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This specification covers a reflectorized pavement striping material of the type that is applied to a
road surface in a molten state with premixed glass beads by spray or extrusion means, with a
supplemental surface application of glass spheres. When applied properly and at the designated
thickness and width the stripe shall, upon cooling, be reflectorized and be able to resist deformation
by traffic. The applied material shall be impervious to degradation by motor oil, diesel fuel, grease
deposits and ice-preventative chemicals.


The thermoplastic pavement marking materials used in this contract shall meet the following
specifications. This specification covers reflectorized oil and grease impervious thermoplastic road
marking materials which are (1) hot extrusion applied with a surface application of glass spheres
and (2) heat fused applied. The properly applied markings shall be reflectorized and able to
durably resist degradation and deformation by traffic.
The thermoplastic materials shall be homogenously composed of pigment, filler, resins, and glass
reflectorizing spheres, and shall be available in both yellow and white.
Composition: The pigment, beads and filler shall be uniformly dispersed in the resin. The
materials shall be free from all skins, dirt, and foreign objects and shall comply with requirements
according to Table 1. Only new materials shall be acceptable for use on this project.
Binder (see note A )
Glass Beads
(AAASHTO M247 Type D )



18.0% min

18.0% min

30.0 40.0%

30.0 40.0%

10.0% min



2.0% min

42.0% max

50.0% max

Titanium Dioxide

Yellow Pigments

Calcium Carbonate

Note A: The alkyd binder shall consist of a mixture of synthetic resins ( at least one of which is
solid at room temperature ) and a high boiling point plasticizer. At least one third of binder
composition shall be solid maleic modified glycerol ester resin and shall be no less than 8% by
Section 550 Thermoplastic Pavement Marking
October 2004


eight of the entire material formulation. The alkyd binder shall not contain petroleum based
hydrocarbon resins.
Note B: The percentage of yellow pigment can be reduced if lead pigments are eliminated from
the formulation.
Temperature - The molten material temperature shall be between 400 and 440 F unless otherwise
recommended by the manufacturer, and approved by the Engineer.
Primer - A primer shall be used if thermoplastic is applied to Portland cement concrete. Any
primer used shall be compatible with the thermoplastic material.
Thickness - The pavement markings shall yield a solid thickness range of 80 to 95 mils above the
roadway surface across the middle two-thirds of the line width when tested as specified in MSMT
Glass Beads - Glass beads shall be uniformly applied to the surface of the molten thermoplastic at
the minimum rate of 7 to 9 lb/ 100 ft, as specified in MSMT 729.
Color - The color of the dry markings shall match Federal Standard 595 (13538 yellow or 17886
white). The Contractor shall supply the specified color chips for the Engineers use to visually
determine that the thermoplastic material matches the specified color.
Retro reflectance - The millicandel/lux/square meter values taken anytime within the first 30 days
shall conform to the following:



equal to or greater than 250


equal to or greater than 150


less than 250


less than 150



Necessary corrective actions,

including grinding if necessary,
and re-tracing.

The Drop-On glass beads shall conform to AASHTO specifications M-247-81 except as follows:
The glass beads shall have the following gradation:
US Sieve
Section 550 Thermoplastic Pavement Marking
October 2004




The Drop-On glass beads shall be smooth, clear and free from air inclusions. The beads shall
have a minimum refractive index of 1.50 and shall be a minimum of 80% true spheres overall, and
minimum 70% true spheres on each sieve. The beads shall be moisture proof coated and shall meet
the requirements of AASHTO M-247-81 Section 4.4.2 to insure optimum embedment of 60-65
percent (60-65%) in various thermoplastic traffic marking systems. The material shall set to bear
traffic in not more than 2 minutes when the air temperature is 50 degrees F and not more than 10
minutes when the air temperature is 90 degrees F.
Bond Strength After heating the thermoplastic material for four hours at 425 degrees F the
bond strength to Portland Cement Concrete shall exceed 180 psi (1.24 Mpa Method ASTM
Cracking Resistance For at least 90 days after application the materials shall show no cracks
other than with substrate cracking.
Smear and Softening Resistance During the life of the materials, the applied markings shall
not smear or soften apart from substrate movement.


Methods of Sampling and Testing: The Commission reserves the right to require the contractor to
perform any quality assurance testing necessary to determine compliance with these specifications.
Testing required shall be by industry standard and shall be the responsibility of the contractor and
performed at no cost to the Commission.
The Contractor shall obtain and provide to the Construction Manager, as part of the material
submittal package, a written material specification compliance certification from the thermoplastic
manufacturer, stating that the material being used on this contract meets the materials specifications
in the Contract.


The molten applied thermoplastic material shall readily screed/extrude at temperatures between 400
degrees F and 440 degrees F from the approved equipment to produce a line which shall be
continuous and uniform in shape having sharp dimensions.
The application of additional glass beads by drop-on methods shall be at a minimum rate of 8 lbs.
per 100 sq ft of marking. Ambient and surface temperatures shall be at least 50 degrees F and rising
at the time of application.
Method of Application:
The Contractor shall furnish and install machine-applied extruded and/or sprayed hot thermoplastic
with glass spheres (pre mixed and drop-on) in the proper ratio to immediately produce a highly
reflective marking as described elsewhere in these specifications, in accordance with the details in
this contract and the following provisions.

