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287 U.S.

53 S.Ct. 210
77 L.Ed. 413

No. 177.
Argued Nov. 8, 1932.
Decided Dec. 19, 1932.

Messrs. A. Hall Johnston and John Y. Jordan, Jr., both of Asheville, N.C.,
for petitioner.
[Argument of Counsel from page 436 intentionally omitted]
The Attorney General and Mr. Thomas D.Thacher, Sol. Gen., of
Washington, D.C., for the United States.
[Argument of Counsel from page 437 intentionally omitted]
Mr. Chief Justice HUGHES delivered the opinion of the Court.

Defendant was indicted on two counts (1) for possessing and (2) for selling, on
July 13, 1930, one-half gallon of whisky in violation of the National Prohibition
Act (27 USCA). He pleaded not guilty. Upon the trial he relied upon the
defense of entrapment. The court refused to sustain the defense, denying a
motion to direct a verdict in favor of defendant and also refusing to submit the
issue of entrapment to the jury. The court ruled that 'as a matter of law' there
was no entrapment. Verdict of guilty followed, motions in arrest, and to set
aside the verdict as contrary to the law and the evidence, were denied, and
defendant was sentenced to imprisonment for eighteen months. The Circuit
Court of Appeals affirmed the judgment (57 F.(2d) 973), and this Court granted
a writ of certiorari limited to the question whether the evidence was sufficient
to go to the jury upon the issue of entrapment. 287 U.S. 584, 53 S.Ct. 19, 77
L.Ed. -.

The government, while supporting the conclusion of the court below, also urges

The government, while supporting the conclusion of the court below, also urges
that the defense, if available, should have been pleaded in bar to further
proceedings under the indictment and could not be raised under the plea of not
guilty. This question of pleading appropriately awaits the consideration of the
nature and grounds of the defense.

The substance of the testimony at the trial as to entrapment was as follows: For
the government, one Martin, a prohibition agent, testified that having resided
for a time in Haywood county, N.C., where he posed as a tourist, he visited
defendant's home near Canton, on Sunday, July 13, 1930, accompanied by
three residents of the county who knew the defendant well. He was introduced
as a resident of Charlotte who was stopping for a time at Clyde. The witness
ascertained that defendant was a veteran of the World War and a former
member of the Thirtieth Division A.E.F. Witness informed defendant that he
was also an ex-service man and a former member of the same Division, which
was ture. Witness asked defendant if he could get the witness some liquor and
defendant stated that he did not have any. Later there was a second request
without result. One of those present, one Jones, was also an ex-service man and
a former member of the Thirtieth Division, and the conversation turned to the
war experiences of the three. After this, witness asked defendant for a third time
to get him some liquor, whereupon defendant left his home and after a few
minutes came back with a half gallon of liquor for which the witness paid
defendant $5. Martin also testifed that he was 'the first and only person among
those present at the time who said anything about securing some liquor,' and
that his purpose was to prosecute the defendant for procuring and selling it. The
government rested its case on Martin's testimony.

Defendant called as witnesses the three persons who had accompanied the
prohibition agent. In substance, they corroborated the latter's story but with
some additions. Jones, a railroad employee, testified that he had introduced the
agent to the defendant 'as a furniture dealer of Charlotte,' because the agent had
so represented himself; that witness told defendant that the agent was 'an old
30th Division man' and the agent thereupon said to defendant that he 'would
like to get a half gallon of whisky to take back to Charlotte to a friend' of his
that was in the furniture business with him, and that defendant replied that he
'did not fool with whisky'; that the agent and his companions were at
defendant's home 'for probably an hour or an hour and a half and that during
such time the agent asked the defendant three or four or probably five times to
get him, the agent, some liquor.' Defendant said 'he would go and see if he
could get a half gallon of liquor,' and he returned with it after an absence of
'between twenty and thirty minutes.' Jones added that at that time he had never
heard of defendant being in the liquor business, that he and the defendant were
'two old buddies,' and that he believed 'one former war buddy would get liquor

for another.'

Another witness, the timekeeper and assistant paymaster of the Champion Fibre
Company at Canton, testified that defendant was an employee of that company
and had been 'on his job continuously without missing a pay day since March,
1924.' Witness identified the time sheet showing this employment. This witness
and three others who were neighbors of the defendant and had known him for
many years testified to his good character.

To rebut this testimony, the government called three witnesses who testified
that the defendant had the general reputation of a rum runner. There was no
evidence that the defendant had ever possessed or sold any intoxicating liquor
prior to the transaction in question.

