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203 U.S.

27 S.Ct. 83
51 L.Ed. 198


CITY OF COLUMBUS, L. H. Chappell, May et al.
No. 50.
Argued October 22, 23, 1906.
Decided December 3, 1906.

The appellant filed its bill in this case in the United States circuit court for
the northern district of Georgia to obtain an injunction restraining the city
of Columbus, in the state of Georgia (one of above defendants) from the
construction of waterworks for the supplying of water to the defendant
city and its inhabitants. Judgment was entered by the circuit court
dismissing the bill for the want of jurisdiction, and the question of
jurisdiction alone was certified to this court under 5, chapter 517, of the
Acts of Congress of 1891. [26 Stat. at L. 827, U. S. Comp. Stat. 1901, p.
The complainant based the jurisdiction of the circuit court on the ground
of diverse citizenship, and also upon the existence of a Federal question.
An amended bill was filed and a motion made for an injunction pendente
lite, enjoining the city from issuing bonds or doing any work towards the
construction of the waterworks. The motion was granted, and a demurrer
to the amended bill having been overruled, and issue having been joined
by the service of an answer and replication, the case was referred to a
master. Evidence was taken before him, and a report thereafter filed, to
which exceptions were duly taken by both parties and an argument had
thereon before the court. The judge certifies that, before a decision had
been made by the court on the questions of law raised by the exceptions,
the defendant filed a motion to dismiss the bill, on the ground that, if the
parties to the suit were properly placed, there was no such diversity of
citizenship as was required to sustain the jurisdiction of the court, and also

on the ground that there was no Federal question involved. The court
granted the motion on those grounds and made its certificate, as stated.
The suit was brought by the appellant, a citizen of Maryland, against the
city of Columbus, a municipal corporation created by the state of Georgia,
and its mayor and aldermen, all of them citizens of the state of Georgia,
and against the Columbus Waterworks Company, a corporation also
created by the state of Georgia.
It appears from the averments contained in the bill that the complainant is
trustee for the bondholders in a certain mortgage executed by the
waterworks company, in January, 1891, to complainant, as trustee, to
secure the payment of certain bonds, and to raise money for the purpose of
making improvements and additions to the waterworks which were to
supply the city of Columbus with water, and for providing for future
extensions and improvements thereof. The mortgage is upon all of the
company's property, and also upon all contracts made, or thereafter to be
made, between the waterworks company and the city of Columbus for the
supplying of water by the company to the city, or any public institution of
public office. The mortgage also included all the water rents, etc., and all
the income whatsoever of the mortgagor, due or to grow due, arising from
its business of supplying water within the city, or within its vicinity or
elsewhere, during the continuance of the lien under the mortgage.
It also included therein a contract, which had been entered into in October,
1881, between one Thomas R. White, of the city of Philadelphia, and the
mayor and council of the city of Columbus (defendant herein) for the
construction and operation of an effective system of waterworks for the
supplying of the city with water for the various uses required. This is the
contract in question in this suit. Provision for a corporation was made in
the contract, to which it was to be assigned; the corporation was
subsequently created, and such contract was assigned by White to the
water company, and the assignment was assented to by the city. The
contract provided in great detail for the erection of a water system for the
city and for private consumers, and it contained all the usual provisions
for that kind of a contract.
It was, among other things, provided in the contract that the city should
grant a franchise to the other party named therein, for the exclusive
privilege of maintaining and operating the waterworks for a period of
thirty years, or until they might be purchased by the city, as provided in
the contract.

