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(Slip Opinion)


NOTE: Where it is feasible, a syllabus (headnote) will be released, as is
being done in connection with this case, at the time the opinion is issued.
The syllabus constitutes no part of the opinion of the Court but has been
prepared by the Reporter of Decisions for the convenience of the reader.
See United States v. Detroit Timber & Lumber Co., 200 U. S. 321, 337.




No. 10948.

Argued October 11, 2011Decided January 10, 2012

Although respondents credit card agreement required their claims to

be resolved by binding arbitration, they filed a lawsuit against petitioner CompuCredit Corporation and a division of petitioner bank, alleging, inter alia, violations of the Credit Repair Organizations Act
(CROA). The Federal District Court denied the defendants motion to
compel arbitration, concluding that Congress intended CROA claims
to be nonarbitrable. The Ninth Circuit affirmed.
Held: Because the CROA is silent on whether claims under the Act can
proceed in an arbitrable forum, the Federal Arbitration Act (FAA) requires the arbitration agreement to be enforced according to its
terms. Pp. 210.
(a) Section 2 of the FAA establishes a liberal federal policy favoring arbitration. Moses H. Cone Memorial Hospital v. Mercury Constr. Corp., 460 U. S. 1, 24. It requires that courts enforce arbitration
agreements according to their terms. See Dean Witter Reynolds Inc.
v. Byrd, 470 U. S. 213, 221. That is the case even when federal statutory claims are at issue, unless the FAAs mandate has been overridden by a contrary congressional command. Shearson/American
Express Inc. v. McMahon, 482 U. S. 220, 226. Pp. 23.
(b) The CROA provides no such command. Respondents contend
that the CROAs disclosure provisionwhich requires credit repair
organizations to provide consumers with a statement that includes
the sentence You have a right to sue a credit repair organization
that violates the [Act], 15 U. S. C. 1679c(a)gives consumers the
right to bring an action in a court of law; and that, because the CROA
prohibits the waiver of any right of the consumer under this subchapter, 1679f(a), the arbitration agreements waiver of the right
to bring a court action cannot be enforced. Respondents premise is


flawed. The disclosure provision creates only a right for consumers to
receive a specific statement describing the consumer protections that
the law elsewhere provides, one of which is the right to enforce a
credit repair organizations liab[ility] for fail[ure] to comply with
[the Act]. 1679g(a). That provision does not override the FAAs
mandate. Its mere contemplation of judicial enforcement does not
demonstrate that the Act provides consumers with a right to initial
judicial enforcement. Pp. 38.
(c) At the time of the CROAs enactment in 1996, arbitration clauses such as the one at issue were no rarity in consumer contracts generally, or in financial services contracts in particular. Had Congress
meant to prohibit these very common provisions in the CROA, it
would have done so in a manner less obtuse than what respondents
suggest. Pp. 89.

615 F. 3d 1204, reversed and remanded.

SCALIA, J., delivered the opinion of the Court, in which ROBERTS,
C. J., and KENNEDY, THOMAS, BREYER, and ALITO, JJ., joined. SOTOMAYOR, J., filed an opinion concurring in the judgment, in which KAGAN, J., joined. GINSBURG, J., filed a dissenting opinion.

Cite as: 565 U. S. ____ (2012)

Opinion of the Court

NOTICE: This opinion is subject to formal revision before publication in the
preliminary print of the United States Reports. Readers are requested to
notify the Reporter of Decisions, Supreme Court of the United States, Washington, D. C. 20543, of any typographical or other formal errors, in order
that corrections may be made before the preliminary print goes to press.



No. 10948




[January 10, 2012]

JUSTICE SCALIA delivered the opinion of the Court.

We consider whether the Credit Repair Organizations
Act (CROA), 15 U. S. C. 1679 et seq., precludes enforcement of an arbitration agreement in a lawsuit alleging
violations of that Act.
Respondents are individuals who applied for and received an Aspire Visa credit card marketed by petitioner
CompuCredit Corporation and issued by Columbus Bank
and Trust, now a division of petitioner Synovus Bank. In
their applications they agreed to be bound by a provision
which read: Any claim, dispute or controversy (whether in
contract, tort, or otherwise) at any time arising from or
relating to your Account, any transferred balances or this
Agreement (collectively, Claims), upon the election of you
or us, will be resolved by binding arbitration . . . . App.
In 2008, respondents filed a class-action complaint
against CompuCredit and Columbus in the United States
District Court for the Northern District of California,
alleging, as relevant here, violations of the CROA. The


