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85 U.S.

21 L.Ed. 764
18 Wall. 99

October Term, 1873

APPEAL from the Circuit Court for the Western District of Texas; the
case being thus:
On the 17th of February, 1851, Bainbridge Howard, a citizen of
Louisiana, filed his bill in the court below against a certain Herndon, and
one Maverick, residents of Texas, setting forth that 'on or about the 22
November, A.D. 1766, the government of Spain, according to the forms of
law and by the regularly constituted officers of the government, granted to
the Indians of the population of the Mission of San Jos e, a certain tract or
parcel of land, situated, lying, and being in what is now the county of
Medina, in the State of Texas,' &c., describing it.
The bill alleged that through regular mesne conveyances he, Howard, the
complainant, was the owner of the land, 'all of which will more fully and
at large appear by the grant to said Indians, and the chain of conveyances
to your orator, to which for greater certainty at the hearing your orator
begs leave to refer.' It stated further that he was in possession, and that the
defendants had made sundry locations of land certificates upon, and
claimed patents to the said land, which constituted a cloud upon his title;
wherefore, and to avoid a multiplicity of suits, he brought his suit in
The defendants were interrogated as to what locations, &c., they had made
within the boundaries of the described tract, and in conflict with the
complainant's claim; and what locations and surveys others had made; and
the bill prayed,
'That, by decree to be rendered herein, the locations, surveys, and patents,
if any, made within the limits of your orator's tract or parcel of land
aforesaid, may be determined and held to be void, and thereby the cloud

impending over the title of your orator be removed; or that after

establishment of the right in such manner as this court may direct by final
decree to be then rendered, your orator may be quieted in his title and
possession aforesaid, and all obstruction to the full and peaceable
enjoyment of his property removed; or that, if your orator is mistaken in
the special relief hereby asked, such other or further relief be extended to
him, or decree rendered in the premises, as the nature of the case may
The complainant having died, a supplemental bill in the nature of a bill of
revivor was filed, and presented in the name of his heirs, representing
themselves, one as a citizen of California and the others as citizens of
Illinois. Adopting the allegations of the original bill touching the grant of
the land from Spain, it represented that the title granted by Spain to the
Indians of San Jos e became vested in one John McMullen, with actual
possession; that McMullen's title had become equitably vested with
possession in Howard; that Howard's title and possession were now in the
complainants; and that the heirs of McMullen (whom the supplemental
bill made parties) neglected to convey the legal title.
In October, 1860, the default of the defendants, Herndon and Maverick, in
not answering the supplemental bill, was entered, with an order that the
bill be taken as confessed against them. In January, 1861, the court set
aside this order so far as it affected the defendant, Herndon, and granted
leave to him, 'upon condition that he shall pay all the costs of the
complainant in this case, for which execution may issue upon this decree,'
to answer until March following; but confirmed the order as to the
defendant, Maverick, and decreed that the complainants 'have and recover
of said Maverick the tract of land in the original bill described; and that
their title to the same be and is hereby decreed to be free from all clouds
cast thereupon by said Maverick, and all persons claiming by, through, or
under him. And that the patents, locations, and surveys obtained by said
Maverick, in conflict with the title of the complainants, which is decreed
to be a good title, are hereby adjudicated to be null and void.' A reference
was made to a master to ascertain the facts sought to be discovered, and a
decree of specific performance was decreed against the heirs of John
McMullen. An execution subsequently issued and a certain part of the
costs were obtained, but not all.
The answer of Herndon having been filed without (as the complainant
alleged, though this was denied on the other side) his having complied
with the terms imposed, his default was entered on the 4th of March,
1861, and an order made taking the supplemental bill as confessed against

him. On the 20th of June, 1866, the court ordered the answer of Herndon
to be struck from the files, and confirmed and made final the order taking
the supplemental bill as confessed against him. The court then proceeded
to enter a decree joint in form against both Maverick and Herndon.
From this decree both parties appealed; the defendant, Herndon, through
his assignee in bankruptcy, he having since the decree become bankrupt.
This appeal had, by consent of the assignee, been dismissed as to him.
Messrs. W. W. Boyce and G. W. Paschall, for the appellant:
1. The decree against Maverick, entered January, 1861, was not a final
decree. A reference was made to a master to ascertain the facts sought to
be discovered; and until the coming in of his report and subsequent action
on the part of the court by way of decree, there was nothing finally
decreed in the case.
2. Neither should Herndon's answer have been stricken from the files. An
execution issued and the costs were certainly paid in part. No proof is
given that they were not fully paid, and the assumption that they were not
is hardly justified.
3. There was nothing in the bill or in the prayer of it, which justified the
decree made that the title of the complainants was 'a good title.' This part
of the decree was supererogatory. The claim of the defendants, their
locations, & c., which the bill sought to have cleared away, might all have
been bad without the complainant's title being good.
4. But without pressing these points, there remains an objection that goes
to the foundation of the decree. The decree covers action had upon a
motion of 4th March, 1861 (on which final action was had 20th June,
1866), without notice to the defendants, in behalf of citizens of California
and Illinois against citizens of Texas. Now this court historically knows
that secession was as much an accomplished fact on the 4th of March,
1861, as it ever was; that the army of the United States in Texas had
surrendered to the State convention; that the secession ordinance had been
ratified by the people, and all Federal officers in that State had ceased
their functions. The civil war had in fact commenced. Neither party could
take any order under the motion or upon the answer. The District Courts
of Texas were not organized for any purpose, until the spring of 1866.
And it was by the proclamation of 20th August, 1866, that the President
declared that 'subsequently to the second day of April, 1866, the
insurrection in the State of Texas has been everywhere suppressed and
ended, and the authority of the United States has been successfully and

completely established in said State of Texas,' &c.1

The decree then being in behalf of citizens of California and Illinois (loyal
States), against citizens of Texas (a State in rebellion), was, according to
decisions of this court, a decree between alien enemies before the
termination of the war, and, therefore, a nullity.2 The case of The
Protector3 settled that the civil war was not closed in Texas until 20th
August, 1866. And Dean v. Nelson,4 and The Railroad Company v.
Trimble,5 hold such decrees to be void.
Mr. T. T. Crittenden, contra.
Mr. Justice FIELD delivered the opinion of the court.

