Pilot Life Insurance Company, Petitioner v. Everate W. DEDEAUX

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481 U.S.

107 S.Ct. 1549
95 L.Ed.2d 39


Everate W. DEDEAUX.
No. 85-1043.
Argued Jan. 21, 1987.
Decided April 6, 1987.

The "pre-emption clause" ( 514(a)) of the Employee Retirement Income
Security Act of 1974 (ERISA) provides that ERISA supersedes all state
laws insofar as they "relate to any employee benefit plan," but ERISA's
"saving clause" ( 514(b)(2)(A)) excepts from the pre-emption clause any
state law that "regulates insurance." ERISA's "deemer clause" ( 514(b)(2)
(B)) provides that no employee benefit plan shall be deemed to be an
insurance company for purposes of any state law "purporting to regulate
insurance." On the basis of a work-related injury occurring in Mississippi
in 1975, respondent began receiving permanent disability benefits under
his employer's ERISA-regulated welfare benefit plan, under which claims
were handled by petitioner, the employer's insurer. However, after two
years petitioner terminated respondent's benefits, and during the following
three years his benefits were reinstated and terminated by petitioner
several times. Respondent ultimately instituted a diversity action against
petitioner in Federal District Court, alleging tort and breach of contract
claims under Mississippi common law for petitioner's failure to pay
benefits under the insurance policy. The court granted summary judgment
for petitioner, finding that respondent's common law claims were preempted by ERISA. The Court of Appeals reversed.
Held: ERISA pre-empts respondent's suit under state common law for
alleged improper processing of his claim for benefits under the ERISAregulated benefit plan. Pp. 44-57.
(a) The common law causes of action asserted in respondent's complaint,

each based on alleged improper processing of a benefit claim under an

employee benefit plan, "relate to" an employee benefit plan and therefore
fall under ERISA's pre-emption clause. Cf. Metropolitan Life Ins. Co. v.
Massachusetts, 471 U.S. 724, 739, 105 S.Ct. 2380, 2389, 85 L.Ed.2d 728;
Shaw v. Delta Air Lines, Inc., 463 U.S. 85, 96-100, 103 S.Ct. 2890, 28993001, 77 L.Ed.2d 490 (1983). The pre-emption clause is not limited to
state laws specifically designed to affect employee benefit plans. Pp. 4748.
(b) Under the guidelines set forth in Metropolitan Life, respondent's
causes of action under state decisional common law particularly the cause,
presently asserted, based on the Mississippi law of bad faithdo not fall
under ERISA's saving clause, and thus are not excepted from pre-emption.
A common-sense understanding of the language of the saving clause
excepting from pre-emption a state law that "regulates insurance" does not
support the argument that the Mississippi law of bad faith falls under the
clause. To "regulate" insurance, a law must not just have an impact on the
insurance industry, but must be specifically directed toward that industry.
Mississippi Supreme Court decisions establish that its law of bad faith
applies to any breach of contract, not merely a breach of an insurance
contract. Neither do the factors for interpreting the phrase "business of
insurance" under the McCarran-Ferguson Act (which factors are
appropriate for consideration here) support the assertion that the
Mississippi law of bad faith "regulates insurance" for purposes of ERISA's
saving clause. Pp. 48-51.
(c) Moreover, interpretation of the saving clause must be informed by the
legislative intent concerning ERISA's civil enforcement provisions. The
language and structure of those provisions support the conclusion that
they were intended to provide exclusive remedies for ERISA-plan
participants and beneficiaries asserting improper processing of benefit
claims. ERISA's detailed provisions set forth a comprehensive civil
enforcement scheme that represents a careful balancing of the need for
prompt and fair claims settlement procedures against the public interest in
encouraging the formation of employee benefit plans. The policy choices
reflected in the inclusion of certain remedies and the exclusion of others
under the federal scheme would be completely undermined if ERISA-plan
participants and beneficiaries were free to obtain remedies under state law
that Congress rejected in ERISA. The conclusion that ERISA's civil
enforcement provisions were intended to be exclusive is also confirmed
by the legislative history of those provisions, particularly the history
demonstrating that the pre-emptive force of ERISA's enforcement
provisions was modeled after the powerful pre-emptive force of 301 of

the Labor Management Relations Act, 1947. Pp. 51-56.

