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1.Statistics that is used to make valid inferences from the data for effective decision making among
managers or professionals is
a. Descriptive Statistics
b. Inferential Statistics
c. None of the above
d. All of the above
2.Statistics is the science of collection, presentation, analysis and interpretation of numerical data from
logical analysis is the definition given by
a. Webster
b. Boddington
c. A. L Bowley
d. Croxton and Cowden
3.A professor asked the students in a class their heights. On the basis of this information, the professor
states that the average height of all the students in the university is 21 years. This is an example of
a.a census
b.descriptive statistics experiment
d.Inferential Statistics
4.The measure describing the characteristics of the population is known as
a. Parameter
5.Which of the following terms best describes the data collected for the first time keeping in view the
objective of the survey?
a. Primary data
b. Secondary data
c. Important data
d. Personal data
6.Secondary/existing data may include which of the following?
a.Reports and official publications of international and national organisations
b.Records maintained by various government and private offices
c.Internet content
d.All of the above
7.In which of the following method, the investigator contacts witnesses or neighbours or friends or some
other third parties who are capable of supplying the necessary information.
a. Direct personal observation
b. Indirect oral interview
c. Information through agencies
d. Information through mailed questionnaires

8.What level of measurement possesses all the characteristics of interval measurement, and there exists
an identifiable absolute zero point?
a. Ratio scale
b.Nominal scale
c.Ordinal scale
d.Interval scale

9.Systematic grouping of the units according to their common characteristics is

a. Classification
b. Tabulation
c. Analysis
d. Presentation
10.Which of the following graphical depictions of data represents cumulative frequencies?
a. Histogram
b. Frequency polygon
c. Ogives
d. Pie chart
11.Stubs stand for
a.Numerical information
b.The headings and subheadings of columns
c.The headings and subheadings of rows
d.The Table heading
12.A Good measure of Average should be
a. Affected by extreme values
b. Rigidly defined
c. Based on some values
d. Affected by sampling fluctuations
13.Specified average which solves problems involving variables expressed in time rates that vary
according to time is
a. Arithmetic Mean b. Geometric Mean c. Harmonic Mean d. Mode
14.Histogram is useful in locating graphically the value of:
a. Arithmetic mean
b. Harmonic mean
c. Mode
d. Median

15.A measure which divides an array into four parts is known as

a. Percentiles
b. Deciles
c. Quartiles
d. Median
16.Algebraic sum of deviations of a set of values taken form their mean is
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 0
17.The standard deviation is:
a.The square root of the variance
b.A measure of variability
c.An approximate indicator of how numbers vary from the mean
d.All of the above
18.To compare the homogeneity or stability or consistency of two or more data sets we use
a. Arithmetic Mean
b. Standard Deviation
c. Coefficient of Variation
d. Mean Deviation
19.Which of the following represents the fiftieth percentile, or the middle point in a set of numbers
arranged in order of magnitude?
a. Mode
20.The mode for the data 8,7,6,5,6,6,7,6 is
a. 8
b. 7

c. 6
d. 5
21.The probability of an event must lie within the interval from
a. 0 to 1
b. -1 to 1
c. 1 to 2
d. -1 to 0
22. = represents which rule, given that A and B are events?
a.Addition rule
b.Multiplication rule
c.Conditional probability
d.Intersection of events

23.Under which approach, the probability of an event is known before conducting the experiment?
a. Statistical approach
b. Subjective approach
c. Axiomatic approach
d. Classical approach
24.The Mathematical expectation of a random variable is given by
a.E(X)= Xi P (Xi)
b.E(X)= Xi P (Xi2)
c.E(X)= Xi2 P(Xi)
d.E(X)= Xi2 P(Xi2)
25.___________ is obtained when the binomial experiment is conducted many number of times.
a. Probability distribution
b. Normal distribution
c. Poisson process
d. Binomial process
26.If X is a Poisson variate, such that P(X = 1) = P(X = 2), find P(X = 0).
27.Number of heads obtained in 4 tosses of a coin is an example of
a. Binomial distribution
b. Bernoulli distribution
c. Poisson distribution
d. Normal distribution
28.Which sampling theory states that, other things being equal, as the sample size increases, the results
tend to be more reliable and accurate?
a. Law of statistical regularity
b. Principle of inertia of large numbers
c. Principle of persistence of small numbers
d. Principle of validity
29.The use of table of random numbers is done in which sampling category?
a.Stratified random sampling
b.Simple random sampling
c.Systematic sampling
d.Cluster sampling
30. In which of the following sampling technique the choice of sample items depends exclusively on the
judgment of the investigator.
31.A single number, used to estimate an unknown population parameter is
a. Point Estimate
b. Interval Estimate
c. Interval Estimates of the proportion
d. All the above

