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Time in Distributed Systems

Brian Nielsen
[email protected]

Needs for precision time

Stock market buy and sell orders
Secure document timestamps (with
cryptographic certification)
Aviation traffic control and position reporting
Multimedia synchronization for real-time
Event synchronization and ordering
Network monitoring, measurement and control
Distributed network gaming and training

Thanks Herr Einstein!!

The Special Theory of Relativity : assumes that the speed of light

is constant for all observers, regardless of their relative speed.
Two events may appear in opposite order in two frames of
references that are in relative motion.
The reversal of events by two
different observers cannot
occur if the two events are
causally dependent.

The physical effect follows the

physical cause for all observers.
The elapsed time between the
occurrence of events may
however vary.

The timing of physical events was hence show to

be relative to the observer, thereby discrediting
Newtons notion of absolute physical time !!
CONCLUSION: There is no special physical clock in the universe
to which we can appeal to precisely measure intervals of time !

But I
still dont

Physical Time
1. The sun

Today: 1 sec ~ 1 day / 86400

but rotation of earth slows down

2. An Atom

State transitions in atoms (defined by BIH in Paris)

1 sec = time a cesium atom needs for 9 192631 770
state transitions*

* TAI (International Atomic Time)

A TAI-day is about 3 msec shorter than a day

BHI inserts 1 sec, if the difference between a day and a
TAI-day is more than 800 msec
Definition of UTC = universal time coordinated, being the
base of any international time measure.

International standard for timekeeping.
Based on atomic time.
Synchronizes with astronomical time using leap
UTC signals are synchronized and broadcast
regularly from land-based radio stations and
Computers with receivers attached can
synchronize their clocks with these timing

UTC broadcasts
UTC-signals come from radio broadcasting stations
or from satellites (GEOS, GPS) with an accuracy of:
1.0 msec (broadcasting station)
1.0 sec (GPS)
>> 1ms (UTC available via phone line)
Receivers are available commercialle and can be
connected to PCs

Computer Clocks
Each node in the DS contains its own physical clock !
Physical clocks are HW devices that count oscillations of
a quartz.
After a specified number of oscillations, the clock
increments a register, thereby adding one clock-tick to a
counter the represents the passing of time: Hi(t).
Resolution: Period between clock updates
The OS maintains SW Clock by scaling and adding an
offset to it:

Ci(t) = Hi(t) + .

Ci(t) approximates the physical time t at process pi. Ci(t)

may be implemented by a 64-bit word, representing
nanoseconds that have elapsed at time t.
Successive events can be timed if the clock resolutions
is smaller that the time interval between the two events.

Drift and Skew





Clock Skew

Computer clocks, like any other clocks tend not to be in

perfect agreement !!
Clock skew (offset): the difference between the times
on two clocks |Ci(t) Cj(t)|
Clock drift : they count time at different rates
Ordinary quartz clocks drift by ~ 1sec in 11-12 days. (10-6
High precision quartz clocks drift rate is ~ 10-7 or 10-8 secs/sec
Differences in material, Temperature variation.

Clock Synchronization
Clock makers specify a maximum drift rate (rho)
By definition
1- dC/dt 1+
where C(t) is the clocks time as a function of the real time

To keep them synchronized to within a time interval delta,

, they must re-sync every /2 seconds.

Internal/External Synchronization
External synchronization

Internal synchronization

synchronization of process clocks Ci

with an authoritative external source

synchronization of process clocks

Ci with each other.

Let D>0 be the synchronization

bound and S be the source of UTC.

Let D>0 be the synchronization

bound and Ci and Cj are clocks at
processes pi and pj, respectively.

Then |S(t) Ci(t)| < D for i=1,2,,N

and for all real times t.

Then |Ci(t) Cj(t)| < D for i,j=1,2,,N

and for all real times t.

We say that clocks Ci are accurate

within the bound of D

We say that clocks Ci, Cj agree

within the bound of D

Note that clocks that are internally synchronized are not necessarily externally
synchronized. i.e., even though they agree with each other, the drift collectively from the
external source of time.

Synchronization in a
synchronous system
We have:
known upper (max) and lower (min) bound for
communication delay,
known maximum clock drift,
known maximum time taken for each computational step.
We synchronize by:
time server sends its local time t to a client,
and the client sets its local clock to t+(max+min)/2.

Synchronization in an
asynchronous system
Christians algorithm.
The Berkeley algorithm.
Network time protocol (NTP).

Cristians Algorithm
A node is a time server TS (presumably
with access to UTC). How can the other
nodes be synced?
Periodically, at least every /2 seconds,
each machine sends a message to the TS
asking for the current time and the TS

Christians algorithm
Client p sends request (mr) to time server S,
S inserts its time t immediately before reply (mt) is returned,
p measures how long it takes (Tround=T1 - T0) from mr is send to mt
is received
p sets its local clock to t+Tround/2.

Accuracy of Christians algorithm

Assume min = minimal message delay

t is in the interval [T0+min, T1-min]
Uncertainty on t = Tround-2min
Estimated Accuracy= Tround/2-min


Cristians Algorithm
Jumps in time backward not permitted
Jumps forward may be confusing
Receiver adjusts : Ci(t) = Hi(t) + .

Improve precision
by taking several measurements and taking the
smallest round trip
or use an average after throwing out the large values

The Berkeley algorithm

Designed for internal synchronization.
1. One machine is chosen as the master M,
2. M request other machines pi to return their local
time ti.
3. M calculates a fault tolerant average t of
received tis.
4. M instructs each machine pi to offset its clock
with t-ti.
Idea: averaging cancels individual clock drift
Do not include extreme deviations in average
(clock is assumed to be faulty)

The Berkeley Algorithm


The time daemon asks all the other machines for their clock values
The machines answer
The time daemon tells everyone how to adjust their clock

Network time protocol

Synchronization of clients relative to UTC
on an internet-wide scale
Reliable, even in the presence of
extensive loss of connectivity
Allow frequent synchronization (relative to
clock drift)
Protection of service against disturbance
<1ms within LAN
1-10 ms internet scale
read more about
NTP at http://www.ntp.org
also, check out RFCs 1305 & 2030.

