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Debilitation in Dushtsthanas

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May 5

Debilitation in Dushtsthanas
Can I get more insight from the learned members of this community that what happens if
the dushtsthans (3rd, 6th, 8th & 12th) houses contains the debilitated planets........
As far as i know that it kills the evil effects of these houses......
But in what cases i confuses are as following :
1. Does this debilitation always result auspious in case of every planet weather it is
benefic or malefic (functional or natural).
2. What result does the planet which is getting debilitated gives to the houses which it
3. What result will be of the debilitated planet in dushtsthanas on its natural karkatwas
and functional karkatwas.
4. What result if the debilitated planet in dushtsthanas owns the good house like 1st or 5th
Learned members please throw some light on these issues.........

May 6


In short..
when a planet gets deliberated in a dushtsthana like 6th/8th/12th houses...
1) It is bad for that dushtsthana in which this planet is getting deliberated-means a kind of
neechbhang(In the sense of that particular house) or VRY(if planet also owns a
dushtsthana)- or simply good for the native( as the malefic qualities of that dushsthana
would get dissolved.)
2) If this concerned planet owns a good house, then its deliberation(in dushsthana) is also
malefic for the significations of that owned house.(though it will destroy the malefic
results of that dushsthana)
3) If this concerend deliberated planet also owns a dushsthana, then its like a double
bonanza for the native(this would prove to be a perfect VRY and neechbhang raj yogboth).
4) If this concerend deliberated planet owns a both a dushsthana AND A GOOD HOUSE
then the results both points 2nd and 3rd would be expereinced.
5) Natural significations/karakatva of that planet would definately suffer(since the planet
is deliberated)..unless neechbhang is happening in some way.

May 6

///////1) It is bad for that dushtsthana in which this planet is getting deliberated-means a
kind of neechbhang(In the sense of that particular house) or VRY(if planet also owns a
dushtsthana)- or simply good for the native( as the malefic qualities of that dushsthana
would get dissolved.//////////////////
Does only the malefic qualities of the dushsthana gets dissoloved.......???
What about the benefic qualities associated with the house (6th, 8th, 12th).......

May 6


benefic qualities will also get negatively impacted..

May 7

Deliberated planet is always bad. expect when its forming vipreeta raja yoga. even then
natural karaktahtva of this planet is silverly harmed.
i consider planet to be in its mooltrikond sign and virgorrama and not retrograde to be
most auspicious planet.
Exalted planet harm the 7th house from itself because of its deliberated accept. so it is not
as auspicious as compared to mooltrikond planet.

May 7

I agree with you ..

May 7

///////////Exalted planet harm the 7th house from itself because of its deliberated accept. so
it is not as auspicious as compared to mooltrikond planet. //////////////
From this logic the debilitated planet should give the benefic (exalted) aspect to the 7th
house from where it is placed ?

If it is so then one should look forward for debilitated planet in 4th house for good
carrier.........debilitated planet in 1st house for relationship, marriage to be
good.......debilitated planet in 3rd house for 9th house (luck) to be good..........debilitated
planet in 11th house for education to be good.........

May 7

swati, Rahul
very correct...rahul....
swati you should answer this point, even I also differ with you on this point.
Placement of a planet is more powerful than its aspect (that means if a planet is placed in
lagan and aspecting 7th house from it, then more of its influence would be felt on 1st
house when compared to 7th house) and there is a strong reason behind this concept.
I would appeal all of read this...
swati , each house has an extremely important connection from the house opposite to it.
(like we have our most intimate relationship with our spouse-7th house from
We all know that each planet has its own strength through which it nourishes the house,it
is placed in(like we have our own strength), but apart from this strength a planet tries to
aquire extra strength from somewhere else also, just like when we are down we ask for a
help or support from our mother, father ,friends and SPECIALLY our soulmate ,this
strength is known as derived strength.

