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Nirma University

Institute of Law
Final Submission of
Fundamental Breach of Contract:
Issues and Implication in India: Case Analysis Perspective

As a part of Project Work of

Contract - I (Course Code: 2BL303)

Completed by:
Mohit Mittal
Roll Call 11 bbl 059
Semester III Section C

Under the Guidance of

Mr. Nizam Khan
Project Coordinator, Contract Law I
Institute of Law, Nirma University


I Mohit Mittal declare that the work entitled Fundamental Breach of Contract: Issues and
Implication in India: Case Analysis Perspective being submitted to Institute of Law, Nirma
University for the project in the course of Contract Law -I is original and where the text is
taken from the authenticated books, articles or web articles, appropriate reference is given. It is
true in my best of my knowledge.

Date: 6th October, 2012

Name: - Mohit Mittal

Roll Call: - 11 BBL 059
Semester III
Academic Year: 2012-13
Institute of Law
Nirma University


This is to certify that the project entitled Fundamental Breach of Contract: Issues and
Implication in India: Case Analysis Perspective submitted by Mohit Mittal for the project work
in the Course of Contract Law-I embodies independent and original research work carried out
by him under my supervision and guidance. To the best of my knowledge and belief, it is his
original work submitted to fulfill the project assignment for the semester end examination of
third semester of B.Com. L.L.B. (Hons.) Programme during the academic year 2012-13.

Date: - 6th October, 2012

Name: - Nizam Khan

Assistance Professor for Economics
Institute of Law,
Nirma University

I take the opportunity, while presenting this project report; to express my deep gratitude to all
those who offered their valuable help to me in completing this project successfully. A number of
people provided me with their assistance, encouragement and enthusiasm. Without them this
project would not have been possible. First of all I am extremely grateful & thankful to the
Nirma University, Institute of Law - Ahmedabad, for instilling in us new & lively subjects which
are practically observed in the Industry today.
I am extremely thankful to Mr. Nizam Khan Sir for giving us view of this wonderful topic and
helping us in the completion of this project.

Table of Content
S. No.








Chapter I



Aim and Objective of the Project ........


Statement of Problem ..




Research Question...


Research Methodology


Literature Review.

Chapter -II (Fundamental Breach of Contract)


Breach of Contract...



Fundamental Breach of Contract.



Relevant Factor .......


Chapter III (Judicial Trends)


Karsales (Harrow) Ltd. V. Wallis



Curtis v. chemical Cleaning & Dyeing Co.


Chapter -4 (Conclusion, Findings and Suggestions)

4.1. Conclusions and Findings.




Fundamental Breach of Contract

Implications and Remedies in India: Case Analysis Perspective
Introduction: Due to the widespread and large-scale business operations, there is a difficulty to draw up
separate contracts with every individual. For example, telecom service providers need to sale the
SIM cards to millions of consumers, or insurance agencies doing insurance of millions of clients,
etc. it would then be difficult for these large-scale organizations to draw up separate contract
with every individuals. In order to cope up with these circumstances, the companies adopted the
idea of standard form of contract in which they keep printed forms of contracts which contain a
large number of terms and conditions in fine print which restrict and exclude liability under the
contract. The individuals can hardly bargains with the massive organizations and therefore the
only option available to them is either to accept it or reject it. They cannot alter the terms and
conditions and even discuss them. This gives the unique opportunities to the giant companies to
exploit the individuals by imposing upon him terms and conditions Standard form of contract
also sometimes refers to boilerplate contract are take it or leave it contract i.e. the contract
signed between two parties that has no room for negotiations. 1 The customer is in no position to
renegotiate the standard terms of the contracts and the companys representative usually does not
have the authority to do so. Such contracts are also known as Contracts of Adhesion which
means that the individuals has no choice but to accept; he does not negotiate, but merely
adhesion, Compulsory Contracts, they being a kind of imposition; and Private Legislation,
they being a kind of kind of code of bye-laws on the basis of which the individuals can enjoy the
services offered.2
One can say that the Standard Form of Contract has arisen as a result of: a). the convenience in
having a printed form; b). the choice of the customer whether to accept the contract or reject it.
Companies can withdraw their liability in such types of contracts.