770 F.2d 1311, reversed.
O'CONNOR, J., delivered the opinion for a unanimous Court.
John E. Nolan, Jr., Washington, D.C., for petitioner.
William C. Walker, Jr., for respondent.
Justice O'CONNOR delivered the opinion of the Court.

This case presents the question whether the Employee Retirement Income
Security Act of 1974 (ERISA), 88 Stat. 829, as amended, 29 U.S.C. 1001 et
seq., pre-empts state common law tort and contract actions asserting improper
processing of a claim for benefits under an insured employee benefit plan.

* In March 1975, in Gulfport, Mississippi, respondent Everate W. Dedeaux

injured his back in an accident related to his employment for Entex, Inc.
(Entex). Entex had at this time a long term disability employee benefit plan
established by purchasing a group insurance policy from petitioner, Pilot Life
Insurance Co. (Pilot Life). Entex collected and matched its employees'
contributions to the plan and forwarded those funds to Pilot Life; the employer
also provided forms to its employees for processing disability claims, and
forwarded completed forms to Pilot Life. Pilot Life bore the responsibility of
determining who would receive disability benefits. Although Dedeaux sought
permanent disability benefits following the 1975 accident, Pilot Life terminated
his benefits after two years. During the following three years Dedeaux's
benefits were reinstated and terminated by Pilot Life several times.

In 1980, Dedeaux instituted a diversity action against Pilot Life in the United
States District Court for the Southern District of Mississippi. Dedeaux's
complaint contained three counts: "Tortious Breach of Contract"; "Breach of
Fiduciary Duties"; and "Fraud in the Inducement." App. 18-23. Dedeaux sought
"[d]amages for failure to provide benefits under the insurance policy in a sum
to be determined at the time of trial," "[g]eneral damages for mental and
emotional distress and other incidental damages in the sum of $250,000.00,"
and "[p]unitive and exemplary damages in the sum of $500,000.00." Id., at 2324. Dedeaux did not assert any of the several causes of action available to him
under ERISA, see infra, at ----.

At the close of discovery, Pilot Life moved for summary judgment, arguing

At the close of discovery, Pilot Life moved for summary judgment, arguing
that ERISA pre-empted Dedeaux's common law claim for failure to pay
benefits on the group insurance policy. The District Court granted Pilot Life
summary judgment, finding all Dedeaux's claims pre-empted. App. to Pet. Cert.

The Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit reversed, primarily on the basis of
this Court's decision in Metropolitan Life Ins. Co. v. Massachusetts, 471 U.S.
724, 105 S.Ct. 2380, 85 L.Ed.2d 728 (1985). See 770 F.2d 1311 (1985). We
granted certiorari, 478 U.S. 1004, 106 S.Ct. 3293, 92 L.Ed.2d 708 (1986), and
now reverse.

In ERISA, Congress set out to

"protect . . . participants in employee benefit plans and their beneficiaries, by

requiring the disclosure and reporting to participants and beneficiaries of
financial and other information with respect thereto, by establishing standards
of conduct, responsibility, and obligation for fiduciaries of employee benefit
plans, and by providing for appropriate remedies, sanctions, and ready access
to the Federal courts." 2, as set forth in 29 U.S.C. 1001(b).

ERISA comprehensively regulates, among other things, employee welfare

benefit plans that, "through the purchase of insurance or otherwise," provide
medical, surgical, or hospital care, or benefits in the event of sickness, accident,
disability, or death. 3(1), 29 U.S.C. 1002(1).

Congress capped off the massive undertaking of ERISA with three provisions
relating to the pre-emptive effect of the federal legislation:

"Except as provided in subsection (b) of this section [the saving clause], the
provisions of this subchapter and subchapter III of this chapter shall supersede
any and all State laws insofar as they may now or hereafter relate to any
employee benefit plan. . . ." 514(a), as set forth in 29 U.S.C. 1144(a) (preemption clause).


"Except as provided in subparagraph (B) [the deemer clause], nothing in this

subchapter shall be construed to exempt or relieve any person from any law of
any State which regulates insurance, banking, or securities." 514(b)(2)(A), as
set forth in 29 U.S.C. 1144(b)(2)(A) (saving clause).


