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51 U.S.

10 How. 72
13 L.Ed. 333


December Term, 1850

THE facts in this case are stated in the opinion of the court. It was
submitted on printed arguments by Mr. May, for the plaintiff in error, and
Mr. Carlisle, for the defendants in error.
Mr. May's argument was as follows:
This case comes here by writ of error to the Supreme Court of Wisconsin
In the District Court of Iowa County, on the 3d of November, 1845, the
plaintiff in error sued out his writ of attachment, in an action of debt
against the defendants in error, founded on his affidavit (according to the
law and practice of that territory).
The sheriff seized certain goods and chattels of one of the defendants, to
wit, Legate, which, on motion, were ordered by the court to be sold.
The defendants, at the next term of said court, on the 4th of March, 1846,
appeared by their counsel, and moved for a rule on plaintiff to file his
declaration within three days, which was denied.
At the next term of the court, the plaintiff, by leave of the court, filed his
declaration, containing three counts. The first upon a judgment against the
defendants, recovered in the state of Illinois. The second on a bill of
exchange, drawn by one of the defendants and accepted by the others. The
third upon an account for goods, wares, and merchandise.
The defendants moved the court to strike out all the said counts except the
first, on account of a variance, because the action was founded on the
affidavit, which stated the judgment alone as the cause of action, which

motion was granted; whereupon the defendants pleaded, and after several
pleas, replications, and demurrers, issue was joined by agreement of the
parties, and the cause tried by the court.
The plaintiff read a record of a judgment of the Circuit Court of Illinois.
The defendants then offered to read the record of the same case in the
Supreme Court of Illinois (which showed a reversal of the judgment of the
Circuit Court). The plaintiff objected to the offering of this record,
because it was not properly authenticated, but the court overruled his
objection, and he excepted.
Judgment was rendered for the defendants, by the District Judge.
Plaintiff moved for a new trial, and filed his reasons, which was denied.
The case was carried by writ of error to the Supreme Court of Wisconsin
territory, where the judgment of the District Court was affirmed.
The plaintiff in error will contend here, that the judgment of the said
Supreme Court ought to be reversed, because,
First, the District Court erred in striking out the counts of the declaration
as aforesaid, after defendants had appeared to the action. Statutes of
Wisconsin concerning Attachments, 7. Rowen v. Taylor, Wisconsin
Reports, July term, 1842. He ought to have pleaded in abatement.
McKenna v. Fisk, 1 How., 241; 11 Wheat., 280.
Second, the record of the said Supreme Court of Illinois was not duly
authenticated, so as to be used as evidence in said suit, and ought not to
have been received.
The certificate of Samuel H. Treat does not certify that the attestation of
the clerk 'is in due form,' and styles him clerk of 'the State of Illinois.'
It appears also, on the face to the certificate, that the judge was 'an
associate justice,' while the same record discloses that there was a 'chief
justice' of said court. 1 Stat. at L., 122 (Act of May 26, 1790). 2 Stat. at L.,
Mr. Carlisle's argument was as follows.
The defendants in error were also defendants below. The action was
commenced by attachment, in the District Court of Iowa County, Territory

of Wisconsin. The affidavit of the plaintiff, dated 3d November, 1845,

sets forth a debt 'arising out of, and based and founded upon, a judgment at
law,' obtained three days before (31st October, 1845), in a county court of
the state of Illinois. Pending the attachment, and before the plaintiff had
declared, to wit, at the December term, 1845, of the Supreme Court of
Illinois, the judgment upon which the attachment was founded was
reversed. And this reversal having been pleaded and given in evidence on
the trial of the attachment, in Wisconsin, the judgment was for the
The plaintiff carried the case, by writ of error, to the Supreme Court of the
Territory of Wisconsin, where the judgment below was affirmed; and
thence the case is brought to this court by writ of error.
The defendants in error will contend that there is no error in either of the
points assigned.
1. As to the order to strike out the second and third counts in the plaintiff's
declaration, it was addressed to the discretion of the court, and is not
subject to be assigned for error. 1 Tidd, 559.
It was not excepted to in the court below.
But if the order can be reviewed here, it was well founded. The
proceeding by attachment is regulated by the act of 1838-39. (Stat. of
Wisconsin, p. 165, 7.) The affidavit must specify the cause of action,
which must be 'arising out of, founded upon, or sounding in contract, or
upon the judgment or decree of some court of law or chancery.'
Accordingly, the affidavit set forth the cause of action as 'arising out of,
and based and founded upon, a judgment at law,' specifying the same. The
attachment recites the same, specially and alone. The first count in the
declaration is upon this judgment. But the judgment having been reversed
in January, 1846, and the plaintiff in the attachment not declaring till
October following, two other counts are added to that upon the judgment;
viz, a count upon an instrument described as a bill of exchange, being the
same which was merged in and extinguished by the judgment set forth in
the first count, and a count for goods sold and delivered, which were the
consideration for that 'bill of exchange.' The second and third counts were
therefore merely frivolous and vexatious, and intended to evade the effect
of the reversal of the judgment. And the court properly ordered them to be
stricken out.
The second and third counts, if material, could only be so because they
were variant from the first count, and consequently variant from the

affidavit and the attachment.

