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211 U.S.

29 S.Ct. 6
53 L.Ed. 65

HERMAN FRASCH, Appt. and Plff. in Err.,

EDWARD B. MOORE, Commissioner of Patents.1
No. 14.
Argued April 23, 24, 1908.
Decided October 19, 1908.

Frasch applied for a patent for an invention of a new and useful

improvement in the art of making salt by evaporation of brine. He
expressed his alleged invention in six claims, three of which were for the
process of removing incrustation of calcium sulphate from brine-heating
surfaces, and three of them were for an apparatus for use in the process.
At the time when the application was fired, rule 41 of the Patent Office
did not permit the joinder of claims for process and claims for apparatus in
one and the same application. The examiner required division between the
process and apparatus claims, and refused to act upon the merits. An
appeal was taken to the examiners in chief, but the examiner refused to
forward it. A petition was then filed, asking the Commissioner of Patents
to direct that the appeal be heard. The Commissioner held that the
examiner was right in refusing to forward the appeal. From that decision
appeal was taken to the court of appeals of the District, which held that it
did not have jurisdiction to entertain it. Frasch then filed a petition in this
court for a mandamus, directing the court of appeals to hear and determine
the appeal, which petition was dismissed. Ex parte Frasch, 192 U. S. 566,
48 L. ed. 564, 24 Sup. Ct. Rep. 424.
But in United States ex rel. Steinmetz v. Allen, 192 U. S. 543, 48 L. ed.
555, 24 Sup. Ct. Rep. 416, it was held that rule 41, as applied by the
Commissioner, was invalid, and that the remedy for his action was by
mandamus in the supreme court of the District to compel the
Commissioner to act. Accordingly the proceedings in the present case
were resumed in the Patent Office, and the applicant asked the
Commissioner to direct that the appeal theretofore taken to the examiners

in chief be heard by them. The Commissioner granted this petition. The

primary examiner furnished the required statement and a supplementary
statement of the grounds of his decision requiring division. The examiners
in chief affirmed the decision of the primary examiner, 'requiring a
division of these claims for an art and for an independent machine used to
perform the art;' one examiner in chief, dissenting, held that division
should not be required. On appeal to the Commissioner, he affirmed the
examiners in chief in part only; that is to say, he held that process claim
No. 1 must be divided from the other process claims and the apparatus
claims, but that process claims Nos. 2 and 3 and the apparatus claims Nos.
4, 5, and 6 might be joined in one application. Rehearing was denied, and
an appeal was taken to the court of appeals for the District of Columbia,
which affirmed the decision of the Commissioner of Patents, for reasons
given at large in an opinion, and directed the clerk of the court to 'certify
this opinion and proceedings in this court in the premises to the
Commissioner of Patents, according to law.'
An appeal and a writ of error were allowed, the court stating through Mr.
Chief Justice Shepard: 'We are inclined to the view that this case is not
appealable to the Supreme Court of the United States, but, as the question
has never been directly decided, so far as we are advised, we will grant
the petition in order that the question of the right to appeal in such a case
may be directly presented for the determination of the court of last resort.'
The record was filed January 25, 1907, and on February 4 a petition for
Mr. Charles J. Hedrick for appellant and plaintiff in error:
[Argument of Counsel from pages 3-5 intentionally omitted]
Solicitor General Hoyt for appellee and defendant in error.
[Argument of Counsel from pages 5-7 intentionally omitted]
Mr. Chief Justice Fuller delivered the opinion of the court:

Section 8 of the act of February 9, 1893 (27 Stat. at L. 434, 436, chap. 74, U. S.
Comp. Stat. 1901, p. 573), provides:

'That any final judgment or decree of the said court of appeals may be reexamined and affirmed, reversed, or modified by the Supreme Court of the

United States, upon writ of error or appeal, in all causes in which the matter in
dispute, exclusive of costs, shall exceed the sum of five thousand dollars, in the
same manner and under the same regulations as heretofore provided for in
cases of writs of error on judgment or appeals from decrees rendered in the
supreme court of the District of Columbia; and also in cases, without regard to
the sum or value of the matter in dispute, wherein is involved the validity of
any patent or copyright, or in which is drawn in question the validity of a treaty
or statute of or an authority exercised under the United States.'

The decision of the court of appeals sought to be reviewed in the present case is
not final, but merely ended an interlocutory stage of the controversy, and sent
the applicant back to the Patent Office to conform to the meaning and effect of
the rule on division of claims as construed by the Commissioner of Patents, and
to pursue the application in the form required to allowance or rejection.

Section 780 of the Revised Statutes of the District of Columbia reads thus:

'The supreme court, sitting in banc, shall have jurisdiction of and shall hear and
determine all appeals from the decisions of the Commissioner of Patents, in
accordance with the provisions of sections forty-nine hundred and eleven to
section forty-nine hundred and fifteen, inclusive, of chapter one, title 60, of the
Revised Statutes (U. S. Comp. Stat. 1901, pp. 3391, 3392), 'Patents,
Trademarks, and Copyrights." Section 9 of the 'Act to Establish a Court of
Appeals for the District of Columbia, and for Other Purposes,' approved
February 9, 1893 (27 Stat. at L. 434, 436, chap. 74, U. S. Comp. Stat. 1901, p.
3391), is:

'Sec. 9. That the determination of appeals from the decision of the

Commissioner of patents, now vested in the general term of the supreme court
of the District of Columbia, in pursuance of the provisions of section seven
hundred and eighty of the Revised Statutes of the United States, relating to the
District of Columbia, shall hereafter be, and the same is hereby, vested in the
court of appeals created by this act; and, in addition, any party aggrieved by a
decision of the Commissioner of Patents in any interference case may appeal
therefrom to said court of appeals.'