"Neither an employee benefit plan . . . nor any trust established under such a
plan, shall be deemed to be an insurance company or other insurer, bank, trust
company, or investment company or to be engaged in the business of insurance
or banking for purposes of any law of any State purporting to regulate insurance
companies, insurance contracts, banks, trust companies, or investment
companies." 514(b)(2)(B), 29 U.S.C. 1144(b)(2)(B) (deemer clause).


To summarize the pure mechanics of the provisions quoted above: If a state law
"relate[s] to . . . employee benefit plan[s]," it is pre-empted. 514(a). The
saving clause excepts from the pre-emption clause laws that "regulat[e]
insurance." 514(b)(2)(A). The deemer clause makes clear that a state law that
"purport[s] to regulate insurance" cannot deem an employee benefit plan to be
an insurance company. 514(b)(2)(B).


"[T]he question whether a certain state action is pre-empted by federal law is

one of congressional intent. ' "The purpose of Congress is the ultimate
touchstone." ' " Allis-Chalmers Corp. v. Lueck, 471 U.S. 202, 208, 105 S.Ct.
1904, 1909, 85 L.Ed.2d 206 (1985), quoting Malone v. White Motor Corp., 435
U.S. 497, 504, 98 S.Ct. 1185, 1189, 55 L.Ed.2d 443 (1978), quoting Retail
Clerks v. Schermerhorn, 375 U.S. 96, 103, 84 S.Ct. 219, 222, 11 L.Ed.2d 179
(1963). We have observed in the past that the express preemption provisions of
ERISA are deliberately expansive, and designed to "establish pension plan
regulation as exclusively a federal concern." Alessi v. Raybestos-Manhattan,
Inc., 451 U.S. 504, 523, 101 S.Ct. 1895, 1906, 68 L.Ed.2d 402 (1981). As we
explained in Shaw v. Delta Air Lines, Inc., 463 U.S. 85, 98, 103 S.Ct. 2890,
2900, 77 L.Ed.2d 490 (1983):


"The bill that became ERISA originally contained a limited pre-emption clause,
applicable only to state laws relating to the specific subjects covered by ERISA.
The Conference Committee rejected those provisions in favor of the present
language, and indicated that section's pre-emptive scope was as broad as its
language. See H.R.Conf.Rep. No. 93-1280, p. 383 (1974); S.Conf.Rep. No. 931090, p. 383 (1974)."


The House and Senate sponsors emphasized both the breadth and importance of
the pre-emption provisions. Representative Dent described the "reservation to
Federal authority [of] the sole power to regulate the field of employee benefit
plans" as ERISA's "crowning achievement." 120 Cong.Rec. 29197 (1974).
Senator Williams said:


"It should be stressed that with the narrow exceptions specified in the bill, the

substantive and enforcement provisions of the conference substitute are

intended to preempt the field for Federal regulations, thus eliminating the threat
of conflicting or inconsistent State and local regulation of employee benefit
plans. This principle is intended to apply in its broadest sense to all actions of
State or local governments, or any instrumentality thereof, which have the force
or effect of law." Id., at 29933.

See also Shaw v. Delta Air Lines, Inc., supra, at 99-100, n. 20, 103 S.Ct., at
2901, n. 20 (describing remarks of Sen. Javits).


In Metropolitan Life, this Court, noting that the pre-emption and saving clauses
"perhaps are not a model of legislative drafting," 471 U.S., at 739, 105 S.Ct., at
2389, interpreted these clauses in relation to a Massachusetts statute that
required minimum mental health care benefits to be provided Massachusetts
residents covered by general health insurance policies. The appellants in
Metropolitan Life argued that the state statute, as applied to insurance policies
purchased by employee health care plans regulated by ERISA, was pre-empted.


The Court concluded, first, that the Massachusetts statute did "relate to . . .
employee benefit plan[s]," thus placing the state statute within the broad sweep
of the pre-emption clause, 514(a). Metropolitan Life, supra, at 739, 105 S.Ct.,
at 2389. However, the Court held that, because the state statute was one that
"regulate[d] insurance," the saving clause prevented the state law from being
pre-empted. In determining whether the Massachusetts statute regulated
insurance, the Court was guided by case law interpreting the phrase "business
of insurance" in the McCarran-Ferguson Act, 59 Stat. 33, as amended, 15
U.S.C. 1011 et seq.