32.If the sample size is less than 30 and the population standard deviation is not known, we use the
_____________ for estimation.
a. Normal distributions
b. Standard deviation
c. Students t distribution
d. Binomial distribution
33.Rejecting a null hypothesis when it is true constitutes ___________ .
a.Type I error
b.Type II error
c.Producer's risk
d.Right decision
34.The results of Chi-square test cannot be accurate if the cell frequencies in a contingency table are less
than ________.
a. 50
b. 5
c. 20
d. 10
35.The ____________ is also known as variance ratio test.
a.Null hypothesis
b.Alternate hypothesis
d.Theoretical distribution
36.Which business forecasting method is used when business indices are constructed to study and
analyse the business activities on the basis of which future conditions are predetermined?
a. Business barometers
b. Time series analysis
c. Extrapolation
d. Regression analysis
37.The long- term oscillations that represent consistent rise and decline in the values of the variable are
a. Long term trend
b. Seasonal variations
c. Cyclic variations
d. Random variables
38.Price and demand of the commodity is an example of
a.Positive correlation
b.Negative correlation
c.Zero correlation
d.multiple correlation
39.The range of the correlation coefficient is
a. -1 to 0.
b. 0 to 1.

c. -1 to 1.
d. None of the above
40.In which method, we forecast the value, for the time period t, to be equal to the actual value observed
in the previous period, that is, time period (t-1)?
a. Mean forecast
b. Nave forecast
c.Linear trend forecast
d.Non-linear trend forecast
41.Statistical measure which is designed to express changes or differences in a variable or a group of
related variables is
a. Correlation
b. Regression
c. Index numbers
d. Time series
42.Which test says, the formula should permit the interchange of price and quantity without giving
inconsistent results?
a. Unit test
b. Time reversal test
c. Factor reversal test
d. Circular test
43.If we find the Geometric average of Laspeyres and Paasches index, we get
a.Fishers Ideal index number
b.Dorbish and Bowleys index
c.Laspeyres index
d.Paasches index
44.If the population value follows normal distribution then to have 95% confidence interval for estimate we
a. Z = 1.645
b. Z = 2.05
c. Z = 1.96
d. Z = 2.58
45.The price of a commodity in India in 2001 was Rs. 95 per kg and in 2000 it was Rs.80 per kg. The
price relative for the year 2001 is
a. 119%
b. 118.75%
46.Index which helps in determining the effect of rise and fall in prices on different classes of consumers
living in different areas is
a. Price index
b. Quantity index
c. Value index

d. Consumer price index

47.Tests satisfied by Fishers ideal index
a.Unit test and Time reversal test
b.Time reversal test and Factor reversal test
c.Factor reversal test and Circular test
d.Unit test and Circular test
48.Which of the following is true of the null and alternative hypothesis?
a. Exactly one hypothesis must be true
b. both hypothesis must be true
c. It is possible for both hypothesis to be true
d. It is possible for neither hypothesis to be true
49.In which of the following cases, we can make statistical analysis
a.Purchasing medicine prescribed by a doctor
b.Data on result of a cricket final match
c.Marks obtained by a student in statistics
d.Investing funds in several options
50. The Arithmetic Mean for the values 5,10,12,8,6 is
51.i. 1. The totality of all units in a survey is called _______________. ii . A ______________ is a part or a
subset of the population.
a.i - Unit, ii - Statistic
b.i - Variable, ii - Unit
c.i - Population, ii - Sample
d.i - Statistic, ii Population
52.A random variable takes the values -3, -2, 1, 0, 4, 6 with probabilities 1/12, 2/12, 3/12, 4/12, 1/12, 1/12
respectively. The mean or expected value and variance is
a. 1/2 and 23/4
b. 2/3 and 1/2
c. 23/4 and 1/2
d. 5/2 and 24/5
53.Consider the following statements:
i.The quantitative characteristic that varies from unit to unit is called a variable.
ii.A variable that assumes all the values in the range is known as discrete variable. State True or False:
a.i- True, ii- False
b.i - False, ii- True
c.i- True, ii- True
d.i- False, ii- False
54.In a bivariate data on x and y, variance of x = 49, variance of y = 9 and covariance Cov(x, y) =
-17.5. Coefficient of correlation between x and yis
a. 0.833 b. -0.833 c. 0.933 d. -0.933

55.i. Size of the class interval is equal to _______________.