It is clear that the evidence was sufficient to warrant a finding that the act for
which defendant was prosecuted was instigated by the prohibition agent, that it
was the creature of his purpose, that defendant had no previous disposition to
commit it but was an industrious, law-abiding citizen, and that the agent lured
defendant, otherwise innocent, to its commission by repeated and persistent
solicitation in which he succeeded by taking advantage of the sentiment
aroused by reminiscences of their experiences as companions in arms in the
World War. Such a gross abuse of authority given for the purpose of detecting
and punishing crime, and not for the making of criminals, deserves the severest
condemnation; but the question whether it precludes prosecution or affords a
ground of defense, and, if so, upon what theory, has given rise to conflicting

It is well settled that the fact that officers or employees of the government
merely afford opportunities or facilities for the commission of the offense does
not defeat the prosecution. Artifice and stratagem may be employed to catch
those engaged in criminal enterprises. Grimm v. United States, 156 U.S. 604,
610, 15 S.Ct. 470, 39 L.Ed. 550; Goode v. United States, 159 U.S. 663, 669, 16
S.Ct. 136, 40 L.Ed. 297; Rosen v. United States, 161 U.S. 29, 42, 16 S.Ct. 434,
480, 40 L.Ed. 606; Andrews v. United States, 162 U.S. 420, 423, 16 S.Ct. 798,
40 L.Ed. 1023; Price v. United States, 165 U.S. 311, 315, 17 S.Ct. 366, 41
L.Ed. 727; Bates v. United States (C.C.) 10 F. 92, 94, note page 97; United
States v. Reisenweber (C.C.A.) 288 F. 520, 526; Aultman v. United States
(C.C.A.) 289 F. 251.1 The appropriate object of this permitted activity,
frequently essential to the enforcement of the law, is to reveal the criminal
design; to expose the illicit traffic, the prohibited publication, the fraudulent use
of the mails, the illegal conspiracy, or other offenses, and thus to disclose the
would-be violators of the law. A different question is presented when the

criminal design originates with the officials of the government, and they
implant in the mind of an innocent person the disposition to commit the alleged
offense and induce its commission in order that they may prosecute.

The Circuit Court of Appeals reached the conclusion that the defense of
entrapment can be maintained only where, as a result of inducement, the
accused is placed in the attitude of having committed a crime which he did not
intend to commit, or where, by reason of the consent implied in the
inducement, no crime has in fact been committed. 57 F.(2d) page 974. As
illustrating the first class, reference is made to the case of a sale of liquor to an
Indian who was disguised so as to mislead the accused as to his identity. United
States v. Healy (D.C.) 202 F. 349; Voves v. United States (C.C.A.) 249 F. 191.
In the second class are found cases such as those of larceny or rape where want
of consent is an element of the crime. Regina v. Fletcher, 8 Cox C.C. 131; Rex
v. McDaniel, Fost. 121, 127, 128; Connor v. People, 18 Colo. 373, 33 P. 159,
25 L.R.A. 341, 36 Am.St.Rep. 295; Williams v. State of Georgia, 55 Ga. 391;
United States v. Whittier, 5 Dill. 35, Fed. Cas. No. 16,688; State v. Adams, 115
N.C. 775, 20 S.E. 722. There may also be physical conditions which are
essential to the offense and which do not exist in the case of a trap, as, for
example, in the case of a prosecution for burglary where it appears that by
reason of the trap there is no breaking.2 Rex v. Egginton, 2 Leach, C.C. 913;
Regina v. Johnson, Car. & Mar. 218; Saunders v. People, 38 Mich. 218; People
v. McCord, 76 Mich. 200, 42 N.W. 1106; Allen v. State, 40 Ala. 334, 91
Am.Dec. 477; Love v. People, 160 Ill. 501, 43 N.E. 710, 32 L.R.A. 139. But
these decisions applying accepted principles to particular offenses, do not
reach, much less determine, the present question. Neither in reasoning nor in
effect do they prescribe limits for the doctrine of entrapment.


While this Court has not spoken on the precise question (see Casey v. United
States, 276 U.S. 413, 419, 423, 48 S.Ct. 373, 72 L.Ed. 6323 ), the weight of
authority in the lower federal courts is decidedly in favor of the view that in
such case as the one before us the defense of entrapment is available. The
government concedes that its contention, in supporting the ruling of the Circuit
Court of Appeals, is opposed by decisions in all the other circuits except the
Tenth Circuit, and no decision in that circuit suggesting a different view has
been brought to our attention. See Capuano v. United States (C.C.A. 1st) 9 F.
(2d) 41, 42; United States v. Lynch (D.C.S.D.N.Y., Hough, J.) 256 F. 983, 984;
Lucadamo v. United States (C.C.A.2d) 280 F. 653, 657, 658; Zucker v. United
States (C.C.A.3d) 288 F. 12, 15; Gargano v. United States (C.C.A.5th) 24 F.
(2d) 625, 626; Cermak v. United States (C.C.A.6th) 4 F.(2d) 99; O'Brien v.
United States (C.C.A.7th) 51 F.(2d) 674, 679, 680; Butts v. United States
(C.C.A.8th) 273 F. 35, 38, 18 A.L.R. 143; Woo Wai v. United States