Given the "statutory complexity" of ERISA's three pre-emption provisions,

Metropolitan Life, supra, at 740, 105 S.Ct., at 2389, as well as the wide variety
of state statutory and decisional law arguably affected by the federal preemption provisions, it is not surprising that we are again called on to interpret
these provisions.


There is no dispute that the common law causes of action asserted in Dedeaux's
complaint "relate to" an employee benefit plan and therefore fall under ERISA's
express pre-emption clause, 514(a). In both Metropolitan Life, supra, and
Shaw v. Delta Air Lines, Inc., supra, 463 U.S., at 96-100, 103 S.Ct., at 28992901, we noted the expansive sweep of the pre-emption clause. In both cases "

[t]he phrase 'relate to' was given its broad common-sense meaning, such that a
state law 'relate[s] to' a benefit plan 'in the normal sense of the phrase, if it has a
connection with or reference to such a plan.' " Metropolitan Life, supra, 471
U.S., at 739, 105 S.Ct., at 2389, quoting Shaw v. Delta Air Lines, supra, 463
U.S., at 97, 103 S.Ct., at 2900. In particular we have emphasized that the preemption clause is not limited to "state laws specifically designed to affect
employee benefit plans." Shaw v. Delta Air Lines, supra, at 98, 103 S.Ct., at
2900. The common law causes of action raised in Dedeaux's complaint, each
based on alleged improper processing of a claim for benefits under an employee
benefit plan, undoubtedly meet the criteria for pre-emption under 514(a).

Unless these common law causes of action fall under an exception to 514(a),
therefore, they are expressly pre-empted. Although Dedeaux's complaint
pleaded several state common law causes of action, before this Court Dedeaux
has described only one of the three countscalled "tortious breach of contract"
in the complaint, and "the Mississippi law of bad faith" in respondent's brief
as protected from the pre-emptive effect of 514(a). The Mississippi law of
bad faith, Dedeaux argues, is a law "which regulates insurance," and thus is
saved from pre-emption by 514(b)(2)(A).1


In Metropolitan Life, we were guided by several considerations in determining

whether a state law falls under the saving clause. First, we took what guidance
was available from a "common-sense view" of the language of the saving
clause itself. 471 U.S., at 740, 105 S.Ct., at 2389. Second, we made use of the
case law interpreting the phrase "business of insurance" under the McCarranFerguson Act, 15 U.S.C. 1011 et seq., in interpreting the saving clause. 2
Three criteria have been used to determine whether a practice falls under the
"business of insurance" for purposes of the McCarran-Ferguson Act:


"[F]irst, whether the practice has the effect of transferring or spreading a

policyholder's risk; second, whether the practice is an integral part of the policy
relationship between the insurer and the insured; and third, whether the practice
is limited to entities within the insurance industry." Union Labor Life Ins. Co.
v. Pireno, 458 U.S. 119, 129, 102 S.Ct. 3002, 3009, 73 L.Ed.2d 647 (1982)
(emphasis in original).


In the present case, the considerations weighed in Metropolitan Life argue

against the assertion that the Mississippi law of bad faith is a state law that
"regulates insurance."