ii. Tally marks are used to construct _______________.
a.i- Range/(1+3.322 log N), ii - frequency tables
b.i - Range/(1+2.22 log N), ii - frequency tables
c.i - Range/number of classes, ii - frequency distribution
d.i - Range/number of classes, ii - class interval
56.If the Standard deviation and Mean of the distribution are 2.64 and 53 respectively, the Co-efficient of
Variation is
a. 4.98% b. 5.54% c. 6.64% d. 8.14%
57.Steps in construction of cost of living index numbers involve the following in the order
a. Conduct family budget inquiry, select the class of people, obtain price quotations, define the scope of
the index, prepare a frame or list of persons.
b. Define scope of the index, Select the class of people, prepare a frame or list of persons, conduct family
budget inquiry, obtain price quotations.
c. Select the class of people, define scope of the index, conduct family budge inquiry, obtain price
quotations, prepare a frame or list of persons
d. Prepare a frame or list of persons, obtain price quotations, conduct family budget inquiry, define scope
of the index, select the class of people
58.2% of the fuses manufactured by a firm are expected to be defective. The probability that a box
containing 200 fuses contains defective fuses is
a. 0.9817 b. 0.5124 c. 0.4523 d. 0.2222
59.The mean and variance of the binomial distribution is
a)np and npq
b)n and p
c)nq and npq
d)npq and np
60. The Arithmetic Mean for following data is:
Age Group






No of persons



61. i. Questions that are answered only if the respondent gives a particular response to a previous question
ii. Questions where the respondents answers are limited to a fixed set of responses

a.i - Closed ended questions, ii - Contingency questions

b.i - Matrix questions, ii - Open ended questions
c.i - Contingency questions, ii - Closed ended questions
d.i - Closed ended questions, ii Open ended questions
62.The median value of the following set of values 22, 16, 18, 13, 15, 19, 17, 20, 23 is
a. 19
b. 18
c. 15
d. 13
63.i. The theory of Business forecasting based on the assumption that most of the business data have the lag
and lead relationship, that is, changes in business are successive but not simultaneous
ii.The theory of business forecasting based on the assumption that history repeats itself and hence
assumes that all economic and business events behave in a rhythmic order is____________
a.i - Specific historical analogy, ii - Action and reaction theory
b.i - Action and reaction theory, ii - Specific historical analogy
c.i - Economic rhythm theory, ii - Sequence or time-lag theory
d.i - Sequence or time-lag theory, ii Economic rhythm theory
64.If average height of 30 men is 158 cm and average height of another group of 40 men is
162cm, the average height of the combined group is
a. 150.29
b. 160.29
c. 170.29
d. 180.29
65.i. If the statistical data are classified according to the time of its occurrence, the type of classification
ii.Classification based on some attributes is______________
a.i - Chronological Classification, ii - Qualitative Classification
b.i - Qualitative Classification, ii - Chronological Classification
c.i - Quantitative Classification, ii - Geographical Classification
d.i - Geographical Classification, ii Quantitative Classification
66. Match the following with respect to Parts of a Table:
Part A

Part B

1. Source note

A. The headings and subheadings describing

2. Head note

the data present in the columns.

3. Captions

B. Indicates the scope and the nature of

4. Title

contents in a concise form.

C. Indicates the source from which the data is
taken and is placed at the bottom on the left
hand corner.
D. It is given below the title of the table to

indicate the units of measurement of the data

and is enclosed in brackets.
a.1D, 2C, 3B, 4A
b.1C, 2B, 3D, 4A
c.1C, 2D, 3A, 4B
d.1A, 2B, 3C, 4D
67.From a random sample of 36 New Delhi civil service personnel, the mean age and the sample
standard deviation were found to be 40years and 4.5 years respectively. 95% confidence interval for the
mean age of civil personnel in New Delhi is:
a. 40 1.47 b. 42 2.47 c. 52 3.37 d. 55 5.57
68.In a competition, two judges assigned the ranks for seven candidates. The Spearmans rank
correlation coefficient is

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Judge I

5 6 4 3 2 7 1

Judge II

6 4 5 1 2 7 3

69.Heights of students are normally distributed with mean 165 cm and standard deviation 5 cm. The
probability that the height of a student is greater than 177 cm is:
a. 0.0082
b. 1
c. 1.2
d. 0.5
70.i. The computed values of chi-square are__________
ii.The number of degrees of freedom in a 4X4 contingency table is__________
a.i - always negative , ii- 16
b.i - always positive, ii- 9
c.i - either positive or negative, ii- 8
d.i- always zero, ii - 15
71. Given

Base year

i)Laspeyres price index is given by



Current year


ii)Laspeyres quantity index number is given by
72.The time series given below shows the figures of production (in m. tonnes) of a sugar factory. The best
fit for the following data is the straight line trend represented by the equation Y= a+bX








Production (in








m. tonnes)
i)The value of a is
a. 50
b. 80
c. 45
d. 90
ii)The value of b is
a. 0
b. 10
c. 1
d. 2
73. Match the following:
Part A

Part B

1. Mode

A. It divides the distribution into 100 parts of

2. Deciles

equal frequency.

