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Signature of Saturn

in the Events of Christ Jesus Life,

Historical Personalities, and Modern World Events
By David Tresemer and Robert Schiappacasse
(REVISED version of a paper for Christian Star Calendar 2009,
now named The Journal for Star Wisdom)
How does Saturn affect my life, empower me or overpower me? When people say, Life is
tough now Saturn is bearing down on me, or, You are so judgmental, so authoritarian, so
severe, so paternal so Saturnian!, what are they talking about? How can I understand
Saturns presence in my birth chart? What does Saturn mean to me?
For the last few decades the emphasis in astrology has been on key words as a way of
simplifying the answer. For that is what the modern human being wishes: simple, quick
answers, understandable in an age with too much information. Severe, tough, authoritarian,
trials, tests, your father done, on to the next thing.
If Saturn is a living being vast in power and extent, or a home to beings of great
majesty, before whom we would bow in reverence were we to behold them, then perhaps we
ought to meditate more deeply upon Saturns essential nature. We can approach a being as
vast as Saturn with stories stories from the life of Yeshua, the Hebrew name for Jesus,
during his ministry where he was the bearer of Christ consciousness during the last 3 years
of his life. We take our stories from the pictures given by evangelists and seers, extended
through the authors personal meditation.1 After the stories there are exercises to assist one to
confront the issues more personally. Commentaries follow to develop important themes. We
begin with the time that the Sun lay directly in front of (conjunct) distant Saturn.2
Imagination 1 Remembering the Origins of our Spirit
In the courtyard of the ancient house, the students gathered around their teacher,
Yeshua. They sat on mats woven from reeds that grew at the edges of the nearby lake. Yeshua

The main sources are Anne Catherine Emmerich (abbreviated ACE), Robert Powell (Chronicle), Rudolf
Steiner, the Christian Bible, and multiple Bible commentaries. See full references in the end section on
methodology. In addition, there is much helpful material on Saturn in Lacquanna Paul & Robert Powell, Cosmic
Dances of the Planets (San Rafael, CA: Sophia Foundation of North America, 2007), 9-25.
The angle between Sun and Saturn has been found to be repeated from a previous lifetime, from a previous
death to a following birth the exact angle (or its complement, that is, angle plus 180 degrees) is repeated. Robert
Powell has developed this research with many examples in his Hermetic Astrology (Kinsau, Germany: Hermetika,
1987-1991, three volumes). We are using very specific connections between Sun and Saturn, the hard aspects.
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sat on a slightly raised platform, on a collection of small rugs woven from colored wool
threads in designs that had been handed down since long before memory.
Yeshua had been conversing with one of his students, Yeshua seated and the student
kneeling to get close. Their faces were intimate, and they spoke in low voices, while the rest of
the group engaged in hushed conversation. The student had knitted brows, as if he was
sharing something in his life that stubbornly resisted improvement. Whenever Yeshua spoke,
the student nodded earnestly. The others in the room noticed every nuance of the exchange,
and guessed at the story that underlay it.
Yeshua put his hand at the top of the mans chest, and said, Amin! The student
nodded, rose to leave, and backed away from Yeshua with one hand on the place that Yeshua
had touched. The student found a place to sit amongst the other students, who adjusted their
places to make room for him. Yeshua turned to face the group. The buzz of hushed
conversation diminished to quiet.
The teacher began, What would you ask me this day? The answer was a silence,
increasing in volume. Glances were exchanged, and bodies shifted restlessly. One of the
senior students then arose and with a strained voice announced, Teacher, teach us about
prayer. Many of us have forgotten the words you taught us. He paused, looking down, then
confessed, We have forgotten how to pray.
The teacher smiled. He did not scold, for he knew that the students self-criticism was
already quite strong. Any more criticism would be destructive, not constructive. He began to
speak clearly, careful to choose his words so that they did not show any judgment. All of you
together are like the heavenly constellations. Just as the stars encircle and transmute the
world, so you too will encircle and transmute the world, and the gaze of human beings will
turn to you as to the stars. You will be to them as the stars, because I ray out within you, and
they will be illumined through you.
The students discomfort at their failure to remember now mixed with wonder and
awe. Yeshua paused, then added, I shall give you a formula whose every sound and syllable
can remind you of the power of the heavens come to earth. Let us begin at the beginning.
Repeat after me: Abwoon dbwashmaya. They repeated the words, Abwoon
dbwashmaya. Yeshua then said, Tell me something of the meaning of this phrase. Each of
you has a part in knowing its full extent. Give me your words. Embarrassed, they were
silent. He encouraged them further, Speak one word, one phrase tell me what you do
remember. One by one, they began to share the words: about the heavenly father, the
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heavenly mother implied in the most ancient understandings of Ab, the personal divinity in
the w sound and the transcendent omniscience in the b sound, the power of the word
shem, meaning true name or flash of light or vibration, then back to the oo sound of
Abwoon, which was like the sound of the wind, and the sound of the sacred word rukha
dqoodsha, the holy spirit. They spoke for many minutes, Yeshua encouraging them with
questions, What else do you hear? They concluded that the phrase concentrated many
meanings, such as Father-Mother, Creators, Origins of the divine breath breathing through
us all, Origins of the divine light shining in us all.
Yeshua concluded, Abwoon dbwashmaya. Repeat this once again. They did so.
Yeshua nodded, and smiled, There is much in this phrase, dont you agree? The students
smiled, nodded, and laughed.
Yeshua continued: Here is the next phrase: Nethquadash shmakh. What do you make
of it?
The students, now warming to their task, picked out the important quadash, related
to the Hebrew kadosh, meaning sacred, so sacred that you feel its power emanating out to
you. You relate through the shm, from shamakh, the name. Holy is the name, the
vibration, which calms us as we make a sacred place for it in our minds and hearts. After
some minutes, Yeshua had them repeat the phrase, Nethquadash shmakh.
With the next line, Teytey malkutakh, the students came right to the present, in a
command to come!, or come here!, or bring your supervision, your beauty, and your
compassion here, now! Malkutakh meant kingdom, as well it could mean queendom, as
malkatuh was the ancient name of the Great Mother from whom all things were born.
The next line was Nehwey tzevyanach aykanna dbwashmaya aph barha. Arha,
earth, as on earth. Tzevyanach brought to mind willpower, good deeds, inspired actions
rising out of the appropriateness of the gesture at the right time and place. The students were
enthusiastic about the power of divine will working through humans on earth, parallel to
how this will works in the heavens.
One after the other, Yeshua patiently spoke each phrase. He asked them to repeat it,
and then to plumb their memories for what the words meant, memories of what he had said,
and memories going back before they had ever met him. He asked what the sounds
themselves caused to arise in the depths of their being. He knew that their reliance on each
other to reconstruct the full memory would strengthen their community.

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Commentaries 1
The story concentrates on the only time in the ministry of Jesus Christ during which
Sun and Saturn stood at the same degree in the sky about which we have information, June
23, AD 31. This one day is a treasure chest that reveals the Suns amplification and
manifestation of the being of Saturn.3 Many of the themes of Saturn are highlighted in the
events of this day, and in this story both the difficult and the uplifting.
Imagination 1 came at the end of this day. As so much of the preceding parts of the day
depended on it, it serves as a summary, and we put it here first. It gives us a framework
through which to understand the rest.
Forgetting and remembering are definitely Saturns territory. We have forgotten is
something to which everyone can relate deeply and personally. Saturn governs memory,
including cosmic memory, that is, the memory of occurrences far greater and older than our
personal lives.
Authority too is Saturns territory, benevolent here and authoritarian in the next
Imagination. Criticism and judgment, from others or from self, leading to shame or guilt, are
stimulated by Saturn in its lower vibration. At the higher vibration, the veils over truth are
lifted away. The hearers move from shame to awe, an important step, both in Saturns realm.
Most important in this short vignette we find Saturn as a key to the Lords Prayer, given in
Aramaic, and in the prologue to that prayer.4 Humans are compared to stars, beings of
radiating light, who transmit light, which then enlightens as it is transmitted on to others. Not
only is memory of words stimulated, but memory of humanitys identity as stellar, as a
collective and as individuals. The Prayer brings heaven to earth, for the purpose of assisting
the earth to become a star. The Prayer invokes the creator of light to enlighten and transform
the earth. Praying the Lords Prayer brings light into darkness.
The Lords Prayer, each word a word of power, begins with Abwoon dbwashmaya.5
Rudolf Steiner said the prayer wielded its greatest power in the original Aramaic.6 The

