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Procedia Engineering 129 (2015) 629 634

International Conference on Industrial Engineering

Computer model of a synchronized asynchronous motor

Omelchenko E.Y.*, Telezhkin O.A., Enin S.S., Tanich V.O.
Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University, K.Marx av. 164/1 82, Magnitogorsk, 455038, Russia

A computer model of a synchronized asynchronous motor has been designed and divided into blocks. The computer model
consists of units calculating magnetizing currents, stator and rotor current, the main electromagnetic flux and EMF of windings,
electromagnetic torque of the rotor, the angular velocity, and the angle of the motor shaft rotation. The paper presents the results
of the synchronization process transients as well as the dependences of the motor torque on the synchronization phase.

by by
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review under responsibility of the organizing committee of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering (ICIE(
under responsibility of the organizing committee of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering (ICIE-2015)
Keywords:Synchronized asynchronous motor; computer model

1. Introduction
1.1. Objectives
Computer model of a three-phase asynchronous motor with wound rotor (here is ADFNEW) is used as a
universal, complete tool to research and study the following electric drive systems:

asynchronous motor with wound rotor with the resistor in the rotor winding;
synchronized asynchronous motor (rotor phase is energized by DC voltage);
double fed motor (rotor is energized by three-phase AC voltage);
wound-rotor slip recovery system (rotor winding is connected to diode rectifier).

* Corresponding author. Tel.: +7-3519-296-840.

E-mail address: [email protected]

1877-7058 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license

Peer-review under responsibility of the organizing committee of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering (ICIE-2015)



E.Y. Omelchenko et al. / Procedia Engineering 129 (2015) 629 634

1.2. Allowances
1. The windings of the stator and rotor are distributed on the grooves perfectly and they consist of several coil
groups and create a spatial sinusoidal magnetizing force [1]. The sum of currents of the windings is zero while Yconnected. The phase resistance of the stator windings are equal. The rotor winding allows to connect any
external resistors and voltages.
2. Slot ripples of magnetic flux during rotation of the rotor are not taken into account. It is considered that this
problem is constructively solved through the bevel grooves on one tooth division and mutual selection of the
number of grooves of the stator and rotor.
3. The inductance of the leakage flux of stator and rotor windings are assumed to be constant and independent on
the saturation of main magnetic circuit.
2. What is new
x the model has combined form, the calculations of the variables are in 3-phase coordinate system stator and rotor
windings [2] and in two-phase rotating system;
x the main equation for creating the model is based on the vector sum of the currents that are the components of the
T-shaped equivalent circuit





To use equation (1), it is necessary to know the projection of all vectors on a rotating coordinate system.
3. Block scheme
Block scheme of the computer model ADFNEW (Fig. 1) is developed in MATLAB program and is divided on
blocks. Each block of the program in accordance with the purpose of the model carries out the certain computational
operations, has input and output variables. These variables at the level of the scheme links blocks of the program in
one computer model, and if the blocks related by variables of the same type (vector variable), the relationship
between the blocks is shown in bold line. Thin lines shows single (scalar) variables. Each unit can perform logic,
non-linear operations, the solution of the differential equations system, etc for input variables.
3.1 Stator and rotor currents calculation
The magnitude of the phase current of the stator I1i depends on the magnitude of the stator voltage U1i, the
magnitude of the back EMF E1i induced in the winding and the stator winding parameters. It is considered that the
three parameters of the stator windings are the same and phase current in the operator form in three-phase fixed
coordinate system ABC can be calculated by the formulas

I ( p)

1/ R
1 ,
(U ( p )  E ( p )  U )
10 1  T p

I ( p)  I ( p)  I ( p)



where: I the index of phases of the stator, takes the values A,B,C; T1=L1/R1 electromagnetic time constant of
the stator winding, sec; L1 the inductance of the flux, H, U10 offset voltage winding neutral to the network
neutral, V.


E.Y. Omelchenko et al. / Procedia Engineering 129 (2015) 629 634

Calculation of the three phase currents of the stator IS in accordance with formula (2) is performed in the block
1/Z1. The unit input receives three-dimensional vector of the supply voltage US and a three-dimensional vector of
the back EMF ES.
The magnitude of the phase current of the rotor I2j depends on the magnitude of the EMF E2j induced in the coil,
the magnitude of the rotor voltage U2j and parameters of the rotor windings while rotor resistance R2j can be
different. Therefore, the phase current of the rotor in the operator form in the three-phase abc coordinate system,
rotating with the slip speed can be calculated by the formulas

Fig. 1. Block scheme of the model ADFNEW.



( p)


( p)  I



( p)  U

( p)  I



( p)  U

( p)




( p)R )
2j L p



where: j is the index of phases of the rotor takes the values a, b, c; L2 is the inductance of the rotor winding flux, H;
U20 offset voltage winding neutral to the external circuit neutral, V.
In the system with a resistor in rotor winding U2j = 0, R2j = R2 + Rdj.
In double fed motor Rdj = 0 and voltage U2j is set by three-phase vector of a given amplitude and frequency
shifted on 120 between the vectors.
In the system of synchronized asynchronous motor additional resistance in the rotor Rdj = 0 and voltage U2j
while synchronization is: U2a =Ud; U2b = U2c = 0.
Calculation of the three phase rotor currents IR in accordance with the formula (3) is performed in the block 1/Z2.
The unit input receives three-dimensional vectors ER, UR and three-dimensional additional resistance vector rd3.
3.2 The calculation of the two-dimensional magnetizing current vector
Equation (1) allows to calculate the two-dimensional components of the magnetizing current vector based on the
components of the stator current vector, rotor current vector and current loss in steel. Three-dimensional vector
components of stator current are converted by the known formulas from three-phase stationary coordinate system


E.Y. Omelchenko et al. / Procedia Engineering 129 (2015) 629 634

ABC into two-phase stationary coordinate system , and then converted into two-phase rotating coordinate system
xy [2]. Three-dimensional vector components of the rotor current is to be converted from three-phase rotating
coordinate system abc into two-phase rotating system dq, and then converted into two-phase rotating coordinate
system xy.
These conversions are performed in the software unit Im(IS, IR). Further, in accordance with equation (1) the twodimensional projections of the vector of the magnetizing current and its module are calculating











I .

