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G.R. No. 175876/ FEBRUARY 20, 2013 / BERSAMIN, J./AABPAYAD


People of the Philippines
Tomas Teodoro y Angeles


Tomas Teodoro wasa found guilty for two counts of statutory rape
of AAA, an 8-yr old daughter of BBB, whichi is the formers
common-law wife.

On December 18, 1997, BBB left home in Kitcharao, Agusan del

Norte on an errand in Surigao; that her children, including AAA,
were left under the care of Teodoro, her common-law husband; that
late that night, he returned home drunk, and his arrival roused the
children from their sleep, because they had not yet eaten; that
they eagerly ate the food he set down for them; that soon after the
dinner, he told the children to go to bed; that the children went to
sleep in their respective places on the floor; that AAA became
puzzled when he turned off the lights that were supposed to be left
on; that AAA eventually fell asleep beside her siblings; that at
some point later in the night, he roused AAA, and ordered her to
strip naked; that she initially defied him, but he himself then
undressed her; that he took off his pants and drawers down to his
knees, exposing his penis; that he went on top of her, inserted his
penis in her vagina, and made push and pull movements; that she
felt a sharp pain inside her vagina; that he stopped his movements
when she protested due to her pain becoming unbearable, because
he did not want the other children to be roused from sleep; that he
returned to his own place, but she got up to relieve herself; that
she felt searing pain in her vagina as she was relieving herself; and
that she did not tell her mother upon the latters return from
Surigao about what Teodoro had done to her.

On February 8, 1998, BBB was again away from the house, having
gone to Manila. Teodoro committed the rape in a fashion similar to
that in the first rape. However, AAA could no longer bear her
ordeal, and told of the rapes to CCC, the older brother of BBB: Tay,
guihilabtan ko ni Tomas Teodoro (Tay, I was touched by Tomas
Teodoro).6 CCC immediately reported the crimes to the Kitcharao
Police Station.

The police quickly arrested Teodoro. Upon BBBs return in the

afternoon, CCC informed her about what Teodoro had done to her
daughter. BBB and CCC took AAA to the Kitcharao District Hospital
for physical and medical examination.

On appeal to the CA, Teodoro focused on the RTCs rejection of

AAAs recantation. He argued that there is no rape was committed
considering that the Cebuano-Visayan word guihilabtan used by
AAA in describing what he did to her signified only touching, as
contrasted with lugos, the proper Cebuano-Visayan term for rape
that AAA did not use.

CA: appeal dismissed


1. WON the rape charged against Teodoro was established beyond
reasonable doubt? YES.
The crimes charged were two counts of statutory rape. The elements of
statutory rape are that: (a) the victim is a female under 12 years or is
demented; and (b) the offender has carnal knowledge of the victim.
Considering that the essence of statutory rape is carnal knowledge of a
female without her consent, neither the use of force, threat or intimidation
on the female, nor the females deprivation of reason or being otherwise
unconscious, nor the employment on the female of fraudulent
machinations or grave abuse of authority is necessary to commit statutory
rape. Full penile penetration of the females genitalia is not likewise
required, because carnal knowledge is simply the act of a man having
sexual bodily connections with a woman. Here, the proof of the penis of
Teodoro touching the labias of AAA was sufficient and convincing. Dr.
Abrenillo found the peripheral erythema in the hymen of AAA and the fact
that her labia majora and labia minora were tender and gaping, exposing
the hymenal opening. In other words, the touching by Teodoros penis had
gone beyond the mons pubis and had reached the labias of the victim. xxx
In objective terms, carnal knowledge, the other essential element
in consummated statutory rape, does not require full penile
penetration of the female.
2. WON the recantation of AAA be accepted? NO.
As a rule, recantation is viewed with disfavor firstly because the
recantation of her testimony by a vital witness of the State like
AAA is exceedingly unreliable, and secondly because there is
always the possibility that such recantation may later be
repudiated. Indeed, to disregard testimony solemnly given in court simply
because the witness recants it ignores the possibility that intimidation or
monetary considerations may have caused the recantation. Court
proceedings, in which testimony upon oath or affirmation is required to be
truthful under all circumstances, are trivialized by the recantation. The trial
in which the recanted testimony was given is made a mockery, and the
investigation is placed at the mercy of an unscrupulous witness. Before
allowing the recantation, therefore, the court must not be too willing to
accept it, but must test its value in a public trial with sufficient opportunity
given to the party adversely affected to crossexamine the recanting
witness both upon the substance of the recantation and the motivations for
it.34 The recantation, like any other testimony, is subject to the test of
credibility based on the relevant circumstances, including the demeanor of
the recanting witness on the stand. In that respect, the finding of the trial
court on the credibility of witnesses is entitled to great weight on appeal
unless cogent reasons necessitate its re-examination, the reason being
that the trial court is in a better position to hear first-hand and observe the
deportment, conduct and attitude of the witnesses.
Appeal dismissed. CA and RTC ruling affirmed with modification on the
award of damages.

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