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Dr.T.V.Rao MD
To know better about mishappening in our Indian Medical system, let us know the Anatomy of our
Medical Educational system, which is rapidly falling with many crisis, one blame other for no
solutions as Private medical colleges have proliferated rapidly in India. When in 1980 there were
around 100 public colleges and 11 private, the latter now outnumber the former by 215 to 183.
Most are run by businessmen with no medical experience. Last January, the British Medical Journal
found that many private medical colleges charged "capitation" fees, which are essentially
compulsory donations required for admission. Jeetha D'Silva, who authored that report, wrote,
"Except for a few who get into premier institutions of their choice purely on merit, many students
face Hobson's choice - either pay capitation to secure admission at a college or give up on the dream
of a medical degree. I am just a little drop in the occasion of misstatement of Medical Profession,
Today everybody reports in a big way for the corrupt practices in the Medical Profession , imposing
that Medical council of India, however it was mended to needs of the politicians and rich people in
power almost I am in this private Medical college as a Poor and helpless Microbiologist, If you wish
to continue a privatized profession you should be silent spectator, practically in many Medical
colleges, there is no rule of law, only the managers near to management take decisions, TOME DICK
HARRY ARE THE INTELLECTUALS, in some privates run on caste creed and religion play the game
and real strengths and rarely academics matters, and Controversies, discussions and conflicts
surrounding the state of medical education in India are like the common cold, everybody suffers but
no body complains it keeps surfacing every now and then. The challenges that it often confront are
that of poor government control over the accreditation process, lack of skilled faculty, curriculum
with inconsequential detail, complicated nature of the selection process, etc Many retired teachers
join to spend their time and many enjoy long privileges from private managements for even baby
sittings, this all they call it agreements, I cannot blame the private managements they are at the
mercy of senior faculty they have to tolerate whether they are sane or insane to the modern needs, I
sustained to continue as Heading the department tolerating matters like a learned Money, working
for salary not to see all the foolish and blunders going around, or I may be out of Job, People say
they have decades of experience in serving the government and oppose any change except their
conveniences. Almost many teach and believe what they are doing 30 years back than what is
needed today to modernize medicine so it means we cannot blame the MCI or private managements
as they are mercy of TOM DICK AND HARRY, so the mismanagement grow roots of our educational
Please read the important observation of well-read intellectual BM Hedge, scientist, and author,
notes, Key players have questioned the validity of selection on the basis of pre-medical tests
consisting of multiple-choice questions. The universities are just degree-selling shops. Medical
schools should make radical changes in the curriculum, adopt innovative pedagogical strategies for
enhancing students learning, improve the methods used to assess students performances, and
focus on the professional development of faculty as teachers and educators. We all observe, In
India, we follow a rote method of learning, so the clinical bedside knowledge is far below the
requirement. How is this going to make us reliable doctors? While preparing for PG exams to study
abroad, one realises the importance of adequate clinical skills. The system must emphasise more on
this than on distinctions.
EVERY BODY ADVISES BUT WHO FOLLOWS Policymakers, physicians and those who teach physicians
must open their eyes to the opportunities, realities, and responsibilities. We need a holistic, radical

surgery to restructure the entire medical education system in India. Whether one aggress or not 60
to 70 Doctors in majority of the private medical colleges are substandard and prove to be harmful as
many of them pass the examination with power of money I just do not blame the students and
money, we have more 70% of the SENIOR faculty are non-productive, LIVING AND MAKING
MONEY BECAUSE OF MCI REGULATIONS as the main role of a Teacher in Private Medical colleges is
pass the students, forgetting the objective of A medical COLLEGE is about dealing with patients and
their lives, and not about examination or passing the subjects. What we are taught always comes
with a label 'Important from examination point of view', never as 'Important to learn and apply',
both being mutually exclusive of each other. Even the most passionate doctors I've met hardly differ
in this aspect, and clearly outnumber those who think the other way round.
WHY COLLEGES LOADED WITH SUBSTANDARD STUDENTS so is it any surprise with the quality and
character of the doctors of the new era. The brightest and smartest dont want to become doctors
since its simply not reasonable for a middle class family to sustain a medical student. This makes
way for corruption and only the people with the insane amounts of money can become doctors in
the new era. Are these the kind of doctors you want to trust your lives with?
There are very few inspirational teachers in Medical Colleges (thankfully few are still there). Again it
is related to low pay of professors in medical colleges. This low pay will prevent the best talents to
become teachers/mentors for the next generations of doctor
ONLY MONEY MATTERS AND NEVER THE MERIT The issue is not just about illegal capitation fees that
range from Rs.50 lakh to Rs.1 crore for a MBBS seat. The process of admission is itself flawed with a
walk-in system for those with money but for the others, it is a harrowing tale of expensive tuitions
and writing 15 to 20 examinations across the country a process that once again excludes and
deters several
AS REPORTED BY THE HINDU sorting out the mess in medical education requires a consensus across
the political spectrum. Any shifts in the status quo will be bitterly opposed, so deeply entrenched are
the vested interests. But the time has come for the government to act as the acute shortage in
human resources is the main barrier to achieving universal health coverage. The more the delay in
addressing the critical challenges facing human resources for health on grounds of political
expediency, the greater the social, political and financial costs this country will have to bear in the
years ahead. Prudence lies in stemming the rot by decisive action and before it is too late. (Sujatha
Rao is a former Secretary, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare)
I always fought the system bitterly, of course to my satisfaction as Human taken the Hippocratic
oath however induvial vanish soon or later but the system continues for good or bad, hope whether
it is politician rich man poor man want to live in peace not succumbing to the corrupt and inefficient
system hope all humans have a responsibility above all our governments should be concerned about
the degenerating medical education, and I am certain that India faces many iatrogenic deaths than
country in the hands of inefficient doctors, I do not believe it is MCI along or many of us we are
enjoying the hospitality of the Medical educational system without contributing to save many
What next? Parliament has done its duty. The onus is now on the government to demonstrate its
commitment to bringing in achche din. Unlike its predecessors, it is not a prisoner of vested
interests that control the MCI today and were allegedly behind the untimely transfer of a Union
Secretary and the Cabinet Minister for Health in 2014.

The PSC has indicted the MCI and this alone is sufficient reason to set it aside with immediate effect.
A group of eminent people should be appointed as a transition team to work out the new
architecture, even as the Law Commission should be requested to draft an appropriate law with
safeguards to ensure that the new body does not become overly centralised.
India has paid a huge price by sacrificing its traditional wisdom and not developing human resources
suited to its needs. Given the disparities in the country, there is a need to guard against elitism. In
the U.K. and in many European countries, medical education falls under the government. It is time
for the same in India. (Sujatha Rao is former Union Secretary, Health, and Sita Naik is former
Member of the Board of Governors of MCI and also member of the Ranjit Roy Chaudhury
Ref what is wrong with medical education and residency training in India? QUORA Raghuraj S.
Hegde, an ophthalmic plastic surgeon.
2 Doctors by merit, not privilege Sujatha Rao The Hindu dated June 26/ 2013
3 Getting medical education on track March 18 the 2016
Dr.T.V.Rao MD Professor of Microbiology Freelance writer

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