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The Issue

The case directly poses to us the question of whether Atty. Gonzales committed forum shopping and thereby
violated the Code of Professional Responsibility.
The Courts Ruling
We agree with the findings of the commissioner and accordingly reverse the resolution of the IBP Board of
Governors, but we modify the commissioners recommended penalty to censure and a warning that another
violation would merit a more severe penalty.
Forum shopping exists when, as a result of an adverse decision in one forum, or in anticipation thereof, a
party seeks a favorable opinion in another forum through means other than appeal or certiorari. 8

There is forum shopping when the elements of litis pendencia are present or where a final judgment in one
case will amount to res judicata in another. They are as follows: (a) identity of parties, or at least such
parties that represent the same interests in both actions, (b) identity of rights or causes of action, and (c)
identity of relief sought.9

Under this test, we find that Atty. Gonzales committed forum shopping when he filed Civil Case No. 0099207 while Special Proceeding No. 99-95587 was pending.
Identity of Parties
An identity of parties exists in Special Proceeding No. 99-95587 and Civil Case No. 00-99207. In both cases,
the initiating parties are the same, to wit: Carmen, Donato, Teodoro-Marcial, Jorge I. Teodoro, Rowena
Teodoro, Abigail Teodoro and Jorge T. Teodoro. They represented the same interest in both cases. All claimed
to be the legitimate heirs of Manuela and co-owners of the land that she held in trust for them.
Meanwhile, Anastacio, the oppositor in Special Proceeding No. 99-95587, is also the sole defendant in Civil
Case No. 00-99207. In both cases, he espoused the same interest, as transferee-owner of the lot allegedly
held in trust by Manuela.
Identity of causes of action
The test of identity of causes of action does not depend on the form of an action taken, but on whether the
same evidence would support and establish the former and the present causes of action. 10 The heirs of
Manuela cannot avoid the application of res judicata by simply varying the form of their action or by
adopting a different method of presenting it.11

In Special Proceeding No. 99-95587, the trial court held that it had no jurisdiction over the case, as Manuela
left no properties at the time of her death. The lot in Malate, Manila, which was the sole property that the
heirs of Manuela claim should be included in her estate, has been sold to Rogelio and Anastacio when
Manuela was still alive. The trial court did not give credence to their claim that Manuela held the property in
trust for them.
Meanwhile, in Civil Case No. 00-99207, the trial court issued an order granting Anastacios Motion for
Demurrer to Evidence. It held that the heirs of Manuela had been unable to prove their claim that Manuela
held the lot in trust for their benefit. Neither were they able to prove that the sale of a portion of the lot to
Anastacio was void.
In both cases, the issue of whether Manuela held the lot in Malate, Manila in trust had to be decided by the
trial court. The initiating parties claim in the two cases depended on the existence of the trust Manuela
allegedly held in their favor. Thus, the evidence necessary to prove their claim was the same.

Identity of relief sought

In Special Proceeding No. 99-95587, the heirs of Manuela prayed for the issuance of letters of
administration, the liquidation of Manuelas estate, and its distribution among her legal heirs.
Meanwhile, in Civil Case No. 00-99207, the heirs of Manuela asked for the annulment of the deed of
absolute sale Manuela executed in favor of Anastacio. They likewise asked the court to cancel the resulting
Transfer Certificate of Title issued in favor of the latter, and to issue a new one in their names.
While the reliefs prayed for in the initiatory pleadings of the two cases are different in form, a ruling in one
case would have resolved the other, and vice versa. To illustrate, had the lot been declared as part of the
estate of Manuela in Special Proceeding No. 99-95587, there would have been no need for a decision
annulling the sale in Civil Case No. 00-99207. Conversely, had the sale in Civil Case No. 00-99207 been
annulled, then the property would go back to the hands of the heirs of Manuela. Placing the property under
administration, as prayed for in Special Proceeding No. 99-95587, would have been unnecessary.
Thus, the relief prayed for, the facts upon which it is based, and the parties are substantially similar in the
two cases. Since the elements of litis pendentia and res judicata are present, Atty. Gonzales committed
forum shopping when he filed Civil Case No. 00-99207 without indicating that Special Proceeding No. 9995587 was still pending.

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