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JAN 26 2016

Ti ME:



Seattle, WA





JAN 27 2016



Re; CV16-00046JC


The States Attorney and/or

The Most Senior Assistant U.S. Attorney
700 Stewart Street, Suite #5220
Seattle, Washington 98101-1271
Fax # (206] 553-0882

From: Wylde D. Williams, Jr.

2003 Glasgow Drive
Dothan, Alabama 36301

January 23rd, 2016

Federal Clerk's Office {Att: Johanna}

Gus J. Solomon Federal Court House
700 Stewart Street, Suite #2310
Seattle, Washington 98101
U.S. Attomey9s Office**
700 Stewart Street, Suite #5220
Seattle, Washington 98101-1271
Fax # [206J 553-0882*






Federal Bureau of Investigation

l lJO 3rd Avenue
Seattle, Washington



JAN 27 2016

Dear Federal Officers of the Court and Investigating Authorities:

There currently exist pending before this Honorable District Court for the United
States' 9tJ1 Circuit, Seattle, Washington a civil action, case number identified as CVI6-

00046JC. The heading; for which this case action is styled under has been recorded in the
Federal Clerk's Office as a "Complaint For Declaratory Judgment" by individual Jon C.
Carroll; identifying himself as a legal resident of said county and state in seeking this
Honorable Court's favorable ruling for bringing forth before a jury for determination.
At issue, for the purpose of this official letter is the Plaintiff's access to this court's
jurisdiction, founded on fact based supporting facts and evidences. This official letter in
itself will not represent the validity in total the weighty merits required being brought
forth before this Honorable Court, at some later date realizing the Plaintiff's filing
had been disingenuous-and misleading; on the surface, the court had no reason to know,

could not have known, that the Plaintiff while listing his photojournalism experiences and
accomplishments, giving the appearances of international connections, has obvious

chosen to delete from making known before this Honorable Court that at same time he is


actively engaged in his personally self owned-operating publishing blog, located and
licensed in supposedly Henry CoW1ty, Alabama with a Abbeville, Alabama Post Office
Box No.

This personal information never appears anywhere within the content of plaintiff's
complaint before this Honorable Court, whereas, first, raising concems/doubts validity
for this Honorable Court's jurisdiction; secondly, because plaintiff left suspfoiously from
this Alabama area latter 2015 to whereabouts unknown; later was understood headed for
Canada, to supposedly avoid being served legal docwnents that resulted from Civil
actions filed. Standing is qualified as result of plaintiff's decision to deliberately name
within the filing of this civil action author of this letter by name, but far more troubling
the fact that this filing has intentionally Jed this Honorable Court to believe that all within
documents' nanatives~ descriptions, listings, examples, and displays have been lawfully
and legally obtained, which in fact is not correct, and furthennore not true; giving any
average minded person the impression for purposeful deceiving and deceptions of this
Honorable Court. While the author of this letter writes on]y in his sole behalf and his
alone; although via a telephone conversation recently another individua1 listed in this
plaintiff's case filing before this Honorable Court can be identified as one Ms. Jacque
Bargoon, advising of her too having had docwnents removed by p]aintiff; others, this
author having no knowledge of.
As the author of this letter I have only within past few days learned ofthis
plaintiffs filing of this civil action's information from a local, Alabama, source; why,
you may ask is any of his filing a concern of mine? I had never known of, never heard of
the plaintiff before late swnmer 2015; and then only through a friend who had heard


about him through his daily/weekly local/area bloggings and thought I may want to call
on him for a meeting to discuss the possibilities of helping me with a book I had written.
He was told over the phone before our fitst one on one meeting that I had been fallen by a
disabling sttoke, and that all my materials for my book had been dropped over time and
that I needed help organizing and editing. He advised me that he was sure that he could
help, and where he couldn't he knew enough people that could. Talking back and forth
over telephone a few times, I was lead to believe I could trust him especially since never
having met him before, and continuously reminding him of m y having had a stroke and
confined to home, and my wife's worry for my continued involvements. From those first
few telephone conversations laid ground work for first afternoon meeting at my residence.
This ftrst meeting, with a friend who he had brought with him, we talked on my front
porch for about 45 minutes, give or take. Originally wanting to audio and video me, I told
the plaintiff from the start that making of any audio or video was not going to be allowed
or authorized. Plus to reinsure my position because ofmy stroke, health problems with
short~term memory lost at 72 years old, hard of hearing, that he was not authorized to
audio Ol' video; anything done without my expressed and written in advance authority
given him would be a violation of my trust, to which in every visit, then, and theteafter he
agreed to honol' to the fullest; I believe all total visits to my residence there were four.
His actions at. subsequently resulting from plaintiff having been at my residence
late swnmer 2015 is now the bedrock qualifying sound statements evidences addressed

within this official lettel'. First and foremost I write not for me first as an individual, but
to the greater contrary; the protection of other's. friends or not of mine. rights to lesal and

lawful opportunities to benefit from my years of efforts to make their stories known since

before 2002, and not to be profited off of after their having suffered, endured years of
tragedies, and traumatizing emotional depressions resulting from their families suffering
from murders, beatings, imprisonments, and the list goes on.
But, the anchor of al] the accumulations of years of infonnation, interviews.
evidences gathered by not onJy myself, but my friend and attorney the Late and
Honorable Brian W. Dowling beginning Swnmer, June 1997, paralleling FBI tri-states
gambling raids; eventually involving both ofus in litigations tied to illegal drugs,

government corruptions, involving upwards to $7,000,000.00 criminally embezzled from

local business; additionally important would come to cause to the resurfacing of unsolved
assassination of [black] Dothan Police Narcotics Detective Sergeant Robert Jackson,
from January 31 11, 1978, by 2002 before fallen by stroke, but after Brian being found
mUl'dered along side roadway ditch, and both our mend and attorney, parHime municipal
judge the later and Honorable Jennifer Atwell having been found dead in bed in less than

65 holll'S after having ordered the issuance for me of 30 subpoenas that would have a
direct bearing on the exposing continued cover up involving Mr. Dowlings murder too.
Within same month I had my stroke August 2002.
The litigation between the plaintiff and defendants are for their resolving and not of
this author's concern; but it is of most panunount and urgent that this Honorable Court
does move forthwith denying plaintiff, for now and evermore any/all his
agents/associates/partners present or future use in the narrative, audio, or video
communications' forms any referred to, described, listed, or displayed examples obtained
from the residence, for any plaintiff's purpose[s], of this official letter's author.

While true, and I realize, this letter may not be the proper legal document vehicle

for any individual to become a party to this civil case action, it is the well planned
intention of same to participate as "a friend of the court" via Americus curiae in an effort

contributing to the protecting of this Court's Honor, Esteem, Integrity, and Public Trust;
defined within the U.S. Code Title 18, of Part I, of Chapter 101, for Section 2071:
"CONCEALMENT, Removal, Mutilation generally", ref 62 Stat. 795 June 25111 1948
2071 (a); Whoever willfully and unlawfully conceals, removes, mutilates, obliterates,

or destroys, or attempts to do so, or with intent to do so ......... filed with any clerk andlot
officer of court of the United States ........"

Therefore qualifying, in fact the compelling of both the Seattle's 9111 U.S. Circuit's
U.S. Attorney's Office and Federal Bureau oflnvestigationjurisdictlons to intervene into
plaintiffs motivation for singling out this particular court, in lieu of court within
plaintiff's longtime established residence jurisdiction; and too, plaintiff's continuous day
to day operations of business commonly known to public as "The Henry County

Reporter", the U.S. 11 Ill Circuit Atlanta, Georgia; via U.S. District Cgurt for the Middle
District of Alabama loeated in Mont_gomer_y. Alabama only less than l 00 miles away
from identified and/or implied named sources referred to in plaintiff's filing.
The plaintiff has sought out the U.S. Court located the greatest distance from

making convenient and accessible the very parties plaintiff so freely names and from
whom claimed any and all infonnation and document copies provided plaintiff for
publishing his articles were so readily. freely, and never without restriction provided him
thus allowing plaintiff to have appeared before this Honorable Court without haYing ever
known of accwnulations of misrepresentations brought before thi:, Honorable Court via
this plaintiff's civil action's filing, and the W1derlying ulterior motives believed for



having done so regarding those others also, liken to same as author of this official letter.

In conclusion, the plaintiff not only makes known to this Honorable Court his
established residence, furthermore his continuing day to day ongoing blogging business;
but fails to make known to this Honorable Court that during plaintiff's second visit to

author of this official letter's residence that plaintiff did in fact, without this author's first
knowledge of, advance approval of, or even in the aftermath a subsequent awareness of
plaintiff having made secretly a clandestine video photo of author's person at his
residence. This author only learning of how been secretly violated of his trust placed in
plaintiff via neighbors co-workers seeing photo of author of internet and telling family
members. Plaintiff when confronted, agreeing to stop, not to blog audio/video of this

author, his private properties ever again wou1d soon be found out to be again
untrustworthy. While all during these same times this plaintiff was continuously seeking

from, to get any and all physical properties he could access. But after first incident with
photo, having been the third meeting, by the forth was obvious to plaintiff that no longer
cou1d be anticipated any further opportunities gain access to file copies for audio/video.

The last communication that this author had from plaintiff after refusing to discuss, to
agree to give RT an interview, after learning RT was "Russia Today"; and refusing to
again and again provide further documents, sent message~ MCome back down
(supposedly from Canada) there and beat his elderly ass." Please, assist in forwarding

copies to clerk's office and bW"Cau's office since they are without fax. Thanking you in

In the United States District Court, for the U.S. 9' Circuit, Western District of

Washington at Seattle

Jon B. Carroll, Plaintiff



John White
Carlton ..Bubba" Ott
Mike Magiino
Andy Hughes
Tony Spivey
Eddie Henderson
Rex Tipton
Keith Cauthen
Steve Parrish, Defendants




Complaint for Declaratory Judgment

Jury Trial Demanded

Civil Action Case #CV16-00046JC

Judgment filed in 9th Circuit for the United States


COMES now the petitioner by and through self representation before this
Honorable Court, not in seeking material and/or monetary damages via this court's
findings; but whose one and only purpose is not self centered and/or driven, but rather to

the contrary as previous years history will support; privately and publicly for those,
friends of mine, or either those having never been known to me before; for reasons, the
advocating of their equal rights, protections, and due processes, originally beaiMing
1997. By 1999 having joined small local activist group, C.L.A.R.A. [Citizens for Legal
Accountability and Refol'lll in Alabama], who likewise had same concerns as petitioner,
becoming even more engaged within an even smaller core of group which included about
10/12 individuals: A retired school teacher, a medical doctor, two attorneys, paralegal,
two small businessmen, a farmer, a retired serviceman, a county secretary, a college
student, and a waitress.