3. Median

B. It can be determined graphically (Ogives)

4. Percentile

and is not affected by extreme values.

C. It divides the arrayed set of variates into
ten portions of equal frequency and they are
sometimes used to characterise the data for
some specific purpose.
D. It represents fashion and often it is used in

business. Thus, it corresponds to the values

of variable, which occurs most frequently.
a.1D, 2C, 3B, 4A
b.1B, 2C, 3D, 4A
c.1C, 2B, 3A, 4D
d.1A, 2B, 3C, 4D
74. Karl Pearsons correlation coefficient for the following data is




a.r = 0.50
b.r = 0.596
c.r = 0.699
d.r = -1.1



Additional MCQ
1) ___ Help managers to reduce guess work.
a) Accounting concepts
b) Budget
c) Statistical concepts
d) Experience
2) Gathering, organizing and presenting data is dealt with by ___.
a) Statistics
b) Accountancy
c) Financial statements
d) Graphs
3) Greek word sigma and summation are ___ of statistics.
a) Parameters
b) Characteristics
c) Definitions
d) Life blood
4) Statistics is used in ___ field of accounting.
a) Classifying
b) Auditing
c) Summarizing
d) Recording
5) ___ is a back bone of any decision making process.
a) Data collection
b) Diagrams
c) Analysis
d) Investment
6) ___ is a part of inferential statistics.
a) Presenting data
b) Organizing
c) Hypothesis testing

d) Data collection
7) ___ is most useful in clinical research.
a) Inferential statistics
b) Descriptive statistics
c) None of the above
d) Either (a) or (b)
8) Who defined statistics as The science of estimates and probabilities.?
a) Seligman
b) Horace Secrets
c) Prof. Boddington
d) Croxton and Cowden
9) Every unit or object of population is included in investigation under ___ method.
a) Census
b) Sampling
c) Pie chart
d) Histogram
10) Line and bar diagrams are ___ diagrams.
a) Two dimensional
b) One dimensional
c) Three dimensional
d) All of the above
11) Range, interquartile range, mean deviation and standard deviation are four measures of
a) Distribution
b) Variance
c) Population
d) Dispersion
12) ___ is estimated by using cost of living index numbers.
a) Value
b) Inflation
c) Value of money
d) Planning
13) The ___ data cannot be called statistics.
a) Qualitative
b) Quantitative
c) Numerical
d) Either (a) or (b)
14) Statistical data cannot be used to compare ___ data.
a) Homogenous
b) Heterogeneous
c) Both (a) and (b)
d) None of the above
15) ___ are probabilistic statements.
a) Statistical data
b) Aggregates
c) Inferences
d) Statistical concepts
16) Examples of statistical soft wares are ___ and ___.
a) Minitab, Tally
b) SAP, Tally
d) Minitab, E-views
17) SPSS means ___.
a) Statistical package for social sciences

b) Statistical package for social services

c) Social package for self service
d) Social permit for social sciences
18) ___ is an ideal package for working with time series.
a) Minitab
c) E-views
d) JMP
19) Test of hypothesis is used in the field of ___.
a) Agriculture
b) Market research
c) Economics
d) Rankings
20) Companies use ___ method to assess level of customer satisfaction.
a) Sampling
b) Surveys
c) Data collection
d) Census
21) The objects on which characteristics are measured are called ___; and its totality is called
a) Population, unit
b) Data, total
c) Survey, sample
d) Individuals, population
22) ___ is the measure describing characteristics of population.
a) Unit
b) Universe
c) Parameter
d) Object
23) The qualitative characteristic that varies from unit to unit is called ___.
a) Parameter
b) Variance
c) Attribute
d) Sample
24) Variable assuming all the values in a range is ___ variable.
a) Discrete
b) Continuous
c) Random
d) Frequent
25) Interview, questionnaire and mail are examples of ___ data.
a) Primary
b) Secondary
c) Any of the above
d) None of the above
26) ___ Method of data collection is used by police department.
a) Direct personal observation
b) Indirect oral interview
c) Information via agencies
d) Questionnaires
27) When information is collected through agencies, data is likely to be ___.
a) Accurate
b) Faulty
c) Biased
d) Unbiased