2. As to the special demurrer to the defendant's second plea, the plea itself
was immaterial. The first plea was nul tiel record, and put in issue the
existence of the record set forth in the first count; and at the time of that
plea pleaded there 'was no such record remaining in full force and effect,'
& c., but the same had been reversed and annulled before the plaintiff
filed his declaration. The record of such reversal was admissible in
evidence upon the issue joined on that plea. From the time of the reversal
'it is no such record ab initio,' Green v. Watts, 1 Ld. Raym., 274; Knight's
case, 1 Salk., 329; S. C., 2 Ld. Raym., 1014.
It would appear that the demurrer should have been sustained. But the
effect would have been simply an amendment. The plaintiff has not been
prejudiced. He could not have recovered. Under such circumstances
judgment will not be reversed.
But the plaintiff obtained leave to withdraw his demurrer, and put in a
replication. He thereby waived his demurrer, and it cannot be revived
here. Craig v. Blow, 3 Stew. (Ala.), 448; Peck v. Boggis, 1 Scam. (Ill.),
281; United States v. Boyd, 5 How., 29.
3. As to the objection to the admissibility of the record of the Supreme
Court of Illinois, it was not specified at the trial. The precise objection
was not disclosed till errors were assigned on the writ of error. This court
will not now entertain it. Cambden v. Doremus, 3 How., 515.
But the objection itself was not well founded. Although the record was not
authenticated according to the act of Congress, so as to have effect
independently of the local law, yet it was authenticated in such manner
and form as to be admissible in evidence in the courts of Wisconsin by
virtue of the act of the legislature of that territory. Statutes of Wisconsin,
p. 246; Act concerning Testimony, &c., 51.
If the points assigned as error shall not have been sufficiently answered
above, to the satisfaction of the court, the counsel for the defendants in
error further suggests to the court the following objection to the
Two acts of Congress were passed for the admission of Wisconsin into
the Union, viz., Act 3d March, 1847 (9 Stat. at L., 178); and Act 29th
May, 1848 (Id., 233). The first act prescribed a condition, upon
compliance with which, and upon the annunciation of such compliance by
the President's proclamation, the admission was to take effect. It does not

appear that this condition was complied with; and it is supposed that the
admission took effect exclusively under the second act, and that its date is
the 29th of May, 1848.
The acts of Congress regulating the appellate jurisdiction of this court,
and supposed to confer jurisdiction in this case, are 1847, ch. 17, and
1848, ch. 12 (9 Stat. at L., 128 and 211).
It is the second section of the act of 1848, ch. 12, which contains the
general provision as to states thereafter to be admitted into the Union. It
makes the provisions of the act of 1847, ch. 17, applicable, 'so far as may
be,' to cases which may be pending in the Supreme Court of any territory
at the time of its admission, and to cases in which judgments shall have
been rendered in such Supreme Court at the time of admission, and not
previously removed by writ of error or appeal.
The date of the admission is 29th May, 1848. The date of the judgment in
the Supreme Court of the territory is 31st July, 1847. The citation upon
this writ of error was served 4th December, 1847. The record was filed
here 29th February, 1848. This case, therefore, was not 'pending in the
Supreme Court of the territory' at the time of admission, nor was it a case
in which judgment had been rendered there, 'and not previously removed
by writ of error.'
But if it were in either of these categories, the provisions of the act of
1847 do not apply, and cannot 'be made applicable.' That act gave
jurisdiction only in cases where the proceedings below were transferred to
the Federal court, to which this court was authorized to send its mandate;
and not in cases 'legally transferred to the state courts.'
The appellate jurisdiction of this court was not intended to be reserved
except in cases of 'Federal character and jurisdiction.' Act 22d February,
1848, 3.
The sixth section of the act for the admission of Wisconsinprovides only
for the transfer to the Federal court of the records of judgments, &c., 'in
cases arising under the Constitution and laws of the United States,' which
is equivalent language to 'cases of Federal character and jurisdiction.'
The judgment below is 'legally transferred to the state court.' It is now a
judgment in the Supreme Court of the state of Wisconsin. The record
shows that it is not a case of Federal character and jurisdiction. But in
such a case only can the mandate of this court go to the state court.
(Martin v. Hunter, 1 Wheat.) And in such cases only do the acts in

question provide for the operation of the mandate by transferring the

records below from the territorial to the District Courts.
Mr. Justice NELSON delivered the opinion of the court.

