PRR 14631 Document 1 PDF

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From: Gloria Bruce [mailto:gloria@ebho.

Sent: Tuesday, February 09, 2016 3:08 PM
To: Marqusee, Alexander G.
Subject: Fwd: Final draft for review by Wed., 2/9 -DRAFT Housing Cabinet Report
My/EBHO's comments....
---------- Forwarded message ---------From: Gloria Bruce <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, Feb 9, 2016 at 1:16 PM
Subject: Re: Final draft for review by Wed., 2/9 -DRAFT Housing Cabinet Report
To: "Hood, Heather" <[email protected]>
Hello Heather! I could probably take a more in-depth look at this, but I'm out of time. I think overall this is a
comprehensive and ambitious document that accurately summarizes the policies and process of the Cabinet. (And I like
the framing in the beginning that explains the connections to the Housing Equity Road Map).
I took as close a look as I could and also quietly shared some pieces with Jeff to get his technical framing. He and I both
had some questions about the pipeline numbers, for example, where the 900 units of affordable housing are coming
from. I can refer you to him for more questions/updates on that piece since he had a lot of comments on the numbers
that I didn't have time to absorb and summarize.
See my comments attached in track changes, adding some nuance/questions.
To answer your big questions:
1. Does this document communicate the material and final recommendations in a clear way to people you think will
look at it (10 people contributed so wed like to be sure it flows in a sensible way)? Well, yes, but the writing style is a
little uneven and at times oddly informal (Jeff also noted this). It's a little unclear who the audience for this document is,
and I think it will benefit from one more editing pass to smooth out the differences in tone; I tried to note places for this
to happen.
2. Does it strike a balance between being succinct and detailed? Yes, I think it's the right amount of detail.
3. Does the communicate the material and final recommendations in a compelling way that will inspire constructive
action? Sort of. On the one hand, I like that the report doesn't spend a lot of time laying out tons of statistics describing
the problem - we all know those stories, and the Road Map did that. I just think that the organization of the strategies
and sub-headings needs to be clearer and more consistent to make it easier to navigate. Some people will gravitate
towards the narrative, others to the graphics, so its great to have both - just make sure they are tied together, because
sometimes the graphics (like the one with all the 3-D houses) are a bit hard to grasp at a glance.
4. Are there simple things we could do to improve any wording or graphics? Much of the text in the graphics is too
small. Make the list of strategies just text rather than a jpg.
Hope this is helpful and thanks for the tremendous amount of work on this! (And THANKS for including that public action
stuff! I am most happy about the work and recommendations of the public lands group.) Of course, I wish that we
could push further on some of the tenants piece and the impact fee, but I know that this is not just an EBHO report. I
hope that CJJC will weigh in on the renters services question; I know there is a politically tight line to walk there but I'm
not sure it really does justice to how uneven the power dynamic is right now. I hope that in the discussion moving
forward, the needs of the lowest-income folks and those struggling to afford even substandard housing continue to be
brought to the forefront.
Thanks and looking forward to the next steps Gloria

On Thu, Feb 4, 2016 at 12:16 AM, Hood, Heather <[email protected]> wrote:

Hello. We would very much appreciate your review of the final draft of Oakland At Home: Recommendations for
Implementing the Roadmap Toward Equity From the Housing Implementation Cabinet which is attached. This
report summarizes this work from the fall, and incorporates the comments and conversation from our final Cabinet
meeting. If you would like to comment or dig into editing, please either mark up a copy and email it back or use trackchanges in the attached Word file no later than Tuesday, February 9th by noon.

The team is working on filling in some detail in the meantime. Your insights and suggestions on these questions would
be helpful:
1. Does this document communicate the material and final recommendations in a clear way to people you think will
look at it (10 people contributed so wed like to be sure it flows in a sensible way)?
2. Does it strike a balance between being succinct and detailed?
3. Does the communicate the material and final recommendations in a compelling way that will inspire constructive
4. Are there simple things we could do to improve any wording or graphics?
Please kindly respect the sensitive nature of this draft report. The Mayors Office is crafting a communications strategy to be vetted with other leaders- and the plan is to release the report on or soon after Thursday, February 11th. An
extensive appendix will follow later and all will be available on a website. Meanwhile, this week, the Coordinating
Committee will start shaping on a mechanism to ensure the strategies keep advancing.
Thank you for your interest and help in this phase. Excited to push on with 2016 priorities!