May 7

Now this extra derived strength of a planet can be of two types.
1) derived from another planet(Like INHERENTLY Jupiter derives it from ketu, Saturn
derives it from venus and rahu , moon derives it from Jupiter, sun and mars, venus
derives it from moon, ketu derives it from rahu etc----I will discuss this later)
2) derived from house(this is our focus point specially 7th house-soulmate)

May 7

Always remember that house and rashis represent our surroundings.
You all must have also noticed that there are NO big plants present in the few meters
radius- periphery of a BIG tree(from trunk), this is because most of the water under that
few meters of earth is consumed by the roots of that big tree and hence, scarcity of water
for other plants in that area.[ Imagine that big tree ,as an exalted planet, The area on
which this tree is standing is that bhava/rashi in which an exalted planet is placed and The
surrounding water scarced area as the opposite 7th house/rashi(or dependent
surrounding)] although that surrounding area of few meters have no big plants on it but
big tree protects this area from the heat of the sun, the tree also provide this area with all
its fruits(dropped on it after they are adequately ripened).[ Like we protect and nourishes
our spouse]
Though the water scarce area seems to be less important (as it has no big trees on it) but
actually its the real strength behind that BIG tree.(since big tree is consuming the share
of water of that small area of land)[ Like Our soulmate is our actual strength)

Debilitation in Dushtsthanas
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May 7

That is why the extra strength of a planet placed in an house depends on the well being of
the house opposite to the house in which it is placed and lord of that opposite house.(For

us our extra strength depends on the well being of our spouse(7th)-as she is our better
This is because that concerned planet derives its extra energy from the house opposite to
it(we derive from our spouse-her moral and physical support), Now how much extra
energy a planet can derive from its opposite bhava will depend on its strength in a current
rashi, bhava, aspect, conjuction, navamsa status,D-60 status, shadbal staus etc.(HOW
BIG THE TREE IS ? or how much efforts we can do to rise in life ? or how much we can
To rise high we need to put in our extra efforts and hence more energy would be derived
from our spouse,the more we rise,the more energy we would need..

May 7

Similarly the more planet is near exaltion ,the maximum energy would be derived from
our spouse.or 7th house
Therefore when a planet gets exalted , it has the ability(if required) to derive maximum
energy from the house opposite to it and with the help of that energy, it tries to nourish
the bhava in which it is placed.
Now this derivation of extra energy, makes the opposite bhava weak to some extent.
(like if we are doing very hard work(10th house)-we would not have time to avail our
personal/home happiness from 4th house(opposite to 10th)same could be the result of
the parameters of 7th house(spouse) while providing us the required support lagan(I
means lagan)

May 7

Now finally
In order to present this concept in a simpler manner we say that ucchh planet has a neech

aspect.---but ideally this aspect is not neech. or from the above concept that opposite
bhava does not go weak(while nourishing) EVERYTIME..
NO it isnt...why??
let me explain further
Everytime word here refers to the morning of knowledge.
BHAVA, but this generation needs knowledge.

May 7

From here our general astrological concepts ends and spritual astrological concepts
from here the actual level of our chart comes into scene...
Can someone explain the point which I am reffering to...??

May 7

i would like to comment on what i have said.
Exalted planet harm the 7th house from itself because of its deliberated accept. so it is not
as auspicious as compared to mooltrikond planet.
mooltrikond and virgottama planet is always auspicious. it will never give bad result in
any lagana. or from any angel. so it is always auspicious. one must understand that in
6,8,12 house a planet in mooltrikond sign give rise to saral, vimal, harsh yogas.

however uccaah plants does both good bad result for different lagans. so it not as
auspicious. it can be more strong but not as auspicious as compared to the planet in
here i will share my one more experience with you.
Huge power comes with big responsibility. power corrupts.
uccaah planets shows huge power. Individual free will is not controlled by planets.
planets can only influence one free will but cant control them.
I have seen people flowing with the energy instead of flowing this energy in correct
Especially in case of uccah mars people flows with its natural tendency instead of
flowing this huge energy in right direction.
Uccaah planets are good if you are controlling them, once these planets starts controlling
you it can be very very bad.
lot of experience is require to clearly understand this, thats why i always give importance
to a bonafied guru. one can never be a good astrologer if he doesn't have blessing of guru.

May 8

"I have seen people flowing with the energy instead of flowing this energy in correct
Especially in case of uccah mars people flows with its natural tendency instead of
flowing this huge energy in right direction.
Uccaah planets are good if you are controlling them, once these planets starts controlling
you it can be very very bad."
This happens when this uchh planet has a simultaneous malefic influence on it.

or when other planets in the chart are not complimenting this uchh their
respective antardasha,parayantra dasha, sooksham dasha..etc..