(C.C.A.9th) 223 F. 412. And the Circuit Court of Appeals of the Fourth Circuit,
in the instant case, was able to reach its conclusion only by declining to follow
the rule which it had laid down in its earlier decision in Newman v. United
States (C.C.A.) 299 F. 128, 131.4 It should be added that in many cases in
which the evidence has been found insufficient to support the defense of
entrapment the availability of that defense, on a showing of such facts as are
present here, has been recognized.5 The federal courts have generally approved
the statement of Circuit Judge Sanborn in the leading case of Butts v. United
States, supra, as follows: 'The first duties of the officers of the law are to
prevent, not to punish crime. It is not their duty to incite to and create crime for
the sole purpose of prosecuting and punishing it. Here the evidence strongly
tends to prove, if it does not conclusively do so, that their first and chief
endeavor was to cause, to create, crime in order to punish it, and it is
unconscionable, contrary to public policy, and to the established law of the land
to punish a man for the commission of an offense of the like of which he had
never been guilty, either in thought or in deed, and evidently never would have
been guilty of if the officers of the law had not inspired, incited, persuaded, and
lured him to attempt to commit it.' The judgment in that case was reversed
because of the 'fatal error' of the trial court in refusing to instruct the jury to that
effect. In Newman v. United States, supra, the applicable principle was thus
stated by Circuit Judge Woods: 'It is well settled that decoys may be used to
entrap criminals, and to present opportunity to one intending or willing to
commit crime. But decoys are not permissible to ensnare the innocent and
lawabiding into the commission of crime. When the criminal design originates,
not with the accused, but is conceived in the mind of the government officers,
and the accused is by persuasion, deceitful representation, or inducement lured
into the commission of a criminal act, the government is estopped by sound
public policy from prosecution therefor.' These quotations sufficiently indicate
the grounds of the decisions above cited.

The validity of the principle as thus stated and applied is challenged both upon
theoretical and practical grounds. The argument, from the standpoint of
principle, is that the court is called upon to try the accused for a particular
offense which is defined by statute and that, if the evidence shows that this
offense has knowingly been committed, it matters not that its commission was
induced by officers of the government in the manner and circumstances
assumed. It is said that where one intentionally does an act in circumstances
known to him, and the particular conduct is forbidden by the law in those
circumstances, he intentionally breaks the law in the only sense in which the
law considers intent. Ellis v. United States, 206 U.S. 246, 257, 27 S.Ct. 600, 51
L.Ed. 1047, 11 Ann.Cas. 589. Moreover, that as the statute is designed to
redress a public wrong, and not a private injury, there is no ground for holding

the government estopped by the conduct of its officers from prosecuting the
offender. To the suggestion of public policy the objectors answer that the
Legislature, acting within its constitutional authority, is the arbiter of public
policy6 and that, where conduct is expressly forbidden and penalized by a valid
statute, the courts are not at liberty to disregard the law and to bar a prosecution
for its violation because they are of the opinion that the crime has been
instigated by government officials.

It is manifest that these arguments rest entirely upon the letter of the statute.
They take no account of the fact that its application in the circumstances under
consideration is foreign to its purpose; that such an application is so shocking to
the sense of justice that it has been urged that it is the duty of the court to stop
the prosecution in the interest of the government itself, to protect it from the
illegal conduct of its officers and to preserve the purity of its courts. Casey v.
United States, supra. But can an application of the statute having such an effect
creating a situation so contrary to the purpose of the law and so inconsistent
with its proper enforcement as to invoke such a challengefairly be deemed to
be within its intendment?


Literal interpretation of statutes at the expense of the reason of the law and
producing absurd consequences or flagrant injustice has frequently been
condemned. In United States v. Palmer, 3 Wheat. 610, 631, 4 L.Ed. 471, Chief
Justice Marshall, in construing the Act of Congress of April 30, 1790, section 8
(1 Stat. 113), relating to robbery on the high seas, found that the words 'any
person or persons' were 'broad enough to comprehend every human being,' but
he concluded that 'general words must not only be limited to cases within the
jurisdiction of the state, but also to those objects to which the legislature
intended to apply them.' In United States v. Kirby, 7 Wall. 482, 19 L.Ed. 278,
the case arose under the Act of Congress of March 3, 1825 (4 Stat. 104, 9),
providing for the conviction of any person who 'shall, knowingly and wilfully,
obstruct or retard the passage of the mail, or of any driver or carrier * * *
carrying the same.' Considering the purpose of the statute, the Court held that it
had no application to the obstruction or retarding of the passage of the mail or
of its carrier by reason of the arrest of the carrier upon a warrant issued by a
state court. The Court said: 'All laws should receive a sensible construction.
General terms should be so limited in their application as not to lead to
injustice, oppression, or an absured consequence. It will always, therefore, be
presumed that the legislature intended exceptions to its language, which would
avoid results of this character. The reason of the law in such cases should
prevail over its letter.' And the Court supported this conclusion by reference to
the classical illustrations found in Puffendorf and Plowden. Id., pages 486, 487
of 7 Wall.