An example synchronization
subnet in an NTP implementation

Stratum 1 servers
directly coupled UTC time

Note: Arrows denote synchronization control, numbers denote



Server changes stratum

Distributed Systems

Multicast (for quick LANs, low accuracy)
- server sends its actual time to its leaves in the
Procedure-call (medium accuracy)
- server responds to requests with its actual
- like Cristians algorithm
Symmetric mode (high accuracy)
- used to synchronize between the time servers
Remark: In all cases the UDP-transportation protocol is used, i.e. messages can get lost!

Messages exchanged
between a pair of NTP peers
Server B




Server A

Ti- 3




Exchanges local timestamps to estimate offset oi and delay di

NTP servere filters pairs <oi,di>, saves 8 latest
Use the oi, with smallest di.(the smaller delay the better accuracy)

Theoretical Foundations
Inherent characterstic of a distributed system:
Absence of a global clock:
Absence of 100% accurately synchronized clocks
Impact: Due to the absence of global clock, it is
difficult to reason about the temporal order of
events in distributed system, e.g. scheduling
events is more difficult.

Logical Clocks in a DS
What is important is usually not when things
happened but in what order they happened so the
integer counter works well in a centralized
However, in a DS, each system has its own
logical clock, and you can run into problems if one
clock gets ahead of others. (like with physical
We need a rule to synchronize the logical clocks.

Event Ordering

Database updates need to be performed in the

same order at all sites of a replicated database.

Events and Logical Clocks

Leslie Lamports 1978 paper: Time,
Clocks, and the Ordering of Events in
Distributed Systems.
Theoretical Foundation
Logical Clocks
Partial and Total Event Ordering
Towards distribute mutual exclusion

System Model

A distributed system is a collection P of sequential

processes pi, i= 1,2,N.
A process pi has state si
Each process pi executes a sequence of actions

Sending a message;
Receiving a message;
Performing an internal computation that alters its state si;

The sequence of events within a single process pi are

totally ordered eje
ei2 ei3

The history of process pi is the sequence of events that

takes place therein
history(pi) = hi = <ei0,ei1,ei2,>

Happened Before Relation

The happened-before relation captures the causal

dependencies between events,
1. a b if a and b are events in the same process and a
occurred before b.
2. a b if a is the event of sending a message m in a
process and b is the event of receipt of the same
message m by another process.
3. If a b and b c, then ac, i.e. happened before
relation is transitive.

That is, past events causal affects future events

Concurrent Events
Two distinct events a and b are
concurrent (a||b) if not (ab or ba).
We cannot say whether one event
For any two events a and b in a distributed
system, either ab, ba or a||b.






a b and a c and b f
bf and ef Does e b?

Logical Clocks
There is a clock Ci at each process pi
The clock Ci can be thought of as a function
that assigns a number Ci(a) to any event a,
called the timestamp of event a, at pi
These clocks can be implemented by
counters and have no relation to physical

Conditions Satisfied by the

System of Clocks
For any events a and b: if ab , then C(a)<C(b).
implies the following two conditions:
[C1] For any two events a and b in a process Pi, if a
occurs before b, then Ci(a) < Ci (b).
[C2] If a is the event of sending a message m in process
Pi and b is the event of receiving the same message m at
process Pj, then Ci (a) < Cj (b).

Implementation Rules
[IR1] Before Pi timestamps an event
Ci:= Ci+1
[IR2a] Pi sends m: [IR1] and piggy-back
timestamp t=Ci: m=<m, t>
[IR2b] Pj receives m=<m, t>:
Cj:=max(Cj, t), followed by [IR1]

Lamport clocks example







NOTE: C(e)<C(b), but not e b

Total Ordering of Events

Lamports happened before relation defines an
irreflexive partial order among the events.
Total ordering (denoted by =>) can be obtained
by using process-id to break tie if timestamps
are equal:
a => b iff
Ci(a) < Cj(b) or
Ci(a) = Cj(b) and Pi<Pj

Total Order Lamport Timestamps





The order will be (1,1), (1,3), (2,1), (3,2) etc

Why Total Order?

Database updates need to be performed in the

same order at all sites of a replicated database.

Exercise: Lamport Clocks


a b


Assuming the only events are message send

and receive, what are the clock values at
events a-g?

Vector Clocks
Lamport: e f implies C(e) < C(f)
Vector clocks: e f iff C(e) < C(f)
vector timestamps: Each node maintains
an array of N counters
Vi[i] is the local clock for process pi
In general, Vi[j] is the latest info the node
has on what pjs local clock is.

Implementation Rules
[VC1] Initially Vi[j]=0 for i,j = 1N
[VC2] Before Pi timestamps an event:
Vi[i] := Vi [i] +1
[VC3] Pi sends m: piggy-back timestamp t=Vi:
m=<m, t>
[VC4] Pj receives m=<m, t>
Vi[i] :=max(Vi[i] , ti[i])

Comparison of Vector Clocks

Comparing vector clocks
V = V iff V[j] = V[j] for all j=1,2,,N.
V V iff V[j] V[j] for all j=1,2,,N.
V < V iff V V and V V.

Vector clocks illustrated

(1,0,0) (2,0,0)









NOTE e and b are not related

Vector Clock Exercise

Assuming the only events are send and
What is the vector clock at events a-f?
Which events are concurrent?



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