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66 STAN. L. REV.

September 3, 2013


Jules Polonetsky & Omer Tene*
How should privacy risks be weighed against big data rewards? The
recent controversy over leaked documents revealing the massive scope of data
collection, analysis, and use by the NSA and possibly other national security
organizations has hurled to the forefront of public attention the delicate balance
between privacy risks and big data opportunities.1 The NSA revelations crystalized privacy advocates concerns of sleepwalking into a surveillance society
even as decisionmakers remain loath to curb government powers for fear of
terrorist or cybersecurity attacks.
Big data creates tremendous opportunity for the world economy not only in
the field of national security, but also in areas ranging from marketing and
credit risk analysis to medical research and urban planning. At the same time,
the extraordinary benefits of big data are tempered by concerns over privacy
and data protection. Privacy advocates are concerned that the advances of the
data ecosystem will upend the power relationships between government, business, and individuals, and lead to racial or other profiling, discrimination, overcriminalization, and other restricted freedoms.

* Jules Polonetsky is Co-Chair and Director, Future of Privacy Forum. Omer Tene is
Associate Professor, College of Management Haim Striks School of Law, Israel; Senior Fellow, Future of Privacy Forum; Affiliate Scholar, Stanford Center for Internet and Society.
We would like to thank Joseph Jerome, Legal and Policy Fellow at the Future of Privacy Forum, for his research assistance.
1. Glenn Greenwald, NSA Collecting Phone Records of Millions of Verizon Customers Daily, GUARDIAN (June 6, 2013),; Glenn Greenwald & Ewen MacAskill, NSA Prism Program Taps in to User Data of Apple, Google and Others, GUARDIAN (June 7, 2013),




[Vol. 66:25

Finding the right balance between privacy risks and big data rewards may
very well be the biggest public policy challenge of our time.2 It calls for
momentous choices to be made between weighty policy concerns such as scientific research, public health, national security, law enforcement, and efficient
use of resources, on the one hand, and individuals rights to privacy, fairness,
equality, and freedom of speech, on the other hand. It requires deciding
whether efforts to cure fatal disease or eviscerate terrorism are worth subjecting
human individuality to omniscient surveillance and algorithmic decisionmaking.3
Unfortunately, the discussion progresses crisis by crisis, often focusing on
legalistic formalities while the bigger policy choices are avoided. Moreover, the
debate has become increasingly polarized, with each cohort fully discounting
the concerns of the other. For example, in the context of government surveillance, civil libertarians depict the government as pursuing absolute power,
while law enforcement officials blame privacy for child pornography and airplanes falling out of the sky. It seems that for privacy hawks, no benefit no
matter how compelling is large enough to offset privacy costs, while for data
enthusiasts, privacy risks are no more than an afterthought in the pursuit of
complete information.
This Essay suggests that while the current privacy debate methodologically
explores the risks presented by big data, it fails to untangle commensurate
benefits, treating them as a hodgepodge of individual, business, and government interests. Detailed frameworks have developed to help decisionmakers
understand and quantify privacy risk, with privacy impact assessments now increasingly common for government and business undertakings.4 Yet accounting
for costs is only part of a balanced value equation. In order to complete a costbenefit analysis, privacy professionals need to have at their disposal tools to
assess, prioritize, and to the extent possible, quantify a projects rewards. To be
sure, in recent years there have been thorough expositions of big data benefits.5
2. Ira Rubinstein, Big Data: The End of Privacy or a New Beginning?, 3 INTL DATA
PRIVACY L. 74, 77-78 (2013); Omer Tene & Jules Polonetsky, Big Data for All: Privacy and
User Control in the Age of Analytics, 11 NW. J. TECH. & INTELL. PROP. 239, 240-42 (2013).
3. We are not arguing that these public policy objectives are mutually exclusive. To
the contrary, we support the Privacy by Design paradigm that aims to integrate privacy
safeguards into projects, products, and services. Yet at some point, stark policy choices need
to be madethis is where privacy costs need to be balanced against big data benefits. See
Ann Cavoukian, Privacy by Design: The Seven Foundational Principles, INFO. PRIVACY
/7foundationalprinciples.pdf (Privacy by Design seeks to accommodate all legitimate interests and objectives in a positive-sum win-win manner, not through a dated, zero-sum
approach, where unnecessary trade-offs are made.).
4. See, e.g., PRIVACY IMPACT ASSESSMENT 4-5 (David Wright & Paul De Hert eds.,
2012); Privacy Impact Assessments: The Privacy Office Official Guidance, DEPT