Opinion of the Court

claims largely involved the defendants allegedly misleading representation that the credit card could be used to
rebuild poor credit and their assessment of multiple fees
upon opening of the accounts, which greatly reduced the
advertised credit limit.
The District Court denied the defendants motion to
compel arbitration of the claims, concluding that Congress intended claims under the CROA to be nonarbitrable. 617 F. Supp. 2d 980, 988 (2009). A panel of
the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit
affirmed, Judge Tashima dissenting. 615 F. 3d 1204
(2010). We granted certiorari, 563 U. S. ___ (2011).
The background law governing the issue before us is the
Federal Arbitration Act (FAA), 9 U. S. C. 1 et seq., enacted in 1925 as a response to judicial hostility to arbitration.
AT&T Mobility LLC v. Concepcion, 563 U. S. ___, ___
(2011) (slip op., at 4). As relevant here, the FAA provides:
A written provision in any maritime transaction or
a contract evidencing a transaction involving commerce to settle by arbitration a controversy thereafter
arising out of such contract or transaction . . . shall be
valid, irrevocable, and enforceable, save upon such
grounds as exist at law or in equity for the revocation
of any contract. 9 U. S. C. 2.
This provision establishes a liberal federal policy favoring
arbitration agreements. Moses H. Cone Memorial Hospital v. Mercury Constr. Corp., 460 U. S. 1, 24 (1983). See
also, e.g., Concepcion, supra, at __ (slip op., at 4); Gilmer v.
Interstate/Johnson Lane Corp., 500 U. S. 20, 25 (1991). It
requires courts to enforce agreements to arbitrate according to their terms. See Dean Witter Reynolds Inc. v. Byrd,
470 U. S. 213, 221 (1985). That is the case even when
the claims at issue are federal statutory claims, unless the

Cite as: 565 U. S. ____ (2012)

Opinion of the Court

FAAs mandate has been overridden by a contrary congressional command. Shearson/American Express Inc. v.
McMahon, 482 U. S. 220, 226 (1987). See also Mitsubishi
Motors Corp. v. Soler Chrysler-Plymouth, Inc., 473 U. S.
614, 628 (1985). Respondents contend that the CROA
contains such a command.
That statute regulates the practices of credit repair
organizations, defined as certain entities that offer services for the purpose of (i) improving any consumers
credit record, credit history, or credit rating; or (ii) providing advice or assistance to any consumer with regard to
any activity or service described in clause (i).1 15 U. S. C.
1679a(3). In its principal substantive provisions, the
CROA prohibits certain practices, 1679b, establishes
certain requirements for contracts with consumers,
1679d, and gives consumers a right to cancel, 1679e.
Enforcement is achieved through the Acts provision of a
private cause of action for violation, 1679g, as well as
through federal and state administrative enforcement,
Like the District Court and the Ninth Circuit, respondents focus on the CROAs disclosure and nonwaiver provisions. The former, which is reproduced in full in the
Appendix, infra, sets forth a statement that the credit repair organization must provide to the consumer before any
contract is executed. 1679c(a). One sentence of that
required statement reads, You have a right to sue a
credit repair organization that violates the Credit Repair
Organization Act. The Acts nonwaiver provision states,

1 The

District Court said that petitioners do not dispute that they

come within this definition. See 617 F. Supp. 980, 984, n. 2 (ND Cal.
2009). The Ninth Circuit did not address that issue, see 615 F. 3d
1204, 1207, n. 3 (2010), nor do we.


Opinion of the Court

Any waiver by any consumer of any protection provided

by or any right of the consumer under this subchapter
(1) shall be treated as void; and (2) may not be enforced
by any Federal or State court or any other person.
The Ninth Circuit adopted the following line of reasoning, urged upon us by respondents here: The disclosure
provision gives consumers the right to sue, which clearly involves the right to bring an action in a court of law.
615 F. 3d, at 1208. Because the nonwaiver provision
prohibits the waiver of any right of the consumer under
this subchapter, the arbitration agreementwhich
waived the right to bring an action in a court of law
cannot be enforced. Id., at 1214.
The flaw in this argument is its premise: that the disclosure provision provides consumers with a right to bring an
action in a court of law. It does not. Rather, it imposes an
obligation on credit repair organizations to supply consumers with a specific statement set forth (in quotation
marks) in the statute. The only consumer right it creates
is the right to receive the statement, which is meant to
describe the consumer protections that the law elsewhere
provides. The statement informs consumers, for instance,
that they can dispute the accuracy of information in their
credit file and that [t]he credit bureau must then reinvestigate and modify or remove inaccurate or incomplete
information. 15 U. S. C. 1679c(a). That description is
derived from 1681i(a), which sets out in great detail the
procedures to be followed by a credit bureau in the event
of challenges to the accuracy of its information. Similarly,
the required statement informs consumers that they may
cancel your contract with any credit repair organization
for any reason within 3 business days from the date you
signed it the right created and set forth in more detail
in 1679e. And the right to sue language describes the
consumers right to enforce the credit repair organizations

Cite as: 565 U. S. ____ (2012)