THE petitioner now moves this Honorable Court to deny any/all request for this
court's ruling in part or whole involving this plaintifrs Complaint for Declaratory
Judgment. Petitioner1s merits in these matters before this court are sound and qualified.
Namely, plaintiff does not list in his complaint that he is owner-operator of his business
"The Henry County Report'\ also affixed atop of posted articles plaintiff's personal photo,
located in Abbeville, Alabama with a post office box address. Plaintiff has come before
this court in such a disingenuous narrative presentation, now has caused or caused to be
caused of this Honorable Court to be under duty and obligation to demand of plaintiff to
be forthcoming with all, total, and complete facts, and truths plaintiff references to as

either indirectly or directly applies to this petitioner during few weeks latter 2015, which
at no time was told verbally, or given in writing to post anything plaintiff had access to
under petitioner's true beliefs and understandings were for the purposes in aiding in
organizing and book editing of past years experiences, before having been faUen by
disabling stroke and left handicapped, restricted to residence. The petitioner knows that

plaintiff has without authority or authorization made, taken, and/or removed physical
items and/or audio/videos made in secret without petitioner's knowledge at time. These
matters before this Honorable Court are more far reaching, and shouJd strive to avoid
being made "a fool''. The plaintiff has sought personal exposures, and now thru this filing
plans for pursuing personal material and monetary gains on the backs of others, without
their knowledge hideous pains. Claiming before multiple natiooal media sources that
plaintiff had hundreds of documents commands of this court to challenge plaintiff as to
validity and factuality of said statement[s] by publicly presenting before this Honorable
Court, and from whom, individually named persons, did plaintiff acquire and how so
much of others personal affaits.
The plaintiff dishonors those he so causally refers to, namely my

friend and.former third shift fellow police office, assassinated Dothan Police Narcotics
Detective Sergeant Robert Jackson, my longtime friend and attorney the late and

Honorable Attorney Brian W. Dowling, additionally others such as Sergeant Jackson's

lead investigator, Homicide Detective Sergeant Harold Locke, found suspiciously killed
result of traffic accident, seventeen year old teenage senior high school girl, Ms. Tracie

Hawlett, friend of Ms. JB. Beasley, both found murdered execution style Ozark,
Alabama, Ms. Tracie Howlett having been the first born, daughter, of my police academy
roommate Dothan Police Patrol Corporal Robert Hawlett, found suspiciously drown and,
but not limited to, the late and Honorable Jennifer Atwell, found suspiciously dead in less
than seventy-two hours after having ordered the issuance of thirty subpoenas tied to the
suspicious "hit and rim" homi(;ide ofattorney Brian Dowling and/or shptgun

ofOothan Police Offi

R .
zcer ober/ Jack.son. ttr oL-- .:~.,_


,. '-

U)M., ..,,...Ji.J.r!ij> 1i-..'J.I V luun}:S


to by name or either identities implied arc deserving, commanding, of this court's

compassion and protection from profiteering. lfthe plaintiff desires to make a public

documentary involving those unknown to him, until coming to petitioner's residence, the
petitioner moves the Honorable Court to order plaintiff to return to his home city/county
of licensed business and do so ethically and honorably. This petition,t h!! no vested

interest i!l the participation or ougome in this case action's decision between
plaintiff and/or defendants, for whatever their litigations; it. is each of theirs, the law

enforcement authorities and this Honorable to resolve.

PURSUANT to United States Court Federal Rules of Civil Procedures, specifically
Rule #24, Intervention, for purposes of petitioning this honorable court the qualified
filing of Americus curiae, ''friend of the court, someone who is not a party to a case and
offers infonnation that bears on a case, but who has not been solicited by any of the
parties to assist the court, a way to introduce concerns ensuring that the possibility broad
legal efforts of a court decision will not depend solely on the parties directly involved";
whose sole reasons designed to make known before this honorable court, true fact based

information/events otherwise will never be made known of before this court involving the
above styled recorded case number #CVJ6-00046JC.

"Puckett vs. Cox: [1972] 456f.2d 233; It was held that a prose complaint requires a
less stringent reading than one drafted by a lawyer, per Ju.srice Black in Conley vs.
WHEREBY> comes now the petitioner, Wykle D. Williams, Jr., at age of seventytwo years,

a stroke disabled legal resident of Dothan, Alabama by and through self

representation, prose, and with utmost respect beseech ofthis Honorable Court to move

forthwith in the ordering ofplaintiffto be publicly forthcoming thru oral/written

admissions provided for within Federal Rules ofCivil Procedures, outlined in Rule# 36,
"Request for Admission''; before this cowt him having had at sometime since 2015 with
aforethought[s] premeditated and subsequent intentional planning[s] motivated within

his person to achieve plaintiff's own self serving personal material and monetary gains as
a dil'ect and specific result thereof having aequired from petitioner petitioner's personally

owned/stored documents/papers/photos/materials/etc.
"JENKINS vs. McKEffHEN: [1959) 395 U.S. 411, 421: Prose pleadings are to be
considered without regard to technically, pro se litigants' pleadings are not to be held to
same high standards ofperfection as lawyers.
STANDING: Petitioner's standing in these matters before the court are qualified
and sound. Petitioner's issues before this court do not totally rest with either the plaintiff
or defendants, for their litigations are for their own settling. Petitioner's on the contrary is

different because of plaintiff's narrative[s] and references made directly and specifically

involving petitioner which on the legal merits have not beeri presented before this court in
a manner consistent with honor, integrity, ethics, and compassion when using for
journalism props others trust. This honorable COW't is duty bound, has an obHgation to

order, demand of plaintiff that he publicly admit wrongful/iUegal t.aking of petitioner's

personal properties; especially any and all in any unofficial/official capacities tied to the

shotgw:i assassination of police officer Robert Jackson, or any others whose names/info
plaintiff did acquire unknowingly from petitioner. Over this short period of time 2015
plaintiff did knowingly and personally engage in multiple violations welJ defined within
the State of Alabama Criminal Codes 13A- sections, namely "Larceny", [larceny after

three times being denied access to his equal rights filing either and/or city/federal

incident/offense reports. Letter dated June 1999, petitioner to AUSA Holmes before
October l 999 gambling trillls, still continuing to seek justice for son, to this date, denied!

Likewise information and evidences provided too via attorney Brian Dowling until his
murder April 13 1". 2000. Petitioner moves this Honorable Court, guided by its conscious
of the law, not to fail those seen as weak, of easy prey. and who cannot speak aloud for

themselves any longer, being made mockeries of by same who claim powers and
authorities promoting justice for all.

WHETHER in part/whole; no one item or more than one item[s) at anytime was
ever released to plaintiff in any fonns/styles for plaintiff's journalism operational care,
custody, or controls, or any other authorities to function in any official capacity; plaintiff
was told time and time again and again he was not given pennission, never authoriud to

make audio or video of petitioner's person; yet in direct violation ofpedtioner's trust,
plaintiff did in fact brazenly violate secretly petitioner's trUst and confidence by posting

on his blog pages and photos believed by petitioner to have been secretly videoed; and
furthermore plaintiff was without exception, resetVation told, more than one time that he

was not authorized, whether in audio/video tape fonns never to act in secrecy involving
petitioner/personal properties. Petitioner moves this court to order involving plaintiff lhe

public enforcing ofFederal Rules o_fCivil Procedures, Rule #37, "Failure to Make
Disclosure.s. or to Cooptr(Jte in Discovery Sanctions''.
WHILE at all times during plaintiff's movements did cause petitioner to become
trusting and taking plaintiff into petitioner's confidence. Plaintiff after having already
established origjnaJ contact with petitioner somewhere arowid about summer 2015 was

by that time fully aware in detail about petitioner's having endured a disabling stroke,
acrually even prior to plaintiff's/petitioner's first meeting, which had been established for
one primary and particular purpose; for their discussion regarding plaintiff's assistance in
helping obtain someone traveling out-of-state with journalism editing backgrowid
qualifications, from Australia for petitioner to help edit past twelve years of his attempts
to write a book, only to be denied due being handicapped and complicated because of

stroke's severities. Additionally plaintiff encouraged petitioner to continuously provide

fact-based documents that plaintiff's contacts with HBO was interested in doing a mini-

series docwnentary about isolated incidents/events petitioner having had for decades,
recent, a close/vested interest in; specifically the assassination of friend and fellow
law enforcement Dothan police officer Robert Jackson; none of which plaintiff had ever
been cognizant of previously) nor could have ever been undennines plaintiff's narrative
in filing, Complaint for Declaratory Judgment, Federal Rules ofCivil Procedures, Rule#

26, "A duty to disclose general provisions, government discovery"; when involving any
and all words, verbiages, punctuations, grammars, descriptions, mentioning, addressing,
referencing, and/or in any other styles or fashions not herein spelled out tied directly to,

and/or indirectly to the name of the deceased State of Alabama [black) Law Enforcement
Dothan Police Narcotics Detective Sergeant Robert Jackson; or his widow BiJlie Jackson,
or son Robert Jackson, Jr., or daughter Yolanda Jackson; or in fact any other individual
who by name was MOngfully ~uired by plaintiff unauthorized by petitioner. Likewise
as equally applicable any and all types, styles, and forms of petitioner's persona) physical
properties; but not to be overshadowed, occurring at any and all times, providing
originals of existing audio/video tapes made of petitioner with accompanying audio/video

copies attached avoiding future violations of petitioner's trust and confidence.

AS result of direct actions taken by plaintiff during plaintiff's approximate three
visits inside petitioner's residence operating in what can now only be concluded as
intentional clandestine routine(s] under guises/ruse to, after having once realized the
value and accumulative infonnation~ take advantage of petitioner, due his age and health
result of disabling stroke. At no time plaintiff ever fulfilling any promises/suggestions
him making available individual unknown to petitioner for book editin&i nor after having
believed to have apparently got all infonnation plaintiff could, no further mentioning of
HBO productions.