Applying this principle in Lau Ow Bew v. United States, 144 U.S. 47, 12 S.Ct.
517, 518, 36 L.Ed. 340, the Court decided that a statute requiring the
permission of the Chinese government, and identification by certificate, of
'every Chinese person, other than a laborer,' entitled by treaty or the act of
Congress to come within the United States, did not apply to Chinese merchants
already domiciled in the United States, who had left the country for temporary
purposes, animo revertendi, and sought to re-enter it on their return to their
business and their homes. And in United States v. Katz, 271 U.S. 354, 362, 46
S.Ct. 513, 516, 70 L.Ed. 986, construing title 2, section 10 of the National
Prohibition Act (27 USCA 22) so as to avoid an unreasonable application of
its words, if taken literally, the Court again declared that 'general terms
descriptive of a class of persons made subject to a criminal statute may and
should be limited, where the literal application of the statute would lead to
extreme or absurd results, and where the legislative purpose gathered from the
whole act would be satisfied by a more limited interpretation.'7 See, to the same
effect, Heydenfeldt v. Daney Gold & S. Min. Company, 93 U.S. 634, 638, 23
L.Ed. 995; Carlisle v. United States, 16 Wall. 147, 153, 21 L.Ed. 426; Oates v.
National Bank, 100 U.S. 239, 25 L.Ed. 580; Chew Heong v. United States, 112
U.S. 536, 555, 5 S.Ct. 255, 28 L.Ed. 770; Holy Trinity Church v. United States,
143 U.S. 457, 459-462, 12 S.Ct. 511, 63 L.Ed. 226; Hawaii v. Mankichi, 190
U.S. 197, 212-214, 23 S.Ct. 787, 47 L.Ed. 1016; Jacobson v. Massachusetts,
197 U.S. 11, 39, 25 S.Ct. 358, 49 L.Ed. 643, 3 Ann.Cas. 765; United States v.
Jin Fuey Moy, 241 U.S. 394, 402, 36 S.Ct. 658, 60 L.Ed. 1061; Baender v.
Barnett, 255 U.S. 224, 226, 41 S.Ct. 271, 65 L.Ed. 597; United States v.
Chemical Foundation, 272 U.S. 1, 18, 47 S.Ct. 1, 71 L.Ed. 131.


We think that this established principle of construction is applicable here. We

are unable to conclude that it was the intention of the Congress in enacting this
statute that its processes of detection and enforcement should be abused by the
instigation by government officials of an act on the part of persons otherwise
innocent in order to lure them to its commission and to punish them. We are not
forced by the letter to do violence to the spirit and purpose of the statute. This,
we think, has been the underlying and controlling thought in the suggestions in
judicial opinions that the government in such a case is estopped to prosecute or
that the courts should bar the prosecution. If the requirements of the highest
public policy in the maintenance of the integrity of administration would
preclude the enforcement of the statute in such circumstances as are present
here, the same considerations justify the conclusion that the case lies outside
the purview of the act and that its general words should not be construed to
demand a proceeding at once inconsistent with that policy and abhorrent to the
sense of justice. This view does not derogate from the authority of the court to
deal appropriately with abuses of its process and it obviates the objection to the

exercise by the court of a dispensing power in forbidding the prosecution of one

who is charged with conduct assumed to fall within the statute.

We are unable to approve the view that the court, although treating the statute
as applicable despite the entrapment, and the defendant as guilty, has authority
to grant immunity, or to adopt a procedure to that end. It is the function of the
court to construe the statute, not to defeat it as construed. Clemency is the
function of the Executive. Ex parte United States, 242 U.S. 27, 42, 37 S.Ct. 72,
74, 61 L.Ed. 129, L.R.A. 1917E, 1178, Ann. Cas. 1917B, 355. In that case, this
Court decisively denied such authority to free guilty defendants, in holding that
the court had no power to suspend sentences indefinitely. The Court, speaking
by Chief Justice White, said: 'If it be that the plain legislative command fixing
a specific punishment for crime is subject to be permanently set aside by an
implied judicial power upon considerations extraneous to the legality of the
conviction, it would seem necessarily to follow that there could be likewise
implied a discretionary authority to permanently refuse to try a criminal charge
because of the conclusion that a particular act made criminal by law ought not
to be treated as criminal. And thus it would come to pass that the possession by
the judicial department of power to permanently refuse to enforce a law would
result in the destruction of the conceded powers of the other departments, and
hence leave no law to be enforced.' And while recognizing the humane
considerations which had led judges to adopt the practice of suspending
sentences indefinitely in certain cases, the Court found no ground for approving
the practice 'since its exercise, in the very nature of things, amounts to a refusal
by the judicial power to perform a duty resting upon it, and, as a consequence
thereof, to an interference with both the legislative and executive authority as
fixed by the Constitution.' Id., pages 51, 52 of 242 U.S., 37 S.Ct. 72, 78. Where
defendant has been duly indicted for an offense found to be within the statute,
and the proper authorities seek to proceed with the prosecutioin, the court
cannot refuse to try the case in the constitutional method because it desires to
let the defendant go free.