September 2013]



But the societal value of these benefits may depend on their nature, on whether
they are certain or speculative, and on whether they flow to individuals,
communities, businesses, or society at large.
The integration of benefit considerations into privacy analysis is not without basis in current law. In fact, it fits neatly within existing privacy doctrine
under both the FTCs authority to prohibit unfair trade practices in the United
States6 as well as the legitimate interests of the controller clause in the European Union data protection directive.7 Over the past few years, the FTC has
carefully recalibrated its section 5 powers to focus on unfair as opposed to
deceptive trade practices. An unfair trade practice is one that causes or is
likely to cause substantial injury to consumers which is not reasonably
avoidable by consumers themselves and is not outweighed by countervailing
benefits to consumers or competition.8 Clearly, benefit considerations fit
squarely within the legal analysis. Moreover, in determining whether an injury
is outweighed by countervailing benefits, the FTC typically considers not only
the impact on specific consumers but also on society at large.9
In the European Union, organizations are authorized to process personal
data without an individuals consent based on such organizations legitimate
interests as balanced against individuals privacy rights. In such
cases, individuals have a right to object to processing based on compelling
legitimate grounds.10 Similar to the FTCs unfairness doctrine, legitimate
interest analysis is inexorably linked to a benefit assessment.
This Essay proposes parameters for a newly conceptualized cost-benefit
equation that incorporates both the sizable benefits of big data as well as its
attendant costs. Specifically, it suggests focusing on who are the beneficiaries
of big data analysis, what is the nature of the perceived benefits, and with what
level of certainty can those benefits be realized. In doing so, it offers ways to
take account of benefits that accrue not only to businesses but also to individuals and to society at large.

Polonetsky, Privacy in the Age of Big Data: A Time for Big Decisions, 64 STAN. L. REV.
ONLINE 63 (2012); Big Data and Analytics: Seeking Foundations for Effective Privacy Guidance, CTR. FOR INFO. POLY LEADERSHIP (Feb. 2013),
/Uploads/Documents/News_files/Big_Data_and_Analytics_February_2013.pdf; Unlocking
the Value of Personal Data: From Collection to Usage, WORLD ECON. F. (Feb. 2013), http://
6. 15 U.S.C. 45(a)(1) (2011).
7. Council Directive 95/46, art. 7(f), 1995 O.J. (L 281) 31, 40 (EC),
available at
8. 15 U.S.C. 45(n) (emphasis added).
9. Woodrow Hartzog & Daniel Solove, The FTC and the New Common Law of Privacy (Aug. 19, 2013), available at
10. Council Directive, supra note 7, at art. 14(a).