Legal Service India (

Contract and Specific Relief Act, Avtar Singh (Tenth Edition)

This gives them a unique opportunity to take an advantage over these consumers and therefore
can exploit them. As cited in L Estrange v Graucob Ltd. 3 The courts have found it very
difficult to come to the rescue of the weaker party particularly where he has signed the
documents. In such cases the courts have been constrained to hold that he will be bound by the
document even if he never acquainted himself with its terms. The individuals, therefore,
deserves to protected against the possibility of exploitation inherent in such contract. Some of the
general protections which have been evolved by the courts are reasonable notice; notice should
be contemporaneous with contract, fundamental breach of contract, Strict Construction, Liability
in Torts, Unreasonable terms and, exemption clause and third parties. Among these, one of the
major protections, i.e., available to exploiting party/parties is fundamental breach of contract.
The rule has been stated by Lord Denning LJ 4 as these exempting clauses are now a days all
held to be subject to the overriding proviso that they only avail to exempt a party when he is
carrying out his contract, not when he is carrying out his contract, not when he is deviating from
it or is guilty of a breach which goes to the root of it. Just as a party, who is guilty of a radical
breach is disentitled from insisting on the further performance by the other, so too he is
disentitled from relying on an exempting clause. In Findlay v Couldwell, a car was sold on as
is basis and without any warranty or guarantee whatever. Even then the seller was held liable. In
Davies v Collins if one party fails perform this fundamental obligation, he will be guilty of
breach of contract whether or not any exempting clause has been inserted which purports to
protect him. Thus, fundamental breach of contract is an important part of contract which directly
affects the matter in court of justice to know who is a party to a fault.


To find out the core structure of contract i.e. what constitutes the fundamental breach

To analyze the landmark judgment given in the fundamental breach of contract.

(1934) All ER Rep 16 ; (1934) 2 KB 394

J. Spurling Ltd v Bradshaw, (1956) 1 WLR 461,465

To find out the effect of fundamental breach of contract on the weaker party and

The remedies available to exploiting party.

Statement of Problem: The subject matter of the study of this project is the fundamental breach of contract in which the
parties to the contract suffer due to the non-performance of fundamental obligation it with the
Hypotheses: The researcher in this study assume that the offering party obtain unfair advantages of his
dominant position and the remedy available to the weaker party should be in accordance with the
damages suffered by them.
The researcher in this study assume that the employer try to obtain unfair advantage of his
dominant position over the employee and employer is in position to dominant the will of
employee under the terms of contract in industries in India.
Research Questions: 1. What are the remedies available to contracting parties in case of fundamental breach of
2. What does the basic structure or fundamental breach involve?
3. What implication do the precedents have on this?
Research Methodology: The project envisages doctrinal method of research. The primary source of the research has been
case laws and along with its various other textbooks on a secondary basis. The research has been
done data collected from secondary sources which includes materials available on the Internet
and books, and journals available in the library. The research is deductive in nature.

Literature Review
Contract and Specific Relief Act by Avtar Singh (Eastern Book Company: Tenth Edition)
The author in the above book has said that the fundamental breach of contract is a method by
which unreasonable consequences of exempting clause can be controlled. With the help of case
laws the author tries to cover the very aspect of fundamental breach but not able to successfully
cover it. Author basically discusses the main issues with the already passed judgment.