Heather Hood
Deputy Director, Northern California
Enterprise Community Partners
101 Montgomery Street, Suite 1350
San Francisco, CA 94104
[email protected]
direct line: 415.400.0973

Executive Director
510-663-3830 ext.322 | [email protected]
538 Ninth Street, Suite 200 | Oakland, CA 94607
Join our 500-member-strong EBHO family and build community power for affordable homes. Become a member or
renew today at
Celebrate EBHO and learn how to take action in 2016 at our FREE Annual Membership Meeting and Celebration on
Nov. 4th! RSVP and Sponsor today!
Visit us at and follow us on Facebook and Twitter.


From: Margaretta Lin [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: Monday, December 14, 2015 9:38 PM
To: McElhaney, Lynette; Marqusee, Alexander G.
Subject: Fwd: FW: Tomorrow - Ellis Act Ordinance amendments at CED Committee

FYI--see below for my preliminary thoughts--just got this from Oliver.

---------- Forwarded message ---------From: Margaretta Lin <[email protected]>

Date: Mon, Dec 14, 2015 at 9:35 PM
Subject: Re: FW: Tomorrow - Ellis Act Ordinance amendments at CED Committee
To: "Luby, Oliver" <[email protected]>, "Kalb, Dan" <[email protected]>, Olga Bolotina
<[email protected]>

Thanks Oliver for sending this to me--I wasn't aware it was happening. Very glad that there's some activity occurring. I
have the following preliminary observations for your consideration:
1. The relocation assistance amount of $8,500 per unit seems low given the housing costs in Oakland and nearby cities,
as well as based on the standards in other cities. It would have been good to have seen a comparison chart of the
different City standards and the median rent costs. Also, many of the comparison city standards were enacted several
years ago, i.e. Berkeley's $8,500/unit requirement was enacted in 2007, and may be in the process of adjustment given
the severe housing crisis occurring across the State.
2. In the Oakland Housing Equity Roadmap that the Council adopted on 9/30--thank you Dan for your leadership!, we
had recommended that tenant relocation terms be standardized across different forms of eviction sources--condo
conversion, Ellis Act, Just Cause, Code Enforcement. It's been very confusing for residents and City staff to know what
the different requirements are. I'm wondering why only Ellis Act is being addressed.
3. In the Roadmap, we also recommended that staffing from the City Attorney's office be increased to enforce the
current and new tenant relocation laws. Hoping that gets enacted soon, since as your office deeply understands, even
with great laws in place, the City still needs the right type and #s of people to educate and enforce our laws.
All the very best!
On Mon, Dec 14, 2015 at 5:19 PM, Luby, Oliver <[email protected]> wrote:

From: Luby, Oliver

Sent: Monday, December 14, 2015 5:13 PM
Subject: Tomorrow - Ellis Act Ordinance amendments at CED Committee

Hi all,
You probably already know about this, but, in case not, we wanted to make sure that your organizations were aware
that Oaklands Housing Department staff have brought forth proposed legislation amending Oaklands Ellis Act
Ordinance. Heres the title:
Adopt An Ordinance To Amend The Ellis Act Ordinance O.M.C. 12530 C.M.C. To (1) Extend Relocation Payments To All
Households Regardless Of Income; (2) Set The Base Amount Of Relocation Payment At $8,000 Per Unit; (3) Require An

Additional Payment Of $2,500 Per Unit For Units With Tenants Who Are Seniors, Disabled, Low-Income, Or Families
With Minor Children; And (4) Require That Half Of The Payment Be Made When The Termination Notice Is Given And
The Other Half Of The Payment Made Upon Tenant's Move Out
It will be before tomorrows (Tuesday, Dec. 15) CED committee meeting at City Hall, which starts at 1 pm:
Oliver Luby
Policy Manager
Office of District 1 City Council Member Dan Kalb
City of Oakland
1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza, Suite 226 Oakland, CA 94612
(o) 510-238-7001 (d) 510-238-7013 (e) [email protected]
Click this link to subscribe to Council Member Kalb's newsletter.
Another world is not only possible, she is on her way. On a quiet day, I can hear her breathing.
Arundhati Roy
Margaretta Lin
The Dellums Institute for Social Justice

Educate + Mobilize + Create Change

January 29, 7-10pm, Impact Hub Oakland
[email protected]
Another world is not only possible, she is on her way. On a quiet day, I can hear her breathing.
Arundhati Roy
Margaretta Lin
The Dellums Institute for Social Justice