May 8

"lot of experience is require to clearly understand this, thats why i always give
importance to a bonafied guru. one can never be a good astrologer if he doesn't have
blessing of guru. "

I have a blessings/teachings of GOD, I dont have a human guru...

Can any human guru match that almighty teachings??
If a person has a rock will power/honesty/patience/hard work, then he can do/achieve
anything without guru.
Yes the people who cannot reach god, with the help of their bhakti..then ofcourse they
require a guru.

May 8

Can any human guru match that almighty teachings??
well thats a statement which can trigger arguments
Maatha,Pithaa,Guru, Daivam...
well do u believe in the teachings/preachings of Parashara??
y didn eklavya prayed to god/made a statue of warrior gods to give him weapons
knowledge...? instead making statue of Drona??
well I believe every knowledge is incomplete without a guru....

May 8

what I personaly feel, I have written that...It may sound odd,may sound wrong...but thats
As per me, guru shows the way through which we can connect with god(source of all the
knowledge) ,thats why he is great.
But we CANT say that god opens his doors only for those who has a guru.
GOD is for all, whether one has guru or not..he is always ready to teach us in his own
perfect way...only thing is person should have that kind of bhakti and shraddha which is
required to establish a connection with the god.
99% of the people dont have that kind of bhakti...but 1% of people can have that kind of
wisdom,will power etc..

May 8

"y didn eklavya prayed to god/made a statue of warrior gods to give him weapons
knowledge...? instead making statue of Drona??"
as far as this statement is concerned...
Eklavya would not have lost his thumb, if he had assumed GOD as his guru..
(God dont want anything in return of his blessings and teaching ..he only knows to give)
where as in this case drona, on account of his own selfish reason
(that his student arjun should not face any competetion from eklavya and therefore his
name as an ultimate guru should remain intact)..
takes away all that , which eklavaya has earned through his sheer hard work of years.

(by asking his thumb as guru dakshina)

Humans are always full of malefic qualities but GOD is eternal..human guru can do some
partiality but GOD cannot.

Debilitation in Dushtsthanas
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May 8

Well this will remain a point of didn answer parashar part...he himself
has told that this divine science should be studied under the guidance of a guru...its not
that one with divine blessings cant understand it...then you tell me why lord Krishna
himself went to a guru for learning...In all the incarnations lord made it very clear about
the importance of guru in imparting knowledge...I am not saying one cant attain or grasp
knowledge with divine blessings...but to effectively channel the flow of knowledge the
blessings of guru is really very important.
And what Eklavya did is the best one can ever do his devotion to guru made him so was his devotion to his guru that made him so powerful...
and to add..this is just my humble observation... and what info u providing in this
community is extremely helpful to many of us for I will always remain thankful to you an

May 9 (6 days ago)

There is no point reinventing the wheel.
For attaintment of salvation, path becomes blissful and peacefull with help of guide.

Guru is like god only to you cos he preaches the path to god which he have already
Thats why attaintment of guru is seen frm 9th house which opens up your fortune and
intiate blissful march to moksha(9th being 10th to 12th)
But i would agree with nikhil dat if you hav 100% devotion and faith no matter which
path you travel God will redirect it to him.
If you closely observe instances of your life and planned elements in it you will surely
observe a pattern of how god wanted to build your life.He is like a guru only sittin in
higher loks.

May 9 (6 days ago)

very correct

May 9 (6 days ago)

"but to effectively channel the flow of knowledge the blessings of guru is really very
This aspect can also be achieved by having 100% faith in god.
"And what Eklavya did is the best one can ever do his devotion to guru made him so was his devotion to his guru that made him so powerful..."
yes but asking for a thumb in gurudakshina(was that correct on part of a guru-drona??)

May 9 (6 days ago)

"then you tell me why lord Krishna himself went to a guru for learning...In all the
incarnations lord made it very clear about the importance of guru in imparting
lord krishna has taught the right path, by going to I have written earlier 99% of
people cannot follow the path of bhakti and faith.....for them GURU is of UTMOST
But there are people who are self initiated,self willed...for them bhakti is like a jwell
Lord krishna has also said in the gita that BHAKTI is the best method to achieve him.
Therefore for 99% people GURU is necessary..but 1% people are themselves guru..they
dont need a guru..for them GOD is their guru..

