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NOTICE: This opinion is subject to motions for rehearing under Rule 22 as

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Hillsboroughnorthern judicial district
Argued: January 15, 2009
Opinion Issued: April 8, 2009
Kelly A. Ayotte, attorney general (Susan P. McGinnis, senior assistant
attorney general, on the brief and orally), for the State.
Theodore Lothstein, assistant appellate defender, of Concord, on the brief
and orally, for the defendant.
DUGGAN, J. After a jury trial in the Superior Court (Abramson, J.), the
defendant, Joshua Lamy, was convicted of three felony counts of aggravated
driving while impaired, see RSA 265:82 (2004) (repealed 2006; current version
at RSA 265-A:3 (Supp. 2008)), two counts of second degree assault, see RSA
631:2 (2007), two counts of manslaughter, see RSA 630:2 (2007), and two
counts of negligent homicide, see RSA 630:3 (2007), and was sentenced to the
state prison for forty-and-one-half to eighty-one years. He appeals his
convictions, arguing that the trial court erred in not dismissing the
manslaughter indictment pertaining to the death of D.E., in not granting a

mistrial because of juror misconduct, and in drawing the inference at

sentencing that he lacked remorse. We affirm in part, reverse in part, and
The jury could have found the following facts. Around 1:00 a.m. on
February 18, 2006, the defendant, while intoxicated, drove his car down Maple
Street in Manchester. Traveling at speeds over 100 miles per hour, the
defendant ran multiple red lights before colliding with a taxi. The collision
caused serious injuries to the defendant and his passenger, as well as the
driver of the taxi, Brianna Emmons, and her passenger. The passenger in the
taxi later died from her injuries.
Because Emmons was seven months pregnant at the time of the
collision, she was brought directly to the labor and delivery floor at Elliot
Hospital. As a result of the injuries she sustained, blood flow to the fetus,
D.E., was cut off, necessitating an emergency Cesarean section. Prior to the
Cesarean section, D.E. showed a severely depressed heart rate of fifty beats per
minute. However, by the time doctors extracted D.E. they noted that he was
limp, pale, had no spontaneous breathing on his own, and no detectible heart
rate. He was basically in cardiac arrest.
Nine-and-a-half minutes later, doctors were able to stimulate D.E.s
heart with medication and return his heart rate to normal levels. Through
heroic resuscitative efforts, medications, lines, intubation, and so forth, the
doctors were able to stabilize D.E. Once a heart rate was reestablished,
doctors immediately gave him medication to maintain his blood pressure and
put him on a respirator to assist with his breathing. A birth certificate was
From the moment of extraction, D.E. never showed any evidence of
neurological function, and never manifested the ability to breathe on his own.
He was removed from life support about two weeks later and died of perinatal
asphyxia resulting from maternal abdominal trauma, which was caused by
decreased blood flow after Emmons sustained injuries.
At the close of the States evidence, the defendant moved to dismiss the
manslaughter indictment pertaining to D.E., arguing that the State had failed
to prove that D.E. was born alive, as required under New Hampshire law.
The trial court denied the motion, stating: [T]here is evidence from Doctor
Andrew that the child was born alive and the weight, if any, to be given to
Doctor Andrews testimony is an issue for the jury and not the court. The case
was submitted to the jury, which returned guilty verdicts on all charges.
At sentencing, the trial court stated that it had considered the goals of
sentencing, the pre-sentence investigation (PSI) report, the arguments of

