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233 U.S.

34 S.Ct. 648
58 L.Ed. 1046


CORTLANDT I. DAVIDS and Walter I. Davids, Trading as
Davids Manufacturing Company.
No. 184.
Argued January 22, 1914.
Decided April 27, 1914.

Mr. W. P. Preble for petitioner.

Mr. Emerson R. Newell for respondents.
[Argument of counsel from page 462 intentionally omitted]
Mr. Justice Hughes delivered the opinion of the court:

Thaddeus Davids Company, manufacturer of inks, etc., brought this suit for the
infringement of its registered trademark 'DAVIDS." It was alleged that the
complainant was the owner of the trademark; that it had been used in interstate
commerce by the complainant and its predecessors in business for upwards of
eighty years; that on January 22, 1907, it had been registered by the
complainant as a trademark, applicable to inks and stamp pads, under the act of
February 20, 1905 (chap. 592, 33 Stat. at L. 724, U. S. Comp. Stat. Supp. 1911,
p. 1459); that the complainant was entitled to such registration under 5 of the
act by reason of actual and exclusive use for more than ten years prior to the
passage of the act; and that the defendants, Cortlandt I. Davids and Walter I.
Davids, trading as Davids Manufacturing Company, were putting inks upon the
market with infringing labels. The bill also charged unfair competition. Upon
demurrer, the validity of the trademark was upheld by the circuit court of
appeals (102 C. C. A. 249, 178 Fed. 801), and on final hearing, upon pleadings
and proofs, complainant had a decree. 190 Fed. 285. This decree was reversed
by the circuit court of appeals, which held that there was no infringement of the
registered trademark, and that the suit, if regarded as one for unfair

competition, was not within the jurisdiction of the court, the parties being
citizens of the same state. 114 C. C. A. 355, 192 Fed. 915. Certiorari was

As the mark consisted of an ordinary surname, it was not the subject of

exclusive appropiration as a common-law trademark (Brown Chemical Co. v.
Meyer, 139 U. S. 540, 542, 35 L. ed. 247, 248, 11 Sup. Ct. Rep. 625; Howe
Scale Co. v. Wyckoff, Seamans & Benedict, 198 U. S. 118, 134, 135, 49 L. ed.
972, 984, 25 Sup. Ct. Rep. 609); and the complainant derived its right from the
fourth proviso of 5. This section, at the time of the registration, was as

'Sec. 5. That no mark by which the goods of the owner of the mark may be
distinguished from other goods of the same class shall be refused registration as
a trademark on account of the nature of such mark unless such mark

'(a) Consists of or comprises immoral or scandalous matter;

'(b) Consists of or comprises the flag or coat of arms or other insignia of the
United States, or any simulation thereof, or of any state or municipality, or of
any foreign nation: Provided, That trademarks which are identical with a
registered or known trademark owned and in use by another, and appropriated
to merchandise of the same descriptive properties, or which so nearly resemble
a registered or known trademark owned and in use by another, and appropriated
to merchandise of the same descriptive properties, as to be likely to cause
confusion or mistake in the mind of the public, or to deceive purchasers, shall
not be registered: Provided, That no mark which consists merely in the name of
an individual, firm, corporation, or association, not written, printed, impressed,
or woven in some particular or distinctive manner or in association with a
portrait of the individual, or merely in words or devices which are descriptive of
the goods with which they are used, or of the character or quality of such goods,
or merely a geographical name or term, shall be registered under the terms of
this act: Provided further, That no portrait of a living individual may be
registered as a trademark, except by the Consent of such individual, evidenced
by an Instrument in writing: And provided further, That nothing herein shall
prevent the registration of any mark used by the applicant or his predecessors,
or by those from whom title to the mark is derived, in commerce with foreign
nations or among the several states, or with Indian tribes, which was in actual
and exclusive use as a trademark of the applicant or his predecessors from
whom he derived title for ten years next preceding the passage of this act.'
The fourth proviso, or ten-year clause, has manifest reference to marks which