28) ___ Questions has two possible responses like Yes/No; True/False.
a) Contingency
b) Close ended
c) Matrix
d) Dichotomous
29) Published or unpublished data are examples of ___ data.
a) Primary
b) Secondary
c) Reliable
d) Official
30) ___ is a powerful source of secondary data.
a) Interviews
b) Journals
c) Internet
d) Office
31) Studies made by research institutions is an example of ___ data.
a) Primary
b) Published
c) Unpublished
d) Approved
32) Primary data is more ___ than secondary data.
a) Expensive
b) Cheaper
c) Unreliable
d) Easy to collect
33) ___ is a preliminary research conducted before complete survey.
a) Sampling
b) Pilot survey
c) Primary data
d) Secondary data
34) Typical example of ordinal data is ___ status of families.
a) Monetary
b) Health
c) Socioeconomic
d) Economic
35) An identifiable absolute zero point is featured by ___ scale.
a) Ratio
b) Interval
c) Measuring
d) Discrete
36) Requisites of good classification are:
a) Unambiguous & rigid
b) Heterogeneous & flexible
c) Exhaustive & revealing
d) Inclusive & ambiguous
37) Geographical, chronological, qualitative and quantitative are ___ of classification.
a) Types
b) Areas
c) Scope
d) Advantages
38) Which one of these is a method of classification?
a) Simple
b) Qualitative
c) One way classification

d) Geographical
39) ___ is the basis of further analysis and presentation.
a) Classification
b) Tabulation
c) Two way classification
d) Sampling
40) ___ are heading and sub-headings of rows.
a) Captions
b) Source note
c) Stubs
d) Title
41) Example of general purpose table is ___.
a) Census data
b) Sampling data
c) Primary data
d) Derived data
42) If the data is arranged in ascending/descending order of magnitude, it is called ___ of
a) Continuity
b) Arrangement
c) Presentation
d) Arraying
43) Upper class limit of a class = 30; Lower class limit = 10; mid-point of the class 10-30 is
a) 10
b) 20
c) 30
d) 40
44) K = 1+3.322 log N is called ___ formula.
a) Karl Pearsons
b) Pascals
c) Sturge
d) Fishers
45) If the number of variables is only two, it is called ___ distribution.
a) Discrete
b) Bivariate
c) Multivariate
d) Continuous
46) ___ give visual indications of patterns of data.
a) Surveys
b) Questionnaires
c) Graphs
d) Journals
47) ___ is constructed from frequency distribution of grouped data.
a) Histogram
b) Pie chart
c) Percentage bar diagram
d) Bar diagram
48) If further analysis is needed, ___ are not useful.
a) Graphs
b) Diagrams
c) Pie charts
d) Samples

49) ___ Diagram does not touch the horizontal axis.

a) Histogram
b) Line diagram
c) Frequency polygon
d) Frequency curve
50) Cumulative frequency curves are called ___.
a) Curves
b) Ogives
c) Polygon
d) Compound bar diagram
51) Statistical ___ establish relationship between data sets.
a) Data
b) Graphs
c) Concepts
d) Average
52) Not getting affected by extreme values is a requirement of __.
a) Good average
b) Bad average
c) Statistical average
d) Central tendency
53) ___ is a measure of central tendency.
a) Standard Deviation
b) Harmonic mean
c) Variance
d) Pie chart
54) Arithmetic mean of 15, 17, 22, 21, 19, 26 and 20 is ___.
a) 30
b) 35
c) 20
d) 10
55) When numbers of observations are too large, mean is calculated by taking a value which
is called ___.
a) Assumed mean
b) Deviation
c) Frequency
d) Observations
56) When A = 25; summation of fd = -3; N = 60; i= 10; what is the value of mean?
a) 24
b) 25
c) 24.5
d) 25.4
57) N1 = 100; N2 = 150; Mean X1 = 10.4; Mean X12 = 10.9; Value of mean of X2 =?
a) 11.33
b) 12.13
c) 10.55
d) 11.23
58) Summation of X = 76000; Summation of W = 115; Summation of XW = 14,70,000;
Weighted mean =?
a) 12782.6087
b) 17782.6870
c) 12282.6
d) 12200
59) Geometric mean cannot be calculated if any of the values is ___ or ___.

a) Positive, negative
b) Zero, positive
c) Zero, negative
d) Negative, negative
60) ___ can be constructed on the basis of geometric mean.
a) Histograms
b) Index numbers
c) Questionnaires
d) Ogives
61) Harmonic mean cannot measure ___.
a) Frequency
b) Averages
c) Curves
d) Distributions
62) Values of X are: 9.7, 9.8, 9.5, 9.4 and 9.7 Calculate harmonic mean.
a) 9.62
b) 9.59
c) 9.85
d) 9.5
63) Median of 45, 32, 31, 46, 40, 28, 27, 37, 36, 41, 47, and 50 is ___.
a) 37
b) 40
c) 38.5
d) 39
64) While calculating median for continuous data series, the cumulative frequency is that of
the ___ class.
a) Median
b) Succeeding
c) Preceding
d) Assumed
65) ___ is the value that occurs with the maximum frequency.
a) Mode
b) Median
c) Mean
d) Weighted mean
66) Mean Mode = ___
a) 3 (Median-Mean)
b) 3 ( Mode- Median)
c) 3 (Mean -Median)
d) 3 (Mean - Mode)
67) Qualitative data can be used to determine ___.
a) Mean
b) Median
c) Mode
d) None of the above
68) Quartiles, Percentiles and Deciles are ___.
a) Statistical averages
b) Positional averages
c) Arrays
d) Distributions
69) Sales in units: 309, 312, 305, 307, 310, 308, 308, 306 Calculate value of Q 1.
a) 306
b) 307
c) 308.25