May 9 (6 days ago)

"Well this will remain a point of didn answer parashar part...he himself
has told that this divine science should be studied under the guidance of a guru."
correct for 99% people guru is necessary for learning a Divine science.

May 9 (6 days ago)


Coming back to the topic......
What i think is that first of all we have to understand the clear logic and definition of
exalation and debilitation, before going to the result that what result they will inherrit.....
I came through some words of shri PV narsimha rao, which i found appealing through its

May 9 (6 days ago)

".........Debilitation is not bad per se"
Exaltation is essentially a state representing the purusha (male) nature of
the universe. It represents ahamkara (ego). That is why exalted planets are
akin to a person who is excited, easily satisfied and proud. On the
contrary, debilitation is essentially a state representing the sakti
(female) nature of the universe. It represents prakriti (nature). That is
why debilitated planets are akin to a person who is patient, has a lot of
stamina and works hard.

May 9 (6 days ago)

Though exalted planets are normally thought to be strong and debilitated
planets weak, the correct conclusion often requires a balanced analysis. As
they show pride and easy satisfaction, exalted planets can sometimes show
false confidence and fall. As they show patience and persistence,
debilitated planets can sometimes show success after hard work. That is why
planets in kendras (quadrants), which are the places of Vishnu (god of
sustenance and activity), give neecha bhanga raja yoga to debilitated
planets, showing that the patience and persistence pay off due to effort.

May 9 (6 days ago)

Generally planet showing abiguous result in relation to their postion being in exalted or
deblitated postion are Saturn and Mercury..
There is a reason for it . 3,6,10,11 are called upachaya sthan only for this reason.
These rasi being of saturn and mer in kalpurush circle reinstate the statement by the sages
that these 2 planets are neutral in nature.They grow and nurture with the individual..
The same can be inferred for these two planets and a shubh prabhav or unobstructive
aspect can give a good affect despite its rasi placement.
The other planet generally givin good result in deblitation is mars.
Mars is deblitated in rasi of moon because mars is energy and moon recepting house of
all senses..So if you dont have a well directed moon , mars is surely bound to give neech
So placement of moon in Airy sign or Dual sign when mars in karka is bound to give bad
affect otherwise mar in karka gives lot of wealth(mentioned in brihat jataka) which is true
because Mars in moon rasi will continuously push native for earning wealth as Moon and
Mars relation always indicate wealth(as moon and Surya are two reference significator in
D-2 Hora kundli for wealth which denote nothing but Government money(sun) and
private money(moon))..

Debilitation in Dushtsthanas
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May 10 (5 days ago)

nice thoughts

May 10 (5 days ago)

Raj Gurjar
does the mars in the nakshatr of moon (rohini) also force to the native to earn money???
and what abt. mars+moon conjuction
mars + moon conjuction always good for wealth in each house or it gives good result in
kendra and trine

May 10 (5 days ago)

In astrology results are seen cumulatively.Moon-mars is surely a dhan yog but obviously
a pleasant yog in\of houses ,will fructify more.

May 12 (3 days ago)

Well said rahul, a native who has exalted planets can be easily excited, are proud and
egoistic. it's very hard to control such huge power. Well i think now its very clear to all
that mooltrikond and virgottama planet is much more auspicious then exalted planets.

May 12 (3 days ago)

you are always very eager to give the final conclusion...
If someone is not able to control the power of an exalted planet then Its because of some
kind of malefic influence on that exalted planet or because the chart of the native as a
whole is not supportive or complimentary w.r.t that exalted planet.
Its not beacuse that exalted planet is week.
How many texts should I show you that exalted planet are the most powerful ones
,if their results are not eclipsed with some or the other malefic results.
Please go through all my posts in this thread once again.