Educate + Mobilize + Create Change

January 29, 7-10pm, Impact Hub Oakland
[email protected]


Olga A. Bolotina, Chief of Staff
Office of District One City Councilmember Dan Kalb, City of Oakland
1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza, Suite 230, Oakland, CA 94612
Direct: 510-238-7240
[email protected]
Click this link to subscribe to Councilmember Kalb's newsletter.
Report A Problem | Public Works Agency Call Center | (510) 615-5566 | [email protected] | Mobile app:SeeClickFix
----- Forwarded message ----From: "Kitty Kelly Epstein" <[email protected]>
To: "Bolotina, Olga" <[email protected]>
Subject: Housing Emergency resolution from John George, Post Salon, Wellstone and other orgs and individuals
Date: Thu, Mar 10, 2016 11:15

Dear Olga,
I understand that you are interested in a digital copy of the resolution on the Housing Emergency which was scheduled
by the last Rules Committee at its meeting last week.
The resolution is attached. My contact information is attached if you have questions

Kitty Kelly Epstein, PhD

[email protected]
Host of Education Today KPFA 94.1
author of Organizing to Change a City (2012) Peter Lang


From: Kitty Kelly Epstein [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: Thursday, March 10, 2016 11:09 AM
To: Marqusee, Alexander G.
Subject: Fwd: Housing Emergency resolution from John George, Post Salon, Wellstone and others
Hi, again, Alex,
I sent the resolution. If we need a meeting, we can get together a few people from the various organizations
My contact information is below:
Kitty Kelly Epstein, PhD
[email protected]
Host of Education Today KPFA 94.1 author of Organizing to Change a City (2012) Peter Lang


From: Jill Broadhurst [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: Wednesday, March 09, 2016 2:50 PM
To: McElhaney, Lynette; Wald, Zachary; Marqusee, Alexander G.
Subject: Fwd: new rent control report

Hi Alex, Zach and Lynette

Thank you again for the time yesterday, Wayne and I both appreciate it. I wanted to share this report with you,
commissioned by CAA, and done by Christopher Thornburg, Beacon Economics, who will be speaking next
week at Oakland's Chamber breakfast. I would love to have you take the opportunity to ask him a follow up
based on this compelling report- supported by numbers.
Please do let me know your thoughts and lets continue the conversation.
Jill Broadhurst
Executive Director
East Bay Rental Housing Association
3664 Grand Ave, Suite B, Oakland 94610
[email protected]


From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: Monday, March 21, 2016 12:44 PM
To: Brisbin, Alessia; McElhaney, Lynette; Marqusee, Alexander G.
Cc: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]
Subject: Moratorium - Addendum Document
Alessia, Alex (& Lynette)
Please include the attached document for the meeting on Wed -- which hopefully will finalize the Moratorium
Since the purpose of the "moratorium" is to pause the windstorm of harmful actions, thereby to permit ameliorative
programs to be developed and put in place, the community coalition has developed and submits the attached
"Addendum" of suggested actions City Council can consider.
The Addendum can also be discussed at the Wed meeting.
On behalf of the community coalition
James Vann, 763-0142


From: bgeiser [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: Monday, March 07, 2016 10:41 PM
To: Landreth, Sabrina; Byrd, Michele; Taylor, Connie; Parker, Barbara; Roberts, Brenda; McElhaney, Lynette
Subject: OTU letter to the City regarding Rent Adjustment Program and Housing Residential Rent & Relocation Board
To the addressees,
Please view the attached PDF for an update on issues regarding the Rent Adjustment Program and the Housing
Residential Rent & Relocation Board.

brian geiser, on behalf of the

Oakland Tenants Union
Apologies in advance if the conversion from Corel WordPerfect to a PDF gives the appearance of intermittent half-spaces
between letters.


