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About The Switch

Everybody has a story to tell. However, for most of the people we meet, we are only able
to know them skin deep. Have you ever tried putting yourself in somebody elses shoes
for a day? Or a week? It is difficult almost impossible to truly understand what exactly
is going on in a persons life. So when two seemingly different people are given a chance
to go beyond knowing each other skin deep what will they make of it?
About author itsakyo
Thanks for reading this little piece of mine. It's whimsical idea and story and I hope you
have as much fun as I did while writing it. Stay loyal to the royal! ^_^
I'm contactable on Twitter @itsakyo and do check out other stories of mine over at, or SSF itsakyo

Who dyed my hair while I was sleeping?!
A-A-Are these a-abs?! WHATS GOING ON?
Oh my gosh! Where did my abs go?!
Why is my hair black?!
This must be a dream!
This had better be a dream!

Introduction Yuri
Hey sexy, if youre on duty, I want to be drowning.
I call dibs on the CPR!
I ignore the group of guys who make suggestive remarks and catcall me as they walk
past me and the red and yellow flag that I am putting up.
Red and yellow.
Theres nothing like red and yellow to get my blood racing and adrenaline pumping.
All the flag means to beachgoers is that a lifeguard is on duty. What it means to me,
however, is a whole other spectrum; from prevention to safety and responsibility. As a
fulltime lifeguard at the beach, my job is to ensure the safety of beachgoers, even If they
are as irritating as that group of catcalling guys. It is also part of my job to enforce the
beach rules so as to prevent accidents or injuries from happening. There are times when
I have other duties like running training programs and handling administrative paperwork
but my main concern will always be the safety of my beachgoers.
Ive always been a strong swimmer. Even as a kid, I was able to swim in the open ocean
fearlessly. So, it is only natural that I am now a lifeguard. Is it not?
Well, I didnt always want to become a lifeguard. Once upon a time, I had wanted to
become a detective, following that, a teacher and during my teens, I had wanted to
become a swimmer. So how did I end up as a lifeguard?
I attribute my aspiration to the lifeguard who saved my life. Being a strong swimmer, I
would go to the beach every other weekend and swim in the sea. So it was like any other
weekend and any other swim in the sea when I waded into the sea and started
swimming. What I did not expect to happen, however, was my legs cramping up,
rendering me powerless to swim. It was ironic that a strong swimmer like me would panic
but I did. I panicked and struggled and panicked and struggled. I tried yelling for help but

I didnt seem to be able to time it right and every time I opened my mouth to scream for
help, more salty sea water would enter and I would splutter.
I thought I was going to die.
Then a streak of orange came out of nowhere and flashed before my very eyes and I
grabbed on to it desperately. I clutched it as tightly as I could as my chest heaved and
heaved. And as my breathing gradually resumed normality, a sense of immense relief
washed over me. My eyes closed as I fervently muttered my thanks to the heavens
watching over me.
I was saved.
I became great friends with the lifeguard who saved my life. He taught me a lot of what I
know now and one day, I found myself announcing to him that I was going to be a
lifeguard, just like him. He smiled kindly at me and patted my head.
Im sure youre going to be the best lifeguard out there.
I shook my head violently.
No, no, no. Oppa, you are the best lifeguard around.
His eyes twinkled as he laughed and ruffled my hair affectionately.
You sweet-talking lil punkie!
Now, as I settle into my lifeguard tower, I keep my eyes peeled for any possible dangers
on the beach or swimmers in danger of drowning.
There are some days when little or nothing happens but that is rare and only when there
are few people at the beach. Ive got a healthy crowd today and an accident or a case of
drowning could happen at any time and I would have to be out there rescuing them within
As a trained Emergency Medical Technician (EMT), I am all ready to be there for the
beachgoers. I keep my rescue can by my side, as well as a well-stocked first aid kit that
includes advanced first aid items like defibrillators and resuscitators in my lifeguard tower
but Id much rather not use them ever.
About half way through my shift, is when I spot the signs.
Wilding flapping arms, slapping on the surface of water, body straight up and sinking... I
know that I have less than a minute to get there and I waste no time. I grab my trusty
rescue can and dash out of my tower. My feet kick up the sand, sending showers of fine,
white sand flying and spraying through the air behind me as I sprint into the sea and dive
in without a moments hesitation. I swim strongly through the sea, each well-trained
muscle pulling hard, getting me to her before anyone else manages to and toss my
rescue can to her. She instinctively grabs hold of it and I pull her safely to shore.
A round of applause from the crowd on the beach greets me as I return to land with her in
tow but I barely even notice it. I am completely focused on ensuring that she is safe and
sound. The girl I rescued coughs and splutters but she is none the worse for wear. After I
check that she is okay, she looks at me most gratefully. Fortunately, I got to her quickly
enough so theres little damage done. Shes able to get on her feet almost immediately
and I help her back to where her beach stuff is lying in the sand.

Will you be alright?

Yes. I cant thank you enough for saving me.
I simply smile and pat her shoulder comfortingly.
Dont worry about it. Im happy enough that youre safe.
Just another day in the life of a lifeguard.
My second rescue of the day happens near the end of my shift. Unlike my first rescue
earlier today, this person is submerged and is what we lifeguards call a passive drowning
victim. She is inactive and in danger. I grab my rescue tube instead of the rescue can I
used earlier today and my body kicks into the same drill that it is so well-trained to do.
I reach her in a jiffy and submerge myself underwater. While holding onto the strap of my
rescue tube, I wrap my arm around her chest and pull on the strap with my other arm.
Just as we are about to break the water surface, I push her slightly ahead of me and
force the tube under her. Now that her head is kept above the water, I wrap my arms
under her armpits and swim back to shore.
She is unconscious as I lay her on the beach. Immediately, I radio for an ambulance
before launching into the cardiopulmonary resuscitation procedure. Finding no breathing
and pulse, I locate the meeting point of her ribs and begin pumping down hard and fast
on her chest. I do it quickly and efficiently, completing a set of thirty pumps before tilting
her head up to straighten her airway. I pinch her nose and pull her mouth open before I
engulf her entire mouth with my wide open lips and blow air into her system, allowing
some time for air to exit before blowing air in again.
I do three cycles of this before water finally spurts out from her mouth. She begins to
cough and splutter as her body tries to get her lungs to expand and take in the much
needed air for her body. Suddenly, a shrill scream pierces through the air as I check the
girl whom I rescued for any visible injuries.

Introduction Jessica
Jessi! I know you wont run but cant you at least walk a little bit faster?
My best friend skips ahead of me, eager to get to the beach and play. I on the other hand
will not go any faster than a leisurely walking pace. I never run. Not even when I am late.
If youre late, youre already late so it makes no difference if you run or not.
The main reason why I refuse to run is this: I dont exactly enjoy perspiring. It makes you
sticky and stinky all over and that is so not chic! Whenever I do perspire, I would look for
a source of cool air immediately. Standing in front of a fan or an air-conditioner is one of
my favourite positions for precisely that reason.
Talking about the word chic, well, that is part and parcel of my job. I am a writer for a
fashion magazine Girls. Tiffany is my partnering writer in Girls and thats how we got
closer to each other. I got to know Tiffany in college. We were in the same faculty and
major so it was inevitable that we knew about each other but we never got to do any
project work together so we were more of acquaintances than anything.
When we met during the interviews for this job, we clung to each other for support and
when we found out that we both got the job, we celebrated together. We hit it off pretty
well, what with the both of us hailing from America and finding out later on that we were
even born in the same hospital. Our fluency in English is also part of the reason why we
got the job. We are in-charge of interviews and such that requires any speaking or writing
of English.
Today, we are off to the beach to study the trend of bikinis in the summer season. From
multi-coloured, rainbow-like bikinis to the standard safe yet sexy colour, black, to
unmatched bikini tops and bottoms, youd see them all at the beach.
I dont wear dark coloured bikinis. I prefer brightly coloured ones and the one I have on at
the moment is hot pink in colour which incidentally is a colour that I like a lot while Tiffany
is completely in love with. Her bikini is also pink but in a different shade of it and together
we look like pink bikini sisters. Tiffany looks very striking in her red hair whilst I wear my

hair in a neutral medium shade of brown.

We eventually arrive at the beach and Tiffany grabs a couple of sun chairs for us. That
girl is always on the go, on the ball, on to everything. Some of us girls at the office call
her Manager Hwang because of this personality trait of hers. Not that we mind it. Its
always good to have a mother hen-like figure fussing around and on us. It is especially
good for me, since I barely have any mother hen genes in me.
I simply go with the flow most of the time. Even the story of how I ended up doing what I
do is a story that flows with relative ease. While most people have dreams and
aspirations and work hard towards their goals, Ive never been that way. I got into writing
at a pretty young age, eleven, but even then, it was just classes for fun and leisure, not
really to propel me into the world of journalism or writing. Unknowingly, I stuck to the
classes for the longest time, eventually ending up as a writer for real when my pieces of
writing caught the magazine editors notice. I was offered an opportunity to go for an
interview and after that, I received news that I had been offered the job. Quite a breeze, I
would say.
Going for those writing classes is also how I met Sooyoung, my long standing best friend
of all time. Sooyoung has become a writer too, a food critic blogger and a very
respectable and revered one at that. She has been labelled as the food critic circles
Shikshin and that is no easy feat, mark my words. To be recognized by food critics as
the food critic is really an honour of the highest level. She used to write for various
magazines, recommending eating places and such but after gaining a lot of fame as the
best food critic around, she launched her own blog space and she hasnt looked back
Sooyoung is also pretty chic herself and has been hailed by many to be very model-like
in looks and proportions. You could say that shes the ultimate food model. She is the
envy of many people, including myself, because she can eat all she wants without paying
the price. When I say price, I dont mean the cost of the meal which is of course free for
her. Rather, I am talking about the price of eating a lotputting on weight and looking
chubbier. Sooyoung must have been born to be a shikshin. She is blessed in all areas
related to the jobto eat with no worries of putting on any weight whatsoever. There is
nothing I can do except to sigh and lament on why I am not blessed with such genes too.
As I sip my third bottle of coke this week (yes, I count my calories!) I scan the crowd with
my razor sharp fashion sensitive eyes. Im out to look for successful bikini looks and
Tiffany is on the hunt for the misses. Do what the celebrities wear influence the general
public? We are out to get some answers today.
It is an exceptionally hot day. It is one of those days whereby you feel like running
indoors to hide in an air-conditioned room. Unfortunately, I do not have that option today
so I slap on the thickest coat of sunblock and jump into the sea for a swim instead.
I swim out to sea and before I know it, Im a little too far out for my own safety. I start to
make my way back when something gets wrapped around my ankle. I shriek but there is
no one around me to hear me and as I try to pull my ankle free, it only seems to make it
worse and soon Im pulled underwater by whatever it is that my ankle is caught in.
I cant breathe.
Im choking on water.
Im panicking.
My lungs are exploding, burning

No no no
I have no choice but to take a breath but nothing but water enters.
Im struggling my brain is growing hazy
I am vaguely aware of something soft and warm on my mouth. It is the vaguest feeling.
I cough. Big, heaving coughs.
My nostrils burn, my lungs burn and my throat is hoarse.
But I know one thing for sure.
Im not dead.
A shrill scream pierces through the air and I wince at the sudden shock. My ears arent
feeling like themselves but I hear the following words:
I have never been more relieved to hear that voice. My soggy mind manages to register
that it is Tiffany and the knowledge of something familiar calms me immensely.
I open my eyes and a pair of the deepest dark chocolate brown eyes greets me. I do not
recognize the eyes but even in my groggy state of post-drowning, I find them to be most
beautiful, gentle and kind.
Whats your name? The foreign eyes ask me.
sica I answer weakly.
Sica? Do you know where you are?
Beach? Yes, you are on the beach right now.
Jessi, oh my gawd, what happened? The familiar voice of Tiffanys reaches my ears
and I turn my head away from the warm brown eyes to search for Tiffany. I dont have to
turn much for she is right next to me, wearing the most worried look on her face.
mokay I croak.
Shh you dont have to answer me if its too difficult to. Its okay. She looks away from
me and carries on talking. Hi, Im Tiffany. Im her friend. Thanks for saving her. I figure
that Tiffany is now talking to my savior.
Its no problem at all. Wheres your stuff? Lets get her to her sun chair so I can apply
first aid on her.
I feel myself being lifted and I instinctively wrap my arms around the body that lifts me,
fearing that I might fall. The body lifts me and carries me with such ease that for a
moment I think that I am in the arms of a man but I open my eyes wider and the sight of

the tanned cleavage on the body tell me otherwise. Since it is a girl carrying me, I decide
not to make a big fuss about the fact that her fingers are all over the side of my breast as
she carries me. I shouldnt be complaining since shes only trying to help me.
Im lowered onto my sun chair very gently and laid down to rest. My eyes droop. I think I
exhausted myself when I was struggling to free my ankle because I feel myself drifting off
to sleep.
I shake her shoulders in an attempt to wake her up. Although secondary drowning cases
are pretty rare, I remember that feeling sleepy after a near-drowning episode is one of
the signs that we should be wary of.
Sica, stay awake!
I dont know why she told me that her name is Sica when her friend Tiffany calls her Jessi
but I call her Sica anyway.
Dont sleep Sica!
The said girls eyes flutters open and I sigh with relief. I had to make sure that she wasnt
sleeping because of an oxygen-deprived brain. She yawns widely and I cant help
giggling. Now that she is out of immediate danger, I am able to take a good look at her.
Her face is scrunched up in a cute pout because she is not allowed to sleep. Her
hazelnut brown hair is at the moment very messed up and clinging on to every surface
because its wet but she still manages to look dainty and pretty. Her figure well, I would
say she has a figure to die for and thats saying a lot, considering how picky and strict I
am when it comes to body tone. I have no doubt that she has a personal trainer of sorts
to keep her in shape because she is well toned but has little or no muscles. She has a
very cute pointy nose and slightly thinner lips but her eyes are what I find to be most
beautiful about her.
Why wont you let her sleep? her friend asks me curiously.
Usually after a near-drowning incident, we have to monitor her breathing to make sure
that she didnt sustain injuries to her respiratory system from the incident.
Oh Jessi is a sleepyhead so its not easy to keep her awake. Tiffany grins.
Ya, dont go around telling embarrassing things about me to strangers. Sica speaks
suddenly whilst glaring at her friend rather fiercely.
I am slightly intimidated by that glare but it doesnt seem to have any effect on Tiffany
who merely laughs a little more.
Strangely enough, I am attacked by an onslaught of sleepiness as well. What is that
about? I wonder to myself. Im anything but the sleepy type. I brush that strange feeling
aside and tend to Sicas ankle. It is cut and bleeding slightly so I fetch my first aid kit and
clean her wound.
Heres my number. Call me if you dont feel well within the next 24 hours. Ill be able to
give you advice on what to do.

I hand Sica my name card and stand up to leave.

Kwon Yuri. Lifeguard. Lifeguard trainer.
Sica reads out loud the contents of my name card. She appears to be impressed for her
eyebrows are raised as she looks at the credentials that are listed on my name card.
Thanks Yuri. I havent thanked you for saving my life today. Sica tries to stand up but I
push her shoulders back gently.
Youre very welcome Sica.
By the way, my name is Jessica.
Oh! Im sorry, I heard you saying Sica when I asked for your name.
Sica is what my close friends call me for short but you can call me Sica too if you like.
I see. Well, I have to get back to work. Take care, Sica.
Id like to treat you to dinner some timeto thank you.
I smile widely at her and stick out my thumb and pinkie, making the universal phone hand
Call me.
I wave goodbye to Jessica and Tiffany as I jog back to my tower and they wave back at
me cheerfully. Ahjust another day in the life of a lifeguard.
Or so I thought.

Chapter 1 Spellbound
Hyoyeon jumps in her skin at the sound of her fathers angry voice. She knows his irate
and livid tone well. Its definitely going to be bad news for her.
What did I do this time?
She cant figure it out. She hasnt been up to any pranks recently. She hasnt been out
tricking people into believing stupid things either. So what is he angry about?
Unfortunately, theres only one way to find out.
So it is with great trepidation that Hyoyeon makes her way to see her father.
You see, Hyoyeon is a fairya naughty, cheeky fairy to be exact. Fairies are people of
peace. Bestowed upon them since ancient times is a magical power to make peace
between people. There is a book of spells and incantations that you can learn how to
cast magic from but there are all sorts of rules and laws to abide by in the use of magic
and that is what Hyoyeon gets into the most trouble over.
How many times have I told you that you are not supposed to use magic as you like?
Hyoyeon quivers under the wrath of his fiery temper.
You will end up getting into trouble and mess up the flow of nature!
Hyoyeon is sure that her father is beyond angry this time. But she cant for her dear life
think of what she did wrong this time.
But Ive been good! I didnt cast any spell on anyone.
The rules of casting magic extend beyond people! You dont ever listen to me, do you? I
know that you were up to your tricks again at the beach.
Hyoyeon freezes at what he said. She is guilty and she knows it. She had been having
fun casting body switching spells on crabs and sea cucumbers, laughing at how the sea

cucumbers roll around helplessly whilst the crabs stay completely still and unmoving.
Uh oh...
Erdid something go wrong at the beach? Hyoyeon asks nervously.
Did something go wrong at the beachhahahayoure asking me if something went
wrong at the beach? HAHAHA
Hyoyeon shivers and braces herself for her fathers wrath.
He is absolutely livid and his flaming red hair accentuates his anger even more. Hyoyeon
shudders. This is bad. Shes never seen her father this angry before. Her father shoves
an iPhone into her hands and taps the play button on the screen.
Watch that.
Hyoyeon gulps hard and watches the video. She sees herself on the beach, hunting for
crabs, looking completely ridiculous as she trailed up and down the beach, bent double
with a wobbling sea cucumber in her hand. Finally, she spotted a crab and yelled the
incantation in a hurry.
Then she waved her hands about fluidly before staring at the crab and sea cucumber.
Much to her disappointment, the crab scurried away unscathed; probably thinking that it
had just met the craziest person on Earth.
Unbeknownst to her, the incantation that she had directed at the crab and sea cucumber
had fallen on other objects insteadnamely the two girls behind the crab who had
kissed right at the moment she recited it. She had been so engrossed in hunting for a
crab that she didnt realize how close she had wandered to humans.
She returns the gadget to her father, looking rather pale while her father is on the verge
of pulling his hair out at the thought of the trouble she has created by being so careless.
Do you know that while this spell is easily reversible on animals, it is a lot more
complicated when cast on humans?
Yes Hyoyeon swallows hard. She knows that she has caused a lot of trouble now.
And what are the conditions for this spell to take effect on humans?
Hyoyeon gulps hard again and recites what she has memorized from the book of spells
and incantations. The spell works on humans only when two people have mouth to
mouth contact at the exact moment of incantation. They must also have a desire to know
each other better. If all conditions are achieved, their bodies will be switched by the next
Her father nods his head gravely. We have been monitoring these two girls ever since
we detected that a spell had been cast upon them. Now, the fate of these two girls needs
to be re-written. Kwon Yuri, born of the sign of the archer, a Sagittarius, and Jessica
Jung, born of the sign of the ram, an Aries, are meant to be together but thanks to your
carelessness, we now have to make sure that they are separated forever.

But why?
They mustnt meet again. The spell is almost complete for they had mouth to mouth
contact while you said the incantation. We cannot let them desire to know each other
better or they will be spellbound.
But its been written in the stars that they are meant for each other.
That cannot be helped. We mustnt let them switch bodies. There will be chaos.
But if they are meant for each other, they will be able to work it out and solve their
problems eventually, wont they?
It is better to avoid chaos than to try to resolve it.
But but they are meant for each other! Its written in the stars! Hyoyeon stamps her
foot obstinately. She feels terrible for being responsible for the separation of two kindred
Well, do you have a better solution to the problem that you created? Her father cocks
an eyebrow questioningly.
Isnt there some kind of reversal spell for this?
Her father sighs. Hyoyeonie, if there were one, we would have used it immediately. This
spell is unique when cast on humans. It has to be completed and experienced to the
fullest before the spell can be broken. The spellbound need to understand each other
completely and only when that is achieved, will the spell be broken.
Understand each other completely? Whythats almost impossible! Hyoyeon is
Now do you know why I am so angry? Now do you understand why we have to keep
them apart?
Hyoyeon looks down at her feet looking contrite. She is truly sorry for the trouble that she
has caused because of her carelessness yet again. However, there is something about
the solution her father suggested that bothers her greatly.
If they are meant to be, wont they gravitate towards each other?
Yes they will.
So how can we keep them apart?
With lots of magic.
But doesnt that sound like a lot more work than letting them switch bodies and learning
about each other?
We are people of peace. If they switch bodies, they will clash and lose their harmony.
We cannot let that happen.
I think we should have greater faith in humans, Dad.
Do you really think they can resolve all their differences while being in each others body

and even get to the point of succeeding in breaking the spell that binds them? Her father
begins to look amusedly at his daughters idealistic faith.
Hyoyeon clenches her fists and jaw. I believe in them. Their fate is written in the stars
and they are meant to be together. I will personally see them through this. I will stay by
their side and help them to diffuse difficult situations so that they can break the spell one
Her father smiles at her proudly.
My, myhas our dearest Hyoyeonie grown up already? You sound so mature and
grown up all of a sudden.
He taps his chin as he ponders over what his daughter has said. His eyes twinkle and
sparkle as he comes to a decision.
Very well then...I place the fates of these two girls in your hands, Hyoyeonie. Be
responsible and see them through this challenge. Who knows, this may be turn out to be
a blessing in disguise.
Hyoyeon pumps the air with her fist victoriously.
YES! Thank you Dad!
Her father laughs as she launches herself at him, giving him her biggest bear hug.
An unknown number flashes on my iPhone. I pick it up and stare at the number, trying to
figure out who it is but I am sure that I have never seen this number before.
Hiis this Yuri? A sweet and gentle voice asks a little hesitantly.
Yes, Im Yuri. And you are?
Jessica. Or you may remember me as Sica, the girl you saved from drowning two days
Oh! Siiica! I remember you! I think I sound a little too chirpy but its not like I can help
I can hear a smile in her voice when she speaks again. Im calling because Id like to
treat you to dinner.
I am smiling as images of her cute pout and yawn come to mind suddenly. Sure, Im
never one to turn down a free dinner.
Will you be free tonight?
You sure know when you ask! Im off work today. Where are you planning to have
I was thinking of having a seafood dinner at the restaurant by the beach.
Are you talking about Under The Sea?

Yes. What do you think?

I think Ill see you tonight for a seafood dinner! I giggle.
She giggles too. So I will see you at seven?
Sevens good.
Okay bye.
I cringe at our slightly awkward ending but I cant help thinking that this may be the start
of something beautiful.
Hi Yuri.
I look up from my iPhone and my jaw almost drops. What can I say? I have a stubborn
She looks ten times more gorgeous than she did that day on the beach. Her light brown,
hazelnut hair is swept up into a neat and cute bun. She is wearing a pair of black rimmed
glasses that makes her look geeky but in a totally good way. She is dressed simply yet
wellI cant find the word for it. I could probably spend half a day browsing through a
dictionary and still not find a word to suitably describe the way she looks. Or maybe, its
really the way she feels.
Ahthats rightshe feelslike a princess.
Theres something about the way she walksalbeit resembling a sergeant in some ways
as though time would slow down for her if she were late just so that she wouldnt have
to run.
A wide smile shows up unbidden on my face and my arm lifts itself up to wave at her.
Hi Sica.
She sits opposite me and smiles shyly.
What shall we eat? She blinks at me.
Do you have any favourite dishes or something you want to try?
She shakes her head daintily. Ive never eaten here. Why dont you order for us?
I nod and signal for a waiter.
Well have the steamed prawns, a butter crab, a plate of assorted steamed vegetables
and two bowls of rice.
Would you like any drinks to go with your meal?
I look at her to find out what she wants.

Tea please.
Make that two. I add before the waiter takes down our orders and leaves.
ErI didnt order too much, did I? I look at her sheepishly, realizing that it was a little
too late to ask anyway.
Her lips are curled up slightly as she shakes her head daintily.
No, its quite alright.
There is a moment of awkward silence between us after that as neither of us speaks. I,
being the kind of person who cant really handle utter silence, am the one who breaks the
Sowhat do you do for a living? Or are you still studying?
Her toothless smile reappears.
Im a writer for the magazine Girls.
Oh. I see. Hahawellyou already know my jobso
Youre a lifeguard and a very good one at that. She smiles sweetly at me and I blush a
little. Im not quite comfortable with praises being dished out in my face.
Are you a good writer? I blurt out without thinking and immediately feel like slapping
myself for asking such a blunt question.
She looks more amused than offended by my question, fortunately.
Read my articles if youre curious.
I grin bashfully. Im not much of a reader. I dont even know what makes a good writer.
Her nose crinkles at what I say.
A good writers work is easy to read and understand. She uses the simplest words in the
most creative ways possible to deliver her message. She engages and moves her
readers in the way she wants to. Most importantly, a good writer must genuinely love and
be proud of her work.
Her sudden outburst of speech leaves me breathless and speechless. All I can do in
response to her rather lengthy and semi-lectorial reply is nod stupidly. She giggles and
points at my mouth and gestures for me to close it. Only then do I realize that my
stubborn jaw has lost its stubbornness. I snap my mouth shut immediately as my cheeks
flush into a deep crimson red.
Fortunately for me, I am saved from further embarrassment by the arrival of our bowls of
rice as well as the first dishsteamed prawns. My mouth waters at the sight of the
steaming hot prawns in their lovely red shells. They look plump and juicy and I cant wait
to sink my teeth into them.
I pick one up with my bare hands that I had wiped clean as soon as the plate was set
down on the table. In no time at all, the prawn is shelled and I pop its succulent flesh into
my wide open mouth. These are definitely fresh prawns. I can tell by the firmness of the

I dont notice that Sica isnt eating until Im into my third prawn.
Why arent you eating?
She merely smiles toothlessly and shakes her head.
You dont like prawns?
I like them.
So why arent you eating?
She purses her lips for a moment.
I dont want to shell the prawns and dirty my hands.
I am momentarily stunned by her answer. I blink several times before I realize that Im
gaping again.
Oh. I shift uncomfortably in my seat. Im sorryI didnt ask you about your preference
when I ordered this.
Its quite alright. This dinner is to thank you for saving me. I want you to have what you
But its not fun eating by myself. I am determined that she eats too. Ill shell the prawns
for you. Dont worry, my hands are clean.
Her eyebrow raises higher up as I begin shelling a prawn for her and place it on her
Eat. I gesture at the shelled prawn on her plate.
She picks the prawn up with her chopsticks and eats it daintily and I find myself smiling a
little stupidly.
Its good, isnt it?
She positively beams at me as she chews the prawn.
Its delicious!
I grin and shell more prawns for her whilst thinking that she looks really cute when shes
chewing prawns. I end up shelling all the prawns for her and when the crab arrives, I
crack the shell and scoop out the flesh for her as well.
We chat on and off throughout the dinner and by the end of it, I know a little bit more
about her and her two best friends, Tiffany and Sooyoung. She seems to be more
comfortable talking about her friends than herself, I observe. I suppose she is the shy
type that takes a longer time to warm up to strangers.
She pays the bill and we find ourselves standing side-by-side, outside the restaurant,
shivering slightly in the cool of the night.
Thanks for the dinner. I begin saying, not quite knowing how to say goodbye.

Its the least I could do after you saved my life.

Well, I didnt come just for a treat.
Oh? Why did you come then? Her eyes twinkle with interest.
There, thats my chance right there. I clear my throat of the nothing that is there.
I thought we could be friends.
You thought? Does that mean you dont think we can be friends anymore?
Huh? No, no, no. Aigoo dont play the word game with me Sica. You know what I
mean, right?
Sica laughs daintily at my flustered reaction to her teasing.
So, you want to be my friend, huh? Her eyes gleam with a little something mysterious.
Yes, I want to be your friend. I answer her as calmly as I can.
Why? I blink.
Yes, why?
Nobody has ever asked me why I want to be their friend before. I dont know what to say.
I dont know. All I know is thatId like to know you better.
Hmminteresting... Her eyes narrow into slits as she gazes at me.
Erwhy is that interesting?
Because Id like to know you better too. She smiles suddenly and I feel a tingling
sensation descending within my body from head to toe. It is the oddest feeling ever but a
decidedly good one.
And that means?
Youll have more chances to shell prawns for me in future, she finishes with a cheeky
grin that I find most adorable.
Im at your service, Princess. I bow with my arms bent across my waist, front and back.
She laughs and I laugh.
We laughtogether.
Hyoyeon stands inconspicuously by the side, pretending to wait for someone. Out of the
corner of her eye, however, shes really watching Yuri and Jessica. As the stars have
shown, Yuri and Jessica are indeed meant for each other.
Before coming down to the restaurant, she watched video snippets of Jessica and Yuri in

their daily lives to understand them better. A simple incantation of Mediaso In Reso gives
her access to a persons past and she can conjure her iPhone to play it like a video.
Jessica as seen in the videos is rather cold and quiet. She is not usually as smiley as she
has been tonight with Yuri. Yuri, on the other hand, is her usual charming self but she is
usually more active and hyper than tonight where she has been a little more toned down
than usual. All in all, these two naturally gravitate towards each other and upon contact,
instinctively compromise to suit each other. They have chemistry, to say the least.
She pricks her ears to listen in on their conversation. She knows that it is only a matter of
time before they fulfill the final condition of the spell desiring to know each other better
and sure enough, she hears them confess it to each other.
She takes a deep breath for she knows that the spell is now complete.
From this moment on, what would have been a budding, promising friendship is going to
spin out of control, beyond what has been written in the stars.
I open my eyes and sit up straight immediately. That is how I wake up every morning. I
wake up early to get some exercise and my daily dose of Ma juicea healthy drink.
I run my fingers through my hair to brush it naturally but it seems to go on a bit longer
than usual.
Weird. My hair isnt that long
I look down and gasp.
Who dyed my hair while I was sleeping?!
I comb my fingers through my hair. Is this even my hair?!
Feeling uneasy, I rub my tummy for comfort only to find it unusually smooth. In a moment
of sheer panic, I pull my night wearHOLD ONthis must be some kind of jokeor a
prank. YES. This is must be a prank. My abs cant just disappear overnight.
Yuri ahcalm down. Calm down. I have a habit of speaking to myself out loud
whenever I need comfort.
With a sense of ever increasing dread, I pull my night wear up to reveal my tummy.
Oh my gosh! Where did my abs go?!
I stare unblinkingly at the spot where my abs should be as my fingers absentmindedly
trace the outline of my vanished abs. I think Im about to hyperventilate. If theres
anything I cant afford to loseits my ABS!!!
And why is my skin so fair?!
I march myself up to my mirror.


Even Mickey Mouse wouldnt be able to tell me what is going on. Even Mickey Mouse
wouldnt be able to explain why I wake up looking exactly like Sica.
This must be a dream! I grin at Sica in the mirror and she grins right back at me.
I pinch myself.
OWW! Okay, this is definitely not a dream.
I rub the sore spot where I pinched myself. But if this is not a dream
My alarm sounds; each tone getting increasingly louder as I ignore it, forcing me to reach
out from under my sheets in search of that obnoxious human invention. They just couldnt
stop at the clock invention, could they? Noinstead, they had to innovate and irritate the
heck out of me with alarm clocks.
My searching hand finds the disgusting contraption and silences it with a forceful tap. The
alarm stops and I find peace once again. Ahpeaceand quiet.
I retract my hand back under the sheets and begin to drift back into my favourite la la
land. I almost made it back there but reality intrudes againin the form of a ringtone. My
cellphone is ringing.
Another shrill ring of my ringtone goes off and I sigh resignedly as I drag myself out of
bed towards my desk where my cellphone is buzzing away. As I stagger out of bed, I
discover something strange.
A-A-Are these a-abs?! WHATS GOING ON? I exclaim in surprise when I feel the welltoned muscles flexing in my abdomen. I get off my bed and my black hair falls all around
my face.
Black?! Did I just see black hair?!
Why is my hair black?! I ask no one in particular. My lovely hazelnut brown hair is gone
and I can swear that my hair is slightly shorter than before. Something is seriously
This had better be a dream! I threaten no one in particular. Unfortunately, this feels too
real to be a dream.
I find myself staring at Yuri in the mirror.
Holy mother of icicles. HOW DID I TURN INTO YURI?!

Unnie? Is everything alright in there? UNNIE?
My eyes widen to their limit as I hear my sisters voice. I clamp my hands over my mouth
instantly; silencing myself.