Thus, the special jurisdiction of the District supreme court in patent appeals
was transferred to and vested in the court of appeals, and decisions in
interference cases were also made appealable, which had not been previously
the case. Rev. Stat. 4911. The law applicable is 4914, Revised Statutes,
which provides:

'The court, on petition, shall hear and determine such appeal, and revise the
decision appealed from in a summary way, on the evidence produced before
the Commissioner, at such early and convenient time as the court may appoint;
and the revision shall be confined to the points set forth in the reasons of
appeal. After hearing the case the court shall return to the Commissioner a
certificate of its proceedings and decision, which shall be entered of record in
the Patent Office, and shall govern the further proceedings in the case. But no
opinion or decision of the court in any such case shall preclude any person
interested from the right to contest the validity of such patent in any court
wherein the same may be called in question.'

By 4915 a remedy by bill in equity is given where a patent is refused, and

reads as follows:


'Sec. 4915. Whenever a patent on application is refused, either by the

Commissioner of Patents or by the supreme court of the District of Columbia
upon appeal from the Commissioner, the applicant may have remedy by bill in
equity; and the court having cognizance thereof, on notice to adverse parties
and other due proceedings had, may adjudge that such applicant is entitled,
according to law, to receive a patent for his invention, as specified in his claim,
or for any part thereof, as the facts in the case may appear. And such
adjudication, if it be in favor of the right of the applicant, shall authorize the
Commissioner to issue such patent on the applicant filing in the Patent Office a
copy of the adjudication, and otherwise complying with the requirements of
law. In all cases where there is no opposing party, a copy of the bill shall be
served on the Commissioner; and all the expenses of the proceeding shall be
paid by the applicant, whether the final decision is in his favor or not.'


The final decision referred to is obviously the judicial decision on the bill in
equity, while in interference cases and in all others going up from the
Commissioner to the Court of Appeals there is no final judgment in the cause,
but one interlocutory in its nature, and binding only upon the Commissioner, 'to
govern the further proceedings in the case.' The opinion or decision of the
court, reviewing the Commissioner's decision, is not final, because it does not
preclude any person interested from contesting the validity of the patent in
court; and, if the decision of the Commissioner grants the patent, that is the end
of the matter as between the government and the applicant; and if he refuses it,
and the court of appeals sustains him, that is merely a qualified finality, for, as
we have seen, the decision of that court may be challenged generally and a
refusal of patent may be reviewed and contested by bill as provided.


The appeal given to the court of appeals of the District from the decision of the

Commissioner is not, as Mr. Justice Matthews said in Butterworth v. United

States, 'the exercise of ordinary jurisdiction at law or in equity on the part of
that court, but is one step in the statutory proceeding under the patent laws
whereby that tribunal is interposed in aid of the Patent Office, though not
subject to it. Its adjudication, though not binding upon any who choose, by
litigation in courts of general jurisdiction, to question the validity of any patent
thus awarded, is nevertheless conclusive upon the Patent Office itself; for, as
the statute declares (Rev. Stat. 4914), it 'shall govern the further proceedings
in the case." 112 U. S. 60, 28 L. ed. 659, 5 Sup. Ct. Rep. 25.

In Rousseau v. Brown, 21 App. D. C. 73, 80, which was an appeal from the
Patent Office in the matter of an interference between two applications, the
court affirmed the decision of the Commissioner of Patents, ruling against one
of the claims on the ground that priority of invention must be awarded to the
other claimant, declined to allow a writ of error or appeal, and said, through
Chief Justice Alvey:


'There is no final judgment of this court rendered in such cases, nor is there any
such judgment required or authorized to be rendered, not even for costs of the
appeal. This court is simply required in such cases, after hearing and deciding
the points as presented, instead of entering judgment here, to return to the
Commissioner of Patents a certificate of the proceedings and decision of this
court, to be entered of record in the Patent Office, to govern the further
proceedings in the case. But it is declared by the statute that no opinion of this
court in any such case shall preclude any person interested from the right to
contest the validity of any patent that may be granted by the Commissioner of
Patents. D. C. Rev. Stat. 780, U. S. Rev. Stat. 4914.


'There is no provision of any statute, within our knowledge, that authorizes a

writ of error or an appeal to the Supreme Court of the United States in such
case as the present. It would seem clear that the case is not within the purview
of 8 of the act of Congress of February 9, 1893, providing for the
establishment of this court. That section only applies to cases where flnal
judgments by this court have been entered, and not to decisions to be made and
certified to the Patent Office, under the special directions of the statute.' We
consider these observations as applicable to the present case, and the result is
appeal and writ of error dismissed, and certiorari denied.


Mr. Justice White and Mr. Justice McKenna dissent.


Mr. Justice Moody did not sit.

U. S. Comp. St. 1901, p. 3392.

Made party in place of Frederick I. Allen, Commissioner, resigned.

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