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89 U.S.

22 L.Ed. 832
22 Wall. 150

October Term, 1874

ERROR to the Supreme Court of North Carolina; the case being thus:
The Bankrupt Act 1 enacts that any person owing debts and committing
certain acts,
'Shall be adjudged a bankrupt on the petition of one or more of his
creditors, the aggregate of whose debts provable under this act amounts to
at least $250.'
This enactment being in force, Bell filed a petition in the District Court of
the United States of North Carolina, praying that a certain Rhyne might be
decreed a bankrupt. The petition alleged,
'That your petitioner's demands against the said Rhyne exceed the sum of
$250, and that the nature of them is as follows.'
It then set forth three sealed notes amounting in the aggregate to $249.35;
and on comparing the dates of the three notes with the date when the
petition in bankruptcy was filed, it appeared that several years' interest
was due on them.
The 'debt' therefore, using the word 'debt' in its strict common-law
parlance, was less than $250; though, with the interest added, it much
exceeded that sum.
The debtor was, on this petition, decreed, against his will, a bankrupt, and
one Lewis was appointed his assignee.
Lewis now sued one Sloan in a State court of North Carolina to set aside
certain conveyances made by the bankrupt, in fraud, as was alleged, of the
Bankrupt law; and one of the defences in the action was that the

adjudication of bankruptcy was void, because the record showed that the
debt owing to the petitioning creditor was less than $250, and
consequently that the court had no jurisdiction in the premises.
The State court in which the suit was brought, considered that the District
Court of the United States which made the adjudication in bankruptcy
had, in fixing the amount of the debt, properly added the interest to the
principal of the debt. In addition it refused to allow the defendant to show
that the debt of $249.35 had been reduced by a credit of $64 which the
creditor petitioning in bankruptcy had not allowed; a reduction, it may be
noted, which was not alleged in the pleadings. Its view was that 'the
petition of Bell in the bankrupt court had been passed on by that court and
the matter presented by it there adjudicated; and that other courts, no
appellate, could not go behind the record.' And fraud on the Bankrupt Act
being found in the conveyances made by the bankrupt, it set them aside.
This decree being affirmed by the Supreme Court of the State, the case
was now brought here by Sloan, claiming under the conveyances.
Mr. H. W. Guion, for the plaintiff in error:
I. Bankrupt acts are in the nature of penal acts. By a short, sharp process
they take a man's property right out of his own hands. Such statutes are to
be construed strictly.
1. Now the terms 'debt' and 'interest' are both technical terms in the
common law, each having a specific sense of its own. Those senses have
never been confounded. Even in the process of the courts, mesne or final,
the distinction between debt and interest is persistently preserved. In the
fi. fa. the sheriff is commanded to make a certain debt, and also a certain
other sum, as damages for the detention of said debt, and also for the
costs; these damages being interest.
The rule as to interest in England, previous to 3 and 4 William IV, ch. 42,
is stated by Mr. Chitty,2 as follows:
'The general common-law rule is, that the law does not imply a contract on
the part of the debtor to pay interest on the sum he owes, although the
debt may be a fixed amount, and may have been frequently demanded.
Nor is interest due as a matter of right in the absence of an express
stipulation, even in the case of written instruments, unless they be
commercial instruments of a negotiable nature, such as bills of exchange
and promissory notes.'
Interest is thus but an incident to the debt, and not a part of the debt itself.

But it is not the only incident, and if it is to be computed, why not the
other incidents also, that at different times and in varied forms present
themselves. Ex. gr. In the District Court of North Carolina, a petitioning
creditor in bankruptcy some time since, when gold coin was forty per
cent. in value above legal tender notes of the United States, set forth as his
debt, a note for $200, payable in gold coin, and asserted that the amount
was sufficient to confer jurisdiction, as with the then premium on gold
coin his debt amounted to $280, in lawful money; and this was undeniably
true. The court refused to compute this incident as a part of the petitioning
creditor's debt. But if the argument of opposing counsel is right it
committed, plainly, an error. Indeed, wherewhen you depart from a rule
are you to stop? In some States compound interest is allowed; in others
but simple interest. Some notes and bills are payable in foreign currency,
and might demand that the par of exchange be added. Some bills payable
at different places may be protested, and the holder become entitled to
damages by reason of the non-payment. All the incidents are damages,
like interest, strictly due, and they are related to the debt, as intimately as
the 'interest' itself.
2. Further than all this, and as respects this particular case. The petitioning
creditor in his petition fails to claim interest as any part of his debt, and
does not pretend or aver that the proceedings are founded on such interest.
In Udall v. Steamship Ohio,3 this court held 'that no computation of
interest will be made to give jurisdiction, unless it be specially claimed in
the libel.' 'This,' it said, 'would certainly be the case at law,' and added that
'no reason is perceived why the rule should be relaxed in case of libel.'
3. Our whole Bankrupt Act is derived from the bankrupt acts of Great
Britain; and when our act uses the same words which that act does, and
the meaning of those words has been long settled by the judgments of the
highest British courts, there is great reason why we should adhere to the
interpretation so given. Those courts well deserve our respect; for the
judges in them are, generally, consummate lawyers; able intellectually,
and thoroughly trained in their profession. In addition to this, it is
desirable, in the vast and constant commerce between the countries, that
similar enactments on a subject intimately affecting both, should be
similarly construed. The English act of 6 George IV, ch. 16, 15, after
presenting the form of commission reads thus:
'No such commission shall be issued unless the single debt of such
creditor, or of two or more persons, being partners petitioning for the
same, shall amount to 100 or upwards, or unless the debt of two creditors
so petitioning shall amount to 150 or upwards, or unless the debt of three

or more creditors so petitioning shall amount to 200 or upwards.'