[Vol. 66:25


Who benefits from big data? In examining the value of big data, we start
by evaluating who is affected by the relevant breakthrough. In some cases, the
individual whose data is processed directly receives a benefit. In other cases,
the benefit to the individual is indirect. And in many other cases, the relevant
individual receives no attributable benefit, with big data value reaped by business, government, or society at large.
A. Individuals
In certain cases, big data analysis provides a direct benefit to those individuals whose information is being used. This provides strong impetus for organizations to argue the merits of their use based on their returning value to affected
individuals. In a previous article, we argued that in many such cases, relying on
individuals choices to legitimize data use rings hollow given well-documented
biases in their decisionmaking processes.11 In some cases, a particular practice
may be difficult to explain within the brief opportunity that an individual pays
attention, while in others, individuals may decline despite their best interests.
Yet it would be unfortunate if failure to obtain meaningful consent
would automatically discredit an information practice that directly benefits
Consider the high degree of customization pursued by Netflix and
Amazon, which recommend films and products to consumers based on analysis
of their previous interactions. Such data analysis directly benefits consumers
and has been justified even without solicitation of explicit consent. Similarly,
Comcasts decision in 2010 to proactively monitor its customers computers to
detect malware,12 and more recent decisions by Internet service providers
including Comcast, AT&T, and Verizon to reach out to consumers to report
potential malware infections, were intended to directly benefit consumers.13
Googles autocomplete and translate functions are based on comprehensive
data collection and real time keystroke-by-keystroke analysis. The value proposition to consumers is clear and compelling.
In contrast, just arguing that data use benefits consumers will not carry the
day. Consider the challenges that proponents of behavioral advertising have
faced in persuading regulators that personalized ads deliver direct benefits to

11. Omer Tene & Jules Polonetsky, To Track or Do Not Track: Advancing Transparency and Individual Control in Online Behavioral Advertising, 13 MINN. J.L. SCI. &
TECH. 281, 285-86 (2012).
12. Roy Furchgott, Comcast to Protect Customers Computers from Malware, N.Y.
TIMES GADGETWISE (Sept. 30, 2010),
13. Daniel Lippman & Julian Barnes, Malware Threat to Internet Corralled, WALL ST.
J. (July 9, 2012),

September 2013]



individuals. Behavioral ads are served by grouping audiences with specific web
surfing histories or data attributes into categories, which are then sold to advertisers using algorithms designed to maximize revenue. Consumers may or may
not perceive the resulting ads as relevant, and even if they do, they may not
appreciate the benefit of being targeted with relevant ads.
B. Community
In certain cases, the collection and use of an individuals data benefits not
only that individual, but also members of a proximate class, such as users of a
similar product or residents of a geographical area. Consider Internet browser
crash reports, which very few users opt into not so much because of real
privacy concerns but rather due to a (misplaced) belief that others will do the
job for them. Those users who do agree to send crash reports benefit not only
themselves, but also other users of the same product. Similarly, individuals who
report drug side effects confer a benefit to other existing and prospective
C. Organizations
Big data analysis often benefits those organizations that collect and harness
the data. Data-driven profits may be viewed as enhancing allocative efficiency
by facilitating the free economy.15 The emergence, expansion, and widespread use of innovative products and services at decreasing marginal costs
have revolutionized global economies and societal structures, facilitating access
to technology and knowledge16 and fomenting social change.17 With more data,
businesses can optimize distribution methods, efficiently allocate credit, and
robustly combat fraud, benefitting consumers as a whole.18 But in the absence
of individual value or broader societal gain, others may consider enhanced
business profits to be a mere value transfer from individuals whose data is
being exploited. In economic terms, such profits create distributional gains to
some actors (and may in fact be socially regressive) as opposed to driving
allocative efficiency.

14. Nicholas P. Tatonetti et al., A Novel Signal Detection Algorithm for Identifying
Hidden Drug-Drug Interactions in Adverse Event Reports, 19 J. AM. MED. INFORMATICS
ASSN 79, 79-80 (2012).
16. Tim Worstall, More People Have Mobile Phones than Toilets, FORBES
(Mar. 23, 2013),
18. A Different Game: Information Is Transforming Traditional Businesses,
ECONOMIST (Feb. 25, 2010),