d) 306.25
70) Value of Q2, D5 and P50 are equal to ___.
a) Mean
b) Median
c) Mode
d) They have distinct values
71) ___ uses only extreme values.
a) Quartile deviation
b) Mean Deviation
c) Range
d) Variance
72) Largest value = 42; Smallest value = 6; Coefficient of range =?
a) 36
b) 48
c) 1
d) 0.75
73) What is coefficient of quartile deviation if Q1 = 38.5 and Q3 = 78?
a) 0.333
b) 0.339
c) 0.40
d) 0.30
74) Mean deviation is used when sample size is ___.
a) Huge
b) Heterogeneous
c) Small
d) Homogeneous
75) ___ is also called mean square error deviation.
a) Variance
b) Standard deviation
c) Deviation
d) Sum of standard deviation
76) The method of taking deviations from actual mean is used only when mean is a ___
a) Prime
b) Neutral
c) Whole
d) Exact
77) Standard deviation is independent of ___ but dependent of ___.
a) Scale, origin
b) Values, scales
c) Data, variance
d) Origin, scale
78) ___ gives undue weightage to extreme values.
a) Combined standard deviation
b) Combined mean
c) Weighted mean
d) Coefficient of range
79) Standard deviation of X = 2.64; Mean of X = 53. Calculate CVx.
a) 5%
b) 4%
c) 4.75%
d) 4.98%
80) The probability of an event A must lie between ___.
a) 1 to -1

b) -1 to 0
c) 0 to 1
d) 0 to -1
81) The value of a possible event is always ___.
a) 1
b) 0
c) 0.50
d) 1
82) Sun setting in the East is an example of ___ event.
a) Possible
b) Impossible
c) Probable
d) Equi-probable
83) Sample space is denoted by ___.
a) s
b) SS
c) S
d) Sam
84) Drawing a card from a pack of 52 cards is a ___ experiment.
a) Random
b) Deterministic
c) Sample
d) Probable
85) An event which has more than one outcome is called ___.
a) Simple event
b) Compound event
c) Sure event
d) Certain event
86) In tossing an unbiased coin, getting head or tail is ___.
a) Mutually exclusive
b) Event
c) Sample space
d) Equally likely
87) Intersection of mutually exclusive event is a ___ event.
a) Equally likely
b) Mutually exclusive
c) Null
d) Equiprobable
88) ___ Events can occur one at a time.
a) Equiprobable
b) Disjoint
c) Certain
d) Impossible
89) The union of exhaustive event is equal to ___.
a) Sample space
b) Sample
c) Intersection of events
d) Union of inclusive events
90) For event A, m= 3 n= 9; P (A) =?
b) 9/3
c) 1/3
d) 1
91) For two events A and B, when P (A) =1/3; P (B) =?

a) 1/3
b) 1
c) 3
d) 2/3
92) When P (A) = 3/8; n (A) = 3, n(S) =?
a) 4
b) 8
c) 1/8
d) 2/8
93) If X is a ___ variable, then P(X) is called probability density function.
a) Continuous random
b) Discrete random
c) Random
d) Density
94) A random variable assuming values between 1 and 0 with probabilities p and q is called
___ variable.
a) Binomial
b) Random
c) Bernoulli
d) Probable
95) In binomial distribution, the probability of success is denoted by ___ and that of failure is
denoted by ___.
a) p, n
b) m, n
c) q, p
d) p, q
96) Under Poisson distribution, outcome should be of ___ nature.
a) Heterogeneous
b) Dichotomous
c) Equal
d) Binomial
97) Normal distribution is ___ about its mean.
a) Asymmetric
b) Equal
c) Symmetric
d) Skewed
98) Mean, median and mode are equal under ___ distribution.
a) Normal
b) Binomial
c) Bernoulli
d) Frequency
99) The mean of standard normal distribution is ___ and standard deviation is ___.
a) 1, 0
b) 1, 1
c) 0, -1
d) 0, 1
100) Parameters of population are denoted by ___ letters.
a) English
b) French
c) Greek
d) Italian
101) ___ Errors are inherent errors which cannot be avoided.
a) Sampling