Chapter 2 Meeting Me
Soojung ah, Im fine. I-I..I saw a bug.
Oh, what kind of bug is it? I can catch it for you.
Never mind! Its gone now.
Oh I slump again the wall in utter relief, thinking that Soojung would finally leave but
my heart almost stops when I hear her voice again. Uhunnie?
I am this close to losing my mind but I have to answer my sister as calmly as I can.
Unnie, your voice sounds weird this morning. Are you sick?
Oh no! Even my voice sounds like Yuris now! Yet, in spite of the tumultuous state of mind
I am in right now, my mind amazingly spots a great opening to save myself from the
impending disaster.
Yes, Ive got a sore throatand perhaps a cold as well.
Thats oddyou were fine when you came home last night. In fact, I havent seen you
that happy in quite a while.
I-It must be the seafood I ate. I amaze myself again with my quick comeback. I never
knew myself to be so adept at coming up with lies.
Oh...but wouldnt you be having a stomachache instead of a cold?
This is one of those moments when you would really love to throttle your irritating little
sister to death but I know that shes asking out of concern for me so I take a deep breath
and calm myself down again.
Soojung ah, Im not feeling well. Asking me so many questions isnt helping.
Sorry, unnie. Er, last question. Are you still going to send Mummy and Daddy off to the
airport if youre sick?
I almost groan out loud. I had completely forgotten all about it! My parents are going to
the States to visit our family members and they are leaving today. And that was why my
alarm went off so early. Never in my right mind would I ever set an alarm on a Saturday
morning otherwise. Saturday and Sunday are the only two days in the week that I can
sleep till the sun is high up in the sky and nobody in their right mind would even think of
trying to wake me up early on a weekend.
I look down at myself. Who am I kidding, Im not even myself! Im Yuri! My parents are

going to have a heart attack if I appear as Yuri claiming to be their dear daughter Jessica.
I dont think I can go. I think I sound rather sad because my dear sister comforts me
Awwdont be sad, unnie. You can go and pick them up when they come back!
I smile to myself. Soojung and I are so different. Were sisters but we are like day and
night. Most people dont know that we are sisters until we tell them that we are. For one,
we dont really look alike. Then there are our differences. For example, Im terrible at
sports but shes really good at it. Yet at the end of the day, we care for each other deeply.
Blood will always be thicker than waterunless you mess with it stupidly.
Got it.
But unnie, do you want to at least go down and say goodbye to them?
Oh no. I immediately groan out loud. Soojung ahthat stomachache you were talking
aboutI think its here. I need the bathroom.
Oh nounnieare you sure you will be alright?
Yes, yes. Dont worry. Im sure Ill feel better after this.
Okay, Ill tell Mom and Dad that you cant go with us. Ill be back soon!
Okay! Come back safely!
I finally heave a sigh of relief when I hear her footsteps fading away and collapse onto my
bed. I lie there, feeling the soft sheets under my skin, seeking comfort in my favourite
place to be until I remember that I have a huge problem on my hands and only a very
limited time to solve it before Soojung comes home again.
Just. Kill. Me. Now.
I stand in front of the mirror again and study myself closely (or is it Yuri that Im studying?
Im confusing myself). A little of myor is it hertummy is showing. Shes taller than me
so my tank isnt long enough for this longer body. The pair of shorts Im wearing now
looks way too short to be worn decently as well.
I raise my tank a little higher. The abs on this body are truly a work of art and I find myself
wondering just how much work went into the maintenance of abs like these. Whatever
the amount work it took Yuri to get abs like this is something that I am sure I would never
ever want to do. I run my fingers across the well-defined abs.
I like them. But not when they are on me!
This wont do. I have to get to Yuri and find out what landed me in this bowl of hot
cucumber soup. I need to get out of it. FAST.
Hyoyeon watches as Jessica dashes out of her home with her iPhone in hand,
presumably to get away from being seen by her sister. She stifles a giggle as Jessica is
decked out in the most un-Jessica-like clothesan oversized t-shirt and track pants that

dont quite reach her ankles. None of her shoes fit her so she is forced to wear a pair of
old flip flops that miraculously fit her new feet. All in all, she looks terriblethe most
uncoordinated look she has ever donnedbut she doesnt really care. Its not her image
shes ruining anyway.
Hyoyeon. Her fathers stern voice wipes the silly grin off of her face.
She jumps to her feet and hides her iPhone behind her back but that move only made
her father more suspicious of her.
Are you doing your job of helping Jessica and Yuri out? You promised to be with them
every step of the way. This is the moment that they need you the most.
Youre wrong Dad. Hyoyeon speaks smoothly as though she has this all thought out
beforehand. They need time to get over the shock. If I appear now, they will think that
Im crazy and wont believe me.
Personally, she doesnt think that it will make much of a difference if she waits but her
father seems to think that shes right.
Hmmwell thought out, Hyoyeon. Well done.
Hyoyeon beams at her father, showing her beautiful set of pearly whites. Dont worry
DadIve got this under control.
Her father sighs and shakes his head slightly. Why do I worry more when you say that?
I feel like whacking my own headwhich now looks like Sicas headreal hard for
forgetting to get Sicas number the night before and also for not remembering to save her
number when she called me yesterday. I have no way of contacting her unless she
contacts me. A sudden thought paralyzes me with the worst kind of dread.
What if she doesnt call me again?
How am I going to go out looking like Sica?
What if Im stuck looking like this forever? What will I do?
I groan from the depths of my tortured mind.
A sudden burst of song from my iPhone makes me jump as though Ive been struck by
lightning. Who is it?
No, noit isnt Mickey Mouse. Im just exclaiming because my worst fear has just been
dissolved. The caller is Sica.
Sica! Im so glad you called! I
I dont have time to listen to you gushing about our wonderful dinner last night. I have a
serious problem with my body right now. I need to see you privately. Just the two of us.
What? My blood runs hot and cold as Jessica makes her demands. Wow. I know we
had a really good dinner last night but isnt she going a little too fast right now? I was

planning on getting to know her better before making another move but it seems as
though she wants to skip right to thethe
I gulp. Hard.
Erarent we going a little too fast? I ask hesitantly, not wanting to reject herneeds
too directly.
I gulp hard. Again.
Er I break into sweat nervously, remembering the state that I am in. I think youre in
for a shock if you see me andI may not be able tosolve your ahemproblem. I
dont think you would want todo it with me
DO IT? WITH YOU? Yuri, you need to start talking sense and we need to meet. Pronto.
Is there any one in your house?
I lick my lips nervously before answering, I live alone.
Excellent. Text me your address. Ill drive over to your place now.
Okay. I nod obediently. Can I have your number Sica? I ask, feeling proud of myself
for finally remembering to get her number.
She sounds incredibly impatient when she answers. Im calling you on your iPhone right
now. Wont you have my number already?
Oh I scratch my head, feeling rather foolish all of a sudden. I could have checked my
call log to get her number!
I drag my palm down my face, feeling utterly stupid in that moment.
Text me your address now! she instructs before hanging up.
I send her a text message with my address immediately. Then, I sit and wait.
As I wait for Sica to arrive, I cant help but feel curious about her body. She is definitely
smaller than memy baggy t-shirt looks even baggier and my shorts look a little like
bermudas now that I have Sicas body.
I catch myself rubbing my (Sicas) tummy. I miss my abs. Oh, how hard I worked to get
those abs. My lifeguard swim suit bares my midriff and I love it when guys and girls alike,
gawk at my beautifully chiselled abs at the beach. My interest begins to inch upwards
after moaning the loss of my abs. Mmm, Sica is rather well-endowed. I stand in front of
the mirror admiring her (myself) figure but its so weird to see her face making
expressions that only I would make.
Just then, the doorbell chimes. I inhale a huge breath and hold it momentarily before

exhaling loudly.
Yuri ah, you can do it. Yuri ah, stay calm.
I feel better after talking to myself and walk to the door. My hand grips the handle and
pulls the door open.
But I dont see Sica. I see Yuri. Thatsme.
Im not dreamingam I?
FOR THE LOVE OF MICKEY!!! I yell in shock which comes out more like a dolphin
She appears to be equally stunned but she comes to her senses before I do and clamps
her hand over my mouth which technically is my hand over her mouth. Oh my mouse
this is so unreal. She pushes me inside and kicks the door shut with her foot.
Tell me that this is just a dream. Please, I beg. I WANT TO WAKE UP!!!
She pulls my cheeks with her thumbs and index fingers.
OWW! STOP IT! I whine and push her hands away from my face.
Youre not dreaming, Yuri.
My eyes widen before I squeeze them shut and cover my ears with my palms as I shake
my head violently.
Nooohow can this be??? I cant believe Im talking to myself in Sicas body. It must
be all the sun that I go under. Ive gone delusional.
hysterically at me which is incredibly weird because Ive never really heard my voice
going that high before.
I open my eyes again and look at her only to see myself looking back at me with an
intense burning glare in those eyes of mine. That intense look reminds me of how Sica
glared at Tiffany at the beach and that is the only way I can ascertain that I am not
actually delusional.
How did this happen to us?
She sighs and shrugs. I dont know.
Could it be the prawns?
She gives me the kind of look that says a lot about her opinion of my level of intelligence.
Do you mind if I dont look at you when we talk? I dont want to see myself wearing that
dumb look on my face.
She averts her eyes from mine and gestures for me to shut my mouth just like she did at
the dinner last night. I shut my mouth immediately, blushing in embarrassment.
Thats a good idea. Its really weird for me to look at myself talking to myself too.

We turn away from each other and face the television instead.
Now, what do we do? I ask her. She seems a lot calmer than me. She should have
some ideas.
We try to figure out how we ended up in each others bodies.
Just then, a loud bang goes off in the middle of my living room, making us jump in our
skins for the 2122418125th time this morning.
A rainbow of sparkles cloud our vision and we blink rapidly, trying to regain our vision.
When we finally do, we are convinced that we must have gone completely out of our
minds. Sica and I look at each other at the same time. The look on our faces affirm that
we are both seeing what the other person is seeinga cheeky-looking girl with two pairs
of pretty white dragonfly-like wings sprawled in an awkward posture on the floor.
The girl coughs violently as she picks herself off the floor and stands up to smile at us
two completely stupefied girls.
Relax, relax. No need to get all worked up. Never seen a fairy before?
Sica and I gape at her and shake our heads mutely.
She grins impishly, showing off her sparkling whites before she curtsies as her arm
sweeps through the air with a flourish.
Well, now youve seen one. Hi, Im Hyoyeon. Im a fairy.

Chapter 3 Youre Kidding

Yuri and Jessicas jaws are rendered temporarily dysfunctional. They hang loosely from
the joint, wide open and useless as the girls blink in disbelief.
Whats this now? A fairy?! Yuri splutters
Youre kidding, right? Jessica looks just as shocked. You, Jessica points at Hyoyeon in
disbelief, are a fairy?!
Hyoyeon grins widely. Yes I am! She spins around to show off her wings. See? These
are my fairy wings!
They look more like giant dragonfly wings to me, Yuri mumbles.
Hyoyeons cheeky grin disappears in a flash. Crestfallen now, she nods sadly as she
I chose dragon wings actually. You know how cool dragon wings are right? Hyoyeon
perks up for a second before returning to her crestfallen state in the next. But the wingmaker ran out of dragon wings because its so popular and I ended up with dragonfly
ones instead.
Yuri bursts out laughing, much to Hyoyeons consternation.
Ya! Dont laugh at my wings. I love them even though they are dragonfly wings and not
dragon wings.
How do we know youre not playing a joke on us? Jessica speaks up all of a sudden in
an untrusting tone.
Hyoyeon grins cheekily at Jessica. I can prove to you that Im a fairy. I have magic
powers! Didnt I appear in front of you from a rainbow of sparkles?
Jessica doesnt look convinced. If youre a fairy, then turn us back to what we were
Hyoyeon shakes her head sadly. Unfortunately, I cant do that.
Then youre not a fairy.
I am!

Youre not.
Youre NOT!
Watch. Hyoyeon turns around and faces them with her wings. She mutters some words
and the wings close and disappear before their very eyes.
Hyoyeon turns back and looks from Yuri to Jessica and back to Yuri before laughing out
loud at their gaping faces. With one finger pointing at them and her other hand holding on
to her stomach, she laughs till she is red in the face and in stiches.
Feeling irritated and frustrated, Jessica kicks the fairys leg.
Ya! Stop laughing and tell us how to get out of this mess fairy.
Hyoyeon doesnt stop laughing, so she threatens her instead.
Start talking if you want to get out of here alive fairy, Jessica growls.
Hyoyeon stops laughing immediately at Jessicas threat. She has seen enough videos of
Jessica in her daily life to know that she does not want to end up like one of the victims of
Jessicas violence. If Jessica is bold enough to kick fully grown men into swimming pools,
theres no telling what she might do to her when shes angry. Hyoyeon shudders at the
thought and smiles nervously.
Okay, okay, Ill talk. She hastily backs away from Jessica who is, at the moment,
glowering at her.
Jessica crosses her arms and waits for Hyoyeon to explain herself. Hyoyeon watches her
as she turns and looks at Yuri before rolling her eyes. It is evident that Jessica doesnt
have a high opinion of Yuris inaction at the moment.
Ahem. Hyoyeon clears her throat nervouslyshe knows that she has her work cut out
for her. The two of you have switched bodies, she begins.
We know! Jessica rolls her eyes again. Do you think we havent noticed that? We want
to know how this happened. She points at both Yuri and herself. We want to know how
we can get out of this horrible situation!
Alright, calm down, calm down. Hyoyeon breathes deeply. She feels very uneasy now.
Jessica is going to be very difficult to handle. Thank goodness Yuri is just sitting there,
staring blankly at the two of them. God help her if Yuri were to be as volatile as Jessica.
A body switching spell was cast on you by mistake.
A BODY SWITCHING SPELL?! Yuri and Jessica choruses in shock.
Uh huh. I must apologize to you. I was only trying to cast it on a crab but I got too near to
you and the spell fell on you instead. Hyoyeon gulps hard after admitting that its her
fault that Yuri and Jessica are in this situation.


OOOFF! goes Hyoyeon as she hits the ground with a loud thud.
A cloud of rainbow sparkles rise from the ground and float in the air as Hyoyeon is
tackled to the ground by a very angry Jessica. Normally, Jessica might not be strong
enough to tackle someone to the floor but she is, at the moment, in Yuris body which is a
lot taller and stronger, what with the abs and all. She throttles Hyoyeon and the fairy
coughs and splutters as she tries to save herself from death by strangulation.
As Hyoyeon turns blue in the face and thinks that all is lost, she is saved by Yuri who has
finally snapped out of her daze and is back in action.
Sica! Stop! Youre going to kill her!
Thats exactly what I want to do right now! Jessica growls menacingly.
But she may be the one who can get us out of this! Yuri yells in alarm as Hyoyeon goes
from blue to purple in the face.
Yuris words halt Jessicas assault immediately. She releases Hyoyeon and stands up,
patting off the rainbow sparkles from her hands.
Youre right. Yuri. You may not be as useless as I think you are after all.
Wha-? You think that Im useless? Yuri splutters in shock but Jessica ignores her
Instead, Jessica turns to Hyoyeon who is now coughing and breathing deeply while lying
on the floor.
Tell us how this problem can be solved.
Hyoyeon coughs some more as she tries to stand up and Yuri grasps her arm to hoist her
up onto her feet. Hyoyeon smiles gratefully at Yuri as she gets back on her feet.
Yuri is definitely a lot gentler than Jessica is.
Hyoyeons eyes open wide as realization strikes her hard.
I almost died!
She backs away from Jessica and scurries behind Yuri to hide from the scary one.
There is one way to break the spell. She peeps over Yuris shoulder at Jessica.
What is it? Jessica asks impatiently. I want my body back. Now.
The two of you have to get to know and understand each other completely. Once that
happens, the spell will be broken and your bodies will be returned to you.
There is silence for a lengthy terse moment as Yuri and Jessica try to make sense of

what was just said.

What do you mean by get to know and understand each other completely? Jessica
asks slowly as she narrows her eyes into slits.
Hyoyeon gulps hard again as a drop of sweat trickles down her forehead.
This spell is meant for people who would like to put themselves in the shoes of others to
understand someone better. So the only way to break it is when you can empathize with
the person whose body youre in.
Are you saying that the only way to break the spell is by empathizing with her?
Jessicas face pales rapidly. Is there no other way?
Hyoyeon shakes her head firmly. There is no other way.
There has got to be a faster way than that! Jessica plops down on the couch and buries
her face in her hands, groaning.
Is there a time limit or something? Yuri asks worriedly.
No. As soon as you truly understand one another, the spell is broken.
But if we dont understand each otherwill we stay like this forever? Yuri asks
hesitantly, as though afraid of the answer that she will get.
Hyoyeon backs further away from Jessica before answering, Yes.
Oh my mouse, Yuri groans softly and plops herself down on the couch as well. She
squeezes her eyes shut and moans. I want my abs back. We cant possibly understand
each other in a day. What are we going to do until we get our bodies back? Yuri digs her
fingers in her hair and drags them through, looking desperate.
Hyoyeon dodges behind them. She tries to sneak away but she is stopped by a painful
pinch on her ear.
Where do you think youre going? Jessica glowers at her.
Hehehe Nowhere! I was just going toto sit down! Hyoyeon smiles nervously.
Youre not going anywhere. Sit here. Jessica points to the couch and Hyoyeon sits
obediently, fearing for her life.
Jessica slumps onto the couch and turns to Yuri. Looks like were stuck like that for a
What are we going to do? I cant go to work in your body. Yuri smacks her forehead with
her palm in despair.
Well just have to cover for each other. Jessica clenches her jaw, a sign that their
troubles had just escalated into a crisis.
Do you even know how to save someone from drowning? Yuri waggles her hands. It is
evident, from the look on her face, that the direness of their situation has begun to dawn
on her.
Youll have to teach me.

And am I supposed to become a writer now? How am I supposed to do this? I cant

speak English like you can! Yuri panics.
I can teach you how to read the questions. And you can record the interview so that I
can help you with the English.
Yuri calms down a little after listening to Jessica. Okaythat doesnt sound so bad.
Then, she pauses before speaking again. But what about our homes? Am I supposed to
live in your home now?
Jessica groans. Oh noI live with my parents and sister. But she snaps her finger
suddenly and smiles. No, waitwere in luck. My parents just left for America so its just
my sister left. Shes pretty busy most of the time so you can try to avoid her as much as
possible so that she wont think her sister has gone crazy or something.
Yuri nods vigorously. It sounds like a plan. Yes, we can get through this. It is not the end
of the world. Then, she looks at Jessica head to toe. She looks at the oversized t-shirt
and the pants that dont quite reach her ankles. And she bursts out laughing.
Jessica smacks her arm violently. Ya! What are you laughing at?
Yuri points at her outfit and laughs even harder than before.
Oh my mouse. Youhahahalookso hahahaso funnyhahaha
Jessica looks down at herself and smirks. Youre stupid, you know that? Its not me who
looks weird. Its you.
Yuri stops laughing immediately and gasps as the realization flashes in her eyes.
Oh my mouse! You came all the way here dressed like that? I hope none of my
neighbours saw you when you came, she groans. You! You meanie! How could you do
this to me?
Jessica frowns. Look, I dont have clothes your size. These were the best I could find
alright? Be thankful I didnt come here stark naked showing off your body to the whole
Yuri gasps. You wouldnt
Jessica scowls. Make me angry and well see.
No Yuri looks very worried. I-I wont make you angry. Ill be good.
Jessica rolls her eyes and turns to Hyoyeon who is as quiet as a mouse, watching them
from the side all this while.
Ya! You have to stick close to us and help us out.
Hyoyeon nods vigorously. Of course! Thats what I am doing!
HAH! Didnt I just catch you trying to sneak away from us?
Hyoyeon averts her eyes from Jessicas piercing ones and mumbles under her breath. I
was only trying to save my own life.

YA! I heard that! Jessica snaps.

I am driving Sicas white BMW. It is most nerve wracking to me. For one, Im not quite
used to it. However, the main reason why Im sweating buckets as I drive is none other
than Sica. She is threatening to throttle me to death if I dare to scratch her car throughout
the journey back to her home. Fortunately, I manage to make it into her parking lot
without anything happening to her car.
My legs feel like jelly by the time I step out of the car. Hyoyeon follows us meekly, not
wanting to incur the wrath of Sica again and I kind of pity her a little. If I were her, I would
be very afraid too.
Sica holds my hand and leads me to her home before handing me the keys.
Open the door, she commands.
I take the keys with trembling hands (I dont know why they are trembling) and slot in the
key that she points out to me. The door swings open easily and I look in for the first time,
mildly curious to know what its like.
Her home is very beautiful. Just like her, it is simple, yet elegant. The living room is
spacious and very neat. In fact, as I walk through her home, I find that everything is spick
and span and that is why I cant stop myself from gasping in horror at the state of her
T-This is your bedroom? I cover my mouth with one hand, pointing at the mess that is
everywhere in her bedroom with my other hand. I hear a stifled giggle from Hyoyeon. She
is laughing at my shocked face.
Why? Shouldnt she be shocked too?
I am a very organized person. My bedroom is very neat and organized. Everything is
folded nicely and laid properly in the drawers or hung up nicely in my wardrobe. Sicas
clothes, however, are strewn all over the room. Jeans hang off the back of her chair;
blouses and skirts are carelessly flung and left lying around on her bed and floor. Her
wardrobe doors arent closed properly and everything inside her wardrobe is in a mess
as well.
Whats the problem? Is there anything wrong? She raises an eyebrow at me
Fearing her violent reaction should I say anything displeasing to her, I shake my head
Uhnonothing is wrong. Hehehe, I laugh uncomfortably.
Just then, we hear a loud voice resonating through the room.
Crap! Thats my sister! hissed Jessica. Call her Soojung ah, understand?
I nod and flash the OK sign with my hand. I got this.
Soojung ah! Welcome home! I smile at the young girl who appears before my eyes and

before Sica can pull me back, I engulf her in a big, affectionate hug. I catch a glance of
Sica palming her face as I do so and I wonder why. Soojung looks a little surprised but
hugs me back happily anyway.
Unnie! You sound fine now! Has your cold gone away already?
I stare at her blankly. Huh? Cold?
Sicas sister pulls away from me and sees Sica and Hyoyeon standing behind me. She
flashes a friendly smile at them.
Who are they unnie? Are they your friends?
I nod, not trusting myself to speak and she bounces over to them cheerfully.
Hi, unnies! Im Sicas sister, Krystal! Soojung is my Korean name.
I have a crazy urge to laugh but I stifle it the best that I can as Sica smiles at her sister
awkwardly. Hi, Im Yuri.
Hyoyeon is a lot more natural. In fact, she smiles right back at Krystal and gives her a
warm hug. Im Hyoyeon! Its nice to meet you!
Krystal beams at them before bouncing back to me. Im going back to my room now. It
was nice meeting your friends!
I watch as she exits Sicas bedroom and shuts the door behind her. What a friendly girl
she is. Shes not in the least like Sica at all. I should have no problems getting along with
OWW! I yell unceremoniously when someone smacks my arm forcefully. I turn around,
rubbing my arm, only to meet Sicas fiery glare.
Ya! Dont try anything funny with my sister or youre going to get it from me.
I was only being friendly! I defend myself indignantly.
Keep your hands off her, perv. Sica continues to glare at me.
I-I cant avoid her! Im supposed to be her sister! Dont you hug your sister?
Sica softens her glare and tone. I know that what I said makes sense.
Fine, she relents grudgingly.
And she doesnt even apologize for hitting me I grumble under my breath.
What did you say? She glares at me again.
No-Nothing. Ill do my best to be a good unnie to her.
She seems to be pacified by my words and nods sternly.
I feel very tired suddenly and desperately in need of a bath to clear my mind. Water
always has a good effect on me.
Sica, where are your towels and clothes? I need to take a bath.

Her eyes widen to their limit and she shakes her head violently.
No. Youre not allowed to bathe! You perv! She starts hitting me again and its beginning
to hurt because its my body shes using to hit me with and she doesnt realize how much
stronger she is now.
OWW! OWW! Stop! Im only going to take a bath! Im not a perv! I try to stop her hands
from hitting me. Wheres Hyoyeon when you need her?! I look around and realize that the
stupid fairy had made her escape while we were busy scuffling with each other.
She stops hitting me and looks around. There is no fairy to be seen and she stamps her
foot on the ground angrily.
Its your fault! she growls and I am astounded by her accusation.
How is this my fault?
Its all because of you and your pervy ideas of bathing.
Whats wrong with bathing? You will have to bathe too!
Sicas face turns into something really constipated and I know that she is realizing that
there really is no other choice. We are going to have to see and touch each others body
every day. She steps right up to me and leans down towards me, sticking her face into
mine. It is the weirdest thing to be threatened and warned by your own face.
Dont touch or do anything you dont need to do while youre bathing. And make sure
you clean my body properly. Is. That. Clear? She minces her last few words and sounds
very scary.
I gulp and nod vigorously. I wouldnt want to be throttled to death by my own hands.

Chapter 4 Mouth-to-Mouth
I step into the bathroom with a towel and sigh with relief as soon as I lock the door. Its
been a really hectic morning to say the least. I take my clothes off and step into the
shower. I turn the shower on and revel in the feeling of having water flow all over me.
Water makes me feel right at home and I feel all the tension in me ebb away as the water
runs in rivulets down my skin.
I hesitate a little as I pump the bath gel onto my scrub. Sicas scary tone rings in my
Dont touch or do anything you dont need to do while youre bathing. And make sure
that you clean my body properly. Is. That. Clear?
I gulp and begin cleaning my body from neck to toe. It gets a little awkward at certain
areas but I grit my teeth and get it done. At long last, Im all squeaky clean and I rinse the
strawberry-scented shampoo out of my hair. I enjoy running my fingers through my hair
although its technically hers and not mine. I wonder how she maintains her hair so well.
Its very smooth and silky even though its dyed brown. I dont really bother with hair
colour so Ive never dyed my own hair before. Its always been a solid black colour.
As I step out of the shower, I hear a knock on the door.
Are you done? Whats taking you so long?
Im almost done! Just one minute! I panic a little and wrap the towel around myself in a
hurry. I wring the water out of my hair and flick it behind me before opening the door. Sica
is standing at the door, eyeing me suspiciously.
Did you do anything weird to my body?
I furrow my eyebrows. What does she mean by that?
Noall I did was to scrub myself clean and wash my hair.
Well, you could have taken a quicker bath. I was so bored waiting for you to be done.
Sorry, I apologize in a hurry.
She sighs. Its alright. Im sorry too.

Eh? I am surprised to hear her apologize to me. What for?

I tend to say things I dont really mean when Im stressed out.
Oh I smile warmly. Its no problem. Dont worry about it.
She smiles a little. Youre quite a nice person, huh?
And I grin sheepishly at her compliment.
She laughs very suddenly and smacks my arm violently before clapping her hands
together repeatedly.
Oww! I wince as my arm smarts from her violent smack.
HAHAHAHAHA! She goes on laughing till shes red in the face. I notice how she
sounds as though she cant breathe at the end of each laugh. It freaks me out a little but I
find it cute all the same.
What are you laughing about? I feel the urge to laugh as well; her laughter is so
She tries to tell me but her incessant bouts of laughter stop her from doing so properly. At
long last, after waiting for her to stop laughing, we sit on the bed to discuss our next step.
Yuri, can you put some clothes on? I hope you dont do this all the time. Its my body
youre showing off now, not yours. I dont want the whole world gawking at my body.
But theres nobody else here but you and youve certainly seen your own body before.
She rolls her eyes at me and I sigh. Fine, Ill put some clothes on.
Feeling a little irritated by her, I rebel by shedding the towel on the floor and walk to my
closet naked. She shrieks and I turn to look at her instinctively only to see her running
towards me with the towel in hand. She wraps the towel around me and holds it fast.
Seriously, can you be a little less of an exhibitionist? she hisses at me angrily but all I
notice is how close we are and how her arms are wrapped around me. I dont know about
you but some people actually call this a hug. My body stills and tenses. This is a little
awkward I feel. She seems to realize the sort of position shes put herself in and steps
away from me with a flushing face.
The towel drops onto the floor once again as I turn away and I hear her admonishing me.
Tsk, Yuri!
I ignore her as I pull out a bra and a pair of panties from the drawer she opened and put
them on. Feeling naughty, I turn around and present myself to her.
Tadaa! Better now?
Tsk! Clothes! Clothes! She waggles her hands in annoyance.
I laugh as I put on a t-shirt and a pair of shortsalbeit a little too tight-fitting for my liking.
Alright, Im clothed now. Happy?

So whats next?
We plan.
We fill each other in on the demands of our jobs. It sounds extremely daunting to me but I
know that Sica has her work cut out for her. Being a lifeguard was by no means an easy
task. The good thing about her job as a writer, however, is that it is a fairly flexible one; I
would not need to be in the office all day so I can easily help her out at the beach.
We exchange our cellphones. I now have hers and she, mine.
Try not to answer any calls. Get them to text you. Same goes for me as well. That way,
its less likely for us to land ourselves in trouble.
I nod earnestly at her instructions. She certainly is brainy.
We also agree to use my own apartment as a meeting point, since I live alone.
One of the perks of being Sica is definitely being able to drive this awesome BMW. After
Im dressed up suitably to leave the houseSica insisted on me being dressed properly
to uphold her imageI am tasked to drive her back to my apartment.
Once we are there, I show her where my clothes are and she changes into a set of more
comfortable clothes. I get out a set of first aid supplies while she is changing to prepare
for the crash course that Im about to put her through.
When she re-emerges from my bedroom with fitting clothes, we begin.
Right, so basically, being a lifeguard isnt only about saving drowning people. We get lots
of accidents that happen on the beach and we have to help with that too.
I start off by showing her the correct way to treat and bandage wounds. That goes
relatively well and shes a fast learner.
Next upcardiopulmonary resuscitationor better known as CPR. I dont have a dummy
to use so I look at her helplessly.
ErIm going to have to demonstrate on you. I avert my eyes from her, fearing another
icy glare from her.
To my utmost surprise, however, she doesnt make a big fuss of it.
Alright, lets just get this over and done with. Should I lie down?
Uhyes. On the floor, please. Before doing CPR, always ensure that the person is lying
on a hard and flat surface.
She lies down on the floor and looks at me. I swallow the lump in my throat and kneel
down next to her. Ive never felt this awkward doing CPR before and this certainly isnt
my first time doing it.
I didnt think youd be so receptive of this, I blurt out my inner thoughts.

This? know, letting me do CPR on you.
Oh. She looks pensive for a moment. You saved me with CPR, didnt you?
Ah, so thats why. Yes, I did. I smile at her warmly, returning her warm smile. I wonder
fleetingly whether she is bipolar. She can be so nice and warm at times, yet so cold and
scary at other times.
Step one, tilt the chin upwards and try to feel for a pulse. Righthere. I place my
fingers on her jugular and interestingly, her pulse is rather quick. Is she nervous or
If there is no pulse and breathing, locate the meeting point of your ribs. It is at the
meeting point of the lines running from nipple to nipple and down the middle of your
All these terms are pretty commonplace to me, due to the nature of my job but I swear I
can see her blushing at the mention of nipple to nipple. I suppress my giggle and
continue with my demonstration. I show her where the spot is and she wriggles
uncomfortably. I maintain a solemn expression as I place the base of my palm on that
spot between her breasts and lock my elbows straight. I can tell that she is uncomfortable
with me touching her in that area but to her credit, she tolerates it very well.
I merely show her the proper posture and position before moving on to the mouth-tomouth part of CPR. I dont need to feel her pulse to know that it is speeding up by the
Pinch the nose like this. Pull the mouth open like this.
I sound calm and professional as I say all these things but deep inside me, my heart is
thumping faster and faster for no apparent reason. Okay, maybe there is a reason.
Maybe its because Im about to put my mouth on hers when shes perfectly conscious.
Be professional, Yuri ah. Be professional. You can do it!
Place your mouth over the mouth and cover it completely, like this.
As I bend down with my mouth wide open, I notice that her eyes are squeezed shut as
her body stiffens from the tension. I place my wide open mouth over hers, covering it
OH MY MOUSE. Im kissing her!
I think I stayed still a little too long because her arms push me away gently and she sits
up, red-faced.
I silently applaud myself for being able to stay this calm. Im a pro alright. I run my fingers
through my hair and resist the temptation to tease her for blushing. I dont want another
taste of Sicas snow storm. Oh no, I dont.
Right, if you have no further questions for me, its your turn to demonstrate.
She gapes at me while I nonchalantly lay myself down on the floor.

Whats the first thing you need to do? I ask her once I am flat on the floor.
Check your pulse and breathing.
Good. I try desperately to slow my heartbeat down as I ask her to feel for my pulse.
She finds the spot and feels my pulse. I sincerely hope that she doesnt realize how fast
my pulse actually is.
Great job Sica. Nowthe pumping position.
She freezes a little and hesitates.
Come on, show me where your palms should rest, I encourage her kindly.
Her face is considerably redder as she gets on her knees just like I did and I silently
applaud her for learning this so quickly. Then, my breathing hitches suddenly as I feel her
soft palm leaning gently on that spot between my breasts. She locks her elbows just like I
showed her. Ohnow I know why she was blushing when I did that.
Good, I manage to say, thank Mickey. Next up on the listthe mouth-to-mouth.
I can see her visibly swallowing her saliva as she pinches my nose and pulls my mouth
open. My heart is in my mouth as she bends down towards me but I keep my eyes open.
I have to be as professional about it as I can.
Bullshit, whom am I kidding?
Even my inner voice scoffs at me. Then, her mouth is on mine, covering it completely.
OH MY MOUSE. Shes kissing me!
All my blood rushes to my head and theres a loud roar in my ears but even that isnt
enough to block out the very loud and surprised exclamations of my dear friends whom I
totally forgot are visiting today.
Sica springs upright in an instant, red-faced and pinkish ears and spins around to look at
the source of the voices. Her jaw drops when she sees two pretty girls standing over us,
wide-eyed in curiosity.
Hyoyeon snorts with laughter and falls off her chair as she laughs out loud at Yuri and
Jessicas predicament.
YulSic, YulSicwhat would I do without the two of you?
She bends over in stitches, from laughing too hard at the look on their faces.
Hyoyeon ah, why are you laughing so hard? A deep, booming voice kills all of her

laughter in an instant and she hurriedly swipes off the live video footage of Yuri and
Nothing Dad, Im just watching over Yuri and Jessica as I promised. Hyoyeon smiles
innocently at her father as he approaches her.
He looks at her suspiciously through narrowed eyes. Hyoyeon, I can tell when you are
lying. Now, get back down there and help them out!
Yes Dad! Right now! Right now! And Hyoyeon scurries off before her dad can rebuke
her anymore.
Hyoyeon ahwhen will you learn? Her father can only shake his head wistfully.

