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Case No. 2:15-cv-01516-NJ
NOW COME Defendants Sarah Palmer and Eric Johnson, by and through their counsel
Aaron J. Walker, Esq., in the above-styled case for the sole purpose of challenging personal and
subject matter jurisdiction and service of process and without waiving any rights of jurisdiction,
notice, process, service of process, joinder, or venue. They hereby file this Joint Reply to the
Plaintiffs Opposition to their First Motion to Dismiss and Supplemental Motion to Dismiss
(Docket # 43) (hereinafter the Plaintiffs Opposition) and state the following:

These Defendants have moved to dismiss this case for lack of subject matter and

personal jurisdiction, failure to provide proper service of process on a timely basis, and for
failure to state a claim for which relief can be granted. With only a couple exceptions, the
Plaintiff has failed to dispute these Defendants arguments, specifically leaving unchallenged

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virtually every point in relation to the First Amended Complaints1 failure to state a claim, as
well the absence of subject matter jurisdiction. With respect to the issue of personal jurisdiction,
the evidence before this Court does not support the exercise of jurisdiction under Wisconsin law
or the Fourteenth Amendment. Further, the Plaintiff in his response either admits or otherwise
confirms every relevant fact in relation to the Defendants assertion that he did not properly
serve them within ninety days, justifying dismissal under Fed. R. Civ. P. 4(m). Accordingly,
these Defendants ask that this case be dismissed for all of the reasons outlined above, and to
deny the Plaintiff (who has been suing these Defendants for about three years in a succession of
failed lawsuits) the opportunity to amend his complaint so that there is an end to this dispute.

It is worth taking a moment to note what is no longer is in contention, the Plaintiff

having failed to dispute most of these Defendants legal points and arguments.

Most notably, the Plaintiff virtually ignores these Defendants argument that he

has failed to state a claim for which relief can be granted. Indeed, the Plaintiff does not even
mention Rule 12(b)(6) in the title of his Opposition and he has failed to dispute the following
points in the body of his Opposition:

That he has failed to state a claim for which relief can be granted for

misappropriation of name or likenessincluding any one of the six flaws in this claim pointed
out by Mrs. Palmer. See Defendants Memorandum in Support of their Supplemental Motion to
Dismiss (hereinafter Supplemental Memorandum) (Docket # 40) , pp. 3-7.

That he has failed to properly demonstrate that the statements found in

(Docket # 6) (hereinafter the FAC).

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FAC 22-25 and 28 were actually about him, precluding any defamation claim arising from
those statements. See Supplemental Memorandum, pp. 7-12.

That he has failed to properly plead that the alleged statements of each

defendant at FAC 22-24 and 26-28 are false. See Supplemental Memorandum, p. 12.

That he has failed in every instance to properly plead negligence in

relation to any alleged defamation. Indeed, he has not even made conclusory allegations of
negligence. See Supplemental Memorandum, pp. 12-15.

That he has failed to properly plead damages in relation to any alleged

defamatory statement by either of these Defendants. He does not properly plead any actual
harm, he does not properly plead that these statements are libel per se, and he doesnt properly
plead the element of malice necessary to entitle him to a presumption of damages if the
statements had been libel per se. See Supplemental Memorandum, pp. 12-19.

That the statements that are actually about him are true, substantially true,

or Constitutionally protected opinion. See Supplemental Memorandum, pp. 19-26.


The Plaintiff also admits that Wisconsin State Courts do not recognize false light

invasion of privacy, Opposition at 10.2 The Plaintiff notes that it is listed in the Restatement
of Torts, but this has no bearing on the legal question which the Plaintiff has effectively
conceded (without withdrawing the claim).

Further, the Plaintiff admits that this Court does not have subject matter

jurisdiction over this case because there is no diversity jurisdiction. Instead, he repeatedly begs
this Court to do what it refused to do in its April 20, 2016, order (Docket # 42): to relax the
moratorium so that he can move to amend the complaint a second time. See Opposition at 5-6

This is the only time the Plaintiff attempts to dispute any part of these Defendants argument
that he has failed to state a claim for which relief can be granted.
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and 8. Given that decision, such an amendment should not be allowed and any dismissal should
be with prejudice. See also infra 23-25.

Finally, the Plaintiff does not dispute that he has only made conclusory

allegations to support his claim that this case meets the jurisdictional minimum dollar amount
and that such conclusory allegations cannot support an assertion of jurisdiction. Instead, he
merely says that the Plaintiff certainly does allege that the amount in controversy exceeds
$75,000. Opposition at 9. This is true, but irrelevant. The problem the Plaintiff ignores is
that the FAC only contains conclusory allegations supporting the amount of injury, and that
presents another reason why this case should be dismissed for lack of subject matter jurisdiction.

