).
Thermal Factor of 2.
Mess kits. Eating utensils. Large glass bottles,
flasks, jugs.
Utility 2 Heavy rope. Shoulder bags. Web belts.
Heavy cloth tents (1.2 ENC broken down for
carrying). Holds 2-6 characters.

It goes without saying that these lists are a fraction, a

microscopic minimum, of the possible finds a search Can
turn up. All we can do in the space available is give the
Gamesmaster fuel for his imagination in dealing with such
events. The campaign depends on his ability to go through
the mental operation of they found something like thiswhere are they-lets say theyre in a police station-Utility 1
Environment in a Police Station?-Aha!-Okay,
folks, you
have found a valise with a fingerprint detection kit in it.
This is not too hard (nowhere as hard as it sounds), for
those who can free themselves from a need for detailed
tables and charts in determining loot. We are in the position
where a whole city is there for the taking. If only a fraction of
its former wealth remains, that is still a staggering diversity of
Dont be afraid to make up the story as you go along. Even
i f you are later inconsistent, the flow of play will forgive
much. So the place was too rich to clean out a week ago. That
stuff they hid in a sub-basement will not necessarilystayput.
Do the Players think they have the only competent
scavengers in the city in their group? Oh, no, not by a long
shot. The cache they left behind is fair game, and when the
buildings are burning down almost weekly, why should they
even expect the block to look the same when they come
No, in the fluid world of Affermath! it is no problem to live
for the moment in calling the shots. For every moment could
be the characters last!

The simplest way to narrow down the choices as to just
what kind of goodies a search has turned up is to slant it
toward what the characters need and can use (this
presupposes that something anyone can use, like medical

Rain gear.
Life preservers, inner tubes, etc.
Utility 3 Mountaineering rope. Other climbing gear.
Highway (or Railroad) flares.
Sleeping bags, backpacks, pack frames, rucksacks,
Other containers, bottles, satchels, etc. Canteens.
Utility 4 Backpackers tents, at half the Encumbrance of the
normal type.
Good thermal underwear (Thermal Factor 2). Light
Cloth equivalent.
Hiking gear: foam instep pads (+5 toeffectivespeed
for Strategic Movement), alpenstock, etc.
Axes, machetes, brush knives, collapsible saws, etc.
Utility 5 Flare guns or other long-distance signalling
Electrically-heated underwear.
Space heaters, electrical (uses E-5 at 1 Charge per
Inflatable life rafts, canoes, kayaks.

supplies, is not the answer). The fastest method of getting

into the correct frame of mind to play Santa Claus is by
rolling Reaction Dice. The better the Reaction, the more
useful the find. This can even bea justification for increasing
the amount of goods found, or their general utility to the
group as a whole.
For example, a party with decent hand-to-hand weapons
but no guns gets a Weapons find. In such a case, the
Gamesmaster might just roll Reaction dice first. If it comes
out Good or better, just assume that they have found a
firearm or two, and probably some ammo for it. A Mediocre
roll would require that their Utility roll allow them to find
guns. A Bad roll or worse would insist that, if they find a
Weapon, it be something that none of them have the Skill to
use well.
The overall concept here is: is this just good for the
characters, really great for the characters, or frustrating,
mean, rotten, and crummy for the characters?

Let us say it just once more: try and provide a reason (even
if it is only in your own mind) for the goods located being
where they are. Fill in some cheap fiction to flesh it out. If the
first couple of findsform a pattern, assume that it will hold for
the rest of that search (a Medical Supply find might decide
the Gamesmaster that they are looting a medical office
building). This can, in turn, give background to the
encounter they have next turn. The table says its a bunch of
Ghouls. Well swell, but this way they are all crazy doctors,
perverting their surgical skill to butcher their meat, and
armed with anesthetic dart guns instead of normal firearms.
This kind of thing turns random searching from a rather
boring way to gain doctrinal treasures into an organic
(sometimes overly organic) part of adventures in the world of
the Aftermath.


henry christen (order #23380)


The many hazards we have already described in

Aftermath! can be met in as many forms. Our own opinion is

that the hands of men bear more dangers for the Player
Characters than the claws of beasties, but admittedly, a
raging tiger or bear is not exactly a kitten. The environment
itself, especially in the cities, is inimical to life: the crumbling
buildings offer as many traps as they do resources to
preserve life, the very air may bear the invisibledeath of virus
or gas, the good earth may radiate the cell-tearing poison of
nuclear contamination. If they are to live to bear the promise
of renewal to future generations, the characters must
overcome all these.
The dangers of the Aftermath may be met in several ways:

Random Encounter: As they travel overland (Strategic

Time Scale) there is a chance that the characters will run
into some group, individual, orevent. Theencounter need
not be hostile. There may be opportunities for mutual aid.
trading, or simply companionship, rather than combat.
Local Condition: The Gamesmaster has designated some
local condition as existing on the map in the area entered
by the characters. This can be a Community, a
contaminated area, a local gang or tribe, etc.

Prepared Adventure: Actually, it need not be all that

prepared. The Gamesmaster has placed a scenario on
the map at that point. This may be the headquarters of
some major Non-Player Character into which the
characters have blundered, it may be the scenario
specially designed for that nights playing session, which
the Gamesmaster has simply decided to put in their path
to get things started, or it may bean improvised encounter
of some degree of complexity, created on the spot. This
latter type of adventure can be very rewarding. In one
playtest campaign, the characters took shelter from a
contaminated rainstorm in an old motel. While waiting for
the rain to stop, it was determined that they had had a
random encounter. The tables for this showed that they
had met a pack of feral dogs, led by an intelligent mutant
dog. Unable to resist the possibilities, the Gamesmaster
created the motel on the spot, laying out a crude floorplan
and designating the building as the headquarters of a
pack of organized canines, who kept several human
pets. These pets allowed the dogs to have such
defenses as tear gas canisters hooked up to the old
sprinkler system in the motels ceiling, and smaller dogs
who were forced to carry radio-detonated satchel charges
strapped to their backs, as suicide troops. In a final burst
of madness, the leader animal was made telepathic, so
that his sardonic comments could be broadcast to the
characters. What had started as a minor, random
encounter was turned into a major adventure with the
application of five minutes of imaginative thinking.

disadvantage of encounter tables it that they can become

static. The same combinations of events keep occurring.
Creative interpretation can offset this to a degree, but there
will be times when the fourth straight appearance of giant
roaches is enough to make Players and Gamesmaster alike
scream in agony.
The encounter deck is another tried-and-true system. The
Gamesmaster prepares a number of index cards in advance,
each one listing the details of a mini-scenario, or at least the
numbers and vital statistics of an encountered group of
characters, or a solo encounter. When an encounter is
needed, the Gamesmaster draws a card at random. The
advantages are diversity, since each encounter card can be
as unique as desired, and standard cards listing simple,
clear-cut scenarios can be shuffled back into the pack after
use. Since the card can also indicate that a large scenario has
been encountered (Pull out file on The Ghouls of K
Street), thedeck has the added advantage of allowing more
elaborate encounters to be plotted than can easily be
generated on a table. The single biggest disadvantage to
encounter decks is that they are never completed. They
require a fairly continual amount of work to keep fresh. This
may not appear as a disadvantage to many Gamesmasters,
who prefer to update their campaigns constantly in order to
maintain freshness.
A fairly short sample Encounter Table follows, both to
provide a model for the Gamesmaster to use in constructing
his own, and to give him something to use until that job is


For every day of Strategic Scale Travel, or of encampment
in the open during the night or day, roll 1D20. A score of 1-3
indicates that an Encounter has occurred.
















Group-Medium (3D6+10men)
Group-Large (3020 + 20 men)


Solo Traveler


Duo Team (2 members). Roll 1D6.

1-3 2 humans

There are several traditional gaming techniques for
determining when characters will have a random
encounter, and just what that encounter is. The usual one is a
table, keyed to various die rolls, to generate a particular
encounter situation. It has the advantage of availability: it is
there when you need it. The considerable effort in
constructing it has been done, and all that is needed to
generate an encounter is the time to roll the dice. The


(2D3 men)

Human and Tame Animal(s)

Human and Mutant Anirnal(s)


Personality Non-Player Character




Disease-carrying Maniac




henry christen (order #23380)




01-10 All Extras (DRT of 1)


Wild Group: Nomadic and semi-primitive. Often

composed largely of kids who grew up without any
adult care.
Tribal Group: Members of primitive Tribe, a lowtechnology form of Community.
Community: Members of one of the established
Communities in the campaign. If they are far from
their territory, they will have some form of transport.

10-12 Street People: Groups of semi-crazed scavengers who

form mobs for self-preservation.
13-14 Ghouls: Cannibal groups.

11-25 All Rabble (DRT of 10 or 1D10)

26-30 Extras with Rabble Leaders
31-60 All Average Men
61-70 All Rabble with Average Leaders
71-90 All Average with Superior Leaders
91-00 As 71-90 above with a Heroic Overall Leader
Leaders occur in a ratio of 1 Leader per 10 other characters.


15-16 Monos: Groups with some fixation: pre-Ruin politics,

religion, culture (Samurai, Western, Medieval, etc.).
There are Mono Communities.

04-08 2D3 Lions

17-20 Bandits: Those who prey on others.

09-11 Tiger


The encounters with people are the biggest potential
headache for the Gamesmaster, since such figures can be
every bit as diverse in Skills and equipment as the Player
Characters themselves.
It will be very useful to have pre-fabricated samples of
group encounters, solos, and so on, made up beforehand.
Then, i f an encounter with such characters is indicated, just
whip out the paperwork and you are all set.
The encounter with a Personality Non-Player Character
can be as significant as the Gamesmaster wishes it to be. It
allows him to slip an equalizer into weak parties heading into
dangerous scenarios (equalizers are non-player characters
with more ability than the Player Characters, used by the
Gamesmaster to even the odds in their favor when they are in
over their heads). He can be a famous figure in the local
folklore (or an infamous one, according to your tastes), or
he may just be a fairly well-fleshed-out character, there to
provide some color for the campaign He may at least know
where the characters can find a safe place for the night He
can also be used to lead the Player Characters to the
scenario for the playing session
Maniacs and Diseased Maniacs are mostly filler on the list
One is a harmless madman The other carries some
disgusting and communicable infection There are many
possible variations on this theme
A Special is just that. some unique human (or semihuman) encounter that fits in your campaign I n playtest,
this has included run-ins with human Quislings working for
alien invaders, ninjas in the employ of the insidious Doctor
Fu-Manchu (who has come through the Ruin quite well and
is currently holed up in a secret base somewhere in the
Rocky Mountains), and a real vampire Do not overlook the
potentials of releasing the manlike monsters of fantasy upon
the defenseless world of the Aftermath Several short stories
in the genre have done so with great success. as have a
number of comic books
When dealing with large groups of humans, it is
convenient to assume that the bulk of the crowd is made up
of Extras, Rabble, or Average Men, with a number of leader
types of the next-highest type A usable table for the chances
of such a mix i s given here

01-03 Lion


D3 Tigers

13-14 Gator: On land, 1. Near Water, D3

15-18 Gator: On land, D3. Near Water, 3D3
19-30 Small Game (see page 26)
31-35 Black Bear. 30% chance of
(extremely dangerous)

Mother with Cub

36-38 Grizzly Bear. Same chance as above

39-40 Kodiak or Polar Bear. Same chance as above
41-55 Dogs. A pack of 3D3 (60% chance) or a large pack of
4D6. Roll 1D10 for Size of each dog, or group of dogs.
Score of 1-7 indicatesequivalent Size grouping. Score
of 8-10 means Attack Dog. Roll D3+4forSizeof Attack
Dogs. 20% chance per animal of being Rabid
56-60 Wolves. Pack of 4D6 animals
61-62 Giant constrictors. 2D3 appearing
63-64 Rattlesnakes 60% chance of 1, in path of some
member of group, as a Hidden Thing If not seen it is
stepped on and will attack Otherwise, a nest of 1DlOO
snakes is found, but dangerous only if disturbed
Pack of Feral Cats (3D3)


Pack of Rabid Feral Cats




Rhinoceros, 1D3

70-72 Razorbacks
73-88 Game (see page 26)
89-00 Rats


henry christen (order #23380)



2D6 Mobs of Rats

86-95 Locate the residence of some individual or small

group. Treat as a Men encounter


2D10 Mobs of Super Rats

96-00 Gamesmasters choice.


2010 Super Giant Rats

13-16 2D6 Ruin Rats. Armed with long spikes (WDM of 1.5).
There is a 60% chance that these weapons are coated
with some low-grade form of poison. In any case, they
will be filthy and expose those hit to infection

Super Mob. Roll on this table with 1DlO. That type of

Rat is encountered, but the number of Mobs rolled is


Master Rat. Roll 1D6 for circumstances

1-2 Solo Master Rat. Armed with Random Pistol. 20%
chance of having his lair nearby, with a chance of
technological loot i n it

Solo Master Rat as above, but also controlling

2D6 Mobs of normal Rats. There is a 30% chance
that these will be Super Rats instead

As above, but controlling 1D10 Super Giant Rats


5-6 Mated pair of Master Rats, armed as 1-2 above.

40% chance of their lair being nearby.
Gamesmasters who wish to try something interesting with
Master Rats are invited to create Genius Rats, Master Rats
with even greater levels of intelligence than their fellows.
Such mutants might well havedefinite plansabout the fate of
mankind. In playtest, at least one such creature existed,
holed up in an abandoned museum. She had enslaved a
number of technicians (humans, that is) who were forced to
develop intricate defenses for her. Adding some telepathic
capability to allow the Rat to communicate with humans can
also be interesting. They should not be overlooked in the
quest for unique non-player characters.

This is hard to quantify. The type of contamination in
question depends on the campaign. Radioactivity is not likely
if no atomic weapons were used in the Ruin. It boils down to
this: what kind of contamination is encountered (atomic,
biological, or chemical), is it passive (only endangers
characters if they walk into it) or active (it comes to them, like
plague carried by a victim)? If the characters have detectors,
they should be able to avoid the encounter. As Such
encounters can be extremely deadly and very hard to game
fairly outside of DAT display, you may not wish to include
them in your Encounter Table as such.

Another tricky one. In general, it means a significant
environmental change or condition. But the exact type
depends on your campaigns climate and the nature of the
Ruin. Are earthquakes common in the campaign? Then they
should appear on this table. Lightening Bolts? Then let
random strikes with a given BCS attack thecharacters. doing
1D6 Charges of electrical damage. Is the rain likely to carry
contamination? If so, then what kind? When you have a
clear picture of these factors, you can build your table.
Examples of Phenomenon Hazards are:

Earthquake: Small or large tremors. I f in theopen, theonly

real danger is from falls. A Strength CST prevents this.
Tremors are assigned a Force (score rolled on 1D6 x 5).
inside a building with Structural Stability less than this
number, all are exposed to Structural Hazards (see page
19). If the campaign is in a heavy quake area (West Coast,
Hawaii, etc.) the Force die roll can be increased.

Contaminated Rain: If the water is radioactive, assign the

36-50 Characters observe some open-ended situation:

Ghouls getting ready to butcher their victims,
attempted rape, lynch mob getting the rope ready,
woman going into labor, someone in imminent
danger, etc. Can escalate into a mini-scenario

rainfall a REM per Hour figure, just as you do for other

sources of nuclear contamination. If it contains a
biological or chamical contaminant, assign it a rate factor.
This represents the concentrations of contaminant in the
water. Rate factors should be on the order of Virulence
Groups per Hour. Since the contaminating agent has an
inherent Virulence, when the characters have been
exposed to the rain for a sufficient period of time for it to
generate that Group they must save against exposure to
the contaminant. Thus, a storm carrying a Group 2
biological agent (a disease) starts, with a rate factor of 1
per hour. For every two hours of exposure, thecharacters
will have t o save against catching that disease.
Acid rains will have a maximum level, and will attack
the characters as Acid does for every hour of exposure, at
that level. These are mostly encountered in campaigns
where civilization polluted itself into the Ruin.
Y o u r E n c o u n t e r T a b l e s h o u l d a l s o have
uncontaminated storms in it, to keep Players guessing.

51-55 Aircraft of some kind flies overhead

Windstorms: Very high winds are assigned a value once


01-10 An opportunity for Search Skill is found. If BCS made,
a find is generated as if the characters had been
Foraging (see Foraging, page 11)
11-15 Characters hear a firefight break out several blocks
16-25 Characters see a combat occurring some blocks away
26-35 Characters come across a source of campaign
background: political information, location of some
scenario, information about a major Non-Player
Character, etc.

56-65 A vehicle of some kind drives by at high speed

66-70 A Sniper opens fire at 200-meter range with a rifle. He
will fire until spotted and then run away (probably
71-75 Characters wander into a minefield. Gamesmaster
should distribute 2D6 mines on the map around the
characters, at random or in a pattern of his choice. Use
DAT display for this situation
76-80 Characters see a UFO

Phone in nearby booth or building rings

they exceed 30 knots (about 50 kph). For every 20 kPh

above 50, they will add 1 to the effective Encumbrance
Status of characters forced to move through them. They
also wipe out sounds beyond a range of about 2 meters, if
that much. Tornadoes and other such high-powered wind
storms will apply a Blast effect to characters in their area
of influence (a touchdown within 50 meters). This should
be about 2020 + 10 of Blast. They will affect buildings as
Earthquakes do. A hurricane or direct hit bya tornado W i l l
have a Force in this regard of about 1D10x.5.

Flash Floods: These expose the characters to a situation

where they must swim for their lives, to the nearest point


henry christen (order #23380)

of safety the Gamesmaster designates (say 1 D50 meters

to reach some kind of safety). The flood is given a score of
1D3, or 1D6 if it is a nasty one, which is subtracted from
tlie swimming BCS.

Gamesmaster should roll this percentage before applying

the damage to the character, as the Special Effects may alter
the effects of the Hazard.

These are the principal forms of dangerous natural

phenomena to be encountered in Aftermath! Since the most
that characters can do when confronted by such attacks is to
try to survive, it is not advisable to use them too liberally.

01-10 Narrow escape! Take only 1 point of Subdual Damage

These will not usually be the kind of thing encountered
without pre-planning. As far as the more fixed and generally
known Local Conditions in the campaign go, they will be the
major Communities and tribal or gang territories, major
contaminated areas, and places having reputations as
strange or dangerous. This is assuming that the Player
Characters are all natives of the area in question. Locals
would know where you do not want to go in their territoryjust ask your host the next time you visit New York City (if
you already live in New York, you know what I mean).
Of course, there are Local Conditions that no one is really
sure of. That bandit gang is likely to start staking out new
areas once everybody gets the word about their old turf. The
contaminated rain might leave a new section of town
unhealthy for humans. Such things would receive the
Gamesmasters attention from time to time, as he does the
housekee pi ng on his c a mpaig n .

The Structural Stability is a score measuring the physical
condition of a given building, buildings, or even
neighborhood. It is expressed as a number from 1 to 10,
where 1 means that the building is little more than ashell and
10 implies that it is as solid as the day it was built. Some
buildings (earthquake-proof or hardened sites) will have a
higher score than 10. Exposure to fire, explosives, storms,
and the inexorable passage of time all tend to lower the
Structural Stability of a building. When the Characters enter
a building with a score of less than 10, they are in danger of
encountering a Building Hazard.
In larger time scales than Detailed Action Time, each turn
(of whatever length) spent moving in a building with a lessthan-perfect Structural Stability requires a check for
Hazards. Roll lD10: if the die roll is greater than the
Structural Stability of the building, a Hazard has been
This will expose the members of the party who fail to make
a Search, Urban BCS roll, minusa penaltyequal to lodivided
by the Structural Stability, nearest, to an attack by the
Hazard. The BCS for the Hazard is equal to 18 minus the
Structural Stability score. Characters can defend against
this only with their CDA, reducing the BCS by that amount. If
they make a Speed AST, they will double their CDA. A CST
will triple it. A Critical Hit will avoid the Hazards attack
If the Hazard hits a character, he is exposed to a damage
potential in Crush type damage equal to the Effect Die roll for
a Group determined by subtracting the Structural Stability
from 10, multiplied by a random WDM equivalent. This is
determined bv rolling 1D6 and multiplying that score times
.5. This attacks the victims Average Armor Value.
A building with Structural Stabilityof 3 will havea Groupof
7, for an Effect Die of 2D10 + 2, and rolling the D6, the
Gamesmaster gets a 5, for a WDM of 2.5. This is the kind of
damage potential that a Hazard in that building would levy
against a character.
The damage potential of a given Hazards attack on a
character is also the percentage chance of Hazard Special
Effects, some quirk of the situation that may redound to his
good or ill. After generating the damage potential, the


11-30 No special effects either way
31-50 Disabling Damage to random Location. Unable to use
affected part of body until Health AST made (check
every hour). Disable to Head or Torso means
51-70 Conked on the head! Out cold until Health AST made
(check hourly)
71-85 Buried! Task Points equal to damage potential
required to dig victim out. Strength AST needed to dig,
with a Task Period of 1 Combat Turn. Victim may dig
himself out, but uses Strength CST and is minus 1
effective Strength Group
86-90 Buried!! As above, but victim is subjected to
Constriction attack by the debris each Combat Turn
he is in there. Applied vs. Torso at a base value equal to
Hazards Group as Strength Group
91-95 Fall! Take a Fall result from an effective height equal to
Hazards Group in meters
96-00 As Fall, but effective height is equal to Hazard Group
Effect Die roll
When applying this system in Strategic, Tactical, or the
variable scale used for Foraging, roll 1D10 to determine the
least-safe Structural Stability to be encountered in that turn,
for purposes of calculating the Hazard. If you do not wish to
make such events very common (a good idea in many
hazardous enough), use 2D10 to
determine random Stability, thus eliminating frequent
occurrences of unsafe structures.
In Detailed Action Time Scale (DAT), since the action is
mapped out, and individual buildings are dealt with rather
than whole blocks at a time, assign each building involved a
Structural Stability. If structural Hazards are not in tune with
the scenario being played, assumea valueof 10. Then simply
indicate dangerous locations (flights of stairs, fire escapes,
rotted floor areas, crumbling walls or ceilings) on your map
of the building.
If you want some variety, you can vary the Structural
Stability of the building. Say it has an overall score of 9,
making long treks through it pretty safe. But the doorway
(the locked one) has a Stability of 4 , if it is forced open, while
that landing has a score of 6, not to mention the hole in the
wall over there, lurking with a score of 1, waiting for some
idiot to try crawling through it. Hazard encounters in DAT are
aimed only at the character(s) who trigger them, not the
whole party, unless they are all in on the decisive action.
In calling Hazard situations in larger scales, it will add
immeasurably to play i f some plausible event is used to
describe the misfortune, rather than a dry announcement
that so-and-so has just taken so many points of damage.
Creative Player reactions to such calls should be rewarded
by better odds of escape. Dumb player response should
probably be proportionately punished, but we leave this to
the Gamesmasters mercy (his what??).

Another element of creating the environment that Player
Characters may evince a keen interest in from timeto time, is
the availability of some form of cover from missile fire. As
they wander a wilderness peopled by trigger-happy
neighbors, the ability to get ones person out of harms way in
a hurry may be of critical importance.


henry christen (order #23380)

The chances of locating cover i n a given type of terrain are

given on the table below. Simply roll 1D20, cross-reference
the score rolled with the typeof terrain in which thecharacter
finds himself, and the resulting cover situation is available
within 2D3 meters of the character. If the roll indicates "No
Cover," a Search BCS of the appropriate type may be roiled
for, If it is made, then a second try for locating cover may be
made. The cover, if any is found, will be 2D10 + 5 meters away.
If "No Cover" is again the result, there is no chance of any
more beina found until the Character has moved at least 25
meters f r o k his present position.








No Cover







Visual Cover 1








Visual Cover 2





8-1 1



Prone Cover








1 m. Cover








Chest Cover








Full Cover








Visual Cover 1 and 2 are described under Target Cover i n the

Firearms Rules (Book 2, p. 34).
Prone Cover will afford cover to a prone character. He may
fire over this as described in the Firearms Rules (Firing
from Cover; (Book 2, p. 33).

1 m. Cover is some form of Cover extending about 1 meter

Chest Cover will cover a standing man from Location 6
down. He may fire over it from a standing position, crouch
behind it to be completely covered, or kneel to fire around
the corner of it.
Full Cover will cover a standing man completely. He may fire
around the corner from behind it. It may be a wall or
building, a thick tree, etc.
Unless the Gamesmaster decrees otherwise, solid cover is
assumed to be some material not penetrable by bullets. He
may choose to make it of some logical material based on
terrain (stone, brick, construction plastics in urban areas;
wood, stone, or old brick in more rural ones).
This rule is designed for use in Strategic or Tactical Scale
situations where the Gamesmaster does not have a detailed
map of the area. In Deatiled Action Scale, cover or its lack will
be based on what the map shows.

henry christen (order #23380)

The clash between man and beast is a classic situation of
fantasy adventure. Many tales of Post-Ruin worlds postulate
the release of animals in zoos and their subsequent readaptation to the wild and proliferation in the city owning the
zoo. This allows a Gamesmaster to present the adventuring
characters with encounters involving beasts not native to the
country in which the campaign is set. Many Post-Ruin
scenarios also posit the return of native animal species to
former numbers and habitats.
In a world of reduced resources, encountered animals
may also prove to be a valuable food resource for characters
short on rations. The preceding, of course, assumes that the
animals do not first make the characters into rations to feed
the wife and cubs.
Beasts are presented in two categories, the hostile
(carnivores, omnivores, and scavengers which might attack
a man as a food source) and the non-hostile (herbivores
which would rather flee or hide than fight).
Most animals operate according to programmed response
patterns. A deer, for example, will run when threatened
unless it is cornered, or believes itself cornered. The
Gamesmaster is provided with some guidelines for the
responses of the animals detailed later in this section.
Animals are, however, notorious for doing the unexpected.
This should be kept in mind by the Gamesmaster to be used
when Players let their characters get too confident.
Each detailed animal is presented with a set of statistics
similar to those used for humans. These are a collection of
abilities, characteristics, and skills. In many cases, the
derivation of an animals Ability is not the same as for a
human. If an animal is required to make a Saving Throw for
zome reason, the number to be used can bedetermined from
the statistics given. I f a Deftness or Speed Saving Throw is
required use the beasts Base Action Phase times 2 as its
Attribute for the Throw. Treat its Mass as its Strength for
Saving Throws involving that Attribute or for determining an
Effect Die, if a matching of Strengths is needed for any
reason. For Health Saving Throws,Hostile animals will have a
value of one-third their Mass. This is used for both Critical
and Ability Saving Throws. Non-hostile animals have a
percentage Saving Throw equal to their Shock Factor.
Most animals are not particularly intelligent, as we use the
term, but are crafty and wary. Their keener senses prevent
them, in many cases, from being fooled as easily as a man.

Due to the multitude of factors involved, no set pattern of

Saving Throws involving Wit is given for animals. The
Gamesmaster should evaluate his opinion of the animals
capabilities and the situation, and decide on a value for a
Saving Throw. Such a value would be used in that situation
only; remember that a given animal is rarely fooled in the
same way twice.
Animals are capable of moving at a higher-than-normal
speed, or Run, in the same way as humans.
Unless specified otherwise, the resolution of Hit Location
on an animal will be done using the quadruped table and
body map. Similarly a beast will occupy two hexes on the
DAT display in the manner of a horse.
The letter appearing after an animals BCS is an evaluation
of the weapon length for determining Zones of Influence
and Effect Die modifications due to range.

The kinds of hostile beasts are grouped according to the
kind of animal (cat, dog, etc.). A general description is given
of attack and response patterns. This is followed by a listing
of specifics for some beasts in that grouping.

Bears are omnivores and do not really hunt prey of a
substantial size. They have been known to attack men when
wounded, threatened, frightened, protecting young, or
denied something they want, such as a picnic lunch. Bears
are given two Base Movement Allowances, one for
quadrupedal and one for bipedal stance. They will move
about quadrupedally, but will tend to attack men in bipedal
stance. Use the appropriate Hit Location Table.
Bears favor attacking with their paws. Such blows have
incredible power behind them and a check fora Bash should
be made when a Paw attack is successful. If the bear scores
two successful Paw hits on the body of acharacter, there isa
50% chance that the attack will become a hug. Damage for
only one of the paws is delivered to the character, but he will
be held as if he had received a Pin from a character using
Unarmed Combat Skill. The character need not be prone to
receive this result. Once the bear has a character in a hug, it
will attempt to bite him on each Action. It will also do
constriction attacks on each Action. The Mass of the bear is
used to determine the Effect Die to generate the constriction

Black Bear
BAP: 10

Bite BCS: 6(S)

WDM: l , L

MNA: 2

Paw BCS: 12(A) WDM: 1.5,B

PCA: 5

Damage Die: 1D10

BMA/quad.: 1 1/4
bi.: 1

Mass: 20

AV: 5
WDA: 2
CDA: 2
DRT: (3D6 + 15) x 2
SF: 20


henry christen (order #23380)

Grizzly Bear
BAP: 8
MNA: 1

Bite BCS: 6(S)

Paw BCS: 14(A)

PCA: 8

Damage Die: 206

BMNquad.: 1 1/2
bi.: 1

Mass: 40

WDM: l , L
WDM: 2.5,B

rolls are compared. If the cats is higher, the victim will fall
and is treated as if he had fallen from a height equal to twice
the CDA multiplier gained by the speed at which he was
traveling. That is, a character Running (CDA modifier is 3)
will be treated as falling 2 x 3 or 6 meters.
BAP: 16

Bite BCS: 15(S)

MNA: 3

Damage Die: 1D6

AV: 5

PCA: 5

Mass: 4

WDA: 2

BMA: 2

CDA: 1

AV: 3

DRT: (406 + 15) x 2.5

WDA: 2


CDA: 4

Polar or Kodiak Bear

DRT: (1D6 + 10) x 2

BAP: 8

Bite BCS: 6(S)

WDM: 1.2,L

SF: 10

WDM: 3.5,B

Feral Cat

WDM: 1.5,L

MNA: 2

Paw BCS: 14(A)

PCA: 4

Damage Die: 2D6

BAP: 15

Bite BCS: 12(S)

WDM: 1.3,L

BMNquad.: 1 1/2
bi.: 1

Mass: 55

MNA: 3

Claw BCS: 12(S)

WDM: 1.5,L

PCA: 5

Damage Die: 1D2

BMA: 1

Mass: 1

AV: 5
WDA: 2
CDA: 1
DRT: (4010 + 15) x 2.5


Cats are hunters capable of silently stalking their prey. The
usual tactic is t o approach quietly, if possible, then to leap
upon it to drag it down and kill it. Most cats are solitary
hunters though some will hunt in pairs.
A cat may pounce. This involves making a Jump Action
at the end of which an attack is resolved. The animal can
cover a maximum distance equal to its PCA times its BMA in
the leap, if moving, and half that from a standing start. The
attack at the end of the leap will consist of a Bash and two
Claw attacks. These claw attacks do half the normal damage
but serve to let the cat grip its victim. Once gripped, the
victim will be encumbered by the cats Mass. The cat will then
either bite (60% chance) or claw with the hind feet in an
attempt to disembowel the prey. The claw attacks receive a
-10 to the Hit Location roll. A bite attack has a Hit Location
die roll modifier of +lo. If a bite is successful on Locations 1
or 2, the cat and the victim will match Strength Effect Die
rolls. If the cats is higher, the victim must make a Health
Saving Throw as if he had fallen. A die roll of 2Owill requirea
save as if the character had received aTrauma Critical Effect
at that Location. A successful hit by thecat on Location 3 will
allow it to attack as if it were a character achieving a Choke
with Unarmed Combat Skill.
Cats killing for food will make a single kill. Some will then
remove the victim from the site preparatory to eating. Like
most animals, cats will fight to the death in defense of young.
Unlike many animals, some cats will hunt even when a food
supply is available.

AV: 2
WDA: 1
CDA: 4
DRT: 2D10 + 3
SF: 5

Puma or Leopard
BAP: 14

Bite BCS: 16(S)

WDM: 1.5,L

MNA: 2

Claw BCS: 14(A)

WDM: 1.7,L

PCA: 7

Damage Die: 1D6

BMA: 2
AV: 3

Mass: 10

WDA: 2
CDA: 3
DRT: (1 D6+10)x2.5

Lions operate in prides of 2D3 which cooperate in hunting.
BAP: 12

Bite BCS: 17(S)

WDM: 1.5,L

MNA: 2

Claw BCS: 15(A)

WDM: 1.8,L

PCA: 6

Damage Die: 1D6+2

BMA: 1 1/2
Mass: 18
AV: 3 except for males: Locations 3-7 have AV 4
WDA: 2
CDA: 3
DRT: (2D6 + 15) x 2.5

The cheetahs attack methods follow those of dogs more
than those of cats. For one Combat Turn while at a Run, a
cheetah may increase his BMA to 8.After this Combat Turn,
the cheetah must decelerate to a stop. It may not use this
burst of speed again for one-half hour. This burst will
damage the animal by 1 point of subdual damage for each
Action Phase on which it was moving at the special BMA. If
the cheetah achieves a successful bite attack while pursuing
(it may make this attack while moving), Strength Effect Die

henry christen (order #23380)

Attack-trained dogs have their BCS increased by 2 and their

Damage Die increased by one step. The step after 1D6 is

BAP: 11

Bite BCS: 18(S)

WDM: 1.5,L

MNA: 2

Claw BCS: 16(A)

WDM: 2,L

PCA: 5

Damage Die: l D l O + 1

BMA: 1 1/2

Mass: 18

Bap: 15

AV: 3
WDA: 2
CDA: 3

Bite BCS: 15(S)

MNA: 2

Damage Die: 2D3

PCA: 7
BMA: 2 112

Mass: 4

WDM: 1.7

AV: 3

DRT: (4D5 + 10) x 2.5

SF: 20

WDA: 2


SF: 15

CDA: 3
DRT: 4D10 + 20

Dogs are primarily chasers. They tend t o hunt in

cooperative packs. The most powerful dog is usually the
leader of the pack.
Some members of a pack will attack the victim in an
attempt to get a grip. If the bite BCS die roll is under 50% of
thescore neededfora hit (12 neededand6orless rolled), the
dog will have gotten a grip and his Mass will encumber the
victim. Other members of the pack will attempt to kill the
encumbered victim. Onceadog hasagriponavictim, itdoes
not need to roll for an attack. It will do its damage to a victim
in each Action. Armor will make all damage received up to its
Armor Value act as subdual damage. All damage beyond that
is lethal.
If the victim is standing or moving, the dogs will attempt to
bring him down. This is checked for on the bookkeeping
Phase. This is accomplished by matching the Effect Die rolls
for the combined Strengths of all the dogs which have a grip
and for the victim's Strength. If the dogs' is higher, the victim
will be brought down. The victim will be treated as if he had
fallen from a height equal to the CDA multiplier gained for
the speed at which he was moving.
Dogs achieving Hit Locations of 1-3 are treated as cats
who achieve the same Locations when they make a
successful bite.

Feral Dogs
Statistics will vary by the size of thedog. A pack may easily
be composed of dogs of various sizes. The smaller dogs are
often the ones "assigned" the task of encumbering the
victim. Dog sizes are given a classification (I, II, Ill, etc.) to
identify the size grouping. Dogs only occupy 1 hex on the
DAT display. Dogs I and II may have as many as 3 in one hex
without restriction and Dogs Ill may have 2 in one space
without restriction.


I (5 kg)











II (10 kg)

111 (15 kg)



1 1/2

IV (20 kg)

V (30 kg)

VI (40 kg)

VI1 (over 40 kg)


4D6 + 3

306 + 8

2D10 + 10

2D10 + 3




3D10 + 20

Bite BCS (S)












Damage Die

1 point

1 point










henry christen (order #23380)

Reptiles are for the most part non-aggressive toward man
but are included here for their dangerous potential and
popular appearances i n fiction.

The alligator is generally inoffensive to something thesize
of a full-grown human, although its relative the crocodile will
attack a man. Alligators will defend their nests and attack
threats if they cannot escape from them.
An alligator will occupy 3 hexes on the DAT display. A
character entering the Tail Zone of the alligator (see
illustration) is subject to a free attack from the tail. An
alligator may attack targets in his Tail Zone as well as regular
targets in one Attack Action without negative modifiers for
the two attacks.


Alligator on land
BAP: 8

A character may make a Strength AST to attempt to throw

off a coil. This allows him to compare Strength Effect Die
rolls with the serpent. If the character's roll is higher, thecoil
is thrown off. One coil may be thrown off per Action.
The snake may attempt to throw additional coils on a
victim to the maximum of three. Throwing additional coils
does not interfere with its constriction attack of coils that are
already lapping the victim.
Any attempts to attack a constrictor which is coiled on a
character will require the attacker to make a Deftness CST or
the attack will be made against the character in the snake's
coils. Characters attempting to help who have both hands
free need not make the Strength AST in order to match Effect
Die rolls with the snake for removing coils. The Effect Die
rolls are matched if the helping character simply declares
that he is spending the Action attempting to remove a coil,
A character in a snake's coils will be encumbered by 1/3 of
the serpent's Mass for each coil which it has on the victim.
Constrictors, as well as other snakes, are given two BAP
numbers. The first is the one used by the snake if it is moving.
The second is used when the snake is initiating a striking
Attack Action. In the case of a constrictor, it would attempt to
bite a victim on Action Phase 16 (resolving on Action Phase
8) and could attempt t o throw coils, ifthe bite was successful,
on Action Phase 7 (resolving constriction on Phase 0).Once
securely anchored on a victim, the serpent can attempt to
coil on each Action, and it will use the BAP for moving to
control its actions.
For purposes of Hit Location, only a roll of 01 to 05 will hit
the head. All other attacks strike the body. Constrictors are
4 + 203 meters long, but only occupy 1 hex when coiled.

Bite BCS: 12(S) WDM: 2,L

Damage Die: l D l O

BAP: 6 (16)
MNA: 1 (2)

Tail BCS: 10(A) WDM: 1.8,C

Damage Die: 1D6 plus Bash attack

PCA: 6(8)

PCA: 4
BMA: 1/2

Mass: 13

AV: 3

MNA: 2

AV on Locations 17 to 28: 4
7, 10, 13, 16, 29, 30: 5
4: 3
other Locations: 6

BMA: 1/2

Bite BCS: 14(A) WDM: 1.3,L

Damage Die: 2D3
Coil BCS: l 8 ( S ) WDM: 1.5, constriction
Damage Die: 1D6
Mass: 15

WDA: 2
CDA: 2
DRT: 4D6 + 25
SF: 25

WDA: 1


CDA: 1

The rattler is the most common poisonous snake found in

North America. It normally attacks only when disturbed.
It follows the strike/movement pattern presented with
constrictors, except that it does not coil around a victim. It
has the same Hit Location pattern as constrictors, with a 1- to
2-meter length.
A rattlesnake will have 303 units of its poison when
encountered. Each unit is an equivalent of a Strength Rating
of 1 for the poison. Additional doses are cumulative. The
snake will inject 1D2 units per successful bite.

DRT: (3D6 + 10) x 2.5

SF: 20

Alligator in water has the following changes

BAP: 10

PCA: 5

CDA: 2

Larger alligators are possible. They would do more

damage and have a greater Mass but would not necessarily
be slower.

BAP: 6 (18)

Bite BCS: lO(S)'

MNA: 2

Damage Die: 1D6


PCA: 3 (9)

Mass: .5

Although they do not really attack prey as large as men,

giant constrictors have always been held to do so in
adventure fiction. Thus they are included here.
Constrictors often wait above their prey in order to drop
down upon it. The snake will first attempt to strike the victim
and get a grip on him with its mouth. This works as for dogs
except that once the grip is gained no more damage is done.
Once a grip is gotten, the snake will loop 1D3 coils around its
victim. These coils will do constriction damage at 1D6 per
coil per Action. Coils are thrown at the start of a snake's
Action once the serpent has a grip.

BMA: 1/2

WDM: 1.5,L
plus poison

AV: 2
WDA: 2
CDA: 2
DRT: 2D6

SF: 10
* A character's WDA is not applicable against this attack.

Damage Done is only calculated for purposes of determining

henry christen (order #23380)

whether the armor is penetrated for the poison to be injected.

If it is, the character will take 1 point of lethal damage.

Super- Rat

Rattlesnake poison: S-L-DFT.SPD-2D3

injected- 1 hr.-Nausea

MNA: 2



BAP: 17

Bite BCS: 12(VS) WDM: 1.5,L

Damage Die: 1D3
Rats per Mob: 6 BCSfRat: 3
WDM: .3/Rat Damage Die: 103+2

PCA: 8


BMA: 1/4

Rodents, although small, are dangerous in large numbers.

