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Anchor Handling and

Towing Operations


Anchor Handling and Towing


Table of Contents

Purpose ..................................................................................................................................................... 3

Scope ......................................................................................................................................................... 3

Responsibility, authority and accountability ......................................................................................... 4

[Description ............................................................................................................................................... 5

Stability .............................................................................................................................................. 5

Operations ......................................................................................................................................... 5
Equipment checks ...................................................................................................................... 5
Bollard pull .................................................................................................................................. 6
AHT winch emergency stop ........................................................................................................ 6
AHT quick release ...................................................................................................................... 6
Mechanical wire stopper ............................................................................................................. 6
Record keeping ........................................................................................................................... 6
Training ....................................................................................................................................... 7
Personal protective equipment and working practices ............................................................... 7
Maintenance ...................................................................................................................................... 7
Winch emergency release systems maintenance ...................................................................... 7
Wire stopper emergency release maintenance .......................................................................... 7

Emergency towing ............................................................................................................................. 7


Emergency towing booklet ................................................................................................................ 8


Emergency towing procedures .......................................................................................................... 8

Records ................................................................................................................................................... 10

Related documents................................................................................................................................. 10

Terms and definitions ............................................................................................................................ 10

Review, approval, revision and identification of changes ................................................................. 10

Revision 00 . Original date: 01.05.2012. Revision date: N/A.

Procedure prepared by: BOMMI QHSE Manager Approved by: BOMMI Managing Director

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Validated by: BOMMI Quality Representative

Anchor Handling and Towing


1 Purpose
This procedure is intended to provide guidance for safe anchor handling and towing operations. It shall be
read in conjunction with Anchor Handling and Towing (AHT) Manuals, procedures, international procedures
and specific procedures provided by clients.
Anchor handling involves a number of special marine operations. The high tensions experienced in chains
and wires may cause high heeling moments, high transverse and/or astern movements of the anchor
handling vessel. The vessels motion through the water may also be affected by high hauling speed on the
anchor handling winch or as a result of any loss of bollard pull. The vessel may be pulled astern at speed by
the tension in a heavy anchor arrangement. Any simultaneous loss of thrust (for any reason) on the vessel
may lead to a rotation which could considerably affect extra transverse forces. Environmental conditions may
also influence the operations. For these reasons the vessels stability needs to be closely monitored.
Operations on deck involve other hazards such as slips, trips, falls, crush/pinch points, the handling of heavy
equipment and various other areas that all personnel shall be fully aware of.
Teamwork is essential to safely complete anchor handling and towing operations.
It is not possible to describe every situation (as all jobs are different) but general Procedures for stability and
anchor handling/towing operations are provided in this procedure.

2 Scope
This procedure is applicable to all Anchor Handling and Towing vessels within BOURBON.

Revision 00 . Original date: 01.05.2012. Revision date: N/A.

Procedure prepared by: BOMMI QHSE Manager Approved by: BOMMI Managing Director

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Validated by: BOMMI Quality Representative

Anchor Handling and Towing


3 Responsibility, authority and accountability

Managing Director has the responsibility, authority and accountability for:
a) Ensuring this Anchor Handling and Towing (AHT) Procedure is implemented on all applicable
b) Ensuring AHT operations manuals and/or procedures are developed and implemented;
c) Ensuring AHT vessels are provided with specific, necessary and suitable equipment for conducting
safe AHT operations;
d) Ensuring AHT vessels are correctly and adequately crewed to safely perform AHT operations;
e) Ensuring Vessel specific stability software, including AHT scenarios, is provided to all AHT vessels.
Vessel Master has the responsibility, authority and accountability for:
a) Implementing this AHT Procedure and ensuring compliance with the requirements;
b) Verifying that correct manning levels are in place; that crews are familiarised and suitably
experienced to safely perform AHT operations;
c) Ensuring that the AHT gear, system and equipment is maintained and operational;
d) Ensuring that the towing gear, even when supplied by the client, is in good order;
e) Ensuring that the towing gear is visually inspected upon delivery of the tow;
f) Providing input to assist the development of vessel specific AHT operations related to the vessel its
installations and equipment;
g) Ensuring that the vessel stability software includes AHT scenarios and that such scenarios pertain to
the vessel characteristics.
h) Ensuring the implementation o this procedure.
Contracts Manager has the responsibility, authority and accountability for:
a) Monitoring compliance with this procedure and liaising with the Master to best ensure all practical
means are addressed to support the Master executing his/her duties.
Operations Manager has the responsibility, authority and accountability for:
a) Ensuring that the requirements and expectations for Anchor Handling and Towing Operations are
communicated and implemented onboard all vessels under his/her jurisdiction.
Client Satisfaction Process Owner has the responsibility, authority and accountability for:
a) Ensuring compliance of this document to the related Corporate Client Satisfaction Process

Revision 00 . Original date: 01.05.2012. Revision date: N/A.