counsel, the defendants prior record, the nature of the charges, the victim
impact statements and the defendants own statement before reaching a
sentence. The court then stated:
[I]n considering all these factors, in light of the goals of sentencing,
you have shown complete disregard for human life. . . . In
addition, there is a clear escalation of your behavior as evidenced
by your motor vehicle and your criminal records. In conclusion, I
find that you have learned nothing from those records. You cannot
begin to fathom the damage that you have caused because nothing
haunts you, and Ive also taken into account that youve shown
really no remorse, and as point in fact I would put on the record
that on the second day of trial, after hours of grueling testimony
about the human wreckage at the accident scene, your concern at
the end of that day was to dispatch your attorney up to the bench
to point out that you want to get back to the House of Corrections
in time to be able to take your shower. I watched you today as the
victims were reading their statements to the Court and you were
looking around the courtroom every time a door opened as if you
were bored with the entire thing. Youve shown absolutely no
The trial court then imposed the PSI recommendation, sentencing the
defendant to the state prison for forty-and-one-half to eighty-one years.
Sentencing for the negligent homicide convictions was held in abeyance
pending appeal.
On appeal, the defendant makes three arguments: (1) that the trial court
erred in not dismissing the manslaughter indictment pertaining to D.E.; (2)
that the trial court erred in not granting a mistrial because of juror
misconduct; and (3) that the trial court erroneously drew the inference that he
lacked remorse based upon his request to shower after the second day of trial.
We first address the defendants argument that the trial court erred in
not dismissing the manslaughter indictment as to D.E. In New Hampshire, to
be guilty of manslaughter or negligent homicide, a person must cause[] the
death of another. RSA 630:2, I, :3, II. Our homicide statutes, however,
specifically provide that the meaning of another does not include a foetus.
RSA 630:1, IV (2007). This language codifies the common law born alive rule.
Under that rule, an infant could not be the subject of homicide at common law
unless it had been born alive. Keeler v. Superior Court of Amador County,
470 P.2d 617, 620 (Cal. 1970).

The defendant argues that the State failed to present sufficient evidence
to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that D.E. was in fact born alive, thus
necessitating dismissal under RSA 630:1, IV. Specifically, he argues that the
born alive standard requires a fetus to show spontaneous signs of life and be
capable of independent existence, that D.E. lacked both, and was therefore not
another for purposes of the statute.
This case does not require us to decide the oft-debated question of
whether to adopt the born alive rule because, as the State and the defendant
agree, the legislature already explicitly adopted the rule when it enacted RSA
630:1, IV. Rather, we must first interpret RSA 630:1, IV to determine the point
at which a fetus becomes another for purposes of criminal liability, and then
determine whether there was sufficient evidence to prove that D.E. was
another as defined in the statute.
We review a trial courts interpretation of a statute de novo. State v.
Horner, 153 N.H. 306, 309 (2006). We are the final arbiters of the legislative
intent as expressed in the words of the statute considered as a whole. State v.
Dansereau, 157 N.H. 596, 598 (2008). We begin by examining the language of
the statute, State v. Whittey, 149 N.H. 463, 467 (2003), and ascribe the plain
and ordinary meaning to the words used, State v. Langill, 157 N.H. 77, 84
(2008). We interpret legislative intent from the statute as written and will
neither consider what the legislature might have said nor add language that
the legislature did not see fit to include. Dansereau, 157 N.H. at 598. We also
interpret a statute in the context of the overall statutory scheme and not in
isolation. Id. If a statute is ambiguous, however, we consider legislative
history to aid our analysis. Whittey, 149 N.H. at 467. Our goal is to apply
statutes in light of the legislatures intent in enacting them, and in light of the
policy sought to be advanced by the entire statutory scheme. Id. We construe
the Criminal Code provisions according to the fair import of their terms and to
promote justice. RSA 625:3 (2007); see State v. Foss, 148 N.H. 209, 211
We have recognized that our Criminal Code is largely derived from the
Model Penal Code. State v. Donohue, 150 N.H. 180, 183 (2003). For that
reason, we have looked to the Model Penal Code and its commentaries when
interpreting analogous New Hampshire statutes. Id. The Model Penal Code
also adopted the born alive rule, defining a human being as a person who has
been born and is alive. Model Penal Code 210.0(1), at 4 (1980). The
comments to the Model Penal Code state that [t]he effect of this language is to
continue the common-law rule limiting criminal homicide to the killing of one
who has been born alive. Id. 210.1 cmt. 4(c), at 11. Thus, insofar as RSA
630:1, IV is consistent with pre-existing common law, we interpret it as a
continuation thereof as opposed to a new enactment. We must therefore look