They may also carry disease and therefore pose a serious
More than one rodent may occupy a DAT display hex
without Restricting the other rodents in the hex. The exact
number is specified in the rodent description. Rodents are
not affected by most kinus of Treacherous Ground.
Rodents are capable of mass attacks. This form of attack is
called Mobbing. The number of rodents required to initiatea
Mob attack will vary according to the type of rodent. A Mob
has a BCS of 20. Each rodent in the Mob that is killed will
reduce that BCS by the BCS/Rodent factor. The full Overall
Defense Ability may be applied against a Mob attack. The
damage inflicted bya Mobattack will beapplied tothe lowest
AV the character has.
A Mob must be in the same hex as the victim in order to
attack. If the victim moves, the Mob will stay with him. Mobs
can be restored to full strength by the arrival of more of that
type of rodent.
An attack made against a Mob by the Mobbed character is
subject to a number of non-ignorable Distractions equal to
one-half the number of surviving rodents, rounded up. A
successful attack will apply the damage done to all the
rodents in the mob to a maximum of the characters MNA.
Thus, a character successfully attacking a Mob of rodents
with 2 points of DRT each and doing 7 points of damage
would slay three of the vermin if his MNA was 3, but only two
if his MNA was 2. If the rodents had 8 points each, he would
not even have slain the first one,
With regard to Overall Defense Ability, a Mob has the
Defense Ability of a single rodent of that type.
A character attempting to help a Mobbed character faces
the same problems in attacking as when attempting to aid a
character in the coils of a constrictor. Individual rodents may
be pulled off with a Deftness CST and thrown away. A
strength AST will stun the vermin thrown and a CST will kill
it. One attempt may be made per Action although i f both
hands are free, the helping character may grasp for two
rodents with the number required for each grasp reduced by

AV: 1

Mass: .3

WDA: 1
CDA: 6
DRT: 2

Sharks are killing machines of an unpredictable nature.
A shark may make one attack per Action but it may make it
at any point in the Action. Sharks are always moving and the
minimum move per Action Phase is the BMA. Sharks usually
move a high speed during an attack run, but at low speed at
all other times.
Hit Location on a shark uses a special table:


Die Roll Location

Head (1)
Body (2)
Right Fin (3)
Left Fin (4)
Dorsal Fin ( 5 )
Tail (6)

BAP: 15
MNA: 2

Bite BCS: lO(VS) WDM: 1.5,L

Damage Die: 1D2

PCA: 7

Rats per Mob: 10 BCS/Rat: 2

BMA: 1/4
AV: 1

WDM: .2/Rat

Damage Die: 1D3+1

Mass: .25

WDA: 0
CDA: 6
DRT: 1

SF: -

Acharactermayawait asharksattack inordertostrikeit in

an attempt to abort the attack. A Strength AST allows a
percentage chance of aborting the sharks attack which is
dependent on the sharks size. A Strength CST doubles this
A specially-designed anti-shark weapon known as a bang
stick has a chance of killing a shark almost instantly. The
weapon is a pole which has a 00 shotgun shell at the end.
When struck on the shark at Location 2 it will explode. The
BDG is the percent chance that the shark will be killed. This
is reduced by the sharks size classification. A Deftness CST
is required to land the attack successfully. If the die roll was
in the characters Ability Saving Throw range, thecharge will
go off but it will do only the normal damage to the shark.

henry christen (order #23380)

Sharks are notoriously hard t o kill. A shark will continue to

operate for 2D6 Actions after its DRT has been exceeded by
damage done.
The sharks size classification is its chance in 20 of a
Critical Hit. This is rolled for separately on each successful
hit. A die roll of 1 on the attack roll indicates a Critical Hit as
usual and this roll need not be made.
The sharks size classification is also the chance in twenty
that it will shake its victim, doing an additional 1D3 of lethal
damage per size classification.
Sharks are capable of going into frenzy. When
circumstances apply, a die roll greater than the sharks size
classification on 1D10 will cause a shark to go into frenzy.
Circumstances that may trigger frenzy are excessive
amounts of blood in the water or large numbers of feeding
sharks in the area. Once a shark is in frenzy, its BAP has
203 added to it, its MNA is doubled, its CDA is halved, and it
is allowed to make a second attack if the first misses. This
second attack has one-half the.BCS of the first attack.
Sharks tend to fixate on a victim. They will often push past
obstructions and people in their way in order to strike again
at a victim that they have already attacked.


I ( 1 m)

II (2 m)

111 (4 m)






VI (over 8 m)


IV (6 m)





2D5 x 2


(2D 10+5)x2

(2D10+10) x2.5










Bite BCS












Damage Die




2 D6




72 +

Attack abandonment







For the most part, non-hostile animals will appear in the
course of play simply as Game, a food source. To this end,
whenever t h e c h a r a c t e r s e n c o u n t e r Game, t h e
Gamesmaster should consult the table below. It will require
the expenditure of a round of ammunition and a successful
BCS roll to acquireeach animal. Reusableammunition, such
as arrows, may be recovered if the BCS roll is successful. The
BCS will receive a negative modifier of 206 for the first shot
and an additional -2 for each shot thereafter until all the
game has been shot or missed. Only one attempt is allowed
per animal.



Hide Available
In Locations (Armor Material)

01-1 5

Small Game


103 (LH)


2D6 Small Game


2D3 (LH)


1D3 (LH); 2D6 (HH)


1D6 (LH); 2D10 (HH)

Die roll


Medium Game


2D3 Medium Game


Large Game


1D3 Large Game


Very Large Game


1D3 Very Large Game

henry christen (order #23380)

Some specifics are given for some interesting but normally

non-hostile animals.

This is a pig which has reverted back toward the wild boar
of its ancestry. Such animals are well-known for the
tendency to hunt a hunter who has wounded them. When
engaged in such activity, they show considerable cunning.
These can be very dangerous game.
BAP: 12

Tusk BCS: 14(S) WDM: 2,L plus Bash

MNA: 3

Damage Die: 1D10

PCA: 4

Mass: 15

BMA: 1
AV: 3
WDA: 3
CDA: 3
DRT: (2D10+10)x1.5
SF: 15

The mutagen-rich world of Affermafh! will undoubtedly
produce changes in the fauna of earth. Most mutations will
be harmfvl but some will be beneficial and someof these will
become established in the gene pools of species. Such
processes are lengthy in terms of generations.
New species arising from mutations due to the Ruin will
first be seen in animals with a short generation period. The
effects of such mutations can be widely varied. A
Gamesmaster who wishes to include mutant animals in his
campaign should design a mutation that suits him. Peshould
keep in mind that fantastic powers will not appear overnight.
Such things take time to prove their worth and increasetheir
Some examples of possible paths of mutation are provided
in this section. The Gamesmaster should guide himself with
realistic parameters, but should also not allow himself to be
trapped by them if he feels that an improbable mutation will
make the game more exciting.


A large brute which will charge anything it thinks is worth
charging; that is to say, anything. Poor eyesight is part of the
reason behind this behavior. The rhino's hearing and sense
of smell are reasonably good, as is its ability to detect
motion. A rhinoceros will move through a character's hex
and subject him totrampling possibilitiesas a horsedoes but
the damage done will be different. This will occur if the strike
with the horn does not succeed. If the horn strike succeeds, a
character will be thrown 2D3 meters from the rhino. He will,
of course, be subject to falling results as if he had fallen the
distance he was thrown. A thrown character will not be
trampled at that point although the animal may return to
trample him.

Rodents are notorious for their short generation periods.

Suggested here are some variations o n rats which could
plague the survivors of a Ruin.

Giant Rats
These monsters resemble regular rats in most particulars,
although they arevery large. They occupy asingle hex on the
DAT display. Weighing in at about 10 kilograms, they are the
size of a small dog.
Super Giant Rats are further along in the evolutionary
process and are even larger. They mass about 20 kilograms.
They do not use Mob attacks.

Giant Rat
BAP: 12

Horn BCS: 12(A) WDM: 1.5,L (thrust)

Damage Die: 2D6

MNA: 2

PCA: a

Trampling damage: 3D10,B i f trampled

BMA: .33

BMA: 2

Mass: 100

AV: 2


MNA: 1

PCA: 6

Bite BCS: 14(VS) WDM: 1.5,L

Damage Die: 2D3 + 1
Rats per Mob: 3 BCS/Rat: 6
WDM/Rat: .6 Damage Die: 2D3
Mass: 1

WDA: 1

AV: 5

CDA: 5

WDA: 0

DRT: 2D3x2

CDA: 2

SF: 5

DRT: (1D20 + 40) x 3

SF: 35

Elephant and
Rhinoceros on

An elephant's principal form of attack will be either by
trampling a character or by grabbing him with the trunk and
flinging him through the air. Flung characters will travel 206
Elephants occupy several hexes on the DAT display as
shown in the illustration.
BAP: 10

Trunk BCS: 12 WDM: none

MNA: 1

Trample damage: 4D10,B

PCA: 10

Mass: 200

BMA: 1
AV: 4
WDA: 1
CDA: 1
DRT: (2D10 + 60)




henry christen (order #23380)

Super Glant Rats


BAP: 8

Bite Bcs: 13(S) WDM: 1.6,L

MNA: 1

Damage Die: 203 + 2

Various insects will undoubtedly be changed by the Ruin.

Only one is given attention here, the redoubtable cockroach.

PCA: 8

Mass: 2

Giant Cockroaches

BMA: 1

These noxious insects are basically scavengers. They

cause little damage to an active character but an
unconscious character is in serious danger.
Five of these monsters can cover 1 Location on a
character. If the character is unresisting, thosefive will cause
him 1 point of lethal damage per Combat Turn regardless of
armor. If the character is in completely environmentallysealed armor, they will begin to chew through the gaskets at
the joints at the rate of 1 point of AV per hour. These vermin
only attack in Mobs of five.

AV: 2
WDA: 2
CDA: 4
DRT: (206 + 5) x 2

SF: 12
Ruin Rats
These monstrosities followed a different path from the
giant rats. They are beginning t o develop intelligence. Their
manipulative abilities are still poor, although they can use
simple tools. I n times of stress, they tend to revert to animal
instincts and lose the benefits of their semi-intelligent status.

BAP: 20

Ruin Rat

AV: 0

BAP: 12
MNA: 2
PCA: 6
BMA: .33
AV: 2

Bite BCS: 12(VS) WDM: 1.5.L

Damage Die: 1 0 3 + 1
Hand-use BCS: 9 WDM: variable
Damage Die: 1D5
Mass: 2

CDA: 4
DRT: (10 3 + 5) x 1.5

SF: 5

These take the Ruin Rats a step further. Though incapable

of human speech, they are of near-human intelligence. They
have difficulty dealing with non-concrete ideas and
concepts, but can easily use mans devices. Their forepaws
are developed to such a degree that they can even use
handguns, although their body structure does not allow
them to use long guns.
Master Rats can move bipedally, though they will drop to
all fours for rapid travel.
It is possible to allow Master Rats the capability of
commanding lesser forms of rats. This makes them
formidable opponents, even if they never personally enter
the fray.
Master Rats would present a danger to the supremacy of
man in adepopulated world, for their breeding time isshorter
than mans though considerably increased over that of
normal rats. Fortunately for man, at this stage they do not
cooperate with each other except in the mated pair, as they
seem to be extremely territorial.

PCA: 5
BMA/quad.: 1
bi.: .5
WDA: varies by Skill

Damage Die: 1D3/Mob of 5

PCA: 4

Mass: .1

BMA: .5
WDA: none
CDA: 6
SF: -


Master Rats

MNA: 2

MNA: 5

A character making a successful attack against these may

eliminate 1 Location worth for each point of MNA he has.
Brawling Combat, Unarmed Combat Skills areappropriate,
as is a Deftness Ability Saving Throw. The character may
use whichever will give him the best chance.

WDA: 3

BAP: 10

Bite BCS: lO(VS) WDM: l , L

A successful series of tales deals with a Post-Holocaust

world in which much of what remains is held by apes which
have reached human levels of intelligence. If a Gamesmaster
wishes to set his campaign in such a world, we provide the
following guidelines.
A campaign set in such a world could deal with any oneof a
number of periods, which will involve humans in various
stages of evolutionary or devolutionary progress. An
advanced-period campaign will have bands of wild humans
who are at best semi-intelligent and who have lost the power
of coherent speech, as well as small groups of mutated
humans hiding in the ruins of devastated cities. Such
mutants are heavily into the path of psychic mutation and
almost all have severe cosmetic disorders.

Bite BCS: 9(VS) WDM: 1.5,L

Damage Die: 1D3 + 1
Skill Use: variable, almost
any physical Skill

Strength Damage Die: 1D6


CDA: 4
DRT: (1D6 + 10) x 1.5

SF: 10
AV: 2, some have been known to use scraps of armor which
adds to their natural AV.

henry christen (order #23380)

The apes, of course, vary by type. Three species have

developed: Gorillas, Chimpanzees, and Orang-utans. Each
has his area of expertise and special characteristics. All have
learned to walk exclusively in a bipedal fashion. All wear
clothes and armor.
Apes standardly consider humans as simply animals.

concepts. The ruling council is usually comprised of Orangs

and its authority, through smaller specific councils, extends
throughout ape society.
Orang-utans have a Hindrance and reduction regarding
Combat Skills as do Chimpanzees.

The Gorillas

Ape Society

The Gorillas are the warriors of the new order. They

provide the generals and the soldiers for the ape armies.
They are incapable of dealing with the arts and sciences, and
thus tend to resent such thingsand those who practice them.
They hate men and will hunt them for sport. The Gorillas
represent about 40% of the ape population.

The Chimpanzees
The Chimpanzees are the scientists and artisans of the
new order. They are pacifists and prefer to let others decide
their own courses, rather than forcing one upon them.
Chimps consider the martial Gorillas uncouth and
obnoxious but, following their general philosophy, rarely
bring this hostility into the open. The Chimps often use
humans as laboratory animals, since the latter are so close to
the structure of the higher species of apes. The
Chimpanzees comprise about 40% of the ape population.
Chimpanzees will always have a Hindrance when studying
Combat Skills are receive only one-half the initial score

The Orang-utans
The Orang-utans are the politicians and leaders of the
apes. They are notoriously conservative and are fully
capable of warping the truth to their own ends. They tend
toward a scientific bent and, though few are warriors
themselves, they often have a good command of strategic

In general, the apes tend t o bellback-to-natureltypes who

have little to do with the mechanical devices of mans world.
The Gorillas, however, gladly use weapons, including
firearms. Some manufacturing capability exists, but mostly
the apes rely on found and maintained tools of man.
Humans are used as pets, slaves, and houseservants. It is
considered in very poor taste to dress a human.
As mentioned before, a council rules although all are
theoretically allowed to speak before it. The greatest law of
the apes is ape shall not kill ape. This does not, of course,
apply to the naked ape, man.
Most details of the society are, and rightly so, left to the
gamesmaster. Even the details given in sourceworks will
vary, as they are set in different historical periods.

Characters in a World of Apes

Characters for this type of Post-Holocaust world will
receive initial values in Attributes and Talents. Talents are
still subject to the psychological profile results. If an
Attribute has an initial value less than 1 it must be raised to 1
before the start of play.
Characters would start at Age Group 1. Apes and Wild
Humans would not be Changed but all city men would.
Wild Humans are poor for Player Characters due to their
limitations, but are included to give the Gamesmaster an idea
of their statistics

Attribute Modification Chart

Initial values are given. The number in parentheses is the
maximum value for the Attribute if that has been changed
from 40.




















Wild Humans



City Men






Talent Modification Chart


































Wild Humans


City Men










i c(

henry christen (order #23380)

Beasts will have uses to a man in the Aftermath. The Flesh
is food, and the hide may be turned into clothing or armor.
Each kind of animal, and in some cases a specific animal, is
rated for the amount of edible mass in the body, the chance
of contamination, the food value of the edible mass, and the
amount and kind of hide available from the carcass. These
values are found on the chart below.






20 of HH

Cat, large







3 o f LH




3 of LH




number equal to Class of LH


2ofHH 5ofSH





1 0 o f HH


number equal to 112 Mass of SH




l/Mass of LH




number equal to 1/2 Mass of HH





8 of HH





50 of HH


25 of AH



15 of LH




10 of LH

henry christen (order #23380)


In the course of a game campaign, the Player Characters
will meet and interact with a bewildering variety of other
characters. These are all non-player characters in the
control of the Gamesmaster. In some campaigns, the
Gamesmaster will have friends run some of the characters
for him. This allows him to function purely as a referee.
Non-player characters are any beings that the Player
Characters meet. Most of them will be human. Many will
simply be members of the faceless mob, but others will be
Personality Non-Player Characters. These are designed by
the Gamesmaster with as much detail as the players put into
their own characters. All the statistics are known and the
character is given a definite personality.
Non-player characters can appear in the campaign as
adversaries, friends, flunkies, acquaintances, superiors, or in
any other position relative to the Player Characters that the
Gamesmaster can think of. Some will be dumb, some smart,
some helpful, some dangerous. I n short, they wiil come in as
great a variety as real people and the characters of fiction. It
is the job of the Gamesmaster to bring life to these
characters. The more real they seem, the more life they will
bring to the game.
When playing a non-player character, the Gamesmaster
should remember that the character does not have the
omniscient knowledge of the Gamesmaster himself. The
character will only be able to make decisions using data that
would be available to him. This is sometimes a difficult task.
Planning a non-player characters action for a turn before
asking the players to announce the actions of their
characters will help to maintain the separation of
Gamesmaster and character knowledges. This can lead to
the demise of the Gamesmasters favorite Personality NonPlayer Character, but if the players have managed to get
things to go their way through good play, the Gamesmaster
should be prepared to let his character meet his fate.

Most of the Gamesmasters characters will be humans. As
can be seen by simply looking at a Character Record Sheet,
there are a great number of statistics involved in quantifying
a character. For the purposes of simple non-player
characters, these can be reduced somewhat. Several
assumptions are made.

The Attribute statistics in use for a non-player character

are those appropriate to whatever Encumbrance Status
the character is at, due to whatever armor he is wearing
and gear he is carrying.
Non-player characters do not Learn-by-Doing and thus
need no Talent scores.


a non-player character is noted as having a Skill

requiring a prerequisite and the prerequisite Skill is not
listed. the character is assumed to have the Drereauisite
Skill at the minimum possible value: that is. a score of 25
for a BCS of 5 .

Non-player characters often have Skills other than those

listed in their description. Only those most likely to be used
or those important in defining the character are listed. The
Gamesmaster may add Skills to the characters repertoire
as he thinks appropriate.

Thus, in order to use a character, the Gamesmaster must

know the characterk Attribute scores, the values of the
abilities used in Detailed Action Time, the characters BCS in
a pertinent Skill, the armor worn, the weapons and gear
available, and any pertinent special data.
The expression of Attribute and Ability scores is simple. A
listing of pertinent Skills will follow. The characters BCS in
the Skill is placed after the Skill name and in parentheses. If
the Skill is a Combat Skill and the character has a score
greater than 100, the BCS of the second 100 points follows
the BCS. This second number is the characters Control
Throw. Each four points in this second number represents a
point of Aim. The Weapon Defense Ability of a character will
depend on the weapon Skill in use. This has a value of 1 for
every 5 points of BCS.
The armor worn by a character is listed in garments. Each
garmenr has the Locations covered and the material of the
garment presented inside parentheses. Weapons are listed
in order of the characters preference for use. I f the weapon
uses some form of ammunition, the information on the
amount available will be listed at that point. A gun is assumed
to have a full load and any rounds listed are those available
for reloading.
Any special notes o n the character will follow. This can
include patterns of behavior, distinguishing marks, other
equipment, concerns, relationships with other characters,
preferred tactics, etc.
This entire description is headed by the characters name.
This can be followed with a brief description of his position
or way of life. If important, the characters age can be placed
in parentheses at the end of this line.
An example of such a character summary is presented
below. If the Gamesmaster has a number of such characters,
each could beenteredon aseparate3~5cardand theentire
stock kept in a file box until needed.
John Sample, survivor of the Ruin, loner (43)






Skills: Rifle, Modern (20/5); Brawling (15); Automobile

Mechanic ( 7 )

Armor: Fatigue jacket (4-11, HC); Pants (10-18, HC); Boots

(17-20, LL)
Weapons: Rifle R1 with 15 rounds of 30-06 in a bullet belt;
Trench Knife
Notes: Prefers to run away from a fight if possible. He has
survived by not getting involved. He has a deathlyfear
of being bitten by a rabid dog.

John Sample is 43 years old. His Attribute scores can

simply be read. His Ability scores will be needed for Detailed
Action time can also be read. He has a BCS of 20 with a
modern long gun, a Control Throw of 5 , and 1 point of Aim.
When using Brawling Skill, he will have a WDA of 3. The
notation of Automobile Mechanic Skill implies that he also
has Technology Use Skill. Since no score is given for that
Skill, he is assumed to have the minimum necessary to use
the Automobile Mechanic Skill for which Technology Use is
a prerequisite. Thus, he has a Technology Use BCS of 5 .


henry christen (order #23380)

As an example of interpreting the armor designations, we

will use the Fatigue jacket. The garment is indicated as
covering Locations 4 to 11 on the Body Map. That means its
Armor Value, i f it is the best on the Location in question,
will be subtracted from the Damage Potential of any attacks
which are targeted on that Location. The ArmorValuecan be
determined by finding the material represented in this
designation by its letter Code on the Armor Material List
which is Appendix 3 in Book 2. The Format for that material
can also be gotten from the list. As familiarity with the system
grows, the Gamesmaster will be able to tell the Armor Value
and Format of a material simply by knowing what the material
A Rifle R1 (the designation is from the firearms listing
which is Appendix 1 in Book 3) can come in a number of
calibers. The ammunition listed indicates that the rifle is of
30-06 caliber. Since that rifle will hold 4 rounds of 30-06
ammunition, Samples total ammunition is 19 rounds. The
notation concerning where the spare ammunition is kept
allows the Gamesmaster to determine the time necessary for
Sample to reload. All data on the rifle can be gotten from the
gun list.
The Trench Knife without Knife Skill implies that Sample
uses the blade for utility work but may take advantage of the
Brass Knuckle function of the knife when he is in a brawl.
The notes are self-explanatory. They add some color to the
simple listing of statistics.


When the Gamesmaster is running a scenario involving
large numbers of characters, he may find himself lost in a
morass of numbers. If hefeelscapableof handling individual
statistics for each and every character, he may go right
ahead and try. The players will have little problem, as they
have only one or two sets of statistics with which to concern
themselves. For the harried Gamesmaster, we have evolved
the concept of typical characters.
A typical character will have a given set of statistics. Any
number of characters in a given Detailed Action Time
situation can be designated as belonging to a given grouping
of typical characters. This allows the Gamesmaster to handle
several characters at once in an Action Phase. When
resolving Actions of such characters he can almost treat a
grouping of characters as he would a single character. At
least, he can determine the start of their Actions all at once
instead of having characters initiate Actions on widely
varying Action Phases.
TO further simplify a multitude of characters, they are
rated for an Expertise Level. Each Level has a BCS
associated with it. The character will have certain Skills
specified as primary Skills. He will have the same BCS with
all his primary Skills. Secondary Skills will have a lower
Expertise Level.
Characters will be assigned an Armor Kit appropriate to
the situation. Thus, a Gamesmaster need only have the
specifics of one set of armor and clothing which can be
referred to for several characters. This is much easier on a
Gamesmaster than referring to separate descriptions of each
garment for each character when there are a number Of
characters involved.
The Gamesmaster may also find it convenient to have
several characters armed with the same weapons. The
problem of keeping track of ammunition expended has no
such easy solution. Such armaments could be referred to as
Weapons Kits.


Non-player characters, who are not specially designed,
have three basic levels of Quality: Average, Superior, and

Heroic. Each will give a character a specific set of Attribute

and Ability scores.
Average Quality












Superior Quality 21






Heroic Quality













Average Quality
Superior Quality



Heroic Quality



In addition, a character may be specified as Increased.

This will add 5 to the specified Attributes and adjust the
pertinent Abilities. Thus, an Increased Average: WT would
have a WT score of 16 and no Ability scores would be
altered. If the character had SPD designated as the
Increased Attribute, the BAP would be changed to 8 and the
PCA to 4. Multiple Increases are certainly possible A group
of weight-lifters might will be designated as Increased
Average: STRx5, giving them a STR score of 36 while all the
other Attribute scores remain at 11.
Characters, especially those that make up the bulk of a
large force attacking a group of adventurers, may be
designated as Rabble or Extras. Rabble have half the number
of points in their DRT as are indicated by the normal
calculations. Extras are even less resistant to injury. If the
Damage Potential of an attack against an Extra is not
completely reduced by the Extras armor, he will be killed if
the damage was lethal or rendered unconscious if it was
subdual damage.

The most common application of Expertise Levels is in
regard to Combat Skills. The characters primary weapons
are used with the BCS for the Expertise Level for which the
character is rated. Secondary weapons are used at a lower
level of Expertise. The Gamesmaster may find it simplest
always to use the next lower level of Expertise rather than
designate tertiary, quarternary, etc., Skills.
The Expertise Levels are:





BCS 11


BCS 14


BCS 17


BCS 20 +

If a character is designated
Heroic with a Combat Skill, he will
have a Control Throw of 2D5. Aim,
if available, will be determined
from this second BCS.
Thus, a Trained character whose primary weapons are a
rifle and a knife, and whose secondary weapons are the
bayonet on the rifle as a polearm, Brass Knuckles, and a
Ceremonial Sword, would have a BCS of 11 if Rifle, Modern,
and Knife Combat Skill. He would also have a BCS of 8 in
Polearm, Brawling, and Single Weapon Skills. It is assumed
that he will be classified as Green with any other Weapons.
I f the weapons listed are not broken down into primary and
secondary, the Gamesmaster may assume that the first
weapon listed is the primary and all others are secondary. A
weapon listed in the notes section indicates that the
character has a Green Expertise with theskill governing that
weapons use.

henry christen (order #23380)

Armor Kits may be simple or complex. They may consist of
many or only a few garments. The Gamesmaster should keep
a careful note of what garments he designates as comprising
an Armor Kit. Characters may also be designated as having
an Armor Kit plus some other garments in addition to those
in the Kit. If a character is specified as having a garment that
could not be worn over a specific Location along with a
garment noted as being in the Kit, the garment in the
character description can be assumed to replace the
garment in the Armor Kit for that character only.
A sample Armor Kit might be the one presented as the
Armor for John Sample on page 31. If the Gamesmaster has
more than one non-player character in a group wearing this
type of clothing, he can designate it as Armor Kit 1. A
character with a steel army helmet in addition to the fatigues
could then be specified as having Armor Kit 1 plus Helmet
(1, SP).


Let us assume a character designated as Superior Rabble.
The character is given an Expertise Level of Trained. This
character is one of five in the group that the Player
Characters are about to meet. Each of the non-player
characters is wearing essentially the same outfit. Each has
the same basic armament. The typical member of this group
wears a Fatigue jacket (4-1 1, HC), Pants (10-18, HC), Boots
(17-20, LL), and a Flakjacket (4-12, LP-AA). He isarmed with
an M-14 rifle with two spare clips and three loose rounds of
ammunition, a Trench Knife, a Ceremonial Sword, and a
Mk.6 Grenade.
The specific character in question does not haveThrowing
Skill with which to use the grenade. The character does have
a steel helmet and a pair of gloves. Thus the short form of
character listing would be:
Joan Sample, reluctant soldier (28)

Superior Rabble, Trained

Skills: Tailor (12); WeavingEpinning (12)
Armor: Kit 1 plus Helmet (1, SP) and Gloves (29-30, HC)
Weapons: Kit 1 less grenade
Notes: Would rather be at home. Carries Mk.6 grenade.
Although they are not listed, the character has the
following Skills: Rifle, Modern (BCS 11). Knife (BCS 8), and
Single Weapon (BCS 8). As a Superior Quality character, all
the Attribute scores will be 21. All the Ability scores have
standard values except the DRT. This will only have a value
of (21 + 10.5 + 10.5)/2 or 21 since the character is designated
as Rabble.


Playtesting has shown that most Gamesmasters could
deal with 2 to 4 sets of statistics within a given group. A
popular combination was a Personality Non-Player
Character with individual statistics, one or two tough
standardized characters, three or four of medium difficulty,
and the rest fairly easy-to-take. Often the latter category was
classed as Rabble or Extras.
The Gamesmaster should always try to balance the
challenge. I f he is facing the players with something that
their characters will not be able to beat in a direct
confrontation, he should leave them a way to escape
annihilation. I f he consistently fails to do this, his players will
lose interest and all his work on the campaign will go to
We have also found that the occasional encounter with a
large number of Extras allows the players to achieve results
resembling the massive victories so common in literature.
Such free-for-alls can be great fun for both the players and
the Gamesmaster. However, note the word occasional. A
steady diet of such simple victories is every bit as boring as
constant encounter with the unbeatable. Variety is the goal
of a good Gamesmaster. Variety can be achieved in the type
of characters encountered as well as in the basic adventure


henry christen (order #23380)


The technological wonders available in a campaign
depend upon two factors which the Gamesmaster must
decide on as he is laying the first foundations of the gameworld:
What level did technology reach in the pre-Ruin world?
How much of it is still present in usable or repairable form?
There is a dilemma in this.Aftermath! is designed for use in
cultures which do not much exceed our own in technological
development, though there is no reason not to build a more
science-fictiony campaign if you want to. However, some
of the basic postulates we will be making about the available
pre-Ruin technology are not valid unless our progress here
and now (1981) is assumed to be farther along in Someareas
than it actually is. Otherwise, the date of civilizations fall is
pushed further and further into the future. Our own playtests
set it at around 2000.
However you choose to settle this, we will here set forth
rules covering a number of basic areas defined as High
Technology material. Much of this material is very complex
in the real world. Indeed, much of it is beyond the authors
comprehension, even after considerable research. Readers
knowledgeable in electricity, for example, will no doubt cry
aloud in horror at some of the rules governing that
phenomenon. On the other hand, players do not need an
Electrical Engineering degree to use them.

The mundane-seeming question of packaging is central to
the use of High Technology in Aftermath! This stuff is going
to be sitting around for years, decades, even centuries in
some campaigns. Characters should be able to mine the
ruins for usable manufactured resources, things their own
culture is unable to produce. This is hardly worth theeffort if
the goods are not to be found in edible-wearable-shootableotherwise usable shape.
As we discussed briefly in the Survival section of Book 2,
we are positing an improved system of packaging in the preRuin civilization. Plastics technology and a more rigorous
method of eliminating contaminants, chemical or bacterial,
from the packaged substance, point the way t o a means of
sealing anything from foodstuffs to industrial machinery
away from the effects of passing years.
Small items: food, liquor and tobacco, light machines,
clothing, medical supplies; all could be vacuum packed, or
sealed in an inert atmosphere (nitrogen or argon) for
storage. Larger items would be sprayed in an epoxy-like
resin which would solidify into a time-proof outer skin. Apply
a solvent, attach a power supply, and bingo! It works again as
if it were just off the assembly line. New silicone lubricants
would replace grease as a preservative and greasing
medium, much more resistant to the passage of time than the
petroleum compounds used today.
But why should such a packaging renaissance happen in
the first place? We can see one possible rationale emerging
today. Western Civilization is developing an increasing
horror of wasting resources. Yet much of what our industries
produce is never used! It sits on the shelf, or i n the
warehouse, until it is not useful any longer, and then it is
thrown away. But is something could be produced, and
stored until needed, a week later, or a year, or ten years, then
it becomes logical that stockpiles of goods will long outlast

the society that produced them. If such a movement were to

gain credence among the consumers of the pre-Ruin world,
it could well lead to the gift of preserved goods passed on to
the scavengers of the Aftermath.

When you come down to it, the single most important
resource in modern technology is energy, usually in the form
of electrical energy. The bulk of our electricity today (as we
are all too well aware) come from petrochemicals: oil mainly,
followed by coal. But there is study going forward in
alternate forms of energy, sources of electricity that need not
die when our civilization does. Someof thesecould continue
to operate via automated control and maintenance, or by the
efforts of dedicated bands of survivors who feel an obligation
to keep their part of the old knowledge alive. Other sources
might be reproduceable by survivors on a local basis.
Electricity might be something scavenged from the ruins,
like food or weapons, or something that can be homebrewed,
like alcohol for your truck (or for a cold winter night).


How do we measure the amount of electricity a character
has available from some source, or the amount he must
expend to operate some device? There are two forms of
electricity to consider:

Stored Power: Electricity held in a battery until needed. It

may be released in a continuous flow or in large jolts. In
Aftermath? we have posited the development of highly
durable Eternabatteries, or E-batteries. Their capacity
for current is rated in Charges. Let us assume a value of
about 100 watt-hours (see below) as constituting a

Current Electricity being generated, flowing along a

circuit, is current. It will be rated in watts, for ease in
converting it into Charge values and vice-versa.
These are terms of convenience, and relate to their actual
meanings in electrical work only in the most abstract way.
To turn watts into watt-hours, it is necessary to
measure the flow of current over a period of time. A 1-watt
current will generate 1 watt-hour of electricity in 1 hour. 1
watt-hour battery could provide a 1-watt current for 1 hour.
To build up 1 Charge in a battery, you must have a 100-watt
current flow into the battery for an hour. A 50-watt current
will need to flow for 2 hours. The formula is: Watts x Hours =
A 100 watt-hour Charge will keep a 100-watt light bulb
burning for 1 hour. It will keep a 50-watt bulb burning for 2
hours, or a 10-watt bulb going for 10 hours. The formula is:
Hours of Operation = (Charges x 100)/Watts consumed.
The Gamesmaster may approach rating the wattage of
devices in several ways. He may assign wattages to them
(e.g., portable 2-way radio, 20 watts; searchlight, 1500 watts;
and so on). Much of this information is available in
catalogues for such merchandise. In fact, on most
household appliances, federal law now requires a sticker
giving the wattage rating. This approach is best for largeconsumption deveices that will be operated for long periods
of time, from hours on up.
For very low-power devices that will be used in an on-andoff manner (flashlights, walkie-talkies, calculators,

henry christen (order #23380)

watches, etc.) the most convenient solution seems to be a

statement that 1 battery (usually an E-1) will keep the thing
working for 1 year. This way, it is only necessary to record
whe,? the battery was last replaced, instead of the tedious
process of bookkeeping involved in recording every minute
usage of power, to the second.
Lastly, for devices used on a one large shot basis, the
Gamesmaster may rate the drain on the battery in Charges.
This is the obvious approach to electrically-powered
weapons (Lasers, Electro-weapons), as well as fiash units on
cameras, or tailored articles (this electric camp stove takes 1
Charge to cook 1 ration). A variant is the device which uses
significant fractions of a Charge, like the electric vehicles,
getting so many kilometers to the Charge. Go half that many
kilometers, use half a Charge, and so on.

The use of the Eternabattery is classically simple in most
cases. To charge it, hook it up to any source of current via a
leech, or induction transformer, to give it its formal name.
When the connection has existed long enough for the
wattage of the current to reach 100 x the Charge rating of the
battery, the leech shuts down, and the battery is charged.
Unless physically destroyed, the battery is indefinitely
The only real difficulty in getting the power out of an
Eternabattery occurs when it is being used t o supply the
electricity for some device that is not.designed to use Ebatteries. This constitutes a Task, to be assigned a value by
the Gamesmaster. The average Task Point range would be
about 10-50, for fairly small conversions. The same applies to
linking several smaller Eternabatteries together in series, to
provide the necessary current to operate a device normally
requiring a larger type of battery. For example, preparing a
battery pack of ten E-5s to run a vehicle normally operated
by one Ev-50: the relevant Skills would be Electrician,
averaged with any relevant types of Mechanic or other
related field of endeavor, and the usual Task Period would be
on the order of 10-20 hours. Tools of some kind would be a

When dealing with large amounts of power, theoutput of a
regional plant for instance, then another type of storage
battery comes into the picture: theaccumulator. This is a big,
fixed installation, holding hundreds or thousands of
Charges. If you use an analogy of electricity as water, then
Eternabatteries are canteens. Accumulators are the
reservoirs. When power is being generated, it is a use-it-orlose-it situation. Accumulators are designed to take the
surplus current and hold it as Charges. When the power is
needed later, it is tapped and fed into the distribution system.
They will generally be found in power plants, in factories, as
auxiliary power supplied in small municipalities or rural
areas, or in the holdings of technologically-oriented
survivors. The Gamesmaster may assign any value he wishes
to the accumulator, but in situations where the defenses a
non-player character is bringing to bear upon the Player
Characters are electrically powered by an accumulator, the
Gamesmaster may wish t o limit the opponents resources to
give the Players a chance to wear down his reserves.
Controlling accumulators, or working with them in any
decisive way, is under the jurisdiction of the Power
Generation, Electrical Skill. Such operations will be on an
industrial scale, requiring long Task Periods, and extensive
tools and resources.

With Generators, we pass from electrical storage to
systems which convert one form of energy into electrical
current. A generator is, specifically, a machine which
converts mechanical energy into electricity. A shaft runs
through a magnetic core. Turning the shaft interrupts the

magnetic field of that core, causing electrons to move in a

given direction. The result: current.
The enormous generator-turblnes, powered by oil- or
coal-burning furnaces, are not likely to survive the Ruin, if
they have not been replaced by some other power source by
then. But several other forms of mechanical generator are
very likely to be useful to the characters.
Man-Powered Generators
The three most common types are cranked models
(worked by hand), treadmills (which pool the work of several
men to turn the shaft), and the bicycle generator.
Hand-cranked models are useful primarily for recharging
batteries in emergencies, or for providing power to small
devices on the spot. They are generally provided as a backup power supply on military radio sets. The current
generated by a crank generator is equal to the Strength
Group of the user, in watts. He can maintain this rate of work
for a period of time equal to 20 minutes times his Health
Group. After that, he becomes Fatigued. He can then
continue cranking at an effective Strength Group 1 less than
his normal score, for a number of minutes equal to his
Health. He then becomes Fully Fatigued and cannot turn
the crank any longer.
Treadmill models are not portable, unless carried
piecemeal. A description, of a Rube Goldberg sort of
treadmill generator is found in Walter Millers novel A
Canticle for Liebowitz. Their current has a wattage equal to
the total Strength Groups of the characters on the treadmill.
The Gamesmaster should assign a maximum wattage to the
generator, as there is a point of diminishing returns to such
addition. The characters can keep the generator going on
the same basis as they can keep walking, as i f they were
traveling in Strategic Scale. Fast March can be used to
increase the current for a short period, doubling the output.
Long March can be used to put out more power in the day.
It should be mentioned that unscrupulous communities in
need of power might turn to a slave economy to turn
treadmill generators.
The movie Soylent Green features the late Edward G.
Robinson pumping a bicycle generator at one point. These
are more in the line of an exercycle. The bike does not
travel, but turns the shaft of a small generator. The base
current is equal to the characters Strength Group in watts,
with a multiplier of 2-3 for the bikes mechanical leverage.
Bicycle Skill is not required to use it.
Constructing a generator of one of these types requires
materials (and a bicycle if you are making the third kind). The
relevant Skills are Electrcal Power Generation, Mechanical
Power Generation, and any other Mechanical Skill that the
Gamesmaster feels is relevant. Task Points run from about
50 to build a crank generator, to 100 or more for a large
treadmill. Task Periods are in 1-day increments.
Hooking the generator up to anything but a leech
transformer for Eternabattery charging, or some device
designed to be powered by a small generator, is a Task for
the Electrician.
Wind and Water Power
The mechanical energy derived from the swift passage of
air or water is a potential source of power, one recognized
today by the enormous hydroelectrical plants of the power
utilities and the small windmills of the farmer and commune
dweller alike.
There is no real way to work out a consistent formula for a
windmills output. I f the only figures of significance are
Charges generated over a given period (say a week) then
1DlOO f 20 seems a decent amount for a small unit.
If the current being generated at a given moment is
important, roll 1DlOand 1D6. Read theOon theDlOasazero,
not a 10. Multiply the two rolls. That is the current being
generated at that time. Roll again every hour to deal with
changes in the weather, unless there is some reason to

henry christen (order #23380)

assume a longer or shorter period of stability.

Hydroelectric power is more constant. The Gamesmaster
must assign a value to the flow of the body of water being
used. Small streams or natural small waterfalls would have a
value of 1D6 x 100. The generator must be designed before it
is built a Task requiring Skill in Electrical Power Generation
and Physics. When the design Task is done, the
Gamesmaster should roll 1020 until he scores less than the
Average BCS in theseSkills.The Effect Numberfrom this roll
divided by 10 will provide a factor of efficiency for the
generator. This factor times the water sources constant
value is the current that will be generated by the device. It is
then built using the appropriate construction Skills.
There may be seasonal fluctuations in the waters
constant, based on rainfall and local climate. This is
completely up to the Gamesmaster and his sense of detail. It
is probably not worth the trouble except for campaigns
where Players are running whole communities, and getting
into simulations of the ecological factors which govern their
Motorized Generators
Any internal combustion engine can be rigged to turn a
generator shaft. So can an electric motor for that matter, but
to prevent Players from exploiting loopholes in the following
rules, we shall decree that such a hookup will generate
electricity at exactly half the rate that theengine consumes it!
The Maximum Safe Speed for the type of engine being
used is the basis for the currents wattage. It will generate
power equal t o that figure times 10 watts, consuming fuel as
if traveling at that rate. This is probably over-generous.
Unless using a motorized generator that was made for the
purpose, substantial modification to the device is called for.
It will certainly not be able to run as a vehicle while so altered.
The relevant Skills for the conversion are Power
Generation and the Mechanic Skill for the type of vehicle. It
can then be hooked up as Eternabatteries are, with
Electrician Skill. The Task Points will be on the order of 50100, with a Task Period of about 1 hour. Tools are needed.
Changing your car back into a car is a Task of half theTask
Point cost for the switch from vehicle t o generator.

Fuel Cells are the first of several power sources we will
examine that produce current by non-mechanical means.
They derive electricity from the chemical action of breaking
down certain substances (water, methane, oil) in a manner
that we confess we do not quite understand. But as research
in forging ahead on these, lets posit the desigr; achieved
before the Ruin as something like this.
Water is passed through a specially designed membrane
that chemically separates the hydrogen and oxygen i n it,
tapping the small amount of electricity which derives from
the reaction. The fuel cell is a small cube, 50cm on a side,
weighing about 2 ENC, and designed to be hooked u p in
series to produce any desired current. Each fuel cell
produces a current of 10 watts, running for 1 hour on .5 liter
of water. This should be distilled or filtered water, to avoid
clogging the membrane with debris.

If you wish to use true solar power (i.e., photovoltaic
power, electricity derived directly from sunlight), here is a
system designed for use in Aftermath!
A screen-like device was discovered shortly before the
Ruin. Cheap, easily transportable, and completely modular,
it is manufactured in 1-square-meter units, and was widely
distributed before the end came.
A single Solar Screen weighs 1.5 ENC. It will convert about
10% of impinging sunlight into current. This works out to
about 100 watts under ideal conditions. To figure the daily
output in a lump sum of watt-hours, multiply the area of the
screen in square meters by900. This representstheoutput in

24 hours if the weather is clear. I f overcast, raining, at the

North Pole, or what have you, divide the figure by 2.
If you wish the hourly values of the current in watts, here is
a table figuring sunrise at 0600 and sunset at 1800 hours.
0600-0900 50 watts per Screen used
0900-1500 100 watts per Screen used (max. efficiency)
1500-1800 50 watts per Screen used
Again, halve thesevalues if it isan overcast day. If anything
cuts off the light entirely (like a thick coating of snow, spray
paint, etc.) cut the current to 0.
Setting up Solar Screen arrays, rigging them to feed
normal power supplies, and other such manipulations, are in
the province of Solar Power Generation Skill.