This is a writ of error to the Supreme Court of the late Territory of Wisconsin.
The suit was commenced by a writ of attachment in the first judicial district of
that territory, on the 3d of November, 1845, founded upon a judgment for
$2747.49 previously obtained against the defendants in a Circuit Court in the
state of Illinois. A large amount of property was attached belonging to one of
the defendants.

All the defendants appeared by attorney, and put in two special pleas to the
declaration, upon which issues were joined; and such proceedings were
afterwards had thereon, that at the October term, 1841, judgment was rendered
in the said suit for the defendants. The cause was then removed to the Supreme
Court of the territory on error; and at the July term of that court, to wit, on the
31st of July, 1847, the judgment below was in all things affirmed. This
judgment has been appealed from to this court, and is now before us for review.
The citation is signed the 20th of November, 1847.

The case has been submitted by counsel on written arguments under the fortieth
and fifty-sixth rules of the court.

The first question presented is, whether or not this court has jurisdiction to
review the judgment below.

The Territory of Wisconsin was admitted into the Union as a state, on the 29th
of May, 1848. (9 Stat. at L., 233.)

An act had been previously passed, on the 2d of March, 1847, assenting to the
admission on certain terms and conditions to be first complied with; and
providing that upon a compliance with them, and on the proclamation of the
President announcing the fact, the admission should be considered complete.
The admission did not take place under this act, and no proclamation was
issued by the President in pursuance of it.

The people of the territory again assembled, by a convention of delegates, and

formed their constitution, on the 1st of February, 1848, as is recited in the
preamble of the act of Congress, passed 29th May, 1848, by the first section of

which the state is declared to be admitted into the Union on an equal footing
with the original states. The date of the admission, therefore, is the 29th of
May, 1848.

The writ of error having been issued on the 20th of November, 1847, was,
therefore, regularly issued during the existence of the territorial government,
and the case was pending in this court at the time when that government
ceased, and with it the jurisdiction and power of the territorial courts. (Benner
v. Porter, 9 How., 235.)

The fourth section of the act of Congress admitting the state into the Union
organized a District Court of the United States for the state (see also 4 of the
Act of 6th August, 1846, 9 Stat. at L., 57), and the 5th section provided, that the
clerks of the District Courts of the territory should transmit to the clerk of the
above District Court 'all records of all unsatisfied judgments, and suits pending
in said courts, respectively, attaching thereto all papers connected therewith, in
all cases arising under the laws or Constitution of the United States, or to which
the United States shall be a party;' and the said District Court shall enter the
same on its docket, and shall proceed therein to final judgment and execution,
as if such suits or proceedings had originally been brought in said court.


The sixth section provides for the delivery by the clerk of the Supreme Court of
the territory to the clerk of the District Court, of all records and papers relating
to proceedings in bankruptcy under the late bankrupt act; and also all records of
judgments, and of proceedings in suits pending, and all papers connected
therewith, in cases arising under the Constitution and laws of the United States.


These sections provide for the Federal cases pending in the courts at the
termination of the territorial government, and for unsatisfied judgments of that
character, by transferring them to the Federal court, there to be proceeded in
and completed, or executed. But no provision is made for the class of cases
pending, and unfinished, that belong to the state judiciature after the admission
of the territory into the Union. That class seems to have been left to be provided
for by the state authorities. We had occasion to express our views on this
subject in the recent case of Benner v. Porter, and need not repeat them.


The case before us is one of this character; and is, therefore, unaffected by the
transfer of cases to the District Court above provided for. And the question is,
whether, under these circumstances, this court has jurisdiction to review it.


By the admission of the state of Wisconsin into the Union, on the 29th of May,

1848, the Territorial government ceased to exist, and all the authority under it,
including the laws organizing its courts of justice, and providing for a revision
of their judgments in this court by appeals or writs of error. This appellate
power does not depend upon the Judiciary Act of 1789, but upon laws
regulating the judicial proceedings of the Territory. And these necessarily
ceased with the termination of the territorial government.