to the common law origins of the born alive rule and its meaning at the time
the Criminal Code was enacted. Cf. State v. Aldrich, 124 N.H. 43, 48 (1983).
The born alive rule emerged in fourteenth century England as an
evidentiary standard requiring observation of the child to prove the corpus
delecti in the killing of an infant. See Forsythe, Homicide of the Unborn Child:
The Born Alive Rule and Other Legal Anachronisms, 21 Val. U. L. Rev. 563,
581 (1987). Because of high infant mortality rates during childbirth, courts
required some evidence of a live birth before finding criminal culpability. Id. at
590. As it evolved, the common law regarded infanticide as murder only if the
foetus is (1) quickened, (2) born alive, (3) lives for a brief interval, and (4) then
dies. Keeler, 470 P.2d at 620 (quoting Means, The Law of New York
Concerning Abortion and the Status of the Foetus, 1664-1968: A Case of
Cessation of Constitutionality, 14 N.Y.L.F. 411, 420 (1968)). Since the rules
inception, the crux of the matter has been the determination of whether or not
the infant was ever alive. See Atkinson, Life, Birth, and Live-birth, 20 L.Q.
Rev. 134, 141-56 (1904) (chronicling debate over definition of live birth and
proof thereof). Nineteenth century English cases required that the child be
wholly born with independent circulation. See Rex v. Crutchley, (1837) 173
Eng. Rep. 355, 356; Rex v. Brain, (1834) 172 Eng. Rep. 1272, 1272. Proof that
the child was separated from the mother and that it breathed was usually
enough to satisfy the standard, Regina v. Reeves, (1839) 173 Eng. Rep. 724,
725; Rex v. Poulton, (1832) 172 Eng. Rep. 997, 997, though breathing was not
essential, Brain, 172 Eng. Rep. at 1272.
The rule was widely adopted in early American jurisprudence, but
received little attention until the nineteenth century, when some state
legislatures began enacting feticide statutes, thus modifying the common law.
See Quay, Justifiable AbortionMedical and Legal Foundations, 49 Geo. L.J.
395, 447-520 (1961) (providing text and development of state laws on feticide).
The most high-profile and oft-cited decision addressing the born alive rule was
the California Supreme Courts opinion in Keeler, 470 P.2d at 624. That court
held that the California homicide statute did not encompass the death of a
fetus when an estranged husband announced his intent to kill the baby, and
then beat and kicked the mothers stomach, causing the death of the fetus. Id.
at 618. As a result of the decision, a number of states, including California,
amended their homicide statutes to include some form of criminal liability for
the killing of a fetus. See, e.g., Cal. Penal Code 187(a) (Deering 2008); Ind.
Code. 35-42-1-1(4) (Supp. 2004). The New Hampshire legislature did not
then, and has not since, amended our homicide statutes adoption of the born
alive rule.
Today, thirty states have abandoned the born alive rule and imposed
some form of liability for the killing of a fetus. The vast majority have done so

statutorily, 1 while a small minority have done so judicially. 2 Among those

jurisdictions abandoning the rule, the standard varies widely as to when
criminal liability attaches, ranging from conception to quickening or viability.
See 2 W. LaFave, Substantive Criminal Law 14.1(c), at 422-23 (2d ed. 2003).
Eighteen states, including New Hampshire, retain some form of the born
alive rule. 3 Under the rule as it survives today, If the child is born alive,
despite an attack upon it and an injury to the mother while it was in the
mothers womb, and the child thereafter dies as a result of the prenatal injury,
a homicide has been committed. 2 C. Torcia, Whartons Criminal Law 116,
at 140 (15th ed. 1994).
In clarifying the rule, courts have held that a child is born alive when it
has an existence separate and independent of the mother. See State v.
Dellatore, 761 A.2d 226, 230 (R.I. 2000); Jackson v. Commonwealth, 96
S.W.2d 1014, 1014 (Ky. Ct. App. 1936); Harris v. State, 12 S.W. 1102, 1103
(Tex. Ct. App. 1889). Before the advances of modern medicine, the extent of an
infants life support was its connection to its mother. Once removed, if unable
to show some sign of life and sustain itself, it would die. Thus, the standard
required evidence that the infant demonstrate some sign of life after expulsion
and detachment from the mother, such as breathing or a detectable pulse. See
People v. Bolar, 440 N.E.2d 639, 645 (Ill. Ct. App. 1982); Huebner v. State, 111