Opinion of the Court

liab[ility] for fail[ure] to comply with any provision of

this subchapter provided for in 1679g(a).2 Thus, contrary to the dissents assertion, our interpretation does not
[r]educ[e] the required disclosure to insignificance, post,
at 6. The disclosure provision informs consumers of their
right to enforce liability for any failure to conform to the
statuteinformation they might otherwise not possess. It
is the dissents interpretation that effectively reduces a
portion of the CROA to a nullity. Interpreting the right
to sue language in 1679c(a) to create a right to sue in
court not only renders it strikingly out of place in a section
that is otherwise devoted to giving the consumer notice of
rights created elsewhere; it also renders the creation of the
right to sue elsewhere superfluous.
Respondents suggest that the CROAs civil-liability provision, 1679g (set forth in full in the Appendix, infra),
demonstrates that the Act provides consumers with a
right to bring an action in court. They cite the provisions repeated use of the terms action, class action,
and courtterms that they say call to mind a judicial
proceeding. These references cannot do the heavy lifting
that respondents assign them. It is utterly commonplace
for statutes that create civil causes of action to describe
the details of those causes of action, including the relief
available, in the context of a court suit. If the mere formulation of the cause of action in this standard fashion were
sufficient to establish the contrary congressional com
2 Accordingly,

when a consumer sues to enforce liability under the

CROA, he does so under 1679g(a), not in light of 1679c, post, at 4
(GINSBURG, J., dissenting). An action under the CROA need not refer
to 1679c at all, unless it is based on the companys failure to provide
the statement required under that section. Section 1679g(a) creates the
right at issue and describes it in detail not contained in 1679cs
summary. When determining the scope of that right, it is therefore
1679g(a)and not 1679cthat must govern.


Opinion of the Court

mand overriding the FAA, McMahon, supra, at 226, valid

arbitration agreements covering federal causes of action
would be rare indeed. But that is not the law. In Gilmer
we enforced an arbitration agreement with respect to a
cause of action created by the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 (ADEA) which read, in part: Any
person aggrieved may bring a civil action in any court of
competent jurisdiction for such legal or equitable relief as
will effectuate the purposes of this chapter. 29 U. S. C.
In McMahon we enforced an arbitration
agreement with respect to a cause of action created by a
provision of the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO) which read, in part: Any person
injured in his business or property by reason of a violation
of section 1962 of this chapter may sue therefor in any
appropriate United States district court and shall recover
threefold the damages he sustains and the cost of the suit
. . . . 18 U. S. C. 1964(c). And in Mitsubishi Motors we
enforced an arbitration agreement with respect to a cause
of action created by a provision of the Clayton Act which
read, in part: [A]ny person who shall be injured in his
business or property by reason of anything forbidden in
the antitrust laws may sue therefor in any district court of
the United States . . . and shall recover threefold the
damages by him sustained, and the cost of suit, including
a reasonable attorneys fee. 15 U. S. C. 15(a). Thus, we
have repeatedly recognized that contractually required
arbitration of claims satisfies the statutory prescription
of civil liability in court. See Gilmer, 500 U. S., at 28;
McMahon, 482 U. S., at 240; Mitsubishi Motors, 473 U. S.,
at 637. To be sure, none of the statutes described above
contained a nonwaiver provision, as the statute before us
does. But if a cause-of-action provision mentioning judicial enforcement does not create a right to initial judicial
enforcement, the waiver of initial judicial enforcement is
not the waiver of a right of the consumer, 1679f(a). It

Cite as: 565 U. S. ____ (2012)

Opinion of the Court

takes a considerable stretch to regard the nonwaiver

provision as a congressional command that the FAA
shall not apply.3
Moreover, if one believes that 1679gs contemplation of
court suit (combined with 1679f(a)) establishes a nonwaivable right to initial judicial enforcement, one must also
believe that it establishes a nonwaivable right to initial
judicial enforcement in any competent judicial tribunal,
since it contains no limitation. We think it clear, however,
that this mere contemplation of suit in any competent
court does not guarantee suit in all competent courts,
disabling the parties from adopting a reasonable forumselection clause. And just as the contemplated availability
of all judicial forums may be reduced to a single forum by
contractual specification, so also can the contemplated
availability of judicial action be limited to judicial action
compelling or reviewing initial arbitral adjudication. The
parties remain free to specify such matters, so long as the
guarantee of 1679gthe guarantee of the legal power to
impose liabilityis preserved.
Respondents and the dissent maintain that if the CROA
does not create a right to a judicial forum, then the disclosure provision effectively requires that credit repair organizations mislead consumers. We think not. The disclosure
provision is meant to describe the law to consumers in a
manner that is concise and comprehensible to the laymanwhich necessarily means that it will be imprecise.
The required statement says, for example, that the CROA
prohibits deceptive practices by credit repair organiza
3 Gilmer noted that the ADEA had been amended after conclusion of
the arbitration agreement in that case to preclude waiver of rights
or claims that may arise after the date the waiver is executed. 29
U. S. C. 626(f)(1)(C). The Court said in dictum that this provision did
not explicitly preclude arbitration or other nonjudicial resolution of
claims, 500 U. S., at 29.


