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Final Conclusions working group 6: Climate

Change and Migrations
April 30, 2010 in 06. Climate Migrants, Working Groups

CONTEXT: Causes and consequences of climatic migration

Climatic migrations happen in the context of the developmental pattern associated with the
capitalist system. In one hand, this pattern enables the states and transtantional entities to
overexploit natural resources and to degrade the environment, forcing persons and families to
emigrate. A good example of this situation are massive projects that utilize basic resources like
soil, fauna, and local flora (like mining and dams), and that happen with the permission of

Several different places of the planet are turning into ejecting zones as a consequence of climate
change, this situation forces the displacement of people because of the shortages in the regular
supply of food and water, as well as the increase in the frequency and severity of floods, or
storms, or on the contrary of droughts.

In the other hand, de developmental pattern of capitalism is benefited by the overexploitation of

immigrant labour. Even though this overexploitation situation is shared by the economically
impulsed immigrants, those who we would consider climatic immigrants are a byproduct of the
degradation of the planet, situation that forces them to look for new places to live. Among the
main environmental causes that determine migration we find: climate change (desertification,
deforestation, soil degradation, water contamination, hurricanes or floods) and human-generated
disasters (industrial accidents, radioactivity and many others)

Both situations imply violations to human rights of migrant people, and the worsening of
inequity; mainly in the southern countries; their population is forced to move with dramatic
impacts in the environment in the places that receive them too, closing a mean rights violation

First of all, people’s right not to migrate and to stay in their own territory is being violated, hence
the fact that degradation of their own territories is generating the abandonment of rural
communities, where occasionally only elders are left. Second, in the cities, the ones that migrated
rely on low wages and exploitation conditions, with their right to a dignifying job violated,
making the poverty levels even worse and therefore denying the access to basic rights like
household, health and education. This reality is most times boosted by persons trafficking
networks, which can turn people into merchandise. Third, through the militarization of borders,
and the criminalization of migrants, abuses against them are institutionalized and high levels of
discrimination are generated, this as a matter of fact, eventually turns into another obstacle for
the access to all of their rights. Fourth and last, the developmental pattern of capitalism, is
imposing migration to people from their own land, this violates the basic right to move freely.
At a global scale, migration that is imposed by climate causes increases the pressure over basic
services, damaging economic growth and increasing the risk of conflicts. Furthermore, climatic
migration contributes to the unmeasured growth of cities where millions of people live; and
where migrants will live in poor and not privileged zones, with scarce and deficient drinking
water services and limited access to economic, social and cultural rights. Some other
consequences of forced migration induced by climate causes are the chaos in production systems
(this affects farmers, indigenous peoples, folk-fishers among many others) and the weakening of
the internal market. Aside the loss of “human capital”, in the form of work force and education
investment, migration contributes to an even worse limited economic opportunities scenario,
which will generate future migration as well. Besides the evictions itself, this stands for many
people to lose bonds with their ancestral knowledge and customs, given that these are related to
their territory, and while being force to lose this bonds they will have to adopt a completely
different way of life. The great-scale displacement of people may rearrange the ethnic maps of
many different countries, shortening the distance between groups that once lived separated, and
forcing them to compete for the same resources.

We must take notice that this situation is even worse for specific groups of the migrating
population; this is the case of indigenous women, children, and youth.

As summary, environmental degradation and climate change reach nowadays a critical level,
turning internal and international migration into one of the main consequences. In spite of only
being provided with an approximation, according to some projections in 1995 there were 25
million climatic migrants, today it is estimated that there are 50 million, and projections for 2050
go anywhere from 200 to 1000 million people to be displaced because of situations derived from
climate change. This will provoke supplies to be scarcer, e.g. water and food, as well as the
increase of the frequency and severity of floods and storms, this entire scenario will worsen the
cycle in which climatic migrants will find themselves with no shelter unless we start acting now.