Suggested analogies from procedure in civil cases are not helpful. When courts
of law refuse to sustain alleged causes of action which grow out of illegal
schemes, the applicable law itself denies the right to recover. Where courts of
equity refuse equitable relief because complainants come with unclean hands,
they are administering the principles of equitable jurisprudence governing
equitable rights. But in a criminal prosecution, the statute defining the offense
is necessarily the law of the case.


To construe statutes so as to avoid absurd or glaringly unjust results, foreign to

the legislative purpose, is, as we have seen, a traditional and appropriate

function of the courts. Judicial nullification of statutes, admittedly valid and

applicable, has, happily, no place in our system. The Congress by legislation
can always, if it desires, alter the effect of judicial construction of statutes. We
conceive it to be our duty to construe the statute here in question reasonably,
and we hold that it is beyond our prerogative to give the statute an unreasonable
construction, confessedly contrary to public policy, and then to decline to
enforce it.

The conclusion we have reached upon these grounds carries its own limitation.
We are dealing with a statutory prohibition and we are simply concerned to
ascertain whether in the light of a plain public policy and of the proper
administration of justice, conduct induced as stated should be deemed to be
within that prohibition. We have no occasion to consider hypothetical cases of
crimes so heinous or revolting that the applicable law would admit of no
exceptions. No such situation is presented here. The question in each case must
be determined by the scope of the law considered in the light of what may fairly
be deemed to be its object.


Objections to the defense of entrapment are also urged upon practical grounds.
But considerations of mere convenience must yield to the essential demands of
justice. The argument is pressed that if the defense is available it will lead to
the introduction of issues of a collateral character relating to the activities of the
officials of the government and to the conduct and purposes of the defendant
previous to the alleged offense. For the defense of entrapment is not simply that
the particular act was committed at the instance of government officials. That is
often the case where the proper action of these officials leads to the revelation
of criminal enterprises. Grimm v. United States, supra. The predisposition and
criminal design of the defendant are relevant. But the issues raised and the
evidence adduced must be pertinent to the controlling question whether the
defendant is a person otherwise innocent whom the government is seeking to
punish for an alleged offense which is the product of the creative activity of its
own officials. If that is the fact, common justice requires that the accused be
permitted to prove it. The government in such a case is in no position to object
to evidence of the activities of its representatives in relation to the accused, and
if the defendant seeks acquittal by reason of entrapment he cannot complain of
an appropriate and searching inquiry into his own conduct and predisposition as
bearing upon that issue. If in consequence he suffers a disadvantage, he has
brought it upon himself by reason of the nature of the defense.


What has been said indicates the answer to the contention of the government
that the defense of entrapment must be pleaded in bar to further proceedings
under the indictment and cannot be raised under the plea of not guilty. This

contention presupposes that the defense is available to the accused and relates
only to the manner in which it shall be presented. The government considers the
defense as analogous to a plea of pardon or of autrefois convict or autrefois
acquit. It is assumed that the accused is not denying his guilt but is setting up
special facts in bar upon which he relies regardless of his guilt or innocence of
the crime charged. This, as we have seen, is a misconception. The defense is
available, not in the view that the accused though guilty may go free, but that
the government cannot be permitted to contend that he is guilty of a crime
where the government officials are the instigators of his conduct. The federal
courts in sustaining the defense in such circumstances have proceeded in the
view that the defendant is not guilty. The practice of requiring a plea in bar has
not obtained. Fundamentally, the question is whether the defense, if the facts
bear it out, takes the case out of the purview of the statute because it cannot be
supposed that the Congress intended that the letter of its enactment should be
used to support such a gross perversion of its purpose.

We are of the opinion that upon the evidence produced in the instant case the
defense of entrapment was available and that the trial court was in error in
holding that as a matter of law there was no entrapment and in refusing to
submit the issue to the jury.


The judgment is reversed, and the cause is remanded for further proceedings in
conformity with this opinion.


Judgment reversed.


Mr. Justice McREYNOLDS is of the opinion that the judgment below should
be affirmed.


Mr. Justice ROBERTS.


The facts set forth in the court's opinion establish that a prohibition
enforcement officer instigated the commission of the crime charged. The courts
below held that the showing was insufficient, as matter of law, to sustain the
claim of entrapment, and that the jury were properly instructed to ignore that
defense in their consideration of the case. A conviction resulted. The
government maintains that the issue of entrapment is not triable under the plea
of not guilty, but should be raised by plea in bar or be adjudicated in some
manner by the court rather than by the jury, and as the trial court properly
decided the question, the record presents no reversible error. I think, however,
the judgment should be reversed, but for reasons and upon grounds other than

those stated in the opinion of the court.