Together, these eight points lay waste to the Plaintiffs FAC. As a result, there is

no dispute that the FAC has failed to state a claim for which relief can be granted and that this
Court lacks subject matter jurisdiction. Further, to the extent that the Plaintiff disputes any of the
legion of deficiencies pointed out by these Defendants, the Plaintiff does not provide any valid
reason why this suit should not be dismissed with prejudice for these two Defendants.

Under Nelson v. Bulso, 979 F.Supp. 1239 (E.D. Wis., 1997), this Court can only

exercise personal jurisdiction in an alleged diversity case if a Wisconsin state court could do so.
Further, Nelson requires a two-part inquiry. First, the Plaintiff must show that WIS. STAT.
801.05 applies to these Defendants. Second, if the long-arm statute does apply, this Court must
determine whether such an assertion of jurisdiction would be consistent with the Due Process
Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. As noted in Nelson, [i]t is [the plaintiffs] burden to
prove that personal jurisdiction exists. Id. at 1242. It is not sufficient to allege that jurisdiction

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exists. Rather, a plaintiff must prove that it exists, at least when challenged with evidence to the
contrary. This is explained in more detail in Purdue Research v. Sanofi-Synthelabo, S.A., when
the Seventh Circuit adopted the law of several sister circuits as follows:
Other circuits follow essentially the same approach, requiring the plaintiff to establish a
prima facie case of personal jurisdiction over the defendant. Decisions from other
circuits also tend to emphasize that, once the defendant has submitted affidavits or other
evidence in opposition to the exercise of jurisdiction, the plaintiff must go beyond the
pleadings and submit affirmative evidence supporting the exercise of jurisdiction.
338 F.3d 773, 782-83 (7th Cir. 2003) (footnotes omitted).

The Plaintiff did not provide such affirmative evidence supporting the exercise

of jurisdiction. Id. Instead, he disputes that this is the law, quoting from Rust v. Blue Cross &
Blue Shield United of Wis., 717 F.Supp. 1409, 1412 (E.D. Wisc. 1989)3 as saying this Court is
bound to assume plaintiffs factual allegations to be true. See Opposition at 19. However,
this statement was made in the context of a discussion of a motion to dismiss for failure to state
a claimand the cases the Rust court cited were equally about motions to dismiss for failure to
state a claim4not a motion to dismiss for lack of jurisdiction. The same can be said for the
additional Seventh Circuit cases the Plaintiff cites. Goren v. New Vision Intl, Inc., 156 F.3d 721
(7th Cir.1998) and Sung Park v. Ind. Univ. Sch. of Dentistry, 692 F.3d 828 (7th Cir. 2012) equally
deal with motions to dismiss for failure to state a claim rather than for lack of jurisdiction.
Opposition at 20. Therefore, these cases are inapposite to the question at hand, and cases such
as Purdue Research control.