Opinion of the Court

tions, 15 U. S. C. 1679c(a). This is in some respects an

overstatement, and in some respects an understatement,
of the Prohibited practices set forth in 1679b. It would
include, for example, deception apart from the offer or
sale of the services of the credit repair organization,
1679b(a)(4). Yet we would not hold, in order to prevent
the required statement from being misleading, that a
consumer has a right to be protected from deceptive practices beyond those actually covered by 1679b. So also
with respect to the statements description of a right to
sue. This is a colloquial method of communicating to
consumers that they have the legal right, enforceable in
court, to recover damages from credit repair organizations
that violate the CROA. We think most consumers would
understand it this way, without regard to whether the suit
in court has to be preceded by an arbitration proceeding.
Leaving that possibility out may be imprecise, but it is not
misleadingand certainly not so misleading as to demand, in order to avoid that result, reading the statute to
contain a guaranteed right it does not in fact contain.
At the time of the CROAs enactment in 1996, arbitration clauses in contracts of the type at issue here were no
rarity. Quite the contrary, the early 1990s saw the increased use of arbitration clauses in consumer contracts
generally, and in financial services contracts in particular.
See Ware, Arbitration and Unconscionability After Doctors Associates, Inc. v. Casarotto, 31 Wake Forest L. Rev.
1001, 1001, and n. 3 (1996); J. Shimabukuro, Congressional Research Service Report for Congress, The Federal
Arbitration Act: Background and Recent Developments 1
Had Congress meant to prohibit these very common
provisions in the CROA, it would have done so in a manner less obtuse than what respondents suggest. When it

Cite as: 565 U. S. ____ (2012)

Opinion of the Court

has restricted the use of arbitration in other contexts, it

has done so with a clarity that far exceeds the claimed
indications in the CROA. See, e.g., 7 U. S. C. 26(n)(2)
(2006 ed., Supp. IV) (No predispute arbitration agreement shall be valid or enforceable, if the agreement requires arbitration of a dispute arising under this section);
15 U. S. C. 1226(a)(2) (2006 ed.) (Notwithstanding any
other provision of law, whenever a motor vehicle franchise
contract provides for the use of arbitration to resolve a
controversy arising out of or relating to such contract,
arbitration may be used to settle such controversy only if
after such controversy arises all parties to such controversy consent in writing to use arbitration to settle such
controversy); cf. 12 U. S. C. 5518(b) (2006 ed., Supp. IV)
(granting authority to the newly created Consumer Financial Protection Bureau to regulate predispute arbitration
agreements in contracts for consumer financial products
or services).4 That Congress would have sought to achieve
the same result in the CROA through combination of the
nonwaiver provision with the right to sue phrase in the
disclosure provision, and the references to action and

4 The dissent questions the relevance of these statutes, since they

postdated the CROA and since this Courts intervening decisions
compelling arbitration increasingly alerted Congress to the utility of
drafting antiwaiver prescriptions with meticulous care. Post, at 8.
But as the dissent implicitly recognizes, Congress had been alerted
much before these post-CROA statutes were passed. The CROA itself
followed a series of this Courts seminal decisions compelling arbitration, decisions which held that the FAA had established a federal
policy favoring arbitration, Gilmer v. Interstate/Johnson Lane Corp.,
500 U. S. 20, 26 (1991), and that [t]he burden is on the party opposing
arbitration . . . to show that Congress intended to preclude a waiver of
judicial remedies, Shearson/American Express Inc. v. McMahon, 482
U. S. 220, 227 (1987). To the extent Congress is ever stimulated by
this Courts decisions, post, at 8, there is no reason to think the Congress that enacted the CROA was any less stimulated than subsequent



Opinion of the Court

court in the description of damages recoverable, is

Because the CROA is silent on whether claims under
the Act can proceed in an arbitrable forum, the FAA requires the arbitration agreement to be enforced according
to its terms. The judgment of the Ninth Circuit is reversed, and the case is remanded for further proceedings
consistent with this opinion.
It is so ordered.

Cite as: 565 U. S. ____ (2012)


of the of
to opinion
the Court

Section 1679c provides:
(a) Disclosure required
Any credit repair organization shall provide any consumer with the following written statement before any
contract or agreement between the consumer and the
credit repair organization is executed:
Consumer Credit File Rights Under State and
Federal Law
You have a right to dispute inaccurate information in
your credit report by contacting the credit bureau directly.
However, neither you nor any credit repair company or
credit repair organization has the right to have accurate,
current, and verifiable information removed from your
credit report. The credit bureau must remove accurate,
negative information from your report only if it is over 7
years old. Bankruptcy information can be reported for 10
You have a right to obtain a copy of your credit report
from a credit bureau. You may be charged a reasonable
fee. There is no fee, however, if you have been turned
down for credit, employment, insurance, or a rental dwelling because of information in your credit report within the
preceding 60 days. The credit bureau must provide someone to help you interpret the information in your credit
file. You are entitled to receive a free copy of your credit
report if you are unemployed and intend to apply for
employment in the next 60 days, if you are a recipient of
public welfare assistance, or if you have reason to believe
that there is inaccurate information in your credit report
due to fraud.
You have a right to sue a credit repair organization that violates the Credit Repair Organization Act.
This law prohibits deceptive practices by credit repair