Chapter 5 I Fart
I sit up straight, all ready to explain that this isnt what it looks like but she stops me with
her arm. It somehow doesnt quite help that her arm lands right across my breasts
because Yoona and Seohyuns eyes only get bigger and bigger.
Yuri unnie! Is she your girlfriend?
Mmphh! Her hand covers my mouth, preventing me from saying that shes not my
girlfriend and that this is a huge misunderstanding. She gives me a glaring look before
smiling sweetly at my friends.
Shes not my girlfriend. We were practicing CPR and I was teaching her how to do it.
She explains it calmly and removes her hand from my mouth slowly once I stop fidgeting.
I slowly come to the realization that I had almost reacted to my friends as though I were
still Yuri. Well, of course I still am, but I sure dont look like myself right now and I look at
her gratefully, silently thanking her for saving me from blowing our cover.
Yoona, however, doesnt seem to buy Jessicas half-truth. Its true that we were practicing
CPR but Jessica definitely wasnt the one doing the teaching. Yoona laughs instead, her
mouth opening wide open like an alligator getting ready to swallow its prey.
Yuri unnie, thats the lamest explanation Ive ever heard, seriously! You must have been
so eager to make out with her that you even forgot to lock your door.
Yoona laughs so hard that she ends up sitting on the floor whilst Seohyun looks on at her
in amusement. Jessica is looking at her as though shes an alien of some sort while I
have to suppress the urge to laugh and roll around the floor with her like I always do. So,
I decide to help Jessica out.
We really arent together in that way. Yuri saved me from drowning a few days ago and I
thought that itd be good to learn how to do CPR since she saved me with that.
Yoona looks at Jessica, feeling puzzled. I dont remember us saving anyone that looks
like your friend here. Did we save her?
You werent there that day. I was alone when I saved her, Jessica manages to explain it
Yoona blinks and snaps her fingers suddenly. Ah! I remember now. That must have been

the day I had to pick Seohyun up from the airport! You didnt tell me that you saved
someone when I went back to join you though.
We save people every other day. Jessica shrugged, looking as though she was used to
saving people every other day. It isnt a big deal.
Thats true Yoona seems to be happy with the explanation because she turns to me
with her megawatt smile. Whats your name then? Im Yoona. Im Yoona. And this is
Seohyun. She gestures towards Seohyun as she speaks. Seo Juhyun, but we call her
Im Jessica. I smile at her as widely as I can, hoping that she will warm up to me so that
I wont have to act like a total stranger with her.
Jessica! Is it alright if I call you unnie? Im 22. Youre older than me right?
Yes Im older. Im 23.
Oh! Then youre the same age as Yuri unnie! Yoona grins widely.
I almost palm my own face. Im slipping up so badly here! What if Jessica isnt 23?! Oh
noI sneak a peek at Jessica and shes glaring daggers at me.
Uh oh
I feel very uneasy as I put a smile on my face. I have a feeling that Jessica is going to
give it to me real good once Yoona and Seohyun leave. Maybe I should try to keep them
around so that Jessica cant do anything to me.
HEHEHE. What a good idea that is.
So, Yoonawhat are you planning to do with Yuri today? I pretend to ask innocently.
We are going to have a girls night. Would you like to join us?
Jessica grips my hand suddenly, a panicky look plastered upon her face. Sorry girls, I
think Im going to have to give tonight a miss. I promised to teach Jessica some first aid
lessons. Lets do this another time, shall we?
You know how there are times when you seem to have the knack of bringing more
trouble upon yourself? Well, this is that moment.
I could have let Jessica get rid of Yoona and Seohyun, thereby giving ourselves more
time to breathe. But noinstead, I decide to land me and Jessica in hot soup.
Its okay, Yuri ah, you dont want to blow your friends off like that, do you? You can go on
with your girls night. Ill get going now.
Jessica looks like shes about to combust as I get up to leave, but just as Im about to
laugh at her predicament, Yoona drops the bomb on me.
Jessica unnie, why dont you join us? Its going to be a lot of fun, I promise.
To which Jessica immediately nods vigorously and grabs my hand tightly.
Yes, Jessica will stay and you can ask her all sorts of questions. Shell be glad to answer

I cant miss that evil glint in Jessicas eyes that say two can play at that game. And thats
how we end up scaring the living daylights out of Yoona and Seohyun, the poor, innocent
girls who have done nothing to deserve it.
We sit down on my humongous bed, which technically now belongs to Jessica since she
looks like me. My bed is huge because I love to stay up with my best friend, Yoona, and
chat with her till I have to sleep. All we need is dim lights and some music and we can go
on and on. You know how it is with girls. Wed talk about everything under the sun, from
our ideal dates to our dream weddings and such.
Seohyun came into Yoonas life when she applied to be a lifeguard. Yoona, being the
closest to her in terms of age among the rest of us, took it upon herself to be a good
friend to Seohyun. Seohyun is an interesting character. She is rather rigid, to say the
least. She is righteous, upright and never hesitates to point out what she feels isnt right.
Thanks to her, our lifeguard unit has been thrown into turmoil multiple times over some of
the things she points out from time to time.
I have a sudden urge to take a quick shower so I excuse myself and get a towel for
myself from a drawer before heading into the bathroom. As I open the door to the
bathroom, I hear Yoona whispering to Jessica.
Yuri unnie, Jessica unnie seems to know her way around your room quite well, doesnt
Yoona winks cheekily at Jessica who looks like shes all ready to stab me to death.
Yikes! I better scram.
I dodge her seething glare and shut the bathroom door in a hurry.
Phew. Yuri ah, calm down, calm down. Take a quick shower and go back out relaxed.
You can do it, Yuri ah. Yes, you can!
I step under the shower and drench myself briefly before stepping out again. I wrap
myself in the towel and reach for the clothes that I want to change into but my hand feels
nothing but the coolness of the ceramic ledge.
Oh no. Where are my clothes?!
I squeeze my eyes shut and moan. In my hurry to dodge Jessicas scary glares, I had
forgotten to bring in a change of clothes! Shes going to kill me now, Im completely sure
of that. Well, we can only die once, right?
I sigh as I tighten the towel around me. Jessica is not going to be pleased but I have no
desire to put on clothes that I had thrown into the laundry basket. I hear an audible gasp
as I step out into the bedroom wrapped in my towel. Jessica is first to leap up from the
bed and bound to me.
What are you doing?! I told you not to show my body off like that! she hisses
venomously in my ear.
Jessica unnie, you have such a nice figure! No wonder Yuri unnie is willing to teach you
CPR. Yoonas laughter resonates in the enclosed room that we are in. I would normally

join in her laughter but this moment is anything but suitable for that. I hear Seohyuns
embarrassed laughter as Jessica pushes me back into the bathroom angrily. Once we
are in the privacy of the bathroom, she puts her fists on her hips and glares at me.
What do you think youre doing?!
I forgot to bring in a change of clothes.
Im not referring to that. Im talking about youyou and your stupidity. Why in the world
did you let them stay?!
I dont want to miss out on a night chat with Yoona.
Are you kidding me? Youre not even you! Its me who has to do the chatting and how
am I supposed to do that when I dont know anything about you or her?!
Im sorry. And I truly feel sorry right nowfor myself. If I didnt ask Yoona and Seohyun
to stay, I wouldnt be stuck in the bathroom with a very scary Jessica right now.
You Jessica opens her mouth, presumably to scold me but she stops and sighs
instead. Argh.
But before I can take a breather, she snaps at me again. And why do you need to take
so many showers?! Didnt you just take a shower a while ago?
I shrug. Water calms me down when Im stressed or feeling down.
She looks into my eyes for a while and calms down somewhat. Alright, lets just do this.
God help us if your friends think that were insane or something.
I pout and nod. She grabs my hand and leads me out of the bathroom.
Girls, I have something to confess to you.
My eyes widen in surprise. What is she talking about?!
Jessica is my girlfriend. She just agreed to be my girlfriend last night after dinner.
Yoona gets real excited and begins jumping on the bed. See? I told you! Theyre
Seohyun looks utterly stunned but her good manners make her stand up to congratulate
us. Yuri unnie, you have such a pretty girlfriend! Why didnt you admit it earlier?
Jessica smiles at Seohyun and says, Shes very shy, thats why.
Yoona jumps off the bed and engulfs me in a big friendly hug. Jessica unnie, how did the
two of you end up together so quickly? I want to know all about it!
Jessica pulls Yoona away from me and I catch an evil glint in her eye. Oh no. What is
she going to do now?!
I liked her the moment I saw her. After saving her, I couldnt resist giving her my number
and practically begged her to go out to dinner with me. She rejected me at first but after a
few tries...she finally agreed to go out to dinner with me.
Yoona looks surprised to hear that. Jessica unnie, you actually rejected Yuri unnie the

first time? She had to beg you for a date? Yoona gaped a little at me. Wowthats a
first! Its usually the other way around. HAHAHA! Yuri unnie, youve finally met your
I dont know what to say. I think I know what Jessica is trying to do here but Im too
stunned to react.
What was the dinner like, Yuri unnie? Yoona asks excitedly. Tell us, tell us!
Well, I brought her for some seafood. I was totally smitten by her and her beauty and by
the end of the dinner, I asked her to date me and I think she agreed to be my girlfriend
because I shelled all the prawns and cracked all the crab shells for her, Jessica snickers
as she looks at me.
My mouth opens and closes mutely as Jessica piles on the lies about us. OH MY GAWD.
Shes making me look and sound like a desperate puppy! JESSICA!!!
Well, technically, I did shell the prawns and crabs for her but it wasnt because I was
desperate for her to be my girlfriend!!! I can only look at her in disbelief as she bats her
eyelids at me, putting on a lovesick expression.
I tried to kiss her but she wouldnt let me so I offered to teach her CPR so that I can get
a chance to kiss her again.
AGAIN?! I exclaim. I cannot believe how ridiculous she is making me out to be right
I did CPR on you when I saved you, didnt I? I found your lips to be real soft and sexy
totally irresistible to me. Jessica grins widely at me which Yoona and Seohyun sees as a
loving grin but I know better than that. Jessica is the most evil girl in the world!!! How
could she do this to me?!
I groan inwardly, into the depths of my disintegrating reputation as a somewhat well-liked,
popular girl who doesnt have to do much to be asked out on dates.
AwwYuri unnie, you sound so whipped by Jessica unnie. Yoona chuckles cheekily
while Seohyun still looks rather stunned by the whole story.
Actually, I didnt want Yuri to kiss me because I tend to fart when I get too excited.
I smirk at Jessica who has had her smug expression replaced by a horrified one.
Heh. Two can play at that game.

Chapter 6 The Hiccup

Yoona and Seohyuns jaws drop while Jessicas eyes dance dangerously. I have the
strongest urge to cower from her but I manage to stand my ground bravely.
Do you really? she challenges me as she steps closer to me. Yoona and Seohyuns
jaws only drop even lower as they witness their gentle and mild-tempered Yuri turning
into a scary predator who is hunting down her prey.
I step back, fearing the worst; fearing for my life. However, I now have shorter legs and
her longer legs close the gap between us with ease. In the blink of an eye, I find myself
staring into her eyes which are now a mere inch away from mine.
Do you really? She wears a lopsided smile as she challenges me yet again.
UhIuh I find myself stuttering from the nervousness brought upon by her close
proximity to me.
Her lips cover mine, smothering whatever lousy reply I had in mind. Her lips move over
mine briefly before pulling away slowly.
And so are Yoona and Seohyun.
Yuri unnie, youre the best! Yoona cheers excitedly upon coming back to her senses.
Seohyun, on the other hand, doesnt agree with Yoona. Yuri unnie! You should ask for
her permission first! Look, shes in shock now.
Yes, I certainly am. Having Jessica kiss me is the last thing on my list of things to be
You didnt fart. Youre lying. Jessica grins victoriously.
OH MY GOSH. You didnt have to kiss me just to prove that point, did you?
All I can do is blink rapidlyand here it comesmy embarrassing blush.

Yoona bubbles over with laughter again as my nose and ears turn pink.
Argh. Sometimes, that girl just laughs a little too much and it pisses me off that I cant
even get angry with her because shes just too sweet.
Yuri, you sick pervert! You freaking stole a kiss from me! Give it back to me! I dont even
know what Im saying anymore; Im so flustered.
Jessica cant take it anymore. She starts laughing at the sight of my tomato-red nose and
ears and my utterly flustered expression.
OUCH! I groan when she slaps my shoulder blade while laughing. It turns out that she
slaps real hard and I get to find out the hard way. Just when I feel the sting of her slap
spreading out, she slaps me on the same spot yet again.
Oh myif this is what Jessica is like when she laughs, then Id rather see an angry
Jessica than a laughing Jessica. She is positively violent when she laughs!
OWW! I rub my very sore shoulder blade, hoping to dispel the pain that is spreading
into a wider area as the seconds tick by.
Seriously, Jessicas laughing style and my well-trained arms make a lethal combination.
Sadly, I am on the receiving end of that combination.
What have I done to deserve this?!
HAHAHAHAHAHA! Jessica cant stop laughing.
I check myself upon hearing the sound of a hiccup. Its not me. Thank goodness. Hiccups
are so irritating.
We all look at Jessica simultaneously. Its her. She must have triggered her hiccups by
laughing too hard. HA! Revenge is sweet!
What are youhiclooking at? HicNever seenhica person hiccupping before?
Jessicas sarcasm doesnt sting as much now. Not with her hiccupping so cutely.
All it takes is a look shared between me and Yoona before we burst into peals of laughter.
Our sense of humour has always been similar. We get the jokes that we make and we
play along very well with one another.
Jessica unnie, you and I have the same sense of humour! Yoona remarks as she wipes
the tears of laughter that have welled up in her eyes.
I think so too! I too, am busy wiping tears from my eyes.

Girls, stop laughinghicat me and helphicme out!

Yuri unnie, I heard that sticking your tongue out helps with hiccups. Seohyun kindly
offers Jessica some advice.
Okay. Jessica sticks her tongue out immediately.
I also heard that if you roll your eyes up while doing it, your hiccups go away faster, I
Truth be told, I have never heard of such a thing but I think shed look hilarious if she
does it.
Orrgaay. Jessica rolls her eyes up and keeps her tongue stuck out.
Oh, this is too much. I exchange looks with Yoona again and we burst out into hysterical
laughter again.
You may think that Yoona and I laugh way too easily but I assure you that the sight of
Jessica with rolled up eyes and a stuck out tongue is just too hilarious. Even Seohyun
cant hold back her laughter at this point.
My hiccups arenthicgoing away. Jessica retracts her tongue and looks at us
suspiciously. Are you sure thathicwas supposed to help?
I read that sticking your tongue out helps but Im not sure how rolling your eyes up helps.
Or you could try drinking something sour like vinegar, Seohyun states matter-of-factly.
Are youhictrying to torture me? Jessica doesnt look too pleased about the
alternative solution.
Seohyun wouldnt joke about such things. You should know that. Yoona looks strangely
at Jessica.
Thats true but Jessica wouldnt know that. It didnt help that I added in the roll your eyes
up move for our pure entertainment.
Seohyun looks very sincere to me, Yuri ah.
Jessica looks at me and I nod slightly, urging her to take Seohyuns well-meaning advice.
Okay, okay, wheres thehicvinegar? Thesehichiccups are annoying the heck out
of me.
Yoona and Seohyun look at Jessica very strangely.
Dont you know where your vinegar is? Seohyun asks innocently.
Jessica blinks a couple of times and coughs awkwardly.
Of course I do. Jessica, come and helphicme pour the vinegar out.
I follow her meekly into the kitchen and whisper the location of the vinegar into her ear as
discretely as possible. Fortunately, she manages to find the vinegar without looking too
suspicious and I pour some vinegar onto a spoon.
Ah I get her to open her mouth and feed her the vinegar. She makes a face while

drinking it.
URGH! She coughs as the vinegar makes its way down her throat.
Does it work? Im beginning to pity her. Shes been hiccupping for some time now and I
know how annoying it can get when it doesnt stop.
She looks at me silently, waiting for the next hiccup. It doesnt come. Shes cured at last! I
rub her back and smile at her widely, sincerely glad that her hiccups are gone. She
smiles at me too and this moment between us is kind of nice.
Ahem! Seohyun and I are going to head home now. Yoona clears her throat awkwardly
all of a sudden.
Why? I ask.
Yoona grins cheekily. Jessica unnie, youre such a good actress! You should act in a
drama or something. Dont worrywe will come around another time, Yuri unnie. But for
now, I think you and Jessica unnie probably want some alone time. We know when were
not wanted! Yoona giggles and links her arm with Seohyuns.
Bye Yuri unnie and Jessica unnie. We will see you next time! Seohyun smiles warmly
and waves her free hand at us.
Jessica waves enthusiastically at them, sending an even stronger message that she
wants them gone.
Argh! Now Yoona and Seohyun will really think that were together. JESSICA!!!
I can only sigh and wave goodbye to my two good friends.
The door opens and closes as they let themselves out and we are plunged into an
awkward silence as we stand in the kitchen, with an empty spoon in my hand.
I think its time you went back home. Im tired and I want to rest, says Jessica a moment
I nod in agreement, thankful that she isnt scolding or hitting me.
Well continue with our lessons tomorrow. Ill come over. Dont worry.
Jessica nods mutely and I hasten to get changed into a new set of clothes. Its really
quite amazing that my towel stayed on all this time. I cant wait to get out of the
apartment. The further away from Jessica I am, the better.
I am a mere step away from leaving when I hear her calling me.
I freeze at the door, dreading what might happen next. Jessica stands in front of me and
pouts. When I dont respond, she tugs at my sleeve.
WHAT NOW?! Why is she pouting and tugging my sleeve? What is she up to?
I dont like to eat alone.
I blink. Is that a problem? Go to a crowded place then. You wont be eating alone.

Would you accompany me to dinner?

I am convinced that Jessica has some sort of disorder. How could she be so fierce yet so
gentle in the span of a few minutes? I sigh inwardly, knowing that I would most probably
concede to her request anyway. Im just too nice for my own good some times.
Why dont we cook dinner and have a quick one.
Jessica breaks into a wide smile that makes her look like shes only ten years old and
nods vigorously. Okay! I want spaghetti for dinner!
Wait a minutearent you cooking? Dont you think you should be making it up to me for
all the lies youve been telling my friends?
Jessica merely looks at me with a blank expression.
If theres any making up to do, it should be you. You totally desecrated my cool and chic
image with one horrible lie.
Why arent you screaming at me for saying that then? Im really curious to know why
shes letting me live after telling such a horrible lie about her. Are you actually letting me
get away with saying that about you?
Jessica heaves a huge sigh. WellI kind of started I cant blame you for playing
Wow, Im surprised to know that you feel that way.
She slaps my arm real hard, making me wince. YA! What kind of mean person do you
think I am? Do you really think that lowly of me?
I dont think of you as a bad person but you can be quite scary at times.
Why? She looks rather surprised.
You can be so fierce for a moment yet so nice the next minute. I really dont know what
youre going to do next.
Jessica laughs. Well, at least I know what youre going to do next.
Jessica winks at me saucily. Youre cooking me a plate of spaghetti for dinner.
I set down a plate of steaming hot meatball spaghetti in front of Jessica before getting my
own plate. She pokes at the vegetables that I added and sniffs them dubiously.
What is this? she asks me, flipping the vegetable in question with her fork.
Its cucumber.
AAAAAAAAAHHH!!! Her blood-curdling dolphin-like scream is the last thing I hear as an
entire plate of spaghetti ends up all over my face and clothes.

Chapter 7 The Meltdown

Im sorry!
Im sorry!
No, Im sorry!
We swing to and fro with our muttered apologies. Yuri seems to be miraculously angerfree which Im thankful for but Im genuinely sorry for tossing the entire plate of spaghetti
on hereven if it was beyond my control.
It took a while for me to regain my sanity and for her to break out of the shock but after
that, I had hastened to explain my irrational fear of cucumbers (I cant stand the way they
smell). She seemed to take to my explanation very well. Too well, perhaps, for she began
apologizing for putting cucumbers in the spaghetti. Its not her fault, she couldnt have
known, I told her but she cant stop apologizing for it.
Desperate to make amends, I grab the nearest paper towel in sight and try to wipe her
clean. Only some strands of spaghetti are on her face while the bulk of the sauce landed
on her chest and Im focused on dabbing her clothes with my paper towel when she shifts
away from me and clears her throat uncomfortably.
Er thanksbut I-Ill do that by myself, she says.
I blink, not understanding why she seems to be awkward about it until she adds, I know
that this is technically your body but She trails off, face blushing, eyes averted and
only then do I realize that Ive been dabbing her breasts with the paper towel repeatedly.
I blush at the realization and a sheepish grin is all I can muster up as I stand stupidly
beside her with a dirty paper towel in my hand. She stands up after a while and flashes
an equally sheepish grin.
I should take a shower, she says and I can only nod. I dont know what has come over
me but I am taken over by wave after wave of awkwardness that stops me from speaking
intelligently. Dont worry, I wont do anything weird when I shower, she adds, trying to
joke a little to break the awkwardness between us.
Youd better not, I reply as wittily as I can, but in reality, my heart is suddenly pumping a
lot faster at the thought of us showering each others bodies. Gosh, what is happening to
me? Why am I thinking of things like that?!

The only reason I can come up with, is that this has been a very out-of-the-world
experience so far. Waking up to find my body transformed into Yuris, finding out that her
body transformed into mine, meeting Hyoyeon the fairy, meeting Yuris friends, kissing
Yuri(which was a nice kiss, by the way) and now, unwittingly rubbing her chest, albeit,
All of these things come crashing down together and I find myself overwhelmed by reality
catching up on me.
Ill be real quick. She turns to smile at me just before stepping into the bathroom for the
third time today.
Okay, I reply before heading to the couch to sit and bury my head in my hands. The
enormity of our problem is beginning to dawn on me. How am I going to be a lifeguard?
And how is Yuri going to do my job? It all seems incredibly impossible to me and I find
myself on the verge of tears when Yuri emerges from the bathroom and sits beside me.
Whats wrong? she asks me gently.
EVERYTHING! I wail and my tears begin to fall like the Niagara falls.
Its going to be okay, Yuri coos as she wraps her arms around me. Everythings going
to be okay.
No, its not! I continue to wail.
She doesnt say anything more after that. She simply pats my back soothingly until my
tears subside and I calm down. Only then does she say to me, Ill help you and youll
help me. Together, well get through this.
Embarrassment is beginning to surface as I come to the realization that I had just cried in
Yuris arms but her words are very touching to me. Somehow, those words manage to
calm me down and I can smile again.
Thanks, Yuri.
No problem, Sica.
And for a moment, Im reminded of the suave, cool lifeguard who saved my life just a few
days ago, before things became as wacked up as they are now. Oh, how I wish things
would return to normal.
Maybe, just maybe, Ill wake up tomorrow and Ill be myself again. I hope. I wish. I pray.
Hyoyeon jerks and jolts into an upright position on her fluffy cloud bed. Then she panics
when her mind registers her fathers voice. She isnt supposed to be sleeping! But it isnt
her fault really. It hadnt been easy for her to escape from Jessicas clutches and
watching the lives of pathetic humans isnt the most interesting thing to do when shed
rather be conjuring up things like cloud beds (which is forbidden by her father, because it
affects the weather if it is done too many times).

Yes, Dad? She stands up straight, willing her eyes to look more alert and less sleepy.
Her will is too weak, however, as she soon finds out when her father hollers, Why are
you sleeping when you should be watching over Yuri and Jessica!
I am! Hyoyeon defends herself gallantly.
You were sleeping. Dont lie to me. Do you know that Jessica is crying? Her father
shows her his iPhone which currently shows what Jessica is doing. Shes not supposed
to be breaking down. Youre supposed to be by their side, helping them out!
I was watching them on my iPhone but I fell asleep Hyoyeon mumbles, fearing for her
welfare. Theres no telling what her angry father might do to punish her.
And why is there a cloud bed in your room! Her father is absolutely livid and she knows
she has to find a way out of this or else
But Daddy! Its a good thing! Look! Hyoyeon points at his phone when she sees Yuri
hugging Jessica. Yuri had just shone a speck of light at the far end of the deep, deep
tunnel of trouble shes in. Yuris hugging Jessica! They are helping each other!
Her father looks at his phone and frowns. Hyoyeon knows that the clockwork is cranking
up in his mind and the way his eyes soften tells her that she is nearly out of trouble. Just
a little more
Nubeso reverteco! she mutters quickly and her cloud bed disappears with a poof,
leaving a regular looking bed in place of it.
Im sorry, Daddy. I wont break your rules again. But something good has come out of
this, hasnt it? Yuri and Jessica seem to be closer now. And if theyre closer, theyll
understand more of each other. So were one step closer to breaking the spell!
Hyoyeon flashes her brightest smile, knowing that deep down, her father has a soft spot
for her smile and it works. Instead of blowing up at her, he simply frowns and says, Dont
do it again. You hear me?
I hear you! Hyoyeon answers with glee and her father knows that hes been defeated by
his cheeky daughter once again.
Get your wings down there and help them, he says with a resigned sigh and a shake of
his head.
Yes, Dad!
I am fast asleep when I vaguely feel a cold sensation zipping through my body from head
to toe. Im too tired to wake up fully from this, however, so my mind dismisses the thought
of waking up and continues to sleep. Investigations can wait. Sleep is more important.
When I wake up in the morning, I have this nagging feeling that Ive forgotten to do
something. But I cant remember what it is. I just cant. It is the most irritating feeling in
the world but theres nothing I can do about it so I try not to think about it as I eat my
breakfast. I have to be ready by seven. Yuri is going to pick me up and Im going to show
her my work place and I want to do it before my colleagues start appearing.
Yuri arrives punctually and rings the doorbell. It is odd but I actually feel comforted when I

see her (even though its as good as looking at myself). Seeing her reminds me that Im
not alone in this, that I have a friend who is in as much crap as I am. Misery shared is
misery halved.
Mornin, did you sleep well? she asks me.
I nod and say, Yes. You?
She smiles and nods too. Your bed is very comfortable. I had a good sleep.
Did Soojung see you this morning?
No, I got up real early to dodge her and had breakfast at a shop before coming here.
To which I groan.
What? Whats wrong? she asks with wide open eyes.
Soojung always wakes me up in the morning. Shes probably wondering where you are.
And sure enough, Yuris phone (which is actually mine) rang just then.
Unnie! Have you gone to work already? I can hear my sisters voice blasting through
the phone.
Y-Yes. I had to get up earlier to pick my friend up. I forgot to tell you about it. Sorry! Yuri
hastens to explain.
The explanation seems to be good enough and Yuri is able to end the call without raising
any suspicion. I am relieved but a quick glance at my watch makes me anxious again.
Lets go. We need to get in and out of my office before anybody arrives. And if they see
you in the office this early, theres gonna be more explanation to do.
So the plan is to get in, show Yuri around the office, and get out real quick. Thats the
Wheres the bag I asked you to bring? I ask with my hand outstretched.
Yuri reaches for the back seat of the car and hands me the bag. Its my work bag and I
love it to bits but I wont be able to use it until I get my body back. Just the thought of it
gets me down but I dont have the time for self-pity right now. I rummage through the bag
and fish out my staff pass.
This allows you to use the elevators in the building, I explain. And youll need to tap it
on the security system to get into the office.
Got it.
We get out of the car and I show Yuri the way to the elevator.
Jessi! What are you doing here this early in the morning? a loud voice pierces through
the peace and quiet and I cant help but groan in my head. That is a voice that I would

love to hear on another day but this one. I nudge Yuri and most fortunately, she
remembers who Tiffany is.
Tiff! Yuri smiles and gives Tiffany a hug. Tiffany looks a little taken aback to see me as
she hugs Yuri and I have to act as naturally as I can as she shows signs of recognition.
Jessi, isnt thisthe lifeguard?
Yes, its Yuri, the lifeguard.
Oh! What a pleasant surprise! Its great to see you again! Tiffany smiles brightly before
giving Yuri a conspiratorial wink. Your date must have gone well.
I suppress the urge to bury my face in my palms as Yuri smiles, nods and says, It went
well, to say the least.
She stops talking but upon seeing Tiffanys curious expression, she continues to explain,
Im going to show Yuri around a little. Shes interested in seeing what our office looks
like. I told her that its nothing special but she insists on taking a look.
Tiffany giggles and nudges Yuri. Of course shes interested in our office. Shes smooth,
this one, she whispers to Yuri but of course, with her being so loud and all, I can hear
every single word. However, I can only smile and pretend that Ive heard nothing. Im
better off quiet, I decide.
We get into the elevator and Yuri whips out my staff pass before realizing that I havent
told her which level our office is on! Her sudden look of panic has me on the verge of
breaking out in cold sweat too as I try to think of a way to tell her that its the ninth floor.
But as soon as I think that thought, Yuri reaches for the ninth button and presses it. I am
surprised, but she looks even more surprised than I am as the elevator doors close on
So, Yuri! Did you enjoy Jessis company last night? Tiffany asks way too cheerfully.
Yes, I did. Shes great company, I reply, taking to chance to compliment myself a little.
Tiffany giggles again but thankfully, the elevator doors open before she has a chance to
say anything else. Unfortunately, my relief is short-lived as yet another loud voice calls us
as we enter the office.
I dont have to look to know that the owner of that voice is Sooyoung. The only thing that
doesnt make any sense is the fact that she is here. In my office. What is she doing in my
office?! She doesnt even work here! What in the world? It is all I can do to stop myself
from questioning her presence in this place.
Yuri looks positively clueless as Sooyoung waves happily to her but she is able to smile
and wave back.
Surprised to see me, arent you! Sooyoung grins widely as she claps Yuri on the back.
Well, guess what? Your editor-in-chief has just roped me in with an irresistible offer!
What is it? Yuri asks hesitantly.
Shes got me a spot on radio in exchange for a food critic column! And guess which
show it is?

Yuri looks even more clueless than before but Sooyoung only laughs. Guess its too
early in the morning for your brain to work, right? Its the Dandy Duo show! Aint that
Dandy Duo? Isnt thatDJ Taeng and Sunnys show?
Bingo! At lastI will have a chance to meet Sunny! My dream come true! Im going to
meet her! Im so excited! WAHAHA!
Yuri looks like shes on the verge of hyperventilating as Sooyoung engulfs her in a hug
but there is nothing I can do to help her. But nothing can be worse than what Sooyoung
announces next.
And! Thats not all! Youre coming on the show with me!
WHAT?! Yuri splutters in shock.
Yeah! The editor-in-chief wants you and Tiffany to go on the show to give fashion advice.
The radio show is creating a Girls segment just for us! Its gonna be great!
I can only blink and try to breathe normally.

Chapter 8 Dandy Radio

What do I do? What do I do!!! Yuri is frantic but I cant help her because Im on the
verge of freaking out completely as well. Suddenly, she grips my shoulders and looks at
me desperately. Youve got to come with me. You have to, she pleads.
How are you going to get me into the show with you?
You can be a special guest or something. Yeah, a special guest!
I watch as Yuri slips off the precipice of her sanity and begins talking to herself.
Yuri ah, calm down. Calm down. Therell be a way out of this. There will be.
Oh my gosh. This is the girl who has my body right now. Just. Kill. Me. Now.
Please stop talking to yourself. People are going to think that Ive gone mental or
But Yuri waggles her hands, her eyes wild, butb
Stop. I stick my open palm in her face and silence her instantly. I heave a deep sigh.
We are in so much trouble that I cant see a way out of this.
A cloud of rainbow sparkles descend around us in the cramped little toilet cubicle that we
squeezed into to hide from our hyper friends, Tiffany and Sooyoung. The small toilet
cubicle feels even tinier with the arrival of someone that I dont particularly feel like
seeingHyoyeon, the useless fairy.
Hi! Hyoyeon greets us with a bright smile that does nothing to lift my bad mood, despite
her being comically sprawled across the toilet seat. Upon realizing the position that shes
in, she grumbles as she tries to rearrange herself to look a little more presentable. I
really need to practice my landing a bit more.
You need to practice casting your spells on the correct objects, thats what you need to
do, I snap.
Woah, woah. Dont be so mad. Dont worry, Im here to help!

If it werent for you, we wouldnt need your help in the first place.
And all this time, Yuri is just staring blankly at Hyoyeon, rendering me no help at all. Argh!
Now, now, girls. Ive already been helping you along the way.
Oh, you have, havent you? I say, my voice dripping with sarcasm.
Of course! Im not a fairy for nothing! Last night, while you two were fast asleep, I
sacrificed my sleep to cast a spell on you!
WHAT? both Yuri and I shriek in horror.
What spell? I ask at once. What did you do to us!
Hyoyeon grins slyly and chuckles. Calm down. Relax. My dad and I cast a connection
spell on you two. Thats how Yuri knew which level to press in the elevator.
My eyes open wide. Oh yes, I had been wondering about that until Sooyoung pounced
on us with the terrible news about the radio show. So, that wasnt a stroke of luck?
Hyoyeon seems to be able to read my mind and she grins even wider and pats her chest
proudly as she explains, I put the spell on you for emergencies like that. In extremely
intense situations, you will be able to subconsciously sense each others thoughts.
It is only then that Yuri gasps. Yes! I had this sudden strange urge to press the ninth
button and I dont even know why
Hyoyeon nods, looking pleased with herself. That was me! Youre welcome!
Well, why cant you just let us read each others thoughts completely so that we can
empathize with each other and break this spell? I question.
Hyoyeon shakes her head immediately. That spell is too dangerous. Wise fairies from
long ago have learnt of the perils of reading thoughts and have banished the spell from
the book. Besides, knowing ones thoughts doesnt mean youll be able to understand
and feel for another.
Then they should have banished the spell that got us into this mess as well! I fume.
Hyoyeon pouts and hangs her head. Im sorry.
Its okay, Hyoyeon, Yuri speaks up suddenly as she pats the crestfallen fairys shoulder
I look at Yuri incredulously. What does she mean, its okay?! Its not okay. Nothing is
Well figure it out together. Just, dont run away again, okay? We need you to help us.
Hyoyeon perks up a little and smiles again. What kind of help?
Yuri purses her lips and looks a little embarrassed.
What is it? Dont be shy to ask.
Well, is there some sort of spell to help me with English? I have to go on a radio show

later today and Tiffany mentioned something about speaking in English.

Oh my gawd, yes! I snap out of my daze of incredulity and grab Hyoyeons arm
hopefully. Can you help her?
Hyoyeon looks a little unsure as she nods. Actually, the spell book has something for
thatbut its difficult to cast andandIm not very good at English myself.
What does your English have anything to do with it? I ask, feeling clueless.
Wellthe spellis in English and Im bad at reading English.
Wheres the spell book, I ask impatiently. Ill teach you.
Hyoyeon brightens up immediately and whips out her iPhone and starts tapping on it.
Ya! What are you doing? I asked for the book.
Its an e-book. There you go. Hyoyeon taps her phone with a flourish and shows me the
e-book of spells. We fairies keep up with the times very well, you know. Were you
expecting some kind of big, dusty book thats all frayed at the edges?
Yuri and I nod dumbly and Hyoyeon laughs at our stupefied looks.
Well actually, there is a big, dusty book thats all frayed at the edges but they keep it safe
from harm in a magical space. The wise fairies transferred all the spells and incantations
from it into word documents which we used for a while. But now, with this e-book app,
everything works so much better!
Right. So, the spell, I remind her before she gets carried away with what sounds like a
lengthy account of how wonderful the e-book of spells is.
Hyoyeon taps her phone and some words pop up. This is it. Its very long, she groans.
I take the phone from her and begin reading,
For whichever language you cannot speak,
You shall receive the knowledge that you seek.
So thereon, thereafter and thereby,
English will be what your tongue goes by.
I look up from the phone and stare at Hyoyeon. Thats not long at all, I say.
Its not long if youre good at it. But its way too long if youre not, she whines.
Ill teach you now. Quick, Yuri needs this. I need this.
Okay, okay. Ill do my best to learn it, Hyoyeon promises and I start reading each line to
her slowly and deliberately. She listens to me twice then nods and says, Okay, I think I
got it.
Hyoyeon takes a deep breath and Yuri and I watch with our breaths bated as she begins
the incantation.
Porr weecheberr lenguijji yoo kennot shpeek,
Yoo shell lessheep der noolejji dat yoo sheek.
Sho dereon, dereappter ann derebai,

Ingulish will be waat yor tang gosu bai.