Using a one-degree orb, this ranges from midday June 22, AD 31 (Sun at 1 Cancer 8), to late in the evening on
June 24, AD 31 (Sun at 2 Cancer 25). ACE III 453-459, Chronicle 305-306, gospel of Luke 10 through 12. Transiting
Sun and Saturn are conjunct at the very beginning of Christ Jesus ministry (24 May, AD 29, before the Water
Initiation in September of AD 29) and a few months past the end (22 July, AD 33). Two times in between (8 June
AD 30, and 7 July AD 32) have no specific information about them.
The prologue quoted here is not from Anne Catherine Emmerich, but rather from Judith von Halles
extraordinary book, The Lords Prayer: The Living Word of God (Forest Row: Temple Lodge, 2007), 25, here in
abbreviated form.
Matthew 6:9-13.
Steiner, From the Contents of Esoteric Classes, Berlin, January 29, 1907: Spoken in German, practically the only
thing that's effective is the underlying thought. The Latin Pater noster has a better effect, but the whole power
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phrases of this prayer have a close connection to the divine core of the human being. The
latter phrases of the prayer relate to our familiar bodies 4.) physical (Give us today our
daily bread), 5.) etheric (Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive), 6.) astral (Lead us not
into temptation), and 7.) soul (the I AM that must deal with evil Deliver us from evil).
At the beginning of the invocation to the Father, a triad of images is given that are connected
to higher faculties, manas, buddhi, and atma, which we shall explain. Though the entire
prayer was given on this Saturn-Sun day, we will concentrate on the three higher faculties, for
they are illustrated most powerfully by other events of this day.
According to Rudolf Steiners spiritual science, in conjunction with other theosophical
philosophers, and in the teachings of Yeshua this day made accessible through scripture for
human beings, these are three capacities in the process of development in human beings. We
will meet all three in the conjunction of Saturn and Sun. Briefly, manas is higher thinking,
buddhi is higher feeling, and atma is higher willing. These are the three realms of the Father.
We might change Father to Father/Mother. The Aramaic original of the Lords
Prayer begins, Abwoon dbwashmaya, which can be translated as, Father-Mother God,
from whose breath all is created.7 The Father/Mother principle lives beyond the nine
hierarchies of angels that live in the planetary spheres leading out to Saturn. When you are at
the edge of the Saturn sphere, you gaze further out upon the Father/Mother realm, far
beyond and far within. The Lords Prayer invokes the three qualities of the Father/Mother.
We will meet all three in the teachings of this Saturn-Sun day.
It will help if we say a bit more about these faculties, alluded to in the beginning three
parts of the Father/Mother Prayer.8
1.) hallowed be thy name Manas developed imagination mastery of thinking
evolution of the head purified astral body Steiners Spirit-Self
2.) thy kingdom come Buddhi9 developed inspiration mastery of feeling
evolution of the heart and throat purified etheric body Steiners Life-Spirit

and fullness only come to expression in the original Aramaic. For the Aramaic, see Neil Douglas-Klotz, Prayers
of the Cosmos (New York: Harper, 1990). To hear the words spoken, go to
The poetical Aramaic language has been translated in this way by Neil Douglas-Klotz, op. cit. He is very clear
about the trans-gender foundations of Abwoon.
Rudolf Steiner, The Lords Prayer, January 28, 1907, Berlin (and again on February 18). Also Occult Science
and Occult Development, lecture of May 1, 1913, both from, as well as other publications of
Steiners lectures and writings. Judith von Halle, The Lords Prayer, op. cit., refers to Steiners exposition, 51, 71.
Sometimes this is spelled budhi, and sometimes a differentiation is made between the two spellings. We use the
more common spelling buddhi, including the concepts linked with budhi.
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3.) thy will be done Atma developed intuition mastery of willing evolution of
the limbs and metabolism purified physical body Steiners Spirit-Humanity10
In the Our Mother prayer received by Valentin Tomberg, there are some striking parallels
to the lines of the Our Father prayer, especially the one having to do with the name:
May the holiness of thy name shine anew in our remembering.11 The awakening of our
memory to the collective memory of humanity and its expansion to cosmic memory are in the
province of Saturn. The speaker of the Our Mother prayer can then ask, forgive us for
forgetting thee. If we continue to use the term father, as in Our Father, we know that it
means Father/Mother not in terms of gender but rather in terms of generative source of our
human spirit.
The planet Saturn is the remains and echo of the Saturn condition at the beginning of
the solar system. Ancient Saturn sounded out as the first word.12 On this day of Saturn and
Sun, we have nothing less than the power of the divine word that inaugurated our entire
evolution on ancient Saturn. Yeshua wished to share the world-creating and human-creating
mantram with his brothers and sisters, thus awakening the sons and daughters of light to the
original light. There are other times that Yeshua spoke the Abwoon Prayer when Saturn was
not conjunct the Sun, but here it is revealed with especial clarity of power because of the other
things that were done and said on this day, and because of the forgetting and
Exercise 1
Rudolf Steiner spoke aloud the Father/Mother prayer everyday, so loud that those in the next
room could hear him. He was working a stairway to heaven. You can too, in English, German,
or Aramaic.13 In the context of this paper, you can concentrate on the beginning. Our Father

Spirit-Humanity is often translated Spirit-Man, but the German is Geistes-Menschen. It could be Man,
with a capital M, if everyone realized this is in the largest possible context, but English-speaking people tend
to see Man as a single male. When you have developed atma, you represent the entire human race, and feel the
entirety in your expanded soul.
Received in Amsterdam in 1942. Expositions of this meditation, either long and brief, can be had from The
Sophia Foundation of North America (
Lords Prayer, February 18, 1907, op. cit., p. 223-224. The Ancient Saturn condition was characterized by a nearly
homogenous warmth in the cosmos, with no mineral planets yet formed, though consciousness was in its early
stages (see Steiners Outline of Esoteric Science).
Steiner, From the Contents of Esoteric Classes, Berlin, January 29, 1907: Spoken in German, practically the only
thing that's effective is the underlying thought. The Latin Pater noster has a better effect, but the whole power
and fullness only come to expression in the original Aramaic. For the Aramaic, see Klotz, op. cit. Steiner spoke
at 3 PM each day in his office, and could be heard through the walls.