The fourth proviso, or ten-year clause, has manifest reference to marks which
are not technical trademarks; otherwise, it would have no effect. The owner of a
trademark valid at common law and used in commerce with foreign nations, or
among the several states, or with Indian tribes, may obtain its registration under
the act without showing the user of ten years required by this clause. Secs. 1, 2.
Congress evidently had in mind the fact that marks, although not susceptible of
exclusive appropriation at common law, frequently acquired a special
significance in connection with particular commodities; and the language of the
fourth proviso was carefully chosen in order to bring within the statute those
marks which, while not being technical trademarks, had been in 'actual and
exclusive use' as trademarks for ten years next preceding the passage of the
act.2 See Re Cahn, 27 App. D. C. 173, 177; Worster Brewing Corp. v. Rueter,
30 App. D. C. 428, 430, 431; Re Wright, 33 App. D. C. 510.

It is suggested, however, that the privilege accorded by this proviso is limited

to marks which lie outside the positive prohibitions contained in the earlier
clauses of 5. Thus, it is said that the exceptions with respect to marks of a
scandalous sort, and as to those embracing public insignia, are plainly intended
to apply to all marks of the described character, whether or not they had been
used for the preceding ten years (Re Cahn, supra); and it is urged that if this be
so, the prohibitions of the provisos which precede the ten-year clause must
likewise be deemed to restrict its scope. The emphasis in the present case is
placed upon the second proviso in 5. This, in substance, prohibits the
registration of marks consisting merely of individual, firm, or corporate names,
not written or printed in a distinctive manner, or of designations descriptive of
the character or quality of the goods with which they are used, or of
geographical names or terms; and it thus contains, as the court of appeals said,
'a fairly complete list' of the marks used by dealers in selling their goods, which
are not valid trademarks at common law. If the ten-year proviso be construed as
not to apply to any marks within this comprehensive description, the clause
would have little or nothing to act upon, and we can conceive of no reason for
its insertion.

We think that the intent of Congress is clear. In the opening clause of 5, it is

provided that no mark by which the goods of the owner may be distinguished
from other goods of the same class shall be refused registration as a trademark,
on account of its nature, unless it consists of, or comprises: (a) immoral or
scandalous matter; or (b) certain public insignia. The marks within these
excepted classes are withdrawn from the purview of the act. Then, in dealing
with the marks which remain, limitations upon registrability are defined by the
first, second, and third provisos; and the restrictions thus imposed are in turn
qualified by the fourth proviso or ten-year clause. It follows that the fourth
proviso in no way detracts from the force of the exceptions contained in clauses

(a) and (b) which were plainly intended to be established without qualification;
but the generality of the succeeding prohibitions is qualified. It may well be
that this qualification, by reason of its terms, does not affect the first proviso,
which relates to cases of conflicting trademarks, as the ten-year clause
explicitly requires that the use shall have been 'exclusive.' But there can be no
doubt that this clause does modify the general limitations contained in the
second proviso with respect to the use of marks consisting of names of persons,
firms, or corporations, of terms descriptive of character and quality, or of
geographical names or terms. Marks of this sort, notwithstanding the general
prohibition, were made registrable when the applicant or his predecessors had
used them, actually and exclusively, as trademarks for the described period.

In this view, the complainant was entitled to register its mark. We need not stop
to discuss the contention that the complainant's use had not been exclusive, or
that the mark had not been used in interstate commerce, or the further defense
that the complainant should be denied relief because it had deceived the public.
It is enough to say that these contentions were without adequate support in the
evidence and were properly overruled by the circuit court.