Applying the Purdue Research rule to the present facts, this Court can only

The Plaintiff places his citation of Rust so that it appears to be part of the quoted passage. See
Opposition 19.
The Rust court relied on Mitchell v. Archibald, 573 F.2d 429, 432 (7th Cir.1978), Western
Mining Council v. Watt, 643 F.2d 618, 624 (9th Cir.1981), and U.S. v. Tulare Lake Canal Co.,
535 F.2d 1093, 1097 (9th Cir. 1976).
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consider the evidence currently before it in determining whether jurisdiction exists, namely the
first Declarations of Sarah Palmer and Eric Johnson (Docket Numbers 12-1 and 12-2,
respectfully). In Mrs. Palmers Declaration she states the following:
This case involves several writings I placed on the internet. To the
extent that I have actually written any of the statements attributed to me, each of
these writings was targeted to the world at large and not to an audience in a
particular state. None of them were targeted toward Wisconsin. I have also sent
one email to Mr. Schmalfeldt asking him to cease and desist from the stalking and
harassing conduct that eventually provided the basis of a stalking/no contact order
I have obtained in North Carolina. Aside from that, I have never knowingly
emailed the Plaintiff while he lived in Wisconsin, I have never called him, I have
never written a letter, nor have I engaged in any other kind of directed
communication targeting him. Further, I have made no phone calls, sent no
emails, and sent no letters to anyone else in Wisconsin.
Meanwhile, in Mr. Johnsons Declaration, he states the following:
This case concerns writings I have allegedly placed on the Internet.
Any such writings I have actually made were targeted to a general audience and to
the world at large.
The Plaintiff also claims that I have sent letters to persons in
Wisconsin discussing the Plaintiff in defamatory or disparaging (but true) terms. I
have never done so.
The Plaintiff also claims that I have sent a number of emails
contained in Exhibit 12 to the original complaint (ECF No. 1-15) and Exhibit 4 to
the proposed amended complaint (ECF No. 6-5). At least one of these emails
appears to be sent by a websites contact form. I did not send those messages.
The Plaintiff also claims that I have made a number of phone calls
into Wisconsin. I have only made two that contained any disparaging information
about Mr. Schmalfeldt: one which resulted in a conversation with a woman who
identified herself as Cindy Lopez, apartment manager for Juniper Court and
Canticle Court, and a second call where I left a voice mail for the same person.
With respect to first call, it was prompted by the fact that the
Plaintiff had made statements to the effect that his Internet radio broadcast was
approved of by Juniper Court and Canticle Court. I was concerned that if this was
true, that it might expose the company to legal liability and, if this was false, that
they should be alerted to the misrepresentation. I do not recall the exact words I
used, but at one point, Ms. Lopez asked about the contents of the broadcasts to
which I objected. I accurately described them as containing skits in which
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underage boys were engaged in sexual activity and stated that it was like child
porn. In the same conversation, I also stated that [the] Plaintiff was associated
with convicted terrorist Brett Kimberlin, but I did not refer to the Plaintiff as a
terrorist. The voice mail message was largely about other subjects, but the only
derogatory comment I recalled making about the Plaintiff in that message was to
refer back to my opinion that some of his skits were like child porn.
Although the Plaintiff makes various allegations contradicting these declarations, the Plaintiff
has presented no evidence supporting those allegations, even after these Defendants explained in
court papers he must do so. See Supplemental Memorandum, p. 2 n.1 (citing Purdue Research).
Therefore, as far as this Court is concerned, the claims in those declarations must be taken as true
because there is no other evidence on the subject.

As a result, once this Court begins its two-part inquiry under Nelson, it will see

that the Plaintiff has failed to provide evidence sufficient to meet the requirements of Wisconsin
law or the Constitution. This failure provides an additional reason to dismiss this case.

The Plaintiff has Failed to Show that the Defendants Conduct Meets the
Requirements of WIS. STAT. 801.05.


As noted above, personal jurisdiction in Wisconsin is controlled by WIS. STAT.

The Plaintiff only makes one reference to this statute, in paragraph 13 of his

Opposition, quoting only two provisions: 801.05(2) and (4)(a). They state in relevant part that:
801.05 Personal jurisdiction, grounds for generally. A court of this state
having jurisdiction of the subject matter has jurisdiction over a person served in
an action pursuant to s. 801.11 under any of the following circumstances: ...

Special jurisdiction statutes. In any action which may be brought

under statutes of this state that specifically confer grounds for
personal jurisdiction over the defendant. ...


Local injury; foreign act. In any action claiming injury to person or

property within this state arising out of an act or omission outside
this state by the defendant, provided in addition that at the time of
the injury ...

Solicitation or service activities were carried on within this


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state by or on behalf of the defendant[.]

In regard to 801.05(2), the Plaintiff never identifies any special jurisdictional statute applicable
to the present facts, and, in fact, no such statute is applicable. Therefore 801.05(2) will not
support the assertion of jurisdiction.

Meanwhile 801.05(4)(a) requires either solicitation or service activities to

have been carried on within the state. There is no claim by the Plaintiff that either defendant
carried out any kind of service activities in Wisconsin (personally or through an agent), and
there is certainly no evidence before this Court of such activities. Meanwhile, solicitation is
defined as follows:
According to Wisconsin law, before a solicitation triggers Sec. 801.05(4)(a) it
must be made by the defendant to the plaintiff, and the defendant must expect
some financial benefit.
Federated Rural Elec. Ins. Corp. v. Inland Power and Light Co., 18 F.3d 389, 393 (7th Cir. 1994)
The evidence before this Court, supra at 10, only discloses one communication with the
Plaintiffan email from Mrs. Palmer demanding that he cease and desist engaging in conduct
that later provided the basis of a restraining order. That simply doesnt fit the definition of
solicitation expounded on in Federated Rural Elec. Ins. Corp. if only because there is no
evidence Mrs. Palmer was expecting the Plaintiff to give her an economic benefit. Accordingly,
the Plaintiff has failed to articulate any basis for asserting jurisdiction under 801.05. As a
result, this Court must dismiss as to Defendants Palmer and Johnson because it lacks personal
jurisdiction over them.