See Ala. Code 13A-6-1 (Supp. 2008); Ariz. Rev. Stat. Ann. 13-1103A(5) (LexisNexis 2008);
Ark. Code Ann. 5-1-102(13)(B) (2006); Cal. Penal Code 187(a); Fla. Stat. Ann. 782.09
(LexisNexis 2008); Ga. Code Ann. 16-5-80 (2007); 720 Ill. Comp. Stat. Ann. 5/9-1.2 (West 2002);
Ind. Code 35-42-1-1(4); Iowa Code Ann. 707.8 (West 2003); Kan. Stat. Ann. 21-3452 (2007);
Ky. Rev. Stat. Ann. 507A (LexisNexis 2008); La. Rev. Stat. Ann. 14.2(7) (Supp. 2008); Mich.
Comp. Laws. Ann. 750.322 (West 2004); Minn. Stat. Ann. 609.2661 (West 2003); Miss. Code
Ann. 97-3-37 (2006); Mo. Rev. Stat. 1.205 (2000); Nev. Rev. Stat. Ann. 200.210 (LexisNexis
2006); N.D. Cent. Code 12.1-17.1-01 to -06 (1997); Ohio Rev. Code Ann. 2901.01(B)(1)(a)(ii)
(LexisNexis Supp. 2008); 18 Pa. Cons. Stat. Ann. 2601-2609 (West 1998); R.I. Gen. Laws 1123-5 (2002); S.D. Codified Laws 22-1-2(50A) (Supp. 2008); Tenn. Code. Ann. 39-13-214 (2006);
Tex. Penal Code Ann. 1.07(26) (Vernon Supp. 2008); Utah Code Ann. 76-5-201(1)(a) (2003);
Wash. Rev. Code 9A.32.060(b) (2008); Wis. Stat. 940.01(1)(b) (2008).
2 See Com. v. Cass, 467 N.E.2d 1324, 1325 (Mass. 1984); Hughes v. State, 868 P.2d 730, 734-35
(Okla. Crim. App. 1994); State v. Horne, 319 S.E.2d 703, 704 (S.C. 1984).

See Alaska Stat. 11.41.140 (2008); Colo. Rev. Stat. 18-3-101(2) (2008); Del. Code Ann. tit. 11
222(22) (Supp. 2008); Haw. Rev. Stat. Ann. 707-700 (2008); Mont. Code Ann. 45-2-101(29)
(2007); Neb. Rev. Stat. 28-302(2) (1995); N.H. RSA 630:1, IV; N.Y. Penal Law 125.05
(McKinney 2004); Or. Rev. Stat. 163.005(3) (Supp. 2008); State v. Anonymous (1986-1), 516
A.2d 156, 160 (Conn. Super. Ct. 1986); Williams v. State, 550 A.2d 722, 726 (Md. Ct. Spec. App.
1988), affd 561 A.2d 216 (Md. 1989); State in the Interest of A. W. S., 440 A.2d 1144, 1145 (N.J.
Super. Ct. App. Div. 1981); State v. Willis, 652 P.2d 1222, 1226 (N.M. Ct. App. 1982); State v.
Beale, 376 S.E.2d 1, 4 (N.C. 1989); State v. Oliver, 563 A.2d 1002, 1004 (Vt. 1989); Lane v. Com.,
248 S.E.2d 781, 784 (Va. 1978); State ex rel. Atkinson v. Wilson, 332 S.E.2d 807, 812 (W. Va.
1984); Bennett v. State, 377 P.2d 634, 636 (Wyo. 1963).

N.W. 63, 64 (Wis. 1907) (taking several breaths sufficient to show independent
existence with respiration and circulation); Harris, 12 S.W. at 1103 (air in an
infants lungs is sufficient corroboration of fact it was born alive).
As medical technology has advanced, however, so too has the born alive
rule. Through the efforts of doctors and technology, a fetus can now be
delivered with no heartbeat, no breathing, and no brain function, yet have
those functions artificially resuscitated and maintained some time later.
Because of these advances, states employing the born alive doctrine have
required that the child show some spontaneous sign of life, as well as the
ability to exist independent of artificial support at some point in the future.
See Alaska Stat. 11.41.140 (A person is alive if there is spontaneous
respiratory or cardiac function or, when respiratory and cardiac functions are
maintained by artificial means, there is spontaneous brain function.);
Dellatore, 761 A.2d at 230-31 (affirming jury instruction that child must have
lived separate and apart from its mother without artificial means); People v.
Chavez, 176 P.2d 92, 95 (Cal. Dist. Ct. App. 1947) (holding that if separated
from its mother, the child must be able to live and grow in the normal
We now turn to the interpretation of our own statute, and the
determination of when a fetus becomes another for the purposes of criminal
liability. Like other states facing the same task, we begin by considering the
legislatures definition of live birth in the vital statistics statutes. See, e.g.,
People v. Flores, 4 Cal. Rptr. 2d 120, 125 (Ct. App. 1992); Bolar, 440 N.E.2d at
644; State v. Green, 781 P.2d 678, 683 (Kan. 1989). Under RSA 5-C:19 (Supp.
2008), hospitals and institutions must report every live birth to the division of
vital records administration within the New Hampshire Department of State.
As to which births must be reported, the legislature provided:
Live birth means the complete expulsion or extraction from its
mother of a product of human conception, irrespective of the
duration of pregnancy, which, after such expulsion or extraction,
breathes, or shows any other evidence of life, such as beating of
the heart, pulsation of the umbilical cord, or definite movement of
voluntary muscles, whether or not the umbilical cord has been cut
or the placenta is attached.
RSA 5-C:1, XIX (Supp. 2008). Both provisions were part of a broad revision of
RSA chapter 5-C prior to transference of the vital records administration from
the department of health and human services to the department of state. Laws
2005, 268:1. Though informative to our analysis, the civil statute does not
control our interpretation of the Criminal Code.