b) Biased
c) Unbiased
d) Non- sampling
102) The magnitude of biased errors is ___ proportional to sample size.
a) Linearly
b) Non-linearly
c) Directly
d) Indirectly
103) ___ errors are due to over or under estimation.
a) Sampling
b) Biased
c) Unbiased
d) Non-sampling
104) Stratified random sampling is most appropriate if the population distribution is highly
a) Skewed
b) Unskewed
c) Homogeneous
d) Narrow
105) ___ is a type of judgment sampling.
a) Convenience sampling
b) Quota
c) Stratified
d) Data
106) ___ refers to the size of the standard error of the statistic.
a) Standard deviation
b) Variance
c) Median
d) Efficiency
107) The probability associated with an interval estimate is called ___ level.
a) Confidence
b) Estimated
c) Expected
d) Failure
108) The assumption we wish to test is called the ___ hypothesis.
a) Expected
b) Desired
c) Null
d) Managerial
109) The alternative hypothesis is symbolized as ___.
a) H0
b) H1
c) H
d) H2
110) Type II error is also known as ___risk.
a) Consumers
b) Investors
c) Producers
d) Advisors
111) If hypothesis is false, and the test result make us to reject it we have made a ___
a) Right
b) Wrong

c) Biased
d) Unbiased
112) Thet distribution was developed by ___.
a) Karl Pearson
b) Bowley
c) W. S. Gossett
d) Spearman
113) The parameter oft distribution is ___.
a) p
b) q
c) n, p
d) v
114) Under ___ correlation, the effect of one variable is kept constant and other two
variables are studied.
a) Simple
b) Partial
c) Multiple
d) Positive
115) Variance (X) = 49; Variance (Y) = 9; Cov (X, Y) = -17.5; r =?
a) 0.833
b) 0.175
c) -0.833
d) -0.175
116) N = 7; summation D2 = 14; what is Spearmans rank correlation coefficient?
a) 0.75
b) 0.25
c) 2
d) 1
117) r 12 = 0.8; r13= 0.5; r23=0.4; what is the value of r23.1 =?
a) 0.756
b) 0.33
c) 0
d) 0.25
118) The ___ of regression coefficients gives the correlation coefficient.
a) Arithmetic mean
b) Geometric mean
c) Harmonic mean
d) Regression line
119) Business indices are also termed as ___.
a) Economic variables
b) Business forecasts
c) Business barometers
d) Index numbers
120) Forecasting based on ___conditions may be erroneous.
a) Past
b) Present
c) Future
d) Biased
121) ___ Method is very useful to forecast future demand and production.
a) Time series
b) Business barometers
c) Extrapolation
d) Correlation
122) The ___ method is scientific where computer technology is used.










a) Extrapolation
b) Regression
c) Modern econometric
d) Economic barometers
Following is an advantage of business forecasting:
a) Largely based on future events
b) Useful in administration
c) Does not evaluate risk
d) Not continuous
The behavior of a time series over periods of time is called ___ of time series.
a) Variations
b) Fluctuations
c) Changes
d) Movements
The oscillations are either a ___ curve or a ___ line.
a) Movement, trend
b) Trend, trend
c) Change, movement
d) Movement, movement
___ Method is more accurate and precise, and can be used for forecasting.
a) Moving averages
b) Semi averages
c) Least squares
d) Graphic method
P1 = 95; P0 = 80; Price relative =?
a) 118.75%
b) 118%
c) 120%
d) 18.75%
The value of base period is always taken to be ___.
a) 1
b) 0.1
c) 100
d) 10
Sum P1Q0 = 395; Sum P0 Q0= 260; Laspeyres index number =?
a) 151
b) 160
c) 151.92
d) 155
___ is the ideal index number.
a) Laspeyres
b) Paasches
c) Bowleys
d) Fishers
Summation PW = 31562.588; Summation W = 295.3; cost of living index is :
a) 106
b) 106.88
c) 110
d) 105.99


1) Statistics that is used to make valid inferences from the data for effective decision making among
managers or professionals is
a. Descriptive Statistics
b. Inferential Statistics
c. None of the above
d. All of the above
2) The measure describing the characteristics of the population is known as
a. Parameter
b. Sample
c. Statistics
d. Census
3) Secondary/existing data may include which of the following?
a. Reports and official publications of international and national organisations
b. Records maintained by various government and private offices
c. Internet content
d. All of the above
4) Statistics is the science of collection, presentation, analysis and interpretation of numerical data
from logical analysis is the definition given by
a. Webster
b. Boddington
c. A. L Bowley
d. Croxton and Cowden
5) In which of the following methods, the investigator contacts witnesses or neighbours or friends or
some other third parties who are capable of supplying the necessary information.
a. Direct personal observation
b. Indirect oral interview
c. Information through agencies
d. Information through mailed questionnaires
6) Stubs stand for
a. Numerical information
b. The headings and subheadings of columns
c. The headings and subheadings of rows
d. The Table heading
7) The standard deviation is:
a. The square root of the variance
b. A measure of variability
c. An approximate indicator of how numbers vary from the mean
d. All of the above