LONG before ending 2015. petitioner learning of him being used in

plaintiffs blog without ever any beforehand discussions. advance approvals; which
would have not been authorized anyway, plaintiff was notified by U.S. Mail to his
Abbeville, Alabama address, also faxed messages, and left telephone messages regarding
petitioner having discovered items plaintiff had in his possession, had never returned.
Likewise came to surface in plaintiff's blog[s) was petitioner's photo and information,
none of which were pre-approved, when plaintiff had been told since first meeting, told
on that occasion, afterwards he was not then ever authorized to audio and/or video for

public domain petitioner's personal properties.

TO further inflame petitioner's and plaintiff's straining several weeks old causal
relationship,just prior ending 2015 a petitioner's friend came to resjdence advising of
plaintiff's additional postings, a blatant violation of specific instructions, further
breaching of trust, beyond the pale; plaintiff had left the area headed for Canada still
refusing to return before leaving all items taken from petitioner's residence after trust, or

worst in violation of trust, rising to levc:l of theft. otherwise some of what plaintiff has
posted could not have otherwise come into his possession.
WHEREFORE. Petitioner respectfully request that this Honorable Court moves
forthwith in the issuing of an injunction for purpose of ordering plaintiff to make mute

either in audio and/or video forms, or via written narratives of same items; likewise that
this Honorable Court compel plaintiff to move without delay in presenting before this
court absolutely all documents, most specifically theil' origins, their owners, specific

itemized release authorizations, name of individual authorizing plaintiff's total care,

custody, and controls secretly forevermore, dates acquired, and whatever other pertinent
requirements this Honorable Court deems necessary for satisfying this court involving

these issues; same as, and/or similar in nature as read within the content ofplaintifrs
complaint; known examples, #16, #31, #76 [Q,U,R] E,G,H,M,J,L, AND #77 M,R; and all
other styles, follllS, examples regardless their being in audio, video, photo, or
written/typed evidences.
PETITIONER seeks not to intervene/interfere in any present or future planning by
plaintiff to continue and further expand his profession, photojournalism, to each his own;
just don't take advantage of those seen weak and vulnerable by gaining their trust; getting
access to private properties; when found out them being threaten, also having encouraged
them to give personal television interviews on TV station without ever telling them that

the 1elevision station RT is actually Russia Today after having many times given false
hopes of government interventions via formal investigations initiated by U.S. Attorney's

Office, Alabama Atrorney General's Office, Special Prosecutor, Matt Hart, CNN just

- - - - - - -------.......

trust] l3A-8-1 with accompanying subtitles: Definitions [01] Deception. Jtems A, B, C, D,

E, and F; [2) Deprive. Items A, B, D, and E; [06] Obtains. Items A and B; [07] Obtains
or Exerts Control, or Obtains or Exerts Unauthorized Control; [ I OJ Property. Tangible or
Intangible, the Location[s] Which can be Changed~ [12) Stolen. Obtained by Theft; [13]
Threat. Items A. F, and G; [14] Value. {Petitioner's Personal Book's} Market Value.

IN further support of petitioner's Standing, it is of weighty importance that thls

honorable court be made cognizant of petitioner's own son having been selectively

targeted for three criminal violations in Dothan. Alabama, since latest 1996 just before
January 1997 FBI/city police surprise multi-states gambling raids never, not once has my
son been able to file an official criminal incident/offense report to generate an FBI/CID

official investigation after him having been a premeditated target for Criminal
Impersonation, Alabama Title Code I JA-9-18, subsequently beaten unmercifully;
Assault and Battery, Alabama Title Code l JA-06-22, having his front teeth knocked out
and facial bone fractures, eye socket floor fractures damages, blurring visions. acute
lacerations, severe contusions, and significant abrasions; and before the gambling trial
due on October 1999 federal docket in Montgomery, Alabama my son was approached
by two bookies charged in the gambling cases and offered a $5,000.00 bribe, Influencing

a Witness, Alabama Title Code l3A-10124, to influence his testimony; their beliefs him
having been a victim tied to their illegal gambling operations could be called as a
government witness especially since him being CriminalJy Impersonated at their main
facility wa.s apparent, although cases Assistant U.S. Prosecuting Attorney, Ms. Ashton
Holmes refused him as witness; bookies telling him tell me stop writing complaint to city,
that it's making people upset. Strange, nobody ever been upset him being beaten; even hi

miles away from residence to do Hve interview, then was CBS, then was Senate Judiciary
Committee Chainnan, also representatives from the Hilliary Clinton Presidential

Campaign having an interest getting involved bringing national exposures, none of whom
ever materialized, just not the right way to treat people.


kle D. Williams, Jr.

ro se, by and through self-representation
2003 Glasgow Drive
Dothan, Alabama


[334] 793-7525
January 20th, 2016

Plaintiff: Delivery Certificate of Service Not Available, Mailing Address Unknown.

-~---- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --"

January 26th, 2016

Federal Clerk's Office

Attention: Ms. Johanna

Gus J. Solomon Federal Court House
700 Stewart Street, Suite #231 O
Seattle, Washington 98101


Dear Johanna c/o Federal CJerk's Office:
I have this late afternoon received your package we discussed over telephone from
last week's conversation regarding above mentioned styled ease number and plaintiff;
and too, situations warranting this courfs immediate attentions as to such weighty
circumstances to such extremes demanded you be contacted because of plaintiffs open

remarl<.s to those back in Alabama location that out there in that [Seattle] jurisdiction he
could find "a Jewish judge'\ obviously going to the heart of judicial shopping Wl.der false
Yes, judicial protocol is of a necessity and required, but matters gravitating as these

,. .--& .-a& ..,uw.aa ..:ra,a'l,la&. s.a,a,1,11...,.J,.,A


"'41,.H"' "-' JJIIV~L ua,.., ""121.M\..IU..1 VJ. Ul'-' ~UJI, 10 JG.lL



ca~l:1. fil~d."i!:lllrnffl-OB&RWo<EDmnemstlt 14ilela1Glll/0VI!i/1Ba~G 0052 53

done by "the grunts"; federal guidelines surely makes provisions for average, common

citizen's attempts "to do the right thing" to prevail in the best interest of the court, of
As of no later than this same date I have been notified of another bloggma posted

by this plaintiff, Mr. Jon C. Carron, which is specifically in direct violated, breach of
trust, revealing from his secretly video copying a private letter, unknown to this petitioner
during one of visits to petitioner's residence. !his particular blgggigg example, a !)'ped

letter to S/A Senior Supervising Apnt In Charge with name and address. but worst

or letteq' multiple page's content listing other indiyidu11!

names; but fir most sensitive within all the narrative are names of those who in
the up-redacted exposing

talking with tbl$ plaintiff. Mr. Jon c. Carroll. be bad been told of those whose
identities that would never be topics of discussions, for their own priyatjes and

safeties. yet this plaintiff knowing this did ewegiously wjth wantonness' negli~e
make public a petitioner's personal and private letter to a federal authority regarding
matter of public interest. This plaintiff during these visits operated under the guise while
pretending to take pen and/or pencil written notes for organizational reference purposes
while in assisting of this petitioner's book s pages for editing, being required of due
petitioner fallen by disabling stroke and unknown numbers of chapters in disarray, he
seized on opportunity when once realized of their inflaming opportunities, immediately
their sum totals for marketable values; has brought this petitioner's efforts now before

this court.
The official, and too private, documents at issue before this court, and as well as in
the public domain are factual and authentic; in part, of the whole official internal
investigation which was never obtained from this petitioner. Probably never known of
before this letter to you, yolll' office, this letter's date January 26111, 2016 with exception
of the known original I/A report ..ordered bwied" by Police Chief John C. White; there
has never been known of before the very first clandestine secretly made copy of this I/A

report, which took place during latter winter months into the year 2000. An attorney,
respe<:ted by their peers and having qualified access to officel'Sffacilities was voluntarily
provided documents' copies involving multitudinous incidents; which were immediately
hand delivered unto another attorney having equal interest. himself a member of small

Unconsciousable any defendant, required to appear before a judge during a pretrial

for their being assigned own court appointed attorney; when after ori2inally defendant
sought after, subsequentJy denied access to the very discovery which had caused
defendant's arrest and jailing; required of for self-defense preparation[s] in a mwticipal
court of no records; whereas, causing defendant thereafter to be compeUed to go before a
higher court for purpose court's assigning of defendant's court appointed attorney. Letter
to Alabama State Bar. that defendants are required to hire attorneys in ordg to aet
J}!PCrwork; letter to the Alabama Administrative Office of Courts, that defendants are
being denied discovery for trial defense PNJ!aration[s.] by prosecutors. Commonly
unknown pretrial court appointed attorneys lack of interest and aloofness to make known
their client before the court thru a vigorous defense and dynamic witness examination
and evidence[s] presentation[s]. Unlawful evidences and/or existence thereof: "The law is
clearly established that those tendering false infonnation to a prosecutor to believe he had
probable cause to prosecute when he did not violated the CoDf tutionaJ rights of the
defendant." Doe v11. State of Louisiana: 974 F .2d 36 {U.S. 5 Circuit]

Anyone claiming to have such a vested interest in ''The Due Process Clause" has to
look no further than taking the time to review public records applying to the State of
Alabama's Comptroller Office assigned for designated :records keeping and
reunbursements of fees and expenses for court appointed attorneys [indigent[s] vs. same
attorneys representations and fees and costs for same or similar docketed type cases;
therein nwnbe.-s speaks well for themselves. Washington vs. Glucksberg: 117 S. Ct.
(197) "The due process clause guarantees more than fair process; the "Liberty" it
protects includes more than an absence of physical restraints. The due process clause
protects individual "Liberty" against certain government actions regardless of procedures
used to implement them." Cutting W1bridled brazen plea deals by court appointed
attorneys for convenience of all other parties; rather than sole purpose of court, the
intended justice for defendant must surely rise to and above understood levels best
described within the Black's Law Book definition: "dump-truck lawyers". Rights to
Courts-Access: "Intentional obstruction ofan inmates' access lo the courts is precisely
1he sort ofoppression the JI" Amendment and section 1983 are intended to remedy. ~
right of access to the courts is substantive rather than procedural." Morello vs. J1mes:
810 F .2d 344 [U.S. 2d Circuit! 1987). Furthennore in support of aforementioned: ~The
Right of access to the courts is one of the priyiJe~s and immunities under Article IV. an
aspect of the Fitst Amendment, and fo1.U1ded on the Due Process Clause-" Smith vs.
Mosccber; 899 li' 2.d 940 (U.S. tolh Circuit) 1990]

The United States Constitution gaanntees alJ-individuals, as well as guards

against any indlvldual having been vfolted, denied of their Equal Rights, Protections,
and Due Processes'; additionally as defined within the cont.ent of Black's Law Book, a
defendant assurances of having a qualified fair and equal court appointed defense
counsel[s] addressed in definition; "The Strickland Standard" and exercising all rights
providing defendant's case defined in definition, "Scintilla RJes of Evidence[].