I blink. Oh gosh. That sounded horrible. Was that even English?
Meanwhile, Hyoyeon looks extremely satisfied with herself as she beams at Yuri. You
should be able to read and speak English a lot better now.
Is the spell less effective if you dont pronounce it properly? I ask.
Hyoyeon scrunches her face a little and shrugs. It will be affected but Im not sure about
the extent of it.
I dont have a good feeling about this but there is nothing else I can do. There is no time
to coach Yuri in English and this spell is the only lifeline weve got.
Im nervous, to say the least. Hyoyeons spell didnt sound too convincing and Im not
sure how much English Ill be expected to display. Fortunately, Sica is here with me. I
suggested inviting her along as a special guest and luckily for us, Tiffany thought it would
be a good idea. But as we walk through the radio stations lobby, I begin to feel jittery and
butterflies are flittering all around my stomach. The only thing that keeps me from
freaking out completely is the piece of advice that Sica whispered just before we entered
the studio: Let Tiffany do the talking.
It sounds like a good idea and I plan to do just that. Sica is a quiet person anyway, based
on what Ive seen so far. She didnt talk a lot during our dinner date. She was quite the
patient listener and I enjoyed her company that night.
Our relationship has entered a weird place, however. Now, I have her body and I dont
have my abs. Our world has turned upside down. But a voice inside me tells me that all is
not lost yet. I just have to get through this radio show and somehow teach Sica how to
save lives and well be fine. I hope.
Nerves aside, being in a radio show seems to be quite fun. The production crew
scrambles around to make sure we have headphones and microphones that are working
and we are given some sort of a script that states the flow of the show.
Jessi! Tiffany nudges me hard and I look at her, wondering why shes nudging me. She
gives me a piercing look and its only then that I recall that Im supposed to be Sica.
Im sorry, whats the matter?
Daydreaming as usual, huh, Tiffany gently chastises me with a shake of her head.
I flash a sheepish grin and say, Im sorry.
Suddenly, Tiffany casts an odd look at me.
Opps. Did I do or say something wrong?
Yes? Whats the matter? I ask quickly, trying to distract Tiffany.

Try to look and sound interested during the show, okay? Please dont daydream.
I nod and promise not to daydream. Tiffany still looks a little doubtful but the arrival of the
DJs disrupts our conversation.
Sooyoung, who has been restless since we left the office, is already stumbling across the
room to shake their hands.
DJ Sunny! Im so happy to meet you! Im a big fan of yours! Sooyoung is very exuberant
and from what I can see, DJ Sunny is a little taken aback by her over-enthusiasm. It
probably doesnt help that Sooyoung is towering over the petite DJ.
DJ Sunny manages to smile despite everything and shakes Sooyoungs hand as she
asks, Whats your name?
Sooyoung looks as though shes about to faint when Sunny asks her for her name. I-Im
Sooyoung. She stutters a little and I have to stifle a giggle. Sooyoung is funny. She was
all hyped up on the way here but now that she finally gets to talk to DJ Sunny, she
Hi, its nice to meet you, Sooyoung.
Sooyoung is rendered speechless right there and then. All we can hear from her is a
squeak before her face turns completely red.
DJ Sunny seems to be amused by Sooyoungs reaction and she giggles, which doesnt
help things at all. Sooyoung is now literally drowning in her joy, that much is evident from
the look upon her face.
Sunny just giggled, Sooyoung whispers to me and all I can do is smile and pat her back
comfortingly. Poor Sooyoung is a goner, I can tell.
Another girl, not much taller than DJ Sunny appears before us with a strange smile on
her face that makes her look like shes hiding a secret or something.
Hi, Im Taeng DJ. Thank you for coming on our show. We appreciate it very much.
Its our pleasure to be on your show. Thank you for having us, Tiffany replies politely as
they shake hands.
I notice how their handshake is a little longer than the average and raise a curious brow.
Whats going on in here? I look at Sica who is standing just behind me. Oh, I should
introduce her!
And this is Si-Yuri, I stop and correct myself quickly.
Siyuri? Taeng DJ repeats after me, looking unsure.
No, no. Her name is Yuri.
Ah, hello, Yuri. Its great to meet you too. Are you a writer for Girls too?
Sica shakes her head. No, Im only here as a special guest for today.
Oh! Wow, a special guest! Sounds exciting! Taeng DJ chirps with a wide smile. Well,
excuse us, we have to get ready for the show now.

With that, the two petite DJs step into the little room where the live broadcast will be
Oh my gosh, I can die happy now, Sooyoung declares as she gazes at DJ Sunny
through the glass window. And Im never ever going to touch anything else with this
hand, she says as she raises and stares at her right hand in wonder.
Why not? I ask.
Because DJ Sunny shook this hand.
Tiffany and I can only stare at Sooyoung in incredulity and shake our heads but two
seconds later, Sica bursts into laughter and slaps my back hard as she laughs.
Wow, youve got the same kind of late reaction that Sica has, Tiffany remarks and Sica
stops laughing immediately.
Hello everybody, Im Taeng DJ.
And Im DJ Sunny.
Its a lovely afternoon and weve got a great show lined up for you today.
Summers right at our door step, knocking on our door as we speak and its time to head
for the beach to cool off!
But before we head for the beach, there are a few things we need to do.
Really? What do we have to do?
We have to study.
Yes, study. We have to study the fashion and the trends of beachwear so we have with
us today, two writers from the lovely Girls magazine.
Hi, Im Tiffany from Girls.
Hi, Im Jessica from Girls.
Welcome and thanks for coming. Im sure youll be able to offer us many fashion tips for
this summer. Would you like to tell us which column you write for in Girls?
I panic slightly at the question fearing that Yuri might not know how to answer it but much
to my relief, Tiffany answers for Yuri.
We write for the fashion column in Girls. And this summer, our focus is on beachwear so
we are here to share what weve observed and analyzed over the weekend at the
Thats wonderful. Youll be able to share many tips with our listeners today. Taeng DJ
smiles at Tiffany. I also heard that the both of you are fluent in English and are in charge

of the English interviews for your magazine.

Yes, we are.
Ooo, can we hear some of your English? Theres nothing more attractive than a girl who
speaks English well, Taeng DJ adds.
I grip my chair hard. Please, let Yuri speak good English. Please! Hyoyeons spell had
better work!
Sure! Tiffany agrees enthusiastically. Hi, this is Tiffany and I hope that everyone
listening in to this fantastic show will enjoy the show and learn something today, she
says in English with an American accent and the two DJs make ooh and ahh sounds as
they gush over how lovely her English sounds.
That was really nice, Tiffany! Taeng DJ exclaims. You sound so good! And Jessica? Let
us hear your wonderful English too!
It is Yuris turn. I bite my lip. Stress.
Hi, Im Jessica.
So far so good.
I am so happy to be here today. Please enjoy the show.
Wow. Maybe Hyoyeons spell is working after all!
You are must love us!
What. Was. That?!

Chapter 9 Touching Abs

Im not sure if they are gaping at me because of what I said or not. Everything was going
along fine until now. Right now, they are silentan oddity for a radio showand
everybodys eyes are on me. I dare not breathe. I try my hardest to peek at Sica without
moving my head. Uh oh. She looks like shes about to faint or something. Did I say
something wrong?
Suddenly, Taeng DJ bursts into laughter. Her laughter is very unique. It is deep. Straight
from the depths of her gut. And it comes out all low and sort of manly in a way. Ive heard
it before when I tuned in to this show a few times in the past. But to hear it in person is
something else. Just wow.
And there we go again, says DJ Sunny with eyes dancing with mirth. Well done,
Jessica. Your sense of humour is unparalleled. Would you like to tell us how you got to
be so good at English?
I grin at once. This I know. Sica had told me about where they came from during our little
dinner date! Yes! Sica will be so proud of me.
I point at Tiffany and myself and declare confidently, Made in U.S.A.!
There is another fractional moment of stunned silence before Taeng DJ, who only just
managed to stop laughing, bursts into another bout of laughter. This time, DJ Sunny,
Sooyoung and Tiffany join in.
Oh, Sica, you crack us up! You must come on this show more often! says DJ Sunny, in
between her laughs.
My grin widens with glee and I turn to Sica to bask in the glory but her look chills me to
the core. I have a feeling that my life is in danger. Uh oh. But why? Everyone is laughing
and DJ Sunny just praised me! Sica is just weird. Hmph.
Yes, Jessica and I are made in U.S.A., says Tiffany while making the universal
quotation marks gesture with her fingers. We were even born in the same hospital! What

a coincidence, right?
Wow! Really? Thats so interesting! Taeyeon chirps, her eyes gleaming bright.
Well, I may not be the most perceptive person in the world but even I can sense
something going on with this DJ. She is emitting vibes that cant be ignored. That kind of
vibes. I know those vibes. Sica and I had those vibes too after I saved her. And during
that dinner date. Too bad were in this situation now. But Im rather interested in seeing
where Taeng DJs vibes will end up. In the trash or
Tiffany laughs politely. Yes, when we found out, we were astounded too. And we have a
very special connection, dont we, Jessi?
I blink. Woah. What is this? Rejection on air? And Im in the cross-fire. Im not even Sica,
for goodness sakes. All I can do is smile awkwardly and nod.
Sica and I are inseparable, Tiffany continues and I can see the light in Taeng DJs eyes
dim. We have many things in common and get along very well. Im very glad that we cowrite the fashion column for Girls too. We work very well together.
Im beginning to feel sorry for Taeng DJ. There is a noticeable slump in her shoulders and
the smile she flashes lacks vibrance. DJ Sunny seems to notice it too and she picks up
the slack immediately.
Well! We sure are fortunate to have the both of you on air with us then! But before we
talk about the wears and tears of beachwear, lets hear from Sooyoung, our esteemed
food critic. Sooyoung
There is only silence. I turn to my right and look at Sooyoung. She is pale and her eyes
are big and round. I dont know her that well but even I can tell that she doesnt look too
good right now. Her mouth opens and closes but only faint mumbles can be heard.
Sooyoung? Would you like to tell us a little about yourself? How did you become a
food critic? DJ Sunny smiles encouragingly at Sooyoung but that only makes the latter
freeze up even more.
Maybe Jessica can introduce Sooyoung, Tiffany suggests, trying to diffuse the situation.
Theyre longtime friends and Jessi knows a lot about Sooyoung.
I swallow hard and try to recall as much as I can from my dinner date with Sica. I
remember some details but not all. Oh no. It doesnt help that I can feel the Sicas glare.
No, no. Im not even going to look at her. No way. I take a deep breath and speak. Here
goes nothing.
Sooyoung is my best friend, I begin to say, thanking the heavens that I dont have to
say this in English. Shes always had a passion for food and a gift for writing so I guess
the two combined makes for an excellent food critic.
Thank you, Jessica for the lovely introduction of Sooyoung! Our dear Sooyoung is a little
shy at the moment, please excuse her. Its her first time on radio and shes probably a
little overwhelmed. I wish you could see her right now. She looks so adorable! says DJ
Sooyoung squeaks and blushes a deep crimson red. Im sure that Sooyoung is on the
verge of a cardiac arrest or something but luckily for her, DJ Sunny does not mention her
anymore for the rest of the show.

We talk briefly about colours for this summer which thankfully, is answered by Tiffany
because I have no idea. Apparently, it is black and white for graphic design swimwear.
Which spawns another question. What is graphic design? Ill need to ask Sica about that
later. Ormaybe not. She doesnt look too pleased with me. Perhaps, I should try to
make my escape after this show. Yeah. I should.
Our segment finally comes to an end and the two DJs bid us goodbye during the music
Thanks for coming, Sooyoung. Try to relax a little during the next show, okay? DJ
Sunny smiles warmly at Sooyoung who is nodding and blinking rapidly.
I-Im sorry, she manages to say and DJ Sunny laughs and shakes her head.
Its alright. Dont worry about it. Youll get used to it the next time. Then, Sooyoung
squeaks again when DJ Sunny gives her a big, warm hug. Youll do better next time,
I-I will, Sooyoung answers with a decidedly determined look on her face.
Meanwhile, Sica is gripping my arm harder and harder in a near fatal attempt to stifle her
giggles. It is near fatal for my arm as well. She is gripping so hard that blood can hardly
pass through. The objects of her amusement are Tiffany and Taeng DJ. Taeng DJ is
smiling widely as Tiffany thanks her for a wonderful show.
Its our pleasure having you on the show, Tiffany. Taeng DJs smile is unnaturally bright.
Tiffanys smile is not as bright as she waves goodbye, however. I look at Jessica
quizzically. She seems to know something so I nudge her.
What is it? Why are you giggling like that? I ask discreetly.
She looks at me like Im asking the silliest question on earth. Isnt it obvious?
That Taeng DJ is kinda attracted to Tiffany? I noticed that but whats so funny about
Sica grins and gestures for me to get closer to her. I step closer and she leans down to
my ear and whispers, Tiff prefers girls who are taller than her.
Oh. Why? I ask curiously.
Sica shrugs and releases my arm from her iron grip. Poor Taeng DJ. I feel for her. And
my arm.
Everyone had something to do after leaving the radio station. Tiffany had work left in the
office and Sooyoung had to meet the owner of a restaurant so Sica and I are left standing
by her car after saying goodbye to them.
Im a little wary of Sica. I cant tell if shes pissed with me or not with her looking at me
expressionlessly. So I keep my mouth shut and stare right back at her as she evaluates
me with her eyes. Im all ready to make a dash for it, should she try to attack me, so Im
more than surprised when all she does is sigh.
Whats wrong? I cant help asking.

Forget it. Im too drained to be angry with you. Besides, its not really your fault. Its that
fairys butt that I wanna kick.
I thought the spell worked pretty well, I remark, rising to defend Hyoyeon. I dont want
Hyoyeon to be attacked by Sica when she reappears. That might frighten her off and well
be left with no help whatsoever. And thats not good at all.
Sica looks appalled. Yuri, youre lucky to get away with that English today. You should be
thanking your lucky stars that Taeng DJ laughed so hard at your English. They all thought
you were trying to be entertaining but I know better. And Im freakin worried about shows
in future. I dont know how long this cover can hold up.
Aww, dont worry. Well get Hyoyeon to cast the spell again and make it stronger.
Dont even mention Hyoyeon, Sica snaps at the mention of the fairys name and I press
my lips tight. Okay, not saying her name again. No, no.
Are you hungry? I ask, hoping to divert her focus somehow and it works. Sica
scrunches up her face and nods.
What do you want to eat?
A bowl of delicious cold noodles later, Sica looks more amicable and I finally feel safe
enough to ask her if shes up for a lesson with me in the pool.
Or we could ask Hyoyeon I trail off nervously as Sicas eyes darken and cloud over.
No, she says resolutely, leaving no room for discussion. Im not going to depend on her
spell to help me. What if she messes up again? Your job concerns life and death. I cant
risk it. Teach me. I will learn.
Im impressed by her fiery spirit and determination to do a good job. Wow. She may look
like a breeze and walk with a breeze but she certainly has a strong gust of tenacity in
some ways. Sica is more than meets the eye!
Okay. Ill teach you.
Good. Lets go.
We have an indoor swimming pool for swimming lessons as well as lifeguard training.
There is also a gym and thats where most of us lifeguards train to keep up our fitness.
Theres no telling who we might meet but it is rather late when we enter the building so
theres the likelihood that we might not meet anyone at allwhich is what Im hoping for.
Please. Dont let us bump into Yoona or Seohyun. Please! Especially not Yoona!
I chant those words over and over again in my heart as we enter the training complex.
But to my dismay, we walk straight into Yoona who is walking out of the locker room.
Yuri unnie! she calls me or rather, Sica and hops about excitedly at once. Yuri unnie!
Why is Jessica unnie here with you? Are you showing her around?

Sica looks a little dazed by her hyperactivity but manages to smile and nod. And to my
horror, she grins wickedly as she whispers something in Yoonas ear. Yoonas eyes widen
and twinkle as she listens and when Sica is done, they giggle conspiratorially. Im beside
myself with curiosity but I know that neither of them will tell me anything. Yoona is
wearing the cheekiest grin ever and Sica, well, shes making me look like a pervert, the
way shes looking at me. Oh gawd. What is Sica up to now!
Okay! Ill not hang around and glow in the dark! Bye, Yuri unnie! Have fun Jessica
unnie! Yoona chirps as she bounces away, giggling to herself.
I groan inwardly and turn to face Sica. What now
Sica giggles and pats my arm. Im sorry. Your reputation has to take a hit if you want her
to leave us alone.
I can only pout. Sica is right. What did you say to her? I want to know how bad the hit to
my reputation is.
My heart sinks even further when Sica grins and says, Trust me. You dont wanna know.
I turn to Sica after putting my duffel bag down. Shes already pulling her top off, and Im
treated to a good view of my much missed abs. Oh my abscome back to Mommy
Stop looking at me, you perv, Sica growls.
I miss my abs, I whine and pout sadly, unable to tear my eyes away from the abs that
were once mine. And whats more disturbing is how they look a little flabbier than before.
Oh no! My abs! My dear precious abs
Can I touch them, please? I plead and her eyes soften under my earnest request.
Fine. Just a quick touch. Dont linger.
I nod vigorously and she turns to me.
Go ahead, she says and I run my fingers down the beautiful line of definition that takes
so much work to manifest and maintain. She shivers under my touch and slaps my hand
away before I get enough of my abs.
Enough, she breathes and I notice a hint of pink in her cheeks. What gives?
Sica turns away and walks into a cubicle with my lifeguard bikini and Im left staring at
her, clueless. She is so difficult to figure out sometimes. Oh well. Better get changed.
Were both in the pool (by ourselves, at last!) and Im about to tell Sica a few important
things about safety when I hear an unwelcomed voice.
Wow. Kwon Yuri. You have outdone yourself now. Bringing your girlfriend into our
training facility? What kind of example are you setting for our juniors? Hmm?
Argh! Not her!

Chapter 10 Yuri the Flirt?

Sica looks at me with questions in her eyes but before I can even try to help her out, my
senior is already jumping into the pool and putting her arm around Sica.
Uh oh.
My flirt of a senior and sensitive Sica. May the heavens help us all.
The owner of the voice is an older woman who has a toned body, quite like Yuris. Her
long hair is tied up in a simple pony tail and she is in the standard orange-white lifeguard
bikini which reveals a generous amount of skin. Sometimes I cant help but wonder if
lifeguards choose to reveal that much skin to gain more attention.
The woman walks right into the shallow end of the pool where we are standing and
comes right up to me, putting her arm around my shoulders casually. I dont like the way
she grips my shoulder. It seems a tad possessive but I try not to slap her hand off my
shoulder, nonetheless. Its a challenge to look impassive but I think I manage to pull it off.
How many times have I told you that this facility is not a place to bring girls? Youre such
a bad example, Yuri.
This woman is leaning way too close to my ear and shivers are zipping down my spine.
The bad shivers.
So who is this lucky girl? Why arent you introducing us?
This womans eyes are truly disturbing. Theyre piercing and theres something in them
that I cant put my finger on. I cant help but shift uncomfortably to put an inch of distance
between us but her arm is resolute and I can hardly move away from her.
Hi, girlfriend. Im your girlfriends senior and mentor. You can call me Seulji unnie.
I look closely at Yuri as she introduces herself, trying to decipher their relationship but its
hard to read her right now. And as they smile at each other, I tense. This senior of hers is
subtly rubbing her thumb on my shoulder! Lady, keep your hands to yourself!

Seulji unnie, Im teaching her how to swim. Thats all, I explain as I boldly pick her hand
up from my shoulder and move it away. I then wade through the water to Yuri in a bid to
get away from Seulji.
Thats what you tell me all the time, Yuri. How many girls have you brought in here
before this new girlfriend of yours? Youre such a flirt!
And for a moment there, Im confused. Does Yuri do this often? Is she really a flirt? A jolt
of unexplainable displeasure courses through my veins at that thought. Yuri is going to
have a lot to explain once we manage to get rid of her!
Im not flirting. Jessica is really interested in learning how to swim so Im teaching her.
Now would you please excuse us? Shes rather shy.
I grit my teeth as I speak. This is as civil as I can be and I hope Seulji can take a hint
although Im not sure if she can. Seulji looks wounded by my words and pouts. Okay, I
know when Im being chased out. Ill leave you two alone. But well go for supper together
later on, okay?
I almost balk at her. Supper? With her? Later? No way. No freaking way.
I cant do supper. My rejection is straight to the point and Seulji looks taken aback by
my blunt reply. Has Yuri never rejected her before? Ill need to ask her about this later as
Oh. Okay. Well. Ill see you tomorrow then.
Bye, Seulji.
Seulji smiles sweetly when I say her name and my curiosity is piqued. What exactly is
going on between Yuri and this senior of hers?
Seulji has finally left and were alone again.
So. Explain. Who is she exactly? And whats going on between the two of you? I ask
Shes the senior lifeguard here. You could say shes my boss. I have to report to her.
Your boss?! I can hardly believe it. Seulji did not behave like a boss at all. In fact, Id say
she acted like a creep. Does she always touch you like that?
Yuris eyes widen. Touchme?
Her arm was around my shoulder if you didnt notice. And her thumbshe was rubbing
her thumb on my shoulder. I really wanted to slap her hand away just now.
Yuri blinks some more. Oh. ersometimes
And you let her do it?! Im appalled by a sudden thought. Please dont tell me you
enjoy it.
Yuri shakes her head violently. No! I dont like it at all.

So why dont you stop her?

Yuri frowns. Its difficult.
I narrow my eyes. What do you mean. Why is it difficult?
Shes my senior. I cant be too rude to her.
So youre okay with her touching you like that?
No. Im not okay. But she doesnt really cross any lines. She can easily say that shes
just being friendly to me.
Oh my gosh. I cant believe it, I say in disbelief and another question pops into my mind.
Is it because you want to get into her good books?
Disbelief, shock, then indignation flash across Yuris face in a split second.
Dont insult my professionalism, Sica. Her voice isnt her usual gentle tone and I know
that I have crossed the line there.
Sorry, I apologize immediately. Im sorry for thinking that but its only because youre so
casual with your boss.
Im not casual with my boss! I just dont want to be rude to my senior!
Well, Im not going to let her lay a finger on me while Im you. And I have no qualms in
giving her a piece of my mind, should she go too far.
Yuri looks worried after listening to what I said. No, please dont. She isnt that bad,
really. Just a little touchy, thats all.
A little touchy?! Thats not just touchy. Its creepy! You may not mind it but I do!
Yuris eyes spark with a little something just then. Ah, is that why you shivered when I
touched my abs? Sensitive to touch, arent you?
I blink. Woah. Is this a distraction technique shes pulling? Well, it sure is working
because now Im embarrassed. She noticed? I swallow the lump in my throat and flush,
embarrassed. Yuris eyes gleam with something evil and before I know whats happening,
her hands are all over my sides, tickling me mercilessly. I squeal and try to get away but
her hands are nimble and easily evade my wildly grappling hands.
In a desperate bid to get away from her, I push her hard and she wobbles as she loses
her balance. Her arms flail around me and wrap tight, clinging to me as she falls into the
knee deep water. I am pulled down with her and we end up spluttering as water enters
our mouths and noses. But what is even more unsettling is how I find myself lying over
her. Chest to chest. Hip to hip. And our lips a mere inch apart.
I can hardly breathe. Blistering icicles. This is way too close for comfort. I scramble to get
off her body and manage to slide to her side, putting some distance between us. A
moment later, were sitting in the water, and blushing furiously. And Im not sure why but I
feel as shy as a mouse. Its odd.
Suddenly, Yuri flashes me an evil grin and I have a bad feeling about this.
Dont be rude to my senior and I wont tickle you again. Deal? she asks.

And thats when I conclude that Yuri is evil. Really evil. But I have no choice. Being
tickled is probably worse than tolerating her flirty, touchy senior.
Fine, I agree to the deal reluctantly and Yuris triumphant grin irks the heck out of me.
Im very relieved that I found a way to stop Sica from giving my senior a piece of her
mind. Theres really no telling what Sica might say to her and the consequences might be
dire. I certainly dont want to lose my job because of her!
Were in the deep end of the pool and Sica is learning well. Fortunately, she knows how
to swim and is adequate in this area so we can move on to other elements. Ive listed all
the dos and donts of saving drowning victims and demonstrated the two different types
of victimsactive and passive victims. Ive also told her how she can approach them.
Now, its time for her to put words into action.
Her task is to practice saving both types of victims. I decide to be the passive victim first.
It is easier for her. All she has to do is to being me back to shore (which is the side of the
pool) and lay me flat on the ground. Lastly, shell have to do the necessary health checks
and conduct CPR if required.
I jump into the pool and swim to the middle of it. Then, I commence the exercise by
pretending to be a passive drowning victim. I float, face down, and keep still. No
thrashing about. No struggling. This kind of victim is usually in critical danger and needs
to be rescued in record time so that some kind of resuscitation can be done on him or
A splash can be heard as Sica dives into the water. I can hear the movement of water as
she swims to me as quickly as she can. With my body, she can move more powerfully
and she doesnt take too long to get to me. Then, she uses the float to bring me back to
shore and hauls me out of the pool with some effort.
My eyes are still closed and I can feel her hands on my body, doing the checks. Her
touch is gentle and in a crazy moment, I crave for more. Oh mouse. What am I thinking?
Focus, Yuri. Focus!
Her breath hits my face softly as she checks my breathing. I stop breathing and she is
required to do a CPR to revive me. The thing is this: I stopped breathing only because I
tensed when she was too close to me. But she doesnt know this so she goes about
performing the CPR. My chin is tugged down and my breath is bated again as I feel her
lips engulfing mine.
Ive had junior lifeguards practice CPR on me before but those didnt feel like this one! I
cant breathe. I cant breathe. I cant breathe. Help me. My heart is pounding and my
blood is rushing somewhere. I dont even know where. But just as suddenly, her mouth is
gone and I can breathe again. My heart rate doesnt relax, however. It is still intense and I
can only take deep breaths as I attempt to calm myself down.
Did I do alright? Sica asks me, her eyes sincere and I can tell that she really is trying
her best.
You did very well, Sica. You may be my best student yet, I flash her a wide grin, the one
that I flash when Im proud of a student and she smiles daintily in return.

Lets practice some more, she says and I nod.

Okay. Round two.
Sica is more hardworking than she appears to be. This is my conclusion after two hours
of arduous drill and practice in the pool. I had been the one to suggest wrapping it up for
the day after an hour but she had insisted on continuing till she mastered the things I
taught her. Wow. She might be my best student yet! But my warm feelings towards her
cool a little when she turns to me with piercing eyes and pressed lips.
I need to ask you a question and you need to answer me honestly.
I swallow hard and nod. Sica means business.
Are you a flirt? And did you mean what you said after our dinner or did you intend to
have a fling with me?
I blink non-stop. Its like my eyelids are trying to cope with the massive confusion that my
mind is thrown into. F-Flirt? I stutter. F-Fling?
You senior said that you are a flirt. Are you?
No! I protest mentally as I shake my head vehemently.
Are you sure? Because come to think of it, you were flirting with me too.
What?! I splutter, stunned.
You were flirting with me after you saved me, werent you? To you, Im just another
awestruck victim you saved, right?
No, no, no. No! Youre not just another awestruck victim to me! I really wanted to be your
friend. I wanted to know you better, I start rambling, trying to defend my honour. Im not
a flirt.
Sica looks at me shrewdly for a moment, her eyes roving over me from head to toe and
back up again. Then, she nods slightly.
Okay, I believe you.
Sica is in the cubicle, changing out of the lifeguard bikini when I spot my phone sticking
out of her bag. Its technically her phone now, but I pick it up and check the message
anyway. There are a few missed calls and one new message. I tap on the message icon
and the message pops up on the screen.
Unnie! Kkkdid you get lucky with Jessica unnie? Teach me your ways, unnie. Ill
be eternally grateful. And I hope Seulji unnie didnt find you. Did she? I saw her
heading towards our training center as I left.
Nothing can stop my eyes from bulging as I read it. Get lucky? What exactly did Sica
whisper to Yoona? Now whos the flirty one here?!

Chapter 11 Youre Whipped

Im itching to know what Sica whispered to Yoona, so when she emerges from the
cubicle, looking very comfortable in one of my favourite soft cotton blouse and jeans, I
immediately ask about it.
Sica, what did you tell Yoona when we met her just now?
Sica cocks a cheeky brow and a corner of her lips curl up teasingly. Not telling you.
I pout. Sica is so mean. Please tell me. I cant stand it. My curiosity is eating me up, I
She narrows her eyes again and although she looks a little fierce and scary when she
does that, Im beginning to see through her mask of intimidation. Im starting to see
through her game. Especially with the tickling deal that we made at the pool. Sica
definitely has her weaknesses.
I put on a knowing smirk and move towards her. She backs away from me immediately
and puts her hands out. No. Dont even think about it.
An impish grin stretches across my face. Theres nothing I love more than harassing my
friends like that and it seems to threaten her even more. I take another big step forward
and she cracks under pressure.
Okay! Okay! Ill tell you. But you wont like it.
Tell me anyway, please? I plead and bat my eyelids at her. It works like a charm.
Okay. I told Yoona that I was going to get you into a bikini and get you to kiss me again.
WHAT?! I shriek in shock. Thats my reputation thats sinking lower and lower for
goodness sakes! I bury my face in my hands and groan, Please tell me you didnt say
But Sica merely shrugs nonchalantly and walks out of the locker room, leaving me to
grief over the destruction of my cool, popular lifeguard image.
Hyoyeon groans mentally and freezes in her sneaky tip-toe posture. She had been trying

to get out of her home to go to the beach for a relaxing time when she heard the
menacing roar of her father.
WHERE DO YOU THINK YOURE GOING? her father bellows as he appears behind
Immediately, she puts on the biggest grin she can muster up under such intimidating
circumstances and tries her best to look anything but guilty. She knows that she isnt
supposed to leave the house. She knows that shes supposed to be doing her English
homework but English is hard and she doesnt have the patience to sit at her desk all
day, trying to learn one of the most difficult languages in the world. Besides, casting that
English spell on Yuri took a lot of effort and she deserves a break after that. Doesnt she?
I-Im just going out to check on Yuri and Jessica, she says, trying to appease her father
a little. Much to her dismay, her father only seems to grow bigger as his face turns redder
than ever.
Yuri and Jessica? You said that you had the situation under control. You promised to
help them. But what did you do instead? You cast the worst spell in the history of our
household and I even received a letter from the wise fairies about it! he hollers angrily as
he opens his right palm and projects a hologram of a letter.
One look at the sign of the wise fairies on the letter turns Hyoyeon pale. Uh oh. Shes in
trouble now.
You are such an embarrassment to our family! You are not stepping out of your room
until you learn how to cast that English spell properly!!!! AND I MEAN IT!!!
Hyoyeon swallows the gigantic lump in her throat, nods nervously and scampers back
into her room, picking up the English book thats lying on her bed as she passes it.
Practicing. Practicing right now.
Ill check on you, Hyoyeon. And youre grounded until you learn this spell. Mark my
It is the next morning when I receive a call of distress from Sicas best friend, Tiffany.
Babe, I have a problem on my hands.
What kind of problem? How can I help? I respond immediately but all I get in return is a
long pause. Hello? You there? I ask after a moment.
Oh. Er, yeah. Its just that you surprised me there. I was kinda prepared for your fuse to
blow on me for calling you this early in the morning.
I blink, feeling confused. Why would I blow a fuse on her? Its not even that earlyuh oh.
Im Sica. Im not Yuri. Sica isnt a morning person while Im the opposite. Ive already
showered and made my health drink. If it were Sica, shed probably still be in bed and I
feel sick at that thought. My body is going to miss its morning health drink! Gah!
Jessi? You there?
Huh? Im yanked from my thoughts by Tiffanys voice and thats when I hear her laugh.

I knew youd be half asleep. Was that you sleep talking at first? laughs Tiffany. Her
voice is very pleasant and I find myself smiling at her little laugh. Sica is so lucky to have
a nice friend like her.
Maybe, I laugh as well, trying to convince her that Sica isnt being weird.
Anyway, I need your help.
What is it?
You need to come along on a date with me.
What?! I splutter and choke on the health drink Im drinking.
You heard me.
B-But were b-best f-friends I blurt haltingly, my mind in a complete mess at this point.
Why is Tiffany asking me out on a date? Does she really have a thing for Sica? Was that
declaration on air for real? Why didnt Sica tell me anything about this?!
Tiffany laughs so loudly that I hold the phone away from my ear immediately. Oh my
mouse. That was loud!
My dear girlfriend, laughs Tiffany, Im not asking you out on a date. Im asking you to
come with me on a date.
I blink. Whats the difference between those two?
Babe, youre worse than I thought in the morning, says Tiffany after a pause. Taeng DJ
asked me out to dinner and I have a feeling that shes coming on to me so I want to make
it clear that Im not interested. But I need you with me on this. Its too awkward if I go by
myself. I need your support.
So youre not asking me out on a date. Youre asking me to join your date with Taeng
You want to reject her?
But why?
You know that I dont go for girls who are shorter than me.
Why dont you give her a chance? I ask.
Youre really weird this morning, Jessi. Really weird. Why arent you backing me up on
I just think that you should give her a chance. She seems really interested in you.
If I were to go out with every girl who is interested with me, Id have no time for anything
else. It doesnt work like that, Jessi. And its not like you give that many people a chance
either. Tiffany pauses and Im about to say my piece when she continues, adding an
afterthought. Except that hot lifeguard who saved you.