Chapter II
Fundamental Breach of Contract
Breach of Contract: Contract is made between the parties who are intended to bind together in a legal obligation i.e.
to serve the interest of both the parties. The parties, in order to govern themselves and to
safeguard their interest make their own terms and conditions. And when such terms and
conditions are accepted by both the parties, there is an enactment of the contract i.e. the liability
is imposed on the party to the contract and to function in accordance with the terms and
conditions of the contract.
Though many a times, the contracting parties work according to the terms and conditions of the
other party, there are instances when one party back steps, thus leading to the loss to other party.
This is referred as repudiation. According to the section 39 of the Indian contract Act, Any
intimation whether by words or by conduct that the party declines to continue with the contract is
repudiation, if the result is likely to deprive the innocent party of substantial the benefit of the
Thus, repudiation can occur when the either party refuses to perform his part, or makes it
impossible for him to perform or even fails to perform his part of contract in each of the cases in
such a manner as to show an intention not to fulfill his part of the contract.5
Breach of contract is defined is a legal cause of action in which a binding agreement or
bargained for exchange is not honored by one or more parties to the contract by non-performance
or interference with the other partys performance. It the party does not fulfill his contractual
promise, or has given information to the other party that he will not perform his duty as
mentioned in the contract or if by his action and conduct he seems to be unable to perform the
contract, he is said to be breach of contract.6 Thus when a party having a duty to perform a

Dr. Kailash Rai, General Principle of Contract & Specific Relief Act, (Specific Performance of Contract) p.477,
Central law Publication, First edition (2007)

Law Office of Chisholm & Shuttie


contract fails to do that, or does an act whereby the performance of the contract by him becomes
impossible, or he refuses to perform the contract, there is said to be a breach of contract on his
part. On the breach of contract by the one party, the other party is discharged of his obligations to
perform his part of the obligations.7
Breach of a contract does not discharge the contract, thereby automatically termination the
obligation of the innocent party. It gives an opinion to the innocent party to regard itself as
discharged. The innocent party rescinds the contract, the primary obligation of both the parties is
over, but the defaulting parties become liable for payment of compensation for the breach. The
innocent party may also waive the defective performance and elect to accept damages instead of
ending the contract.
The breach of contract may be either: (i) actual, i.e. non-performance of the contract on the due
date of performance, or (ii) anticipatory, i.e. before the due date of the performance has come.
Thus, when the party to the contract refuses to do an act or does an act at the time of the
performance of the contract then it is said to be the actual breach of the contract, but when the
party to the contract refuses to do an act or does an act before the time of performance by which
the performance of the contract is not possible, the such breach is known as the anticipatory
breach of contract.
Fundamental Breach of Contract
In todays globalized world, thousands of companies engage in business which involves millions
of consumers. Thus, it would be difficult for these companies to draw up separate contract with
every individual, they came out with Standard Form Of Contract, whereby a standard form with
a large number of terms and conditions are there restricting the liability of the party to the
contract.The individuals can hardly bargains with the massive organizations and therefore the
only option available to them is either to accept it or reject it.
The doctrine of "Fundamental Breach" in the Law of Contract has developed mainly in the areas
of sale (and hire-purchase), bailment and carriage. In the last two areas, the difficulty is

R. K. Bangia, Contract I, Allahabad Law Agency, Faridabad, Haryana


frequently not so much one of assessing the character of the obligation (i.e., is it a "condition" or
a "Fundamental Obligation" as determining the gravity of the breach. In this respect, the
distribution of the onus of proof often acquires a new importance in such cases.
The customer is in no position to renegotiate the standard terms of the contracts and the
companys representative usually does not have the authority to do so. Such contracts are also
known as Contracts of Adhesion which means that the individuals has no choice but to
accept; he does not negotiate, but merely adhesion, Compulsory Contracts, they being a kind
of imposition; and Private Legislation, they being a kind of kind of code of bye-laws on the
basis of which the individuals can enjoy the services offered. 8 Thus, in order to protect the
weaker section from exploitation. It is a method of controlling unreasonable consequences of
wide and sweeping exemption clauses. Even where adequate notice of the terms and conditions
in a document has been given, the party imposing these conditions may not be able to rely on
them if he has committed a breach of contract which can be described as Fundamental. This has
been laid down by Lord Denning LJ in J. Spurling Ltd. V Bradshaw.
The Supreme Court of India also emphasized on the same rule in B.V. Nagaraju v Oriental
Insurance Co. Ltd. &; Every contract contains a & core; or fundamental obligation must be
performed. If one party fails to perform this fundamental obligation, he will be guilty of a breach
of contract whether or not any exempting clause has been inserted which purports to protect him.
In Davies v Collins it was held that the mere fact of the particular limitation clause in the
contract was sufficient to exclude any right to the sub-contract the performance of the substance
of the contract. Limitation clauses of this kind do not apply
Fundamental breach of contract is referred by the Devlin J. in Smeaton Hanscombe v. Sassoon I.
Setty 9 wherein the learned justice saya in effect that it is a concept narrower that than the
concept condition. It refers to something that goes to the root of the contract. In this regard
following observations has been made by the Lord Reid in the House of Lords' are pertinent: "I think that it would be open to the arbitrators to find that the respondents had committed a

