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197 U.S.

25 S.Ct. 401
49 L.Ed. 699


No. 143.
Argued January 23, 1905.
Decided February 27, 1905.

The action now appealed was brought under the act of June 16, 1880,
known as the District of Columbia claims act. 21 Stat. at L. 284, chap.
243. The original petition was filed August 4, 1880. At subsequent stages
of the case amended petitions were filed. On October 1, 1887, the court of
claims decided the case in favor of the District of Columbia, giving
judgment against the claimant for the sum of $11,074.11. 22 Ct. Cl. 366.
On November 18, 1887, the claimant filed a motion for a new trial, which
was submitted on March 28, 1895, and allowed on April 1, 1895. The
case was then referred, as provided in the act, and upon report and hearing
judgment was rendered on November 11, 1895, against the District for the
claimant in the sum of $31,754.57; being rendered for Barnes in the sum
of $22,350.54, and for Ritchie, assignee, in the sum of $9,404.03, both
sums due and payable as of January 1, 1876. On April 20, 1896, the
defendant filed its motion for a new trial, which was granted on May 18,
1896. On March 31, 1902, the court rendered a judgment in favor of the
claimant, and his assignee, in the sum of $23,694.47, due and payable as
of March 1, 1876. 37 Ct. Cl. 342. On April 22, 1902, an appeal was taken
by the District from the judgment of March 31, 1902, to this court. This
appeal was dismissed for want of jurisdiction. District of Columbia v.
Barnes, 187 U. S. 638, 47 L. ed. 344, 23 Sup. Ct. Rep. 846.
Under the act of March 3, 1903 (32 Stat. at L. 1070, chap. 1006), this
appeal from the judgment of March 31, 1902, was taken by the District,
bringing the case in review before this court.
Mr. Robert A. Howard and Assistant Attorney General Pradt for

[Argument of Counsel from pages 147-149 intentionally omitted]
Mr. John C. Fay for appellee.
Statement by Mr. Justice Day:
Mr. Justice Day delivered the opinion of the court:

We deem it unnecessary, in the view taken of this case, to set forth the
voluminous findings of fact made upon the trial in the court of claims. So much
of the findings will be commented on as is necessary to a determination of the
legal questions involved, which are within a narrow compass. Nor do we find it
necessary to consider the alleged discrepancies between the judgment of the
court of claims, when the judgment was in favor of the District (22 Ct. Cl. 366),
and the findings and conclusions when the judgment was rendered which is
now appealed to this court. 37 Ct. Cl. 342.

This court does not sit to review findings of fact made in the court of claims.
They are regarded as conclusive here, and our jurisdiction is limited to a
determination of such questions of law as are properly brought to our attention
upon the record. United States v. Smith, 94 U. S. 214-218, 24 L. ed. 115.

The orignal action was brought in part on two contracts, which were in writing,
duly executed by the claimant and in behalf of the District of Columbia, and
known as Nos. 264 and 413, and were for certain street improvements in the
city of Washington. These contracts were entered into on April 29 and July 23,
1872, respectively, under authority of the act of February 21, 1871. 16 Stat. at
L. 427, chap. 62. Certain verbal agreements are also set up as having been
entered into between the claimant and the commissioners of the District.

The court of claims, under the proofs, heard the parties upon the question as to
the right to reform the two written contracts. It refused to reform contract No.
413, and decreed in favor of the District in the sum $13,039.79 for over
payments made upon that contract. The court did reform contract No. 264,
finding that, by mistake in the drafting of the contract, 'the rate of 40 cents for
grading old gravel streets to a depth of 2 feet' was omitted therefrom by mutual
mistake of the parties, and that the written contract was executed without
observing the omission. Upon the contract as reformed, the claimant was
permitted to recover for work done. Much of the discussion in the oral

argument and the brief of the learned counsel for the government is directed to
the authority of the court of claims to reform a written contract in the exercise
of the jurisdiction of a court of equity for that purpose, and much discussion
was had as to the various acts conferring jurisdiction upon that court. But we
think a construction of the act under cover of which this suit was prosecuted is
all that is necessary to determine the question. The act of June 16, 1880, as
appears by its title, was intended to confer on the court of claims jurisdiction to
hear and determine all outstanding claims against the District of Columbia. For
that purpose it was recited in the 1st section of the act that the jurisdiction of
the court should extend to, and it should have original legal and equitable
jurisdiction of claims arising out of, the contracts made by the board of public
works and extensions made thereof by the commissioners of the District of
Columbia, and also of the claims arising out of the contracts made by the
commissioners since the act of June 20, 1874 [18 Stat. at L. 116, chap. 337],
and broadly for all claims for work done by order or direction of the
commissioners, and accepted by them for the use, pruposes, or benefit of the
District of Columbia, and prior to the 14th day of March, 1876.

The language used is of the most comprehensive character, and confers, for the
purposes stated, original legal and equitable jurisdiction.

It is true that the purpose of the various acts conferring jurisdiction upon the
court of claims has been held to be to permit the adjudication of money
demands against the United States, and it may be that under this act, as under
others, there was no intention to confer equity jurisdiction beyond that which is
required to enable a court to determine whether money relief should be granted.
The intent of the act was to enable parties to submit the justice of their claims
against the United States to adjudication in a competent court. For that purpose
the act conferred in terms, equitable as well as legal jurisdiction.