Of late the term 'entrapment' has been adopted by the courts to signify
instigation of crime by officers of government. The cases in which such
incitement has been recognized as a defense have grown to an amazing total. 8
The increasing frequency of the assertion that the defendant was entrapped is
doubtless due to the creation by statute of many new crimes (e.g., sale and
transportation of liquor and narcotics) and the correlative establishment of
special enforcement bodies for the detection and punishment of offenders. The
efforts of members of these forces to obtain arrests and convictions have too
often been marked by reprehensible methods.


Society is at war with the criminal classes, and courts have uniformly held that
in waging this warfare the forces of prevention and detection may use traps,
decoys, and deception to obtain evidence of the commission of crime. Resort to
such means does not render an indictment thereafter found a nullity nor call for
the exclusion of evidence so procured.9 But the defense here asserted involves
more than obtaining evidence by artifice or deception. Entrapment is the
conception and planning of an offense by an officer, and his procurement of its
commission by one who would not have perpetrated it except for the trickery,
persuasion, or fraud of the officer. Federal and state courts have held that
substantial proof of entrapment as thus defined calls for the submission of the
issue to the jury and warrants an acquittal. The reasons assigned in support of
this procedure have not been uniform. Thus it has been held that the acts of its
officers estop the government to prove the offense. The result has also been
justified by the mere statement of the rule that where entrapment is proved the
defendant is not guilty of the crime charged. Often the defense has been
permitted upon grounds of public policy, which the courts formulate by saying
they will not permit their process to be used in aid of a scheme for the actual
creation of a crime by those whose duty is to deter its commission.


This court has adverted to the doctrine,10 but has not heretofore had occasion to
determine its validity, the basis on which it should rest, or the procedure to be
followed when it is involved. The present case affords the opportunity to settle
these matters as respects the administration of the federal criminal law.


There is common agreement that where a law officer envisages a crime, plans
it, and activates its commission by one not theretofore intending its
perpetration, for the sole purpose of obtaining a victim through indictment,
conviction and sentence, the consummation of so revolting a plan ought not to
be permitted by any self respecting tribunal. Equally true is this whether the
offense is one at common law or merely a creature of statute. Public policy

forbids such sacrifice of decency. The enforcement of this policy calls upon the
court, in every instance where alleged entrapment of a defendant is brought to
its notice, to ascertain the facts, to appraise their effect upon the administration
of justice, and to make such order with respect to the further prosecution of the
cause as the circumstances require.

This view calls for no distinction between crimes mala in se and statutory
offenses of lesser gravity; requires no statutory construction, and attributes no
merit to a guilty defendant; but frankly recognizes the true foundation of the
doctrine in the public policy which protects the purity of government and its
processes. Always the courts refuse their aid in civil cases to the perpetration
and consummation of an illegal scheme. Invariably they hold a civil action must
be abated if its basis is violation of the decencies of life, disregard of the rules,
statutory or common law, which formulate the ethics of men's relations to each
other. Neither courts of equity nor those administering legal remedies tolerate
the use of their process to consummate a wrong.11 The doctrine of entrapment
in criminal law is the analogue of the same rule applied in civil proceedings.
And this is the real basis of the decisions approving the defense of entrapment,
though in statement the rule is cloaked under a declaration that the government
is estopped or the defendant has not been proved guilty.


A new method of rationalizing the defense is now asserted. This is to construe

the act creating the offense by reading in a condition or proviso that if the
offender shall have been entrapped into crime the law shall not apply to him.
So, it is said, the true intent of the legislature will be effectuated. This seems a
strained and unwarranted construction of the statute; and amounts, in fact, to
judicial amendment. It is not merely broad construction, but addition of an
element not contained in the legislation. The constituents of the offense are
enumerated by the statute. If we assume the defendant to have been a person of
upright purposes, law abiding, and not prone to crime,induced against his
own will and better judgment to become the instrument of the criminal purpose
of another,his action, so induced, none the less falls within the letter of the
law and renders him amenable to its penalties. Viewed in its true light
entrapment is not a defense to him; his act, coupled with his intent to do the act,
brings him within the definition of the law; he has no rights or equities by
reason of his entrapment. It cannot truly be said that entrapment excuses him or
contradicts the obvious fact of his commission of the offense. We cannot
escape this conclusion by saying that where need arises the statute will be read
as containing an implicit condition that it shall not apply in the case of
entrapment. The effect of such construction is to add to the words of the statute
a proviso which gives to the defendant a double defense under his plea of not
guilty, namely, (a) that what he did does not fall within the definition of the

statute, and (b) entrapment. This amounts to saying that one who with full
intent commits the act defined by law as an offense is nevertheless by virtue of
the unspoken and implied mandate of the statute to be adjudged not guilty by
reason of someone else's improper conduct. It is merely to adopt a form of
words to justify action which ought to be based on the inherent right of the
court not to be made the instrument of wrong.