Contract and Specific Relief Act, Avtar Singh (Tenth Edition)

[1953] 1 W.L.R. 1468


fundamental or repudiator breach. One way of looking at the matter would be to ask whether the
party in breach has by his breach produced a situation fundamentally different from anything
which the parties could as reasonable men have contemplated when the contract was made. Then
one would have to ask not only what had already happened but also what was likely to happen in
future. And there the fact that the breach was deliberate might be of great importance".


Section 39 of the Indian Contract Act provides that if a person indulges in any fundamental
breach of the contract and the other party does not acquiesce to the breach, then the party not
breaching is not bound under the liabilities of the contract. This would, therefore, enable a party
to terminate a contract on the ground of substantial failure by the other party which goes to the
root of the contract.
In our country question of delay in performance of the contract is governed by Sections 55 and
56 of the Indian Contract Act, 1872. If there is an abnormal rise in prices of material and labor, it
may frustrate the contract and then the innocent party need not perform the contract. So also, if
time is of the essence of the contract, failure of the employer to perform a mutual obligation
would enable the contractor to avoid the contract as the contract becomes voidable at his option,
Where time is "of the essence" of an obligation, Chitty on Contracts.11
states a failure to perform by the stipulated time will entitle the innocent party to (a) terminate
performance of the contract and thereby put an end to all the primary obligations of both parties
remaining unperformed; and (b) claim damages from the contract-breaker on the basis that he
has committed a fundamental breach of the contract ('a breach going to the root of the contract')
depriving the innocent party of the benefit of the contract ('damages for loss of the whole


Suisse Atlant v. N.V. Rotterdam 1966 (2) AER 61



According to the statement of the unofficial Secretariat Commentary on the 1978 Draft
Convention, 12 scholars from different legal systems debated on standards for determining
whether a breach is fundamental. A consensus was reached that the determination must be made
in the light of the circumstances of each case. There is no such agreement, however there are
some relevant factors, as generated by scholars and practitioner, in determining whether an
injury is substantial enough to amount to fundamental breach which are roughly categorized
under the following headings: a) nature of the contractual liability; b)gravity of the
circumstances of breach; c) remedy-oriented approach; d) (in)ability of performance; e)
(un)willingness to perform; f) lack of reliance on the others partys future performance; g)offer
to cure; and h)possible cure.
1. Nature of the Contractual Obligation: - the nature of the contractual obligations is one
factor in determination of fundamental breach. Where the parties have expressly or
implicitly agree that in the case of a breach by one party, the other party may terminate
the contract, strict compliance with the contract is essential and any deviation from the
obligation is to be regarded as a fundamental breach. Absent such an express provision,
the duty of the strict compliance may also be inferred from the language of the contract,
the surrounding circumstances, custom usage or a course of dealing between the parties.
The court often looks at the nature of the contractual obligation in considering whether
strict performance is the essence of the contract. In the absence of the contract
a. Quality of the Goods
b. Timely delivery
c. Disregard of the Sellers Distribution System