Im stunned by that information. Sica doesnt usually date? And Im the exception? What?
What? What?
No buts. Youre just as guilty of not giving chances as I am. Admit it.
Im still unable to string a coherent sentence together so Tiffany continues at rapid-fire
Speaking of which, how did it go with Yuri? Where did you go with her after the radio
She brought me to the lifeguard training center.
Tiffany giggles. I never figured you to be up for physical exercise. Youre whipped.
Im on the verge of refuting that fact when I suddenly recall how Sica shredded my image
in front of my best friend. Heh. Tit for tat. I shall do the same.
So, I giggle like Sica and say, I guess I am. Shes so hot, you know. Shes so gorgeous.
And cool and
Okay, okay, I got the idea. Gosh. Youre so whipped that its a little scary to see you
acting like this. But I guesstheres nothing like a little love to change our chic princess
into a love-struck fool.
I can only grin at what Tiffany says. Tit for tat, Sica. Tit for tat.
So are you coming with me or not?
Whens the date? I ask. I cant go with her if I have to meet Sica.
This evening.
Early evening?
I can do late.
Why not early? Are you meeting Yuri or something? Tiffany giggles again.
Yes. Im meeting her.
The two of you are progressing really quickly, huh.
Are we?
Babe, youre meeting each other every single day.
Thats because shes teaching me lifeguard skills.
In a bikini?
Of course.

Tiffany giggles like a three year old at this point, bubbling over with amusement. Oh
Jessi, the pervy side of you is showing.
And right then, I decide to drive the nail all the way home. I cant help it. Yuris abs are
too sexy for me.
To which Tiffany bursts into laughter. I wish you all the best in your pervy endeavours
My evil grin is at its widest as I thank her and end the call. Muehehehehe. Sica, youre
going down.
Im about to set out for the beach to meet Sica when she calls me, sounding desperate
and panicky.
Its not going to work. Her words are falling over one another and it definitely doesnt
sound like the usual cool, chic Sica that I know.
Whats not going to work?
This whole thing!
What whole thing?
Blistering icicles. Talking to you makes me feel like Im dropping in intelligence or
something. Im talking about me being a lifeguard!
Sica, dont panic. You can do it. You did fine in the pool yesterday, I say, reassuringly.
Weve got to tell Yoona.
No, no, no. Now Im beginning to panic. No, we cant. What will she think?
Look. I cant go to work doing a job Ive barely had any training for. Even if I leave the
rescuing to Yoona as you said, its still not going to work. Your reputation as a top-notch
lifeguard is too much for me to live up to. And I dont want to mess it up for you.
Im touched by her words. It seems as though she really cares for my reputation and job
although shes shredding my cool girl image in front of my friends. I guess, she does
have a heart after all.
So youre saying that we have to let Yoona in on the game so that she can help you at
What about Tiffany then?
What about her?

Ill need her help at work too. I dont want to make a fool of you either.
There is a pause before Sica speaks again. Well talk about telling Tiffany after telling
Yoona. Okay?
I bite my lip. What she said certainly makes sense. When it comes to things like that, she
proves to be a lot more reliable than she looks. And I know what shes getting at too. My
job concerns life and death whereas hers doesnt. She can afford a few screw ups in
English but a screw up on my job might result in death and nobody wants that to happen.
Shes right. We have to tell Yoona. And Seohyun.
We send a text message to both Yoona and Seohyun, asking them to meet us in the
locker room. Its the most secluded part of the lifeguard building and the best place to
hide in as well. Todays the scheduled day for trainees to train in the open sea so nobody
will be using the indoor pool.
When they arrive, they look befuddled. I would too, if I were asked to go to the locker
room for a talk. Sica is visibly nervous and she slips her hand into my hand for comfort. I
hold it and squeeze it, telling her that well be fine.
Yoona spots our handholding and grins like an imp. But right in the next instant, her grin
turns into a gape.
Unnie! Are you getting married to Sica unnie? she asks excitedly.
No, no, no. Were not getting married, I say quickly.
If not, what is it then? Your message sounded so mysterious, Yoona says as she sits on
the bench with Seohyun, facing us.
I take a deep breath and look at Sica. Shes looking at me encouragingly, her eyes urging
me to spill the beans. So I do.
Yoona. Seohyun. Youre probably going to find it very hard to believe but heres the
thing. Sica and I, we have switched bodies. So although I look like Sica right now, Im
actually Yuri. And she, I gesture to Sica, is Sica.
Yoona looks at Seohyun and Seohyun looks at Yoona. They stare at each other for a
moment. Then, they burst into peals of laughter.
Unnie, youre so funny, laughs Seohyun.
Yoona is laughing so hard that she cant even speak. And we are looking at each other,
despairing in our mission to convince them about our plight when a loud thud is heard
and a cloud of rainbow sparkles fluff up into the air between us.
Yoona and Seohyun cease their laughter immediately. And for the first time, I think Sica is
truly happy to see the sudden, awkward appearance of Hyoyeon sprawled across the
floor on her face, complete with dragonfly wings and all.
In the meantime, Yoona and Seohyun look utterly dazed and their jaws hang loose. I
realize that this must be how Sica and I looked too, the first time Hyoyeon made her
appearance in front of us and a giggle escapes me.
WHO? WHAT? THIS? THING? WHAT? Yoona shrieks as she leaps from the bench,

pointing at Hyoyeon. Hyoyeon groans a little as she picks herself off the floor and dusts
the sparkles off her clothes before flashing a wide grin at Yoona and Seohyun.
Memorie duratussu! Hyoyeon yells, her arms flailing about in wild circles and my two
friends faces freeze and their eyes go blank. They are staring but unseeing. Its a little
freaky if you ask me.
What have you done to them? I ask, feeling anxious for them.
Dont worry. Ive only frozen their memories for a bit so that they wont remember this.
The more people know about this, the harder it is to clean up afterUMMPHH
The next thing I know, Hyoyeon is tackled to the ground and Sica is sitting on her,
throttling her violently.
Undo the spell! IF YOU DONT, ILL KILL YOU! Sica growls menacingly and Im really
afraid for Hyoyeon right then.
Sica! I yell. Gosh. This is one scary girl. Nevertheless, I try to pull her off Hyoyeon to
save the fairys life. We definitely dont want to have a fairys blood on our hands!
Hyoyeon dashes behind me the moment Sica frees her and peeks out from around me.
Unfreeze their memories now! commands Sica and Hyoyeon looks at me for help.
Sorry, Im with Sica on this. We really need to let them know.
Hyoyeons shoulders slump at my words and she nods reluctantly. Okay then. But things
are going to get real messy if any of this is leaked out.
I trust them, I say with utmost confidence. Yoona has proven to be a fiercely loyal friend.
Shes always been there for me in times of trouble, never leaving me in the lurch.
Seohyun, although Ive known her for a shorter period of time, would never betray me
either. Shes too principled to do that.
Okay. Ill unfreeze them.
Hyoyeon waves her arms wildly and says, Memorie regelolo! and Yoona and Seohyun
blink rapidly as their minds are freed from the lock.
Oh my gosh! Who is she? Yoona gasps as Hyoyeon flaunts her dragonfly wings in front
of her stunned audience.
Hi, Im Hyoyeon. Im a fairy.
A fairy?! Yoona and Seohyun exclaim and thats when I take a seat on the bench behind
me. This is going to take quite a lot of explaining.
Sowhat you said is definitely true then? Youre Jessica unnie and youre Yuri unnie?
Sica and I nod.

So you arent together. You arent dating?

Were not, says Sica, sounding a little more resolute than necessary. And after that
conversation with Tiffany, I cant help but wonder how she feels about me now, with this
body switch fiasco.
Theres someone at the door, Hyoyeon says suddenly and she leaps from the bench
and moves towards the door.
Theres no one around here at this time, Hyoyeon, I assure her. All the trainers and
trainees are out at sea right now.
I have tingling fairy senses yo, says Hyoyeon and she looks very worried. Im sure
somebody was at the door. And it wasnt just anybody.
All of us blink and stare at her, clueless. Hyoyeon regards us carefully for a moment, the
worry etching even further across her face with each passing second before speaking
That was another fairy.
Another fairy? all of us gasp.
Hyoyeon nods. And for once, the cheeky light in her eyes flicker out.
Well, if its another fairy, you dont have to worry about the secret leaking out to
humans, I reason.
But Hyoyeon shakes her head. You dont understand, she says. Theres only one other
fairy in this area and shes my cousin.
I really dont understand then. If shes your cousin, why would you have to be worried?
She hates me. If she knows that I messed up and cast the spell on you two, shes going
to make things really difficult for me.
Why does she hate you?
Hyoyeon sighs. Its a long story, Yuri. We fairies have complicated family relations. My
father is the eldest male fairy in the family right now and because of that, his word is law.
My cousin has always thought that my father spoils me whereas her father is too strict
with her and it doesnt seem fair to her.
Oh. This sort of complicated family relationship exists in the human world too but
fortunately, Im pretty close to my cousin and we hang out comfortably with each other.
And because of that, I feel sorry for Hyoyeon.
Dont worry, I comfort her as I put my arm around her shoulder. Well protect you from
your evil cousin.
How? Hyoyeon is in despair but to me, the solution is simple.
Well just set Sica on her and she wont dare to harm you in any way.

Chapter 12 Freaking Popsicles

So here we are, the five of usfour humans and a fairy--sitting on the beach, watching
as the waves roll in. Im in Sicas bikini which is a pretty shade of pink. It isnt skimpy for a
bikini but her generous assets cant help but spill over the top and I attracted many
unwanted stares from people passing us by as we made our way to the most secluded
part of the beach. My body too, attracted its fair share of attention, but we ignored them
all as we walked.
Now, its time.
Lets give it a try, Sica. I get up and walk toward the water. We had practiced in the pool
yesterday but theres nothing like open water practice. The open waters arent as
forgiving as the calm waters of a pool and Sica needs to get some practice.
Meanwhile, Hyoyeon is lying on a towel that she conjured up a while ago. And so are
Yoona and Seohyun. Hyoyeon had conjured towels for them too. Well, thats one perk of
having a fairy around, I guess. If she doesnt mess up her spell, that is. Hyoyeon had
actually begged to come along with us, telling us a pitiful story about her being grounded
by her father and how we were her only ticket to freedom. Sica was pretty adamant on
sending her away regardless of what Hyoyeon said but between Yoona, Seohyun and I,
we managed to convince her otherwise.
Im beginning to think that being a fairy isnt as easy as it seems and perhaps being an
ordinary human is a little less complicated in some ways. Anyhow, Sica finally reaches
me (she really takes her time to stroll, oh my mouse!) and I lead her into the water. She
shrinks back as soon as we get waist deep in water.
Its too cold, she whines and I can only shake my head at her.
Ill warm you up, I suggest and begin rubbing the length of her arms to warm them up.
She freezes a little and blinks as I do this but I dont think much of it. My only concern is
that she is warmed up and is ready to practice. She squeaks like a mouse when I give
her a hug and rub her back and I can feel all of her muscles tensing up. Oh no, this wont
do. To swim well, one must be relaxed.
Sica, are you nervous? I ask as I lean away from her and look into her eyes.
Her cheeks are pink and her eyes are shy. But it lasts only for a second before she
shakes her head and says, Im ready. Lets do it.
Im annoyed. Im annoyed with Yuri. What kind of a person rubs my arms and hugs me in

front of two humans and a fairy and asks me if Im nervous?! Just how dense can Yuri
get? She must be a flirt. Thats why she thinks nothing of touching me so much. Yet, she
said that she really wants to be my friend. And I still cant forget how I felt when we stood
together, our arms brushing so close, after that wonderful dinner date.
I dont date often because too many people ask me out. And I know that all they see in
me at first sight is my beauty. Im aware that Im a beautiful girl. How can I not know when
I have to look in the mirror every day? But I dont want to go out with people like that. I
want somebody who is interested in who I am inside.
Its ironic though because good looks attract me and I definitely took to Yuri so quickly
because shes very beautiful and charismatic. Double standards, perhaps. But Im pretty
so I have every right and right now, I have the right to be pissed off with Yuri. Shes not
going to get away with touching me like that and leaving me cold. Hmph.
Yuri swims a distance away from me and treads water as she signals me to rescue her. I
remember all the things that she taught me yesterday and Im confident of doing it
because I have her body. Maybe I should try to work out a little bit more. Its nice to feel
strong and fit and have more stamina.
Then again, maybe not. Id rather sleep for another hour in the morning than get up extra
early to go for a jog like Yuri does. She had asked me to consider going for a jog with her
in the morning but I declined, even though she was pouting. Maybe if it were Yuris face I
was seeing, things wouldve been different but watching myself pout really doesnt do
anything for me. Besides, its a lot of fun to see Yuri in misery. Shes extra cute when
shes in misery. Tee hee hee.
I kick off and swim towards Yuri. She is already floating face down and motionless. This
is a critical rescue case. Im fully aware that Hyoyeon, Yoona and Seohyun are watching
me, ready to help if anything goes awry so I have no worries. I will definitely get my
hands on Yuri. I will definitely get my hands all over Yuri. Hehehe.
Yuri is still motionless when I get to her.
Not for long, Yuri. Not for long.
I use the rear approach as she taught me and press the rescue tube she gave me
between my chest and her back. But instead of locking my arms around her torso, I
sweep my hands down her front and over her breasts before locking my arms at a less
sensitive area. She jerks and tenses when I brush past her breasts and I want to laugh
out loud at her. It aint over, babe. Not by a long shot.
I lock my arms tight and roll her over so that she is face up and floating on the rescue
tube. At this point, all I have to do is tow her back to shore but Im feeling frisky so instead
of wrapping my arms under her armpits, I deliberately angle my arms so that they nudge
her breasts ever so often.
Oh yes, if you can touch me everywhere and get me hot and bothered, then I can do the
Yuris blush is a deep crimson red when we get back to the beach. It is even more
noticeable since she now possesses my extremely fair skin. Shes pink from the tip of her
ears to the tip of her nose and its all I can do to stop myself from laughing at her. But my
laughter ceases when my eyes wander down and spot two rather distinct points, standing
out proudly, to say the least.

Mother of all icicles. Yuri! You!

Im too flustered upon seeing her physical reaction to my touch to do anything. It was my
touch, wasnt it? Or maybe it was just the cold waters. Oh thats right. Cold water does
that too. Maybe its not me. Oris it?
Im appalled by my own thoughts and desires. Am I actually hoping that I am the reason
for herher her apparent arousal? Tsk. Im becoming as bad as her. Mother of all
icicles. Am I becoming a flirt too?
I slowly become aware of Yuri calling me softly. Then, my mind registers the fact that I
had not followed through with the procedures after towing Yuri back to shore.
Y-Yes? I respond, albeit a little shakily.
Are you alright? Yuri is looking at me caringly. She is concerned for me. And I like it.
Freaking popsicles. Get a grip on yourself, Jessica!
Im alright. And to prove that Im alright, I quickly commence the follow-up procedures to
check that the victim I rescued is in no immediate danger.
At last, Yuri sits up and I await her evaluation of my performance. Im slightly nervous
about it. When it comes to work performance, I do have certain expectations of myself
and they arent low.
Yuri smiles. That was a good save, Sica. Well done. Im proud of you.
Okay. Im not annoyed anymore. No. Im happy now. Extremely happy. And I dont even
know why. Just hearing her say that shes proud of me makes me so happy that I want to
cheer and hug someone. So I hug her. I fling my arms around her and squeeze her tight
before releasing her. And all this while, I have the biggest smile on my face.
I hear a few wolf whistles and loud whoops and turn to glare at the fairy and two humans.
The whistles and whoops stop instantly. Good. I turn back to Yuri and flash a huge grin.
How should we celebrate? I ask.
Yuri blinks. Celebrate? she says, as though shes never heard of the word before.
Celebrate, you know, like cut a cake, pop champagne
What? You dont think I deserve to celebrate? I snap.
Oh, no, no. Of course you deserve to celebrate, Yuri says in a hurry.
Yuris eyes widen just then. Oh no, not tonight Im afraid.
Why not?

I have to meet Tiffany.

What?! Why?!
She needs your help in rejecting Taeng DJ and I happen to look like you, Sica.
No. You belong to me. Youre going to celebrate with me tonight. Tiffany can handle
Taeng DJ by herself.
But Sica, I already promised her
Yuri pouts and looks anxious and I suddenly feel bad for putting Yuri in a tough position.
Okay. You go help Tiffany but after that, we celebrate at your place.
Okay! Yuri perks up at once. But within the next second, her brows are furrowed again.
Er, by my place, do you mean my place or your real home?
I roll my eyes at her. Gosh. Yuri will be the death of me one day. Of course Im talking
about your place. I dont want my sister around when we celebrate.
Oh. Okay then. Ill meet you at my place after Tiffany is done.
Okay. Dont be too late, Yuri.
I wont.
Youd better not.
Can I please, please, please, please, please, please come with you? Hyoyeon pleads.
Im surprised to find her standing right behind me. I hadnt even noticed her approaching
us during my conversation with Yuri.
No. Its a private party. No fairies allowed.
Oh, pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. I really dont want to go back. My father
will make me do tons of English homework, Hyoyeon whines.
Pleaseeeeeeeeeeeee! Pleaseeeeeeeeeee!
Okay, you can celebrate with us, Yuri says suddenly and I shoot icicles at her with my
wintery stare. She shrinks a little but bounces back almost immediately and says,
Hyoyeon asked really politely and she really wants to join us. Lets not be too mean to
I blink. Woah, Yuri is standing up to me. Thats new. And refreshing. I like it. But threes a
Yuri, I want it to be just the two of us. We got through this together.
Hyoyeon helped too, Yuri says firmly and stands up, signaling the end of the discussion.
Besides, Hyoyeon can help to whip up some dishes while Im gone, cant you, Hyo?
Hyoyeon breaks into a huge grin and nods vigorously. Yes! Yes, I can!

I know Im defeated. I cant cook to save my life and Yuri has used my ultimate weakness
against me. That horrible girl!
Fine. Hyoyeon can come along.
And what about us? Yoona and Seohyun ask as they join us down by the water.
Of course! The more the merrier! Yuri says jovially and all I can do is smile awkwardly
as my hopes of a celebration for two go up in smoke.
Sica didnt look too happy when I left to meet Tiffany so I asked her if she wanted to
come along with me. However, she rejected my offer and left for home with Hyoyeon and
my friends. Sometimes, I really dont know what shes thinking at all.
Yoona did give me a look though. Maybe she knows something. Anyhow, Im on my way
to meet Tiffany now. Sica doesnt want to tell Tiffany yet so I have to keep up the act for
now. I can understand if she doesnt want come clean today. It certainly has been an
eventful day to say the least!
I get to the caf that Tiffany asked me to go to and step inside, my eyes scanning the
place for Tiffany. I dont see her yet so I sit at a table and wait. I like this caf. It sells the
best chocolate coffee in the world and I drink it occasionally when I do that extra lap in
the pool, or run that extra mile in the morning. Its like a reward for me.
Hi, Jessica. What a surprise to see you here.
I look up from the slender fingers Id been admiring and find myself looking into the eyes
of Taeng DJ. She definitely looks surprised and slightly downcast, if Im not wrong. Its
clear that she wasnt expecting to see me and she had put two and two together very
Hi, Taeng DJ. Er, Im actually here to join you and Tiffany.
Im sorry, have I ruined your plans? I say apologetically, feeling every bit as sorry as I
sound. I know that Taeng DJ is hoping to get to know Tiffany betterthat much was
evident during the radio showand me being here is not how she planned it.
Yet, she graciously smiles and says, Its totally fine. Dont worry about it. Its just a casual
invite for a dinner. Youre welcomed to join, of course.
Out of nowhere, I develop a sudden urge to help Taeng DJ. Shes such a nice person.
Surely she deserves a chance with Tiffany?
Can I be honest with you, Taeng DJ?
Please, call me Taeyeon. And of course you can be honest with me, she says with a
charming smile that puts an equally charming smile on my face and Im even more
convinced that Tiffany should give her a chance. Who can pass up on a smile like that!
Taeyeon, I call her and she smiles again. Aww, shes such a sweet girl and very pretty

too. Shed be a good match with Tiffany, I cant help thinking, and my resolve to help her
To be honest, Tiffany actually wants to reject your interest in her today.
Taeyeon blinks. She doesnt say anything for a moment until I clap my hands in her face.
She jerks when I do that.
Are you alright? I ask out of concern.
Taeyeon sighs. I guess so. I sort of sensed it during the show, actually. She made it quite
clear that she has a very close relationship with you. I just thought that I could try, you
know. You never know until you try.
Well, would you like to know the reason why shes not into you?
Taeyeons eyes widen immensely and she nods almost immediately. Yes, please tell
Youre not tall enough. Shes only into girls who are taller than her.
A look of disappointment immediately engulfs her pretty face and I hurriedly add, But Im
telling you this because I want to help.
Help? How? I cant grow taller
I shrug. If theres a will, theres a way. If you can find a way to be taller, youll stand a
better chance with her.
Taeyeon looks confused. A-Arent youclose to Tiffany? Why are you trying to help
I can only smile and shake my head. Shes only using me to discourage you. But I think
you deserve a chance. I dont think she should discount you just because of your height.
Soyoure not interested in her.
I shake my head.
And shes not into you.
I shake my head again.
Aha! I knew it! she exclaims with glee before lowering her voice and whispering
conspiratorially, Youre into Yuri, arent you?
Now its my turn to blink. Me? Into Yuri?
Taeyeon grins slyly. Dont think I didnt notice. I saw how the two of you behaved with
each other. Its like the two of you share a secret or something. Theres definitely
something going on between you and Yuri. I thought I was wrong because of what Tiffany
said but now that youve cleared things up
I almost snort. Oh, we share a secret alright. And if Taeyeon knows the secret that Sica
and I haveIll bet she would change her mind about us. Yet, I cant deny the truth in
what Taeyeon says. Im aware of how I feel towards Sica. Im definitely interested. And so
is she. That much was evident from the dinner date we had. That one and only dinner

One thought leads to another and all of a sudden, I realize how stupid Ive been. How
ignorant Ive been to Sicas plans. Oh my mouse. Only now do I understand why she
wasnt happy when I left. I feel like kicking myself. Argh. We couldve had some time to
get to know each other better but I had to open my big mouth and invite Hyoyeon, Yoona
and Seohyun to join us. Yuri! Youve lost your touch!
Anywaycan you tell me what Tiffany likes? Taeyeon asks me, breaking my train of
Uh oh. I have a problem here. I dont really know what Tiffany likes! Think, Yuri, think!
I think she likes the colour pink, I manage to say. From what Ive seen of Tiffany so far, I
know that she has a pink phone, pink bikini, pink earrings, pink clothesand probably
more that I havent seen. Oh yeah, this girl definitely likes the colour pink.
Pink? Thats it?
Mhm. I respond vaguely since Im not sure about the rest. Luckily, I recall something
that Sica told me about Tiffany during our dinner date. Yes, it will definitely distract
Taeyeon from asking any further so I begin.
She loves pink. She doesnt really like to take medicine but she would take pills if they
are pink.
Wow. Taeyeon looks amazed. Thats hardcore love of pink there.
I nod, not daring to say anything else, lest it be untrue. But Im saved by the arrival of
Tiffany, whose entrance is punctuation by a loud, cheery greeting.
Hi girls, sorry to keep you waiting!
I brace myself and cross my fingers. Go, Taeyeon, go!

Chapter 13 The Short End

The conversation is going well. Tiffany is smiling at what Taeyeon just said and Im
thinking perhaps things are going better than I thought they would. But Tiffany pops the
subtle rejection just as I think theres hope.
And no offence to you, Taeyeon, but my ideal girl should be taller than me. Ive always
had a thing for reaching up on tip toe for a kiss.
Much to Taeyeons credit, and perhaps thanks to my forewarning, she manages to
remain seemingly stoic as she responds.
Have you never wondered what it would be like to have the upper hand in a kiss?
Upper hand? Tiffany is slightly intrigued, I think. The tone of her voice definitely gives
me that impression.
If youre taller, you can control the kiss better. Get more out of it.
Hmm, Ive never considered that point.
Then again, it wouldnt really matter if we were both lying on a bed, would it?
Wow! My mind is blown. Taeyeon is coming out strong here! It looks like my little tipoff is
being put to great use here by this DJ. Tiffany is noticeably stunned by Taeyeons
comeback and perspective of the whole thing. And what Taeyeon said is truth. Which
makes me wonderhow experienced is this DJ in kissing?
That much is truebut what about kisses while standing? Backed up against a wall? I
think its so romantic if a girl could just sweep down and kiss me hard.
Tiffanys face is reddening as the conversation progresses and I have to take my hat off
to Taeyeon for managing to steer the conversation in the direction of ideal girls and what
not. Such a brilliant move!
So youd like to be kissed hard from above. What if you were kissed hard from below?
Dont you think it might be a worthwhile experience to try?
Tiffanys eyelids flutter like the wings of a butterfly and its clear that shes feeling the heat
from Taeyeon. Wow. For a short girl, she sure packs a punch!
Jessi, what do you think? Tiffany tries to throw the ball into my court. I have to stifle a
giggle. Little does she know that Im backing Taeyeon up fully on this.

I think there are merits to being the taller kisser. Im pretty short so I definitely wouldnt
mind having the height advantage for once.
Tiffany glares fiercely at me. My answer definitely isnt what she wants to hear from me
but Im not afraid. Not in the least. Her glare isnt even half of Sicas intensity. I guess I
have Sica to thank for this one. Its all thanks to her that Im a lot braver now.
Jessica agrees, Taeyeon states happily and flashes a charming grin. I think you should
give shorter girls a chance, Tiffany. You never know if you might actually end up
preferring shorter girlfriends one day. Short girls can kiss pretty well, you know.
Tiffany looks Taeyeon over with an appraising eye for a moment.
Are you trying to say youre a great bottom kisser?
Im only trying to say that you should give shorter girls a chance too.
What if I decide to give a shorter girl a chance and she turns out to be a really bad
Then you can return to your preference for taller girls who arent necessarily good
You are a very persuasive negotiator, Taeyeon.
Im not only good at negotiating, Tiffany.
Holy mickey. The tension in the air is thick. There is chemistry between them. I just know
it. Its sizzling hot, just like how it was for Sica and I during that dinner and I know that
Taeyeon is going to get her chance. Im certainly rooting for her!
What else are you good at then?
Oh. My. Mouse. Did Taeyeon just say that?
How would I know if youre telling the truth?
Try me.
Try you?
I dont think it works this way.
Why not?
Because Im not going to kiss you just to find out if youre good or not!
Well, maybe we could go out on a real date first and you can decide if you want to find
out after that.
Suddenly, I feel as though I shouldnt be here, but Taeyeon and Tiffany dont seem to
even notice my presence anymore.

Youre asking me out on a real date.

Yes. Will you turn up? By yourself?
Tiffany purses her lips for a moment. Then, she nods. Okay, I will.
Oh my mouse! I almost whoop for joy but I manage to hold it in as does Taeyeon. But her
eyes are shimmering splendid as she smiles and I know that the glee in her heart
definitely far exceeds mine.
But yes! Taeyeon has succeeded in getting a date with Tiffany and Im rooting for her to
go all the way.
Sica is rolling around on the couch, laughing with Yoona, Seohyun and Hyoyeon when I
step into my place. I dont know what made her laugh like that but Im glad to see that
she isnt in a foul mood. It gives me hope that she isnt angry with me for being dense. I
suppose it could be the relaxed mood shes in, since she has nothing to hide in front of
Hyoyeon and my friends. Its certainly very challenging to keep our secret from others
and our stress levels are high in that state.
For a while, its pretty fun to be able to be myself around Yoona and Seohyun again. They
arent quite used to it, however, as they constantly look at Sica when they want to talk to
me until they recall that Im no longer the owner of my body. Ill bet its a strange
experience to talk to someone who doesnt look like your friend either. And maybe thats
why they seem to have taken to Sica really quickly.
We put on a DVD and settle down to watch a movie together. I do this very frequently
with Yoona and Seohyun so were used to splitting up the work among three but with the
addition of Sica and Hyoyeon to our group, we decide to do it a little differently.
Its decided that two of us will have to take care of the cleanup and as nobody really likes
to do it, we will draw lots for it. Five pieces of string are held by Hyoyeon and the shortest
ends drawn mean the cleanup. Its simple. Its fair. And quick too.
Yoona goes first. She draws a pretty long piece of string and I know that shes safe. Next
is me and when the end of my string pops out from Hyoyeons fist with just a short tug, I
know that Ive gotten the shortest end out of the five. Sica is next and she draws another
short end. Oh gosh. It looks like were the two lucky girls who will have to cleanup. The
other three girls whoop and cheer and set about preparing the snacks for the movie.
Laden with snacks, the coffee table before us is filled to the brim. We eat, talk and watch
the movie and basically have a jolly good time. There are moments during the movie
where I can feel eyes on me but when I turn and look at Sica, shed be staring at the
television. I dont get to catch her looking at me or not but Im quite certain that she is
sneaking peeks at me. But why?
The movie is entertaining and soon, Im sucked into it and as with all good times, we
soon find ourselves at the end of the rom com flick. Like good girls, Sica and I pick up the
plates and bowls and head to the kitchen to wash the dishes. We dunk them under water,
douse them with detergent and rinse it off before wiping them dry.
For a while, we do it silently. Simply methodically working our way through the dishes as
the fairy and two humans in the living room talk and laugh. Our fingers brush as I pass
the dishes to her to be wiped dry and little sparks go off in my hand when we touch.

I dont know if its all the kissing talk during dinner with Taeyeon and Tiffany or the
romantic kissing scenes in the rom com I just watched but I find myself wondering what it
would be like to kiss Sica. It wouldnt be the first time our lips touch but a CPR is hardly
the same as a kiss and Im curious to find out.
Subtly, I inch closer to Sica and soon, the length of our arms are brushing more
frequently and I think shes beginning to feel it too because her body sort of tenses up a
little. Ah, the perks of being a lifeguard. Im so attuned to the physique that such things
dont slip past me.
Anyhow, I take it as encouragement to roll out my plan.
Sica, I start.
Hmm? she responds and turns to look at me innocently.
Close your eyes, I say softly and the look in her eyes changes immediately. She looks
around nervously but there is nobody in the kitchen and we are safely hidden from view.
Its just us. The two of us. The time is now or never.
Close your eyes, I repeat gently and Sica finally closes her eyes. The plan unfolds in
my mind and I smile as I say, Picture me on the night of our dinner date.
Sicas brows furrow and I assume that shes trying to picture the real me from that night.
Yuri as Yuri. I lean towards Sica and close my eyes as well, picturing the real her in my
mind as I inch closer and closer. I know Im almost there. My heart quickens and my
breathing thins. This is what I want to do. This would have been what I would have done
had we remained as ourselves and gone on a second date. This is it.
My lips are slightly parted when they find hers. I press gently and Im elated when I feel
her responding to me. Shes pushing back and I push in return and before I know it, my
hands are wrapping around her waist, pulling her closer to me.
My breath is shallow when we finally part and my eyes remain closed. In my mind, I can
see sweet, gentle Sica, smiling daintily at me. Its this Sica whom I saved. Its this Sica
who charmed me during that dinner. And its this Sica whom I just kissed.
Sica, I breathe.
Yuri, she breathes, sounding just as breathless as I am. Ill bet she felt it toothe
magical buzz of our kiss.
The sound of chatter approaching makes us leap apart, blushing furiously from the sweet
little kiss we shared. It was a kiss that went way beyond the mere touching of lips and I
think it shows on our faces because Yoona is sharp enough to sense something going on
between us and is sensible enough to turn around immediately, ushering the other two
girls out as well.
Thanks for the movie and snacks! Well be going now! Yoona announces loudlymore
for my benefit than anything elseand before I can even say anything, I hear the sound
of the door being closed in a hurry.
Then, its just the two of us. I look at her and she looks at me. I feel incredibly awkward
and its obvious that she feels the same way too. But more importantly, where do we go
from here?

Sica, I start, keeping my eyes on the floor. If we were ourselves, wed be dating
happily, wouldnt we.
Yes is her soft reply and Im extremely encouraged by it. That means my feelings are
reciprocated and Im not the only oddball who is attracted to another girl who is currently
the owner of my body.
So lets try really hard to break the spell and go back to being ourselves.
But how?
We can start by having a heart-to-heart talk.
Mmm, it sounds like a good idea.
Meanwhile, Hyoyeon is whining. She wants to go back to Yuri and Jessica but Yoona
wont let her.
If Im not with Yuri or Jessica, Ill have to go back and do my English homework, she
groans in utter dejection.
English homework? Seohyun speaks up suddenly, making Hyoyeon jump a little. She
wasnt expecting to hear Seohyun speakthe young girl is so quiet.
Yes, English. Its so difficult.
Well, theres no use running away from it. Youll have to face up to it sooner or later,
reasons Seohyun but Hyoyeon is not the sort who subscribes to such logic. In Hyoyeons
world, the general rule is to take it an escape at a time. Shell make as many escapes as
possible and delay doing the much dreaded work for as long as possible.
I can help you with it, Seohyun offers and Hyoyeon perks up immediately.
Really? Youll help me?
Of course. Bring your books and Ill teach you what I know.
It sounds a little dubious so Hyoyeon hesitates a little. How good are you at English?
Thats when Yoona speaks upher pride in Seohyun is evident. Seohyun is a genius
when it comes to languages. And pretty much anything. Seohyun is a genius. Period.
Hyoyeon notices Seohyuns intense blush and Yoonas sense of possessiveness over
Seohyun. Ah, something is going on heremaybe? She ought to check the books about
their fates too. But in the meantime, Seohyuns offer sounds too good to pass up on and
Yoonas testament makes it seem like shes going to have a very good teacher. By the
wings of the dragonfly, is the wheel of fortune favouring her at last?
They were on their merry way back to the training facility to help Hyoyeon with her
English when Hyoyeon changes direction and drags them behind a wall with her.
Whats up? Yoona asks curiously.

Shh, my evil cousin is heading towards us. Wed better go another way.
Wheres your cousin? Yoona is curious to know what Hyoyeons cousin looks like.
Hyoyeon points at an older lady who is decked out in a midriff baring tank top, showing
off a generous amount of cleavage with a low-cut top. Yoona looks and gasps.
Shes your cousin?! Yoona is surprised, to say the least. Shes a fairy like you?
Hyoyeon nods and tugs at them, trying to get them to move. Lets go before she senses
that Im around.
Yoona finally starts moving and Hyoyeon is only too glad to put more distance between
her cousin and herself but it appears that they waited a little too long.
Hyoyeon, Hyoyeon, what are you up to now?
Hyoyeon can only groan mentally as she turns around to face her cousin.
Just hanging out with my friends, Seulji.