This subject is not going to be treated exhaustively here, it
is just too darn big. Suffice it to say that in the authors
opinion, if large power plants can be kept alive by automated
controls or survivor groups, they will probably be nuclear
rather than other types that we have today. At that, modern
fission reactors may not outlive the technology that bore
them by long, requiring too many external facilities (fuels,
waste disposal) to survive in the jungle of the Aftermath. But
we can always assume cleaner reactor designs have been
introduced. Moreover, nuclear fusion provides a very
hopeful picture, producing minimal wastes, and possibly
requiring less complicated rare fuels to operate.
Building such plants is not within the scope of the Nuclear
Power Generation Skill. This is an operators knowledge of
such plants: how to handle routine maintenance, minor
troubleshooting, and ongoing production of energy.
The main reason for keeping a nuclear capability in the
campaign is to provide a rationale for the next section.


I f an area, probably a city, is still in theservice network of a
large power plant, presumably nuclear, then there may yet
be live electric circuits in its buildings. If this is thecase, then
electricity becomes another resource to be scavenged by the
This power is available over one of four types of line:
Household, Hvy. Household, Lt. Industrial, Hvy. Industrial.
The wattage available from such lines is based on the voltage
of the line, controlled by its construction, and the amperage,
controlled by the type of fuse or circuit breaker used on the
Voltage x Amperage = Wattage. Attempting to draw more
power than this at any one moment will cause the fusing
device to blow out. If it is a standard fuse, it must be
completely replaced. If it is a circuit-breaker switch, it must
be manually reset. Such switches are not always in the same
area as the outlets that were used. In large Offices Or
apartment complexes, they may be in someentirely different
part of the building.



Voltage Amperage

2200 watts

Hvy. Household 220


6600 watts

Lt. Industrial


22-44 kilowatts


100-200 kilowatts

Hvy. Industrial


Household Lines may be used directly to power

appliances, small power tools, anything that would be run on
normal current today.

henry christen (order #23380)

Hvy. Household is used to operate large appliances

(washers, deep-freezes, air conditioner or ventilating
pumps) and heavy duty equipment (commercial radio
transniitters, large spotlights, heavy shop tools).
Light Industrial Lines provide the power for large printing
presses, assembly lines, any large industrial plants heaviest
eq uipment.
Hvy. Industrial Lines are not used directly. They are
feeders from the even higher voltages used in transmission
lines to carry power from generator plant to users. One
would expect to find this kind of line feeding into the substation at an industrial site.
An Electrician can convert thecurrent from any higher line
into two of the next lower lines. I.e., a 440-volt Lt. Industrial
Line could be run through a transformer to generate current
for two 220-volt Hvy. Household Lines. One of these could, in
turn, be converted into two 110-volt Household Lines. The
process can be reversed in the same way.
A useful rule of thumb for figuring theTask Points on this
job is to give it a number of points equal to the difference in
voltage between the lines used, divided by 10. The Task
Period is based on the more powerful of the two lines
involved. Hvy. Household: 1 hour; Lt. Industrial: 5 hours; Hvy.
Industrial: 10 hours.
The Task Points or Period may be modified down if the
necessary circuitry is all intact, and simple reconnections
are needed. The base values assume the Electrician is
cobbling a transformer station together.


There are two ways in which this may be used, or rather,
two ways to keep track of power drains on the line.
I f electricity is being tapped for storage in a battery, the
only significant question is how long it will take to put a full
Charge into the device. The formula is: Hours = (Battery
Capacity in Chargesx lOO)/WattageoftheLine.Thusa2200watt Household Line will fully charge an E-5 in 500/2200
hours, or slightly under .25 hours.
I f using the power in continuous drain, the Players and
Gamesmaster should be aware that the maximum wattage in
devices that may be operated off of it at any one time is equal
to the wattage rating for the line. One can run 2000 watts
worth of equipment on a 2200-watt Household Line with no
problem. 2300 watts on the linewill blowthe fuse. If charging
batteries from a line which has steady drainage from
equipment of it as well, the leech transformer will draw only
the surplus power. I f 2000 watts of current are being used to
run equipment, the battery will take only 200 watts. This will
naturally increase the time needed to run up a Charge.
Overloading a line will blow out the breaker or fuse as
stated above.


The prevalence of electrical knowledge and resources in
such a campaign is not something that can be legislated by
the rules. If the Gamesmaster decides that some large plant
(almost certainly nuclear if it is still operating) is still
producing power, then it will exist. If he wants to posit the
smaller generators as being in the body of common
knowledge, that is also completely feasible. Temples
dedicated to the Sun God, who makes the old magic work
again (i.e. a Solar Screen installation) are a distinct
possibility. The potentials in such a setup are very
interesting. The priesthood of such a temple can be sincere
believers, maintaining the plant by rote from the instructions
in their Holy Books (maintenance manuals). Or they might
know the truth of what they are doing. If so, are they
unscrupulously perpetuating the myth of the Sun God to
achieve power in their society, with impressive and very
authentic miracles engineered by their preserved

technology, or are they using the cloak of religion to

preserve and protect the old knowledge until it is time to
release it to the world again?
It is a safe bet, in a campaign where old devices abound
that do not function for want of power, that characters who
achieve some ability in generating electricity will be able to
parlay this into significant prestige. As the majority of
desirable high-technology artifacts in use will be batterypowered, the campaign can probably do very nicely with no
power available except from portable crank generators,
treadmills in cities, and so on. Of course high-technology
places of mystery (old security bases and such) will need
some kind of constant power supply if their magical
dangers and defenses are to function. This feature alone may
be sufficient justification for the characters to risk
penetrating such dangerous spots. Legends might develop
about the lost magic of the old tools, recoverable only by
confronting the demons of the lost cities.

When dealing with electricity, the subject of electrocution
must be mentioned. A character may be exposed to this
hazard by accident (a Critical Miss while working with a hot
circuit), carelessness (messing with a hot circuit without
proper tools or Skills), or attack (electroweapons, electrified
fences, lightning bolts, etc.).
If the damage is being put out by a battery, i.e., dumping a
bolt of power out in one shot, the base damage is 1D10 per
I f the shock comes from a live wire, one carrying current,
then the base damage is derived as if the line wereattacking.
An Effect Die is calculated as if the Strength of the line =
Voltage/lO. The Effect Die roll receives a multiplier, like the
WDM, equal to the Amperage/lO. Thus, a 110-volt line with a
20-amp fuse will have a score of 110/10, or 11, for a Group of
3,and will therefore roll a base damage of 1D10. This die roll
receives a multiplier of 20/10, or 2.
Electrocution does Subdual damage, capable of killing
only if it exceeds the DRT, as specified in Book 1.

Burn Damage
The Gamesmaster may specify that the hand/hands
grasping the wire, if that is how the damage was taken, idare
disabled with burns. The character will suffer Critical
Damage to his hand(s) equal to 10% of the Lethal damage
done by the shock (i.e., of the damage done in excess of the
DRT). A Speed CST allows him to have released his grip
before the burns had this effect and only the normal damage
is suffered.

Insulation can be derived from specially-designed
materials, which reduce the base damage of electrical shock,
or from protective clothes or armor designed to stop more
material hazards, but which provide some protection.
If using, say, insulated gloves to handlea line, weare in the
first case given above. Such insulation is rated as class 1,2,3,
and so on. It will stop 1 Charge per point of insulation if the
shock derives from a battery, or reduce the base damage
Group by 1 per point i f a current is being used.
If the protection is from armor, the Armor Value reduces
the points of damage done by the shock. Plastic armor
receives its full Armor Value against such damage. Natural
materials (cloth, leathers) receive half their Armor Value
(round up). Metal armor does not impede electrical shock at
In manipulating electrified objects, a piece of plastic or
wood will be quite safe. Metallic items, unless insulated for
such use, will be exposed to current. If a character is
touching the base metal at the other end of the item, he will

henry christen (order #23380)

receive a shock. Read MarkTwainsA Connecticut Yankee in

King Arthurs Court for a homily on the unwisdom of trying to
hack through an electrified fence with asword whiledressed
in full plate armor.

The big machines are perhaps the single most pivotal
change in human resources in the late 20th centurys
impressive list of such marvels.
The principal uses of Computers in Aftermath! are:
Data Storage: Material of all kinds can be retrieved by
proper use of the system, according to the
Gamesmasters decision as to what is in there in the first
place. In playtest, we posited a number of access points
(terminals) tied into a Public Data Bank, which could
produce hard copy from libraries, news services, etc.
Mack Reynoldss novellprojection Looking Backwards
From the Year 2000 shows the capabilities of such a
system when fully supported by a working technology.

Processing of Models: The Programmer sets up a model

of some Task on the computer and has it run through a
simulation of the process. In any Task where possible
errors exist, or variable efficiency due to design can
occur, this allows the character to do the Task o n the
computer first, and keep a record of the processes. When
he finds a method that suits him, he may proceed to do it
for real, and will be able to reproduce that outcome
exactly, as long as he has all the resources that were in the
computer model.

Systems Control: The System Designer creates a

program and servomechanism system allowing the
computer to control some process or device. Highly
sophisticated applications of this type maintain
automated power plants, factories, and defensive
systems. The character in this way creates a Robot
Controlled Device.

Requires a Programming BCS. Locating a given piece of
information is a 10-Task-Point job for every level of
specification, with a 10-minute Task Period. So a Character
wants printout on a Reference manual: find Reference
section of data bank (10 points). Next, find Skill or
Knowledge in question (10 points). Activate printer now if
you want a copy of the text. If you are looking for a specific
reference only-that is, the answer to only one query-then
that is another 10-point Task. When it is finished, the answer
prints out. Hardcopy devices are quite valuable, since they
allow the work retrieved to be taken with the character. As
paper is going to be hard to find, the Gamesmaster can avoid
a sudden wealth of books from developing by limiting most
terminals found to the CRT (Cathode Ray Tube) type, where
data is displayed on a T.V. screen.

Programming Skill is used, averaged with the Skills
governing the process being simulated. The Programming
job has 5 times the Task Cost of theactual work understudy,
and a l-day Task Period as a rule.
Once the program is completed, however, it can run
through probable outcomes of the Task under study at a rate
of 100 Task Points per hour, or faster (see Computer
Resources below). I t requires 1 hour and a System Design
BCS to interpret the printout back into the terms of the actual
Task. Once a satisfactory way to do the job has been found,
the Task will always come out that way when done according
to the computers instructions.
This is valuable in that it allows the character to avoid
processes which might produce dangerous or inert

Programming is used to set up the Task for the automated
shop or other system as specified above. The System
Designer then performs his Task of tying in the various
devices to proper computer control.
Linkages between the computer and the device must be
built if they do not already exist.

These are the capabilities the Gamesmaster has designed
into the computer system. The categories are:

Task Points per Hour: Used to see how fast the system can
run through Process Models. The default value is 100
Task Points of simulated work per hour. Mini- or MicroComputers will be much slower (by up to a factor of 10).
Big systems (IBM 370) will be much faster, about as fast as
you care to name in most cases.

Power Consumption: Like any other electrically-powered

device, computers have a wattage rating. Normal systems
draw from a Lt. Industrial Line at 5000 watts. MiniComputers use Household Lines at 800 watts.

Memory: A figure expresing how much data can be stored

in the system. Really big systems you dont have to worry
about. Theyll hold what they are given (the total human
body of literature cannot fill them to capacity). Smaller
units will be rated in terms of how many Skill points (not
BCS points) they can store. A 1000-point unit (quite
small) could store all of the data to give Reference BCS
scores of 20 (i.e., Skill scores of 100) in 10 Skills.
The Gamesmaster will be the one to assign the chances of
a malfunction in the computer. A fairly stingy rule is: after
completing a given Task on the computer, there is a
percentage chance equal to .1 times the Memory, Task
Points, or what have you, processed in that Task, that the
computer system will develop a bug and shut down. Systems
fitted with automated maintenance controlled by backup
systems will repair themselves at some fixed rate, while
others will require human attention.

Cybernetics, as used in this game, covers several topics
often used in Science Fiction: Robots, Robot-Controlled
Devices, and Artificial Intelligence. Robots are machines
designed to perform some function on their own without
human guidance. They can range from industrial robots for
welding car frames to surveying robots such as have been
sent to Mars to the utility devices commonly found in SF
stories. We distinguish robots designed to look like humans,
and often to stand in for humans, by the name of Animatron.
Robot-Controlled Devices are machines or mechanisms
normally controlled by a human or several humans, but
which have been put under the control of a robot brain. Such
machines may be simple or complex. The after-hours walkup window used by many banks is a good example of this
kind of device.

henry christen (order #23380)

commands such as Stop, Lift, Lower, Release, etc. I t is

also connected to a control board by which its actions
may be directed b y a human operator. The brain of the
device will hold 22 units of memory. Each command
uses 1. The manual override function uses 2. The
motion control circuitry which allows i t to move back
and forth across the room takes 5. The programming
allowing i t the basic operations of lifting and opening
and closing the hand takes 10. Besides the commands
specifically mentioned, the Robot c o u l d b e
programmed for another simple command.
Now consider this Robot reprogrammed to sinister
ends. The manual override is removed, as are the
verbal commands. Two units of memory are used to
allow i t to locate audio sources in the room. Three units
are used to allow i t to move toward motion and attempt
to grasp and squeeze anything that moves. The last two
units are used to let i t beat moving objects that i t is
holding against a wall until they stop moving. The
Robot has become a dumb but dangerous guardian of
the room.

Artificial Intelligence is used to cover the concept of

machines that think for themselves. This is intended to
represent machines that deal with a wide variety of
circumstances beyond a limited pre-programmed range.
Chess-playing computers do not qualify under this
definition. Artificial Intelligences usually have the capability
of changing their programming in response to new data. For
game purposes, a robot or computer that will be treated as if
it had a human or near-human capability to think will be
classed as an Artificial Intelligence.

Robots can be built in many ways toserve many functions.
They may or may not be mobile. They may or may not havea
self-contained power source. In general, they will only be
capable of a certain number of functions which will be
guided by a basic set of programmed instructions.
Robots will tend to be large, bulky, and awkward. Power
will generally be supplied by cable to non-mobile Robots
and, while mobile Robots often are battery-powered, they
will usually contain an adaptor to allow them to draw power
from a live circuit.
The exact specifics of a Robots design will be left t o the
Gamesmaster, as many such things are still prototypes and
one-of-a-kind items. Production Line Robots will tend to be
simple, rugged, dumb, and basically harmless. The
Gamesmaster is enjoined to consider such things as power
sources and demands on that source. Difficult or complex
tasks will require the Robot to expend more power. If the
Robot has a limited power source, it will eventually run down.
If it has a limit on the amount of power that it can draw on,
some tasks will be beyond its power.
Also consider the nature of the device and the tasks for
which it is programmed. A Robot will have a limited number
of tasks which it may be programmed to perform. Simple
tasks would not take up much of the Robots memory
capability, while complex tasks or tasks requiring many
decisions to be made during the execution will often take
large amounts of memory capacity.

A Robot is designed for a laboratory as an aid to

scientists. I t is to lift and hold objects and move them
about the room. I t is given motion sensors to respond
to hand signals for activation of the system. I t is given
audio receptors to respond to a limited range of verbal

The Gamesmaster is the final arbiter of the amount of

memory the instructions for a task will fill. Healso will decide
on power expenditure to fulfill a task. Some guidelines are
presented in the chart below.

Such devices could be almost anything. I f the device does
not use its own power to function, the Robot Controller
would have tosupply powerforthedeviceas well as for itself.
Such devices are usually maintenance units allowing a
human controller to leave and still have whatever the device
does continue even though no human is there to supervise.
Alternatively, a Robot Controller would be used to control a
device or mechanism which will go wherea human controller
cannot or will not go. Such a device would have to carry its
own power supply with it.
Robot Controllers would be constructed by the
Gamesmaster in the same way as regular Robots in terms of
power and memory considerations.

A n example o f a Robot-ControlledDevice might be a

Cybernetic Tank. Such a device would operate exactly
like a vehicle crewed by men. The capacity of the




Perform an action

variable by

.2Charge per

Perform a Combat Action

based on Skill

.5 Charges per

Use a Combat Skill

2 per BCS point

1 per point

Action spent

Knowledge Memory

of BCS in the

see above

.5 Charges times
Effect number
of die roll when
knowledge used

Knowledge Integration
with Performance of Skill


Simple tasks: 1 E
charge per hour.
More complex tasks
will vary by the

Maintenance function
allowing Robot to be
aware and wait for a
specific signal to return
to full operation.

.01 Charge per hour

henry christen (order #23380)

Cyber-tank to respond would be based o n the Robot

Brain. Such a device would fill the tank, precluding
human control. I t could be programmed to conduct
maneuvers, fire the weapons, call for resupply of fuel
and ammunition, and report enemy actions visible to
its sensors
A more advanced version, probably requiring
Artificial Intelligence, would be able to make tactical
decisions regarding its own safety on the battlefield
and evidence a better ability to select suitable targets.
Such devices would probably have a power source
separate from the vehicles powersource. Damage that
would affect the crew would affect the Robot Brain.

No hard-and-fast rules will be given concerning Artificial
Intelligence. The Gamesmaster must decide on the
limitations and power requirements of such things. A system
of computers simulating a living intelligence, if it could be
built today, would be quite large. With the advances in
computer technology that are occurring even today, such a
system might be smaller by a power of ten in twenty years or
An Artificial Intelligence should be given goals to
accomplish and parameters inside which it will function.
Traditionally, such things are emotionless.
The Gamesmaster will have to decide if the general
opinion of the populace and/or the legal system sees
intelligent machines as entities due treatment as any other
intelligent entity, or if they are considered non-persons.
Although such things may not be possible in the near
future, they can make for an interesting scenario if handled

Animatrons are Robots designed to function and look like
humans. A prototype of such machines can be seen in the
audio-animatronic creations of Walt Disney Enterprises.
These represent a first generation of device. The power
source and brain are not included in the body of the Robot.
Motions and actions are preprogrammed and restricted to a
fairly limited repertoire. These Robots are effectively nonmobile.
We postulate several generations for each major system
in Animatron construction. These are presented in brief in
this chart:

MOBILITY Non-mobile

Limited mobili- Fully mobile

ty to the length
of a power cord


External source External main Internal power

so u r c e w i t h source equivalimited internal lent to an Ev-150
supply equivalent to an Ev-20


Pre-programed specific

Wide rangeof
response but response withsome decision- i n a r e a s o f
making capa- programming
A fourth-generation brain would be Artificial Intelligence.

reflect this. The basic types are:

Demonstration: This kind is generally non-mobile. It is

used in stores, amusement parks, and in a receptionist
capacity by businesses.

Servant: The principal function of this type is expressed in

the name. Servant modelsare usually limited to one type of
service, although more expensive and complex models
can serve in more than one capacity.

Simulation: This type is used for testing purposes in such

research as into the effects of automobile crashes on
humans. Some are non-mobile and simply record effects
on the body. Others are mobile and are programmed to
respond in specific ways to thecircumstance being tested.
This series is also used at certain high-priced fantasy
parks where customers pay to live out fantasies. The
choice of this model for such use is based on its ability to
simulate damage received as if it were human. This
includes System Shock and efficiency reductions due to

Surrogate: This type is designed to perform functions

normally done by humans, but in environments which
might be hazardous to human life due to the nature of the
environment or the length of time required to perform the

Wardroid A self-explanatory purpose. Still expensive and

prototypical at the time of the Ruin. It was not yet costeffective, so humans were still used as soldiers.
Animatrons can be programmed to move, act, and perform
as a human. Each 5 points of Attribute score require 1
memory unit. Animatrons do not require Will and Health, and
Wit is only pertinent for determining the sensors ability to
distinguish Hidden Things. Most models are limited to
human maxima. Wardroids have maxima of 50.
The number of memory units available to an Animatron
will vary. If the brain is external, it may be any size. If
internal, the usual capacity will depend on the generation
of the brain. For game purposes, 50 times thegeneration
number will give a good base.
Animatrons do not take damage as humans do. Each
portion of the body has a Damage Resistance Total. That
portion will continue to operate until the total damage
received exceeds the Damage Resistance Total. Subdual
damage from weapons does not affect an Animatron.
Except for thesimulation type, Animatrons are not subject to
System Shock.
Different models have different Armor Values for the
covering of the body. This basic Armor Value will add to the
AV of any armor or clothing worn by the Animatron.
Construction of Animatrons follows the basic design Of
humans. Sensors are in the head and the power source is in
the body. If the sensors are destroyed, the Animatron will be
blind, and if the power source is destroyed, it will cease to
Critical Hits against an Animatron are resolved on a
special table. A Missile Special Effect against an Animatron
uses the usual table. A Daze or Stun result against an
Animatron will only last for a number of Action Phases equal
to the machines Phases Consumed in Action number.


The brain in all cases need not be incorporated into the

Robot body. It may be connected by a transmission cord or
have its instructions relayed to the body by radio,
microwave, or some other form of wireless communications.
Animatrons are designed in several models. Each model is
intended for a specific type of duty and is constructed to

henry christen (order #23380)


Resistance Structure Armor
Head: 15



Body: 25
Limb: 10

Head: 15


Body: 25
Limb: 10

Head: 20
Body: 35

Limb: 15
Usually contains sufficient blood to simulate 20

Head: 30

Body: 50
Limb: 20
Often incorporates special equipment specific to
its job.

Head: 50




Body: 80
Limb: 30
IR and light amplification sensors standard. Frequently contains a self-destruct device to prevent




01-10 No effect

The Gamesmaster who incorporates Cybernetic devices

into his campaign may also wish to add a Skill in Robotic
Design, which would function similarly to Computer Design
Repair is accomplished as repair for vehicles, but
Electrician Skill is used to do the work once the repair
program is laid out by a qualified designer, that is, a
character who has whatever Skill the Gamesmaster has
designated as capable of understanding Cybernetic devices.
Each portion (head, limb, body) is treated as a separateTask.
Repair is accomplished as a Task. The repair program
must first be laid out as a design Task to determine the
repairs to be made. Each portion of the Cybernetic device is
treated as a separate Task. This includes head, limb, body,
and brain. Losses due to critical system loss must be
repaired following a program similar to that used when
repairing a vehicle with a system loss. Once the repair
program is laid out, a character with Electrician Skill and an
Animatron Repair Kit may proceed on theTask of repair.The
Task Value is twice the damage sustained. Task period will
be by the day. Besides the time required to perform the task,
a repair Task will require a minimum of 2D6 units of parts.
A Cybernetic device is Disrepaired when its Damage
Resistance Total is exceeded by the damage taken. Then its
Structure Rating plus its DRT is exceeded, it is Junked. When
its DRT plus twice its Structure Rating is exceeded it is
destroyed beyond repair. Desrepaired and Junked units
yield parts as the corresponding non-functional vehicles.
Reprogramming a cybernetic device is possible, but will
be limited to the functions that the device can perform and by
its memory capacity. Reprogramming is a Computer
Science, Programming Task. The Gamesmaster may
assign whatever Task Value he deems appropriate. A value
of 5 or 10 per memory unit would be reasonable. Some
devices such as Wardroids or security devices would have
anti-tamper mechanisms that could do anything ranging
from self-destruction to simply requiring a Task, albeit a
difficult one, be performed before the character could begin
reprogramming. Such a Task would represent breaking the
devices security systems and could have a Task Value in the
hundreds for a well-protected device.

11-20 Daze
21-40 Stun
41 -60 General Efficiency reduction. Attributes reduced
by 10% and BCS by 2
Systems loss:
61 -64 Fine Control. Unit must make a Deftness AST
to perform any function requiring fine
coordination. This includes such things as
firing a gun
65-68 Identification. Unit will not recognize normal
controllers or deactivation orders
69-72 Logic. Unit effectively acts in a random
73-75 Manipulative. Unit may not manipulate
76-77 Motive. Unit is frozen where it is. It may not
move on the DAT display or change facing
78-80 Sensory. Units sensory apparatus is
81-95 Power outage. Unit goes on reserve power or
ceases function
96-00 Destructive dysfunction. Unit is junked. A
40% chance of destruction beyond repair


There are several potential developments in arms
manufacture which are just coming off the drawing boards
now, or are still on them in some cases, which the
Gamesmaster n a y or may not wish to include in the
campaign. Some represent improvements on existing
weapons, others totally new concepts in destruction.

If a workable ray gun is going to evolve from our present
technology, it will be based on the Laser principle. While
there are several ways in which Laser action can be
simulated, the simplest one we have found posits that the
amount of power used to generate the beam, modified by the
tightness of the beams collimation, determines the
weapons damage potential.
Assume Lasers eat power in Charges. If fitted with a power
source drawing current, they must recycle between shots
until the desired amount of power has built up in a capacitor
as Charges. The Lasers base damage potential is 1D10 per
Charge. The weapons should be assigned a maximum
number of Charges per shot by the Gamesmaster, an upper
limit on how much they can pump out at one time. The
collimation of the Laser acts as a WDM for this power. It may
be fixed or adjustable. Laser fire is handled as if it were a
Single Action firearm: 1 Shot per Action is fired, resolving


henry christen (order #23380)

the BCS on the middle Action Phase of the firers PCA. The
Skill used to aim and fire is the Small Arms Skill appropriate
to the form of the Laser gun (it is shaped like a Pistol or a
Rifle). But a permanent bonus equal to the users Deftness
score is added to the Skill score. If the user has no Firearms
Skill, he will still have a BCS derived from his Combative
Talent plus his Deftness.
Firing Stance does not affect Lasers, as there is no recoil
and the beam goes exactly where you point it. Likewise, no
bonuses to BCS derive from Brace Weapon, Rest Weapon, or
other steadying modifiers.
Range with Lasers boils down to Short (10 meters),
Medium (100 meters), and Long (over 100 meters). These are
qualities of human vision rather than the weapon. The BCS
modifiers for Range are +1, +0, and -1 respectively. As there
is no BDG, no ballistic modifiers apply as such.
A Laser will shed 1 Charge forevery500 metersof distance
traveled: out to 500 meters it is at full power; from 500 to 1000,
it is down 1 Charge; and so on. Thus, a 3-Charge Laser hasa
maximum range of 1500 meters.
This is the situation in comparativelyclearair. Light rain or
misty air will alter the distance from 500 meters to 100
meters. Heavy rain will knock it down to 50 meters. A Smoke
grenade cloud or similar dense smoke concentrations will
reduce Laser fire traversing it by a factor of 1 Charge per (10
meters/Smokes rating). A cloud of Smoke rated 1, Le.,
reducing Light conditions 1 step, will knock 1 Chargeoff of a
Laser beam for every 10 meters it travels through the cloud.
Smoke rated at 2 will do so for every 5 meters traversed.
If the Gamesmaster wishes to introduce Smoke charges
specifically designed to limit the effectiveness of Lasers in a
battlefield situation, then the Beam will suffer the attrition as
given for normal Smoke, but does so if it traverses any
fraction of the stipulated distance, instead of only after it has
traveled the entire distance.
When a Laser hits a flammable material, it will have a
chance of igniting it as open flame does. It has a Strength
Rating for this purpose equal to the Group derived from its
damage potential times the collimation. Use the fire rules in
Book 1, page 40.
Maintenance, repair, and modification of Laser devices is a
function of the averaged Skills of Laser Technology and
Laser Trauma
The effects of a high-energy Laser beam passing through a
human body are pretty gruesome. The heat of the beam will
blast the water in the tissues into steam in micro-seconds,
causing extensive damage. There is a chance of taking an
automatic Critical Hit effect of Trauma to the affected
Location. This is a percentage equal to the damage that
penetrates the Armor Value on that Location: the actual
damage suffered.
If the percentage roll indicated Trauma, half the total
damage done is the amount of damage taken as Critical
Disabling damage. The victim should be permitted a Health
AST to resist this effect.
Note: Sever effects due to Laser Trauma are cauterized by
the beam. Bleeding to death is not possible.

So Wild Winifred is potted by a Laser-firing sniper on

a housetop. The weapon is a 4-Charge Laser Rifle with
Collimation of3. That willdo4D10 of base damage with
a WDM of 3. Winnie is hit! The Laser pulse sizzles
through her shoulder (Location 22) where she is
wearing heavy leather (Armor Value of 4). The damage
roll scores a 10, with a multiplier of 3 that gives a
damage potential of 30. Wild Winifred will take 26
points of damage from the Laser hit. 30 points of
damage gives the fire effect of the Laser a strength
group o f 4. That is not twice the Armor Value o f the


henry christen (order #23380)

Leather, so her clothes do not catch fire. But as the

damage done exceeds three times the Armor Value, the
armor o n Location 22 is destroyed. Since Winifred
suffered 26 points of damage, she has a 26% chance of
suffering Laser Trauma. I f this occurs, her shoulder
takes 13 points o f Criticaldamage, which has a flat 13%
chance of severing the arm.


U.S. Army XLM-2: Max. Charge per Shot = 2.
Collimation = 2.
A Laser pistol loading two E-5 batteries in a clip-type
magazine. ENC of .7. DUR of 2.

U.S. Army XLM-3: Max. Charges per Shot = 1.

Collimation = 2.
Lighter version of the XLM-2, for riot control and police
use. Carries a single E-5 for power, loaded into the handle
as in an autoloading Pistol. ENC of .4. DUR of 2.


Army XLMR-4:

Max. Charges per Shot = 4.

Collimation = 3.
A Laser rifle drawing power from a backpack-type
harness, containing an Ev-50. ENC of 1.2 for the gun and
1.5 for the backpack. DUR of 3.

Eastlnghome Mining Laser Drill: Max Charges per Shot = 5.

Collimation = 1.5.
A fixed-mount device, about 2 meters long by 1.5 meters
high. The relevant Combat Skill for its use is Direct Fire
Cannon. The weapon can draw power from an Ev-50 or
from a direct source of current. It contains a capacitor
adjustable to complete charging at number of Charges
from 1 to 5. DUR of 4.

A special bonded, spray-on material that will takeon any
plastic armor or clothing, or a Rigid non-plastic armor.
Dispensed in 100-unit sprayers; 1 unit of this materia1,called
Lazab (for Laser Ablative), will coat 1 Location on the
users person.
1 layer of Lazab will reduce the Collimation of impinging
Laser fire by 1. Each such reduction also evaporates the
layer. The material functions by subliming intoavaporwhich
breaks up the coherent light beam of the Laser. A character
treats a plastic breastplate with 3 layers of Lazab. He is later
hit on a chest Location by a beam from a Laser with
Collimation 2. The Lazab cancels both points of Collimation,
leaving 1 layer still on that Location. A subsequent hit on the
same Location is also at Collimation 2. 1 factor of this is
cancelled, so that the impinging beam has a multiplier of 1
for its damage potential. The Lazab on that Location is now
Optionally, the Gamesmaster may simply rate various
pieces of treated armor as having a given Lazab factor, ifthe
potential bookkeeping problems involved in the spray-on
system dismay him. A constant divisor might be a betterway
of measuring its protective value in this case, so that
complete immunity to Laser fire is never achieved by wearing
Lazab with a greater value than most Collimations. Lazab 2
would halve the Collimation, Lazab3 reduce it to 1/3 of its full
value, and so on. This saves a good deal of record-keeping. If
the Laser still manages to eliminate the Locations armor
despite the reductions of the Lazab, then both the ArmQr
Value and the Lazab value are gone.
Alternatively, an armor material with integral Lazab may
have its Armor Value reduced by the Collimation of the hit. If
this method is used, the Lazab need not be rated for strength


These are hand-to-hand weapons developed from the
cattle prod. The theory is simple: modify a handweapon to
deliver an electric shock in connection with a physical blow.
Any standard weapon in the Gear section can be found in
Electroweapon form. The most common are: Mace, Baton
(Club), Sword, Knife, Spear. Military models were in field test
when the Ruin struck, for both Electroweapon bayonets and
trench knives, although Pentagon sources admited that
these were principally intended to improve troop morale,
rather than to increase fighting effectiveness.
The standard Electroweapon carries an E-5 in its haft or
handle. When the shock function is switched on (requiring 1
Action), the weapon will emit a 1-Charge jolt of power
whenever it hits a grounded object. The Gamesmaster will
have to determine if the object is really grounded or not.
If the weapon hits the target (i.e., the BCS is successfully
rolled) then the Charge does damage in one of two ways. If
the normal damage for the blow penetrates the armor at that
Location on the targets body, the 1D10 of electrical damage
is added to the damage that penetrated. I f the damage
potential was insufficient to penetrate the armor, the
electrical damage is rolled separately in an attack upon that
armor. This i s defended against by the armor as described
under Insulators in the Electrocution rules (p. 37).
It is therefore possible for a steel breastplate, Armor Value
9, to completely stop the damage from the sword blow of an
Electrosword, but presenting no defense against the
electrical current, expose its wearer to the full value of the
damage die for shock.
Remember that the electrical damage done will be
Subdual damage, no matter what kind of damage the
weapon does as a physical weapon.

A form of Electroweapon is use today, in limited
circumstances, is the Taser. This is a small air gun,
modified to fire a short harpoon, a missile fitted with a
barbed point. The harpoon is attached to the gun by a fine
wire. Once the weapon has hit thetarget, the firer can pressa
stud which will release current into the wire and thus the
Specifications for the Taser as it is used in Aftermath! are:
Skill Used: Pistol
ENC: .5 Single Barrel

.75 Double Barrel

Range: 25 meters
The weapon can be pumped up to firing pressure (5 Task
Points required to charge it with enough air pressure to fire
once). The reservoir holds 20 Task Points of air at a time. A
Strength AST allows the pumper to put Task Points equal to
his Effect Die roll into the reservoir and the Task Period is 1
Action. Air guns using Con cartridges can fire 10 shots on
one cartridge. A battery case holding an E-5 is attached t o
the gun, providing power for the electric effect.
The Tasers harpoon is about pencil-sized and barbed. It
will hit the target with 1DlOof force, and if it penetrates, it will
sink its nasty head into the victim. This only causes 1 point Of
actual lethal damage. He must expend an Action to try to pull
it out. To do so, he must roll a score on his Strength Effect Die
that is higher than the damage done by the dart when it hit
him. This will do him another D3 of damage as the barbs tear
Meanwhile, once the barb is sticking in the target, all the
firer need do is press a button mounted on the battery case.
He may continue doing this until he runs out of power or the
victim pulls the barb out. If the victim is still holding on to the
barb when the Charge is sent, he may take the shock i n his

Tasers may be fitted with quick-retrieval systems, which

will reel back the harpoon if it is not stuck in somethina, or
may require manual rewinding (1 Action/lOm). It takes 1
Action to load the harpoon back into the gun barrel when the
wire has been reeled in. Critical Hits add 2D5 to the
penetrative force when it hits. Critical Misses are treated as
for arrows. A String Breaks result means that the wire has
broken. Assume that the wire has about 10 points of
resistance to being severed by cutting or breaking in the
victims hands if he tries to disable the Taser that way.
The relevant Skill for shooting aTaser is the Pistol, Modern
Skill, but Average BCS is used due to the lower accuracy of
the Taser. Repairing a Taser, or making one, is a Task
combining the Gunsmith and Electricial Skills.
The Gamesmaster may want to develop larger, more
powerful Taser-type weapons for use in special situations.
One playtest gimmick that worked rather well was a little
servomechanism on a wheeled base that scooted around
under tables and behind crates shooting a Taser with a 3Charge jolt behind it.


Another form of optional high tech weaponry we will
discuss are cartridgesmed in small arms to enhance bullet
damage or other ballistic factors, or to produce other effects.

A cartridge case is loaded with a bullet of smaller caliber
than the cases. Surrounding the bullet is a plastic sheath, or
sabot. The force of the burning powder can impart a much
higher velocity to the lighter bullet, so that it maintains its
speed far longer than do ordinary projectiles. Since the
velocity is higher, the BDG is not appreciablyaffected bythe
use of a smaller slug.
Firing a sabot round will have the same effect as the Match
Weapons feature: 50% increase in the Range Steps for the
weapon. This reflects the lack of BDG loss over longer
rounds and the flatter trajectory of the bullet.

The bullets are made of a high-impact-triggered explosive,
producing a Blast of 1 for a 1-meter radius. If theshot misses
its target, roll for scatter as for a miss with any missile weapon
(roll a D6 for direction of scatter) with a distance off target
equal to the effective BDG in meters times 1D10. Read a roll
of 0 as zero, not ten. If the hit is within 1 meter of a character,
he gets the Blast 1 effects. If the bullet hits the target, add
1DlO to the damage roll for the effective BDG. If the bullet is
stopped by cover, apply the Blast effect to the cover, as if
using explosives in an Unskilled manner. Also, the target will
experience the Blast 1 effects if any part of his body is not
behind the cover, i.e., if he is not completely behind it.

The bullet is packed with a high-temperature incendiary
compound. On impact, it does not do normal bullet damage,
but spatters into an small areaof intensely hot fire, which will
burn for 1 0 3 Combat Turns.The initial strength group of this
fire is 4. Use the fire rules from Book 1.

These are the flamethrowers, white phosphorus shells and
grenades, napalm bombs, and so on.

These are capable of squrting a stream of napalm for a
maximum distance of about 100 meters. No Skill directly
governs their use, the BCS (if needed) being derived by
adding the users Combative Talent and Deftness as ascore.
Actually, if you know how to operate it, all that need be done


henry christen (order #23380)

is to point the muzzle of the weapon in the general direction

of the target and pull the release trigger. Any non-moving
target in range can be hit if all you want to do is t o splash the
outside. If firing at a small part of the target item (a machine
gun slit i n a pillbox, for example), roll the BCS to do so.
Against targets in the open, or moving targets, roll the
BCS. A miss will scatter. Roll the 0 6 for the direction of
scatter and place the end of the spray in that direction at a
number of meters equal to the Effect Number of the die roll.
Once an area has been hit by the spray, the user can
traverse the end of the stream one meter per Action Phase
as long as he keeps triggering the flamethrower. He may do
this as if moving normally, but is himself limited to a l-meter
move per Action while firing. There is no Stance or aiming
modifier to consider with the flamethrower. Just point and
The weapon operates like a garden hose. T o fire at more
distant targets, you lift the nozzle, and thestream splatters to
thegroundfartheraway. Lowerthenozzleand thearcof fluid
moves closer to you. Where the stream comes to earth, it will
spatter napalm for a radius of 2 meters.
The average flamethrower consists of a long, rifle-sized
sprayer, attached to a backpack harness holding tanks of
napalm and a pressure tank t o push it out. It has sufficient
fuel for 10 normal shots, or 20 Action Phases of traversing. 2
phases will consume 1 shots worth. ENC of sprayer is 1.5, of
backpack 2.

Functions as does the Flamethrower, but lacks its bulk and
its capacity. The maximum range is only about 20 meters, the
splash radius where the stream hits the ground is only 1
meter, and the Flame Rifle does not have traverse capability.
It has an ENC of 2. No backpack for fuel is needed. Small
canisters of pressurized napalm are loaded under the barrel,
providing fuel for 5 shots. If a shot misses, check scatter as
with the larger weapon.
In the event of a Critical Miss, a scatter result with either
weapon which shows the stream landing with the firer in
range is allowed. Otherwise, such a scatter cannot occur.
Roll again for the vector in such a case.

Napalm is the incendiary fuel made for f!amethrowers,
flame rifles, and aerial napalm bombs. I t can beextinguished
by rolling or smothering, by chemical extinguishers, and in
water it will float off the victim if he can immerse himself
completely, although if he surfaces into a patch of floating
napalm it will cover him again. I f hit by napalm splatter from a
flame weapon, the victim is assumed to be fairly evenly
covered by the stuff. It will attack his Average Armor Value
for purposes of doing damage, and the fire effects on armor
are applied to everything he is wearing. At the
Gamesmasters option, a Location roll may be made, and
that part of the body (limb, torso, or head) is what isattacked
by the fire.
Napalm has an initial strength Rating of 4 for fire effects,
and will burn for 203 Combat Turns before going out on its
own, if not extinguished earlier.

Powdered white phosphorus burns fiercely once ignited,
settling over an area in a fine drift of dust. Roll for the
Location hit by exposure to White Phosphorus and apply the
effects to the part of the body indicated, as was suggested
for napalm. White Phosphorus will burn for 206 Combat
Turns or until extinguished. It has an initial Strength Rating
of 3 for fire effects, but it increases that figure by 2 for every
Combat Turn of burning, instead of by l!
White Phosphorus can be extinguished by rolling or
smothering, or by chemical extinguishers. Water has no
effect on it.

Weapons using White Phosphorus are:

Hand Grenade: 1 Combat Turn fuse, like explosive

grenades. Scatters phosphorus for 203 meters from point
of explosion with a BCS of 12 to hit characters in range.
This is subject to Target modifiers for movement and
Location rolls are subject to cover.

Mortar Shell: Scatters phosphorus over a radius of 20

meters, with a BCS equal to 1410 hit exposed characters i n
range. Again, target movement will increase CDA against
this attack.

Rifle Grenade: Scatters phosphorus to a radius of 10

meters with a BCS of 12.
Air Bursts will double the effective radius of the scattering
effect, but the phosphorus will not start reaching the ground
for 1 full Combat Turn after detonation, at which point the
BCS rolls for hits are made.
Anyone facing the direction of a White Phosphorus
detonation within a range of 50 meters must make a Speed
AST to cover his eyes or be blinded by the intense actinic
light such weapons give off. If he does not make his roll
successfully, he will be blinded for 1010 Combat Turns.