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who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name; thy kingdom come; thy will be done on earth as it
is in heaven. Or Father/Mother, birther of the cosmos, may the holiness of thy name
resound in our hearts; may the regality of thy nature be here among us; may thy will be our
will, manifest on earth, resonant with heaven. Or Abwoon dbwashmaya; Nethqadash
shmakh; Teytey malkuthakh.
Imagination 2 Manas: Judgment and Revelation
Yeshua approached the grand synagogue at Capernaum. It was the highest building in
the town and the best constructed, two stories tall supported by rows of polished stone
pillars, approached by wide marble steps fitted carefully together. Yeshuas group of students
and followers fanned out behind him, as in a large V, their well-worn robes of varied designs
and stripes of beige and red and blue flapping as they walked. They entered between the tall
pillars, Yeshua in the lead.
Inside they found a few dozen men, all dressed in black garments with colored trim in
a uniform style. These men, the zealous and righteous Pharisees, were consulting their books
and praying. They took each word seriously, and tried their utmost to follow the
commandments of Moses to the letter, spending many hours each day in prayer and study.
As it was the custom that a visiting teacher could share his knowledge, Yeshua strode to the
front of the synagogue and began to speak. The Pharisees looked up with surprise at the
Yeshua spoke on several topics, showing his mastery of the sacred words and his
understanding of the people standing in that room. He spoke about the prophet Samuel with
a level of detail that suggested he had known Samuel personally. Hundreds of years
previously, Samuel had been chosen by the people as the great judge of all Israel. Samuel
judged fairly and sternly. When he had had enough, he lay down his responsibility as judge.
By their nature, Yeshua explained, people want a judge to accept all that the people do, to
certify their lives as proper. The preferred judge smiles at the peoples vices. Samuel would
have none of that. He judged sternly.
Yeshua said that a true teacher or prophet would not judge, but would assist the
people to understand their own disorders so that they could set them right. Only a fraction of
vices come before a judge. The point is to wean oneself from these addictions. Yeshua spoke
forcefully, and with severity. The Pharisees formed several small groups, in each one arguing
the issues that Yeshua had brought up, seeking to detect something false in what he was
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teaching. Their search for fault increased in volume until one stood forth and said, Teacher,
you speak easily about this and that topic from the holy books, but you have not conformed to
those directives, not as we have done. With this statement, the speaker made a broad and
generous gesture to indicate his brothers in black.
Another one was emboldened to add, Yes, we know about you, teacher, and your
students. We have observed you! Word has gone out concerning your lack of discipline. You
do not fast properly during the time of fasting. You strip ripe ears of grain from the edges of
the field to eat raw on the Sabbath! our day of rest, as Moses has laid down for us to obey.
Another came forward, shaking his finger, You have been observed! Then, reeling
about to speak to his colleagues, Mark this! They gather fruits from trees and bushes near the
roadsides, and eat them. They wear rough and unclean clothes. Look at them! In subtle
gestures each Pharisee opened a hand just enough to feel the fine texture of his own cloak,
while staring at the coarse and motley colored cloaks of the intruders. The accuser continued:
They are nothing but vagabonds, a wandering crew of unkempt eccentrics. They even enter
this sacred house with clothes dusty from their journeying about. He reeled about again, to
face Yeshua, What kind of respect is that? It isnt right!
Yeshua responded calmly, You have clothes that are cleaned and washed by your
wives, folded neatly in chests of drawers in your house. You bring out your fancy clothes on
the Sabbath to promenade around the town, showing off your religious observances. In your
weekly parade, you present your virtue on the outside, and have little care for what lives on
the inside of you.
The Pharisees mumbled, but did not respond, for his observations had been accurate.
Another picked up the previous theme, speaking loudly to his comrades, These ruffians do
not wash before their meals clearly against all manners and the rules of our Law. And,
besides all of that, he pounded the words, they are guilty of ill breeding. The other
Pharisees looked at Yeshuas students before them, and took half a step backwards, as if from
someone diseased and infectious.
Yeshua asked, How ought a man seeking a life consonant with spirit address the
choices of his parents? Briefly each Pharisee thought about his own parents, and the choices
they had made.
The Pharisee who had been speaking side-stepped the issue, You should have a care
to the backgrounds of your students they should be more developed.
Yeshua added: And they should be more wealthy?
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The Pharisee nodded his head, and offered clear evidence for his complaint,
enunciating each word so as to be heard clearly, You rejected a fine young man who wanted
to study with you, one from a good family, respected and established. The Pharisees nodded
their heads, nonplussed by this kind of behavior.
Yeshua spoke to them earnestly, You Pharisees oppress the poor. Not only do you
ignore the poor, but you oppress the poor. You Pharisees are dishonest concerning the
expected tithes. You know the specific rules about how to give a tenth of what you earned or
grew to the synagogue. And you know the clever ways to interpret the rules that reduce the
amount owed. These are petty tax-dodges. Yet you punish poor people who try to bend the
rules in order to feed themselves. You Pharisees are hypocritical. You find fault in others and
do not look at the further work that you must do on yourselves. You Pharisees carefully clean
the outside of the dish, but inside you are full of greed and wickedness.
A general uproar interrupted Yeshua. He continued in a louder voice, Hear me, oh
lawyers among you. The crowd silenced, as the curiosity about what he might say, even
though painful, was greater than their outrage. You load people with burdens hard to bear,
and you yourselves do not lift a finger to ease them. Words of protest arose. Then Yeshua
expanded what he had said, You build the tombs of the prophets whom your ancestors
killed. Words of protest were louder. In short, you are a race of vipers! The agitation in the
listeners had grown now, as men in their best dress for the synagogue twitched with anger at
what had been said. Yeshua shouted out a single word, You!, which quelled them. They
had never heard a shout before in this place. They grew silent again. The air shivered with the
passions felt. Yeshua added in a voice strong yet not loud, This generation may be charged
with the blood of all the prophets shed since the foundation of the world.
A silence gripped these men as they tried to comprehend the enormity of what had
been said, the blame that had been laid on them, the burden of guilt that had been set upon
their shoulders. They felt these words reach back through ancestors, back through generations
into the distant past, before history, before anything known, to something each had
considered impossible to conceive: the foundations of the world. Blood was being laid upon
them for the long list of prophets harassed and murdered, some of whom they knew about
and many of whom stared at them namelessly from the shadows of deaths realm, all with
A great rumble of discontent began to grow in the Pharisees bodies, and would have
exploded into physical violence, except an unexpected event occurred. One of the men, a
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young man, who was dressed as finely as any of the Pharisees, and at the beginning had been
as argumentative as the rest, but quiet for the last few minutes, blurted out loudly, This is the
Son of God! Can you see it, brothers? The words of fire! The glow around him! This is truly a
great prophet, the one for whom we have waited! Alleluia! Alleluia! He pressed forward two
steps, then knelt facing Yeshua, and bowed towards him. The other Pharisees recoiled in
shock, backing away from the young man as if they had been struck a blow. Then they surged
toward the kneeling man, wrenching his arms behind him, directing all their pent-up rage
toward him. They dragged him out of the building, shouting at the young man and at each
other and at the tall pillars of the fine building. They dragged him down the fine wide marble
steps, to a place in the street, where they forced him onto his knees and surrounded him. They
slapped him across the face and shook him roughly by the shoulders in order to awaken him
from his delusion. But the young man could only repeat, He is the one! I have seen it. Look
for yourselves. Look closely. He is the one we have waited for!
Exercises 2
One can relate the specific details of the story to ones own life experiences, and find
out about Saturn. Or one can take the themes that are raised here and learn thereby:
conformity to law, a civic law and a higher law, the existence of rules, laws, commandments,
and regulations against which you judge yourself and judge others. How do you perceive this
working here and in your own life? Do you assign right and wrong to others? What are
your criteria of judgment?
The themes of force, severity, discipline, respect, guilt are here. The themes of
hypocritical and its opposite hypercritical are here too. Arguments are here. Learn to argue
both sides of the confrontation taking place in this story, as you have likely taken either side
We also have the theme of long memory, though perhaps dim, a memory for Samuel
who lived centuries before, a memory for Moses, for parents and distant ancestors, for all the
prophets, and even for the foundation of the world. We have also the theme of revelation of
The Truth, meaning the true truth. The young man at the end experienced and asserted the
true truth of Yeshuas identity in his experience. Without the preconceptions that clouded the
Pharisees vision, he concentrated on a greater truth. What is truly true for you?

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How do you receive criticism? Do you shrink from it? Do you grumble? Do you listen
attentively for any guidance that might be in criticism that comes your way? Do you feel
Have you ever seen or experienced a wandering holy man or woman, a rainbow
warrior, a hippie, or a saddhu in India, what the well-dressed might call a vagabond yet
someone with spiritual fervor? Have you ever been on a long hike and eaten raw grains from
the stalk or fruit from a tree at the roadside? Have you ever worn uniforms that gave you
special status and then banded with your fellows to reject another who wears not your
insignia or uniform? Pondering the details of the story can help us understand the conflicts
portrayed in this story.
Have you ever beheld The Truth? People use the phrase mockingly I have seen the
light! Yet it is a real phenomenon, experienced by the young man in the Imagination. When
in your life have you experienced the Truth bursting through?
These are all explorations of the realm of Saturn, revealed here in the life of Christ at
the time of Saturns conjunction with the Sun.
Commentary 2
The authors have stood in the restored synagogue at Capernaum, and this has helped in our
imaginations of the encounter. It is an impressive stone structure even today, obviously
created by wealthy merchants at the time. Many of the criticisms from the upright Pharisees
stemmed from an obsessive desire to separate those who were good, clean, decent, and holy
that is, one of their own number from those who were not. They did this on the basis of
outer behavior, emphasizing visible conformity to the law interpreted in scripture, especially
cleanliness and clothing.
Yeshua responded with his own criticisms. As Anne Catherine Emmerich described it,
His words were grave and forcible, severe,14 all Saturn traits. In the realm of the soul (the I
AM), there is nothing more powerful than judgment. Here it goes both ways. Rather than
concentrate on errors of form, Yeshua emphasized errors on the inside. When accosting the
lawyers for their burdening of the poor, there were three implications: you ought to help
others, you ought not load others with burdens, and you ought to take care to monitor the
effects of your own actions that have become burdens on others. Thus the theme of conscience
is strong here, beginning with personal behavior, then extending to those with whom you

ACE III 453.

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identify. For example, to the lawyers he adds, you build the tombs of the prophets whom
your ancestors killed.15 In this story we see many forms of judgment.
Though we are not aware of it during the day, every night we engage in a process of
judgment of ourselves. Our astral body and soul travel into spirit realms, leaving our etheric
and physical body behind sleeping soundly in bed. The astral body and soul encounter the
beings of the Third Hierarchy Angels to assist us to review what we had thought during the
previous day, Archangels to assist us to review what we had felt during the previous day, and
Archai to assist us to review what deeds we had done during the previous day.16 With
assistance in our nightly review, we judge ourselves, in terms of our effects on others. As we
awaken to our own self-judgment, we learn to judge others far less. We also learn to take
responsibility for our thoughts, feelings, and deeds. An immature version of the continuation
of this nightly review into the day appears as debilitating criticism. A more mature approach
is to learn from our experiences, and strive to improve.
For millennia, humans have depended on the bloodline as the path of transfer of ones
essence, for example, with the skill of woodworking a Joe Carpenter once came from a
line where the soul of the craft of carpentry was passed down from generation to generation.
In matters of the spirit, Christ Jesus taught against the bloodline and for the emerging I AM,
or soul. He also taught against a dogma-line, a blind adherence to an ideology and its rules
and regulations. The contrast between the Pharisees and Jesus in this exchange can be seen in
these terms. Saturn asks for a learning of truth in soul and in spirit, not in appearances or in
rules or in pedigree.
The Planet Saturn: Saturn is the outermost of the seven classical planets. In the
cosmogony of Rudolf Steiner, this is the most distant of the true planets. In Steiners view,
those beyond Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, and new bodies being discovered, such as Chiron
and Eris are not part of the original solar system. From the Saturn sphere which we visit at
the end of our long sojourn in the heavens between death and rebirth, we gaze for a time out
into the cosmos and absorb great truths at the foundations of creation.
Manas: During the emotionally charged critique by Yeshua in the synagogue, a young
man saw the light, so to speak, and rose up with certainty, saying, This is a great prophet
indeed, this is the Son of God! Though his colleagues in the Pharisees forcibly took him
outdoors, he did not change his views. He had seen a great truth, and had hallowed the name