As early as 1915 the Mississippi Supreme Court had recognized that punitive

damages were available in a contract case when "the act or omission

constituting the breach of the contract amounts also to the commission of a
tort." See Hood v. Moffett, 109 Miss. 757, 767, 69 So. 664, 666 (1915)
(involving a physician's breach of a contract to attend to a woman at her
approaching "accouchement"). In American Railway Express Co. v. Bailey, 142
Miss. 622, 631, 107 So. 761, 763 (1926), a case involving a failure of a finance
company to deliver to the plaintiff the correct amount of money cabled to the
plaintiff through the finance company's offices, the Mississippi Supreme Court
explained that punitive damages could be available when the breach of contract
was "attended by some intentional wrong, insult, abuse, or gross negligence,
which amounts to an independent tort." In Standard Life Insurance Co. v. Veal,
354 So.2d 239 (1977), the Mississippi Supreme Court, citing D.L. Fair Lumber
Co. v. Weems, 196 Miss. 201, 16 So.2d 770 (1944) (breach of contract was
accompanied by "the breaking down and destruction of another's fence"),
American Railway Express Co. v. Bailey, supra, and Hood v. Moffett, supra,
upheld an award of punitive damages against a defendant insurance company
for failure to pay on a credit life policy. Since Veal, the Mississippi Supreme
Court has considered a large number of cases in which plaintiffs have sought
punitive damages from insurance companies for failure to pay a claim under an
insurance contract, and in a great many of these cases the court has used the
identical formulation, first stated in Bailey, of what must "attend" the breach of
contract in order for punitive damages to be recoverable. See, e.g., Employers
Mutual Casualty Co. v. Tompkins, 490 So.2d 897, 902 (1986); State Farm Fire
& Casualty Co. v. Simpson, 477 So.2d 242, 248 (1985); Consolidated American
Life Ins. Co. v. Toche, 410 So.2d 1303, 1304 (1982); Gulf Guaranty Life Ins.
Co. v. Kelley, 389 So.2d 920, 922 (1980); State Farm Mutual Automobile Ins.
Co. v. Roberts, 379 So.2d 321, 322 (1980); New Hampshire Ins. Co. v. Smith,
357 So.2d 119, 121 (1978); Lincoln National Life Ins. Co. v. Crews, 341 So.2d
1321, 1322 (1977). Recently the Mississippi Supreme Court stated that "[w]e
have come to term an insurance carrier which refuses to pay a claim when there
is no reasonably arguable basis to deny it as acting in 'bad faith,' and a lawsuit
based upon such an arbitrary refusal as a 'bad faith' cause of action." Blue Cross
& Blue Shield of Mississippi, Inc. v. Campbell, 466 So.2d 833, 842 (1984).

Certainly a common-sense understanding of the phrase "regulates insurance"

does not support the argument that the Mississippi law of bad faith falls under
the saving clause. A common-sense view of the word "regulates" would lead to
the conclusion that in order to regulate insurance, a law must not just have an
impact on the insurance industry, but must be specifically directed toward that
industry. Even though the Mississippi Supreme Court has identified its law of
bad faith with the insurance industry, the roots of this law are firmly planted in
the general principles of Mississippi tort and contract law. Any breach of

contract, and not merely breach of an insurance contract, may lead to liability
for punitive damages under Mississippi law.



Neither do the McCarran-Ferguson Act factors support the assertion that the
Mississippi law of bad faith "regulates insurance." Unlike the mandatedbenefits law at issue in Metropolitan Life, the Mississippi common law of bad
faith does not effect a spreading of policyholder risk. The state common law of
bad faith may be said to concern "the policy relationship between the insurer
and the insured." The connection to the insurer-insured relationship is
attenuated at best, however. In contrast to the mandated-benefits law in
Metropolitan Life, the common law of bad faith does not define the terms of the
relationship between the insurer and the insured; it declares only that, whatever
terms have been agreed upon in the insurance contract, a breach of that contract
may in certain circumstances allow the policyholder to obtain punitive
damages. The state common law of bad faith is therefore no more "integral" to
the insurer-insured relationship than any State's general contract law is integral
to a contract made in that State. Finally, as we have just noted, Mississippi's law
of bad faith, even if associated with the insurance industry, has developed from
general principles of tort and contract law available in any Mississippi breach of
contract case. Cf. Hart v. Orion Ins. Co., 453 F.2d 1358 (CA10 1971) (general
state arbitration statutes do not regulate the business of insurance under the
McCarran-Ferguson Act); Hamilton Life Ins. Co. v. Republic National Life Ins.
Co., 408 F.2d 606 (CA2 1969) (same). Accordingly, the Mississippi common
law of bad faith at most meets one of the three criteria used to identify the
"business of insurance" under the McCarran-Ferguson Act, and used in
Metropolitan Life to identify laws that "regulat[e] insurance" under the saving
In the present case, moreover, we are obliged in interpreting the saving clause
to consider not only the factors by which we were guided in Metropolitan Life,
but also the role of the saving clause in ERISA as a whole. On numerous
occasions we have noted that " ' " '[i]n expounding a statute, we must not be
guided by a single sentence or member of a sentence, but look to the provisions
of the whole law, and to its object and policy.' " ' " Kelly v. Robinson, 479 U.S.
36, 43, 107 S.Ct. 353, 358, 93 L.Ed.2d 216 (1986), quoting Offshore Logistics,
Inc. v. Tallentire, 477 U.S. 207, 221, 106 S.Ct. 2485, 2493, 91 L.Ed.2d 174
(1986) (quoting Mastro Plastics Corp. v. NLRB, 350 U.S. 270, 285, 76 S.Ct.
349, 359, 100 L.Ed. 309 (1956) (in turn quoting United States v. Heirs of
Boisdore, 8 How. 113, 122, 12 L.Ed. 1009 (1849))). Because in this case, the
state cause of action seeks remedies for the improper processing of a claim for
benefits under an ERISA-regulated plan, our understanding of the saving clause
must be informed by the legislative intent concerning the civil enforcement