The State does not argue that the born alive rule does not apply in this
case. Rather, it argues that the definition of live birth in RSA 5-C:1, XIX
supersedes the common law born alive rule, and requires only that the child
either take a breath or have circulation independent of the mother, irrespective
of artificial life support. Whether a fetus is born alive, the State argues, is a
matter of medical determination, and the issuance of a birth certificate should
be prima facie evidence of such a birth. The State argues that under that
standard, there was sufficient evidence to prove that D.E. was born alive. We
To apply the definition of live birth in RSA 5-C:1, XIX to our homicide
statutes without considering the legislatures explicit adoption of the born alive
rule and the common law definition of born alive would be inconsistent with
the approach taken by other states and our own application of the Criminal
Code. See Donohue, 150 N.H. at 183 (looking to the Model Penal Code);
Aldrich, 124 N.H. at 48 (looking to common law definitions when Criminal Code
was adopted); see also Chavez, 176 P.2d at 95; Flores, 4 Cal. Rptr. 2d at 125;
Dellatore, 761 A.2d at 230-31; Bolar, 440 N.E.2d at 644; Green, 781 P.2d at
683. Although the definition of live birth in RSA 5-C:1, XIX does not mention
artificial life support, it does require evidence of life. We read this to be
consistent with the common law surrounding the born alive rule, which also
requires such evidence, demonstrated by some spontaneous sign of life. See
Chavez, 176 P.2d at 95; Dellatore, 761 A.2d at 231. The inclusion of definite
movement of voluntary muscles within RSA 5-C:1, XIX demonstrates the
legislatures intent that the evidence concerning live birth must be of a
spontaneous nature as opposed to artificially supported vital functions. We
therefore hold that, at the very least, an expelled or extracted fetus must show
some spontaneous sign of life before it is considered another and its death
can result in criminal prosecution.
Indeed, had the legislature intended to overturn established common law
defining when criminal liability attaches to the killing of a fetus, it would have
done so in one of the six revisions of RSA 630:1 since its enactment in 1971.
In 1967, the legislature established a commission to study and recommend a
consolidated and modern Criminal Code. Laws 1967, ch. 451. When the
Criminal Code was first put before the legislature for enactment four years
later, the commission reported that the bill perhaps received more time and
study than any other single legislative proposal in [New Hampshires] history
on the part of people interested in its work. N.H.S. Jour. 1642 (1971) (quoting
statement of then Chief Justice Kenison). In 1974, the legislature created our
capital murder statute, but did not amend or repeal the definition of another
in RSA 630:1, IV. See Laws 1974, 34:1. In 1977 the legislature revisited the
capital murder statute and provided procedural requirements for such cases,
leaving RSA 630:1, IV intact. See Laws 1977, 440:1, 588:41. In 1988, 1990
and 1994, the legislature again amended the capital murder statute,

