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53 U.S.

12 How. 423
13 L.Ed. 1050


December Term, 1851

THIS case was brought up from the Supreme Court of the state of
Louisiana for the Eastern District, by a writ of error issued under the 25th
section of the Judiciary Act.
The plaintiffs in error, on the 19th of June, 1848, filed their petition in the
Third District Court of New Orleans, stating themselves to be residents of
Mississippi, and the only heirs and representatives of John Linton,
deceased, and as such in possession of his property.
That on the 13th May, 1839, the defendant, Stanton, owed the estate of
John Linton, then deceased, the sum of $11,446.60, and on that date
exected his two promissory notes in favor of Stephen Duncan, (one of the
petitioners, and administrator to Linton,) one for $5,856.40, due the 1st
April, 1841, the other for $5,590.20, payable the 1st April, 1842.
The petitioners further state, that on the 25th August, 1842, and also on
the 25th December, 1843, the defendant promised to pay each of these
notes, but has neglected and refused to do so, and that the debt still
remains due and unpaid.
The two notes, they state, were made and fell due in the state of
Mississippi, where the legal interest on all debts due and unpaid, is 8 per
cent. That the defendant lives in Mississippi, but was then in New

They pray judgment against him for the amounts of the notes, with interest
from 13th May, 1839, till paid, and for general relief.
Stanton filed his exceptions, alleging that the petition did not fully set out
and state the nature of the demand, requiring the plaintiffs to state whether
the promises charged were verbal or written, and if written, claiming oyer.
Plaintiffs filed two letters from Stanton to Duncan, dated, respectively, the
25th day of August, 1842, and the 25th December, 1843, to which in their
supplemental petition they refer as the written evidence of the promises
alleged in their original petition, and also charge verbal promises by
Stanton to pay, made both before and after the dates of these letters.
To this supplemental petition, Stanton filed his exception, alleging that the
verbal promises above charged were insufficiently stated, from failure to
mention to whom and when they were made.
The plaintiffs filed an amended petition, stating that these verbal promises
were made to Stephen Duncan, the representative of John Linton, on each
and every day of the years 1842, 1843, 1844, 1845, 1846, and 1847.
Stanton's answer denies all the allegations of the original and
supplemental petitions; and specially pleads, that on the ___ day of _____,
1842, he applied to the United States District Court, in and for the state of
Mississippi, where he then resided, for the benefit of the bankrupt law of
the United States; and after due proceeding had, he obtained his discharge
and certificate, and that these proceedings and discharge took place after
the date of the note sued on.
Pleads his discharge in bar, and also that the plaintiffs demand is barred
by prescription.
His supplemental answers allege that the notes on which plaintiffs sue,
and which were made before his bankruptcy, were secured by a deed of
trust or mortgage upon real estate, and that the plaintiffs, or Duncan, for
their use, purchased it and paid for the same by said notes, thus receiving
payment and compensation. And further, that by the law of Mississippi,
verbal promises to pay a debt discharged by bankruptcy are not binding.
Amongst the testimony offered on both sides, the defendant produced the
proceedings in bankruptcy.
The District Court of New Orleans decreed in favor of the defendant.

The plaintiffs appealed to the Supreme Court of Louisiana, which

confirmed the decision below, because,
1st. The jurisdiction of the United States District Court in matters of
bankruptcy not having been contested, a decree of that court, declaring
that all the requisitions of the bankrupt act had been complied with, was
conclusive when drawn collaterally into question.
2d. Because the subsequent promises of the defendant, relied on by the
plaintiffs, did not include this debt.
The plaintiffs then brought the case up to this court.
Mr. Johnson moved to dismiss the writ of error for want of jurisdiction.
1st. Because, over the existence and effect of any promises of defendant to
pay the debt after his discharge under the bankrupt act, this court has no
2d. Because the only statute of the United States involved and drawn into
question was that of the 19th August, 1821 (5 Stat. at L., 440,) and that
was relied upon only by defendant; and the decision of the court below
was in favor of, not against, the only title, right, privilege, or exemption
claimed under it. Judiciary Act, 24th Sept. 1789, c. 20, p. 25, (1 Stat. at L.,
85); McKinney v. Carroll, 12 Pet., 67; Crowell, v. Randall, 10 Id., 368;
Gill v. Oliver, 11 How., 529; Williams v. Oliver, at the present term of this
court, MS.
Mr. Chief Justice TANEY delivered the opinion of the court.

This is a writ of error to the Supreme Court of Louisiana for the Eastern
District, and a motion has been made to dismiss it for want of jurisdiction.

The plaintiffs in error, it appears, filed their petition in the Third District Court
of New Orleans, against the defendant, to recover certain sums of money which
they alleged were due to them on two promissory notes which had been
executed by the defendant.

The defendant pleaded his discharge under the bankrupt law of the United
States, and at the trial offered in evidence the record of the proceedings in
bankruptcy in the District Court in which he had obtained his certificate.
Objections were taken to the regularity and validity of this discharge, but they

were overruled by the court, and judgment rendered for the defendant. The
plaintiffs appealed to the Supreme Court of the State, where the judgment of
the court below was affirmed, and this writ of error is brought to reverse that

The writ must, we presume, have been prosecuted under a misconstruction of

the 25th section of the act of 1789, ch. 20.

We have no jurisdiction over the judgment of a State court upon a writ of error,
except in the cases specified in that section. And the jurisdiction of this court is
there limited with great care and in plain terms. It gives a writ of error to this
court where a party claims a right or exemption under a law of Congress, and
the decision is against the right claimed. Undoubtedly the defendant, in
pleading his discharge under the bankrupt law, claimed a right or exemption
under a law of Congress. But in order to give jurisdiction something more is
necessary; the judgment of the State court must be against the right claimed. In
the case before us the decision was in favor of it, and consequently no writ of
error will lie to this court under the provisions of the act of 1789.

And as we have no jurisdiction, we cannot examine into the objections made to

the validity of the proceedings in bankruptcy. The judgment of the State court
that they were valid, and the defendant thereby discharged from the debt due to
the plaintiffs, is conclusive between the parties.

Nor has this court the power to examine into the other question which appears
to have arisen as to the legal effect of certain promises which the defendant is
alleged to have made after he obtained his certificate in the bankrupt court. The
legal obligation of such promises depends upon the laws of the State in which
they were made; and in a suit in a State court the decision of that question by
the highest tribunal of the State cannot be reviewed in any court of the United

This case must therefore be dismissed for want of jurisdiction.


This cause came on to be heard on the transcript of the record from the
Supreme Court of the State of Louisiana for the Eastern District, and was
argued by counsel. On consideration whereof, it is now here ordered and
adjudged by this court, that this cause be, and the same is hereby, dismissed,
for the want of jurisdiction.

In no case will a writ of error lie to the Supreme Court, where the decision of
the state court is in favor of the privilege claimed under an act of Congress.
Gordon v. Caldcleugh, 3 Cranch, 268; Strader v. Baldwin, 9 How., 261;
Reddall v. Bryan, 24 Id., 420; Roosevelt v. Meyer, 1 Wall., 512; Ryan v.
Thomas, 4 Id., 603.

See Roosevelt v. Meyer, 1 Wall., 517.

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