The Plaintiff has Failed to Show that this Court can Exercise Jurisdiction Over
Defendants Palmer and Johnson Consistent with the Due Process Clause of the
Fourteenth Amendment.

In addition to the Plaintiffs failure to demonstrate the applicability

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of any

provision of 801.05, the Plaintiff has failed to show that such an assertion over these
Defendants would be consistent with due process.

First, as a preliminary matter, the Plaintiff concedes that this Court cannot

exercise general personal jurisdiction over these Defendants as follows:

In the cases Defendants cite, they tend to focus on cases where a plaintiff tries to
nail a defendant based on tortious acts committed outside of the forum state, by
invoking innocent contacts within the state as justification for personal
jurisdiction. That is not the case here.
Opposition at 18. The Plaintiff goes on to allege (falsely and without providing evidentiary
support) that each contact the Defendants had with Wisconsin were [sic] for the express purpose
of committing tortious acts. Id. In short, he was only alleging specific jurisdiction.

However, as noted, the Plaintiff is only alleging specific jurisdiction without

proving it. He claims that Defendant Johnson made contact with various persons in Wisconsin
allegedly defaming him but he provides no evidence of such contact.5 He claims that Mr.
Johnson solicited others to contact the management of the Plaintiffs apartment complex to
defame the Plaintiff, but he presents no evidence supporting that claim. In fact, the allegations in
the Complaint do not support that claim: the Plaintiff alleges (without evidence) in paragraph 26
of the FAC that Mr. Johnson posted the publicly available contact information of the
management of Canticle and Juniper Courts on the Internet, but the Plaintiff does not quote any
statement asking anyone to contact them and certainly doesnt quote any statement allegedly by

This means that the Plaintiffs reliance on Johnson Litho Graphics of Eau Claire Ltd. v. Sarver,
2010AP1441 (Sept. 6, 2012)more correctly cited as 344 Wis.2d 374, 824 N.W.2d 127
(2012)is misplaced. Johnson Litho stands for the mundane proposition that if person outside
of Wisconsin contracts with a Wisconsin company and places purchase orders with that
company, that Wisconsin has personal jurisdiction in a contract dispute arising from such orders.
In other words, if directed contact with Wisconsin gives rise to the cause of action, then specific
personal jurisdiction is more likely to be appropriate. However, the Plaintiff has failed to show
that either of these Defendants engaged in tortious conduct similarly directed toward Wisconsin.
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Mr. Johnson asking anyone to defame the Plaintiff. As for Mrs. Palmer, in paragraph 22 of the
Opposition the Plaintiff writes that [t]he argument that Palmers blog is not directed specifically
at Plaintiff is belied by her own words, and then he quotes a number of alleged writings that
have allegedly been published since this suit started. However, the Plaintiff has made absolutely
no effort to authenticate such writings.

Indeed, the Plaintiff makes no effort to explain how he knows all of the alleged

statements by Mrs. Palmer are about him.

For instance, he claimswithout evidence

authenticating his claimthat Mrs. Palmer wrote the following on February 26, 2016: Doesnt
he realize that a lot of things that are pointed out are just to make the monkey dance? And boy
did he ever! There is nothing in that passage indicating that the Plaintiff is the monkey
referred to, and the passive voice in the phrase a lot of things that are pointed out leaves the
reader unclear who is pointing out these things. Likewise, on April 8, 2016, Mrs. Palmer
allegedly wrote: Then why does he get so butthurt when people point and laugh at his VERY
PUBLIC idiocy? The Plaintiff makes no effort to establish that he is the he in that sentence.
The same problem involving un-deciphered male pronouns plague other examples of passages
allegedly written on February 8, 19 and 21, 2016.

More fundamentally, even if we assume every he, him, his, and monkey

in Mrs. Palmers alleged pieces refers to the Plaintiff, that would not change the fact that these
are on their face writings to the public at large. In other words, as Mrs. Palmer stated in her first
Declaration each of these writings was targeted to the world at large and not to an audience in a
particular state. None of them were targeted toward Wisconsin. Docket # 12-1, 4. The
Plaintiff has made allegations that her writing was targeted toward Wisconsin but he has
presented no evidence supporting that claim.