of the of
to opinion
the Court

You have the right to cancel your contract with any

credit repair organization for any reason within 3 business
days from the date you signed it.
Credit bureaus are required to follow reasonable procedures to ensure that the information they report is
accurate. However, mistakes may occur.
You may, on your own, notify a credit bureau in writing that you dispute the accuracy of information in your
credit file. The credit bureau must then reinvestigate and
modify or remove inaccurate or incomplete information.
The credit bureau may not charge any fee for this service.
Any pertinent information and copies of all documents you
have concerning an error should be given to the credit
If the credit bureaus reinvestigation does not resolve
the dispute to your satisfaction, you may send a brief
statement to the credit bureau, to be kept in your file,
explaining why you think the record is inaccurate. The
credit bureau must include a summary of your statement
about disputed information with any report it issues about
The Federal Trade Commission regulates credit bureaus and credit repair organizations. For more information contact:
The Public Reference Branch
Federal Trade Commission
Washington, D. C. 20580.
(b) Separate statement requirement
The written statement required under this section shall
be provided as a document which is separate from any
written contract or other agreement between the credit
repair organization and the consumer or any other written
material provided to the consumer.

Cite as: 565 U. S. ____ (2012)


of the of
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the Court

(c) Retention of compliance records

(1) In general
The credit repair organization shall maintain a
copy of the statement signed by the consumer acknowledging receipt of the statement.
(2) Maintenance for 2 years
The copy of any consumers statement shall be
maintained in the organizations files for 2 years
after the date on which the statement is signed by the
Section 1679g provides:
(a) Liability established
Any person who fails to comply with any provision of
this subchapter with respect to any other person shall be
liable to such person in an amount equal to the sum of
the amounts determined under each of the following
(1) Actual damages
The greater of
(A) the amount of any actual damage sustained by
such person as a result of such failure; or
(B) any amount paid by the person to the credit
repair organization.
(2) Punitive damages

(A) Individual actions

In the case of any action by an individual, such

additional amount as the court may allow.
(B) Class actions
In the case of a class action, the sum of
(i) the aggregate of the amount which the court
may allow for each named plaintiff; and



of the of
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the Court

(ii) the aggregate of the amount which the court

may allow for each other class member, without regard to any minimum individual recovery.
(3) Attorneys fees
In the case of any successful action to enforce any
liability under paragraph (1) or (2), the costs of the action, together with reasonable attorneys fees.
(b) Factors to be considered in awarding punitive
In determining the amount of any liability of any credit
repair organization under subsection (a)(2) of this section,
the court shall consider, among other relevant factors
(1) the frequency and persistence of noncompliance
by the credit repair organization;
(2) the nature of the noncompliance;
(3) the extent to which such noncompliance was intentional; and
(4) in the case of any class action, the number of consumers adversely affected.

Cite as: 565 U. S. ____ (2012)

SOTOMAYOR, J., concurring in judgment



No. 10948




[January 10, 2012]


concurring in the judgment.
Claims alleging the violation of a statute, such as the
Credit Repair Organizations Act (Act), 15 U. S. C. 1679
et seq., are generally subject to valid arbitration agreements unless Congress evinces a contrary intent in the
text, history, or purpose of the statute. See Gilmer v.
Interstate/Johnson Lane Corp., 500 U. S. 20, 26 (1991). I
agree with the Court that Congress has not shown that
intent here. But for the reasons stated by the dissent, I
find this to be a much closer case than the majority opinion suggests.
The Act creates a cause of action in its liability provision, see 1679g(a), denominates the cause of action a
right to sue in the mandatory disclosure statement,
1679c(a), and then provides that right[s] may not be
waived, 1679f(a). Those for whom Congress wrote the
Actlay readers of limited economic means and . . .
inexperienced in credit matters, 1679(a)(2)reasonably
may interpret the phrase right to sue as promising a
right to sue in court. And it is plausible to think that
Congress, aware of the impact of its words, intended such
a construction of the liability provision.
But while this interpretation of the Act is plausible, it is
in my view no more compelling than the contrary con-


SOTOMAYOR, J., concurring in judgment

struction that petitioners urge. As the majority opinion

notes, the disclosure provision does not itself confer a
cause of action, and the liability provision that does is
materially indistinguishable from other statutes that we
have held not to preclude arbitration. In my mind this
leaves the parties arguments in equipoise, and our precedents require that petitioners prevail in this circumstance.
This is because respondents, as the opponents of arbitration, bear the burden of showing that Congress disallowed
arbitration of their claims, and because we resolve doubts
in favor of arbitration. See id., at 26. Of course, if we
have misread Congress intent, then Congress can correct
our error by amending the statute.
I add one more point. The majority opinion contrasts
the liability provision of the Act with other, more recently
enacted statutes that expressly disallow arbitration. I do
not understand the majority opinion to hold that Congress
must speak so explicitly in order to convey its intent to
preclude arbitration of statutory claims. We have never
said as much, and on numerous occasions have held that
proof of Congress intent may also be discovered in the
history or purpose of the statute in question. See ibid. (If
such an intention exists, it will be discoverable in the text
of the [statute], its legislative history, or an inherent
conflict between arbitration and the [statutes] underlying
purposes); Shearson/American Express Inc. v. McMahon,
482 U. S. 220, 227 (1987) (If Congress did intend to limit
or prohibit waiver of a judicial forum for a particular
claim, such an intent will be deducible from [the statutes]
text or legislative history, or from an inherent conflict
between arbitration and the statutes underlying purposes (quoting Mitsubishi Motors Corp. v. Soler ChryslerPlymouth, Inc., 473 U. S. 614, 628 (1985); citation omitted)). I agree with the dissent that the statutes the
majority opinion cites shed little light on the thoughts of
the Congress that passed the Act. But the Acts text is not