Jalj ,,, i"t1't




thy. 20, 2005

Nobody. wi..11


lr.ome. cold dait.k

kTLaw wlr.a.t lr.e.


tlii.nJ.ln.g, 111h.i.l.e. d.1tlvlng.,


d1ti.11Lln., 9an.u1tJ n.i.te Al, 2 P~

to /0 1'/ri 4.ltL{l tiui.p.fl.llle.n.t cortple.te.d.

Hi.,1. cu.' 4 pA.ObabLy.

fcad ,ju.4.t 4fa.1tte.d. wa.11.111.i.119- i.t.&. i.ntuloa g.ood..

Would. lte. have. bu.n. to hl4 f-avo1ti.le. it.a.di.o 4f4ti.on.,


thou1Jr.t4. of aciite.1t4 i.nvolvi.TLJ lr.i.4 01tk:

ILLe.iaL d1tu,4


To 1e.t mo1te. com/01ttahle. Aad lte., LLAe a.lot o/ e.n a/ie.1t.

ie.ttlnf off wo1tk 1 Loo4e.n.e.d


i.n. deep


ti.e. 1 4. knot and 4hi.Jtt c0Lla1t but-

01t wa.4. lr.e. ma1be. tlr.i.n.kln9- abo.ut hi.4 111i.fe.1 hl4 4.0n.

& dau1Ate.~

kn.0111ln1 W44 cu4toma1tv tlr.e.y.'1te. 1te.a.dv- foll be.J; tltou1A AOt a.4.Le.e.p

untll afte.1t hi.4 e.ve1t1 wo1tk-ni.te. 4.afe 1te.tu1tn lr.ome.?

Could Lt have been. po44.i.ble. tAt di.4tcin.t 1te./le.cte.d


Ai.4 1te.a1t

vlew mi.1t./lo1t di.dn.'t ie.t lr.i..4 cittur.tlon?




a pa11.ked vehlcle afte1t tu/lni.n1 off Rock~ b~cin.clr. ~oad onto Youn1
Ae11.lca DAlv& wi..tAout /lai.4ln1 anv- eau4e fo1t alaAm, noA 4oe. Aen4e

011. a~be. 1one. coaple.te.11 un-noticed



a paAked ve.hlcle ju,t be~ond neaA cuAve. Lagln.i ln walt cold
daAk Tue.4.aa, nlte app1toacnln~ tAe. ' ' o'clock nou4 wi.tA lt4. en1lne

i.d.Li.n.1 .d.Lle.n.tlj wAi..Le. e.d.a,u.t dl4.a.Lpati.n.~ .a.l.0111l1 tli.e. occupant.

d4Lve11. a.wai.tln1 anxlou4LI

/oA ,l~aL

to acce.Le.Aate. mhe.Aeh1 tAAu4t-

ln~ a Loni con.tlne.ou4 wAlte.-111.a,l4h flIIIJllLn1 4~oke. thAOUfA e.4.cape


looklni ln. dl11.e.ctlon o/ hl4 hoae ,oon ca,ae. lnto vl,euo Aou4e. 14 ,Ai..nnln1 b11.L1h~L1 4llLa11. to that of a 4&aaan'4 ,ho11.e

beacon iuldi.n1 hlM home. lnto 4afe.-lr.ci11.bo11..

Slowlnf du11.ln 1 ftl 4 ap

p11.aach to make 11.l1h~ tu11.n. oTLto d~lv~a~ what waA

ln~ the ca11.po11.t doo11. into hi.., home?

Ae tAi.nkln.1,


Aft&II. 4ioppc.d. dld he. 4lt a


mlnu.te loniett. 1l4ten.lAJ to 4adLo,

01t W44

Ae ~evlewln.i ln

hi.4 mlnd once mo~e iatlte.4lAJ ltl4 wok-da.,'4 tnouiAtA a/ ttt.nln.~ of/ vaAlcle.



la., lt

ioLni /1(.oa d1tlve. po4ltlon to


fUlck /La.4h of 6ackup Llte.4

04 a16e Al4 foot ~e.m.aved f4om

b4ake petal 4wltcA a/ i.n pa~keJ po,ltlon to Ai.m

4Uldln1 a AltnaL that wltAln a. nln.ute would place Al4 4ou.L ln a
.U.. /e.-daatlt 4ttt.u.19-Le.-----------111ltlclt 111ltltln. adJi.tlon.aL cou.pLe. o/
111.04a m[nute., wouLJ La4e.?

V/1,)at wel(.e hLt. tltou.1J,.t4 /04 ve.lti.. c.l..e. '4 ln.tulo1t. dootr.

han.dle. to ope.n., 4n.J whlle. exltln~ 4tandln.f u.p4l1ht tho4.e fe.w un-

ALoni 4lde of ve.ltlcle ~lth_doo~

known. to Alm hl4 La4t t!toufltt,.

open..e.d wlde he. 4food llhoue.tte.J a1aln4.t ltl, lto111.e.', po~clt-llte.

i.Ll.ut1ti.n.a.ti.on. a.n.d wltlti.n 111.i.lll4.e..co1'd4 wcu. ,ta.R.ln.g. 4fto-.t 11.a119-e.

doubLed-ha.411.e.L, ~I 4a.,ued-o/l 4hot1un u11le /l11.e. fLcuhe4..

04~iLnaLL, tAou1kt a paA4ini v.enlcLe'A 6ackfl1tln.1 hla fami.Lv

hea4d a Loud 1&l.l /011. hlA wlle. fUlcklv the11.eafte.11. ln a ,ound
Ahe. hoLte.d to dooa11. open.ln1


fln.d hiA Ai1tu11Lin1 io 1e.t to he~

and AtiLL cohe11.e.nt eaou~A .Aen eeln1


cAlld11.en to tu1tn awa~

collap4lni on. ca11.po11.t /Loo11. to avoid Al4 child1te.n wltnf!..IJ.alni Alm


He. die.d LA 111lfe'4 Lap aRd


awav f~o hlA cltlLJ4~n 1 4

vle.111 without eve11. 4pea.kln.i Au11.11.oundLd 61 ,Aotiun 1 A pelleted emhe.dd.e.J. wall.. 9an.a.u.a~v JI, 1978, Tu.u.dav- 10:40 'P/11
f/ di..d lte. know? he. u,

iatln.~ that andateJ Al, aA4a.A4lnatlon?




lte. lnve.4tl.-

At home l~ !11.ont of famliv?

Fo4 pa4t 27 ge.a11.4 who ha4 e.ven 11.eaLLv ca11.e.d, and ~A!J- not the.g?
N~co~lc 4 DLte.c~lve. S~11.,e.ant

~ate..4. 0/ Heavn Ce.m.eta4u DothaJJ,


Ro6e.~t l4Ck4on L, 6u4led in the.

ALhLa-a.. H

& W44 . ,


S to .t R.clv:url Sh. t>.L I,'/_

Pt CAM~cA St~cct Roo C-561
~ont,o&"V, lla.6a~a 36/0f
i,o.,e.n~tt Bo6 'iU.l~v
600 uute." A"a"uc
f:ont10~&4j, l!aba~~ 36130
II. S.

!'tu11. o//'-t publJ.. up1tu4,!,'/ c~nee.ttn.a. an.ti cop1u4lo,u.

/-.J1t. /Q.~U; a/ ~ la&Wtla.

f""'-4&1U01t.ttrv a.n.:I 4cut

fen-z.~u 1'4 ~.,_t.Q.[e.~ l!ollo!./Jt1j l..a I ru.t.J


a.n.d /(l~h."'-" -t. ;-.."le./ wlille '.l.trJa.i.t.ln.;;.



ln;. ;.ua.ude.,! Ir.ope. a.n..J pu:;e.u. tl,.e.~ 1 Ll





Aa, ..

elo4u1t~ tAi.44


r.1othu, .._



/ ,

44:e ~~tu~tt

.Mi11lo1J4li o1ll cttlmi.nal. ar.t..t1. f 4il,,uLrl a._!01t111.en.U.o,a&J bv th ..

ca..u.J 1//e.c.t.eA

IILa.6a.:rii.a.n.JJ. can.not be a.Jd,te.u.~.r!


CfJ-T!, Jl1e.n. 01.&.,u.


c.:d,4.Hltf uttC011rJ.111n.l1 tuai.7u"- cru.e4 !t1J.11l11; '

)on.-. un11.He.11,./,A .~i :1<>u1t r,!/Lcu ,.1m11 q11'1.U.. /v,,s. f.u

!:i.l,i.nie.44-4 11.,d {JU{l.i.c. co11,4l,../e1t.a~lon.4 6e.


~~C~4~n ~4~A4ln~l~~, ?J



1~t.Ule.1 an,.J



t,Hu ~'luri.L

t.e,,. .f.?... ,.

Janua~9 JI, !97~ N4COflc:4 'o!leL r.t&etlv~

/f:4 .1.8.

