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412 U.S.

93 S.Ct. 2488
37 L.Ed.2d 235

Caspar W. WEINBERGER, Secretary of Health, Education,

and Welfare, et al., Petitioners,
No. 72555.
Argued April 17, 1973.
Decided June 18, 1973.

Respondent drug marketers filed suit for a declaratory judgment that their
drugs containing pentylenetetrazol are generally recognized as safe and
effective and thus are not 'new drugs' within the meaning of 201(p) of
the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act of 1938, as amended. They also
sought exemption under 107(c)(4), the grandfather clause, of the 1962
amendments to the Act. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
Commissioner, based on NASNRC panel reports, concluded that there
was a lack of substantial evidence that the drugs were effective for their
intended uses and gave notice of his intention to initiate proceedings to
withdraw approval of the new drug applications (NDA's). In light of
FDA's position that withdrawal of approval of an NDA would operate to
remove marketing approval for all drugs of similar composition, known as
'me-too' drugs, whether or not expressly covered by an effective NDA, the
Commissioner invited holders of NDA's for drugs containing
pentylenetetrazol 'and any interested person who might be adversely
affected by their removal from the market' to submit 'adequate and wellcontrolled studies' to establish the effectiveness of the drugs. Only one
NDA holder submitted further evidence, which the Commissioner held
did not satisfy the statutory standard. He gave notice of intent to issue an
order withdrawing approval of the NDA's, and only one NDA holder
requested a hearing but filed no supporting data. The Commissioner issued
orders withdrawing approval of the NDA's and no appeal was taken.
Respondents here all market 'me-too' drugs, none of which was expressly
covered by an effective NDA. The District Court held that FDA should

resolve the 'new drug' and 'grandfather' issues in an administrative

proceeding. The Court of Appeals reversed and remanded with directions
to the District Court to determine whether the challenged drugs may
lawfully be marketed without approved NDA's, holding that FDA has no
jurisdiction, primary or concurrent, to decide what is a 'new drug' for
which an NDA is required. Held: The District Court's referral of the 'new
drug' and 'grandfather' issues to FDA was proper. Pp. 649 654.
(a) While an FDA order denying an NDA and withdrawing one is
reviewable by the Court of Appeals under 505(h), an order declaring a
'new drug' status under 201(p) is reviewable under the Administrative
Procedure Act by the District Court. P. 651 652.
(b) The reach of scientific inquiry under both 505(d) and 201(p) is the
same, Weinberger v. Hynson, Westcott and Dunning, Inc., 412 U.S. 609,
93 S.Ct. 2469, 37 L.Ed.2d 207 and it is implicit in the regulatory scheme
that FDA has jurisdiction to decide with administrative finality, subject to
judicial review, the 'new drug' status of individual drugs or classes of
drugs. Pp. 652653.
(c) The 'new drug' and 'grandfather' issues are peculiarly suited to initial
determination by FDA with its specialized competence and expertise. Pp.
463 F.2d 363, reversed.
Opening statement by Daniel M. Friedman, Washington, D.C., for Caspar
W. Weinberger, Secretary, HEW, in all five cases.
Daniel M. Friedman, Washington, D.C., for petitioners.
George F. Townes, Greenville, S.C., for respondents.
Mr. Justice DOUGLAS delivered the opinion of the Court.

In this case Bentex and some 20 other firms that market drugs containing
pentylenetetrazol filed this suit for a declaratory judgment that their drugs
containing pentylenetetrazol are generally recognized as safe and effective, and
thus not 'new drugs' within the meaning of 201(p)(1) of the Federal Food,
Drug, and Cosmetic Act of 1938, as amended, 76 Stat. 781, 21 U.S.C. 321(p)
(1). They also sought exemption from the new effectiveness requirements by
reason of 107(c)(4) of the 1962 amendments to the Act, known as the
'grandfather' clause.

