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Pressurization Test Of Fuselage (Leakage Checks) After A/C Abnormal Operation Or

Repair - Adjustment/Test
Test for Leakage in the Repair Area at a Dieren%al Pressure of 4.06 psi (Task 05-53-00-780-001) or 7.97 psi (Task
Warning : do not open the doors while the red warning light flashes. If the red Warning light flashes, remaining
pressure could cause the door to Open suddenly and could kill or cause serious injury to persons or cause damage
to the aircraft.
Warning : there must be two persons in the cockpit during the pressurization Test. As If a change in pressure has an
unwanted effect (pain, noise in the Ears , headache, or other) on one person, the other person can Adjust the
pressure to avoid injury.
Warning : do not open or go near pressure-sealed doors when the aircraft is Pressurized. A pressure-sealed door
that opens when the aircraft is pressurized will cause explosive decompression & can kill or cause injury to persons
and/or cause damage to the Aircraft/equipment.
Warning : make sure that:
Only the persons necessary for the pressurization test are in the aircraft during the test.
The persons in the aircraft are in good physical condition.
Be careful when you control the pressure. Sudden changes in pressure can cause pain and injury.
Note : The pressure test that follows is only necessary after the repair if the repair procedure in the SRM or in the
repair instruction directly tells you to do it.
Put the absolute pressure indicator/digital indica%on/sensi%vity 1mbar(0.01PSI) and the vertical speed
indicator in position in the cockpit.
Warning : do not let the cabin altitude change too fast. Sudden changes in pressure can cause injury to persons.
Warning : make sure that the differential pressure is not more than the value specified for this test.
Warning : do not use the ECAM displays to read the cabin pressure parameters (cabin differential pressure, cabin
altitude, cabin vertical- speed) during this test. The pressures used in this test are more than the maximum limit of
the related pressure sensor. When these pressures become more than the pressure sensor limit, on the ECAM
display the cabin differential pressure indication and the cabin altitude indication will continue to show these limit
values & the cabin vertical-speed indication is no longer correct. If you do not know the correct cabin pressure
values, you can make unwanted changes in pressure that can cause injury.
AirBus recommends short action on this switch (do not hold the switch in the UP or DN position) & that you monitor
the cabin vertical speed indication to prevent sudden changes in cabin pressure.
Note : The cabin vertical speed must not be more than 500 5.min (152.39 m.min) & the cabin pressure increases to
value A (Pamb + Required Pressure by the task).
On the CABIN PRESS section of the panel set the MAN V/S CTL switch to DN and release, the switch moves to the
neutral position. Do this operation several times. This closes the outflow valve.
With the MAN/V/S CTL switch in the UP or DN position, keep the pressure stable at a pressure of value A.
Apply the leak-detection soap solution to find leaks.
On the CABIN PRESS section of the panel With the MAN V/S CTL switch, decrease the cabin pressure until you
get a differential pressure of 0 psi.
After the cabin is fully depressurized, fully open the outflow valve.
For Pressurizing using AIDS do the following (Task 05-53-00-780-001- 01) & (Task 05-53-00-780-002- 01):
On the MCDU, get access to the AIDS: PARAM ALPHA CALL-UP page.
Enter the alpha call-up code:
Make sure that the static probe covers are not installed.
Do the ADIRS start procedure
PDC, (1), (2) to show the cabin dieren?al pressure
VSCB, (1), (2) to show the cabin ver?cal speed
OVP, (1), (2) or OFVP, (1), (2) to show the ouAlow valve posi?on.
Then do the same procedure as the previous task.

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