How much higher can the technology behind a weapon
get? The first major assumption to be made is that no matter
how you ended the world in your campaign, there are not a
lot of strategic nukes left. If you want the characters to find
(or at least seek) a legendary last big bomb in a silo
somewhere, then fine. But there is really no reason to put
them in possession of a city-killer more than once.
This leaves us the tactical stuff, including the so-called
neutron bomb. Even here, unless you are positing some
pretty remarkable weapons research breakthroughs, the
smallest delivery system around will be a 105mm howitzer.
The Gamesmaster will have to do the research on this
subject in terms of delivery systems.
Our concern here is the potential destructiveness of
nuclear explosives. Even a small nuke will reduce most
buildings to rubble for a radius of almost 1 km. It will put out
lethal levels of gamma radiation to the same distance,
sentencing the unprotected to slow death. For a slightly
greater radius, exposed individuals will suffer third degree
burns from the heat pulse of the weapon, which is almost
certain to bring death within hours at the most. And that is for
a 1 kiloton weapon-almost picayune by modern standards.
The new Neutron bomb, or Enhanced Radiation, Reduced
Blast (ERRB) in polite company, does not, as popular belief
would have it, noiselessly emit a blast of radiation which
sweeps people down in windrows while leaving buildings
intact. I n fact, it puts out blast effects equivalent to that 1
kiloton weapon we described. Lethal radiation, however, is
present at out to 3 kilometers! Significant radiation hazards
are encountered as far away as 6 or 7 km. Within the primary
radation zone, even personnel protected by the heavy steel
armor of tanks would suffer serious overdoses of gamma
radiation. Unshielded individuals would almost surely suffer
a killing dose.
The rule of thumb for exposure to a nuclear blast is: within
the total destruction area of the blast, there will be no
survivors, unless in a hardened site or a tank or othervehicle
hardened to withstand the weapons effects. Within an inner
radius of thezone (say half its overall radius) there will beno
chance of survival. Beyond this, anyone inside substantial
coverage (concrete buildings, dugouts, tanks) will ride out
the detonation of the device fairly safely. Exposed personnel,
however, will suffer casualties out to the full radius of nuclear
These are the tactical nukes (with the exception of the 1
megaton warhead, which represents a fairly small strategic

henry christen (order #23380)


1 kiloton

.25 km


3rd Degree
.75 km

100 kiloton

1.0 km

2.0 km

3.0 km

10 km

15 km

1.0 km

2.5 km

5.0 km

50 km

10 km

20 km

25 km

1.0 km

3.0 km

5.0 km

8.0 km




2nd Degree

1st Degree




1.5 km

2.0 km

.5 km

.75 km

1.0 km

1 megaton

4.0 km

10 km

15 km

25 km

ERRB (Neutron)

.2 km

.5 km


.8 km

weapon). Pace off a brisk stroll of about 5 minutes length

from the center of your home city. If your starting point is
Ground Zero for a 1-kiloton blast, everything you have
passed will be either flattened, or a tottering hulk if it is very
solidly ccnstructed. The sights you pass in the next 5
minutes will still be standing, but severely weakened. Frame
houses will probably still be rubbled. Solid structures
probably have had their Structural Stability knocked down to
5 or so. Another five minutes walk brings you to the end of
the main heat pulses range. All unprotected individuals you
have passed will be dead of extensive third-degree burns in a
few hours. The rubble is probably starting to burn.
As you can see, there is not a whole lot of purpose in trying
to stage a defense against nuclear strikes on an individual
character basis. The bomb does not care.
The only real game factor that is of general interest in
Aftermath! when it comes to nukes is the question of
radiation, specifically of lingering contamination. How does
that invisible killer work? How can you stop it?
Well, actually, you cant stop it. If you are exposed to x
amount of radiation, so many REM, then you have such-andsuch a chance of dying. This is (in game terms) boring.
Let us assume that areas of radioactive contamination still
exist. Some authorities state that they will be with us for
centuries; others are equally sure that the effects will
become insignificant within a few years.
The Gamesmaster should assign a value to such
contamination in REM per Hour. When the characters have
absorbed a given number of REM, they will contract the
appropriate degree of Radiation Poisoning.

First Degree (200 REM): The character will become Fully

Fatigued and show the Nausea symptom given in Book 1
after a number of hoursequal to his Health Group plus the
roll of 1D10. He will remain in this state for a number of
hours equal to 30 minus his Health AST. There are no
further symptoms.

Second Degree (500 REM): The character evinces First

Degree symptoms as given above. He will than be
apparently normal for a number of weeks equal to his
Health Group. After this time he will show the next set of
symptoms. Hair will be lost, hewill displaythesymptom of
Purpura, and he will suffer a lowered white blood cell
count, so that any wound can cause infection. He will be in
a state of permanent Partial Fatigue, and further stress will
Fully Fatigue him.
He will remain in this state until he can make a Health
AST, rolling daily. He will then recover within a numberof
days equal to 6 minus his Health Group.

Third Degree (750 REM): The character evinces the same

symptoms as in Second Degree Radiation Poisoning, but
the second onset of the symptoms is accompanied by an
Advance up Health. When the Advance reaches the CST,
the character is permanently Fully Fatigued. When it
reaches the AST, he will become delirious and feverish. At
an Advance equal to the Health score, Crisis occurs. The
Virulence of the condition is 3.


Fourth Degree (1000 REM): The same as Third Degree,

but the Virulence of the condition if 4, and the Advance is
down the Health: when the effective health is reduced to
the current AST, Full Fatigue results. At the CST, delirium.
When Health is reduced below 1, Crisis.
During every week that a Character avoids further
exposure to radiation, his system will purge itself of REM
equal to his Health score. A physicians care can increase
this figure by the doctors Wit Group Effect Die roll, if daily
attention can be given to the case. Roll the Advanced
Medical Skill BCS at the end of the week, when the REM
purged are calculated. The use of 1 Medikit Unit per day in
the week will increase the BCS by 1 and the effective Wit
Group by the same.
Special drugs are also available which can increase the
purge rate if properly administered.
If the character can reduce the degree of Radiation
Poisoning to First or even down to none between the time of
the symptoms described in First Degree Poisoning and the
more severe symptoms of higher Degrees, then the
advanced forms of the affliction will not manifest themselves.
For Gamesmasters who wish to use the device, we end this
section with a Neutron Grenade. God only knows how the
thing works.
It is a Rifle Grenade, 22mm type, available in Ballistitelaunched forms only. It has a Blast of 50 and no Frag. The
weapon also generates 1500 REM at the point of detonation.
This is reduced by 50 per meter from Ground Zero.

Gas weapons may be delivered by hand grenade, 40mm or
22mm grenades from launchers or rifles, artillery shells, or
aerial bombs. They range from the ubiquitous but essentially
merciful Tear Gas and other riot control substances, to the
Nerve Gases (Sarin, VN, and their lethal kin).
Any Gas delivery system will be rated for base volume and
duration. These terms refer to how much Gas they will put
out in a Combat Turn, and how many Combat Turns they will
continue to give off Gas. A 5/5Tear Gas Grenade will put out
a cloud of Tear Gas to the radius of 5 meters, and will do so
for 5 Combat Turns. Each Combat Turn after the first will
extend the radius of the Gas by the volume figure, so that
after the full 5 Combat Turns, a cloud of gas will extend from
the grenade for 25 meters in all directions, wherever space
exists for it.
Some standard Gas deliver systems are:



Police Tear Gas H a n d Grenade:

Volume/Duration of 1/10, 2/5,or 5/5

40mm Launcher Grenade: ENC of .4, Volume/Duration of


22mm Rifle Grenade: ENC of .8, Volume/Duration of 10/3

105mm Shell: Volume/Duration of 20/3

30 Kilogram Aerial Bomb: Volume/Duration of 50/2

henry christen (order #23380)

Tear Gas (C-type)
The mainstay of riot control the world over. The gas will
impose 1D10 of non-ignorable Distractions and Partial
Blindness on anyone in the cloud area without a gas mask of
some kind. It will add 1D10 to the Distractions every Combat
Turn of exposure. When the total Distractions are greater
than the victims Will score, he will be seized only by the
motivation to get out of the cloud. If he cannot make a Will
AST, he does not even get to pick the direction of flight, but
will charge blindly off in a randomly :olled direction. He will
not change direction until he runs into something. A
character in the cloud with no protection can resist the first
Combat Turn of exposure if he makes a Health AST. He can
resist the second Turn if he makes a CST, and if he rolls a 1 on
the D20, he can hold out for a third Turn. After that, the Gas
takes effect normally. A makeshift mask of wet cloth held or
tied over the face will hold off the effects of the Gas for 1D3
Combat Turns.

Retch Gas (CL-type): Acts as Tear Gas, but also causes

violent Nausea. It advances up the Health score,
immobilizing the victim with cramping heaves and vomiting
when that figure is exceeded. The gas advances by 1D6 per
Combat Turn of exposure. The victim is subject to the
Nausea symptom when the accumulated advance exceeds
his Health AST.
Mace Gas (CN-type): Also called Pepper Gas. Tear Gas in
which the chemical Mace is in suspension. This will expose
victims to the effects of Mace (see p. 47) on all unprotected
portions of their bodies. Any Location not covered by armor
or clothing of some kind is subject to attack. The stuff will
penetrate clothing not sealed against Gas after a number of
Combat Turns equal to the Average Armor Value of the
wearer in any case. It will proceed to affect the body moving
inward from the extremities (head, hands, feet) toward the
center of the torso.
Any of the above Gases can be mixed with a Smoke
compound. Smoke charges in this application do not act as
Narcotic poisons, but only reduce visibility. They have a
normal density of 2. Smoke charges also are loaded into Gas
systems alone, to provide visual cover for troop movements,
defense against lasers, and so on.

Mustard Gas
Discovered in WWI, this nasty substance is a poison both
to breathe and to skin contact. It is not only a chemical
poison, but a vesicant or blister gas, acting on unprotected
flesh like an Acid.
A gas mask is required to withstand the effects of inhaled
Mustard Gas.
Mustard Gas:

Combat Turn-31 Combat Turn/l Hour-Lethal Poison
The two values for the Cycle represent the values when in the
cloud as opposed to those in force once out of the cloud.
While exposed to Mustard Gas, or any other poison gas, it is
not possible to throw off the effects until out of the cloud, as it
just repoisons the victim. The Gas does its damage every
Cycle period, with no Saving Throw possible.
Due to the vesicant action of Mustard Gas, those who have
breathed it face a further danger once the principal effects
have been thrown off: pneumonia. The effects of this
infection are given later in this section (Germ Warfare). The
chance a Mustard Gas Victim will contract the disease is
equal to the total Advance of the poisoning down the Health
score, before it was thrown off, as a percentage. If the D l 0 0
roll indicates that this has occurred, the character must save
as if exposed to the disease, and if he fails his Health AST, he

will contract it.

The vesicant action of Mustard Gas acts as an acid on the
victim as long as he is in the cloud. It does not attack armor,
but will eventually penetrate any clothing or armor not
sealed or otherwise treated to resist chemical warfare. It is
not impeded by materials rated to protect only against riot
control gases. When, in any Combat Turn, the Gas damage
for acid attacks exceeds the Average Armor Value of the
victim, it will do all further damage directly to thecharacters
DRT as Combination Damage (half Lethal and half Subdual).
As long as the victim is in the cloud, the acid group of the
attack is 5, rolling 2D10 for damage. If the face is unprotected
by a gas mask, the Gas will immediately do the Acid Special
Effects given in Book 1 on page 49.
All vesicant action ceases upon leaving the Gas cloud.

A Nerve Gas, acting to destroy directly the function of the
victims central nervous system. It can be breathed in, or
absorbed through the skin. Personnel not wearing gas
masks and protective clothing rated to defend against war
gases will be affected. Sarin is both colorless and odorless,
being detectable only by devices or chemically treated
paper, which turns different colors in its presence.
In the first Combat Turn of exposure, all unmasked
characters will be affected, and masked characters without
protective clothing will resist the Gas with a Health AST, to
which their Average Armor Value has been added. On the
next Combat Turn of exposure, such characters receive an
unaugmented Health AST. On the third Combat Turn, they
receive only a CST as a chance of resisting exposure, and on
the fourth Combat Turn, only a die roll of 1 will save them.
Thereafter, they are exposed.

10 minutes

to 4 Combat Turns-4-

When Advance exceeds Health CST, the victim becomes

Fully Fatigued, his vision is affected, reducing his perception
of local Light conditions one step (Good to Dim, Dim to Poor,
etc.), and severe confusion doubles the characters PCA
since he must concentrate harder to accomplish an Action.
When the Advance exceeds the Health AST, the previous
conditions persist, and Nausea sets i n along with a loss Of
voluntary motor control which halves the characters BMA.
When the full Health score is exceeded, Crisis occurs as with
Lethal Poisons.
If the victim is still in the cloud at the end of a Cycle period,
there is no chance he will be allowed a Saving Throw to throw
off the effects of the Poison. This assumes he is still exposed
to the Gas directly, instead of in protective gear.
Standard military issue today is Atropine, which acts to
negate the effects of Sarin. It is issued in individual syrettes.
Injection of Atropine before the end of the first Cycle will
cancel the poisons effect entirely. This effect will last for 10
minutes plus the characters Health Group in minutes,
should he still be exposed to the Gas. After that, he had best
be out of the cloud or in protective gear, because further
injections of Atropine will act as a Lethal Poison,


Combat Turn-2-5


Combat Turns


There are two classes of Persistence: Long and Short.

Long Persistence Gases will clear from the air in 2D10 + 10
minutes, multiplied by 10, i.e. 120 to 300 minutes. Winds or
rain will eliminate the multiplier. The cloud may drift in this
period, maintaining its overall shape and dimensions, at a
rate of 2D6 kph, in a random direction.
Long Persistence Gases are Mustard Gas, C-type and CLtype Tear Gases, and VX, a newer form of Sarin.
Short Persistence Gases will dissipate in 2D10 minutes,
divided by 5 in the case of high local winds or rain. They are

henry christen (order #23380)

also subject to drift, albeit this is not as vital a factor underthe

Short Persistence Gases are Mace Gas, Sarin, and T-Gas,
a special form of Mustard Gas.

Mace is not a Gas but an aerosol spray, used in Mace Gas
to augment its effects, or from a small spray can as a personal
weapon. In this latter form it has an optimum range of 2-3
meters. If the target is at that range, the spray will hit i f the
Attacker can roll a Deftness AST. From 4-6 meters, a CST will
hit. The Target may use his flat CDA to dodge, receiving no
bonuses for movement since the spray covers a wide area.
At 1 meter or less, the Attacker must make a Deftness CST
just to get the sprayer in position to use. If he succeeds, he
also uses a CST to try to hit the target as given out above.
A shot of Mace will hit 1 Location on the Targets body. It
will automatically penetrate any Flexible non-plastic
clothing with an Armor Value of 4 or less. Plastic cloth will be
penetrated only if it has an Armor Value of 3 or less.
The number of Locations affected by Mace, divided by 2,
up, represents a Group. When the Group is increased, roll
the Effect Die for that Group. Thisscore represents a number
of non-ignorable Distractions that the character will suffer
until the Mace wears off. When another increase occurs, roll
again. If the new die roll exceeds the highest previous score,
that die roll is the number of Distractions in force. I f it is lower
than the current number of Distractions, there is no change.
A Mace Hit to a Head Location (Locations 1-3) will have
more pronounced effects. This is treated as a caseof System
Shock. Even if the victim makes his Health CST, to avoid
unconsciousness, he will be Partially Blinded until the Mace
effects wear off. Any hit to the Head will also increase the
current Group of the Mace effects by 1 full point, not half a
point, as others do. The protection on these locations must
provide facial coverage for Location 2, to defend against the
Mace hit. Otherwise, the armor protection described for
other Locations applies.
The Mace victim may make a Health AST to throw off the
effects of the Mace every 5 Combat Turns. Special formulae
for persistent Mace exist, requiring longer Cycles (up to 10
minutes). These are generally available only from military or
police supplies.


could have been a lab-developed trait or one which occurred

via a random mutation after the germs were released.

D or A-(+)-HLH-1
D3 Days-3-2
Nausea. Pain.
There is also a chance that the disease will cause the loss of
facial and head hair. When the disease is cured, roll a Health
AST. If it fails, the character is permanently bald. Once this
disease has-been overcome, the character is immune to it.

D3 Days-Special-1
The victim of Cholera begins dying of thirst as described in
Book 2 under Survival. This process continues until he is
healed. He will remain at the stage of the dehydration
process he reached when he overcame the disease until he
makes a Health AST, rolling once per day. He will then be
fully recovered. Cholera is generally contracted by drinking
impure water, infected with the bacteria of the disease.
Boiled water will not carry the disease.

Pneumonic Plague
Weakness. Fainting.
Once the disease passes the Health CST in its Advance, the
victim will just go into delirium until death or healing takes

These are likely to reappear in even the healthiest of
regions when modern medical science is no longer
controlling their spread.


Hours-Pain. Weakness.

The victim has a chance of Infection if exposed to any kind

of wound while suffering from pneumonia. There is also a
much milder form of the disease, with a Virulence of 1 and all
the time periods above given in Days, not Hours. This is often
called Walking Pneumonia.
Victims of exposure or damage to lung tissue can develop
the disease without any apparent exposure to a carrier, as
most humans carry the pneumococcus dormant in their
lungs, ready to become active if the immune system of the
victim is weakened.

I f a standard Ruin due to internecine war may be said to

exist in the concepts used for Aftermath!, it is that after the
major powers divested themselves of nuclear arms, they
proceeded to re-arm with biological weapons: germ warfare.
The resulting conflict is quite lethal enough to clear the
Earth of the requisite population, but leaves the resources
available for salvage by the survivors. This is perhapsacoldblooded sort of rationale for using Germ Warfare in your
campaign, but it does allow a fairly fast flow of the
characters search for survival equipment.
The brief list of symptoms given in Book 1 should serve as
a model for designing others. The essential nature of a
disease (natural or laboratory-bred) is toattack the system of
the patient, displaying certain symptomsoutwardly while the
bacteria or viruses do their nefarious work. Our coding
system for diseases will allow the plotting of the course for
any number of conditions, from the common cold to the most
lethal plagues. The apocalyptic literature which fuels the
concept for Aftermath! is filled with examples of diseases
that seem tailor-made for Germ Warfare use, and we will give
the specifications for some of these here. Also included in
this section are common diseases likely to be suffered in the
normal course of daily life in the post-Ruin world.




Strains of disease bred for Germ Warfare. It is assumed

that they were mutated to sporulate, go into a form of
hibernation, when a host is not present to be infected. This

D3 Hours-3-3

D3 + 5 Days-5-1
condition of arms and legs. Nausea. Pain.
Rabies is transmitted by the bite of a rabid animal.

G or A- (+)-STR-1
Nausea. Dizziness.

D3 Days-3-1


Diseases show a distressing sameness. If we have mutated
people and animals, we can surely mutate the teeming
swarms of bacilli to produce new, mad, exotic plagues. Some
of those which strike terror into our playtesters hearts

Brain Lighting



The sufferer will complain of hideous headaches once the

Advance has wiped out half his Will score. He will become
insane and require restraint if he is not to run madly about at
random once the disease has reduced the Attribute below its
current CST value.


2 Hours-Dystopia.

If the Crisis is not survived, the character is still alive, but


henry christen (order #23380)

his optic nerve has been destroyed, leaving him permanently

blinded. The disease is transmitted by the bite or claws of
infected animals. It seems to be a mutant form of Rabies,
which has become specific to the tissues of the optic nerve.
These two examples should put medically-inclined
Gamesmasters on the right track toward breeding their own
unique compendium of plagues with which to afflict their

The kind you wear, not the kind you drive. We have
discussed the materials pretty thoroughly in the Equipment
rules. However, as far as military and police applications go,
personnel will not be outfitted in piecemeal array like the
average character is. Integral, standardized suits would be
the rule, and when such suits, or certain parts of them, have
been assembled, special capabilities will be gained.

If your campaign assumes, as our test campaigns did, that
a time of grievous social disorder preceded the Ruin proper,
then metropolitan police units will be outfitted with fairly
heavy riot armor by the time the end comes. Light, quicklyassembled suits would be dispensed to normal officers,
activated for riot control. SWAT teams and Civil Disorder
Units would be issued more durable stuff, since their
standard assignments will put them in positions of greater
personal danger.

The Metpol (Metropolitan Police)

Patrolmans Issue Armor











Flak Jacket





4-18, 21-28











Average AV: 6 Total ENC: ,450

Features: When Helmet and Gorget are worn together, the
protection over the Face (Location 2) locks down into the
Gorget, forming a gas mask (filter type), effective against
most standard gases but not biological contaminants.
Plastihide Coverall is specially treated to protect against
contact vector irritants, as are Gloves and Boots. Thus,
integral suit is a defense against most chemical attacks.
The Helmet has a built-in portable communications unit
(Com-Link), powered by an E-1. This is the equivalent of a
hand-held Police radio. Reception can be switched to oneof
three police frequencies. Transmission is by voice-activated
throat mike.

The Metpol SWAT/CDU Issue Armor















Hip Guards





4-18, 21-28











Joint Guards

15-16, 25-26




Average AV: 7 Total ENC: ,736

Features: Same as Patrolmans Issue plus optional Ballistic
Cloth sheathing for Locations 4-14, looking like a short
poncho, strapped to the armor. This garment has a BDG
reduction value of 10.

Metpol trooper in Heavy Patrol Gear

with Shield and Electrobaton.

ENC Material
4-1 2
Upper Arm Guards 21-24
Thigh Guards
Coverall, helmet, gloves are standard Metpol issue.


SWAT Team Member

henry christen (order #23380)

The combination of protection and lightness which
plastics bring to the field of personal armor may well give us
infantryment who look like medieval knights, or at least
Cromwellian lronsides. Military troop specialization will be
more extensive than police (unless the cities get very hostile
before the Ruin hits them). Here, we give the statistics for
four of the most common types of armor in modern military
issue (circa 2000).

Field Infantry Mark I




Both versions of the Mark Ill are equipped with Blast

Buffering rated at 10 and are issued with a Lazab Factor of 5
on all points of the body. Camouflage coveralls are available
as for the Mark I.

Light Reconnaissance Unit Armor (Intruder System)












Body Armor





Hip Protection




4-18, 21-28








Torso Protection











Hip Guards





Arm Harness




Average AV: 8 Total ENC: 1.158

Features: Convertible flip-up vision units on helmet

Leg Harness








Joint Guards




Average AV: 9 Total ENC: 1.352

Features: Helm contains military issue Corn-Link, powered

by an E-5. Breathing intakes fitted with Micropor Mk.lV antiviral filter, providing protection against aerosol biowar
agents. Also resists gas attacks by standard military or police
gases. Undersuit available providing protection against
contact chemical and biological weapons. Also available is
ballistic cloth oversuit, in assorted camouflage patterns
(Green, White, Sand, and Grey). Provides 15 points of BDG

Heavy Infantry Armor Mark llla





Body Unit




4-1 2



Leg Harness




Arm Harness








faceplate, allowing unaided, Star-Light, or Infra-Red visual

scans. Also contains Com-Link, Micropor filter and audioboost aural input units. These increase effective hearing
range to about 60 meters in omnidirectional mode, or they
may be tuned to a given vector for about 100-meter pickup.
Their use makes normal sounds clearly audible at these
ranges, and quiet noises are also possible to hear (as Hidden
Things). Allows Wit AST when listening for noises through
doors, etc., instead of usual Critical Saving Throw.
The suits were designed for use by units on scout and
sentry duty. Options on certain experimental models
released just prior to the Ruin include the Intruder
Chameleon, fitted with a switchable camouflage setting.
Adjusting the controls caused the specially-treated
materials of the suit to assume one of five camouflage
patterns: Green, Brown, White, Grey, or Black. Accessories
also included anti-biological and chemical oversuits, and a
built-in Blast Buffer harness, rated at 5 points of Blast

Average AV: 15 Total ENC: 1.2

Features: Articulated pieces are gasketed at flex points

(waist, joints). Overlap of rigid material at joints provides
equivalent protection to that afforded areas behind solid
plate. Due to its construction, the integral unit can be sealed
against any form of CBW attack. Suit is potentially multienvironmental, can be equipped with breathing gear
(standard Mk.ll UAW unit) capable of providing fresh air
supply for 2 hours.
Helm equipped with Micropor Mk.lV anti-viral filter and
Corn-Link. Flip-down Star-Light filters available for use in
reduced visual conditions. All powered systems in suit draw
from two E-5 batteries carried in case at hip. At full power,
with internal air circulation, Star-Light scope, and Corn-Link
operating, suit draws 100 watts. It is thus good for ten hours
operation on one set of batteries.
The Mark l l l b version of this armor system is provided with
an exoskeleton MAMP (Man AMPlification) unit. This
provides a 50% increase in effective Strength of personnel. It
draws power from an independent power supply, consisting
of two E-10 in a backpack. It increases ENC by 1.5 and is
rated at 250 watts.

Mark I

Mark llla



henry christen (order #23380)


A spray-on protection, much like Lazab. The rating of the
protection is 1 per layer applied, to a maximum of 5,and is
divided into the REM per hour of exposure in contaminated
areas. The coverage breaks down by 1 factor per 100 REM af
exposure. Partial coverage has a factor equal to the total
number of layers divided by 30. Coverage of 3 layers on
Locations 1-10 would not effectively reduce exposure, as 3
layers times 10 Locations is 30, and 30/30= 1. A factor of 1 is
not effective. The first layer of such protection acts as a
primer, also working to absorb secondary contamination
as the shielding breaks down. This substance is usually
dispensed in 100-unit aerosols (ENC of .2). This is applied
like Lazab.


These spring from one of two sources: armor and other
protective coverings developed for workers in high-risk
environments and disaster control, and civilian protective
garments designed to meet crime in the streets during the
grim times of the Pre-Ruin Unrest period.

battery case at the waist designed to hold an E-1. It counts as

Heavy Cloth.

Crash Suits
Designed for use by racing drivers, stunt men, etc., these
are constructed of a unique material called Rigiplast.
Rigiplast is an impact-sensitive plastic, soft and malleable
under most circumstances, with an ENC of ,005 per Location
covered. But when it is struck with any force, it will become
momentarily rigid, presenting an Armor Value of 7.
When worn as a suit, Rigiplast acts to provide Blast
Buffering with a base value of 5. If only partial coverage is
acheived (say by a jacket or trousers), the Blast Buffering is
equal to 5 times the number of Locations covered, divided by
30. Round fractions nearest.
Crash suits may also be provided with flame protection, as
are the Fire Protection Suits.

Gloves made of Rigiplast are much favored, since they add
so appreciably to the impact of blows. Such hand
protections will add 1 to the WDM of punches or chops, using
any unarmed combat Skill (Brawling or Skilled Unarmed
Combat). These are known as karatands.

Fire Protection Suit

The familiar asbestos coverall. Silvered on the outside to
reflect heat, and with room inside for self-contained
breathing apparatus, the suit will present an effective Armor
Value of 10 to Fire and Fire Damage, although its physical
Armor Value vs. blows and other damage is only 5.

Antl-Radiation Suit
For use by disaster workers or plant workers in
radioactively contaminated areas. A simple air filter keeps
radioactive particles out of the wearers lungs, so no
breathing apparatus is needed. The exposure to local
radioactivity is cut by 100% when the suit is at full efficiency
(Le., never before used). This protection is degraded by 5%
per 100 REM of exposure taken by the suit. In a 500-REMper-Hour area of contamination, the suit will be reduced 5%
in efficiency every .2 hours, or 12 minutes. It will be down to
75% after the first hour, 50% after the second, and completely
useless after a total of four hours. Its wearer will be exposed
to increasing dosages of radiactivity as his protection
erodes. Rips or tears in the suit negate is effect by 5% per
Location torn. Used-up suits are at best n o good and
should be discarded. They have a high likelihood of being
contaminated themselves (say 10-60 REM per hour) and
should not be handled over-much. They are Armor Value 5
vs. normal damage.

As the technological arts of destruction are much
advanced, so are the healing disciplines. Wondrous drugs,
remarkable devices cooperate with the skills of the physician
to offset the hideous damage of wounds, the killing diseases
of the Ruin. Even death, if it be not too long in control and the
cause of death has left some shell into which life may flow
Here we give some samples of the medicinal arts that
flourished before the Ruin. As with much of our material it
includes things known to us now, sometimes without any
real change in how the device operates. Other entries here
are developments that may be seen occurring in modern
medicine, some laudable, some not. We will posit that they
were brought to fruition before the end came.


A Civil Defense unit. A large coverall with hood, made of

light plastic. It has a small air tank of spun fiberglass, holding
30 minutes of air. The suit protects against any CBW agent as
long as it remains sealed. It is designed to be used once and
destroyed. Its Armor Value is 2.

We have stated that the advances in packaging will permit

drugs to be preserved without degeneration for an indefinite
period. The forms of such materials will be in pills for some
drugs, but mainly we envision them in single-dose,
disposable syrettes. Pre-loaded with the proper dosage,
sterilized and ready to inject when the cap protecting the
needle is removed, these little plastic hypos weigh a mere .01
The needle can penetrate non-Rigid armors with an Armor
Value of 4 or less. Any Location of the body may be used to
inject the subject, unless the specific description of the drug
states otherwise.

Street Suits


Civilian CBW Suit

Plastex (PX, Armor Value 6) coveralls worn by the

inhabitants of urban areas with high crime rates. Deluxe
models incorporated Ballistic Cloth intothetorso (Locations
4-12). They often came equipped with hoods of quilted
Plastex, with Armor Value 7, covering Locations 1-2. Gas
masks were also part of the suit, or its optional accessories.
Street Suits were often decorated in garish patterns, both in
obediance to the dictates of fashion, and in an attempt to
deny the grim necessities that forced the wearing of armor in
ones own city.

Heals 2D10 of Lethal Damage per dose. Must be
administered within 10 minutes of suffering the damage. The
drugs action accelerates the normal healing systems of the
body tremendously. As a result, the Healing Rate is reduced
by 1 per dose. When the Healing Rate is0, further doses will
have no effect. The lost Healing Rate is restored at 1 point per
day. Note that the characters Shock Factor will be reduced
while his Healing Rate is reduced.

Electro-Thermal Sporting Clothes


The ultimate in winter-weather protection. A suit of

thermal underwear including socks, wired to maintain even
warmth in the iciest of conditions. It will operate for ten hours
continuously with 1 Charge of battery power, and has a

Same as Polycellulac-3 but this formula is not subject to

the time limits regarding when the damage was received. It
will act upon any Lethal Damage currently in the patients

henry christen (order #23380)



A very potent pain-killer. Reduces the effects of being

wounded. I f the damage total taken exceeds 50% of the DRT,
the patient has no penalties for this state; he is effectively
unwounded. If over 75% of the DRT, he suffers only the
penalty for being over 50%. If his damage total exceeds his
DRT by less than his Healing Rate, he is not comatose, which
would be normal, but suffers the penalties for wounds past
75% of the DRT. Damage exceeding the kill point is still fatal,
or incapacitating in the case of Subdual Damage. The
patients Shock Factor is increased under the influence of
Neo-Heroin, by 5.
The drug is addictive. For every dose taken, a Health AST
must be made, or the user will pick up a habit. It requires72
hours of cold turkey from the drug to kick the habit. After an
addicts last dose wears off, he will be unaffected for hours
equal to his Health AST. He will become Partially Fatigued
after that, until the time in hours since the last doseequals his
Health score. He will then become Fully Fatigued. He must
roll a Health AST and Will AST at this point (or rather, the
Gamesmaster should roll for him). If he fails the first roll, he
will collapse, delirious, after a number of hours equal to the
Health Group Effect Die roll. If he makes the Health AST but
fails the Will AST, he will retain consciousness but will do
anything to get another shot of the drug during the
remainder of the 72-hour detoxification period. The
Gamesmaster may dictate his actions, or let the Player
control them if he can be trusted to play the addicts
desperate craving properly. We would remind readers that a
junkie undergoing withdrawal is not entirely sane. He will
undertake any course, no matter how slim its chance of
success, that seems likely to get him that next shot.
A dose of Neo-Heroin will last for 203 hours. During that
time, it controls the wound effects as stated. When it wears
off, all wounds will revert to normal effects.

A broad-band antibiotic. 1 Dose allows +1 to any Saving

Throws the patient attempts against any form of disease. 1
Dose per Saving Throw attempt is allowed.

An extremely powerful cardiac stimulator. Can restore the
heartbeat in the newly dead. The body must be intact
enough to support life: no severs, no enormous holes in the
guts, etc. The Gamesmaster is the final arbiter on this point.
The injection must be made directly into the heart (i.e.,
Location 6 must be used to inject) within 3 minutes of
death. Only one shot is allowed. The patient is permitted a
Health CST when injected. I f he makes it, hewill have0 DRT,
and be comatose but alive. If he fails to make it, he does not
revive, and is dead.

Brain Damage
This is a gruesome but accurate element of any simulation
of non-magical resurrection. If the Cardiacine is not
injected within 5 Combat Turns of death, the patient will
start to lose Wit and Will points. These losses are permanent.
The character can still gain in these Attributes, but his
maximum possible score is reduced from 40 by the number
of points lost due to oxygen starvation while his heart was
If the injection is given 6-10 Combat Turns after death,
1D3 of Wit and Will are lost. From 11-15 Combat Turns after
the heart stopped, 1D6 is lost in addition. From 16-20,l D10
more is lost. During the period 21-30 Combat Turns after
heart activity stopped, a further 1D20 is lost. After30 Combat
Turns, it is irrelevant, as the 3-minute limit is up.
If the current Wit or Will score is reduced to 0 or less, the
physical revivification of the patient i f still possible, but not
really desirable, as he wili be a permanent vegetable, brain
activity wiped out by oxygen starvation.


Superior Broad-Band Antibiotics
The Gamesmaster may introduce more powerful, general
remedies into his campaigns pharmacopeia. Assign a value
of 2D3 to such drugs, which otherwise operate as does
Panomycin. Alternatively, massive Panomycin treatment
can fill this function, two Doses acting to give +1 to the base
value of the first Dose. Thus, 3 Doses give +2 to the Saving
Throw in question, 5 doses give +3, and so on.

Tailored Antibiotic
There is, theoretically, one of these for every disease the
Gamesmaster has put in the Campaign. The antibiotic has a
formula written exactly as is the formula for the disease. If
used in a different case (i.e., for another disease) it will still
give a bonus to the Saving Throw as does Panomycin, with a
+1 for every element in its formula that matches the coding of
the disease it is fighting.
An injection of the tailored antibiotic that exactly matches
the disease code is the same thing as making the relevant
Saving Throw. It cures the disease.

HDAP (Hyper-dexamylophet)
A powerful amphetamine. Reduces fatigue by 1 step. I f the
patient is not currently Fatigued, it will add 2D5 to Deftness
and Speed. When the drug wears off (2D6 hours later), the
patient will be Fully Fatigued until he has slept for 24 hours
minus his Health AST. If another Dose is taken while under
the influence of HDAP or in the Fully Fatigued state that
follows its use, a Health CST is needed if the drug is to have
its usual effect. Failure means that the patients system will
not accept more HDAP at that time, and will not do so until he
has slept for the specified period. A Critical Failure will cause
collapse for 2D10 hours.
HDAP is addictive, exactly as is Neo-Heroin. This is for
convenience. The detoxification period for the
amphetamines is much more drawn-out than that of heroin.
If the Gamesmaster is interested, there is a glut of data
available in modern books on the effects of drugs.

Derived from the notorious drug PCP (angel dust or
KW in modern slang). It was developed by the Army in
experiments seeking a drug to increase the effectiveness of
the infantryman in combat.
Strength, Deftness, and Speed are all increased by So%,
although the Strength bonusdoes not increasethe DRT. The
Shock Factor is increased by 10. Wounds are resisted as
when under the influence of Neo-Heroin. The effect lasts
3D3 hours.
In stress (combat, hostile activities, personal danger, pain,
etc.) the victim/user must make a Will AST to control himself
(one such roll at theonset ofthesituation isenough, unlessit
is very drawn out, in which case the Gamesmaster may
choose to require subsequent re-rolls). If he fails, he will go
berserk, attacking any apparent threat in his vicinity,
including armed or violent-looking members of his own
party. He will not break off a fight until his opponent is
obviously dead, and he will try to kill with no regard for other
factors. I n this state, the user will double the Effect Die rolls
for such things as breaking restraints, great leaps, etc. He
will be absolutely fearless, but will view any opposition to his
ideas as a direct attack. He is immune to Fatigue.
When the drug wears off, the user must make an immediate
Health AST, as well as checking for any results of losing his
drug-given powers (wounds, pain, fatigue, etc.). I f he fails to
make the roll, he will undergoamental flashback2D12 hours
later, lasting for 10-60 minutes. His mental attitudes will be
the same as in the berserk state, but he will have none of the


henry christen (order #23380)

physical advantages of the drug. After this spell ends, he

must roll the Health AST again, repeating the flashback
process over and over until the Saving Throw succeeds.

that the reflexes and muscles are adapted by the injection as

well as the brain cells.
Temporary Doses of the drug will endure for one week.



The pinnacle of medical research before the Ruin. The

drug reverses the degenerative effects of age over 40 years.
This is not a single-dose operation. A graded series of
injections of various components of Anagathon are required
over an unbroken period of one month. The full set of
syrettes has an ENC of .5. Each such regimen cancels 2D3 of
the effective age as far as the losses of physical Attributes go.
As the effective age is lowered past the3-yearlbreak points
the reductions suffered due to age are restored.
The patient may not exert himself during this period, his
food and water requirements are doubled, and there must be
no more than three days at a time lost between treatment
days or the process breaks down.

Beside the wonder drugs listed, the equipment and

resources available to the physician in Aftermath! can spell
the difference between life and death for his patients.

CPC (Catabolic Potential Catalyst)

This is a drug discovered earlier in the research that
produced Anagathon. Following a regimen similar to that
described for the other druq will extend the Characters
prime by 1 0 3 years. In other words, after a l-month CPC
protocol, the Character will not start aging as is usual until
he is 43, instead of 40. A maximum 5-year extension can be
maintained at one time. If the prime has been extended to
45 years, no further treatment will have a result until the
patient is at least 41.

NOTE: Neither of the above drugs restoreor extend youthful

looks. The patients still look aged, though hearty, after
treatment. It is the effect on muscle, bone, and neural tissues
that is combatted, not wrinkles, graying hair, and so on.

A chemical compound of the versene series, operating to
flush radioactive ions from tissues of the human body. A
Dose of Anarad is a series of graded injections, used daily
over the course of a week. It increases the rate at which REM
are purged from the body by 20. A full set is .25 ENC.

An injection which helps the body resist external levels of
high radiation. Rated from 1 to 5, a Dose of Anti-REM will
cause the actual REM rating of the environment to be
multiplied by a factor equal to (10-Drug Ratirlg)/lO. A shot of
Anti-REM 1 will cause only 9090 of impinging radiation to be
absorbed. Anti-REM 5 halves the effects of radioactive
One Dose will last for 48 hours. Multiple Doses may be
used to add up the effects, as in taking two Doses of AntiREM 1 to get the effect of Anti-REM 2, but the maximum
protection the drug can afford is a rating of 5. Further Doses
have no effect.

Memory RNA
Doses are rated from 1-10, This represents a BCS in some
Skill. When the Dose takes effect, the character acquires the
specified BCS in the Skill. If he already possesses the Skill,
the figure is a bonus to his current BCS. If not, it is his total
BCS in the Skill.
Alternatively, the drug may be rated with a Skill and a
score (01-30,51-75, etc.). Ifthe character does not have that
score in the Skill, he will acquire it. He cannot use it unless he
possesses a total score from 1 to the lowest point to be
acquired. Thus, the data acquired from a Dose of Memory
RNA for Driving Skill, 51-80, is useless to the character until
he gains a score of his own up to 50.
The former type is suitable for RNA Doses designed t o act
as temporary boosts to knowledge, the latter for permanent
implants of knowledge.
It is not advisable for very physical Skills to be included in
those available from Memory RNA, although some fictional
treatments of the subject use them this way. The premise is

I f the physician has this device (1.2 ENC, operating from
the charge in an E-10) he may use it in lieu of Cardiacine,
subject to the same restrictions. The defibrillator is a small
valise, and if you do not recognize the name, it is used to
administer an electric shock to restart a heartbeat.
The defibrillator consumes 1Charge per use. The patients
chest (Locations 4-7) must be exposed, and the device itself
open and turned on (1 Action to get it ready).
Upon applying the Charge, the physician must make an
Advanced Medical Skill BCS. If hesucceeds, the patient may
make the Health CST as with Cardiacine. Unlike Cardiacine
use, the defibrillator may be used more than once, until:
1. The physician makes a Critical Miss in his BCS roll.

2. The patient makes a Critical Miss in his Health CST.

3. Brain death ensues (3 minutes after heart action stops).

4. No more power is available.

Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)

A technique, not a drug or device. I t uses pressure from
external massage over the heart (Location 6) to keep it
pumping when it has ceased to do so on its own. It is part of
the knowledge conferred by Advanced Medical Skill.
The Location must not be in Semi-Rigid or Rigid armor,
and the Armor Value may nor exceed the physicians
Strength Group in any case. T o apply CPR, a BCS roll in
Advanced Medical Skill must be made. Success will keep the
heart beating for a number of Combat Turns equal t o the
physicians Deftness Group Effect Die roll, after which a
second BCS roll is needed. Each subsequent BCS attempt
receives a cumulative penalty of -1. That is, for the second
roll, a -1, for the third a -2, and so on. This applies for any
character attempting to make the roll, and reflects the
patients worsening condition.
When a BCS roll is not made, then the patient will not
respond to further CPR.
While CPR is being applied successfully, the clock is
stopped on the results of heart inactivity. The effects of
oxygen starvation do not advance past the stage they had
reached when CPR was started. This can buy valuable time
while preparing Cardiacine or a defibrillator.
Of course, applying CPR requires the continuous
attention of the physician. He may attend to nothing else
while performing this technique on a patient.
At the Gamesmasters option, a Critical Hit when rolling
the BCS for CPR results will permit the patient to make a
Health CST. I f it succeeds, heart activity will start up again.