As part of Food and Drug Administration's (FDA's) Drug Efficacy Study

Implementation program, three separate National Academy of SciencesNational Research Council (NASNRC) panels reviewed the evidence
concerning these drugs, and each concluded that the drug was 'ineffective' for
the indicated use. The Commissioner concluded there was a lack of substantial
evidence that these drugs were effective for their intended uses and gave notice
of his intention to initiate proceedings to withdraw approval of the new drug
applications (NDA's). FDA had taken the position that withdrawal f approval of
an NDA would operate to remove marketing approval for all drugs of similar
composition, known as 'me-too' drugs, whether or not they were expressly
covered by an effective NDA.1 Accordingly, the notice invited the holders of
the NDA's for drugs containing pentylenetetrazol, 'and any interested person
who might be adversely affected by their removal from the market,' to submit
'adequate and well-controlled studies' to establish the effectiveness of the drugs.
See 505(d), 21 U.S.C. 355(d). Only one NDA holder submitted further
evidence, which the Commissioner held did not satisfy the statutory standard.
He thereupon gave notice of intent to issue an order withdrawing approval of
the NDA's under 505(e), 21 U.S.C. 355(e). Again, all those who might be
adversely affected by withdrawal of the NDA's were given the opportunity to
participate. Only one NDA holder requested a hearing but filed no data to
support it. The Commissioner issued orders withdrawing approval of the three
NDA's (35 Fed.Reg. 14412); no appeal was taken. This suit in the District
Court followed. It appears that all of the parties to this suit market 'me-too'
drugs, none of which was expressly covered by an effective NDA.

The District Court held that although it could determine whether the drugs
were 'new' or 'grandfathered' drugs, its jurisdiction was concurrent with that of
FDA and that FDA should resolve the 'new drug' issue in an administrative
proceeding. It entered an injunction to preserve the status quo and ruled that if
FDA should decline to hold a hearing it would determine the issue. The Court
of Appeals reversed and remanded with directions that the District Court
determine whether the challenged drugs may lawfully be marketed without
approved NDA's. 463 F.2d 363. It held that FDA has no jurisdiction, either
primary or concurrent, to decide in an administrative proceeding what is a 'new
drug' for which an NDA is required. In its view the 1962 Act established two
forums for the regulation of drugs: an administrative one for premarketing
clearances for 'new drugs' or withdrawal of previously approved NDA's, with
the right of appeal; and, second, a judicial one for enforcement of the
requirement that 'new drugs' be cleared as safe and effective before marketing
by providing the Government with judicial remedies of seizure, injunction, and
criminal prosecution available solely in the District Court. Id., at 371372.

We reverse the Court of Appeals.

FDA, as a result of an NASNRC study and after due notice, faced up to the
problem of proposing withdrawal of drugs found to be lacking in substantial
evidence of effectiveness. One method would be to have 1,000 withdrawal
hearingsperhaps as many as 3,500, each one lasting probably for weeks. The
cost in time and budget would be enormous. Accordingly, FDA issued
regulations,2 already discussed in Weinberger v. Hynson, Westcott & Dunning,
Inc., 412 U.S. 609, 93 S.Ct. 2469, 37 L.Ed.2d 207, defining the 'scientific
principles which characterize an adequate and well-controlled clinical
investigation,'3 which elaborates on the statutory 'substantial evidence' test.
And, as we held in Hynson, no basis for a hearing under these regulations
would be laid unless a party seeking a hearing proffered at least some evidence
of that nature and quality.

By May 1972, 102 final orders effecting withdrawal of approval for 452 NDA's
had been issued; and they resulted in the removal from the market of an
additional 1,473 'me-too' drugs. 4 FDA was still troubled because under the
1962 Act no census of the marketplace was authorized. That is why Congress
enacted the Drug Listing Act of 1972, 86 Stat. 559, 21 U.S.C. 331(p),
335(e), 360(e), (f), (c), (d) (1970 ed., Supp. II). That Act requires
manufacturers to submit to FDA a list of all drugs they market, including data
showing their composition, labeling, and advertising.5 The Senate Report

'The effective enforcement of the drug provisions of the Act requires the ready
availability of a current inventory of all marketed drugs. The Secretary is just
completing a thorough review of the effectiveness of drugs marketed pursuant
to new drug applications during the period 19381962, as required by the
Drug Amendments of 1962. Application of the results of this important review
to related drugs would be frustrated if a list of all marketed drugs were not
easily obtained.'

