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399 U.S.

90 S.Ct. 1999
26 L.Ed.2d 387

John Henry COLEMAN and Otis Stephens, Petitioners,

State of ALABAMA.
No. 72.
Argued Nov. 18, 1969.
Decided June 22, 1970.

[Syllabus from pages 1-2 intentionally omitted]

Charles Tarter, Birmingham, Ala., for petitioners.
David W. Clark, Montgomery, Ala., for respondent.
Mr. Justice BRENNAN announced the judgment of the Court and
delivered the following opinion.

Petitioners were convicted in an Alabama Circuit Court of assault with intent to

murder in the shooting of one Reynolds after he and his wife parked their car on
an Alabama highway to change a flat tire. The Alabama Court of Appeals
affirmed, 44 Ala.App. 429, 211 So.2d 917 (1968), and the Alabama Supreme
Court denied review, 282 Ala. 725, 211 So.2d 927 (1968). We granted
certiorari, 394 U.S. 916, 89 S.Ct. 1200, 22 L.Ed.2d 450 (1969). We vacate and

Petitioners make two claims in this Court. First, they argue that they were
subjected to a station-house lineup in circumstances so unduly prejudicial and
conducive to irreparable misidentification as fatally to taint Reynolds' in-court
identifications of them at the trial. Second, they argue that the preliminary
hearing prior to their indictment was a 'critical stage' of the prosecution and that
Alabama's failure to provide them with appointed counsel at the hearing
therefore unconstitutionally denied them the assistance of counsel.


The lineup of which petitioners complain was conducted on October 1, 1966,

about two months after the assault and seven months before petitioners' trial.
Petitioners concede that since the lineup occurred before United States v.
Wade, 388 U.S. 218, 87 S.Ct. 1926, 18 L.Ed.2d 1149, and Gilbert v. California,
388 U.S. 263, 87 S.Ct. 1951, 18 L.Ed.2d 1178, were decided on June 12, 1967,
they cannot invoke the holding of those cases requiring the exclusion of incourt identification evidence which is tainted by exhibiting the accused to
identifying witnesses before trial in the absence of counsel. Stovall v. Denno,
388 U.S. 293, 296301, 87 S.Ct. 1967, 1969 1972, 18 L.Ed.2d 1199 (1967).
Rather, they argue that in the circumstances here the conduct of the lineup was
so unduly prejudicial as fatally to taint Reynolds' in-court identification of them.
This is a claim that must be determined on the totality of the surrounding
circumstances. Stovall v. Denno, supra, at 301 302, 87 S.Ct. at 1972; Simmons
v. United States, 390 U.S. 377, 88 S.Ct. 967, 19 L.Ed.2d 1247 (1968); Foster v.
California, 394 U.S. 440, 89 S.Ct. 1127, 22 L.Ed.2d 402 (1969).

At the trial Reynolds testified that at about 11:30 p.m. on July 24, 1966, he was
engaged in changing a tire when three men approached from across the
highway. One of them shot him from a short distance away. The three then ran
up to within three or four feet. Reynolds arose from his stooped position and
held on to his wife, who had left the car to watch him as he worked. One of the
men put his hand on Mrs. Reynolds' shoulder. Reynolds testified that this was
Coleman. Within a few seconds a car with its lights on approached, and the
three men turned and 'ran across the road * * *.' As they turned to go, Reynolds
was shot a second time. He identified petitioner Stephens as the gunman,
stating that he saw him 'in the car lights' while 'looking straight at him.'
Reynolds repeated on cross-examination his testimony on direct; he said he saw
Coleman 'face to face'; 'I looked into his face,' 'got a real good look at him.'

At the pretrial hearing on petitioners' motion to suppress identification

evidence, Detective Fordham testified that he had spoken briefly to Reynolds at
the hospital two days after the assault and about two weeks later, and that on
neither occasion was Reynolds able to provide much information about his
assailants. At the hospital he gave a vague descriptionthat the attackers were
'young, black males, close to the same age and height.' Petitioners are both
Negro; but Stephens was 18 and 6 2 , and Coleman, 28 and 5 4 1/2 . However,
Detective Fordham also testified that at the time Reynolds gave this description
he was in considerable pain, and that consequently the questioning was very
brief. The detective further stated that Reynolds did not identify any of his
assailants from mug shots, but it does not appear whether pictures of petitioners
were among those shown him. Detective Hart testified that a lineup was held on
October 1 at the request of the police. He stated that Reynolds identified

petitioner Stephens spontaneously before the formal lineup even began. '(T)he
six men were brought in by the warden, up on the stage, and as Otis Stephens
he didn't get to his position on the stage, which was number one, when Mr.
Reynolds identified him as being one of his assailants.' Reynolds gave similar
testimony: 'As soon as he stepped inside the doorI hadn't seen him previous
to then until he stepped inside the door, and I recognized him * * *. Just as soon
as he stepped up on the stage, I said, 'That man, there, is the one; he is the one
that shot me." Reynolds also testified that he identified Coleman at the lineup
before Coleman could act on a request Reynolds had made that the lineup
participants speak certain words used by the attackers. Reynolds admitted that
he did not tell Detective Hart of his identification until later during the lineup,
and the detective stated he could not recall whether Reynolds told him of the
identification before or after Coleman spoke the words.

It cannot be said on this record that the trial court erred in finding that
Reynolds' in-court identification of the petitioners did not stem from an
identification procedure at the lineup 'so impermissibly suggestive as to give
rise to a very substantial likelihood of irreparable misidentification.' Simmons v.
United States, supra, 390 U.S. at 384, 88 S.Ct. at 971. Indeed, the court could
find on the evidence adduced at the suppression hearing that Reynolds'
identifications were entirely based upon observations at the time of the assault
and not at all induced by the conduct of the lineup. There is no merit in the
three arguments offered by petitioners for a contrary conclusion.