provisions provided by ERISA 502(a), 29 U.S.C. 1132(a).


The Solicitor General, for the United States as amicus curiae, argues that
Congress clearly expressed an intent that the civil enforcement provisions of
ERISA 502(a) be the exclusive vehicle for actions by ERISA-plan
participants and beneficiaries asserting improper processing of a claim for
benefits, and that varying state causes of action for claims within the scope of
502(a) would pose an obstacle to the purposes and objectives of Congress.
Brief for United States as Amicus Curiae 18-19. We agree. The conclusion that
502(a) was intended to be exclusive is supported, first, by the language and
structure of the civil enforcement provisions, and second, by legislative history
in which Congress declared that the pre-emptive force of 502(a) was modeled
on the exclusive remedy provided by 301 of the Labor Management Relations
Act, 1947 (LMRA), 61 Stat. 156, 29 U.S.C. 185.


The civil enforcement scheme of 502(a) is one of the essential tools for
accomplishing the stated purposes of ERISA.3 The civil enforcement scheme is
sandwiched between two other ERISA provisions relevant to enforcement of
ERISA and to the processing of a claim for benefits under an employee benefit
plan. Section 501, 29 U.S.C. 1131, authorizes criminal penalties for
violations of the reporting and disclosure provisions of ERISA. Section 503, 29
U.S.C. 1133, requires every employee benefit plan to comply with
Department of Labor regulations on giving notice to any participant or
beneficiary whose claim for benefits has been denied, and affording a
reasonable opportunity for review of the decision denying the claim. Under the
civil enforcement provisions of 502(a), a plan participant or beneficiary may
sue to recover benefits due under the plan, to enforce the participant's rights
under the plan, or to clarify rights to future benefits. Relief may take the form
of accrued benefits due, a declaratory judgment on entitlement to benefits, or an
injunction against a plan administrator's improper refusal to pay benefits. A
participant or beneficiary may also bring a cause of action for breach of
fiduciary duty, and under this cause of action may seek removal of the
fiduciary. 502(a)(2), 409. In an action under these civil enforcement
provisions, the court in its discretion may allow an award of attorney's fees to
either party. 502(g). See Massachusetts Mutual Life Ins. Co. v. Russell, 473
U.S. 134, 147, 105 S.Ct. 3085, 3092-3093, 87 L.Ed.2d 96 (1985). In Russell,
we concluded that ERISA's breach of fiduciary duty provision, 409(a), 29
U.S.C. 1109(a), provided no express authority for an award of punitive
damages to a beneficiary. Moreover, we declined to find an implied cause of
action for punitive damages in that section, noting that " '[t]he presumption that
a remedy was deliberately omitted from a statute is strongest when Congress
has enacted a comprehensive legislative scheme including an integrated system

of procedures for enforcement.' " Russell, supra, at 147, 105 S.Ct., at 3093,
quoting Northwest Airlines, Inc. v. Transport Workers, 451 U.S. 77, 97, 101
S.Ct. 1571, 1583, 67 L.Ed.2d 750 (1981). Our examination of these provisions
made us "reluctant to tamper with an enforcement scheme crafted with such
evident care as the one in ERISA." Russell, supra, 473 U.S., at 147, 105 S.Ct.,
at 3093.