Electric Cautery/Knife
Uses electrical current to cut or cauterize tissues. In
surgical applications gives a +2 to the Advanced Medical
BCS and to the patients saving throws if any are used to
avoid bad reactions to surgery. If used to cauterize Severed
wounds, to prevent bleeding, the patient need not roll the
Health AST to survive. It does put him into shock, but the
tissue damage is more controlled, and unlikely to kill the
victim. The device is about the size of a soldering iron,
attached to a control pack which can be powered off an E-10
or Hvy. Household Current. It is rated at 2500 watts (that will
consume .05 Charges per Combat Turn when operating on

Inflatable Splints
Plastic bags, inflatable in 10 Actions, which can be fitted


henry christen (order #23380)

around a broken limb before being blown up, like big

balloons, to immobilize broken limbs. We will posit that the
current models have been improved by the time of the Ruin
to allow a character with a limb immobilized to moveas if the
limb were merely disabled. The splints come in three
formats: arm, leg, and torso. A deflated splint folds down into
a packet with ENC of .05.

Encephalographic Educator
A large and intricate computer and equipment complex
capable of inscribing a permanent range of Skill score onto
the memory of a character over a course of days (1 Skill point
can be transmitted per hour). The maximum daily session is
a number of hours equal to the sum of the Wit, Will, and
Health Groups.
It is a very large unit, non-portable, requiring a Lt.
Industrial Line of at least 22 kilowatts rating tooperate. It can
instruct only one subject at a time, since it must beattuned
to that individuals brain-wave pattern, a process requiring a
20-point Task by a Computer Science user.
The Task Period is one day.


In the course of a campaign, the Gamesmaster may come
to a situation which calls for combat but is too large to handle
with the basic man-to-man rules. That is when this section
will become useful.
This system is deliberately designed as a shorthand
form. No great details are given and a characters individual
actions are lost in the overview. The principal advantage of
using this system is thequick resolution of combat situations
beyond the scope of small man-to-man battles.
The basic rule is that two die rolls are compared and the
difference is the basic loss to the strength rating of the sides
involved. This is modified by the results of the application of
the appropriate Skill by the commander. If the battle
represents a fight with only about 20 men on a side, the
appropriate Skill is Tactics. Larger battles use Operational
Command Skill and the clash of whole armies over the
course of a military campaign uses Strategic Command Skill.


Each side in a battle is rated for Troop Strength Points
(TSP). This is an abstract number representing the combat
capability of the side.
Each Battle Turn represents about an hour. The battle will
continue until one side is reduced to zero or less Troop
Strength Points, one side retreats from battle, or prevailing
conditions force an end to current hostilities.

On each Battle Turn, 1D6 will be rolled for each side. This
is the Battle Determination roll. The side with the higher
modified roll is considered to be Winning This Turn. The
lower modified roll is considered to be Losing This Turn. If
the modified rolls are equal, the turn is Deadlocked.
On a Turn when one side is reduced below 1 TSP, the
side(s) which has (have) a TSP less that 1 is (are) considered
to have Lost the Battle. The other side, if there is one, is
considered to be Victorious.
The commander of each side (in some circumstances this
may be a Player Character) will make a BCS roll on the
appropriate Command Skill. A critical success will add the
characters Wit Group to the D6 rolled for the Battle Turn
results. A critical failure will subtract the opposing
commanders Wit Group from the result of the failing
characters Battle Determination roll, and the opposing side
in considered to have made the Command BCS roll for
purposes of Loss modification to the side with the Critical
Miss. These die rolls will be used to modify the effects of the
Battle Turn determination.
These steps are repeated until the battle is resolved or


The Battle Determination die roll is modified for several
things. The result of the 1D6 roll is modified to get the
number which will becompared to the modified die roll result


henry christen (order #23380)

for the other side to determine the winner of that BattleTurn.

These modifications are:

Superior Numbers: The side with superior numbers may

add to the die roll result. The TSP of the stronger side is
divided by the TSP of the weaker and rounded down. This
gives a superiority factor which is referenced on this chart
t o get the add to the die roll.

Superiority Factor

Die Roll Modification

1 or less




5 or more


Critical results of the commanders die roll

Retreat (see below): The side conducting the Retreat
receives a -1.
Rout (see below): The side suffering from a Rout receives
a -2.

Other: At the Gamesmasters discretion he may apply

other modifiers as he feels represent the situation.


Once both die roll results are modified, the smaller will be
subtracted from the larger. The result is the Base Loss of
Troop Strength Points for that Battle Turn. If both modified
die rolls are equal, the Base Loss is 1.
The modification to the Base Loss is found on the Loss
Modification Chart below. All numbers are rounded to the
nearest whole number.
In a Deadlock, only a critical success with the Command
BCS will cut the Loss to one-quarter and thus, rounded
down, to nothing. A critical failure will increase the Loss to2.
In all other Deadlock situations, each side will suffer a 1 TSP
The modified Base Loss for a side is the number of Troop
Strength Points which are subtracted from that sides total

A side in a Tactical Battle will have to check for its morale
in one of three circumstances.
rn Loss in one Battle Turn exceeds 25% of the sides original

TSP total.

When one of these cirkurnstances arises, the

Gamesmaster will check t o see if the sides morale will fail.
The base percentage chance that it will fail is equal to 100
minus thesides current TSP total divided by the originalTSP
total, rounded nearest. This can be modified by another
Command BCS roll made by the commander. This is called
the Rally Roll. A successful Rally Roll will subtract2 times the
Effect Number from t h e percentage chance. An
unsuccessful Roll will add 2 times the Effect Number to the
percentage chance of morale failure.
If a sides morale fails, that side will conduct a Retreat on
the next Battle Turn. A critical failure when rolling on the
morale check (a die roll in the 96-100 range) or a critical
failure on the Rally Roll means that the side will Rout on the
next Battle Turn.
If a morale check is called for during a Retreat, the Retreat
immediately becomes a Rout.

A battle is ended when one side loses all its TSP points,
Retreats, Routs, or Surrenders. A Battle may also end by
mutual consent of the commanders. The latter case is
usually due to such things as the fall of night (Command
BCSs receive a -10 at night), adverse weather conditions (a
variable modifier to the Command BCS), advent of a new
force into the Battle (particularly if neither side knows if it is
friendly), or any other circumstance that the Gamesmaster
feels is sufficient cause.

A Retreat may be called at any time by the commander or

forced on a side by the fortunes of war. Once it is
determined that a Retreat will occur, that side will
participate in one more BattleTurn. On thisTurn, that side
will receive a -1 modification to its Determination die roll.
After this turn, the Battle is ended. The other side (neither
side if both Retreat) is left in possession of the field. The
Retreating side is treated as Losing that Turn even i f it has
the higher modified Battle Determination roll. It is not
treated as if it had Lost the Battle.
A Rout will occur with a severe morale failure. The
Routing side will participate in one more Battle Turn
unless already in Retreat. It receives a -2 to its Battle
Determination roll. It is treated as Losing that Turn even if
it has the higher modified Determination result. It has lost
the Battle.
A Surrender will occur when the commander of the
opposing side accepts the offer of the side wishing to
Surrender. No further Battle Turns are conducted.

*The character making the Command BCS rolls (the

commander) is killed or incapacitated.


.The commander has a critical failure on his Command

BCS roll.

If a Custom Army is not in use, one side will have itsTroop

Strength Points determined by rolling 2D6 and adding 10.


Side With Higher
Modified Battle
Determination Roll

Side With Lower

Modified Battle
Determination Roll

Winner of Battle Turn

Made Command BCS

1/4 Base Loss

Base Loss

Loser of Battle Turn

Made Command BCS

1/2 Base Loss

1/2 Base Loss

Both Sides Made

Command BCS

1/4 Base Loss

1/2 Base Loss

Neither Side Made

Command BCS

1/2 Base Loss

Base Loss


henry christen (order #23380)

The other sides TSP may be determined in the same way, or

the Gamesmaster may roll on the Reaction Table (Book 1,
Appendix 1) and multiply the Value Number by 10%. This
percentage will be added to 100% to determine what
percentage of the TSP of the first side is the TSP of the
Thus, a Value Number of -1 multiplied by 10% for -lo%,
indicates that the second side has 100% + (-10%) or 90% of
the strength of the first side. If the first side has a TSP of 15,
the second side has 90% of 15 or a TSP of 13.5, or 14, since
the value is rounded to the nearest.
The second method is advised for creating an army to face
a Custom Army, unless the opposing army is also a Custom
Shay commands an army with thestrength of 15 TSP
and his opponent, Thomas, has an army of 14 TSP.
Neither receives advantage for being significantly
stronger that the other at this point. Shays Operational
Command BCS is 12 and Thomass is 14.
On the first Battle Turn, Shay rolls a 3 for the
Determination roll and a 5 for his BCS. Thomas rolls a 3
and a 19 respectively. The Battle is Deadlocked. Each
side loses 1 TSP. Their new strengths are Shay 14 and
Thomas 13.
On the second Battle Turn, Shay rolls a 1 and a 2,
while Thomas rolls a 6 and a 6. Thomass side is
Winning this Turn. The Base Loss is 5. Shay, with the
lower Determination result and a successful Command
BCS, will actually lose one-half of the Base since
Thomas also made his BCS. This is a Loss of 2.5
rounded to 3 for a new TSP of 1 1 . Thomass Loss is
one-quarter of the Base of 514 = 1.25 rounded to 1,
giving him a new TSP strength of 1 1 .
On the third Battle Turn, Shay rolls a 4 and a 20, while
Thomas rolls a 4 and a 17. Neither has made his
Command BCS and Shay has Critically Missed.
Thomass Wit Group is 2, so this is the modification to
Shays Battle Determination result. I f Shay had not
Critically Missed o n his Command BCS, the Battle
would have been Deadlocked. As i t is, his side has Lost
that Turn and the Base Loss is 4 - ( 4 - 2 ) = 4 - 2 = 2. As far
as Shays side is concerned, Thomass side has had a
successful Command BCS roll, even though this is not
the case. Shays side will thus take the Base Loss.
Thomass side, since neither made the Command BCS
and they Won the Turn, will take half the Base Loss or 1 .
The new strengths are Shay 9 and Thomas 10.
But Shay has critically failed on his Command BCS
roll and his side must check for morale failure. His
current strength is 9. This divided b y his original
strength of 15 and subtracted from 10Oohyields a base
percentage chance of 40 for morale failure. Shay fails
his Rally Roll with a die roll of 17. Two times the Effect
Number of 5 gives an additional 10% chance of failure
for a total 50% chance of morale failure. The die roll is
33, indicating that Shays side has had a morale failure.
i t will conduct a Retreat on the next Battle Turn.
On the fourth Battle Turn, Shay rolls a 5 and another
20, while Thomas rolls a 3 and a 10. Shays modified
Determination result is 3 instead of the 4 i t would have
been due to the Retreat, since he has once again
Critically Missed. This immediately ,turns his Retreat
into a Rout which has a -2 modifier to the
Determination result. For Thomass Side, this makes
the Battle Turn a Deadlock resulting in a Base Loss of 1
which will reduce his TSP to 9; but Shays side takes
double that to reduce his sides strength to 7 TSP. Ths
Battle is over since Shays side Routed. Thomas has
been Victorious and Shay has Lost the Battle o n this
Battle Turn. Thomass side is left in possession of the

In the course of a game campaign, one or more military
campaigns may be waged. The simplest and fastest way to
resolve a military campaign is to total all the Troop Strength
points available to each side and treat the entire military
campaign as if it were a single Battle. The appropriate
Command Skill for this would be Strategic Command.
A more interesting way to deal with it is to treat the military
campaign as a series of battles. This requires the
Gamesmaster to make a number of decisions with regard to
available supplies and facilities for transporting them,
continuing morale modifications, positional Battles, reengagements, and other such details as apply to military
campaigns. The rules presented in this section are provided
as a guideline for this sort of thing.
In a military campaign, a commander may have a large
number of Troop Strength Points available to him. These
probably will not be all in the same location.
An armys TSP will be classed as Ready and Unready. If
used in a Battle, Unready TSP are at one-third of their value,
rounded down. Thus, it requires 3 Unready TSP to equal 1
Ready TSP.
All TSP, on both sides, are Unready at the end of a Battle.
The rate at which they made Ready will vary by how
the side fared in the last Battle in which the particular TSP
was engaged.
A Victorious army may check for Battle-Ready TSP each
day after the Battle. A successful Operational Command
BCS roll will allow a number of TSP equal to the
commanders Wit Group Effect Die roll to be Readied.
Failure results in no additional TSP being Readied.
Critical success adds 1 Group to the commanders
effective Wit Group and critical failure means that the
commander may not make a roll on the following day (in
addition to none being Readied that day).

An army which has Retreated from Battle may Ready TSP

in a similar fashion but the commanders effective Wit
Group is reduced by 1.
An army which has Routed from Battle will roll for
readying TSP once in a number of days equal t o 5 minus
the commanders Wit Group. Otherwise they are treated
as if they had Retreated.
An army reduced to zero TSP has no forces to Ready.

After a Battle some of the TSP losses will be returned to a

commanders control. These are the recovered wounded, the
units which just lost cohesion but were not destroyed, and a
small pool of reinforcements. One the first day after a Battle,
the side will receive 25% of the TSP lost. This number is
rounded down. At the end of the week following the Battle,
another 25% will be received. At the end of the month, a
further 10% will be received. All of these TSP are Unready.
Thus, Thomas, the victor from the example of
Tactical Combat, had a total TSP Loss of 5. Twenty-five
percent of that is 1.25, rounded to 1 , and 10% is
.5,rounded to 0. At the end of the day following the
Battle, he will receive back 1 Unready TSP. At the end
of the week following the Battle, Thomas will receive 1
more Unready TSP. He will not receive any more TSP
from that Battle at the end o f a month.
On the day after the Battle, he will ready a numberof
TSP equal to his Wit Group Effect Die roll. He makes
his Operational Command BCS with a die roll of 9.His
Wit Group Effect Die is 1D6 and his roll is a 3. He will
have 3 of his 9 TSP Ready and will add 1 TSP to his
Unready TSP due to after-Battle recovery, giving hrm a
force breakdown of 3 Ready TSP and 7 Unready TSP.
On the next day, his BCS roll I S a 17, so he will no:
ready any troops that day.


henry christen (order #23380)

On the third day, he makes his BCS with a die roll of

12. His Effect Die roll is a 5. His total force is now 8
Ready and 2 Unready TSP.
On the fourth day, he again makes his Operational
Command BCS (with a 4), and his Effect Die roll is a 6.
That is more than enough, so his remaining 2 Unready
TSP are now Ready.

If the Gamesmaster desires, he may assign an upper limit
to the number of Unready TSP that may be made into Ready
TSP during a campaign. This is the simplest way of
representing the resources available to a side.
Alternatively, a side may be given an upper limit which
represents the stockpiled resources and a rate of production
which will raise that limit. This allows planning of campaign
strategy to eliminate stockpiles, resource centers, and
production facilities.

An army, represented by even 1 TSP, has a base marching
allowance of 8 kilometers a day. Vehicle-borne TSP have a
base of 20 kilometers per day. This is used in Tactical Scale
travel as a characters Speed is used.
For purposes of using Forced March, an army has a
pseudo-DRT of 20. The reductions in Attributes called for by
fatigue represent the percent of the total TSP that become
Unready. If they are already Unready, one-half of the number
called for are actually lost. A completely Unready army may
not use Forced March.
Thomas of the previous example decides to move
out before he has readied all his TSP. He leaves on the
third day with 3 Ready and 7 Unready TSP. He travels
with Forced March until he accumulates 16 subdual
points. This would reduce a characters Deftness and
Speed to 50%. Thus, 50% of Thomass army is made
Unready. f i f t y percent of his total of 10 is5. His3 Ready
TSP become Unready but he must still account for 2
more TSP. Since the rest are Unready, he will lose onehalf o f the unaccounted-for TSP, or 112 of 2 = 1.
Thomass army has been reduced to 9 TSP and all are

When one side is attacking another which is holding a
given position, the defending side will be given additional
TSP representing the advaritage of the position. This
additional TSP should be kept separate from the defending
sides normal TSP.
When Losses are assessed, one-half of the actual Loss will
be assessed against the defenders normal TSPand one-half
against the positions TSP. Fractions are rounded in the
usual fashion for the defender but are retained for the
position. Fractional position TSP are treated as having the
Strength of the next-higher whole number. Thus, a
positional TSP reduced to 5.5 still functions as if it were 6.
Once the positions TSP has been eliminated, the Battle
proceeds in the normal fashion.

This section gives guidelines for evaluating a force
composed of disparate elements. It is of greatest use when a
character acquires sufficient forces to require combat to be
resolved on a Tactical Battle scale.
Each Custom Army will be composed of units. Each
units is a separate entity.
A unit of a Custom Army is made up of all the men of one
Training Category who are armed and armored alike. A unit
may also be a combat vehicle or a crew-served weapon.

Each unit will have three values calculated for it. A

Defensive TSP, an Offensive TSP, and an Offensive TSP with
Ammo are required. The last is used o n any Battle Turn for
which the unit is supplied; the second is used when the unit
runs out of ammunition, or if the unit is only armed with
hand-to-hand weapons. However, only one is used for
calculating the comparative strengths for the Battle Turn.
Each units appropriate Offensive TSP is added to that of
the other units on its side and rounded to the nearest to get
the sides effective TSP for that BattleTurn.This is subject to
Position benefits.
When Losses are taken by a Custom Army, they are
applied at random to individual units. The Gamesmaster will
assign each unit a number and roll a die with a range as large
as the highest assigned number. If no die is available with a
convenient range and a flat (equal probability for each
number) curve, he will pick the next largest range with a flat
curve and roll until he gets a number in the correct range.
The number rolled will be the unit to first take damage. If the
TSP indicated to be lost is greater than the Defensive TSP of
the unit, the unit is destroyed and the excess points are
applied to another unit determined at random.
I f a unit is only partially destroyed by Losses, the
percentage of the units Defensive TSP lost is the percentage
of its Offensive TSP that will be lost for subsequent Battle
When assessing Losses for a Custom Army, do not round
off the Loss. Fractional values can be significant to a Custom
Army, which will often have TSP values to two decimal
Player characters i n a Custom Army take the usual
chances of Battle but add their available Offensive TSP into
the total for that side.

In order to determine the TSP for a unit of aCustom Army,
its value must be assessed. Unready units have 1/3 the
normal values.
The value of the unit in each category (Offensive,
Offensive with Ammo and Defensive) will be divided by a
number chosen by the Gamesmaster to yield values in a
convenient range for play. Divisors of 5, 10, or 20 will not
affect the scale of Battle Turns. Increasing the divisor by a
power of 10 (50, 100, 200 respectively) will double
ammunition expenditures and the time taken by a Battle
Values for each unit are calculated separately and rounded
to the nearest hundredth when the conversion to TSP is
A units Defensive value is equal to the Average Armor
Value of a man in the unit times theTraining Rating times the
number of men in the unit. A crew-served weapon works the
same way. A vehicle has a Defensive rating equal to its
Vehicle Armor Value converted to regular Armor Value (Le.,
multiplied by 10). If the vehicle is currently suffering a
reduction in maximum speed due to reduced Durability, this
same reduction is applied to its Defensive value.
A units Offensive value is equal to its Defensive value, if
infantry. A crew-served weapon has no Offensive rating but
that of its crew (to be used when the ammunition is gone). A
vehicle has an Offensive value equal to its Structural Rating
times the crews Training rating when it carries no weapons
or is out of ammunition.
A units Offensive Value with Ammo only applies to units
which use firearms. For these units, the value of a single
weapon is added to the base value. For infantry the Average
AV of a man is added to the value for the weapon being used,
at the rate being used, and the result is multiplied by the
Training Rating. For crew-served weapons, the BDG of the
weapon is the base. If a full crew is not present, the base is

henry christen (order #23380)


Gun Action

Rounds per
Battle Turn


Weapon Ratings

Black Powder

Weapon Type Value

Training Ratings
Training Category




Green (untrained)

x .25




Pound Pull x .05


x .5





Pound Pull x .02


x l

Machine Gun




BDG of 1 round x .1
x Gun Action Value


x 1.5

Player Character/Heroic





VDG x O/O of qualified

crew active

reduced to the percentage of the crew which is present

before being multiplied by the Training Rating. Vehicles
work the same way except that the Defensive value is added
to the base value for all weapons able to be brought to bear
before being multiplied by the Training Rating of the crew.
Reversing the calculations at the end of a Battle will
indicate how many survivors there are in a unit. If a partial
man is indicated, assume he is wounded. If a partial vehicle is
indicated, determine the percentage damage and treat it asa
percentage Durability loss.
Ammunition supply is dealt with on a rudimentary scale.
Each Gun Action or class of weapon, if larger than small

arms, is assigned a number of rounds expended in a Battle

Turn. If a character using a firearm is to get the value of that
firearm, he must havesufficient rounds to match the required
expenditure. If insufficient rounds are available, the
Offensive Value without ammunition will be used. A
character able to use a slower rate of fire with his weapon
may do so. but he will only receive the Value for the Gun
Action firing with the lesser ammunition expenditure.


J. Caldwell has assembled an army. He commands
25 Trained AverageA V 8 , 5 0 Green troops in
Average AV 6, another 50 Green troops in Average
AV5, one Heavy Machine Gun with a crew of 2 (full


Defensive (1 man)


Offensive with Ammo

Trained Riflemen

( 8 1~) = 8


firing 30-06 a t BDG 26, A L

((26 x . 1 x 5 ) + 8 ) x 1 = 21

Green Riflemen

(6 x .25) = 1.5


firing same as veterans

(((26 x . 1 x 5 ) + 6 ) x .25 = 4.75

Other lnfantry

(5 x .25) = 1.25

Caldwell (first 6 Turns)



firing .223 a t BDG 20, FA

((20 x .1 x 10) + 10) x 2 = 60

(7th Turn)

(after 7th Turn)

(10 x 2 ) = 20


Heavy Machine Gun with full crew firing 7.62

NATO at BDG 27

as men: (8 x 1 ) = 8

((27 X . 1 x 15) +8) x 1 = 48.5

Tank with 50% crew firing 105mm gun (no

MG) at VDG 56 and Vehicle AV 10, speed
reuction 10%

(10 x 10) x 90% = 90


((5oo/o0f56) + 90) X 1

firing .45 ACP a t BDG 11, AL

( ( 7 7 x .I x 5 ) + 10)x 2 = 31


This results in Caldwells army having units with TSP values listed below. The Gamesmaster decided to divide by 20.


Defensive Value (TSP)

Offensive (TSP)

Offensive with Ammo (TSP)

200 ( 10 )

200 (10 )

525 (26.25)

#2 Green Rifles
(50 men)

75 (3.75)

75 (3.75)

237.5 (11.88)

#3 Green lnfantry
(50 men)

62.5 (3.13)

62.5 (3.13)

#1 Trained Rifles
(25 men)

#4 HMG crew
( 2 men)

16 (.8)

16 (3)

#5 Tank

90 (4.5)

5 (.25)

plus Caldwell
Turns 1-6
Turn 7
After Turn 7

60 ( 3 )
118 (5.9)
60 ( 3 )
31 (1.55)

henry christen (order #23380)

crew), and a Tank mounting a 105mm gun, with 50%

crew. The HMG and tank crews are Trained. The first
two units of infantry are armed with M-1 Garand SemiAutomatic rifles and the third has only Hand-to-hand
weapons. Caldwell himself is a Player Character, has
an Average A V of 10, and is armed with an M-16 Assault
Rifle and a .45 automatic.
He has stockpiled enough ammunition for two Battle
Turns for the riflemen and the tank, four turns for the
HMG, and 6 Turns for himself with the M-16 and 1 with
the pistol. This means 7500 rounds ((50 + 25) X 50 X 2 )
for the M - l s , 40 rounds (1 x 20 x 2 ) for the tank, 4000
rounds (1 x 1000 x 4) for the HMG, 600 rounds (since he
will be using his M-16 at Full Automatic) for the M-16,
and 50 rounds for the .45.
The Battle engaged i n by Caldwell's army is
presented only in terms of Losses to demonstrate the
procedure for dealing with them and their effects o n
the offensive ability of the army.
O n the first Turn, the army generates the maximum
Offensive value since all units with firearms have
ammunition. This gives a TSP of 53.14 rounded to 53.
The army is slated to take a Loss of 1 TSP. The Gamesmaster rolls 1D5 with a result of 4, which indicates the
HMG crew. The Defensive TSP of that unit is .8. It is
destroyed and its Offensive value will not be counted
for the rest of the Battle. This still leaves .2 TSP to be
assessed against Caldwell's army. The Gamesmaster
rolls his die again and this time it indicates Unit 1. The
Defensive value of this unit is reduced by .2 TSP to 9.8.
This is 98% of its original value, so its Offensive value
o n the next Battle Turn will be at 98% of its value, that is,
98% of 26.25 or 25.73.
On the next Battle Turn, Caldwell's Offensive
capability is reduced significantly by the loss of the
HMG crew. His new total is 49.62, rounded to 50. O n
this Turn, the army takes n o Losses.
Even though his army took no Losses o n the last
Battle Turn, Caldwell's Offensive power is reduced
greatly because his riflemen and tank are out of
ammunition. His total Offensive TSP is now 19.93 or20.
This is a loss of more than half of his Offensive
Capability. Unfortunately for Caldwell, his enemies'
ammunition supplies were greater and he finds his
Offensive capability outstripped significantly. His
opponent thus gets an additive modification to his
Battle Determination result which permits him to inflict
great casualties o n Caldwell's army. The Loss is8 TSP.
The unit taking the casualties is indicated as No. 2.
They are annihilated and 4.75 TSP are still to be
allocated. The next unit indicated is No. 3. They also
are annihilated, and 1.62 TSP are still to be allocated.
The next unit indicated is No.5, which has its Defensive
TSP reduced to 2.88. This loss is greater than 25% of
his original Defensive TSP, so the army is subject to a
morale check. It fails and will Retreat on the next Battle
Miraculously, Caldwell's army escapes without
further casualties.


Like regular armies, a Custom Army will regainTSP aftera
Battle. These will be apportioned randomly among the units
of the army. A unit annihilated in the Battle cannot receive
any of these replacement TSPs until all units which survived
the Battle are brought u p to the strength they were at before
the Battle. T h e Defensive TSP is used.
Once a unit is made Ready after a Battle, the men in it will
have their Training Classification raised to the next higher
category if they are Green or Novice. If they are Trair?ed or

Veteran, they will be raised only on a die roll of 1 on the

Operational Command roll used to Ready them. If the TSP
value to be raised to Ready status was beyond what it would
take to raise the unit so elevated in status category, the
excess may not be used on another unit.
Ammunition resupply of units in a Custom Army is
handled separately from getting them Ready for Battleagain.
Such resupply problems are campaign dependent and, as
such, are in the province of the individual Gamesmaster.
Caldwell's total Losses in TSP were 9 TSP. Twentyfive percent of that is 2.25 and ten percent is .9. O n the
day after the Battle, his army receives 2.25 TSP
randomly assigned to Unit 1. Their Loss was only .2
TSP, so they are back to full strength. The still
unallocated TSP would normally be rolled for
randomly, but Caldwell has only one other surviving
unit, which is Unit 5, the tank. Its TSP loss was 1.62,
which is replaced, leaving .43 still to be allocated. The
lost units are eligible. The die roll indicates Unit 4, the
HMG crew. This is over half the TSP. The machinegun
itself is lost since the opponent holds the field of Battle.
Making a color call, the Gamesmaster describes this
result as the machine-gunner staggering into camp,
dragging his wounded loader.
Caldwell decides to Ready his Trained Riflemen first.
His Operational Command roll is a 1. His Wit Group is
raised by 1 to its normal value (he was effectively
lowered 1 Group due to the Retreat) and the die roll is
l D l 0 with a result of 6. Six TSP of Caldwell's Trained
Riflemen are now Veterans and are Ready for Battle. If
only they had ammunition! What has happened is that a
new unit has effectively been created, since the
Training Classification of the Unit 1 riflemen has been
O n the next day Caldwell continues to Ready more of
his Unit 1 riflemen. His die roll is a success, but not
critically so. He uses his normal Wit Group for the
Effect Die, which is 1D6. His roll is a 2. Two TSP worth
of Trained Riflemen are now Ready. This still leaves 2
TSP of Unit 1 Unready.
Unfortunately for Caldwell's ambitions, his former
opponent catches u p with him on the third day.
Unsupplied, his men still showing the effects of the
previous Battle, Caldwell surrenders. He n o longer has
to worry about Readying the rest of his army.

Characters may participate in a large-scale combat. Their
fates, though related to that of the side on which they are
fighting, are determined in a different way than that of the
whole army.
Each character should have his Offensive Value assessed
if a Custom Army is in use. If the Gamesmaster feels that this
will involve too much work he may dispense with the
calculations but should still charge the characters for
ammunition expended in the battle. This should be done for
the rate at which the character normally fires when in
combat. If no normal pattern is established, assume the
highest rate possible.
T h e calculated Offensive value for the characters is added
to the total of the side on which they fight.
If a randomly-generated army is in use, the characters'
offensive capabilities are ignored, although they are still
assessed for ammunition expenditure.
For each Battle T u r n , a character must choose a level of
participation. A character may change from one level to the
next between Battle Turns. He may not change more than
one level at once. That is, he may not go from Courageous to
Hanging Back or vice versa in oneTurn. He must first spend a
Battle T u r n at Average level of participation.

henry christen (order #23380)

The levels of participation are cross-indexed with the

Battle Determination result for a Turn to find the
probabilities character being wounded acquiring loot, or
modifying his chance for recognition at the end of the Battle.
These levels are:


Roll Result
01-30 No special result
31-60 Character must make Health AST or treat as 6190 below

Courageous: The character is in the forefront of the

Battle. This is a dangerous position but tends to have a
positive effect on the character's being recognized by the
commanders of a Victorious army.

61-90 Character is rendered unconscious for 1D3

Battle Turns. When he is conscious again, if the
Battle is still continuing, his level of participation
will be determined randomly for that first Turn.
He may adjust it on the next Turn. If the Battle has
ended and the enemy holds the field, he will be
captured. If his side holds the field, he will be
subject to normal After-Battle results.

Average: The character does not seek out glory or

withhold himself from the conflict. He takes the normal,
not inconsiderable, risks of battle.

Hanging Back The character does his best to avoid the

thick of the fighting. Although safer than the other two
levels of participation, participating in this fashion may
well bring a character to the attention of his commanders
in a very unflattering way.

91-00 Damage taken is critical damage. Roll Hit

Location for results. The character will
experience a Trauma Critical Effect (see page 30
in Book 1). If Location 2 was indicated, also treat
as a Critical Acid Effect (see page 49 in Book 1).


On each BattleTurn, the Gamesmasterwill ask the players
what level of participation their characters will be at during
the Turn about to happen. Their decisions are recorded and
the Battle Turn is conducted. When theGamesmaster knows
the status of the side on which the characters are
participating, he can cross-index each character's level of
participation with the status of the army for that Turn to get
the die rolls to be used for determining how the character
fared in that Turn.
Three letters will be found on the chart: W, L, and R. Each
will be followed by a number. The letter indicates the
category of fortune. W is for Wounds, L is for Loot, and R is
for Recognition. The numbers represent a modified BCS
which, when compared with the roll of 1D20, will determine
an Effect Number. Each category is rolled for separately.
The Effect Number generated is a base number for that
area. This may be multiplied by a factor representing the
intensity or danger inherent to the circumstances. Specifics
will vary by the category.

If the Wounds roll was a 20, the character will receive

medical care that will heal l D l O of the damage
accumulated so far.
I f the character has First Aid Skill, he may apply it to
himself and any other characters in a unit with him during
the time between Battle Turns. Any character with a
Bandage may apply it to himself.
If the Wounds die roll was a 1, the character may receive
a Critical Battle Result. A DlOO is rolled and the damage
received that Turn is added to the result. The modified
D100 roll is checked on the chart above.
Characters may add a number equal to one-half of the
percentage of their total DRT accounted for by wounds to
the After-Battle die roll.

Loot: The character will maintain a running total of the

results for this category. A successful roll will result in the
Effect Number, as modified by the correct factor, being
added to his total. An unsuccessful roll will result in the
modified Effect Number being subtracted from his total.
A negative result at the end of the Battle means that no
loot was gained.
A positive result is the Barter Point value of the Loot

Wounds: Only if the die roll is less than the number

indicated will the character receive wounds on that Battle
Turn. The Effect Number of a successful roll is multiplied
by the factor for an army with the appropriate status to
give the number of points of lethal damage taken by the
character on that Battle Turn. This may kill the character.



That Turn


That Turn














Hanging Back
















Modifying Factors
Loot, successful roll
unsuccessful roll
Recognition, successful roll
unsuccessful roll

The amount of damage taken that Turn is the percent
chance that the character has been captured. All captives
of a totally defeated army (TSP reduced to zero) or a
Routed army are freed.


henry christen (order #23380)

gained. The Gamesmaster may wish to handle this as

ammunition for whatever firearm the character was using.
If the character had no firearm, the Loot may still be
represented as easily-bartered ammunition.

Recognition: Recognition is calculated as Loot and a

running total is kept. The result at the end of the Battle is
the modification which will be made to the characters
After-Battle ReactionRoll.
Since officers are not supposed to throw their lives
away, the Gamesmaster may wish to modify the
Recognition BCS for characters functioning in that
capacity. This modification is to the BCS indicated for
Some suggested values are:
Sergeant equivalent
LieutenanVCaptain equivalent
Major/Colonel equivalent


General equivalent


There are no hard-and-fast rules to follow when dealing
with the results of a Battle, but some guidelines can be
The Gamesmaster may make a Reaction Roll for each
character. This is modified by the characters Recognition
total. The purpose of this roll is to get the evaluation of the
characters performance in the eyes of his superiors. The
Gamesmaster knows the results of the Battle and the
characters actions in it. Using this, he should decide
whether a character should be castigated or congratulated.
The coward in a Victorious army is often ignored, whileeven
the brave man in a defeated army may face hard times.
The Gamesmaster should also modify the results for
player character officers. A defeat is harder on the officer
corps than on the soldiers in terms of the wrath it brings from
an armys superiors and/or sponsors.
In general, a negative result may only bring a reprimand
and a fine, or it may be serious enough t o have the character
brought up on charges of cowardice which could result in an
execution. Player Characters should be allowed a chance
for a jailbreak t o avoid such unpleasant side-effects. This can
provide material for a gaming session.
A good result may earn the character a commendation, a
medal, or a reward in the form of more pay. A very good result
may cause the character to be promoted or t o receive an
exceptional reward.
In any case, the characters should be rewarded or
punished according to their actions and the Gamesmasters
view of how those actions fit in with the situation. The nature
of the army is also important. A Gamesmasters shrewdest
judgements can be called for in these situations.

henry christen (order #23380)

Sal has gotten herself involved in a Battle. On the first

Battle Turn, she decides to be Average and theside she
is on Wins that Turn. The 1020 rolls for each area are 6,
18,and 19.She receives3 points of Lethal damage (9 6
= 3 x 1 = 3). She starts with a negative Loot total of 4
(14 18 = -4x 1 = -4)and a negative Recognition total of
4 (15 19 = -4 x 1 = -4).
On the next turn, she opts to be Courageous. This
time, her side is in a Deadlock. The rolls are 1,9,and 14.
She takes 12 more points of Lethal damage and is
subject to Critical Battle Results. Her Loot total now
stands at -6 (8-9 = -1 x 1.5 = -1.5rounded to -2 and
raising the loss to -6).She does, however, garner 6
points of Recognition which eliminates the earlier
negative total and leaves her with a positive total of 2.
For the Critical Battle Results, she rolls 1 D5 and adds
12 to the die roll. The result is a die roll Of 25 modified to
37. She fails her Health AST and is rendered
unconscious for 103 Battle Turns. The die result is 2.
For Battle Turns 3 and 4,Sal is unconsious. She will
participate in Battle Turn5 but her level of participation
is determined at random. It is determined to be
Hanging Back. This indicates that the tide of battle has
moved away from where she had been knocked
unconscious. The die roll results are made once the
Battle Determination is made. The side is Victorious on
that Turn. Sal has no chance to move to the forefront of
the Battle again. The die results are 20, 11, and 12. The
20 indicates that she is healed for lDl0 points of
damage. The die roll here is a 6. She is still carrying 9
points of damage. She has gained a base amount of 9
Loot points which is multiplied by 3 for a result of 29
points; added to her previous negative total of 6, this
leaves her with a net of21 Loot points. Her Recognition
roll gives a base loss of 2 points multiplied by .5 for a
net loss of 1, leaving her final total at 1 Recognition
Since her side won, there will definitely be an AfterBattle Reaction Roll. She receives a modification of +1
for her Recognition total and +14 for her wounds (total
damage received was 15 points, which is37.5 or38% of
her 40 points of DRT; divided by 2 and rounded nearest
this gives 14). This is a total modification of +15.The
result Qf lDl00 is 57 modified to 72. This is a Good
result. Being a mercenary, she has her base pay
multiplied by the Value Number for that reaction,
which is a positive 2. The Gamesmaster decides that
this reaction also entitles her to priority medical care,
resulting in good, restful facilities and a doctors care
until she is healed.
For Loot she receives 21 Barter Points worth of
ammunition. Had her Loot total remained negative, she
would have received no Loot.

This is a brief outlineof the mutationsof human stock to be
encountered in Aftermath! Primary consideration is given to
the basic forms of alteration in the first five generations or so,
although some comments will be made on potentials for
development in later generations.

structures and tough hide in place of normal human skin.

Gamesmaster or Player may wish to work out a highly-visible
image of this latter mutation (scales, or a wrinkled, elephant
hide appearance).
The Tough receives the following abilities.
Generate a number from, say, the roll of 2D2. This will be
used in all the following operations. It is called the
Resistance Number.


These are Changed features which act upon the physical

senses, the Attributes, and other features of physiological
and neural configurations, having effect upon the mind,
body, and senses of the mutant but not significantlyallowing
him to act upon the exterior world. Unless otherwise
specified, Physical Mutations are always working, although
some applications require specific calls to that effect by a
PIaye r.

.The Toughs skin has an inherent Armor Value equal to

the Resistance Number. This figure is added to the Armor
Value of whatever armor he is wearing over a given

Strongs add 10 to their Strength (i.e., they effectively go up
a Group). Gamesmasters Option: allow Strongs to train to 50
in Strength, as opposed to 40. For a more normal version,
allow a score greater than 40 in a Changed Attribute only if
the initial Permanent score reached such a figure. If points
are lost due to healable Attribute damage, allow healing back
to Permanent Value. I f points are lost due to re-trainable
damage, sllow training back to Permanent Value.
Strongs also suffer losses i n other Attributes,
proportionately based on their gains in Strength.
Gamesmaster and Player may exercise options:

Reduce Deftness and Speed by 5 each

Reduce Wit by 10 (or amount of Strength increase)

Allow Player to rob Peter to pay Paul. He may increase

Strength by transferring points from Attributes at a rate
designated by the Gamesmaster (e.g., boost Strength by3
points per 2 points reduced in Deftness)

In any case, the principal effect of being a Strong is going

to be based on hormonal balance altered by the mutagens in
the post-Ruin environment. This will cause increased
production of usable heavy muscle tissue, but will tend to
reduce movility and flexibility (Deftness and Speed) or
mentation (Wit and Will). The options given above are to
permit tailoring the character to an image pleasing to Player
and Gamesmaster.

the Resistance number to all STs against
succumbing to physical damage effects such as being
winded, knocked out by a sandbag effect, stunned by
falls, and so on.
.The Tough will not die, if knocked below 0 in his DRT,
until the total damage below 0 is greater than his Healing
Rate plus Resistance Number.
Interesting options with this mutation might include tying
the Resistance Number into the Power Rolls discussed
under Psionics later on. The Resistance Number equals the
Toughs Power Group. Thus, the changes start in early
adolescence and continue into young adulthood. Outward
manifestations of the mutation would be less noticeable for
those with low Resistance Numbers, but as such factors as
inherent AV increase, thecoarsening of skin, the roughening
of voice as cartilage in the throat thickens, the stiffening of
joints as bone cells increase in density, will mark him for a
Changed One.
Penalties to abilities of Toughs are potentially numerous
and the Gamesmaster should balance their severity with the
levels of superiority gined by the mutant. Some possibilities
i ncl ued:
Reduce all BCS and Saving Throws based on sensitivity of
touch or lightness of movement by the Resistance
Number. The heavy bones and thick, insensitive skin do
not do much for such operations.

Quicks receive enhancements to Deftness and Speed in
the same way that Strongs get enhanced Strength. They may
have a boost in only one of these Attributes or in both.
Penalties are levied against them as with Strongs, but are
probably targeted at Strength and Health. This is based on
the image of their mutation as an increase in the basal
metabolic rate, permitting greater reflex speed and muscle
firing at a cost in the storage of protein as muscle and the
general ability of the system to maintain homeostasis,
reflected by Health reductions.
Other requirements based on this image could include
doubled requirements for rations by the Quick, as well as
player design of habits and quirks that non-Quick humans
are likely to find highly irritating.

Toughs resist physical damage in a gross anatomical
sense. Possessed of metabolisms which fiercely resist
certain forms of injury, they also have heavier skeletal

Increase the Toughs Shock Factor by the Resistance

Number. In addition, the period of time the Tough is
unconscious due to Shock will bereduced by anumberof
Combat Turns equal to the Resistance Number.

Obviously, the Tough is no beauty. Figure this into the

Changed Ones interactions with people, especially ones
with no love for mutants.

0 T h e Tough could easily lose Speed and Deftness

comparable with the Strong, by some number based on
Resistance. A 1:l ratio is certainly possible.
There are other options, too numerous to analyze in detail.
The Gamesmaster is free to work out details with players, as
well as to design his own variants.

I mmunes have systems which responded to the bacterial
fury of germ warfare by developing tremendous resistance to
subtler forms of injury than the Toughs. They also have a
Resistance Number,but it acts as follows.

Add to Saving Throws versus all forms of drugs and



henry christen (order #23380)

At the Gamesmasters option, lmmunes can be assumed

to be totally immune to all forms of disease, or to have a
chance equal to 10% x Resistance Number that their
systems will eliminate a disease during incubation, with
the Resistance Number added to Saving Throws in the
event that it does not.
Also at the Gamesmasters option, transfusions of
Immune blood could act for the recipient in the same way
as for the donor. Some interesting scenario possibilities
arise that way.
As to the penalties for immunes, they must fail their Health
Saving Throw for beneficial drugs to work on them, and i f the
Gamesmaster feels that it is called for, their systems can
oppose any medical care with a Health roll (a CST if drugs
are involved). A bandage, of course, would not be resisted,
and most forms of first aid are probably not a problem, but
the use of medkit units, Pathology Skill care, etc.. might be
read as an attack by the hyper-active immunoresponse
system of the Immune.