May 12 (3 days ago)

What you are reffering to ,is Uchhbhang..under which exalted planet does not shows its
exalted results.
Uchhbhang is nothing but the inability of an exalted planet to give its usual effects due to
some malefic influences on it..
uchhbhang can occur under folllowing circumstances:1) If the concerned planet is getting deliberated in navamsa chart.
2) If the concerned planet is getting totally combust due to its proximity with sun.
3) If this planet is conjucted with functional(6th/8th/12th lords) or naisargik
(saturn,mars,rahu) malefics.
4) If this exalted planet is also retrograde and no auspicious planet whatsoever conjuct or
aspects it.
5) If the planet is in bad avastha simultaneouslly in at least 3 categories(these three
should always include baladi avasthas (categories of avasthasjagdradi,baladi,lajjitaddi,deeptadi,shayanadi) , then also exaltion results are not
6) If the mahadasha of an exalted planet is not present in the life time of the native ..then
also that planet will not be in a position to show its effects in full swing.
(Note:- dashas are very very important).

7) If the lord of the rashi in which a planet is exalted is very week or deliberated, then
also exalted planet will not show its exalted auspicious effects.
8) If these 4 (atmakark,laganesh,sun and moon ) are deliberated then no planet under
exaltion can give its exaltion results.
9) If the karak of the house in which a planet is getting exalted ,is deliberated ..then also
exalted planet cannot give its exaltion results.
10) If the native is under the influence of an INAUSPICIOUS sadesatti and this sadesatti
coincide with the mahadasha of an exalted planet, then also exalted results will NOT be
These are the few rules of uchh bhang ,which I can remember now with god's grace.

May 13 (2 days ago)

Nikhil, you don't seems to understand wt i am trying to say.
If you consider 2,3 charan grah dristi, rashi dristi, agarla, transit and dash upto deha
subdasha. you will find many conditions told by you are coming true during different
time in life of individual.
one need to carefully evaluate yogas which shows criminal tendencies, self destruction,
hypocrite, cheater, suicidal tendencies etc.
exalted planets give greater amount of power(even if they got nothing to do with above
mentioned yogas).
People usually with above mentioned yogas experience much more intense, harmful
results if they have exalted planets in their charts.
obviously if this exalted planet is well placed then it definitely give very good result
under associated dasha.
as per my observation in many charts mooltrikond and virgottama grah usually suppress
bad result of above Yogas.
if you think that i come to conclusions very fast then i have 10 years of my experience +
50 years experience of my respected guruji.

May 13 (2 days ago)

I should mention here that in vedic astrology we didn't consider
uranus, neptune, pluto.
astrologers are also reluctant to include upagrahas such as
gulika, chapa, upaketu, dhoom.
these are extremely malefic.
for example, gulika with uccah moon can take an individual to mental hospital.
what we all know is very limited. even if some people know something interesting they
are reluctant to share it. They have n numbers of reasons to hide it. some say that that it
may be misused.
for example people hide the use of mool dasha or lagana kendri graha dasha in
Shashtiamsha chart.
If 4th lord and 4th house is associated with saturn, rahu then person will be a hypocrite.
result will be more pronounced if saturn is exalted.
i can produce many such yogas as told by me respected guruji for everyones benefits.

May 13 (2 days ago)

not to forget if exalted graha is helmed between malefic.
and if there are two malefics(such as saturn and mars) in 12 and 11 house from the
exalted planet.
these person can be very evil.
i know a person with uccaha sun(kark navamasha ) in 9th and saturn mars in 12, 11 from
sun. he kills every one who comes in the path of his political success.

May 13 (2 days ago)

he told me everything he has done. he said that he simply can't control this tendency.
saturn mars forces his sun to do such evil deeds.
i advice him to stop wearing manik(sun stone). fast on sunday. keep himself away from
red color. always keep a yellow hanker.
who so ever has lagana helmed between malefic has evil tendencies hidden in him.
who so ever got his 4th lord, 4th house, moon associated with saturn, rahu will be a
who so ever got his 9th lord for lagana, sun, moon fall in 6,8,12 accepted by malefic will
do bad deeds.

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May 8

Well this will remain a point of didn answer parashar part...he himself
has told that this divine science should be studied under the guidance of a guru...its not
that one with divine blessings cant understand it...then you tell me why lord Krishna
himself went to a guru for learning...In all the incarnations lord made it very clear about
the importance of guru in imparting knowledge...I am not saying one cant attain or grasp
knowledge with divine blessings...but to effectively channel the flow of knowledge the

blessings of guru is really very important.