Having the right to register its mark, the complainant was entitled to its
protection as a valid trademark under the statute. As defined in 29, 'the term
'trademark' includes any mark which is entitled to registration under the terms
of this act.' The defendants, however, insisted below, and urge here, that
although the mark was registrable, it was not susceptible of ownership, and
hence that the complainant could not maintain a suit for injunction, profits, and
damages, as provided in the statute, for the reason that the remedies it affords
are available only to 'owners' ( 16, 19). That is to say, that registration was
expressly permitted, but that protection to the registrant was denied. This
interpretation, of course, would render the ten-year proviso meaningless by
stripping it of practical effect. It was not the intention of Congress thus to
provide for a barren notice of an ineffectual claim, but to confer definite rights.
The applicant who, by virtue of actual and exclusive use, is entitled to register
his mark under this clause, becomes on due registration the 'owner' of a
'trademark' within the meaning of the act, and he is entitled to be protected in
its use as such.


The further argument is made that, assuming that the complainant has a valid
registered trademark, still the protection is limited to its use when standing
alone (as the complainant has used it on its labels), and that there can be no
infringement unless it is used in this precise manner. The statutory right cannot
be so narrowly limited. Not only exact reproduction, but a 'colorable imitation'
is within the statute; otherwise, the trademark would be of little avail, as by

shrewd simulation it could be appropriated with impunity. The act provides (

16): 'Any person who shall, without the consent of the owner thereof,
reproduce, counterfeit, copy, or colorably imitate any such trademark . . . and
shall use, or shall have used, such reproduction, counterfeit, copy, or colorable
imitation in commerce among the several states . . . shall be liable. . . .' This
provision applies to all trademarks that are within the act, including those
which come under the ten-year clause, provided they are not used 'in unlawful
business,' or 'upon any article injurious in itself,' or 'with the design of
deceiving the public,' and have not been 'abandoned' ( 21).

But, while this is true, the inquiry as to the extent of the right thus secured by
the statute, in the case of marks which are admitted to registration under the
ten-year clause, is not completely answered. It is apparent that, with respect to
names or terms coming within this class, there may be proper uses by others
than the registrant, even in connection with trade in similar goods. It would
seem to be clear, for example, that the registration for which the statute
provides was not designed to confer a monopoly of the use of surnames, or of
geographical names, as such. It is not to be supposed that Congress intended to
prevent one from using his own name in trade, or from making appropriate
reference to the town or city in which his place of business is located; and we
do not find it necessary to consider the question of the validity of such an
attempt if one were made. Congress has admitted to registration the names or
terms belonging to the class under consideration simply because of their prior
use as trademarks, although they had not been such in law. Their exclusive use
as trademarks for the stated period was deemed, in the judgment of Congress, a
sufficient assurance that they had acquired a secondary meaning as the
designation of the origin or ownership of the merchandise to which they were
affixed. And it was manifestly in this limited character only that they received
statutory recognition, and, on registration, became entitled to protection under
the act.


In the case, therefore, of marks consisting of names or terms having a double

significance, and being susceptible of legitimate uses with respect to their
primary sense, the reproduction, copy, or imitation which constitutes
infringement must be such as is calculated to mislead the public with respect to
the origin or ownership of the goods, and thus to invade the right of the
registrant to the use of the name or term as a designation of his merchandise.
This we conceive to be the meaning of the statute. It follows that where the
mark consists of a surname, a person having the same name and using it in his
own business, although dealing in similar goods, would not be an infringer,
provided that the name was not used in a manner tending to mislead, and it was
clearly made to appear that the goods were his own, and not those of the

registrant. This is not to say that, in this view, the case becomes one simply of
unfair competition, as that category has been defined in the law; for, whatever
analogy may exist with respect to the scope of protection in this class of cases,
still the right to be protected against an unwarranted use of the registered mark
has been made a statutory right, and the courts of the United States have been
vested with jurisdiction of suits for infringement, regardless of diversity of
citizenship. Moreover, in view of this statutory right, it could not be considered
necessary that the complainant, in order to establish infringement, should show
wrongful intent in fact on the part of the defendant, or facts justifying the
inference of such an intent. Lawrence Mfg. Co. v. Tennessee Mfg. Co. 138 U.
S. 537, 549, 34 L. ed. 997, 1004, 11 Sup. Ct. Rep. 396; Singer Mfg. Co. v. June
Mfg. Co. 163 U. S. 169, 41 L. ed. 118, 16 Sup. Ct. Rep. 1002; Elgin Nat.
Watch Co. v. Illinois Watch Case Co. 179 U. S. 665, 674, 45 L. ed. 365, 379,
21 Sup. Ct. Rep. 270. Having duly registered under the act, the complainant
would be entitled to protection against any infringing use; but, in determining
the extent of the right which the statute secures, and what may be said to
constitute an infringing use, regard must be had, as has been said, to the nature
of the mark, and its secondary, as distinguished from its primary, significance.