Procedure prepared by: BOMMI QHSE Manager Approved by: BOMMI Managing Director

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Validated by: BOMMI Quality Representative

Anchor Handling and Towing


4 Description
4.1 Stability
This section shall be read in association with Vessel Stability Procedure.
Stability of the vessel shall be checked prior to starting any anchor handling and towing operations. In
addition to sailing condition, stability calculations shall consider worst case scenarios. Printouts of these
conditions are to be displayed and available throughout the operation and reviewed as soon as there is any
event which may change the vessels condition.
Any criteria in the approved Stability Booklet shall be adhered to.
Prior to sailing, a document shall be displayed on the bridge, visible and available to all deck officers on duty.
This document shall show the acceptable vertical and horizontal transverse force/tensions to which the
vessel can be exposed, including a sketch of the GZ curve and a table of the tension/forces that provides the
maximum acceptable heeling moment. Calculations shall show the maximum acceptable tension in
wire/chain (including transverse force) that can be accepted in order for the vessels maximum heeling to be
limited by one of the following angles:
Heeling angle equivalent to a GZ value equal to 50% of maximum GZ;
The angle of flooding of the work deck (the angle that results in water on deck when the deck is flat);
15 degrees.
The calculation shall then be made to show the maximum force from the wire/chain, acting down at the stern
roller and transversely to the outer pins, which would be acceptable without taking the vessel beyond the
angles stated above.
The document to be visible and available shall also show the maximum force in the wire/chain as well as the
point where the lateral force is assumed to be applied (towing pin/stern roller. The maximum vertical pull on
the wire/chain shall not be such as to exceed those limits given above or to exceed the SWL of the roller.
If deep water work is planned, weight on the stern roller can be hundreds of tons, which may be applied at a
distance off centre line according to the set-up of the towing pins. This shall add to listing moments and stern
trim. This condition usually results in a reduction of stability and the deck edge is immersed earlier as the
stern trim increases.
Before any ballasting operation is carried out the operator should be aware of the immense effect on stability
of having any tank slack, particularly transverse roll reduction tanks. Consideration shall be given to the
maximum listing/heeling angle which would be acceptable during the operation.
To preserve stability by reducing the risk of flooding, all watertight doors which open onto the main-deck and
give access to under-deck spaces shall be kept closed during AHT operations. All such doors shall be clearly
marked accordingly.

4.2 Operations
4.2.1 Equipment checks
Prior to starting any AHT operations, a navigation package is usually installed on the bridge. This displays
information such as the current and/or proposed anchor patterns as well as any pipelines, cables and other
subsea obstructions on the seabed. Positions are given in Northings and Eastings, so are not transferable
to radar or electronic charts using Latitude and Longitude.
Deck equipment shall be checked, a good supply of punches and hammers are needed, and some
breakages of these could be expected, especially with Kenter links. Buoy lassoes, for recovering buoys from
Revision 00 . Original date: 01.05.2012. Revision date: N/A.
Procedure prepared by: BOMMI QHSE Manager Approved by: BOMMI Managing Director

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Validated by: BOMMI Quality Representative

Anchor Handling and Towing

the water shall be inspected when they are needed, along with boathooks, and plenty of split pins kept
readily available.

4.2.2 Bollard pull

Masters shall ensure that the vessels bollard pull is adequate for the proposed job. Allowance for any
reduction shall be made when considering bollard pull available during a job. Detailed information shall be
available in the Vessel Specific Anchor handling Manual. Maximum bollard pull is achieved with the cable
right astern, rudders (or equivalent) amidships.

4.2.3 AHT winch emergency stop

The Emergency Stop shall stop all winch pumps and hydraulic lock motors.
Vessel specific procedure shall be developed onboard relating to the winch emergency stop devices. This
procedure shall also address the winch emergency stop operation during simulated black out.