And what Eklavya did is the best one can ever do his devotion to guru made him so was his devotion to his guru that made him so powerful...
and to add..this is just my humble observation... and what info u providing in this
community is extremely helpful to many of us for I will always remain thankful to you an

May 9 (7 days ago)

There is no point reinventing the wheel.
For attaintment of salvation, path becomes blissful and peacefull with help of guide.
Guru is like god only to you cos he preaches the path to god which he have already
Thats why attaintment of guru is seen frm 9th house which opens up your fortune and
intiate blissful march to moksha(9th being 10th to 12th)
But i would agree with nikhil dat if you hav 100% devotion and faith no matter which
path you travel God will redirect it to him.
If you closely observe instances of your life and planned elements in it you will surely
observe a pattern of how god wanted to build your life.He is like a guru only sittin in
higher loks.

May 9 (7 days ago)

very correct

May 9 (7 days ago)

"but to effectively channel the flow of knowledge the blessings of guru is really very
This aspect can also be achieved by having 100% faith in god.
"And what Eklavya did is the best one can ever do his devotion to guru made him so was his devotion to his guru that made him so powerful..."
yes but asking for a thumb in gurudakshina(was that correct on part of a guru-drona??)

May 9 (7 days ago)

"then you tell me why lord Krishna himself went to a guru for learning...In all the
incarnations lord made it very clear about the importance of guru in imparting
lord krishna has taught the right path, by going to I have written earlier 99% of
people cannot follow the path of bhakti and faith.....for them GURU is of UTMOST
But there are people who are self initiated,self willed...for them bhakti is like a jwell
Lord krishna has also said in the gita that BHAKTI is the best method to achieve him.
Therefore for 99% people GURU is necessary..but 1% people are themselves guru..they
dont need a guru..for them GOD is their guru..

May 9 (7 days ago)

"Well this will remain a point of didn answer parashar part...he himself
has told that this divine science should be studied under the guidance of a guru."
correct for 99% people guru is necessary for learning a Divine science.

May 9 (7 days ago)

Coming back to the topic......
What i think is that first of all we have to understand the clear logic and definition of
exalation and debilitation, before going to the result that what result they will inherrit.....
I came through some words of shri PV narsimha rao, which i found appealing through its

May 9 (7 days ago)

".........Debilitation is not bad per se"
Exaltation is essentially a state representing the purusha (male) nature of
the universe. It represents ahamkara (ego). That is why exalted planets are
akin to a person who is excited, easily satisfied and proud. On the
contrary, debilitation is essentially a state representing the sakti
(female) nature of the universe. It represents prakriti (nature). That is

why debilitated planets are akin to a person who is patient, has a lot of
stamina and works hard.

May 9 (7 days ago)

Though exalted planets are normally thought to be strong and debilitated
planets weak, the correct conclusion often requires a balanced analysis. As
they show pride and easy satisfaction, exalted planets can sometimes show
false confidence and fall. As they show patience and persistence,
debilitated planets can sometimes show success after hard work. That is why
planets in kendras (quadrants), which are the places of Vishnu (god of
sustenance and activity), give neecha bhanga raja yoga to debilitated
planets, showing that the patience and persistence pay off due to effort.

May 9 (7 days ago)

Generally planet showing abiguous result in relation to their postion being in exalted or
deblitated postion are Saturn and Mercury..
There is a reason for it . 3,6,10,11 are called upachaya sthan only for this reason.
These rasi being of saturn and mer in kalpurush circle reinstate the statement by the sages
that these 2 planets are neutral in nature.They grow and nurture with the individual..
The same can be inferred for these two planets and a shubh prabhav or unobstructive
aspect can give a good affect despite its rasi placement.
The other planet generally givin good result in deblitation is mars.
Mars is deblitated in rasi of moon because mars is energy and moon recepting house of
all senses..So if you dont have a well directed moon , mars is surely bound to give neech
So placement of moon in Airy sign or Dual sign when mars in karka is bound to give bad
affect otherwise mar in karka gives lot of wealth(mentioned in brihat jataka) which is true
because Mars in moon rasi will continuously push native for earning wealth as Moon and
Mars relation always indicate wealth(as moon and Surya are two reference significator in
D-2 Hora kundli for wealth which denote nothing but Government money(sun) and
private money(moon))..