From: bgeiser [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: Monday, February 01, 2016 9:29 PM
To: Kalb, Dan; Guillen, Abel; McElhaney, Lynette; Campbell Washington, Annie; Gallo, Noel; Brooks, Desley; Reid, Larry;
Kaplan, Rebecca
Cc: DL - City Council; Schaaf, Libby; Office of the Mayor; Roberts, Brenda; Parker, Barbara
Subject: Tues Feb 2 5:30pm - Oakland City Council mtg - Remove item 7.11 RAP HRRRB appointments from the consent
Oakland City Hall
1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza
Oakland, CA 94612
Attention: Councilmembers:
Dan Kalb, district 1
Abel J. Guillen, district 2
Lynette Gibson McElhaney, district 3
Annie Campbell Washington, district 4
Noel Gallo, district 5
Desley Brooks, district 6
Larry Reid, district 7
Rebecca Kaplan, at-large
Libby Schaaf, Mayor
Barbara Parker, City Attorney
Brenda Roberts, City Auditor
Regarding: Tuesday February 2 Oakland City Council Meeting - Remove Item 7.11 RAP HRRRB appointments from the
consent calendar
From the Rent Adjustment Ordinance:
8.22.040 Composition and functions of the Board
C. Terms and Holdover.
1. Terms. Board members' terms shall be for a period of three years beginning on February 12 of each year and ending
on February 11 three years later. Board members shall be appointed to staggered terms so that only one-third of the
Board will have terms expiring each year, with no more than one Board member who is neither a residential rental
property owner nor a tenant, and no more than one rental property owner and no more than one tenant expiring each
year. Terms will commence upon the date of appointment, except that an appointment to fill a vacancy shall be for the
unexpired portion of the term only. No person may serve more than two consecutive terms.
2. Holdover. A Board member whose term has expired may remain as a Board member for up to one year following
the expiration of his or her term or until a replacement is appointed whichever is earlier. The City Clerk shall notify the
Mayor, the Rent Program, the Board, and affected Board member when a Board member's holdover status expires. Prior
to notification by the City Clerk of the end of holdover status, a Board member may fully participate in all decisions in
which such Board member participates while on holdover status and such decisions are not invalid because of the Board
member's holdover status.

What the mayor is proposing is il-legal. Both proposed appointees have already served two complete terms - one as a
so-called "neutral" (non-renter or residential rental property owner) and the other as a residential rental property
There are over 400,000 residents in Oakland. Roughly 40% are not residential renters and their wages tend to be double
or triple what the typical renter household in Oakland earns. These two categories should be the easiest to fill. The
mayor can surely find two NEW responsible candidates
Past experience will suggest that neither the city staff or the city attorney will give good advice on legal issues.
brian geiser


From: bgeiser [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: Monday, January 25, 2016 3:13 PM
To: Kalb, Dan; Guillen, Abel; McElhaney, Lynette; Campbell Washington, Annie; Gallo, Noel; Brooks, Desley; Reid, Larry;
At Large
Cc: DL - City Council; Schaaf, Libby; Office of the Mayor; Roberts, Brenda; Parker, Barbara
Subject: Tues Jan 26 1pm - Oakland City Council CED Cmte mtg - Item 5 - HRRRB amendments - vote NO
To the addressees,
Please view the attached PDF for a detailed response to the proposed amendments to the Rent Adjustment Program's
Housing Residential Rent & Relocation Board.
brian geiser, on behalf of the
Oakland Tenants Union
Apologies in advance if the conversion from Corel WordPerfect to a PDF gives the appearance of intermittent half-spaces
between letters.


From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: Sunday, March 06, 2016 6:14 PM
To: Marqusee, Alexander G.
Subject: Bullet Points re: Proposed "Renters Upgrade" Initiative -- Filed Thurs, March 3 with City Clerk

Hello Alex
Pardon for being so late getting back to you, but as writer of the ordinance and a number of balls moving very
fast simultaneously the past week, its been hard to keep up.
These are some bullet points of the proposed new rent ordinance:

The new ordinance revises the present ordinance (a last minute decision to avoid it having to be a charter
initiative which requires many more petitions)
Modifies the composition of the Rent Board to reflect Oakland's population (presently 60% tenants); thus 4 of 7
board members must be tenants.
One rent board member from each of the 7 Council districts. Members serve max of 2-3 year terms.
Incorporates the "just Cause Ordinance" into the rent control ordinance to form a comprehensive, coordinated
"rent stabilization program."
Extends "just cause" eviction protections to all buildings, including new and future residential units -- as permitted
by Costa-Hawkins..