AHT quick release

To release undesired tension, winches are fitted with emergency release mechanisms. These are not
instantaneous releases but allow a fast payout of the wire from the winch drum. Where a quick release
system is fitted on any winch, vessel officers and other personnel as applicable shall be familiar with the
operation and effect.
Vessel specific procedure shall be developed onboard relating to the winch emergency release devices.
This procedure shall also address the winch emergency release operation during simulated black out and
function testing on a periodic basis.


Mechanical wire stopper

The vessels crew shall be instructed in the procedures for emergency release methods and a notice posted
on the bridge giving information vital for the operation of emergency winch stops, releases and hydraulic
Vessel specific procedure shall be developed onboard relating to the wire stopper devices. This procedure
shall also address the emergency release operation during simulated black out.

4.2.6 Record keeping

The recording of events and retention of logs is of great importance to all operations; these records are vital
in the event of any investigation or damage claim. Deck logs shall be updated frequently. A bridge notebook
may be used for recording times during the operation and the main points transferred to the log when
convenient. A detailed log of all relevant times shall be kept, these should be in addition to normal logkeeping and include but not be limited to:
Handling of any pennant;
Anchor on or off bottom;
Anchor on roller;
Movements of work-wire when grappling;
Any damage noted to equipment and which parties informed of damage;
Chasing movements.

Revision 00 . Original date: 01.05.2012. Revision date: N/A.

Procedure prepared by: BOMMI QHSE Manager Approved by: BOMMI Managing Director

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Validated by: BOMMI Quality Representative

Anchor Handling and Towing

4.2.7 Training
Familiarity of personnel with all relevant on-board systems is essential. Personnel new to the ship shall be
given a ship-specific induction which shall include, in addition to safety matters, any parts of the anchor
handling equipment which they may encounter during their assignment to the vessel. Every opportunity
should be used to give officers the chance to learn to handle the ship and winches safely. Occasions when
there is less intensive workload, e.g. spooling wires in port, may provide good opportunities for training.
Training requirements may, on occasion, require that personnel move to a more suitable vessel. Where
appropriate, training courses shall be identified and used as a base for continued onboard training.

4.2.8 Personal protective equipment and working practices

Approved PPE and safety equipment, including inflatable life vests are mandatory and shall be utilised. In
cold weather, consideration should be given to wearing buoyancy suits.
When breaking open Kenter links and doing any hammering, eye protection is needed. Safety harnesses
shall be available if needed.
Working hours shall be carefully monitored to ensure that no person exceeds their statutory limits and that
hours of rest are adequate. Fatigue should be recognized as a hazard and periods of rest shall be adequate.
Sufficient experienced crew shall be made available to allow for this.

4.3 Maintenance
4.3.1 Winch emergency release systems maintenance
Maintenance and testing of all winch emergency stops and releases shall be as per vessels planned
maintenance system. All such maintenance and testing shall be documented.

4.3.2 Wire stopper emergency release maintenance

Maintenance and testing of all wire stopper and associated emergency systems shall be as per vessels
planned maintenance system. All such maintenance and testing shall be documented.

4.4 Emergency towing

These procedures should be considered as part of the emergency preparedness required by paragraph 8 of
part A of the International Safety Management (ISM) Code.
The towing procedures shall be maintained on board the ship for ready use by the ships crew in preparing
their ship for towage in an emergency.
The crew shall have good knowledge of equipment stowage location and accessibility. Any identified
improvements to stowage arrangements shall be implemented.
Crew dealing with an emergency situation shall be aware of power availability required for winches and tools,
as well as for deck lighting (for bad/low visibility and night time situations).
Both equipment on board and available procedures shall be reviewed.
The ability of the ship to be towed from bow and stern shall be evaluated, and the following items should be
Line handling procedures (passing and receiving messenger lines, towlines, bridles);
Layout, structural adequacy and safe working loads of connection points (fairleads chocks, winches,
bitts, bollards).

Revision 00 . Original date: 01.05.2012. Revision date: N/A.

Procedure prepared by: BOMMI QHSE Manager Approved by: BOMMI Managing Director

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Validated by: BOMMI Quality Representative

Anchor Handling and Towing

The on-board tools and equipment available for assembling the towing gear and their locations are identified.
These should include but not be limited to:
Line throwing apparatus.
The availability and characteristics of radio equipment on board should be identified, in order to enable
communication between deck crew, bridge and the towing/salvage ship.
Unless the safe working loads of connection points are known, these loads shall be determined by an
engineering analysis reflecting the on-board conditions of the ship.
The evaluation shall be performed by persons knowledgeable in towing equipment and operations.