First, Reynolds testified that when the police asked him to go to the city jail he
'took (it) for granted' that the police had caught his assailants. But the record is
utterly devoid of evidence that anything the police said or did prompted
Reynolds' virtually spontaneous identification of petitioners among the lineup
participants as the proceeding got under way.

Petitioners next contend that the lineup was unfair because they and their
codefendant were the only ones required to say the words used by one of the
attackers. There is some conflict in the testimony on this point. Petitioner
Stephens testified that petitioners and their codefendant were the only ones who
spoke the words. Reynolds testified that not all the men in the lineup spoke
them. But Detective Hart stated that all the participants spoke the words. In any
case, the court could find on the evidence that Reynolds identified both
petitioners before either said anything, and that therefore any failure to require
the other participants to say the same words did not aid or influence his

Finally, petitioner Coleman contends that he was unfairly singled out to wear a

hat though all the other participants were bareheaded. One of the attackers had
worn a hat. Although the record demonstrates that Coleman did in fact wear a
hat at the lineup, nothing in the record shows that he was required to do so.
Moreover, it does not appear that Reynolds' identification of Coleman at the
lineup was based on the fact that he remembered that Coleman had worn a hat
at the time of the assault. On the contrary, the court could conclude from his
testimony that Reynolds 'asked them to make John Henry Coleman to take his
hat off, or move it back,' because he wanted to see Coleman's face more clearly.


This Court has held that a person accused of crime 'requires the guiding hand of
counsel at every step in the proceedings against him,' Powell v. Alabama, 287
U.S. 45, 69, 53 S.Ct. 55, 64, 77 L.Ed. 158 (1932), and that that constitutional
principle is not limited to the presence of counsel at trial. 'It is central to that
principle that in addition to counsel's presence at trial, the accused is
guaranteed that he need not stand alone against the State at any stage of the
prosecution, formal or informal, in court or out, where counsel's absence might
derogate from the accused's right to a fair trial.' United States v. Wade, supra,
388 U.S. at 226, 87 S.Ct. at 1932. Accordingly, 'the principle of Powell v.
Alabama and succeeding cases requires that we scrutinize any pretrial
confrontation of the accused to determine whether the presence of his counsel
is necessary to preserve the defendant's basic right to a fair trial as affected by
his right meaningfully to cross-examine the witnesses against him and to have
effective assistance of counsel at the trial itself. It calls upon us to analyze
whether potential substantial prejudice to defendant's rights inheres in the
particular confrontation and the ability of counsel to help avoid that prejudice.'
Id., at 227, 87 S.Ct. at 1932. Applying this test, the Court has held that 'critical
stages' include the pretrial type of arraignment where certain rights may be
sacrificed or lost, Hamilton v. Alabama, 368 U.S. 52, 54, 82 S.Ct. 157, 158
159, 7 L.Ed.2d 114 (1961), see White v. Maryland, 373 U.S. 59, 83 S.Ct. 1050,
10 L.Ed.2d 193 (1963), and the pretrial lineup, United States v. Wade, supra;
Gilbert v. California, supra. Cf. Miranda v. Arizona, 384 U.S. 436, 86 S.Ct.
1602, 16 L.Ed.2d 694 (1966), where the Court held that the privilege against
compulsory self-incrimination includes a right to counsel at a pretrial custodial
interrogation. See also Massiah v. United States, 377 U.S. 201, 84 S.Ct. 1199,
12 L.Ed.2d 246 (1964).


The preliminary hearing is not a required step in an Alabama prosecution. The

prosecutor may seek an indictment directly from the grand jury without a
preliminary hearing. Ex parte Campbell, 278 Ala. 114, 176 So.2d 242 (1965).
The opinion of the Alabama Court of Appeals in this case instructs us that

under Alabama law the sole purposes of a preliminary hearing are to determine
whether there is sufficient evidence against the accused to warrant presenting
his case to the grand jury and, if so, to fix bail if the offense is bailable. 44
Ala.App., at 433, 211 So.2d, at 920. See Ala. Code, Tit. 15, 139, 140, 151.3
The court continued:

'At the preliminary hearing * * * the accused is not required to advance any
defenses, and failure to do so does not preclude him from availing himself of
every defense he may have upon the trial of the case. Also Pointer v. State of
Texas (380 U.S. 400, 85 S.Ct. 1065, 13 L.Ed.2d 923 (1965)) bars the admission
of testimony given at a pretrial proceeding where the accused did not have the
benefit of cross-examination by and through counsel. Thus, nothing occurring
at the preliminary hearing in absence of counsel can substantially prejudice the
rights of the accused on trial.' 44 Ala.App., at 433, 211 So.2d, at 921.


This Court is of course bound by this construction of the governing Alabama

law, Kingsley International Pictures Corp. v. Regents of University of State of
New York, 360 U.S. 684, 688, 79 S.Ct. 1362, 1365, 3 L.Ed.2d 1512 (1959);
Albertson v. Millard, 345 U.S. 242, 244, 73 S.Ct. 600, 601602, 97 L.Ed. 983
(1953). However, from the fact that in cases where the accused has no lawyer
at the hearing the Alabama courts prohibit the State's use at trial of anything
that occurred at the hearing, it does not follow that the Alabama preliminary
hearing is not a 'critical stage' of the State's criminal process. The determination
whether the hearing is a 'critical stage' requiring the provision of counsel
depends, as noted, upon an analysis 'whether potential substantial prejudice to
defendant's rights inheres in the * * * confrontation and the ability of counsel to
help avoid that prejudice.' United States v. Wade, supra, 388 U.S. at 227, 87
S.Ct. at 1932. Plainly the guiding hand of counsel at the preliminary hearing is
essential to protect the indigent accused against an erroneous or improper
prosecution. First, the lawyer's skilled examination and cross-examination of
witnesses may expose fatal weaknesses in the State's case that may lead the
magistrate to refuse to bind the accused over. Second, in any event, the skilled
interrogation of witnesses by an experienced lawyer can fashion a vital
impeachment tool for use in cross-examination of the State's witnesses at the
trial, or preserve testimony favorable to the accused of a witness who does not
appear at the trial. Third, trained counsel can more effectively discover the case
the State has against his client and make possible the preparation of a proper
defense to meet that case at the trial. Fourth, counsel can also be influential at
the preliminary hearing in making effective arguments for the accused on such
matters as the necessity for an early psychiatric examination or bail.