8) Which of the following represents the fiftieth percentile, or the middle point in a set of numbers
arranged in order of magnitude?
a. Mode
b. Median
c. Mean
d. Variance
9) The Arithmetic Mean for the values 5,10,12,8,6 is
a. 5
b. 10
c. 6
d. 8.2
10) i. 1. The totality of all units in a survey is called _______________. ii. A ______________ is a
part or a subset of the population.
a. i - Unit, ii - Statistic
b. i - Variable, ii - Unit
c. i - Population, ii Sample
11) Consider the following statements:
i. The quantitative characteristic that varies from unit to unit is called a variable.
ii. A variable that assumes all the values in the range is known as discrete variable.
State True or False:
a. i- True, ii- False
b. i - False, ii- True
c. i- True, ii- True
d. i- False, ii- False
12) i. Size of the class interval is equal to _______________.
ii. Tally marks are used to construct _______________.
a. i- Range/ (1+3.322 log N), ii - frequency tables
b. i - Range/ (1+2.22 log N), ii - frequency tables
c. i - Range/number of classes, ii - frequency distribution
d. i - Range/number of classes, ii - class interval
13) i. Questions that are answered only if the respondent gives a particular response to a previous
question is___________
ii. Questions where the respondents answers are limited to a fixed set of responses
a. i - Closed ended questions, ii - Contingency questions
b. i - Matrix questions, ii - Open ended questions
c. i - Contingency questions, ii - Closed ended questions
d. i - Closed ended questions, ii Open ended questions
14) The median value of the following set of values 22, 16, 18, 13, 15, 19, 17, 20, 23 is
a. 19
b. 18
c. 15

d. 13
15) If average height of 30 men is 158 cm and average height of another group of 40 men is 162 cm,
the average height of the combined group is
a. 150.29
b. 160.29
c. 170.29
d. 180.29
16) i. If the statistical data are classified according to the time of its occurrence, the type of
classification is_________________
ii. Classification based on some attributes is______________
a. i - Chronological Classification, ii - Qualitative Classification
b. i - Qualitative Classification, ii - Chronological Classification
c. i - Quantitative Classification, ii - Geographical Classification
d. i - Geographical Classification, ii Quantitative Classification
17) A measure which divides an array into four parts is known as
a. Percentiles
b. Deciles
c. Quartiles
d. Median
18) Specified average which solves problems involving variables expressed in time rates that vary
according to time is
a. Arithmetic Mean
b. Geometric Mean
c. Harmonic Mean
d. Mode
19) A Good measure of Average should be
a. Affected by extreme values
b. Rigidly defined
c. Based on some values
d. Affected by sampling fluctuations
20) Which of the following graphical depictions of data represents cumulative frequencies?
a. Histogram
b. Frequency polygon
c. Ogives
d. Pie chart
21) Which of the following terms best describes the data collected for the first time keeping in view
the objective of the survey?
a. Primary data
b. Secondary data
c. Important data

d. Personal data
22) In which of the following situations would you like to use statistics?
a. Buying a House
b. Attending to relatives
c. Purchasing medicine recommended by a doctor
d. Investing Funds in several options
23) Out of the following which one does not refer to a mass of data?
a. Banking Statistics
b. Mathematical Statistics
c. Agricultural Statistics
d. Income Statistics
24) The Origin of statistics can be traced to
a. Industry
b. Nation
c. Economics
d. State
25) Statistics may be called the science of counting is the definition given bya. Croxten
d. Webster
c. Boddington
d. A.L. Bowley
26) Statistics can best be considered as
a. Both art & science
b. Art
c. Science
d. Neither art nor science
27) Data that possesses numerical properties are known as
a. Quantitative data
b. Numerical data
c. Primary data
d. Parametric data
28) A tool of all science in research & marketing an intelligent judgement is
a. Statistics
b. Collection
c. Data
d. Judgement
29) When the population under investigation is infinite, we should use
a. census method
b neither census nor sample

c. sample method
d. both a & b
30) Geographical classification means classification of data according to
a. Locations
b. Time
c. Attributes
d. Class interval
31) Classification is a process of arranging the data into
a. Different columns
b. Different rows
c. Different rows & columns
d. Groups of relevant facts in different classes
32) The data that be classified on basis of time is
a. Geographical
b. Chronological
c. Quantitative
d. Qualitative
33) The graph plotted in the form of series of rectangle is
a. Frequency
b. Frequency polygon
c. Pie
d. Histogram
34) The diagram which is used to show percentage breakup is called as
a. A circle
b. A square
c. A pie diagram
d. all of the above
35) A line graph indicates
a. Comparison
b. Variation
c. Range
d. all of the above

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