28th Edn. 1999, at p. 1106, Para. 22- 015


See, Secretariat Commentary on the Draft Convention on Contracts for the International Sales of Goods prepared
by the Secretariat, Document A/CONF.97/55, at Para. 3, Draft Article 23


2. Gravity of the Consequences of the Breach: - Gravity of the consequences of the breach
is another factor in determining fundamental breach. Whether or not the consequences of
the breach actually deprive the partys to the contract of the expectation under the
contract as 1) Contracts overall Value and the Monetary Loss suffered by the Aggrieved
Party; 2) Frustration of the purpose of the contract; and 3) remedy-oriented approach.
3. (In) ability of the Performance: - One of the considerations in the determination of
fundamental breach of contract is partys (in) ability to perform at all, that is to say either
to deliver the ordered well or to pay the purchase price and to take delivery. Regardless
of whether performance is due or non-performance is considered a fundamental breach
where performance is objectively impossible, namely where the object of the transaction
is unique and has been destroyed.
4. (Un) Willingness of Performance: - this is another factor in determining whether
fundamental breach is there or not. For e.g. one party refuses to deliver the goods or
taking the goods, it therefore constitute the fundamental breach. Except in the cases,
where the promisor is entitled to refuse the performance, the breach is not amounted to
5. Lack of Reliance on The Others Party Future Performance: - In determining fundamental
breach, consideration is also given due importance. The partys contention is that
whether the breach gives the aggrieved party reasons to believe that he may not rely on
the other partys future performance. For example, that even where the contractual terms
broken is minor and the consequences of the breach do not substantially deprive the
aggrieved party of his expectation under the contract.
6. Offer to Cure: - there is much controversy among the scholars as to whether fundamental
breach should be determined in the light of the offers to cure. Many authors favor the
consideration whether such offer in determining is fundamental breach or not. Their
contention is that the breach is not fundamental as long as the repairs is possible within a
reasonable time and without causing the aggrieved party unreasonable inconvenience or
uncertainty of reimbursement by the seller of expenses advanced by the buyer.

Chapter III
Judicial Trends
1. Karsales (Harrow) Ltd. V. Wallis13
Facts: - A man named Stinton offered a Buick car, KKC 822, to Wallis, the defendant. Wallis
inspected the car and found it excellent.
He wanted to buy it but could do so only on hire-purchase. Stinton tried to arrange this but he
clearly met the difficulty that any private person meets: finance companies want recourse
agreements, and will take them only from dealers. So Stinton arranged to sell the car to the
plaintiffs, Karsales, who were dealers. He did not give possession to Wallis and after the
agreement had been completed some days elapsed before delivery was made by Stinton because
Stinton had not been paid. Eventually Stinton effected delivery of what might still perhaps be
described as Buick car KKC 822 except that the cylinder head of the engine had been removed,
the valves in it were burnt out and two of the pistons broken. It had been towed to Wallis's
premises late at night. Also the tyre had been changed, the radio removed and some chromium
adornment taken off. Wallis refused to accept the car and got Stinton to retake it. Wallis also
refused to pay any installments to the finance company, who, it seems, operated their recourse
agreement and made Karsales take over the hire-purchase agreement. This action for arrears
resulted from continued refusal to pay
Issues: - three issues were raised in this case
(1) Whether the defendant had been offered the goods described in the hire-purchase
agreement, and, even if not, whether an exemption clause in respect of alleged breaches
of conditions or warranties express or implied protected the plaintiffs;
(2) Whether a claim that the exemption clause did not protect could be sustained without
having been pleaded in express terms or whether, the facts showing that to be the case,
judgment could be given on that basis;