Debilitation in Dushtsthanas
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May 10 (6 days ago)

nice thoughts

May 10 (6 days ago)

Raj Gurjar
does the mars in the nakshatr of moon (rohini) also force to the native to earn money???
and what abt. mars+moon conjuction
mars + moon conjuction always good for wealth in each house or it gives good result in
kendra and trine

May 10 (6 days ago)


In astrology results are seen cumulatively.Moon-mars is surely a dhan yog but obviously
a pleasant yog in\of houses ,will fructify more.

May 12 (4 days ago)

Well said rahul, a native who has exalted planets can be easily excited, are proud and
egoistic. it's very hard to control such huge power. Well i think now its very clear to all
that mooltrikond and virgottama planet is much more auspicious then exalted planets.

May 12 (4 days ago)

you are always very eager to give the final conclusion...
If someone is not able to control the power of an exalted planet then Its because of some
kind of malefic influence on that exalted planet or because the chart of the native as a
whole is not supportive or complimentary w.r.t that exalted planet.
Its not beacuse that exalted planet is week.
How many texts should I show you that exalted planet are the most powerful ones
,if their results are not eclipsed with some or the other malefic results.
Please go through all my posts in this thread once again.

May 12 (4 days ago)


What you are reffering to ,is Uchhbhang..under which exalted planet does not shows its
exalted results.
Uchhbhang is nothing but the inability of an exalted planet to give its usual effects due to
some malefic influences on it..
uchhbhang can occur under folllowing circumstances:1) If the concerned planet is getting deliberated in navamsa chart.
2) If the concerned planet is getting totally combust due to its proximity with sun.
3) If this planet is conjucted with functional(6th/8th/12th lords) or naisargik
(saturn,mars,rahu) malefics.
4) If this exalted planet is also retrograde and no auspicious planet whatsoever conjuct or
aspects it.
5) If the planet is in bad avastha simultaneouslly in at least 3 categories(these three
should always include baladi avasthas (categories of avasthasjagdradi,baladi,lajjitaddi,deeptadi,shayanadi) , then also exaltion results are not
6) If the mahadasha of an exalted planet is not present in the life time of the native ..then
also that planet will not be in a position to show its effects in full swing.
(Note:- dashas are very very important).
7) If the lord of the rashi in which a planet is exalted is very week or deliberated, then
also exalted planet will not show its exalted auspicious effects.
8) If these 4 (atmakark,laganesh,sun and moon ) are deliberated then no planet under
exaltion can give its exaltion results.
9) If the karak of the house in which a planet is getting exalted ,is deliberated ..then also
exalted planet cannot give its exaltion results.
10) If the native is under the influence of an INAUSPICIOUS sadesatti and this sadesatti
coincide with the mahadasha of an exalted planet, then also exalted results will NOT be
These are the few rules of uchh bhang ,which I can remember now with god's grace.

May 13 (3 days ago)

Nikhil, you don't seems to understand wt i am trying to say.
If you consider 2,3 charan grah dristi, rashi dristi, agarla, transit and dash upto deha
subdasha. you will find many conditions told by you are coming true during different
time in life of individual.
one need to carefully evaluate yogas which shows criminal tendencies, self destruction,
hypocrite, cheater, suicidal tendencies etc.

exalted planets give greater amount of power(even if they got nothing to do with above
mentioned yogas).
People usually with above mentioned yogas experience much more intense, harmful
results if they have exalted planets in their charts.
obviously if this exalted planet is well placed then it definitely give very good result
under associated dasha.
as per my observation in many charts mooltrikond and virgottama grah usually suppress
bad result of above Yogas.
if you think that i come to conclusions very fast then i have 10 years of my experience +
50 years experience of my respected guruji.

May 13 (3 days ago)

I should mention here that in vedic astrology we didn't consider
uranus, neptune, pluto.
astrologers are also reluctant to include upagrahas such as
gulika, chapa, upaketu, dhoom.
these are extremely malefic.
for example, gulika with uccah moon can take an individual to mental hospital.
what we all know is very limited. even if some people know something interesting they
are reluctant to share it. They have n numbers of reasons to hide it. some say that that it
may be misused.
for example people hide the use of mool dasha or lagana kendri graha dasha in
Shashtiamsha chart.
If 4th lord and 4th house is associated with saturn, rahu then person will be a hypocrite.
result will be more pronounced if saturn is exalted.

i can produce many such yogas as told by me respected guruji for everyones benefits.