It is said that this case warrants such a construction of the applicable act, but
that the question whether a similar construction will be required in the case of
other or more serious crimes is not before the court. Thus no guide or rule is
announced as to when a statute shall be read as excluding a case of entrapment;
and no principle of statutory construction is suggested which would enable us
to say that it is excluded by some statutes and not by others.


The doctrine rests, rather, on a fundamental rule of public policy. The

protection of its own functions and the preservation of the purity of its own
temple belongs only to the court. It is the province of the court and of the court
alone to protect itself and the government from such prostitution of the criminal
law. The violation of the principles of justice by the entrapment of the unwary
into crime should be dealt with by the court no matter by whom or at what
stage of the proceedings the facts are brought to its attention.12 Quite properly it
may discharge the prisoner upon a writ of habeas corpus.13 Equally well may it
quash the indictment or entertain and try a plea in bar.14 But its powers do not
end there. Proof of entrapment, at any stage of the case, requires the court to
stop the prosecution, direct that the indictment be quashed, and the defendant
set at liberty.15 If in doubt as to the facts it may submit the issue of entrapment
to a jury for advice. But whatever may be the finding upon such submission the
power and the duty to act remain with the court and not with the jury.


Such action does not grant immunity to a guilty defendant. But to afford him as
his right a defense founded not on the statute, but on the court's view of what
the ligislature is assumed to have meant, is to grant him unwarranted immunity.
If the court may construe an act of Congress so as to create a defense for one
whose guilt the act pronounces, no reason is apparent why the same statute
may not be modified by a similar process of construction as to the penalty
prescribed. But it is settled that this may not be done. Ex parte United States,
242 U.S. 27, 37 S.Ct. 72, 61 L.Ed. 129, L.R.A. 1917E, 1178, Ann. Cas. 1917B,
355. The broad distinction between the refusal to lend the aid of the court's
own processes to the consummation of a wrong and the attempt to modify by
judicial legislation the mandate of the statute as to the punishment to be
imposed after trial and conviction is so obvious as not to need discussion.


Recognition of the defense of entrapment as belonging to the defendant and as

raising an issue for decision by the jury called to try him upon plea of the
general issue, results in the trial of a false issue wholly outside the true rule
which should be applied by the courts. It has been generally held, where the
defendant has proved an entrapment, it is permissible for the government to
show in rebuttal that the officer guilty of incitement of the crime had reasonable
cause to believe the defendant was a person disposed to commit the offense.
This procedure is approved by the opinion of the court. The proof received in
rebuttal usually amounts to no more than that the defendant had a bad
reputation, or that he had been previously convicted. Is the statute upon which
the indictment is based to be further construed as removing the defense of
entrapment from such a defendant?


Whatever may be the demerits of the defendant or his previous infractions of

law these will not justify the instigation and creation of a new crime, as a means
to reach him and punish him for his past misdemeanors. He has committed the
crime in question, but, by supposition, only because of instigation and
inducement by a government officer. To say that such conduct by an official of
government is condoned and rendered innocuous by the fact that the defendant
had a bad reputation or had previously transgressed is wholly to disregard the
reason for refusing the processes of the court to consummate an abhorrent
transaction. It is to discard the basis of the doctrine and in effect to weigh the
equities as between the government and the defendant when there are in truth
no equities belonging to the latter, and when the rule of action cannot rest on
any estimate of the good which may come of the conviction of the offender by
foul means. The accepted procedure, in effect, pivots conviction in such cases,
not on the commission of the crime charged, but on the prior reputation or some
former act or acts of the defendant not mentioned in the indictment.


The applicable principle is that courts must be closed to the trial of a crime
instigated by the government's own agents. No other issue, no comparison of
equities as between the guilty official and the guilty defendant, has any place in
the enforcement of this overruling principle of public policy.


The judgment should be reversed and the cause remanded to the District Court
with instructions to quash the indictment and discharge the defendant.


Mr. Justice BRANDEIS and Mr. Justice STONE concur in this opinion.

See, also, Regina v. Williams, 1 Car. & K. 195; People v. Mills, 178 N.Y. 274,

70 N.E. 786, 67 L.R.A. 131; People v. Ficke, 343 Ill. 367, 175 N.E. 543.

See note of Francis Wharton to Bates v. United States (C.C.) 10 F. 92, 9799.

Compare Olmstead v. United States, 277 U.S. 438, 48 S.Ct. 564, 72 L.Ed. 944,
66 A.L.R. 376.