The work under the contract was completed and accepted by the city
November 6, 1882, and the company then commenced to, and did, for
some years, furnish water, under its provisions, to the city and its
Thereafter disputes and differences arose between the parties, regarding
the sufficient supply of water for the city and its inhabitants, the city
contending that the water company had entirely failed to satisfactorily
fulfil the contract in that respect. The company contended, on the other
hand, that it had done all that possibly could be done, under the
circumstances of an extraordinary and unprecedented drought, and was
willing to spend more money for the purpose of enlarging its field of
supply, if the city would not, by its proposed action, defeat such purpose.
The differences continued until finally, on the 14th day of September,
1902, the city passed an ordinance for submitting to the voters of the city
the question of issuing $250,000 of bonds of the city, to be used for the
purpose of building and operating and owning a system of waterworks by
the city. A special election was called for the 4th day of December, 1902.
The ordinance opened with the statement that the water company had
totally failed to supply the city of Columbus and its inhabitants with a
sufficient quantity of pure and wholesome water, and that the public
health of the city was of paramount importance to every other
consideration, and the city, therefore, proposed an ordinance (which it set
forth for the approval of the electors) for the issuing of bonds for the
building of a separate system of works to be owned and operated by the
city. It was provided in the proposed ordinance that if the electors
assented to the issue and sale of the bonds to be used for the purpose of
building and operating the waterworks, that thereafter bonds of the city
should be issued upon certain conditions, and an annual tax should be
levied for the payment of the interest on the bonds and a certain
proportion of the principal every year. The proposed ordinance also
provided that in the event of the assent of the voters at the election, and
the issuing of the bonds when the same should have been validated, as by
law required, thereafter the waterworks were to be considered a separate
and distinct department of the city government, and a water commission
was to be created for the government and control and operation of the
waterworks. Other provisions were contained in the proposed ordinance,
regulating the doing of the work and the operation of the constructed
On the 3d day of December, 1902 (the day before the election under the
city ordinance), the legislature, at the request, as it may be presumed, of
the city, passed an act to amend its charter, so as to confer power and

authority upon the city to construct, maintain, and operate a system of

waterworks of its own. The act gave power to the city to appropriate
private property, and to lay its pipes through its streets, either within or
without the corporate limits of the city, and the city was given power and
authority generally to do and perform all things necessary to carry the
object and purposes of the act into effect. Section 7 of the act expressly
conferred upon the city the right to issue and sell its bonds, for the
purposes of building and operating the waterworks. Provision was also
made in the act for the appointment of a board of water commissioners,
who should have the supervision and control of the construction,
operation, and management of the waterworks. This board was to regulate
the distribution and use of water in all places, it was to fix the price for the
use thereof, and terms of payment therefor. The moneys coming into the
hands of the board for water rents and the sale of any apparatus or other
property, or from any other source connected with the waterworks, were
to be paid to the treasurer of the city, and were to be used by him only for
the purpose of paying any principal and interest becoming due on the
bonds issued by the city. The board was to be regarded as a subordinate
branch of the city government.
The ordinance above mentioned and this act of the legislature of Georgia
having been passed subsequently to the execution of the contract, are
asserted by the complainant to be acts which impair the obligation of such
Proceedings were taken under the ordinance, and the election was held
pursuant to its provisions on the 4th of December, 1902, and resulted in
the assent of the requisite number of electors to the issuing of the bonds
and the use of the proceeds in the erection of a water system, to be owned
and controlled by the city.
A board of water commissioners was thereupon appointed, under the
provisions of the ordinance and the act of the legislature, and on the 6th of
May, 1903, the common council received a communication from the
board, through its secretary, wherein the board requested the common
council to invite bids for the bonds of the city for the purpose of
constructing the system of waterworks, which bids were to be opened on
the 1st of August, 1903. Thereupon the common council, on the same day,
complied with the request, and directed the publication of a notice for
receiving bids for the bonds up to August 1, 1903.
On the 30th of July, 1903, the complainant filed this bill against the
parties named. It is contended in the bill that, as trustee for the