Luke 11:46-47.
A suggestion by Rudolf Steiner.
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of the being who stood before him.17 The realization of manas means the purification and
clarity of the astral body of perceiving and thinking. In this man who penetrates through the
illusions of the critics to the truth, we see the development of manas.
The Judge:18 Jesus spoke about judging, a typical Saturn theme. He gave the suggestion
to go beyond it, beginning with the story of Samuels laying aside the role of judge, to let the
people judge themselves. Jesus recommended that a person take charge of his or her own
conflicts and what is right by solving matters outside of court otherwise, a flawed judge
might throw you into prison.19 Rather than play the legal system as a lottery game, where you
might make a killing at the expense of the one whom youve sued, this asks that you
actively bring justice into your life through your own actions.
Then he pronounced an immense judgment on all present, the kind that makes one
squirm with discomfort even when youre not sure you believe it.
What is the purpose of judgment? Do the creator beings visit us with the curses of our
lifes tragedies because they have judged us bad, and wish to punish us by making us
miserable, to emphasize our miniscule powerlessness, a measly one of six billion people
groveling on the surface of the earth? Does this make the creator beings happy? We suggest
not. We suggest that judgment, in which we are most severe with ourselves in our nightly
reviews, serves to awaken the seed of the future human being. We suggest that there is a
perfection that we sense in the future, in contrast with which we find ourselves so lacking in
the present. The creator beings see something that we cant see; they are confident in its
realization. That is also the characteristic of Saturn, this edge of the solar system so familiar
with the cosmic greatness beyond. Todays teaching reveals that Saturn can act as gateway to
the First Hierarchy (Seraphim, Cherubim, and Thrones), and beyond, to the Father/Mother
Once we become aware of this vista, we take on an immense responsibility. Jesus
uttered a terrible judgment: This generation may be charged with the blood of all the
prophets shed since the foundation of the world.20 Jesus has just said, You load people with
burdens hard to bear, and you yourselves do not lift a finger to ease them. Here is a great

The time more familiar to those who read the Bible is when Peter declared Jesus as The Christ, son of the
living God!, following which Jesus affirmed that Peter was speaking accurately (Matthew 16:13-14). At that
declaration the Sun (28 Pisces 41) was loosely square Saturn (21 Gemini 20), thus in hard aspect though wider
than the orb that we accept for this research. Saturn also was closely conjunct the Moon (20 Gemini 27). On that
day, the Moon sphere shone through; on this day the Sun sphere.
Numbers 13, 14, 15:32-36.
Luke 12:57-59.
Luke 11:50.
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burden laid by Jesus. There are two differences. The lawyers create bureaucratic burdens that
need not have existed; they do not reveal the inner work, rather they simply add distracting
outer forms and obligations. Secondly, Jesus does lift a finger to ease the burdens of others,
and that is the hint necessary to withstand such a terrible judgment.
Who can make a statement about the foundation of the world? First one might say that
only the First Hierarchy experienced the worlds foundation the Thrones, Cherubim, and,
the most exalted, the Seraphim and only they can speak about it. These are the creator
beings vast in extent (out to the circle of Saturn, whose effect we observe heightened in its
conjunction with the Sun) who have known the world since its inception. It is our hypothesis
that the Saturn beings were speaking through the thoughts, feelings, and deeds of Jesus.
Who among human beings can know the foundations of the world? Steiner explains
that initiates and seers have learned to withhold their speech, and have thus mastered the 16petalled lotus of the throat chakra. He calls this retention of the Word within the soul. Then
one can look back to the beginning of the Earth, to the creation of Earth as we know it. One
can also view ones previous lives on Earth. He recommends withholding of speech as a
practice available to everyone. If one learns to withhold the will, one can experience the time
before Earth. Thus Jesuss reference is specifically to the withholding of speech, and the
control of the head centers, in other words, mastery of the realm of manas.21
Who can hear a judgment such as this in a constructive manner? Most people concern
themselves with the issues of the present life. The more developed individual can apprehend
the life of the soul and its repeated lifetimes. Only an initiate, a very advanced individual, can
comprehend the extent of karma earned since the foundation of the world. Some of these
initiates are called prophets, who have become the messengers of the gods. Here their blood
is revealed, physical blood and the life-force of their intention. It has been shed for a long time
by the ignorant. The Greeks have a myth of the god of light coming to visit the brutish Titans
in an ancient age. The Titans tear the visitor apart and eat him. After that, the brutish simply
kill the prophets. It requires an initiate of power to encounter and master such a great karma.
One can see this whole statement either as a curse that arouses immense guilt, or as a
challenge to become a prophet oneself to redress the karma of the murdered prophets, or as a
revelation of something thought lost but now found. Yeshua speaks to the group soul of the
students of Moses, and an initiate can identify with this greater responsibility and

Rudolf Steiner, Esoteric Science and Esoteric Development Initiation, In Approaching the Mystery of Golgotha
(Great Barrington, MA: SteinerBooks, 2006, lecture of May 1, 1913), 15. Also, Steiner, The Lords Prayer, op. cit.
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possibility. For the sacrificial blood for which one can substitute soul of the ancient
prophets still lives as spiritual intention, and can be accessed in the present. One must enter
into Saturns cosmic memory and the faculty of manas to perceive and interact with this level
of revealed truth. Jesus Christ implies that he is the cosmic lawyer who can assist one to bear
these burdens. Thus the apparent curse is a gift.
On the path to the realization of the I AM, the astral body is enlightened, manas is
developed, and one finds conscience. Then one stands up for the truth. The young man is
stimulated by the pronouncement of the judgment. He becomes suddenly aware of the
foundations of the world, and is able to respond in a constructive manner, which begins with
the recognition of the divine presence before him.
Imagination 3 Severing the Essential from the Inessential
The young Pharisee could still feel the glow of his realization that he had seen a very
holy man, and perhaps the Messiah himself. He assumed that everyone would be happy to
receive such a lighted being. He was confused. The Pharisees, once his colleagues and his
mentors, showed themselves by their curses, their threats, their physical violence, and their
hysteria to be less honorable than he had supposed. He rose up from his kneeling in the center
of them, twisted out from the hands gripping his clothes, and walked swiftly away from the
synagogue. They shouted after him, but he walked on. He only knew that he wished to be
near that visitor to the synagogue. He went down to the lake and splashed water on his face.
He adjusted his clothes as best he could, though the struggles had torn them in places. He
brushed away the dust from his knees. Then he returned to the town and inquired from
people on the street the whereabouts of the one who had spoken at the synagogue.
After some searching, the young man found him, in council with his students.
Stopping outside the house, the young man asked the student watching at the door to deliver
a message that he wished to have an audience with the new teacher. The messenger came
back with an invitation to come into the house. He did so, and found Yeshua seated at the end
of a room where several dozen men and women sat snugly together cross-legged on the floor
before him. The fact that there were women in the room shocked the young man. He stood at
the back. Yeshua motioned for him to come forward, and those seated gently pressed him
forward to the front. Yeshua patiently watched him approach. When the young man stood
before him, Yeshua said, Yes, my brother? This shocked him too, to be called brother by
this man who did not know him. Sensing this, Yeshua added, You are known to me.
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This struck him as in a blow to his chest. His breath lurched. His eyes moistened.
Though confused and now trembling a bit, the young man came to his knees and said,
Master, I wish to join your students.
Yeshua responded, You wish to be near me?
Yes, with all my heart.
Good. It is not me but the divinity that lives in me that attracts you. And that divinity
you will soon find in yourself.
At first wondering if these ideas were acceptable for anyone to hold, much less to
speak, the young man simply surrendered to it, and said, Yes yes. Thats all he could say.
Yeshua said, I will ask you some things that you may find difficult.
Ask whatever you will.
You may join us on condition that you leave your father and mother, that you give all
that you own to the poor, and that you follow me wherever it takes you.
The young man looked up in amazement. He felt so dizzy, at once shocked,
disoriented, and relieved. No one had dared speak to him so warmly with such an outlandish
request, that he at once knew was completely serious.
Yeshua continued, I come not to bring a sleepy peace. I come to bring division. I bring
a sword! The young man had only known swords on the sides of soldiers or temple guards,
sometimes wielded with shouts and threats. Swords were designed to kill, though their close
cousins, knives, were essential to everyday tasks. Division, he thought, separating one thing from
another, meat from bone, one portion of cheese from another, what is gross in me from what is holy. He
imagined swords at the sides of the archangels. Yeshua continued, I come to separate
father from son, mother from daughter. Only by finding your own self will you find that
divinity. The man thought of his father, who had been amongst the group of angry
Pharisees, striking him with fists rather than listening to him. He thought of his mother, from
whom he had separated years before, but whose cooking and mending he still depended
upon. He wondered what it would be like to live without their support, as a separate self.
Yeshua asked, Will you still join me?
The young man said, Yes, completely.
Exercises 3
Who are your true parents? If you separate from your biological parents, then who are your
true parents? In matters of the spirit, do you emphasize inclusion, being nice, warmth, and
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peace? Are there times for exclusion, for cutting away excess? This is the imagination of
Saturn as cutting away, of creating strong foundations and clear boundaries of the individual
I-AM, of separating from everything that might be unessential and distracting.
Have you ever fully surrendered yourself to a principle or a person or an ideal?
Authority, when not petty and arbitrary, can take you to the author of it all, the creator,
the Father/Mother. All these themes are implicit in Saturns touch.
Commentaries 3
The sternness of Yeshuas requirements makes a modern reader wince. One wonders, Is this
for everyone or is this just for that man? In either case, it is the spirit of Saturn speaking. The
truth demands separation from the bloodline as well as the separation of the young man from
his past as a Pharisee, the cutting of the dogma-line. Blood-lines and dogma-lines are cut
away by Jesuss demand for the truth.
Peace versus Division: Jesus said that he comes not to bring peace, but division and
in one gospel the word is sword, a sharpened steel blade, an emblem of violence. 22 Here is
rigorous discernment and judgment about what is essential and what not, not lovingly
inclusive but rather cutting away all that is irrelevant, no matter what the pain. This is known
as the most severe passage in the Christian Bible, and has confused many who have assumed
that Jesus mission was all peace and love. On the day where Saturn is emphasized, Yeshuas
mission is to manifest the work of Saturn. Recall pictures of Saturn with a scythe, a blade that
cuts one thing away from another.23 The sword that brings division, even from relations that
one thought were parts of oneself this is Saturns discernment at its most painful.
Sever yourself from your physical parents in order to find the freedom to discover your
spiritual parents. The true Father/Mother live beyond the worldly. We begin to sense Thy
kingdom come, the realm of buddhi, though we will see it more plainly in the next vignette.
Imagination 4 Buddhi: Bringing Heaven to Earth
Yeshua fingered the clothing of the new student, still dressed in his finest robes. Yeshua
smiled and said, Be dressed for action and have your lamps lit.