Cite as: 565 U. S. ____ (2012)

SOTOMAYOR, J., concurring in judgment

dispositive, and respondents identify nothing in the legislative history or purpose of the Act that would tip the
balance of the scale in favor of their interpretation.

Cite as: 565 U. S. ____ (2012)

GINSBURG, J., dissenting



No. 10948




[January 10, 2012]


Congress enacted the Credit Repair Organizations Act
(CROA) to protect consumers who have experienced
credit problemsparticularly those of limited economic
meansagainst the unfair and deceptive practices of
credit repair organizations. 15 U. S. C. 1679(a). Central
to the legislation, Congress sought to arm consumers with
information needed to make intelligent decisions about
purchasing a repair organizations services. To that end,
Congress directed that, before [execution of] any contract
. . . between [a] consumer and [a] credit repair organiza
tion, the organization must make certain disclosures.
One of the required disclosures reads:
You have a right to sue a credit repair organization
that violates the [CROA]. This law prohibits decep
tive practices by [such] organizations. 1679c(a).
The Acts civil-liability provision describes suits consumers
may bring in court: individual and class actions for dam
ages (actual and punitive) and attorneys fees. A further
provision renders void any purported waiver of any protec
tion or right the Act grants to consumers.
The Court today holds that credit repair organizations
can escape suit by providing in their take-it-or-leave-it
contracts that arbitration will serve as the parties sole


GINSBURG, J., dissenting

dispute-resolution mechanism. The right to sue, the

Court explains, merely connotes the vindication of legal
rights, whether in court or before an arbitrator. That
reading may be comprehensible to one trained to think
like a lawyer. But Congress enacted the CROA with
vulnerable consumers in mindconsumers likely to read
the words right to sue to mean the right to litigate in
court, not the obligation to submit disputes to binding
In accord with the Ninth Circuit, I would hold that
Congress, in an Act meant to curb deceptive practices, did
not authorize credit repair organizations to make a false
or misleading disclosuretelling consumers of a right they
do not, in fact, possess. If the Act affords consumers a
nonwaivable right to sue in court, as I believe it does, a
credit repair organization cannot retract that right by
making arbitration the consumers sole recourse.
CompuCredit marketed a credit card to consumers with
weak credit ratings. It did so through massive direct-mail
and Internet solicitations, urging recipients to acquire a
card under the brand name Aspire Visa, and thereby
rebuild poor credit and improve [their] credit rating.
App. 40, Complaint 11 (internal quotation marks omit
ted). Plaintiffs, individuals who applied for and received
CompuCredits card, sought redress for multiple violations
of the CROA.
Their complaint alleged that CompuCredits promotion
al materials told potential customers that no deposit
would be required, and that cardholders would receive,
upfront, a credit line of $300. In fact, plaintiffs asserted,
they were charged an initial finance fee of $29, a monthly
fee of $6.50, and an annual fee of $150, assessed immedi
ately against the $300 limit. In the aggregate, plaintiffs
calculated, fees charged the first year amounted to $257.

Cite as: 565 U. S. ____ (2012)

GINSBURG, J., dissenting

CompuCredits fee exactions did appear in the promotional

materials: in small print, buried amidst other information,
and removed from the clearer representation that no deposit would be required. Id., at 4041, Complaint 12
13. Far from improving their credit rating, plaintiffs
complained, CompuCredit knew that its card, saddled
with these fees, would not provide any meaningful assis
tance whatsoever with regard to rebuilding credit and
improving a credit rating. Id., at 48, Complaint 41(b).
Furthermore, plaintiffs stated, CompuCredit did not
provide them with the written disclosures of their rights
required by the CROA. Id., at 42, Complaint 23.
Seeking damages for the alleged violations, along with
attorneys fees, plaintiffs requested class certification. In
the District Court and Court of Appeals, they successfully
resisted CompuCredits motion to compel arbitration
pursuant to a form contract that barred class proceedings.1
This Court, however, interprets the CROA to permit CompuCredits demand that plaintiffs proceed, if at all, before
an arbitrator.2 I read the governing statute differently.
Three sections of the CROA, considered together, indi
cate Congress intention to preclude mandatory, creditor
imposed, arbitration of CROA claims. See 15 U. S. C.
1679c(a), 1679g, and 1679f. Before entering into any

1 The

contract signed by cardholders did not itself require arbitration.