Calculation of two-dimensional components of the vector of the main magnetic flux can be accomplished by the


L I ,
m mx


L I .
m my


3.3 The calculation of three-dimensional vectors of the main magnetic flux and EMF of the windings
To calculate the EMF it is necessary to perform the following operations:
x for a stationary three phase system of the stator winding it is necessary to convert two-dimensional vector of the
main magnetic flux from the rotating coordinate system xy in stationary coordinate system , then convert into
three-dimensional stationary system ABC and after that into components of three-dimensional flux to calculate
the three-dimensional EMF of the stator winding;
x for rotating three-phase rotor system it is necessary to convert two-dimensional vector of the main magnetic flux
from the rotating coordinate system xy in a rotating one dq, then convert into three-dimensional rotating system
abc and then into components of three-dimensional flux to calculate the three-dimensional EMF rotor windings.
Software unit FFS R(Im) converts a two-dimensional main flux vector from the rotating coordinate system into
three-dimensional stator vector in the stationary coordinate system ABC and into a three-dimensional rotor vector in
rotating coordinate system abc.
Calculation of three-dimensional EMF vector of the stator and rotor windings is performed in software units
ES=f(FFS) and ER=f(FFR), respectively, by the equations
E ( p)
E ( p)

< ( p)
OB1 si
1 t p


< ( p)
OB 2 rj
1 t p

3.4 The calculation of the electromagnetic torque of the rotor

The calculations and transformations allow to operate with values of the multidimensional vector in stationary
and rotating coordinate systems, either in three-phase or two-phase systems. According to the Amperes law the
force on the conductor with current in a magnetic field is proportional to current, induction in the gap and the length
of the conductor in a magnetic field. Thus to calculate the electromagnetic torque of the rotor is enough information
about the currents and fluxes of the rotor in three-phase rotating coordinate system abc [4]


E.Y. Omelchenko et al. / Procedia Engineering 129 (2015) 629 634

p (I ( FF  FF )  I ( FF  FF )  I ( FF  FF )) / 3.
ra rb
rb rc
rc ra


The calculation of electromagnetic torque in the model is performed in block M=FF*I by the formula (7) on the
basis of information on three-dimensional vectors of the main magnetic flux and rotor winding current.
3.5 The calculation of angular speed and rotation angle of the motor shaft
The software block W,F,PM=f(MR,mc) provides the calculation of the angular speed of rotation and the
mechanical rotation angle of the rotor winding according to the equations
Z ( p)

4 ( p)

( M ( p )  M (Z ))
 Z (0),
J p

Z ( p)



 4 (0).

where: is the integration time, sec; J is the total moment of inertia of the electric drive, kg*m2; () is a
resistance mechanism torque, Nm.
The transients on the laboratory bench confirm reliability of the model.
4. The results of the simulation

Fig. 2. Transients of start and synchronization processes.


E.Y. Omelchenko et al. / Procedia Engineering 129 (2015) 629 634

Computer model ADFNEW is implemented in the software package MATLAB [5], on the basis of which is
developed a model of the synchronized induction motor [6]. Fig.2 shows transient of synchronization of the
asynchronous motor F211-6 (9 kW, 915 rpm). Asynchronous start occurs at 1.0 sec on the frequency converter
with scalar control. The engine synchronization starts at t = 1.0 s with energizing the phase of rotor windings by
DC voltage. Phases b and c of rotor winding are connected in parallel. The synchronization process is accompanied
by an oscillating transient of torque of the motor that depend on the time of the supply voltage and in phase .

Fig. 3. Transient processes of the motor torque as a function of phase current of the rotor.

On the computer model has researched the impact of the moment of synchronization on quality of transient
process of the engine torque. According to the results of computer simulation of asynchronous motor
synchronization (Fig. 3) it can be concluded that the best moment of supplying a DC voltage is when rotor current of
phase a increases from 0 to the maximum (phase current of the rotor from 0 to 90 deg.).
[1] A.S.Sarvarov, E.Y Omelchenko, Magnetomotive forces of three-phase asynchronous motor windings, Electrotechnika. 1 (2013) 3135.
[2] I.A. Selivanov, E.Y. Omelchenko, Electromechanical properties of asynchronous motors, Vestnik. Magnitogorsk: Nosov Magnitogorsk State
Technical University. 3(35) (2011) 3538.
[3] E.Y. Omelchenko, Dynamic mathematic models of asynchronous motor: monograph, Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University,
Magnotogorsk, 2012.
[4] R.T. Schreyner, Mathematic modeling of AC electric drives with semiconductor frequency converter, Ekaterinburg: Ural Dept. of the Russian
Academy of Sciences, 2000.
[5] E.Y. Omelchenko, O.A. Telezhkin, V.O. Tanich, A.B. Limar, State certificate of registration on the computer program 2014617619.
[6] E.Y. Omelchenko, O.A. Telezhkin, S.A. Linkov, D.S. Tigarev, State certificate of registration on the computer program, 2014660570.

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