AS you might guess, Smarts have increased Mental
Attributes. If theonly form of the mutation is a flat add t o Wit
and Will, there is no reason to penalize them in any other
area. Such a change is certainly in homo sapienss main
evolutionary stream, and increased power of mentation in
itself will not affect the biological balance as extremely as the
more overt mutations do.
However, we can also posit the super-minds among the
Changed, even though we are not yet speaking of the
psionically gifted ones, who whould suffer some offsetting
penalty to preserve game balance. A case can be made that
this increased mental ability will adversely affect physical
For such advanced Smarts, the abilities gained could be:
*Hidden Thing detection by AST rather than CST
.For Knowledges at least, a gain of the Initial Score in the
Skill every time a full month is spent on the subject. This
might not apply to Skills having a strongly physical side,
as abstract theory is less important than reflex training
and exercise. The Gamesmaster must apply his own view
of hermeneutics to the question.
a N o limit to Freely Improvable Skills
aAllowed intuitions (hints from the Gamesmaster) on
making a Wit CST, allowed once in a given situation
In either type of mutation, the Smart will enjoy an increase
of around 10 in Wit and Will, and in the case of SuperSmarts should suffer reductions in proportion of a//
Physical Attributes (say 5 apiece).
The nice thing about Super-smarts is that they present a
new thought process as the mutation, without necessarily
requiring a measurable increase in brain-power. This is a
truer kind of change than a straight jump in IQ.

These are mutations enhancing the physical senses and
the neural structures devoted to their interpretation. Do not
confuse them with the ESP abilities described under
Psionics. Basically, Senser abilities can run in two
directions: increased power of reception (i.e., response to
lower threshold of stimulation than normal) or increased
range of perception (e.g., seeing farther into the spectrum,
hearing higher or lower frequencies, etc.). The latter is a
lesser form of the mutation and less prone to compensating
EYES: Eyes have an enhanced visual sense. In the
perceptive form of the mutation, the Eye can see slightly
farther into the ultraviolet and infrared than normal. Thus,
he can perceive such phenomena as the U V aura caused

by ionization of air by radioactives or, in the presence of

strong IR sources, see as if a visible light were present.
The power is probably not strong enough in itself toallow
seeing things by IR signature alone.
The receptive form of the mutation operates in a
different way. The Changed has catlike eyes, capable of
seeing clearly by low starlight levels. In game terms, the
Eye in this form receives n o penalty when operating in
light levels lower than Good. However, in Good light
(defined as ranging from a well-lit room on up to bright
sunlight) the Eye is totally blind! To function in this
environment, he requires sung lasses or similar
protection, and when wearing such, his vision is on a par
with normal human capability.
Strictly speaking, total darkness should be
impenetrable to the receptive Eye as much as to the
human norm. However, a mutant with both receptive and
perceptive forms of the mutation will be able to operate in
total darkness as well as near-total.
Rapid changes in brightness will be crippling to the Eye.
If he is dumped from bright light to dim, of course, he need
only remove his shades. Exposure to sudden light
(turning on the switch in a dark room, flashbulbs, flares,
etc.) will impact his visual centers so harshly that a Will
AST is needed to prevent being Dazed (as by a Critical
Hit) for the next 1D3 minutes. Even if it is made, he will be
in a blinded state for that period after being protected
from the glare (by closing his eyes, donning shades,
getting out of the light, etc.).
If an Eye is exposed to such attacks, all relevant Saving
Throws for avoiding their effects are halved. If an attack
does succeed, then the procedures above are applied.

EARS: Ears have enhanced hearing. This also occurs in

perceptive and receptive forms.
The perceptive Ear has a range of hearing covering a
wider frequency response than the normal human (3015000 hertz or so). This would enable them to hear such
things as ultrasonic alarm triggers (such as are used in
many modern anti-intruder systems), the distant pulse of
turbines, or the sound of sonic sensors, and to penetrate
white noise sound masking, hearing around the
masking frequency. There is no particular penalty
involved in this form of the mutation alone.
The receptive form of the mutation increases the
sensitivity of hearing as if all input were amplified many
times. Normal human hearing has a lower threshold of
2db; the receptive Ear has one much lower. On the other
hand, the human threshold of pain is around 80db, with
damage to neural tissue starting at 100. The Ear is much
more vulnerable.
It is difficult to list all the things that can endanger the
Ear. Any loud noise above the level of a human shout will
at least tend to distract him. We must let a few common
examples serve.
Gunfire: Outside, any report within 10 meters will
impose Distractions (ringing head) fora period of time.
Pistols and small-caliber Rifles do 1D6 of such effect,
larger weapons (including some of the big pistols like
the Magnums) 1D10. Distraction lastsforafull Combat
Turn of firing at least. Thereafter, the Ear may spend an
Action trying to get his nerves under control. A Will
AST does so on the first try and a second Action will
always succeed i f the first fails.
Indoors, if in any enclosed space up to the size of a
large auditorium with gunfire, the Ear is exposed to this
attack. If he is within the 10-meter range, double all
effects of the noise.
Explosions: If close enough to be attacked by the blast
(i.e., Concussion) the sound will knock the Ear out
unless he makes a Will CST. Otherwise, if the

henry christen (order #23380)

Gamesmaster judges him to be in range (and that can

be up to a kilometer) he must still make a Will AST or
pass out. If he saves, he is Dazed for i D 3 minutes.

kinesthetic sense with the following abilities as a result.

Continuous Sound A loud stereo can be annoying to

normal ears. T o an Ear, it can be maddening. The
bombardment by constant loud sounds will have a
value set by the Gamesmaster at, for example, 1D3 for a
phonograph, 2D3 for a loud PA system, 2D6 for
feedback over a powerful amp and speakers, a flat 15 or
20 for a stamping mill, etc. In each CombatTurn where
the Ear is trying to do anything, he must roll a Will AST
or operate under the specified Distractions. I f he
makes a CST range, he has transcended the noise and
receives no penalty. If he makes AST only, he is under
half the Distractions (round up). If he fails, he cannot
even move except at half his BMA. At the
Gamesmasters option, he may try to react to the
environment if the Distraction level is less than his Will
Group, but at large penalties.

.Double the usual Base Movement Allowance used for

climbing movement.

Constant exposure to very loud sounds will act like

explosions, attacking the Ear on every Combat Turn of
exposure until he passes out.
Ears can protect themselves in one of two ways: by
stopping their ears altogether (going deaf) or by wearing
earpads or plugs designed to filter noise levels down,
such as many shooters, press operators, and airport
ground crewmen use on the job.
Total stoppage means that the Ear cannot hear at all.
Reducing plugs or pads put his hearing on a par with
normal human capabilities.
When using Changed senses to find things out, for
example to find Hidden Things, the rules are as follows.

Attempt to find Hidden Thing using Changed sense that

would normally be detectable by that sense in normal
form: the mutant gets a Wit AST instead of a CST. If
scanning for data that would not normally be detectable, a
CST is still rolled. This latter use puts a burden on the
player: he must specify that he is pushing his mutant
senses to the limit. The Gamesmaster should then make a
secret roll for the characters Wit Saving Throw. If it is
successful, the Gamesmaster must decide what, if
anything, such a scan will pick up. Of course, some things
will be detected that have no relevance to the situation in
When using Changed senses to influenceSkills, the player
must specify that he is attempting to use his mutation to
enhance some Skill. Usually, this will be limited to
Knowledges or Physical Skills using sensory input to
operate. Search will be subject to bonuses for Eyes,
Safecracking for Ears, etc. The Gamesmaster and player
can discuss the relevance of the sense to the Skill in the
particular use in application. If they agree that it is relevant,
the player may roll a Will CST to see if he can interpolate the
input into his BCS use. If he makes it, add a relevant bonus to
the attempt, such as his Wit Group or a Group derived from
his Power score.
It is hard to say just what can be done with senses we do
not possess. If the Gamesmaster agrees to allow some
extraordinary use of the Changed Skill, the relevant Saving
Throw is Will (to focus the perceptions on that sense) and
should be a CST. Results of success should be worked out by
the Gamesmaster and player (or Gamesmaster alone i f
appropriate) in advance. If a Changed is exposed to his
weakness as a Senser while occupied in this act, he should
suffer the maximum penalty with no Saving Throw allowed.

One could argue for putting such a mutant under Sensers,
but the Balancer is quite unique. He has a heightened

No penalties for movement on Treacherous Ground, or

moving backward (other than running into something).

.Strike to Side Hexes as i f Frontal and Rear Hexes as if


Allow movement on slackwires, tightropes, branches,

ledges, etc., at about half his Base Movement Allowance.
Deftness AST to move at full Base Movement Allowance
without falling.

Allow longer fall increments for measuring danger and


A Balancer has a tendency toward attacks of motion

sickness. Cars or boats on calm waters, or commercial jets,
have a constant Distraction Factor a i D 6 . Rough driving,
heavy seas, light planes would all have around D3 +3. Worse
conditions have increased effects. Add 1 to the Distractions
per hourthat the condition continues. Resisting theseeffects
requires a Saving Throw using the average of the Wit and
Health ASTs. It is up to the Gamesmaster to decide if
Balancers are potentially the best zero-gravity operators Or
permanent groundhogs.

The Blend is equipped with a photosensitive skin, some
control over his body chemistry and involuntary muscular
movements, and an instinctive sense of his surroundings.
He is essentially a human chameleon. A Blend (stripped) can
develop astoundingly effective personal camouflage,
becoming a Hidden Thing.
If motionless, the Blend is afully HiddenThing, requiring a
Wit CST to detect (for normal human senses). He will
only assume a skin coloration matching his background, but
his Infrared signature, scent, etc., will not match the
In motion, the Blends power will still maintain visible
coverage, though he must use Stealth to cover thesounds of
movement. His Infrared signature is still detectable to
Infrared scans. It requires a Wit AST to spot the Blend in
motion, with a bonus of +1 if he is running and +1 if he is
dodging (cumulative) .
In close combat, the Blend is visible enough to his
opponent to hit effectively, although the bewildering shifting
colors and patterns of his skin will confuse attempts to strike
precisely. If the Gamesmaster feels that this rather neutral
little mutation needs some frosting to make it appealing, the
Blends opponent in hand-to-hand combat needs to use his
Average BCS.
Missile fire against the Blend always uses an Average BCS.
The penalties levied on the Blend vary and should be minor
i f the heftier benefits are not used.
The powers of the Blend do not work if he is clothed. One
might permit a breechclout in the Comics Code tradition.
The heavier version of this imposes a constant irritation at
wearing an Average Armorvalue higherthan the Blends Will
Group, due to the increased pressure sensitivity of his skin.
Blends are a Changed type that presents a challenge to the
player. A multiple Changed, such as a Blend who is an Eye,
might be a lethally successful night fighter, effectively
invisible but capable of moving freely. With proper training,
he would be a near-perfect commando.

Besides changes in gross physical anatomy and body
chemistry, one might expect to see mental mutation in the
mutagen-rich wake of NBC warfare. Sections of the brain
now unused by Man could become active or more powerful.

henry christen (order #23380)

The powers now studied by the psychic investigators could

become concrete realities for the survivors of the Ruin.
All Psionically Changed will acquire psionic power with
the amount based on their ages. It is assumed that psychic
ability starts to manifest at the onset of puberty, based o n the
findings of some modern parapsychologists. Let us assume
a base starting age of 14 in the Aftermoth! system. That year,
and every year thereafter until the age of 26 (the average age
at which the growth process levels off in human beings), the
Changed will gain 1 0 3 of psionic power, called Psi
(pronounced like sigh.). The initial score in Psi will be
equal to: 1D3 per year at a value of the characters age minus
13. Thus, a 22-year-old character starting out in the
Campaign would have 22-13 or 9D3 of Psi.
It will be seen that at full majority the range of Psi power in
a normal Changed will be 13-39. In essence, the new ability is
treated like an additional Attribute in many ways. The two
principal areas in which the Psi score functions are:

The effects of certain Psi Powers (see below) are

measured by the number generated by rolling Effect Dice,
just as Damage Dice determine the effects of using
Strength. Calculate the Psi Group for the character as
you would for any Attribute.
A Psi Saving Throw should be generated, as for any
Attribute. This will determine the Changeds success in
using his Powers, as stipulated in the rules later on.

There are several broad categories of psychic phenomena

recognized today. In Aftermath! these categories are called
Functions. The are:
Telepathy: Forms of psionic ability dealing with contact or
communication between two or more minds.
ESP: Short for Extra-Sensory Perception. Psychic
phenomena in which data are gathered which are beyond
the reach of the characters physical senses.
Psychokinesis: Mind over matter. Causing changes in
matter by mental force.
Precognition: Sensing events or data before they actually
occur or impinge upon the other senses.
All Psionically Changed will have at least one Psi Function.
It will be rare for early generations of the Changed to display
more than one Psi Function to any great extent. The
Functions, in conjunction with his Talents, will determine
what Powers a Changed has.
For every Talent in which the Changed has ascore greater
than 10, a Power will be gained, as described below.
In using Psi Powers, the Effect Die roll made fortheoutput
of such Powers will be multiplied by a factor equal to
Vern has active Psi, with a Function in Telepathy. He
has Communicative Talent of 14 and Combative Talent
of 18. He will thus receive the Psi Powers ascribed to
Telepathy in those two Talents. In using Effect Dice for
the Communicative Power, his base die r o l l will be
multiplied by ( 1 4 / 1 0 ) or 1.4. In the Combative Power
the Effect roll is multiplied by 1.8.

There are two main formats governing the use of Psi
Powers in Aftermath!: Projected (P) and Receptive (R). You
may also think of them as active and passive.

Projected Powers
P-Powers require active concentration by the user to work
and using them may exert a strain on his system.
The player controlling thechanged must declarethat he is
trying t o use a P-Power. He then must make a Will AST to
tune in the characters Psi abilities. This attempt requires 1
Action. Retries in theevent of failure are permitted. There are
no Critical Miss penalties or Critical Save bonuses.

The Changed may now direct the Power in some allowed

manner. The direction requires 1 Action. Makea Psi AST. If it
is made, the Power will take effect normally. If the throw is
not made, the Power has not taken effect. On a Critical Miss,
the Changeds Psi score will be reduced by the Psi Group of
the Power projection he was attempting. The player must
have declared the effective Psi power he was putting into the
effort before attempting the Psi AST. He has the option of
using less than his full score. If no such declaration was
made, the Gamesmaster may assume that the full power was
being used.
Murian tries to project a Psionic Power. Her Psi is 25,
for a Psi Group o f 4. She rolls a 20 on her Psi AST! Not
only has her effort failed, but her Psi score will be
reduced by 4 points, to an effective value of 27! This is
sufficient to limit her to Group 3 until she recovers
some of the lost Psi.
Psi is recovered at a rate per day equal to the Changeds
Will Group. No meansof increasing this is known to pre-Ruin
science, and the Gamesmaster has discretion in allowing the
development of any Psionic Skills in his Campaign.
Once the direction attempt has been made, whether it
succeeded or not, the Changed will check to see if the strain
of using the Power has affected his system. He must roll a
Health Saving Throw. If a CST is made, then no deleterious
effect occurs. I f an AST is made, the character takes half the
Psi Group used for the Power in Subdual Damage. If the
Saving Throw is not made, he takes the full value of the Psi
Group in Subdual Damage. On a Critical Miss, he takes
damage as for a normal miss, and is subject to System Shock
as if he had taken a severe wound.
If the direction attempt succeeded, then the Power works,
even if the user passes out as a result of the strain.

Receptive Powers
Unlike the Projected Powers, these Receptive, or RPowers, function continuously, doing their office fortheuser
at a level of effectiveness dictated by the Changeds Psi
Group. Let us say that an R-Power gives a permanent plusto
the Changeds score in some area, such asaSaving Throw, a
BCS, or some other Ability. The user recives such a bonus
equal to his Psi Group at all times, every time the affected
Abilities, Attributes, or Skills are used.

The Powers listed below are usable by all Changed with
the Telepathic Function if they have a score above 10 in the
indicated Talent.
Psychic Induction (P). The Changed may attempt to take
over the mind of a victim by mental invasion. The modified
Effect Die roll must exceed the targets Will for this to occur.
The Changed may implant a strong belief, image, or
suggestion in the victims mind. The victim will act upon this
as if it were his own conviction uritil he is released from
control by psionic activity (a Psychic Induction to that end
must generate an Effect score greater than the victims CST
to work), or until his senses provide proof that the suggestion
is untrue. In all such actions the victim acts at full efficiency.
This form of Psychic Induction may be used as often as
desired by the Changed.
Alternatively, the Changed may take over the victims body
entirely. Resistance to such domination will have the effect
of Fatiguing the victim 1 level while under such control. The
Changed will have the use of his own Skills and mental
Attributes, but the possessed body exercises its own
Physical Attributes and Activities. The Changed may not use
the victims Skills in this case, as they are walled away from
the controlling centers of the brain along with the victims
consciousness. The Changed may so control only one victim
at a time, but he can switch from victim to victim without


henry christen (order #23380)

returning to his own body. Such an attack requiresa Psi CST

to direct properly.
The Changeds own body is in an unconscious state
during the second form of this Power. It is as if he had
projected his consciousness into the other form. He may
return to his own form at will, and must do so when thevictim
passes out of range, or is knocked out or killed. This takes 1
Action using the Changeds own PCA.
Half of all damage suffered by the possessed body is
suffered by the Changed as Subdual Damage. If the victim is
knocked out, the Changed must save against System Shock
using Will instead of Health. If the victim is killed while
possessed, the Changed must make aSaving Throw or suffer
a fatal heart attack, again with a Will CST.
The Psychic Induction Power only functions against a
sentient opponent (one of more or less human intellect).

Mind Bomb (P). The Changed can blast at the victims
consciousness with volts of mental force, confusing him or
even rendering him unconscious.
If the Effect Die roll exceeds the victims Will CST, he is
Dazed for a full Combat Turn.
If the Effect Die roll exceeds the victims Will AST, he is
Stunned for a full Combat Turn.
If the Effect Die roll exceeds the victims Will, he is exposed
to System Shock.
The victim will reduce the effect of the mental attack if he
can make a Will Saving Throw, with a penalty equal to the
Changeds Psi Group, based on the Power used. An AST
result will reduce the severity of the effect by one step. A CST
reduces it by two steps.
Effects are cumulative. If a Changed can hit a Dazed victim
with another Daze before he comes out of it, the victim
suffers the Stunned result. If he Stuns a Dazed victim, the
victim may suffer System Shock. A Daze effect against a
victim suffering any effect of Mental Stun will put the target in
danger of System Shock.

Mental Telepathy (P or R). This is pure and simple
telepathic communication: two or more minds linked
together in an exchange of information. Range and
effectiveness of communication will vary.

Among Telepaths
If all involved in communication have the Mental
Telepathy Power, it may be used as either an R- or a PPower.
If it is used as an R-Power, the maximum range for
communication is the Psi score in kilometers.
If both succeed in using it as a P-Power, the maximum
range is 100 times that. This is the maximum distance
which can separate any two members of the link-up, so
that relay chains can be forged across great distance by
concerted telepathic action. The maximum duration of a
P-Power link-up is equal to the Effect Die roll in minutes.
Use the individual telepaths Effect Die roll to see how
long he can stay in the link before trying to Project the
Power again.

T o A Non-Telepath
The sending range to a non-telepath is more limited. T o
a willing mind known to the telepath (some character in
his group of friends, close associates, etc.), the maximum
range is the telepaths Psi x 100 meters. He must make a
Psi AST to initiate contact, but this does not count as
using Mental Telepathy as a P-Power. It merely indicates
that his signal has become readable to his contact.
To send to a closed, hostile, or unknown mind requires
a P-Power use of Mental Telepathy. Some idea of the
minds physical location is needed, and if thedirection roll
succeeds, it is merely a request to allow communications
as described above between willing minds. Range
maximum is Psi x 10 meters.

To read aclosed, hostile, or unknown mind without its

knowledge is another matter. While it also has a maximum
range of Psi x 10 meters, and requires some idea of where
the minds owner is in relation to the telepath, it permits no
sending by the Changed. A Psi CST is needed to make
contact, and the telepath simply experiences the flow of
surface thoughts in his targets mind. He can maintain the
link-up fora maximum period equal to the Effect Die roll in
Combat Turns, or until the target is knocked out or killed.
If the target dies while the telepath is linked up, the
Changed is exposed to System Shock but must save with
Will, not Health.


In all cases of communication among open minds,
whether telepathic or not, the rate of information transfer is
greater than in speech. Assume a ratio of 1 O : l . Thus, if
Detailed Action Time is involved, the participants may
speak 10 words per Phase. Those participating in any
involved Mental Telepathy are assumed to be in Observe
and Command Action. The Gamesmaster should allow
fairly involved consultation among such characters without
advancing the Game Time very much.
Telepathy transcends language barriers among sentient
minds. It cannot operate with non-sentient minds (animals,
plants, etc.).
The rate of thought reading from a hostile mind is at real
time values. The telepath gets the thoughts as they arise in
the surface (sub-verbal) consciousness of the target.

Empathy (P or R). Using it an an R-Power, the Empath is
sensitive to emotional states of creatures (sentient or nonsentient) in his field of vision, to a range equal to his Psi in
meters. He receives such data only as a one-word statement
from the Gamesmaster summarizing the dominant emotion
in the observed characters mind: Fear, Anger, Love, Trust,
Hostility, Hatred, Hunger, etc. He may use this R-Power on
one character at a time, and a reading requires an Action to
become clear.
As a P-Power, the Empathy facility allows modification of a
targets basic emotional state.
The target must be in range as defined for the R-Power
Empathy. The Effect Die roll must exceed his Will score to
take full effect, which is an overmastering emotiorial State,
flooded with a single-minded fixation on the emotion named
by the empathic character. In applying this full-fledged
force, the Gamesmaster should allow some measure of
control to the Empath. He may specify that the emotion i S
directed at some particular individual or group, or tailor the
condition so that he can manipulate the victim further by
playing on his mental state. I f the Effect Die roll exceeds the
victims AST, he will indeed be inclined along the lines of the
stated emotion, but remains in some measure of control. He
will be in amood. Player Characters should be enjoined to
portray their mood honestly for the effects duration. The
Gamesmaster will manipulate the responses of non-player
characters the same way.
One-Eyed Harry has Telepathic Function and high
Esthetic Talent, so he can function as an Empath.
Confronted by two rough muggers in the ruined
streets, he tries to drive them off by empathic attack. He
hurls a sensation of intense fear a t one of the pair,
rolling out a high Effect and far exceeding the victims
Will. The stricken robber flees, screaming. Trying the
same tactic on the other goon, he only manages to beat
his foes Will AST. Shaking but determined, the man
slips out a knife and closes on Harry, mouthing fearful
obscenities. Weakened by his efforts (Harry did badly
o n his Saving Throws against strain), the mutant
moves to meet him.
In the above case, as the thief may be fairly assumed

henry christen (order #23380)

As this is under mental control, the Changed could, for

example, apply it to the lock on a door without needing any
special action t o focus all his energy on the lock alone.
The Power also allows the Changed to lift and move up to
half his ENC Cap and move it at a walking pace for a
maximum number of Combat Turns equal to his Psi Group.
This is allowed on any unattached/unheld item in line of
sight out to a range of 10 meters x Psi. Objects within the
range for the Saving Throw use of the Power may be thrown
instead, with a Strength Group based on Psi Group (at -1
as with all thrown missiles) and a BCS equal to the
Psychokinetics Will AST.
As a P-Power, it enables the Psychokinetic t o Brawl at a
range of up to 10 meters x Psi, using Psi in place of any
Attributes used in the Brawling process, including the BCS,
for which the direction roll serves instead. The Power may be
used to press an attack, once properly directed, for a number
of Actions equal to the users Psi Group.

Cellular Psychokinesis (P). The Changed can heal
wounds, restoring the Effect Die roll in Lethal or Subdual
Damage, or the Psi Group in Critical Damage, by successful
use of the Power. Such an act reduces the natural Healing
Rate of the recipient by 1 point per use. as it draws upon this
energy to accelerate the regeneration process. Unlike most
drugs with this effect, however, the psionic form may be
applied after the Healing Rate reaches 0. It will continue to
reduce the Shock Factor of the recipient, and must cease
when this is at 0. Such lost points are recovered only by the
passage of time, at 1 per day. Until the 10-point basic Shock
Factor is recovered, no restoration of the Healing Rate
The Changed must be within 1 meter of the target and both
must be concentrating on the psychic link to accomplish this
activity. It requires 10 minutes per use to complete. If
interrupted, pro-rate the healing done at 10%of rolled value
per minute spent. Fractions are lost. The check for stress on
the mutant is not made until the use of the Power ends,
naturally or by interruption.

Electrokinesis (P). The psychokinetic can influence the
flows of electrical current in circuits, or generate a bolt of
power for combat.
In controlling circuitry, the Gamesmaster must exercise
his judgment. Basically, the Power can interrupt a circuit for
a maximum number of Combat Turns per use equal to the
users Psi Group. It can reduce the flow of heavy voltage in
electrical defenses of similar circuits by the Psi Group. Thus,
the Electrokinetic mutant could reduce the charge in an
electrified fence by his Group for an equal number of
Combat Turns. He could do the same to a power supply.
When dealing with more delicate flows, as in electronic
devices, the Changed can switch them off for a period equal
to the Effect Die roll. Lasers, radios, ignition systems, alarms,
sensors, or cameras are some of the possible targets.
Contrariwise, the Changed may generate power into a
suitable storage battery (Le., an Eterna type) at .1 charge per
Effect point rolled.
In its more dramatic manifestation, the Electrokinetic may
alter the targets charge with respect to the earth, essentially
hitting it with a small lightning bolt. This will act as an
electrical attack with a Charge equal to the users Psi Group.
Insulation will defend as normal. This may be directed
against ungrounded objects as well, doing considerable
damage to metal and light plastics, very littleto wood. Adjust
the effect on Barrier values according to the Gamesmasters
The maximum range for Electrokinetic phenomena is 10
meters x Psi.

These powers are available to the Changed having the
Precognition Function and a score above 10 in the
designated Talents.

Reaction Reading (R). The Precognitive Changed may
foresee the effects of his words or actions upon another
Characters attitude. He can, in effect, alter the results of an
Attitude Die roll by his actions. The Gamesmaster may limit
the scope of the power to one use per situation. The
Changed player must announce that he is using Reaction
Reading, and rolls his Effect Die for his current Psi Grouop.
The result may be applied in full or in part to raise or lowerthe
Attitude roll in questioli. Non-Player Characters using the
power on Player-Characters will be able to convince the
Players of whatever attitude they desire, within limits
determined by the Gamesmaster on how unlikely this may
seem. A sallow-faced rogue, just swallowing a mouthful of
man-flesh, will not foresea the right words to use to convince
Players that he is not a cannibal since NO foreseeable words
to that effect exist.

Combat Precog (R). The Combat Precog power is similar
to the Combat Sense Power enjoyed by Changed with ESP. It
adds the current Psi Group to the characters effective CDA,
AFTER all modifiers for movement have been calculated.
Unlike Combat Sense, it operates at full value vs. any form of
attack or danger which is relevant to CDA. The user does
NOT have to know that the attack is coming.
The Combat Precog cannot apply his analytical
consciousness to the data he receives from his Psi. The
information obtainable by Combat Sense users is not
available to him.

Presience (P). Thepowertoforeseethefutureisgained. At
any point where the Precognitive and those with him are
confronted by a choice of actions (e.g. to enter a building, to
follow a given strategy, etc.), the Changed may go into a
prophetic trance, requiring one minute on the average.
Successful use of the power is checked secretly by the
Gamesmaster, and a secret roll of the appropriate Effect Die
isalso made.Thisgivesthenumberof minutes into thefuture
which the psychic has seen.
Play then proceeds normally, with the following exception:
until the end of the time rolled by the Gamesmaster, the
Players may decide that they did not perform the action at
the Decision Point where the Precog used Prescience. In
other words, having foreseen the events the (presumably)
wish to avoid, they simply did not put themselves in a
situation where they would encounter them. Play is rolled
back to the point where Prescience was used (the end of that
one minute Trance) and the Players may undertake any
actions they wish except the one that they chose in the
vision. The operation of the power may be summed up as a
second chance to rectify a bad decision.
The Players lose this option if, during the timecovered by
the vision, one of the followins thinss occurs:
The precog who foresaw theevents is killed or knocked
out. This reflects the traditional theory that prophets
cannot foresee personal danger or death in their
Another precog is present in the group (if any) which
poses a danger to them. The two mutants will cancel
each others powers out.
I f the party cannot agree on how or when to alter their
course of action, i.e. to exercise the option to cancel
the recent events or not. The Gamesmaster may
impose a limit in real time on such disputations.


henry christen (order #23380)

Alarm (R). The power much resembles Risk Sense, the
power derived from Esthetic Talent by those with ESP.
Unlike using the Risk Sense, the Precog will not be able to
use his Will to determine the nature of the danger. He will,
however, receive a similar bonus to his Saving Throws, BCS
rolls, or other defenses (including CDA if germane) against
the results of the danger. Again, Precognition is handled
here as something operating below the threshold of
conscious thought.
Techanalysis (P). The precog can determine what a given
device does with a single successful use of this power. He
can work out how t o make it work (in the sense of turning it
on) by performing a Task to that end under terms set by the
Gamesmaster, using the power for a BCS and his Psi Effect
Die roll to generate the base Task Points achieved. When the
Task is completed, he knows how to handle the device. This
does not confer skill in its use, if such is needed. as in the
case of a weapon or vehicle. Assume a BCS in using that
particular device is gained. This would be equal to the
Changeds Psi Group. This is not generalized toother similar
devices. Thus, a Precog who has a Psi Group of 4 and who
uses Techanalysis to deduce the operation of a Jet Plane,
has a BCS of 4 in flying the plane, ONLY while using that
Particular jet. He does NOT gain a BCS of 4 in the Skill
Fixed Wing Jet Aircraft Pilot.
This is identical with the ESP power of Phenomanalysis.
Process Precognition (R). The Precog can subject any
given process (Lab Practice, Technological Task, etc.) to an
analysis which will reveal any potential dangers or critical
failures in his handling of it. This must be applied to Tasks
which the Precog is conducting personally. He cannot
interpret the data relating to fields in which he has no
knowledge. Basically, the Precog may roll a Psi AST to
negate any failure he may encounter while performing some
Task of a scientific or technological nature. He may attempt
to do so once per failure. If the AST is made, it will turn a
simple failure into a success, allowing the Precog to
accumulate Task Points, and turns a Critical Failure into a
simple miss.

Consider the purely random alterations in mind and body
that could result from the game of mutagenic Russian
Roulette that will be played with man in a Post-Holocaust
environment; as radiation, drugs, viral elements or whathave-you act upon the deepest recesses of his cell structure.
Some of these changes will be beneficial, others will be
deleterious. Still others will have no direct impact on his
survival capacity. In game terms this may mean the character
has one of the types of mutations described later in this
section, a simple change from the human norm, or no visible
sign or manifestation of a change in his genetic material. We
make the assumption that a serious mutation that was
deleterious to the organism would have killed it before the
beginning of play.
For the Gamesmasters convenience, we provide a table
for selection of mutations. If he decides to alter the types of
mutations present in his campaign, he should draw up a
suitable table. For a campaign using these mutations where
the setting is shortly after the Ruin or the mutagenic agents
are not very active, a negative modifier (say 5 or 10) might be
used on the die roll. I f the mutagenic are extremely active
(perhaps due to a deliberately designed mutation causing
virus) or the campaign is set several generations after the
Ruin, a positive modifier could be used. For the 200 Years

henry christen (order #23380)

After campaign, 5 could be added to the die roll for each

generation since the Ruin. The Gamesmaster should feel
free to adjust the modifiers to suit the rationale for his own


~ ~


01-05 Actual mutation is minor. No visible signs.

06-15 Skin coloration affected. This may take the form of
albinism, melanism, uneven distribution of pigment
(melanin) causing a piebald appearance, or even the
creation of a color not previously found in human skin
tones such as green or scarlet.
16-30 Skeletal modification. The mutants skeletal structure
might be altered causing a humpbacked condition,
increased or decreased fragility, or increased or
decreased flexibility. The first might have noeffect on
play, the second might alter the percentage chance
for a bone breaking, while the third could help or
hinder a character who finds himself in tight
31-40 Alteration of hair fibers. The mutant might find
himself devoid of body hair or completely hirsuite. A
more extreme form might have the hair structure
altered to a feathery or tendrilous nature.
41-45 Alteration of features. Disfigurement lowering the
characters personal appearance would be the most
common. Extreme cases might include the loss or
modification of one of the senses located in the head.
46-60 Limb Modification. This could be minor such as the
loss or addition of a toe or finger. It could be more
extreme with the actual or functional loss of a whole
limb. This would cause varying penalties due to
circumstances. Optionally the modification could be
the addition of another limb or pair of limbs. Whether
such limbs were functional and to what degree is left
to the descretion of the Gamesmaster.
61-75 Tailed. The mutant has a tail which could be only a
stump or a fully developed organ.
76-90 Psionic mutation. The mutant has a psionic mutation
with a Function as determined from the Psionic
Function Table and the specific power(s) as
determined by his Talent Scores.
91-99 Physical Mutation. The character has a mutation as
determined on the Physical Mutation Table. The
exact strength and nature is left to the Gamesmaster.
00 Wild Card mutation. The mutant has a unique power.
The player and the Gamesmaster should get together
to design the specific power and its limitations. If
such creativity is not desired or is precluded by lack
of time, allow the player to choose his mutation from
those normally listed.
Any mutant with a Psionic, Physical, o r w i l d Card mutation
may also have a simpler mutation as well. There is a 40%
chance of this. If it is the case reroll on the Mutation Selection
Table ignoring rolls higher than 75.
All mutations havea50% chanceof being sterile. This need
not be checked unless and until the Changed One is
attempting to have offspring.


Die Roll

Choice of Function
Two Functions. Reroll ignoring results over 90




01-25 Weak mutation. Reroll ignoring results less than 25.

The character has a weakened t r lesser version of the
rolled power(s).
26-35 STRONG
36-40 QUICK
41-50 TOUGH
51-60 IMMUNE
61-75 SMART
76-80 EAR

81-85 EYE
91-95 BLEND
96-99 OPTIONS:
A. Player picks 1 mutation without penalties applied
to his power.
6. Roll for 2 physical mutations (ignore rolls over95).
C. Player picks 1 mutation and alters its abilities to
suit himself then the Gamesmaster alters its weaknesses t o suit himself!.
00 Player designs his own mutation with Gamesmasters
aid; treat as 96-99.


It is difficult to posit the directions evolution may take the
successful mutations in the Aftermath. The random genetic
shuffle that hit the human race when the Ruin dumped such

an enormous load of mutagens into the environment could

lead to any result one can imagine (and quite a few one
cannot). Lets assume that the tendency will be for the
mutations to become reinforced.

Combinations: Characters may be born with more than

one dominant Change. A Balancer who is also a Blend. A
Strong-Tough (do not get that one unhappy with you). A
physically Changed Psionic. Psionics with more than one
Psi Function.

Intensified Mutations: Strongs with +20 in their Strength

Attribute. Psionics who get a D6, or2D3, of Psi every year.
The basic patterns given here are made stronger and
more potent in later generations.
New Mutations: The introduction of a new form of Change
is always available to the Gamesmaster. Several latergeneration powers we have experimented with include
Teleports and Pyrokinetics.
Teleports: A Power derived from the interaction of
Psychokinesis and the averaged Scores of the Scientific
and Natural Talents. The user may teleport to any place he
can see clearly (or sense with ESP) within a range of 5
meters x Psi. It requires 1 Action to focus in for the jump.
Pyrokinesis: Make a fire attack on a target with Strength
Group equal to the Psi Group. Range is 10 meters x Psi. I f
within a range equal to Psi score, double the intensity of
the flame attack.
You see the possibilities. Do not let the restraints of
biology bind your imagination too closely. What you want to
see in the campaign should be in the campaign.

During the course of his adventuring career, a character
will acquire a reputation. In many campaigns, a
Gamesmaster will treat this in a very nebulous fashion. In
some, it will not be a factor at all. This is certainly allowable
and, in some campaigns, the play group might even find it
preferable. For the Gamesmaster who wishes to have a more
concrete handle on the concept of reputation, or Rep, we
provide these guidelines.
Reputation is gained by singular execution of a deed or by
continued performance in an area of expertise. The
performance may be successful or not. In some cases,
reputation is inherent in holding a given position.
The components of a characters reputation will affect the
way in which non-player characters will react to him and with
him. A character with a reputation as a tough fighter will find
that pacifistic characters fear and/or respect him while
belligerent young punks occasionally challenge him to
prove that they are better than he is.
A characters reputation will add to his Recognition Factor.
This represents, in some cases, the circulation of his
description along with the tales that form the basis of his
reputation. Thus, when a character is recognized, those
recognizing him will be aware of his reputation. At the least,
they will know of thegeneral areas in which thecharacter has
gained his reputation.

The Gamesmaster will adjudicate when an action on the
part of a character is of a level sufficient to affect his
reputation. The action will be assigned afigure of merit. If the
character performs the action successfully, the value will be

entered in the Positive Merit column of the Rep Area to which

the action belongs. If the character fails to perform the
action, it will be entered in the Negative Merit column.
In some cases, inaction on the part of a character will result
in merit gains or losses. This is particularly the case with
regard to the Survival Area of Rep.
For the most part, the Gamesmaster will not wish to rate
every little thing done by a character. He may wish to rate a
given scenario as a whole, or break it down into segments
corresponding to particular areas in which reputation can be
gained. Some suggestions with regard to areas to rate are:

Combat: The Gamesmaster can rate an individual combat

where the character fights one-on-one with another
character. He may, however, wish to deal with a firefight
as a whole and apportion the results of success among the
participating characters.
A man might be rated as having a figure of merit equal to
his DRT/PO rounded to the nearest but with a minimum Of
1. If a character engages in a specific duel with another
specially-designed character, the base figure of merit
might have a value added to it equal to the defeated
characters Rep/lO, nearest.
Dangers: A danger such as a contaminated environment
might have avalueequal to thevirulenceorstrength of the
danger. This would be applied to a characters reputation
for survival.
Other dangers such as the attack of wild animals could
affect the characters reputation as a Survivor or as a
Hunter at the discretion of the Gamesmaster. Animals
might be rated for merit by their size and nature. A

henry christen (order #23380)

herbivore would have a value equal to its Mass/30, down,

while a carnivore would be equal to its Mass/l5, down.
Particular things that increase the danger of the
encounter with the beast, such as its being able to use
poison, its being rabid, intelligent or semi-intelligent
direction of the attack, etc., would multiply the basevalue
by 1.5. A combination of factors would add .3 t o the
multiplier per factor beyond the first.

Sheer Courage: Braving a known danger or surviving any

great danger by dint of valor, wits, and/or plain good luck
will tend to make people consider the character(s) some
kind(s) of hero(es). Thus, their Rep for Bravery will be
increased, or, if they run (or appear to run) from such an
encounter, decreased. A base value for such an
encounter, ifwith men, could be rated as if a Custom Army
were being created. The average of the calculated
Offense and Defense values divided by 100 and rounded
to the nearest whole number would give a good base.
Such a value should be divided by the value for the
characters involved in defeating or facing the danger
(even those that were killed).

Puzzles and Problems: Characters solving such things

will almost certainly demonstrate Competence in some
form. Such a thing should be treated as a Danger and
given a rating of merit which is divided up among the
characters involved in the solution.

Other Sources: Other sources of gains in reputation are as

varied as the Gamesmaster wishes. Values are assigned
and success rewarded and failure chastised by the award
of positive or negative merit respectively.
The accomplishment of a deed is only of value to a
characters reputation if it is witnessed, or if the story is
believed when the tale is told. Even if believed or witnessed, it
may not have any significant effect o n a characters
reputation. T o represent this variability, the Gamesmaster
will roll o n the Reaction table. One-half the Value Number
obtained will be used as a multiplier to the merit figure. This
may change a positive value to a negative, or vice versa, but
that is the nature of a reputation-it is not always based on
truth. The Gamesmaster may wish to modify the Reaction
Roll if there are no witnesses other than the Player
Characters in the party. Such a modification may be a -5 if
the Player Characters have evidence to support their claims
and twice that if there is no evidence.
When a character has accumulated 10 merit points in an
area, he will have acquired 1 point of Rep. These merit points
may be positive or negative. Thus, a character with 5 positive
and 5 negative points of merit as a fighter with guns will have
done enough that people have heard of him, but his
reputation will be as an indifferent shot with a gun.

Sometimes reputation will be attached to a position. Much
as the marshal of Tombstone was expected to be a good shot
with a six-shooter, a position may indicate that a character is
successful in an Area for which reputation can be gained.
Such reputation only belongs to the character as long as he
is in that position. Optionally, the Gamesmaster may allow
some of the glitter of a position to remain with a character
after he has left the position. This may decay over time, or
simply be a constant value that is afraction of thevalue of the
The value of Rep points gained by a position may vary. The
marshal of Tombstone gains Rep due to the fact that he is a
marshal and that the town is which he is marshal is atough
town. If someone is unaware that the man at the bar is the
marshal (his badge being hidden), he will not be influenced
by the Rep of the position of marshal.


An increased reputation will increase the chance that a
character will be recognized. When recognized, the
Gamesmaster may assume that the characters reputation is
also known. This will be the reputation as expressed on the
Character Record Sheet in the Rep section. As the
Gamesmaster knows, this may not be the true evaluation of
the characters accomplishments and failures, but the nonplayer characters will only know what is expressed on the
sheet. When this happens, the Gamesmaster should refresh
his memory of the reputation by asking the player. to show
him the Rep section of the Character Record Sheet of the
character who has been recognized.
When dealing with a group of Player Characters, the
Gamesmaster may wish to save himself time and effort by
only checking to see if the leader or the character with the
highest Recognition Factor is recognized. It may be
assumed that if the one is recognized, any characters who
are usually found in association with him are recognized for
themselves also. New members of the group might have to be
recognized separately.
A characters Recognition Factor will be increased by 1 for
every 10 full points of Reputation that he has acquired.