Rather, it incorporated by reference an enclosed insert providing that
all disputes would be resolved by arbitration at the discretion of Com
puCredit or the cardholder. App. 6163.
2 CompuCredits form contract specified that arbitration was to occur
under the auspices of the National Arbitration Forum (NAF). In 2009,
after the Attorney General of Minnesota filed an action alleging that
NAF had engaged in numerous violations of consumer-protection laws,
NAF entered into a consent decree barring it from handling consumer
arbitrations. See Press Release by Lori Swanson, Attorney General of
Minnesota (July 19, 2009).


GINSBURG, J., dissenting

consumer contract, credit repair organizations must give

potential customers a written statement of rights they
possess under that Act and related consumer-protection
laws. 1679c(a). Congress dictated every word of the
required notification. Credit repair organizations must
tell consumers, in plain terms, how they may enforce their
rights: You have a right to sue a credit repair organiza
tion that violates the Credit Repair Organization Act.
The right to sue refers to the claim for relief Congress
afforded consumers in 1679g. Any person who violates
anothers rights under the CROA shall be liable for
actual damages and attorneys fees, and may be liable for
punitive damages as well. 1679g(a)(1)(3). The Act sets
out the factors the court shall consider in determining
the amount of punitive damages the court may allow
aggrieved consumers to recover, either individually or as a
class. 1679g(a)(2) and (b). The liability created here, in
1679g, is precisely what the consumer, in light of 1679c,
may sue to enforce.
The Act renders void and unenforceable [a]ny waiver by
any consumer of any protection provided by or any right of
the consumer under this subchapter. 1679f (emphasis
added).3 The rights listed in 1679c(a) rendered nonwaivable by 1679f are the right to sue and the right to
cancel [a] contract . . . for any reason within 3 business
days from the date [the consumer] signed it.4

3 Section 1679f(a), omitted from the Courts statutory appendix, ante,

at 1114, provides in full:
Any waiver by any consumer of any protection provided by or any
right of the consumer under this subchapter
(1) shall be treated as void; and
(2) may not be enforced by any Federal or State court or any other
4 Two provisions, although described by 1679c(a) as consumer
right[s], are not rendered nonwaivable by 1679f because they are not
right[s] . . . under this subchapter. Rather, the right to dispute

Cite as: 565 U. S. ____ (2012)

GINSBURG, J., dissenting

The question on which this case turns is what Congress

meant when it created a nonwaivable right to sue.
Recall that Congress target audience in the CROA is not
composed of lawyers and judges accustomed to nuanced
reading of statutory texts, but laypersons who receive a
disclosure statement in the mail. Recall, as well, Con
gress findings that these individuals are often of limited
economic means and . . . inexperienced in credit matters.
1679(a)(2). Attributing little importance to this context,
the Court construes the right to sue as the legal right,
enforceable in court, to recover damages . . . without re
gard to whether the suit in court has to be preceded by an
arbitration proceeding. Ante, at 8. I read Congress
words without that sophisticated gloss: The right to sue,
I would hold, means the right to litigate in court.
The Court is quite right in recognizing that consumers
have the legal right, enforceable in court, to recover dam
ages from credit repair organizations that violate the
CROA. Ibid. But the Court is quite wrong, as I see it, to
characterize as merely imprecise, ibid., Congress failure
to include the caveat that access to court may be condi
tioned upon an anterior arbitration. The right to sue
may well be a colloquial method of communicating to
consumers. See ibid. But it surely is not colloquially
understood by recipients of the required disclosures as the
right, not to adjudicate in court, but only to seek, or defend
against, court enforcement of an award rendered by the
arbitrator chosen by the credit repair organization. Few,
if any, credit repair customers would equate the right to

inaccurate information in your credit report and the right to obtain a

copy of your credit report referred to in 1679c(a) are rights conferred
elsewhere in the U. S. Code. See 1681i(a), 1681j. Section 1679f also
makes nonwaivable the protection[s] provided . . . under this subchap
ter (emphasis added); these protections include the prohibition of cer
tain business practices, see 1679b, and the provision, in writing, of
certain contractual terms and conditions, see 1679d.


GINSBURG, J., dissenting

sue, 1679c(a), with the extremely limited judicial review

given to an arbitrators award, see, e.g., Hall Street Associates, L. L. C. v. Mattel, Inc., 552 U. S. 576, 586589
The Court discounts the references to action, class
action, and court in 1679g, the provision that cre
ate[s] the consumers claim for relief. See ante, at 5.
Despite similar statutory language, the Court observes, we
have enforced arbitration agreements to settle disputes
arising under other Acts of Congress. The CROA, however, is distinguished by its disclosure requirements,
prime among them, the obligation imposed on the credit
repair organization to inform potential customers they
have a right to sue an organization that violates the Act.
1679c(a). Yet the Court refuses to read this language in
concert with 1679g, notwithstanding our frequent ac
knowledgment that a statute is to be read as a whole,
since the meaning of statutory language . . . depends on
context. King v. St. Vincents Hospital, 502 U. S. 215, 221
(1991) (citation omitted). As just explained, I believe
Congress meant what an ordinary reader of the disclosure
requirement would likely comprehend: A credit repair
organization that engages in deceptive practices may be
sued in court.
Reducing the required disclosure to insignificance, see
ante, at 45, the Courts construction of the CROA scarcely
advances the Acts goals. Congress aimed to ensure pro
spective customers are provided with the information
necessary to make an informed decision, and also to
protect the public from unfair or deceptive advertising
and business practices. 15 U. S. C. 1679(b). The Courts
interpretation, however, enables the very deception Con
gress sought to suppress. Todays decision permits credit
repair organizations to deny consumers, through fine print
in a contract, an important right whose disclosure is de
creed in the U. S. Code.