bondholders, the complainant can maintain this action, on the ground of

an impairment of the obligation of the contract already mentioned, and
that, as the water company has mortgaged to the complainant the benefits
of its contract with the city, together with the other property of the water
company, as security for the payment of its bonds, any such action as
proposed by the city will destroy the value of the bonds of the water
company, and will amount to the taking of complainant trustee's property
without due process of law, and will deprive it of the equal protection of
the laws. The water company is made a defendant for the purpose of
binding it, as averred in the bill, by the judgment and decree that may be
rendered in this cause, so that the right and equity of subrogation, or other
rights and equities set up, may be enforced and decreed against the water
company, and that the water company may be held and decreed, on its
part, to specifically perform all the obligations of such contract. An
injunction was asked for and granted, as stated, pendente lite. It was also
asked that the defendant city might be enjoined from refusing to carry out
the contract with the waterworks company, and from placing any obstacle
in the way of the due performance thereof, according to its terms.
Joseph Packard, Olin J. Wimberly, Louis F. Garrard, and John I. Hall for
Messrs. W. A. Wimbish, J. H. Martin, T. T. Miller, and Ellis, Wimbish, &
Ellis for appellees.
[Argument of Counsel from pages 316-318 intentionally omitted]
Mr. Justice Peckham, after making the foregoing statement, delivered the
opinion of the court:

The sole question arising herein is whether the Federal circuit court had the
jurisdiction to determine the issue involved. That question alone has been
certified to this court by the circuit court, under the provisions of the 5th section
of the act of Congress of 1891. [26 Stat. at L. 827, chap. 517, U. S. Comp. Stat.
1901, p. 549.] The grounds of the dismissal of the bill are set forth in the
foregoing statement of facts.

Whether this case comes within the principle laid down by this court in
Dawson v. Columbia Ave. Sav. Fund, S. D. Title & T. Co. 197 U. S. 178, 49 L.
ed. 713, 25 Sup. Ct. Rep. 420, upon the question of diversity of citizenship, it is
unnecessary to determine, because there is, in our opinion, a Federal question
involved, which gave the circuit court jurisdiction to determine the case

without reference to citizenship. It is averred in the bill that by reason of the

passage of the ordinance of the common council of the city and the act of the
legislature of Georgia, passed December 3, 1902, the obligation of the contract
set forth in the bill was impaired. It is part of the duty of the Federal courts,
under the impairment of the obligation of contract clause in the Constitution, to
decide whether there be a valid contract and what its construction is, and
whether, as construed, there is any subsequent legislation, by municipality or
by the state legislature, which impairs its obligation. That the ordinance of the
common council of a municipal corporation may constitute a law within the
meaning of this constitutional clause is too well settled to admit of doubt. St.
Paul Gaslight Co. v. St. Paul, 181 U. S. 142, 148, 45 L. ed. 788, 791, 21 Sup.
Ct. Rep. 575; Davis & F. Mfg. Co. v. Los Angeles, 189 U. S. 207-216, 47 L.
ed. 778-780, 23 Sup. Ct. Rep. 498. The contract in this case provided in terms
for the exclusive privilege of supplying water to the city and its inhabitants for
thirty years from the date of its completion. By the ordinance of the city of
1902 the city insisted that the water company had totally failed to fulfil its
contract to supply water to the city and its inhabitants. Such ordinance then
went on and proposed to the electors an ordinance, the material portions of
which have been set forth in the foregoing statement.

The act of the legislature, passed the day before the day of the election, is also
referred to in the statement and some of its material provisions are mentioned.

The ordinance and the act should properly be considered together, and they
evidently contemplate an immediate execution of the work in case the electors
assented to the issuing of the bonds. If the provisions of the ordinance and act
were carried out, the effect, of course, could be none other than disastrous to
the water company, as the obligations of the contract (if any) would thereby be
so far impaired as to render the contract of no value. The source of the ability of
the water company to pay the interest on its bonds, and the principal thereof, as
they became due, was, by this ordinance and act, entirely cut off.