In Matthew 10:34-39, I come to bring machaira, knife or sword, the same word as we find in Matthew 26:52,
where Yeshua says to Peter, Put your sword away into its place. In Luke 12:49-53, it is stated in a different
way, I come to bring diamerismos, disunion or division.
Excellent pictures and stories of this in David Tresemer, The Scythe Book (Chambersburg, PA: Alan Hood, 2005,
second edition).
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One student asked, What kind of action, teacher?

Yeshua explained, The master went to a wedding feast, leaving his slaves in charge of
his estate. The master did not return home until late. Some had turned out their lamps and
had fallen asleep. These he criticized strongly. The ones who waited for him, and made
themselves useful during that time, he served himself.
Served himself?
He bound up his robes around his waist and in great joy served them all that they
needed for nourishment. He then put them in charge of all his possessions, for he knew that
he could trust them. Thus, live the commandments.
Tell me, Teacher, what is the most important commandment?
There is one commandment that summarizes and includes all the rest: Listen closely.
Yeshua followed each of the next phrases with a pause. Let yourself love boundlessly the
Sun Divinity to whom you are connected. Love the Sun Divinity with all your heart. Love
with all your soul. Love with all your strength. And love with all your mind. Yeshua looked
out and saw that he had trained his students well. Each had listened closely, then grown
silent, with an expanding glow in the heart. Some had instantly given themselves to Love, to
the Sun Divinity. From others, he could perceive a rapid stream of dark bits, rising up out of
them and burning in the fire of Love. Each had created a center of Love in relation to the
divine beings of the cosmos. Each had offered the heart all of it to the sun-radiant divinity.
Each had offered the entire soul, everything that they held precious. Each had offered all of
will and strength. And each had given the entirety of the mind, all thought, all consideration.
All capacities departed, from heart to mind, and the students felt emptied, then it all flooded
back to them. As they had given everything away to divinity, they became that divinity. Each
student filled with divine light, as they identified with divinity as self.
Then he spoke gently and clearly once more, Now love your neighbor as yourself.
Instantly lines of connection went from each heart to the other hearts in the room, a multitude
of lines that shimmered, grew in number, and expanded in girth. Then these connections
exploded outward beyond the room to the world, first a few lines to ones immediate family,
and then to every other human being. The lines widened until they disappeared altogether in
a general feast of Love.
Exercises 4

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The theme of surrender returns. This time all of your soul, and all of your strength
(some passages include this as heart), and all of your mind become engulfed in love that
then flows without bounds to the divine beings that live in the Sun and stars. First you must
imagine the all of your soul, heart, and mind, not just this part or that part, but the whole.
That in itself takes you to the distant sphere of Saturn. You may find that there are bits
hanging on to the soul, heart, and mind that dont belong. Pare away to essentials, then grow
to your full spiritual size, back and forth, contraction and expansion, unveiling your buddhi
Returning to the beginning of the imagination, is there a master? How do you
remain alert, attentive, and with your lamps lit? Often Saturn is thought of as the dour
Calvinist who only judges and punishes, but here we have the notion that there can be
celebration and abundance for the one who serves the master. How does this accord with
your life?
Commentaries 4
All of your heart The summary commandment complements Yeshuas instructions
to the young man to give away everything to the poor. That done, then give away your heart,
soul, and mind to Divinity. 24 This is radical surrender reverence, devotion, and surrender. It
marks the development of the second capacity, buddhi, clarity of the etheric body and of the
feeling realm. One first looks above, and becomes one with the Sun Divinity.25 Then the love
flows out horizontally to all our neighbors. The Sun is in me and the Sun is in you: Thy
kingdom come brings heaven on earth through each one of us, and reveals that buddhi does
not only mean divine person, but also divine community. An individual who has realized
buddhi sees God in Self and in Other. All is god, and the love flows abundantly.
Be Dressed for Action and Have Your Lamps Lit: 26 The lamps can be considered
the strength of the etheric body, which must be kept lit, rather than hidden or extinguished.
Master and slave:27 When you know that you are a steward and not an owner, that is, if
Saturn guides you to responsible management, then you are a master of the phenomenal

Matthew 22:34-39, Luke 10:25-28, Mark 12:28-31. Our translation is directly from the Greek, Agahpeesees
Kyrion .
Kyrios has been translated as Lord, though its origins are from the Kyriotetes, the Spirits of Wisdom, highest
of the Second Hierarchy of angelic beings, whose home is the Sun. Though Kyrios has been degraded into Kryie,
sir or mister, as in Kyrie Smith for Mr. Smith, the original meaning points to the Sun.
Luke 12:35-48.
Luke 12:44.
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world though you do not own it. You become more of an individual, yet also someone who
owes allegiance to another greater power, to which you become very attentive. This is an
advanced Saturn teaching to the biological father one is a child, to a spiritual father one is an
adult who yet serves the father.
Imagination 5 Atma: Mercy in Action
One of Yeshuas students had wrestled with the instruction, Love your neighbor. He
could easily ray out love and light to the other seekers in the room. They were his brothers
and sisters in earnest pursuit of spiritual light. He could ray out his love to his own family.
But he had encountered difficulty beyond that. Some neighbors were easy to like, and some
quite objectionable. He raised his hand, and asked, Teacher, tell me: Who is my neighbor?
Yeshua replied, A man was walking along the northern road from Jerusalem to
Jericho. The student knew this dry and windy road, the one that twisted and turned its way
through craggy rocks down from the height of Jerusalem toward the Jordan River. The road
had been named The Path of the Bloody, and got its name because thieves and outlaws could
easily hide amongst the rocks. Passersby would suddenly find themselves showered with
stones, as if from nowhere, and attacked by men who took their possessions, and sometimes
beat them. The whole audience knew that road, and murmured their concern, glancing at
each other and nodding their heads.
The hour was late and the man hurried along. The audience began to squirm,
knowing what would happen next. Why had that man been out so late? What great need
pressured him to go on that treacherous road at the worst time of day, when robbers could
easily lurk in the deepening shadows?
The man was beset by bandits, rushing out from behind the rocks. They stripped the
poor man of his clothes, and beat him senseless. Then they left him to lie on the side of the
road, bleeding and unconscious. Heads nodded, in agreement that this was a very
dangerous part of the world, in which no one could be trusted.
Yeshua continued, A rabbi came along that road and saw the bloodied man. Perhaps,
the student wondered, this rabbi would help the wounded man. Yeshua said, The rabbi
hastened his step and walked past, looking to one side and to the other. The listeners felt the
conflict in the rabbi, and understood his decision to watch out for his own safety. They saw
him fingering the fringe of his garment, calling on the power of the prayers he had stored up
in the tassels and fringe.
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A Pharisee also came along. Surely, the student thought, this is the point of the story.
A rabbi was a learned man, respected for his devotion to knowledge. A Pharisee, however,
was zealous in his faith, keeping close to the six hundred and thirteen rules of the Torah in
every detail. The student, and the whole audience, assumed that the point of the story was
that the righteous man would assist the needy one.
Yeshua continued, The Pharisee saw the bloody body, crossed to the other side of the
road, and hurried his step past that part of the road.
The audience was perplexed. Who could meet the needs of the wounded man? Would
he just die there in the growing darkness?
Yeshua continued, Then a man from Samaria came.
He paused as his listeners thought about the Samaritans. When Sargon had killed and
deported most of the Jews seven centuries previously, foreigners had come in to settle the
depopulated lands. These were the Samaritans. Even though the previous owners of the land
had been killed or deported, and the farms were empty and uncared for, the newcomers were
looked upon as squatters and thieves. The Samaritans revered the Torah, but they did it in a
very different way, rejecting the Temple and all of Jerusalem in favor of Mount Gerizim. Some
years ago, they had scattered bones in the great Temple to defile it, which outraged the Jews.
Thus all good Jews hated Samaritans. The listeners expected that Yeshua felt the same. They
expected that the story could only show the Samaritan passing by the wounded man, or quite
possibly abusing him further.
The Samaritan went to the wounded man, and felt pity upon him. The Samaritan
lifted him up to comfort him. There was an involuntary gasp from the listeners. The
Samaritan gave the wounded man from his own water and food. He bathed the mans
wounds in wine and oil, and tore cloth from his own cloak to bandage the wounds. He
clothed the man and set the man on his own donkey. The audience imagined how
challenging it would be to lift an unconscious man up onto a donkey, then secure him there.
Yeshua continued: The Samaritan took him to an inn out of dangers way, in the
valley toward Jericho. There he entrusted the wounded man to the innkeeper. In recompense
for the care that the innkeeper would give the man, the Samaritan paid in silver the equivalent
of two full days wages for laborers. The payment was meant to cover the mans room and
board during the time necessary for his recovery. The Samaritan said that he would return in
some days to pay for any additional expenses should the silver prove inadequate. He did not
leave his name with the innkeeper.
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Yeshua paused again to let the audience feel the extent of the caring, and then asked,
Which of these men was a neighbor to the man who had fallen victim to the robbers?
The student responded, The one who showed him mercy.
Yes. Go and do likewise.