Chapter 14 Level the Playing Field

I didnt realize that you had friends like them, said Seulji, her eyebrow quirks, revealing
her surprise at this discovery and Hyoyeon feels a sense of satisfaction at having
unsettled her cousin, even if it were only in the slightest. Her cousin has never made life
easy for her and payback in any form is sweet.
Yet at the same time, it strikes her as odd that Seulji would even be affected by her. Her
cousin has always held herself above reproach and way above her cousins in stature.
Hyoyeon is well aware of her cousins disdain for her lack of ambition as a fairy. So why
would her choice of friends be of any concern to Seulji?
Hyoyeon decides that a shrug would suffice as an answer to Seuljis question. She cant
very well lie about how she came to know Yoona and Seohyun. She doesnt want to. But
Seuljis eyes narrow suspiciously.
What are you hiding, Hyoyeon?
Hyoyeon can tell that Seulji wants to say more but is unable to. Seulji has no way of
knowing that Yoona and Seohyun are already aware of their true identities and is biting
her tongue, lest she should let the secret slip. Hyoyeon grins inwardly. This is the perfect
chance to get away from Seulji.
Im just friendly, thats all. But please excuse us. We have somewhere to be.
Yoona proves to be ever the quick-witted girl when she smiles and finally speaks.
Good evening, Seulji unnie, see you at work tomorrow.
Seohyun steps forward as well and says the same thing as Yoona does which marks the
end of Seuljis chance to grill Hyoyeon further. Together, they walk away, putting as much
distance between them and Seulji before Hyoyeon finally dares to speak again.
Thanks, Yoona. Thanks, Seohyun.
No problem, Hyoyeon. We dont really like her much but shes our senior lifeguard on the
team and we all have to report to her. And she has a thing for Yuri unnie, says Yoona,
her nose crinkling with distaste. Poor Yuri unnie has to ward off her advances all the
Really? Hyoyeon is surprised to know that her ever so snobbish cousin would actually
be hankering after a girl, even if shes an attractive one like Yuri. Seulji is working as a
lifeguard to further her knowledge of humans. She aims to climb up the rungs of fairy
hierarchy and make it into the elite branch one day. I cant imagine her getting hung up

on anyone.
Yuri unnie can attest to it. Shes even resorted to bringing some girlfriends to the facility
to try and make it clear that shes not interested in Seulji unnie but to no avail.
Why doesnt she just tell Seulji that she doesnt like it then?
Yoona sighs. Weve been trying to get to her to put her foot down but Yuri is too nice to
come out and say it. She tried to hint at it but nothing works so eventually, she decides to
tolerate it. I believe the exact quote is Seulji has not really crossed any lines.
Hyoyeon is in utter disbelief at this point, so Seohyun explains, Yuri unnie is very
respectful of her seniors. She knows that Seulji fancies her yet at the same time, has not
done anything overboard. Seulji is also a senior who knows her stuff. She is a capable
senior and although none of us like her because of her snobbishness, we cant deny that
she has taught us a lot of what we know. Yuri unnie would never act disrespectfully
towards her.
Hyoyeon is rendered speechless. She understands that humans in this part of the world
have a very strong sense of senior and junior hierarchy but she could never truly
understand it. It doesnt work like this in the fairy world. So its evident now that Seulji has
indeed been learning a lot about humans while working as a lifeguard. She knows how to
manipulate and pull her weight around, using Yuris respectfulness against her. She sighs
again. It sounds exactly like Seulji. Ambitious and sometimes, rather ruthless.
Hyoyeon shakes her head. My cousin is nothing but trouble.
Tell me how you came to be a lifeguard.
I squeeze Sicas hand but keep my eyes focused on the ceiling above. Wed agreed to
answer each others questions in a bid to understand each other better. And to do it
comfortably, we wouldnt look at each other. That would only remind us of our
predicament which is anything but conducive to what were trying to do. Instead, wed
picture each other in our minds, treating it like a continuation of our first and only dinner
I was saved by a lifeguard. Ive always been a strong swimmer. Swimming is something
that I have utter confidence in. Yet, when I almost drowned, I realized that even
swimming was a skill that I couldnt be too confident in. I was depressed for a while and
frightened to swim again but the lifeguard who saved me got me back in action. Thats
when I knew what I wanted to do for the rest of my life. I want to save people. I want
people to feel safe while having fun in water. Water is a beautiful thing and swimming is
skill that allows us to enjoy ourselves in it. Were not sea creatures so its incredible that
we can find means and ways to handle water, dont you think?
Sica strokes her thumb on my skin and Im lulled into a semi-dreamy state as she
answers in a soft, gentle voice, I think youre incredible too. You saved my life. Ive never
forgotten about it even though I may be angry with you sometimes.
I blush. Its nothing.
Sicas hand squeezes mine firmly, rebuking me for being dismissive. Its not nothing.
Saving lives makes your job a very important one. Saving a lifeits so grand, so
wonderful. Youre not to say that its nothing.

Okay, its not nothing. Im freaking awesome and youd better worship me, I quip dryly.
Sica pulls my hand onto her tummy where she wraps her other hand around mine as
If it werent for our switch, Id definitely be under your spell. If I were to be completely
honest with you, I couldnt wait to see you again and I was extremely nervous when I
called you to invite you to dinner. You were so charming during dinner. And I was so
happy when you seemed to like me too.
Sicas confession catches me off guard. She must have summoned a lot of courage to
come clean about her feelings for me.
Sica, youre very pretty and something about you just pulls me to you. Thats why I
agreed to the dinner. I suppose your attraction to me would be stronger than mine to
yours since I was the one who saved you but I can safely say that youre the first girl who
has gotten my attention in a fairly long time.
Really? Sica doesnt sound entirely convinced.
Yes. Really.
So you really were bringing those other girlfriends to the training pool just to teach them
to swim? You werent flirting with them or courting them?
I almost laugh out loud at her question. I think she can sense it because she tenses up,
seemingly ready to fire should my answer fail to sooth her worries. Hastily, I squash all
desire to laugh and reply, So this has been bothering you ever since Seulji unnie
mentioned it at the pool?
There is a slight pause and I can hear Sica exhaling before she admits to it.
Truth be told, I do date a fair bit and I did bring my dates to the training pool to give them
some swimming lessons. Youd be surprised by the number of people who arent
swimming properly, doing their strokes wrong.
Thats all?
I heave another sigh. Its time to come completely clean. Theres another reason for
doing that.
There is a moment of silence and I know that Sica is waiting with bated breath.
I was trying to put an end to Seulji unnies advances on me.
Why didnt you say so the other time? The way you answered me had me thinking that
youre pretty open with just about any girl.
I just didnt want to aggravate you any further. Theres no telling what you might do if I
make Seulji unnie sound terrible.
So, shes after you huh.
You dont like?

Sica sounds completely satisfied by my answer and I can hear the glee in her voice.
What about you? Do you date a lot? I ask, suddenly curious about her love life before
meeting me. It is a deep end to jump into but Im ready to tread water, should it be
I dont really go out on dates that often.
Why not? Surely a girl like you would have a flurry of dates lining up at your door.
Sica giggles, a lovely sound that tingles my senses.
While you may find it difficult to say no, I have no qualms in rejecting someone Im not
interested in, she says simply.
But how would you know if you dont even date them?
Most of the girls who ask me out are people Ive worked with. Fashion designers,
apprentices, makeup artists, models; people I meet in my line of work. As you can see,
Tiffany obviously charmed the socks off that DJ that day but she was clearly not
interested in her. Tiffany and I, we know what we want because we get to meet so many
people. So we dont waste time on people whom we know arent our ideal match. And I
would already know a part of them from working together with them. Theres no need to
go on a date to find out more.
So I have the advantage of being your saviour and someone you didnt meet at work.
Sica giggles again and I have to smother the urge to roll over her and kiss her again.
Technically, I was at work when I went to the beach that day. So.
Would you have wanted to date me if I hadnt saved your life?
Its hard to say, isnt it?
Sicas answer is honest but I cant help but feel a little wounded. I hope she isnt mixing
feelings of gratefulness with romantic attraction.
Are you sure you arent attracted to me only because I saved your life?
Its a strange mix, Sica admits, her hands squeezing mine again, but Id have to say
that you have other qualities that make you attractive to me. Even without the lifesaving
I can breathe a little easier after she answers me. Its a fair answer and I think I
understand what shes trying to get at. Saving her life may have gotten her to notice me
but the attraction that followed was all me. All me.
Holy mouse whiskers. Im a happy girl.
The next day, Taeyeon finds herself making her way to a barbeque restaurant along the

pleasantly busy street in the artsy part of town. The place is bustling with activity after
working hours and the perfect place for a date because many couples mill about on that
street, creating the right kind of atmosphere that Taeyeon wants.
She steps into the restaurant they agreed to meet at and secures a table for two. She
arrived early specifically for this reasonthe restaurant doesnt take reservations so
being present is the only way she can ensure that they have seats. She places an order
for a drink and waits patiently for Tiffany to arrive.
She doesnt have long to wait for Tiffany arrives early as well, slightly ahead of their
agreed time and she perks up immensely when she spots a redhead at the entrance and
waves her arms to catch her attention. Tiffany spots her, smiles and nods her head
towards her, informing the waitress that she has a table. The waitress ushers her in and
Taeyeon is all smiles as Tiffany takes her seat at the table.
Youre pretty early, Taeyeon remarks happily.
But youre even earlier, says Tiffany with a smile.
I didnt want you to have to wait in line for a seat so I came earlier to secure us a table.
Thats very sweet of you, Taeyeon.
Taeyeon blushes, her cheeks heating up from the praise and the sexy way her name
sounds when it rolls off Tiffanys tongue.
Shall we place our order? she suggests, changing the subject smoothly before her
thumping heart can combust.
Tiffany smiles and nods and soon the waitress is taking their order to the kitchen. The
dishes arrive in a jiffy and the waitress helps them to cut up the meat and place them on
the barbeque. Soon, the sweet aroma of smoking hot meat pleasures their senses and
waters their mouths.
How do you like this place so far? Taeyeon asks as she takes a sip of the rice wine that
they ordered to accompany the food they are eating.
Im intrigued by your choice of restaurant, quite frankly, Tiffany states with a smile, Ive
never been to a barbeque restaurant on a first date before.
I wanted to make an impression so I decided to be different. And I want us to reek of the
place we eat at afterwards.
Tiffany giggles. Youre so quirky.
Great way to make an impression, dont you think?
I wouldnt know. Well have to see how this evening goes.
Taeyeon grins. Well, if all fails, at the very least, wed have had a good dinner.
Tiffany laughs, her eyes turning into twinkling curves on her face. Yes, that would be a
great consolation.
Only, Im not going to settle for a consolation, says Taeyeon, wearing a confident smile
on her face. Im going for the big prize at the end.

Oh? And what might that prize be?

A smoking hot kiss.
Tiffany coughs and splutters and Taeyeon is by her side at once, soothing a palm down
Tiffanys back.
Are you alright? she asks in concern, offering Tiffany a glass of water. Tiffany takes the
glass of water and drinks some, washing down the meat that had caused the upset.
Taeyeon pats her back lightly, her other hand stroking Tiffanys arm, trying her best to
calm her down. Eventually, Tiffany regains her composure and can breathe calmly again.
Its only then that Taeyeon returns to her seat across from Tiffany.
Thanks, Tiffany says with a slight smile and Taeyeon is worried that she might have
blown it.
Was I too blunt? I apologize if I gave you a shock.
Tiffany smiles wider and shakes her head. No, I shouldnt be shocked so easily. I
shouldve known, given the conversation that led us to this date.
Taeyeon smiles, her confidence spiking once more. Do I stand a chance to prove myself
Lets go with the flow this evening, shall we?
Sounds good to me.
Dinner is over too soon for Tiffany. She is suitably impressed by the quirky things that
Taeyeon has to say and she finds their conversation stimulating for the mind. Taeyeon
has many musings, of which many are out of the box, coming from a unique perspective
and bearing a hint of melancholy at times. All in all, Taeyeon is a psychedelic mix of
interesting and charming.
It certainly helps that Taeyeon is a pretty girl. Her long, wavy golden brown hair makes
her pale complexion seem paler and there were moments during the dinner when she
found herself falling into the deep, brown irises of Taeyeons. Those eyes are simply
beautiful, she thinks. It goes beyond being merely aesthetic too. Those eyes have more
soul in them than she noticed during the radio show and their subsequent meeting at the
caf. And its that soul that is charming her to death.
Yet, as they get up to leave, she notices that something is different about Taeyeon
tonight. She cant quite place her finger on what it is and it frustrates her a little. She
walks behind Taeyeon as they leave the restaurant, staring at the woman, trying
desperately to figure out what it is that is different. Why is it only evident when they stand
up to leave? She didnt feel the difference while they were both seated and chatting.
What. Is. It. Argh.
When they finally make it out of the restaurant, Taeyeon turns around and smiles at her
and it hits her suddenly. Taeyeon is almost at her eye level which wasnt the case the last
time they met.
Taeyeon. Is. Taller.
And with that revelation, Tiffany begins to laugh. She bends over, her arms wrapping

around her tummy as she laughs to her heart content. Taeyeon is visibly confused by her
sudden outburst but waits for her to calm down before asking her what she is laughing
Taeyeon looks sheepish immediately and Tiffany cant help the huge grin that splits her
face wide open. OhTaeyeon is adorable.
Arent you supposed to be proving that shorter girls can kiss just as well, if not better
than taller girls? Tiffany teases her, giggling at Taeyeons reddening cheeks and ears
which were already sufficiently flushed from the rice wine they drank.
I just thought Id level the playing field a little. Im still shorter than you, just not as much.
Insoles? Tiffany enquires and Taeyeon nods sheepishly.
Youre wearing heels so I thought Id just elevate myself a little. Sunny suggested insoles
in my sneakers. I thought its a good idea.
Tiffany cant resist another giggle. I appreciate the effort, Taeyeon.
And with that Taeyeons wide, open smile graces her youthful looking face, making her
look even younger in an instant. Taeyeons hand slips into hers and holds it firmly as her
eyes are engaged by the open stare of Taeyeons. Its a double assault of the senses and
Tiffany finds her heart thumping extra hard as she allows herself to be pulled in the
direction that Taeyeon is walking to.
Lets check out that busker over there, Taeyeon says with a drawl and Tiffany follows,
not knowing if its the rice wine or Taeyeons soothing voice talking. Thats the thing about
DJs, she thinks, their voices always sound so intimate, and Taeyeons voice is
exceptionally so. It crawls under your skin and wraps around you like a warm cocoon,
cradling you in its warmth and putting you at ease so easily.
They stand, hand in hand, enjoying the vocals and strumming of the guitar that the
busker is presenting to anyone willing to stop and listen. Its a nice, slow song and very
soothing. Tiffany closes her eyes and relaxes as the music washes over her like the
gentle waves of the ocean. She is moderately aware of her hand in Taeyeons and the
constant brushing of their arms against each other. It is a suitable amount of skin to skin
contact, maintaining that slightly heady sensation that keeps her skin tingling all around.
Again, shes not entirely sure if its the rice wine or Taeyeons handhold that holds her in
this spell. Perhaps it is both.
Without warning, a hand holds her waist and pulls her, causing her eyes to open in
surprise. Taeyeon is closing the distance between them and within the blink of an eye,
theyre hugging. Hugging on the street. On their first date. Oww. It is all Tiffany can do to
calm her racing heart and not flip. Taeyeon props her chin on her shoulder and starts
swaying to the music.
Tiffany is caught between feeling utterly romanced and utterly embarrassed. Her eyes
dance wildly from passerby to passerby and she slowly calms down when she realizes
that while many passersby cast furtive glances in her direction, most of them seem to be
admiring or even envious rather than disapproving. It is only then that the reason why
Taeyeon picked this place for their date hits her. This is where couples date. This is
where couples roam. And with this many couples around, a little hugging and swaying to
music isnt going to raise too many eyebrows.

Finally, she relaxes, melting into the arms of Taeyeon and soon, the song ends. Taeyeon
pulls away as the busker sings and strums the last of the song and Tiffanys breath is
caught in her throat when she sees the blatant intent in Taeyeons deep brown irises. The
blatant intent to kiss.
Is she ready for it? Theyve only had a dinner and a very rousing conversation so far. A
bit of handholding and a hug. A little swaying to music. And now a kiss? Taeyeon is
moving at the speed of a bullet train and Tiffany isnt sure if she can keep up. But before
she can react to any of her thoughts, Taeyeon is closing in on her and the next thing she
knows, Taeyeons lips are on hers. Warm and soft.

Chapter 15 Caramel Coffee

Warm and soft. Warm and soft. Warm and soft.
These are the only words resonating in her mind after their kiss. She stares unseeingly at
Taeyeon who is holding her hands, smirking at her and her mind recalls how her eyes
fluttered close and how she allowed herself to melt into Taeyeons kiss. The shorter girls
hand was at her nape, pulling her, holding her, keeping her close as their lips moved. Or
rather, Taeyeons lips moved. At first, Tiffany was too stunned to react. But her lips soon
began to part and she kissed Taeyeon back.
Now, as her fingers brush her lips inadvertently, all she can think about is what Taeyeons
kiss was like.
Taeyeons kiss was dominant. Taeyeons kiss was expressive. Taeyeons kiss was one of
the best kisses she has ever received.
I wasnt lying when I said that short girls can kiss well, was I?
Tiffany blinks as her mind processes Taeyeons self-assured look and words.
What? What was that? Did you do all that just to prove a point?
A dash of displeasure courses through her as her thoughts run wild in her mind.
Taeyeons smirk fades away and disappears just then.
What is it? Whats wrong?
Tiffany pulls her hands out of Taeyeons hold, folds her arms and huffs, If you did all that
just to prove what a great kisser you are then youve succeeded, Taeyeon. Youve proven
that youre a great kisser. Happy now?
Taeyeon shakes her head immediately, looking alarmed, making to grab Tiffanys hands
again but to no avail. Tiffany, no. Thats not what I meant.

So what did you mean.

I didnt mean anything! I kissed you because I got caught up in the moment. We were
swaying so slowly and your body felt so soft and your hair smelt so good and your eyes

Tiffany clamps her hand over Taeyeons mouth and stops her from saying anything else,
embarrassed by the heaps of compliments shes dishing out with people standing all
around them.
Okay. Enough. I get it. I get it.
But I havent told you about your eyes yet, your eyes
Tiffany has to clamp her hand over Taeyeons mouth again and she doesnt let go this
Taeyeon. Please shut up. Youre embarrassing the heck outta me.
Taeyeon nods and Tiffany shots a warning look before releasing her hand again.
Tiffany, Im not trying to prove anything. Really.
Okay. Okay. I believe you.
Taeyeon looks relieved. Okay. Then, she smiles. SoIm a great kisser huh.
Tiffany rolls her eyes but is unable to stop herself from smiling.
Taeyeon giggles with glee and reaches for Tiffanys hand once again. This isnt going to
be our last date, is it? she states, rather than asks and Tiffany can only smile wider
which Taeyeon obviously takes to be a yes.
The insoles definitely helped, Tiffany chips in, satisfying her need to tease Taeyeon a
little. You may want to use them on all future dates.
Yes, madam! Taeyeon chirps and salutes smartly, making Tiffany burst into laughter at
her antics and just as easily ceasing her laughter with a quick peck on her cheek. Tiffany
blinks in surprise then blushes, suddenly feeling shy without even knowing why.
Then, her shyness increases tenfold when Taeyeon, with shining eyes, leans close to her
ear and whispers, By the way, your eyes told me to kiss you.
Hyoyeon unnie, are there really no spells that can undo their body switch? Seohyun
asks Hyoyeon.
Theyd spent the past hour reciting English spells over and over again until Hyoyeon
begged for a break and thats when they began to talk about Yuri and Jessicas
Hyoyeon shakes her head dejectedly. Im afraid not.

Not even the English ones? It doesnt make sense to have no counter spell for it.
I know, right? I mean, every spell has a counter. Spells of light can be countered by
spells of darkness. Spells of love can be countered by spells of hate. And reversal spells
too. But according to my father, this particular spell cant be undone when cast on
humans. It has a different effect on animals though.
Yoona sighs. I guess, its up to Yuri unnie and Jessica unnie to work it out together. Yuri
unnie is very kind. Im sure shell be able to emphasize with Jessica unnie as soon as
she learns more about her.
I sure hope so! Hyoyeon grimaces. Its gonna be bad news if they dont.
Will you get into trouble if they dont break out of the spell? Seohyun asks out of
Hyoyeon nods sadly. Please dont tell them about this but we have a grace period of
thirty days to clear up any mess we make while casting spells. If we dont manage to do
it, well be penalized.
Yoonas eyes widen with worry at once. What kind of penalty are we talking about? Will
you be caned? Or have your wings taken away? Or forced to write lines? Or
Hyoyeon silences Yoona with a flat palm in her face. She shudders as she answers,
Yoona, youre a scary girl. Thank goodness youre not the one coming up with the
penalties in our world. Pausing for a bit, Hyoyeon takes a deep breath and exhales
loudly before explaining, If we cant fix the problem, the wise fairies will be notified of the
mess up and theyll most probably lock down my ability to cast spells for a period of time.
If we mess up too many times, it may result in our magical powers being stripped
completely. Of course, it also depends on the severity of the mess up.
Well, how severe is this body switch mess up then? Yoona asks out of curiosity.
Hyoyeon heaves a great big sigh. Pretty darn severe.
Seuljis eyes are narrowed into slits as she tries to digest the shocking news. It is almost
too much to process in such a short period of time. She pats herself on her back,
rewarding herself for a job well done. Shed been this close to giving up on listening to
them as they tried to teach her useless cousin English for the past hour. Thanks to lucky
fairy dust, she persevered and listened on, finally getting something huge out of it.
Hyoyeon, her useless cousin is up to her ears in trouble.
Ahahahaha, Seulji laughs to herself. As usual, Hyoyeon has gone and gotten herself
into trouble. She shakes her head in disgust at the thought of Hyoyeon. If she were the
daughter of a fairy as powerful and wise as Hyoyeons father is, the last thing she would
being doing is fooling around with body switching spells. She would be working hard,
learning as many spells in as many languages as she can. Not that she isnt already
doing it. And it certainly has paid off. Because of her broad knowledge of spells, she was
able to cast a bug spell on Yoona so that she would be able to listen in on their
conversation no matter where they went.
Now, the grand question is this: what is she going to do with this piece of information?

Im tired this morning. Frikkin tired. The past night had been spent with Yuri, helping her
with her English and writing the article about beach necessities thats due for the week.
Not surprisingly, Yuri has quite a strong opinion about beach necessities and she is a
vehement believer in the most traditional sunblock lotionthe kind that is white and
sloshes over your skin, making you look like icing on a cake. Shes also a strong
advocate for UV protection in a good pair of shades.
What impresses me most, however, is how she manages to stay fashionable while taking
good care of her health. Her shades look completely badass and her charm oozes out
from every pore when she dons it. And right now, I cant help but to admire how cool she
looks as I look into the mirror in the locker room.
The sound of a door opening jostles me out of my long unwavering gaze at myself (Yuri,
rather) in the mirror and I shift the line of my vision to see Yuri stepping out of the
changing room, decked out in a sexy tube bikini top and a matching bottom. Pink has
always looked good on me, I cant help but think as I keep my eyes on Yuri.
Why are you looking at me like that? Yuri asks me as she walks up to me.
I smile and say, I look pretty in pink.
Yuri looks in the mirror and smiles too. You do, she agrees and adds, You have a really
nice body too.
I blush and smack her arm. Pervert.
Yuri pouts and Im unable to stop my grin from forming. My pout is really kind of cute. But
time is ticking away and I want to get through the training so that I can go back home and
sleep. Im seriously sleep deprived and I dont like it one bit.
Practice. Lets go. I jerk my head towards the door and walk towards it, not waiting for
Decked out in Yuris lifeguard bikini, I jumped right into the water without hesitation. I
emerge from the water, sweeping the water off my face and look into Yuris eyes,
wondering why she looks pleased.
What? I ask.
Youre not complaining about the cold water anymore, Yuri says with a hint of pride and
my lips curl into a grin when I realize that shes right.
Yuri! an unwelcome voice echoes within the indoor pool arena and Yuris pleased look
disappears in that instant. Im left wondering what the matter is until I turn around and
see who it is. Argh. Seulji. What is she doing here!
I force myself to smile and greet Seulji. After all, she is Yuris senior.
Hello, Seulji unnie.
Seulji walks right up to me and puts her arm over my shoulders. I dont like it one bit but
Yuris words ring in my mind so I try to tolerate it. For Yuri.

Teaching your girlfriend how to swim again, Yuri?

Why I feel as if she were taunting me, Im not sure, but there is an underlying current to
her casual tone and it unsettles me.
Any chance for us to have a cup of coffee later on, Yuri?
Im all ready to spin up a lame excuse to get out of it but much to my surprise, I smile and
agree to it in a heartbeat. Im shocked by my answer and I can see that Yuri is stunned
too. She looks at me questioningly but all I can do is blink as Seulji grips my shoulder
tightly, drawing me closer to her and plants a quick peck on my cheek.
Awesome. Ill leave you two to swim now, she says, her eyes glinting with a little
something as she leaves and all I can hear is the thumping of my heart and a strange
roaring in my ears as I turn to face Yuri.
Why did you agree to go for coffee with her? Yuris accusatory tone doesnt sit well with
me and I turn defensive immediately.
Youre the one who wants me to be nice.
Youre being too nice!
Well, make up your mind. Do you want me to be nice or not?
I asked you to be nice but I didnt ask you to go out for coffee with her!
Its just coffee. Why are you so uptight about it?
I have no idea what is going on but Yuri is being totally unreasonable and Im beginning
to feel irritated.
Im not being uptight. Youre the hypocrite here. You were all about not letting her get her
way but here you are now, going for coffee with her.
You know what? I cant be bothered to talk about this. Are we going to practice or what.
I dont feel like practicing with you anymore. Im leaving.
And with that, Yuri gets out of the pool and leaves in a huff without even looking back as I
stand akimbo in the pool. Im angry now. Really, really angry.
Screw this, Yuri. You can lose your job for all I care.
Yuri is already in the changing room when I get to the locker room and I dont quite know
why but that irks me even more. I grab my clothes and stomp into another changing room
to get changed, slamming the door shut as I do.
When I get out, Yuri is gone and somehow the knowledge of that calms me down,
somewhat. At least, I dont feel as riled up as before. I sigh and slump onto the bench,
rubbing my towel through my hair to dry it as I stare at the door. What had gotten into
me? And what had gotten into her? Yuri isnt so short tempered usually. I mean, Im the
one who was hopping mad at Hyoyeon for casting the spell on us while Yuri was the one
who was trying to save that useless fairys life. Its odd. Yuri doesnt seem like herself at

Suddenly, I gasp as a thought grips me with fear. Will our personalities change somehow
as we stay on in each others body? It seems too good to be true that thered be no side
effects from body switching. Yes, maybe thats the reason why I feel as though Im losing
control too.
I desperately want my questions answered but Hyoyeon is nowhere near. I have no way
of calling for her either. Its really crappy to have a fairy like Hyoyeon, claiming to help us
when all shes really doing is cleaning up a mess she made. And not very well at that!
My phone beeps, notifying me of a message received and I read it only to find that it is
Seulji who has just told me that shes waiting for me at the parking lot. For a moment, I
hesitate. Should I go? Or should I not. Well, I did promiseand I suppose, a promise
ought to be honoured, no matter how I feel right now. Right. I stand up and pick my things
up. I figure I might as well meet Seulji and try to figure out what the woman is about.
Seulji gets and to wave at me when I step into the coffee shop. Shes pretty. I cant deny
that fact. And actually looks pretty much like Yuri in some ways. A toned body, tanned
skin, long hair swept up into a ponytail, a charming smile. How odd. I dont find her
repulsive anymore. Shes actually quite nice!
With a smile, I join her at the table and she gestures towards a cup of coffee.
I ordered a caramel coffee for you. I hope you dont mind.
I smile instantly, touched by her kind gesture and shake my head. No, of course not. I
dont mind at all.
Well, what are you waiting for? Drink up. Seuljis congenial smile is a little unnerving but
pleasant nonetheless so I pick up the drink and sip it.
Its nice, isnt it?
Nodding my head, I continue drinking it through the straw until three quarters of the cup
is drained. Only then, does Seulji stop egging me to drink more. But as soon as I put my
drink down, my world blurs and I see two of everything. Holy mother of blistering icicles.
What is happening to me?!

Chapter 16 Two-timing Butthole

Hey, how did it go with Sica unnie? Yoona asks me as I step into my home. Shes sitting
on my bed with Seohyun and Hyoyeon and English books are strewn across it.
I dont wanna talk about her, I state grumpily and their eyebrows raise in question.
What happened? Seohyun asks but all I do is shake my head.
Why are all of you cooped up in here? What are you doing? I ask instead answer.
We ran into Seulji unnie on our way to the training pool so we decided to head here
instead, just in case she finds us again, Yoona explains.
Seulji? I snort. Well, Seulji is more interested in Sica right now.
What do you mean? Hyoyeon asks suddenly, looking worried for some reason.
Its a long story, I growl as I flop down on my bed beside Yoona. And Im still angry with
What did she do? Yoona asks but before I can reply, Hyoyeon unwittingly interjects.
I have a bad feeling about this, Hyoyeon says as she whips her phone out. She taps it a
few times and recites, Mediaso in reso! Her phones screen jumps to life and we all
crowd around her to look at whats on it.
I grab the phone from Hyoyeon and stare at the scene unfolding. I cant believe my eyes.
And if werent for Hyoyeon, Yoona and Seohyun, I would have dashed out of the house
and gone straight to where they were to smack Hyoyeons evil cousin. Shes got her arms
all around Sica and Sica isnt doing anything to stop her!
Er...can I have my phone back now? Hyoyeon asks me nervously, her eyes fixated on
her phone which is in my hand at the moment. Its new. Please dont wreck it.
I take several deep breaths and calm down. I wont wreck it. Dont worry.
Despite my reassurances, Hyoyeon looks significantly more relieved after I hand the
phone back to her.
What are we going to do about Seulji? I cant believe shes your cousin! I cant believe
she can be so evil!
I dont know if we can do anything about it. She thinks that Sica is you. And she wants to

get her hands on you, right? But what is Sica doing? Why is she allowing my cousin to
hug her like that?
I pout and recount our little fight that happened at the training pool. Hyoyeon frowns as
she listens to my account.
Something doesnt sound right about this.
What do you mean? I look at Hyoyeon and for some unknown reason, feel a stab of
panic gripping my heart.
My cousin is up to something.
My eyes widen. What?
I think wed better look for my cousin and Sica.
At this point, Yoona leaps off the bed and heads straight for the door instantly. Lets go,
Sooyoung is excited to say the least. After embarrassing herself in front of Sunny during
the radio show, she wanted nothing more than to crawl into a hole and hide in there
forever. But Sunny sent her a message when she least expected it and invited her out for
dinner. It took Sooyoung all of one second to send a reply, albeit, the phrase Yes, Id love
to was hardly a true indicator of the extent of her glee.
She is a little nervous about meeting Sunny, however, her only worry being her state of
mind. Clamming up the way she did during the radio show is definitely not part of her
plan and she has no intention of repeating that.
Hi, Sooyoung, Sunny greets her as she joins the smiling DJ at the table. Its a seafood
restaurant and Sooyoung is all smiles at the thought of digging into juicy prawns.
Hi, Sunny. Sooyoung tries to focus her thoughts on juicy prawns so that Sunnys
dazzling smile doesnt set her off again. She manages to maintain some measure of calm
and relaxes a little after sitting down.
Thanks for coming out to dinner with me. I really appreciate you doing me this favour.
No problem. Im glad to help.
Sunny smiles and her eyes disappear into slits. That does things to Sooyoungs heart
that she doesnt understand and she can barely breathe as she tries to return Sunnys
Wheres your partner? Sooyoung throws out the first question she can think of. She
desperately needs to get a hold of herself and is glad that her question is a decent one.
Taeyeon? Sunny chuckles. That girl is all about your friend these days. Its Tiffany this,
Tiffany that. Im only too glad to get rid of her for a while.
Taeyeon and Tiffany? Sooyoung hasnt heard anything from Tiffany about Taeyeon and is
instantly curious to know more. Was Taeyeon successful? If I recall correctly, Fany
actually prefers taller girls.

