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199 U.S.

26 S.Ct. 157
50 L.Ed. 314


Nos. 85, 86.
Argued November 29, 1905.
Decided December 18, 1905.

This is an appeal from a judgment of the court of claims, rejecting a claim

of the Russian-American Packing Company for the value of certain
improvements erected by it on the island of Afognak, off the coast of
Alaska. The packing company was incorporated in 1889, under the laws
of California, for the purpose of carrying on the business of packing
salmon on the island of Afognak; and for that purpose purchased and
shipped materials for a cannery and buildings to be used in canning
salmon, and also, without authority or license from the United States, took
possession of a tract of about 159.52 acres of land, and erected thereon
buildings, machinery, etc., at a cost of about $45,000. Prior to this time no
one had been in possession of this tract. Claimants remained in possession
for four years, and until December 24, 1892, and carried on a canning
business at a profit of about $100,000, about $35,000 of which was
subsequent to the passage of the act of March 3, 1891 [26 Stat. at L. 1095,
chap. 561, U. S. Comp. Stat. 1901, p. 1535].
On April 1, 1892, claimant applied to the Surveyor General for a survey
of the tract, under the act of 1891, and deposited in the subtreasury at San
Francisco $433.80, as the estimated cost of such survey. The survey was
made, was approved March 15, 1893, and forwarded to the Commissioner
of the General Land Office. Prior to December 24, 1892, the tract so
occupied had not been reserved by the United States for fish culture or any
other purpose; nor had the same been purchased or applied for by any
other person. On that day the President issued a proclamation [27 Stat. at
L. 1052] declaring the whole island reserved for the purpose of
establishing thereon a United States fish-culture station, and warned all
persons to depart therefrom. In July, 1893, claimant was informed of this

proclamation by agents of the government, and ordered to leave the island,

which it did, and has not returned thereto. On January 15, 1895, the
Commissioner of the General Land Office, in passing upon the survey
transmitted to him, addressed a letter to the Surveyor General, calling
attention to the President's proclamation, and rejected the survey on that
ground, as well as upon the ground that the survey was not in square form,
as required by statute. No appeal was taken from his decision.
The court found as a conclusion of law that claimant was not entitled to
recompense for the value of the improvements, nor for the loss of profits
arising from its removal from the island, but was entitled to recover the
amount deposited for the expense of the survey.
Messrs. Alexander Britton and Aldis B. Browne for appellant.
[Argument of Counsel from pages 572-574 intentionally omitted]
Mr. Frederick DeCourcy Faust and Assistant Attorney General Pradt for
Statement by Mr. Justice Brown: Mr. Justice Brown delivered the opinion
of the court:

It is well understood that the mere settlement upon public lands, without taking
some steps required by law to initiate the settler's right thereto, is wholly
inoperative as against the United States. Landsdale v. Daniels, 100 U. S. 113,
116, 25 L. ed. 587, 588; Maddox v. Burnham, 156 U. S. 544, 39 L. ed. 527, 15
Sup. Ct. Rep. 448; Northern P. R. Co. v. Colburn, 164 U. S. 383, 41 L. ed. 479,
17 Sup. Ct. Rep. 98.

Petitioner, however, bases its right to recover upon certain statutes which, it is
insisted, recognized the right of the petitioner to settle upon this island and
make the improvements in question. The first of these is the act of May 17,
1884, 'providing a civil government for Alaska' (23 Stat. at L. 24, chap. 53),
wherein it was enacted by 8 'that the Indians or other persons in said district
shall not be disturbed in the possession of any lands actually in their use or
occupation, or now claimed by them, but the terms under which such persons
may acquire title to such lands is reserved for future legislation by Congress.'

It is quite clear that this section simply recognized the rights of such Indians or
other persons as were in possession of lands at the time of the passage of the
act, and reserved to them the power to acquire title thereto after future

legislation had been enacted by Congress. As the petitioner did not take
possession of this land until five years after the act of 1884 was passed, it was a
mere trespasser, and not in a position to avail itself of any contract which might
be extorted from the language of the act in favor of the Indians or other persons
who might have been in possession of the land at the passage of the act.

That this act was intended merely as a preliminary to future legislation and for
the temporary protection of Indians and other settlers is made more manifest by
12 of the same act:

'That the Secretary of the Interior shall select two of the officers to be appointed
under this act, who, together with the governor, shall constitute a commission to
examine into and report upon the condition of the Indians residing in said
territory, what lands, if any, should be reserved for their use, what provision
shall be made for their education, what rights by occupation of settlers should
be recognized, and all other facts that may be necessary to enable Congress to
determine what limitations or conditions should be imposed when the land laws
of the United States shall be extended to said district.'

So far from Congress intending by this act to invite a settlement upon public
lands in Alaska, a contrary inference arises from a subsequent clause of 8, that
'nothing contained in this act shall be construed to put in force in said district
the general land laws of the United States.'