See, also, United States v. Adams (D.C.) 59 F. 674; Sam Yick v. United States
(C.C.A.) 240 F. 60, 65; United States v. Echols (D.C.) 253 F. 862; Peterson v.
United States (C.C.A.) 255 F. 433; Billingsley v. United States (C.C.A.) 274 F.
86, 89; Luterman v. United States (C.C.A.) 281 F. 374, 377; United States v.
Pappagoda (D.C.) 288 F. 214; Ritter v. United States (C.C.A.) 293 F. 187; Di
Salvo v. United States (C.C.A.) 2 F.(2d) 222; Silk v. United States (C.C.A.) 16
F.(2d) 568; Jarl v. United States (C.C.A.) 19 F.(2d) 891; Corcoran v. United
States (C.C.A.) 19 F.(2d) 901; United States v. Washington (D.C.) 20 F.(2d)
160; Cline v. United States (C.C.A.) 20 F.(2d) 494; United States ex rel. Hassel
v. Mathues (D.C.) 22 F.(2d) 979; Driskill v. United States (C.C.A.) 24 F.(2d)
525; Ybor v. United States (C.C.A.) 31 F.(2d) 42; Robinson v. United States
(C.C.A.) 32 F.(2d) 505, 66 A.L.R. 468; Vaccaro v. Collier (D.C.) 38 F.(2d)
862; Patton v. United States (C.C.A.) 42 F.(2d) 68; and cases collected in note
in O'Brien v. United States (C.C.A.) 51 F.(2d) 674, 678, including decisions of
state courts. Compare Rex v. Titley, 14 Cox C.C. 502; Blaikie v. Linton, 18
Scottish Law Rep. 583; London Law Times, July 30, 1881, p. 223; People v.
Mills, 178 N.Y. 274, 70 N.E. 786, 67 L.R.A. 131; State v. Smith, 152 N.C. 798,
67 S.E. 508, 30 L.R.A.(N.S.) 946; Bauer v. Commonwealth, 135 Va. 463, 115
S.E. 514; State v. Gibbs, 109 Minn. 247, 123 N.W. 810, 25 L.R.A.(N.S.) 449;
State v. Rippey, 127 S.C. 550, 122 S.E. 397. See, also, 18 A.L.R. 146
annotation; 28 Columbia Law Rev. 1067; 44 Harv. Law Rev. 109; 2 So.Cal.
Law Rev. 283; 41 Yale Law J. 1249; 10 Va. Law Rev. 316; 9 Tex. Law Rev.

See cases cited in note 4.

See Chicago, B. & Q.R. Co. v. McGuire, 219 U.S. 549, 565, 31 S.Ct. 259, 55
L.Ed. 328; Green v. Frazier, 253 U.S. 233, 240, 40 S.Ct. 499, 64 L.Ed. 878.

In Hawaii v. Mankichi, 190 U.S. 197, 214, 23 S.Ct. 787, 789, 47 L.Ed. 1016,
the court referred with approval to the following language of the Master of the
Rolls (afterwards Lord Esher) in Plumstead Board of Works v. Spackman, L.R.
13 Q.B.D. 878, 887: "If there are no means of avoiding such an interpretation of
the statute' (as will amount to a great hardship), 'a judge must come to the
conclusion that the legislature by inadvertence has committed an act of
legislative injustice; but, to my mind, a judge ought to struggle with all the
intellect that he has, and with all the vigor of mind that he has, against such an

interpretation of an act of Parliament; and, unless he is forced to come to a

contrary conclusion, he ought to assume that it is impossible that the legislature
could have as intended."

See O'Brien v. United States (C.C.A.) 51 F.(2d) 674, footnote 1, page 678.

Compare Olmstead v. United States, 277 U.S. 438, 48 S.Ct. 564, 72 L.Ed. 944,
66 A.L.R. 376.


Casey v. United States, 276 U.S. 413, 48 S.Ct. 373, 72 L.Ed. 632.


See Hannay v. Eve, 3 Cranch, 242, 247, 2 L.Ed. 427; Bank of United States v.
Owens, 2 Pet. 527, 538, 7 L.Ed. 508; Bartle v. Nutt, 4 Pet. 184, 188, 7 L.Ed.
825; Hanauer v. Doane, 12 Wall. 342, 349, 20 L.Ed. 439; Trist v. Child, 21
Wall. 441, 448, 22 L.Ed. 623; Hazelton v. Sheckells, 202 U.S. 71, 26 S.Ct. 567,
50 L.Ed. 939, 6 Ann.Cas. 217; Crocker v. United States, 240 U.S. 74, 78, 36
S.Ct. 245, 60 L.Ed. 533.


Compare Gambino v. United States, 275 U.S. 310, 319, 48 S.Ct. 137, 72 L.Ed.
293, 52 A.L.R. 1381.


See United States ex rel. Hassel v. Mathues (D.C.) 22 F.(2d) 979.


Compare United States v. Pappagoda (D.C.) 288 F. 214; Spring Drug Co. v.
United States (C.C.A.) 12 F.(2d) 852.


In United States v. Echols (D.C.) 253 F. 862, upon the tender of a plea of
guilty, the court of its own motion examined the prisoner and the officers
concerned in his arrest; and being satisfied that these officers had instigated the
crime, declared that public policy required that the plea be refused and the case
dismissed. In United States v. Healy (D.C.) 202 F. 349, a judgment and
sentence were set aside and the defendant discharged upon the court's
ascertaining that the conviction was procured by entrapment.

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