6v i'""' o//lc.u,

s~-,e~nt R~b~,t

tit.ic::C:.e Pa,111..~u 6ot.~ IJ ,A.l.;la 4C.lt1Jol

ll.on 4 t.J,J,Lrt.,

6 p-eu4


NJt to 6e. thau;At JL,11.~4p&ct!ul 1 n~it ~lm,Aln~ valu.&



Lo44, ~"~ fiet~ctlv~

bot.It f~1t.l 'A

pt.1.11.?.rt.t.a i&r1i1

Jac4,on 1 4 wLJow



~nJ too

l1u.,s. iuuvl11;i., 1u.e. (:l,t,ca1114tanc:e.~,( ;t1u1t

pu6Llc appea11.ance4 calLLn3 (011. ~o~& lnl~pth p~~tleLp4tLon, 6i

adeitci}.~'t.~.~~.,: 11._;,t.lia


'i+P tittul).j~





lnve.4ti, 7 ati.o,1.I

" "~l [ l..r.tflH.

, w. :J,1-e !.
l' . UJL




Tna Ho4a1&6la RLcAc4d SA&Lb1

{' .S, S&n11to1t 1 Stat& r,/ t'l.l,&1..a.

N11t~LLLa lnten4tLo~aJ. ~!4tt
1000 ~l&n. Haath Boulg~a~~ 120127

Hunt,~lLe, ~l& 3582

D..~. s+.toA JA&J.6,,

Jou1t &J/tp1tu.e..J C:0/lC:UiU. a.1ti conp.u.Lon..& /01& , ...a, o/

Al.a.&11aci: t&CJt.<af&4 '1,. N11t11le.1. HolJ.01111 tzu. p1&ci..4uod.la1 a1t,J
111~"t JLo.61...
i.rr.; a.,11c,lo11. ...

/Jrt.!a.t.ltoadl.s. ,h..t pu.t.1t.t. '

t, '"''


111/,,l.L 11111r1Lt .., of tAL&.t d11,,g.Atc.1&; n,/ too tnl~c. t.. ..


,,., wL~A
ko? 11~/ p,&1&4 tne,'lL 4.00~ /LAJ .-..olvc
~1 A~ve. clo,uc tALt cnlld', ,af& 1ttu1tn.

C4~cu1ut.a,u:u. ~t11u.011ra.r!Ln1


NoLLolH.f ' dL4t1.pp&u.41&ct.

ca,u. ""i.f"" 4n.,/ co"'"'"tt." a.lL t1vU1J.b.!e u:pe1&tL& ""' ~011 ,~a"&
~e.1ua,ta~. botha.n !~1l& 1t.<tJJipt1p& 9ulv OR, 2005 1 nit, the da14
corr.tlnK& t~

r ~ ., ..


6.c~e Lnc1&&4.a.ln,i,


i..n.v.t4.ti.,.citi.:,I\ n.i lf.C.<1.che.d a. <lt1.a'1 tt.,ad. ,'I

tlte. 181 'to 6aco1u an actlv&

L~ ~ !ull and 4.U~4tantlv~



(tf(, ,ac, -rli..4.u.4p&r:.t a.Jtr/

tht t~~



n. 111'i,OLfl~- Ln.11u.ti.~4ti.;Jf!" ~lch41t~ S~elb~.

all v,uc.nca utuade.d to Hol.l.r.11111.:,

.~ul..L, be.cm114:. o/ 1utt1.u u11l.1uie.n.&4..t tlas.u. uL,t toq 1en.l.iu1t.

f ,a

e1,ue.4 un.11uol11,1,I

26 , 1.u-4 <1n../ 6 1u:.u u.4pia.otfu.ll.!J, ,1 bl.Qt:.'t

:P,., Na.1tcdti.C.t le.t.& S&4f&c."it 1

a.11.d 2 t&&114J,,& 17




ti4.44.&.&i.11atf.,i Ln. 111i./e.t./l

oLd 1C.. l4 ,nu,cd.,,,. .. -1 ue.cutLcul ,t,.l.e.

tA .ta.44;,/tt..,1& o/ a1totA.e.t poi.Lee. "//i..c&1t ccv,_. '1ut /04

/a.l1t a11d tt,fu.l u.i~c.t. >1u1t o/,!Lt:& 1 .t Ln-!ccc.4.t 11.nrl


//~1.. I).




C:,i wn..11111~






.-~tcA, ~.1.H D, '', f111.,, thlu .,'11.lu1'1>-.

, I .tr. ..


~ '
i 4 ~e~~

an, ~tt~4nc1 h~ londc4bL~




JuLv, II, 2005

T11.~ /lon.011.46Le. Tru.11...J
J (!.f ,u.-a11t.t Lv!!. 2 n..f lJ i..t t11. l.e t, S tclt.e. o:~ A4.'1.oama
3500 t44ta11.n ouL&11~1ti G250

/.;ont;!J111t.. 1t:h AL~6e1nf4


i t.p.tU&Jl tJat






to c:01tcLa:fa vou.11. t>// I

Sene1to11. S~e.J..b~', LnvoL11Ln~ t11.~;l~



e.1ut.t.L4 ,.,,._'

di..a.appca11.~nc~ o/ ALaba

~ .... HoL/.r,wa.:1. O,.u. {),MJ&l.f' tltoug.n 4.t11.4LL gcAu. Loud.Ly. ;

Senato4 4icon~ll.n4 /0,1 11.e..aaLv~. W& too a4& anLt~i wi.t~ S-1lato,1 14 caLL

lie. m:oie.

t,~u-t. fi,1,;, pu11lii..nj, 4'.JCpe11.tl4& y.e.t. P"-"l"""'~d, avoi.d-

i..11..l "-"If pc.!lc.e}'t,i..1'rt4 o/ ina:lve.1ttc.11c~4.

ile.11; u& Illa.A/I !"i..Li.u. he.,ut4 1

,iu"ti.n.; c:r.ichii.ti.)i~ a.11~ llUJ.t 1 cont.L!l4!.i,u.a. anxi.01.u1te...u

/off. /IJ.s.. Ho.LLowaJ '_. ..4.a.,l.e.

11.etu11.n ho,& 1 ,~d cL04u11.e4 / tlr.i. 1tlJhtmczA&l4h &v~nt ~4& da4.e.4~Llli'o/
' ~I




,~'r,w Mtudl.n.9.

pa.ica.n.t.1 1



aLl co,.u.te.1.!t, .te.4.p~ct, en..J


a,d /1tLe.11.J.,_ we .u.-11,u.,t 1',! 1ou11. ",~/i.aM





i.4te11t!.4t, c:on-

C?.t/14 1

t:tJ1r1p-1~'i.on.4 Joi..n.Ln9- wi.tA Se.n.ato,1 S!te..lh:1, ucoulf.afi.1L9' St!.1ta.Co,1. :J,,_{:'.'

.Se.44C:.o,u, ala, wi..tlr. ~ove,1no.t 8ob 'hll.e..11- wla1J luu too 6u.,i con:t.a.ctll.d c.a.l.1\
i..n.,,~ lo1t f&J 4 .'&qua../. pcutlc.i.paf.i.o,i.4 t.tR.i.fU& Un.C.ORll:101& UllU,ufve.J

.Stat,z. ol
' Alt&6f.lllla. e4,4~,1,, a.LL lea.11ln.a.
, on.,z. cor.amc,n de.nomi..n.a.to1t 1 /.QJJJ ur./o,
1\, /JO!!.tttlv& Sug.e.a.n.t "l'r1Li.ce. r>// 7?ooe4t Pa.clu.on. tU..4a.44i.lltite.J 26
.;:,~cu4 a;a ll,





i.n wi.}e. 4 at,-A..


;l.B. Ra.a.4J.c.:1- a.n.d /!;-,..

i.1& t1tullk o/. va.lai.c.1.e. r.1u1td11.,1ul ue.cutlon 4f.~L& 6

N;,,!ewottt.hJ fli.o.. '.t. /a.tit.~tt

,1J.e.(.' ,t11.l)wn.l1tf}~U1td1.11.


/e.l.LoUJ poLi.ce.

4U4{'i.<!t.OU,4 C:LllCU!IU.tiz.nc4c.,

111!MJ- i.nvoLvi.n.j. de.a.tit. o/ 6!.:z.c,~ m.a.n., Co1t.pol\aL

.~ It



IZA Wa4 / Q.C,~40~

/fi 1




'JJltla 31.ekun., Ai.m.-

da.v4 p11.lo1t. t.o 1"""d.



noh&At , lllf ;,:e. Aca-!(l..81,;

/ Q.lll.i.L, 4half. ln.,; r:.n. I, t.n. tit n.d OU/ e,i


911.l1 /] 1 200$
Tlt'f. i!an.qca.61.a. l4L ~1&1&. S,.ltlt
.St~t~ S&1i~to, St&t& ot ~La6--.

'labaac StAt ', 7);.C

I I I So11tA U11l.1t ,t,ac.t

f::on:t1-oe.1ty 1 .~.laiua 36106

. '

iJ t.u Suat -S.. u.A,


'.1e. U-f~~t
' ....


I/Le to jl.n. a,Lt.,\ U.S. SM&to ',.11.i Slttll>v

:uid C0aatt4Lct , ..... Llit~--~t, cncac"-1; Clld co-,44~~-n.,& ,n... oi~,4~ ike

.iu .c.t, rz.11([1cLe.f





la.~l&& l~LLa1,


11.s,e,1:!4 tli.t1pf'&~1u1.Act. 4/


S&ll4t' S~alb1'~ po~ttLoA c&;

.~u llla&e.

~Bl , ptut.LcLp11.tl11a.



,up&di.U. t1t1i1..l; L11.

Ala6a.a:i t4,.:.~-


tAu.c. cit.ta."~

1t.-.&ttLetlo,u, l.l lf&Lla&lc cu,~t, ~- t:44is

to i.e..,& citfL1'11&L1&J
ao1t11t.Lnp. &1u.
. ..

d~fl.6 ~ Holl~4i' /t111Ll1 a.\ e.,cp&clfl.tlcLA~t UtJ.Ao~A t~ p~bltc


u"'"'e..ui1uhlti g.Lf . S1t; ju,t.tLc.c. //IILJ.L .f.ttcvLve. 6&Ln.g.Ln.g.. 1t.u.,lve. tuz.d


wLth A4. H~llo,x,.v'4 ~,~



Sutoc ~SA-.lh1'" u..Juv-ttlf..t "" ... 4r,rpp~1t.t f1t.o,11. a!l.
rH<%6"4L'IZll4J ~n.1t/;ue



tlitt f ,-ou ,J 11Ln.