It is unnecessary to determine whether the decree against Maverick, entered in

January, 1861, is to be deemed final or interlocutory. The subsequent decree
against Herndon, entered in June, 1866, is in form against both of the
defendants. The court below, in its subsequent proceedings, treated the latter
decree as the one which finally determined the rights of the parties in the case,
and from that decree the appeal is taken.

It is also unnecessary to determine whether the court erred in striking

Herndon's answer from the files, as his assignee makes no objection to the
ruling, or to the decree which followed. He has consented through his counsel
to the dismissal of his appeal.

The only question, therefore, for our consideration upon the record, is whether
the allegations of the supplemental bill, and of the original bill to which it
refers, are sufficient to support the decree thus entered upon the default of the
defendants. And upon this question there can be no doubt.

The suit was brought on the equity side of the court to quiet the title of the
complainant to a tract of land situated in the State of Texas, and prevent
harassing and vexatious litigation from a multiplicity of suits. The original bill
alleges, in substance, that the complainant is in possession and seized in fee of
the tract, deraigning his title from a grant issued by the government of Spain, in
1766, to Indians of the mission of San Jos e, in Texas; that the defendants have
made locations and surveys of large parcels of the tract under certificates or
warrants issued by the Republic of Texas, by virtue of which they assert a right
to the parcels thus located and surveyed, and have thereby created a cloud upon
the title of the complainant, and disturbed his possession. The bill prays that the

surveys and locations, and patents thereon, if any have been obtained, may be
determined and declared void, and the cloud impending over the title of the
complainant, be thereby removed; or that the right of the complainant being
established, he may be quieted in his title and possession, and all obstruction to
the peaceable enjoyment of his property be removed; or that he may have such
other or further relief as the nature of the case may require. The original
complainant having died, a supplemental bill, in the nature of a bill of revivor,
was filed and prosecuted in the name of his heirs. It shows a change of parties
consequent upon the death of the original complainant, and the death of several
of the original defendants; and brings in as new parties the heirs of one John
McMullen, through whom the complainant traced his title. But so far as it
concerns the defendants, Maverick and Herndon, who are alone represented by
the appellants, its allegations are substantially the same as those of the original

The decree of the court entered on the 20th of June, 1866, responded
substantially to these allegations. It adjudged the title of the complainants to the
tract in question 'to be free from all clouds cast thereon' by the defendants,
Maverick and Herndon, and all persons claiming under them, and that 'all
patents, locations, and surveys obtained or owned' by them, in conflict with the
title of the complainants, which was decreed to be a good title, were null and
void, and directed the defendants to cancel and remove them. The clause of the
decree directing that the complainants have and recover the land of the
defendants may be supported under the general prayer of the bill, if, pending
the suit, the defendants had gone into possession of any of the parcels located
and surveyed by them; and, if such were not the case, the clause could not in
any way prejudice their rights.

But the counsel of the appellant Maverick, looking outside of the record to the
condition of the country at the time the decree was rendered, takes the position
that the decree is null and void because rendered by the court before the
proclamation of the President of August 20th, 1866, announcing the close of
the war in Texas, contending that, as the complainants were citizens of
California and Illinois, and the defendants citizens of Texas, it was a decree in a
suit between public enemies, and, therefore, void.

If it were true, which is not admitted, that the parties to the present suit were to
be regarded as public enemies after the cessation of hostilities in Texas, and the
restoration of the authority of the United States, until the proclamation of the
President was issued, in August, 1866, the conclusion drawn by counsel would
not follow. The existence of war, does, indeed, close the courts of each
belligerent to the citizens of the other, but it does not prevent the citizens of one

belligerent from taking proceedings for the protection of their own property in
their own courts, against the citizens of the other, whenever the latter can be
reached by process. The citizens of California and Illinois had a right to seek
the courts of the United States in Texas, or to proceed with suits commenced
therein previous to the war, to protect their property there situated from seizure,
invasion, or disturbance by citizens of that State, so soon as those courts were
opened, whether official proclamation were made or not of the cessation of

In the case of The Protector,6 it was held that the war began in the Gulf States
at the date of the proclamation of intended blockade of their ports by the
President. That was the first public act of the executive in which the existence
of the war was officially recognized, and to its date the courts look to ascertain
the commencement of the war. And, so far as the operation of the statutes of
limitation in the several States is concerned, to determine the period which
must be deducted for the pendency of the war from the limitation prescribed, it
was held in the same case that the war continued until proclamation was in like
manner officially made of its close. This is the extent of the decisions of this

It is well known that before such official proclamation was made courts of the
United States were held in the several States which had been engaged in the
rebellion, and their jurisdiction to hear and determine the cases brought in
them, as well before as after such proclamation, is not open to controversy.




[See the next case.]

Paschal's Annotated Digest, 1502.

United States v. Anderson, 9 Wallace, 70; Hanger v. Abbott, 6 Id. 532.

12 Wallace, 702.

10 Id. 160, 172.

Ib. 377.

12 Wallace, 700.

Brown v. Hiatts, 15 Wallace, 184; Adger v. Alston, Ib. 560.

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