In the case of the United States v. Boisdore's Heirs (8 How., 121), it is said,
that, as this court can exercise no appellate power over cases, unless conferred
upon it by act of Congress, if the act conferring the jurisdiction has expired, the
jurisdiction ceases, although the appeal or writ of error be actually pending in
the court at the time of the expiration of the act.


The cases on this point are referred to in the brief in that case, and afford full
authority for the principle, if any were needed. (1 Hill (N. Y.), 328; 9 Barn. &
C., 750; 3 Burr., 1456; 4 Moo. & P., 341.)


The writ of error, therefore, fell with the abrogation of the statute upon which it
was founded.


Besides, since the termination of the territorial government, there is no court in

existence to which the mandate of this court could be sent to carry into effect
our judgment. Our power, therefore, would be incomplete and ineffectual, were
we to consent to a review of the case. (Palao v. Hunt, 4 How., 589.) And, had
the records been transferred to the District Court, as in the Federal cases, we do
not see but that the result must have been the same; for the case being one not
of Federal jurisdiction, should the judgment be affirmed or reversed, and sent
down to that court, it would possess no power to carry the mandate into
execution, having no power over the case under the Constitution or laws of
Congress conferring jurisdiction upon the Federal courts. (Art. 3, 2, Const. U.
S.; Judiciary Act of 1789, 11.)


There is another act of Congress bearing upon this question which it is material
to notice; and that is, an act supplementary to the act entitled 'An Act to
regulate the exercise of the appellate jurisdiction of the Supreme Court in
certain cases, and for other purposes,' passed the 22d of February, 1848, ch. 12
(9 Stat. at L., 211).


The second section provides, 'that all and singular the provisions of the said act
to which this is a supplement, so far as may be, shall be, and they hereby are,
made applicable to all cases which may be pending in the Supreme or other

Superior Court of and for any territory of the United States, which may
hereafter be admitted as a state into the Union, at the time of its admission; and
to all cases in which judgments or decrees shall have been rendered in such
Supreme or Superior Court at the time of such admission, and not previously
removed by writ of error or appeal.'

The act to which the above is a supplement was passed 22d February, 1847, ch.
17, (9 Stat. at L., 128,) and its several provisions related to cases pending, and
unsatisfied judgments existing in the courts of the territory of Florida at the
time of its admission into the Union as a state, and which were the subject of
examination in the case of Benner v. Porter, already referred to.


As the territory of Wisconsin has been admitted into the Union as a state since
the passage of this supplementary act, the second section applies the provisions
of the Florida act to the cases pending in its courts, and to the judgments
existing therein at the time of its admission.


But it will not be material to refer particularly to those provisions, as this

second section does not bring the case before us within them. It applies them to
all cases pending in the several courts of the territory; and to all cases in which
judgments or decrees shall have been rendered at the time of the admission, and
not previously removed by writ of error or appeal to this court. In this case the
judgment had been rendered and removed before the admission, and was
pending here at the time; and is, therefore, unaffected by this supplementary


The section was drawn, doubtless, under the supposition that, if the suit was
pending here, at the time of the admission of a territory into the Union as a
state, on appeal or writ of error, no legislation was necessary to preserve or give
effect to the jurisdiction of the court over it; an opinion, as we have seen,
founded in error.


In placing the want of jurisdiction, however, upon this ground, we must not be
understood as admitting, that, if the provisions of the Florida act of the 22d of
February, 1847, applied to the case, the jurisdiction could be upheld. For, if we
are right in the conclusion, that, even assuming the record in the case had been
transferred from the territorial to the District Court of the state, our jurisdiction
would still be incomplete and ineffectual, inasmuch as that court possessed no
power to carry the mandate into execution, the case not being one of Federal
jurisdiction, the result would be the same as that at which we have arrived.


In every view, therefore, we have been able to take of the case, we are satisfied,
that our jurisdiction over it ceased with the termination of the territorial
government and laws; and that it has not been revived or preserved, if, indeed,
it could have been, by any act or authority of Congress on the subject, and that
the writ of error must be abated.


This cause came on to be heard on the transcript of the record from the
Supreme Court of the territory of Wisconsin, and was argued by counsel. On
consideration whereof, it is ordered and adjudged by this court, that this writ of
error be, and the same is hereby, abated.


Mr. WALKER, of counsel for the defendants in error, moved the court to direct
the clerk to what court the mandate, or other process prescribed by the fortythird rule of court, should be addressed. On consideration whereof, it is now
here ordered by the court, that the clerk do not issue any mandate or other
process in this case, but only a certified copy of the judgment this day rendered
in this cause.

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