Like you? Sunny grins impishly and Sooyoung shakes her head vehemently to detach
herself from any association with Tiffanys romantic interest but Sunny only giggles and
looks at her amusedly.
Relax, Im only pulling your leg.
Fany has no interest in me, I assure you.
Sunny giggles some more and grins widely. Thats good to know. But lets get down to
business. Lets get us some crabs and prawns.
Sooyoung nods and watches as Sunny waves a waiter over to take their order--king
prawns and chilli crab. The waiter leaves with their order and it isnt too long before their
dishes are served.
Let me know what you think. Sunny plants her chin on her hands and watches as
Sooyoung picks up a prawn.
Arent you going to eat? Sooyoung asks.
Sunny shakes her head and smiles. I dont really like seafood.
Is that why you need my opinion?
Sunny smiles and nods. Sooyoung pouts and Sunny giggles.
Aww, why are you pouting?
I feel used.
A soft laugh bubbles from Sunny. Do you mind being used by me?
Good point, Sooyoung realizes and smiles again. I dont mind.
Which means you wont mind tasting food for me the next time I need your help?
I wont mind. Im glad to help.
That settles it then. Youll help me.
Sure, Ill help. But why do you need a food taster?
Sunny leans towards Sooyoung suddenly and lowers her voice. Im helping my sister to
research on tasty food. Shes planning on opening a restaurant and will need the
information. And youre the best food critic out there, arent you?
Sooyoung nods proudly. Yes, I am.
Sunny smiles and sits back, folding her arms with a look of satisfaction and it is exactly at
that moment when Sooyoung realizes that she is not clamming up around Sunny this
evening. Yes!
Isnt that Yuri? Sunny nudges Sooyoung as they are walking to a cafe for drinks after
dinner and points towards two relatively tall girls. Ones got her arm over the others
shoulder and the other has her arm around the waist of the other. They look intimate and

Sooyoung is slightly surprised by them. Shed thought that Yuri was quite interested in
Jessica before. Had she been mistaken? Perhaps so. It would appear that Yuri already
has a girlfriend.
They make their way to say hi and Yuri looks at them a little blankly before perking up
and greeting them.
Sooyoungie, Yuri giggles and Sooyoung is suddenly reminded of Jessica. Its a little
uncanny but Yuri giggles just like Jessica does. Got a date with your favourite DJ?
Sooyoung blushes instantly while Sunny smiles and says, Youve got a hot date too,
mind introducing us?
Oh, Im sorry. Im a little tipsy. This is Seulji. Seulji, this is Sooyoungie and DJ Sunny.
Sooyoung blinks in confusion. Why is Yuri calling her Sooyoungie? Only Jessica does
that. Gosh. What is going on. First she giggles like Jessica. Then, she calls her like
Jessica does. Eeps. Weird.
But despite her thoughts, she manages to smile and shake Seuljis hand. Hi, its nice to
meet you.
Sunny did the same with a bright smile. Meanwhile, Sooyoung couldnt help but notice
that Seulji seemed very impatient to leave. Thinking that the woman was perhaps eager
for some couple time, she bade them goodbye and watched as Yuri and Seulji walked
down the street with their arms around each other.
Sunny nudged her again. Penny for your thoughts?
Sooyoung shakes her head and replies, Theres something about Yuri
Sooyoung is about to answer when she sees just the friend whom she is thinking about
walking briskly up the pavement opposite her. Sica! she shouts but her friend doesnt
hear her. Sica!!! yells at the top of her voice but she still doesnt hear her. Jessicas
friends, however, do hear her and nudge Jessica, pointing Sooyoung out to her. It
actually takes Jessica a second or two for recognition to register in her eyes before
moving towards her.
Jessica crosses the road and her friends trail before as she nears Sooyoung.
Sooyoung! Hey there. DJ Sunny, its nice to meet you again.
Sooyoungs eyebrows shoot up. Jessica called her Sooyoung instead of Sooyoungie.
Hmm. How odd. While Jessica calls her Sooyoung when they are at the office, shed
usually call her more casually when they arent at work. Shes not sure what it is but she
has an odd feeling about everything.
These are my friends. Hyoyeon, Yoona, Seohyun.
Hi, Sooyoung smiles and greets them before turning to Jessica and asking, Whats up?
Out for dinner? Or drinks? We could grab some drinks together.
Jessica shakes her head and looks a little uneasy as she says, Were looking for S-Yuri.
Yuri? We just met her. She was with someone called Seulji, Sunny informs her and

everybody but Sooyoung and Sunny gasps.

I feel a flash of anger at the mention of Sica and Seulji, but it is quickly replaced by a
sense of urgency. I dont quite understand my hot temperedness but I dont have time to
ponder over it. Maybe its just that time of the month, I suppose as I shrug mentally and
dismiss it. Besides, there are more important things to focus on right nowlike finding
Where did you see them? Where did they go? I grab hold of Sooyoung and ask
Sooyoung looks dazed as she blinks and the miniscule patience I have left vanishes
faster than I can say Sica. I start to shake Sooyoung, my mind somehow convinced that I
can shake an answer out of her somehow and its Yoona and Seohyun who have to grab
my hands and stop me.
Calm down, unnie. Dont panic, Yoona says soothingly. This is why I like Yoona so
much. Shes got the brains this girl. Ever so quick witted. Ever so bright. Sooyoung, its
quite urgent. We need to find them. Which way did they head towards?
Sunny stepped up and pointed down the road. They said that they were going for some
Drinks! I know where Seulji would go for drinks! And with that thought, I let Sooyoung go
and dash down the road. All I can think about is Sica. I must find Sica!
Whats going on? I can hear Sunny and Sooyoung asking Hyoyeon and my friends but I
cant hear anything else after that as I weave through the crowd and pull away from
I march straight to the bar that Seulji is known to frequent and sure enough, I see them
seated at the side, huddled together, giggling. My blood boils over and the next thing I
know, Im grabbing Sicas arm and pulling her away from Seulji, all the while accusing her
of being a two-timing butthole.
Sica isnt coming along quietly either. Shes refuting my accusations and kicking out at
me, making me wince when she catches me in the shin and at last, I have to let her go to
save my own shins from being attacked. Safe to say, we have made ourselves known in
the bar and are invited to leave.
We leave disgruntledly with Seulji following behind and as soon as we step out onto the
sidewalk, Hyoyeon, Sooyoung, Sunny and my friends appear too. They must have come
running after me.
Oh my gosh! What happened to you, unnie? Yoona gasps and I follow her line of vision
down to my shins. My jaw drops at the sight of them. Already, bruises are forming and the
skin is red and angry. Its not a pretty sight.
With my finger pointed at Sica, I growl, Ask her.
You are the one who called me a two-timing butthole first. You deserve every kick you
Its not an accusation when its true.

Its not true! Im not a two-timer!

You are! Youre two-timing me!
Im not two-timing you!
You are!
I didnt do anything!
Then explain why you have to sit so close to her, I yell, pointing at Seulji.
If sitting close to someone makes me a two-timing then Id better not get on a bus or
Oh, dont you get smart on me with words. Just because youre a writer and Im not
doesnt mean you get to run me over with words, okay!
STOP IT! SHUT UP! BOTH OF YOU! Hyoyeon roars and both Sica and I are shocked
into silence. We watch as Hyoyeon steps up to her smirking cousin and sticks her face
up close. Tell me. What did you do to them?
Seulji merely smirks again and shrugs her shoulders. I didnt do anything to them.
I know you did. I can sense it. Your magic is strong in them.
Seulji lets out a shrill laugh that sends shivers down my spine. You are one to accuse
me of putting my magic in them when yours has such a dominant presence.
Hyoyeon gasps and steps back at her words. You are pure evil.
My eyes widen and I wrap my arms around Sica, fearing a backlash from Seulji but much
to my surprise, Seulji merely throws her head back and laughs heartily. Then, she looks
Hyoyeon right in the eyes and sticks her tongue out.
Ne ne ni boo boo! Theres nothing you can do-o! Seulji taunts before laughing again.
Wasnt that your favourite thing to say to me when you were a kid? Well, how does it
feel, being on the receiving end of that?
Hyoyeons fists ball up by her sides and the next thing I know, Seulji is stumbling
backwards and clutching her left cheek. Then, before any of us can react, the two of
them are at each others throats, pulling each others hair and hurling childish names to
and fro.
Hyoyeon unnie! Yoona and Seohyun shriek as they try to stop the fight. It takes a
couple of seconds for me to process everything but as soon as I do, I leap in and try to
stop the fight too.
Finally, we manage to pull them apart. Sooyoung and Sunny are holding onto Seulji and
Yoona, Seohyun and I, Hyoyeon. Sica is just standing by the side, looking cowed by
everything thats happening and I have the urge to give her a hug even though looking at
her makes me angry. Its complicated, my feelings. Argh.
What did you do to them! Hyoyeon roars one more time, even as we are trying to shush
her, seeing as there is a small crowd of people watching us, the spectacle.
Seulji smirks yet again and I have the strongest urge to slap that smirk off her face.

Oh, nothing much. I simply enhanced the spell that you cast on them. Why bother
switching their bodies if you arent going to switch their personalities too?
I gasp, as do all the others but Sooyoung and Sunny look more and more confused as
they listen to the things we are saying. Gosh, were going to have a lot of explaining to do
later. Seulji laughs at our stunned expressions, wrenches herself from Sooyoung and
Sunnys hold and turns around to leave.
Bye Hyoyeon and friends. Itll be fun to see how you get out of this one. Best of magic to

Chapter 17 Cupcake
So our personalities are switched now? I glare at Hyoyeon and the fairy shrinks away
nervously. So I not only look like Sica now but Im actually going to act and think like her
too? I throw my hands up in the air in exasperation. You might as well turn me
completely into Sica, at this rate.
Its not Hyoyeons fault, says Sica, softly and all eyes turn on her. What? Why are you
all looking at me?
You sound so much like Yuri now, says Yoona and Seohyun nods in agreement.
Completely, says Seohyun.
Well duh. Shes got my personality now. And Ive got hers. Grumpy and angry when
things arent going my way. I dont even like this feeling Im getting.
Im sorry, Yuri. You probably got the worse end of the bargain in this, Sica apologizes
yet again and Im stabbed by guilt. I cant control these feelings well enough and I feel
extremely off-balanced which isnt helping my Sica personality right now.
You dont have to apologize, Sica. Its not your fault. Youre as much of a victim in this as
I am. Were like two messed up shipwrecks on an island with no way out, other than to
swim back to shore somehow.
I feel a rush of tingles down my spine just then and freeze for a moment but it doesnt
happen again and I dismiss it as some kind of weird body kink. Its probably some kind of
side effect from all the magic thats residing in my body right now. And it isnt even my
body! I bury my face in my palms and groan. Things are going from bad to worse. How
are we ever going to get out of this mess?
Why dont you two have a good nights sleep. Well talk tomorrow. Make plans to solve
this. Meanwhile, well fill Sunny and Sooyoung in on the story. Maybe theyll have some
ideas. Yoona smiles at me reassuringly.
I think its a good idea. Im feeling pretty sleepy anyway. Must be a Sica thing. Sigh.
Alright. Lets go, Sica. What we need is a good nights sleep.
Sica giggles all of a sudden and I look at her strangely. Whats up with you?
Youre sleepy. She giggles again.
Yeah, so? What are you getting at?

Youre exactly like me now.

I growl and stalk off, leaving Sica to follow me in a hurry.
Hey, wait up! she calls and I slow down my steps to allow her to catch up with me. I
dont know what it is, but I feel a very strange sense of connection to Sica now. Maybe Ill
be able to figure it out tomorrow. I hope I can.
Your cousin is going to get herself into trouble one of these days.
Shes not going to get into trouble?!
Hyoyeons father raises an eyebrow at her and she mellows immediately.
I meansheshe tried to get me into trouble.
Youre already in trouble, whether she casts any spell or not.
Butbut she did it to get me into more trouble!
She cant get you into any deeper trouble than you already are.
Butbut shes evil!
Shes your cousin. Shes not evil.
She is! She totally is!
Seulji is doing great things for fairies, Hyoyeon-ah.
I dont see how that is true, Hyoyeon huffs and pouts. You shouldve seen the way she
laughed at me.
She laughed at you?
She did! She laughed at my predicament after switching Yuri and Jessicas personalities
and said that itll be fun to see how I get out of trouble.
Hmm Hyoyeons father scratches his chin and his brows furrow in thought. What we
see on our end is just her spell being cast so we thought shes trying to help you. Do you
know that the personality switch spell that Seulji cast is having an interesting effect on
Yuri and Jessica?
It is? Hyoyeon is astounded and partly hopeful.
Wed always thought that there was no counter spell to reverse a body switch. It was
also not stated in the book. But the wise fairies have detected some interesting reactions
between the two spells and are looking into it.
Do you mean
Hyoyeons father smiled. Yes. Seulji may have just helped you without realizing it.
Hyoyeons grin was award-winning right then.

The next day, I sneak out of the house as early as possible (which isnt as early as I had
planned, thanks to my reluctance to get out of bed) to go back to mine, where Sica is.
She lets me in and we smile and greet each other rather awkwardly and I cant help but
feel sad about it. It feels like weve been thrown on a pendulum and swung to and fro
from body switches to personality switches. And while we did make progress in
understanding each other better recently, it feels like weve taken one step forward and
three steps back with this new switch.
Nevertheless, I make us toast for breakfast and we sit and eat together, feeling like were
the only two people left in our little world. This technically has been the case ever since
we first switched bodies but it was made better when we told our friends about it.
And a lot of help they are indeed. While Yoona and Seohyun are at the training facility
covering my lifeguard duties, Sica is furiously typing away on the keyboard. She has to
write her weekly column with Tiffany and it is due today. She has been communicating
through emails and phone calls with Tiffany and as Im sitting and watching her work, I
cant help but wonder why she doesnt want to tell Tiffany about our switch.
Ah. But with her personality, she wouldnt want the complication. She doesnt like to talk
that much because she tends to mess things up when explaining.
And thats when it hits me. Gosh. I can totally understand her now! Does it mean that
well be able to get our bodies back soon?
Sica, do you feel a special connection with me after Seulji switched our personalities?
Sica stops typing and smiles at me. You feel it too?
Yes! Its kinda strange but warm, isnt it?
Sica smiles and nods.
I hope that means we can switch back real soon.
Do you think so?
I shrug. I dont know. But I really hope so.
Sica smiles and says, I hope so too, before resuming her work.
We head to the beach after Sica is done with her work. Shes an efficient writer, I think. It
didnt take her long to finish the article and she even managed to throw in an idea for the
following week for Tiffany to ponder over. Shes amazing.
Yoona and Seohyun are glad to see us. Between the two of them, theyve had to do one
and a half shifts and are dog-tired. We settle down and Im telling Sica about the finer
points of spotting a swimmer in distress when Seulji appears and struts before us.
Hi, Yuri and Jessica, said Seulji in a sing-song voice, looking at the both of us. What a
lovely evening it is, isnt it?
It was lovely until you came along, I snap and Sica looks at me amusedly. Do I remind

her of herself?
Touch, touch. Seulji smirks and I have to suppress the urge to slap her obnoxious
Sica lays her hand over mine and squeezes it lightly, roving her eyes over mine before
turning to Seulji and saying, Were on duty right now, Seulji. You shouldnt be chatting
with us if it isnt anything important.
Yuri, Yuriwhy are you so cold to me? You were so nice to me the last time.
I dont know what came over me but Im sure you had something to do with it, retorts
Sica and Seulji throws her head back and laughs.
Very soon youll be mine, Yuri.
Im not Yuri.
Oh yes you are, Seulji grins smugly and Im this close to giving her a good kick in the
shins. Im looking at Yuris hot body and seeing Yuris personality. You are Yuri. And very
soon, Ill make you mine. All mine.
What do you mean? I ask, as a surge of panic overthrows my attempt to remain quiet.
Seulji winks conspiratorially and is most frustrating when she shakes her head. Youll
find out soon enough. I wouldnt want to ruin the surprise! And with that, she roars with
laughter and struts away, leaving us to simmer in bubbling anger.
Sica turns to me and apology is written all over her face.
Why are you looking at me like that? I ask.
Im sorry.
You know.
Me? What do I know?
You saw us.
Sicas face is reddening by the second and Im wondering why.
What did I see?
Us. In the bar. Or club. Whatever it was.
Then it hit me. Seuljis arms all over Sica. Sica giggling with Seulji. It was a frightening
thought especially after having heard Seuljis threats. But Im sure it wasnt her fault.
That wasnt you. Im sure you were under her influence in some way.
But still. Wed only just gotten closer and I like the way we were that night. I like our kiss.
And it feels like Ive gone and ruined it.
I pat her back comfortingly and hugged her. I understand how youre feeling right now

and I feel the same way. It feels like were taking one step forward and three steps back,
isnt it?
Sica nods, her chin digging into my shoulder and I rub her back when I hear her sniffing.
Sica, were gonna get out of this. And the first thing Im gonna do is take you out on a
fantastic date and kiss the heck out of you.
Sica giggles, nods some more and her sniffs cease. Ill be looking forward to that, Yuri.
Me too, I say and hug her as tightly as I can.
We finish whats left of our shift without any mishap happening, which is a blessing
considering the state were in, and were in Sicas car, heading back to my place when
we hear Taeng DJ on the radio.
Tonight is the night of love, my dear friends. DJ Sunny and I will be playing songs from
you dedicated to your loved ones and Ill be starting it off with a personal dedication to
the sweetest, prettiest, kindest, loveliest and sexiest person I know. Fany Fany cupcake,
this song is for you, baby!
Our car jerks violently as Sica slams her foot on what must be the wrong pedal and the
car screeches to a sudden stop, eliciting a number of angry honks from vehicles behind
Sica! I look at her in shock and she grins sheepishly.
Sorry. Its just Sica shudders suddenly, what Taeng DJ said was just too sickening
for me to take, she says as she resumes driving, ignoring all the furious glares that
drivers are shooting at us as they pass us by.
I grin. Not one for mushy, romantic lines?
Sica shudders again and shakes her head.
Me neither. Looks like were perfect for each other.
And I catch a tiny curl of Sicas lips just as I turn away.
Tiffany squeals and palms her face as Taeng DJ romances her on air and Sooyoung
loses no time in teasing her.
Fany Fany cupcakesaww your girlfriend is such a sweetie pie.
Tiffany raises her head and shakes her head. Shes not my girlfriend.
Were only dating.
For now.

Sooyoung laughs and pats Tiffanys shoulder. Youre a lucky girl, Fany Fany cupcake.
Argh. Stop calling me that.
OhIm sorry. Only Taeng DJ can call you that.
No! Its not like that!
I never figured you to be such a shy girl.
Try embarrassed.
But do you like it?
Tiffany blushes.
You like it, dont you?
Tiffany nods and Sooyoung smiles knowingly. Youll be girlfriends in no time, baby.

Chapter 18 Kiss the Heck Out of Me

Im sure if Im dreaming or not. After getting used to having soft brown hair, beautiful
brown eyes, a perky nose and a cute little mouth, I wake up to find myself looking at
myself in the mirror. Myself. Me. I. Myself. As in long black hair, darker brown eyes, a no
less perky but slightly rounder nose and more luscious lips. No. Im not looking at myself.
Am I?
I almost scream when I look in the mirror in the morning. I am close to screaming but I
realize that there is nothing to scream about. In fact, I ought to be cheering. I am elated
to have my body back and the first person who comes to my mind is Yuri. Yuri. I have to
call Yuri.
Im banging on my door and yelling at the top of my voice. Im that excited. Im that
ecstatic. If I got my body then Sica must have too!
I retrieve my spare key and open the door. There is no one in it. Where is Sica?
Yuri, come on, pick up your phone.
Im calling Yuri as I drive to my place, feeling impatient to see her. Im sure shes back
just like I am. Right?
Yuriwhy arent you picking up!
I call for her again and again but there is no answer. Where is she?

Im running around like a woman gone mad when I stop to think for a moment. If Im
running around looking for Sica, would she be doing the same? It suddenly occurs to me
that I can call her so I reach for my phone that I hurriedly jammed in my pocket before
running out. To my dismay, its as dead as a nail. Darn!
I run my fingers through my hair and try to think. I come to the conclusion that I should
return to my apartment and wait for Sica. It wont do for two people to be running around
A short while later, Im back in my apartment. I sit on the couch, waiting for Sicas return
and time seems to crawl by slower than a snail. I fidget and twiddle my thumbs but Im
too excited to sit still for long. I get up and go to my mirror. My lips are unable to suppress
themselves and as soon as I see myself in the mirror, they split wide open into a massive
grin. My abs! My dear beloved abs are mine again! I have missed them so!
I decide to change out of Sicas clothes and back into mine. I had been too excited to
even think about what Im wearing but now that Ive calmed down, I realize that Sicas
clothes are small for me.
With my t-shirt off, I stand in front of the mirror and scrutinize myself. My abs have lost
their tone and Im determined to whip them back into shape. I trace the diminishing line of
my abs and resolve to restore it and define it even more. Yes, I will.
I hear the door opening and forget all about my abs as I dash out of the room. Its Sica. I
cant wait to see her. Her eyes lock on mine and her hand freezes in mid-air, keys
dangling from her fingers.
Sica Some sort of squeak leaves my body. It doesnt even sound like myself but I all
can think of is Sica. Sica. The real Sica. Sica in Sicas body. Sica!
Her arms are open and before I know what hit me, our bodies collide and my arms fly
around her most naturally.
I can hear her soft murmur in my ear and feel her lips moving against it. Her body, soft
against mine. Her arms, tight around me. The world ceases to exist. Its just us. The two
of us. Standing together. At last.
Were back, Sicas voice is wobbly and I realize that shes crying. Im not worried
though. I know that those are tears of joy. Relief. Good tears. Let them flow. My eyes are
growing misty too. And we dont let go for the longest time. Nothing can make us let go of
each other again.
I almost groan when I hear the dull thud and see the cloud of rainbow sparkles that Ive
grown so accustomed to.
Jessica! Yuri! Youve switched back!
Sica pulls away from me to set her eyes on our dear fairy friend who is scrambling back
to her feet and grinning at us.
We realized. Sica is definitely back, I think with glee. Her sarcasm and prickly
comments are back!

Hyoyeon is unaffected by her, however. Her enthusiasm is gushing like a tap that needs
Im out of trouble! Hee! Yay! Come! Dance with me!
Hyoyeon grabs my hands and starts skipping round and round and round until I feel quite
Stop! Stop!
Hyoyeon stops and grins.
Whats going on? How did we switch back?
Both Sica and I are equally surprised to hear the said name.
Isnt Seulji out to get us into trouble? Sica queries.
Hyoyeon nods, her grin no less radiant. She didnt mean to help us, but she did anyway.
What do you mean? Sica demands to know while I stand and listen, stunned.
Seulji wanted to make Yuri hers.
That much we know, says Sica, dryly.
She switched your personalities and she was going to switch your souls later on to make
the transition complete.
I dont understand, I say, my mind struggling to catch up with Hyoyeons explanation.
Shes been working on making you fall in love with her to experiment with the possibility
of breeding with you.
What?! Im in shock.
Its something that she has been researching on for some time now. Theres a camp of
fairies who worry that we will be extinct if we dont take more measures to ensure the
continuity of our kind and shes one of them.
My head hurts suddenly and I clutch my head, groaning.
Whats wrong, Yuri? Sicas hands are around me immediately, cradling me.
I shake my head. Everything. Seulji. Breeding. What?
Seulji cant possibly just use Yuri like that, can she?
Hyoyeon grimaces and nods her head. Unfortunately, Seulji has been using under the
wing techniques. Shes been doing it bit by bit so that its less noticeable but its out in the
open now.

Dont you have wise fairies? Wouldnt they have sensed it or something?
Wise fairies are just wise. They dont actually have that much power in this sense. They
arent all-knowing. Seulji is a problem that they didnt see coming. With the body and
personality switch, all she had left to do was the soul switch and she was going to modify
it to tinker with Yuris emotions and heart before the soul switch was completed. Yuri
would then be completely in love with Seulji if that had happened.
I hug Sica even more tightly upon learning about Seuljis plans for me. But I dont
understand something.
Why me? I ask. Why does it have to be me?
She likes you, I guess. You do have a very nice personality. She probably thought that
its easier to modify your heart than somebody elses.
But how did Seulji help us? Sica interjects.
Hyoyeons grin is at its widest now. Personality switch.
Huh? I squeak. Isnt the personality switch going to help her to modify my heart?
Ah, its a step in that direction but she forgot about the body switch spell breaker.
Oh my gosh. I think I get it now, exclaims Sica as she sets her dancing eyes upon mine.
The personality switch helped us to understand each other better. We learnt how we
would feel. We sympathized last night!
Hyoyeon nods, her eyes sparkling. Daddy told me about the spell reversal and here I
Sica, I am overwhelmed into tears and the need to hug Sica is stronger than Ive ever
Yuri Sica turns to me and smiles, her set of pearly whites gleaming as her eyes
glisten. Shes as moved as I am.
We hug, arms locked around each other, bodies pressed so close that even air wouldnt
be able to pass through. A few tears roll down my cheeks and the sound of her sniffles
tell me that shes probably crying too.
I will remember this moment forever.
We sit in my apartment, waiting for the arrival of our friends. We texted them, asking
them to come over so that we can share the good news with them. Hyoyeon has returned
to her fathers side to find out what will happen to Seulji and we are all alone. Just Sica
and I. Our normal selves, at last.
My arm is around Sica and her head is on my shoulder. I like the way we are. I like us
very much. Something is very different between us. Its as though weve conquered the
world together and nothing can rock our boat anymore. I turn to Sica and smile at the
sight of her shiny forehead. She has such beautiful skin and my lips make contact with
her before I even realize what Im doing.
I hear her soft sigh as my lips press on her so I move my lips down to her brows and kiss

her again. Soft, tender kisses that relay my feelings to her. How glad I am that were
back. How glad I am to have her with me. I kiss my way down to her nose and she tilts
her head suddenly so that my lips land on her lips. Right at that instant, Im reminded of
what I said to her not so long ago
Sica, were gonna get out of this. And the first thing Im gonna do is take you out on a
fantastic date and kiss the heck out of you.
My words resonate in my mind as my lips rove over hers. I wrap another arm around her
and twist my body to meld my lips more tightly to hers.
I said...Ill...kiss...the heck...out I whisper in between kisses and feel her lips
curving up under mine.
Kiss me...Yurithe heck...out of me
And I oblige.
Theres been a paradigm shift. Now, as I lay my eyes on Sica, my heart warms and toes
tingle. I cant keep my hands off her. Her shoulder, waist, arm, anywhere at all. Its almost
as though I were afraid of losing her somehow. Or afraid that this is just a dream. A
wonderful dream.
But its not. My fingers are interlaced with Sicas as she explains everything to Yoona,
Seohyun, Sooyoung and Sunny. I let her do the talking. All I want to do is touch her. Feel
her. Shes sitting close to me and our arms are touching. Its the most comforting feeling
in the world and I dont know whats come over me. I dont know what to call these
feelings inside me. But boy, do they feel good.
Our friends congratulate us heartily, clearly relieved to know that our precarious situation
has been defused. Then, we are left alone again after they leave.
Lets go on a date.
Sica looks surprised. Right now?
I look around us, smile and gesture at the quiet apartment. Were done here. Lets get on
with what should have happened between us.
At that, Sicas beautiful face lights up and her lips curl up into a shy smile. I take that as a
yes and take her hand in mine.
Lets go, I whisper in her ear, my voice thick with feelings overrunning everywhere. And
out we go, into the world together.
Seulji stands before her father and uncle, head hanging, eyes downcast. If she had a tail,
it would be drooping between her legs. Hyoyeon knows how much trouble she is in. But
she knows very well that Seulji would have something to back her up. She just knows.
She doesnt know how Seulji is going to get out of this one but she supposes its time to
find out.

Chapter 19 Get the Heck Away From Me

She is not to be punished!
Hyoyeon and everybody else turns towards to sudden intrusion. Hyoyeons eyes widen
when she recognizes the fairy who is hurrying towards them. She is one of the wise
fairies and is no doubt, Seuljis ticket out of trouble.
Hyoyeons father sighs and speaks patiently, We were not about to punish her. But she
has broken many rules and needs to know that there are consequences.
Well take charge of her.
You cant just take her and cover up the whole matter.
The wise fairies are gathering as we speak. We will discuss it in private.
Very well. Just remember that even the wise fairies arent above our rules.
The wise fairy frowns. We are wise enough to know that, but thank you for your care and
Hyoyeon watches as Seulji is led out by the wise fairy and turns to her father right after
they leave. Seulji had maintained an impassive look while leaving but Hyoyeon had seen
a glint in her eyes and knows that she must be smirking on the inside.
I know. I know. Well have to leave the wise fairies to deal with her. They must know of
things that we dont.
But Daddy!
Hyoyeon, youd better go back to Yuri and Jessica and make sure that theyre alright.
Okay...Ill go
Hyoyeon pouts as she leaves but she knows that her father is probably right. Just like the
human world, things can get a little shady in her own world too and she needs to let the

wise fairies deal with it. Besides, she has friends to tend to. Yuri and Jessica. They
should be alright but shed better check on them to be sure.
I hold her hand all the way to the beach. It's the very first place that I want to bring her to
because it's where we met. And by the shy smile that she has on her face, I think she's
with me on this. We walk along the sea, shuffling our feet through the warm sand,
listening to the waves coming to shore and luxuriate in the breeze that caresses our skin.
For a long time, we are quiet. Seated on the warm sand at a secluded part of the beach,
we simply hold hands and stare at the waves rolling in. My hands aren't resting though.
My thumb is tracing circles on her hand and my free hand is busy with her bare leg. I
don't know why but I can't stop touching her. The urge to touch her is so strong that I can
bear to lift my hands from her skin at all.
My hand is rubbing her calf, squeezing it gently, as my other hand releases her hand to
move up her arm to her shoulder. Her legs are propped over mine and her head is resting
on my shoulder. We are as close as can be but it's not enough for me. The more I touch
her, the more I want more of her. It feels a little unusual but I can't figure out whether it's a
good feeling or not.
In a matter of minutes, my arms are wrapped around her and she's sitting on my lap. My
lips seem to have a mind of their own as they pucker up and press on her cheek. Once
they start, they don't stop and I find myself laying my lips on her over and over again,
eventually landing on her lips. She kisses me back at first but as my tongue begins to
make its move, she retreats and tries to stop.
I take no heed on her call and keep on laying my lips on hers, muffling her attempts to
I ignore her once again and press my lips even harder, my hands locking around her to
keep her close. She pushes both palms against my shoulders in an attempt to push me
away but I have my body back and I'm stronger than her.
"Yuri...there are people...mmph...around..."
I hear her pleas for me to stop but a part of me refuses to listen. A part of me wants her
so badly that I'm willing to take on the next base right here and now. My hand makes for
her thigh and that's when she shrieks and slaps my hand away real hard. It hurts and I
yelp, the pain freezing and stunning me for a moment. She scrambles out of my arms
and gets on her feet, a distance away from me.
"What's wrong with you!" she screams at me and kicks her legs, sending sand into my
eyes unwittingly.
"Argh!" I scream and shield my eyes from the flying sand which dampens my urges even
Get the heck away from me!

"You''re a pervert!"
"I'm not!"
Yes you are!
Im not!
"You won't stop kissing me!"
"That doesn't make me a pervert!"
"You're most definitely acting like one!" Sica stands akimbo and frowns.
"Am I? What did I do?"
"You won't stop kissing me and your hands are all over me. We're at the beach, Yuri.
There are people around but it seems as though youre going to devour me right here in
front of everyone."
My brows furrow as I think about it. Sica is right. I hadn't stopped when she asked me to.
But I had been too consumed by my feelings for to...
Oh my gosh.
Whats happening to me? I ask no one in particular as I try to understand why Im
feeling so hot inside. I look at Sica and feel the heat increasing again. It starts from my
belly and unfurls, spreading through my body to my limbs and its a matter of time before
my mind is set on getting my hands on her again.
Sica eyes me warily and backs away when I get onto my feet and approach her.
Sica...I need to kiss you so bad.
No, no, no. Youre not acting normal. Something is wrong with you.
Sica is backing further and further away and Im taking longer strides to close the gap
between us. My legs are longer than hers and she soon realizes that the gap is closing
because she turns around and runs for it.
Run? Sica? Sica is running?
My overheated mind dismisses the uncharacteristic behavior of Sica and commands my
legs to chase after her. Yes. Something is going on with me but I have no idea what the
problem is and how I ended up this way. In a corner of my mind, the name Seulji pops
up but it isnt strong enough to become the focus. No. Every fibre of my being is focused
on touching Sica again. All I want to do is to be intimate with her. I need to be intimate
with her. I need it so badly.
Sica! Stop running! I yell as I chase after her but she doesnt slow down. But the
problem doesnt just lie with her, I realize. The problem lies in the fact that I cant stop
chasing her either. Whats going on?!
Oh gosh. Is Sica right about me? Am I turning into some pervert? Is this a side effect of

all the spells Ive been under? But if Im affected, shouldnt Sica be affected too?
Im trying to understand why I cant keep my hands off Sica while chasing her when she
runs right into Yoona and Seohyun.
Unnie! Whats wrong? asks Seohyun as Sica runs behind her and holds on to her, fear
showing in her eyes.
Dont let Yuri come near me, gasps Sica, thoroughly out of breath from the running.
Why not? asks Yoona, casting questioning eyes at me and Sica.
By this time, Ive caught up with them and am looking keenly at Sica. Shes always been
attractive to me but right now, shes oozing sex appeal and all I want to do is tear her
clothes off and get down and dirty with her. Oh yeah.
A corner of my mind is stricken by the dirty thoughts running through the rest of my mind
but it is quickly relegated to the back, out of mind, out of sight. I launch myself at Sica
only to be stopped by Yoona.
Yuri unnie, whats going on between you and Jessica unnie?
Nothing. All I want to do is kiss her.
Yoona giggles. Unnie, youre too blunt. Look, youre scaring her.
I grin and fake a left before dashing to the right, effectively dodging Yoonas bodywall and
lunge for Sica. Seohyun is too quick for me, however and manages to block me from
reaching for Sica. Meanwhile, Yoona has scrambled back onto her feet and is pulling me
away from Sica.
Sica, I want Sica, I yell as I struggle against Yoonas grip.
Unnie! Get a grip! grunts Yoona as she uses all her strength (which is a lot) to stop me
from going after Sica.
A prone figure appears on the ground right in the middle of the mess of scuffles but no
one even stops to look. Im still trying to get my hands on Sica and Yoona is trying to stop
me while Seohyun is putting herself in front of Sica to protect her from me.
Fridiguseu! a frantic shriek rings out and suddenly, all of us are standing straight, arms
and legs straight and frozen. Only then do I notice Hyoyeons presence and everybody
elses dishevelled state.
People! Were at the beach! Hyoyeon hisses in a panicked state, her eyes wide open as
she looks at our surroundings. We cant draw too much attention to ourselves.
Tell that to Yuri. Shes the one who needs to know this, growls Sica.
Im sorry! I hiss, Im trying to stop myself but I cant!
What are you talking about? Hyoyeon asks, looking puzzled.
Yuri is acting like a pervert.

I dont know why!

You cant stop yourself? Hyoyeon asks as she walks up to me, putting her hand on my
I pout and shake my head.
Hmm...I feel something. Wait. Hyoyeon glides her hands over my shoulders and arms,
reaching down to my hands and grasping them. Mmm...I think theres some sort of spell
left in you.
What spell? I gasp.
Hyoyeon closes her eyes and breathes deeply for a moment before snapping her fingers
in what must be a moment of enlightenment.
Libidinis is the spell!
What? we chorus.
Seulji must have cast it on you when she last saw you. Its a spell that invokes desire.
And that must be the reason for that strange look in her eyes today. She must have been
gloating over this, that horrible cousin of mine.
Its good to know all that but what I really need to know is how we can get this spell off
me before I scare Sica away from me.
Hyoyeon, I want my Yuri back. If I dont get her back, Im going to break your neck, Sica
spits her words out so menacingly that even my bones quiver.
Okay, okay. Dont worry. Ill check my e-book of spells now.
Can you unfreeze us first? Yoona asks. Just leave Yuri frozen.
Good idea.
Hyoyeon pats everybody elses head and mutters tabesio each time she does, undoing
the spell that she cast on them. Sadly, Im left frozen because of the threat I pose to Sica
and all I can do is pout.
Dont worry, Yuri unnie, says Seohyun kindly, Hyoyeon unnie will get you back to
normal soon.
Shed better, if she wants to live, growls Sica who is standing so close to Hyoyeon that
shes almost breathing down the fairys neck.
Y-Youre making me nervous.
Hurry up, fairy.
Okay, okay. Hyoyeon taps frantically at her phone and I can see drops of perspiration
forming on her forehead from the pressure that Sica is putting on her.
And to make matters even more complicated, two cheerful voices greet us as we await
Hyoyeons spell.
Hey people! What are you all doing here?