The inability of the indigent accused on his own to realize these advantages of a

lawyer's assistance compels the conclusion that the Alabama preliminary

hearing is a 'critical stage' of the State's criminal process at which the accused
is 'as much entitled to such aid (of counsel) * * * as at the trial itself.' Powell v.
Alabama, supra, 287 U.S. at 57, 53 S.Ct. at 60.

There remains, then, the question of the relief to which petitioners are entitled.
The trial transcript indicates that the prohibition against use by the State at trial
of anything that occurred at the preliminary hearing was scrupulously
observed.5 Cf. White v. Maryland, supra. But on the record it cannot be said
whether or not petitioners were otherwise prejudiced by the absence of counsel
at the preliminary hearing. That inquiry in the first instance should more
properly be made by the Alabama courts. The test to be applied is whether the
denial of counsel at the preliminary hearing was harmless error under Chapman
v. California, 386 U.S. 18, 87 S.Ct. 824, 17 L.Ed.2d 705 (1967). See United
States v. Wade, supra, 388 U.S. at 242, 87 S.Ct. at 1940.


We accordingly vacate the petitioners' convictions and remand the case to the
Alabama courts for such proceedings not inconsistent with this opinion as they
may deem appropriate to determine whether such denial of counsel was
harmless error, see Gilbert v. California, supra, 388 U.S. at 272, 87 S.Ct. at
1956, and therefore whether the convictions should be reinstated or a new trial


It is so ordered.


Convictions vacated and case remanded with directions.


Mr. Justice BLACKMUN took no part in the consideration or decision of this



Mr. Justice BLACK, concurring.


I wholeheartedly agree with the conclusion in Part II of the prevailing opinion

that an accused has a constitutional right to the assistance of counsel at the
preliminary hearing which Alabama grants criminal defendants. The purpose of
the preliminary hearing in Alabama is to determine whether an offense has
been committed and, if so, whether there is probable cause for charging the
defendant with that offense. If the magistrate finds that there is probable cause
for charging the defendant with the offense, the defendant must, under

Alabama law, be either incarcerated or admitted to bail. In the absence of such a

finding of probable cause, the defendant must be released from custody.
Ala.Code, Tit. 15, 139140. The preliminary hearing is therefore a definite
part or stage of a criminal prosecution in Alabama, and the plain language of
the Sixth Amendment requires that '(i)n all criminal prosecutions, the accused
shall enjoy the right * * * to have the Assistance of Counsel for his defence.'
Moreover, every attorney with experience in representing criminal defendants
in a State which has a preliminary hearing similar to Alabama's knows
sometimes from sad experiencethat adequate representation requires that
counsel be present at the preliminary hearing to protect the interests of his
client. The practical importance of the preliminary hearing is discussed in the
prevailing opinion, and the considerations outlined there seem to me more than
sufficient to compel the conclusion that the preliminary hearing is a 'critical
stage' of the proceedings during which the accused must be afforded the
assistance of counsel if he is to have a meaningful defense at trial as guaranteed
in the Bill of Rights.

I fear that the prevailing opinion seems at times to proceed on the premise that
the constitutional principle ultimately at stake here is not the defendant's right
to counsel as guaranteed by the Sixth and Fourteenth Amendments but rather a
right to a 'fair trial' as conceived by judges. While that phrase is an appealing
one, neither the Bill of Rights nor any other part of the Constitution contains it.
The pragmatic, government-fearing authors of our Constitution and Bill of
Rights did not, and I think wisely did not, use any such vague, indefinite, and
elastic language. Instead, they provided the defendant with clear, emphatic
guarantees: counsel for his defense, a speedy trial, trial by jury, confrontation
with the witnesses against him, and other such unequivocal and definite rights.
The explicit commands of the Constitution provide a full description of the kind
of 'fair trial' the Constitution guarantees, and in my judgment that document
leaves no room for judges either to add to or detract from these commands. I
can have no part in unauthorized judicial toying with the carefully selected
language of our Constitution, which I think is the wisest and best charter of
government in existence. It declares a man charged with a crime shall be
afforded a lawyer to defend him even though all the judges throughout the
entire United States should declare, 'It is only when we think fairness requires
it that an accused shall have the assistance of counsel for his defense.' For one,
I still prefer to trust the liberty of the citizen to the plain language of the
Constitution rather than to the sense of fairness of particular judges.