broadening its application to additional offenses, but only amended RSA 630:1,
IV so as to apply it to the newly created capital offenses. See Laws 1988, 69:1,
:2; Laws 1990, 199:1; Laws 1994, 128:1, :2. Finally, in 2005, the legislature
limited application of the capital murder statute to individuals over the age of
eighteen, but did not amend the definition of another. See Laws 2005, 35:1.
The history of our homicide statutes demonstrates the legislatures intent to
adopt and continue the application of the common law born alive rule in New
Next, we must determine whether the State presented sufficient evidence
to prove that D.E. was born alive under this standard. In making that
determination, we examine the evidence in the light most favorable to the
State. State v. Hudson, 151 N.H. 688, 690 (2005). We also take all inferences
from the evidence in the light most favorable to the State. Id.
Even if we assume, as the State argues, that a birth certificate is prima
facie evidence of a live birth, such evidence, by definition, creates only a
rebuttable presumption. See Blacks Law Dictionary 1228 (8th ed. 2004)
(prima facie means: Sufficient to . . . raise a presumption unless disproved or
rebutted); see also State v. Buckwold, 122 N.H. 111, 112 (1982) (stating
presumption is rebuttable); Abbott v. Insurance Co., 89 N.H. 149, 153 (1937)
(holding death certificate is prima facie evidence of cause of death, but can be
overcome by evidence demonstrating its lack of reasonable credibility). The
issuance of a birth certificate reflects a doctors belief that a live birth has
occurred, but has no effect upon the interpretation of the statute and the
common law surrounding the born alive doctrine, which is a matter of law.
Here, D.E. never displayed any spontaneous sign of life. The medical
examiner testified that D.E. was essentially in cardiac arrest when born, and
was only able to manifest some signs of life after extensive resuscitative efforts.
D.E. was never able to breathe without the aid of a respirator, required
medication to maintain his blood pressure and never acquired any brain
function. The medical examiner testified that D.E.s brain was liquified by the
time [he] examined him at age fourteen days, and he never experienced
consciousness. The medical examiner based his opinion that D.E. was born
alive upon D.E.s pre-extraction heart rate, his bodys reaction to resuscitative
efforts and doctors ability to artificially restore and maintain a heart rate.
There was, however, no testimony that D.E. ever exhibited any spontaneous
sign of life such as beating of the heart, pulsation of the umbilical cord, or
definite movement of voluntary muscles. RSA 5-C:1, XIX. Because there was
no evidence to support a finding of spontaneous signs of life, there was
insufficient evidence to support the convictions, and it was error to allow the
question to go to the jury.

We recognize, as have many other courts, that the born alive doctrine
may be an outdated anachronism often producing anomalous results. See
Atkinson, 332 S.E.2d at 810; People v. Greer, 402 N.E.2d 203, 209 (Ill. 1980);
A. W. S., 440 A.2d at 1146; People v. Guthrie, 293 N.W.2d 775, 778 (Mich.
App. 1980). However, because the legislature explicitly chose to adopt the rule
as statutory law, we cannot mold, change, [or] reverse the doctrine as we
could were it still common law. Guthrie, 293 N.W.2d at 778. In cases of
criminal law, [i]t is the province of the legislature to enact laws defining crimes
and to fix the degree, extent and method for punishment. State v. Rix, 150
N.H. 131, 134 (2003) (quotation omitted); accord Atkinson, 332 S.E.2d at 810;
Green, 781 P.2d at 683; Greer, 402 N.E. at 209; Guthrie, 293 N.W.2d at 778,
780. Should the legislature find the result in this case as unfortunate as we
do, it should follow the lead of many other states and revisit the homicide
statutes as they pertain to a fetus.
The defendant argues that the trial court erred in not granting his
motion for a mistrial because of juror misconduct. During jury deliberations,
Juror 3 reported that Juror 9 had made comments indicating that he had
returned to the scene of the collision to investigate after the jurys pretrial view.
The trial court conducted a voir dire of Juror 9, who denied having returned,
and insisted that his comments pertained to the pretrial view of the scene. The
trial court then conducted a voir dire of Juror 3, who maintained that Juror 9
had said: I went back to the scene and I looked over that metal object and you
could see two hundred feet. She was adamant that Juror 9 had not been
referring to the pretrial view, but had returned independently. The trial court
then conducted an individual voir dire of the remaining jury members.
Juror 2 remembered Juror 9 saying that he had been to that
intersection and looked to the right to see if he could see how far down the
road, and believed he had done so during the trial. Juror 4 remembered Juror
9 saying that he had looked right at the intersection, but was unable to
remember if he said he had gone back independently. Juror 5 thought she
heard Juror 9 say he had returned to the scene, but thought he may have been
referring to his observations during the sanctioned view. Juror 6 stated: [H]e
said he went back, stopped at the . . . light, and then . . . looked down. Juror
7 recalled that Juror 9 told the others that he had returned to the scene and
looked at it from different angles. Jurors 1, 8, 10, 11 and 12 did not recall
Juror 9 making any such comment.
After the initial voir dire, the trial court was unable to determine whether
any misconduct had actually occurred, but, out of an abundance of caution,
dismissed Juror 9. The trial court then individually recalled those jurors who
believed Juror 9 had said he returned to the scene and asked them if they