.o~i,.:ie.., Lllu.1.ii,.,1.f!. ou.- tuut n.11U.f Lt:.flll.01t,a of r,ov-u,.,.11: 9,,1, ?i.J.&fi- 1 flcpu.
,uJttatLve , ....., ., .... ~ti!, a.tt4 11.s. S&1t11to11


Se.wi.o,u., a.nd too /;aitJlt

t.:'.n,u.t~... Soiucl.l. a.11./ ~4fO-lc::.e.t Pat Tho..u

l,cte.n.tlln.;, 411. c,11 ... te,t}I, 11.11.d .tt&."e.u.nea
/a.lfli..Lr;. c.rid

f ";,..,,cJ4


<'..l'?.euet, co1'~&c11, o.nd




zti.a,u into 2~ I""" v,11u.,1.0Li;,A

.r' ii.011. t


.. Ji~- 1...:2.. ro_ U.ea Co1t,;.1:111a!. ;l:,!,-:-_.J.._


, .,

1 ,

a.f !J11.&111.a.n.tlt>r,.-..rJ. t.h"l. <l~,,1.:.!.

9/ .,i1,coti.c4 ,/c.ta.eUv!t.

Siit ..

,1t~:it.t.-t un,u.,ulvf!...I 4.'e~ctt,. l.04 .. t.:;led A&.tt.t-1. ~;1.,1


..,ryt7,,., 1./U.,,,
._;-~''l,.'3. '-'

/!;4. H,,LJ.tfwa!f ' ..a.

cll.1..,,> f.u F'91;uiti,.t. ptLctlt:.l;J-

i:i .. .aa.4.a.!n."Ctl.01&


i,O" ~ ot~&4

17 1,re..1t ol,1 teen.ic;-1!. .t~,.cl4 l'i,1.. J.6. SatJ.,l:s.;i


i1 o&'.t..1& t :$.:re 44on., a.n.1 1


f u.

l '"

!"'2.i!J. : .....




"1.a. T,u,ai.t. llul!l!.tJ..



!:h;,u.,L;. l.n

'llu.19 cct.lll1


....... '..

... .


- '-- .

. .. .


, '




The Honorable Richard Shelby

United States Senator, Alabama
1S Lee Street B-28
Fede:ral Court House
Montgomery, Alabama 36104

Re: Re.;eJection CDmJmign Advertising's Content; Being Here. Listening, and Helping
Dear Senator Shelby:
Thank you for your annual visit this past week ago to our Circle City, Dothan~
realizing how your schedule, especially during latter part of the week is full and
demanding, anxious to return to your family and friends is most applaudable. Although
the time set aside for our having anticipated attending your speaking engagement here
was required of altering, and subsequently thereafter missed you before your leaving.
Irregardless of aforementioned, it had been genuinely hope that while here your
schedule had been planned out far enough in advance to be flexible enough to, if not at
surely visit, at a minimwn to have had at least telephoned the widow, Ms. BilUe Jackson;
of this citfs, black, shotgun assassinated at near point blank range City of Dothan Police
Detective Sergeant Robert Jackson. He was my friend, fellow police patrol officer.
Very long overdue is the resolving his case, closure for his widow and family.
Senator Shelby. you may remember our having exchanged correspondences during the
tragic aftennath involving the disappearance of Birmingham, Alabama high school
graduate teenager Ms. Natalie Holloway in A.tuba. A tragedy too that remains unresolved
today; that you may also remember that you, your office, called for, encouraged the F.B.I.
to go and render assistance to Arubian investigators, likewise your public position
pertaining to such a sensitive issue was echoed by this state's then current governor,
Governor Bob Riley.

l mention these things as a preface to following: Police Officer Robert Jackson was
shotgunned down during a January 31st moonless, cold, rain drizzling night in front of his
residence getting out of his police car with his wife and two small children inside their
home awaiting his return home from work. Hardly a day goes by now that other states are
commonly witnessed by mainstream and cable news honoring present--day shot/killed
police officers. Yet, this state has never recognized and honored with equal enthusiasm,
which should have been witnessed by other states involving this officer's widow;
KEY WORDS, HELP AND NEED. This officer was drafted, he volunteered for service,
serving four yeliU' tour of duty, a Vietnam War vetenm, Honorably Discharged, returning
home to become a police officer is deserving of more respect from his aovemment than
him, his widow/family ever received. IS HE DUE ANY LESS. THAN OTHER STATE?

I have been for a longtime, years, respectfully seeking to have Governors Riley and
Bentley extend this state's compassion and goodwill to this officer's widow; without
success; not even a call or letter, much less a personal visit. Many times I have sought
after this state's govemor, Governor Robert Bentley preparing a bill for presentation
before the legislature for their approval: Governor George C. Wallace signed a
proclamation for a $10,000.00 reward, never been any movement on all during these
years; that the state move to convert such proclamation's title to an act of compassion's
title in memory of Officer Jackson, since his case will never be solved!
Senator Shelby sir, do you not agree, it is way past time that this police officer, as
if he were an officer in any other state be given his equal and legal resolution's closure, if
not for him; at minimwn for his widow, his son Robert, Jr. and daughter?

you in advance I am

I )

003 Glasgow Drive

Dothan, Alabama

October 29, 2015

John Carroll
The Henry County Reporter
Post Office Box 2
Abbeville, Alabama 36310
John, this being another presidential debate day's night has drawn me to reflect on my
notes from when we last spoke on the phone, about 1 pm early afternoon of the 2nd
scheduled debate. During that phone conversation you told me that either you had been.
or were in a meeting with someone and was retwning my call to you from earlier in day.
That you had a hot Jead on someone who may have been a on the scene '"crime scene"
witness where girls murdered was last thing you told me.
Then, during your return call to me, you told me that. yes, you were coming by after
getting through with whatever it was you were doing, would be maybe about 4:00 p.m. to
which I obviously said fine. That phone call was the Jast time speaking with you, even
after having my calling and leaving messages over next couple, three, of days ~thout
having ever heard back from you. Then, in response to my last left mesmtge, when you do
call back telling me that you have been cow shopping, and that I should fish or cut bait
was rude and unbecoming what I believed the caJiber of your pen;ona. Had you appeared
as you had said you were, you would have been hen: to participate in a Conference Call;
but you were a no show that I had to make an excuse for after planning on your being
here. not by guessing .................. no, as direct result of your own word.
John, you may take such as insignificant, I place a lot of confidence in the honoring of

another's word, in return their being responsible for only doing no more no less than what
it is that they themselves have told me they were going to do. Seen this day and time as
minute, was a part of the way I was raised from childhood, as well too strive to treat
others as I would want them to ~ t me, and I have, as best I could, but of course like
anything else, there has been exceptions; and that when J told someone something that
was going to cause them to make dccision[s] based on what I told them, thetefore I
became duty bound and obligated to them first and foremost into that day, evening, night,
week, month.. . . . . . . . .that is to say, unless, should, in the event I saw ch'cumstances
arising far enough beforehand, whereby dictating that I postpone any agreed upon
meeting or obligation; here again I was duty boood/obligated tO notify other either that l
was not coming, or that I was running late, exact time unknown, others should make their
own plans accordingly; therefore not leavins them standing alone alongside the street
curb looking up the street to see if l wus next vehicle comin&,
We first began building upon our confidential, exposing corruption, relationship when I
told you of my need for someone to help me in the editina of a book Mitten, but since
stroke was havine difficult time organizing materials Mitten for editing. You 1old me of
knowing a lady from Australia that you could contact who was well versed in editing. I
invited you to my home, we sat on front porch, you wanted to make an audio of our
conversation, I ae,eed J trusted you, only before your using audio tape's content that I

------ --------------.------- ..


wanted a dubbins of conversation's entirety for transcribing onto paper for my reading;
after all since my having been fallen by disabling stroke as I had told you I had a concern
about my verbalizing skills, therefore seeldng BCCUl'tlC)'. To this day you have yet to bring
or send the audio's copy which we have both agreed upon, even witnessed by the lady
having joined in the conversation. True you brought me a pink thing, I had no use for
since I had no way of using it to really know what its content contained.
Then after further discussions we moved on into the arena of special HBO productions to
get coverage; then lastly you were talking about doing articles yourself leadin& off with
my friend Jackson's assassination. Then you decided be best to go with the prls stories.
So John really I don't know what direction the original goal moved in; I was supporting
your suggestions in obtaining end results.

John, l realize coming from me this is liken to water off a duck's back, an old fan, sitting
at home with a lot of time on his hands; but the reality is in the facts. Since your first visit
to my home you have left me anticipating your coming back to visit my home on no less
than three separate occa..11:ions, when factually you never did on any, and which I consider
wo.rst, the bad manners not bothering to call in advance advising that you wasn't, very
rude and disrespectful, not only involving me, but too of my wife. we could have had
time for other plans maybe. First time I remember well, you decided to go fishing you
said, the next time was about your cows, and nex.t time was that you had just to much to
do at home; and all that's fine, I have never expected my being any priorities in your life,
but I have expected the same respect and courtesies that you yourself respect from others.
Apparently putting us at cross beliefs, but in our own pursuits for righting wrongs; while
I will concede rm sucking flexibility's hind tits, confined to home resulting due to health,
and unable to drive. So good luck. BUT l STILL W!)NT AND EXPECT MY COPY OF


will continue wtlmpaired. Our city, county, state, and nation's good people, the poor and
minorities, have been denied and victimized of their equal rights so callously and
deliberately for way to long all that can should always never forget them!
Throughout my adult years, in retrospect, I can take pride that I treated others os I would
want them to treat me, and to be as good as my word to them, unless otherwise prevented
from doing so, advising as soon as p0$Sible.
John, [ do not have any reservations that you are a good and decent man with well
intentions and applaud you for your contributions; none of which are my issues with
you, othenvi simply put, I WAS RAISED THAT A MAN'S WORD IS IIlS BONDI


r/1; J'-M'./~


October 30, 2015

Ml'. John Carroll

The Henry County Report
Post Office Box 2
Abbeville~ Alabama


Possibilities existing in lieu of infonnal meeting that I could give an officially witnessed
and legal deposition; my after thoughts regarding this matter rises specifically due the
fact of my age and health; but primarily anticipation for my considerations of equal and
reasonable potential for my family's future securities resulting from this documentary
project; their personal protections and financial soundness is of my utmost concerning
importance should in the interim I should not survive the full extent net profit gain, the
full and unknown extents of your hard work's documentary's success involving this
area's corruptions paid for on the back of the poor and minorities is surely destined to
become not only a national but internationally acclaimed achievement.
I will lend Wlto YOU my support towards the ac.complishina of your resolve, in further
review of my accumulations, such transfer ofinfonnation will require of you, your time
and patience; having said this; the contributions heretofore for the record will be
rewarding not only for both, you and myself; but even more so for all those having been
victimized, made selective targeting for the violations and/or denials of their basic equaJ

Message directly from J io response to your message to

ntm of last

{I had nothing to do with this but be the intermediary.)

tRemind him that i am on the streets of Canada trying to avoid bad


"That I am fully capable of re1urning

"H,~t ail l

and beating his elderly ass'

,are ab..:iut i;:;. justice and t,a\fe moved thls torward more than

anyone else the past 10 years with exception of Brian Dowling"

"It I had

not gotten these t,1es out ot ttle country they would be sealecs

forever due to a corrupt judge"

'Message directly frorn J in response to your message to him of last

{I had nothing to do with this bm be the Intermediary.)