I also agree with the prevailing opinion in rejecting petitioners' claim that their
in-court identification by the victim of the assault should have been suppressed.
This claim relies mainly on Stovall v. Denno, 388 U.S. 293, 87 S.Ct. 1967, 18

L.Ed.2d 1199 (1967), in which the Court held that an incourt identification
could be suppressed under the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth
Amendment if it was tainted by an 'unnecessarily suggestive' pretrial lineup. I
dissented in Stovall partly on the ground that the majority's new suppression
rule was a classic example of this Court's using the Due Process Clause to write
into law its own notions of fairness, decency, and fundamental justice, in total
disregard of the language of the Constitution itself. But I also argued in Stovall
that the right to counsel at a lineup, declared that same day in United States v.
Wade, 388 U.S. 218, 87 S.Ct. 1926, 18 L.Ed.2d 1149 (1967), should be held
fully retroactive. Stovall v. Denno, 388 U.S., at 303, 87 S.Ct., at 1973.
Accordingly, I believe that petitioners in this pre-Wade case were entitled to
court-appointed counsel at the time of the lineup in which they participated and
that Alabama's failure to provide such counsel violated petitioners' rights under
the Sixth and Fourteenth Amendments. However, for the reasons stated in my
separate opinion in United States v. Wade, 388 U.S. 218, 243, 87 S.Ct. 1926,
19401941, 18 L.Ed.2d 1149 (1967), I believe the requirements of the Fifth
and Sixth Amendments were satisfied when the Alabama prosecutors declined
at trial to introduce the pretrial lineup identification into evidence. Accordingly,
I concur in the conclusion in Part I of the prevailing opinion that the Alabama
court did not err in permitting the courtroom identification of petitioners by the
witness who had previously identified them at the lineup.

For the reasons here stated, I agree that petitioners' convictions must be vacated
and the case remanded to the Alabama courts for consideration of whether the
denial of counsel at the preliminary hearing was harmless error under the
Court's decision in Chapman v. California, 386 U.S. 18, 87 S.Ct. 824, 17
L.Ed.2d 705 (1967).


Mr. Justice DOUGLAS.


While I have joined Mr. Justice BRENNAN'S opinion, I add a word as to why I
think that a strict construction of the Constitution requires the result reached.


The critical words are: 'In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the
right * * * to have the Assistance of Counsel for his defence.' As Mr. Justice
BLACK states, a preliminary hearing is 'a definite part or stage of a criminal
prosecution in Alabama.' A 'criminal prosecution' certainly does not start only
when the trial starts. If the commencement of the trial were the start of the
'criminal prosecution' in the constitutional sense, then indigents would likely go
to trial without effective representation by counsel. Lawyers for the defense
need time to prepare a defense. The prosecution needs time for investigations
and procedures to make that investigation timely and telling. As a shorthand

expression we have used the words 'critical stage' to describe whether the
preliminary phase of a criminal trial was part of the 'criminal prosecution' as
used in the Sixth Amendment. But it is the Sixth Amendment that controls, not
our own ideas as to what an efficient criminal code should provide. It did not
take nearly 200 years of doubt to decide whether Alabama's preliminary
hearing is a part of the 'criminal prosecution' within the meaning of the Sixth
Amendment. The question has never been reached prior to this case. We
experience here the case-by-case approach that is the only one available under
our 'case' or 'controversy' jurisdiction under Article III of the Constitution.

If we are to adhere to the mandate of the Constitution and not give it merely
that meaning which appeals to the personal tastes of those who from time to
time sit here, we should read its terms in light of the realities of what 'criminal
prosecutions' truly mean.


I was impressed with the need for that kind of strict construction on experiences
in my various Russian journeys. In that nation detention incommunicado is the
common practice, and the period of permissible detention now extends for nine
months.1 Where there is custodial interrogation, it is clear that the critical stage
of the trial takes place long before the courtroom formalities commence. That is
apparent to one who attends criminal trials in Russia. Those that I viewed never
put in issue the question of guilt; guilt was an issue resolved in the inner
precincts of a prison under questioning by the police. The courtroom trial
concerned only the issue of punishment.


Custodial interrogation is in practicehere and in other nationsso critical

that we would give 'criminal prosecutions' as used in the Sixth Amendment a
strained and narrow meaning if we held that it did not include that phase. My
brother Harlan in his dissent in Miranda v. Arizona, 384 U.S. 436, 513, 86 S.Ct.
1602, 1648, 16 L.Ed.2d 694, called the Sixth Amendment cases cited by the
majority of the Court the 'linchpins' of the ruling that an accused under
custodial interrogation was entitled to the assistance of counsel.2 They were
properly such, although the main emphasis in the Miranda opinion was on the
use of custodial interrogation to exact incriminating statements3 against the
commands of the Fourteenth and Fifth Amendments. Like the preliminary
hearing in the present case, custodial interrogation is obviously part of the
'criminal prosecution' that the Sixth Amendment honorsif strict construction
is our guide.


Mr. Justice WHITE, concurring.


I agree with Mr. Justice HARLAN that recent cases furnish ample ground for


I agree with Mr. Justice HARLAN that recent cases furnish ample ground for
holding the preliminary hearing a critical event in the progress of a criminal
case. I therefore join the prevailing opinion, but with some hesitation since
requiring the appointment of counsel may result in fewer preliminary hearings
in jurisdictions where the prosecutor is free to avoid them by taking a case
directly to a grand jury. Our ruling may also invite eliminating the preliminary
hearing system entirely.


I would expect the application of the harmless-error standard on remand to

produce results approximating those contemplated by Mr. Justice HARLAN's
separately stated views. Whether denying petitioners counsel at the preliminary
hearing was harmless beyond a reasonable doubt depends upon an assessment
of those factors that made the denial error. But that assessment cannot ignore
the fact that petitioners have been tried and found guilty by a jury.


The possibility that counsel would have detected preclusive flaws in the State's
probable-cause showing is for all practical purposes mooted by the trial where
the State produced evidence satisfying the jury of the petitioners' guilt beyond a
reasonable doubt. Also, it would be wholly speculative in this case to assume
either (1) that the State's witnesses at the trial testified inconsistently with what
their testimony would have been if petitioners had had counsel to cross-examine
them at the preliminary hearing, or (2) that counsel, had he been present at the
hearing, would have known so much more about the State's case than he
actually did when he went to trial that the result of the trial might have been
different. So too it seems extremely unlikely that matters related to bail or early
psychiatric examination would ever raise reasonable doubts about the integrity
of the trial.