Cite as: 565 U. S. ____ (2012)

GINSBURG, J., dissenting

This unfortunate result is not compelled by our prece

dents. The Court cites three decisions for the proposition,
by now uncontroversial, that the mere existence of a statutory right of action does not preclude agreements to
arbitrate disputes. See ante, at 56 (citing Gilmer v.
Interstate/Johnson Lane Corp., 500 U. S. 20, 28 (1991);
Shearson/American Express Inc. v. McMahon, 482 U. S.
220, 240 (1987); and Mitsubishi Motors Corp. v. Soler
Chrysler-Plymouth, Inc., 473 U. S. 614, 637 (1985)). As
the Court acknowledges, ante, at 6, none of the statutes at
issue in those cases contained a nonwaiver clause analo
gous to 1679f. Yet the presence of such a clause would
not have affected the outcome, the Court maintains; a
nonwaiver provision would not have precluded arbitration
because the statutes conferred no underlying right to
proceed in court.
Precisely the point: The CROA differs from the statutes
we have construed in the past in just that respect. The
Act does not merely create a claim for relief. It designates
that claim as an action entailing a right to sue; man
dates that consumers be informed, prior to entering any
contract, of that right; and precludes the waiver of any
right conferred by the Act. Neither Gilmer, McMahon,
nor Mitsubishi construed a statute of a similar order.5
The Courts final point is that, elsewhere, Congress has
spoken with particular clarity in guaranteeing a judicial

5 [I]f one believes [the CROA] . . . establishes a nonwaivable right to

initial judicial enforcement, the Court states, one must also believe
that it establishes a nonwaivable right to initial judicial enforcement in
any competent judicial tribunal. Ante, at 7. In Sportin Lifes words,
it aint necessarily so. While there is good reason to believe Congress
cared about the institutional location of consumers suits under the
CROA, there is no reason to think Congress sought to disturb the
personal jurisdiction and venue rules that determine in which court a
civil action may be brought.


GINSBURG, J., dissenting

forum and proscribing arbitration, but here, it did not do

so. The two statutes the Court cites as exemplary post
date the CROAs enactment by 14 and 6 years, respective
ly. (A third merely delegates regulatory authority over
certain arbitration agreements.) See ante, at 9. Notably,
these recent statutes were framed following a string of
this Courts decisions compelling arbitration pursuant to
contractual stipulations.6 Our decisions have increasingly
alerted Congress to the utility of drafting antiwaiver
prescriptions with meticulous care. But the Congress that
drafted the CROA was not similarly stimulated, and we
cannot fairly assess that enactment in the light of subse
quent legislative responses to developments unknown to
the CROAs drafters. Cf. United States v. Price, 361 U. S.
304, 313 (1960) ([T]he views of a subsequent Congress
form a hazardous basis for inferring the intent of an
earlier one.).
Beyond question, the Federal Arbitration Act, standing
alone, favors the enforcement of arbitration agreements.
McMahon, 482 U. S., at 226. To depart from that rule,
however, Congress need not employ magic words. See
Tr. of Oral Arg. 6. In determining whether the Arbitration
Acts general rule has been displaced by another statutory
prescription, it remains our responsibility to examine
carefully the text of the [statute], its legislative history,
and Congress underlying purposes. Gilmer, 500 U. S.,
at 26 (citing McMahon, 482 U. S., at 227). See also 14
Penn Plaza LLC v. Pyett, 556 U. S. 247, 258 (2009) (arbi
tration agreements will be enforced unless Congress itself
has evinced an intention to preclude a waiver of judicial
remedies for the statutory rights at issue (quoting
Gilmer, 500 U. S., at 26, in turn quoting Mitsubishi, 473
U. S., at 628)). No unmistakably clear statement is

6 See Brief for American Association for Justice as Amicus Curiae 12,
and n. 5 (listing arbitration decisions since the CROAs enactment).

Cite as: 565 U. S. ____ (2012)

GINSBURG, J., dissenting

necessary to proscribe the arbitration clause CompuCredit

seeks to enforce.
The CROA mandates that potential customers shall be
told of their right to sue a credit repair organization for
damages arising from deceptive practices. 15 U. S. C.
1679c(a). But CompuCredits adhesion contract provided
that consumers would not have the right to go to court.
App. 61 (capitalization omitted). Congress direction must
prevail over CompuCredits opposing declaration. Accord
ingly, I would affirm the judgment of the Court of Appeals
for the Ninth Circuit.

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