Facing these considerations, the definitions that try to reflect these realities are as follows:

 Climatic refugees: Those people whore are forced to evacuate their territory because of
climate change. If there is no international right, particularly in the Geneve statutes, it is
necessary to insert this category so that the countries assume their responsibilities when it
comes to this situation. This consideration is in the same line as the one stated by Jean
Ziegler, special rapporteur in the right to food on his 2007 report, where he states that
there is little to none difference between a person that is facing death because of famine
and a person that is threatened by arbitrary execution to their political convictions. He
proposed the creation of a legal instrument to protect these people, acknowledging them
as famine refugees, and providing them with the right to temporary protection and no
forced return, with the intention for them not to be returned to a country where hunger
and famine threaten their lives.
 Forced migrants: Those people who are forced to migrate not only because of climate
change related reasons, but also because of economic factors. The term climatic migrant
narrows the problematic leaving out workers that have been forced to leave their
countries because of working reasons and may distract of the underlying structural
reasons as a global phenomenon. The term “forced migrant” will oppose the one from a
migrant that moves freely.
 Climatic displaced people, those who were forced to displacement because of climatic
reasons, both inside and outside their own countries. There is a need to create a legal
status to protect those who find themselves in this situation, due to the lack of
international recognition of the people in displacement, aside from the ones that migrate
or ask for refuge.


1. We demand all international covenants, both the ones that are subscribed in the frame of
the UN through complimentary protocols or alternate amendments, and those subscribed
in other instances, e.g. ALBA, UNASUR, Comunidad de los estados de Latinoamérica y
Caribe, to contemplate the definition of climatic migrants (1), both for people as for
communities, in a fashion that all the states of the world glimpse the rights of these
people in their definitions and considerations.
2. There must be a design of global and local policies to face climate change, that
incorporates and respects democratic participation of all of the countries, and a wide
participation of peoples and territories involved in the defense of their communities and
the rights of Mother Earth.
3. We demand political, economic, social and cultural patterns, in which the right move and
displace freely is respected, also a pattern that respects the right not to migrate and not to
be displaced by force, recovering the ancestral technologies and cosmovision when to
build a pattern of development framed in peoples’ vision of living well, that implies
respect and harmony with Mother Earth, patterns that should oppose to “developmental”
and extractivistic practices of the capitalistic world system, that determine poverty,
inequity, misery, deterioration of Mother Earth and migration.
4. The promotion of a human rights treaty for climate migrants, recognized and applicable
at a global scale, one of binding character and therefore claimable. So that climatic
migrants have the same rights and obligations as the citizens of the country of
5. The creation of an international instance or institution of the peoples that promotes
permanent research on current political, social, cultural and economic situation of
climatic migrants.
6. To demand the creation of an economic fund, funded mainly by the countries on the
center of capitalism and huge transnational corporations, that are held main responsible
for climate change, destined to meet the needs of both internal and international climatic
migrants. This fund will be administrated by de Climatic justice Court, or by another
instance constituted by the peoples and communities affected by climate change; there
must be a respect for the principles of differentiated responsibilities of the countries,
according to the size or seriousness of the damage caused.
7. As an international policy, technology transfer must be generated from the capitalist
countries as part of the recognition and honor to their historical climate debt, this
technology must be compatible with the rights of Mother Earth and must encourage food
and energy sovereignty, as well as other economic alternatives that have communities
and their harmonious relationship with Mother Earth as their axis.
8. Creation of a People´s commission for the monitoring and follow-up of the agreements
on climatic migration adopted by this World peoples’ conference on climate change and
rights of Mother Earth.
9. Support for the constitution of an International Consciousness Court to denounce, make
visible, document, judge, and punish the violations to the rights of migrants, refugees,
and displaced people, in their own countries, while in transit, or in destination.
10. The respect for the right to previous consultation and free consent of the communities,
which as a consequence of natural disasters are forced to migrate or to displace from their
original territory. The right of communities and peoples not to migrate or displaces
unfairly and forcedly from their territories by eviction or plundering means exerted by
States, transnational corporations and other armed actors.

 The term climatic migrant, is also a figure in which the terms climatic displaced, climatic
refugees, or forced migrants are included

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