There remains the possibility, as Mr. Justice HARLAN suggests, that important
testimony of witnesses unavailable at the trial could have been preserved had
counsel been present to cross-examine opposing witnesses or to examine
witnesses for the defense. If such was the case, petitioners would be entitled to
a new trial.


Mr. Justice HARLAN, concurring in part and dissenting in part.


If I felt free to consider this case upon a clean slate I would have voted to affirm
these convictions.* Butin light of the lengths to which the right to appointed
counsel has been carried in recent decisions of this Court see Miranda v.
Arizona, 384 U.S. 436, 86 S.Ct. 1602, 16 L.Ed.2d 694 (1966); United States v.
Wade, 388 U.S. 218, 87 S.Ct. 1926, 18 L.Ed.2d 1149 (1967); Gilbert v.
California, 388 U.S. 263, 87 S.Ct. 1951, 18 L.Ed.2d 1178 (1967); Mathis v.

United States, 391 U.S. 1, 88 S.Ct. 1503, 20 L.Ed.2d 381 (1968); and Orozco v.
Texas, 394 U.S. 324, 89 S.Ct. 1095, 22 L.Ed.2d 311 (1969)I consider that
course is not open to me with due regard for the way in which the adjudicatory
process of this Court, as I conceive it, should work. The continuing viability of
the cases just cited is not directly before us for decision, and if and when such
an occasion arises I would face it in terms of considerations that I have recently
expressed elsewhere. See my dissenting opinion in Baldwin v. New York,
decided today, 399 U.S. 117, 90 S.Ct. 1914, 26 L.Ed.2d 437, and my opinion
concuring in the result in Welsh v. United States, 398 U.S. 333, 344, 90 S.Ct.
1792, 1798, 26 L.Ed.2d 308 (1970).

Accordingly I am constrained to agree with the Court's conclusion that

petitioners' constitutional rights were violated when Alabama refused to appoint
counsel to represent them at the preliminary hearing. I dissent, however, from
the terms of the Court's remand on this issue, as well as from the refusal to
accord petitioners the benefit of the Wade case in connection with their police
'lineup' contentions.


* It would indeed be strange were this Court, having held a suspect or an

accused entitled to counsel at such pretrial stages as 'in-custody' police
investigation, whether at the station house (Miranda) or even in the home
(Orozco), now to hold that he is left to fend for himself at the first formal
confrontation in the courtroom.


While, given the cases referred to, I cannot escape the conclusion that
petitioners' constitutional rights must be held to have been violated by denying
them appointed counsel at the preliminary hearing, I consider the scope of the
Court's remand too broad and amorphous. I do not think that reversal of these
convictions, for lack of counsel at the preliminary hearing, should follow
unless petitioners are able to show on remand that they have been prejudiced in
their defense at trial, in that favorable testimony that might otherwise have been
preserved was irretrievably lost by virtue of not having counsel to help present
an affirmative case at the preliminary hearing. In this regard, of course, as with
any other erroneously excluded testimony, petitioners would have to show that
its weight at trial would have been such as to constitute its 'exclusion' reversible
error, as well as demonstrate the actual likelihood that such testimony could
have been presented and preserved at the preliminary hearing. In my opinion
mere speculation that defense counsel might have been able to do better at trial
had he been present at the preliminary hearing should not suffice to vitiate a
conviction. The Court's remand under the Chapman harmless-error rule seems
to me to leave the way open for that sort of speculation.


Despite my continuing disagreement with United States v. Wade, supra, I must

dissent from the refusal to accord petitioners the benefit of the Wade holding,
neither petitioner having been afforded counsel at the police 'lineup'
identification. The majority's action results from the holding in Stovall v.
Denno, 388 U.S. 293, 87 S.Ct. 1967, 18 L.Ed.2d 1199 (1967), making Wade
applicable only to lineups occurring after the date of that decision, the present
lineup having taken place well before. For reasons explained in my dissent in
Desist v. United States, 394 U.S. 244, 256, 89 S.Ct. 1030, 1037, 22 L.Ed.2d
248 (1969), I can no longer follow the 'retroactivity' doctrine announced in
Stovall in cases before us on direct review. That being the situation here, I
would judge the case in light of Wade.


The Wade rule requires the exclusion of any in-court identification preceded by
a pretrial lineup where the accused was not represented by counsel, unless the
incourt identification is found to be derived from a source 'independent' of the
tainted pretrial viewing. Such a determination must, in the first instance, be
made by the trial court. I would therefore send the case back on this score too.


Mr. Chief Justice BURGER (dissenting).


I agree that as a matter of sound policy counsel should be made available to all
persons subjected to a preliminary hearing and that this should be provided
either by statute or by the rulemaking process. However, I cannot accept the
notion that the Constitution commands it because it is a 'criminal prosecution.'1
Although Mr. Justice STEWART, whose opinion I join, and Mr. Justice
HARLAN and Mr. Justice WHITE have each noted some of the difficulties,
both on constitutional and practical grounds, with today's holding, I separately
set forth additional reasons for my dissent.2


Certainly, as Mr. Justice HARLAN and Mr. Justice WHITE suggest, not a
word in the Constitution itself either requires or contemplates the result
reached; unlike them, however, I do not acquiesce in prior holdings that
purportedly, but nonetheless erroneously, are based on the Constitution. That
approach simply is an acknowledgment that the Court having previously
amended the Sixth Amendment now feels bound by its action. While I do not
rely solely on 183 years of contrary constitutional interpretation, it is indeed an
odd business that it has taken this Court nearly two centuries to 'discover' a
constitutional mandate to have counsel at a preliminary hearing. Here there is
not even the excuse that conditions have changed; the preliminary hearing is an

ancient institution.

