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Happy Mothers’ Day

Members:Please make your $25 Check payable to "THE RI Foundation" and
reply with your Mother's name to this email(bbillhighley@hotmail,com).
Marc Wagner will gather the checks and send a Global Contribution form
with all of our names and checks to TRF. Bill Highley will send all our
Mother's names to the District, and to Dave Keller for inclusion on the
District website( and our Club's website(

Celebrating Life in “The Black”

W e had a fun attendees yet to pay),
night at the Pruneyard generous contributions
Plaza Hotel, but from members who District Assembly 5/15
did we make any could not
money for our attend, live
and silent Saturday, May 15 at DeAnza
groups and auction
College is the time and place for
projects? proceeds of

As it turns almost $6,000, the next District Assembly. Early
out, we did! We and a raffle
that provided Registration is due by May 8 and is
certainly made
more money over $700 only $35. After that it’s $45.
than we did on more than met
last year’s gala our expenses. Registration begins at 8:00
event (O.K., we It’s a modest
start, but we followed by 2 great informational
didn’t have one
last year) and most look forward to sessions and then lunch at Noon.
probably not as much collecting from those
as we will make next few who still owe for 
year. Our Sponsorships the event, and to next
brought in over $7,000 year’s major
and ticket sales almost fundraiser.
that much (with several

Coming Events May 22-23: Boogie on the Bayou

May 10: Dinner Service @ EHC, June 5: Work Day @ Morley

4:30-5:30 Park, 8:00 to Noon

May 17:Board Meeting, 5:30 June 5: Paul Harris Dinner

Guess Who’s Coming to Lunch?
Date Introducer Guest Presenter

5/11/2010 Bill Mahan Seth Flagsberg, SCU Project Innocence

5/18/2010 Bettina or Judy Kathie Sheehy, Development Director, Silicon Valley FACES

5/25/2010 Bill Highley John Shirley, WWII from an historical and personal perspective

6/1/2010 TBA Steve Abbors, General Manager of the Mid-Peninsula Regional Open Space
District; Mt. Umunhum update

6/8/2010 John Shannon R. Allen Russell, Director of “Uncle Louie”, a locally produced full length film

6/15/2010 Dr. Sue Nancy Oliveira, Death Penalty Focus.

6/22/2010 TBD Adam Helweth, Social media for Business Use

6/29/2010 TBD Rod Williams, Wheelchair sports & The San Jose Spokes

Boogie on the Bayou is set for May 22 & 23

Selected Area Make-up Meetings

Club Location Address

Monday 12:15 PM Milpitas Embassy Suites 901 E. Calaveras Blvd.

Tuesday 7:15 AM Santa Cruz Sunrise De La Vega Golf Course
401 Upper Park Rd.
Wednesday 7:15 AM Los Gatos Morning Los Gatos Lodge 50 Saratoga Ave.
Thursday 7:30 AM San Jose Sunrise Bay 101 Club 1801 Bering Dr.
Friday 12:15 PM San Jose North HP Pavilion 525 B Santa Clara St.
Club Roster