The distinction between permissible and prohibited uses may be a difficult one
to draw in particular cases, but it must be drawn in order to give effect to the act
of Congress. That the distinction may readily be observed in practice is
apparent. In this case, for instance, if the defendants had so chosen, they could
have adopted a distinct mark of their own, which would have served to
designate their inks and completely to distinguish them from those of the
complainant. It was not necessary that, in exercising the right to use their own
name in trade, they should imitate the mark which the complainant used, and
was entitled to use under the statute, as a designation of its wares; or that they
should use the name in question upon their labels without ummistakably
differentiating their goods from those which the complainant manufactured and


We agree with the circuit court that infringement was shown. The complainant
put its mark 'DAVIDS" prominently at the top of its labels. The defendants, in
the same position on its labels, put 'C. I. DAVIDS." At the bottom of their
labels the defendants placed 'DAVIDS MFG. CO.' The use of the name in this
manner was a mere simulation of the complainant's mark which it had duly
registered; it constituted a 'colorable imitation' within the meaning of the act.
The decree of the circuit court accordingly restrained the defendants from the
use of the words 'Davids Manufacturing Company,' and from the use of the
word 'Davids' at the top of their labels in connection with the business of
making and selling inks. We think that the complainant was entitled to this

measure of protection.

The decree of the Circuit Court of Appeals must therefore be reversed and that
of the Circuit Court affirmed.


It is so ordered.

Section 5 has been amended by the acts of March 2, 1907, chap. 2573, 34 Stat.
at L. 1251, February 18, 1911, chap. 113, 36 Stat. at L. 918, U. S. Comp. Stat.
Supp. 1911, p. 1462; January 8, 1913, chap. 7, 37 Stat. at L. 649.

In the bill as it passed the House of Representatives, the fourth proviso in 5

read as follows: 'And provided further, that nothing herein shall prevent the
registration of any trademark used by the applicant or his predecessors, or by
those from whom title to the trademark is derived, in commerce with foreign
nations or among the several states or with Indian tribes, which was in actual
and lawful use as a trademark of the applicant, or his predecessors from whom
he derived title, over ten years next preceding February twentieth, nineteen
hundred and five.' The bill was amended in the Senate so as to substitute the
word 'mark' for the word 'trademark,' where it is italicised above, and also by
striking out the words 'and lawful.' The conference committee recommended
that the House recede from its disagreement to these amendments and that the
words 'and exclusive' should be substituted for the words 'and lawful.' The
managers on the part of the House made the following statement in
'On amendments Nos. 2 and 3: The word 'mark' is substituted in each instance
for the word 'trademark' in the bill as it passed the House, for the reason that
the use of the word 'trademark' in this connection would not have accomplished
the purposes of the proviso of the section in question.
'On amendment No. 4: The words 'and lawful' were stricken out by the Senate
amendment, and by the conference report it is recommended that the words
'and exclusive' be substituted therefor. The purpose of this amendment is to
prohibit the registration of any marks which are not technical trademarks unless
the applicant has used such mark exclusively for the period of ten years. The
words 'next preceding' are inserted in place of the words 'prior to' the passage of
the act, so as to require the exclusive use of the mark for the ten years
immediately preceding the passage of this act.' Cong. Rec. vol. 39, pp. 1399,

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