Exempts 2-unit dwellings (duplexes) from both rent control and eviction protections, where owner occupies one of
the units
Due to Costa-Hawkins (until repealed), residential buildings after 1983 continue to exempt from only rent
Sets the rent as of 31 Dec 2016 as the "base rent."
Permits 60% of "CPI-all items" as (automatic) annual adjustment.
Permits that owners who claim that CPI adjustment denies them a "fair return" may petition for hearing to obtain
adjustment to restore "fair return."
Maximum rent increase in any 12 month is 5%. 5% can be extended to future years if necessary to restore "fair
return" to owner.
Tenants may challenge an owner petition; or may petition for "downward adjustment" based on "loss of housing
services" or habitability violation.
Petitions have 3-year statute of limitations; appeals have 1 year limit.
Board will maintain an accessible file of the "legal rent amount" for all covered units.
Board will provide language translation services when requested; language assistance cannot be used against
Rent Board hires own director, attorneys, hearing officers, and staff -- all staff remain under city's civil service
Vastly expands duties of the rent board
Provides legal assistance services for both low and moderate income tenants and owners, upon request.
Requires funding and implementation of the "Tenant Protection Ordinance."
Provides for administrative, injunctive, and civil remedies

The "Renter's Upgrade Initiative" is promoted by a coalition of Oakland renters, clergy, teachers, homeowners, city
workers, small business owners, and landlords and seeks to severely reduce displacement, and greatly strengthen fair
and equitable protections for Oakland tenants and those most impacted by the Citys catastrophic housing crisis. Oakland
families and voters know there is a raging crisis, and that it is past time to take steps toward a comprehensive and
effective solution.
A recent poll of likely voters in Oakland found that over 80% of voters agree that the cost of housing in our city is a very
serious crisis, and well over 85% agree that as a city, we must do more to protect tenants and long term residents of this
city from the type of abuses that are displacing families at an alarming rate
We respond by coming together as a community to lift up tenants with the Renters Upgrade Initiative Our solution is
straightforward and is consistent with similar laws and regulations in cities across the Bay Area. The goal of the Renters
Upgrade Initiative is to finally take proactive and doable steps toward confronting the unrelenting rental and housing crisis
that severely impacts the lives, physical well=being, mental heath, and domestic security of every family in this city.
James E Vann, cofounder
Oakland Tenants Union


From: Jeffrey Levin [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: Thursday, December 10, 2015 4:33 PM
To: Marqusee, Alexander G.
Subject: City relocation requirements

Hi Alex Following up on our conversation today. Here's a summary of existing housing relocation policies in Oakland:
The City has several different ordinances that provide some minimal level of assistance to tenants who are displaced by various
actions. These include:

1. Condo Conversion (OMC 16.36.040) - prospective tenants who are not provided with proper notice of a pending conversion are entitled
to relocation benefits of up to $500 for moving expenses and up to $500 for first month's rent. The law also requires a "Tenant Assistance
Plan" but doesn't require any specific amount of assistance for tenants displaced by a conversion.
2. Ellis Act (OMC 8.22.450) - an owner who "goes out of the rental housing business" must pay relocation assistance to any lower income
tenant who is displaced. The relocation assistance is equal to two months rent (in the current unit).
3. Code Enforcement Relocation Ordinance (OMC 15.60): Tenants who are evicted due to code enforcement actions may be eligible
for relocation assistance provided by the owner. If the owner doesn't provide it, the City is empowered to do so and then lien the property
(in practice, this is is limited by the lack of adequate appropriations). Relocation assistance is 2x the HUD Fair Market Rent, plus $200
moving allowance.
4. SRO Demolition/Conversion Ordinance (OMC 17.102.230). Covers demolition or conversion of SROs in commercial zones, and
conversion of apartments to non-residential use in commercial zones. Relocation benefits of one month's rent or $500, whichever is
These are badly out of date and inconsistent.
All of these benefits are wholly inadequate to help a displaced tenant find suitable replacement housing, and are FAR less than what would
be required if the displacement is caused by a publicly-funded project. (For federally-funded project, the Uniform Relocation Act requires
the difference between current rent and rent for a comparable unit in standard condition, for 42 months. Can be paid in lump sum. Also
includes assistance finding a unit and moving expenses. State law requirements are similar).
Jeff Levin
Policy Director
510-663-3830 ext. 316 | [email protected]
538 Ninth Street, Suite 200 | Oakland, CA 94607
*NOTE*: I am generally in the office only on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday,
so I may not be able to reply to your e-mail right away.

Join our 500-member-strong EBHO family and build community power for affordable homes. Become a member or renew today
Visit us at and follow us on Facebook and Twitter.