[1956] 1 W.L.R. 936; [1956] 2 All E.R. 866


(3) Whether an action for arrears was proper where the goods had been rejected by the hirer,
or whether a claim for damages was not the proper claim.
Judgment: - the judgment of Parker L.J. is preferred. His Lordship held that there was a duty on a
hire-purchase finance company to ascertain that the chattel is reasonably fit for the purpose for
which it is expressly hired. But although exemption clauses are commonly inserted to give
protection from that liability, it was held that they do not and cannot operate to give protection
from the breach of a fundamental term. His Lordship adopted the definition of Fundamental term
to be found in the judgment of Devlin J. in Smeaton Hanscombe v. Sassoon I. Setty (No. 1), 14
wherein the learned justice says in effect that it is a concept narrower than the concept
"condition." Here there was such a breach because the car was incapable of self-propulsion.
Denning L.J. adopted a similar line of reasoning except that he says that a breach of a
fundamental term is something that goes to the root of a contract.
This is unobjectionable if his further statement that it is something "different in kind" is regarded
as exegetic but not if regarded as an alternative, since the term " goes to the root" is usually used
as wide enough to cover conditions. On the point as to pleadings, the court allowed the
submission that there was a breach of a fundamental term, as revealed by the facts, to be received
notwithstanding that the pleadings did not sufficiently make this clear. They further held that the
claim for the installments could never have succeeded, because the hirer refused delivery: the
proper remedy is damages. On that the plaintiffs would have been in a difficulty if they had
sought damages for, apart from the fundamental breach, they had only taken an assignment of
the right to the payments of hire. A similar point on what is a fundamental breach arose in the
case of the Caspiana (G. H. Renton, Ltd. v. Palmyra Trading Corporation of Panama)15. It will be
of interest to see whether the Law Lords adopt or amplify the principle involved, and in
particular, whether they make clear the distinction between a condition and a fundamental term.
Conclusion: - THE facts in Karsales (Harrow) Ltd. v. Wallis' were classic and it was a pity that
the judgments do not quite reach the potential heights that were attainable. But it is a useful case

[1953] 1 W.L.R. 1468.


[1956] 1 Q.B. 462; [1956] 2 W.L.R. 232


nevertheless, and likely to be fruitful in stimulating others to seek justice under its branches. If it
cannot claim to be a new sapling, it gives great viability to one that had made little headway.
2. Curtis v. chemical Cleaning & Dyeing Co.16
Facts of the Case: - The plaintiff delivered a white satin wedding dress to the defendants for
cleaning. The shop assistant handed her a documents headed Receipts which she was asked to
sign. Before doing so, Curtis asked the assistant why her signature was required. She was told
that it was because the shop would not accept liability for certain specified risks including the
risk of damage by or to the beads and sequins with which the dress was trimmed. Curtis then
signed the receipt, which in fact states. This article is accepted on condition that the company
is not liable for any damage howsoever arising. When the dress was returned to Curtis, there was
a stain on it. Curtis claimed that the shop has been negligent and brought an action against the
shop claiming damages of 32 euros. The shop sought to rely on the exemption clause contained
in the signed receipt.
Issues: - (1) Whether the oral assurance given by the shop assistant overrode the written
agreement so as to negate or modify the exemption clause.
Judgment: - As the judgment delivered by the Lord Denning held that it was an important case
because many people signed the printed forms without reading them, only to afterwards that they
exemption contain the stringent clauses exempting the other side from their common-law
liability. In every such case it must be remembered that, if a person wishes to exempt himself
from a liability which the common law imposes on him, he can only do it by an express
stipulation brought home to the party affected, and assented to by him as part of the contract. He
referred to Olley v. Marlborough Court, if the party affected sign written documents, knowing it
to be a contract which governs the relations between them, his signature is irrefragable evidence
of his assent to the whole contract, including exempting clauses, unless the signature is shown to
be obtained by fraud or misrepresentation. In the present case, the customer knew from what the
assistant said that the document contained conditions. If nothing was said she might not have
known it. In that case, the documents might reasonably be understood to be like a boot repairer,

[1951] 1 KB 805


receipts, only a voucher for the customer to produce when collecting the goods, and understood,
to contain conditions exempting the cleaners from their common law liability for negligence. In
that case it would not protect the cleaners: see Chapelton v. Berry Urban District Council. I say
this because I do not wish it to be supposed that the cleaners would have been off if the assistant
had simply handed over the document to the customer were not so inquiring as the plaintiff, but
were an unsuspecting person who signed what was asked without question .In those
circumstances the conduct of the cleaners might well be such that it conveyed no conditions, or,
at any rate, no condition exempting them form their common-law liability, in which case they
could not rely on it.
In my opinion when the signature to a condition, purporting to exempt a person from his
common-law liabilities, is obtained by an innocent misrepresentation, the party who has made
that misrepresentation is disentitled to reply on the exemption.