4.5 Emergency towing booklet

The Emergency Towing Booklet (ETB) shall be ship specific and be presented in a clear, concise and readyto-use format (booklet, plan, poster).
Ship-specific data shall include but not be limited to:
Ships name;
Call sign;
IMO number;
Anchor details (shackle, connection details, weight, type, etc.);
Cable and chain details (lengths, connection details, proof load, etc.);
Height of mooring deck(s) above base;
Draft range;
Displacement range.
Comprehensive diagrams and sketches shall be available and include the following:
Assembly and rigging diagrams;
Towing equipment and strong point locations;
Equipment and strong point capacities and safe working loads (SWLs).
A copy shall be kept at hand by the owners/operators in order to facilitate the passing on of information to
the towage company as early as possible in the emergency.
A copy shall also be kept in a common electronic file format, which shall allow faster distribution to the
concerned parties.
A minimum of three copies shall be kept on board and located in:
The bridge;
A forecastle space;
The ships office or cargo control room.

4.6 Emergency towing procedures

Ship-specific procedures shall be identified during the ships evaluation and entered accordingly in the ETB.
The procedures shall include, as a minimum, the following:
A quick-reference decision matrix that summarizes options under various emergency scenarios,
such as weather conditions (mild, severe), availability of shipboard power (propulsion, on-deck
power), imminent danger of grounding;

Revision 00 . Original date: 01.05.2012. Revision date: N/A.

Procedure prepared by: BOMMI QHSE Manager Approved by: BOMMI Managing Director

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Validated by: BOMMI Quality Representative

Anchor Handling and Towing


Organisation of deck crew (personnel distribution, equipment distribution, including radios, safety
equipment, organisation of tasks (what needs to be done, how it should be done, what is needed for
each task);
Diagrams for assembling and rigging bridles, tow lines, etc., showing possible emergency towing
arrangements for both fore and aft. Rigged lines shall be lead such that they avoid sharp corners,
edges and other points of stress concentration;
Power shortages and dead ship situations, which shall be taken into account, especially for the
heaving across of heavy towing lines.

A communications plan for contacting the salvage/towing ship. This plan shall list all information that the
vessels Master needs to communicate to the salvage/towing ship. This list shall include but not be limited to:
Damage or seaworthiness;
Status of ship steering;
On deck power systems;
On-board towing equipment;
Existing emergency rapid disconnection system;
Forward and aft towing point locations;
Equipment, connection points, strong points and safe working loads (SWL);
Towing equipment dimensions and capacities;
Ship particulars.
Evaluation of existing equipment, tools and arrangements on board the ship for possible use in rigging a
towing bridle and securing a towline.
Identification of any minor tools or equipment providing significant improvements to the towability of the
Inventory and location of equipment on board that can be used during an emergency towing situation; other
preparations (locking rudder and propeller shaft, ballast and trim).
Other relevant information (limiting sea states, towing speeds).

Revision 00 . Original date: 01.05.2012. Revision date: N/A.

Procedure prepared by: BOMMI QHSE Manager Approved by: BOMMI Managing Director

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Validated by: BOMMI Quality Representative

Anchor Handling and Towing


5 Records

Emergency Towing Booklet

Vessels log books, inclusive of rough logs, notes related to AHT duties etc.
Vessels Planned Maintenance System.

6 Related documents

Ship specific Anchor Handling and Towing Manuals

B-GDL-03.0007 OSM Guidelines
Emergency Towing Procedure
Vessel Stability, SMS Section 6
Statoil Best practice Safe Anchor Handling and Towing of Mobile Offshore Units - (CD). Note: If CD
in above reference is available, just insert it in the CD reader and it shall be automatically activated;

7 Terms and definitions

Anchor Handling and Towing
Anchor Handling Tug Supply Vessel
Emergency Towing Booklet
Righting Lever: when an external force heels the vessel, the centre of buoyancy / centre of gravity are not in
the same horizontal line and a horizontal distance exists, with buoyancy returning the vessel to a level,
upright condition (the righting Lever GZ)
ISM Code
International Safety Management Code
Personal Protective Equipment
Safe Working Load

8 Review, approval, revision and identification of changes

Reviewed by
(job title)

Approved by
(job title)

Validated by

Revision 00 . Original date: 01.05.2012. Revision date: N/A.

Procedure prepared by: BOMMI QHSE Manager Approved by: BOMMI Managing Director

(N and date)


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Validated by: BOMMI Quality Representative

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