[Vol. 66:25

D. Society
Finally, some data uses benefit society at large. These include, for example, data mining for purposes of national security. We do not claim that such
practices are always justified; rather, that when weighing the benefits of
national security driven policies, the effects should be assessed at a broad
societal level. Similarly, data usage for fraud detection in the payment card
industry helps facilitate safe, secure, and frictionless transactions, benefiting
society as a whole. And large-scale analysis of geo-location data has been used
for urban planning, disaster recovery, and optimization of energy consumption.
E. Benefits
Big data creates enormous value for the global economy, driving innovation, productivity, efficiency, and growth. Data has become the driving force
behind almost every interaction between individuals, businesses, and governments. The uses of big data can be transformative and are sometimes difficult
to anticipate at the time of initial collection. And any benefit analysis would be
highly culture-specific. For example, environmental protection may be considered a matter of vital importance in the United States, but less so in China.
In a recent article titled The Underwhelming Benefits of Big Data, Paul
Ohm critiques our previous articles, arguing that Big Datas touted benefits
are often less significant than claimed and less necessary than assumed.19 He
states that while some benefits, such as medical research, are compelling,
others yield only minimally interesting results.20 He adds, Tene and
Polonetsky seem to understand the speciousness of some of the other benefits
they herald.21
While we agree that society must come up with criteria to evaluate the relative weight of different benefits (or social values), we claim that such decisions
transcend privacy law. The social value of energy conservation, law enforcement, or economic efficiency is a meta-privacy issue that requires debate by
experts in the respective fields. If privacy regulators were the sole decisionmakers determining the relative importance of values that sometimes conflict
with privacy, such as free speech, environmental protection, public health, or
national security, they would become the de facto regulators of all things
commerce, research, security, and speech.22 This would be a perverse result,

19. Paul Ohm, The Underwhelming Benefits of Big Data, 161 U. PA. L. REV. ONLINE
339, 340 (2013).
20. Id. at 344.
21. Id.
22. Currently, privacy regulators appear to be making almost arbitrary decisions when
it comes to balancing privacy risks against potential data rewards. In fact, the recent Opinion
of the Article 29 Working Party, which required national regulators to assess compatibility
on a case-by-case basis[,] appears to legitimize an unpredictable decisionmaking process.
Opinion of the Data Protection Working Party on Purpose Limitation, (Apr. 2, 2013),

September 2013]



given that even where privacy constitutes a fundamental human right, it is not
an ber-value that trumps every other social consideration.
This Essay does not provide a comprehensive taxonomy of big data
benefits. It would be pretentious to do so, ranking the relative importance of
weighty social goals. Rather it posits that such benefits must be accounted for
by rigorous analysis taking into account the priorities of a nation, society, or
culture. Only then can benefits be assessed within the privacy framework.
Consider the following examples of countervailing values (i.e., big data
benefits) as they are addressed, with little analytical rigor, by privacy
regulators. For example, despite intense pushback from privacy advocates,
legislative frameworks all over the world give national security precedence
over privacy considerations.23 On the other hand, although mandated by
corporate governance legislation in the United States, whistleblower hotlines
are not viewed by privacy regulators as worthy of deference.
What is the doctrinal basis for accepting national security as a benefit that
legitimizes privacy costs, while denying the same status to corporate
governance laws? Such selective, apparently capricious enforcement is detrimental for privacy. Regulators should pursue a more coherent approach,
recognizing the benefits of big data as an integral part of the privacy framework
through legitimate interest analysis under the European framework or
unfairness doctrine applied by the FTC.
F. Certainty
The utility function of big data use depends not only on absolute values,
but also on the probability of any expected benefits and costs. Not every
conceivable benefit, even if highly likely, justifies a privacy loss. Legitimate
interest analysis should ensure that lack of certainty of expected benefits is a
discounting factor when weighing big data value.
A given level of uncertainty may weigh differently depending on the risk
profile of a given culture or society. The United States, for example, established by explorers who pushed the frontier in a lawless atmosphere, continues
to highly reward entrepreneurship, innovation, research, and discovery. The
quintessential American hero is the lone entrepreneur who against all odds
weaves straw into gold. This environment mayand to this day in fact does
endorse practically unfettered data innovation, except in certain regulated areas
such as health and financial information, or in cases of demonstrable harm.
Failure is considered valuable experience and entrepreneurs may be funded
many times over despite unsuccessful outcomes. Conversely, in Europe, the
departure point is diametrically opposite, with data processing being prohibited
unless a legitimate legal basis is shown.
available at
23. See, e.g., Data Protection Act, 1998, c. 29, 28 (U.K.).