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Further, the Plaintiff relies greatly on Calder v. Jones, 465 U.S. 783 (1984),

claiming the fact that he has been injured in Wisconsin is sufficient to confer personal
jurisdiction. However, the Seventh Circuit has distinguished Calder in the context of the Internet
as follows:
A plaintiff cannot satisfy the Calder [v. Jones] standard simply by showing that
the defendant maintained a website accessible to residents of the forum state and
alleging that the defendant caused harm through that website. See, e.g.,
Panavision International, L.P. v. Toeppen, 141 F.3d 1316, 1322 (9th Cir. 1998)
(We agree that simply registering someone elses trademark as a domain name
and posting a web site on the Internet is not sufficient to subject a party domiciled
in one state to jurisdiction in another.); Young v. New Haven Advocate, 315 F.3d
256, 264 (4th Cir. 2002) (no express aiming where the defendant newspapers
only contacts with the forum state were through websites aimed at an out-of-state
Mobile Anesthesiologists Chicago, LLC. v. Anesthesia Assocs. of Houston Metroplex, 623 F.3d
440, 446 (7th Cir. 2010). As noted previously, the Seventh Circuit relied on Young and its
persuasive opinion.

Young bears a significant resemblance to the facts shown in this case. Like the

instant Plaintiff, Stanley K. Young (a prison warden) claimed that out-of-state defendants had
defamed him and caused him harm in his home state. Likewise,
Warden Young argues that Calder requires a finding of jurisdiction in this case
simply because the newspapers posted articles on their Internet websites that
discussed the warden and his Virginia prison, and he would feel the effects of any
libel in Virginia, where he lives and works.
However, in Young these facts were not sufficient to establish personal jurisdiction in Virginia,
the Young court relying significantly on another persuasive Fourth Circuit opinion: ALS Scan,
Inc. v. Digital Service Consultants, 293 F. 3d 707 (4th Circuit 2002).6 In ALS Scan, the court

The Fourth Circuit deals with a disproportionately high number of cases involving Internet
activity because Virginia hosts a mini Silicon Valley and a disproportionate amount of Internet
activity is routed through Northern Virginia. See, e.g., Julian M. Weiss, Mini-Silicon Valley
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stated that if a theory of personal jurisdiction like the instant Plaintiffs were adopted, State
jurisdiction over persons would be universal, and notions of limited State sovereignty and
personal jurisdiction would be eviscerated. Id. at 713 (emphasis added). The Plaintiff is
essentially arguing that not only would a Wisconsin court have jurisdiction over every American,
but over every person in the world. By this theory, a person from as far away as China could be
haled into this Court at great expense and inconvenience if he or she says something on the
Internet that the Plaintiff claims is defamatory. That view was rejected by the Fourth Circuit in
ALS Scan and Young, and it was rejected by the Seventh Circuit in Mobile Anesthesiologists
Chicago, LLC. cited supra. Under this controlling Seventh Circuit precedent, the Plaintiff has to
produce evidenceand not merely allegationsof express aiming of the content at a
Wisconsin audience. 623 F. 3d at 446. The Plaintiff has failed to meet this burden.

Therefore, having conceded that there is no basis for exercising general

jurisdiction over these Defendants, and having failed to provide evidence of any tortious activity
expressly aimed at Wisconsin, the proposed assertion of personal jurisdiction does not comply
with the due process requirements of the Fourteenth Amendment. In other words, even if
Wisconsin law would claim jurisdiction over these Defendants (and it doesnt), the Fourteenth
Amendment would not allow it. Accordingly, this Court must dismiss this case for want of
personal jurisdiction, in addition to the other reasons articulated in the original motion to dismiss,
the supplemental motion to dismiss and this Reply.

Sprouts on Fringe of Nations Capital, THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR, Jan. 12, 1983
(available at and Ingrid Burrington, Up to
70 Percent of Global Internet Traffic Goes Through Northern Virginia, NEXTGOV, Jan. 8, 2016
(available at
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The Plaintiff has also admitted to every fact needed to show that the Plaintiff had

never properly served these Defendants. As this Court will recall, the first declarations of Mrs.
Palmer and Mr. Johnson (Docket Numbers 12-1 and 12-2 respectively), combined with their
most recent declarations (Docket Numbers 40-10 and 40-11 respectively), establish that the
Plaintiff only attempted service once and that the Plaintiff failed to make proper service because
he failed to serve a copy of the original complaintthe only complaint operative at the time. In
paragraph 2 of his Opposition, the Plaintiff admits that this was true, writing: Plaintiff paid for
process servers who served the Defendants with the First Amended Complaint (FAC) and
Summons. The Plaintiff offers excuses (Opposition at 24), but no valid reason for his
continuing failure to serve the Defendants and, therefore, Fed. R. Civ. P. 4(m) provides an
additional reason to dismiss this case.

