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DeVry HRM 582 Final Exam

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1.(TCO C) Which of the following steps is a part of an affirmative action program?(Points : 5)
Perform a workforce utilization analysis.
Establish goals and timetables for employment of underutilized protected classes.
Develop action plans to reduce underutilization, including initiating proactive recruitment
and selection methods.
All of the above

Question 2.2.(TCO C) The Age Discrimination in Employment Act prohibits discrimination against employees
_____ years of age or older.(Points : 5)

Question 3.3.(TCO D) _____ is a behavior that occurs when members of a social identity group are treated unf
unequally, because of their group membership.(Points : 5)


Question 4.4.(TCO B) An individual who makes the case for a diversity initiative based upon compliance with
affirmative action law is making that case based upon the _____ approach.(Points : 5)

Question 5.5.(TCO B) Which of the following is not a diversity best practice, according toDiversity Officer
Magazine?(Points : 5)
Strong support from top management and board chair
Promotion of only minority individuals until affirmative action goals are attained
Diversity or inclusion identified as a core value for the organization
Diversity awareness training for board, volunteers, and members

Question 6.6.(TCO E) _____ model is based upon the assumption that difficulties will likely arise from contact
differences.(Points : 5)
Lodens dimensions of diversity
Parkers escalation of differences
The nacirema
None of the above

Question 7.7.(TCO A) In the Coca-Cola case, the diversity issues stemmed from _____.(Points : 5)
a lack of emphasis on product marketing
a lack of profits
a lack of emphasis on human capital issues
a lack of global markets

Question 8.8.(TCO D) _____ is a tendency that is fostered when we compare and contrast others cultures in re
our own cultural values and norms.(Points : 5)
Group closure

Question 9.9.(TCO D) According to Allard, this group of people is portrayed in the media (in TV dramatization
billionaires or bombers and rarely as victims or ordinary people doing ordinary things.(Points : 5)

Question 10.10.(TCO E) The physical distance between individuals during various types of communications is
as(Points : 5)


Question 11.11.(TCO E) The _____ theory holds that during an interaction, people take certain steps to minimi
uncertainty and enhance the comfort level of the interaction.(Points : 5)
uncertainty reduction theory
escalation of conflict theory
basic communication process
None of the above

Question 12.12.(TCO A) According to Harvey and Larsen, males tend to use a more _____, goal-directed leade
style, in contrast to womens more _____, relationship-oriented leadership style.(Points : 5)
transformational; transactional
paradoxical; transactional
transactional; transformational
transformational; differentiated

Question 13.13.(TCO F) Which of the following topics should be covered in diversity training?(Points : 5)
Race discrimination
All of the above

Question 14.14.(TCO E) Most people screen out or misunderstand the intended meaning or purpose of what th
over _____ of communications.(Points : 5)

Question 15.15.(TCO E) The _____ generation values antirules and regulations, body language, change, compe
hard work, inclusion, success, and teamwork.(Points : 5)
baby boomer
generation X

Question 16.16.(TCO E) Hofstedes cultural dimension of _____ refers to the tendency of people to look after
or their immediate family only, versus collectivism, which is the tendency of people to belong to groups or colle
to look after each other.(Points : 5)
power distance
uncertainty avoidance

Question 17.17.(TCO E) In the _____ style of leadership, the leader gives direction to subordinates, and the
communication is one way (top down).(Points : 5)

None of the above

Question 18.18.(TCO A) _____ religious harassment occurs when the harasser seeks to influence the behavior
demands of a religious nature on the victim.(Points : 5)
Quid pro quo
Hostile environment
Voluntary substitute

Question 19.19.(TCO A) Which of the following statements is correct?(Points : 5)

Sexual orientation is a protected class under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
Discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation is prohibited by the Civil Rights Act of
Sexual orientation is a protected class in 21 states, plus the District of Columbia.
None of the above

Question 20.20.(TCO F) Which of the following is a disadvantage of using a host-country national for an intern
assignment?(Points : 5)
Cost and time involved in training as it relates to cultural preparation
Not familiar with the company, products and services, internal procedures and so forth
Costly to relocate
Usually are paid premium salaries

21. (TCO C) Assume that you are the director of diversity for Coca-Cola Corporation,
and you are going to be speaking at a meeting of the senior executive team to
discuss a new diversity initiative. The CEO asks if this is in response to recent EEOC
lawsuits. How would you respond to the CEO? In your answer, be sure to compare
and contrast the following three approaches to diversity management: equal
employment opportunity, affirmative action, and diversity initiatives.(Points : 30)

22. (TCO G) Identify the major diversity issues in the Cracker Barrel Restaurants case.
Then evaluate the effectiveness of the changes that Cracker Barrel made in
response to these issues.(Points : 30)

23. (TCO E) Identify and describe the seven different components of

metacommunication. Choose two countries and compare and contrast the countries
along these seven components.(Points : 30)

24. (TCO F) You are a human resources consultant, and one of your clients, a large

school district in Minnesota, has contacted you to explore its high turnover problem
among new teachers. It is especially concerned about the turnover rate among
minority teachers. What are some possible causes of the high turnover? What
suggestions will you provide regarding how Dallas Independent School District might
be more effective in recruiting and retaining minority teachers?(Points : 30)

25. (TCO H) Identify and analyze two issues or trends that you feel will affect global
diversity initiatives in the next 10 years. What is the significance of each issue or
trend discussed? How will organizational leaders need to prepare for these
issues?(Points : 30)

DeVry HRM 582 Final Exam

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