"Remind him that I am on the streets of canada trying to avoid bad


'1'hat I am fully capable of returning and beating his elderly ass"

"That all I care about is justice and have moved this torward more than
anyone else the past 10 years with exception of Brian Dowling

not gotten tnese t11es out ot the country tnev would be sealed
forever due to a corrupt judge"
"ft I had

November 19, 2015

Mr. John Carroll
The Henry county Report
I write now in response to this faxed message received 11/19
2015 from you via 914-939-1476@ 03:38p identified as bein9

"from J"
No doubt, that while in the pursuits for justices, attemptin
to make wrongs righted daily schedules are altered. If I hav

ever failed to compliment you and/or thank you for any of yo

contributions, especially contributing to my friend Brian, l
apologize, therefore I now ha$ten to thank you for any/,11.

You were welcomed into my home, introduced to my family; wit

clear understandings and agreements. From the very fir&t day
you were ask not to vidQO or audio because of my speech, you
persisted, my agreeing for audio with understanding you get
me a copy of uneoited audio for my having transcribed to see
xactly what I had aaid, I have yet to get this per our agree.
f&nt, before you left town. You used my Video photo after beng aak not to video on more than one time. Mr. Carroll

1if !.ETTEJfs.

our first m t '

DO(:JJMF.N'l'l'l. Rf ~~jM~o~T~:,:t!l-~r~f!d ~o ~Ice nublic






l;l~UTY V

uT.1,.-n.,_ -

ass Mlam ts tn route to Dothan to cover the OPD andValm.kai.tory. They are sending a fcrmer
Quee11 's proHcutor to Interview tho$e In Oothan. New York CBS sent Miami because it i!t tf'le closest
and thv want to run tlle story tomorrow ev1ming and flip it and cet 60 Minutes involved.
J wants you to get on board with thh and for all to

work togetl'ler for the common 1000. He wants your

r::ermlss!On to send CBS news crew to ll'lterview you for the segment. This WIii vindicate you and allow
tne country to see that you are a re~pected former law enforCM1ent offiCf!r who has tried far decades to
fight COITuptlon In \he Southeast.
"l'ou are & VERY IMPORTANT part of t11, Stol\'!
Voor beltt,g interviewed on camera w,11 also be &nothtr way of protecting your safety a5 no one will
tO\lth you after this is released-

Several hundred thounnd people ha11e alre:ady read the lienry County R111port's story.
J wants yo~ to know he know$ who the .shooter Is of Beasley and Hawlett is and the FBI outside of
Alabama has the evidence.

Kate: You know that I support you 100% and appreciate all who
have been, are contributing to bringing closures for so many
too long overdue them.
But, nevertheless, what I have to say must be first under oath
as a matter of official record, in the record; no disrespect
intended, but CBS' interview may, or maynot come full circle;
and what I have to say extends well beyond current discussions
plus, I still maintain an obligation to my word, which involve
four individuals; that CBS would surely want backgrouno on for
verifications any part[sJ of what I will say. Therefore, I
will have to respectfully decline any interview, any authorization releasing subject matterswhich would be contrary to
mind and John's first and original agreement involving same.
Until the u.s.o.o.J. decides the lives and personal sufferings
of these poor and minorities, and select individuals who havin
tried to make wrongs rights are worth either political party's
public liability now, because of having covered up for so long
agrees to go on public record under oath; I have nothing else
to say, for I have been down these roads to many times before
during past 11 years, one might describe them as being "used
and abused" years, wanting me for what I knew, then doing nothing!
I grew up trained into adulthood as to be one who
looked for solutions, not excuses; and that's all I have heard
, excuses, no more, now it's my being under oath and too my
and John's original agreement being hon0red Do tell John it
does appear that he di come for h
th a ood story this time

______ ::__d. keep up good

w o r ~ t w~i~s0t~.-""JZ~



(keep this quiet for now)

Prosecutor ls on a plane now. Friend

wants permission to give him your contact

information for him ta meet with you as Friend did not give out your name.

Most likely your residence is under heavy surveillance. Afraid papers may b,a
compromised in your location and it is not safe to ha11e picked up now. Fax all
necessary papers to me for safe keeping. Let me know if the fax needs to run all
night as I Sive you permission to do so; I will move fa)( machine out of bedroom
needed for special project.
Much Jovel


The Calvary is riding inl






t4D" ,.. -2 15 i)C:a!GB];i:!l ~a~nt"nill!ID~Wo<fD.mnemetlt 11J.ilaal04J/0l/ifl/1BatD:clo,~ ofl.:DJ 53

.. "

,n,-,i,---.,,o1.. ,




de his 2 pagts includq the last orii, wW, Kelth Gray's name a'ld signature.

PIHse fuc rne the requested lnforr1atton. 9143v5-48S7

November 23, 2015

Mr. John Carroll

The Henry coWlty Report
Post Office Box 2
Abbeville. Alabama 36310

Re: Message Faxed 11/23/2015@3:57 p.m. From [9141939-1476

Pursuant to your faxed message dated 11/19/2015 @3:38 p.m. [via] from [914] 939~1476
titled specifically, 'Message directly from Jin response to your message to him of last
_ . " Page one of one paragraph two, "That I amjully capable ~frelurrting and beating

his elderly ass. ''

Please. be re-advised; refer to my responding said fax dated l l/19/2015@ 5:10 p.m.
regarding my properties involving any/all letters. documents, or founs for your further
use and/or public referrals too; since date ofs.ame fax, l 1/19/2015. you have not had, nor
do you now have, or will be authorized for public and/or private use thereof; furthermore,
you are respectfully requested of [via {914} 939-1476] to adhere to instructions per this
fax dated, l l/23/2015; that you have not been, arc not now, not in future, authorized to
make public, and/or duplicate for private gain these (my] various titled persona)

Otherwise, best wishes in your future pursuits for justice.

November 23, 2015

Mr. John Carroll

The Henry county Report
Post Office Box 2
Abbeville, Alabama 36310
Re: Message Faxed J1/23/2015@ 3:57 p.m. From [914] 939-1476
Pursuant to your faxed message dated 11/19/2015 @3:38 p.m. (via] :from [914] 939-1476
titled specifically, "Message directly from Jin response to your message to him oflast
_ ... Page one of one paragraph two, "That I am fully capable ofreturning and beating

his elderly ass. ''

Please, be readviscd; refer to my responding said fax dated 11/19/2015@ 5:10 p.m.
regarding my properties involving any/all letters, docwnents, or forms for your further
use and/or public referrals too; since date of same fax, 11/19/2015. you have not had, nor
do you now have, or will be authorized for public and/or private use thereof; furthennore,
you are respectfully requested of [via {914} 939-1476] to adhere to instructions per this
fax dated, l l/23/2015i that you have not been, are not now, not in :futW'e, authorized to
make public, and/or duplicate for private gain these {my) various titled personal
Otherwise, best wishes in your future pursuits for justice.

ca!GaliE!.0-:!t."iDIIDMH.l8E:RWo<fmmemetit ~ilaalGdY0Vlfi/1Bagmg~ 685:lf 53

lcv 3(, 15 01 :21p




J, had a corlferen~ call with Ju.stic:e Dept. l>y an;j through Loretta Lynch and Congressman
Conyers, had of th& House judiciar; committ-.. ldormauon rl!IJardinc Houston Co&Jnty
deaths and eorrupt:on ~all plced dh @~!y irl Conyi:r, hands by a relatlv of his. He WilS furious
that his ards fai\ed to give him th(> info~rnation l)rev ously.

J. understands. yoJ are fru~trated, but he d~snt drive wt1at i.s ongoing with the investlfJatlo11
of the ca~. There Is fl 2 minute window to ~ able to keep someone's attention to set them to
take at:4-:ion be'ure they lose intNest. Interest has bten spari<ed which Is why J. has turned au
his original files over to lawyers ir1 Justice Cept. in Washiri~n.

J. re-cehied almost 11< file; ot E.XTREMEL"t c.onfidel'ltlal docume'lt, last we.I< frcm a11 in,lde
so..1rce which show a c!ear link In the cleath/rnurdf'r of 8rian Oowllng and corruption. The
lewvers in D.C will be runningthlsuain, notJ ardthe evidence m1Jtt flt ii formatthat wlll set
traction. J. other sources pro'IJlding e,11idence corroborating VoUr evidence, but he
thinks vou m11y have other things in yoor filtis which miet,t amplify the cas~.