The Plaintiff should not be allowed to amend the complaint with respect to these

Defendants for two reasons.


First, it would be futile to do so. Moore v. State of Ind., 999 F.2d 1125, 1128 (7th

Cir. 1993) (holding that a court can deny leave to amend when it is futile). As demonstrated in
the previous pages, the Plaintiff has had an opportunity to show that this Court has personal
jurisdiction over these Defendants, and the Plaintiff has failed utterly to do so. A new set of
allegations against these Defendants is not going to solve that basic failure of proof, and he is not
entitled to another opportunity to prove this Court has jurisdiction.
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Second, it would not be in the interests of justice under Fed. R. Civ. P. 15(a)(2)

and would amount to undue prejudice to these Defendants under Foman v. Davis, 371 U.S. 178,
182 (1962). This is not the first time this Plaintiff has sued these two Defendants: he has been
doing so, on and off, for about three years. Specifically, he first sued Mr. Johnson in Howard
County, Maryland, Circuit Court (Schmalfeldt v. Hoge, et al., Case No. 13-C-15-102498 (Md.
Cir. Ct. Howard Co. 2013)). Then he sued Mr. Johnson again in the U.S. District Court for the
District of Maryland in Schmalfeldt v. Johnson, et al., Case No. 15-CV-00315-RDB (D. Md.
2015). Finally, he sued Mrs. Palmer under her pseudonym in Schmalfeldt v. Grady, et al., Case
No. 15-CV-01241-RDB (D. Md. 2015), just before initiating the current suit. These Defendants
have prevailed in each case. Meanwhile, this Court has had to deal with the Plaintiffs instant
frivolous suit for about five months. At some point, litigation has to come to an end.

Further, the problems with the FAC do not amount to mere amateur mistakes as

the Plaintiff suggests in paragraph 5 of his Opposition. Rather, the alleged statements about the
Plaintiff are not defamatory because they are true, substantially true, or Constitutionally
protected opinions. Further, the Plaintiff has not disputed that Mrs. Palmers alleged use of his
name or likeness is incidental to news, satire and commentary about him that is protected
expression. Thats not a technicality or an amateur mistake: that means that these Defendants are
being haled into this Court for engaging in speech protected by the First Amendment. Therefore,
every day this case continues is an injustice against them, and justice requires that his litigation
end as swiftly as possible, and with prejudice.

In the end, the Plaintiff is suing Defendants Johnson and Palmer for

Constitutionally protected expression, and, therefore, this is a case that should have never been

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brought in the first place. The Plaintiff has not disputed that he has failed to state a claim upon
which relief can be granted. Indeed, he has failed to dispute that the alleged statements by the
Defendants that appear to be about him are either true, substantially true, or Constitutionally
protected opinion. Further, he has failed to show that this Court has either subject matter
jurisdiction or personal jurisdiction. Likewise, he has admitted to essential facts that show that
he has failed to provide proper service of process on a timely basis.

Accordingly, these

Defendants ask this Court to dismiss this matter, with prejudice, not only for jurisdictional
reasons or failure of service of process, but also (reasoning in the alternative) because the
Plaintiff has failed to state a claim upon which relief can be granted. Then, this litigation can
definitively end, and the Plaintiff will learn that the next time he brings suit, he must travel to the
Defendants jurisdictions.

Finally, upon dismissal, the Defendants wish to seek sanctions including a

vexatious litigant designation to prevent the next frivolous suit, attorneys fees under various
Wisconsin statutes and Fed. R. Civ. P. 11, and any other relief that this Court deems just and

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Respectfully submitted,
s/ Aaron J. Walker
Aaron J. Walker, Esq.
Attorney for Defendants Johnson and Palmer
Va Bar# 48882
DC Bar #481668
P.O. Box 3075
Manassas, Virginia 20108
(703) 216-0455`
(No fax)
[email protected]

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In compliance with Civil L. R. 7(a)(2), I certify that no separate supporting memorandum
or other supporting papers will be filed in relation to this Reply.

I certify that on Wednesday, May 4, 2016, I served copies of this document on William
Schmalfeldt by email by his consent.
s/ Aaron J. Walker

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