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31 U.S.

6 Pet. 26
8 L.Ed. 307


January Term, 1832

THIS case came before the court on a certificate of division of opinion

between the judges of the circuit court of the United States for the district
of Ohio.
In the circuit court of Ohio, at July term 1829, on the motion of the
defendants, a rule was given on the marshal of the district of Ohio, and on
the plaintiff, to show cause why the taxation of costs in this case, upon
execution, should not be reversed, and corrected in respect to the marshal's
poundage taxed against the defendants.
Upon showing cause, it appeared, that on the 30th day of September 1824,
the plaintiff sued out of this court a writ of fieri facias et levari facias
against the goods and chattels of the defendants, sixty-one thousand one
hundred and forty dollars and forty-nine cents, with interest from the 5th
of September 1821 until paid, returnable the first Monday in January
1825; on which said writ was indorsed by the parties an agreement
waiving any levy on goods and chattels, and that a levy should be made
on real estate; in pursuance whereof, the marshal made return of a levy on
various parcels of real estate in the city of Cincinnati and elsewhere, that
he had sold the same, and made part of the money, but had made no
further levy for want of time. This return was made first Monday of
January 1825. It further appeared, upon a further process on the same
judgment, a further levy was made on real estate, the sale of which was
stayed by plaintiff; and that, for the sale of various parcels of real estate so
levied by the marshal, the plaintiff, on the 9th day of April 1827, issued
out of this court, upon the said marshal's return, a writ of venditioni
exponas, returnable to the second Monday of July 1827; which writ the
plaintiff's agent returned to the clerk's office the 5th July 1825, not having
placed the same in the hands of the marshal, but having received
satisfaction of the judgment from the defendants. It further appeared, that

the marshal, upon the last mentioned levy, indorsed the taxation of his
poundage at seven hundred and ninety-two dollars and fifty cents, under
the act of congress, which is the taxation complained of, and sought to be
reversed and corrected by the said rule nisi. It further appeared that by a
law of the state of Ohio, passed the 19th February 1824, and then and ever
since regulating the fees of certain officers, the poundage of sheriffs, on
writs of executions from all courts of the said state, is granted by a single
clause in the following words: 'poundage on all moneys made on
execution two per cent,' which then was and still is the only law of the
state regulating or granting poundage. The whole of the law of Ohio is
referred to as a part of the case. It further appeared, that, at the December
separate session of the supreme court of Ohio in the year 1826, in the case
of Vance against the Bank of Columbus, that court decided that the words
'money made on execution' in the above clause, could only relate to such
sums as are actually paid into the sheriff's hands 'upon the execution,' and
not to such sums as are actually paid to the creditor. It also appeared that
no counsel appeared in that case for the sheriff. It further appears, that in
the taxation aforesaid complained of in the rule, the marshal claimed and
taxed the rate of poundage allowed by the before mentioned act of
congress. In showing cause, the following questions arose, upon which the
opinions of the judges were opposed, and which, on the request of the
marshal by his said attorneys, were stated, and ordered to be certified by
the clerk of this court, under the seal thereof, to the Supreme Court of the
United States, at their next term, for their decision, viz.
1. Whether the marshal's poundage on moneys collected, made, or paid on
executions issued out of a circuit or district court of the United States, is
confined and regulated by the following words, viz. 'for sales of vessels
and other property, and for receiving and paying the money, for any sum
under five hundred dollars, two and one half per cent; for any larger sum,
of one and one quarter upon the excess;' in the first section of the act of
congress, passed 28th February 1799, entitled 'an act for providing
compensation for the marshals, clerks, attorneys, jurors, and witnesses in
the courts of the United States, viz. for all other services not herein
enumerated, except as shall be hereafter provided, such fees and
compensation as are allowed in the supreme court of the state where such
services are rendered.'
2. If regulated by the words first mentioned, then whether the marshal's
poundage attaches upon a levy and return, where afterwards the debt shall
be paid to the party, or only accrued upon a sale and receipt of the money
and paying it over by him. Or,

3. Whether the marshal's poundage is confirmed by the before mentioned

words in the proviso, and are in the cause here stated to be regulated by
the before mentioned law of Ohio.
4. If the marshal's poundage in the cause here stated is to be regulated by
the law of Ohio, then whether, by a just construction of that law,
poundage is due upon the levy and return in question. Or,
5. Is this court bound by the construction of that law given by the supreme
court of Ohio.
The case was argued by Mr Doddridge for the marshal of the district of
Ohio, and by Mr Ewing for the defendant.
Mr Chief Justice MARSHALL delivered the opinion of the court: that the
case was not within the jurisdiction of this court.

The division of opinion was not upon any matter arising at the trial of the
cause, but was upon a mere matter arising upon the service of the execution by
the marshal; and was a mere question for the circuit court upon a collateral
contest between the marshal and the bank, as to his right to fees. It was not
therefore a case within the purview of the judicial act of 1802.

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