could remain impartial. Juror 3 said that she would be unable to remain
impartial and the trial court dismissed her. The remaining jurors had either
not heard the comment, or assured the trial judge that they could disregard the
comment and remain impartial in their deliberations. The defendant moved for
a mistrial, which the trial court denied. The trial court added two alternates to
the panel and instructed the jury to restart deliberations.
It is axiomatic that a defendant has a right to be tried by a fair and
impartial jury. State v. Brown, 154 N.H. 345, 348 (2006). Any juror found to
be disqualified before or during trial should be removed. Id.; see RSA 500A:12, II (1997). We have previously decided that when there is also an
allegation that a juror has been biased by extrinsic contact or communication,
the trial court must undertake an adequate inquiry to determine whether the
alleged incident occurred and, if so, whether it was prejudicial. Brown, 154
N.H. at 348 (quotation omitted).
In a criminal case, a defendant must prove actual prejudice, although
such prejudice is presumed when there are communications between jurors
and individuals associated with the case or when the jurors unauthorized
communications are about the case. State v. Bathalon, 146 N.H. 485, 487
(2001). In those instances the burden shifts to the State to prove that any
prejudice was harmless beyond a reasonable doubt. Id. at 488. The
defendant argues that this presumption should also apply when a juror returns
to the scene for an unauthorized view. He argues that our cases concerning
extraneous communications are analogous, in that the misconduct here
involved extrinsic influence upon the jurys deliberation.
In previous cases we have limited the presumption of prejudice to
communications, but only because the misconduct in those cases involved
communications. See id. at 487. We now extend the same presumption to a
jurors unauthorized view of the crime scene. The same danger is present here
as when a juror is party to extraneous communications concerning the case.
In both instances, the juror may base his or her decision upon evidence that
the defendant never had any opportunity to examine and present to the jury.
See State v. Coburn, 724 A.2d 1239, 1241 (Me. 1999); State v. Bell, 731 P.2d
336, 341 (Mont. 1987). We therefore hold that, when a juror is exposed to
extraneous information sufficiently related to the issues presented at trial, a
presumption of prejudice is established, and the burden of proof shifts to the
State to prove that the prejudice was harmless beyond a reasonable doubt.
The State argues that even if we adopt the presumption, it met its
burden to prove that the prejudice was harmless. We agree. In cases such as
this, it is within the trial courts discretion to determine what constitutes an
adequate inquiry into juror misconduct. State v. Rideout, 143 N.H 363, 365
(1999). The most common approach is to remove the offending juror and