FDA also realized that it is impossible to apply the 1962 amendments to overthe-counter (OTC) drugs on a case-by-case basis. There are between 100,000
and 500,000 of these products, few of which were previously approved by
FDA. In May 1972 FDA adopted a procedure for determining whether
particular OTC products, not covered by NDA's are safe products, not
ineffective, and not misbranded. 37 Fed.Reg. 9464. The procedure involves the
establishment of independent expert panels for different categories of OTC
drugs (e.g., antacids, laxatives, analgesic) which would review all available

data and prepare monographs prescribing drug composition, labeling, and

manufacturing controls. OTC's conforming to the monograph will not be
considered either misbranded or a 'new drug' requiring an NDA. The regulation
provides for a hearing before the expert panel, comments and rebuttal
comments on the monograph, and finally a hearing before the Commissioner
and judicial review. Id., at 9475.

This case, like the cross-petition in the Hynson case (No. 72 414) raises the
question whether FDA has authority to decide in an administrative hearing
whether a drug satisfies the new effectiveness requirements of the Act. As
noted, the Commissioner ordered that three NDA's for the drugs in question be
withdrawn. Review of the order was not sought in the Court of Appeals as
provided in 505(h), 21 U.S.C. 355(h). Rather, the aggrieved manufacturers
of 'me-too' drugs filed suit in the District Court, with the results we have
already detailed. The narrow question is whether the FDA may decide whether
a drug is a 'new drug' on referral from a district court.


As already noted, an order denying an NDA or withdrawing one is reviewable

by the Court of Appeals, 505(h); and we see no reason why Congress could
not make one method of review the exclusive one. Certainly an order that does
not deny or withdraw an NDA is reviewable under the Administrative
Procedure Act, if it declares a 'new drug' status. See Hynson, supra, 412 U.S. at
627, 93 S.Ct. at 2481. In bolstering that conclusion we should note in passing
that Abbott Laboratories v. Gardner, 387 U.S. 136, 144, 87 S.Ct. 1507, 1513,
18 L.Ed.2d 681, said that the provisions stated in this Act for judicial review do
not manifest 'a congressional purpose to eliminate judicial review of other kinds
of agency action.' While 505(h) would appear to be the exclusive method of
obtaining judicial review of FDA's order withdrawing an NDA covering the
instant drugs, the Government apparently did not oppose the District Court's
taking jurisdiction, or appeal from its action, and presents no objection to the
exercise by the courts of jurisdiction in this case. It does, however, strenuously
oppose the conclusions reached by the Court of Appeals.


That court, in holding that FDA has no jurisdiction to determine the 'new drug'
status of a drug, stated that the question of 'new drug' status is never presented
when an application of a manufacturer for approval is filed. Parties, of course,
cannot confer jurisdiction; only Congress can do so. The line sought to be
drawn by the Court of Appeals is FDA action on NDA's pursuant to 505(d)
and 505(e), on the one hand, and the question of 'new drug' determination on
the other. We can discern no such jurisdictional line under the Act. The FDA,
as already stated, may deny an NDA where there is a lack of 'substantial
evidence' of the drug's effectiveness, based, as we have outlined, on clinical

investigation by experts. But the 'new drug' definition under 201(p)

encompasses a drug 'not generally recognized, among experts qualified by
scientific training and experience to evaluate the safety and effectiveness of
drugs, as safe and effective for use.' Whether a particular drug is a 'new drug,'
depends in part on the expert knowledge and experience of scientists based on
controlled clinical experimentation and backed by substantial support in
scientific literature. One function is not peculiar to judicial expertise, the other
to administrative expertise. The two types of cases overlap and strongly suggest
that Congress desired that the administrative agency make both kinds of
determination. Even where no such administrative determination has been made
and the issue arises in a district court in enforcement proceedings, it would be
commonplace for the court to await an appropriate administrative declaration
before it acted. See Myers v. Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp., 303 U.S. 41, 50
51, 58 S.Ct. 459, 463464, 82 L.Ed. 638; F.P.C. v. Louisiana Power & Light
Co., 406 U.S. 621, 647, 92 S.Ct. 1827, 1842, 32 L.Ed.2d 369. It may, of course,
be true that in some cases general recognition that a drug is efficacious might
be made without the kind of scientific support necessary to obtain approval of
an NDA. But, as we indicate in Hynson, supra, 412 U.S. at 631, 93 S.Ct. at
2484, the reach of scientific inquiry under both 505(d) and 201(p) is
precisely the same.