Section 550 Thermoplastic Pavement Marking

October 2004


Surface Preparation:
In order to insure maximum possible adhesion, the pavement surface upon which the pavement
markings are to be placed shall be properly cleaned from grease, oil, mud, dust, dirt, grass, loose
gravel, and other deleterious material prior to the application of the Thermoplastic pavement
markings, and/or primer/sealer. Cleaning is required on all surfaces which are to receive new
pavement markings, and shall be considered incidental to the application of the markings.
It shall be the responsibility of the contractor to recommend to the Construction Manager and
obtain the Construction Managers concurrence as to whether primer-sealer is required on a given
pavement in order to meet the material manufacturers warranty conditions. Generally, on all
Portland Cement concrete pavement surfaces and aged asphalt-concrete pavements having less than
eighty percent (80%) bituminous concrete, primer-sealer shall be applied to the area where the
thermoplastic pavement markings are to be placed. Also, the Commission reserves the right to
direct the Contractor to apply primer/sealer for any given markings.
The primer/sealer shall be that recommended by the manufacturer of the thermoplastic material,
and approved by the Construction Manager. The material shall form a continuous film which shall
dry rapidly and adhere to the pavement. The material shall not discolor nor cause any noticeable
change in the appearance of the pavement outside the of the finished pavement markings. All
solvents shall have evaporated from the primer/sealer prior to the application of the molten
thermoplastic materials. A sample of the primer/sealer and the recommended method of
application must be submitted to the Construction Manager, and shall have been approved by the
Construction Manager and the manufacturer of the material before application.
The Construction Manager has the authority to require the Contractor to apply the primer/sealer
using a separate vehicle which may require additional traffic control.
Payment for application of primer/sealer and any additional traffic control will be incidental to the
marking item.


When called for in the contract or otherwise as directed by the Construction Manager, removal of
existing painted or plastic pavement markings shall be accomplished by the Contractor using
equipment sand methods specifically approved by the Construction Manager. Marking removal
shall not be by the painting out with black paint method nor shall it result in excessive scarring of
the pavement. No more than 1/8 inch depth of scarred pavement will be allowed. At least 90
percent of all markings shall be removed.
As directed by the Construction Manager, the Contractor shall be responsible for sweeping or
otherwise adequately cleaning up debris after completion of markings required to be removed by
the Construction Manager because they are improperly located or otherwise incorrect or improper.
Unless permitted otherwise by the Construction Manager, where old markings are removed, the
new markings must be applied the same day as the old markings are removed. Whenever grinding,
scraping, sandblasting, or other operations are performed, the work shall be conducted in such
manner that the finished pavement surface is not damaged or left in a pattern that will mislead or
misdirect motorists. When these operations are completed, the pavement markings shall be cleaned
to remove residue and debris resulting from the cleaning work.
Section 550 Thermoplastic Pavement Marking
October 2004


Where cleaning and/or removal of pavement paint striping or objectionable material is being
performed within ten (10) feet of a lane occupied by traffic, the residue removal shall be by
method(s) approved by the Construction Manager.
Any damage to the pavement or pavement joint materials caused by pavement marking removal
shall be repaired by the Contractor at not cost to the Commission by methods acceptable to the
Construction Manager.
The removal of pavement markings will be measured and paid for at the contract price as shown in
the Bid Documents.
No direct payment will be made for the removal of existing pavement markings which have not
been authorized by the Construction Manager.


When a line is required to be placed in the same location as an existing painted line, and existing
painted markings not required to be removed are visible, they shall be retraced (i.e. new markings
installed in exactly the same locations, patterns, and dimensions as the old markings). However, if
the existing markings are to be removed or are not visible, or if new roadway surface has been
placed before markings installation occurs, or if the contract requires a line to be installed where
none currently exists, the Contractor will be required to pre-mark as directed by the Construction
Manager and subsequently shall install the required markings in accordance with the requirement
of other sections of the specifications.
The actual placement of the pavement markings at any such site shall not be performed until the
pre-marking has been inspected and approved by the Construction Manager. Pre-marking is
incidental to the pavement marking installation work and there will be no separate payment for premarking.


All work shall be performed in accordance with Part VI of the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control
Devices (MUTCD) and section 104 of the MSHA Standard Specifications for Construction and
Materials.. The Contractor shall furnish and place all warning devices, flag persons, and other
traffic control devices required to direct, control and protect the traveling public while marking
operations are in progress. Maintenance of traffic for this work will be paid under the Maintenance
of Traffic item if an item is included in the bid proposal, otherwise it will be considered incidental
to the work.


The thermoplastic pavement marking materials and glass beads furnished under this contract shall
assume the manufacturers warranty for these materials and shall be guaranteed by the supplier
against failure due to traffic oil degradation.
The contractor shall assume all costs arising from the use of patented materials, equipment, devices
or processes used on or incorporated in the work, and agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the
Section 550 Thermoplastic Pavement Marking
October 2004


Commission and its duly authorized representatives from all suits at law or action of every nature
for, or on account of , the use of any patented materials equipment, devices or processes. Further,
the material shall meet the requirements of this specification for a period of one year.


Payment will be full compensation for all material, labor, equipment, tools, and incidental items
necessary to complete the work. Payment shall be made on a unit rate or lump sum basis as shown
in the bid proposal.

Section 550 Thermoplastic Pavement Marking

October 2004


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