We come now to the act of March 3, 1891 (26 Stat. at L. 1100, chap. 561), 1
12 of which provides:

'Sec. 12. That any citizen of the United States twenty-one years of age, and any
association of such citizens, and any corporation incorporated under the laws of
the United States or of any state or territory of the United States, now
authorized by law to hold lands in the territories, now or hereafter in possession
of and occupying public lands in Alaska for the purpose of trade or
manufactures, may purchase not exceeding one hundred and sixty acres, to be
taken as near as practicable in a square form, of such land at two dollars and
fifty cents per acre. . . .'

Section 13 provides for a survey, a deposit of the cost of such survey, a report
to the Commissioner of the General Land Office, and an approval by him of the
survey, and for the final issue of the patent. Section 14 of the act is important,
and reads as follows:


'Sec. 14. That none of the provisions of the last two preceding sections of this
act shall be so construed as to warrant the sale of any lands belonging to the
United States . . . to which the natives of Alaska have prior rights by virtue of
actual occupation, or which shall be selected by the United States
Commissioner of Fish and Fisheries on the island of Kadiak and Afognak for
the purpose of establishing fishculture stations, . . . and there shall be reserved
in all patents issued under the provisions of the last two preceding sections the
right of the United States to regulate the taking of salmon and to do all things
necessary to protect and prevent the destruction of salmon in all the waters of
the lands granted frequented by salmon.'


Even if 14 had not been enacted, it would not follow that petitioner, by 12
and 13, became entitled to a patent of the United States by procuring a survey
of such lands. We have had occasion in several cases to hold that, although the
occupation and cultivation of public lands with a view to pre-emption confers a
preference over others in the purchase of such lands by the bona fide settler,
which will enable him to protect his possession against other individuals, it
does not confer a vested right as against the United States in the land so
occupied. Such a vested right, under the pre-emption laws, is only obtained
when the purchase money has been paid, and receipt from the proper land
officer given to the purchaser. Until this has been done it is competent for
Congress to withdraw the land from entry and sale, though this may defeat the
inchoate right of the settler. Frisbie v. Whitney, 9 Wall. 187, 19 L. ed. 668.
When this payment is made, the other prerequisites having been complied with,
the settler is then entitled to a certificate of entry from the local land office and
ultimately to a patent. Yosemite Valley Case (Hutchings v. Low) 15 Wall. 77,
87, 21 L. ed. 82, 85; Campbell v. Wade, 132 U. S. 38, 33 L. ed. 242, 10 Sup.
Ct. Rep. 9; Shiver v. United States, 159 U. S. 491, 40 L. ed. 231, 16 Sup. Ct.
Rep. 54.


The case of Lytle v. Arkansas, 9 How. 314, 13 L. ed. 153, is much relied upon
by the petitioner and is carefully criticized and distinguished by Mr. Justice
Field in the Yosemite Valley Case. In that case proofs were taken and decided
both by the register and the receiver of the land office to be sufficient, and the
money was paid by the claimant, and received by the commissioner; but,
through misconduct or neglect, the register refused afterward to permit claimant
to enter the section, and it was held that the right of the pre-emptor thus
acquired could not be impaired by a selection of land by a subsequent act of
Congress. Commenting on this case Mr. Justice Field observed in the Yosemite
Valley Case (p. 93, L. ed. 87) that


'The whole difficulty in the argument of the defendant's counsel arises from his


'The whole difficulty in the argument of the defendant's counsel arises from his
confunding the distinction made in all the cases whenever necessary for their
decision between the acquisition by the settler of a legal right to the land
occupied by him as against the owner, the United States, and the acquisition by
him of a legal right as against other parties to be preferred in its purchase when
the United States have determined to sell. It seems to us little less than absurd
to say that a settler or any other person, by acquiring a right to be preferred in
the purchase of property, providing a sale is made by the owner, thereby
acquires a right to compel the owner to sell, or such an interest in the property
as to deprive the owner of the power to control its disposition.'


But if there were any doubt regarding the rights of the petitioner in connection
with the above case, they are completely resolved by the language of 14 of
the act, which declares that the provisions of the preceding sections shall not be
so construed as to warrant the sales of any lands belonging to the United States
which shall be reserved for public purposes, or selected by the Commissioner of
Fish and Fisheries on the islands of Kadiak and Afognak, for the purposes of
establishing a fish-culture station. As the President exercised the rights thus
reserved, and declared the whole island appropriated for the purpose of
establishing a fish-culture station, and warned all persons to depart therefrom, it
is clear that the rights, if any, previously acquired by the settlement, were
terminated by the proclamation. Petitioner gained no additional consideration
from the improvements put upon the land, since, if for no other reason, these
were made prior to the act of 1891, when it was a mere trespasser, and
occupying the land without a shadow of title.



U. S. Comp. St. 1901, pp. 1467, 1468.

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