I turn to look and its none other than Taeyeon and Tiffany. Theyre holding hands and
wearing bright, cheery smiles as they approach us. Everyone swarms over to them, and I
would do the same if not for a tiny problem.
Im still frozen by Hyoyeons spell!!!
Luckily for me, Yoona notices my predicament and nudges Seohyun over to stand beside
me. She throws her arm around my shoulders and together, we manage to look
somewhat natural.
Meanwhile, Jessicais busy waggling her eyebrows at Tiffany. Why you sneaky girl. When
did you close the deal? Why was I not informed?
Theres no deal. We didnt close any deal. We're holding hands because its cold.
Taeyeon puts on a blank expression and blinks innocently but everyone boos at once.
Taeyeon, that is the lamest thing Ive ever heard, says Jessica with a laugh. I mean,
seriously, do you expect us to believe you?
Taeyeon breaks into a wide grin as she shakes her head and Tiffany blushes.
Alright, alright. I just asked Tiffany to be my girlfriend and she said yes. Okay? Are you
happy now?
Ill be happy so long as you keep your cheesy lines private, Sica jests and everybody
Oh, that is only the tip of the iceberg, Jessica, Taeyeon laughs and Tiffany slaps her
arm as her blush deepens.
I smile at the sight but a pang in my heart hits me and I realize that I want this for Sica
and myself too. I sigh inwardly at the longing for us to have a normal relationship like
Taeyeon and Tiffany. When will we be truly free from spells and troubles?
Psst. We need to get out of here, Hyoyeon whispers to us amidst the cheer and
laughter, breaking my thoughts. Now.
Sensing the urgency in Hyoyeons voice, I turn to Yoona for help and she nods. There is
not better person to come up with something than Yoona.
Hey, we should leave the lovebirds alone to enjoy in private. Let them go, peeps, says
Yoona, almost immediately.
Yes, we shouldnt disturb the couple on their date, adds Seohyun, for good measure,
and sure enough, they get the hint and bid their goodbyes to the lovely couple.
We smile and watch Taeyeon and Tiffany as they continue their stroll down the beach,
hand in hand, all smiles and as soon as theyre out of earshot, Sunny asks, So whats
the plan now?
We need to go to Yuris place now, Hyoyeon replies.
Have you found a way to break the spell already? Jessica asks, looking anxious.
I have, but I need to ask Yuri a few questions in private.

What for?
There are different spell breakers. Depending on what you have or have not done, the
spell breakers will vary.
What she has or has not done? Yoona chimes in, her curiosity at large as usual.
For example, has she held hands with anyone, or kissed anyone after the spell was cast
on her.
I feel a foreboding sense of dread right there and then but I cant help asking, What if the
answer to both questions is yes?
Hyoyeon turns to me sharply, eyes wide with alarm. Who did you hold hands with? Who
did you kiss?
Sica, of course, I answer without hesitation.
I spot Sica blushing at my unabashed answer and my lips are about to curl up into a wide
grin when Hyoyeon kills it with two simple sounds that have never sounded as ominous
Uh oh.

Chapter 20 Let's Mate

Were finally back at Yuris apartment which has become somewhat like a headquarters
to us. Yuri is frozen by Hyoyeon to protect me and the rest of us are seated around her
couch which Yoona claims is good for coming up with good ideas. I dont really want to
know what kind of good ideas they have come up with whilst on this bed so I change the
subject quickly.
Hyoyeon, whats the solution? You said you have it.
For some reason, the look on Hyoyeons face far from comforts me and I can feel my
heart pounding away as I await her answer.
There are a few solutions but right now, theres only one.
Hyoyeon shifts and I know immediately that shes nervous. Why is she nervous though?
Is the solution undesirable? Whats the solution?
Hyoyeon coughs and stalls but my patience is running out. Was running out, I correct
myself. It has already run out.
I shoot Hyoyeon my iciest glare and ask for the last time. What is it?
If she stalls just one more second
Youre speaking too fast. Slow down.
Jessica unnie, I think she said 'you gotta do it', Seohyun explained.
Do it?
By this time I'm grabbing Hyoyeon's arms and shaking her.
What do you mean 'do it'? What do I have to do!
Sica! Calm down.
Okay, okay. I release Hyoyeon's arms and take a step back before folding my arms. I'm

sorry. Please. Explain clearly. I can't take this anymore.

Seulji must have used this spell to get Yuri to mate with her because this spell will make
Yuri mate with whoever she kisses and holds hands with.
Can you not use the word 'mate'? It sounds so wrong. And what exactly are you trying to
say right now?
Hyoyeon takes a deep breath and begins to back away from me as she says, Yuri held
hands with you. She also kissed you. That means the spell has taken effect and cannot
be reversed. The only way out of this is for Yuri to mate with you. Nobody else will satisfy
I swear my eyes are as wide as the full moon on a dark, dark night. M-Mate with m-me?
I instinctively wrap my arms around myself, protecting myself from pervert Yuri. No one
else will do?
By now, Hyoyeon is peeking out from behind Seohyun as she nods and says, Yes. Yuri
has to mate with you. And only you.
I back away from Yuri and end up sitting on the couch as I stare at Hyoyeon.
You can't be serious. We aren't...we aren't ready to take that step yet!
I'm ready.
I whip around to glare at Yuri and snap, Oh shut up, Yuri. You're under a freaking spell.
Of course you're ready. But I'm not. I'm not ready to mate with anybody.
Not even me? Yuri asks with a pout and my mouth opens and shuts without a word.
Truth be told, I had enjoyed the kisses with Yuri and her touch had felt really good. But
this is different! This is... Not when the whole world knows what we're going to do! No! It's
supposed to be natural, spontaneous and most importantly, private!
I don't mean it like that, Yuri.
What do you mean, then?
I cough and splutter and my cheeks burn with embarrassment. Do we really need to have
this conversation in front of everyone?!
Jessica, if you won't do it with Yuri, she's going to suffer. Her desires will only grow
stronger and stronger and she may lose control of herself. You need to help her.
There has to be another way, Hyoyeon. Isn't there another way?
Hyoyeon shakes her head. According to the e-book, this is the only way left.
Well, your magic sucks! I snap and flare up. You're fired! I refuse to listen to you
anymore! Go back to wherever you come from and bring back somebody who knows
magic better than you do!
Hyoyeon's mouth curves downwards into a sad pout and Yoona and Seohyun throw their
arms around her immediately.
Jessica unnie! That was such a mean thing to say to Hyoyeon unnie! Seohyun chatises

me with a disapproving frown.

Yeah, that wasn't very nice of you, adds Yoona.
The way they look at me makes me feel incriminated and something in me snaps.
Put yourselves in my shoes then! I burst out angrily. Try going out with someone like
just once and have your bodies switched. Then after you go through 1001 obstacles and
finally think that things are back to normal again, have some fairy tell you in front of all
your friends, that you have to mate to break a spell. Yoona, will you mate with Seohyun if
it were you?
Yoona covers Seohyun's ears immediately. You didn't hear that Seohyun. Jessica unnie
is just ranting. Hear no evil. Don't worry, I'll protect you.
See! None of you would! And yes, I'm ranting. I'm ranting because I'm totally pissed with
things. I mean, honestly, can you believe the situation?!
There is a moment of awkward silence when everyone silently acknowledges that I'm
right and I have the right to be angry. Yet, there is nothing they can do to help and they
know that. But most unexpectedly, Seohyun speaks up.
Jessica unnie, if that is the only way to help Yoona, I would mate with her.
There is a series of loud gasps in the living room as everyone including Yoona turns to
Seohyun in shock. Seohyun looks at us steadily with her eyebrows furrowed, eyes
earnest and lips pressed determinedly.
If someone I love is in need of help, I will help, no matter the act, so long as it doesn't
harm another. In my opinion, mating with someone you love isn't the worst thing to do to
save someone. Unless you don't actually love Yuri...?
What...? I'm stunned by Seohyun's question. Do I love Yuri? What? How did it end up like
Uh... I stutter but Seohyun seems to be determined to resolve our issues as she turns
to Yuri who is still frozen stiff (literally).
Yuri unnie, do you love Jessica unnie?
Yuri blinks and I protest.
Yuri is under a spell. Her answer wouldn't be reliable.
Yuri unnie is under a spell of desire, if I understand it correctly. It wouldn't affect her
judgement of feelings, Seohyun rebuts. Am I right, Hyoyeon unnie?
Hyoyeon blinks rapidly for a moment before pulling her phone back out. Just a minute.
Let me consult the e-book. She taps it a few times before reading what she finds out
loud, Libidinis is a powerful spell that should be used with caution. It will evoke intense
urges of desirethus one of the seven deadly sinsand bring forth chaos if harnessed
in the improper. The body is affected but not the soul. The mind remains clear but will be
unable to withstand the temptation that their partner brings. This spell is strengthened by
physical touch. The more intimate, the stronger and will lead to a powerful climax that will
end it all.
Everyone is still and silent, shaken by the description of the spell that was cast on Yuri. It

certainly sounds ominous.

I had to use my father's password to access this spell. It isn't open to everyone because
of it's hazardous nature and such spells are usually hard to undo. Even my father
wouldn't be able to break this spell, explains Hyoyeon and I soften my stance, feeling a
little sorry for blowing up at her earlier.
So it doesn't affect one's true feelings, which means Yuri unnie can tell if she loves
Jessica unnie or not.
All eyes are on Yuri as soon as Seohyun speaks, including me. And I find myself a little
nervous to find out if Yuri has feelings for me or not. I mean, after all this time and all that
we've gone through...surely...
I don't want Sica to have to do it if she doesn't want to.
I can't even blink as Yuri stares straight into my eyes, and our souls connect. I can feel
her, her emotions, desires, intentions, and most importantly, something that feels
remarkably like...
I may not be able to control my body but Sica comes first. I will not want it if she doesn't.
Just looking at Yuri makes my toes curl. And the words that come from her send a
lightning streak of shivers down my spine and I can feel my hairs standing on end. I am
warm. I am whole. And never have I felt the little tingles that are dancing around in my
tummy. My eyes are growing wet and I have to blink to clear my vision. Yuri, I want my
Yuri back.
Everyone, get out, I state calmly, my eyes never leaving Yuri's. Only Yuri remains.
Everyone turns to me and stares. It takes a while for them to process what I've just said
but they eventually begin to walk towards the door. Hyoyeon taps Yuri's head as she
passes by and Yuri slumps onto the couch behind her. I close the distance between us
and take her hand in mine, our eyes still connnected as though afraid to part.
The sound of the door opening and closing reverberates throughout Yuri's now empty
apartment and only the sounds of our quickened breaths remain. Now, it's just the two of
us. Yuri and I. And suddenly, nothing else matters anymore. Yuri would do the same for
me, I'm sure. She would.
Silently, I tug at her hand and she stands. I lead her into the bedroom and she follows.
Her fingers are already caressing my hand but I know that that is the magic within her.
She is holding up very well indeed for she has yet to jump on me and devour me. I don't
know how much willpower it is taking her but I can see the veins popping up in her neck
as she fights to restrain herself. Oh, Yuri...
Don't force yourself, she says, her words minced hard. Anyone else would think that
she doesn't mean what she says but I know better. So I smile and shake my head.
I'm not. I lay my hand on her other arm and step even closer. I want this. Yuri is trembling from head to toe and I know that she can't hold on
much longer.
My fingers trail down to my jeans and unbutton it. Then, I bring her hand to the zip and
whisper, Let's mate.

An animalistic growl rips from Yuri's throat as her wall of restraint collapses and her
hands are all over me. My arms, my waist, my behind, my back, my neck...not a spot is
left untouched. Then, her lips are burning a trail up and down my neck as her hands tug
at my jeans, eager to get in touch with some skin.
I'm not a passive participant in this either. My hands are pulling at her top and I think I
hear the ripping of fabric. Soon, our tops are off and we're topless, toppling onto the bed
behind us. She crawls over me and melts my insides with her intense gaze.
Sica... she tries to speak, ...thank you...
I shake my head and clasp her face in my hands. It should be three words...
Yuri blinks and freezes for a nanosecond before crushing her lips to mine. Then, she lifts
her head and says in the huskiest voice I've ever heard, I love you.

Chapter 21 The Wise Fairies

I smile, close my eyes and take the leap. The leap of faith. The leap of faith that it takes
to fall for someone. And even though we've gone through the oddest experience of
switching bodies, it's all over now. We have our bodies back and we've stuck through the
whole ordeal together. Somehow.
This is much more than i can say for any other relationship or love interest I've ever had.
And when I think about the people I've dated in the past, none of them have given me the
kind of butterflies that Yuri gives me. I remember how safe she made me feel as she
tended to me after saving me. I remember how comfortable I was on our first and only
date to date. Somehow, I know. I know that we're meant to be together.
Our skins are touching now. Every inch of it. Nothing is between us. And it feels more
incredible than anything I can imagine. I'm burning for her. Burning.
I twist and entangle my legs between hers, feeling her silky smooth skin up against mine.
My lips curl in response to her husky moan.
Our hands join and lips embrace. Everything is beautiful. Perfect. Despite the reason
behind this. This is everything I want and more.
A cloud of rainbow sparkles descend around us.
I scream. Yuri screams.
I grab at the sheets to cover myself. Yuri is trying to pick up her clothes from the floor.
I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Hyoyeon covers her eyes and shrieks when I kick her off the bed.
But the wise fairies want you! They'll fix the problem!
Hyoyeon...we were fixing the problem until you came along!

No, no, no. The wise fairies say that it's bad for you if you go through with it.
What?! You were the one who said this is our only solution.
One of the wise fairies says she knows a secret spell to undo it.
You're totally unbelievable Hyoyeon!
I run my hands through my hair as my frustration swells and pleads for an exit from
within. Yuri isn't helping with her arms wrapping around me from behind and it is all I can
do to keep from slapping her hands away.
You gotta come with me, the wise fairies will help you.
Well, why didn't they help us earlier, huh? Huh! Why are they only helping us now!
Because things just got serious.
You mean, switching bodies isn't serious enough? On the contrary, I think this spell isn't
even half as bad as the one you cast on us.
Yuri's lips are roving over my neck as I speak but I'm barely aware of them as I rant at
This spell is dark, Jessica. The wise fairies are horrified that it was used. Seulji is in big
trouble but so will you if you don't come with me.
Dark? What do you mean, dark?
It's a forbidden spell. It's evil. It will consume the both of you. you're scaring me. I slap Yuri's hands hard and she yelps as she pulls them
away. Stop it Yuri. Get dressed to go see the wise fairies.
I try to get off the bed but Yuri won't let me.
Help, she says and Hyoyeon nods, reciting the incantation to freeze her again.
I'll be outside, she says once Yuri is frozen. Please get dressed quickly.
With that, Hyoyeon leaves the bedroom awkwardly (her eyes are still covered) and shuts
the door to give us some privacy. I turn back to Yuri and am struck by the comical sight of
Yuri sitting very still and straight without a stitch of clothing on her. I can't stop myself as
giggles take over me and I collapse on the bed from laughter that brings tears to my
Sica... Yuri whines and I laugh even harder than before. Oh gosh. This is really
Since she is frozen and unable to move her limbs, I grin and crawl to her like a cat. The
heat within me lingers and seeing her in the nude reignites it a little.
Yuri... I breathe as I trace my finger down her jawline to her neck and across her bare
shoulders. We'll continue this some other time, I promise.
Yuri pouts and I giggle. She's cute and I adore how she looks but it's time to get the both
of us dressed fit for wise fairies so I plant a gentle kiss on her lips before picking up our

clothes from the floor.

These are wise fairies? They look Hyoyeon...huh...
Hyoyeon had joined hands with us and chanted a strange incantation which created a
curious twisting sensation in my guts and blinded us with an intense burst of light. When
my vision returned to me, I found myself standing in a bright room that is completely
white and bare.
Now, as I stand here staring at the nine wise fairies who look anything but wise, feelings
of doubt flood my mind. Are they really able to undo the spell that Seulji cast on Yuri? Will
they harm Yuri? They'll have me to deal with if they do.
They look pretty young to me to begin with. Somehow, I was expecting to see
grandmother fairies or something, not fairies who look and dress like a twenty-year-olds
on the street. One of them even sports a pixie-cut, wearing her hair short like a boy and
wavey, strands of pink. Granted that there are a couple of them who look more mature,
it's still odd and unsettling and not at all comforting.
We may look young, but trust me, we're not. It is our attitude that influences our outlook,
not time, and since we are magical, we operate quite differently from humans although
we are born and will eventually die, just like you do.
The wise fairy who is speaking to me is smiling so I know that she's not offended by my
thoughts but it is unsettling to have your thoughts read so thoroughly. But she looks
intelligent, her eyes sharp with wit and lips pursed like they withhold secrets of the
Not to worry, it is a spell that I can deactivate when I don't need it. But it is my gift so I
will not misuse it. Rest assured.
Now, we need to rid Kwon Yuri of the evil spell that has been cast upon her.
Another wise fairy with silky brown tresses steps forward and rolls the sleeves of her
white cotton shirt up. I am ready.
I release Yuri's hand which has remained in mine all this time and watch as she is
magically transported to the brunette wise fairy. The mind-reading wise fairy moves
towards them and places her palms on Yuri's head while the other palms Yuri's heart.
Then, they chant.
It sounds like curious whispers that would freak you out on a stormy night and their
voices start out low but gradually get higher and higher until they're practically squeaking.
Yuri is shaking and I want nothing more than to give her a hug but Hyoyeon is right by
me, holding my arm to comfort me.
The whole procedure is rather disturbing and I'm glad for her company and silent support
but the image of Yuri's eyes rolling till her whites show will probably be stuck in my mind
for a while. Unable to bear the sight of Yuri in this state, I shut my eyes and cover my
ears. The chanting goes on for a while until I hear a shout. Shocked by the sudden shout,
I open my eyes just in time to see Yuri slumping to the floor and into the arms of the
mind-reading wise fairy.

Yuri! I cry out and move towards her without much thought or deliberation. All I want is
for Yuri to be okay. Is she okay? What did you do to her!
The mind-reading wise fairy allows me to cradle Yuri in my arms and steps back.
Don't cry, Jessica. Kwon Yuri is alright now. We've removed the spell completely.
Cry? I didn't realize I was crying. Oh gosh. My tears are falling on Yuri's cheek. Yes, I'm
crying. I'm crying for many reasons. Reasons that I don't even know about. But there is a
strange sense of relief that is sweeping through my mind and a sense of fatigue sets into
my body. It is all very strange but I take no heed of it. Yuri, I need Yuri to be alright.
Now, says the mind-reading wise fairy who is obviously the leader of the pack, ...bring
out Seulji.
Another two wise fairies click their fingers immediately and just like that, Seulji appears
between them.
Woah. This is magic...
The mind-reading fairy looks intimidating with her fiery eyes piercing through Seulji's and
I shiver even though she isn't looking at me. I certainly wouldn't want to cross paths with
What do you have to say for yourself?
I was only doing what I was told.
I'm sure you were not told to use forbidden spells.
You wouldn't be singing the same tune if Hyoyeon hadn't messed it up.
You should be thankful that Hyoyeon cast that spell on them by mistake.
It messed up my plans totally. It took me a while to find out about the magic in them.
Then, I had to come up with a plan to reverse it. But the only solution would take too long
so I came up with the idea of switching them completely. It was a brilliant plan, except for
one problem.
You didn't foresee your spell actually helping to reverse the body switch.
Seulji glares at Hyoyeon right then, her anger apparent in her eyes. It was too
complicated. I overlooked that.
Actually, everything that you've said up till now is forgiveable in view of the grand
scheme of things but the one thing that I severely object to and see a serious problem
with is the fact that you used a forbidden spell.
Seulji says nothing, her anger fuming from her in heat waves.
The clever and creative use of spells is something that is laudable but the use of a
forbidden spell if unspeakable. We cannot let you go without punishment.
Just tell me what it is and quit the high and mighty talk, snaps Seulji. She folds her arms
and sulks, her mouth turning into an angry pout.

We thought that you are eager to learn and ambitious to experience. Clearly, we have
missed something in you. You must learn the basis and purpose of spells. You show no
remorse in your actions and it saddens me because this means it will take longer for you
to learn the error of your ways. I thereby impose the ban of magic on you until your
teachers deem you ready to use magic again.
Seulji's jaw drops and her eyes are open so wide that I'm sure they're about to pop out.
What?! No! You can't take my magic away from me!
I'm not taking anything away from you other than freedom. Freedom is awarded only to
those who know how to use it. As such, your freedom in the use of magic will be revoked
No!!! Seulji cries and stamps her foot on the ground. No!!! I did nothing wrong!!! It's all
Hyoyeon's fault!!!
Hyoyeon saved you, Seulji. Even if she didn't mean to. If you have gone through with
Libidinis and mated with Yuri, she would have been destroyed, her soul, a slave to the
spell forever. She would have turned into an insatiable woman, desperate and easily
manipulated by others.
Seulji looks a little stunned by this revelation but the shock of it all hits me hard. Oh dear,
if Yuri and I had would've been unthinkable!
I'm thanking my lucky stars when Seulji is brought to Yuri and I.
Apologize to them, for the trouble you have caused.
Seulji's eyes are hard when she looks at the both of us and it seems as though she's not
going to apologize but she surprises me when she bows suddenly.
I am sorry, Kwon Yuri and Jessica Jung. And mainly to Kwon Yuri for endangering you to
achieve my goals.
Yuri appears to be as stunned as I am and she stutters when she says, AApology...accepted.
I smile at Yuri, my kind Yuri. I'm glad that she's free from the horrible spell now. So glad.
Good. It seems that you are more privy to the dire consequences that spell would have
brought. There is hope for you yet. I'll see you soon, Seulji, and I hope that you will have
learnt your lesson, truly.
Seulji is led out of the room and I heave a sigh of relief. Even in the presence of the wise
fairies whom I know will protect us, I can't help but be on my toes around her. It's a
natural defence mechanism, I suppose, that makes me wary of her.
The mind-reading wise fairy comes to Yuri and I and embraces us one at a time. There's
something about her hug that is magical, that heals from within and I can feel warmth
blossoming all over my body as my lips stretch into a smile.
Dear Jessica and Yuri, your fates are entwined, it's written in the stars and that has
protected you but seeing the way you would sacrifice for each other has warmed my
heart and soul.

She embraces us once again and her eyes absolutely sparkle with delight as she
continues, Thank you for being so strong for each other and opening my eyes to the
beauty in this world. Magic isn't the answer to low fertility rates after all. We must look
into the matter more deeply and find out the real root of the problem.
Y-You're welcome... says Yuri and I giggle. She's so adorable to me, So adorable and
kind. My heart warms for her, beats for her, lives for her.
I will send you back but before that, I am going to put a spell to bind the fairy secrets
within you. With this spell, you will never speak of what you have seen today to any nonfairy. Is that alright with you?
I look and Yuri as I nod. She's nodding too.
Good. I shall cast the spell then.
The mind-reading fairy closes her eyes and mutters softly under her breath:
Constringo, let it be unsaid,
Constrixi, let it be unspoken,
Constrictum, let it go unmentioned,
Thus deep within, thy secrets lay dormant,
Never to be knowledge passed on thereafter.
I had closed my eyes when the fairy began the spell but I can't resist taking a peek at Yuri
so I open one eye just a fraction and turn my head very slightly. Yuri's eyes are closed
and her expression, sincere. I am tickled pink by her and unable to tear my eyes away
from her. Soon, the spell is done and Yuri opens her eyes to see me grinning at her. She
smiles shyly and I find myself falling for her all over again.
Oh, Yuri, so dear and kind, I can't wait to make you mine.

Yulsic in Phuket -

Chapter 22 I Love You
We regain consciousness and find ourselves lying on Yuri's bed, side by side. I turn to
her and her, to me. The moment our eyes meet, I feel reborn. She seems to feel the
same, I can see it in her eyes, that sparkle, that shine. We roll on our sides and face
each other proper.
Yuri... I whisper first.
Sica... she whispers back.
My hands act like they have a brain of their own, moving towards hers, seeking...and
finding...and as our fingers interlace, my lips curl, liking the feeling of her skin on mine. I
wedge my leg between hers and she rubs hers against mine, returning the favour,
returning the intent. This is good. This is Yuri. This is me. Us. Just two.
For a moment, I look around, wary but she caresses my face with her hands and smiles.
I think it's just us now.
Hyoyeon had better not appear on top of us of anything like that, I huff and Yuri giggles,
surprising me when she pecks my nose playfully.
I have no words to describe how you make me feel, she says, wearing a handsome
smile that makes me heart beat in double time.
No words, never mind. Just show me, I breathe, feeling the fire spark from within,
stronger than ever before, tingles fluttering all around my skin.
Show you...? Yuri's eyes grow wide and unsure.
I still want you, I breathe as the heat climbs slowly but surely from the depths of my
belly to my arms, neck...everywhere.
I don't give Yuri a chance to process what I've just said. Instead, I bring an abrupt stop to
her thoughts with my lips on hers. They part, and engulf, taking no prisoners. I roll on top
of Yuri and use my position to lay my lips over hers as I like, taking in every inch, every
bit of her.
Sica... she gasps when I lift my head for a moment but she barely has any time to even
breathe because I'm back down on her, craving more than ever. I bite on her lower lip
lightly and suck on it, running my tongue over her, making her shiver. I can feel the
goosebumps rising on her arms and grin, with her lip still trapped between my teeth.
Uuurree, I call her name, and she moans, a low, husky sound from deep within. She
has never sounded sexier, and the hairs on my arm will attest to that since they're all
standing at attention, yearning to hear her again.
I let go of her lip and whisper right next to her ear in the breathiest voice I've ever used. I
love you, Yuri.

Her eyes spring open and blink into mine as I blush and smile. My fingers are buried in
her hair, luxuriating in the feeling of being surrounded by silky smooth and my body, ever
so aware that it is lying right on top of another. My blush deepens and my cheeks heat up
but I know that this is not the time to back down.
So I said it again, I love you.
Hearing it from me for the second time seems to have convinced her that she isn't
dreaming and this is actually happening. She beams at me, her features lighting up like a
Christmas tree and she wraps her arms tightly around my waist as though I were a
precious present she doesn't want to lose.
I love you too.
My eyes glisten at once, emotions I am unaware of surging to the surface all at once and
I want nothing more than to feel her love in me.
Then love me, Yuri. Love me now.
Her eyes gleam and she surprises me by rolling us over so that I'm lying on the bed and
she, hovering above.
Close your eyes.
I close my eyes as her lips press upon mine and dive deep into the sensations that she
sparks in me. They are everywhere, in my toes, belly, fingers, and most importantly, my
With our hands clasped tight, we stroll down the beach, kicking the little waves that roll in
to shore, enjoying the sea breeze that fumbles with our hair. We decided, this morning, to
revisit the very spot where Yuri saved me, a little over a year ago. Well, actually, it was
my idea but Yuri got so excited that it might as well have been her idea. Hahaha...
Yuri makes me laugh a lot and I'm always thankful to have her by my side. She's a strong
pillar of support for me and I never hesitate to lean on her just as she never hesitates to
tease me. She teases me about anything and everything. From my lack of savviness
when it comes to electronic gadgets to my weakness in waking up to my fear of
cucumbers. Anything and everything. But it's alright because I know that she loves me,
cares for me and will stand up for me when necessary.
Just like the time when a brazen woman tried to get touchy with me at a club. She had
me backed into a corner while Yuri was getting us drinks and oh was Yuri the fiercest
thing on Earth when she found me. We had to say goodbye to the two drinks but I'd say
they found a nice new home although the woman didn't seem to think so. Yuri didn't let
me out of her sight after that and we had a very sexy night after we went back to her
apartment. Hee hee... Yuri stops and grins, flashing her pearly whites proudly as she points at a
spot in the sand. I'll never forget this spot. Then, she turns to look out at sea. And you
were floating over there. She points and I look.
I don't know where I was since I was unconscious but I trust that Yuri knows this beach
like the back of her hand.

Then, I carried you over there. She leads me to the beach chair where she had tended
to me.
All I remember are your fingers on my... I trail off, too shy to say it in broad daylight at
the beach.
You're such a perv, Yuri teases, her naughty grin provoking me to smack her arm. She
doesn't even flinch, she's so used to them, and her naughty grin remains, bold and
Go away, I snap and push her hard. She stumbles a little but finds her balance quickly.
Then, I'm back in her arms as though nothing has happened. Yes, she knows me too
well. And sometimes, I think she even enjoys the violent side of me. She sure likes it
when I smack her butt in the bedroom. I giggle at the thought.
What are you giggling about?
I shake my head and laugh. You.
Yeah, you.
Why me?
Because I love you.
Yuri plants a quick one on my cheek and chuckles. I love you too.
And as cliche as it would sound, we kiss, right there, on the very beach chair where she
first impressed me with her credentials. Right where it all began.
I'm due for the radio show with Tiffany later this evening and Yuri has agreed to come
along. Taeyeon and Tiffany are still none the wiser to our switching experience but Sunny
and Sooyoung know better and till today, the secret lies within our eyes, and nothing
more. Yoona and Seohyun too, have joined us in the broadcasting studio today and Yuri
is pleasantly surprised to see them when we arrive.
Jessica unnie invited us to come and see how the show is done since I'm taking a media
course now, explains Seohyun.
Yoona winks at me as she casually slides her arm around Seohyun's waist and guides
her to a corner with two empty seats prepared for them. They've come a long way since
Yoona finally worked up the courage to articulate her feelings for Seohyun a year ago.
She'd always held back, believing Seohyun to be uninterested in romance, given her
pragmatism and intense focus on her studies and work. But that little speech Seohyun
had made, convincing me to mate with Yuri, had opened her eyes to Seohyun's
sensuous side.
We take our places and Taeyeon and Sunny open the show with cheer.
Hello everybody, Im Taeng DJ.

And Im DJ Sunny.
Welcome to Dandy Radio!
Heol daebak sagun!
What are you cheering about, Taeyeon?
It's winter!
Oh, yes, it is.
I love winter!
But it's so cold!
I love snow!
But it's so cold!
It won't be if you know what to wear!
Oh, can you help me? I don't know what to wear...
I'm not the expert but I have two with me today!
Oh! Yay!
Hi Tiffany, my love!
Tiffany blushes an epic red but manages to return her greeting.
Hi Jessica, the lovely!
Hi, everyone, I'm Jessica.
As always, I love hearing the both of you speak in English, gushes Taeyeon but I know
better. Taeyeon is whipped. So whipped by Tiffany.
I laugh. Thank you.
Meanwhile, Tiffany is blushing too hard to say anything. This happens week after week
and I'm surprised listeners haven't asked Taeyeon to lay off on her over-zealous public
declaration of her affection for Tiffany. I suppose they enjoy laughing at it as much as I
do. Poor Tiffany. Or not. Hahaha...
You're very welcome. Now, Tiffany, my angel, the time is yours.
Tiffany stutters through her opening but gradually loses the embarrassment as she talks
about the colours that are trending this winter and I chime in to talk about the types of
footwear that are both fashionable and practical.
When we are done, Sunny thanks us and with a great, big smile, welcomes Sooyoung to

introduce us to a few good restaurants to dine at, this holiday season. There is no doubt
that Sooyoung has been to each one of them and I'm willing to bet my bed and pillow on
Sunny being there with her, tasting every dish together.
When that segment is done, the show goes into a music break and Yoona winks at me
again. I nod subtly. She then pats Seohyun's hand and the both of them disappear from
the studio without anyone else noticing.
I flash an unnaturally bright smile when Taeyeon and Sunny look at me and they nod
slightly before putting their earphones back on.
And now, we have a special segment lined up for you today! It's so special that it's
probably a once-in-a-lifetime thing unless we decide to do it again. Hahaha!
Sunny rolls her eyes at Taeyeon. Yes, she can be quite the oddball with her quirky sense
of humour at times.
So Jessica has a special request today. Jessica? Sunny smiles at me and a sudden
jitter attacks my tummy.
Yuri is looking at me, surprised that I didn't tell her anything about this but all I give her is
a quick smile before turning to the microphone.
Ahem, I begin by clearing my throat, not the best opening but, hey, I'm no professional.
Hi, It's Jessica again and this time, I'm not here to talk about colours or shoes or lipstick.
I'm here today because today is a special day for a special someone.
I hear a gasp and know that it's Yuri and allow myself a quick smile before continuing.
That special someone is right next to me, holding my hand, making me feel safe and
loved, as always. I want to thank her for being her, for being so wonderful to me, and for
loving me so well. I hope I've loved her well too and I'll keep working on it for as long as
we stay together. So today, I want to say happy birthday to Yuri and thank you, I love
I finish my little speech and lean back, cheeks burning, breathless from the adrenaline
zipping around, making my heart thump doubly quick. Yuri is squeezing my hand so hard
that it almost hurts but I know that it's just her feeling touched.
I smile and kiss her gently, a chaste lover's kiss, just as Yoona and Seohyun burst in with
a pink birthday cake.
Happy birthday to you..happy birthday to you...happy birthday to Kwon Yuri...happy
birthday to you!
Yuri looks positively radiant as she clasps her hands and closes her eyes to make a wish.
She blows the candles out and we cheer as Taeyeon and Sunny close the show with a
bang, literally, with a party popper. I kind of pity the listeners who are wearing earphones
right now.
Thank you, Sica, Yuri says to me, her eyes shining with tears. She is touched, but so
am I and we hug, tight and secure.

I love you, she murmurs in my ear so that only I can hear her and my heart warms just
like it does every single time she says it to me.
I love you too, I whisper in her ear and we part to look into each other's eyes.
Then, for the thosuandth time and with many more to come, our lips meet and do the
talking even as Hyoyeon, the newly appointed match-making fairy, makes gagging
sounds resound magically in our ears.
The End.

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