In sum, the detailed provisions of 502(a) set forth a comprehensive civil

enforcement scheme that represents a careful balancing of the need for prompt
and fair claims settlement procedures against the public interest in encouraging
the formation of employee benefit plans. The policy choices reflected in the
inclusion of certain remedies and the exclusion of others under the federal
scheme would be completely undermined if ERISA-plan participants and
beneficiaries were free to obtain remedies under state law that Congress
rejected in ERISA. "The six carefully integrated civil enforcement provisions
found in 502(a) of the statute as finally enacted . . . provide strong evidence
that Congress did not intend to authorize other remedies that it simply forgot to
incorporate expressly." Russell, supra, at 146, 105 S.Ct., at 3092 (emphasis in


The deliberate care with which ERISA's civil enforcement remedies were
drafted and the balancing of policies embodied in its choice of remedies argue
strongly for the conclusion that ERISA's civil enforcement remedies were
intended to be exclusive. This conclusion is fully confirmed by the legislative
history of the civil enforcement provision. The legislative history demonstrates
that the pre-emptive force of 502(a) was modeled after 301 of the LMRA.


The Conference Report on ERISA describing the civil enforcement provisions

of 502(a) says:


"Under the conference agreement, civil actions may be brought by a participant

or beneficiary to recover benefits due under the plan, to clarify rights to receive
future benefits under the plan, and for relief from breach of fiduciary
responsibility. . . . [W]ith respect to suits to enforce benefit rights under the plan
or to recover benefits under the plan which do not involve application of the
title I provisions, they may be brought not only in U.S. district courts but also in
State courts of competent jurisdiction. All such actions in Federal or State
courts are to be regarded as arising under the laws of the United States in
similar fashion to those brought under section 301 of the Labor-Management
Relations Act of 1947." H.R.Conf.Rep. No. 93-1280, p. 327 (1974), U.S.Code
Cong. & Admin.News 1974, pp. 4639, 5107 (emphasis added).


Congress was well aware that the powerful pre-emptive force of 301 of the
LMRA displaced all state actions for violation of contracts between an
employer and a labor organization, even when the state action purported to
authorize a remedy unavailable under the federal provision. Section 301 preempts any "state-law claim [whose resolution] is substantially dependent upon
the analysis of the terms of an agreement made between the parties in a labor
contract." Allis-Chalmers Corp. v. Lueck, 471 U.S., at 220, 105 S.Ct., at 1916.
As we observed in Allis-Chalmers, the broad pre-emptive effect of 301 was
first analyzed in Teamsters v. Lucas Flour Co., 369 U.S. 95, 82 S.Ct. 571, 7
L.Ed.2d 593 (1962). In Lucas Flour the Court found that "[t]he dimensions of
301 require the conclusion that substantive principles of federal labor law must
be paramount in the area covered by the statute." Id., at 103, 82 S.Ct., at 576. "
[I]n enacting 301 Congress intended doctrines of federal labor law uniformly
to prevail over inconsistent local rules." Id., at 104, 82 S.Ct., at 577. Indeed, for
purposes of determining federal jurisdiction, this Court has singled out 301 of
the LMRA as having "pre-emptive force . . . so powerful as to displace entirely
any state cause of action 'for violation of contracts between an employer and a
labor organization.' Any such suit is purely a creature of federal law. . . ."
Franchise Tax Board of Cal. v. Construction Laborers Vacation Trust for
Southern Cal., 463 U.S. 1, 23, 103 S.Ct. 2841, 2853, 77 L.Ed.2d 420 (1983),
referring to Avco Corp. v. Machinists, 390 U.S. 557, 88 S.Ct. 1235, 20 L.Ed.2d
126 (1968).


Congress' specific reference to 301 of the LMRA to describe the civil

enforcement scheme of ERISA makes clear its intention that all suits brought
by beneficiaries or participants asserting improper processing of claims under
ERISA-regulated plans be treated as federal questions governed by 502(a).
See also H.R.Rep. No. 93-533, p. 12 (1973), U.S.Code Cong. & Admin.News
1974, p. 4639, reprinted in 2 Senate Committee on Labor and Public Welfare,
Legislative History of ERISA, 94th Cong., 2d Sess., 2359 (Comm. Print 1976)
("The uniformity of decision which the Act is designed to foster will help
administrators, fiduciaries and participants to predict the legality of proposed
actions without the necessity of reference to varying state laws"); 120
Cong.Rec. 29933 (1974) (remarks of Sen. Williams) (suits involving claims for
benefits "will be regarded as arising under the laws of the United States, in
similar fashion to those brought under section 301 of the Labor Management
Relations Act"); id., at 29942 (remarks of Sen. Javits) ("[i]t is also intended that
a body of Federal substantive law will be developed by the courts to deal with
issues involving rights and obligations under private welfare and pension
plans"). The expectations that a federal common law of rights and obligations
under ERISA-regulated plans would develop, indeed, the entire comparison of
ERISA's 502(a) to 301 of the LMRA, would make little sense if the

remedies available to ERISA participants and beneficiaries under 502(a)

could be supplemented or supplanted by varying state laws.