undertake individual voir dire of the panel. See Bathalon, 146 N.H. at 488; see
also United States v. Resko, 3 F.3d 684, 691 (3d Cir. 1993). This is a factspecific determination, which we review for an unsustainable exercise of
discretion. Brown, 154 N.H. at 349; Bathalon, 146 N.H. at 488; Rideout, 143
N.H at 365.
Here, the trial court was not able to determine if any misconduct had
even occurred. For the purposes of its evaluation, however, it assumed that
Juror 9 returned to the scene and that his doing so was misconduct, and
therefore dismissed him. The trial court also dismissed Juror 3, the only juror
to say that she could not disregard the statement. After individual voir dire of
the remaining jurors, the trial court was convinced that the panel could reach
an unbiased verdict based solely upon the evidence introduced at trial. In
reaching this conclusion, it relied upon the jurors statements that they could
remain impartial and would follow the trial courts instructions. Because there
was sufficient evidence upon which the trial court could conclude that any
prejudice was harmless beyond a reasonable doubt, the State met its burden.
Based upon the trial courts procedure, the jurors testimony and the curative
instruction, we cannot say that the trial court erred in finding no actual
prejudice and denying the defendants motion for a mistrial. See United States
v. Boylan, 898 F.2d 230, 262 (1st Cir.) ([A] juror is well-qualified to say
whether he has an unbiased mind in a certain matter. (quotations omitted)),
cert. denied, 498 U.S. 849 (1990); see also State v. Smart, 136 N.H. 639, 658
(Our system of justice is premised upon the belief that jurors will follow the
courts instructions.) cert. denied, 510 U.S. 917 (1993).
We now turn to the defendants argument that the trial court erred in
drawing the inference that he lacked remorse based in part upon his request to
return to the house of corrections in time to shower after the second day of
trial. The defendant acknowledges that he did not contemporaneously object to
the trial courts statement, and relies upon our plain error rule in seeking
review. See Sup. Ct. R. 16-A.
The plain error rule allows us to consider errors either not brought to the
attention of the trial court or not raised in the notice of appeal. Id. The rule
should be used sparingly, its use limited to those circumstances in which a
miscarriage of justice would otherwise result. State v. MacInnes, 151 N.H.
732, 736-37 (2005). Thus, to fall within the plain error rule: (1) there must be
an error; (2) the error must be plain; (3) the error must affect substantial
rights; and (4) the error must seriously affect the fairness, integrity or public
reputation of judicial proceedings. Id. at 737. We have looked to the United
States Supreme Courts standards for the application of the federal plain error
rule to inform our application of the State rule. See id.


On appeal, the defendant argues that the plain error was the trial courts
reliance upon impermissible factors in reaching a sentence. Specifically, he
relies upon State v. Burgess, 156 N.H. 746 (2008), to argue that consideration
of his request to shower was a violation of the basic principles of due process.
In Burgess, we held that a trial court cannot consider a defendants silence as
a factor in determining lack of remorse when the defendant has maintained his
innocence throughout trial. Burgess, 156 N.H. at 757-58. Because expressing
remorse requires some admission of guilt, we reasoned that it would be
incongruous to penalize a defendant for not accepting responsibility for a crime
of which he believes he is innocent. Id. at 757. We went on, however, to
specifically limit our holding to situations where a defendant maintains his
innocence throughout the criminal process and risks incriminating himself if
he expresses remorse at sentencing. Id. at 760. Where a defendant has made
some admission of guilt, an inference from his silence at sentencing would not
violate the privilege against self-incrimination. Id. Thus, [t]he sentencing
judge may legitimately consider a defendants lack of feeling about killing a
fellow human being, when the defendant admits to the killing. Id. at 761
(quotation omitted).
Here, the defendant read a statement at the sentencing hearing. Part of
that statement read:
I can only imagine the pain you guys have been through. I had to
learn how to walk again in jail, but I also have to live with the fact
that innocent people died due to poor decisions. I dont expect
anyone to forgive, but I just want you to understand Im not
heartless, Im not a monster and it was an accident. So for what
its worth Im very sorry that this had to happen.
The defendant therefore admitted that his decisions led to death and injury,
although he maintained that it was an accident. In light of the defendants
admission of his actions, the trial court acted within its discretion to conclude
that he lacked remorse based in part upon his preoccupation with showering
after listening to grueling testimony concerning the accident. See Burgess,
156 N.H. at 761.
Moreover, even if we were to assume that there was an error, and that
the error was plain, the defendant is unable to prove that the error affected
substantial rights. As the trial court explained, other factors also supported
the conclusion that he lacked remorse. Before imposing the sentence, the trial
court stated:
[I]n sum, we have one woman dead, one baby dead, we have one
woman grievously injured and one man who is brain damaged. We
have a significant criminal record, a significant motor vehicle


record. We have five aggravating factors as outlined by the State

and no mitigating factors, and we have zero remorse, and for those
reasons the math adds up . . . to the sentence recommended in the
Given the other considerations meriting a severe sentence, the defendant has
provided nothing to show that the error seriously affected the fairness, integrity
or outcome of the proceeding. See United States v. Olano, 507 U.S. 725, 73435 (1993); State v. Emery, 152 N.H. 783, 787 (2005).
In conclusion, we reverse the defendants manslaughter and negligent
homicide convictions pertaining to the death of D.E., and remand this case for
further proceedings consistent with this opinion. The remaining convictions
and sentences are affirmed.
Affirmed in part; reversed in part; and remanded.
BRODERICK, C.J., and DALIANIS and HICKS, JJ., concurred.


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