Commentaries 5
The Good Samaritan risked ritual impurity, his life, and his resources to aid another human
being in need.28 The Samaritan was color-blind, that is, did not notice the blood differences,
the ethnic differences, and the dogma differences between himself and another human being.
This defines buddhi. Thy kingdom come. However, his realization was not only in his heart
but in his actions. The fact that the place was dangerous made the good mans help seem even
greater.29 He was working on the development of the third potential capacity of the human
being, atma, the perfection of will and deeds in the world, and the mastery of the physical
body. Thy will be done. He had identified with the Father/Mother, and was doing the work
of the Father/Mother. This story affirmed that we are here to act in compassion for our
neighbor, not to reject the world or to fantasize about exiting from it.
A days wage was a silver coin, a denarius. The Samaritan paid twice that amount,
certainly more than the minimum necessary, saying that he was willing to come back and pay
more. In the realm of divine will, you do your part. You do not do it all. You also trust others
the Samaritan trusting the innkeeper to do his part. Everybody doing his or her part
affirms that there is a larger community of helpers. This story gives us a look into the
kingdom of heaven. The two phrases of buddhi and atma go together: Thy kingdom come,
thy will be done. Here then is the human will proving itself worthy of its divine origin and
General Commentary: Manas, Buddhi, Atma: The Staircase to Heaven
Steiner spoke about the beginning of the Father/Mother Prayer as mounting the
staircase to heaven. We have seen this progression in the teachings of this day, where Saturn
aligned with the Sun in the life of Christ Jesus.


Luke 10:25-37.
Anne Catherine Emmerich speaks of this road as The Path of the Bloody, The Red, giving us an insight into
its reputation.


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First, hallowed be thy name manas, power of name as healing of astral body, the
discovery of the name of Yeshua by the young man through enlightened perception and
thinking. If you think, our father, hallowed be thy name, then you are opening to devotion,
to the vastness of the divine. You cant go up the staircase unless your soul enters into the
reverence and surrender of devotion. You have to bow down in order to ascend, as did the
young man. Then you discover, there is a name Divinity has a name! Divinity is not
nameless and hidden. You can find the name, and hallow it. As we cant come to the Father
except through the Son,30 then we have to enter into our own name, which means to ask
ourselves, who is the I-AM? I am in a family of spirits whose legacy is to know and say IAM. There are seven aspects of I-AM, revealed by the seven sayings of Yeshua from I am
the true vine to I am the resurrection and the light. This is true of all who can say I am!,
and is founded on the original, The I-AM is the I-AM, eyieh asher eyieh, that Divinity speaks
to Moses.31 You must go to the one whose selfhood is dispersed through all of creation, whose
name is found in everything, who can only be accessed through a true experience of your own
I-AM. That is the door through which you can hallow.32
What does the illumined young man see? Perhaps he sees his own angel, the bearer of
his I AM. From one point of view, your angel is your higher self. You see the angel, then
aspire to be like the angel. Then you can ask, Whom does my angel aspire to be? Each being
in all of creation is aspiring to unite with a more refined servant of the Father. This is the
organizing principle of the cosmos. The illumined young man takes an important step onto
this staircase. He gets the sense of the name. He recognizes a higher I, which invites him to
step up into the heavens and to begin to sense the kingdom.
Thy kingdom come means we realize that we are connected to everything, and the
common factor is love, buddhi. From a boundless love for, and identification with, Divinity,
we love all of creation. The concise Hindu phrase, Thou art that (Tat tvam asi), when
realized, means, I realize that I am part of everything and everything is part of me. We love
boundlessly (agape). All our heart, mind, and soul becomes love. It is eashy then to love ones
neighbor because one feels the continuity of all existence the kingdom of heaven is here on
earth! This delivers one up the staircase to the third stage, the stage of action.

John 14:6.
Exodus 3:13-14.
Hallow is a fine word here, from the root word that also leads to whole, health, and heal. Halloween
means the evening of the holy, that is, the evening before All Saints Day on November 1. The Aramaic has the
root qadash, related to the Hebrew kadosh Holy! the celebration of Divinity uttered in awe by those less
developed, be they humans or angels.

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The Samaritan acts. He bends down and lifts the man, bows down in service to the
other, whom he realizes is his neighbor, and thus is himself.33 The one who has developed
atma asks, What can I do for you? This is a step beyond Parsifals discovery of the right
question, What ails thee, uncle?, which is more an accomplishment of buddhi.34 At the atma
stage, one serves the other, not just recognizes the other. Becoming a true neighbor is the key
of this mystic Sanskrit word, atma. The Samaritan was a good neighbor. How was the
wounded man a neighbor to the Samaritan? What was the wounded mans gift to the traveler
at that moment? This contemplation of the story becomes more grounded for us when we
hear Anne Catherine Emmerichs statement that the Samaritans deed was not fiction, but
actually occurred: Thy will be done on the earth as it is in the heavens, not only as an
imagination but as action in the world.
A quick rule of thumb can also help us understand these three levels of the staircase to
heaven. When I emphasize my own self development, and decide to take myself my Self
seriously, I begin to develop manas, meeting divinity through my realization of the I-AM, the
name of divinity in me. I affirm in gratitude that my I-AM was heaven-sent, that I am
important, and begin to take my spiritual growth more seriously.
To master buddhi, I begin to realize, you are just as important as I am. This is the
basis of a social contract.
To master atma, I must come to realize, you are more important than I am. Thats
how it looks to observers on the outside. On the inside, it feels differently: I am here to serve
you because thats my part in the whole. I feel that I touch the true truth when my will serves
others. On the outside it appears that the other is given more attention than the self. Even in
peril on that dangerous road, The Path of the Bloody, I see the need of the other, who is also
me. This is not taking on a mantle of altruism as a personality style. It doesnt feel like a choice
of the other over oneself when one perceives the other as another aspect of the same vibratory
creation, and acts on that intuition.
In the medieval argument about whether faith or works is more important, one can see
that faith is about the name or manas, and works is about divine will or atma. The bridge is

Mother Teresa (born August 27, 1910) bent over and lifted up too, one person at a time. Her birth Sun (10 Leo)
is trine to Saturn (13 Aries). Her death Saturn (24 Pisces) opposes Moon and Venus (28 Virgo) at Spica, the star of
the divine feminine.
Parsifals tale is full of action, some to serve others (thy will be done) and some misguided (for example, the
fight between the two brothers, Parsifal and Fierefiz, because they didnt recognize each other). At the
culmination of the tale, Parsifals action is to ask the right question, which indicates that he has opened his
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love, buddhi. The Saturn contemplation on this day in the life of the incarnate Sun being takes
us to all three levels, manas, buddhi, and atma, and characterizes the path toward divine

Transiting Saturn and Sun opposition.35

On November 30, AD 29, Saturn and Sun were opposed. This marked the end of the
forty days in the wilderness, in which he had endured temptations day by day, culminating in
three great temptations in the last three days. This Saturn-Sun day included the last
temptation and the celebration by the angels afterwards. (More about the Temptations in the
Pluto paper.)
The celebration included a decoration of the grotto by angels, with ivy vines twining
up around the bare dry rocks, and flowers blooming in the desert. A large table appeared
filled with spiritual food, artfully presented. To fanfare and praise, the angels and Jesus
partook of the heavenly fare.36 Let it not be said that Saturn is always dour, only the bringer of
the pain of trials. When the trial is completed, and praise is earned, it is given fully.37
Celebration is not playing hooky. Celebration can be real, part of the natural cycle of
things: a plants blossom is a celebration of the light. Its fruitfulness is a celebratory offering to
the community. A tree laden with fruit is a festive offering, a celebration of life-force.
Whom did the celebration serve? It served Yeshua but it also served the angels. For
Yeshua could say, in another place, I have food to eat that ye know not of.38 He is sustained
by spiritual nourishment. His doing the will of the Father is the feast that he enjoyed atma.
Yet Anne Catherine Emmerich describes that the angels feasted also. Of course! They
observed a being more developed than they were serving the Father, and the success of this
showers all the other realms of angels with the fruits of victory. The Angels (and Archangels,
Archai, Exusiae, and Dynamis, all of whom were less developed than the Sun Being in their
midst) feasted. Thus atma feeds everyone and everything, with whom one has identified. The
celestial feast at the end of the Temptations is a lofty picture that balances the story of the