The province of the court of claims is to pass upon the justice of the claim, and
adjudge accordingly. And it is obviously intended that, when necessary to
adjudicate claims against the District, the court shall be unhampered in the
exercise of jurisdiction, and as in many courts of this country having a civil
code, there has been conferred upon the same tribunal the power to grant the
necessary legal and equitable relief. One who has the right to money relief
upon a contract mistakenly omitted to be reduced to writing, in accordance with
the true agreement of the parties, has a claim of equitable cognizance, for the
contract must be reformed to meet the intention of the parties, and, when
corrected, may to adjudged a valid claim.

For the purpose of adjudicating such claims, this statute gives to the court

equitable jurisdiction in order that it may determine what the District ought to
pay to the claimant. Although unable to grant a decree for specific
performance, or exercise the peculiar powers of a court of equity, the court of
claims may determine the money relief to which the claimant is entitled,
whether arising out of an equitable or legal demand. This principle was
recognized in United States v. Jones, 131 U. S. 1-18, 33 L. ed. 90-92, Sup. Ct.
Rep. 669. The court of claims in other cases has exercised the equitable
jurisdiction conferred in the act of June 16, 1880 (Cullinane v. District of
Columbia, 18 Ct. Cl. 577, 594), and like jurisdiction to reform contracts under
the act of March 3, 1887, 24 Stat. at L. 505, chap. 359, U. S. Comp. Stat. 1901,
p. 752; South Boston Iron Co. v. United States, 34 Ct. Cl. 174.

We think that the court had jurisdiction to reform the contract upon the facts


It is objected that the court of claims awarded relief for certain 'stiff clay'
excavated under claimant's contract. The findings show that this work was not
specifically covered by the original agreement, and that the work was accepted
by the commissioners, and the District received the benefit thereof; and the
court finds that the excavation of the stiff clay was done under a verbal
agreement with the commissioners after the performance of the original
contract, and that the claimant was entitled to the rate established therefor, as
paid to other contractors for like work.


The act of June 16, 1880, permits a recovery for work done by order and
direction of the commissioners, and accepted by them for the benefit of the
District. While it has been held that this would not authorize a recovery for
work done under the original contract, at higher prices than had been agreed
upon, yet, where there was a revival of the contract for distinct work, there
might be a recovery at higher rates, which entered into the terms of renewal as
understood by the parties, notwithstanding the pre-existing contract. Campbell
v. District of Columbia, 18 Ct. Cl. 193.


The act of 1874 gave limited power to the commissioners, and in the act of
February 21, 1871 (16 Stat. at L. 419, chap. 62), providing for contracts of the
board of public works, it was distinctly provided that all contracts should be in
writing and signed by the parties making the same. And it was held that this
statute requires contracts to be actually signed, and that mere entries on the
journals of the board would not satisfy the statute. Barnard v. District of
Columbia, 127 U. S. 409-411, 32 L. ed. 207, 8 Sup. Ct. Rep. 1202.


But, under the statute (June 16, 1880) now under consideration, the intention is


But, under the statute (June 16, 1880) now under consideration, the intention is
manifest to permit the court of claims to adjudicate claims for all work done by
the order and direction of the commissioners, and accepted by them for the use,
purpose, and benefit of the District. For this purpose this is a remedial statute,
and it is intended to permit parties to have an adjudication upon their demands
where the District had been benefited by work actually done under the order
and direction of the commissioners and duly accepted. And the findings of fact
show that the claimant was only permitted to recover for work so performed
and accepted. As we have said, this right of recovery might not revive claims
for work completed under former contracts, but here the finding is that the new
agreement applied to a distinct subject-matter, and not to work covered by and
performed under the original agreement. We find no error in the judgment of
the court of claims in this regard. And so as to various sums awarded under
findings of fact, establishing that more work was made necessary by reason of
the change of grade on North Carolina avenue by the commissioners in 1874,
the change of grade making it necessary to further grade Third street and to do
work for that purpose. The findings show that this was done by the direction of
the commissioners, and upon terms mutually agreed upon. Under finding XIV.,
where the work is found not to have been done under the original contract, it is
found that it was admitted by the defendant to be correct, and is work of which
the District has received the full benefit. So, as to other findings to which
exceptions are made, there is no dispute that the work was actually done to the
satisfaction of the commissioners upon terms agreed upon and the work duly


As we construe the statute, we think it affords ample authority to grant relief

upon the facts found, which findings are conclusive upon us.


It is further urged by counsel for the government that the pleadings are not
sufficient to authorize the judgment, but we think that, under the original
petition and various amendments thereto, the court was authorized to grant the
relief adjudged.


The court of claims is not bound by special rules of pleading. The main purpose
is to arrive at and adjudicate the justice of alleged claims against the United
States. United States v. Burns, 12 Wall. 246-254, 20 L. ed. 388-390; United
States v. Behan, 110 U. S. 338-347, 28 L. ed. 168-171, 4 Sup. Ct. Rep. 81.


On the whole record we find no error of law to the prejudice of the District.


Judgment affirmed.

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