[Vol. 66:25

To critics on either side of the Atlantic, both the U.S. and E.U. approaches
have their shortcomings. Taken to their extremes, the E.U. approach, with its
risk aversion and regulatory bureaucracy, could stifle innovation and growth of
a vibrant technology sector, while the U.S. approach, with its laissez faire
ideology, risks a rude awakening to a reality of eerie surveillance and technological determinism.
This symposium issue sets the stage for a discussion of big data that recognizes the weighty considerations on both sides of the value scale. The authors
deploy different lenses to expose diverse aspects of the big data privacy
conundrum. Some authors focus on the macro, debating broad societal effects:
Cynthia Dwork and Deirdre Mulligan discuss the impact of big data on classification, discrimination, and social stratification.24 Neil Richards and Jonathan
King uncover three paradoxes underlying the power structure of the big data
ecosystem.25 Joseph Jerome warns that big data may be socially regressive,
potentially exacerbating class disparities.26 Jonas Lerman examines the overlooked costs of being excluded from big data analysis, suffered by [b]illions of
people worldwide [who] remain on big datas periphery.27 Ian Kerr and Jessica Earle focus on big datas preemptive predictions, which could reverse the
presumption of innocence, upending the power relationships between government and individuals.28 Other authors concentrate on the micro, focusing on interpersonal relationships in a data-rich environment: Karen Levy argues that
big data has transcended the scope of organizational behavior, entering the delicate domain of individual relationships.29 Woodrow Hartzog and Evan
Selinger predict that absent a robust concept of obscurity, the data-fication of
personal relationships would strain the social fabric.30 Other authors seek to
harness technology to tame big data effects. Jonathan Mayer and Arvind Narayanan advocate privacy enhancing technologies.31 Ryan Calo supports organizational measures, such as consumer subject review boards.32 Yianni Lagos

24. Cynthia Dwork & Deirdre K. Mulligan, Its Not Privacy, and Its Not Fair, 66
STAN. L. REV. ONLINE 35 (2013).
25. Neil M. Richards & Jonathan H. King, Three Paradoxes of Big Data, 66 STAN. L.
REV. ONLINE 41 (2013).
26. Joseph W. Jerome, Buying and Selling Privacy: Big Datas Different Burdens and
Benefits, 66 STAN. L. REV. ONLINE 47 (2013).
27. Jonas Lerman, Big Data and Its Exclusions, 66 STAN. L. REV. ONLINE 55 (2013).
28. Ian Kerr & Jessica Earle, Prediction, Preemption, Presumption: How Big Data
Threatens Big Picture Privacy, 66 STAN. L. REV. ONLINE 65 (2013).
29. Karen E.C. Levy, Relational Big Data, 66 STAN. L. REV. ONLINE 73 (2013).
30. Woodrow Hartzog & Evan Selinger, Big Data in Small Hands, 66 STAN. L. REV.
ONLINE 81 (2013).
31. Jonathan Mayer & Arvind Narayanan, Privacy Substitutes: A Thought Experiment,
66 STAN. L. REV. ONLINE 89 (2013).
32. Ryan Calo, Consumer Subject Review Boards, 66 STAN. L. REV. ONLINE 97 (2013).

September 2013]



and Jules Polonetsky stress the importance of a combination of technological

and organizational mechanisms to achieve robust de-identification.33 We hope
that the following essays shift the discussion to a more nuanced, balanced analysis of the fateful value choices at hand.

33. Yianni Lagos & Jules Polonetsky, Public vs. Nonpublic Data: The Benefits of Administrative Controls, 66 STAN. L. REV. ONLINE 103 (2013).

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