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Da Burg Dread

Dreadnaught Tournament
WHEN 2016
Where: Cards

and Beyond inside of

Sandburg Mall, Galesburg, I.L.

phone # for reservations: 309-341-4263

Entry Fee: $15.00

1. No arguing, foul language, or malicious gestures will be tolerated. We have officials who are
volunteering their time to help settle any debates/disputes that may arise. (Wez' Ere Ta Nok Ead's
on Da Feeld! Not N Da BuKs!)
2. No Cheating. We are all prone to mistakes and misinterpretations (that's what the officials are
for), but anyone proven to be intentionally breaking rules will be subject to removal from the
tournament. (Wez' Dun Like Ta Haf Ta! But Wez' Gotz Ta Du, Wat Wez' Gots Ta!)
3. Please roll your dice where the other players can see them clearly as to not cause any
4. Please bring at least 2 copies of your army list. One will be for the officials at registration and
one for your opponents to be able to look over.
5. Last, but most importantly! HAVE FUN!!! (Wez' Ere Fur Tails O Batel An Blud Ta Telz Ar
Grotz Bak N Da Shak!).

1. Every Person shall have a Dreadnaught which will have the same stats regardless of the model
you are using. Remember though, it cannot be smaller than a Space Marine Dreadnaught. It can
be taller, but not shorter.

The stats will be:



6/10 12 12 10 6

2. Weapon arms will be either an Auto Cannon, Assault Cannon, or a Multi-Melta. The Dread
Close Combat arm will have a Dread Power Fist with a Stormbolter.
A. All rolls on the PEN table will be at a-1. You still get to add in your modifiers for
AP 2 and AP1.
3. The owning Person may choose to replace the C.C. arm with another weapon that matches the
other weapon arm. Or, they can replaced the weapon are with a Dread Power Fist with a
4. During a Game, if you so desire, you may sacrifice a Hull Point to repair an Arm or Legs
(Immobilized). If you do so, And both arms and legs are out, your count of turns for the Black
Knight Award restart. This does not award anyone, to include the owning player, a Victory Point.
5. All Dreads have a 12 move.
6. The games will be played on 4 X 4 boards and will have no less than two persons and no
more than 4 persons competing.
7. Players will roll dice to determine who will be on what boards. The highest 4 (to include ties
on the dice) will play at table one, the nest 4 highest will play on table two, and so forth and so
on. For Game 2, the highest rollers will move to table two and the next to table three, so forth
and so on.
8. Each table will have its own set of dice, that will stay at that table, so you can blame others at
the table for bad dice rolls.
9. Game turns will be seven (7) turns long, or one (1) hour in length, or until there is only one
(1) Dread standing, or none of the remaining Dreads can hurt one another.
A. There could conceiveablely be two Dreads left that are both Immobilized and do not
have LOS to one another.
10. Placement on the board: Each player will roll a D6. 1-4 will correspond to one of the 4
quarters of the 4 X 4 board. 5-6 will the center of the board. Scatter dice will then be rolled and
the Dread will scatter the dice in inches even if a dead on is rolled.

House Rules:
1. Ruins: standard 7th ed rules.
2. Area Terrain: 5+ cover save. Area cover will be hills, treed areas, crops (looks like carpet).
3. After the objective markers are place roll 1d6 the objective marker with the number rolled is
worth 3 victory points to controlling player at end of game.
4. No mysterious objectives.
5. Exploded vehicles leave a crater or some suitable difficult terrain (what was GW thinking?)

5. If you cannot complete a Tactical Objective card you have just drawn (ex. Kill a Psyker and
there are no enemy Psykers in your opponents list), you can immediately discard that card and
draw another.
6. If you cannot finish a round with both players having had their complete turns, then you must
revert back to the prior rounds score tally for game results.

Battle Points will be gained each game by the following process. In each game, you will keep
track of how many Hull Points (HP) you remove from the other Dreads on your table. This will
be your Battle Points for that game. Your Battle Points will be added up after each game. The
person who has the highest amount of Battle Points at the end of five (5) games will be the
winner. For example: Players A, B, and C are fighting on Table 1. Dread A takes away 5 HP
rom Dread C, Dread C takes away 2 HP from Dread A and 3 HP from Dread B. Dread B takes
1HP from Dread C. The Points for the game would be: A-5, C-5, B-1.

1. One Dreadnaught equivalent.


Models only need to be painted if they are to be entered into the PAINTING
Competition (of courses!!!)

0920 0950am Registration. ($15.00 entrance Fee)
0950 1000am *Opening Remarks, Event Briefing.
100 1100am
1100 - 1115

Game 1.

1115 - 1215pm Game 2.

1215 - 1245pm Lunch and Painting Competition
1245 - 1250pm Roll Dice for tables
1250 150pm
150 2pm
2 - 3pm
3 415pm
415 515pm

Game 3.
Game 4.
Game 5

515 530pm Totaling of points, arranging of awards, and *closing remarks.

*Opening and Closing Remarks will be given by the Store Owner and or Officials.

1st Place, Team: 45%
2nd Place Team: 20%
Best Painted Army: 20% (to be judged by all players, instructions will be provided
on the day of the Tourney)
Best Sportsman Award: 15%
The Black Knight: The Dread that has spent the most rounds Immobilized and
(Awards to be given out in the form of redeemable certificates at Cards and Beyond. If there is
something you want redeem for, that is not in stock, the store owners will try to accommodate a
postal reroute to your address if possible.)

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