May 13 (3 days ago)

not to forget if exalted graha is helmed between malefic.
and if there are two malefics(such as saturn and mars) in 12 and 11 house from the
exalted planet.
these person can be very evil.
i know a person with uccaha sun(kark navamasha ) in 9th and saturn mars in 12, 11 from
sun. he kills every one who comes in the path of his political success.

May 13 (3 days ago)

he told me everything he has done. he said that he simply can't control this tendency.
saturn mars forces his sun to do such evil deeds.
i advice him to stop wearing manik(sun stone). fast on sunday. keep himself away from
red color. always keep a yellow hanker.
who so ever has lagana helmed between malefic has evil tendencies hidden in him.
who so ever got his 4th lord, 4th house, moon associated with saturn, rahu will be a
who so ever got his 9th lord for lagana, sun, moon fall in 6,8,12 accepted by malefic will
do bad deeds.

Debilitation in Dushtsthanas

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May 13 (3 days ago)

"one need to carefully evaluate yogas which shows criminal tendencies, self destruction,
hypocrite, cheater, suicidal tendencies etc.
exalted planets give greater amount of power(even if they got nothing to do with above
mentioned yogas).
People usually with above mentioned yogas experience much more intense, harmful
results if they have exalted planets in their charts. "
HARMFUL results happen under the yogs which I have stated above not otherwise.
"obviously if this exalted planet is well placed then it definitely give very good result
under associated dasha."
right this is what I am saying.
"as per my observation in many charts mooltrikond and virgottama grah usually suppress
bad result of above Yogas."
obviously no doubt in that, if exalted planet is under some malefic influence , swarashi or
mooltrikond grah which is involved in some good yog will try to cancel it out.
"if you think that i come to conclusions very fast then i have 10 years of my experience +
50 years experience of my respected guruji. "
dear, when you are discussing something, dont bring your expereince in between just to
prove something...Expereince and hard work are not told, they are felt.

May 13 (3 days ago)

"If 4th lord and 4th house is associated with saturn, rahu then person will be a hypocrite.
result will be more pronounced if saturn is exalted."
Now this what I call , skiping things while reading..
Just go through the 3rd point in my latest post...I have also stated the SAME thing
It says when an exalted planet combines with a natural or functional malefic, it will not
give auspicious results...
I think you know that Rahu is a malefic , and here saturn is exalted ..when both are
conjucted can the auspicious result of exalted planet(here saturn) come to pass...??

May 13 (3 days ago)

"not to forget if exalted graha is helmed between malefic.
and if there are two malefics(such as saturn and mars) in 12 and 11 house from the
exalted planet.
these person can be very evil.
i know a person with uccaha sun(kark navamasha ) in 9th and saturn mars in 12, 11 from
sun. he kills every one who comes in the path of his political success. "
you are again and again repeating the same things which I have already stated in one
READ again carefully the 3rd point of my latest post..
When an exalted planet is hemmed between malefics...OBVIOUSLLY it will give bad
intense results.
I think you dont read my posts carefully.

May 13 (3 days ago)

"who so ever has lagana helmed between malefic has evil tendencies hidden in him.
who so ever got his 4th lord, 4th house, moon associated with saturn, rahu will be a
who so ever got his 9th lord for lagana, sun, moon fall in 6,8,12 accepted by malefic will
do bad deeds. "
All these things are correct, but we are discussing abt exalted planets ....

May 13 (3 days ago)

Nikhil, i think you didn't read my previous post carefully.
I am saying that mooltrikond and virgottama planet is more auspicious then exalted
planet. Exalted planet can be strong but not as auspicious.
you are saying that exalted planet is more auspicious that mooltrikond and virgottama
Which is not correct.

May 13 (3 days ago)


VERSES 59-60 chapter 1 of BPHS
59-60. Ratio of Effects. A Planet in exaltation gives fully good effects, while in
Moolatrikona it is bereft of its auspicious effects by one fourth. It is half beneficial in
its own House. Its beneficence is one fourth in a friendly Ri. In an equals Ri one
eighth of auspicious disposition is useful. The good effects are nil in debilitation, or
enemys camp. Inauspicious effects are quite reverse with reference to what is

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