Needless to say, the strongest effect achieved by a
reputation will be in the locality where the reputation was
gained. The sphere of influence of a reputation will depend
on the foms of communication in use. Mass media, if
operating, will enhance the effects of reputation.
The Gamesmaster should designate on his map, spheres
of influence which are representative of communities in
communication to such a degree that a characters
reputation will be spread within one. These can be referred
to as Reputation Zones. A Reputation Zone may be as small
as a building or as large as a country, with steps in between at
neighborhood, town/village, city, state, and regional
networks of interacting communications.
When a character crosses into a new Zone of Reputation,
the Gamesmaster should make a Reaction Roll to see if his
reputation has preceded him. The chart below shows what
roll is needed for the Rep to remain intact. If that level of
reaction is not achieved, the character has no reputation in
that Reputation Zone. His effective Rep for Recognition
Factor enhancement is his normal Total Rep divided by 1
plus the number of Recognition Zones between the Zone he
i s currently in and the Zone in which the reputation was
Characters who move around a lot will require players to
maintain several different reputations for them. This is not
necessarily a bad thing. It can be downright advantageous
for undercover work. This can lead to interesting
consequences if a character is recognized by a non-player
character who knows him by sight and reputation from one
Zone and only by reputation or positional reputation from
another Zone. When the non-player character puts the two
together, the fireworks may start.


Minimum Reaction necessary
Reputation built in
Contiguous Zone
One Zone between
Two Zones between
Three Zones between

to retain Reputation
automatic loss


henry christen (order #23380)



This contains almost two hundred weapons: sporting and service
firearms available in the US to civilians and military. All thestatistics
needed to use the gun in Aftermeth! are included, in a format
called the Spec Sheet. This includes the following:
CODE: A letter and number identification code for the weapon,
for convenience in record keeping and random gun generation.
All the Codes fall into easily generated die roll ranges.
BBL The barrel length, In some cases, as in the listings for
Rifles, this is not given for every entry, since a Rifle must have a
BBL of over 2 0 to be in that classification.
ACTION AL, SA, DA etc. Again, in some cases this is specified
for a whole series of entries. Note that some single shot entries
are listed as SS/BA, indicating that a Bolt is the means of loading
and cocking the gun.
MAG: For Magazine. Gives the type of Magazine and its
CALIBER: The loads the gun will take. For shotguns, this ib given
as GAUGE. I f the gun is manufactured in different Calibers, a
Frequency number is assigned to each specific Caliber listed.
This is usually a D10 roll, although forsomeweaponsa DlOO was
necessary, so diverse were the possibities. When a weapon with
this type of Caliber entry is generated, roll the appropriate die to
see what model you have as regards to Caliber.
Shotgun GAUGE entries note whether the gun is designed for
standard; Magnum, or Slug loads.
DUR: Gives the base Durability score of the weapon. The
circumstances in which it is found may alter this. The Foraging
Table may indicate that a temporarily reduced DUR is in effect,
until the gun is serviced. Or it may even have a DUR equal to 1,
due to poor care, or because it is a cheap imitation of the real
model, a Saturday Night Special.
ENC: Gives the Encumbrance of the weapon.
FEATURES: Lists any Features the weapon has or may have.
This entry also includes any background information on thegun,
special characteristics, and so on.
More on this feature in a Book 2 Appendix: About Features.
All you need to arm your Characters to the teeth is in this List. or
the attached section on Military Issue Firearms, which provides the
same statistics for famous weapons used from WWll to the present
(and even the Future). But for all its handiness. we do recommend
procuring your own copy of some of the source books in the
bibliography, and working out your own gun tables from those.
Among other things, they almost always have Pictures of the
weapons, which will add immensely to your Players and your own
ability to visualize the Campaign more vividly. For another, you may
find that you have different feelings about how a given weapon
works. Lastly, it gives a more satisfying feel to play to be able to say,
I pull my Colt Python 357 Magnum, rather than I am using my

ENC: .25
DUR: 3
MAG: Snap-Cy1 5
CALIBER: 44 Special (1-3)
38 Special (3-5)
357 Magnum (6-8)
22 Long Rifle (9)
32 Long (0)
DUR: 3
ENC: .2
MAG: Snap-Cy1 5
CALIBER: 38 Special (1-6)
22 Lona Rifle (7-8)
32 Long (9-0)
ENC: .25
DUR: 4
MAG: Swing-Cy1 6
CALIBER: 38 Special (1-6)
357 Magnum (7-0)
FEATURES: 357 Magnum model can also be use 38

DUR: 4
ENC: .4
MAG: Swing-Cy1 6
CALIBER: 38 Special (1-6)
357 Magnum (7-0)
FEATURES: 357 Magnum model can also use 38 Special.
DUR: 4
ENC: .45
MAG: Swing-Cy1 6
CALIBER: 38 Special (1-6)
357 Magnum (7-0)
FEATURES: 357 Magnum model can also use 38 Special.
DUR: 3
ENC: .4
MAG: Break 9
CALIBER: 22 Short (1-2)
22 Long (3-5)
22 Long Rifle (6-0)
FEATURES: High quality Sights give a t1 to Sighted Fire.
MAG: Snap-Cy1 6
DUR: 3
ENC: .3
CALIBER: 22 Long Rifle
FEATURES: Also fires 22 Rimfire Magnum.
DUR: 3
ENC: .4
MAG: Snap-Cy1 6
CALIBER: 22 Long Rifle
FEATURES: Also fires 22 Rimfire Magnum.
MAG: Snap-Cy1 6
DUR: 3
ENC: .45
CALIBER: 22 Long Rifle
FEATURES: Also fires 22 Rimfire Magnum.
MAG: Snap-Cy1 6
DUR: 3
ENC: .6
CALIBER: 22 Long Rifle
FEATURES: Also fires 22 Rimfire Magnum.

MAG: Snap-Cy1 6
MAG: Swing-Cy1 6

BEL: Pistol Carbine

DUR: 3
ENC: .85
22 Long Rifle
Also fires 22 Rimfire Magnum.
DUR: 2
ENC: .25
32 Short (1-4)
32 Long (6-0)
MAG: Swing-Cy1 6
DUR: 2
ENC: .25
CALIBER: 32 Short (1-4)
32 Long (6-0)

MAG: Break 5

DUR: 2
38 Short

ENC: .27

MAG: Snap-Cy1 6

DUR: 5
ENC: .3
357 Magnum
Also fires 38 Special. High quality Sights give+l
to Sighted Fire.

MAG: Snap-Cy1 6


DUR: 5
ENC: .35
357 Magnum
Also fires 38 Special. High quality Sights give +l
to Sighted Fire.
ENC: ,451
Snap-Cy1 6
DUR: 5
CALIBER: 357 Magnum
FEATURES: Also fires 38 Special. High quality Sights give +1
to Sighted Fire.
Snap-Cy1 6
DUR: 5
ENC: .3
CALIBER: 357 Magnum (1-3)
38 Special (4-8)
9mm Parabellum (SO)


henry christen (order #23380)

MAG: Snap-Cy1 6
DUR: 5
CALIBER: 357 Magnum (1-3)
38 Special (4-8)
9mm Parabellum (9-0)
MAG: Swing-Cy1 6
DUR: 4
CALIBER: 41 Magnum
MAG: Swing-Cy1 6
DUR: 4
CALIBER: 41 Magnum
MAG: Swing cy1 6 6DUR: 4
CALIBER: 41 Magnum

ENC: .4

ENC: .45

ENC: .5

ENC: .65


MAG: Swing-Cy1 6
DUR: 4
ENC: .37
CALIBER: 44 Magnum (1-6)
44 Special (7-0)
FEATURES: 44 Magnum also fires 44 Special.
ENC: .47
MAG: Swing-Cy1 6
DUR: 4
CALIBER: 44 Magnum (1-7)
44 Special (8-0)
FEATURES: 44 Magnum model also fires 44 Special
MAG: Swing-Cy1 6

ENC: .5
DUR: 4
44 Magnum (1-7)
44 Magnum model also fires 44 Special.

MAG: Port-Cy1 6
DUR: 3
ENC: .45
CALIBER: 357 Magnum (1-3)
44 Special (4)
45 Long Colt (5-8)
44 Magnum (9-0)
FEATURES: Replica of Colt 45, the Peacemaker.
MAG: Port-Cy1 6
DUR: 3
ENC: .45
CALIBER: 357 Magnum (1-3)
44 Special (4)
45 Long Colt (5-8)
44 Magnum (9-0)
FEATURES: Match weapon. Superior Sights give +1 to
Sighted Fire.

MAG: Port-Cy1 6
DUR: 2
ENC: .36
CALIBER: 32-20 (1)
38 Long (2-3)
38 Short (4)
38-40 (5-6)
44-40 (7-8)
45 Lorig Colt (9-0)
FEATURES: Again, a replica of the frontier Colt 45. The
Calibers shown are historically correct
MAG: Port-Cy1 6

357/9mm Parabellum Convertible (4)

45 Lono Colt 6-61
45 Long Colt145-ACP Convertible (7)
44 Magnum (8-0)
FEATURES: This is a Match Weapon. It is equipped with
Peep Sights giving t1 to BCS and t1 to Aim
when using the Sights.
Also, the Convertible models listed permit
firing either of the specified rounds if the
appropriate cylinder is being used. Each
convertible weapon will accept a cylinder in
either of the Calibers listed. Finally, all 357
models can also use 38 Special and 44
Magnum models can use 44 Special, with no
special actions required for the switch.

BBL: Pistol Carbine ACTION: SA

DUR: 3
ENC: 1.3
45 Long Colt
Removable shoulder stock. A replica of the
famous Buntline Special, used by Wyatt Earp

MAG: Port-Cy1 6
DUR: 2
CALIBER: 22 Short (1)
22 Long (2-3)
22 Long Rifle (4-7)
22 RF Magnum (8-0)

ENC: .45

MAG: Port-CY1 6
DUR: 5
CALIBER: 357 Magnum (1-3)

ENC: .47

MAG: Box Variable
DUR: 2
ENC: .35
CALIBER: 32 ACP 8 Rounds (1-3)
380 ACP 7 Rounds (4-7)
22 Long Rifle (8-0)
MAG: Box 6
DUR: 2
ENC: .2
MAG: Box Variable
DUR: 3
ENC: .37
CALIBER: 32 ACP 12 Rounds 11-3)
380 ACP 13 Rounds (4-6)
9mrn Parabellum 15 Rounds (7-0)
MAG: Box Variable
DUR: 3
ENC: .37
CALIBER: 32 ACP 12 Rounds (1-3)
380 ACP 13 Rounds (4-6)
9mm Parabellum 15 Rounds (7-0)
MAG: Box Variable
ENC: .38
DUR: 4
CALIBER: 45 ACP 7 Rounds (1-6)
9mm Parabellum 9 Rounds (7-0)
MAG: Box 13
ENC: .35
DUR: 5
CALIBER: 9mm Parabellum
FEATURES: Hi-Power weapon - uses High Power ammo
at no risk. Safety catch is High Security. Gun
cannot discharge when safe even if dropped
or struck.
MAG: Box 6, 7, or 9 DUR: 4
ENC: .3
FEATURES Can use the 7 or 9 round Magazines from
ANY other 45 ACP Autoloading Pistol.
MAG: Box 18
DUR: 3
ENC: .4
CALIBER: 9mm Parabellum
FEATURES: Military issue of this model has capability
for AB Gun Action. Civilian model given here
can be adapted for this use by a Gunsmith.
MAG: Box 9
DUR: 3
ENC: .42
CALIBER: 22 Long Rifle
FEATURES: Match Weapon. +1 when using Sights.
MAG: Box Variable
DUR: 2
ENC: .27
CALIBER: 22 Long Rifle 9 Rounds (1-2)
32 ACP 8 Rounds (3-6)
380 ACP 7 Rounds (7-0)


henry christen (order #23380)

DUR: 2
ENC: .3
MAG: Box Variable
CALIBER: 38 Super Auto 8 Rounds (1-6)
45 ACP 7 Rounds (7-0)
MAG: B o x 8
DUR: 4
ENC: .4
CALIBER: 30 (1-4)
9mm Parabellum (5-0)
FEATURES: Replica of the Luger.
DUR: 2
ENC: .2
MAG: Box Variable
22 Lon9 Rifle 10 Rounds (1-4)
25 ACP-8 Rounds (5-0)
FEATURES: May be equipped with conversion kit
consisting of the Barrel, Clip, and Bolt of the
specified Calibers. This allows the gun to be
altered from one to the other.
DUR: 3
ENC: .4
MAG: Box 11
CALIBER: 22 Long Rifle
FEATURES: Luger replica.
MAG: Box 7
DUR: 5
ENC: .5
CALIBER: 44 Magnum (AMP)
FEATURES: The ammo fired by this gun acts as 44
Magnum in all respects BUT a special AMP
case is needed. Standard 44 Magnum ammo
will always Jam the gun. The weapon is
made of stainless steel and is known as an
Auto-Mag .

All the Pistols listed here are Match Weapons!
DUR: 4
ENC: .45
MAG: Box 10
CALIBER: 22 Long Rifle
FEATURES: Left or Right Handed Grips. Can be set for
Hair Trigger or normal pull. Tunable Gun if
used by a Character with the same
handedness as grips.
DUR: 5
ENC: .45
MAG: Box 7
FEATURES: Target model of famous Colt 45 Autoloader.
t l to BCS when using Sights. Trigger
adjustable to Hair Trigger or normal pull.
DUR: 5
ENC: .55
MAG: Box 5
CALIBER: 32 Long
FEATURES: Tunable gun. t1 to AIM when firing with
Siaht. Conversion Kit available to switch to
22Long Rifle.

ENC: .32
MAG: Swing-Cy1 6
DUR: 5
CALIBER: 22 Short (1)
22 Long (2-3)
22 Long Rifle (4-5)
38 Special (6-7)
357 Magnum (8-0)
FEATURES: All models have t 1 to AIM using Sighted Fire.
357 Magnum model can also fire 38 Special.
DUR: 5
ENC: .42
MAG: Swing-Cy1 6
CALIBER: 22 Short (1)
22 Long (2-3)
22 Long Rifle (4-5)
38 Soecial 16-71
357Magnum (6-0)
FEATURES: All models have t 1 to AIM using Sighted Fire.
357 Magnum model can also fire 38 Special.

DUR: 5
ENC: .62
MAG: Swing-Cy1 6
CALIBER: 22 Short (1)
22 Long (2-3)
22 Long Rifle (4-5)
38 Special (6-7)
357 Magnum (EO)
FEATURES: All models have t1 to AIM using Sighted Fire.
357 Magnum model can also fire 38 Special.
BEL: Pistol Carbine ACTION: DA
DUR: 5
ENC: .82
MAG: Swing-Cy1 6
CALIBER: 22 Short (1)
22 Long (2-3)
22 Long Rifle (4-5)
38 Special (6-7)
:57 Magnum (EO)
FEATURES: All models have t 1 to AIM using Sighted Fire.
357 Magnum model can also fire 38 Special.
MAG: Swing-Cy1 6
DUR: 5
ENC: .65
FEATURES: High quality Iron Sights give t1 to Sighted
Fire BCS. Tapped for Telescopic Sight.

MAG: Swing-Cy1 6
MAG: Swing-Cy1 6

DUR: 5
ENC: .5
44 Magnum
Tapped for Telescopic Sights.
DUR: 5
ENC: .43
22 Long Rifle (1-2)
22 RF Magnum o(3-5)
32 Lono 16-7)
38 Special
FEATURES: Tunable gun. If Tuned, and fired as a SA gun,
the Character receives a bonus as if using
Squeeze-Off Option: adds his DFT to his pistol
Skill score.


BBL: Varies
DUR: 4
ENC: Varies
MAG: Swing-Cy1 6
CALIBER: 38 Special (1-4)
357 Magnum (5-0)
FEATURES: EsuiDped with a special Quick Change
Barrel system, the gun may be given a Barrel
of ANY size: SNUB up to Pistol Carbine.
Barrels must be of P56 type and it takes 10
Actions to accomplish change.
The ENC of the gun is .15 t the Base ENC
for the BEL size.
MAG: Break 2
DUR: 1
ENC: .2
CALIBER: 22 Short (1-3)
38 Special (4-5)
38 Short (6-9)
38 Long (0)
FEATURES: This is a Derringer, the hideaway gun of the
frontier gambler. It uses Over-Under Barrels
which must be turned manually to bring the
next round under the hammer. This requires
an extra Action.
MAG: Break 1
DUR: 5
ENC: .75
CALIBER: 22 Short (01-03)
22 Long (04-05)
22 Long Rifle (06-15)
22 RF Magnum (16-25)
22 Jet (26-35)
357 Magnum (36-50)
38 Special (51-60)
256 Magnum (61-65) see Long Gun Ammo Table
45 Long Colt (66-75)
30-30(76-85) See Long Gun Ammo Table
44 Magnum(86-00)
FEATURES: The gun may be adapted to take ANY of the
specified rounds. Interchangeable barrels are


henry christen (order #23380)

needed. Gun is grooved to take a Telescopic

Sight (Clamp Mounted) and may be provided
with a special forearm brace. If equipped with
this brace and Tuned, as with Tunable Guns
then it will allow the firer to add his DFT to
his Pistol Skill as if firing with Squeeze-Off

MAG: Falling Block 1

DUR: 5
ENC: .8
221 Fireball
Recoil Reduction. Right or Left-Handed Grips.
If used by Character with correct
Handedness it i s a Tunable gun. Tapped for
Telescopic Sights.

MAG: Break 1

DUR: 4

ENC: .55 with LNG BBL
ENC: .7 with XLNG BBL

CALIBER: 22 Jet (01-05)

221 Fireball (06-15)
25-35 (16-20) See Long Gun Ammo Table
30-30 (21-30) See Long Gun Ammo Table
22 S, L. LR (31-45)
22 RF Magnum (46-55)
222 (56-58) See Long Gun Ammo Table
256 Magnum (59-60) See Long Gun Ammo
9mm Parabellum (61-65)
38 Super Auto (66-67)
357 Magnum (68-75)
38 Special (76-80)
30 Carbine (76-85) See Long Gun Ammo Table
45 ACP (86-90)
44 Maanum (91-96)
45 Long Colt(97-00)
FEATURES: Another weapon with interchangeable barrels,
both as regards length and caliber. If the
appropriate barrel is available, ANY of the
above calibers may be fired. Changing barrels
requires 10 Actions and changing from CF to
RF ammo requires another 10.
Apart from this, the gun is tapped for
Telescopic Sight mounts.

Rifles (BBL longer than 207
DUR: 4
ENC: 1.4
MAG: Box Variable
CALIBER: 243 4 Rounds (1)
270 4 Rounds (2)
30-06 4 Rounds (35)
308 4 Rounds (6-7)
7mm Magnum 3 Rounds (8)
300 Magnum 3 Rounds (90)
FEATURES: Tapped for Telescopic Sight mounts. t1 to
Aim using guns own Sights to fire.
MAG: Box 5

DUR: 4
ENC: 1.25
FEATURES: Civilian model of the M-16. Can be converted
to permit FA fire by a Gunsmith. Uses
government magazines, so that M-16 Box 30
clips can be used by this model as well.
MAG: Port-Mag 3
DUR: 3
ENC: 1.25
FEATURES: Tapped for Telescopic Sight mount.

MAG: Box 4

DUR: 4
ENC: 1.3
CALIBER: 243 (1-2)
6mm (3-4)
280 (5)
308 (6-7)
30-06 (8-0)
FEATURES: Tapped for Telescopic Sight mounts. Swivel
Sling feature.

MAG: B o x 4
DUR: 4
ENC: 1.3
CALIBERS: 243 (1-2)
6mm (3-4)
280 (5)
308 (6-7)
30-06 (8-0)
FEATURES: Tapped for Telescopic Sight mounts. Swivel
Sling feature.
MAG: Port-Mag 3
DUR: 4
ENC: 1.2
CALIBER: 30-30(1-6)
35mm (7-0)
FEATURES: Tapped for Telescopic Sight mounts.
.MAG: Box 10 or 20
DUR: 4
ENC: 1.5
FEATURES: Commercial replica of M-14. Gunsmith can
convert to allow FA fire. Has no provision for
bayonet. There is a 20% chance that a
specimen of this gun will be a Match Weapon.
Takes government issue 4X or 6X Telescopic
MAG: Tub-Mag 6
DUR: 3
ENC: 1.45
CALIBER: 44-40 (1-6)
357 Magnum (7-0) See Pistol Ammo Table
FEATURES: Replica of 1873 Winchester.
MAG: Tub-Mag 4
DUR: 5
ENC: 1.25
CALIBER: 444 Marlin
FEATURES: Swivel Sling. Tapped for Telescopic Sights.
MAG: Port-Mag Var. DUR: 4
ENC: 1.3
CALIBER: 300 Magnum 5 Shot (1-3)
243 5 Shot (4-5)
308 5 Shot (6-8)
250 5 Shot (9)
358 6 Shot (0)
FEATURES: Tapped for Telescopic Sights. Swivel Sling.
Recoil Pad. Magazine is actually a Rotary
Magazine, extremely efficient and resistant
to jams. Adds t3 to Control BCS even if user
has no Control of his own.
MAG: Box Variable
DUR: 4
ENC: 1.5
CALIBER: 25-06 4 Round (1-2)
270 4 Round (3)
30-06 4 Round (4-5)
300 Magnum 3 Round (6-7)
7mm Magnum 3 Round (8-9)
458 Magnum 3 Round (0)
Telescopic Sights must be mounted by a
MAG: Port-Mag 5
DUR: 3
ENC: 1.25
CALIBER: 30-06
FEATURES: Recoil Pad. Tapped for Telescopic Sight.
Swivel Sling.
MAG: Box 3

OUR: 3
ENC: 1.2
CALIBER: 222 (1-2)
243 (3-4)
308 (5-7)
22-250 (8)
6mm (9-0)
FEATURES: Adjustable trigger can be set for Hair Trigger
or normal pull. Tapped for Telescopic Sights.
Sling Swivels.

MAG: Box 3

DUR: 3
CALIBER: 7mm Magnum (1-6)
300 Magnum (7-0)

ENC: 1.25


henry christen (order #23380)




FEATURES: Tapped for Telescopic Sight. Swivel Sling.

Trigger is adjustable for Hair Trigger or
normal pull.
Port-Mag 3
DUR: 4
ENC: 1.4
CALIBER: 375 Magnum (1-6)
458 Magnum (7-0)
FEATURES: Swivel Sling.
Port-Mag Var. DUR: 5
ENC: 1.2
CALIBER: 222 5 Round (1)
22-250 5 Round (2)
6mm 5 Round (3)
243 5 Round (4)
25-06 5 Round (5)
270 5 Round (6)
308 5 Round (7)
30-06 5 Round (8)
375 Magnum 3 Round (9)
458 Magnum 3 Round (0)
FEATURES: Recoil Pad. Swivel Sling. Tapped for
Telescopic Sight. There is a 20% chance that
this gun will be a Match Weapon.

ENC: 1.35
MAG: Fall-Block 1
DUR: 3
CALIBER: 45-70
FEATURES: Tapped for Telescopic Sight. Swivel Sling.
MAG: Fall-Block 1
DUR: 5
ENC: 1.3
CALIBER: 30-06 (1-3)
25-06 (4-5)
6mm (6)
243 (7)
22-250 (8)
7mm Magnum (9-0)
FEATURES Taooed for TelescaDic Siaht. Recoil Pad. GUN
MAG: Port-Mag 1
DUR: 3
ENC: 1.3
CALIBER: 44 Magnum (1-7)
45-70 (8-0)
COOE A 2 0
MAG: Fall-Block 1
DUR: 5
ENC: 1.4
CALIBER: 22-250 (01-10)
243 (11-15)
6mm (16-25)
25-06 (26-30)
270 (31-40)
30-06 (41-55)
7mm Magnum (56-60)
300 Magnum (61-70)
45-70 (71-75)
30-40 Krag (76-80)
458 Magnum (81-85)
375 Magnum (86-00)
Equipped with mounts for Iron or Telescopic
MAG: Tub-Mag 20
DUR: 4
ENC: 1.2
CALIBER: 22 Long Rifle
FEATURES: Grooved for Telescopic Sight.
MAG: Tub-Mag Var. DUR: 4
ENC: 1.3
CALIBER: 22 Long Rifle (1-5)
22 RF Maanum (6-0)
FEATURES: Grooved h r Telescopic Sights.
ENC: 1.3
DUR: 3
MAG: Box 5
CALIBER: 22 RF Magnum
FEATURES: Tapped for Telescopic Sight.
MAG: Tub-Mag Var. DUR: 4
ENC: 1.25

CALIBER: 22 Short 20 Rounds

22 Long 17 Rounds
22 Long Rifle 15 Rounds
FEATURES: Grooved for Telescopic Sight. The gun can
fire any of the specified Calibers. The only
difference is how many rounds of a given
size can f it into the Tubular Magazine.
ENC: 1.3
MAG: Box 5.10 or 15 DUR: 4
CALIBER: 22 Long Rifle
FEATURES: Grooved for Telescopic Sight. The odds of a
gun having any particular size of magazine
are even. It can use any of them.
ENC: 1.25
MAG: Tub-Mag Var. DUR: 4
CALIBER: 22 Short 22 Round (1-2)
22 Lona 17 Round (3-4)
22 Long Rifle 15 Round (5-9)
22 RF Magnum (0)
FEATURES: Hi-Power weapon, using High Power rounds
at no extra risk. As with R24, the gun can fire
any of the non-Magnum 22 Rimfire cartridges.
It simply holds different quantities of them.
The frequency numbers given are soley to
distinquish between the Magnum and nonMagnum models. Also has Hair Trigger and is
tapped for Telescopic Sight. Swivel Sling.
MAG: Tub-Mag Var. DUR: 3
ENC: 1.35
CALIBER: 22 Short 26 Round
22 Long 21 Round
22 Long Rifle 15 Round
FEATURES: Tapped for Telescopic Sight. Swivel Sling As
with other Tub-Mag Variable Capacity
magazines the gun can handle any 22 Rimfire
round listed, but holds different quantities of
ENC: 1.3
MAG: Tub-Mag 11
DUR: 4
CALIBER: 22 RF Magnum
FEATURES: Grooved for Telescopic Sight.
MAG: Box 7
DUR: 3
ENC: 1.2
CALIBER: 22 Short (1-2)
22 Long (3-5)
22 Lona Rifle (6-0)
FEATURES: G roovd for Telescopic Sight.
MAG: Box 7
DUR: 4
ENC: 1.4
CALIBER: Any 22 RF non-Magnum
FEATURES: Clip can be altered t o accomodate 22 Short,
Long or Long Rifle. Grooved for Telescopic
MAG: Box 5
DUR: 3
ENC: 1.35
CALIBER: 22 RF Magnum
MAG: Box 5 or 10
DUR: 4
ENC: 1.25
CALIBER: 22 Short (1-2)
22 Long (3-5)
22 Long Rifle (6-0)
FEATURES: Even chance of gun being found with either
clip. It can use both sizes. Also Tapped for
Telescopic Sight. GUN HAS NO IRON SIGHTS
ON IT! Sighted fire possible only when Sights
installed by a Gunsmith.
MAG: Tub-Mag Var. DUR: 4
ENC: 1.2
CALIBER: 22 Short
22 Lono
22 L o n i Rifle
FEATURES: Grooved for Telescopic Sight. As with other
Tub-Maa rifles it can use any 22 Rimfire but
holds varying amounts of them.


henry christen (order #23380)

MAG: Port-Mag 5

DUR: 4
ENC: 1.25
22 RF Magnum
Grooved for Telescopic Sight.

MAG: Box 5

DUR: 5
ENC: 1.3
CALIBER: 22 Long Rifle (1-4)
22 RF Magnum ($0)
FEATURES: Fully adjustable trigger, settable for Hair
Trigger or normal pull. Grooved for Telescopic

MAG: Fall-Block 1

DUR: 3
ENC: 1.2
Any 22 Rimfire non-Magnum
Equipped with Sights giving +I to Aim when
using Sighted Fire. Grooved for Telescopic
Sight (if so equipped, the Peep Sight cannot
be used).

MAG: Fall-Block 1
OUR: 5
ENC: 2
CALIBER: 22 Long Rifle
FEATURES: Sights give t i to Aim when using Sighted
Fire. No provision for Sling. Tunable Gun.
There is a fully adjustable trigger (Hair
Trigger or normal pull).

All of the following Guns are Double-Barreled. Single Shot weapons. A Rllle
Barrel is mounted on top of a Shotgun Barrel, or vice-versa. Caliber Is
recorded as {Top Barrel / Bottom Barrel). A "12 Ga/30-06" has a 1 2 Gauge
Shotgun Barrel on top and a Single-Shot 30-06 Barrel on the bottom.
MAG: Break 111
DUR: 4
ENC: 1.4
CALIBER: 12 Gal30-06 (1-6)
12 Gal243(7:0)-'
FEATURES: Recoil Pad.
MAG: Break 111

OUR: 4
ENC: 1.35
12 Gal222
Equipped with changeable Choke Tubes,
allowing the Choke on the shotgun barrel to
be changed in 10 Actions. Swivel Sling.
Grooved for Telescopic Sight.

MAG: Fall-Block 1
DUR: 4
ENC: 1.3
CALIBER: Any 22 Rimfire non-Magnum (1-6)
22 RF Magnum (7-0)
FEATURES: Grooved for Telescopic Sight.

MAG: Break 111

DUR: 4
ENC: 1.4
12 Gal308
Modified Choke only. Tapped for Telescopic
Sight. Recoil Pad. Swivel Sling.

MAG: Break 1

DUR: 4
ENC: 1.25
Any 22 Rimfire non-Magnum
Grooved for Telescopic Sight.

MAG: Fall-Block 1

DUR: 4
ENC: 1.3
22 RF Magnum
Grooved for Telescopic Sight. Sling Swivel.

MAG: Break 111
DUR: 5
ENC: 1.5
CALIBER: 12 Gal375 Magnum (1-3)
12 Ga Magnum1375 Magnum (4-6)
12 Gal458 Magnum (7-8)
12 Ga Magnum1458 Magnum (9-0)
FEATURES: lnterchaneable barrels are available, although
it requires a Gunsmith to change them (per
barrel: Task Points = 10, Task Period = 2
hours). Tapped for Telescopic Sight. Swivel
Sling. Recoil Pad.
DUR: 3
ENC: 1.3
MAG: Break 111
CALIBER: 22 RF Magnuml20 Ga (1-2)
222120 Ga (3)
30-30120 Ga (4-5)
Any 22 Rimfire non-Magnuml410 (E-7)
22 RF Magnum1410 (8-0)
FEATURES: Grooved for Telescopic Sight.


MAG: Fall-Block 1
DUR: 5
ENC: 1.2
CALIBER: Any 22 Rimfire non-Magnum
FEATURES: Equipped with Iron Sights giving t 1 to BCS
and Aim when using Sighted Fire. Swivel

All of the following Rifles have the Match Weapon Feature.
MAG: Fall-Block 1

DUR: 5
ENC: 1.7
22 Long Rifle
No sling provided for. Has no Iron Sights but
can be fitted with Match Sights giving t i to
BCS and Aim when using Sighted Fire. Also is
a Handed Gun (Right or Left). Can be used as
a Tunable Gun by Character with
corresponding handedness.

MAG: Strip 5

DUR: 5
ENC: 1.5
FEATURES: Match version of M-1 but firing 7.62mm
instead of 30-06. No Iron Sights but can have
these or Match Sights mounted by a
Gunsmith. Swivel Sling.

MAG: B o x 7

DUR: 5
ENC: 1.4
CALIBER: 22 Long Rifle
FEATURES: Iron Sights give t i to Aim. Grooved for
Telescopic Sight but this precludes using Iron
Sights. Also has adjustable trigger (Hair
Trigger or normal pull).

MAG: Port-Mag 5
DUR: 5
ENC: 1.6
CALIBER: 222 (1-2)
222 Magnum (3-5)
223 (6-8)
7.62mm NATO (9-0)
FEATURES: Tapped for Telescopic Sight. No Iron Sights
No provision for Sling. Some models (30%)
have Hair Trigger.

All of the following guns have BEL less than or equal to 20".
MAG: Box 5

DUR: 3
ENC: 1
FEATURES: Civilian model of M-18 Assault Rifle. 3X
Military issue Telescopic Sight. Folding stock.
Can be given FA capacity by Gunsmith. Also
uses military issue Box 30 magazine.

MAG: Box 5, 10,20, 30DUR: 5
ENC: 9
FEATURES: Can be converted to FA Action by Gunsmith.
Swivel Sling.
MAG: Tub-Mag 4

DUR: 5
ENC: .9
44 Magnum
Swivel Sling. Peep Sight gives +I to Aim for
Sighted Fire. Tapped for Telescopic Sight.

MAG: Box 4

DUR: 4
ENC: 1
CALIBER: 243 (1-2)
308 (3-6)
358 Magnum (7-0)
FEATURES: Recoil Pad. Tapped for Telescopic Sight.


henry christen (order #23380)

MAG: Tub-Mag 6
DUR: 3
CALIBER: 30-30 (1-7)
35 (8-0)

ENC: 1.2


ENC: .8
MAG: Tub-Mag 4
DUR: 3
CALIBER: 44-40 (1-4)
357 Magnum (5-0)
ENC: 1.2
MAG: Port-Mag 5
DUR: 5
CALIBER: 22-250 (1-2)
6mm (3)
243 (4)
270 (5-6)
30-06 (7-9)
308 (0)
FEATURES: Tapped for Telescopic Sight.
DUR: 3
ENC: .75
MAG: Box 8
CALIBER: 22 Long Rifle
FEATURES: A specially designed survival and packers
weapon. The barrel, main body, and buttstock
of the weaoon can be broken down into
separate pieces. The first two pieces fit into a
carrying compartment in the stock.
MAG: Tub-Mag 9

ENC: .9
DUR: 4
22 Long Rifle
Grooved for Telescopic Sight.

CODE c 1 0
MAG: Port-Mag 10
DUR: 5
ENC: .9
CALIBER: 22 Long Rifle
FEATURES: Tapped and Grooved for Telescopic Sight.
Swivel Sling.
CODE c11
MAG: Tub-Mag 15
DUR: 3
ENC: .85
CALIBER: 22 Long Rifle
FEATURES: Grooved for Telescopic Sight.
CODE c12
MAG: Tub-Mag Var. DUR: 3
ENC: 1
CALIBER: 22 Short 21 Rounds
22 Long 16 Rounds
22 Long Rifle 15 Rounds
FEATURES: Swivel Sling. Tapped for Telescopic Sight.
MAG: Box 5
DUR: 4
ENC: .85
CALIBER: 22 RF Magnum
FEATURES: Grooved for Telescopic Sight.
DUR: 4
ENC: .8
MAG: Box 5
CALIBER: 22 Long Rifle (1-6)
22 RF Magnum (7-0)
FEATURES: Grooved for Telescopic Sight. Swivel Sling.
MAG: Port-Mag 1
DUR: 2
ENC: .75
CALIBER: Any 22 Rimfire non-Magnum
FEATURES: A skeleton stock weapon. Made of light
alloys, the gun resembles a tube with the
outline of a stock at one end.
MAG: Fall-Block 1

DUR: 4
ENC: .95
Any 22 Rimfire non-Magnum

MAG: Fall-Block 1

DUR: 3
22 RF Magnum

ENC: 1

CODE C l 8
MAG: Break 1/ 1
DUR: 2
ENC: .8
CALIBER: 22 Long Riflel410 Magnum

henry christen (order #23380)

FEATURES: This is a Double Carbine, having a 410 Caliber

shotgun barrel mounted under a 22 Carbine
barrel. It is also a skeleton gun like C15.

MAG: Break 2

DUR: 3
GAUGE: 12 Ga (1-6)
20 Ga Magnum (7-0)
MAG: Break 2
DUR: 5
GAUGE: 10 Ga Magnum
FEATURES: Recoil Pad.

ENC: 1.6

ENC: 1.8

MAG: Break 2

ENC: 1.6

MAG: Break 2

ENC: 1.5

DUR: 5
GAUGE: 10 Ga Magnum (1)
12 Ga Magnum (2-3)
20 Ga Magnum (4)
410 Magnum (5)
12 Ga (6-0)
FEATURES: Recoil Pad.
DUR: 4
GAUGE: 12 Ga (1-4)
16 Ga (5-6)
20 Ga (7)
12 Ga Magnum (8)
16 Ga Magnum (9)
20 Ga Magnum (0)

MAG: Tub-Mag 5
DUR: 4
ENC: 1.5
GAUGE: 12 Ga (1-4)
20 Ga (56)
12 Ga Magnum (7)
20 Ga Magnum (8)
12 Ga Slug (9)
20 Ga Slug (0)
FEATURES: Interchangeable barrels available, permitting
alteration of Choke. Must be SG5 barrel.
DUR: 4
ENC: 1.3
MAG: Tub-Mag 5
GAUGE: 12 Ga (1-3)
20 Ga (4-5)
12 Ga Magnum (6)
20 Ga Magnum (7)
12 Ga Slug (8-9)
20 Ga Slug (0)
FEATURES: Recoil Pad. Swivel sling.
MAG: Tub-Mag 4
DUR: 5
ENC: 1.6
GAUGE: 12 Ga (1-4)
20 Ga (5-6)
12 Ga Magnum (7-8)
20 Ga Magnum (9-0)
FEATURES: Quick-change Choke tubes inserted in barrel
an alter Choke setting in 10 Actions (5 to
remove Choke, 5 t o insert new one). Recoil
MAG: Tub-Mag 5
DUR: 4
ENC: 1.5
GAUGE: 12 Ga (1-2)
20 Ga (3-5)
20 Ga Magnum (6-7)
Slug (8-0)
FEATURES: All barrels interchangeable to alter Choke.
Has built in Recoil Reduction of 1.
MAG: Tub-Mag 5
DUR: 5
GAUGE: 12 Ga Magnum (1-5)
12 Ga Slug (6-0)

ENC: 1


FEATURES: This is a short-barrled Riot Gun, acting like a

Carbine as regards BDG. Such weapons are
legally restricted to Police in our own culture.

MAG: Tub-Mag 3
DUR: 4
ENC: .8
GAUGE: 12 Ga Magnum (1-4)
12 Ga Slug (5)
10 Ga (6-8)
10 Ga Slug ($0)
FEATURES: Another Riot Gun, fitted with a Folding Stock,
allowing it to be fired with Pistol Skill. A very
mean looking gun, it is colloquially known as
a Room Broom.


MAG: Tub-Mag 5
DUR: 4
GAUGE: 12 Ga (1-6)
20 Ga Magnum (7-0)
FEATURES: Recoil Pad.

ENC: 1.5

DUR: 4
ENC: 1.3
MAG: Tub-Mag 5
GAUGE: 12 Ga (1-4)
16 Ga (5-7)
20 Ga (8-0)
FEATURES: t l to Aim with Sighted Fire, due to special,
transluscent Sight with Peep function.

MAG: Tub-Mag 5

DUR: 4
ENC: 1.7
12 Ga Magnum
Interchangeable barrels for different Chokes.
Recoil pad.

MAG: Tub-Mag 5

DUR: 4
ENC: 1.8
12 Ga Slub
12 Ga Slug
Recoil pad. Beaded Sight gives t1 to Aim with
Sighted Fire.

DUR: 5
ENC: 1.5
MAG: Tub-Mag 5
GAUGE: 12 Ga (1-3)
12 Ga Magnum (4-5)
20 Ga (6-7)
20 Ga Magnum (8-9)
410 Magnum (0)
FEATURES: Interchangeable Choke Tubes available, same
models as used with SG7. Recoil pad.
DUR: 4
ENC: 1
MAG: Tub-Mag 5
GAUGE: 12 Ga (1-3)
12 Ga Magnum (4-5)
10 Ga (6-8)
10 Ga Slug (9)
12 Ga Slug (0)
FEATURES: A Riot Gun. Swivel Sling


MAG: B o x 2
MAG: Box3


DUR: 4
ENC: 1.8
10 Ga (1-4)
10 Ga Maanurn (5-7)
10 Ga S l u i (8-0)
Swivel Sling.
DUR: 4
ENC: 1.4
12 Ga (1-4)
12 Ga Slug (5-7)
410 Ga (8-9)
410 Ga Slug (0)
Gun is fitting with a Variable Choke device on
non-Slug models. This permits user to set for
a given Choke in 1 Action by turning a small
dial around the muzzle. Swivel Sling. Recoil
pad. Slug firing models have high quality Iron
Sights given t l to Aim using Sighted Fire.


MAG: Break 1

DUR: 4
ENC: 1.5
GAUGE: 10 Ga (01-10)
10 Ga Magnum (11-15)
12 Ga (16-45)
12 Ga Magnum (61-70)
16 Ga (61-70)
16 Ga Magnum (71-80)
20 Ga (81-85)
20 Ga Magnum (86-90)

410 (91-95)
410 Magnum (96-00)
FEATURES: Recoil pad. Changeable barrels to alter
DUR: 4
GAUGE: 10 Ga Slug (1-2)
12 Ga Slug (3-6)
16 Ga Slug (7-8)
20 Ga Slua (91
410 slug (0)

MAG: Break 1

ENC: 1.6


Gun has Two Barrels mounted one on top of another
MAG: Break 2

ENC: 1.6

CODE: 22
MAG: Break 2

ENC: 1.8

MAG: Break 2

ENC: 1.6

MAG: Break 2

ENC: 1.5

DUR: 3
GAUGE: 12 Ga (1-6)
20 Ga Magnum (7-0)
DUR: 5
GAUGE: 10 Ga Magnum
FEATURES: Recoil Pad.
DUR: 5
GAUGE: 10 Ga Magnum (1)
12 Ga Magnum (2-3)
20 Ga Magnum (4)
410 Magnum (5)
12 Ga (6-0)
FEATURES: Recoil pad.
DUR: 4
GAUGE: 12 Ga (1-4)
16 Ga (5-6)
20 Ga (7)
12 Ga Magnum (8)
16 Ga Magnum (9)
20 Ga Magnum (0)


The following specifications quantize certain military and police
weapons in general use in the U.S. (or available from its allies)
between WWll and the Ruin.