With deference, then I am bound to reject categorically Mr. Justice HARLAN's

and Mr. Justice WHITE's thesis that what the Court said lately controls over
the Constitution. While our holdings are entitled to deference I will not join in
employing recent cases rather than the Constitution, to bootstrap ourselves into
a result, even though I agree with the objective of having counsel at
preliminary hearings. By placing a premium on 'recent cases' rather than the
language of the Constitution, the Court makes it dangerously simple for future
Courts, using the technique of interpretation, to operate as a 'continuing
Constitutional convention.'


I wish to make clear that my disagreement with the prevailing opinion is

directed primarily at its reasoning process, rather than with the broad social and
legal desirability of the result reached. I would not decide that the Constitution
commands this result simply because I think it is a desirable one. Indeed, there
have been many studies, including that of the American Bar Association's
Criminal Justice Project, that acknowledge the wisdom of providing counsel at
the preliminary hearing. ABA Project on Standards for Criminal Justice,
Providing Defense Services 5.1 (Approved Draft 1968). But this should be
provided either by statute or by the rule-making process since the Constitution
does not require it. Mr. Justice WHITE, while joining the prevailing opinion
with some reservations, belies the essence of the matter when he states that
'recent cases furnish ample ground for holding the preliminary hearing a critical
event in the progress of a criminal case.' (Emphasis added.)


If the Constitution provided that counsel be furnished for every 'critical event in
the progress of a criminal case,' that would be another story, but it does not. In
contrast to the variety of verbal combinations employed by the majority to
justify today's disposition, the Sixth Amendment states with laudable precision
that: 'In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall * * * have the Assistance of
Counsel.' (Emphasis added.) The only relevant determination is whether a
preliminary hearing is a 'criminal prosecution,' not whether it is a 'critical event
in the progress of a criminal case.' By inventing its own verbal formula the
prevailing opinion simply seeks to reshape the Constitution in accordance with
predilections of what is deemed desirable. Constitutional interpretation is not
an easy matter, but we should be especially cautious about substituting our own
notions for those of the Framers. I heed Mr. Justice Black's recent admonition
on 'the difference * * * between our Constitution as written by the Founders
and an unwritten constitution to be formulated by judges according to their
ideas of fairness on a case-by-case basis.' North Carolina v. Pearce, 395 U.S.
711, 744, 89 S.Ct. 2072, 2085, 23 L.Ed.2d 656 (1969) (separate opinion of

Black, J.) (emphasis in original).


In the federal courts, and as provided by statute in most States, the three steps
that follow arrest are (1) the preliminary hearing under Fed.Rule Crim.Proc.
5(c); (2) the grand jury inquiry; and (3) the arraignment under Fed.Rule
Crim.Proc. 10. We know, of course, that if the hearing officer at the
preliminary hearing concludes to hold the person for possible grand jury action
counsel is not permitted to attend the latter proceedings. If the grand jury
returns an indictment, the accused must then enter a plea at arraignment, and at
this hearing counsel is required under Hamilton v. Alabama, 368 U.S. 52, 82
S.Ct. 157, 7 L.Ed.2d 114 (1961).


In Alabama, as in the federal system, the preliminary hearing has been an

inquiry into whether the arrested person should be discharged or whether, on
the contrary, there is probable cause to submit evidence to a grand jury or other
charging authority for further consideration. No verdict can flow from the
hearing magistrate's determination, and a discharge, unlike an acquittal, is no
bar to a later indictment. Thus it is not a trial in any sense in which lawyers and
judges use that term. Moreover, the hearing magistrate cannot indict; he can
pass only on the narrow question of whether further inquiry is warranted.
Recognizing however, that the preliminary hearing is not an unimportant step
in 'the progress of a criminal case,' this Court has already held that disclosures
of an uncounseled person at the hearing may not be used against him if he is
later tried. White v. Maryland, 373 U.S. 59, 83 S.Ct. 1050, 10 L.Ed.2d 193
(1963). See also Pointer v. Texas, 380 U.S. 400, 85 S.Ct. 1065, 13 L.Ed.2d 923


Under today's holding we thus have something of an anomaly under the new
'discovery' of the Court that counsel is constitutionally required at the
preliminary hearing since counsel cannot attend a subsequent grand jury
inquiry, even though witnesses, including the person eventually charged, may
be interrogated in secret session. If the current mode of constitutional analysis
subscribed to by this Court in recent cases requires that counsel be present at
preliminary hearings, how can this be reconciled with the fact that the
Constitution itself does not permit the assistance of counsel at the decidely
more 'critical' grand jury inquiry?


Finally, as pointed out, the Court has already protected an accused from
absence of counsel at the preliminary hearing by providing that statements of
an uncounseled person are inadmissible at trial. The prevailing opinion fails to
explain why that salutaryindeed drasticremedy is no longer sufficient
protection for the preliminary hearing stage unless what the Court is doing

surreptitiouslyis to convert the preliminary hearing into a discovery device.

But the need for even that step is largely dissipated by the proposed
amendments for pretrial discovery in criminal cases. See Judicial Conference of
the United States, Committee on Rules of Practice and Procedure, Proposed
Amendments to the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure for United States
District Courts (preliminary draft, Jan. 1970).

Mr. Justice STEWART, with whom The Chief Justice joins, dissenting.


On a July night in 1966 Casey Reynolds and his wife stopped their car on
Green Springs Highway in Birmingham, Alabama, in order to change a flat tire.
They were soon accosted by three men whose evident purpose was armed
robbery and rape. The assailants shot Reynolds twice before they were
frightened away by the lights of a passing automobile. Some two months later
the petitioners were arrested, and later identified by Reynolds as two of the
three men who had assaulted him and his wife.