Was not this legislation, and legislation of a kind materially to impair the
obligation of the contract then existing, and not only to impair, but to wholly
destroy its value? We are not called upon now to say whether the exclusive
right for thirty years, granted to the water company by the contract to supply
the city with water, was legal and valid, because that is a part of the question
whether the obligation of the contract has been impaired by the subsequent
ordinances of the city and the laws of the state. It cannot be determined that
there is an impairment of the obligation of a contract until it is determined what
the contract is, and whether it is a valid contract. If it be valid, it still remains to
be determined whether the subsequent proceedings of the city council and

legislature impaired its obligation. The ordinance and act were not mere
statements of an intention on the part of one of the parties to a contract not to be
bound by its obligations. Such a denial on the part, even of a municipal
corporation, contained in an ordinance to that effect, is not legislation impairing
the obligation of a contract. St. Paul Gaslight Co. v. St. Paul, 181 U. S. 142, 45
L. ed. 788, 21 Sup. Ct. Rep. 575. It was stated in that case that the ordinance in
question 'created no new right or imposed no new duty substantially
antagonistic to the obligations of the contract, but simply expressed the purpose
of the city not in the future to pay the interest on the cost of construction of the
lamp posts which were ordered to be removed. . . . When the substantial scope
of this provision of the ordinance is thus clearly understood, it is seen that the
contention here advanced of impairment of the obligations of the contract
arising from this provision of the ordinance reduces itself at once to the
proposition that wherever it is asserted, on the one hand, that a municipality is
bound by a contract to perform a particular act, and the municipality denies that
it is liable under the contract to do so, thereby an impairment of the obligations
of the contract arises, in violation of the Constitution of the United States. But
this amounts only to the contention that every case involving a controversy
concerning a municipal contract is one of Federal cognizance, determinable
ultimately in this court. Thus, to reduce the proposition to its ultimate
conception is to demonstrate its error.'

In the case at bar the conditions are entirely different. There was not merely a
denial by the city of its obligation under the contract, but the question is
whether there were not new and substantial duties in positive opposition to
those contained in the contract created and their performance provided for by
the ordinances and act. The act of the legislature aided the city by granting it
power to itself erect waterworks and to issue bonds in payment of the cost
thereof, and the city was proceeding to avail itself of the power thus granted,
when its progress was arrested by the filing of the bill in this case and the
issuing of a temporary injunction. It would seem as if the case were really
within the principle decided in Walla Walla v. Walla Walla Water Co. 172 U.
S. 1, 43 L. ed. 341, 19 Sup. Ct. Rep. 77; Vicksburg Waterworks Co. v.
Vicksburg, 185 U. S. 65, 46 L. ed. 808, 22 Sup. Ct. Rep. 585, 202 U. S. 453, 50
L. ed. 1102, 26 Sup. Ct. Rep. 660; Davis & F. Mfg. Co. v. Los Angeles, 189 U.
S. 207, 47 L. ed. 778, 23 Sup. Ct. Rep. 498; Knoxville Water Co. v. Knoxville,
200 U. S. 22, 50 L. ed. 353, 26 Sup. Ct. Rep. 224. In the last-cited case the
water company contended that the agreement mentioned in that case
constituted a contract, for which it acquired for a given period the exclusive
right to supply water to the city and its inhabitants, and it insisted that the
obligation of this contract would be impaired if the city, acting under the acts of
the legislature and under the ordinance mentioned, established and maintained

an independent and separate system of waterworks in competition with those of

the water company. It was held that such a question was one arising under the
Constitution of the United States, and that the Federal circuit court had
jurisdiction thereof without regard to the citizenship of the parties. It must be
remembered that in the case before us the sole question is whether the Federal
circuit court had jurisdiction to determine the case, and we are not now
concerned with the question as to how the matter should be determined, but
only whether the circuit court had jurisdiction to determine it. As stated in
Vicksburg Waterworks Co. v. Vicksburg, 185 U. S. 65, at page 82, 46 L. ed.
808, at page 815, 22 Sup. Ct. Rep. 585, at page 592, in speaking of the question
of jurisdiction: 'We do not wish to be understood as now determining such
questions in the present case, for we are only considering whether or not the
circuit court had jurisdiction to consider them.'

Concluding that the court below had such jurisdiction, because it presents a
controversy arising under the Constitution of the United States, the judgment of
the Circuit Court is reversed, and the case remanded to that court to take
proceedings therein according to law.


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