J war,ts to know what the mdictmen1s you gave him from 1 ~ mean; for example (against
Kenneth Jackson).
J, said if you want to bt port of the )Oh.Jtion eve -yone needs tc work together for thi! common
cause and put aside all d:fferences tc move fight th cover-up of co,ruptlOn.
He said you were l00% correct NO ONE in Alabama can be trusted and Sessions is a HUGE
obstacle in O.C. but tliey have successfully receivttd rooperation from his P011tical eremies. In
addition; yourtheory on Clinton wa.i Hspot on".
If you want to help In ~topping what has been ong.l.')ins fot decacles, the jvrtice Dept. meed~
copies of your files. J. said he wilt help you get someone to work on a booldor you after the
pro,ecution is In proces.'i by the DOJ. Fer now, the emphasis Js gett 1ns $0rtlet"hlns done during
this limit~ tlme wh.-11 the window ,s open In D.C.. The h~lp to ftght what has permeated
Houston C.:iunty tan not be with attached condltions.

we an understand vou are wearv of tht fight yo1,; have fou,ht 8'one

which has thr.atened

your life ana health for ovet 3 decadts, but now is the tlm1 to take action. Let someone else
;n;:.lst In pushlnc thi-s thmugh to fruition to expos.e what was done tu Srit1n, Jennifu and other..
He c1n have sornecme securely pick up your files within 20 minutes if you ate willin& to heip




&-i.~ x~

N- !f-4



q.,....;;r.;. ~ __r..(,..,.,......,



,.J...u-.. ,r..{~

A~ t1k
bo.,(,1\.# -i.,.u,,.

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,c-1/WD,. o-,_.lAlhJ ...

I\._,,, ,...J,....

Case 1:16-cv-00229-MHT-SRW Document 14 Filed 04/06/16 Page 1 of 1





JOHN WHITE, et al.,



For good cause shown, it is ORDERED that, pursuant
to 28 U.S.C. 636, this case is referred to the United






disposition or recommendation on all pretrial matters

as may be appropriate.
DONE, this the 6th day of April, 2016.
/s/ Myron H. Thompson

local activist group originated by retired school teacher, performing, in an wwlvertised

capacity, pro bono advise/work for the poor/minorities, himself later fowid murdered
April 2000, his office files rifles and these documents gone; the other attorney murdered
in 2002. The unsigned letter at the heart of these issues did not surface until when a
citizen had filed a complaint involving the illegal temrination of a police officer in late
2003 at a time when the Personnel Board was attempting to investigate the police
department, but was being undennined by the very authorities which should have
embraced their overview, but rather used local media to attack board investigation,
encouraged by silence of city manager, mayor and commissioners; eventually leaving the
board's investigation to fail; here a.gain the public as result. by then into 2005 never

knowing of these issues, or any others. Most assuredly, and definitely, although beyond
the scope of this court's jurisdiction there does exist within federal guidelines provisions
paralleling: "Cullen vs. Flieger 18 F. 2d flwc1 U.S. Clmtit) 1994; "The fedet'al court. will
intervene, despite pending state proceeding, where the state prosecution; or proceedings
has been brought to retaliate for or to deter Constitutionally protected conduct or where a

prosecution or proceeding is otherwise brought in bad faith or for the purpose to harass."
"A showing of retaliatory or bad faith prosecution establishes irreparable injury for the
purpose of Younger vs. Harris 401 U.S. 371971 Doctrine. The Plaintiff presented
sufficient evidence to justify federal intervention where he showed that he bead a past
history of personal conflict with the defendants, that he had engaged in protected conduct,
and that the defendant's desire "to do something about him rose to the "level of animus". retired school teacher, myself, retired disabled serviceman, selfcrnployed

individual. everyday individuals, members of this activist group at sometime during years

1996~2002 were arrested and/or physically assaulted with il'\iwies; myself arrested seven
times, and jailed four as ways and means to silence me; overheard via cracked opened

door in administrative offices of city manager/mayor was heard by local businessman

waiting for appointment: something to shut Willia1as up, do something to
discredit him, make it so that the people won't believe what he's saying, but do
something to shut Williams up", and out walked two police officers.
" .......many people here (Dothan) are afraid to criticize the (local] aovemment,

she said. They feel they'll make someone otad or that they'll lose their jobs, she said.
It's like they live in fear.'' Excerpts for Danville Register and Bee newspaper's reporter
Scott Deacle December 1999 sentdown from Danville Register and Bee newspaper for
their January 2000 editions after then Dothan City Manager Jerry Gwaltney had sneaked
off to Virginia for a new City Manager's job approval in November, curiously risht after
getting a lucrative new September 1999 resigning annual contract; for turning in his
Dothan's official notice early December 1999 to depart.
Because of what Mr. Carroll had perceived would be a further and quick access to
over hundreds of other pages failed in that decision by blogging out to the public minimal
pages having obtained without permission, and apparently not only from this petitioner.
ht now an election year, state and national, the unlawful and illegal government

corruptions born out of these issues destined to surface, are of the people's interest; rises
to levels of Watergate; but tragically far ascends 1973 Watergate: ''l don't give a shit
what happens, I want you all to stonewall it, let them plead the fifth amendment, cover
up or anything else if it'll ....... save the plan. Nixon dete.-mined to ..Stonewall"

it. fearing that the truth about Watttgate could lead to the exposure of the previous

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ..

illegalities sanctioned by the White House. The cover up is the main ingredient, he
said; that's where we gotta cut our losses." President Richard M. Nixon to his aides,
secret audio tapes subpoenaed before the Senate Judiciary Committee May 22, 1973.

But now before this Honorable Court is U.S.C. 18 l 9S8 Traveling Act: "Murder
For Hire"; assassination Dothan police officer Robert Jackson; transport and distributions

of illegal drugs from south Florida and Central America's Belize, corrupt government
rising to levels of R.I.CO.; and if for no other :reason[s] demands of this court and its
authorities to stand finn their oaths to office. commit to duties, fulfilling their obligations
to those having paid with their last full measures in attelJlpting to do theirs. such as police
officers Robert Jackson, Robert Hawlett, Harold Locke; attorneys Brian Dowling,
Jennifer Atwell, and retired school teacher Shirley Dahl. and others all my friends having
endured physical and emotional injuries thru threats to silence them, what of their rights,
I'm last man standing at age 72, soon 73, within past month diagnosis with accwnulative
heart congestion, records will support my etl'orts since 1997 seeking out justice,
continuously denied, now being blindsided by this plaintiff; I can now only hope that I
can live long enough to see resolved and help contribute to the welfares of all those
originally intended to so.
As first stated, I have as of late this afternoon received your package and will move
to review as I await per your instructions from the court what to anticipate. Respectfully

submitted this date January 261\ 2016, thanking you in advance I am

Most sincerely,

2 3 Glasgow Drive
than, Alabama 3630 I
Postscript: Johanna, I use U.S. Attorney's fax number since Federal Clerk's office
does not receive by fax, only e-mail; and I do not have immediate access for that type
communicating. Trusting I understood you correctly in that you said that submitting letter
would suffice at this time, although I didn't anticipate this other blogging news today,
why again this letter; I now await you, your office's response, thank you.

Have you ever purposefully took the time to stop, stand, or sit still long enough to really
focus on our nation's flag. given thoughts lo what she represenls, given a silent

acknowledgement to those having fallen and alive in the defense ofher still today
continuing to fly <JVer our nation as she ever goes so gently back and forth unfurling her
red and white bars sometimes with a fluttering snapping while at the same time a dark

field of blue atop in her left comer noticeably displaying 50 individual white stars, each
one representing their own individual and independent state of the total United States; all
fonned, made, and compromising of and for "We the people ofthe United States", that
"we hold these truths to be self~evident, that all men are created equal." Representative
John Hancock (Merchant; Qu1ncy, Massachusetts] President of the United States in
General Congress assembled; July 04th. 1776!'
Dothan Businesswoman, "many people [here] are afraid to criticize the local [Dothan]
government, she said. They feel they'll make someone mad, or lose their jobs ..... she said.
It's like they live in fear." Excerpts from Danville Register and Bee Newspaper's
reporter Scott DeacJe>s interview with Dothan resident during visit City MaJlilger's 1999
December's resignation after just signing in September 1999 lucrative contract renewal.
Dothan Businessman, ..Shut him up, do something to shut him up; to discredit him so
others won't believe what be is saying, but do something to shut him up." Afterwards
from out behind an already partially cracked open City,Manager's/Mayor's
Administrative Office's door out walked to police officers. Media authority.
Then, Assistant City Prosecutor, Ms. Kalia Spears Lane, "A black female having been

promised by the City Manager the opening vacancy for Municipal Judge, having already
been made public, brought before the Commissioners; was later summoned to meet with
the Police Chief, John White, in his Dothan police cruiser. Lane was told during that
meeting with the police chief that she would not begetting the position wider any
circumstances. Lane was told that the media was ready to explode with the story, that it
would get ugly, but when it was all said and done that "the shit would stick to her".
Excerpt from federal complaint affidavit CVOO-M-1096-S, subject IV. Facts, item 19.
Then Police Captain Jim Smith, A 20 year veteran, fired for allegedly being the author of
unsigned letters [although never proven] even though Police Chief John White
employed Houston County Commission Chinnan Mark Culver to call Smith
attempting to move conversation in a way while secretly audio taping him for the chief to
admit his participation(s], but obviously without results that he had ever engaged in letter
writing campaign criticizing Police Chief John White and/or police staff upper
management. Excerpt Dothan Eagle Newspaper December arowid/about 2003. Such an
action lending serious arguments supponing Businesswoman 1s interview to Danville
Register and Bee proving to public the (her) "acid test"; "or that if tho dQ, S!ltt:JI

lose their iobs".


"We dare defend our Rights."

"Law, Not Politics The Lale and Honorable Brian W. Dowling


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i; 2002


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Weihe undersigned, do not.'wish to be gjv~~ c~~ie; of :f~ed~

de!i red, or maifed_~orr~f'~~n~~ fro.11:i:Mr. Wykle Williams from
th~ ateon. ..
~ .~


_, j istr-ict 2 Commissioner

' ~ l:Lff:
~rict 3 Commissioner

~ - - - ----;



-- - ..---.

April 2, 2002

We, !the undersigned, do not."wish to be giv~n copies of faxed,

def, or mailed correspon~.ence frotrr.Mr. Wykle Williams from
this tfate on.

istr;ct 2 Commissioner


~ tk,.ff
-~trict 3 Commissioner




April 2, 2002

We, !the undersigned, do not."wish to be giv~n copies of faxed,, or mailed correspon~.ence fron:r.Mr. Wykle Williams from

this tfate on.

... -


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