A few days later the petitioners were granted a preliminary hearing before a
county judge. At this hearing the petitioners were neither required nor permitted
to enter any plea. The sole purpose of such a hearing in Alabama is to
determine whether there is sufficient evidence against the accused to warrant
presenting the case to a grand jury, and, if so, to fix bail if the offense is
bailable.1 At the conclusion of the hearing the petitioners were bound over to
the grand jury, and their bond was set at $10,000. No record or transcript of any
kind was made of the hearing.


Less than a month later the grand jury returned an indictment against the
petitioners, charging them with assault to commit murder. Promptly after their
indictment, a lawyer was appointed to represent them. At their arraignment two
weeks later, where they were represented by their appointed counsel, they
entered a plea of not guilty. Cf. Hamilton v. Alabama, 368 U.S. 52, 82 S.Ct.
157, 7 L.Ed.2d 114. Some months later they were brought to trial, again
represented by appointed counsel. Cf. Gideon v. Wainwright, 372 U.S. 335, 83
S.Ct. 792, 9 L.Ed.2d 799. The jury found them guilty as charged, and they were
sentenced to the penitentiary.


If at the trial the prosecution had used any incriminating statements made by
the petitioners at the preliminary hearing, the convictions before us would quite
properly have to be set aside. White v. Maryland, 373 U.S. 59, 83 S.Ct. 1050,
10 L.Ed.2d 193. But that did not happen in this case. Or if the prosecution had
used the statement of any other witness at the preliminary hearing against the

petitioners at their trial, we would likewise quite properly have to set aside
these convictions. Pointer v. Texas, 380 U.S. 400, 85 S.Ct. 1065, 13 L.Ed.2d
923. But that did not happen in this case either. For, as the prevailing opinion
today perforce concedes, 'the prohibition against use by the State at trial of
anything that occurred at the preliminary hearing was scrupulously observed.'

Nevertheless, the Court sets aside the convictions because, it says, counsel
should have been provided for the petitioners at the preliminary hearing. None
of the cases relied upon in that opinion points to any such result. Even the
Miranda decision does not require counsel to be present at 'pretrial custodial
interrogation.' That case simply held that the constitutional guarantee against
compulsory self-incrimination prohibits the introduction at the trial of
statements made by the defendant during custodial interrogation if the Miranda
'guidelines' were not followed. 384 U.S. 436, 86 S.Ct. 1602, 16 L.Ed.2d 694.
See also United States v. Wade, 388 U.S. 218, 87 S.Ct. 1926, 18 L.Ed.2d 1149;
Gilbert v. California, 388 U.S. 263, 87 S.Ct. 1951, 18 L.Ed.2d 1178. And I
repeat that in this case no evidence of anything said or done at the preliminary
hearing was introduced at the petitioners' trial.


But the prevailing opinion holds today that the Constitution required Alabama
to provide a lawyer for the petitioners at their preliminary hearing, not so much,
it seems, to assure a fair trial as to assure a fair preliminary hearing. A lawyer at
the preliminary hearing, the opinion says, might have led the magistrate to
'refuse to bind the accused over.' Or a lawyer might have made 'effective
arguments for the accused on such matters as the necessity for an early
psychiatric examination or bail.'


If those are the reasons a lawyer must be provided, then the most elementary
logic requires that a new preliminary hearing must now be held, with counsel
made available to the petitioners. In order to provide such relief, it would, of
course, be necessary not only to set aside these convictions, but also to set aside
the grand jury indictments, and the magistrate's orders fixing bail and binding
over the petitioners. Since the petitioners have now been found by a jury in a
constitutional trial2 to be guilty beyond a reasonable doubt, the prevailing
opinion understandably boggles at these logical consequences of the reasoning
therein. It refrains, in short, from now turning back the clock by ordering a new
preliminary hearing to determine all over again whether there is sufficient
evidence against the accused to present their case to a grand jury. Instead, the
Court sets aside these convictions and remands the case for determination
'whether the convictions should be reinstated or a new trial ordered,' and this
action seems to me even more quixotic.


The petitioners have simply not alleged that anything that happened at the
preliminary hearing turned out in this case to be critical to the fairness of their
trial. They have not alleged that they were affirmatively prejudiced at the trial
by anything that occurred at the preliminary hearing. They have not pointed to
any affirmative advantage they would have enjoyed at the trial if they had had
a lawyer at their preliminary hearing.


No record or transcript of any kind was made of the preliminary hearing.

Therefore, if the burden on remand is on the petitioners to show that they were
prejudiced, it is clear that that burden cannot be met and the remand is a futile
gesture. If, on the other hand, the burden is on the State to disprove beyond a
reasonable doubt any and all speculative advantages that the petitioners might
conceivably have enjoyed if counsel had been present at their preliminary
hearing, then obviously that burden cannot be met either, and the Court should
simply reverse these convictions. All I can say is that if the Alabama courts can
figure out what they are supposed to do with this case now that it has been
remanded to them, their perceptiveness will far exceed mine.


The record before us makes clear that no evidence of what occurred at the
preliminary hearing was used against the petitioners at their now completed
trial. I would hold, therefore, that the absence of counsel at the preliminary
hearing deprived the petitioners of no constitutional rights. Accordingly, I
would affirm these convictions.

Mr. Justice Douglas, Mr. Justice White, and Mr. Justice Marshall join this Part

Mr. Justice Douglas, Mr. Justice White, and Mr. Justice Marshall join this Part

A text book, Criminal Procedure in Alabama, by M. Clinton McGee

(University of Alabama Press 1954), p. 41, states:
'A preliminary hearing or examination is not a trial in its ordinary sense nor is it
a final determination of guilt. It is a proceeding whereby an accused is
discharged or held to answer, as the facts warrant. It seeks to determine whether
there is probable cause for believing that a crime has been committed and
whether the accused is probably guilty, in order that he may be informed of the
nature of such charge and to allow the state to take the necessary steps to bring
him to trial. Such hearing also serves to perpetuate evidence and to keep the
necessary witnesses within the control of the state. It also safeguards the

accused against groundless and vindictive prosecutions, and avoids for both the
accused and the state the expense and inconvenience of a public trial.'