Chapter IV

Owing to the large scale commercialization of the activities, the companies which serves the
millions of consumers daily started making a contract with them with the help of a Standard form
of Contract, which enables them to occupy a large market share, as dealing with a separate
consumer separately which requires a separate contract with them, which in turn is a time
consuming process and a costly one. So, the companies started adopting the Standard Form of
Contract, which contains the general terms and conditions in a form and each customer is
provided with that form. But since such type of contract are known as leave it or take it, there
are possibilities that the weaker party i.e. the client is in a position of exploitation. The client
does not have appropriate legal remedy since it accepted the terms and conditions and signed it.
To enable the protection for the weaker section of the society, the court developed the doctrine of
Fundamental breach or fundamental terms. Fundamental breach protects the interest of the
weaker party to the contract. It provides the remedy if there is a breach which is going to the root
level, thus the purpose of which does not fulfills. The Lord Parker Judgment in Karsales
(Harrow) Ltd. V. Wallis clearly states that when there was a duty on a hire-purchase finance
company to ascertain the conditions of the chattel is fit so that it will serve the purpose for which
is bought. Thus, the purpose for which something is purchased and it is not in a position to serve
that purpose, the contract is said to be void on account of the breach i.e. fundamental breach of
contract. Although, if the seller or buyer puts a conditional clause in the agreement, then also
there is a breach of fundamental term. The said breach is not acceptable to the Courts, which
provides the appropriate remedy either to compensate the aggrieved party or to restore the
position as it was before the contract.
The Court in Curtis v. chemical Cleaning & Dyeing Co held that the cases on which the partys
to the contract wishes to exempt himself from a liabliitty which the common law imposes on
him, he can only do it by an express stipulation brought home to the party affected and assented
to by him as a part of the contract. Thus in the view of Lord Denning, when the signature to a
condition, purporting to exempt a person from his common-law liabilities, is obtained by an
innocent misrepresentation, the party who has made that misrepresentation is disentitled to reply

on the exemption.
Thus the contract which are violates the terms and conditions of the said agreement, then it
amounts to the fundamental breach of contract. Thus, in order to provide appropriate remedy, the
court can compensate the party who is in a loss or restore the contract back to its origin. Again it
was held that whether a breach constitutes a fundamental breach has to be decided on the facts
and circumstances of the each case. There is no hard and fast rule to determine a fundamental
breach, it is based upon the case to case basis.



R.K. Bangia (2009) Contract I, Faridabad : Allahabad Law Agency

Avtar Singh (2008) Law of Contract and Specific Relief, Lucknow : Eastern Book

Case Law on the Concept of Fundamental Breach in the Vienna Sales Convention by
Leonardo Graffi, <copycopy @>

Review of the Convention on Contract for the International Sale of Goods (CISG), 1998,
Kluwer Law International (1991) 177-354 reproduced by the Concept of Fundamental
Breach of Contract under the United Nations Convention on Contract for the
International Sale of Goods (CISG) by Robert Koch

L. W. Melville by Fundamental Breach of Contract, Modern Law Review, Vol. 19, No. 6
(Nov., 1956), pp. 699-701, Wiley-Blackwell <> last
accessed on 1st October, 2012.

Fundamental Breach of Contract, Onus of Proof, K.W. Wedderburn, The Cambridge Law
Journal, Vol. 20, No. 1 (Apr., 1962), pp. 17-20 Published by the Cambridge University














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