Business #
Home/cell #
Judy Armstrong (Doug)! Delgadillo & Assoc.! 408-829-6028! ! [email protected]
Paul Bacosa (Mary Lou)! Bacosa Photography! 408-441-7111! 408-823-0530! [email protected]
Jason Baker (Mairead)! Alexander, Hawes LLP! 408-289-1776! 408-839-6669! [email protected]
Marv Bamburg (Bonnie)! MBA Architects! 408-297-0288 ! 408-375-8103! [email protected]
Adam Beck! Beckʼs Shoes! 408-559-1601! 408-464-0286! [email protected]
Marj Bonsall (Gary)! Foot Solutions! 408-376-0495! 408-218-5210! [email protected]
James Burgard (Helen)! Environetics! 408-727-4274! 408-313-9696! [email protected]
Ravi Chari (Meera)! Sun Microsystems! 408-404-4322! 408-375-4293! [email protected]
Frank Cliff! ! 415-494-2826
Dave Crowley (Carolyn)! Pacific News Bureau! 408-997-0819! ! [email protected]
Jerry Cummings (Patty)! Robinson Oil Corp.! 408-517-4333! 408-639-3172! [email protected]
Rick Davis (Doris)! ! 408-209-4091! ! [email protected]
Bill Ellington (Pat)! Devco Inc.! 408-288-6928! 408-313-5014! [email protected]
Derek Fujikawa (Mari)! CPA! 408-260-7977! 408-832-4519! [email protected]
Dick Garland (Pat)! Casualty Insurance! 408-268-7874! 408-307-2762! [email protected]!
Warren Gilbert (Terttu)! Architecture! 831-722-6770! 831-722-2668! [email protected]
Ann Height! Banking! 408-248-8824! 408-345-1553! [email protected]
Bill Highley (Emilie)! ! 408-892-0205! 408-892-0205! [email protected]
Neil Jacobson (Dina)! ! ! 650-988-9001! [email protected]
Delbar Jahanian! Financial Planner! 408-425-9933! ! [email protected]
David Keller (Karen)! ! 408-373-7702! ! [email protected]
Sue Klear (Robert)! Klear Your Mind! 408-249-3270! 408-307-9033 ! [email protected]
Ruth Kohan! SJ Public Library! 408-996-1536! 408-768-4226! [email protected]
Bettina Kohlbrenner (Carmelo)EMQ ! 408-364-4051! 408-623-4886! [email protected]
Sam Krow-Lucal! Financial Planner! ! ! [email protected]
Anne Lauzon! CIWA, Inc.! 408-261-4110! 408-247-0331!
William Mahan (Sherri)! Attorney! 408-371-4211! ! [email protected]
Fred Meyer (Alice)! ! 408-268-4712! ! [email protected]
Carl Middione (Helen)! The Property Network! 408-374-9500! 408-377-1040! [email protected]
Jim Morelan (Milly)! Architect! 408-247-3322! 408-464-4436! [email protected]
Phil Nielsen (Linda)! Attorney! 408-294-9700! 408-252-8284! [email protected]
Rex Osborn (Gerri)! ! 408-268-2246! ! [email protected]
Janine Payton (Don)! Moreland Ed. Found.! 408-378-3493! ! [email protected]
Neil Reid! Wells Fargo Mort.! 408-335-2533! 408-391-6244! [email protected]
Regina Reynolds! Agilent Technologies! ! 608-215-9024! [email protected]
Steve Salmon! Real Estate Investor! 415-601-0797! 408-377-1795! [email protected]
Jerry Scott (Jo-Ann)! Probate Referee! 408-295-5468! 408-266-7909!
John Shannon (Pam)! ! 408-204-2604! 408-294-8050! [email protected]
Alan Tanenbaum (Georgette)! 408-358-3160! ! [email protected]
Justin Toms! Loan Officer! 408-341-3765! 831-212-3815! [email protected]!
David Tripp ! Jeweler! 408-296-0808! 408-655-4350! [email protected]!
Marc Wagner (Cindy)! CPA! 408-283-9631! 408-666-1719! [email protected]
Kit Whitney (Robb)! ! 408-515-3441! ! [email protected]
Kathy Williamson! C.L. Lott & Assoc.! 408-264-5680! 408-832-3307! [email protected]
Bob Yager (Marion)! Financial Advisor! 408-978-2214! 408-867-9747! [email protected]

Club Board Members 2009-2010

President: Rick Davis Secretary: Marv Bamburg Treasurer: Marc Wagner
President-elect: Ravi Chari Membership: Carl Middione TRF: Bill Highley
Club Service: Judy Armstrong International Service: Ravi Chari Community Service: Kit Whitney
“We Care”: Kit Whitney Fundraising: Bill Ellington Youth Service: Janine Payton
Vocational Service: Sue Klear Programs: Jerry Cummings Past President: John Shannon
Public Relations: Dave Crowley

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