From: Woo, Winnie

Sent: Tuesday, December 01, 2015 12:28 PM
To: [email protected]; [email protected]; Gia Casteel-Brown; Tabitha Tapia ([email protected]);
[email protected]; [email protected]; Byrd, Michele; Shannon, Sylvia; Cappio, Claudia; [email protected];
[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; Diane Whitehouse
([email protected]); Hood, Heather ([email protected]);
'[email protected]'; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected];
[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; Greg McConnell
([email protected]); [email protected]; [email protected]; Ranelletti, Darin; [email protected];
[email protected]; Sawicki, Mark; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; Moss, Tomiquia;
Ordaz Salto, Karely; Josie Camacho; Rosa Advincula ([email protected]); [email protected]; Kalb, Dan; McElhaney,
Lynette; Guillen, Abel; [email protected]
Cc: Bolotina, Olga; Broyard, Erika; Gerard, Jennie; Chen, Jessica; Marqusee, Alexander G.; Simons, Adam J.; Henderson,
Maria A.
Subject: Dec. 2 Housing Cabinet Meeting

Sending on behalf of Claudia Cappio.

Please find the attached agenda for the Dec. 2nd Housing Cabinet meeting that will take place in the mayors conference


From: Jill Broadhurst [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: Tuesday, February 16, 2016 10:57 AM
To: McElhaney, Lynette
Cc: Marqusee, Alexander G.
Subject: Ellis Act Relocation Ordinance comments
Good morning LynetteI wanted to send you my points, as you requested last week, regarding this piece of legislation that I believe will harm
small property owners who have no other choice but to go out of business due to their financial situation. Please recognize
that we are NOT San Francisco, speculators are not running rampant on our streets looking to oust people. What we have
in Oakland are people who can not afford SF and are coming here to build their future, or owners who are helping their
family members. There is nothing wrong with that, in fact, this type of a resident will build more community and positive
change that is long term, much longer after this market goes south.
1- $2500 per month number from Zumper is the asking rent for a new,vacant apartment. It is not the average for existing,
rent-controlled apts (which is 90% of Oakland's housing stock). While CM Kaplan referenced going rents vs, the rent
currently paid by the renter, please remember that all other increase owners have endured this year and last can not be
passed on to the renter. So while she claims the market should dictate the renters compensation, the owner remains
trapped with a fixed amount of rent and increasing expenses, including now, this lump sum. It just doesnt seem
2- Give consideration to the LENGTH of time a tenant has lives in the apartment prior to being asked to move? Why is a
single man in the tech industry being paid the same base amount to vacate after living their less that one year and a
working family living their for many years be paid the same? Their should be a minimum number of years of residency to
obtain relocation money- perhaps 4 years? And the amount should increase with the length of tenancy to a maximum as
3-Base relocation amounts should be less and the bonus amount for seniors, disabled and etc. should be more. Ordinary
tenants, especially well-to-do and recent arrivals, should get much less.
4- EBRHA has not seen the form that the city attorney was to create concerning a no-contest eviction. This form should
have language that states NO ONE can be left in the unit, including a friend, guest, relative, or squatter. The final payment
must be contingent on the unit being delivered VACANT, all keys returned, and no damage of any kind, based on the
move-in worksheet or like document upon beginning of tenancy.
While some of these specifics seem really detailed, these are the very things that cost owners lots of money, stress, and
I would appreciate it greatly if you can email me back with your comments or call me with any feedback. Unfortunately
this item is last on the agenda- can a request be made for moving it to the top of the list?
Jill Broadhurst
Executive Director
3664 Grand Ave Suite B
Oakland CA 94610
[email protected]


From: Thao, Sheng

Sent: Wednesday, December 30, 2015 6:11 PM
To: Marqusee, Alexander G.
Subject: FW: Re: Rent Board Amendments

Hi Alex,
Per our earlier convo. Heres what was emailed over to Connie regarding staff being aware of the rent board ordinance
Hope this will help, thank you.
From: Thao, Sheng
Sent: Wednesday, December 16, 2015 11:55 AM
To: Taylor, Connie
Subject: Re: Rent Board Amendments

Hi Connie,
Please see attached regarding what is being scheduled at Rules tomorrow for amendments to Rent Board per our
earlier conversation. Also, when is the best time for Vice Mayor to call you regarding relocation assistance item?
Sheng Thao
Office of Vice Mayor Rebecca Kaplan
Policy and Communications Director
City of Oakland
1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza, Suite 243 Oakland, CA 94612
(o) 510-238-7008 (d) 510-238-7082 (e) [email protected]

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