Mr. Justice Black, Mr. Justice Douglas, Mr. Justice White, and Mr. Justice
Marshall join this Part III.

The trial judge held a hearing two months before the trial on motions on behalf
of petitioners to suppress 'any evidence or discovery whatsoever obtained * * *
on the preliminary hearing * * * and further any statements relating to any
identification * * * during any line-up * * *.' The State conceded that the
motion should be granted as to any statements of either petitioner taken by the
police upon their arrests, and written and oral confessions made by them were
therefore not offered at the trial. At an early stage of the hearing on the
motions, the trial judge said:
'It has been my consistent ruling, and I don't know of any law to the contrary,
that, on the basis of what happened at the preliminary hearing, that if a lawyer
was not representing the defendant that anything that may have occurred at that
preliminary which might work against the defendant, whether it be anything he
said there, assuming he might have taken the stand, anything of that nature,
would, on the trial of the case on the merits, be inadmissible.
'I wouldn't anticipate the State offering anything like that, but that has been my
ruling on that ever since we changed some of our ways of doing things.
'It wouldn't be material from the standpoint that a man down there, when not
represented by counsel on the preliminary, made some statement, said, 'I am
guilty.' You know, a lot of times he might say, 'I am guilty.'
'That that would not be admissible if he weren't represented by counsel, and that
sort of thing.'

Article 97 of the RSFSR Codes of Criminal Procedure provides:

'Confinement under guard in connection with the investigation of a case may
not continue for more than two months. Only by reason of the special
complexity of the case may this period be prolonged up to three months from
the day of confinement under guard by a procurator of an autonomous republic,
territory, region, autonomous region, or national area, or by a military
procurator of a military region or fleet, or up to six months by the RSFSR
Procurator or the Chief Military Procurator. Further prolongation of a period of
confinement under guard may be carried out only in exceptional instances by
the USSR Procurator General for a period of not more than an additional three
months.' Soviet Criminal Law and Procedure: The RSFSR Codes 288 (H.

Berman & J. Spindler, transl. 1966).


Article 47 of the RSFSR Codes of Criminal Procedure provides in part:

'Defense counsel shall be permitted to participate in a case from the moment the
accused is informed of the completion of the preliminary investigation and is
presented with all the proceedings of the case to become acquainted with them.'
Soviet Criminal Law and Procedure: The RSFSR Codes, supra, n. 1, at 269.

No nation has a monopoly on the use of this device although the present Greek
Government according to the 1969 report of the Commission of Human Rights
of the Council of Europe has reached a high level of efficiency in the use of
'Falanga or bastinado has been a method of torture known for centuries. It is the
beating of the feet with a wooden or metal stick or bar which, if skillfully done,
breaks no bones, makes no skin lesions, and leaves no permanent and
recognisable marks, but causes intense pain and swelling of the feet. The use of
falanga has been described in a variety of situations: on a bench or chair or on a
car-seat; with or without shoes on. Sometimes water has been thrown over the
feet and sometimes the victim has been made to run around between beatings.
Victims have also been gagged.
'While falanga and severe beatings of all parts of the body are the commonest
forms of torture or ill-treatment that appear in the evidence before the SubCommission, other forms have been described: for example, the application of
electric shock, squeezing of the head in a vice, pulling out of hair from the head
or public region, or kicking of the male genital organs, dripping water on the
head, and intense noises to prevent sleep.
'Falanga has not only been the commonest form of torture or ill-treatment in the
cases in which the Sub-Commission has been able to establish the facts to a
substantial degree but also appears with great frequency in the further
allegations raised in the proceedings with regard to other named detainees. The
principal forms of alleged treatmentfrequently several forms combined in one
and the same caseare as follows in the two categories:
Cases Further
examined allegations
Falanga...................... 23. 53
Electro-shock................ 4. 3

Mock execution or threats to shoot or kill the victim 12......................... 15

Other beating or ill-treatment. 26. 17"
European Commission of Human Rights, Report on The Greek Case, Vol. 2, pt.
1,pp. 415-416 (1969).

From the standpoint of Fourteenth Amendment due process, which is the way
in which I think state cases of this kind should be judged (see, e.g., my
concurring opinion in Gideon v. Wainwright, 372 U.S. 335, 349, 83 S.Ct. 792,
799, 9 L.Ed.2d 799 (1963)), I could not have said that the denial of appointed
counsel at a preliminary hearing, carring no consequences beyond those
involved in the Alabama procedure, is offensive to the concept of 'fundamental
fairness' embodied in the Due Process Clause. The case would, of course, be
different if the State were permitted to introduce at trial evidence collected and
presented at the preliminary hearing. A fortiori, I would not have thought that
the lack of counsel at a police 'line-up' is, as held in United States v. Wade, 388
U.S. 218, 87 S.Ct. 1926, 18 L.Ed.2d 1149 (1967), a denial of due process such
as to require reversal. Even from the standpoint of the Sixth Amendment, I
would have found it difficult to say that the language, 'In all criminal
prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right * * * to have the Assistance of
Counsel for his defence' (emphasis supplied), was intended to reach such preindictment events. Cf. Sanders v. United States, 373 U.S. 1, 23, 83 S.Ct. 1068,
1081, 10 L.Ed.2d 148 (1963).

The pertinent language is: 'In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy
* * * the Assistance of Counsel for his defence.'

I concur in the conclusion that due process was not violated by the
identification procedures employed here.

Ala.Code, Tit. 15, 133140 (1958).

I agree with the result reached in Part 1 of the prevailing opinion.

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