Computer Science & Engineering: Project Report

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Project Report

<Title of the Project>
(Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement to award the degree for)

Bachelor of Technology

Computer Science & Engineering

Naval Kumar
Jaswant Singh

Under the Guidance

<Guide Name,Asst Prof>

Department of Computer Science & Engineering

Approved By A.I.C.T.E., New Delhi

Affiliated to Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University, Uttar Pradesh


Page No.

List of figures ..................xi
List of tables..xii
Chapter 1: Introduction...................1
1.1: Scope of the project 2
1.2: Benefits of Time tracker2
Chapter 2: Software Development life cycle.3
2.1: Initial phase.3
2.2: System Concept Development phase.3
2.3: Planning phase..3
2.4: Requirement Analysis phase..4
2.5: Design phase..4
2.6: Development Phase..4
2.7: Integration and Test phase.4
2.8: Implementation phase.5
2.9: Operation and maintenance phase...5
2.10: Disposition phase..5
Chapter 3: System Requirement......................10
3.1: System Study and problem formulation10
3.1.1: The Existing System10
3.1.2: The Proposed System11
3.2: Requirement Analysis12
3.3: Identification of need.13
3.4: Preliminary investigation15
3.5: Software engineering paradigm.17
3.6: Project Category..19
Chapter 4: Software Requirement Specification20
Chapter 5: Platform (Techniques and Tools)21
5.1: Introduction to .NET...21
5.2: Introduction to ASP.NET..23
5.3: Microsoft SQL Server..26
5.4: Software & Hardware Tools..29
5.5: Software & Hardware Requirement...30
Chapter 6: Feasibility Study..31
6.1: Economical Feasibility ...........31
6.2: Technical Feasibility ..33
6.3: Operational Feasibility ...35


Page No.

Chapter 7: System design.36

7.1: Introduction..36
7.1.1: Logical & Operational Design...37
7.1.2: Output Source ...39
7.1.3: Input Design..40
7.1.4: Software Design .42
7.1.5: Database Design 43
7.1.6: Code Design..43
7.1.7: Process Design 44
7.2: Data flow Diagram45
7.2.1: Terms used in DFD .46
7.3: ER- Diagram.51
7.2.1: Terms used in ER- Diagram ..51
7.4: Database Design53
7.5: Module Description..57
7.6: Output Screens..58
7.7: Layered Architecture.66
Chapter 8:Coding
Chapter 9: Testing67
9.1: Unit Testing ..............72
9.2: Integration Testing ..72
9.3: System Testing ..72
9.4: Acceptance Testing 73
9.5: White-box Testing .73
9.6: Black-box Testing ..74
Chapter 10: System Security.75
10.1: Introduction.75
10.1.1: Physical Security75
10.1.2: Database Security .75
10.2: Need for Security...76
Chapter 11: Quality Assurance..77
11.1: Introduction..77
11.2: Quality management System....77
Chapter 12: Implementation..78
12.1: Introduction .......................78
12.2: Aspects of Implementation .78
12.3: Implementation Tools..78
Chapter 13: Maintenance....79
Chapter 14: Evaluation...80
Chapter 15: Conclusion..81
15.1: Scope for future work .81
15.2: Limitations ..82

We hereby declare that this submission is our own work and that, to the best of our own knowledge and
belief, it contains no material previously published or written by another person nor material which
to a substantial extent has been accepted for the award of any other degree or diploma of the
university or other institute of higher learning, except where due acknowledgement has been made in
the text.


Roll No:


Roll No:


Dewan V. S. Institute of Engineering & Technology, Meerut

(Approved by AICTE, New Delhi and Affiliated to Dr. APJAKTU,

Partapur By-pass Road, Meerut-250103, U.P

Department of Computer Science & Engineering


This is to certify that Project Report entitled

which is submitted by

in partial

fulfillment of the requirement for the award of degree B. Tech. in Department of Computer
Science of D.V.S.I.E.T, Meerut affiliated to Uttar Pradesh Technical University, Luknow is a
record of the candidates own work carried out by him/her under our supervision.

Mr. Himanshu Garg

(Project Co-ordinator)

Mr. Achintya Pandey

(Head of the Department)


It gives us a great sense of pleasure to present the report of the B. Tech project undertaken during
B. Tech Final Year. We owe special thanks to Mr./Ms. <Guide Name> Department of
Computer Science, D.V.S.I.E.T, Meerut & Mr. Himanshu Garg, Project Co-Ordinator,
Department of Computer Science, D.V.S.I.E.T, Meerut for his constant support and guidance
throughout the course of our work. His sincerity, thoroughness and perseverance have been a
constant source of inspiration for us.
We also take the opportunity to acknowledge the contribution of Mr. Achintya Pandey, Head,
Department of Computer science & Engineering, Dewan V. S. Institute of Engineering &
Technology, Meerut for his full support and assistance during the development of the project.
We also do not like to miss the opportunity to acknowledge the contribution of all faculty
members of the department for their kind assistance and cooperation during development of our
project. Last but not the least, we acknowledge our friends for their contribution in the
completion of the project.

Roll No.:


Roll No.:

Time Tracker is the application to track how much time you spend on different projects and tasks. Time
Tracker simplifies the task of tracking your working times. It starts up when you log on to your computer
and shuts down when you log off. This project deals with the process of identifying the employees,
recording their attendance hourly and calculating their effective payable hours or days. Every task of the
project gets its own time counter. You can also see total time for every task and project.
Time tracker is an on-line management system. It maintains a list of user-defined tasks. It describes the
details of the work done by different members in an organization. It keeps track of the time spent since
the task was started. It report the time spend on each desk. The time tracker project allows an
administrator to monitor the day to day progress in all projects by each member of the organization. It
improves efficiency of the worker at work.
By this project administrator can keep an overview of all priorities. He can see where the time is going in
a day and can see which projects/clients consume the most time.
Time tracker allows recording, tracking, and reporting accurately on the time that employees spend on
projects. It does this quickly, with low overheads, accurately, and reduces your time to invoicing, and
improves your accuracy of invoicing.

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