In Metropolitan Life Ins. Co. v. Massachusetts, 471 U.S., at 746, 105 S.Ct., at
2393, this Court rejected an interpretation of the saving clause of ERISA's
express pre-emption provisions, 514(b)(2)(A), 29 U.S.C. 1144(b)(2)(A),
that saved from preemption "only state regulations unrelated to the substantive
provisions of ERISA," finding that "[n]othing in the language, structure, or
legislative history of the Act" supported this reading of the saving clause.
Metropolitan Life, however, did not involve a state law that conflicted with a
substantive provision of ERISA. Therefore the Court's general observation
that state laws related to ERISA may also fall under the saving clausewas not
focused on any particular relationship or conflict between a substantive
provision of ERISA and a state law. In particular, the Court had no occasion to
consider in Metropolitan Life the question raised in the present case: whether
Congress might clearly express, through the structure and legislative history of
a particular substantive provision of ERISA, an intention that the federal
remedy provided by that provision displace state causes of action. Our
resolution of this different question does not conflict with the Court's earlier
general observations in Metropolitan Life.


Considering the common-sense understanding of the saving clause, the

McCarran-Ferguson Act factors defining the business of insurance, and, most
importantly, the clear expression of congressional intent that ERISA's civil
enforcement scheme be exclusive, we conclude that Dedeaux's state law suit
asserting improper processing of a claim for benefits under an ERISA-regulated
plan is not saved by 514(b)(2)(A), and therefore is pre-empted by 514(a).4
Accordingly, the judgment of the Court of Appeals is



Decisional law that "regulates insurance" may fall under the saving clause. The
saving clause, 514(b)(2)(A), covers "any law of any State." For purposes of
514, "[t]he term 'State law' includes all laws, decisions, rules, regulations, or
other State action having the effect of law, of any State." 29 U.S.C. 1144(c)
(1) and (2).

The McCarran-Ferguson Act provides, in relevant part: "The business of

insurance, and every person engaged therein, shall be subject to the laws of the
several States which relate to the regulation or taxation of such business." 15

U.S.C. 1012(a).

Section 502(a), as set forth in 29 U.S.C. 1132(a), provides:

"A civil action may be brought
"(1) by a participant or beneficiary
"(A) for the relief provided for in subsection (c) of this section [concerning
requests to the administrator for information], or
"(B) to recover benefits due to him under the terms of his plan, to enforce his
rights under the terms of the plan, or to clarify his rights to future benefits under
the terms of the plan;
"(2) by the Secretary, or by a participant, beneficiary or fiduciary for
appropriate relief under section 1109 of this title [breach of fiduciary duty];
"(3) by a participant, beneficiary, or fiduciary (A) to enjoin any act or practice
which violates any provision of this subchapter or the terms of the plan, or (B)
to obtain other appropriate equitable relief (i) to redress such violations or (ii) to
enforce any provisions of this subchapter or the terms of the plan;
"(4) by the Secretary, or by a participant, or beneficiary for appropriate relief in
the case of a violation of 1025(c) of this title [information to be furnished to
"(5) except as otherwise provided in subsection (b) of this subsection, by the
Secretary (A) to enjoin any act or practice which violates any provision of this
subchapter, or (B) to obtain other appropriate equitable relief (i) to redress such
violation or (ii) to enforce any provision of this subchapter;
"(6) by the Secretary to collect any civil penalty under subsection (i) of this

Because we conclude that Dedeaux's state common law claims fall under the
ERISA pre-emption clause and are not rescued by the saving clause, we need
not reach petitioner's argument that when an insurance company is engaged in
the processing and review of claims for benefits under an employee benefit
plan, it is acting in place of the plan's trustees and should be protected from
direct state regulation by the deemer clause.

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