We think that it is implicit in the regulatory scheme, not spelled out in haec
verba, that FDA has jurisdiction to decide with administrative finality, subject
to the types of judicial review provided, the 'new drug' status of individual
drugs or classes of drugs. The deluge of litigation that would follow if 'me-too'
drugs and OTC drugs had to receive de novo hearings in the courts would inure
to the interests of manufacturers and merchants in drugs, but not to the interests
of the public that Congress was anxious to protect by the 1962 amendments, as
well as OTC drugs and drugs covered by the 1972 Act. We are told that FDA is
incapable of handling a caseload of more than perhaps 10 or 15 de novo judicial
proceedings in a year. Clearly, if FDA were required to litigate, on a case-bycase basis, the 'new drug' status of each drug now marketed, the regulatory
scheme of the Act would be severely undermined, if not totally destroyed.
Moreover, a case-by-case approach is inherently unfair because it requires
compliance by one manufacturer while his competitors marketing similar drugs
remain free to violate the Act. In a case much more clouded with doubts than
this one, we held that we would not 'in the absence of compelling evidence that
such was Congress' intention . . . prohibit administrative action imperative for
the achievement of an agency's ultimate purposes.' Permian Basin Area Rate
Cases, 390 U.S. 747, 780, 88 S.Ct. 1344, 1367, 20 L.Ed.2d 312. And see Ricci
v. Chicago Mercantile Exchange, 409 U.S. 289, 304306, 93 S.Ct. 573, 581
583, 34 L.Ed.2d 525.


We conclude that the District Court's referral of the 'new drug' and the
'grandfather' issues to FDA was appropriate, as these are the kinds of issues
peculiarly suited to initial determination by the FDA. As the District Court said:
'Evaluation of conflicting reports as to the reputation of drugs among experts in
the field is not a matter well left to a court without chemical or medical
background.' The determination whether a drug is generally recognized as safe
and effective within the meaning of 201(p)(1) necessarily implicates complex
chemical and pharmacological considerations. Threshold questions within the
peculiar expertise of an administrative agency are appropriately routed to the
agency, while the court stays its hand. As we stated in Far Eastern Conference
v. United States, 342 U.S. 570, 574575, 72 S.Ct. 492, 494, 96 L.Ed. 576:
'(I)n cases raising issues of fact not within the conventional experience of
judges or cases requiring the exercise of administrative discretion, agencies
created by Congress for regulating the subject matter should not be passed
over. This is so even though the facts after they have been appraised by
specialized competence serve as a premise for legal consequences to be
judicially defined. Uniformity and consistency in the regulation of business
entrusted to a particular agency are secured, and the limited functions of review
by the judiciary are more rationally exercised, by preliminary resort for
ascertaining and interpreting the circumstances underlying legal issues to
agencies that are better equipped than courts by specialization, by insight
gained through experience, and by more flexible procedure.' And see Port of
Boston Marine Terminal Assn. v. Rederiaktiebolaget Transatlantic, 400 U.S.
62, 68, 91 S.Ct. 203, 208, 27 L.Ed.2d 203; Ricci v. Chicago Mercantile
Exchange, supra, 409 U.S. at 304306, 93 S.Ct. at 581583.




Mr. Justice BRENNAN took no part in the consideration or decision of this



Mr. Justice STEWART took no part in the decision of this case.

Volume 37 Fed.Reg. 23187, adding 130.40 to 21 CFR, defines 'identical,

related, or similar drug' as used in this Act to include 'other brands, potencies,
dosage forms, salts, and esters of the same drug moiety as well as of any drug
moiety related in chemical structure or known pharmacological properties.' It
also provides all persons with an interest in such drugs an opportunity for
hearing on any proposed withdrawal of NDA approval for the basic drug. A
district court order, directing FDA to apply the NASNRC evaluation to all

'me-too' drugs is reproduced in 37 Fed.Reg. 2662326624.


35 Fed.Reg. 3073, 35 Fed.Reg. 7250.

See the Appendix in Hynson, supra, at 634, 93 S.Ct., at 2485.

Hearings on the Present Status of Competition in the Pharmaceutical Industry

before the Subcommittee on Monopoly of the Senate Select Committee on
Small Business, 92d Cong., 2d Sess., pt. 22, p. 8525.

Filings are due in June 1973. 37 Fed.Reg. 26432.

S.Rep.No.92924, p. 2, U.S.Code Cong. & Admin.News 1972, p. 2963.

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