On December 28, AD 31, there was no information, and on January 10, AD 33, only a brief mention of where
Jesus taught.
ACE II 17-19.
At the third temptation, the Sun conjuncted Pluto exactly. The Sun had moved off of the conjunction to an
exact opposition to Saturn at the completion and celebration.
John 4:34.
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deed at the side of the road with a wounded man who needs care and nourishment to become
what he must become.39
Jesus then journeyed back across the Jordan River near to John the Baptist, who
proclaimed when he saw Jesus (as it turns out, for the last time), Behold the Lamb of God,
who takes away the sins of the world! As with the young man seeing the truth, here is a
revelation of a great spiritual truth. The truth the true truth is Saturns signature. Here we
have also the notion of feeding to the hearers a powerful image that feeds the soul.
On December 14, AD 30,40 Jesus visited for the only time the mountain town of spiritual
lawyers, the teaching center of the Rules-and-Regulations Police, the City of Law Saphet,
also spelled Zefat or Tsfat the place where the disciple Thomas had been a student of
spiritual law. One might say that this was the town (and still is) where Saturn ought to rule. In
that place, there is a most interesting encounter with a new set of Pharisees. Jesus announces
the chastisement of God upon all that would not profit by [Jesuss] exhortations to penance.
He contrasted the True Law with the law of yesterday that the Pharisees study. The
Pharisees replied with the same critiques made in Imagination 2. Jesus in turn criticized them
for their arbitrary severity they punished the servers at meals for the slightest stain upon the
dishes served up. Jesus also affirmed, whoever does the will of the Father is the son of the
Father, the true test of spiritual ancestry. To translate, whoever realizes atma has also
realized universal love, buddhi.
Yeshua distinguished between divine judgment and human judgment. Divine
judgment addresses destiny and karma. One can accept pain and trial and testing when it
comes from Divinity, because the will of the divine leads to a fruition of soul. It could be
Saturns gift of karma even to be weak and sick and in pain, depending entirely on what you
do with it.
At one point, the Pharisees, worked into a frenzy of criticism, circled Jesus. Jesus began
to write on a wall in a script that only these learned men could understand. It revealed the
secrets that they were hiding, about how they had embezzled funds from a trust for widows
and orphans, to redirect these funds to the building of glorious buildings in which they
studied. He asked them if they would like to leave this writing on the wall or would they
prefer to rub it out, and then stop harassing him so that he could converse with the people.


The Feeding of the 5000 was one of several such feedings of many in ACE, of 2000, 3000, 4000, 5000, and even
at one point 12000. They are all invitations to the fruits of the kingdom.
ACE III 103-108.
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Incensed, yet silenced, they rubbed out the words and went away.41 Note the themes of
revelation of the truth, and the sense of judgment, and the knowing of intimate details about
ones souls karma that is carried by Jesus in relation to the beings of Saturn. We must develop
our manas quality, our relationship with truth, so that we prepare in this lifetime the
foundation for what we may express in our next lifetime.42

Transiting Saturn and Sun square43

On September 5, AD 29, Jesus preached about the laxity that caused Lot and his wife to
be turned into pillars of salt, the only time that this is mentioned in the four volumes of Anne
Catherine Emmerich, an interesting detail because of Saturns association in alchemy with
On September 19, AD 30, Jesus wrote in the earth signs for the deaf and dumb about
God. This echoes the writing in the earth at the Sun-Saturn opposition. Saturns true truth is
inscribed deeply into matter, into our bones, into our faces. Then he cured the deaf and dumb.
At a feast, there were people who had sworn not to eat fruit of the vine, and extended
this to the plump grapes freshly harvested. Jesus challenged their abstinence against eating
the new autumn fruits. He ordered them to eat the grapes.
On March 11, AD 31, Jesus called the Pharisees children of the father of lies. From
anthroposophy, we understand the master of lies to be Lucifer in his fallen aspect, the one
who has even created a belt of lies around the earth that obscures the true meaning of
celestial dynamics from human beings. He further said the Pharisees were murderers who
ought to be condemned, which we saw earlier in Imagination 2, at the conjunction of Sun and
He had never before attacked his aggressors so boldly.45 Aggression may be more of
Mars realm, but when done in righteousness, to bring to the surface the underlying truth, it is
Saturns. Here we have it at an extreme, continuing the extremes of forcefulness and severity
from Imagination 2.

The more famous instance of Jesus inscribing words into an earthy substance, and then sharing these with
those who would stone a woman to death (John 8:1-11), occurs in a gap in the ACE material (from July 31 to May
32). If we assumed that we might likewise find a Saturn-Sun opposition for that event, then we could set the date
for the defense of the adulteress as December 28-29, AD 31.
Rudolf Steiner, Occult Science, op. cit.
For October 4, AD 31, March 24, AD 32, and October 17, AD 32, we have no information.
ACE I 362-364.
ACE III 259. March 24, AD 32, also an applying square, is in a long gap, and we have no information about this
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The last square came at a powerful time, April 8, AD 33, three days after the
resurrection.46 One can piece together some of the things happening in the first week after the
resurrection. One of the themes that occured during this time relates to Mary Magdalene,
who, according to Anne Catherine, was above all fear. She took no rest, but often left the
house, hurried through the streets with streaming hair, and wherever she found listeners,
whether in their homes or in public places, she accused them as the murderers of the Lord,
vehemently recounting all they had done to the saviour, and announcing to them His
Resurrection.47 Mary had gone beyond fear, often mentioned as a trait of Saturn, and beyond
the deep essential fear that plagues humanity. She spoke as a voice of conscience to others
about the great responsibility they had taken upon themselves in killing a prophet, a theme
from Imagination 2.

Historical Personalities and Events

Conjunction: We chose the closest, all within a few minutes of exact conjunction:
* W. Somerset Maugham, born January 25, 1874, in whose works you can read about his
challenging childhood. His most famous book, Of Human Bondage, begins in a Saturn mood,
The day broke grey and dull. The clouds hung heavily, and there was a rawness in the air
that suggested snow. At the end of the short first chapter, his mother dies of consumption.
Then his father dies of cancer. The boy goes to live with his uncle who proves cold and cruel.
The tragedies continue. In a preface to the book, he referred to the pain and unhappy
recollections that had tormented me. The faculty of memory was particularly strong in him,
a memory for harsh realities. He wrote about authors: Their aim is perfection and they are
wretchedly aware that they have not attained it.48 Saturn left his mark in him from birth.
* Max Stirner, born October 25, 1806, a German philosopher, advocated non-dogmatic openminded engagement with the world as it is. He rejected any forms, including institutions,
and the nation state. Here is a quote from his book, The Ego and Its Own (p. 15), which you can
evaluate in terms of the last temptation of Jesus:
In the time of spirits thoughts grew till they overtopped my head, whose offspring
they yet were; they hovered about me and convulsed me like fever-phantasies -- an
awful power. The thoughts had become corporeal on their own account, were
ghosts, e. g. God, Emperor, Pope, Fatherland, etc. If I destroy their corporeity, then

This is a time described in great detail in Anne Catherine Emmerich, though not included in Powells Chronicle.
ACE IV 387.
W. Somerset Maugham, Of Human Bondage (London: Mardein, 1990, initially 1915), Preface and chapter 1,
though we ought to note that the last four words of the book are the sun was shining.

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I take them back into mine, and say: I alone am corporeal. And now I take the
world as what it is to me, as mine, as my property; I refer all to myself.
He cut away the dogma stream. He rejected all isms, such as capitalism, but he also rejected
all anti-isms, such as hedonism, and anarchism. He found truth only in his existential core. He
cut through the belt of lies to concentrate on his own bodily existence, and his responsibility
for all that had issued from him. Only this had reality for him.
* Marc Chagall, born July 7, 1887, a painter of lifes joys and trials, a seer into spirit realms
who put his discoveries into immense stained glass windows and paintings, someone who
could climb the staircase to heaven, indeed often showing his subjects as floating higher and
higher up into imaginary realms. His depiction of the crucifixion shows the vertical post as a
stream of light connecting the lower realms with the heavens.49
* Event: Looking at two hundred important events in history for which we have exact dates,
when Saturn and Sun were conjunct, Michael Faraday discovered electromagnetism and
invented the electrical transformer on August 29, 1831, at 2 PM.50 Here we have the elements
of an iron magnet, a cylinder around which are tightly wound many rounds of copper wire,
and movement thus creating an electric current. From this experiment came the electrical
motor powered by electricity, and the dynamo that creates electricity, foundations for power
in our modern world. Electricity and magnetism are named by Steiner as sub-earthly forces,
the first being fallen light, and the second fallen sound. They are best left down under matter,
or used sparingly for human culture. They are often associated with Uranus and Neptune, but
here we see that Saturn is involved. If you have ever had an electric shock, you know that
these are no-nonsense powers. The electricity has been generated by a descendent of
Faradays discovery whirring in some distant place, the working of magnets and coils of wire
has seized your muscles and perhaps stopped your heart. Our contemplation of electricity
reveals that electricity and magnetism, though apparently expansive, are made of severely
contracted concentrations of the natural powers in Nature, powers that are more healthily
dispersed. Electricity has become a sovereign power to which we do obeisance. Disguised as a
servant that makes possible labor-saving devices, we cannot now imagine doing without it,
and have wholly surrendered to it. Thus in this invention, something of Saturns effect can be


