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West Lake Update

April 28, 2016

EPA Reaches Agreement with

Bridgton Landfill for Installation
of Components of Isolation Barrier System
EPA Region 7 has finalized an Administrative
Settlement Agreement and Order on Consent
(Settlement) requiring Bridgeton Landfill, LLC to
start work on several critical components of the
isolation barrier system at the West Lake Landfill
Superfund Site. These actions will be implemented
in the North Quarry portion of the Bridgeton
Landfill as a Time Critical Removal Action to
prevent the subsurface reaction in the southern
portion of the Bridgeton Landfill from potentially
reaching Operable Unit 1.
In December 2015, EPA announced its decision to proceed with construction of an isolation
barrier system. The Enforcement Action Memorandum that accompanies the Settlement outlines
important steps in the implementation of that
decision. These actions include the installation of
a Heat Extraction System (HES) within the Neck
area between the North and South Quarry portions of the Bridgeton Landfill, use of inert gas
injection, installation of an ethylene vinyl alcohol
(EVOH) cover over the North Quarry portion of
the Bridgeton Landfill, installation of additional
temperature monitoring probes (TMPs), and other
environmental monitoring.
EPA is working in close coordination with the
Missouri Department of Natural Resources, which
remains the lead agency for the Bridgeton Landfill
or Operable Unit 2 of the West Lake Landfill Site.
The Settlement will initiate needed actions in the
North Quarry while the state continues its efforts
to require Bridgeton Landfill to address the ongoing subsurface reaction in the South Quarry.
The HES is designed to ensure waste temperatures in the Neck area remain below levels that
could indicate the presence of a subsurface reaction and prevent the potential spread of the reaction from the South to the North Quarry.
Inert Gas Injection is designed as a rapid deployment measure to isolate, contain, and inhibit and/
or extinguish any independent subsurface reaction
that may occur in the Neck area or in the North
Quarry. The Settlement requires Bridgeton Landfill to maintain the materials necessary for inert
gas injection on site, so as to facilitate implementation within seven days if certain triggers are met.
Bridgeton Landfill will be required to place an
EVOH cover over the North Quarry. This cover

will be an extension of the existing EVOH cover in the

South Quarry. The EVOH cover will assist in prevention
of oxygen intrusion, collection of landfill gasses, reduction of odors emanating from the landfill, and prevent
surface water infiltration.
The Settlement further requires Bridgeton Landfill to
install additional North Quarry Subsurface TMPs. The
TMPs will monitor landfill temperatures that could be a
precursor to, or indicative of, a subsurface reaction in the
North Quarry. Measurement of landfill temperatures and
landfill gas composition will be used to assess the performance of the HES.
The Settlement also requires the installation of two
sulfur dioxide (SO2) air monitors for a period of one
year. These monitors will be operational within 30 days of
EPAs approval of the work plan. The location and type of
monitor will be determined after consultation with, and
approval by, EPA and MDNR.
Work plans for the HES, Inert Gas Injection, and environmental monitoring will be submitted within 30 days of
the Settlement. The work plan for the EVOH cover will be
submitted within 60 days. The Settlement further requires
completion of the HES within four months of the construction start date.
The protection of human health and the environment
remains EPAs top priority at the West Lake Landfill
Superfund site, and this Settlement demonstrates EPAs
commitment to protecting the community and on-Site
EPA continues to work on the technical and legal details
of the remaining portions of the isolation barrier system
and will provide these details to the public when they are
available. The Settlement and Enforcement Action Memorandum are available on EPAs West Lake Landfill website:

Community Inquiries
Ben Washburn
[email protected]

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