The older English bankrupt acts used the same expressions.
Now, so far back as 1746, Lord Hardwicke upon this word 'debt' decided
that interest could not be added to the principal; 4 and that decision has
been followed steadily to this day, alike in the bankrupt court,5 in the
Common Pleas,6 and in the King's Bench.7
If a question in law can become settled, this should be.
II. The point was made in the court below, that the adjudication making
Rhyne a bankrupt, was not only erroneous but void for want of jurisdiction
apparent on the record, and that the question whether he was properly
adjudged a bankrupt was examinable in every court where the record was
produced and relied upon by the party claiming the benefit thereof. The
court summarily disposed of this question by saying: 'That the petition of
Bell in the bankrupt court had been adjudicated by that court, and that this
court could not go behind the record.'
But assuredly if a court acts without authority, its judgments and orders
are nullities. Now here a 'debt' of a certain amount was indispensable to
give jurisdiction. No such 'debt' was shown. It was alleged; but the
evidence of the debt, as set out on the face of the record, disproved the
allegation; for the evidence consisted of three sealed notes which on their
face were less than $250.
Mr. Samuel Field Phillips, contra.
The CHIEF JUSTICE delivered the opinion of the court.

The Bankrupt Act 8 provides for an adjudication of involuntary bankruptcy

upon the petition of one or more creditors, the aggregate of whose debts
provable under the act amounts to at least $250. It becomes necessary,
therefore, to ascertain what constitutes a debt that may be proved. The plaintiff
in error contends that it is limited to the principal of a sum of money owing,
while the assignee claims that it includes the principal and all accrued interest.

To determine this question we must look in the first place to the act itself. If the
intention of Congress is manifest from what there appears we need not go
further. Section nineteen provides 'that all debts due and payable from the
bankrupt at the time of the adjudication of bankruptcy, and all debts then

existing but not payable until a future day, a rebate of interest being made when
no interest is payable by the terms of the contract, may be proved against the
estate of the bankrupt.' And again, 'all demands against the bankrupt, for or on
account of any goods or chattels wrongfully taken or withheld by him, may be
proved and allowed as debts to the amount of the value of the property so taken
or withheld, with interest.'

There is certainly nothing here which in express terms excludes interest from
the provable debt. On the contrary there is the strongest implication in favor of
including it.

The object is to ascertain the total amount of the indebtedness of the bankrupt
at the time of the commencement of the proceedings, and also the amount of
this indebtedness owing to each one of the separate creditors. Accrued interest
is as much a part of this indebtedness as the principal. It participates in
dividends, when declared, precisely the same as the principal. One has no
preference over the other, and for all the purposes of the settlement of the estate
the bankrupt owes one as much as he does the other. Creditors prove their debts
in order that they may participate in the management and distribution of the
estate. Their influence in the management and their share on the distribution
depend upon the amount of their several debts which have been proven. Hence,
in order to fix the equitable representative value of a debt not due, provision is
made for a rebate of interest. But if interest is to be rebated on debts not due,
why not upon the same principle add it to such as are past due?

The provision for adding interest to the value of goods wrongfully taken and
converted is equally significant. Certainly no good reason can be given for
withholding interest in cases arising upon contract and allowing it in cases of
tort, and because it is expressly given in the last and no provision is made for it
in the first, the conclusion is irresistible that it was expected to follow the
contract as a part of the obligation.

We are all, therefore, clearly of the opinion that accrued interest constitutes part
of a debt provable against the estate of the bankrupt, and if it does it is
necessarily part of a debt which may be used to uphold involuntary
proceedings. It is only necessary, upon this point of jurisdiction, that the
petitioning creditors should have owing to them from the debtor they wish to
pursue, debts provable under the act to the required amount. The English cases
referred to in the argument, in our opinion, have no application here. They are
founded upon the English statutes and the established practice under them. Our
statute is different in its provisions and requires, as we think, a different

This is conclusive of the case. The petition filed in the bankrupt proceedings
distinctly averred that the debts due the petitioner exceeded the sum of $250;
and, if interest is added, the particular indebtedness specified amounts to more
than that sum. The court found this allegation true. That finding is conclusive in
a collateral action. We have so decided in Michaels v. Post,9 at the present
term. Where the record shows jurisdiction, an adjudication of bankruptcy can
only be assailed by a direct proceeding in a competent court. Evidence,
therefore, to show that payments had been made which reduced the
indebtedness below the required amount was inadmissible under any form of
pleading in an action like this, but it was especially so in this case, because
there is no averment in the pleadings contradicting the record. The sole
objection is that upon the face of the record the error is apparent. A record
cannot be impeached without previous notice by proper form of pleading.


Section 39.

On Contracts, 563.

17 Howard, 17.

Ex parte Marlar and others, 1 Atkyns, 151.

Ex parte Greenway, Buck, 412.

In re Burgess, 8 Taunton, 660, S. C., 2 B. Moore, 745.

Cameron v. Smith, 2 Barnewall & Alderson, 305.

Section 39.

21 Wallace, 398.

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