See The White Crucifixion, painted in 1938, now at the Art Institute of Chicago, and also The Yellow Crucifixion,
painted in 1943, now at the National Museum of Modern Art (Pompidou), Paris.
Sun at 13 Leo 3 and Saturn at 12 Leo 48. This event was traced to an exact time by Nick Kollerstrom and M.
ONeill, The Eureka Effect (London: Urania Trust, 1996).
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sensed. This discovery was inspired by the will to have power over the world, to open up the
secrets of matter to serve earthly power.
Opposition: Here are the closest, within minutes of exact opposition:
* Father Sergei Bulgakov, born June 16, 1871 (Julian), has been termed Russias greatest 20thcentury theologian. He had grand insights into the truth of Jesus, Mary, and John. He termed
it differently, for example, when the Holy Spirit came to dwell in the Virgin Mary, she
acquired a dyadic life, human and divine; that is, She was completely deified, because in Her
hypostatic being was manifest the living, creative revelation of the Holy Spirit. He was
criticized, even declared a heretic by some officials in the church. He did not maintain the
dogma-line, but stood by his own spiritual inspirations.
* Rudolf Steiner was born with Sun opposed Saturn.51 He took the Saturn mission of teaching
about the spiritual foundations of the manifest world, moreso than other philosophers. He
emphasized karma and reincarnation, very Saturnian issues. He had a first-hand experience
of the stairway to heaven, and was a forerunner in the development of manas, buddhi, and
* Event: The nuclear reaction experiment led by Enrico Fermi and Leo Szilard, on December 2,
1942, just after 3 PM.53 Saturn opposed the Sun, as Szilard and Fermi bombarded radioactive
uranium with neutrons, and created a self-sustaining reaction. This only worked when they
encased the uranium in carbon to slow down the neutrons only by constraining the neutrons
by density, a Saturn theme, could they create the conditions where the neutrons decreased in
velocity and increased in size, thus making a hit to a neighboring nucleus more likely. They
werent sure, going into the experiment, if the runaway reaction might engulf not only the
uranium but continue until it consumed the whole world. After the experiment was over, they
knew that a bomb was possible. Even considering the motivation to develop something
decisive to assist the Allies in the middle of World War II, their uncertainty about the outcome
seems astonishingly reckless behavior. They were ready to unleash all of the binding energy
of the Seraphim, the Spirits of Love who reside within the sphere of Saturn. Nuclear energy is
possibly the third of the three sub-earthly forces mentioned by Steiner, and, along with

Steiners Sun was at 14 Aquarius 33 and Saturn at 13 Leo 14, that is one degree and 19 minutes apart, further
apart than our other examples, though any astrologer reading his chart would say that the opposition was close.
We mention him because we continue to quote him about the importance of Saturn.
Much more about Rudolf Steiner seen astrologically can be found in David Tresemer with Robert
Schiappacasse, Star Wisdom & Rudolf Steiner (New York: Steiner Books, 2007).
Sun at 16 Scorpio 5 and Saturn at 15 Taurus 1.
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Faradays key discovery about electricity and magnetism, took place under the influence of
Saturn. Note the theme of contraction to constrain neutrons, similar to the tightly wound coils
of copper by Faraday. Restriction, limitation, and inhibition can be put to good use, however,
as in restricting ones instinct to flee the Path of the Bloody (the road upon which the Good
Samaritan found the wounded man).
Square: The closest squares:
* Fidel Castro, born August 13, 1926, a man with perseverance for his views beyond any
normal limits, who remained strong through the Bay of Pigs invasion, the Cuban Missile
crisis, the continuing embargo by the United States, and 638 attempts to assassinate him.
There is even a documentary movie about these attempts to murder him.54 Did Saturn come to
his aid during these trials? Was there born in him a fidel-ity characterized by his faithfulness
to an ideal?
* Thomas Robert Malthus, born February 17, 1766. Though a pastor in the Church of England,
he had the courage to write in 1798, An Essay on the Theory of Population, wherein he proposed
for the first time that unbridled expansion (what one might term a Jupiterian view) had its
limits (Saturns sobriety), in history and most definitely in the future. To speak of limits and
responsibility was not popular then nor is it now. Whenever you see a modern reference to
Malthus or Malthusian, you could easily insert Saturn or Saturnian.
Malthus went beyond this, into what we could call the realm of atma. Here is a passage
from Chapter 19 that tells us how attuned he was to the being of Saturn, the first sentence
reminding us very much of the tale of the Good Samaritan:
Evil exists in the world not to create despair but activity. We are not patiently to
submit to it, but to exert ourselves to avoid it. It is not only the interest but the duty of
every individual to use his utmost efforts to remove evil from himself and from as
large a circle as he can influence, and the more he exercises himself in this duty the
more he will probably improve and exalt his own mind and the more completely
does he appear to fulfill the will of his Creator.
Here Malthus encourages action against evil, that is, the development of atma, the will of his
Creator. He suggested that we strive to be perfect as your Father in heaven is perfect.55
* Oprah Winfrey, born January 29, 1954, the wealthiest black woman ever, an astonishing
force in political and cultural life. Her choice of a book will take it to the New York Times

638 Ways to Kill Castro, Channel 4 documentary, 2006, available on DVD (a little more recent than the book,
634 Ways to Kill Fidel Castro).
Matthew 5:48.
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bestseller list. She has pulled herself through dysfunction in her family, sexual abuse as a
young girl, and created a media empire promoting herself and her charitable activities that
has become a model for others. This is an interesting individual to watch, to see how she has
realized the stairway of manas, buddhi, and atma.
Thus Saturn reveals itself in the life of Christ Jesus, in the lives of those born with conjunction,
opposition, or square between Sun and Saturn, and in historical events. One can look for
themes of the development of manas the true name revealed to ones perceiving thinking
imagination, of buddhi liberation of the feeling realm in the realization of the Divine
kingdom, and of atma the divine will becoming active in the individual. These are set in the
formulas of the Father/Mother prayer Father/Mother, hallowed be thy name thy
kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Study the human beings
and events mentioned here for the hallmarks of Saturn. Then return to the stories the
imaginations for situations and questions that you can relate to your own life, and you
will have an entre to the great being of Saturn.


In our previous article, we looked at the signature of Pluto.56 We will use the same
assumptions here:
1. The hermetic archetype is As above, so below.
2. The events of the life of Jesus Christ reveal the phenomena of celestial activity. By working
with the celestial alignments, the Christed Jesus manifests the underlying dynamics of the
heavens in human words and deeds.57 Rudolf Steiner confirmed this approach: In Palestine
during the time that Jesus of Nazareth walked on Earth as Christ Jesus during the three
years of his life, from his thirtieth to his thirty-third year the entire being of the Cosmic
Christ was acting uninterruptedly upon him, and was working into him. The Christ stood
always under the influence of the entire cosmos; he made no step without this working of the
cosmic forces into and in him. It was always in accordance with the collective being of the
whole universe with whom the Earth is in harmony, that all which Christ Jesus did took

Signature of Pluto in the Events of Christ Jesus Life, Historical Personalities, and Modern Events, by David
Tresemer and Robert Schiappacasse, Christian Star Calendar 2008 (San Rafael: Sophia Foundation, 2007), 25-35.
References come from The Life of Jesus Christ and Biblical Revelations by Anne Catherine Emmerich, op. cit.,
which have been given dates in Chronicle of the Living Christ, by Robert Powell (Hudson, NY: Anthroposophic
Press, 1996, hereafter Chronicle), including Powells references to the relevant Christian Bible passages. This is
described in Star Wisdom and Rudolf Steiner, op. cit., Appendix A.
Rudolf Steiner, Spiritual Guidance of the Individual and Humanity (Great Barrington, MA: Steiner Books, 1992), 28.
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3. The Sun acts to focus a planets effect. Thus a planet in prominent or hard aspect
(conjunction, opposition, and square) with the Sun will reveal in world events including
births of individuals the nature of that planets character. In a short period, such as the
ministry of Christ Jesus, we look at a planet and Sun moving in relation to each other. In a
longer span of time, such as an individuals life, the four transits each year of the Sun over one
of these hard angles gives us too much information. Then we can look at the transiting planet
(in this instance, Saturn) in hard aspect to the Birth-Sun position.
4. The events observed in certain alignments and under certain influences reveal a quality or a
tendency. The transits of planets with the Sun are not determinative of behavior, though
behavior may show the effects of this connection. It is most healthy to view the celestial
dynamics as creating opportunities for certain behaviors and expressions, that is, a kind of
jump-start or nudge toward certain behavior and expressions. We cannot say, Saturn made
me do it, or Saturn made her do it. We can say that the celestial event joins a matrix of
correlated phenomena, all complicatedly interwoven, each a cause and each an effect of the
5. Our approach of astrosophy considers the heavens sidereally, that is, with planets in
relation to the astronomical locations of stars, rather than tropically (a seasonal calendar).
More detail can be found in Star Wisdom and Rudolf Steiner. However, this paper views only
Saturn-Sun aspects, so determining the superiority of sidereal vs. tropical is unnecessary.
6. Our dataset of Historical Personalities is made up of about 3000 births and as many deaths
of human beings known for their lives, either in politics, science, music, crime, or other
human behavior. We also have about 200 important historical events whose date can be set.
Our notion is that a birth in hard aspect between the Sun and a planet marks the life or event
with the imprint of the planet.

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2012, all rights reserved,

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