M-1 Garand Rille
MAG: Strip 8
CALIBER: 30-06
DUR: 4
ENC: 1.5
FEATURES: Auto-extractor. Bayonet lug. Takes adapter to
fire M-1 Rifle Grenade.
M-1 Carbine
CALIBER: 30 Carbine DUR: 4
FEATURES: Auto extractor.

MAG: Box 15 or 30
ENC: .9

MIA1 Carbine
MAG: Box 15 or 30
CALIBER: 30 Carbine DUR: 4
ENC: .9
FEATURES: Auto-extractor. May be equipped with Folding
MAG: Box20
CAL: 7.62 NATO (308) DUR: 5
ENC: 1.4
FEATURES: Auto-extractor. Bayonet lug. Can be fitted
with bipod for Rest Weapon Modifier. Takes
Adapter device to fire M-14 Rifle Grenade.


henry christen (order #23380)

MAG: Box 20 or 30
M-16 Rllle
DUR: 4
ENC: 1.3
CAL: 5.56 (223)
FEATURES: Auto-extractor. Bayonet lug. Can be fitted
with Bipod for Rest Weapon Modifier. 22mm
Grenade Launcher built into Flash Hider.
Takes military issue Telescopic Sight, StarLight Scope, or I-R Scope. Can be fitted with
under-slung 40mm Grenade Launcher.
MAG: Box 20 or 30
Colt Cammando Carbine ACTION: AL-FA
DUR: 4
FEATURES: Folding Stock. Auto-extractor. Flash Hider.
M-18 Rifle
DUR: 5
ENC: 1.2
CAL: 5.56mm
FEATURES: Auto-extractor. Bayonet lug. Can be fitted
with Bipod. 22mm Grenade Launcher built into
Flash Hider. Can take military issue
Telescopic Sight, Star-Light Scope, or I-R
Scope. Can be fitted with underslung 40mm
Grenade Launcher. Date of issue - 1985.
M-22 Rifle
CAL: 5.56mm
OUR: 5
ENC: 1.3
FEATURES: Auto-extractor. Bayonet lug. Can be fitted
with Bipod. 22mm Grenade Launcher. Flash
Hider. Takes military issue Telescopic, StarLight. or I-R Sights. Has Built-in LEO Peep
Sight. Supermachine Gun rate of autofire: 06
per Burst. Can be equipped with Laser Sight
or 40mm Grenade Launcher in underslung
position. Folding Stock, allows fire with Pistol
Skill, but Rifle characteristics (two hands
required for proper use). High Power Feature.
Date of issue 1995.

lThe following 2 weapons are made by FN In Belguim. and are widely used
by NATO forces]
FAL Assault Rifle
MAG: Box 20
CAL: 7.62mm NATO OUR: 4
ENC: 1.45
FEATURES: Auto-extractor. Bayonet lug.

FAR Assault Carbine

MAG: Box 20 or 30
CAL: 7.62mm NATO OUR: 5
ENC: .9
FEATURES: Auto-extractor. Foldina Stock. 22mm Grenade
Launcher in Flash Hider. Can take Bipod for
Rest Weapon Modifier.
lThe next 2 are of British manufacture. being their standard WWll and modern
infantry weapons.)
Mk.4 Rifle
MAG: Box 10
CAL: 7.62mm NATO DUR: 5
ENC: 1.4
FEATURES: Bayonet lug. Auto-extractor. This is the "final
generation" of the old Lee-Enfield.
EM-2 Carbine
MAG: Box20
CAL: 5.56mm
OUR: 4
ENC: 1.1
FEATURES: Auto-extractor. Folding stock. 22mm Grenade
Launcher in Flash Hider. Can take military
issue Telescopic, Star-Light, or I-R Scopes.
This is a bit of speculative writing, as the
weapon is currently still in trials. Date of
issue: 1983.

There are only two that really need to be discussed: the Colt .45 M1911 A1 and Its
9mm counterpart. the Browning High Power.
DUR: 5
MAG: Box 7
ENC: .4
Browlng High Power
CAL: 9mm Parabellum OUR: 4
MAG: Box 13
ENC: .4
FEATURES: High Power weapon. Some models have a
Detachable Stock, allowing Rifle Skill to be
used to fire the gun.

Thompson M192BA1
MAG: Drum 50
OUR: 3
ENC: 1.2
FEATURES: The famous "Tommy Gun," introduced late in
WWI and beloved of both the cobs and
robbers of the "Roaring 20s." Although it has
a Pistol size barrel. it is fired using Rifle Skill
(averaged with Autoweapon when firing
automatic). A number of models (40%) are
equipped with the Cutts Compensator, an
anti-recoil device mounted at the mouth of
the barrel giving a Recoil Reduction of 2.
Thompson M1A1 Automatic Carbine
MAG: Box 20 or 30
OUR: 4
ENC: 1.2
FEATURES: This is the later, massproduced version of the
Thompson which saw extensive service in
WWII. It has no special Features.
M3A1 Sub-Machine Gun BBL: XLNG
MAG: Box 30
OUR: 4
ENC: 1
FEATURES: Folding Stock. The "Grease Gun" developed
during WWII.

Other contemporary SMGs of note are to be found in the US, although often

MAG: Box 25, 32 or 40 CAL: 9mm Parabellum OUR: 3
ENC: .0
FEATURES: Removable wooden stock or Folding Wire
stocks, depending on the model. When in
Pistol configuration, the balance of the Uzi
permits normal, one-handed use, with no
penalties normally accruing to firing Rifle
class weapons in that manner. It is probably
the commonest modern SMG in the world,
manufactured under license in a number of
MAG: Box 32
CAL: 9mm Parabellum OUR: 3
ENC: .9
FEATURES: Folding stock. This is the standard German
SMG of WWII. Well constructed, at least in the
early years of the war, a number of them
have found their way into this country as
souvenirs and collector's pieces, where loving
care keeps them at their deadly best.
Mk.2 Sten
MAG: Box 32
CAL: 9mm Parabellum DUR: 2
ENC: .8
FEATURES: Folding stock. Specially made socket bayonet
made for the Sten. Silencers for some models
are available. The Sten was the "tin tommy
gun" of the British infantry in WWII. Almost
250.000 were produced during the war and in
tha decade following.
OUR: 3
MAG: Box 30
ENC: .6
Same specifications as MAC-10 but fires 9mm Parabellum
FEATURES: The MAC-10 and 11 represent a new. nonmilitary application of the SMG idea. The size of
an ordinary pistol. the MAC series are not
suitable for battlefield use, but are ideal for
police, security, and espionage activities.
Both the MAC-10 and MAC-11 are equipped
with Folding Stocks. and may be fitted wrth
an extremely efficient silencer. although
autofire through the silencer is not


henry christen (order #23380)

American 180
MAG: Drum 177
ENC: 1.2

BBL: Carbine
CAL: 22 Stinger

DUR: 4

American 180 Machine Pistol
ENC: .9
Other specs as above
Introduced for police work i n 1974, the American 180 Carbine, or
its pistol-size cousin, the 180 Machine Pistol, both fall into the
"Supermachine Gun" class, firing a Burst of 6 rounds instead of the
normal 3 rounds. If hit by the weapon, a D6 is rolled to see how
many slugs actually got in.
As 22 Stinger is simply a super-high velocity 22 Long Rifle round, the
weaDon can also fire that ammo, but does so as a normal SMG.
(3 RoundslBurst)
Other Features include a Recoil Reduction of 1. Ammo is fed from
a flat Drum maaazine attached to the toD of the receiver. The gun is
specifically deigned to accept a Laser Sight, but i s equipped with
normal Iron Sights as well. The authors have seen film clips of this
little buzz saw in action. It was used to cut a Volkswagen in two,
and after that, the demonstrator wrote his initials on a brick wall.
It is really a remarkable weapon.

These are 7 of the best known machine guns in use since WWII. They range
from the standard US weapons of that period to the Heckler and Koch guns
used by NATO forces. All may be vehicle mounted.

Those not oriented to a Caliber may be used

to repair other models. If necessary, one form
of gun can be altered into another, given time
(a Task for a Gunsmith).
Mauser MG1
MAG: Disintegrating Link Belt 50 or BoxlBelt 100 (A prepared ammo
box holding a Link Belt)
DUR: 3
ENC: 5.8
CAL: 7.62 NATO
RATE: 1200 RpM
FEATURES: Tripod mount only, in order to support that
appalling rate of fire. This was the standard
MG of the Third Reich, and remains in service
in Third World and Insurgent forces today. It
is a lethal engine and far from outdated.
These provide a sampling of the many types of Machine Guns now known.
The Gamesmaster should not cast these lightly into his Campaign. for their
tremendous lethality can unbalance his scenarios beyond even his wildest
fears. But they should not be ignored. Even in a "scarce ammo economy."
the Machine Gun will have its users.

30 Caliber Browning Med. MG

MAG: Disintegrating Link or Fabric Belt 250
CAL: 30 Browning
DUR: 4
ENC: 7
RATE: 450 RpM
FEATURES: Tripod mounted in most (80%) cases. Others
use a beefed up Bipod.
MAG: Disintegrating Link Belt 250
CAL: 7.62mm NATO OUR: 5
ENC: 5.2
RATE: 600 RpM
FEATURES: The current standard MG used by the US
Armed Forces. Can be Bipod or Tripod
Browing M 2 HMG
MAG: Metal Link Belt 100
CAL: 50
OUR: 4
ENC: 14.1
RATE: 450 RpM
FEATURES: Mounted on tripod.
Bren LMG
MAG: Box 30 or Drum 50 or 100
CAL: 7.62 NATO
DUR: 4
ENC: 4.35
RATE: 480 RpM
RATE FACTOR: 06 x .5
FEATURES: Bipod fitted. Easily man portable (subject to
Encumbrance rules). A Section Support
weapon designed for mobility.
SIG 710-3 GPMG
MAG: Disintegrating or Metal Link Belt 250
CAL: 7,62 NATO
DUR: 5
ENC: 4.82
RATE: 800 RpM
RATE FACTOR: 0.19 x .5
205 x .5
FEATURES: One of the current NATO machine gun
systems. It can be Bipod mounted in its lower
Rate role, but the Sustained Fire requires
Tripod mounting to hold the gun sufficiently
MAG: BOX20 or Drum 80 or Disintegrating Link Belt 250
CAL: 5.56rnm
CAL: 7.62 NATO
CAL: 7.62 x 39mm
DUR: 5
ENC: 3.65
RATE: 850 RpM
FEATURES: The newest thing in MG systems. Usually
Bipod mounted, almost ALL the parts of the
weapon in either mode are interchangeable.


henry christen (order #23380)

The most direct use of the Gun List is quite simple: there are 60
Pistols, 50 Rifles, 18 Carbines, and 24 Shotguns on the tables.
Determine the kind of gun required on the index given below, and
then roll a die of the appropriate type for the number of possible
choices (i.e. roll a D60 if you need a Pistol, a D50 for a Rifle, and so
on). The die roll is the Code number from the Gun List. If other rolls
need to be made, such as the Frequency roll for Caliber if the guh is
made in more than one size, then roll that die. When all the extra
determinants, the break down on the Gun List are as follows:
Plrtolr-Contains 30 Revolvers. 15 Autoloaders. 10 Target
weapons. 5 Miscellaneous.
Rifler-Contains 40 regular weapons. 5 Target weapons. 5
"Double" Rifles.
Carbines-Contains no differentiated types.
Shotguns-Contains 4 Double Barreled. 6 Autoloading. 5 Pump
Action. 2 Bolt Action. 4 Over-Under.
So if you really want a Revolver, specifically, then roll a 030 for the
Code number. A Dl5 plus 30gives you the Code for an Autoloader, a
D10 plus 45 for a Target Pistol, and so on.
When you just want a random determination on a gun, roll DlOO
and consult this table.
Dle Roll

Military Issue Weapon

Roll Die For Gun Llrt Code

The Gun List can also be used to determine ammunition found

scavenging, or available for barter. Roll on the above table for the
type of ammo, then roll normally for as many kinds of ammo as you
need. The Caliber or Gauge of the weapon is the ammo present. It
then remainsto find out how much has been found and what, if any,
special qualities it may have.
Ammo Ouantltler
Die Roll Quantity
01-05 1 Round.
06-10 D6 Rounds.
11-30 3D6 Rounds.
31-60 020 plus 20 Rounds.
61-80 1 Box of 25 Rounds.
81-90 1 Box plus DlOO Rounds.
91-00 D6 Boxes of Rounds.

Ammo Oualltles
Dle Roll Ball Ammo
Hollow Point
High Power

If Clips are sought. either when a clip or clips is found. or wnen

they are being bartered for, roll on the Autoloading weapons Gun
List of the appropriate type. If clips are found, there is a flat 30%
chance of finding Military Issue magazines. Then roll to see the
model on that List.
Shotgun Choke Determlnation
Whenever a Shotgun is found, bartered, or otherwise appears on
the scene, the Gamesmaster may use the following system to
determine the Choke on it, unless it is a Riot Gun (always Open
Choke) or a Slug Gun (always Slug Choke). Roll a D6 as shown
below. If the weapon is a Double-Barreled or Over-Under model, roll
again for the second barrel, adding the indicated modifier. The usual
pattern in shotgun manufacture is to have one barrel with a fairly
loose Choke (Open or Modified) for the first, closer shot, and a
tighter Choke on the second, if a longer range shot at fleeing game is
2nd Die Roll Modlfler
Die Roll Choke
This may also be applied to such as spare barrels fora shotgun, or
insertable Choke Tubes, or Choke devices.

Sight Ouallty and Other Characterlstka

When a Telescopic sight is found installed on a gun or separately,
a roll is needed to determine its construction and qualities.
Magniflcatlon-The scope has a magnifying power of 2D3x. I.e.,roll
2, you have a 2x scope, reducing the effective range to the target
by a factor of 2.
Light Efflclency-Roll a D3. This establishes a Light Efficiency
Level 1-May be used in any Light better than darkness.
Level 2-May only be used in Light Level of Dim or better.
Level 3-May only be used in Full Light.
Mountlng-This need not be rolled for if scope is found mounted,
since it will have the correct type mount for the gun it is on. For
scopes found separately, roll on the following table.
Roll Mounting
1-4 Tap Mounts. Goes on any gun Tapped for Telescopic Sights.
5-7 Groove Mounts. There is a 60% Chance such a scope is a " T i p
off" model. That is, it can be tipped to the side allowing the
shooter to use his Iron Sights should he prefer to, without
removing the Telescopic Sight.
8-9 Military Mounts. Fits any Military Issue Rifle or Carbine
designated as taking Telescopic Sights.
0 Clamp Mounts. Can be fitted to any firearm of the correct size
(Pistol or Long Gun).
Reticule-There is a flat 40% chance that Telescopic Sights will have
a Reticule (or Cross Hairs). This allows plus one to Aim (ie. Hit
Location movement) when using sighted fire.
Plrtol Slghtr-There are Telescopic Sights made for Pistols as well
as Long Guns. I f random determination is desired, assume a 20%
chance of finding them on a gun, or that sights found separately
are Pistol rather than Long Gun sights.
Mllltary Weapons DetermiMtlon Table
When random determination for Military Issue weapons is
necessary, first roll for the overall class of the gun, and then forthe
specific model.
Weapon Type Tablc Roll 1D10
Die Roll Result
Rifle, Assault Rifle, or Carbine
Sub-Machine Gun
Rifle Table: Roll 1D30
Die Roll Result

M-1 Garand Rifle
M-1 Carbine
M1A2 Carbine
M-14 Rifle
M-16 Rifle
Colt Commando Carbine
M-18 Rifle
M-22 Rifle
FAL Assault Rifle
FAR Assault Carbine
Mk.4 Rifle
EM-2 Carbine
Sub-Machine Gun Table: Roll 1030
Die Roll Result
Thompson M1928A1
Thompson M l A l
Mk.2 Sten
American 180 Carbine
American 180 Machine Pistol
Pistol Table: Roll 1D10
Die Roll Result
Browning High Power
No tables are given for other, heavier weapons, as we do not feel
random assignment is valid in their case. If firepower like that is
going to appear in the Campaign, it should be as a result of careful

henry christen (order #23380)

This appendixgives an overview of howvalues werearrivedat, and
how weapons not given here may be inserted in the Campaign.
Finding The Model
It is really necessary to locate a moderately detailed description of
the gun. I n the Bibliography, we list several highly useful sourcebooks of weapon statistics which wiH provide the information
necessary to work out the game-version of the gun.
The model should provide the weapons Weight, Barrel Length,
Caliber, Rates of Fire, indications of the type of Magazine used, and
notes regarding any gamable Features.
One fact that is N O T going to b e found in any reference book is the
DURABILITY of a given weapon. This is entirely i n the hands of the
Gamesmaster. It is difficult to prescribe a method for determining
the Durability. Any manufacturer worth his salt is going to claim his
product has a score of 5. Gun-fanciers will differ widely on the
subject, each favoring his ideal weapon o r most admired gunmaker.
For commercial guns, one possible guideline is the price. We have
tended t o assign higher Durability to the more expensive weapons.
But this can result in giving too low a value to a well-made but
inexpensive gun. For convenience, the DUR=1 is only encountered
in weapons found as U-1 loot (ie. low-value treasure). The DUR=5
score is restricted to late-model military weapons and ultra-high
quality commercial ones. If you need a figure in between, roll a D3
and add 1. If dealing with one of the giants in the gunmakers field,
Smith and Wesson, or Colt, add 2 instead. Treat rolls of over4 as 4.

Designing The Spec Sheet

With a Durability score selected, all the rest falls neatly into place.
All the main items of information required in the model translate
directly into Aftermath! conventions. This can best be illustrated
by taking a well-known gun and designing the Specs for it.
The best known autoloading oistol in modern use is undoubtedly
the Colt .45 Mk. IV, or M1911A1. It is a standard sidearm of the
United States Armed Forces.
Opening Modern Small Arms, by Major Frederick Myatt.
Crescent Books, 1978, we find the following information:
Length: 8.5 Weight:30oz. (1.1 kg) Barrel:5 Caliber:45ACP
Magazine Capacity: 7.
There is more, but these are all we need for the moment. Looking
at the specifications for Pistols, we find that the BBL f o r a 5 weapon
is STD. While the source book does not actually specify that the Colt
is autoloading, we know that it is. So the Action is coded AL. The
picture of the weapon shows us its clip, so we can indicate the
Magazine as a Box 7, the capacity being given in the book. Caliber in
Aftermath! is the same as the real Caliber. The Base ENC for STD
Pistols is .3. The real weight of the gun divided by 10 is (1.1kg/lO), or
.11. This can be rounded to .1 for convenience. So the ENC of the
weapon is .3+.1, or .4.
The Spec Sheet for the Aftermath! model of this weapon is
CALIBER: 4 5 A C P DUR: 5 ENC: .4
How d i d we arrive at the maximum Durability? Well, the M1911Al
is one of the toughest firearms in the world. It has been used under
the worst conditions in the field, and performed reliably. Its rugged
frame is highly resistant to damage. With this knowledge, it seemed
fitting to make it DUR=5. As a principal military arm, it would at least
have been given a 4, were the authors not familiar with its history.
It only remains to check for any special Features possessed by the
Pistol. As it happens, the gun is as utilitarian as it is tough.Thereare
none, and so we leave the stats as they are.
Lets take a more diverse weapon for an example. Opening the
1978Gun Digestat random, w e f i n d listed thestatisticson amediumpriced hunting rifle made b y a well-known firm of gunsmiths. The
information tells us it is 5.5 Ibs in weight, has a 22 barrel, is a Bolt
action rifle, with a 5 round trap loading integral magazine, and is
made in calibers 222, 30-30, and 30-06.The brief blurb under the
hard-data listing indicates that the barrel is drilled and tapped for a
scope mount, has a recoil pad, and swivel sling mounts. The write up
of the Spec Sheet goes as follows:
NAME: Remchester BAR (for Bolt Action Rifle)
BEL: Rifle (At 22 the weapon falls into this category. At 20or less,
the usual standards would call for a Carbine classification,
although the Gamesmaster can alter this. The M-16, for example,

has a Barrel Length o f just under 20, but we feel it operates in the
Rifle class.)
MAG: Port-Mag 5 (This is the correct classification for any integral,
top- or bottom-loading magazine.)
CALIBER: 222 (1-3), 30-30 (4-6). 30-06 (7-0) (The frequency
numbers for the caliber are again a judgement call for the Gamesmaster. I n this case, the idea is an even split between the two
smaller cartridges, but giving the lions share to the30-06, the most
popular rifle load in the US.)
DUR: 3 (The weapon is made by a top-rated firm, but is not nearthe
top of their line. It will not b e junk, but it is not going to be better
than average either. So, a 3 seems called for.)
1.25 (Base ENC for Rifles is 1. The rifle weights 5.5 Ib. The
weight in kg is 5.5/2.2, which is exactly 2.5. 2.5/10=.25, therefore
the ENC of this gun is 1+.25=1.25.)
FEATURES: The relevant ones are the Tapped for Telescopic
Sights, Recoil Pad, and Swivel sling elements in the guns design.
Any other unique characteristics about the weapon would be
noted here as well.

Special Weapons
There are numerous guns that, for one reason or another, do not fit
exactly into the Aftermath! simulation. usually, there is an
equivalent mechanic in the game to allow for them. For example,
Double-Barreled Shotguns are not exactly Single-Action
weapons, but as far as Aftermath! is concerned, they handle as if
they were, and they are so classified on the G u n Table.
When a unique weapon is encountered, such as the American 180
described on Page 81, it is best to do as we have done and write
rules dealing specifically with that weapon. They usually justify the
trouble, in that they are special cases, giving the user some
advantage which should be carefully quantified for the most faithful
There are also cases where the thing just does not look right! The
ENC is not high enough, or the weapon should act differently than its
mere physical specs indicate, if it is to perform i n the way it should.
The answer here issimple: the Gamesmaster alters the Spec Sheet to
suit the image he has of the weapon, rather than its (usually brief)
outline in the source book used.

How We Figured Things Out

This is in the nature of Designer Noteson the Firearms Simulation,
inserted here to make expansions or changes by our readers easier.
The Firearms rules are far and away one of the most detailed
elements of the Aftermath! system. They represent hundreds of
hours of research, design, and testing. There are n o reliable figures
on how many foot-pounds of bullet energy will make a h o l e s o many
inches deep in a human being, or what the chances of stopping
effects are on any non-arbitrary scale, though combat ballistics has
addressed the problem o some degree. As to asking firearms buffs
about handling characteristics of their guns, hoo boy! Our first
consultant would give his stamp of approval to a rule (a former cop
who still fires on a range for fun) and then our playtesterwho went to
West Point allows as how that rule is wrong. We though we had
troubles with the hand-to-hand rules!
In the end, it evolved as you have read it. Here we show you the
clanking machinery by which the game figures are derived from the
dry numbers of ballistics tables and g u n catalogues. Do with them as
you will.
BDG-The formula for calculating the BDG is easy. Obtain a
Batlistics Table for standard ammunition (they are usually free at
your local sporting goods store or gun shop. Many of the source
books in the Bibliography includeafull set). Oneofthefiguresgiven
is the Muzzle Enerqy of the round, in foot/oounds of kinetic
energy. Divide that figure by 100, a n d voila! You have the BDG. You
will note that we have altered some of the figures directly obtained by
this method. 44 Magnum, fired from a 6 barrel on a handgun, has a
Muzzle Energy of 1150 ft/lb. This would give a BDG of 12
(1150/100=1 1.5, nearest, for 12). This is just not high enough to fill
the niche in the game filled by 44 Magnum: the big manstopper slug.
So we have arbitrarily juiced it u p to its current value of 21, to get it
that extra D10 of damage.
If it is necessary to figure the Muzzle Energy for some round for
which you lack the figure, since we did not include every cartridge
known to man in the standard table, the formula for the figure is: ME
in ft./lb.= Mass of Bullet in Grains x (Muzzle Velocity in feet per
second) x (2.22 x
Remember that there are 480 grains to the
ounce. If you need to roughly figure the mass of a slug out, this


henry christen (order #23380)

formula may help. It is accurate only for the Mass of a Lead musket
ball. It will be off the mark for modern bullets which are neither
spherical nor necessarily made of lead.
Mass in Grains = 1500 x (Caliber in i n ~ h e s ) ~ .
As with the BDG formula for Muzzle Loaders in the Firearms rules,
remember to use the fractional values of the Caliber inches, or you

will get the mass of a cannon ball, not a bullet!

The application of these formulae will allow fine-tuned results, for
the detail fiends among you. Likewise, i f you decide to include such
off-the-wall guns as the British EM-2 experimental Infantry Rifle,
with its 28 Caliber load, at a muzzle velocity of 2530 fthec, then you
can work out the BDG for the gun. (It is roughly 5, or 10 to 12 from a


Wells, H.G.
War of the Worlds
Classic novel of the invasion of Earth and the destruction of its
civilization by the Martians.

Anthony, Piers
The Battle Circle
A trilogy of novels set in a curiously barbaric-cum-technological
culture, some 500 years after a nuclear war.


Barrett, Neal
Adair of Albion
The adventures of animal-descended heroes, seeking the lost race
of Man in a ruined world. The Millenia After the Ruin type of

Bearse, Ray
Sporting Arms of the World
Comprehensive guide to sporting firearms, target weapons, and
other civilian weapons in modern use.

Brunner, John
The Sheep Look Up
Pre-Ruin environment in a world heading for suicide by pollution.

Draeger, Don and Smith, Robert

Comprehensive Asian Fighting Arts.
Compact and informative guide to armed and unarmed martial arts
of the Far East.

Budrys. Algis
Some Will Not Die
Primary and Secondary Kill through first few generations. Postplague world, tracing organization of various communities. Valuable
for political view of an Aftermath! world.
Burroughs, E.R.
Lost Continent
Also published as Beyond Thirty. Adventures of intrepid American
hero exploring the savage junglesof post-Ruin Europe. Ideal outline
for those using Conventional Warfare as Ruin.
Ellison, Harlan
A Boy A n d His Dog

First Generation. A short story, available in many collections. This

has also been made into a motion picture. Life among the tough
young survivors in a semi-ruined city. The character of Blood, the
Dog of the title, is well worth studying.
Frank, Pat
Alas. Babylon
Classic novel of the challengesto survival faced by asmall town after
a nuclear war.
Miller, Waiter
Canticle For Liebowitz
200 Years After -and then some. Agood view of the climb back from
medieval to modern level after a nuclear war. Interesting in that the
Catholic Church is seen as the conservator of the Old Knowledge,
specifically of the printed page.
Moorcock, Michael
The Land Leviathan
Novel styled on Wells, et. al., depicting struggle to survive in world
reduced to barbarism by conventional warfare.
Niven, Larry and Pournelie, Jerry
Lucifers Hammer
Pre- and Post-Ruin in a world destroyed by the fall of a giant comet
onto the Earth. Detailed view of the problems facing a survivor
Norton. Andre
Starmans Son
Also published as Daybreak 2250 AD. The story of a young
tribesman living in a 200 Years After the Ruin environment.
Pangborn, Edgar
Irreverent novel set in a post-holocaust America, underthe thumb of
a know-nothing religion. Political satire in a work of interest in
setting up a Campaign.
Still IPersist in Wondering
More stories from the world of Davy.

Gervasi, Tom
Arsenal of Democracy
Invaluable guide to American military vehicles, weapons, etc. made
today for domestic use and for export. Includes aircraft, naval
vessels, small arms, artillery. etc.
Herring, William
Ballistics and The Muzzle Loading Rifle
Compact study of the ballistics of black powder firearms. Clear and
McGregor, Malcolm
Armoured Fighting Vehicles
Survey of the tank and armored car from WWll to the present.
Owen, J.I.H.
Brasseys Artillery of the World
Broad guide to direct and indirect fire artillery ordance in modern
Owen, J.I.H., Ed.
Brasseys Infantry Weapons of the World
Comprehensive reference work on military issue small arms,
machine guns, grenades, and other personal and support weapons
in use by modern infantry.
Rivlere, Bill
The Gunners Bible
Detailed introduction to modern firearms for the beginner.
Smith, W.H.B. and Smith J.E.
Small Arms of the World
A wide-ranging guide to military firearms in use from WWll to the

Guns Illustrated
An annual digest of articles, data, and advertising. Includes an
illustrated section on EVERY major firearm available for public Sale
in the US.

Gun Digest
An annual publication of great value to the Campaigner who needs
more data on firearms. Comprehensive listing of firearms available
in the US.,profusely illustrated.

Soldier of Fortune
Hairy-chested but informative magazine often dealing with the
subject of post-collapse survival. Advertising sections include
publishers of many other useful works.


henry christen (order #23380)

henry christen (order #23380)


............. 2
.............................. . 2
......... . 2

Lefty's Trading Post and Flophouse

The Situation..
Notes on Action in the Tavern Room
The Cast..
After the Brawl
The Disease..
The Hideout..
Armor Kit Table
Closing Remarks
Character and Object Markers
Map of Lefty's Place
Map of the Hideout..

................................... 2
................................ . 5
............................... .5
................................. . 5
............................... .5
............................... 5
........................... 3
.......................... 4

Designers: Bob Charrette

Paul Hume




Door with Push Bar
Sliding Door
Elevator Door
See-thru Door


See-thru Section of Wall


Copyright 1981 by Robert N. Charrette and Paul R. Hume. All
rights to this book are reserved. No part of the book may be used
or reproduced In any manner whatsoever without permission,
except In the case of brief quotatlonsembodled In critical articles
or reviews.
Box, cover art and all lllustratlons are copyright @ 1981 by Robert
N. Charrette. For Information regarding this game contact
Fantasy Games Unlimited. Inc.;
P.O. Box 182; Roslyn, N.Y. 11576
The deslgners will attempt to answer any questlons regardlng the
game. Please type the question allowing space lor the answer on
the same sheet and enclose a stamped, self-addressed envelope.
Send the letter In care of Fantasy Games Unilmlted.

henry christen (order #23380)

Counter or Railing

---------Significant Line
,--- ,,,$


Significant Area

Designation for Non-standard version

Walls give an indication of their structural

strength by the thickness of the line.

henry christen (order #23380)

An Introductory Scenario
This scenario pack is designed to allow players to get the
feel of Aftermath! movement and combat rules. The
background presented is generalized t o allow a
Gamesmaster t o fit it into his own campaign. Beginning
characters are assumed.
When the players have finished constructing their
characters, the Gamesmaster may inform them that they
have met and formed a group since their individual efforts in
combing the ruins have not met with much success recently.
The sight of their meeting is Leftys Trading Post and

Leftys Trading Post and Flophouse

This establishment is well known in the area. I t is a haven
for ruin-combers and a place to barter found goods for more
useful items. Survivor communities in the area make use of it
and have an informal agreement to protect the neutrality of
the establishment. It is located in the basement of a building
which, although the upper stories are gone, remains
sound structurally.
Leftys place allows weary adventurers a place to stay for
the night and a meal for a few barter points provided they
follow the house rules. All firearms and explosives are
checked at the door. Leftys gun checkroom is well armed
and armored. Patrons receive a check which will redeem
their weapons when they leave the premises. Ammunition is
allowed t o remain with customers.
Assault of house employees is cause for immediate
ejection and forfeiture of one half (or some equitable division
approaching half) of any weapons checked by the rowdy
Brawls are not forbidden but all involved are fined equally
for damages. It is custom that brawls are conducted with
non-lethal weapons and fists. Any employing lethal force
without provocation are subject to the same penalty as for
assaulting house personnel. Casualties of brawls forfeit half
of checked weapons to the House while the remainder is split
between the victors of the brawl and any surviving members
of the losers side of the brawl.
Lefty and his people are known for their fairness in all
dealings. This is a necesity for them to continue their
business. Characters should have no fear of losing weapons
checked at the door. If anyone decided to try to smuggle
firearms or explosives inside, he should inform the
Gamesmaster of the attempt. The Gamesmaster must
determine the success of the attempt and, if unsuccessful,
when and how the rule violater is revealed.

The Situation
The player characters are sitting at atablediscussing their
plans when a group of tough-looking customers enter the
tavern room. The new group moves t o the bar, and after
casually assessing the crowd, approaches the table at which
the player characters are seated. Opening the conversation
with This is our table that you scum are slobbering on, the
new group proceeds t o pick a fight. The player characters
have just met Joey White and his gang. They make part of
their living by winning brawls in Leftys Trading Post and
The Gamesmaster: can easily escalate the brawl into
including most of the patrons on the premises by such
means as misthrown punches, hurtling bodies, poorly aimed
missiles, etc.
This free-for-all is intended to get players used to the
movement and hand-to-hand combat rules.

Notes on Action in the Tavern Room

Remember that this is an eating and drinking
establishment so that if afight startsthereis likelyto besome

henry christen (order #23380)

not insignificant amount of spilled food. This will result in

areas of Treacherous Ground and can add a little slapstick to
the overall sober tone of the situation.
Chairs are-all small and tables are all medium if anyone
cares to indulge in a game of furniture toss. It is a safe
assumption that any occupied table will have dishes and
drinking vessels on them if only to make a colorful clatter as a
character goes sailing along the top after being thrown by
another beligerant.
Replacement fees and damages due to breakage from the
brawl are left to the Gamesmaster to adjudicate as befits the
value of such items in his campaign.

The Cast


Lefty, owner (48)


Skills: Brawling (20/4); Rifle, Modern (16); Commerce (17);
Knife (12)
Armor: Denim shirt (4-9, 21-28, HC); Fatigue pants (10-18.
HC); Combat boots (19-20,LL); Vest (4-9,PX)
Weapons: Trench Knife
Notes: Will only get involved i n the brawl if necessary to
protect his operation or personnel. He keeps a shotgun
SGlO in 10 Gauge, behind the bar.


Leftys Boys
All 4 of these men are Superior Quality Veterans. Their
primary Combat Skills are Brawling and Knife. All have
Secondary Skills of Rifle and Pistol, Modern and Throwing.
Their armor is determined using the Armor Kit Table at the
end of the scenario pack.

Joey Whites Gang

Joey himself is a Superior Quality character while the bulk
of his gang is only Average Quality. All areTrained level with
Brawling, Knife, Throwing, and Single Weapon. Each carries
Brass Knuckles, a Bowie Knife, and a Cudgel. Their armor
kits are determined using the table at the end of thescenario
The gang will break off from combat if in serious danger of
losing. If Joey is seriously injured he will initiate lethal
combat by drawing his knife or breaking a bottle. The gang
will follow suit to support him.
The Gamesmaster should adjust the number of members
in the gang to suit the number of player characters. Thegang
should outnumber them by about 30%. There will be no
firearms to be split by thevictors if Whites gang loses as they
cached their weapons nearby to avoid such a possibility.

Other Patrons
The number and natureof other patrons in the tavern room
is left to the Gamesmaster. This can prove to be a good way
of trying out some ideas. One might be adept in Unarmed
Combat or another of the more exotic Hand-to-Hand
Combat Skills. Another might be the classic big, dumb guy
with a 40 in Strength but only a 2 or 3 in Wit. Be careful notto
overdo it because there will probably be more than enough
statistics floating around for a first attempt at running this
sort of game.

After the Brawl


After the brawl the player characters may spend the rest of
the night in peace. The next morning, however, they will
discover that one of the regular patrons died (of a terrible
disease) during the night. All present in the Tavern the
previous night may be presumed to have been exposed. A
raid was conducted on the Trading Post's medical supplies
and the possible antidote stolen. One of the raiders wasshot
while fleeing. If questioned he will reveal that Joey White's
gang was responsible. He will also reveal their hideout but
will die of his wounds before any other useful data can be
gotten from him.
All of Lefty's boys have dontracted the disease and some of
the player characters are showing early signs. It is up t o the
player characters to recover the antidote in time to save
themselves and, if they are feeling noble, the other patrons of
the Trading Post.

The Hideout is an old factory. All exterior doors have been

broken open except the loading dock doors which are frozen
shut due t o lack of power. The machinery present in the main
room is considered impervious to bullets. It will take a
character 1D3 Actions to clamber t o a perch on top of a
piece. Movement along the top is on Treacherous Ground.
The machinery provides Full Cover when a character is on
the floor. It will provide 1 Meter Cover against fire from the
top of other machinery and Chest Cover against fire from a
character on the floor.
The rubble piles are Treacherous Ground but will provide
Prone Cover against opponents on the floor but no cover
against any on the machinery.
The survivors of White's gang will be here. There will also
be 4 more members of the gang. These are Average Quality
Novices. Other statistics are as given earlier. All members of
the gang are armed with Rifles R12 except for Joey and one
other. Joey uses an M1 rifle as a Primary weapon. Firearms
are Secondary weapons for all other members of the gang.
The character without the rifle is carrying a Shotgun SG2 in
10 gauge with 00 buck ammunition. Each member of the
gang has 10 plus 2D6 rounds of ammunition.
At the start of the player characters' assault and/or
negotiations, the gang will be scattered throughout the
building. Their exact disposition is left t o the Gamesmaster
and should be decided before the player characters reach
the factory. Once the gang, or its individual members, is
alerted to the presence of the adventurers, they will attempt
to warn the others and regroup with their leader to receive
Note to Gamesmaster: I f Joey has been killed in the brawl,
his function in the Hideout will be performed by "his brother
Jim". This character exists only t o provide the gang with a
leader. If Joey survived, Jim does not come into play in this

The Disease
If the Gamesmaster is feeling kindly, he may allow the
player characters t o be free from the danger of the disease.
He should not tell them this if it is so. Allow them to think that
they have it. Later those "early signs" of the disease can be
chalked up to paranoia.
The disease is coded:

A - (-) - HLH - 24 hours - 4-12 hours

Dizziness and Deftness Disfunction.

Armor Kit Table (1010)

Roll Armor Kit


Fatigues (4-18, 21-28, HC); Combat boots (18-20, LL);

Hat (1, HC)
As 1-3 plus Gloves (29-30, LL) Steel Helmet (1, SP)
As 3-6 plus Jacket (4-9, 21-28, SY)
As 7-9 plus Helmet (1-2, MP); Flak Vest (4-12, LP-MS)

In the case of headgear assume the best protection is the

only such item that the character has with him.

Closing Remarks


Remember that this scenario pack is for your aid and is not
in itself gospel. It was written to allow room for you as
Gamesmaster to exercise your own creativity and ingenuity.
Adjust it to suit you own campaign. As you add or subtract
from it, recall that balance is needed if everyone involvedis to
enjoy the adventure.

Character and Object Markers

To use these markers, cut individual markers free and store in a container until needed. These markers are provided as
a convenience. If you have miniature figures to use go right ahead as they will surely add to enjoyment. Use as many
markers as you wish and/or need to represent the situation.

henry christen (order #23380)





henry christen (order #23380)




.earnino rate
YT Group)

IHLH Grouol

:reelv lmorovable Skills

Shock Factor


(101 Healing Rate)






ase Action Phase



hases Consumed in Action


Critical damage

ombat Dodge Ability



laximum Number of Actior Damage Taken


Rscog. Factor
Personal EWC

Actual Aye

Talents (15 + 206 = -points

Damage Resistance Total

TR Group


Base Age

Aye Group
Healing Rate


to allocate

A l l D c ~ ~ d Cuntnl

- -- -- ---- ------



OFT 6 SPD)/20.n)



Maximum value carried with status


partially Enc.

fully Enc.

In Pack or Bag (Capacity

On Belt






Left Slung
Right Slung
Left Hand
Right Hand


Average Armor Value



ENC Carried

henry christen (order #23380)




Magazine Caliber









story of

Characters Name

current Rep total

current merit total

Fighter, HTH
, missile
, gun
Personal Bravery
Survival, self
, others

Hunter, HTH
, missile
, gun
nontech skill

tech skill

high tech skill





matches (3D6)
flint & steel (1D3 flint) .01
chalk (1 D3)
snares (2D3)
magnifying lens
.2(fu II)
1 L canteen
space blanket

henry christen (order #23380)

Recog. Factor
Personal EHC

Actual Age


Talents (15 + 206 = -points



unencumbered partially Enc.


Off-hand Dexterity

fully Enc.




to allocate




Average Armor Value


henry christen (order #23380)














story of

current merlt total


current Rep total





Fighter, HTH
, missile
, gun
Personal Bravery



Survival, self
, others
Hunter, HTH
, missile
, gun
nontech skill

tech skill

high tech skill





matches (3D6)
flint & steel (1D3 flint) .01
chalk (103)
snares (2D3)
magnifying lens
1 C canteen
"space" blanket

henry christen (order #23380)

IAge Group


Learning rate

Healing Rate

WT Group)

(HLH Group)

Freely Improvable Skills

Shock Factor

Base Age

(10. Healing Rate)

Damage Resistance Total



laximum Number of Actions Damage Taken



lase Action Phase




has6 Consumed in Action

Critical damage



:ombat Dodge Ability



to allocate





fDFT & SPDIl20 nl

Off-hand Dexterity

Maximum value carried with status

unencumbered partially Enc.

= -points

WT 6 WL)


Talents (15 + 206

;TR Group


Recog. Factor
Personal ENC

Actual Age

fully Enc.



In Pack or Bag (Capacity

On Belt

Item ENC




Left Slung
Right Slung
Left Hand
Right Hand


Average Armor Value


ENC Carried

henry christen (order #23380)














story of

Characteri Name

current merit total


current Rep total




Fighter, H T H
, missile
Personal Braverv
Survival, self
, others
Hunter, HTH
, missile





matches (306)
flint & steel (1D3 flint) .01
chalk (103)
snares (2D3)
magnifying lens
jack knife
1 C canteen
.2 (fu II)
space blanket

henry christen (order #23380)

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